snowwolfstar2 · 1 year
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨️
1. Alien Blues by Vundabar
2. We have it all by Pim Stones
3. Space Was Cool by Markiplier
4. All the Way by Jacksepticeye
5. Its been so long by the living tombstone
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999moreyears · 2 months
ok so when did chip become a corpse. what even happened in riptide after like epidisode 80
so basically after goobleck/the doctor shit they turn apple back into her normal form it was actually finn tidestrider but hes asleep for like forevwr so they put him in a bathtub!
then felipe pulls out a card from the deck of many things and it makes him hate gillion, and actively try and kill/harm him but its magic shit so he dosent rlly wanna.. then he pulls a card that gives him a shit load of money and then he pulls a card that sends him to hell. like actual hell.
then theyre like "eh well find him later"(they still havent yet) and chip pulls a card that gives him money and like basically a house. (or that might have been earlier that he got it? idk) anddd chip and gillion take out 10000000 loans from the . sea bank or whatever they were called and they fight them so they keep the money but either way they lost a shit load of it.
then they meet the jazz pirates and they get some funky shit from them . as in an allarm thong for when gillion throws their money into the sea.
then they go to the sea mart and get kick ass new gear and they made jay put her hair down :( then they go find old man earl making sooo much money has he has bitches like crazy on his juice business but hes bored so he joins the crew again to find the one peice fruit lol
then they make their way to bead bath and beyond . and start making their way to the black sea and take a reast at a . fuckin island but gillion gets scratched by kuba kenta . and jays navy school buddy Kira is there.
THEN because finn is back they start trying to wake him up and gillion goes into his mind and its bubbles and hes in like. a loop or whatever but he starts waking up because the fucking. sleepy bubble curse is broken. idk i forget
THEN they go back to Zero(the island it started on and where they got ollie) and then they bring him home but his mom is in a hospital thats being tormented by a gang and they start fucking them up to leave them alone but . actually i forget the plotline of that part in particular..
then they meet ensa whos fighting chips house that he got from the deck of many things. and they all fight the house and its like wiw it's his !! he lets her stay and she nakes a teleporter from between the ship and the house . they leave ollie with his mom and ensa then they gooooo to help gillion.
then gillion has a freaky nightmare that lasts a whole episode..
then they make their way to jays mom she helps them but the tree that her familys magic is based on is like fading and jays mom and dad have marrige issues and they hide in her attack while a navy search goes through. then they leave.
then jays dad is there and they fight or whatever and they find lizzie and such and she and jay talk and lizzie saw ava killed by the navy and that they were kinda like friends and one sided romance core... idk. jays like "wtf." and chip is like the man in the middle trying to settle their argument. then they leave and its like Woah.
then they make their way back to where the bed bath and beyond was so they can go to the black sea and thats why slimecicle made jort storm .(song) and ..... yeahthen they see chips wife but she dosent know its him cuz of the crews disguises...
then theyre in the black sea and shit then they go to thos big . castle whatevwr and theres Lore and shit over how the black sea was before. then they fight this crew and chip gets killed by this captian spider woman whatever . but hes still alive but she takes his heart out and she Still Has It. btw.
then she becomes a cocoon or smrhn like that and chip goes in and then niklaus is there and takes chips heart.
then theres gay marrige and then they find out that caspian probably works for the navy or at least someone on lizzies crew and so jay goes back because theyre getting ready to hold a big surprise attack against the navy except the navy knows.
thats the very summerized version. it all hurts. i have a headache. my hand is asleep. i almostcried while writing this cuz theres so much. my eyes hurt.
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hkblack · 3 years
Beginning a Beta-Read Process: Spell Check!
Happy New Year everybody! Let’s get it started off on the right foot by being better about self-editing or finding a beta-reader for our works. 😉 As I mentioned in my last post, I have three things that I use to start the editing process of a fanfic.
I spell check and grammar check my work through Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
I read the entire story (or at least, each chapter) from back to front, paragraph at a time.
I read parts of the story out loud to check for tone and clarity.
Today we’re going to dive into number 1!
It sounds like common sense, right? Spell check your work! But it’s really not. Especially when we’ve been staring at a work for who knows how long, we don’t always think to run our own spell check. We also forget (-whistles innocently-) that we turned off the grammar check auto lines in Word because we were doing a dumb writing exercise and those lines were distracting and oh god, I am so sorry there were so many commas. 😉(you know who you are)
Look, I try to do to do these things before sending them off to a Beta-Reader and I’m usually successful, but there’s no shame in forgetting. If you’re able to do this on your own, it will cut down on the time that the Beta-Reader takes. As a Beta-Reader the first thing I’m going to do to your piece if you ask for a SPAG is run it through my own spellcheckers. If you’ve already done that, you’ve just freed up additional time for me to deep dive into your work.
I think the most important part of this is that I don’t just use one spellchecker/grammarchecker. I use two. If you don’t have Microsoft Word, what do you have that you can use? I use Word and Google Docs because that’s what I have access to.
“But HK,” you say, “Why both? Won’t they catch the same things?”
That’s the best part—no. They absolutely won’t. Spelling—probably. Grammar? Nope.
There’s a good reason for it too. Both editors work not only with basic grammar rules built into them, but also with data fed to them by users. Every time you use an editor and tell Google or Word “this is a resume,” “this is my paper for organic chem,” “I’m writing a play, piss off,” it feeds that information into its algorithm. You alone will not change written rules for English Grammar. But you and 5,000 other users all intentionally adding the exact same word to your personal dictionary (Jorts), or ignoring a grammar rule, will eventually get logged for review. This is why Word specifically will ask what style writing you’re using when you open their Editing pane. The options I get are “Formal,” “Casual,” and “Resume.” And I always select, “Casual.”
When I post stories saying “Not beta’d we Fall like Crowley” I’ve done barely any self-editing on them. For me, a lot of my writing is an exercise in abandoning perfectionism, and the longer I wait to post something, the more likely I am to never post them. My slice of life fics tend to suffer the most for this. So, for this post we’re going to look at a piece called Lullaby. This is a slice of life, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley fic of all of 903 words.
Lullaby was written at 4am while the power was out, on my phone. I was on the last day of Illness quarantine and still dragging, and a nasty tropical storm raged outside. Let’s see how well Word and Google think I did in those circumstances.
Interestingly, the first grammatical error Word grabs is “window pane”:
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Google, on the other hand, doesn’t flag an error until much further along in the piece. With the word “fitting”:
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One of my favorite things about Word is that under the “Review” Tab where you can find the “Editor” button, you can get a whole panel that gives you a score and a full number of spelling and grammar editors. Google is not so sleek. I manually counted these. Word says I have four grammar errors on Lullaby. Google has five. All of Word’s errors are before the first error Google flagged.
I won’t take all of the suggestions. Changing “windowpane” from two words to one is good. I might chew on changing “fitting” to “fit” for a little while, both words work, “fit” is probably more correct, but I like “fitting.”*
Total I wound up taking two of Word’s suggestions, and only one of Google’s (which caught the very embarrassing sentence “He eyelids grew heavy…” as opposed to “His eyelids grew heavy…” which—yikes Word, catch up)
That leads to the next important point about using automated editors—not all of the suggestions are actually right. When you’re writing dialogue, or any kind of fiction, there will be weird sentences that don’t follow proper writing grammar rules, but if you read them out loud (which is #3 on my list), they make sense.
Whether you’re self-editing or beta’ing for someone else, you absolutely cannot just “accept all” changes from whatever editing software you’re using. One of them will be wrong. I’m going to update Lullaby on Ao3 in the next week or so now that I’ve done this. Not because it was, as I had feared, riddled with errors, but because now I’ve done some basic editing that I think will help future readers enjoy it more. “He eyelids closed…” honestly.
Hit up my Ask Box with any questions or comments about Tip #1! Next week, we’ll dive into reading backwards! *When I was reading this out loud to post before editing, I did realize that “fit” sounds way better than “fitting” in this context. So, I actually wound up taking two of Google’s suggestions. But check that process!
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