#HNN: Exclusive
holonetnews · 3 months
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comphetkoncass · 10 months
lil timkon wip, isolated bat au where tim and kon are only just meeting. ft pleasant exes timsteph
On his commute, Tim’s startled awake, which isn’t good, considering he’s at the wheel. He recognizes the suddenly-green light ahead of him less by color and more from the honk behind him, and by the grounding buzz of an incoming call. He groans, drives through the green light, and answers one Stephanie Brown.
“What are you up so early for, handsome?”
It is way too early for this. But Tim schools his voice into an almost-pleasant tone and says, “Can’t I just appreciate seeing the sunrise?”
Stephanie doesn’t answer. Meaningfully.
Tim sighs. “Sorry. Can’t I just appreciate seeing the sunrise… beautiful?”
It’s their thing, the pet names. Almost like they didn’t break up two years ago.
“I’d say much better, but babe, dawn was at five in the morning. You want to try that again?” Tim can just hear Stephanie’s grin through the phone, and he resists the urge to lean his head against the steering wheel and pass out to avoid this conversation. He’s taken naps in worse places. But the cars behind him have already put up with a lot. “Seriously, are you actually functional yet?”
“Been white-knuckling my latte since seven-fifteen,” Tim says. “...I think I’d rather be dead than awake right now.”
“Which begs the question,” Stephanie says. “Why are you heading to Drake PI this early?”
“Client,” Tim grumbles, speeding through a barely-yellow light. A car honks from the perpendicular road. Yeah, he’s not a fan of his driving right now, either, thanks. God, he should’ve Ubered. “New client. It’s… important.”
“Too far gone for a better description than that, or has the Brucification officially started?”
“Go to hell.” Tim does take care to enunciate, though. Brucification is serious business; he does not want to lose his ability to use his words and describe his emotions. He can’t fathom communicating exclusively in Mm and Hnn for the rest of his life. He takes another gulp of his latte – second of the morning – and clears his throat. “…What are you doing up this early, anyways? I thought no one else would be up.”
“You don’t get to free yourself of me that easily. I have a class this morning.”
Horror dawns on Tim. “…There are 8AM Master’s courses?”
“And you’re up early enough to go to them? Regularly?”
Stephanie actually laughs. “You think I’ve gone to bed already? Oh, that’s adorable.”
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
Hi it’s me again
I’m here to be a menace
And I’m thinking about HNN reporter!Reader again and about how you and Rex finally DTR
You’ve been hooking up for awhile now. He basically comes over whenever he’s planetside and messages you almost everyday.
But you go out for drinks with some friends one day and they’re talking about how hot the clones are and about how they must get a lot of tail while they’re traveling
And now you’re sort of stressed because you haven’t had the exclusivity talk with Rex yet. So he could totally be hooking up with other people. And that makes your stomach turn. But you’re worried about coming off too clingy bc it’s bitten you in the ass before. What if he’s not looking for anything serious??
MEANWHILE Rex is having the same sort of thoughts. Like the 501st is camped out in a rare moment of respite between campaigns. Someone is bragging about the ladies he’s been messaging and Echo is totally scandalized.
“You’re messaging another girl? What about Zina?”
And the other trooper is like PFFFT we never said we were exclusive 😏
And echo is like 😦
And it’s got Rex thinking. And WORRIED. He’s 100% head over heels for you. This man does not do anything in half measures. And there’s a PIT in his stomach because he knows you turn heads. Every post on space Twitter has a ton of gross dudes hitting on you even if you’re posting about something serious. What if you don’t want him like how he wants you?
HNNReporter!Reader x Rex is quickly becoming one of my very favorite collaborative things ever.
You’re sitting there staring at him, desperately trying not to get all misty eyed and anxious in front of him. You couldn’t possibly scare him, he’s a fucking Captain and a pretty highly decorated one at that. But what you want to ask him could very easily be too much to expect of a man who already has too much weight on his perfectly broad shoulders.
Every time you try to bring it up, the right words just don’t come out. He can tell somethings up and there’s this suspicious look on his face like he might be worried too. Might. With feelings and emotions, any clone is pretty hard to read.
“I- uh- I went out with my friends the other night. Risha went home with Commander Wolffe. You know him, right?” You turned to Rex, studying his body language to try to gauge his reaction. He stiffened and his arm around you slid down to run his knuckles across the back of your shoulder.
He sighed, “Yeah, very well. Why? Something happen?” He tipped his head toward you, look up at you with those pretty brown eyes full of concern.
“N-no. Nothing bad. He just never called her the next day.” I glanced down at my hands in my lap and fiddled with my sleeve. “I guess a lot of clones get around a lot. That’s…what they were saying.”
Rex inched closer, his knuckles along your skin slowly turning into his entire palm resting on your shoulder. “Some do. I guess. Wolffe is…complicated.”
“He’s slept with like at least 5 girls I know. What’s complicated about setting intentions? Being on the same page?” You asked, putting on your journalism hat and immediately prepping yourself to have to grill the man you really, really liked. Just like you’d had to do so many times before with other men you also really, really liked. Before they acted like expecting feelings to be reciprocated was too much to ask.
“Nothing! That’s how it should be…but Wolffe has been through a lot. Lost almost his entire battalion a few years back. That kind of loss sticks with you. It’s hard to shake. So Wolffe doesn’t like being left alone to think about all that. He hooks up with women to fill the void in him that he doesn’t know how to fix.” Rex slid a soothing hand down your arm.
“That’s terrible. I didn’t know.” You whisper turning to look up at Rex and finding him staring off in space, like on some level he understood where Wolffe was coming from.
“I guess picking up girls and hooking up is a way to feel normal. Women are really good listeners. Accepting and comforting.” He laughed softly, flicking his gaze up to give you a pointed look. “Pretty and soft.”
You wanted to pull him close and hug him, kiss his whole face and comfort him like he apparently really appreciated. But you had to know before you fell so hard for him you’d never recover.
“And what about you?” You whisper, your voice trembling the way a HoloNet News Reporter’s never should.
You swallow, forcing yourself to make direct eye contact with him.
“Do you…are you seeing other girls? Anyone else?”
Rex’s eyes widen in surprise. At the worry pinching your brow and the wetness shimmering in your own eyes. Like he can’t believe you were asking him. Like he was as worried about where your relationship stood as you were.
He scoots across the sofa, as close to you as he can get and cups your cheek tenderly.
“No,” he breathes, “I’m all yours. Only yours.”
The way his face scrunches up as he smiles at you and his known inability to lie told you all you needed to know. You exhaled and felt all the anxiety and stress leave you like a dissipating dark cloud.
“Thank the stars above. I-I was so worried you wouldn’t be interested in something serious. And I didn’t know how to ask you without seeming so clingy. That’s happened to me so many times. I really didn’t want to push you away and-”
His lips crashed into yours harshly, the grip he had on your cheek holding you steady as he kissed you so desperately you were sure he was trying to take enough breath out of you to stop your heart from racing. You kissed back, practically whimpering in his mouth as you slipped your tongues together. Your hands holding securely onto the collar of his body glove.
When you pulled away he gave you that trademark tilted smirk that could make you smile on even the dreariest of days. “And here I was worrying that you’d get sick of looking at a face you’ve seen a million times.”
“Rex. How could I get sick of the perfect man?”
He shifted his gaze down to his boots, suddenly getting all bashful like he tended to when he was he heavily complimented. “I dunno. You have every guy in the galaxy falling at your feet to talk to you. You could have anyone you want. I’m just another clone.”
You pulled yourself into his lap and dragged your hands down his chest. “Not to me. You are so much more than that. There’s no one who will ever measure up to you. No one else matters. Let them all wish they could have me. Know that whenever you see me, I’m thinking about you. I’m all yours.”
He leaned his forehead onto mine and tangled his grip in my hair. “So let’s prove it. Show me how much you mean it, mesh’la.”
So you do. Over and over and over again. To the point that Rex is getting some suspicious glances at the purple marks littering his lower jaw and the skin just below his ears. And you’re getting the same look from your makeup artist who has to spend an extra 30 minutes color correcting and covering up every purple hickey and finger shaped bruise scattered across your usually perfect skin.
You ask your makeup artist to leave just one slightly visible on the side of your neck, so that the next time Rex watches HNN with his men they’ll put two and two together. And Rex can watch as you proudly wear the way he claimed you for the entire galaxy to see. You’re his girl now. You’ve got his bite marks on you to prove it.
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clearwillow · 2 years
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Chapter 12 is now live! Hope you like spicy updates...
Summary: When Kagome’s mother said someone was coming by the  house to fix the mess, she assumed it was someone’s grandfather - not  the grandson. Now she’s got a whole other mess she has to deal with.
Rating: E  
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jewwyfeesh · 2 years
Self Treatment 1
Writer: 羽衣若若
Character(s): Sakuma Ritsu
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Notes: This is a CN-exclusive, !-era idol story that has 3 chapters. The link on the Main Directory will direct you to the first chapter; this idol story has no masterlist (unlike the other campaign stories). Please access other chapters through story interface.
…There’s this sweet fragrance wafting in the air, and it’s kinda making me hungry ♪
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Location: Yumenosaki Academy Rooftop
Ritsu: …You. Watch where you’re stepping.
Even though you teenagers have the benefit of being impulsive and scatterbrained, surely there should be a limit… You’re always in a hurry, and as a result, you stepped on someone and ended up tripping.
Because of this, I was forcibly woken up. Ya~wn… and it was so difficult for me to doze off in the first place…
I guess I won’t say much else, seeing that you apologised properly…
Hm, where have I seen you before? Where did you come from…?
I’m an old man, so it’s normal that I can’t recall things quickly ♪
Your voice sounds very familiar. I think I heard it earlier on.
Ah~ Isn’t that the same voice that rudely woke me up just now?
I was sleeping over there just now… but someone kept talking, and it was too noisy… so I swapped places.
Something about conducting interviews?
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I heard lots of questions along the lines of “What are your thoughts when it comes to the job of a Producer?”
Yawn… I don’t intend on accepting such interviews…
That time is better spent on sleep ♪
If you don’t have anything else to do, then please leave. I want to nap a while longer.
You want to sleep here as well?
If no, then don’t just… lie on the ground like that, and stand up. But, if you do want to give sleeping here a go, I don’t mind.
Pass? Well, up to you. As long as you don’t disturb me when I’m snoozing.
Everyone’s been bothering me lately… I haven’t been unable to get a good night’s rest either…
Ah~ …I remember now.
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You’re the transfer student who stepped on me earlier on, I think… Hnn~ disturbing an old man’s sleep isn’t a good thing, you know? Do it again and I’ll get angry for sure.
…There’s this sweet fragrance wafting in the air, and it’s kinda making me hungry ♪
Oh, you’re injured. There’s blood seeping out of the scrape on your knee.
But there’s lots of dust around the wound, which makes it look quite dirty. I don’t think the blood is gonna be delicious anymore…
Guess I don’t have a choice… I’ll bring you to the infirmary. Might as well buy some drinks along the way since I’m awake now.
Mhm~ I’m really kind~♪
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twstarchives · 4 years
Scary Dress・Voice Lines
● Event: Scary Monsters (October 14 - November 26, 2020) ● Exclusive Cards: Deuce, Kalim, Epel, Idia, Malleus, Lilia, Azul, Jack, Jade, Vil, Cater
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Deuce Spade - R
Unlock Card “This school event is meant for everyone to have fun. I’m going to make sure this Halloween’s a success!”
Groovy “You’re not getting away from me... I’ll scare you till you're trembling to the bone!”
Home Setting “I’m a skeleton ghost that’s risen from the grave! BOO!”
Home Transitions “These are our special costumes, so make sure you’re careful with them. Grim, that means don’t claw on the lace.”
“When I was a kid, there were times when I used to start sobbing because I thought there was a monster outside. But it was actually just the laundry drying out there... Oi, stop laughing!”
“I got some treats from Epel. There’s a lot of them, so I thought I’d share with you. You know the secret code, right?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Happy Halloween! You just can’t help but get excited around this time of year.”
Home Taps “I saw Draconia a while ago. Seeing him walk around in that serpentine dragon costume so valiantly made him look cooler than ever.”
“I got a text from my mom—she said she wants to see my costume. I don’t mind sending her one, but I don’t know how I feel about taking a selfie... Prefect, could you take one of me?”
“I’m used to seeing the ghosts on campus, so they’re not that scary. Our terrifying dorm leader Rosehearts, on the other hand...”
“Viper fixed the lace on my hat for me. I feel like the vice leaders in every dorm are really caring.”
“Hey, you! You want me to bury you!? S-Sorry. I was practicing my scares; I didn’t mean to say that to you, Prefect.”
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Kalim Al-Asim - R
Unlock Card “Are you all ready to have some fun? Alright! Come on and follow my lead! One, two—Happy Halloween!”
Groovy “Grr... Pain shoots through my body whenever I look at the full moon. You better watch your back if you start to hear some howling.”
Home Setting “Growl! I’m a werewolf now.”
Home Transitions “Rook knows a lot about wildlife, and he told me all kinds of things about wolves. It was really useful.”
“I always carry around candies this time of year. This way anyone can tell me ‘Trick or treat’ anytime!”
“My magic carpet seems pretty excited for Halloween too. I’m competing with it to see who’s the scariest!”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “A party that everyone’s stoked about—that’s what Halloween is! Let’s have fun together! Growl! Growl!”
Home Taps Whine! Grrrrr! Bark! *cough!* “It’s hard trying to sound like a wolf...”
“I feel like it’d be so much more exciting if Cater, Lilia, and I dressed up for our band performances. Don’t you think so?”
“Jade said his costume is a mummy. If you wore clothes like that in the Scalding Sands, you’d get so hot that you might actually turn into one.”
“I like this costume; its design is really reminiscent of the Scalding Sands. Plus it’s easy to move in. It fits for dressing up as a werewolf.”
“Hm? You want to try scaring me? Spare me from any tricks, though. Ahaha!”
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Epel Felmier - R
Unlock Card “Boo! Did I spook you? Hehe. I’ll come scare you again if you let down your guard.”
Groovy “Struggling against me is useless... I think. You won’t get away from me.”
Home Setting “Now, Halloween has begun!”
Home Transitions “Wah! Oh, crap!¹ I stepped all over my cloak. If Vil saw me, he’d get mad and say ‘It’s not proper to run around like that.’”
“I carved some of the pumpkins that are decorating the school. Mine have ghosts and our dorm’s emblem on them. Try to find them, okay?”
“Hey, have you seen the decorations on Main Street? They’re all so pretty, and really marvy².”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I think this is the first time I’ve celebrated such a festive Halloween. In my town, the festivals feel a lot more scaled down.”
Home Taps “Halloween celebrations in my hometown are never this big, but I can promise you the food’s always delicious. I want you all to come see it someday.”
“Riddle got really passionate when we were talking about the treats for Halloween earlier. Sweets are just amazing, aren’t they?”
“I’m a first-year just like Deuce and Jack, but I wish I could scare as well as they do. But only practice makes perfect!”
“Tremble in fear! ...No. That’s not menacing enough... Ah! What if I put ketchup around my mouth?”
“Huh!? A treat? Sorry. I finished handing all mine out. But I’ll peel an apple for you later, so don’t give me a trick or anything... Okay?”
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Idia Shroud - R
Unlock Card “E-E-Even I get excited for events sometimes... Is that bad!?”
Groovy “Anyone who sees what’s beneath my helmet won’t be leaving here unharmed... Hehehe!”
Home Setting “Wahaha! The Pumpkin Knight has arrived!”
Home Transitions “Every time Ortho tells me ‘Trick or treat,’ I give him some candy, but earlier he got mad and said ‘Let me have a trick too.’”
“You need to know your etiquette to have fun with events. That’s true no matter what world you’re in.”
“This time of year, they’re always having tons of huge events in gacha games. I’ve got an overwhelming lack of free time.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Weheehee~... Happy Halloween. Huh? Why are you making that face? Is it that weird to see me pumped up?”
Home Taps “Hiding my face under a helmet really lets me relax. The downside is it’s a little hard to breathe, though.”
“Wh-What are you dressing up as? Don’t tell me you’re just going to throw on something basic like a headband or a hat and call it a day?”
“They say lions are members of the cat family, but... Sir Leona is not soothing in the slightest. Hah~ I wanna nuzzle a cat...”
“You can say it. There’s no such thing as a nerd that hates Halloween!”
“Weheehee! I made this using a 3D printer, so it’s got really nice durability. ‘How much did it all cost’? Well, if you want to know, it was on sale.”
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Malleus Draconia - SR
Unlock Card “Halloween is a festival observed by both the living and the dead, regardless of one’s race. You, too, should enjoy yourself as much as you can.”
Groovy “I’d make anyone tremble in fear with a single breath of fire. Watch me.”
Home Setting “I’m not dressed up as a dragon. It’s a serpentine dragon.”
Home Transitions “The students in our dorm seem very pleased with our costumes. They were all cheering with joy. This was well-worth the trouble.”
“Lilia knows a lot about many nations’ versions of Halloween. He told me stories about them instead of his usual lullabies. That was a long time ago, though.”
“I saw two pumpkin knights around campus. The smaller one was floating, so I’m assuming they were the Shroud brothers.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’ve experienced many Halloweens, but this year seems especially chaotic.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Trick or treat!... wasn’t it? If you don’t give me a treat, I’ll have to trick you. What will you do?”
Home Taps “The red serpentine dragons from the Far East, which our costumes were based on, could even play folk instruments. Hm... How very interesting.”
“I caught Asim practicing his wolf howls. He’s lacking on the impact, but it does have a charm to it. Heheh.”
“Halloween in the Valley of Thorns is especially grand. It’s a different take on it than other countries have, but you should come see it someday. It’s beautiful.”
“If you hear a strange noise, don’t automatically assume it’s the work of a ghost. Faeries love playing tricks all year round.”
“This tail? Mine is not an accessory; it’s real. As curious as you might be, don’t get too close. You’d be easily flicked aside if you got hit by it.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I’ll set fire to anyone that harms your dorm, just like a serpentine dragon would. I’m fond of that place.”
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Lilia Vanrouge - SR
Unlock Card “Halloween is my home ground ♪ I can’t wait to see the surprise on everyone’s faces.”
Groovy “Do not underestimate me. You might end up finding yourself trembling and unable to sleep all night long.”
Home Setting “Growl! How was that? Did I sound like a dragon?”
Home Transitions “On Halloween Night, the goblins who served the Fairy of Thorns would gather around a fire and dance all night long. You probably wouldn’t expect them to be party animals!”
“I remember the day I met a real-life serpentine dragon in the East like it was yesterday. Its crimson scales were truly a sight to behold.”
“I like eating most sweets, but marshmallows are the only ones I can’t do. It doesn’t feel like I’m eating anything; they aren’t satisfying.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Trick or treat... What? You’re already used to my tricks? Then I’ll have to bring out my trump card.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “If I were a real dragon, I could give you a ride on my back. But instead, why don’t I give you a piggy back ride?”
Home Taps “Hnn... The decorative horns on my cap are so heavy. Malleus really has these on his head at all times?”
“Aren’t my red nails cute? Vil painted them for me. He told me these were called gel nails—long-lasting nail polish.”
“Silver and Sebek used to be such crybabies. The mornings after Halloween, I’d have to spend the whole day doing laundry.”
“Have you seen Ace anywhere? He’s always eating Trey’s sweets like he really likes them, so I made some for him as well.”
“Oh, oh! It’s dangerous for someone of my stature to have a tail almost touching the ground. Try not to step on it either.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Achoo! Sorry, sorry. This peacock feather tickled my nose.”
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Azul Ashengrotto - SR
Unlock Card “The Mostro Lounge is currently offering a special Halloween menu. You must come and see!”
Groovy “Let’s have all the fun we want tonight. Now, let me hear you scream all the way up to the moon!”
Home Setting “How do I look? It’s very stylish with the way it revisits the old-fashioned sort of mummy, isn’t it?”
Home Transitions “If these were my own tentacles, I could move them freely at will, but that’s not true with these bandage wraps. I have to pay close attention to my movements.”
“Of course we have Halloween celebrations under the sea. Although, unlike on land, merpeople don’t exactly wear costumes.”
“I ran into Silver with this costume on, and he yelled ‘The enemy!’ before pulling out a baton. ...He must’ve been half-asleep.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Halloween only happens once a year. Let’s have the time of our lives together.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Did I hear you say ‘Trick or treat’ just now? Offering me of all people a deal is quite bold of you.”
Home Taps “I have an affinity for the costumes Jack and the other Savanaclaw students are wearing. They look like ghosts you’d find at sea, don’t they?”
“I referenced dishes that my family serves for the Lounge’s limited edition menu... Oh, my family runs a ristorante.”
“I’ll hold back on the treats, thank you. Accepting more and more of them will only increase my calorie intake for the day.”
“The reason we chose mummies for our costumes? I’m very unfamiliar with them, which made me all the more curious. After all, you can’t have anything dry under the sea.”
“What are you in such a rush for? I understand feeling excited, but you must be discreet when getting ready to scare someone.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “You must come see Halloween under the sea sometime! It’s just as fun as the academy’s.”
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Jack Howl - SR
Unlock Card “Dressing up as pirates fits for Savanaclaw, since the guys here are all brutes. When you want something, you take it!”
Groovy “On Halloween, it’s ghost territory. Make sure you be careful when walking around at night. Grr...”
Home Setting “My scares aren’t just for show.”
Home Transitions “Scarabia dressed up as werewolf ghosts. They really nailed the ears and tails.”
“When we were making jack o’ lanterns, Ruggie kept eating the pumpkin seeds. Do those taste good...?”
“The pirate costume fits Leona really well. He’s lazy and vulgar—ahem! He comes off as strong and powerful.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Happy Halloween! It’s nice with all these decorations and festive energy. Wanna walk around together later?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I was getting tired of all these sweets, so I got some jerky. Want any?”
Home Taps “Ace and the others swear that anything Trey bakes is to die for. I wonder how his pear compote would... N-No, nevermind.”
“I used to want to be a pirate when I was little. I remember making treasure chests by myself and filling them with coins and sparkling jewels. Those were the days.”
“Pirates have to aim their cannons and do a lot of heavy lifting while onboard. They’ve got to train hard.”
“I almost never wear rings, so I’m scared these might fly off at any moment. Plus it’s hard to move my fingers.”
“Oi! Stop prodding at my costume! What’re you going to do if one of the seashells breaks off?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “You haven’t put on your costume yet? The ghosts will come to kidnap you if you don’t hurry and change.”
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Jade Leech - SSR
Unlock Card “I’ve been expecting you. Today I have a most wonderful scare prepared for you.”
“We’ve been working hard to ensure that everyone can spend a wonderful Halloween.”
Groovy “The sight of you screaming as you try to hurry away... It’s irresistible. I cannot hold myself back from chasing after you!”
Home Setting “Who would like to be tied up in fear?”
Home Transitions “You want to see me when I’m frightened? Heheh. I wouldn’t mind you scaring me anytime you’d like.”
“There is no such thing as using pumpkins as lanterns under the sea. I was very shocked learning about culture on land when I was a freshman.”
“Have you had a chance to try out the Mostro Lounge’s limited edition Halloween menu? I contributed a recipe to it.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Trick or treat! Heheh. There’s no need to look so frightened; I won’t bite.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Oh, my. Were you hoping to play a trick on me? I have a treat on hand, so please spare me today.”
Home Taps “I helped Ruggie with making jack o’ lanterns. They’re very quick, cheap, and beautiful. How fitting.”
“Dryness is fatal for merpeople. If we were dried up like a mummy... Just the thought is horrifying.”
“Floyd, don’t eat too many sweets. It’s different while we’re in the water, but here we have a high risk of tooth decay.”
“The draping wraps on our costumes resemble jellyfish tentacles. They’re pretty, aren’t they? I like their asymmetrical design.”
“You seem to have a wish to join the world of mummies. First, I will wrap your whole body in bandages, and then dry you out... I’m only joking.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Halloween under the sea? If you’re interested, I will show you around one day.”
Duo Magic Jade: Azul, we cannot waste any more time. Azul: Let’s be efficient about this, Jade.
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Vil Schoenheit - SSR
Unlock Card “Are you prepared to pledge yourself to me? It’s a great honor to be the sustenance of my beauty.”
“If I’m participating in this, then I’m going to aim for quality that transcends all previous Halloweens. Please keep up with me.”
Groovy “How unfortunate; there’s nowhere left for you to run. Yield yourself to me and become my slave.”
Home Setting “You will be a victim to my fangs.”
Home Transitions “Vampires, who possess eternal beauty... This is a perfect theme for me, isn’t it?”
“It would be difficult to check my appearance if I couldn’t see my reflection in the mirror. Perhaps I’d have to check with Rook between every class.”
“The other day, I was drinking tomato juice in the evening, and Epel screamed at me. How rude.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Trick or treat. Although, I don’t need any sweet treats. I’m sure you can guess what a vampire would want... Heheh.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Have you flipped your sleep schedule like a vampire’s because it’s Halloween? Make sure you don’t stay up too late.”
Home Taps “I don’t usually carry around treats with me, so last year I fell victim to Lilia’s tricks. That was honestly unpleasant.”
“You should carefully deliberate over your parasol and choose one that has strong protection from the sun. Don’t forget sunblock either.”
“Floyd’s skin is very beautiful. Makeup sits exceptionally well on moisturized skin, too. Always remember to moisturize.”
“My father is an actor, and for every Halloween he would come home in a costume with special effects makeup. I wonder if perfectionism runs in the family.”
“Even a single strand of hair out of place is something to pay mind to. Could you fix my hair for me?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “My cloak has enough cloth to wrap around a person. Should I hide you inside it if any scary ghosts come by?”
Duo Magic Vil: Let’s end this nonsense right here, Lilia. Lilia: Leave it to me to guard you from behind, Vil.
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Cater Diamond - SSR
Unlock Card “I’ll fill you all the way to the bone... with fear, of course ♪”
“Aha! Are you surprised with how off things feel now? Let me show you Cay’s charm, now that I’m a touch different for Halloween~”
Groovy “You’re not thinking you’ll be able to get home safely now that you’ve dug me up, are you?”
Home Setting “Don’t you think my costume’s super aesthetic!?”
Home Transitions “The pumpkin pie Trey always makes this time of year... Mm, it’s not too sweet, and it’s sooo good~!”
“Did you see Lucius today!? He was wearing a super adorable pumpkin hat... I can’t believe Professor Trein~!”
“Sebek-kins really loves Malleus~ He’s got a reputation among the third-years for being the passionate Draconian.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Happy Halloween! How about we take a picture to commemorate?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I have a feeling this year’s going to be the funnest Halloween we’ve ever had. You should be excited too, Prefect!”
Home Taps “I really like how our skeleton-looking laces are so elegant. Our dorm uniforms give off more cutesy vibes; it’s super different.”
“A black veil holds many mysteries... Heheh. You’re always free to lift it up anytime you want, Prefect! Just kidding.”
“Heartslabyul’s costumes last year? We were pirates! Wish you could see Cay as a pirate~?”
“The whole campus gets super festive and exciting around Halloween! And all the decorations are so photogenic.”
“Black makeup smudges easily, so you kind of need to have advanced skills to use it. Does it look okay right now? It’s not smudged?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “What are you dressing up as, Prefect? Come let me know when you have it ready. I wanna take a pic~”
Duo Magic Cater: “Jack, lend me some of your aesthetic support!” Jack: “This’ll be a breeze, Cater!”
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gally-hin-phantom · 4 years
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Camille - aka Vlad’s Secretary
I often see “Vlad’s secretary” in fics but they’re rarely developed. One day, for my own entertainment, I scribble them a face on paper. Then with time I give them a name and a backstory too, so hnn guess I have an OC ? maybe ?
I already mentioned her in my fic but she will eventually appear more in the future
Btw if you like her, she is free to use, just credit me and tag me so I can check 👌
Information and additional art below the “Keep Reading”
Camille Lagarde
Camille is reliable, serious and is working for Vlad for years now. She is in charge of his professional and private life schedule (programming his private jet, or sending his suits to the laundry facilities for example). Camille has often difficulties and problems when her employer suddenly disappears for days (thereby she regularly babysits his precious cat), and is more than often annoyed by his immature side (though she is proud that Vlad trusts her enough to be that comfortable around her).
Even if Vlad doesn’t exactly consider her a friend (he still has abandonment issues), to him she is the closest person to that, though she doesn’t know his secrets...
She frequently takes care of the damage in his house and knows when to not ask questions.
Camille is a trans woman but started working for Vlad as a man. After several years of good service, the day Camille finally decided to make her transition, passing from a male to a female secretary, Vlad slightly raises his eyebrow in confusion but didn’t treat her differently, nor give her remarks. He then secretly remade all his company’s employees badges to remove the M/F mention.
Because Vlad isn’t the type of man who cares about people sexuality, sex or gender as long as the job is done well and fast; and Camille is his most loyal, trustful and skilled secretary. Moreover he could only admire somebody who is strong enough to show their true self, something he is unable to.
That swept away her doubts, she didn’t want to be treat differently because of her transition, she was more that a sex, a gender or a label. Despite everything, she was still ‘Camille’.
She doesn't have a dead name and still uses ‘Camille’ since it’s unisex.
‘Camille’ came from the Latin camillus, meaning ‘acolyte’ (young cult officiant), a boy who helps the priest in Roman religious ceremonies. Despite being an unisex French name, it was more popular for ‘boys’ 30-40 years ago, but nowadays it’s almost exclusively a ‘girl’ name. Quite fitting I think :)
‘Lagarde’ is a very common French family name in the south-west of Ariege, Hautes-Pyrenees, Gers etc. this evokes a ‘watchtower’ or ‘the one who stands guard’.
Additional information
Camille is French and often misses her country. She has a sweet tooth and her favorite food is macarons.
Each year for Christmas and her birthday, Vlad offers her a box of homemade macarons. Sometimes he brides her services (like babysitting Maddie) in exchange of a box, but will never give her his recipe despite all her pleas.
She doesn’t usually have an accent, but when she is very tired we can slightly distinguish a thick French countryside one.
Autor's notes
I like to put her design in my mind when I read a fic mentioning “Vlad’s secretary”.
Depending on the fic, depicting a male or a female secretary I imagine her before or after her transition.
The sole and only reason why she has brown eyes is because there’re not enough characters with this eyes color in the DP cast ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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dragynkeep · 3 years
It's funny that the exclusive outfits from the Grimm Eclipse for the Nintendo Switch look better than the outfits of Volume 7 that they're based on. They are practical, closed and fanservice. How difficult it was to do, yes RT.
Hnn, both you and Owl think the same way but I'm sorry, I still think those outfits are fucking ugly ;~;
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holonetnews · 8 months
"...In a move aimed at restoring law and order throughout the galaxy, the Galactic Empire has invoked the Public Order Resentencing Directive, signaling a renewed commitment to ensuring the safety and security of its citizens. This significant step, widely regarded as a necessary measure in these tumultuous times, seeks to address the mounting challenges faced by the Empire and foster a sense of stability in the face of uncertainty." [FULL REPORT]
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
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Getting a bit done on my long form work this week…. 
From: An Andromeda Tale, Chapter 59: Reyes
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: MReyder
Fic summary: Scott Ryder never saw his life going this way, not that anyone ever asked him his opinion. Now he's pathfinder with too many people depending on his young shoulders and trying to figure out what he actually wants for himself. Reyes Vidal, man of mystery, former pilot and now sometimes smuggler. Who knows where he came from or his motivations but he's come to Andromeda to change his destiny. What neither Scott nor Reyes could have predicted is what their lives would be once they came to Andromeda.
Warnings: First draft here. Also playing around with moodboards again. 
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He blew out a deep breath, leaning forward onto the console edge for support as he realized he’d been trembling. Maiko was okay. “She’s okay. They’re okay.”
Keema’s grip where their fingers were threaded together was firm. “I am glad our family is okay,” she agreed, eyes open just to slits as she tilted her head in thought. “Morda wanting to talk to you…. I wonder how quickly word will spread that you were there when Scott Ryder activated Kadara’s vault?  No other has spoken of what happens in the Remnant caves—you have information that is quite exclusive.”
Reyes thought a moment. Keema was right—he had access to redacted reports but he’d not seen anything on HNN or from the Resistance that detailed what happened in the vaults—only the aftermath.  “I suppose I do.”
“You must… you should,” she corrected herself.  “You should release a statement of what you expect as the Charlatan.”
He quirked an eyebrow at her.  “Scott will be able to realize that it comes from me,” he muttered, thinking. “I am not sure I want him to know exactly who I am.”
“Why not?” Keema asked, neutrally.
There were several reasons—along with a few more that he didn’t personally want to spend too much time examining as they were personal and sensitive. “It would tip our hand—maybe too soon.  While our position is strengthening I don’t want to push it so Scott has to support Kelly.  She controls the spaceport and if we push too soon I can see Tann being tempted by whatever she offers.”
“What would she offer?”
Reyes paused, unsure if he should admit to his worry about the biggest bargaining chip that Sloane Kelly likely could dangle in front of the Initiative. “A colony.”
Keema let his hand fall from hers after another brief squeeze. “And why would the Outcasts do that?”
“If… if we push too hard too quick… “
“Say we do,” Keema interrupted. “You say she has no love of this Initiative. That they cast all of you out.  Sloane Kelly killed that—“she waved her hand as she searched for the word,” that spy in the marketplace and for a moment I thought she would bash your head in too and I would have to kill them all to save you.  What makes you think she would bargain with the Initiative?”
“I actually think if our plans go accordingly she’ll have no other option but to try,” Reyes admitted quietly. 
Keema’s brow ridges climbed but she pursed her lips in thought. “And if this happens?”
“We need to make ourselves look more attractive than her.  We’re not there yet.”
“And what else do we need to do?  I thought Scott Ryder—this pathfinder—approves of you?  Why else spend so much time with him when we have so much to do?”
“He doesn’t know who I am,” Reyes spoke just above a whisper, a chill going down his spine as he confessed his worry.  What would Scott think of all the things he’d done, the decisions he’d made since he’d left the Initiative?  Would he judge him for who he’d helped and hadn’t helped?  Would he agree that some things or actions were necessary—that you couldn’t always just go along with whoever was the local authority?  And most of all… if he knew that Reyes was all but running a rival gang would he chose Reyes?
Reyes wasn’t sure he knew the answer to that yet—or if he really wanted to know.  He’d killed people and his mistakes had let other people get harmed or also killed. Some days there’d been no perfect or good decisions to be made and he’d chosen the ones that benefited his people the best.  He’d all but condoned Vestus torturing Roberts—was that something that Scott would understand?  Would he see how Reyes was desperate to find Kenax and agree that it had been necessary?
He wasn’t sure and that doubt made him feel ill. 
Scott was…. He was so much more good than the little news stories that they got here far from the Nexus and Aya.  The mission reports Reyes had read made it clear that while Scott struggled with his responsibilities he always tried to do the right thing—the ethical choice. 
Even if that made it harder for him. He respected Scott like few people Reyes’d ever known and in the quiet of his mind he could admit that he admired him for being the white knight that they’d all desperately needed to stand up for them. 
But he was terrified of what would happen to Scott. The lessons he’d learned from his time in Heleus were hard to forget. Pain. Hunger. Privation. Fear.  All of these had been harsh instructors over the last year.  
When they’d been running for their life in the vault, he’d gotten a brief look into Scott’s normal every day mortal peril that he and his team faced.  Reyes had read the reports and even though they were heavily redacted he understood that Scott was in similar amounts of danger often and risked much but somehow had managed thus far to live. 
At some point Scott’s luck would run out just like anyone else’s and that terrified him. 
He was already too close, too invested, too bloody well interested in Scott’s continued wellbeing. The thought of something happening to Scott… his mind shied away from what would happen then.
Which also fucking terrified him and he couldn’t think about it too much without his chest feeling tight.  He barely knew Scott. Had hardly spent any significant amount of time with him but he found him charming, handsome and hitting Reyes’ competency kink so hard he could barely see straight. The emails, the holovids, the way Scott had protected him and trusted him…
It was too much too soon.  He couldn’t get attached. Scott was a potential long term ally—not someone who would give up the Initiative and join the Collective instead. If Reyes played his cards right maybe they would have a long term working relationship that was mutually beneficial with perhaps a long-distance friendship. 
Scott couldn’t—wouldn’t—be on Kadara often or for long. 
Reyes couldn’t keep him.
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clearwillow · 2 years
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Chapter 14 is now live!
Summary: When Kagome’s mother said someone was coming by the house to fix the mess, she assumed it was someone’s grandfather - not the grandson. Now she’s got a whole other mess she has to deal with.
Rating: E
For early access to art, writing, and doujinshi updates, along with other fun things exclusive to supporters, you can check that out here
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sassyhazelowl · 4 years
Fairy Tail Pride 2020
Prompt: “Always said I had a way with words” Pairing: aro!Laxus x poly!Eve Requested by: @dragonshost @ft-wwtdp
If being part of Blue Pegasus had done anything for Laxus, it made him comfortable in his own skin in a way he never had been before.
Sprawled out across the sheets, after a long day of flirting and hosting, he felt a rare moment of satiation setting into his bones. He was tired, of course, from the emotional demands of the job, but it was a pleasant sort of exhaustion that left him sinking into the bed. A rare feeling indeed.
Grunting with approval, the knot loosened at the expert touch of the other man. At first it had been strange, accepting massages from the other hosts, but Eve had been particularly persistent in his offers. Letting strangers touch him wasn't something Laxus was fond of; he much preferred to touch them. Often with his fists or temper, but occasionally in other ways, when he had the itch. But Eve had a magic touch, and Laxus stopped arguing once he felt the bliss those slender, talented fingers could bring.
"You seem a little too relaxed," Eve remarked, leaning against naked skin causally and running his fingertips across muscle and scars both lazily. "Suppose I did too good a job. Ah, well, no reward for the hardworking, I guess."
"Hnn." Laxus debated rolling over but instead sunk further into the bed. He just wasn't in the mood tonight, something weighing on his mind. Well, he was already spoiling the mood with his unwillingness to perform; now was as good a time to ask as any. "When do we make it official?"
Eve was so startled he slipped off, hitting the ground with a rueful and ungraceful yelp. Rubbing his dishonored bum, he started laughing. It was a light, airy sound, much like everything else he did, and Laxus couldn't help appreciating it. It was rare to find a man who could laugh so easily, and no, Bixlow's maniac laughter didn't count.
Raising up on his elbows reluctantly, Laxus peered down, eyebrow raised in a silent question.
Eve chuckled again, rising to his feet, "You surprised me, Laxus. So forward and formal!"
"Gramps always said I had a way with words.”
Laxus had never found that to be true, but it was what sprung to mind, a moment of homesickness washing over him at the mention of the old man. Blue Pegasus was challenging and amusing, Master Bob and his hosts welcoming, but Fairy Tail was home, and he'd already been away for so long.
"Anyway," Eve sobered, catching his thoughts - a knack the man seemed to have, reading feelings and thoughts before Laxus could process them himself. "I think there's been an, uh, misunderstanding here. I'm actually already in a committed romantic relationship."
"Oh, oh, no worries, it is totally open! And I'm not saying that so I can cheat; it is open with some caveats. One of which is that my romantic relationship is exclusive." Eve seemed a bit bashful about that, blushy even, which was something Laxus hadn't seen from him before. It was... cute. "I forgot, you don't really know... shit, well, I hope that doesn't disappoint? I'd understand if you want me to go."
Laxus flopped back down briefly, mulling it over while Eve made a grab for his clothes. The big mage was faster, catching his wrist to stop him. The other man cocked his head in askance, relaxed and trusting. He wasn't the least bit concerned about Laxus flying into a jealous rage or demanding more than he'd offered, and this made Laxus pause.
He'd never understood it before, but, Laxus had been told that sex and romance were a packaged deal. When he did date, it felt false, wrong, but that's what he had been taught. That's what the movies showed, that's what the guys talked about in the locker room, that's what happened outside of bars and back alleys where the kings of one night stands lurked for hollow gratification.
It was new, and it was challenging to wrap his mind around, as was everything in Blue Pegasus. A new sort of satiation took root in his soul at Eve's confession, and he felt it stretch and relax just as his muscles had earlier. Blue Pegasus wasn't home, but he was learning things he'd never known while growing up or while he traveled, and it had been a long time coming for this feeling to reach him.
"Its fine," he said firmly, letting go and patting the bed in invitation. "It suits me fine."
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twunk-ouma · 5 years
tagged by @dykeenvy !
are you named after anyone? hhh.... Craig South Park.....
when was the last time you cried? got a lil teary eyed the other day cause of depression but i cant remember when i last actually cried
do you have kids? technically i have two cats but i never get to see them because of a certain asshole
do you use sarcasm a lot? yyyes? kinda? not sure how often it is really, probably not as much as i used to
what’s the first thing you notice about people? hmm anything that really stands out i suppose? but usually hair. for personality i guess whether someone seems nice or not
what’s your eye color? brown
scary movie or happy ending? eithers fine but i lean happy ending- though scary movie isnt exactly mutually exclusive with that? love angst too though
any special talents? ive been told im good at giving massages...? and i sing but im still not really used to my post-t voice
where were you born? New York born n raised
what are your hobbies? mostly video games and reading. i also draw and write but not as often as i should
do you have any pets? aforementioned cats (Mabel and Zoom) and my roommate @nonbinarygundham has a dog named Emma
what sports do you play/have you played? i did bowling, softball, and karate when i was younger at different ages but nothing for too long. i was never into sports
how tall are you? 5′6
favorite subject in school? depression really ruined them all for me but i was always interested in reading/writing, art, and science. otherwise it depended on the teacher. i took astronomy in i think junior year and that was really cool!
dream job? animator/game dev. ive had fun daydreams about being a published author too
hnn @aaasherr @recordsystem im making yall do this
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re-kinmare-archive · 6 years
Do the mods know of any discord servers for Dolleyekin that's like.. exclusively kinnies only lol? there was an old one but like only 3 people were legit kin and it was just other 'curious' people. like man i wanna find canonmates
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Hnn I know the feeling of having a pretty obscure source.
I don’t know of any Doll Eye kin servers as of right now, but if I find any I’ll be sure to reblog a link back to this blog. Just incase anyone else is kin with a character from Doll Eye they can join in too.
Good luck finding a kin server, anon, and I really do hope you find your canonmates!!!
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glassandmetalwings · 6 years
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Hnn...Food’s about to get a lot harder...
Check tags for triggers.
Yesterday I agreed to try Remeron (mirtazapine) on the lowest available dose (7.5 mg, but the tablets can be broken into smaller). This was...a hesitant and reluctant agreement.
See, Remeron is an antidepressant, and can help with sleep, too...but also has increased appetite and weight gain as side effects-moreso than most antidepressants. In geriatric populations, both Mom and I saw it frequently used for the exclusive purpose of helping patients eat more. And considering my history with eating disorders and body image, that makes it a kinda dangerous drug, and one none of us (me, Mom, or my psychiatrist) have wanted to use in the past.
But nothing is working. We’re scraping the bottom of the barrel here. I’m out and doing stuff, admittedly in a limited fashion, but I feel miserable and stressed and exhausted the whole time. We’re getting to the point that we’re considering MAOIs as a viable option for me, despite the many, many drug interactions, side effects, and dietary limits.
We’re looking at Remeron because it works similarly to Wellbutrin (buproprion), which I’ve been on for a decade and, while still not anywhere near perfect, at least enables me to not hide in my room and take two showers a day because I feel so dirty or wrong or something.
And I wouldn’t be so averse and hesitant to give Remeron a try if now weren’t the worst possible time. You’ve all heard how this summer in functioning, but I don’t think I’ve stressed this point:
If I go long enough without eating, I physically struggle and often can’t force myself to eat period. Looking at and for food suddenly makes me feel sick in a way that’s hard to explain. It feels like gagging down a food you barely tolerate at a dinner party because you don’t want to be rude, and every time to put that folk to your mouth you have to fight to get your mouth you open and to push the food into your body. I suddenly get that with every single food, no matter how much I like it normally.
I can feel absolutely starving to the point I’m crying and still not be able to force food into me.
If I start Remeron and get hit by that appetite-stimulating side effect, and we don’t have food I feel okay eating (we never do, but it’s my own fault-whenever I’m asked what I want from the store I blank on anything I enjoy eating) it’s going to be a disaster.
I’m sure part of it is history-based (the whole anorexia thing), but it’s also an anxiety thing; I think I get into that loop because I’m thinking ‘I need to eat’ and ‘I don’t want to eat any of this’, and if the conflicting messages cycle long enough then I shut down. Besides the fact I’m going to be constantly anxious, if I hit a shut-down point from any external sources, it also flips that switch. I’m sharing this because it just happened:
I just woke up, hungry, and went downstairs to have breakfast. Didn’t particularly have anything in mind but I figured there must be something. Of course, I have to get morning pleasantries out of the way first. Say ‘morning’ to parents, give kisses, and greet Max. Max was outside, and routine dictates that, when anyone lets Max in, he must be given treats. He won’t let you continue your day until you give him treats.
In a pretty good mood, I grabbed two treats and sat on the couch so he could do some tricks for me (sheltie instincts dictate that he must work for his treats). Breaking each in half would give four tricks, but the other half of the first treat crumbled into two when I broke it, so I set it aside for the end. Right after I gave Max the first part of the second treat, Dad very loudly and assertively said ‘that’s enough treats-she gave him six this morning, and-’
At which point I interjected a desperate ‘sorry’, and he ‘clarified’ that he was talking to mom (despite saying ‘she’ instead of ‘you’), and Mom ‘clarified’ that I hadn’t done anything wrong. It took coaxing to get me to finsih up giving Max what I’d grabbed for him, and mostly I did it because he wouldn’t let me stop.
And after that the shut-down set in, and I excused myself to go upstairs and write this, my stomach screaming at me and a migraine now threatening to set in as I try not to cry.
Yeah. Summer is going to suck. In the end, I only agreed to Remeron because it doesn’t require a taper-if things go south, I just stop. Doctor told me that was okay.
Maybe if I’m quick I can go get dressed and sneak out to Panera or something. See if getting out of the situation will let me eat again, because I’m going to need food for Community Day.
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HNN Exclusive Clip: The Box from Midnight Releasing|from @JimmyStarsWorld
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