citristik · 2 years
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Here’s some more HOH Donnie, because we deserve it 🐢💜
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bambiraptorx · 2 years
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Their dynamic basically
[Image Description: a short greyscale Rottmnt comic. In panel one, Draxum has his arms crossed and asks, "How come you have no volume control?" In panel two, Donnie has one eyebrow raised and his hand out to point back at Draxum. He replies, "How come you have no bitches?" end ID.]
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haute-pockette · 2 years
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Donnie and Leo’s cloaking brooch looks are done! I wanted them to look close enough alike while not matching perfectly, and I think I definitely hit the mark. Leo says it’s proof that they are in fact twins.
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I'm back to ask you random things :D
What if Casey went blind or deaf while on portal or in a fight? How would the others react? How would Casey feel? How would is dad and little sister react? Would he continue to go to school, or to the lair?
What are your thoughts?
Thank you for the random ask!
Oh man yess.
So I've been losing my hearing for a while now.
(That's what I'm calling it no one fucking knows what's going on with that yet.)
So this just yess.
Also to preface this I'm not an expert on any on of this.
I'd say for Casey it'd be due to head trauma.
Casey gets into so many fights. He's been knocked around a lot, especially for the only person on the team to not have any kind of healing factor.
Hell he's already got a metal plate in his head.
Casey is a regular guy (as regular as Casey Jones can be), he's human.
He can't just take all these hits without suffering consequences.
So at first he starts hearing a ringing sound.
Doesn't think much of it. It's New York, it'd be weider if things were quiet.
It comes and it goes, he doesn't think much of it.
But as the fights continue and things start to get worse.
For a while Casey doesn't notice.
And neither do the turtles.
The ringing starts keeping him up at night.
Casey starts missing things in conversations, asking them to repeat things.
They think he's just not plaything attention.
Casey talks louder than usual which the others think is just Casey being Casey.
But it's really because he can't tell how loud he's being.
Casey finds himself looking at people's lips to figure out what they're saying but they just assume he's flirting.
Casey starts to notice but he feels self conscious, he's the great Casey Jones afterall he can't be seen as weak.
The truth comes out in argument.
Casey's not sure who started, anger is pumping thro his veins and he cannot and will not be stopped.
"Cos I can't hear you!"
And than there's silence.
And the shame kicks in.
Casey can't fight his way out of this.
So he runs.
It's April who finds him, a note and pen in hand and he knows Casey knows has to face the music.
She hugs him, holds him and reminds him that he's not alone.
He cries at that.
The others are all confused and apologetic.
And saddened that Casey never told them he was struggling.
Donnie researches alot, upgrading Casey's T-Phone to transcribe his calls (show it in text), vibrate rather than ring etc.
There's always a pen and paper available just incase.
Leo helps him train to use his other senses, and makes sure every episode of space heroes they watch has closed captions.
It's April who goes with Casey to the doctor when his dad won't show up.
Casey's dad believes Casey's doing it for attention, taking any response Casey makes to him that Casey can hear him fine.
Angel gives him a big hug and tells him she loves him.
She makes a little pouch for his hearing aids, and happily calls them "Casey's ears"
Casey's hearing aids are black with skull charms hanging off them.
They are upgraded by Donnie and help to block out background noise so be can hear the others.
They don't fix everything and Casey gets headaches from wearing them for too long.
When that happens they have "hearing breaks" , where the group just sit in quiet and just be.
It's relaxing for them all and helps Casey feel less fatigued from having to pay so much attention.
Casey has and will turn them off, take them out to avoid lectures.
Which he definitely gets after the whole keeping head trauma and injuries to himself.
Even without words Leo has mastered the I'm not mad just disappointed aura.
Raph is always their to lift him back up, he played drums once and Casey got ecstatic cos he could hear it and they have jamming out sessions.
He also stands by Casey's left side in fights because its his worser side, to defend him and keep an eye out for danger.
Mikey is the one who starts making little gestures to help Casey understand things.
And Donnie realises they can borrow elements from ASL.
Because the turtles only have 3 fingers they can't learn regular sign language.
So they make their own.
Little gestures and movements that translate to words and sentences.
It also comes in handy when they need to be stealthy.
April and Casey also both learn regular ASL from books they've found at the Libary and teaching each other.
Casey's a bit self conscious about signing in public, we'll aware of the stares but being with his friends lessens that feeling.
He prefers to sign and speak at the same time even if it took a while for him to figure it out.
The others also try to remember to face Casey when they speak so he can attempt to figure out what they are saying.
Casey is absolutely shit at lipreading and hates it.
He does manage to get an interpreter for school which does help and April is right there to help tutor him so he manages.
Casey's dad did try to destroy his hearing aids in a bout of drunken rage but Casey managed to hide them before he could.
He tries to sheild his head because of the head trauma he's suffered, and luckily he sheilds the hits but gets hurt.
He ends up going to the lair for the night, dropping Angel at a friend's house.
Donnie patches him up, Mikey holds him, Leo is pacing and April and Raph are contemplating murder to whoever did this.
Casey ends up in tears, he knows he's not faking it... He needs his hearing aids, he does he's not faking.
He says so in a broken whisper and everyone embraces him.
Casey's got a long journey ahead of him but he's not alone.
He never will be.
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0luna123 · 2 years
HoH Donnie headcanons because heck you I'm self-projecting
(HoH means Hard of Hearing)
Perpetually clogged nose, has to snort now and then to unclog it. Can be annoying when sick
Deviated septum (nose bone off to the side)
Because of the previous two issues, a bit of a mouth breather, but tries his best through breathe through nose
His right eardrum is perforated, and sometimes air escapes through it. It's uncomfortable, but painless. It also tends to suck in
To temporarily fix the sucking in, he has to close his nose and blow. Ears are connected to the nasal cavity by a Eustachian tube (Uncomfortable, mildly painful but temporarily improves hearing before sucking in, again. (Yes, it's annoying))
Has multiple HD (Hearing Device) jewelry, but are hidden underneath his goggles. The jewelry was made by Mikey
Mikey is also the one who likes putting stickers on them HD's, with Donnie's permission
Chewing gum is good for removing extra earwax
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sundere1181 · 2 years
FINALLY working on my Hot Soup!!! One shot collection again and of course it starts with Donnie happy stimming with some stims of mine because what am I if not a pathetic autistic projector
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Rise Characterizations Pt. 2!!
In the first part I went over my character writing notes for Raph, so we're doing Leo next!!!
Leo Character Notes
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Language Habits:
First the obvious, makes a lot of puns and one-liners. Think corny super hero movies
Does poke at New Jersey often in said one-liners
Mumbles/talks to himself out loud often
Starts a Lot of his sentences with, "Okay--"
Often will add on, "haha, you're hilarious", when he's trying to tease or antagonize someone
Similarly to Raph he will also verbalize his attacks/actions, "kick and punch"/"punch and kick", "land safely"/"and he sticks the landing"
Also will verbalize when he's trying to make a portal, "come on portal", "it's portal time", "portal power jitsu"
We all know "hachi machi"
Tendency to also make noises when fighting, "yah"/"wah!"/"hah!"
That little ohohoho laugh can signify as his battle cry/excitement, or his nervousness depending on context
Same case as the above with "hoh boy"
Will stutter on words to emphasize them, "l-l-l-l-lame!"
The first to jump onto an "I told you so" or "I was right"
Mixes Spanish into his sentences, most notably "bueno", "vamanos", "hermano(s)"
Messes up science terminology, "reprogramulating"
Says "indubitably" when he's up to something (which Raph recognizes)
Out of all the brothers, he does poke fun the most
Refers to himself as "Leon"
Refers to others (mostly strangers/acquaintances) as "bub"/"bud", or "chief"
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Dramatic, Leo will always play things up 110%. Sometimes this is to cover up his insecurities, to cheer up his brothers, or to annoy said brothers. Also plays into his extreme responses to stressful situations
The fun brother, aka mikey's advocate. He takes his role seriously as the face man, who keeps things fun and cool for his brothers. It's an easy role, and he gets to make his family laugh or roll their eyes. He's. Sillay
Perceptive, this is why he knows exactly what buttons to push, but he's not a great communicator when it comes to the bigger picture. This also plays into his manipulativeness that he uses to put chaos into his family (i.e. lair games), puppet villains (i.e. Big Mama) into his motives, and change the battlefield
A closet nerd, implied to remember more jupiter jim lore than the rest of his brothers and has a ready to go impression of the reptiles of planet reptilica
Competitive to a fault, he tends to get lost in the competition when it comes to his brothers. Part of his dramatism is showing off, and he's weak to being called or associated with the term "champion". Competition is a way he gauges his self worth
Has a strong desire for the inherent admiration and trust of his peers, more than outright praise (both are wanted) unlike Donnie. This damages his communication skills because he just expects his brothers to trust him while he puts on a persona of nonchalance as protection from failure
Defensive, of himself through being snippy or sarcastic, but also defensive of his brothers' own well-being. He may be the one to poke the most fun, but he's also the one to jump to his siblings' defense out of any of the brothers. Sort of an "only I can do so and so to blank" mindset
Martyr complex, prioritizes the safety of his family over his own safety
Gets attached to people he considers family Quickly, those he doesn't consider a part of his family he has little sympathy for but once that connection is there he's already ready to use his body as a shield
Freeze response, tends to freeze up in response to danger or stress. Often shown to curl into a ball or stand silently (as opposed to his constant chatter)
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The third to unlock his mystic powers
Nicknames: "baby blue" by splinter, "nardo" by donnie
Sweats an ungodly amount
Uses spit to annoy his brothers/enemies (licking an item to claim it as his, wet willies)
Can beat box
Always chooses left in mazes or when lost
Next up will be Donnie :>
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angelpuns · 6 months
Hamamoto Leo
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Rural Au Masterpost | Splinter/Yoshi | Raph | Donnie | Mikey
Here's the blue silly!
Leo is the second youngest (though still twins with Donnie). He shares the outdoor duties with Raph and sometimes Mikey, though Raph usually takes on more work because he worries that Leo is going to get too hot or smthn. Leo also has a p bad immune system, but he has managed to built up somewhat of a tolerance to the weather ( they have fairly cold winters and hot summers) - if only because he is stubborn and sneaks out a LOT.
Leo is hard of hearing in this au, but Donnie helped him learn how to read lips. He tends to have a hard time with softer, higher-pitched sounds, and could never really hear Yoshi when he was a kid due to his softspoken nature. They don't really have access to sign language, but this is trivial at best because at the time hoh/deaf Japanese citizens were expected to learn hope to read lips and sound things out using kouwa. Sign language was not really taught on a national level just yet. Just some fun facts for you.
Leo spends a lot of time in the village - more than any of his brothers. He is best friends with Usagi Yuichi, who is also his rival (and later love interest).
Leo loves living on the farm and wants everything to stay the same for as long as possible. He is afraid of change. Thankfully, he doesn't yet know about the war nor what has happend to their father.
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pianocat939 · 11 months
What would ur mean girl Donnie do is m/c moves schools or something? Just- gone. Doesn’t show up one day, moved states, gone?
Tw: black mail, bribery
He wants to know why you decided to leave him, without his permission!
Nonetheless, he’ll get you back.
Whether it’s sabotaging every school in the area, or wrecking everything that basically forces you to move back.
He’ll get you.
Whether it’s through blackmail or bribery.
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
A Thought I had today while thinking about Mikey's Imaginary Friends; if Leo is HoH, then what if Donnie still needs glasses? Just running around with everything blurry af and both boys have to cover for each other, hehe.
Ooh yes! i usually have Donnie need glasses for whatever reason, (though it's usually not that he needs them 24/7 b/c his eyesight isn't bad. Similar to Ignis from FF15, who wore glasses not because he had bad vision, but because he wanted his vision to be crystal clear. That's how i usually figure donnie to be.) But having Donnie have actually bad vision for this au? I love it. (i have shitty eyesight myself and am totally down with inflicting Donnie with one it lol)
Like Donnie being nearsighted as fk. he wouldn't be able to read signs that are across the room, and if the thing isn't within like two feet of him, he has to squint to see it properly. Reading is usually alright, as long as he has the book close, but it would give him a headache if he reads for too long.
Those classroom lessons with their caretaker would be torture for him, especially if they had a standard classroom like setting with a chalkboard he was expected to see.
But, like you said, Leo would cover for him just like Donnie covers for his hearing. He'd tell him what the board says, make sure that Donnie could see whatever Draxum was showing them during training.
Just things like Donnie's eyes getting too tired to read so Leo takes the book and essentially reads to him via mind meld!
Then, i'd imagine Raph would be the one of the two other brothers to notice this first? Their hangout is the library. He's going to notice if Donnie is leaning close to books/computer screen, or squinting, or rubbing his eyes and forehead whenever they get tired. He would certainly notice Donnie passing the book he was reading to Leo (who complains briefly about not wanting to read about computer stuff) then put his head down as Leo starts to read said book.
I've got some more ideas for this, but basically yes! I love this. (it also gives me an excuse to give another teenage donnie glasses lol)
Thank you!!!
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citristik · 2 years
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While drawing tots I couldn’t stop thinking about how Donnie can canonically read lips and knows some sign language 👀
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angelmichelangelo · 2 years
mutant mayhem headcanons because i am unhinged here we go:
donnie is a late bloomer (an explanation why he’s the only brother that hasn’t had his voice broken yet) and ofc in true brotherly fashion the others absolutely rip into him about it
raph told mikey once as little kids that the reason his head is shaped like a watermelon is becuase splinter dropped him on his head as a baby and mikey cried so hard he threw up
leo and donnie are HUGE anime fans. they LOVE dragon ball z and once splinter found the live action movie dvd in the trash and brought it home as a surprise and leo and donnie had to pretend they liked it so now raph and mikey tease them both and make them watch it with their dad even though it’s SO painful (and ofc splinter is oblivious lol)
raph got his front tooth knocked out after he was certain he could skateboard across a sewer pipe upside down on his hands (he could not)
mikey and donnie prank call random businesses together they find in the yellow pages and are really good at doing voices
raph is a big fan of jackass. and it shows. he often times ropes mikey into whatever stunt he’s trying to replicate
they all have wrestling personas after watching old WWE together. leo is Consequenzes, raph is The Red Fury, donnie is Bone Crusher 2000 and mikey is Captain Die - they picked them when they were like, 9 and there’s no take backs
mikey and raph spray paint the tunnels together and make some pretty decent art. splinter is fine with it as long as they don’t make anything crude, which, as teenage boys, they absolutely do. there’s a tunnel deep in the sewers that just says ‘BOOBS LOL’
mikey is one of those kids that’s amazing at any school subject, he just doesn’t care for learning so he doesn’t apply himself at all
raph is second most smartest next to donnie. he plays chess with donnie, and he says it’s only because nobody else can or will, but he secretly enjoys it
leo is dyslexic as hell. it frustrates him, as a perfectionist, but his brothers often help him when he’s struggling
splinter made them their weapons! but raph went behind his back and sharpened his sais without him knowing (cos a sai is supposed to be blunt but ended up in donnie’s leg somehow in the trailer so. ouch)
mikey and leo both have braces, leo just wears a nighttime retainer. after raph knocked his tooth out, donnie went about bragging that he had the most perfect teeth out of all his brothers
they’re all HoH (cos their turtles and turtles have terrible hearing above water) which is why they constantly talk loudly and over each other and splinter who has great hearing, because he’s a rat, has to put up with this lol. and they don’t know they’re HoH until later on when they’re older and donnie is like “oooohhhh right yeah that makes sense”
donnie has terrible vision, being shortsighted, he’s tried to create contacts for himself in his prescription for fighting convenience but has been pretty hesitate in creating something that goes inside his eyeballs
they made a band together called Chemical Terrapins even though none of them can play instruments but they do have one of those tiny baby toy keyboards that they found in the trash once and they all fought over who was gonna play it.. until they realised their hands were way too big for the keys lol
leo totally chose the name of the band because he’s an emo kid at heart </3
splinter taught them both english and japanese but they’re not entirely fluent
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bambiraptorx · 5 months
Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
Honestly yeah. For Minor Interference in particular, I have a document full of stuff that's either been cut from the story or that I wrote out ahead of time but that doesn't fit now. For the most part, if I've decided to not include something I've written, it's because it doesn't fit with how character dynamics have gone or because it no longer makes sense.
For example, in the first little clip I have where I came up with the idea of mystic subtitles, it was originally something like "Draxum and Donnie are attacked and Donnie's hearing aids get broken/lost, but they still need to communicate so Draxum alters a spell he knows to function as subtitles", and that's very much not how I ended up executing it because honestly it was kind of illogical. I didn't have a sense of who/what attacked them, for one, and also since it was set later in the fic, it would have made more sense for Draxum to just... know some sign language at that point lol. So I'm not going to use that situation, but mystic subtitles are still cool so they made it into the fic.
(Also it kinda... would feel off to me if Draxum knew a relatively simple and easy way to make communication easier for Donnie and then just never even brought it up until an emergency happened. Donnie isn't hard of hearing only in emergencies, he's HOH 100% of the time. The fact that he uses hearing aids regularly doesn't change that.)
As for stuff that actually does happen in the story that I haven't written, there's a good bit of that but I'm hoping to still work it into the fic at one point.
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mudlarkspur · 10 months
Audio processing disorder/ hoh Donnie
Uhhhh records everything but also has a program like YouTube to auto generate captions so he can get a rough transcript of conversations.
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ezrahayls · 5 months
Random HOH Leo rant (I'm currently writing the part tot Raph finds out Leo has hearing aids, he didn't get hearing aids until years later)
I have a container for my hearing aids, it looks like this
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It's to keep them dry from moisture and stuff, I feel like Leo would have this so his hearing aids don't get damaged, but his hearings aids are probably different since he's a mutant turtle, turtles don't have outer ears like humans
His hearing aids probably look like headphones, from what I've seen when people draw the turtles with hearing aids, which is pretty cool
So, I'm not sure where he would keep them when he goes to sleep, the hearing aids he has wouldn't fit into the container- unless Donnie made a special container or something, like a box?
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tyo-mimt · 9 months
13/36. @tmnt-event-blog
April sometimes wishes her brothers were a little more subtle about forcing her to relax.
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She'd manage. She always did.
Peeling her face and arms off the table, she stretched her back and yawned. Her table was littered with open notebooks and study materials; she nearly pushed them off as she stretched. It wasn't that bad though. She wasn't sick, so she'd be all set to head out. It wasn't like she had that many classes anyway; just the one boring seminar with a lecture hall packed with passionless students and a guest speaker who knew little to nothing about the topic and just wanted the pay.
Not like she could complain. She was also the type to trudge from job to job in some vain attempt to secure one. Being a weirdo magnet did come with its pitfalls, even if she didn't want to admit it.
Before she could get ready for the class and the rest of her afternoon getting ruined, her phone buzzed. She reached for it, opening a message from Leo. One word: Help.
She didn't need to be told twice.
Freshened up by the threat of her brothers being in danger, April rushed out of her apartment complex and to the lair. She took the garage entrance this time; it was quicker, if not a little more precarious to enter through (blame the many traps and alarms Donnie set up there). As she ran into the main body of the lair, she called out.
"Guys! What's the emergency..." The words died on her mouth. The message was sent a cool twenty minutes ago, so she expected to see debris or fire or some other form of destruction. The room was cleaner (somehow). Leo stood next to a large beanbag (where did that come from?), holding a pair of controllers hooked up to a console a little farther away.
"The emergency is how little time we spend together."
She wanted to be mad, but she was more relieved and a little surprised than anything else, "Leo! I can't be here for games! I have class in an hour!"
"As far as your attendance record shows, you are in class." Donnie popped in from behind, walking from the kitchen and through the lair to get back to his lab.
"You're planning to gaslight the system into thinking I was there?" Wouldn't be the first time they did this, but it was still fun to ask.
"Worked for Othello Von Ryan and the use of discreetly-placed-and-ethically-questionable surveillance cameras. I'll text you the summary of the class when it finishes."
He didn't even need a moment to gauge April's semi-surprised reaction before disappearing into the lab.
"Is he... working on something?"
"Has been for weeks... Everyone's too scared to ask what he's working on," Leo sighed in faux attention, wrapping his arm around April's shoulders and pulling her over to the beanbag. Sat down on it, Leo joined her on the pillowing and handed her the controller.
"So is this just you missing me or an invitation to getting your butt kicked in a video game?"
"Don't be so sure you'd win against me just yet!" Leo spoke, voice vehement as ever, "Dee's added some upgrades to my arm that'll propel me to victory~"
"He added cheat codes, did he?"
"Whu-ha-hat? No! Why would he?"
April scoffed, arms crossed as she held the controller. "Hmph, cheat codes or not, I'll still beat you."
The overconfidence set in, and April could already feel her victory coming. "Oh-hoh-hokay! Bring it on!"
The rest of the hours bled into minutes, but they were hours she cherished. Mikey and Raph joined in the fray when they returned from a hangout with the Caseys.
Surrounded with family and a very close match with her brothers, she had to remember that there were more benefits to being a weirdo magnet after all.
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