valfeathers · 1 year
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sokkasangel · 4 years
generations ago
»»——— sokka x reader
summary: as sokka & you grew older, your adventures piled & piled. now, when your grandchildren ask questions, you are able to relive your younger days...
warnings: mentions of fighting & injuries; mentions of legend of korra (so if you haven’t watched, don’t read!)
word count: 900
a/n: hiii! okay, the italics are the flashback!!! so this is an anon request (& a super cute one, too!) of course in this fic, sokka did not die in his fourties/fifties. there are a few mentions of the flashbacks in legend of korra!
»»——— masterlist
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the screams & laugher of your grandchildren now filled your normally quiet home. as you fixed a plate of cookies & tea, you heard the pattering of little feet approaching.
you turned your attention to the little monster below you. he was grabbing at your robes with puppy-dog eyes.
“what is it, dear?” you placed a hand on tio’s head.
“tell overlord sokka to play with me~”
you rolled your eyes, picked up the little boy, & made your way into the living room. your husband sat on the floor, entertaining your granddaughter with a handmade puppet.
“sokka,” you placed a hand on your hip; the other still holding up tio. “how many times have i told you to not make the kids call you ‘overlord’?”
“i have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“no, you did say th-“
just as your granddaughter was about to speak, sokka slapped a hand over her mouth. he gave a large apologetic smile. you could see his younger self underneath the wrinkles & freckles. his new sunburn from working in the garden gave him a slight pink glow.
the hand slapped over neena’s mouth was also speckled with sunspots. but it was just as strong as it was when you were younger. you always told him to slow down, but he never wanted to be a “fragile old man”.
sokka was still as handsome as he was when you met. & now the streak of white in his long wolftail added to that.
“mhm,” you hummed & placed tio on the floor.
“grandma! grandma!” neena pushed away from sokka & ran for you. “grandpa won’t tell us the story behind that picture!”
you followed her little finger to see which photo she was talking about. on the wall, a small portrait of aang & sokka hung. they looked to be about twenty, & as you stared, that day came back to you.
“oh, you wanna know about grandpa & avatar aang?” you smiled. before starting the story, though, you looked at your husband. you knew talking about aang hurt him, but he nodded, silently telling you to continue.
“well, i hadn’t met grandpa yet, but aang & your grandpa were friends since he was fourteen,” you said as you took a seat next to your grandkids. “& that day was aang’s birthday. the five of us — me, grandpa, aang, aunt katara, and toph — went out to celebrate. as a joke, your grandfather dressed up as an old man & handed aang his present. it was a little trinket from the southern water tribe; a reminder of how aang & katara met.”
“a little penguin,” sokka chimed in. he smiled but kept his eyes on the floor.
“so then he & aang just talked about their childhood for the rest of the night, ignoring the rest of us.” you chuckled & remembered how irritated toph had been.
“grandpa?” tio crawled across the rug to sokka & laid in his lap. “how’d you meet grandma?”
“oh, i dunno... grandma tells it better.”
“c’mon sokka, i already told a story. it’s your turn,” you teased.
“oh, fine.” he crossed his arms. “ahem. so, of course this was after we save the world.” he paused, as if he was waiting for an applause. “anyway, everything was getting back to normal. aang & katara got married & were now rubbing it in everyone’s faces. & toph — who was supposed to be my friend! — met some guy.
“so, i was wandering around in the fire nation, alone. i was trying to see zuko, but of course he was busy.” the irritation was still fresh in his voice, even though 40 years had passed. it made you smile.
“& i was just walking around the city & then your grandma runs right into me.”
“oh my goodness. i’m so sorry!” you exclaimed. “are you okay?”
“hey! watch where you’re goi-“ sokka stopped when he looked at you.
“what was i supposed to do?” your husband interrupted himself. “she was so pretty!”
“oh no... you’re sokka, from the southern water tribe. oh, i’m so so sorry! are you okay?” you held him by the shoulders & examined him.
“umm, y-yeah. i’m okay. are you okay?”
“yeah, i was just in a rush. i’m still so sorry!”
“it’s okay, really.”
“i couldn’t concentrate! i didn’t know what else to say!”
“you’re very pretty.”
“o-oh, thank you,” you smiled.
you thought for a moment before continuing.
“hey, i was about to go to a restaurant with my friends. do you wanna join me?”
“& that was that.” sokka sat up straight, proud of his storytelling skills.
“yep. the rest is history,” you smiled & got up.
you walked over to your husband & placed a kiss on his head. you two always joked about being that old couple who said things like “the rest is history” & who made their grandchildren gag.
this is exactly what you were hoping for when you asked sokka to join you for lunch all those years ago.
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spn-asks-00-blog · 7 years
Family Time
Request: Hiii :D Uhm can you please do a request where the reader is raised into the hunting business by her Aunt becuase she’s the only one in the family who can handle it (the reader has 2 brothers) and so she left her home and moved in with the winchesters (dean x reader). So every year the reader’s family has a christmas dinner and the Winchesters were invited and the brothers give them a hard time and its fluffy and shit :D You can pick the ending x sorry for it being so specific.
Rating: T
Word Count: 2213
Warnings: Domestic abuse mention (no actual abuse takes place), death mention
“Y/N, you have to come to Christmas dinner.” Your brother Michael commanded over the phone.
“But-” you started, about to make up a crappy excuse, but your brother cut you off.
“No buts Y/N. You didn’t come last year, or the year before or-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m just busy with… with work.” You said, reverting back to the same lame excuse you pumped out year after year, for Christmas, Easter, birthdays, anything that would require a family gathering.
“You’re coming. My house this year. And bring your boyfriend and that other guy you live with.” Your brother said, and you groaned.
“His brother?” You supplied, sighing. This was going to be a nightmare. You had to get out of it.
“Yeah, him. What are their names again? Dan and Sean?”
You could never tell whether your brother messed up their names to annoy you, or if he genuinely had no idea.
“Sam and Dean. I swear to god Michael I tell you that every single time we’re on the phone.”
“Yeah, which is never!” He responded angrily.
He sighed, clearly reading his mistake through your silence.
“Look. I’m worried about you Y/N. Ever since mom and dad died-”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You snapped. Your brother sighed again, clearly exasperated.
“Just… come to dinner. Please. Stay the night. It’s just 12 hours Y/N. Can you really not stand to be around me and Jake that long?” You would have been angry at him for that- it was a pretty low blow, accusing you of hating your own brothers, Jake being the middle sibling between you and Michael. But you could hear the genuine hurt in his voice, so against your better judgement you gave in.
“Okay. Christmas. 12 hours. I’ll be there.”
“Thank you Y/N. And don’t forget to bring your boy toys.”
“They’re not my-” you started, but Michael had already hung up, probably so you couldn’t bail on him. Again.
You had always loved Christmas as a kid. Snow, presents, Santa, the whole shebang. And your family’s annual Christmas dinner was always a good time, lots of food and a little too much alcohol for the adults. But the past few years Christmas had lost it’s charm, and you knew exactly why.
Your parents had died mid-December a few years ago. The police had said it was an animal attack, and for a while you and your two older brothers, Jake and Michael, believed them. But that Christmas your aunt had entrusted only you out of all your siblings with an awful secret. It wasn’t a wild animal that killed your parents. It was a werewolf. Your aunt was a hunter. She killed monsters for a living, and she had for a long time.
But it wasn’t enough to save your parents. She had told you that only you were strong enough to carry this burden, that your brothers wouldn’t be able to handle it. So you packed your stuff, distanced yourself from your brothers, and began a new life of training and hunting with a furious determination, working towards your ultimate goal- to avenge your parents. You became obsessed. You distanced yourself from everyone, buried yourself in research, stopping talking unless absolutely necessary, and eventually even split up from your aunt. You were alone for a while- at least until Bobby Singer had called you up with a job. You turned it down, but he told you that was too bad, because he had a couple of idjits hunting vampires in west Missouri that needed help. Of course you took it then. You don’t mess with Bobby Singer. But when he had said “a couple of idjits” you had expected a couple of newbies, not the friggen’ Winchesters. Together, you three took out the vamps nest easily, and you were going to hit the road when Dean surprised you with an offer: stay. You were going to refuse, but Dean flashed his puppy dog eyes on you, and you found yourself saying yes instead of no. That’s when the long, tedious journey out of the pit of misery you had dug for yourself begun. You were still reserved at first, it was hard not to be after so long, but Dean coaxed you out of your shell. Soon you were smiling again, then laughing and after a year or so you were almost back to your old self. And you owed it to Dean. He made you feel… alive for once. So it was no surprise when you developed feelings for him. What was a surprise was that he shared your affections. And once both of you stopped being stubborn idiots long enough to realize (this part took some prodding from Sam) you started dating, and you had been ever since.
You sighed and set the phone down, lost in thought. So much had happened since that Christmas.
“Hey.” Dean said, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Hi. We have plans for Christmas.” You informed him, leaning back and resting your head on his chest.
“We do?” He asked, surprised, but kissing your neck gently all the same.
“Yeah. My brother guilt tripped me into Christmas dinner. And he’s making you and Sam come.” You explain.
“You don’t sound happy.” Dean observed. You twisted around to look him in the eye.
“I just… I’m worried about them. They’re not hunters. They don’t even know anything. How am I supposed to explain where I’ve been these past years? Not to mention I’m making them a target.”
Dean leaned down and kissed you, softly, and you could feel yourself relax wrapped in his arms.
“We’ll figure it out.” He promised, “We have a week to make an excuse, and if you’re really worried about them we can have Garth watch out for them for a few weeks.”
“Yep.” He said, pecking your lips.
“So you really don’t mind Christmas dinner with my family?” you asked, somehow finding it hard to believe. After all, Dean wasn’t really one for domestic lifestyle.  
“Nope.” He said with a grin, “I still haven’t met your family, and you haven’t seen your brothers in years. You don’t have to cut yourself off anymore, Y/N.”
You thought about that for a few moments, resting your head on Dean’s chest again.
“Besides. It’ll be fun.” Dean added as an afterthought. You laughed mirthlessly.
“Somehow I doubt that.”
“Y/N!” Michael yelled as he pulled open the door and saw you on the doorstep. He pulled you into a tight hug. When he let you go, he noticed Sam and Dean standing a little behind you.
“I’m Michael, Y/N’s older brother.’ He said smoothly. You saw his eyes narrow slightly at Sam and Dean. It was nearly impossible to tower over the Winchester brothers, but your brother was 6’1” and his attitude made up the last few inches.
“Dean Winchester, Y/N’s boyfriend.” Dean said evenly, shaking Michael’s hand,  “And this is my brother, Sam.”
“Good to finally meet you.” Michael said, but his tone was still tense.
“And you. Y/N’s told me a lot about you.” Dean flashed a smile, but his charmista wasn’t enough.
“Wish I could say the same.” Michael replied, returning the smile, but his was cold.
Ouch. That was harsh, even for Michael.
As he led you into the crowded house, full of your immediate and extended family, you punched Michael’s arm.
“Stop being a jerk!” you hissed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. He said innocently, not meeting your eye.
You rolled your eyes at him.
“You’re giving Dean a hard time.” You accused.
“You’re my baby sister. I’m not gonna let just any old loser date you.”
“Whatever. Where’s Jake?”
“In the dining room.”
Thankfully, Michael laid off once you all sat down to dinner. Jake seemed suspicious of them at first, but when they responded in a civilised manner (something you would be eternally grateful for) he seemed satisfied that they were decent guys. The rest of your family was no match for the Winchester brothers. They really could be charming when they wanted to be, and it didn’t hurt that they were pretty damn attractive. Dean sat next to you, your legs pressed together under the table. Michael was on your other side, but thankfully oblivious.
“See, this isn’t so bad.” Dean whispered in your ear.
“You just like the food.” You accused, but you grinned all the same. Dean was right. The beginning had been iffy, but it was looking like your family might be okay with your hidden lifestyle after all. And maybe even the Winchesters. At least, until you spilled the gravy on your sleeve.
“Aw crap.” you muttered. You had worn this sweater because you had a few bruises on your arm left over from your last hunt. The shifter had managed to slam you against a wall, and your left arm took most of the hit. Thankfully it hadn’t broken, but there were a few nasty bruises.
“Here, let me help.” Michael said, pushing the sleeve up before you could protest. He took one look at your arm and you knew it was all over.
“Hey Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?” he said, pushing the gravy soaked sleeve down, and grabbing your hand. He dragged you out of the busy dining room and down the hall to the living room. He shut the door before turning on you.
“Take off your sweater.” He demanded, his mouth pressed into a hard line, his jaw set.
“Do it.”
Grudgingly you pulled off your sweater, leaving you in just a blouse, exposing your bruised arms.
“You wanna explain where those came from?” Michael said, nodding to your injuries.
“No.” you replied honestly. Michael closed his eyes, obviously trying to get his angel under control. “Don’t screw with me right now, Y/N. Because I am pretty freaking pissed off.”
“Just say it Michael. I know you’re dying to.” You snapped.
“Fine! Did Dean hit you?”
“No. He didn’t.” you said coldly, folding your arms across your chest.
“Did Sam hit you?”
‘Well then I’m kind of at a loss to why your arms are covered in bruises!” He shouted, completely losing his temper.
Dean chose this moment to open the door.
“Is everything okay in here?” Dean asked, obviously not having heard the last part of the conversation.
“You stay away from her!” Michael yelled, pushing you not-so-gently behind him.
“What-?” Dean started, looking confused, but once he saw your sweater of a look of understanding passed across his face. “Look, this isn’t-”
“What it looks like?” Michael finished bitterly. “My sister disappears for years, then comes back with a boyfriend and a bunch of bruises. I can put two and two together.”
Dean opened his mouth, obviously about to BS his way through this, but you couldn’t let him. Michael would never believe it, and he would never forgive Dean.
“I was hunting the person who killed mom and dad!” you blurted.
“Y/N, it was a wild animal. The cops told us.” Michael said, turning to face you.
“No, it was a person. A serial killer.” You lied, exchanging a desperate look with Dean. He shook his head slightly. He would rather have your brother hate him then put your family in danger.
“Y/N-” Michael started, but you cut him off.
“No, just hear me out. I disappeared with Aunt Linda because she was on the case. Thats why… why they went for mom and dad. To get to Aunt Linda. She didn’t think- well she didn’t think you and Jake wouldn’t be able to take it. She let me in. I’ve been hunting him down ever since. Dean is with the FBI. He and Sam were on the case too.”
Right on cue, Dean pulled out one of his fake FBI badges and handed it to Michael.
“It’s all true.” Dean confirmed, “We didn’t want to tell you, in case it made you a target. But you deserve to know.”
Michael bit his lip anxiously.
“And the bruises?” he asked.
“We ran into some trouble on our last lead. Believe me, by the time I was done with him he’s not in good shape to hurt anyone again. Especially Y/N.” Dean said sincerely.
Michael nodded, he clearly believed your story- or he wanted to anyways. But he still seemed upset.
“You should have told me earlier.” he said, pulling you into a hug.
“I’m sorry.” You said, and you could feel a lump forming in your throat. You were determined not to cry, but a few tears slipped out anyways. When you finally pulled away you saw Michael wipe his eyes too.
“We should get back. People are gonna notice.” you said, and Michael nodded.
“You can have my jacket.” Dean offered, pulling off his jacket and draping it around your shoulders.
“Thanks.” you said, giving him a small smile. Dean slipped out of the room, and you were about to follow when Michael grabbed your hand.
“I love you.”
You pulled him into a hug again.
“I love you too, Michael.”
Thank you for reading!! If you are interested, we have an anonymous 3 question survey designed to understand how people interact with reader insert fanfiction. You can answer it for this fic, or any other reader insert fic you’ve read!
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bangtanficrecs · 7 years
Lost & Found Batch #6
Been a while, but here’s a new batch of fics that us admins couldn’t find! If you happen to know the fic, reply to this post or send us an ask with the request number and title/author. Thank you! ~ Admin P
1)  hi! theres a fic i've been searching for recently. it's relatively new (i think) and it's taegi. tae is kinda feminine and wears jeans with flower patches (i think?) and is a stripper. yoongi is a mob boss/ganster and has a private session with tae. i think jimin or jungkook find out about yoongi requesting tae and warn him? thats as far as i got. thanks so much!!
2)  Hi! I was looking for a hybrid/shapeshifting au that I'm p sure hasnt been updated in a long time but I still wanna reread (and it's lost in my hundred subscriptions,,) Jimin is abused pretty fuckin awful by his past caretaker/the homeowner who's backyard he was borrowing. Namjin(?) finds him in an alleyway or smth covered in burns and injuries. They take him to a hospital but he's took weak to shift to hybrid form n stuck as a dog n unable to communicate. Thats all I remember 😩
Burn by Jimout
3)  can you help me find this yoonmin fic where jimin had a crush on jungkook but jungkook started dating taehyung and jimin was getting rly jealous? and yoongi was his tutor i think? there was this scene where yoongi was sleeping next to jimin or smthing and mumbled his name and jimin said smthing like "hyung you can't" i wanna find it so bad!!
Of Heartbreaks and Not-Too-Hidden Solutions by yoonmint
4)  hey! i was wondering if you knew this super power au fic where jungkook and taehyung are the pairing ? i think they're forced to have sex but smth happens to taehyung's powers? - hello !!!! it's the super powers anon ?? i don't think taekook had sex ??? but i remember taehyung created this large barrier with his power and only jungkook pushed through ?
Naughty Readings For Naughty Readers by Supermans_crib, chapter 12
5)  does anyone know the fic where i think it's yoongi and jimin who are art students and they run into each other when yoongi goes to get paint and like they're like wow cutie mchottie and then they get stuck in an elevator and have sex, I don't remember where it's from, sorry ;-;
Blame It On the Elevator by dom_joonie
6)  Hellooo. I was wondering if you could help me find a doc bc I'm slowly going insane over here in my dear search for it lmao. I don't remember the title but it's Yoonmin & the plot is that Jimin has a ~thing~ for Yoongi's voice, Yoongi finds out and teases him with it and I don't remember what else unfortunately :( help would be appreciated but if not it's cool!! thank you so much xx
Love at First Sigh by Elemir
7)  Hey! If you don't mind helping me I'm looking for this jikook fic, it's like an ot7 relationship but jin won't let jungkook join in with the 'adult' stuff until he's actually an adult. So on his 18th birthday he jumps jimin and adult things happen X''D Thank you so much!!!
Jungkook wants to Play too by staycute1234
8)  Hey I was wondering if u know a smut with jungkook where the reader is a chubby cheerleader and jungkook likes her and asks her to meet him outside after a basketball game he played and they get it on etc ❗️❓❗️❓❗️ - NOTE: Please do not send us anymore asks regarding reader fics. It’s in the FAQ, we don’t read them, we’re not much help, @bangtanreaderficrec are much better equipped to help you
9)  Do you know the fic where everyone made fun of Jk and then Namjoon told them to stop and later Jk made Namjoon suck his dick??
10)  Hey i know this sounds weird but im trying to find this fanfiction where jungkook forces Yoongi to have sex and yoongi gets recenge by tying jungkook to a pipe or sonething and doing it back. I love your blog so much thanks!
I Want To Have You by jenistark
11)  hi! I've been searching for a Yoonmin fic since forever and I just can't recall the name! basically it's a story about how yoongi wears a skirt and it's not because he's trans or he cross dresses or anything, im p sure it was something that just made him comfortable?? and it was just a story of his and jimins relationship development. if it rings a bell pls lmk, thanks!!
I don't know by PiscesYoongi
12) Uhm hey! i was looking for a jikook fic that i think its not completed, it has like an older jungkook thats a boxer. and i vaguely remember jimin being a masseuse?? i can't find it anywhere, n i swore i bookmarked it. thank you!
Just For Training [Re-Upload] by bangtanscreams
13)  Do you know the yoonmin fic where Jimin is an alpha and Yoongi is a beta and is going through a heat that happens every 6 or so months?? I can't find it anymore :/
We are Ours by signifying_nothing
14)  hiii do you by any chance know a yoonmin fic where yoonmin fall ij love but yoongi does drugs and starts to drift away so jimin commits suicide in thebathtub and yoongi comes back one day vowing to make it up to jm only to find that he's dead?,? thank youuu
15)  hi loves! do any of you lovely admins know the fic on ao3 where jungkook stops time and each time he does sexy stuff ;) with a member? he doesn't like stop time himself, it just happens, everything freezes and he does stuff, it would really help me out if you found it! if you can't, i appreciate you trying, good luck 💖
Somewhere Close to Reality by Trilluvium
16)  hi there is this one fic can't remember much but it was taekook and tae was scared of relationship and really didn't want one and kook was in love with tae and i think tae rejected him and he avoided kook??i don't remember anything else but please help 😔
City of Trees by GinForInk
17)  Can you guys help me find a fic where Namjin are adults and adopt the rest of them, but they all come from abusive families?? I remember it took place in New York and the title was in Korean
그 손을 내밀어줘 by sugavevo
18)  there was this one fic where yoongi was a church boy? or a pastor? and hobi was a demon and they fucked and hobi asks if he wants a dick in his mouth too and I think jimin appears with his dick out or something? can you help me find it?
father forgive me (for i have sinned) by sungmin (jeonggukkie)
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