cirrus-ghoulette · 1 year
I got tagged in an ask game by @everybodyshusband! Thank you felix ily <3
Are you named after anyone?
Nah, I just chose Bun because it's cute.
When was the last time you cried?
Uhhhhh... I think it's been a while? Two months or so. My gran was in hospital after breaking her hip and having a hip replacement on the same day and I was visiting during my lunch break and I didn't have much time to see her and I was very rushed and uh... Just had a little cry from the stress of it all fkdksnsn
Do you have kids?
God, no. I don't plan to have them either. I have my dogs, Esther and Jinkx, and that's all I need. I'm not good with kids unfortunately.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes! More so irl rather than online. But I'm terrible at telling when people are being sarcastic/pulling my leg.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Um. I'm unsure. Probably their teeth?
What's your eye colour?
Hazel/green depending on how the light hits them.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings! Sometimes I watch films (ie- Moulin Rouge, the Danish Girl) and I stop the film before it gets sad. I've also never watched a single horror film.
Any special talents?
I had a weird gut feeling when Good Omens 2 was filming where I could tell if they were filming on any given day just by gut feeling (and then set photos would come out a few hours later). It was like a That's So Raven moment.
I'm also very very good at tracking down obscure garments made by the company I work for. And spotting garments made by the company in the wild, even if they're many years old. Did you know Secondo is wearing a knockoff of a scarf made by the company I work for in the Uno chapter?
Where were you born?
Just outside Glasgow, Scotland!
Can hyperfixations be classed as hobbies? Apart from that, probably cosplay?
Yes! Jinkx the Romanian Rescue and Esther the Beagle.
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What sports do you play/have you played?
I was an equestrian for most of my teenage years, but I wasn't sporty apart from that. I unfortunately had to stop due to grown up commitments. I was an English rider, specialising in showjumping and working hunter!
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How tall are you?
5'2. Liddol. As tall as Aurora.
Favourite subject in school?
Ahhh... Probably history? In Scotland, the history curriculum is split into Scotland, UK, and the World, so you did a topic from each one of those. I always found the Scotland topics really boring though dksjsnsn
Dream job?
I don't really have one! I quite enjoy the job I do right now. I work in ecommerce customer service for a luxury clothing brand.
Aaaaa I'm terrible at tagging people so uhhhhh @purlty and @sphylor and @mxsinizter but there's no obligation to do it! I just love all your blogs!
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sinkat-arts · 5 months
Semi-professional data-science-y thoughts from a UX designer re: 10% kudos to hits ratio ahead.
tl;dr: As everyone has already said, it's Not Great. Just read the tags and summary to decide if you want to read something.
tl;dr2: ... and I took that personally.
Alright, no one asked for this, but the post of someone saying they only read fics that have 1 kudos per 10 hits is floating around twitter. Since it's part of my job to pay close attention to analytics to evaluate the success of my designs and user flows, I figured I'd just... info dump. It's aggravating that at least one person is out here using a terrible metric based on a misleading piece of data to ignore whole swaths of amazing stories.
"Hits" is raw data, and that's pretty useless! In the case of AO3, it shows any entity accessing the fic, once per 24 hour period (so if you hit a fic 4 times in one day, it'll only count the first time as a "hit". It will restart your count the next day.). It does not weed out junk/irrelevant data. This includes: - People who keep the tab open for weeks at a time so it refreshes when the tab is focused. - People who visit often to reread. - People coming back every time a new chapter is released. - Authors visiting often to reread / edit. - People who were never going to read because they weren't the target audience based on the tags / summary. - Web crawlers. Bots. Etc, etc, and on and on. What you want are good faith hits from your target audience.
You can only leave kudos ONCE, regardless of how many times you visit.
Which means that a better measurement to get accurate conversation would take into consideration only UNIQUE visitors who spent a significant amount of time on the page, indicating that they read at least enough of the fic to indicate that they are actually part of the target demo. THAT'S the number you compare to the number of kudos received. (Note that this is still a bit of a gray area since someone can open the story and just leave it open without reading. Short of looking over someone's shoulder, this is the best you can do... unless AO3 adds heatmaps to our stats page, which I don't see happening any time soon, haaa.)
EVEN IF the data itself were good, a 10% conversion rate is astronomical as a KPI (key performance indicator, a measure of success). So we're clear, a "conversion" is an instance of a person seeing the thing (your fic) and doing what you want them to do (leaving a kudo). Not that you can really compare fic satisfaction to an ecommerce funnel, but your average conversion rate on, say, a marketing splash page is LESS THAN 3%. If you hit 5% on your campaign, you're having a pizza party in the office, guys. And marketing campaigns can be incredibly sophisticated affairs, fueled by massive research efforts, seo work, algorithms based on user behavior and all kinds of creepy ass data collection, etc. Fic promos are... you know. We chuck them up on social media and pray people see them.
So not only are hits as shown in AO3 a very poor metric to calculate conversion, a 10% conversion rate as a MINIMUM bar for entry is just ridiculous.
Clearly, I've thought about this a lot. I've gotten stuck watching my "conversion rate" go down as hits increased but the kudos didn't move. I've felt badly - so badly - about my proudest moment (where writing is concerned), go nowhere after I finished it. Thinking about it in terms of realistic conversion rates helps me, so I'm mostly sharing this information for anyone else out there it may help.
Super cool that that person is happy with their method of finding fics to read. They're depriving themselves of some really awesome stories, though. A far better way to decide whether or not to read something is to use the search function and filters to narrow things down and then simply read tags and summaries.
And if you start reading and don't like the style... nothing is keeping you there. You can bounce (which, hey, a bounce rate is another metric that would be far more handy than a raw hit counter).
Anyway... behold, my absolute failure of a fic (which resulted in wonderful comments that have made me cry because folks were moved or took the time to leave interesting related information or drew things for me or still periodically send me really cute bears).
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saintjohnwebdesigns · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About Shopify Expert in Moncton
Shopify is a platform for businesses of all sizes to create an online store. It offers everything you need to get your business online, from a customizable store to payment processing and shipping. Plus, it’s easy to use, so you’ll be able to get your store up and running in no time.
1. What is Shopify?
Shopify is a Canadian e-commerce company founded in 2004. It is a platform for businesses to create online stores. Shopify is said to be the world’s largest e-commerce platform with over half a million merchants.
2. What are the benefits of using Shopify?
Shopify is a very popular ecommerce platform that many businesses use to sell their products and services online. There are many benefits to using Shopify, such as the easy-to-use interface, the wide range of features, the ability to customize your shop, the ability to sell on multiple channels, and the excellent customer support.
3. How does Shopify work?
Shopify is a platform that allows users to create their own online stores. It is a hosted platform, which means that Shopify manages all of the hosting and security for your store. This makes it a great option for users who are not familiar with web development or who don’t want to deal with the hassle of setting up a website.
Shopify also offers a wide range of features, including the ability to create product listings, manage payments, track orders, and more. Plus, it’s easy to use, making it a great option for users of all levels of experience.
4. What are the different Shopify plans?
Shopify offers a variety of plans to meet the needs of different businesses. There is a plan for businesses of any size, and each plan offers different features.
The Basic Shopify plan is great for businesses that are just starting out. It includes a store, domain name, and basic customization options. The Shopify Designer in Moncton plan is perfect for businesses that are growing and need more features. It includes all of the features of the Basic plan, as well as unlimited products, storage, and bandwidth. The Advanced Shopify plan is perfect for businesses that are ready to scale. It includes all of the features of the Shopify plan, as well as advanced customization options and unlimited staff accounts.
Choosing the right Shopify plan is important for businesses of all sizes. The right plan will provide the features and flexibility that businesses need to grow.
5. How do I get started with Shopify?
Shopify is an ecommerce platform that allows you to create an online store. It’s easy to use and you can get started in minutes. In this chapter, we’ll show you how to create a Shopify store and walk you through the basics.
6. What are the Shopify features?
Shopify Designer in Moncton is a platform for businesses of all sizes to create an online store. It offers users a customizable platform, an easy-to-use checkout process, and a wide range of features.
Some of the features offered by Shopify Designer in Moncton include:
- A customizable platform that allows you to create a store that matches your brand
- An easy-to-use checkout process that makes it easy for your customers to purchase items from your store
- A wide range of features that give you the ability to run your business online
Shopify Developer in Moncton also offers a wide range of apps and themes that you can use to customize your store. And, if you need help setting up or running your store, Shopify offers a wide range of support options.
7. How can I improve my Shopify store?
There are a few things that you can do to improve your Shopify store. First, make sure that your products are properly categorized and tagged. This will make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for. You can also improve your store’s search engine optimization by adding relevant keywords to your product titles and descriptions. Additionally, you can create custom pages for your store, such as an “About Us” page, to help customers learn more about your business. Finally, make sure that your store is well-designed and easy to navigate.
8. What are the Shopify payment options?
Shopify offers a plethora of payment options for online stores. These payment options include major credit cards like Visa and Mastercard, as well as PayPal and Shopify Payments. Shopify Payments is the company’s in-house payment processing service. It allows store owners to accept payments in over 100 currencies, and it’s available in over 150 countries.
9. How can I get more traffic to my Shopify store?
There are a few things that you can do to get more traffic to your Shopify store. One thing is to create a strong SEO strategy. You can do this by optimizing your store’s pages for keywords, adding titles and descriptions, and setting up 301 redirects. You can also promote your store on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. You can create engaging content and posts that will attract attention to your store. You can also run ads to promote your store. By doing these things, you can increase traffic to your store and grow your business.
10. What are the Shopify support options?
Shopify offers a few different support options for their users. The first option is their help center, which is a searchable database of articles that can help you troubleshoot any problems you are having with your Shopify store. The help center also includes a forum where you can ask questions and get help from other Shopify users.
Shopify also offers a support ticket system. If you can’t find an answer to your question in the help center, you can submit a support ticket and a Shopify representative will help you out.
Finally, Shopify offers phone support for users in the United States and Canada. You can call Shopify and speak to a representative about your store and get help with any problems you are having.
If you’re looking to create an online store, Shopify is a great option. It offers everything you need to get your business online, plus it’s easy to use. So, if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, Shopify is a great way to do it.
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charlie-mellor12 · 2 years
10 Best Practices of Conversion Funnel Analysis
Conversion funnel analysis is all about understanding the customer’s journey and optimizing it. Here are 10 best practices of the analysis.
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus at the beginning of the year, more and more companies have been switching to digital-only sales strategies. Similarly, more and more customers started searching and shopping for products and services online. This made the competition even fiercer since it was more difficult for companies to stand out among the competition and approach their customers with relevant and interesting content.
Developing a perfect sales funnel consists of several stages, all of which need to be A/B tested, refined, and tracked to ensure that your website visitors are converting as intended. In other words, you want to have a perfect conversion funnels since having one makes the difference between a small company and a Fortune 500 company. Conversion funnels expedite business growth and as a business owner, you want them built, refined, tested, and implemented perfectly.
In this article, we bring you 10 best practices on how to build conversion funnels that not only work but bring results. But before we go there, let us first touch base on what conversion funnels really are.
What is a Conversion Funnel?
The Conversion funnel is a term used in eCommerce to explain the journey a customer takes when he clicks on a link in an ad or a search engine, navigates to an eCommerce website, and converts to a sale. The word “funnel” is used to describe the way customers are guided to convert with fewer and fewer navigation options at each step. Using this word, marketing, and advertising efforts can be aimed at the upper funnel, middle funnel, and lower funnel potential customers.
Usually, a large number of customers search for a product/service or register as page views on a referring page that is linked to the e-commerce site by a banner ad, ad network, or conventional link. Only a small proportion of those seeing the advertisement or link actually click the link. The metric used to describe this ratio is the click-through rate (CTR) which represents the top level of the funnel. Click-through rates are highly sensitive to small changes such as link text, link size, link position, and many others and these effects interact cumulatively. Once the link is clicked and the visitor to the referring page enters the e-commerce site itself, only a small proportion of visitors typically proceed to the product pages, creating further constriction of the metaphorical funnel.
Adding the product to the shopping cart, registering or filling in contact details, and payment all further reduce the numbers step-by-step cumulatively along the funnel. The more steps, the fewer visitors get through to becoming paying customers. For this reason, sites with similar pricing and products can have hugely different conversion rates of visitors to customers and therefore greatly differing profits.
Conversion Funnel Best Practices
In this chapter, we list and explain 10 best practices of conversion funnels. These include the following:
Tweak your headline
Maybe you are not like that, but most people judge a book by its cover. Similarly, most people judge the value of digital content by its headline. So, if you want to make the best of your conversion funnels, make sure that you pay enough attention to your headlines.
Having that in mind, there are several things you can do in order to ensure your headlines are top performers. As a first step, make all your headlines short and concise since long headlines tend to bore your potential customers before they start reading anything else. As a second step, consider adding some curiosity to your headlines to provoke their interest. Being clear about what your product does is good but sometimes it´s just not enough.
Create multiple lead magnets
Let´s make one thing clear. If you do not have a backend follow-up system in place, your conversion funnels are not completed. In other words, have an email list and use it to keep your customers and prospects engaged on the backend. This does not mean that it is not possible to get sales without having such a list. It just means that having one will make getting more repeat customers much easier. And that is where the lead magnet comes in.
A lead magnet, to put it simply, is something you give away for free in exchange for your potential customers´ email addresses, and other contact information. That´s why your lead magnets need to be interesting and attractive to your customers. Otherwise, they will not give you their personal information. Instead of having just one lead magnet, you should have multiple ones and place them at different places in your Conversion funnel. This way, you will grow your email list faster. Using multiple lead magnets, you will attract more prospects and, in the end, have more sales.
If you are stuck thinking about what your perfect lead magnet is, simply try different options and test them with your web visitors using A/B testing.
Optimize your sales page
Most sales pages we see are not optimized enough to achieve their full potential. The reason for that is they contain a bunch of product descriptions and contact/purchase forms. If you want to be one of them, stop reading now. If you want to stand out, read on.
To build a perfectly optimized sales page that converts and closes sales, you need to take into consideration the emotion and behavior of your web visitors. This means that you should first address the emotional part of your target audience and then construct everything based on their behavior and logic. By doing it like this, you are using logic to give them the reasons why they should do what you are asking them to do and emotion to inform them of what they will be missing out on if they don’t do it.
Have flexible payment and shipping options
Aside from optimizing your sales page and the rest of your conversion funnels, your payment and shipping options need to be optimized, as well. In other words, your sales pages are not optimized until you provide several different payment and shipping options.
But why stop there? You can continue to improve by optimizing your checkout page also. Since there are a lot of customers who abandon their cart because of long list of information they need to give in order to complete a purchase, consider simplifying their purchase by using a 1-click checkout page. Doing this will surely improve your conversion stage as many other companies who followed this simple trick managed to do.
Scan and Fix Potential Problems in Your Conversion Funnel
Typically, all people who come to your website come there to solve a specific goal they have. That goal might be anything from trying to learn more about your product or service, purchasing your product or service, or reading more about a specific topic you write about.
And whatever that goal may be, these visitors might stumble upon some pain points that negatively impact them while trying to reach their goal. The reason for that might be a misleading or confusing copy or CTA buttons that are hard to find.
Using the information obtained through visitor behavior analysis tools such as SiteRecording, you can easily notice these pain points and find the perfect way of fixing those pain points.
Use Reviews, Testimonials & Case Studies
Trust is earned, not given. In the end, to build any kind of relationship, you need to start by building trust. This means that you need to find a way to work trust and social proof in your Conversion funnel.
Luckily, we live in an era where collecting reviews has never been easier. By displaying ratings alongside your pricing, you are making it easier for your customers to trust you. Equally as important, testimonials and case studies are powerful weapons when it comes to trust-building. Simply ask yourself how should you demonstrate the strength of your products or services to your customers.
Create Convincing Supporting Content
When your potential customers arrive in the decision stage of your Conversion funnel, they are actually considering your offering and comparing it with the offering from your competition. Because of it, you should think about the content that you need to create to further support the Conversion funnel and showcase not only why they should buy the product you offer but also why they should buy that product directly from you.
Besides putting social proof on your website, you can also build trust and brand awareness using carefully created team pages, mission & vision statements, etc. It´s time to speak with your sales and customer support to get insights into what your customers frequently ask. It´s also time to start studying the behavior of your website visitors to see what potential problems they face while looking at your offering.
Reduce Friction on Checkouts & Forms
Similar to the CTAs, contact forms are also a very important item on your website when it comes to conversions and communication with your customers. Contact forms also differ based on their goal, size, placement, number of fields, etc.
While for some companies, a smaller contact form with just a few fields will work wonders, other companies may need to have longer forms since they require more information from their website visitors. To figure out and optimize your contact forms in order for them to perform better, you can use a visitor recording testing tool to observe how your visitors interact with them and find potential areas for improvement.
Use Strong CTAs
When trying to improve your conversion rate optimization, it is best to start by looking at your CTAs since these buttons are the ones that get your visitors to convert. Needless to say, these buttons are different for every company and the goal that the company is trying to achieve with them. While some CTAs will be focused on driving a sale, others will have their focus on getting the visitors to opt into their newsletter lists. Besides this, CTA can differ based on things such as size, color, text, and placement of the actual button.
If you think your CTAs could be better, the easiest way of testing their performance is with visitor recording and visitor behavior analytics tools such as SiteRecording. SiteRecording solution for visitor analysis creates recordings of your website visitors while they interact with your website and your CTAs. This gives you the ability to put yourself in your visitor's shoes and make changes to your CTAs. For instance, a good portion of websites has their CTAs in places that take too long or are too hard to notice. To make sure you are not among them, use visitor recording tools such as SiteRecording to identify such issues.
Know Your Audience
If you do not know who your customers are and what their requirements are, how can you expect your business to grow?
The more knowledge and information you have about your potential customers, their requirements, and their behavior, the better you can market your offering to them and convert them to paying customers. In short, if you don’t know your customers or you build your Conversion funnel to target the wrong audience, you will get nothing but lose both time and money.
You probably have some information about your customers that you can use to build these target personas but the more information you have, the more accurate your target personas will be. If you are new to building target personas, we recommend you check out this tutorial. As Chad Keller, COO and Co-Founder of Growth Hackers, says, “Having a strong digital sales funnel can be the difference between having a small business and having a multi-million dollar company. Strong funnels have not only given me the opportunity to take multiple startups from $0 in revenue to millions in just months before being acquired. They have also helped me take my marketing agency from $1M to $10M in under a year.”
If you want to have detailed and unbiased insights about your customers, try using visitor recording tools such as SiteRecording. This tool will allow you to record the actions your website visitors do while browsing your site. Not only this will help you understand your customers better, but it will also allow you to pinpoint any issues in your Conversion funnel and fix it straight away
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prowess-tech · 4 years
Introduction to Ecommerce & Fast Growing Ecommerce Website
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astonishinglegends · 3 years
Ep 209: The Phantom Horse of Greensboro
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
– Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 8, King James Version
Many of us have taken an adventurous expedition to check out some local, notorious spot to see if we could witness or sense some evidence of a past famous or infamous incident.  Most of the time, one only returns with a minor anecdote or pictures of an ordinary location bereft of anything noteworthy.  The more realistic purpose is not so much to find a ghoulish memento but to imagine what it must've been like to have been there when it happened.  But what if such an outing starts with strange coincidences and ends with the adventurers enduring a paranormal event seemingly unrelated to the original incident?  This is the sort of tale we'll hear from our good friend, graphic designer, and illustrator Tommy Beaver about the time some friends went to check out the scene of a horrific crime that happened in Summerfield, North Carolina, almost 13 miles northwest of Greensboro.  On June 3, 1985, the incident in question occurred when at the end of a murder spree and police pursuit, Fritz Klenner and his first cousin, lover, and accomplice, Susie Newsome Lynch, ended their standoff detonating a bomb in their Chevrolet Blazer.  Klenner and Lynch had blown themselves up along with Lynch's already deceased two sons who were in the vehicle rather than face arrest.  The site of this shocking finale was what the friends were hoping to explore, but their souvenir was an unsettling experience they'll never forget.  Strangely, a mysterious white horse suddenly appeared to encounter the group, except that this creature may not have been a horse at all.  Many people have claimed to see a spectral white horse, and the ancient Britons believed a sacred white horse was one's ride to the afterlife.  Yet these friends may forever wonder, as will we, what was the connection of this beast to the tragedy if there is one?  And if this wasn't a horse as we know it, what sort of monster haunts the location of one of North Carolina's most ghastly crimes?
The intersection of Strader Road & North Carolina State Road 150 in Summerfield, near where Fritz Klenner and Susie Newsom Lynch blew themselves up in their Chevy Blazer after a crime spree and police pursuit on June 3, 1985, and where Tommy’s friends saw the mysterious “horse.”
Location Video:
Reference Links:
Illustrator and Graphic Designer Tommy Beaver’s website, tommybeaverdesign.com
“Summerfield slaughter 30 years ago ended in deaths of couple, two sons” from the Greensboro News & Record
Bitter Blood: A True Story of Southern Family Pride, Madness, and Multiple Murder, a novel by Jerry Bledsoe, 1988
The púca, pooka, phouka of Irish/Celtic folklore
The kelpie of Scottish folklore
“Horses in Celtic Mythology” from Transceltic.com
“Have ghost HORSES been captured on video? Teenagers believe they spotted ethereal equine scene at one of Britain's most haunted sites” from DailyMail.co.uk
“Phantom Horses” on real-british-ghosts.com
Related Books:
Please help out our good friend Stan Gordon, by purchasing his books on Amazon and Barnes & Noble – you’re gonna love ‘em!
At Barnes & Noble:
Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook
Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures, Casebook 3
Really Mysterious Pennsylvania: UFOs, Bigfoot, and Other Weird Encounters, Casebook 1
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Episode 209: The Phantom Horse of Greensboro. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel. Sound Design by Ryan McCullough; Tess Pfeifle, Producer, and Lead Researcher; Research Support from the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2021 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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jonhwayne280 · 3 years
Sales Funnel- The Most Effective Sales Funnel Building Strategy
Register Now for the NEW One Funnel Away Challenge:https://bit.ly/3jkCVb9 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sales Funnel- The Most Effective Sales Funnel Building Strategy Everyone talks about it: "Sales funnel". What is a sales funnel? Why are all the marketing gurus talking about it? Every time they introduce sales methods, business development, product sales, they refer to the sales funnel... But how to build an effective sales funnel for your business? This is not something everyone can teach you. In this chapter you will learn how to do it. Then we were introduced to Internet Marketing, and Started building the first website, attracting potential customers and then calling them to sell. But, the cost of advertising Facebook, and Google is increasing day by day, we no longer have enough money to pay for advertising and run the company. That was really bad. If you're as dependent on Facebook ads as we were, you'll understand. If You Only Advertise Your Product for Sale Right Now, You'll Be Clearing Your Pockets Soon. Using a Sales Funnel is a Smarter Way. 1. What is a Sales Funnel? A sales funnel is a multi-step marketing campaign. Each step in the sales funnel is designed to move the customer through the next step. The ultimate goal of the sales funnel is: to make a sale. Sales funnel will appear in 4 stages: Tracking, evaluating, converting, expanding of the customer journey. Breaking down your customer's buying journey, you'll be more precise about how and when you make your offer. Think about ordering at KFC, if you order fried chicken thighs, they will ask if you want fries. They will then ask if you have soft drinks. All offers are really a series of offers designed to add value per transaction. Now, before diving deeper into the modern sales funnel, I want to tell you: The concept of a sales funnel has been around for a very long time and is being applied to many businesses, and even your own business… 2. How Online Sales Funnel Works Online sales funnel is the new era of digital marketing, no matter what industry you are in. Not only does it follow the customer journey, but it can automate sales processes in the Internet world. And it gives you better results and better control. The great thing about an online sales funnel is that you can move potential customers through each subsequent website, instead of depending on a single website to sell. By moving them through each site, You can ensure that they are fully equipped with everything about the offer, before being moved to the next page. It's called: pre-frame - set up a frame of mind for them about the next thing they get. And that is the most important part of the sales funnel. On each page, your job is to create interest, excitement and make them move to the next page...The way the sales funnel is incorporated throughout the entire customer journey is described as follows: Suppose a potential customer sees your ad, they begin to notice. Then they read blog posts or watch videos, they get educated. Then you give them a gift, they leave you tracking information. This is the first step in the sales funnel. Then they evaluate and make a purchase decision, and then they buy more. Those are the steps in the sales funnel. Here is an extremely simple example of a 3-step sales funnel to attract leads. • In step 1, they made an offer “free information”. • In step 2, the potential customer clicks the "receive document" button, which will be taken to a form to fill out information. • In step 3, after they fill in the information, they will be taken to a thank you page and make a follow-up call. With just those 3 steps, fast leads will be quickly moved from awareness to purchase conversion on the customer journey. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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Tags: #sales funnel, #Sales Funnel Building Strategy, #Sales Funnel- The Most Effective Sales Funnel Building Strategy, #JonhWayneChannel, #digital marketing funnel, #sales funnel stages, #sandler pain funnel, #sales funnel explained, #sales funnel website, #sales funnels for beginners, #hubspot sales funnel, #funnel management, #marketing sales funnel, #webinar funnel, #ecommerce sales funnel, #online sales funnel, #marketing funnel strategy, #done for you sales funnels, #lead generation sales funnel
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saintjohnwebdesigns · 2 years
Looking for a Shopify web designer in Moncton? Check out our expert services!
If you’re in the market for a Shopify web designer in Moncton, look no further than our team of experts! We can help you create a beautiful and functional ecommerce site that will help you sell your products online. Contact us today to get started!
1. What is Shopify and why do you need a web designer?
Shopify is a platform that helps businesses create an online store. It is a hosted platform, which means that Shopify stores are hosted on Shopify’s servers. This makes Shopify a great option for businesses that don’t want to worry about setting up and maintaining a website.
Shopify also offers a wide range of features, including the ability to accept payments, manage inventory, and create discounts. And, because it is a hosted platform, Shopify updates its features regularly, so businesses can always take advantage of the latest technology.
If you’re looking for a platform to create an online store, then Shopify is a great option. However, you will need a web designer to create a Shopify store. Shopify does not provide design templates, so a web designer will need to create a store that matches your business’s branding and meets your specific needs.
2. What to look for in a Shopify web designer
Shopify web design is a process that can feel overwhelming, especially if you are new to ecommerce. But don’t worry, we are here to help! In this chapter, we will discuss what to look for in a Shopify web designer.
First and foremost, you will want to make sure that the designer you choose is familiar with Shopify. Shopify is a platform that can be quite complex, so it is important that your designer is well-versed in its workings.
You will also want to make sure that the designer you choose has a good track record. Ask to see some of their previous work, and read reviews from past clients. This will give you a good idea of the quality of their work.
Finally, be sure to ask the Shopify Designer in Moncton about their process. How will they work with you to create the perfect website for your business? What kind of communication will you have? These are important questions to ask, as you want to be sure that you are both on the same page.
By following these tips, you can be sure to find the perfect Shopify web designer for your business.
3. How to find the best Shopify Expert in Moncton for your business
There are a few things you need to keep in mind when looking for a Shopify Expert in Moncton to help you with your business. First, make sure you find someone who has experience with Shopify and knows how to use the platform to its full potential. Second, be sure to ask for referrals from past clients to get an idea of the Expert’s work ethic and quality of work. Finally, always consult with the Expert to get a sense of what they can do for your business and what their rates are. Taking these steps will help you find the best Expert for your business.
4. Case studies of businesses who have benefitted from working with a Shopify Expert
There are many businesses who have benefitted from working with a Shopify Expert in Moncton. Below are a few case studies of businesses who have seen tremendous results from working with an Expert.
1. Business 1
Business 1 was struggling to keep up with the demands of their growing ecommerce business. They were using Shopify, but were not seeing the results they wanted. After working with a Shopify Expert, their business saw a 50% increase in sales.
2. Business 2
Business 2 was using Shopify, but was not taking advantage of all the features the platform offers. After working with a Shopify Expert, they were able to optimize their store and saw a 25% increase in sales.
3. Business 3
Business 3 had a very outdated website. After working with a Shopify Expert, they were able to completely rebuild their website and saw a 300% increase in sales.
5. The benefits of working with a Saint John Shopify Designer in Moncton
There are many benefits to working with a Saint John web design agency. Firstly, you can be assured that the team has the experience and expertise to create a website that meets your specific needs. They will also be able to help you with branding and marketing, ensuring that your website is effective in reaching your target audience. Additionally, a Saint John web design agency can provide you with ongoing support and maintenance, ensuring that your website is always up-to-date and effective.
Thank you for reading our blog post! If you’re interested in working with us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would be happy to help you get started with your Shopify website.
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joeywxy · 4 years
Mediatization and the Social World (Joey Ang)
In Chapter 2 of The Mediated Construction of Reality, Couldry and Hepp introduce the social world as an everyday reality that is constructed by communicative practices and communicative actions that is inextricably interwoven with the role of media. They refer to this process as mediatization. Couldry and Hepp argues that this process of social construction involves not only habitual or trivial actions such as our interactions with friends and family but also accepted institutional facts and rules regarding law, education, economy and politics. The social world is made up of complex interactions between individual and collective actions as well as a single interconnected reality. Our use of digital media alters this communication. This influence considers digital media as a material medium, but also the specific norms, beliefs and habits relating to the media. For example, interactions with friends and family on social media, facilitates, shapes and builds up our face-to-face discussions. The convergence of media in today’s digital age allows us to communicate through its many forms, such as news, broadcast radio, social media and video conference all on the same device (such as a smartphone) and this has strong impacts on our everyday lives.
To cite some examples, the purchasing of goods and services in the past has been a constantly evolving since the 19th century. From the physical market to the electric commerce, buyers and sellers no longer have to physically interact with one another to make transactions. This experience is highly distinguished from the more personable and transparent face-to-face interaction but also more convenient and efficient. In fact, during Phase 1 of COVID-19, most of the world has implemented lockdown measures that forced people to stay in their own homes. Who would have thought that ecommerce services would come in handy during such a crisis? During Singapore’s lockdown period, many households, including my own, ordered basic necessities such as food and clothing through established online platforms.
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The more recent advancement would be the self-checkout counter available from supermarkets to fast food restaurants. No longer do we communicate with cashiers but with machines that are mediated by assisting staff. Here, the advancement of technological media alters both the job scope of employees and the role that customers have to play in their own experience of purchase. It challenges us to adapt and learn new skills but also minimizes physical human contact. More recently, cashless purchase has been hefted up another level whereby transactions as hawker centres to shopping malls can be made through mobile applications GrabPay, Paylah and FavePay. Personally, one real life example of mediatization would be how such mobile applications have changed the standard procedure of splitting the bill when having a meal with a group of friends to simply sending a payment transaction to the payer.
It is undeniable that our social world has been and is continually shaped by the role of media. It is also true that this influence is not homogeneous, and some types of media have altered our social interactions more than others. For example, traditional mass media such as TV, newspapers and radio has waned in its popularity over the years as more and more individuals and institutions turn to the internet as a source of information and platform for publication. This transference of power from mass media companies to online platforms and blurring of the line between consumers and producers of media has resolved many problems concerning propaganda, gatekeeping and agenda-setting but have also introduced new problems such as filter bubbles and infringement of copyright. However, Couldry and Hepp has provided a rather exaggerated view of the effects of mediatization. The suggestion that media communication link up activity and meaning-making across various localities falls under the assumption that media use is universal. This is untrue. In rural some parts of the world, there is neither internet connection nor technological devices that people can use to communicate with others. For such communities, communication is purely physical and almost completely segmented from media. Couldry and Hepp have also portrayed media use as one that is rather communicative. This is untrue as the use of media is not always for the purpose of transmitting or receiving information alone. For example, playing of one-player games, chatting with algorithms/robots on mobile applications such as Replica or listening to music on YouTube are uncommunicative and solitary ways of using media. Such activities if not communicated with others, would not then necessarily change the social world.
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aglossblog · 4 years
Small Business Startups: Behind the Scenes
Disclaimer: I wrote this article for my ENG 1B class. The assignment was to choose a subculture community that you are a part of, so I chose the small business community. I hope you enjoy!
The small business community are aspiring entrepreneurs who decided one day that they wanted to make their ideas come to life. However, starting a small business is not as easy as it looks. Many outsiders of this community do not realize how much self-discipline, commitment, and perseverance it takes to start a business from scratch. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes of entrepreneurship. Behind the scenes, many entrepreneurs face sleepless nights, discouragement from others, being overwhelmed by the amount of work, spending their own money, and inevitable failures. Despite the obstacles that most successful entrepreneurs encounter, they persevere through it all. They go through a self-transformation and learn how passion and self-discipline are key elements to their success.
The small business community is a community that I identify myself with because I have started two businesses in the last five years. My first business failed because I lacked the knowledge of how to maintain a business. I took about a two-year break and then started my second business. Within that break, I have learned that self-discipline and passion for your business are essential. If you are passionate enough about it, you are most likely willing to sacrifice your time and money. The small business community is full of passionate, positive, and hard-working people who want to follow their dreams. 
The small business community can thrive anywhere from physical stores, street markets, and most recently, ecommerce which are online stores. Online businesses are very popular nowadays because anybody can start their own business from the comfort of their own home. Online businesses thrive using social media platforms as a free marketing strategy to help them gain customers or clients.  However, only a handful of them survive. Although online businesses seem like an easy, convenient place to start, there is a lot of work that goes unrecognized. 
Ashley Rodriguez, owner of Lashed Premium Lash Supplies Incorporated, explains how online entrepreneurs have to “write the caption, write the details, write the ingredients,” for all of their products or services. She also believes that outsiders of the small business community do not realize the amount of work entrepreneurs do for their businesses, there is “so much that goes into it and people think like oh she’s kind of being...lazy or whatever, but like no I’m working on my business.” Many people outside of this community often think entrepreneurship is not a real job compared to teachers, doctors, or any “9-to-5”  job because entrepreneurs are able to be their own boss. Rodriguez shares, “it’s funny being an entrepreneur because like when you have a regular job you go like 9 to 5...like that’s your set hours, but when you’re...passionate about something and it’s your own...brand and your creation, I feel like I’m working every second of every day.” Being an entrepreneur and having your own business is a lot of dedication because if you really want to see results, you have to work nonstop. Melanie Doan, founder of The Lash Cartel, explains: “I spend about what feels like every waking moment of my life working on my business...I’ve sort of made this my life.” Gabriella Chow, owner of Nailed  It, spends about “30-40 hours a week” on her nail business. Having your own business is an everyday self-discipline commitment not just because you need too, but because you want too. You have to be very passionate about the business you start because if you are not passionate about it, then why would you put in the work for it? 
Many entrepreneurs start their business because of their passion for creativity. Gianna Bernadine Leal, owner of Kream Cosmetics, explained why she started her business, “I’ve always been a creative optimistic person and this is a perfect opportunity to use my creativity and optimism in an artistic way.” Entrepreneurs are naturally creative people because they have the ability to think of an idea, make it their own, and bring it to life. Leal says, “A lot of people just see the selling aspect of everything, but no one really knows the creativity and hard work put cultivating new products until you actually do it.” Small business owners are very passionate about their business because it allows them to express their creative side. Doan reveals, “I’ve always been a creative at heart and the beauty industry was something that I had grown up in.” 
Other entrepreneurs often start their business because they are tired of their 9-to-5 job or want to do something more with their life. Doan says, “I started my business when I felt burnt out, stagnant, and wanted to put my future in my own hands.” It takes a lot of passion and courage to start a business because you never know what the outcome will be. 
Chow expresses to aspiring entrepreneurs, “Remember why you started. Never lose sight of that fire and drive you have. It’s unmotivating when things don’t progress, but when you do one thing right, a lot of things come with that. There is always a bigger picture and it is so worth it.” Many successful entrepreneurs are able to be proud of themselves and the work they have done when their business takes off or when they have accomplished their business goals. Outsiders of this community may not be able to feel this sense of accomplishment because they don’t know what it is like to have a business that they started from scratch grow into a successful company. Rodriguez expresses, “I think it’s really cool to see people use my stuff or post me or just kind of like ask me for advice. I always think that’s super cool. I think I am proud of myself because I started this when I was nineteen and then to see it grow, it kind of almost reflects the chapters in my life.” She started her business when she was nineteen years old in an extra room at her parent’s house. Then two years later, she is financially stable, got her own apartment in LA, and is in the works of having her own physical lash supply store! With passion and self-discipline, Rodriguez, Doan, Chow, and Leal are all self-made entrepreneurs who explored their creativity and were able to make their ideas come to life. 
In the process of studying this subculture, I have been able to apply my findings to my own business. Learning that passion and self-discipline are key elements in running a successful business I have been more passionate and consistent with my online business and have gained more customers. I have learned that small businesses are no joke. If you really want it to succeed, you need to discipline yourself to market your product or service, be consistent with creating new content, and work day and night. Self-discipline comes with passion. You want to make sure that your business sparks passion in your heart because if you are not passionate about it, you are not going to be able to discipline yourself to work on your business everyday. I have also been able to have a greater appreciation for the hard work and struggles that entrepreneurs face. Supporting small businesses is important because you are supporting someone’s dream by helping them make it a reality. 
A GLOSS COSMETICS: @aglosscosmetics
NAILED IT: @nailed.it.nails_
THE LASH CARTEL: @thelashcartel.co
KREAM COSMETICS: @kreamcosmetics
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appsinfo46-blog · 4 years
25 Best Apps For Passive Income 2020
Here we are discussing 25 best Apps for passive income 2020. Earning the best passive income using cell phone apps is one of the best ways to increase your side-income from any location. Also, it is always an advantage if you run a few best passive income apps at the same time to double, triple, or even quadruple your earnings. The United States, as being a large country has a wide choice of best passive income sources.
Unfortunately, the bigger the market is, the easier the users might get lost. After searching through many different apps recommended by US society and trying them out, I have reviewed the best Apps for passive income.
Top 10 Mobile Apps:
1. Phone Paycheck Mobile App
Phone Paycheck is a mobile app from which you can make the best passive income while you leave your phone around. Necessary, they rent out phones CPU at night while it is charging. Later, they use it to create one huge computing network. By using CPU, a Phone Paycheck helps companies to make big tasks including testing their sites and doing other things that could require input from a range of devices.
As soon as you plug your phone into the charger and make sure you are on WiFi, you will see your earnings going up. You can earn around $40 per month. The only disadvantage is that they have long waiting lists so it takes time to become a user.
2. Instant Gift Cards (Fun Reward App):
Instant Gift Cards is an easy and fun rewards site where you can earn free instant rewards for doing things you are already doing online. Instant Gift Cards give you money for visiting websites, doing tasks, watching videos and lets you cash out whenever you want. It has a reputation for being one of the easiest money-making sites with “one of the lowest payout minimums.” Complete surveys, watch videos, shop, and you will be able to earn gift cards. 100 points get you $1.
The points can be redeemed for instant online gift cards and cash. They have free gift cards for all the usual suspect stores such as Walmart, Amazon, Apple and a lot more. You will not be able to replace your job with this website, but you may earn over a hundred dollars from it over the course of a few months.
3. Honey gain App:
Honey gain is another legit passive income apps for earning extra income with no effort. It allows you to reach your unused internet’s full potential by making your device a gateway. Data scientists use Honey gain’s platform to connect to the Internet and Honey gain manages all these connections with strict safeguards to protect all these connections.
They pay you at a rate of $1.00 / 10 GB of the internet. The first thing you will notice, some nights they may use a lot of your internet, other nights they may not use much. It is based on demand. They payout via PayPal and you may earn around $40–50 per month (also, they have a coupon code “secrets5” for new users to get a $5 bonus).
4. Airbnb App review:
Airbnb is the very best app for passive income that enables you to rent out your home to travelers. It gives you the advantage of earning some money on your home, while guests pay less than they might at local hotels. It could work particularly well if your home is located in a large city or a popular tourist destination that draws a steady flow of travelers.
5. Landlordy (Mobile Companion for a Private Landlord) :
Landlordy is a “mobile companion for a private landlord”. It can help you manage and control expenses, which will maximize the profit you earn on your rental. Landlordy also assists with the digital organization of key documents and communication with tenants.
6. Survey junkie (Earning website) :
With online survey websites, you can make quick money for passively sharing your opinion and trying new products. It is 100% legit and simple: companies pay you in cash via PayPal so they could understand consumers better and survey takers can benefit. Expect to make between $1 and $20 per survey, it varies but most surveys take under 5 minutes to complete. Knowing that companies are using your opinions to make decisions about restaurants, consumer products, movies and a lot more is satisfying. They also have plenty of high paying surveys to choose from, so there is not much to lose.
7. Fundrise (Real Money app):
If your goal is to earn big real money, Fundrise is the app for you. Unlike many others mentioned apps that are loyalty program, cash back, or lock screen reward apps, Fundrise is entirely different. The platform concentrates on making money through real estate investments.
With Fundrise, you have an opportunity to invest your hard-earned money, based on your goals, in a portfolio full of lucrative real estate projects. Each project in these portfolios is wisely selected and proactively developed, to facilitate the growth of your net worth. This app is among the best passive income apps, which can easily help you attain that desired financial freedom.
Fundrise app allows you to invest in a million-dollar project, without having to wipe clean your bank account. The app will also update you on the progress of each project in your portfolio.
The platform offers an iPhone app that gives you access to every feature available on desktops. This means that you can simply access every feature on the go.
While most real investment apps are only available for accredited investors, Fundrise offers some products that are available even to the non-accredited investors.
In terms of payments, Fundrise is one of the apps that pay dividends to their investors. You can even opt to reinvest these dividends through a program they refer to as a “dividend reinvestment program.”
While Fundrise helps you to accumulate assets, make sure to use apps like Personal Capital to manage all these assets.
8. Trim (Automated Financial Manager):
Trim is an automated financial manager that will skim through your expenses. The automation will identify potential opportunities for you to “trim” expenses out of your monthly budgeting. By using Trim, you will instantly lower your internet, cable and phone bills. If your bills need negotiating, Trim will do all the hard work for you and help you negotiate your bill lower. It’s completely free to sign up for. If you do need to save, Trim will only ask for a share of the savings as a fee. There’s no direct money out of your pocket.
The app is completely passive as it requires no work on your end. Once you sign up for Trim, you will be well on your way to saving money. It makes it way too easy to save money.
9. Rakuten App Review:
Rakuten, formerly known as Ebates, is one of the leading cashback platforms around. On Rakuten, users earn cash back for shopping through the Rakuten platform at partnered merchants. Rakuten partners with some of the largest retailers and eCommerce platforms, including Amazon, Walmart, Macy’s, and thousands of other stores.
Now, Rakuten isn’t 100% passive since you have to be redirected from their website to a partnered merchant to earn cashback.
However, with the Rakuten browser extension, you will be reminded of earning opportunities as you shop and can earn rewards with just the click of a button. Ultimately, this is an excellent semi-passive way to save on shopping.
10. Cozy free App:
Cozy is a free app that gives you “modern tools” to help you spend less time managing your rental. They help you find and communicate with tenants all within the app. They also allow you to collect rent automatically and track your expenses.
11. Fronto (Lock screen App):
Fronto seems to be at the forefront of the lock screen apps when it comes to paying, yet it was still difficult to determine exactly how much you can earn with this app. Some users report only earning $5 per month while others report making as much as $20. Again, to keep it on the safe side we’re going to say $10/month for a total of $120/year.
I suggest saving until you reach a balance of $25 to cash out since your points will go a lot further.
The main difference in Fronto is that you will earn more to engage with ads. However, if you skip straight to the home screen, you’ll still earn a bit of cash.
Must Read: Highest Paying Passive Income Apps 2020
Blogging/Writing Apps:
These are at best considered semi-passive income ideas. You’ll have to put a reasonable amount of work into the venture at the very beginning, just to get it up and running. But once you do, cash will flow in, even though you’ll need to keep it regularly updated. One of the underappreciated aspects of this type of venture is that it can lead to all kinds of opportunities you never imagined.
12. Medium website:
Medium is an evolutionary version of Twitter that allows you to publish ideas and stories that are longer than 140 spaces. You can create stories and updates, and use it to promote your blog or website. It’s a way to get your content out on the web, where you might find clients willing to pay for what you write.
13. Scrivener App review:
Scrivener enables you to build a manuscript. You can write when the mood strikes you, then come back and continue your work later. You can even write random ideas and chapters, then organize them as you go forward. It also helps you to do research as well as edit your work.
14. WordPress Free App:
WordPress is a free app you can use to create a professional-looking blog or website. They offer various templates, which you can customize based on your own personal preferences. You can make your website as simple or as complicated as you like. WordPress even offers premium templates to provide a higher quality website. It’s a perfect app to use if you’re new to blogging or creating a website. Not only are many of the apps free, but they’re also very user-friendly to install and work with.
15. Everywriter App:
Everywriter works in a similar manner to Scrivener, in that it offers you a basic outline to write a book or other document. It provides an online outline design, and can even facilitate your book cover design.
16. Shutterstock Mobile App:
Shutterstock Contributor is a mobile app that enables you to upload photos on the go. It has an auto keywording function that makes it easy to complete submissions on your phone. It also enables you to check your Shutterstock earnings and activity.
17. Foap App:
Foap can be used to make extra money with your photos and videos. When a client wants to purchase your work from your online portfolio, you do a 50/50 split with Foap. You can even submit pictures and videos to one of the Foap “missions” and win hundreds of dollars. The Foap community has nearly three million members, so there’s a huge potential market for selling your work.
18. EyeEm App:
EyeEm works much like Foap. You download your photos, which are then available to customers and clients who use the app. In addition, EyeEm hosts weekly photo competitions as another means for winners to earn more money. You earn royalties on those photos as they’re selected by clients.
19. Amuse (Music App):
Amuse is a mobile record company that does for music what Shutterstock, Foap, and EyeEm do for photos. It allows unsigned artists to distribute their music to digital platforms. It also provides an opportunity for the creator to be signed based on data-tracking hit potential. It’s a fairly new app, having only been launched in 2017. But it could be a real opportunity for musical talent to find its way to the mainstream.
20. Udemy (Online web platform):
Udemy is a platform that enables you to create courses. For example, let’s say you want to create a course on playing a musical instrument. Do it on the web platform, and even have Udemy help you market the course to users.
You’ll share some of the profits with the platform, but it’ll be a significant earning opportunity if you have a specialty you’d like to arrange into a course to be sold to potential students.
21. GrabPoints (Reward website):
GrabPoints is another popular rewards website that allows users to passively earn or complete tasks in exchange for points (which can be redeemed for rewards).
On GrabPoints, users can earn money by answering surveys, completing offers, downloading apps, or watching videos. The video section is definitely what makes GrabPoints a more passive earner. What’s nice about GrabPoints is that you can cash out once you reach $3, and you can redeem your points for PayPal cash or a variety of gift cards. This is one of the lower payout thresholds for GPT websites, so that’s a nice find!
22. CashMagnet App:
CashMagnet is a passive income app that takes control of your phone and acts as an auto-surfing device that browses articles on the internet. CashMagnet has a 4 phone device limit, so if you have some old phones laying around you can start up a modest operation in very little time. If you optimize CashMagnet fully, you can probably earn $20 per month by taking advantage of the almost 24 hours of passive run-time the app allows for.
Just note: CashMagnet is taking forever to actually pay its users it seems. My most recent request took around 1 month to be resolved, which is definitely a major downside.
23. Grindabuck App:
If you are looking to make some extra money with a laptop or tablet, I’d say your best bet is to find a GPT (get paid to) website that runs passive video portals like Engageme.TV or Video Loyalty. You can read more about the GPT websites in my post on the best GPT websites, or you can always consult the Reddit beer money community for the latest information on the top money-making apps and websites.
The process is fairly simple. Just use a laptop or tablet to watch videos in the passive earnings section of the website and reap the rewards! You can check out my full Grindabuck review to learn more about the process as well.
Just note that Grindabuck only accepts users from the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, and the U.K.
24. S’Mores Lock screen App:
Earning the best passive income has never been easier than with S’Mores App. This is a lock screen app that enables you to make some extra bucks passively by letting them display contents and ads on your phone’s lock screen. By just installing the app on your device, and giving them the authority to place ads, you will earn regardless of how many times you swipe your screen.
One great aspect of this best passive income app is that you don’t have to do anything extra to earn more. In fact, you don’t need to keep viewing more and more ads to make money. Just do what you usually do with your phone, and you are good to earn points.
This is how S’More App Works:
They display relevant ads and content on your smartphone’s lock screen.
You swipe either up, down, right, or left to unlock the phone.
If what you see interests you, you can learn more.
Earn points with each day that the app remains in your device.
Redeem your reward points as gift cards.
25. Mistplay (gamer app):
Mistplay is an incredible loyalty program, especially for gamers. The platform finds its way in our list of best passive income apps due to its ability to earn you money for doing what you always do. For game lovers, this will simply add flavor to your gaming routine.
In addition to playing games as part of your entertainment or pass-time activity, you can now make money through Mistplay app.
Here is all you need to do to earn:
Identify new games present in your mix list.
Select games and play.
Gather points (play more earn more).
Redeem earned points.
Invite more friends to the app and earn even more.
Join competitions to rank better.
Related Articles: 11 Best Passive Income Apps To Make Money In The USA 2020
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across in the past 5 weeks, although some may be older than that.
I am still working on scheduling enough time to post these every 10 days or so, but lately luck is just not on my side. Writing this elsewhere then cutting & pasting it here is creating some significant formatting issues, so if you find any errors or broken links, please let me know. 
Are there types of news you would like to see here?  Leave a comment below, email me through my website, or send me a message on Twitter.
Etsy introduced Etsy Ads at the end of August; I covered it on my blog. Some people are seeing decent returns, but many are not. I started a forum thread here for continuing discussion. 
A day later, Amazon announced it has waived their $40 a month shop fee for Handmade by Amazon shops. See the pinned post on their Facebook page. 
A large study of click-through-rates (CTR) on Google reveals that the top link gets over 30% of the clicks, titles with questions get 14% more clicks than those without, and moving up one slot in the results leads to more clicks, unless you move from 10th to 9th. They cite Etsy’s study of titles & CTR (which showed that shorter titles get more clicks, something that this study also found).
Trend watch: a suggestion that Americans can avoid most of the tariff pain in the pocketbook by buying used clothing & other items. “Secondhand and vintage is no longer synonymous with a dusty pile of outdated sweaters in the corner of a church basement, or a yearly rummage sale. Online resale, including high-end designer items, is booming, thanks to start-ups like The RealReal, Depop, Poshmark, eBay, and Etsy. It’s possible to fill your entire closet this way”. Pre-owned & rented clothing also makes fans of sustainability happy. 
Also, “grandmillennials” are a thing. 
Etsy US searches often now have a full first page of items that ship free or have the $35 free shipping guarantee, as of September 6 (although they were testing it earlier than that.) I was seeing the rare exception, beyond searches that have fewer than 48 items shipping free, but it wasn’t clear if these are tests or personalization. Then on September 21, we started seeing many items with shipping charges on the first page of even very large results, & most smaller results didn’t give much if any priority to free shipping at all. There has been no statement from Etsy, so your guess is as good as mine ...
In the meantime, they’ve begun promoting free shipping to buyers, which has led to some media coverage. Some note that the timing is good, since most US holiday purchases online in the past several years have included free shipping. 
There is a new chapter in the Ultimate Guide To Etsy Search, involving attributes. The accompanying podcast with Etsy’s head taxonomist [transcript with links to the podcast] is quite interesting. She says that one of the reasons that some attributes haven’t shown up yet as search filters is that not enough sellers have applied them to listings. “If we have 100,000 items in the search results and a buyer uses a filter, and that filter causes the results to return just 20 items, that makes it seem broken. The buyer no longer trusts the results. If only 20% of sellers fill out an attribute, showing a filter based on that attribute to buyers isn’t going to be helpful because such a drastic reduction in results makes them lose confidence in those search results. We have to wait until a large number of sellers fill out that data to show it to buyers as a filter. When we do, sellers who have filled out that attribute show in those filtered search results. Sellers who haven’t, don’t.” Also, “[w]e know that shoppers who interact with these filters tend to buy more expensive items.” And, there aren’t separate jewellery attributes for “gold”, “gold-filled” & “gold-plated” because “[m]any jewelry buyers don’t have your experience and don’t know the huge difference between these things.”
The new commercials were launched earlier this month; you can check them all out here, and here is some media coverage. Some analysts think this is a good thing for the stock. 
Vox published  a review of Etsy’s latest free shipping push, in contrast with its history. [I am sure most of you have seen that, but if not, it is a good read!] “Silverman doesn’t like the words “handmade” or “craft” because they “don’t communicate anything to buyers about when to think of Etsy.” he says now. Nobody wakes up thinking, “Gosh, I need to buy something handmade today,” he tells me, which may be true but I rarely wake up thinking I need to buy anything at all, and more commonly wake up in horror because I’ve already bought way too much. “You need to furnish your apartment. You need to prepare for a party. You need to find a gift for a friend. You need a dress. Handmade is not the value proposition — unique, personalized, expresses your sense of identity, those are things that speak to buyers.” [emphasis added]  Also, apparently Etsy founder Rob Kalin “didn’t know what seed funding was when he took it”  😮
The new tool for creating country-specific sales is finally out. You still can’t create the equivalent of the $35 free shipping guarantee for countries other than the US, however, which makes this pretty useless for people wanting to offer free shipping in the US and to their own country. The only way to come close is to set a 30 day free shipping sale to your own country, but it won’t show up in search (unless people filter for free shipping) or get the Canadian search boost for items that ship free, and you still need to renew it every 30 days. In short, Etsy is telling us to overcharge our customers in other countries with no way to offer them the same deals Americans are getting.
Sellers can now use Etsy Labels for USPS First Class letters & flats. 
Holiday tips continue to roll out: here are some ideas for running holiday sales and promotions on Etsy.
Advanced content on machine learning: Etsy is employing its data on styles to serve up personalized recommendations, including the “Our Picks for You” section on the home page. The purchase and favouriting rates are part of what gets shown. They’ve discovered that some styles are more popular are different times of the year. 
For those of you who think Etsy doesn’t spend enough on advertising, they are actually buying spots on tv shows now, including this Las Vegas morning show. [video]
Sad to report that Keywords Everywhere is becoming a paid tool starting October 1st (although it may take longer to roll out to your account). https://keywordseverywhere.com/news.html  They need to do this because they were being scraped by bots, which was affecting user experience & costing them a lot of time and money.  Fortunately, it is still going to be very cheap - 10,000 keywords for $1 USD, purchased ahead of time as credits. They say that the average user will spend less than $2 a month, & I suspect that the average Etsy user will spend less. Once your account moves to a paid one, you will no longer see the search volume, cost per click & competition numbers under search terms until you buy credits, although the "related keywords" & "people also search" sections will still show up on the right side of Google search.  I usually do not recommend any paid tools, but I do think this will still be worth every penny, especially if you remember to turn it off when shopping instead of researching! Every comparable paid tool costs way more than this. And despite the rush of attention since their announcement, I still received a personal reply to my email within 24 hours. 
You know how I always talk about nofollow links? They still exist, but Google has expanded their link attribution codes to include “sponsored” &  "ugc" (user generated content), and all might be crawled at any point after March 1, 2020. Moz did a top level explanation, and here is Google’s (shorter) summary. But it may not really matter much to the average site. 
Want to rank well on Google and other search engines? Create “complete content.”  
A followup on last edition’s discussion of canonical URLs - Google gets the final say. [video]
Google is now releasing monthly videos of their search news; first one is here. 
Some of you will remember Moz’s Whiteboard Friday series on learning SEO in one hour. They’ve now compiled all 6 videos in one place. 
And if you want to learn the basics of link building quickly, Moz has a short version of that chapter from their Beginner’s Guide to SEO. 
If you are afraid you are missing some SEO rules on your top pages, check out this complete checklist for on-page SEO. 
There are tons of SEO tools for Wordpress; here are 15 of the best. 
Many people will find your blog through search engines, so make sure you use keywords in your blog posts. 
If you have a website, check out 16 things that can harm your search engine rankings [semi-advanced in part, some points are discussing coding]
Success on YouTube involves SEO, something I find many users forget.
Mostly advanced: reminder that as of September 1, you can’t use robots.txt to tell Google not to index pages or sites. 
Advanced content for website developers: you need to make sure the site is ready for SEO work. 
There are always more Google updates; this one is still rolling out, and was confirmed by Google, but very few details were given. Sistrix did the first comprehensive analysis, although it is still early, and health and media sites seem to be the most dramatically affected. 
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Marketing emails need to be carefully designed for success. Everything from the layout to the “preheader” matters. 
If you have content on one medium that is doing well for you, it’s time to “repurpose” it for different platforms. 
Infographics are very popular in content marketing; here’s how to make one, with 15 free templates.
Some Instagram posts do better than others; here’s why. Among other study findings, “smaller profiles which use more hashtags actually do see better engagement rates per post.”
If you aren’t getting much interaction on Instagram, you could be “shadowbanned.” There are ways to avoid that happening, and ways to fix it when it does. 
“Content factories” are a big part of Instagram traffic. Maybe Facebook should crack down on this? 
Pinterest is combining image recognition visual search with Shoppable Pins. 
Facebook is considering hiding the like counts on News Feed posts, as Instagram is testing in 7 countries right now. “The idea is to prevent users from destructively comparing themselves to others and possibly feeling inadequate if their posts don’t get as many Likes. It could also stop users from deleting posts they think aren’t getting enough Likes or not sharing in the first place.”
Video app TikTok can be confusing, so here is a step-by-step guide for beginners. And here’s a podcast [with text] on the basics. 
Twitter chats are a great way to attract interest in your business.
Facebook is testing new shopping ads, but they are only available to small groups at the moment: checkout from the Facebook app, and turning Instagram shopping posts into ads. Here’s more on the latter. 
Snapchat now has longer ads and different formats. 
I see a lot of questions on what you can advertise on various platforms; here’s a good summary of items/topics prohibited on major sites. 
Since so many sellers are interested in other types of advertising right now, here are a few primers, most of which I have posted here before: Setting up Google Shopping for your website Instagram Sponsored Posts How to beat Facebook’s ad algorithm Setting up Pinterest ads
Have Google Analytics set up on your website but don’t know how to use it? Here are some common features [text and video] you may want to take advantage of. Note that the part about setting it up doesn’t apply to most marketplaces and many website builders, which have a more simplified set up, as Etsy does. 
The old Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) is now almost entirely converted to the new version. Expect all of the old reports to be moved to the new version soon. 
There’s new evidence that Amazon has skewed its search algorithm to favour its own products & third-party products that make Amazon the most money. ”Executives from Amazon’s retail divisions have frequently pressured the engineers at A9 to surface their products higher in search results, people familiar with the discussions said.” In case that WSJ article goes back behind a paywall, here is some news coverage of it. “Instead of adding profitability into the algorithm itself, Amazon changed the algorithm to prioritize factors that correlate with profitability, the article said.” Amazon denies this, of course. 
Despite the legal agreement in Germany, Amazon is still suspending accounts without 30 days notice. 
Want to use cash to pay for online purchases? Amazon is now offering that option in the US. 
eBay listings now default to 1-day handling; if you ship slower than that, make sure to remember to change the default on each new listing you make. 
eBay managed payments (the equivalent of Etsy Payments) are now available in Germany. 
A review of major shipping trends in ecommerce notes that “[t]he accelerated supply chain is putting small sellers at a crossroads regarding if they can afford to take a hit on margins” when discussing Etsy’s free shipping push. 
Over ⅓ of US adults have bought something on social media, over 50% of 18-34 year olds are in that group. Far fewer had used visual search or virtual reality. 
More people are shopping online late at night; women are more likely to do it, but men spend more when they do. [I’ve noticed this trend on my site and Etsy shop for a few years now,compared to when I first started selling in 2008.]
The majority of shoppers worldwide who are online use videos to make some purchase decisions, as shopping lists, how-to research, and to check reviews. 
Gen Z (the generation after millennials) is more concerned about their health than the the previous 2 generations, and sometimes avoid the stresses of social media by shopping in brick & mortar stores. “About two-thirds (67%) of Gen Z prefer products made with ingredients they can understand, and tend to buy products in health and wellness categories more frequently than other generations. On environmental issues, 65% said they prefer simple packaging and 58% said they want eco-friendly packaging. Half of the group seeks products that are locally sourced or made, and 57% are seeking products that are environmentally sustainable, but fewer are willing to pay a premium price for them.”
For the 2019 holiday season, “65% of holiday shoppers will use a mobile device to shop, and 65% will make an online purchase via mobile.”
How do different industries get their online traffic? Google sends sites 8 times more traffic than all social media sites combined, and Facebook drives nearly ⅔ of all visits from social media. Instagram is responsible for less than 1%, while Twitter tops 10%. The author notes that “faster-growing social networks like Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok are designed from the ground up in a way that makes it difficult to drive traffic to external sites.”
MISCELLANEOUS (including humour) 
Google is working on letting you search your Google Photos for text; it seems to be using AI to identify & store the text in your screenshots and other images. It’s interesting technology that will likely be used in many ways, including search engines, if it works well. 
If you like convo snippets on Etsy, here’s a tool that will make them possible in many more places. 
Need a photo editor that works on mobile? Here’s a list of 12, most of which are free or cost only $1 USD. 
This one simple trick makes everything faster and easier. 
Stuff that probably shouldn’t taste like pumpkin spice. [humour]
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lazyscience · 6 years
Knitter alert
Hey y’all, if you’ve purchased patterns, e-copies of Interweave Knits magazine, Knitscene magazine, and/or instructional videos from Interweave Knits that you haven’t downloaded, their parent company is going Chapter 11. Go and get your stuff downloaded before you can’t any more, or if there was something you CANNOT live without, go get it while you still can! 
F+W is divided into two business lines: Communities and F+W Books. Communities include the magazines, websites, membership platforms, online learning, and ecommerce portions of the business. The Crafts Community is the company’s largest, representing approximately $32.5 million of the Communities’ total $67.7 million in revenue. The portfolio includes Interweave, Quilting Arts, Sew News, Knitscene, Beadwork, and Fons & Porter, among many others. F+W Books was established as a separate division in September 2018. It publishes new 120 books a year and has a backlist of 2,100 titles. Interweave, The Quilting Company, Krause Publications, SewandSo, and North Light are all imprints of F+W.
Two things here - a lot (A LOT) of designers are among the creditors of the bankruptcy (copy of the filing here), so buying their patterns right now might mean they don’t get their royalties. That said, I have no idea how long it might take for the rights to the patterns to revert to their designers once IK shuts down, so I don’t know how long it might take for them to be available, and that’s IF the designers feel like it’s worth their time and effort to reformat them and make them available on Ravelry or other platforms. 
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akkado-blog1 · 5 years
History and Upgrade of Loyalty Programs
In today's society, loyalty and reward programs have taken a common place. Both the mortar stores and ecommerce sites use these programs to boost retention as well as having driven down acquisition cost. It is therefore preferable by many customers nowadays.
Below given is the detailed information about when and how the loyalty programs management started, and how it gained popularity.
The Early Beginnings:
The early root of customer loyalty programs management started with "premium marketing" in late 18th century. It provided the customers with copper tokens with purchases that could be later used with the products on future purchases. With the 18th century, the customer retention strategy was known to be the most common and popular and it was in continuation going through the 19th century as well.
Different forms of Loyalty
Retailers quickly realized that using the coins is a costly way of promoting loyalty. So, in the late 19thn century, they changed the phenomenon of coins with the stamps which were less expensive.
Modern loyalty programs
Loyalty programs management would continue with the stamp collection program into early 1900's. Later on, the strategy came while engaging customers with box tops as one of the original brand specific programs. These box tops coupons were printed directly with the product packages that could be redeemed for premiums and rewards.
With the enhancement within the technology, card based retail programs had been launched to gain popularity in 1990's.  And, all these programs are still popular today. These card based programs are loyal aggregators which are frequently used by brands today. Therefore, ecommerce has also played a vital role to begin with new chapter in the history of loyalty programs.
Loyalty Programs held today:
With the horizon of ecommerce and digital system , it is now  easy and possible for anyone to start a reward or loyalty program for their store or site.  These programs are most successful on mobiles and online. Various sites optimize these loyalty programs with the mobile apps that acts as a reward program and a mobile payment method simultaneously.
Hence, loyalty programs management have evolved throughout the history. They  exist simply to reward customers for spending a certain amount at a store, but today they are rewarding customers for a variety of desired themes.  Throughout history and in the modern era, loyalty programs have always been working for the same things such as moving customers along their customer journey. These are described as  a series of steps that the every customer prefer to have an interaction with your store, and loyalty cards are preferred in order to offer rewards and incentives to the customers.
At last, ecommerce loyalty programs have eliminated the need of physical cards. It is likely that customer loyalty will continue to evolve and become more dynamic  in the future.
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charlie-mellor12 · 2 years
10 Best Practices of Conversion Funnel Analysis
Conversion funnel analysis is all about understanding the customer's journey, and optimizing it. Here are 10 best practices of the analysis.
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Since the outbreak of the coronavirus at the beginning of the year, more and more companies have been switching to digital-only sales strategies. Similarly, more and more customers started searching and shopping for products and services online. This made the competition even fiercer since it was more difficult for companies to stand out among the competition and approach their customers with relevant and interesting content.
Developing a perfect sales funnel consists of several stages, all of which need to be A/B tested, refined, and tracked to ensure that your website visitors are converting as intended. In other words, you want to have a perfect conversion funnels since having one makes the difference between a small company and a Fortune 500 company. Conversion funnels expedite business growth and as a business owner, you want them built, refined, tested, and implemented perfectly.
In this article, we bring you 10 best practices on how to build conversion funnels that not only work but bring results. But before we go there, let us first touch base on what a conversion funnels really is.
What is a Conversion Funnel?
The Conversion funnel is a term used in eCommerce to explain the journey a customer takes when he clicks on a link in an ad or a search engine, navigates to an eCommerce website, and converts to a sale. The word “funnel” is used to describe the way customers are guided to convert with less and less navigation options at each step. Using this word, marketing, and advertising efforts can be aimed at the upper funnel, middle funnel, and lower funnel potential customers.
Usually, a large number of customers search for a product/service or register as page views on a referring page that is linked to the e-commerce site by a banner ad, ad network, or conventional link. Only a small proportion of those seeing the advertisement or link actually click the link. The metric used to describe this ratio is the click-through rate (CTR) which represents the top level of the funnel. Click-through rates are highly sensitive to small changes such as link text, link size, link position, and many others and these effects interact cumulatively. Once the link is clicked and the visitor to the referring page enters the e-commerce site itself, only a small proportion of visitors typically proceed to the product pages, creating further constriction of the metaphorical funnel.
Adding the product to the shopping cart, registering or filling in contact details, and payment all further reduce the numbers step-by-step cumulatively along the funnel. The more steps, the fewer visitors get through to becoming paying customers. For this reason, sites with similar pricing and products can have hugely different conversion rates of visitors to customers and therefore greatly differing profits.
Conversion Funnel Best Practices
In this chapter, we list and explain 10 best practices of conversion funnels. These include the following:
Tweak your headline
Maybe you are not like that, but most people judge a book by its cover. Similarly, most people judge the value of digital content by its headline. So, if you want to make the best of your conversion funnels, make sure that you pay enough attention to your headlines.
Having that in mind, there are several things you can do in order to ensure your headlines are top performers. As a first step, make all your headlines short and concise since long headlines tend to bore your potential customers before they start reading anything else. As a second step, consider adding some curiosity to your headlines to provoke their interest. Being clear about what your product does is good but sometimes it´s just not enough.
Create multiple lead magnets
Let´s make one thing clear. If you do not have a backend follow-up system in place, your conversion funnels is not completed. In other words, have an email list and use it to keep your customers and prospects engaged on the backend. This does not mean that it is not possible to get sales without having such a list. It just means that having one will make getting more repeat customers much easier. And that is where the lead magnet comes in.
A lead magnet, to put it simply, is something you give away for free in exchange for your potential customers´ email addresses, and other contact information. That´s why your lead magnets need to be interesting and attractive to your customers. Otherwise, they will not give you their personal information. Instead of having just one lead magnet, you should have multiple ones and place them at different places in your Conversion funnel. This way, you will grow your email list faster. Using multiple lead magnets, you will attract more prospects and, in the end, have more sales.
If you are stuck thinking what your perfect lead magnet, simply try different options and test them with your web visitors using A/B testing.
Optimize your sales page
Most sales pages we see are not optimized enough to achieve their full potential. The reason for that is they contain a bunch of product descriptions and contact/purchase forms. If you want to be one of them, stop reading now. If you want to stand out, read on.
To build a perfectly optimized sales page that converts and closes sales, you need to take into consideration the emotion and behavior of your web visitors. This means that you should first address the emotional part of your target audience and then construct everything based on their behavior and logic. By doing it like this, you are using logic to give them the reasons why they should do what you are asking them to do and emotion to inform them of what they will be missing out if they don’t do it.
Have flexible payment and shipping options
Aside from optimizing your sales page and the rest of your conversion funnels, your payment and shipping options need to be optimized, as well. In other words, your sales pages are not optimized until you provide several different payment and shipping options.
But why stop there? You can continue to improve by optimizing your checkout page also. Since there are a lot of customers who abandon their cart because of long list of information they need to give in order to complete a purchase, consider simplifying their purchase by using a 1-click checkout page. Doing this, you will surely improve your conversion stage as many other companies who followed this simple trick managed to do.
Scan and Fix Potential Problems in Your Conversion Funnel
Typically, all people who come to your website come there to solve a specific goal they have. That goal might be anything from trying to learn more about your product or service, purchase your product or service, or read more about a specific topic you write about.
And whatever that goal may be, these visitors might stumble upon some pain points that negatively impact them while trying to reach their goal. The reason for that might be a misleading or confusing copy or CTA buttons that are hard to find.
Using the information obtained through visitor behavior analysis tools such as SiteRecording, you can easily notice these pain points and find the perfect way of fixing those pain points.
Use Reviews, Testimonials & Case Studies
Trust is earned, not given. In the end, to build any kind of relationship, you need to start by building trust. This means that you need to find a way to work trust and social proof in your Conversion funnel.
Luckily, we live in an era where collecting reviews has never been easier. By displaying ratings alongside your pricing, you are making it easier for your customers to trust you. Equally as important, testimonials and case studies are powerful weapons when it comes to trust-building. Simply ask yourself how should you demonstrate the strength of your products or services to your customers.
Create Convincing Supporting Content
When your potential customers arrive in the decision stage of your Conversion funnel, they are actually considering your offering and comparing it with the offering from your competition. Because of it, you should think about the content that you need to create to further support the Conversion funnel and showcase not only why they should buy the product you offer but also why they should buy that product directly from you.
Besides putting social proof on your website, you can also build trust and brand awareness using carefully created team pages, mission & vision statements, etc. It´s time to speak with your sales and customer support to get insights into what your customers frequently ask. It´s also time to start studying the behavior of your website visitors to see what potential problems they face while looking at your offering.
Reduce Friction on Checkouts & Forms
Similar to the CTAs, contact forms are also a very important item on your website when it comes to conversions and communication with your customers. Contact forms also differ based on their goal, size, placement, number of fields, etc.
While for some companies, a smaller contact form with just a few fields will work wonders, other companies may need to have longer forms since they require more information from their website visitors. To figure out and optimize your contact forms in order for them to perform better, you can use a visitor recording testing tool to observe how your visitors interact with them and find potential areas for improvement.
Use Strong CTAs
When trying to improve your conversion rate optimization, it is best to start by looking at your CTAs since these buttons are the ones that get your visitors to convert. Needless to say, these buttons are different for every company and the goal that the company is trying to achieve with them. While some CTAs will be focused on driving a sale, others will have their focus on getting the visitors to opt into their newsletter lists. Besides this, CTA can differ based on things such as size, color, text, and placement of the actual button.
If you think your CTAs could be better, the easiest way of testing their performance is with visitor recording and visitor behavior analytics tools such as SiteRecording. SiteRecording solution for visitor analysis creates recordings of your website visitors while they interact with your website and your CTAs. This gives you the ability to put yourself in your visitors´ shoes and make changes to your CTAs. For instance, a good portion of websites have their CTAs in places that take too long or are too hard to notice. To make sure you are not among them, use visitor recording tools such as SiteRecording to identify such issues.
Know Your Audience
If you do not know who your customers are and what their requirements are, how can you expect your business to grow?
The more knowledge and information you have about your potential customers, their requirements, and their behavior, the better you can market your offering to them and convert them to paying customers. In short, if you don’t know your customers or you build your Conversion funnel to target the wrong audience, you will get nothing but lose both time and money.
You probably have some information about your customers that you can use to build these target personas but the more information you have, the more accurate your target personas will be. If you are new to building target personas, we recommend you check out this tutorial. As Chad Keller, COO and Co-Founder of Growth Hackers, says, “Having a strong digital sales funnel can be the difference between having a small business and having a multi-million dollar company. Strong funnels have not only given me the opportunity to take multiple startups from $0 in revenue to millions in just months before being acquired. They have also helped me take my marketing agency from $1M to $10M in under a year.”
If you want to have detailed and unbiased insights about your customers, try using visitor recording tools such as SiteRecording. This tool will allow you to record the actions your website visitors do while browsing your site. Not only this will help you understand your customers better, but it will also allow you to pinpoint any issues in your Conversion funnel and fix it straight away.
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karlsmithworld · 2 years
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How Karl Smith thinks and solves problems is based upon a literature review from his MSc 2005 on eCommerce 1.1      Overview of Chapter There are three clear aspects that underwrite internet shopping under review. Firstly that many companies believe by converting a process using technology that it becomes more successful. Automatic acceptance that establishing internet presence achieve sales, without in-depth research is a #Futurist #IoT #BlockChain #Agile #DevOps #UX #CX #KarlSmith https://karlsmith.info/a-literature-review-from-2005-on-ecommerce-by-karl-smith/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=Karl+A+L+Smith&utm_campaign=Karl+A+L+Smith
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