#spreading postitivity
snowwolfstar2 · 1 year
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨️
1. Alien Blues by Vundabar
2. We have it all by Pim Stones
3. Space Was Cool by Markiplier
4. All the Way by Jacksepticeye
5. Its been so long by the living tombstone
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overstuffd · 25 days
So, feedee werewolf won, obviously, because you're all a bunch of bottoms (loving).
So here are some more thoughts.
When I find you in the woods you're cold, scared - and hungry.
I bring you back to my cottage, offer you some clothes to replace your soaked rags. They're a few sizes too big but you're grateful.
Slowly, you piece together last night. The transformation - the gorging yourself on chickens from the farmer a few miles over.
I smile and offer you a firm, gentle hand. Don't worry - I'm here to help. You're so relieved you don't notice how deep my nails dig into the flesh of your arm.
First, I want you comfortable. I draw you a warm bath to shake off the night before. The fire is crackling, and the incense I light leaves you feeling dozy and calm.
After your bath there are more soft, large clothes - you wonder who they are for - and a proper meal, you look like you need one, poor thing!
You don't realise how late it's gotten, but I've prepared a King's supper. A roast ham and a whole cold chicken, a loaf of bread still warm from the oven, a huge tray of butter roasted potatoes, pumpkin and carrots, glazed in honey. There are soft fried eggs in a dish, and jars of cramy sauces and pickles. You set about making yourself a huge sandwhich, and you're almost done before you realise you didn't wait to be invited to eat.
You blush as you look up at at me, but I wave your concerns away. I set the table for you, enjoy it.
As you eat, I explain your condition, and the words are so distracting you barely notice how many brick sized sandwiches you're gulping down.
You're a werewolf, poor little lamb, I explain. The fellow with the dark eyes you let take you home from the bar a few weeks ago - those bite marks aren't the only thing he left with you.
Your curse is to transform every full moon into a creature controlled purely by desire and animal need - yourself in an unihinited, bestial form, with power to do as you will. I know, it must be scary sweet thing - here, try one of these custard buns.
The good news is, as you've probably guessed, I'm more than just familar with the arcane and supernatural. I'm quite a skilled practitioner of magics, and with your cooperation I can make the next full moon much less dangerous for everyone.
You're so grateful to hear - the memories of the night before that are flashning through your mind scare you, as much as they stir something else, deep at the root of your stomach.
I tell you to eat up and get some sleep, I'll begin your training - your instruction, that is - tomorrow.
You wake and breakfast is ready - cooked meats, more eggs and poetatoes, and pastries, fruit - you don't take it all in before you start eating, you're ravenous.
Your hair is longer, you notice as I idly play with it, and is spreading down you neck and across your shoulders. You shovel more eggs, another chocolate stuffed puff-pastry treat, not thinking it at all strange as I work out one of the stress knots in your shoulder.
After breakfast - the third plate of which you eat at my insistence - I start teaching you about herblore.
Your wolf form - I explain - is an extension of your self. Don't think of yourself and them as separate creatures, they are your needs and desires made flesh. The better state you are going into the full moon, the more docile your wolf form.
As I talk, you are distracted by my fingers rolling thumb-fat herbal cigarettes into tight cones. My voice watches ovr you as the repetitive movement makes you feel dozy.
Lavender, or course, and chamomile, for calm and stillness. Mallow root for dreaminess. Oatflower for - making you open to influence. My, postitive influence. Heather for appetite - you're going to need your strength. Mugwort to enhance sensation, to keep you in touch with your body. A few others from my garden - I'm passioante about creating potent cross strains.
I place one of the joints in your mouth and light the tip, flicking away the ash as your hungry mouth starts the cone before your conscious mind has time to realise what's happening. I pull the joint away and take a hit myself, you taking a moment to greedily gasp air, before I press my lips against yours and shotgun the herbal mixture directly into your neuro-cortex.
Your head swims, and your brain short circuits as I place a hand on your thigh. You stuggle to regain your composure, as a bell in the kitchen goes off.
Oh - lunch is ready!
As I sidle off to the kitchen, you realise how warm you feel between your thighs from the contact.
Lunch is a shepherds pie, and I make no move to serve a portion, just place the whole dish in front of you with a huge spoon breaking the crisp crust and fragrant steam spilling into the air.
You don't hesitate, you pick up the spoon and start digging in. The food smells delicious, and you're already ravenous despite the huge breakfast. You swallow mouthful after mouthful of rich, savoury food as I explain more to you, slowly and clearly like you've realise you need.
Fullness is important. I explain, gently. I'm across the table but my foot is playing with the inside fo your thigh. The hungrier you are, the more dangerous your wolf is. It's so important that you stay full. I'm going to do my best, okay, but you need to tell me as soon as there's any room in your belly, sweet thing.
You nod happily, barely looking up from you pie.
Good dog, I say, as I ruffle you hair.
Dinner comes, pinning you to you chair in the kitchen, and as you eat I explain how important it is that you indulge all your needs now, while you're still a soft, safe human.
You are barely listening, enjoying dragging more of the soft, fresh and heavily buttered bread through more of the delicious, spiced stew. It's one again full of my specially chosen herbs, but you don't need to know that. You've found yourself needing to know less and less all day.
You look a little pent up dear, I say, softly, walking round to your end of the table. No - you keep eating. I know just what to do.
I slide under the table and gently pull down the trousers I leant you. They're loose - for now - and come down easily so I can take you in mouth. I gently suck as you swallow more food.
I don't know if you realise how much you're moaning, but I suspect it has as much to do with the meal as it does with my fingers teasing your hole.
You finish your dinner before you finish in my mouth, already such a good pet. Tomorrow we'll have much more to do to make you safe, but for now I'll walk your heavy, drowsy form to the bed and rub your bloated belly till you sleep.
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franzkafkagf · 4 months
The fact that Aegon loving his children it’s even book canon. TGC is describing Aegon’s personality as it is hinted in the book and yet people is mad.
Tom literally acknowledges he is not a good parent but he loves his children.It makes total sense that he would have a complicated relationship with fatherhood based on how his father treated him. Or that in his mind, he wants to be better than Viserys.
Thank you anon! You're exactly right, we've always known from the book that he loved his children. Adding onto that is that we have barely seen 20 minutes of Aegon until now, if the early reviews are true we'll get 15 minutes of Aegon in the first episode ALONE. Of course we find out much more about the character, we barely know anything about him!
This made me wonder; what do we know about Aegon?
We meet Aegon for the first time in episode 3 of season 1. He is just a two year-old who plays with a wooden dragon toy and yet the older characters around him only see him as a threat, a pawn or, by his father, as a replacement— watching the episode it's clear to me that Viserys wanted Baelon, Aegon cannot be Baelon. It's pretty telling that the only positive on-screen interactions Aegon has with his father are in this episode. He is a little kid still, Viserys can project his wishes and fantasies about Baelon onto him, something he isn't able to do once his son is grown up.
I think it's pretty crucial to understand this part of Aegon's and Viserys' relationship— the perfect ideal of Baelon (he killed the only woman he ever loved for the perfect son; you cannot come back from that) stands between them, like a shadow Aegon could never escape and a standard he could never meet.
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We don't really see Aegon again until episode 6— he is a teenager now and thus a completely different person. The little baby from episode 3 has been shaped by years of neglect, unfulfilled expectations, and the toxic dynamics within the family. What has he become? He is a 15 year old with problematic relationship to alcohol that is used as the punching bag of the family. He jacks off from windows (welcome back Roman Roy!), leers at maids and bullies his younger brother.
Teen Aegon is perceived as a disappointment by his grandfather, who sees him just as a weakling and a pawn to be controlled (a belief he still holds at the start of season 2 apparently). His mother projects her own ambitions, resentments and fears onto him.
These behaviors are all very troubling and someone should've done something to prevent these habits from festering within him; no one did. I honestly feel like no one really cares about him that much.
And yet, there is also so much postitive to be said about this iteration of him too, glimpses of Aegon's potential for goodness and his capacity for loyalty. You might call it naivety, but Aegon seems to believe in the good in people— he trusted Rhaenyra not to hurt him or his brothers if she was to become queen (something I agree with). He also seems to treat his nephews well enough, he doesn't seem to care about the bastard-allegations -> he also seems to be friends with bastards as an adult! Eddard Waters belongs to his entourage, this informs his character— yes he is an entitled prince, but there's also an element to him that is endearingly down-to-earth.
Another notable example is in episode 7, he decided to protect his mother after Aemond blamed him for spreading rumors about his nephews' legitimacy . He never cared about the rumors, yet he stood his ground and shielded his mother when faced with his father's wrath.
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Ty Tennant does such a great job here. The scene highlights his complexity— he is not simply a drunken disappointment, a villain or a victim, but a young man trapped in a situation he doesn't seem to be able to get out of.
When we next see Aegon, he is in his early twenties, and the toll his upbringing took on him is evident. His introduction in episode 8 is a hefty one. He is shown sleeping off a hangover, his drinking habit from his youth has fully established itself in him. His mother yells at him, tries to get him to understand the consequences of his behavior— he has raped a maid, something that, disturbingly, is not new for him. This moment speaks volumes about the man the little boy from episode 3 has become: flawed, morally compromised, and numbed by his vices.
Further even, Aegon engages in activities that reflect a deep-seated cruelty and a disconnection from others— watching toddlers rip each other apart in brutal fights shows his general desensitization and apathy to everything. These behaviors are obviously unacceptable, but this is a fictional character we are talking about and you know what these behaviors tell me about him? These are just manifestation of the dehumanizing effects of his upbringing.
He is desperate to be loved but destined to be hated — Tom Glynn Carney
Because characters can be multi-faceted and complex, Aegon fights off insecurities and still yearns for love and acceptance from those around him. Him acting out like this can be read as misguided attempts to drown out the background noise, to try to assert control in a world where he feels constantly undermined and unloved. However, his actions only serve to alienate him further from the people he wants to be accepted by.
Aegon's aversion to the throne and his rejection of the responsibilities that come with it are just other manifestations of his deep-seated apathy. He despises the very idea of kingship and what it represents. He doesn't want to take up responsibility become a pawn, he yearns to run away but he himself knows that he will never be able to run.
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The carriage ride to the sept and the coronation are gifts that keep on giving. It's all so horribly tragic. He never wanted this. Crowning him will kill him, he knows this is his end deep down!
He is so preoccupied with what his father wanted, Baelon is absolutely still haunting the narrative— his father's desire for him to embody virtues he never possessed or could aspire to (BAELON) are still at the forefront of his thoughts.
As he walks to receive the crown, he is literally crying, this single moment encapsulates it all so well. He is man who, despite his privileged position, is trapped by the very power and responsibility he was born into but never desired for.
But then, at the very end of episode 9, we see a shift in Aegon— something else to him that will be at the forefront of his character in season 2. He finally gets the adoration and the purpose he always sought after with the crown. The moment he realizes that the smallfolk is cheering for him is the moment the apathy that defined him up until now begins to lose its grip, replaced by newfound determination.
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This change in Aegon will be furthered by the death of Jaehaerys, a source of pride and a reminder for him that he is capable to create and care for something precious and pure (thank you TGC) -> I won't go into this deeper, let's wait until the season airs.
In conclusion, a wise woman once said that apathy is death. For so much of his life Aegon embodied apathy, only for the very thing he feared most (kingship) to make him rethink everything. Aegon will be driven by his determination, but this path will lead to his destruction, consuming him until there is barely anything left of him. It will ultimately tear him apart; he is both redeemed and ruined by the weight of a crown he never wanted.
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weatherman667 · 4 months
Favourite Fantasy Races
Preamble about Tolkien
Tolkien created the modern fantasy genre, and there is very little to criticize about it. Other than the fact he wrote it as an alternate history to our world. Our world doesn't have Elves or Dwarves or anything, and so he had to explain why, i.e. extinction. It is almost impossible to compare his mythology with anyone else, for one reason he has so much detail that he accounted for thousands of years of linguistic drift, and for the other, he had no contemporaries. His contemporaries made fun of him for wasting his time on it.
As such, most of Tolkien's races will not be included here.
My longtime favourite fantasy race. Unfortunately, very few people have any idea about them. Tokien made them Jews, but postitive, but also added simple and solid foundations for them. They lived underground because they dug too greedily and too deep. That said, a lot of Neanderthal features ended up becoming Dwarven features, as if we all had some genetic memory to draw from, (Tolkien was big on genetic memory).
While Dwarves in Nordic myth were known for being greedy, the only reference Tolkien had with Dwarves was that they DUG too greedily. They played with power they could not comprehend, and it lead to their downfall.
Alright, so, why do Dwarves have a reputation of being greedy?
How about because they are literally the ones digging the precious metals out of the mountain? How about skilled labour was the best way to make money? Oh, and trading. Jews afterall, so it would make great sense for them to have a strong understanding of economics. And then you had France that was so non-functional that they couldn't tax the nobles that actually had the money.
So, hard work, trade, economics, and time, all things that Dwarves have in spades.
Oh, and for the record, Tolkien never once said they have beards.
The Lion of Cynn: My own unpublished fantasy series. The Dwarves of the Lion of Cynn cycle are not as exciting or fantasy as most other series, but they are fantastic for character stories, (and every story should be a character story).
Overlord: If you have to have underground Dwarves, this is the way to do it. They actually have a coherent city, and it explicitly states that they trade for food. There are other nations from other races that they have external relations with.
Ingir: Ingir was a series of polls and shitposts to cobble together a fantasy world, but as such, it focuses on nation-scale designs that are very rarely considered. It also takes the real-world consequences to the existence of magics, and how societies would respond to them. TL;DR they have alchemy that basically creates nuclear power plants.
Warcraft: Not World of Warcraft, but pre-World of Warcraft Warcraft. The Great Wars ripped them out of their isolation in the mountain homes, and forced them to interact with the rest of the world. Their answer? Archeology. Dwarves spread across the world, exploring ancient ruins. Of course, this is a world where there are dangerous nearly world-ending relics and ruins strewn all over the world.
misc: Unfortunately, while Dwarves are one of the most common races, they are the least developed. They are often tokenized, and reduced to a single point. Ghim is one of the best Dwarves ever created, but he's just one man Dwarf. Gimli is the same. Dwarf Mage from Goblin Slayer is also fantastic, but that is an IP expressly created to not have character development, and falls on it's face whenever it tries.
Warhammer: Warhammer is based on the principle of everyone fighting everyone. As such, the world is kept loose, to allow everything to be changed to justify the change. As such, there are a number of points that have incredibly deep lore, but not a world you can really adventure in. 40K had Dwarves, gave them great lore, retgoned their own Dwarves, brought them back without ever acknowledging that they are Dwarves, and then bringing the original space Dwarves back. This time they had a much more well thought out army, but suffered from the tinge of wokeness.
Dragon's Crown: While almost exclusively a combat game, the Dwarf took old-school race-as-class Dwarves and did a fantastic job of them.
Dragon Age: They had an incredibly unique take on Dwarves, some of which I completely disagree with, but still fleshed out in incredible detail. Unfortunately, they seem to be going with the same way that Tokien was, by making everything other than Humans nearing extinction.
Darksiders: The makers are taller than even Nephilim, and literally crafted worlds.
Thor (marvel): Similar to Darksiders, but this time using a star they are stopping from collapsing to craft them.
Arcanum: A fantastic game in theory, a pretty shitty game in practice. Arcanum was the crucible that created my understanding of Dwarves. See, Dwarves in the setting had steam technology, and were only using it to draw water out of a mine. A Human took the technology and created the industrial revolution. Everyone with an interest in Dwarves should play through until you make friends of Magnus.
The most common fantasy race. Surprisingly, Japan is often much closer to the original Elves than the West. Everyone in the West is so intent on deconstructing every - single - fucking thing, that Elves have lost their divine nature. We can probably blame Warhammer for asshole Elves.
Skeleton Knight: Elves are divine and human, and eternal, but age slowly. This very rarely well done in works. The Elves have decade-long discussions about politics, and forget that only 500 years ago doesn't apply to Humans. Their solution to the dangerous world around them was to wall it off and create a paradise. Unlike Tolkien, paradise isn't given to them, but the product of millennia of careful management. They also have very well established combat abilities. Skeleton Knight is one of worlds that does practical magic incredbily well.
Unicorn Overlord: The most extensive Elven nation that might have ever been created. And I don't mean just big, but finely crafted in ever detail. They live at peace with the Fey, and use them to bring themselves prosperity, as they hide from the outer world of warring Human nations. They weave magic into every aspect of their lives, and combat. Another one that does Elven magic combat as completely distinct from that of Humans, and does it fantastically well.
Cynn: Again, my own fantasy world. Elves live so long that they just ignore most of what happened. You have to ask really specific questions. Their long lives have also prevent them from really creating a culture, as the magic running through their bodies causes extends far enough to make sure that equipment carried on their bodies lasts nearly as long as they do.
Warcraft: Not World of Warcraft, but pre-World of Warcraft. WoW is the best and worst thing to ever happen to Warcraft. It put you in the living world, but the most simplistic version of it. And then you get to watch as they torture the lore to have the Blood Elves have gain Paladins by torturing what's basically an angel. Warcraft is one of the first IP's to actually take Tolkien's work and delve into the history of it. This is back from the Long, Long Ago, when video games came with novels worth of gamelore. They created the Kaledorei, Children of the Stars, and turned the original Elves from into the High Born, or Quel'Dorei. They had the highest magickal ability, and used this to claim the magickal might makes right. The Kaledorei are a brilliant use of the Dark Elf trope. Rather than being evil, they were wild. The females worshipped the moon, while them took the form and nature of wild beasts. Combat-wise, as it is WARcraft, afterall, they made the Elves a unique blend that doesn't exist anywhere else.
Warhammer: Single-handedly responsible for the Elves are Assholes deconstruction that we still have to live through.
Gnomes are near and dear to my heart, but I honestly don't like any of their designs.
Lion of Cynn: Yes, again, my own world. I worked hard to account for their disparate nature.
World of Warcraft: Unfortunately, we never truly see Gnomes until WoW. There are a couple of Gnomish units that established them as Tinker Gnomes, but that was it. Which was unfortunately the best Gnomish design. Unfortunately because of how WoW destroyed not just Warcraft, but every - single - thing that Blizzard would go on to produce.
Very common in anime, for one simple reason. Catgirls. Catgirls that are oppressed. Catgirls that the protagonist can legally enslave, and then treat her better than she had ever been treated before to earn her undying loyalty. Unfortunately, because it's Japan, they tend to just have animal ears, and maybe a tail. This does match some descriptions of Youkai in Japan, however. Many of whom could actually transform into a much larger, more monstrous form.
Unicorn Overlord: This establishes the different beastfolk as bloodlines. Each race is unique, into the world and in combat, and perfectly strides the line of animal and man. The characters also pay respect to various mythologies.
Monster Girl Doctor: MonMusu did a lot of research into making the animal girls truly unique, but it's main flaw was a complete lack of a story. This was solved in Monster Girl Doctor by making him a doctor, and as such we ended up with a much more fleshed out world, that has history, weight, and... cute monster girls.
Cat Planet Cuties: A complete parody of the entire history of science fiction with beautiful, soulful characters. The premise is that Earth makes first contact with aliens, and they are cute catgirls, who are in a cold war with cute doggirl aliens. And they act the perfect combination of Human and Cat(girl).
Mushoku Tensei: Mushoku Tensei is the ancestor of most modern Isekai stories. Or, to put it another way, 95% of Isekai stories are a cheap knockoff of it. Every single facet of the world that Mushoku Tensei delves into, it does in fantastic, beautiful, and horrifying detail. And one of the things they did was visit the recent Wolf Girl's tribal home.
Arifureta: One of the only isekai anime to actually... differentiate their Beastfolk. Not just from Humans, but from each other. And, to be honest, Shea is one of my favourite characters of all time in anime.
RWBY Chibi/Fanworks: RWBY gave us a wide variety of Beastfolk in the Faunus, and then did practically nothing with them. To be fair to V1-5 seasons, V1-3 had 3-5min episodes, and 4-5 was resolving the storylines already created. V6+ has no such excuse. But then RWBY Chibi just wanted to have fun. They gave Faunus the traits of their animals, and this encouraged the fans to have even more fun with it than they were already having.
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lucy-dulap · 4 months
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest to?
Minhyeok is 3 years older than Lucy and his big brother is 7 years older than Lucy. So, kind of, but not really. Lucy was an only child before getting adopted so they don't have experience in that front either.
They're closest to Minhyeok to the point that it crosses even codependency. Lucy understands that Minhyeok started seeing them as a burden once he got into highschool, but they keep clinging to him because he's the only one they have.
2. What was your character's relationship with their mother like?
Lucy was quite young when their parents died, but even when they were alive Lucy didn't have the best relationship with them. They were in a legal dispute over their house and they didn't have that much time to spend with Lucy.
Their mother was disappointed that Lucy wasn't more feminine and she would constantly tell emberassing stories about Lucy while they were there.
The only found memory they have of their mom is her painting eggs for Easter and teaching them how to do it.
3. What was your character's relationship with their father like?
Same as above. The problem with their father was that he had anger issues and would constantly throw tantrums if things didn't work out or if he percieved any sort of disobedience from Lucy.
The found memory they have of him is them playing with their toys with their father. He would usually get bored and leave a few minutes in, but during those moments Lucy felt happy.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamently changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
The death of their parents. I'll probably write a full fic about it, but the gist of it is that Lucy felt compeled to wake up and walk to the hallway where they saw their parents getting killed as they came back home.
The entire Kim family knows about it and that's why they took Lucy under their care instantly after the event. Lucy stopped being themselves once their parents died and they've tried to take their own life constantly. That's why the house is still baby proofed even though no babies are inside.
5. On an avarage day, what can be found in your character's pockets?
Old cupons, postit notes, reciets. They don't keep a lot in their pockets since they usually wear clothes that don't have them or that aren't large enough to hold anything but their thumb.
6. Does your character have reccuring themes in their dreams?
Pokémon competitive stratagies. They do them so often that their brain, even in sleep, desires to do damage calculations. They have woken up on multiple instances to write down EV spreads in the notebook they keep by their bed for these situations. Also floating for some reason. Like when in Minecraft you jump and stay in the air while on creative mode type of levitation.
7. Does your character have reccuring themes in their nightmares?
Minhyeok abandoning them or being angry with them or dissapearing from the face of the planet. The mere thought of it scares them, but the last thing they want to do is disappoint Minhyeok more than they already have. The dreams usually get almost narrated to them by a voice they've never heard and the message at the end is always that they should kill themselves to end everyones suffering and pay their dept to their parents.
It's Gabriel. He can't kill a kid, but he can try to make them kill themselves by distroying their psyche.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Minhyeok doesn't let them near small scissors and plastic knives, much less and actual weapon. They never fired a gun and they never will because Lucy knows that you don't need a firearm to cause ireversable injuries in people. They just need to get attached to that person and the bad luck will come without them having to pull the trigger.
9. Is your character's socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
They were born upper middle class and now they are still upper middle class. Lucy's still scared as fuck that they won't be able to afford food in the future though.
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing or less clothing?
As much clothing as possible. I'm talking hoodie over sweater over long sleeved shirt. Lucy is very self conscious about every part of their body in different ways and they would rather be seen as ugly than have someone show interest in them for them to be disappointed by Lucy's body.
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alarrytale · 5 months
my biggest grief with the larry denial is that it puts louis in the spotlight, but not for the right reasons. when he talks music and his thoughts on the industry and his other projects and what he likes and dislikes and when he’s his silly self onstage and with fans and when he’s soft and flamboyant and yes sarcastic and funny and just louis, that’s when he’s his best. that’s the louis we know. he’s so much more than his relationship with harry, but well, many people are more interested in reading some quick cheap gossip than what this musician has to say about his career experiences. i want to be optimistic and think this is the end of the denials, at least the harsh ones, as it’s being spread like wildfire and his wording looked final. i want louis to succeed, and i’m not really talking about taylor swift or harry levels of fame, but just have a good stable career with his own accomplishments and being a respectable name. while i think he’s getting there slowly, many times his team has lacked and i’m afraid that if this pattern continues he will be stuck forever. but well, as i said i’m optimistic and i’ll keep supporting louis because i know he has the ability to get far
Hi, anon!
It's difficult for him, that's for sure. He is a musician, a songwriter, has a fashion company, he's touring and he's got his own festival. The problem is that his artist image is so fake that no matter what you ask him about you won't get a straight answer out of him. You ask him who his inspiration is, you'll get a rehearsed answer that is in line with this fake laddy and indie image. You ask him about his documentary and he'll answer it's 110% authentic, when we all know it's not. You ask him about his career experiences and you'll get a fluffy answer, because he isn't allowed to talk about the abuse, manipulation and the dark sides of the industry that he's experienced. People are able to recognise that he isn't being genuine and authentic, so they don't tune in. He needs attention on him to be able to sell tour tickets and festival tickets. The one thing that's guaranteed to give him said attention is larry.
I would love to see Louis being himself fully, like you said his silly self, sarcastic, funny, flamboyant and soft. He hardly ever get to show those sides of himself because of the image he needs to uphold. Those are also sides that will show he's an interesting person and attract an audience without having to pull the larry card to get attention.
As long as he isn't in a postition where he can be himself he'll only attract those type of fans who knows he isn't being himself and knows the reasons why he can't be. To other people he looks like someone who either needs to drop H's name to get attention, an absent father, a boybander who wants to be an indie artist for male validation, a homophobe and someone who's fans irritate him. That's not good at all. They don't get to see those sides of him that makes being a fan worth the gaslighting, lies and lash outs.
I'm happy you're optimistic. But i think as long as he has this image among the gp, he'll face an uphill battle. The gp who didn’t previously know of him will now know him as the artist who's rumoured to be in a relationship with Harry Styles. People know Harry Styles, so that makes them curious about Louis. If they do some research and check him out they'll no doubt become larries if they decide to stan him. Because of his image i don't think Louis is able to have gp fans or casual fans. His fake image is too repellant to them. You need to look past the surface to find him likeable, interesting and a good guy.
There is no way forward for him with this current image i'm afraid. The only way forward is for him to be allowed to be freely himself, and that would entail coming out and reveal his relationship with Harry. After a few years as an out artist the novelty of larry would wear off in the gp and he'd be able to build a broad fanbase who is fan of him for different reasons, like his music and artistry, and not only larry. He'd be able to build some independence then.
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cbsxreader · 2 years
Cbs proposal headcanons?
My brain keeps going to that scene Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (10/10) Movie CLIP - Will You Marry Me? (2004)
Ok so, I'm not going to write it exactly like the scene bc that would be plagarism, but I'll take some inspiration from it instead
Proposal headcanons
Definetly loses sleep during nights once he realizes that he wants to marry you.
Not in a bad way, he's just thinking about how he's come so far in a relationship, that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
Even asks Christian Pure Spy what he should do. But Spy instead tells him he needs to plan it all by himself, if he wants it to be unforgetable.
Christian recounts everything he knows about you and settles for a ring that represents you (strong and bold / delicate and gentle etc.)
After a nice crime spree, he drags you to a spot with a nice view. Sitting in the soft green grass, you watch as the sun heads towards the horizon.
Catching his breath, Christian rehearses what he wanted to say in his head and got ready.
You look at him and the sudden eye contact makes him forget what he wanted to say next.
"Oi..um..wanted to ask you somethin'.."
"Let me guess, it's "Will you marry me?"" You jokingly ask with a smirk.
Christian's face softens and he goes quiet, a blush spreading across his cheeks.
"...it is?" You ask him.
He just averts his eyes to the ground, his blush becoming darker.
"It is "Will you marry me?" Isn't it!?" You say inbetween chuckles.
"Of course it is!" He snaps back, lightly chuckling himself. "Oi had a whole thing planned, where oi would compliment your hands and then tell you they would look better with a ring on one finger!"
Once you both stop giggling, you speak up again: "Wait, wait, wait..let's do it properly!"
"Go on, get on one knee and I'll stand up."
Once you get into postition, Christian pours his heart out and you want to say yes to him then and there.
He takes out the square box from his pocket and opens it in front of you.
"Will you marry me?"
You say yes and tackle him to the ground.
It knocks the wind out of Christian, but he is too happy to care.
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Motivational words for Artists
On a separate discord I am on, We were coming up with important things to say to struggling artists... I just wanted to share some of the fantastic positivity I see there! <3 
 -Never put your own art down or try and compare it to others. This will only discourage you and demotivate your drive to practice and get better 
-Draw Draw Draw!! Doesn't Matter what, Just do it! 
-Believe in yourself! Nobody does art quite the way you do! 
 -It doesn't matter if you draw on a napkin for 2 minutes, Draw at least 1 thing every day to improve your art game and keep you practicing~ Make it a goal to never miss a day and you will see yourself honing your skills in no time! 
-It's not about who's better! We're all just here to show what we create!  Don't compare yourself to others, your work is very good!
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shortcgke · 2 years
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Light Yagami || Tutor
Degrading !!
1437 word count
smut level: 9/10
Light Yagami sat at home, studying and planning the new world."Wanna come over?" he asked me over face time. He was tutoring me, but I just wasn't getting it. "I'm sure it will be easier in person..."
I agreed. I arrived at his house in less than half an hour. When I saw he was home alone, my heart thumped anxiously.
"Come in, " he greeted me. I noticed he was still wearing his white school button up and tie, but some buttons were undone so that you could see his collar bone. He led me to his room and I couldn't help admiring his slim, toned back.
"Alright," he said as he shut the door, "you can take a seat at my desk."
I pulled my school books out and got situated. I felt his strong presence behind me and smelled his minty cologne. I shivered when I felt his breath upon my ear.
"Oh, I'm sorry, is it too cold?" Light chuckled, knowing that wasn't the case.
I cleared my throat and flipped to my desired page. "We left off on this page, right?"
"Yes," he said. I began working out the problem, but I got stuck on the 2nd formula. I heard a sigh in response when I asked about it.
He explained to me. I turned to face him as he talked and noticed his strong jawline and slightly teased, long hair. His Adam's apple bobbed slightly.
"Got it?" no, I was distracted by your hotness.
"I think so," I lied. When I tried to work on it, though, he saw I was struggling.
"Let me help," he whispered. His hands grazed over mine as he took my pencil and began working out the problem. His defined hands wrote quickly and in no time was he done.
He dropped the pencil and I looked up at him in awe."See? That easy."
I blushed as his dark eyes met mine. "You can't be that dumb, can you?"
I was taken aback by his words. He spun my chair around to face him, and kneeled.
"W-what?" I asked.
"I have an idea," he said, reaching up to twirl a strand of my hair.
"How about for every question you get wrong, you take a piece of clothing off?"
My cheeks burned a bright red. "We- That's not what we're supposed to be doing, "
"Shy, huh? That's okay; I'll help you out." He grabbed the paper I was working on and clicked his tongue.
"Looks like your shirt has to go. Here, I'll even do the same."
My eyes widened as his hands creeped towards my chest. "Don't tell me you don't want it..?" He pulled off his tie and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt. A thin, toned chest was revealed. Just as his hand met the collar of my blouse, it was retracted.
"N-no... I want it."
I grabbed his hand and held it to my breast. He lifted my chin to meet his eyes and laughed. "You're pathetic." His lips met mine and they tugged back and forth, like chewing the same piece of bubblegum. His hand held my jaw, guiding it as our lips danced in lust. This kiss got hotter and deeper, and warm sensations spread through both of our bodies.
I was kissing Light Yagami. Oh my God... I was kissing the hottest boy in school.
He pulled away, a thin rope of saliva still attaching us. His skilled hands quickly unbuttoned my shirt. I pulled it off as he pressed his lips against mine once more.
Light pulled me onto his lap and backed up onto the bed. I postitioned myself on his lap, grinding as I twisted my hands through his dark hair. He ran his fingers up my sides, igniting shivers throughout my body. Light pulled me closer, hugging my waist, and kissing harder. I rolled my hips over his groin, feeling the bulge grow larger underneath me despite fabric separating us. He sighed and grabbed my hair, pulling our lips apart.
"If you're so hungry, get on your fucking knees." I pulled off of him with a quiet "Okay". I sat on the floor and unbuckled his pants, sliding them off. His boxers remained, hugging a warm bulge. I grazed my fingers over them in disbelief. He really was perfect. He exhaled. "Dont tease me, Y/n."
I extracted his warm cock and pulled it towards my lips. I gingerly licked the tip and he sighed, reaching to grab my hair. He pulled it away from my face as I began to swirl my tongue around the head. My tongue slowly drifted around his shaft, up and down, and he groaned. "Take it in, slut." I smiled and held his shaft, slowly sliding up and down. I then opened wide and slid it inside my mouth, bathing his hard member in saliva. My tongue wrapped around him as I bobbed up and down, taking it all in. He groaned my name, pushing my head down more, until I was swallowing every bit of him. I was draining the exotic juices from Light Yagami. Sweet, savory. I kept sucking, aiming to see his eyes close in pleasure. Finally I pulled off, gasping for air. Thick saliva hung from my tongue mixed with his taste.
"Come here, slut," he demanded. I walked over and he gazed at me with lust. His cat eyes burned with hunger. In one swift movement, my bra was undone and it fell to the floor. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. The kiss was hot and demanding, and he kissed his way down my neck. Dark marks were sure to be found. His soft lips grazed my collarbones. I moaned his name and laid down on his bed. He positioned himself over me, kissing his way down my body. I palmed at his warm dick, throbbing to be inside of me. A warm substance pooled in my panties. As he caressed my breast, I felt my insides burn with lust. He continued to grow under me, and I moaned in anticipation. "Light, I need you."
He whispered in my ear "Open your fucking legs." My cheeks turned red and I obeyed. He slid my pink satin underwear off and a shiny, clean shaven pussy awaited. He rolled my skirt up and I closed my eyes, drawing in a breath. He was all I needed and I could hardly bare it anymore. he positioned his cock at my pussy lips. He stayed for a minute, sliding up and down the entrance. "I want you to beg for me," he whispered. I squeezed my eyes shut then looked aside, cheeks glowing red. He positioned it on my clit. "Beg for me, slut."
"I need you, Light. Fill me with your cum." He laughed and said, "good girl". He entered my tight walls, sliding into a warm, wet pocket. I felt his warm presence inside of me, filling up my desire. He slid in and out, and I whimpered, my innocence stripped away as he thrusted harder and deeper. My pussy walls gripped his member, mixing our wet fluids together, igniting pure pleasure. He grabbed my tits, fucking harder and deeper each thrust. I moaned his name. His cock was hitting every inch of me and yet I still craved more. He pulled out and I gasped.
"Turn around," he ordered. I flipped and felt his lustful gaze. He slapped my ass and muttered a curse word. He slid in from behind, my pussy gripping him in different ways. I moaned as he entered and began thrusting in and out, slapping my ass. "Fuck me harder." He slid in and out until we couldn't bare it.
Light flipped me over to a missionary position again. He thrusted in while sucking on the sweet spot on my neck. My nails scratched at his back, the feeling too much to resist. Lights small breaths hit my ear, and the sensation was heavenly. Finally I moaned and my walls clenched, gripping his hot cock as his thrusts got sloppy. "Fuck, im cumming." He breathed, thrusting himself all the way into me and hitting the spot that could never be reached on my own. I felt him twitch as cum was ejected into my cervix. I felt him fill me up, and I moaned his name one last time. He pulled out to let the hot, creamy mixture slide out of my hot cunt.
"I hope you learned a thing or two."
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*excited hand flapping* hello, I don’t believe we’ve interacted much but you seem like a really sweet person and I love your blog (aesthetic is *chef’s kiss*) and writing and I’m super happy to hear about your blog’s anniversary!
If I may please ask for a wheel spin with Kid and Zoro (crossing fingers for possible threesome because there’s none of these two and yes I know Kid will be chosen first if not) with afab!reader?
All I ask is if it’s author’s choice that there’s no watersports or scat, I’m literally cool with anything else, I don’t think I saw anything about those in your rules and if there is my memory is terrible and I’m writing this on mobile so 😓
But again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 🎊🎉🥳🎉🎊
Hello babes!!!! Aww shucks thank you so much *hiding blushing face*!! Your so sweet loves! Of course I can do this for you. So it landed on masturbation! Thank you so much for the request my love! I hope you enjoy! TW: masturbation, fingering, slight oral sex , dirty talking, 69 postition WC:630
Kid x Afab reader: Keep it up, I dare you N/SWF
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“What are you trying to start _____?” with a rouged tone Kid watched your fingers trail down lower and lower underneath his boxers. His hand was resting behind his back and he was trying to unwind after being busy all day. Wearing his dark red briefs you could feel his semi hardened cock on the tip of your fingers. “Nothing.” you responded in a playful tone. “You have been working so hard all day, let me help you relax.” Your hand wrapped around his cock, hearing a small hiss come from his lips. His eyes narrowed at you before they traveled to his briefs. He couldn’t see you pumping his cock but seen the movement in his briefs. Lifting his lower pelvis up you slide his briefs down then continue to pump his cock. “You will be the one to clean up this mess every single drop of it.” “Unlike you, I know how to clean my messes.” You responded to him giving him a cocky smile. “Always have to have a smartass remark.” Kid grabbing you by your hand as you released his cock. In one quick motion he placed you on top of his reverse. You were eye level with his girthy cock, You could feel your underwear being pushed to the side. His thick finger pressing between your swollen lips was sending chills down your spin, letting out a shallow moan. “No one told you to stop.” he said in a grusk voice as you could feel his finger sliding into your warm slippery cunt. You fingers grasping once again around the base of his cock as you began to stroke him once again. Kid watched as his finger started to become more coated with your juices. Turning him on with just a few pumps inside your cunt you became so easily wet. Kid sliding different fingers one at a time. You could see the bit of pre-cum that was coming out each time you were pumping his cock. You couldn’t help but drag your tongue on the tip of his sensitive cock. You could feel his cock pulsate in your grasp as he let out a sharp breath. “Oh shit~~~” you could feel the tingling sensation of the first contact he made with your cunt with his tongue. His fingers spread your wet lip and he got a view of your clit. Every time he made contact with your clit you couldn’t help but squirm. This annoyed the Kid  as he let out a gruff sigh. “Stop moving around like that dammit!.” “Well your making it fucking hard when you play with me like that.” you responded with your answer to him. You were going to fuck with him the same way he was fucking with you. Spitting on his cock your hands began to coat your saliva  all over it. Your thumb rubbing the tip of  his cock. You could hear how he was cursing underneath his breath, his voice a bit strained even though you couldn't see his face, you could tell he was gritting his teeth together.  Your hand easily gliding up and down his cock . “You are a fucking tease _______.” Kid lips curled up. He loved how you always taunted him because he loved a good challenge. All of this turned him on way more, his thumb  stimulating your clit more and more the moans becoming more untamed the faster he rubbed your clit. “You like fucking teasing me. Keep it up I dare you too.” he challenged you. “Oh babe you have no fucking idea what I’m capable of.” your voice becomes a bit more seductive. “But I accept your challenge.” “Big fucking talk for someone who is dripping wet but lets see ______.”
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junesstudies-blog · 7 years
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30 nov | 0828 30 nov last day of the month and last month of 2017 will come D: I haven't organise my desk and I'm on a hiatus shortly after 😒💦 I bought this new bujo from muji and this Spread is my first which looks messy 🙈
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bloody-vino · 3 years
Reiner x Fem!reader NSFW
Reiner and you have been dating for over a year now, and your 18th birthday is coming up. He's always wanted to make this one special and decided maybe getting intimate with each other might be the best idea. He goes around asking for tips from Bertholdt, Porco and even Zeke as they are more experienced. Losing virginities was never a joke for this man, he knows its a big occasion. Reiner even awkwardly approached Annie and Pieck about this topic to understand more about female pleasure. After collecting all the information he feels somewhat confident in how and what to do and gets down to preparations.
Your 18th birthday party is held in a small booked Air bnb with a huge cake and balloons everywhere. All your friends attended, his too, everyone was chatting around except Reiner. He stands alone, close to you and mildly sweating from the anxiety of knowing he needs to have sex later. Once the party is over at about 10pm everyone begins to leave and Reiner personally bids everyone a goodbye trying his best to hide the nerves. You are completely unaware of this plan of his and begin packing up as well, after all you had a curfew and your parents were extremely strict. Reiner sees you leaving and hurriedly blocks the entrance with his body. You are surprised by this action, you look into his eyes and take a step back not understanding the situation. Reiner takes a step towards you and asks you to stay back for just 2 hours more. You dont see at a problem after all you are 18 and allowed to take atleast some liberties. You give in to him entirely and wait for instructions still not entirely sure about what is about to happen. Reiner holds your hand and slowly brings you to the master bedroom of the apartment, which he had taken the pains to properly clean, arranged a towel, he even made the bed properly and got an extra pair of clothes. Finally you got a grasp of the upcoming events and your heart suddenly starts beating fast.
Standing at the foot of the bed facing each other, Reiner takes his hands and places them on your shoulders. Slowly sliding them to your back and pulling the zipper of your dress down, he then pulls it off as it drops to your ankles. You are now exposed to him only in your bra and panties. Reiner takes a step back to take in the view, his erection clearly visible through his pants. He instantly realises this action may make you feel extremely vulnerable so he quickly looks into your eyes and no where else. He unbuttons his own shirt and takes it off, he's still unsure about your reaction so he pauses before taking off his pants. He uses his hands to carress your curves and then firmly placing his hands on your ass pulling you closer to his bare chest. He feels your stomach and cleavage push against him. He asks you "Are you okay with this?", youre already in ecstasy you manage to moan out a very very soft "yes". He asks you to lay down on the bed, but before you do, you take off your undergarments stripping down to nothing. You lay on your back and he can see every inch of you. He cant take his eyes off your beautiful vagina, its all so new to him. The wind is blowing through the open windows and you have the view of the whole city from the 50th floor apartment. He unbuttons his black pants and takes them off along with his briefs, keeping them on the side. You are looking at his penis while laying down, you feel so wet. Being inexperienced in sex you are not sure how its going to happen or what that tingly sensation in your clit is. Reiner gets on the bed and is now above you and between your legs. More than his dick your are marvelling his huge stature, his muscles are so strong and his chest so sculpted against your body. He has blonde hair leading from his belly button down to his blonde pubes, which are glowing golden from the city lights reflecting onto your bodies. This man is so handsome and hes so close to you.
Reiner holds his pink tip against your entrance and whispers in your ear "I am going to enter tell me if you feel uncomfortable, i promise i'll instantly stop". You look at him and nod a yes with a furrow on your brows out of fear. He begins kissing you and pushing his dick slowly inside you, your vagina clenches out of fear. It begins to hurt a bit as if a knife is jabbing through your hole. You let out a painful wail and Reiner freezes in position. He looks down at you worriedly, "Is everything okay? what happened? im so sorry." You have tears in your eyes and seem very unsure. He realises you need preparation something he had read about earlier. Reiner uses one finger and slowly massages your clit, making you feel very heated, you vagina starts feeling more relaxed, as he continues rubbing and your walls are aching for something to be inserted. After a few moments you feel like a huge build up but Reiner doesnt let you orgasm, instead he slowly slides his thick hard cock through your now swollen pussy lips. You hold the back of his shoulders and gently push your hips inwards towards his, trying to take his size. He takes it as reafirmation to continue, he adjusts his pace and slows down for you to take charge. You never did this before so your vaginal walls were mildly hurting during sex. Once Reiner was inside you all the way to his base, you could feel his balls against you, he instantly feels a jolt of pleasure in his chest. He slides his hand to your lower back between you and the bed. Using his hand to adjust your hips at the perfect angle for him to thrust in and out. He finally starts moving his hips very slowly, causing him to grunt loudly. For some reason hearing him like this caused you to feel warm butterflies rise up in your chest. You slid down your hands from his shoulders to his hips, giving a slight shy nudge indicating him consent to go faster. Reiner instantly started thrusting faster and the pounding sound echoed through the apartment. You both were already breathing heavy but as he caught speed you let out loud moans. Your breasts bounce up and down as Reiner thrusts, he cant take his eyes off them, he leans in to lick your nipples and suck on them while he repeatedly fucks you.
As a few minutes passed Reiner had his eyes closed while pounding focusing all his energy on not orgasming because of your tight wetness. Between thrusts and moans you noticed this and cupped his face, he opened his eyes and caught yours. His speed decreasing and now with soft movements of his cock going in and out, he leans in to kiss your lips, making out while slowly taking you to the brink. After a bit when he felt the muscles in his thighs tighten and the sensitivity of the tip of his cock increased he pulled his lips away and held your legs up to his shoulders in missionary postition. He thrusted hard and fast, pulling out his whole 8 inches dick and thrusting it back in all the way to the base. His balls heavily clapping against you. As his feeling got more intense he was on top of you with your legs on his shoulders, you were folded beneath him, his face again close to you. He was sweating and his blonde hair now long and messy over his forehead. His grip so tight on your thighs that now it was turning red, you were also reaching your peak "Reiner ahh, p-please, just like that". A few more sloppy fast thrusts and Reiner pushed himself inside you as much as he could, to release his hot semen. You let out a huge gasp and the intense contraction in your thighs and lower abdomen moved to your vaginal walls and suddenly your body aching to burst, you orgasmed.
Reiner finally let go of your thighs and collapsed on top of you. You could feel the entirety of his sweaty body against yours. Your breasts pressing against him again, you could feel his now semi hard cock against the inside of your thigh as it spilt out of your hole. You used your hand to carress his hair back from his forehead, they were slicked back with sweat now. He managed to muster the strength to sit up and give you kisses on your cheeks and lips "Thank you, thank you so much for letting me close to you and your beautiful body. I love you" You kissed him back on his lips and the tip of his nose "Reiner that was amazing, you were the best present i could have recieved on my birthday". With this Reiner got up and scooped you over his shoulder and into the bathroom to wash up.
This man was prepared. The bathroom was decorated with candles, rose petals and lavender incense. He switched on the hot water and you both stood under the running water naked. Your hands against his chest and his on your waist. The water ran down cooling you both down from the heated sex, he slowly kissed your forehead and took some body wash and massaged your body, as if to relieve the tension and ache from having sex for the first time. You reached out for the body wash and massaged his back and hard chest too, you just wanted to feel him once again, you craved touching his body again and again. He held you close and both of you acheing to make out and fuck in the shower again, but time was limiting and your vagina still sore from accomodating his length. Once the water washed the soap away you both dried up with a towel, but before you wore your clothes Reiner whipped out a tube and asked you to lay down with legs spread. You trusted Reiner with your life so without questioning you followed. He took some cream onto his finger and slowly applied towards the outside of your entrance, and then used his finger to apply deep within you as well, swirling his finger inside you making sure to coat every inch of your hole, "This ointment, i got it from the doctor beforehand, it helps ease the pain and soreness post sex, i know youre hurting there". You sat up with slight tears in your eyes, shocked by the amount of care and love this man had for you "Reiner thank you for loving me like this", wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him for a hug, you both fell on the bed without clothes just embracing each other and cuddling while looking a the city lights together.
Reiner had his eyes closed and was softly breathing drifting off to sleep, his hair slightly wet from the shower still slicked back, and his alabaster skin reflecting soft light coming from the window. His dick was visible resting against him, his abs moving up and down as he was breathing. He was yours, a sight to behold. You slowly shook him awake and he used his sculpted arms to sit up. He knew it was time for you to go home. Both of you wore clothes and cleaned up the mess. Finally at the gate you looked back at the Air bnb, you didnt know why but you felt a very slight sorrow about leaving the place where Reiner and you became one for the very first time. Reiner put his hand on your cheek and pulled your face to face him. "Ill see you this weekend over at my place?" You gave him a big innocent smile while nodding your head. With that he locked the door and dropped you back at your house.
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alarrytale · 1 year
Why do you think ’holivia’ worked so differently for H and Olivia? H really became a+ celebrity during this stunt, he’s so popular that many celebrities and influencers went to his concerts for clout, so they have smth to post on sm or talk about on some talkshow, it’s cool and trendy, i don’t even think most of them enjoy his music. Olivia otherwise struggles with getting new projects. there was even a blind last year saying that even though she’s now very famous ppl still are not willing to pay money to see her on the screen, that’s why nobody dares to risk and hire her for big projects
Hi, anon!
For so many reasons. As for O. Lying for one aka the whole Shia thing. He really threw her under the bus. It takes a lot for people to side with him, but people did. Secondly, she chose H for his willingness to stunt, not for his talents. She also got on Florence's bad side by spreading lies and gossip as movie promo. The whole thing with Jason too. Airing their dirty laundry in public. The nanny thing too. And self inserting herself into the movie. And the blind items about her being a shit director. And the fake feminism. O and her schemes screams of insecurity in her own talent. Dwd didn’t do well despite the public spectacle sourrounding it. Why would you hire a director who can't direct and get along with the star cast? Why would you hire her when she can't execute a working promo strategy that will get people to the cinema? Why would you hire a director (or actress) who is now 'cancelled' and comes with a bad rap?
As for Harry. He's got forgiving fans. He was also the younger one here and she was in a postition of power over him. He's so revered by everyone, and nice behind the camera, that she took most of the fall. Many know he's gay, and that's part of why he was involved with her. He had a good excuse, she didn’t. If Florence had gone after H instead of O, for the rumours, i think he'd be in trouble. He did get in trouble for the blabbering in Venice. He was made fun of and it turned into a meme. Spitgate too could have been much worse. He was playing with fire and that's why i think he looked so pissed in the end there. He came out on top, but not without a scratch i reckon.
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seasalt-stdies-blog · 7 years
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11.24.17 // happy thanksgiving! • Ik I’m a day late but hAPPY THANKSGIVING! I don’t celebrate thins being Mexican and all lol but I am v grateful to you, my followers, ty for giving my posts all the love and for just being such gr8 ppl^^ hope you all have a good day^^~ Much love💫 - QOTD: manga or anime?🎏 ANW: depends but usually anime🎎 • • • • • • #mine #seasaltstdies #bujo #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #journaling #yellow #weeklyspread #spread #stars #wannaone #baejinyoung #jinyoung #tekwritergelpens #tombowdualbrushpens #paperclips #stickynotes #postit #washi #washitape #pretty #creative
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
The pet´s party from Sann´s POV
So, I love writing from Sann´s point of view because it´s all so wildly different for him from Albus position. And thought “HEY, it would be cool to write The pet´s party, from Sann´s point of view!” and so, I did. Hope you like it!
Taglist: @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @giggly-evil-puppy @cowboysrappin @haro-whumps @burtlederp @neuro-whump @comfortforthepain @whumps-the-word @whole-and-apart-and-between @broken-horn @ashintheairlikesnow @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @as-a-matter-of-whump  @grizzlie70  @twistedcaretaker @rosesareviolentlyread @whumpasaurus101
TW// dehumanization, slavery, noncon drug use, dub con, burning, torture, food mention, abuse, non con touching, conditioning, public humilliation, alcohol, Insulting language. Some N*SFW at some points.
Sann´s hair mussed up when the hood was taken off with a swift pull. Maybe a bit harsh as he stumbled on his feet as Robert sat him on the bed.
Sann noticed it was already night outside. He had stayed tied inside the closet for a whole day? No wonder his stomach was growling so loud. The thought of Robert giving him food and petting his hair passed through his head like an intoxicating placebo. Last time someone had fed him was the cook. He had made him eat off it with his hands in a corner like a feral animal.
“No touching my soup, understood?” The man snarled, tugging on the ring of his collar. Afraid eyes stared back at him. “I´m not gonna lose my job because I had to discipline a pampered pet again” he threw him to the floor with a scuff, Sann straightened up to energically nod and moved his lips to form grateful words as the man served him the scraps into a bowl.
When the man was gone, Sann passed his fingers over the burn mark on his wrist as he kept on eating. Back on December, he had turned the stove off when it was overflowing and the man thought he had caught him trying to steal food. Robert had only looked when he pressed his wrist against the hot metal of the pot. 
A pitiful sob escaped his lips as he took another bite. Remembering the cream Zarai rubbed on it when he stayed at her home back on Christmas. It had felt nice. As it had been each and every single one of the very few times his master dragged him to the woman´s house. 
Albus carefulness and cheerful attitude as he secretly tended to some of his injuries, made a smile appear on his bruised face.
He felt safe when he was with them.
At least with them he wasn´t thrown into closets for a full day for the simple crime of having the face he had.
For a moment the band playing outside distracted him from Robert´s tight grip on his wrists as he worked a rope between them. A little whine came out as he made the knot way too tight, but the man didn´t care. When Robert let go, Sann tried to rub his wrists a bit against his inner leg, to put his best face, but the man ignored him.
“Be patient my little whore. I got you a little present tonight” he said lifting his chin and brushing a thumb over his lips. Sann sneaked a quick peck on them before he threw him to a side. Sann´s reflexes were quick enough to avoid him falling off the bed.
Robert walked to the pot on the drawer right below Albus´s paint and took out a small bottle. His steps were heavy and his eyes bloodshot red. He was high. Sann held the urge to paddle back into a corner. If his master was usually aggressive, when he was high he was even worse.
Robert opened up the bottle and drank it after rubbing some into his lips. Then he walked to Sann and seized his hair, just to slam his lips together. Sann gave in to the kiss and pressed harder, a bit of his anxiety wearing off. However, Robert spit the liquid into his mouth and pulled away, shutting his mouth with his hand.
“Swallow” Sann´s eyes widened “Swallow” he repeated on a tone that promised nothing good if it wasn´t obeyed. Sann swallowed and gasped for air when the man let him go. Wiping off his lips with his shirt and then reaching to a glass of water. Drinking it whole to spit it out back on it.
After a few seconds the effect hit him. Hard. His head felt puffy and heavy. Making it fall to a side as he tried to balance himself. Failing miserably, he fell on the bed, his body growing hotter and hotter.
He didn´t even notice Robert had put the leash on him until he was forced up by it. A little groan came out and Robert tugged it harder. Lifting him up the bed and forcing him to stand when the collar bit on his skin.
“Now, you´ve been such a good boy. I´m gonna show you something good” he said swiping out his phone. It was some photos of a tied up albino. Maybe a box boy as well, as the positions were fairly similar to the ones romantics did. Sann looked closer. An albino… he was taken aaback when he recognized Albus. Guilty of the sudden peak on his pants, he looked up to his master´s grin “Quite erotic, aint it? You two have a lot in common! Both are whores on request” he laughed.
Sann shook his head. He remembered Albus telling him he was a platonic. He wouldn´t lie to him. Sann tried to remember more but his mind muddled. The maddening blaze under his shorts reminding him how urgently he needed to be taken care of. A moan escaped his lips when Robert passed his hand right over the sensitive spot. So deliciously cool his bound hands gripped on the man´s shirt.
“You want him don´t you?” The man whispered into his ear making Sann´s heart stop “You want him to touch you like this…” Sann pulled his head back in a breathy wheeze as his master pulled on his pierced nipples and rubbed his hand against the inner part of his thigh. Really close to where the fire was worse, teasing over the plastic covering the tip as his mind melted, getting high with how good it felt to be touched again “And hear him say…” Sann could swear he felt the warm hands of the albino over his skin instead of his master´s. The voice that whispered into his ear, the sweet and caring of the other boy “You´re mine”
Sann nodded unconsciously, mind filled with pleasure. Couldn´t say he hadn´t thought about it before. On Zarai´s house when they had laid on the garden and interwined hands. He remembered the albino leaning on to him. But he pulled away at the last second. He regretted now not pulling him closer, ask for permission to seal their lips together. The boy had kissed his hand, his cheek, carefully. He had been so shy and soft, it made him happy. Feverish with the drugs, he imagined the albino going further, grabbing his hair and…
The tug on his leash took him out of his fantasies.
“You want him so much, if he asked you to spread your legs, you would happily offer your holes without even thinking about what I would do to you, wouldn´t you, slut?” If Sann wasn´t so drugged, he would have understood why he shouldn´t have smiled. Mistaking the sweet tone of his master for praise. Not getting any clearer as he brushed a thumb over his cheek. Hazy eyes stared at him drunk in the affection “It´s alright. You two look so cute dancing in my hand. So dumbly oblivious...” Robert tucked some of Sann´s caramel hair behind his ear and pulled him closer, noses touching “Put your butt out for him and keep playing, yes? My sweet little slut…”
Sann blinked, trying to nod, not knowing he was being dragged out of the room by a servant. Noticing the crowd only when hands started raining down on him. He thought it was another one of those parties Jefferson and Robert held. But when he felt a sharp pull on his neck that brought him to his knees, and saw Albus in the distance calling for him, he discarded it.
“Albus!” his mind went, making him gather enough energy to lift himself up, but failing to stand.
He heard laughs, so loud it drilled on his ears. Everything was a blur of unbearable heat. If he wanted someone in specific to take him out of that burning inferno his body needed someone else to freeze, it was Albus.
He didn´t hear what Robert was saying, nor put the effort to understand him, but he felt such a relief when he put his hand out for him to lean on. Thanked him with a kiss on the wrist, before he was pulled up and shown around. Just to drop down again dry. The sudden change, made him dizzier.
“Don´t be shy, please” he told himself as he saw him walking on his direction. “Don´t hold back. I want you”
“Postition 28″ Robert´s voice echoed on his head. His body moved with the invisible strings he loved pulling whenever.
“See? I´ll be good. I´ll show you...”
Sann only lifted his head up when he felt another pull on his collar. His eyes fell on Albus. He didn´t look happy… Sann followed him with his eyes to where Robert was, watched him stand there for a second before his master ruffled his hair and then walked to him.
He shifted on his knees unable to hold his excitement, almost letting a moan out when the boy´s coat covered his back. With a sheepish smile on his lips, Albus cupped his face.
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes” he thought to himself as he kissed his hand and wrist. Wondering if that would please him. It didn´t seem to, as he backed away with a horrified face. Sann let him untie his wrists. Red marks telling how tight it was. He would show him he could do better then.
He jumped on him, arms falling over his shoulders as he pressed their lips together. Using the technique from the facility that would assure his master´s pleasure, but Albus threw him off him and covered his mouth with his hand, flushed red.
“He didn´t like it?” he thought, letting out a sad whine.
When he cupped his face again, he was thinking on how to please him. Something that would make him happy… 
“Look at me. C´mon Sann, look at me” 
He obeyed and look into his eyes.  Sann was desperately trying to think of something that kept the cool hands on his skin, trying to hold back the tears prickling behind his eyes  “You´re drugged. This is not what you want to do. Not like this”  
Sann didn´t understand his words. He tapped on his thigh, going up slowly. But he only gripped his wrist tight.
“No, Sann” he said pulling his hand down.
He was running out of ideas, and the blaze was coming back. So he leaned on him. Aiming for the mouth, slowly building his way to it. The boy´s smell was so sweet as well. But that only made Albus whip his head to a side. 
Feeling the fire of frustration and anxiety taking over, he grabbed his chin and made him look at him.
He didn´t want it, he needed it. For the first time since he was his Master´s pet, he wanted to kiss the man in front of him. Didn´t he want that too?
They locked eyes and Sann froze. He didn´t know he could make that face. He looked…hurt. 
”Come back, Sann. Please”  He said, trying to hold back tears as hard as he could, his voice breaking slightly in chocked sobs. Leaning on to Sann´s hand while covering it with his own. The cool sensation of a tear dripping into it clearing his mind from the fire “Please, stop…” he heard him say.
It felt like a slap back to reality. 
What was he doing? 
He was trying to make him happy the only way he knew… but that was only making him cry. Albus had always been so kind to him and how was he paying him back? He let him put down his hand, shoving down the uncomfortable feeling of the heat. 
He took a moment to remember, but he pulled his hand up and signed.
“Sorry” he signed sloppily. Albus seemed to cheer up and extend his arms. Inviting him to his chest. He was relieved he hadn´t fucked up enough for him to reject his apology and as the albino wrapped him on his arms, his whole body cooled off. The sensation only became stronger as Albus passed a hand through his hair.
He heard voices, but he was too focused on the sensations to care. Albus suddenly pulled him closer and it felt so good, he purred out of instinct. After a moment, he felt his chest heaving. Struggling to keep a sob down. He pulled his eyes up to see Albus crying. He didn´t know what or why that happened, but he hugged him tighter. Hoping it was comforting like how his hugs were.
It was a blur how he had gotten inside a car, but it was ok. The sky was painted pretty colors and Albus was next to him. The blaze was tolerable now. He felt safe.
He had learnt at the facility Masters were safe, but Albus wasn´t even a master and he was safe. Zarai wasn´t like the other friends of his Master he had to please with his body or with his screaming either.
The handlers were wrong.
He was only safe whenever Master wasn´t around.
Sann felt Albus drop his head on his. He held his hand and squeezed it, putting a smile on his face as they drove to the highway. Away from Robert.
As he caught sight of the last of stars before dawn, he wished, he prayed, he didn´t have to go back to that house.
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soclonely · 3 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ❤️
In a positive mood today so wanted to spread the positivity around ☺️
🥺 Thank you for the postitivity!!
1) I love my idea of relaxation (sitting with the door wide open while its raining on a cool night and enjoying a warm cup of tea)
2) I love how I surround myself with friends who love me and support me, even in times where I don't feel like I am as lovable.
3) My sense of comfort fashion. I will wear sweatpants and my converse up til the day I go to a nursing home and beyond yall!
4) My cooking. I'm doing some deep southern dishes this week for comfort and am so excited
5) My messy ass hair and all of the hairties it has snapped through the years because of how thick and curly it is.
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