#HPLC Vials
wemahesh · 7 months
HPLC System suitability parameter
% RSD(Related standard deviation)/repeatabilityColumn efficiency / Theoretical plateResolutionPeak to valley ratioCapacity factorSignal to noise ratio (S/N ratio)References standard check (Similarity factor or SF factor)Retention time#HPCL #highperformance #chromatography
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guilty-pleasures21 · 9 months
Another one?! Ugh, I get bored at work, okay?!
I managed to write up another part today! Yay! Enjoy! 🤗
1. Ergh, I don't really know if I want to write this ...
Part 1 - the protocol
Part 2 - the reveal
Part 3 - the suspicions
Part 4 - the thanks
2. I wrote it.
Warnings: None. We're still playing it safe, friends.
He staggered into the lab, clutching at the wound on his arm. Mierda, he’d better not have been bleeding all over the floor - then he’d have to add cleaning up the lab right after cleaning up the city on his to-do list for the night. He pulled the freezer door open and began digging through it, rummaging around for the healing anecdote he’d concocted a while back - it was too bad super-healing wasn’t on the list of abilities naturally possessed by spiders: it would have made his night job as the vigilante superhero Spiderman that much easier. He grabbed one of the vials and sighed, closing the freezer door shut … and revealing an extremely confused X, her lips parted in surprise as she stared at him from the entrance to the room. He froze, horrified, and gestured to the freezer.
“Uh, I was just … I just …” He trailed off, not knowing how to explain the situation in a way that would have made sense to her. Did she know it was him? Could she have guessed? Carajo, he shouldn't have said anything - then she wouldn't have been able to recognise his voice, at least. Her eyes fell to his arm - to the wound there - and the alarm on her face seemed to intensify.
“You're injured?” she asked him softly, taking a few cautious steps towards him. She reached her hand towards him, but paused midway, hesitating. She bit her lip and looked up at him, mouth set with determination. “Let me help you.”
They sat in silence as she cleaned his wound, neither of them knowing where to begin. She’d helped him thaw the vial and inject the serum into his blood, so that his skin had started knitting itself back together, healing his tissues much quicker than if he’d just left it alone. She wiped up the blood staining his skin, then pulled the disinfectant spray out of the first aid kit. She looked up at him, her forehead creased with worry as she held it above his wound.
“I’m going to spray it now, okay?” He gave a grunt of agreement, waving away her concerns and then holding his arm out for her. She sprayed the disinfectant over his arm, working quickly so as to minimise the stinging sensation of the medicine. He tensed in discomfort, waiting for the feeling to pass, then relaxed again when she curled her fingers back around his arm, grasping it so she could wrap it up with a bandage.
“Oh.” She sighed, slumping over in frustration after securing the bandage. “Argh! The stupid HPLC machine! I thought I clicked ‘start’, but then it wasn’t running and I only found out after I came back from lunch!” She let out another exclamation of irritation and covered her face with her hands. Then she muttered something about hating machines under her breath and he couldn’t help himself from letting out a chuckle at her familiar rant.
“So, uh, why are you here so late?” he asked her, unable to bear the silence any longer. She had to know it was him - she wouldn’t have been so understanding otherwise. But then why hadn’t she said anything? Why did she insist on allowing the uncomfortable silence to press down on them?
“You could have just waited until tomorrow, arañita,” he told her, easily slipping into their usual familiarity. She pushed her hair out of her face and frowned, her features scrunching up in a way that he had to admit was pretty cute as she looked up at him.
“I would have, but the stupid machine is already booked for tomorrow!” she replied, waving her hands in the air in annoyance. She slid her fingers into her hair, gripping onto the strands tightly. “And then I’d have to wait until next week! And my boss would get so mad at me.” He raised an eyebrow at that, confused. He wouldn’t get mad at her - he never got mad at her. Only … exasperated. And even then, only when she was poking him on purpose. She shuffled closer to him, her dark eyes widening as she looked up at him, her expression sombre, like she was about to tell him a secret.
“He’s really mean to me, you know,” she revealed softly. “He’s always bullying me in the lab.” Miguel shook his head in surprise, utterly bewildered.
“Yeah,” she confirmed, standing her ground. “He’s always pushing me around and telling me I’m not good enough. He even complains about my lunch!”
“¿Qué?” he asked her, unable to believe what he was hearing. She looked down, picking at the skin around her nails as she avoided his gaze, her shoulders hunched over in defeat.
“Because you always eat trash, arañita!” he exclaimed indignantly, jumping out of his seat. “I’m just … I’m just trying to look out for you!” The corners of her lips curled as she looked up at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Then she stood up and took a step closer to him, tilting her head back so that she was still able to meet his gaze.
“A superhero both on and off the job,” she said, the knowing expression on her face letting him know that, yes, she did know who he really was - if he hadn’t already given it away to her with his little outburst a second ago. She took a step back, but continued looking up at him with that cheeky smile. “Don’t you ever take a break, Dr O’Hara?” He frowned.
“I told you to stop calling me that, arañita,” he reminded her, trying not to think about all the parts of his body that warmed at her words. It was just the way she always said it, the beckoning curve of her lips, the wicked glint in her eyes. Exactly like how she was looking at him now.
“Okay,” she relented, that smile still tugging on her lips as she returned the supplies to the medical kit. She was most definitely not going to stop calling him that, he knew it. He folded his arms across his chest and raised his eyebrows at her, letting her know that he wasn't buying her surrender. But she just smirked even harder. “If you're making a face under that mask, you know I can't see it, right?”
She stopped to smile up at him before slipping the medical kit back into its rightful position in the cabinet. He stayed in place, leaning back against the counter as he watched her.
“If you know I'm making a face under the mask, then I don't think you even need to see it,” Miguel argued. She chuckled softly and straightened to look at him, her eyes carefully tracing the outlines of his mask. He stayed still, not realising he'd been trailing his gaze over her features until a car horn sounded somewhere in the distance, pulling him out of his reverie. He looked away, moving his hands to his hips as he considered the situation. “How … How did you know it was me?”
“Technically, I still don’t know if it is you, Miguel,” she replied. His heart stuttered at the sound of his name on her lips, that teasing tone in her voice. Por Dios, would he never get used to hearing his name in her voice? He tapped the screen of his watch, deactivating his mask, but waited a moment longer before meeting her gaze. She looked up at him, biting down on her lip as she took in his familiar features. “Well, firstly, not everyone … has your 'body type.'”
She gestured in his general direction, hoping it wouldn’t sound like she’d checked him out enough times to recognise him just by his figure. Even though she’d most definitely checked him out enough times to recognise him by his figure. But it wasn’t her fault not every guy had his 'body type'! She dragged her eyes away from the defined lines of muscles, clearly visible through the thin material of his suit, and returned her gaze to his face. Not that it helped, considering how handsome he was. “And then your voice. Plus, your familiarity with our stuff in the freezer. And then you also called me ‘arañita’ - when I was complaining about the HPLC? That really sealed it.”
So she'd been testing him? Checking for the little quirks she knew were unique to him and him alone. And what did she mean by his ‘body type’? Was it his muscles? He was more fit than most other men, considering his duties as a superhero and whatnot. But … there was something to be said about the fact that she'd recognised him just off his body alone. And suddenly, his suit felt both too thin and too thick, the back of his neck heating up as he thought about how every line of his body must have been so carefully outlined by the nanobots perched just on top of his skin. He looked away.
“Why … Aren't you surprised?” He hadn’t expected her subdued response at meeting the Spiderman. Not that he’d wanted her to make a fuss or anything. Though he wouldn't have minded if she'd had, just a little.
“Mmm, I don’t know. I mean …” She paused to search for the words. She’d kind of had a feeling about it. She had more than a little crush on Spiderman - not that he’d ever think twice about her, being a super cool superhero who probably had much prettier women falling at his feet everyday. And she had maybe just a tiny, miniscule, barely there crush on her boss, too? But besides noticing the similarities in their … body types, she’d also drawn a connection between Spiderman’s arachnid abilities and Miguel’s interest in arachnid proteins. Maybe it had just been her hyperactive imagination trying to make her life more exciting, but … it turned out she’d been right. “You … You kind of have an … uncommon interest in arachnid proteins. I guess I was just … I just thought that maybe … I dunno.”
She seemed flustered; embarrassed. It wasn’t just evident in the way she kept stammering through a response, but also in the way her heart had started picking up its pace, the blood rushing through her veins and to the surface of her skin. She lowered her head, letting her hair fall in front of her face to hide her expression, and it just highlighted to him how very small she was next to him, how cute and how- He stopped, abandoning the thought quickly. She was his employee, she was his employee, she was his employee. He couldn’t - he shouldn’t - be having such thoughts about her. His eyes flickered to her again, shifting in position nervously as she waited for a response. No matter how cute she really was.
“But, um,” she continued, completely oblivious to his thoughts, “you … you don’t have anyone else? To help you with … stuff?” She gestured to his bandaged arm, conveying her meaning across to him. He shook his head, twisting his body to hide the offending appendage from her.
“No. It’s too dangerous.” Of course, of course he wouldn’t let anyone else share the burden of protecting the entire city. It was just like him to try to deal with everything on his own. Just like her, as well. She took a step closer to him, her expression softening as she looked up at him.
“It is too dangerous, Miguel,” she agreed, her tone pointed, but gentle. She glanced over at his arm again, thinking. Then she looked back up at him. “I don’t have to go with you. I can just … be the guy behind the computer! I can observe and patch you up and stuff.” She smiled up at him, waiting for his response.
It would be nice, having someone else there to listen to all his witty comebacks. But he’d been fine so far. He didn’t need to drag someone else into all his problems. Especially not someone so … innocent and … unspoiled. He clenched his fists, hesitating. But she knew his secret now. She could use it against him, if she really wanted to. Not that she ever would, he knew. His eyes flickered back to hers, his brain running through a list of all the possible excuses he could give to her, to let her down gently.
“Just let me try it once!” she begged him quickly, sensing the direction in which his thoughts were headed. “We can try it once and, if you don’t like it, then we can just stop. I just … I want to look out for you too, Miguel.” She met his gaze, letting him see the sincerity in her eyes as she looked at him.
“Fine,” he yielded, prompting her to curl in on herself in excitement. She bounced up onto her tiptoes, but he stopped her quickly, waving a finger in the air in warning. “But just once, okay? Just once and if it doesn’t work out …” She nodded enthusiastically, not letting his stern expression shake away the spurt of victory gushing through her.
“I … want to make sure you’re safe,” she continued gently, her gaze drifting away from him and towards the ground. “I want to make sure that at least one person knows where you are at all times.”
She shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal, how much she cared about him and his safety. But it was; it was to him, anyway. Because she wasn’t talking about Spiderman - the charming persona that everyone in the city seemed to have become obsessed with, all of them concocting their own fantasies about him in their heads. No, for her, it was about Miguel - the grumpy, impatient scientist who somehow managed to put a smile on her face just by walking into a room. He sighed, feeling himself getting worn down by that very smile right now. She just wanted to make sure he was safe; just wanted to be the one person who would look out for him, while he was busy looking out for the rest of the city, none of them concerned about what their superhero dealt with once the mask came off.
“Sí, boss,” she told him, that mischievous grin taking over her features again. He groaned, letting his head fall back in frustration.
“I’m regretting it already.”
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riverofrainbows · 1 month
The thing about diy HRT, and all the people wanting to decentralise and diy the pharmaceutical industry upon the anarchist rapture revolution.
Is that these people are vastly underestimating what it takes to produce safe and effective medication, and a steady supply at that, and just how many different medications there are and just how complicated and high tech many of them are.
And yes i know about the people producing insulin in a low tech environment, and I'm sure they're very hard working and that it's better than nothing by far, and apparently pretty well done. And i also know that they rely on modern high tech methods and data for at least getting their instruction details and quality management specifications.
And I've seen a tiktok of someone claiming to make diy hrt, and claiming to distribute it too, and it was full of serious concerning quality issues, from the weighing method and portioning of the solution being inaccurate to the sterilisation method being neither sufficient nor quality controlled via bio marker nor thermometer at all, to their vials being neither cleaned right prior nor pyrogen free and their quality control afterwards regarding particles and proper solution of the powder non existent. They didn't confirm the identity of the raw materials they got on the internet, nor did they use water for injection or buffer the solution or even check the pH to see if they'd have to. Because that's the kicker, it was a solution for injection. Where the very necessary quality standards are even higher than something like a topical medication, for which they were also not cutting it regarding their production quality.
And I'm extremely concerned seeing people pointing out very real issues with the pharmaceutical industry and with the lack of bodily autonomy about medications when not best practice but politics and greed govern the access to those, but then they don't immediately discuss how their post apocalypse bathtub ibuprofen can conform to good manufacturing practice (GMP), how they're not just seizing the means of insulin production but also of borosilicate glass and autoclave and sterile filter and HPLC machine and mass spectrometer and freeze dryer and needle production.
And again, I understand and think it's valid that people are frustrated, but please don't just have plans for what you want to abolish about the pharma industry, also have plans on how you will run the supply lines for antibiotic sirups for children. For 78 different kinds of blood pressure medication. For that very tricky and complicated medication that only a few thousand people in the region need, that someone still needs to produce for these people and you need to make available to and ship to these people. For the rest of their lives. Do you have plans for that?
And don't tell me "it will figure itself out". When you haven't ever mentioned or thought about pharmacopoeias or how to detect nitrosamines (gas chromatography) or know how many people die every summer because their medication for blood pressure or heart issues isn't adjusted to heat (a haunting amount). Or read a meta study overview on what antibiotics are most effective for low tech crisis environments. Or thought about how to get to clean room class A (hint: it involves laminar air flow with sterile air and thinking about sewer systems and what kind of paper towels you can use to not get fibers in your vials).
Don't talk about how people can do it themselves if you don't wear a mask in public or know how to hold your fellow people accountable for shit ass production quality on parenteral medication (aka stuff going directly into your blood stream!).
And this is not telling you to shut up, this is trying to be a cautionary tale. To have glorious ideas of shaping the future, you need tedious and detailed information and to be real thorough about quality management and accuracy and scientific methodology.
And for the love of trans and intersex and disabled people staying alive, don't inject anything from anyone who can't answer everything about good manufacturing practice with concrete and thorough details, and doesn't mind you to ask these questions.
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sudheervanguri · 3 months
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd is excited to announce a Career Expo in Bangalore on 14th July 2024, targeting various roles for their Vizag plant. This event is a great opportunity for candidates with qualifications in B.Tech, M.Sc, B.Pharm, and M.Pharm and experience ranging from 2 to 8 years in Injectable Production, QA, QC, and Engineering. Available Positions Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd 1. Injectable Production/Manufacturing Qualification: Diploma/B.Tech in Engineering (Minimum 50%) Experience: 2-6 Years Location: Dr. Reddy's Vizag Plant Job Description: Expertise in handling filling operations of PFS, Cartridge, B+S Liquid Vial, and Compounding Aseptic exposure to isolators, vial wash, tunnel, lyophilizer, and autoclave Experience with USFDA regulatory environment and processes 2. Quality Control (QC) Qualification: B.Sc./M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry (Minimum 60%) Experience: 2-8 Years Job Description: Hands-on experience in handling HPLC, GC, KF instruments, IR, UV, and chemical analysis Working experience in a cGMP environment with a focus on GDP (Good Documentation Practices) Knowledge of stability and USFDA regulatory processes 3. QA Qualification/Validation (Injectable) Qualification: B.Pharm/M.Pharm/B.Tech/M.Sc. in Microbiology Experience: 3-6 Years Job Description: Expertise in process and cleaning validation protocols and reports as per current GMP Experience in developing and reviewing URS, DG, FAT, SAT, IQ, OQ & PQ Exposure to injectable formulation and handling of process areas 4. Engineering Qualification: Diploma/B.Tech in Mechanical/Instrumentation Engineering (Minimum 60%) Experience: 4-8 Years Job Description: Maintenance of manufacturing vessels, filling machines, autoclaves, isolators, and lyophilization equipment Hands-on experience in automation engineering and manufacturing equipment instrumentation [caption id="attachment_61190" align="aligncenter" width="930"] Dr. Reddys Recruitment Drive[/caption] Career Expo Details Date: 14th July 2024 (Sunday) Time: 9:00 AM onwards Venue: Aurigene Oncology Limited, 39-40, KIADB Industrial Area, Electronic City Phase II, Hosur Road, Bangalore- 560100, India Registration Link: Register Here How to Prepare for the Career Expo Documents to Bring: Updated CV, passport-sized photograph, relevant certificates, and identification. Interview Tips: Be ready to discuss your educational background, work experience, and how you can contribute to the team. Emphasize any specific skills or achievements relevant to the job role. Dress Code: Business casual attire is recommended.
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research--blog · 1 year
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Market Worth $6.73 Billion by 2030
According to a new market research report titled, ‘High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Market by Product (System, Detector, Consumables [Columns, Tubes, Filters], Accessories, Software), Application (Diagnostics, Forensics, Research), End User (Pharmaceutical, Academic) – Global Forecast to 2030,’ published by Meticulous Research®, the HPLC market is projected to reach $6.73 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2023 to 2030.
Download Free Report Sample Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5395
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a chromatographic technique used to analyze and quantitate components in the mixture in the fields of analytical chemistry, biochemistry and industrial. HPLC is mainly used for identifying, quantifying, and purifying the individual components of the mixture. The significance of the applicability of HPLC to diverse analytes from various industries across various molecules has increased.
The growth of the HPLC market is driven by the increasing significance of HPLC in drug discovery & development, the high reliability and sensitivity of the HPLC technique, and the growing R&D expenses of pharmaceuticals. However, the lack of long-term reproducibility is the major challenge to the growth of this market.
Impact of COVID-19 on the High-performance Liquid Chromatography Market
COVID-19 resulted in a short-term negative impact on the growth of the HPLC market. Factors such as decreasing product demand from major end-users, limited activities in the majority of industries due to social distancing and nationwide lockdowns, and inadequate funding for research and academic institutions negatively impacted the demand for HPLC products. Additionally, the temporary closure of major academic institutions, disruptions in supply chains, and difficulties in providing the required or post-sale services also affected the market. However, the use of HPLC products for developing new vaccinations and treatments increased as most of the pharmaceutical and life science resources were concentrated on COVID-19-related research.
Speak to our Analysts to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5395
The HPLC market is segmented by Product Type (Instruments [Systems, Detectors, Pumps, Fraction Collectors]; Consumables [Columns{Pre-packed Columns, Empty Columns}, Vials, Well Plates, Tubing, and Syringe Filters, Other Consumables], Accessories, and Software); Application (Clinical Research, Diagnostics, Forensics, Other Applications); End User (Pharmaceutical & Biopharmaceutical Companies, Research Institutes & Academics, Food & Beverage Companies, Hospitals & Clinics, Environmental Agencies, Other End Users); and Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa).
Based on product type, the HPLC market is segmented into instruments, consumables, accessories, and software. In 2023, the instruments segment is expected to account for the largest share of the HPLC market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the rising demand for advanced HPLC systems for new drug development and technological advancements in HPLC. Furthermore, high prices of chromatography instruments increase the overall market revenue.
Quick Buy – High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Market Market – Global Opportunity Analysis And Industry Forecast (2023-2030), Research Report: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/97803950
Based on application, the HPLC market is segmented into clinical research, diagnostics, forensics, and other applications. In 2023, the clinical research segment is expected to account for the largest share of the HPLC market. The large market share of this segment is primarily attributed to the increase in demand for advanced analytical techniques for the separation and analysis of complex molecules, expansion of the clinical pipeline of pharmaceuticals, and availability of high funding for clinical R&D.
Based on end user, the HPLC market is segmented into pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies, research institutes & academics, food & beverage companies, hospitals & clinics, environmental agencies, and other end users. In 2023, the pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies segment is expected to account for the largest share of the HPLC market. Various applications of HPLC in pharmaceutical & biotechnology and the funding for R&D to boost drug development are the factors supporting the large market share of the market. Pharmaceutical companies use HPLC for analyzing drug purity, analysis of the active components in pharmaceuticals, and quality control.
Based on geography, the HPLC market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. In 2023, North America is expected to account for the largest share of the HPLC market. North America’s major market share is attributed to a large number of approvals of biosimilars and generics, a rise in pharmaceutical R&D expenditure, high adoption of advanced technologies, a well-established healthcare system, and the presence of key market players. However, Asia-Pacific is expected to emerge with the fastest growth over the forecast period. The factors attributing to the fast growth of this market are advancing research infrastructure in Asia-Pacific countries, growing investments in pharmaceuticals, and emerging biotechnology hotspots in the countries like South Korea and Singapore.
Some of the key companies operating in the HPLC market are Waters Corporations (U.S.), Shimadzu Corporation (Japan), Danaher Corporation (U.S.), Bruker Corporation (U.S.), Merck KGaA (Germany), Agilent Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), PerkinElmer, Inc. (U.S.), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., (U.S.) GE Healthcare (U.S.), Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan), and JASCO Corporation (Japan).
To gain more insights into the market with a detailed table of content and figures, click here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/high-performance-liquid-chromatography-market-5395
Scope of the Report:
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Market, by Product Type
Fraction Collectors
Pre-packed Columns
Empty Columns
Well Plates
Syringe Filters
Other Consumables
(Note: Other consumables include sample loops, column end caps, replacement capillary, and ferrule)  High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Market, by Application
Clinical Research
Other Applications
(Note: Other applications include agriculture and analytical research) High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Market, by End User
Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies
Academic & Research Institutes
Food & Beverage Companies
Hospitals & Clinics
Environmental Agencies
Other End Users
(Note: Other end users include agriculture and chemical companies) High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Market, by Geography
North America
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Download Free Report Sample Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5395
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moleculardepot · 2 years
Protein Standard Mixture for HPLC
Protein Standard Mixture for HPLC
Protein Standard Mixture for HPLC Catalog number: B2012422 Lot number: Batch Dependent Expiration Date: Batch dependent Amount: 1 vial Molecular Weight or Concentration: na Supplied as: Powder Applications: molecular tool for various biochemical applications Storage: -20°C Keywords: HPLC protein standard mixture Grade: Biotechnology grade. All products are highly pure. All solutions are made with…
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aartichede08 · 2 years
Chromatography Instrumentation Market Growth, Industry Size, Share, Trends, Upcoming Demand, Business Opportunities and Forecast 2019-2028
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Chromatography is a powerful separation tool that is used in all branches of science and is often the only means of separating components from complex mixtures. An extensive range of chromatographic procedures makes use of components which differ in size, binding affinities, charge, and other properties. The importance of chromatography lies principally in its use as an analytical separations tool, although preparative applications have gained prominence as a production tool lately.
To know the scope of our report get a sample on https://www.axiommrc.com/request-for-sample/1713-chromatography-instrumentation-market-report
The global chromatography instrumentation market has gained remarkable growth owing to increasing importance of chromatography tests in the drug approval process and surging proteomics and genomics market. Moreover, new product launches and their expanding application areas coupled with favourable reimbursement policies are fuelling the market growth. The market is also witnessing huge advancements in the design of column which is subsequently boosting the demand for development of better analytical chromatography resins and reagents. Also, advent of green chromatography, usage of nanomaterial in chromatography and increasing use of chromatography instrument for monoclonal antibody purification are some of the opportunities which are expected to fuel the growth of this market in coming years.
However, the global chromatography instrumentation market is hampered by high cost of chromatography equipment’s and dearth of skilled professionals. Moreover, collaborations between chromatography instrument manufacturers and research laboratories/academic institutes is the latest trend observed in this market The report analyses the global chromatography instrumentation market based on system type, consumables and accessories, end users and geography.
Based on system type, the market is segmented into gas chromatography system, liquid chromatography system, ion-exchange chromatography and others (affinity chromatography, super critical fluid chromatography, column chromatography and thin layer chromatography). The liquid chromatography system is further segmented into high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and low pressure liquid chromatography (LPLC).
Currently, accurate analytical results of liquid chromatography system aid the segment to hold the maximum share in chromatography instruments market. Based on consumables and accessories, the global chromatography instrumentation market is segmented into various consumables and accessories required for chromatography techniques. The consumables are further categorized into columns (prepacked columns (including analytical prepacked columns and preparative prepacked columns) and empty columns), solvents/reagents/adsorbents, syringes/needles, vials and fittings and tubing.
Whereas, the accessories are sub-segmented into column accessories, auto-sampler accessories, pumps and other accessories. The consumables are expected to record momentous growth due to introduction of advanced product range including columns, reagents, vials etc. Furthermore, based on end users, the chromatography instrumentation market is divided into biotechnology and pharmaceuticals industries, hospitals and research laboratories, agriculture and food industries and others (cosmetic industries, environmental agencies and nutraceutical companies).
The biotechnology and pharmaceuticals industries are anticipated to flourish at a lucrative rate owing to increase in funding by governments in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. This increase in funding will also result in the expansion of existing facilities and the establishment of new facilities. By geography, the global chromatography instrumentation market is studied across the countries of key regions such as, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America is estimated to account for the largest share in 2017, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. Factors such as increasing number of analytical technologies conferences and growing government funding for R&D activities in healthcare industry in the U.S. are fuelling the growth in North America. In addition to this, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow at a lucrative growth rate during the forecast period.
This high growth can be attributed to progress in biomedical and medical research in Japan, strategic expansions by key players in China, growing pharmaceutical industry in India, and the favourable regulatory scenario in Australia and New Zealand. Some of the major entities operating in the chromatography instrumentation market include Agilent Technologies, Inc., Becton Dickinson and Company, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Danaher Corporation, GE Healthcare, Gilson, Inc., GL Sciences Incorporated, Jasco, Inc., Merck KGaA, Novasep Holding SAS, Perkinelmer, Inc., Restek Corporation, Scion Instruments, Shimadzu Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Tosoh Corporation and Waters Corporation among others. New product launches and endorsements are the key growth strategies adopted by major players to reinforce their positions in the international market. Moreover, strategies such as expansions, as well as partnerships were also implemented by numerous market players to expand their R&D competences and geographic presence in the global market.
Buy now Chromatography Instrumentation Market Report https://www.axiommrc.com/buy_now/1713-chromatography-instrumentation-market-report
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wemahesh · 1 year
Difference class A and class b glassware use in laboratory
The terms “Class A” and “Class B” are commonly used to describe different types of glassware in laboratory settings, particularly for volumetric measuring. These classes have specific standards and tolerances, and they serve different purposes. Here’s the difference between Class A and Class B glassware: Class A Glassware: Class A glassware is of higher precision and accuracy compared to Class…
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axiflow · 4 years
Axiflow offers Nitrocellulose membrane, HPLC Columns, Filter Paper, Centrifuge Tubes and HPLC Vials at best prices. Our technical team works with clients to deliver the best solutions for their application.
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maheshs7793 · 3 years
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sudheervanguri · 3 months
Eugia Pharma Specialities (Aurobindo) Recruitment Eugia Pharma Specialities, a part of Aurobindo, is on a hiring spree for various positions in Production, Packing, Quality Assurance (QA), and Quality Control (QC) at their Bhiwadi, Rajasthan facility. We are looking for qualified candidates with degrees in B. Pharmacy, M. Pharmacy, M.Sc, ITI, Diploma, or relevant fields. If you are eager to work in a dynamic environment and meet the qualifications, we encourage you to apply and become a part of our esteemed team. Key Responsibilities Production (LYO/DPI) In the production department, you will be handling various key responsibilities including: Depyrogenation Tunnel: Operating and managing the depyrogenation tunnel. Filling Machine: Overseeing the filling machine operations. Vial Washing Machine: Managing the vial washing machine. Autoclave Operation: Performing autoclave operations. Aseptic Practices: Ensuring adherence to aseptic practices. Additional Tasks Shift Handling: Managing shifts efficiently. QMS: Handling Quality Management Systems. External Vial Washing: Supervising external vial washing. Sealing Machine: Operating sealing machines. Labelling Machine: Managing labelling machine operations. Track and Trace System: Ensuring the track and trace system is functioning. 2D Inspection Machine: Operating the 2D inspection machine. Packing In the packing department, your responsibilities will include: Supervision of Packing Activities: Overseeing all packing-related activities. Manual Visual Inspections: Conducting manual visual inspections. Compliance of BMR and BPR: Ensuring compliance with Batch Manufacturing Records (BMR) and Batch Packing Records (BPR). Quality Control (QC) In the QC department, your key tasks will be: HPLC and GC: Performing High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Gas Chromatography (GC). Empower-3 and LIMS: Using Empower-3 and Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) effectively. Quality Assurance (QA) In the QA department, you will handle: EMP and IPQA: Managing Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) and In-Process Quality Assurance (IPQA). QMS: Handling Quality Management Systems. [caption id="attachment_56779" align="aligncenter" width="930"] Aurobindo Pharma Recruitment Notification[/caption] Qualifications and Experience Eugia Pharma Specialities is looking for candidates with the following qualifications and experience: Technical Assistants Qualifications: ITI, Diploma, Degree Experience: Relevant experience in production or packing Executives Qualifications: B. Pharmacy, M. Pharmacy, M.Sc Experience: 2-6 years of relevant experience Positions Production (LYO/DPI): 10 positions Packing: 6 positions Quality Control: Various positions Quality Assurance: Various positions Location The positions are based at: Eugia Pharma Specialities Limited Unit-II A1128, RIICO Industrial Area, Phase-III, Bhiwadi, Dist. Alwar, Rajasthan- 301019 How to Apply If you meet the qualifications and are interested in joining our team, please send your updated resume to: Email:[email protected]
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shoplabsvn-blog · 4 years
Công ty TNHH Vật tư và Hóa chất khoa học kỹ thuật Cường Thịnh - Chuyên nhập khẩu, phân phối hóa chất và vật tư thiết bị chính hãng trân trọng thông báo đến quý khách hàng chương trình ƯU ĐÃI GIẢM GIÁ tháng 5/2020.
 Điều kiện áp dụng - Trên tất cả các sản phẩm của mọi nhãn hàng bao gồm:
Sigma Aldrich là một trong những hãng sản xuất hóa chất chuẩn hàng đầu thế giới. Bên cạnh hóa chất, Sigma Aldrich còn cung cấp một số các phụ kiện và vật tư tiêu hao dùng trong phòng thí nghiệm: cột sắc ký, vials – syringe filter dùng cho sắc ký, dụng cụ thủy tinh,….
 R Sản phẩm: Hóa chất cơ bản, dung môi sắc ký, hóa chất điện ly, hóa chất sinh học phân tử, các kít dùng cho sinh học, đồ thủy tinh …
Honeywell một công ty tập đoàn, đa quốc gia, giao dịch công khai của Mỹ. Với danh mục công nghệ rộng lớn, đội ngũ giàu kinh nghiệm và thương hiệu đáng tin cậy, Honeywell đã được công nhận là "đối tác được lựa chọn" trong nhiều ngành.
 R Sản phẩm: Dung môi và thuốc thử FlukaTM, Burdick & JacksonTM, Riedel-de HaënTM
Advantec công ty con thuộc sở hữu của Toyo Roshi Kaisha, Ltd. (Nhật Bản); Advantec cho ra đời các sản phẩm chất lượng cao chuyên dụng cho khoa học phân tách, phòng thí nghiệm với chất lượng được chứng nhận ISO 900.
 R Sản phẩm: Màng lọc và các loại giấy cho thí nghiệm
Rocker là một thương hiệu Uy tín tại Đài Loan, các sản phẩm của Rocker đã và đang xuất khẩu toàn thế giới. Hãng sản xuất và phân phối tuân thủ nguyên ngặt hệ thống quản lý chất lượng ISO 9001-2015. Phần lớn các sản phẩm đã được chứng nhận CE / CSA / RoHS.
 R Sản phẩm: Bộ lọc chân không, máy bơm chân không, bể rửa siêu âm, bộ dụng cụ hút sinh học cho phòng thí nghiệm
Nichiryo có trụ sở tại Nhật bản được thành lập vào năm 1944; Nichiryo luôn lấy nguyên tắc “Tôn trọng môi trường” để cung cấp các sản phẩm thân thiện với môi trường trong các hoạt động kinh doanh. 
 R Sản phẩm: Micropipette, Dispenser, các loại ống tip và ống ly tâm
Finetech bắt đầu sản xuất các sản phẩm lọc chất lỏng, lọc máu và lọc khí từ năm 1999 và cũng  là nhà sản xuất hàng đầu về đầu lọc ống tiêm ở Đài Loan.  Finetech được cấp chứng chỉ ISO 13485 & ISO 9001.
 R Sản phẩm: Giấy lọc, màng lọc, syringe lọc, Lọ mẫu và nắp cho HPLC
Radwag là một hãng sản xuất Ba Lan nổi tiếng trên toàn thế giới với sản phẩm chủ yếu là cân phân tích, cân điện tử, cân sấy ẩm.... Các sản phẩm đều đạt chứng chỉ ISO 9001:2000.
 R Sản phẩm: Cân điện tử, Cân Phân tích, Cân sấy ẩm, Cân sức khỏe ...
 ❖ Và nhiều nhà cung cấp khác ...
  ¤ Thời gian: Trong tháng 5/2020 với mức giá ưu đãi có thể lên tới 10-15%
¶ ĐẶC BIỆT: Các đơn hàng đặt với số lượng lớn sẽ nhận được ưu đãi hấp dẫn hơn.
Sản phẩm chính hãng từ nhà sản     xuất, nhập khẩu nguyên đai nguyên kiện.
Sản phẩm mới, đạt chuẩn chất     lượng 100% đã được chứng nhận.
Bảo hành 12 - 24 tháng với tất     cả các máy móc, thiết bị nếu gặp lỗi từ nhà sản xuất.
Với hóa chất đảm bảo hàng còn     hạn sử dụng ít nhất 12 tháng và đầy đủ CoA.
Vật tư tiêu hao được đổi trả     1-1 nếu có lỗi từ nhà sản xuất.
Vận chuyển nhanh nhất đến tay     khách hàng.
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 Địa chỉ giao dịch:
Trụ sở: Số 8, Ngách 143/75,     Đường Phú Diễn, Q.Bắc Từ Liêm, Tp.Hà Nội, Việt Nam
VPGD: Số 27A, Ngõ 184, Phố Hoa     Bằng, Ph.Yên Hòa, Q.Cầu Giấy, Tp.Hà Nội, Việt Nam
Điện thoại: +84 243.791.5904 ; +84 2437823619 (máy lẻ 101)
 HOTLINE:  093.131.9988
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research--blog · 2 years
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Market Worth $6.73 Billion by 2030
According to a new market research report titled, ‘High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Market by Product (System, Detector, Consumables [Columns, Tubes, Filters], Accessories, Software), Application (Diagnostics, Forensics, Research), End User (Pharmaceutical, Academic) - Global Forecast to 2030,’ published by Meticulous Research®, the HPLC market is projected to reach $6.73 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2023 to 2030.
Download Free Report Sample Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5395 High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a chromatographic technique used to analyze and quantitate components in the mixture in the fields of analytical chemistry, biochemistry and industrial. HPLC is mainly used for identifying, quantifying, and purifying the individual components of the mixture. The significance of the applicability of HPLC to diverse analytes from various industries across various molecules has increased.
The growth of the HPLC market is driven by the increasing significance of HPLC in drug discovery & development, the high reliability and sensitivity of the HPLC technique, and the growing R&D expenses of pharmaceuticals. However, the lack of long-term reproducibility is the major challenge to the growth of this market.
Impact of COVID-19 on the High-performance Liquid Chromatography Market
COVID-19 resulted in a short-term negative impact on the growth of the HPLC market. Factors such as decreasing product demand from major end-users, limited activities in the majority of industries due to social distancing and nationwide lockdowns, and inadequate funding for research and academic institutions negatively impacted the demand for HPLC products. Additionally, the temporary closure of major academic institutions, disruptions in supply chains, and difficulties in providing the required or post-sale services also affected the market. However, the use of HPLC products for developing new vaccinations and treatments increased as most of the pharmaceutical and life science resources were concentrated on COVID-19-related research.
Speak to our Analysts to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5395
The HPLC market is segmented by Product Type (Instruments [Systems, Detectors, Pumps, Fraction Collectors]; Consumables [Columns{Pre-packed Columns, Empty Columns}, Vials, Well Plates, Tubing, and Syringe Filters, Other Consumables], Accessories, and Software); Application (Clinical Research, Diagnostics, Forensics, Other Applications); End User (Pharmaceutical & Biopharmaceutical Companies, Research Institutes & Academics, Food & Beverage Companies, Hospitals & Clinics, Environmental Agencies, Other End Users); and Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa).
Based on product type, the HPLC market is segmented into instruments, consumables, accessories, and software. In 2023, the instruments segment is expected to account for the largest share of the HPLC market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the rising demand for advanced HPLC systems for new drug development and technological advancements in HPLC. Furthermore, high prices of chromatography instruments increase the overall market revenue.
Quick Buy – High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Market Market - Global Opportunity Analysis And Industry Forecast (2023-2030), Research Report: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/97803950
Based on application, the HPLC market is segmented into clinical research, diagnostics, forensics, and other applications. In 2023, the clinical research segment is expected to account for the largest share of the HPLC market. The large market share of this segment is primarily attributed to the increase in demand for advanced analytical techniques for the separation and analysis of complex molecules, expansion of the clinical pipeline of pharmaceuticals, and availability of high funding for clinical R&D.
Based on end user, the HPLC market is segmented into pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies, research institutes & academics, food & beverage companies, hospitals & clinics, environmental agencies, and other end users. In 2023, the pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies segment is expected to account for the largest share of the HPLC market. Various applications of HPLC in pharmaceutical & biotechnology and the funding for R&D to boost drug development are the factors supporting the large market share of the market. Pharmaceutical companies use HPLC for analyzing drug purity, analysis of the active components in pharmaceuticals, and quality control.
Based on geography, the HPLC market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. In 2023, North America is expected to account for the largest share of the HPLC market. North America’s major market share is attributed to a large number of approvals of biosimilars and generics, a rise in pharmaceutical R&D expenditure, high adoption of advanced technologies, a well-established healthcare system, and the presence of key market players. However, Asia-Pacific is expected to emerge with the fastest growth over the forecast period. The factors attributing to the fast growth of this market are advancing research infrastructure in Asia-Pacific countries, growing investments in pharmaceuticals, and emerging biotechnology hotspots in the countries like South Korea and Singapore.
Some of the key companies operating in the HPLC market are Waters Corporations (U.S.), Shimadzu Corporation (Japan), Danaher Corporation (U.S.), Bruker Corporation (U.S.), Merck KGaA (Germany), Agilent Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), PerkinElmer, Inc. (U.S.), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., (U.S.) GE Healthcare (U.S.), Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan), and JASCO Corporation (Japan).
To gain more insights into the market with a detailed table of content and figures, click here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/high-performance-liquid-chromatography-market-5395
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Lab consumables -Quzhou Lab Technology Co ,Ltd
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jasonsteroids · 6 years
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Product name : Triptorelin  CAS: 57773-63-4 AppearanceWhite or slightly yellowish powderWhite powder SolubilitySoluble in water or 1% acetic acid at a concentration of 1mg/ml to give a clear, colorless solutionConforms Identity by HPLCThe retention is same with the reference substanceConforms Specific Optical Rotation-65.0- -75.0° (c=0.5, 95%HAc)-71.3° Amino Acid Composition± 10% of theoreticalConforms Peptide Purity (By HPLC)≥ 98.0% by area integration98.8% Related Substance (By HPLC)Total Impurities(%) ≤ 2.0% Largest Single Impurity (%) ≤ 1.0%1.2% 0.7% Acetate Content≤ 15.0%13.8% Water Content (Karl Fischer)≤ 5.0%1.5% Triptorelin usage: Triptorelin is usually given as an injection at your doctor's office, hospital, or clinic. If you will be using triptorelin at home, a health care provider will teach you how to use it. Be sure you understand how to use triptorelin. Follow the procedures you are taught when you use a dose. Contact your health care provider if you have any questions. Triptorelin is injected into the muscle. Rotate the injection site. Do not inject into an area of skin that is red, hard, or bruised, or has scars or stretch marks. Do not use triptorelin if it contains particles, is cloudy or discolored, or if the vial is cracked or damaged. Keep this product, as well as syringes and needles, out of the reach of children and away from pets. Do not reuse needles, syringes, or other materials. Ask your health care provider how to dispose of these materials after use.
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Choosing Chromatography Vials
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Chromatography vials are temporary containers used for HPLC and GC analyses. A wide variety of high-quality chromatography vials from Tisch Scientific are available at reasonable prices. The company's vials have undergone quality certification to guarantee accuracy in the analysis of samples. These vials are typically used in manufacturing, legal, and forensic laboratories. To choose the right vials, know the materials used to make them. Here's a good read about Chrom Tech ,check it out!
Among these materials are glass and polypropylene vials. Both clear and amber glass vials are available. Standard-sized 8-mm screw-thread closures are recommended for these vials. Caps are also available separately. The caps are autoclavable. You can also purchase bulk VIALS to eliminate hassle. If you're using glass vials, make sure to choose the correct type and material. To gather more awesome ideas on hplc vials, click here to get started.
Choose vials that suit your needs. Standard-sized vials are typically 8x40mm (1mL), while larger 15x45mm vials are available in larger sizes. For convenience, some chromatography vials feature a write-on patch on the neck for easy identification. Choose from glass or plastic Limited Volume Vials for small samples. The conical shape of these vials enables maximum retrieval. They are available in different colors including amber and white.
The type of closure used for chromatography vials largely depends on the sample solvent compatibility. While amber glass vials are commonly used for light-sensitive samples, other types of solutions are sensitive to glass. For volatile samples, you should choose vials with closures that minimize evaporation risks. The most common closure types are crimp, snap, and screw cap. You can select the best closure for your application by considering your needs and purchasing the correct vials from a single source.
Crimp-cap and screw-cap vials are both popular for LC analyses. While they are both convenient and reproducible, screw-cap vials are more common for GC and HPLC. Crimp-neck vials are also widely used in GC analysis. SureSTART vials are ergonomically designed and compatible with National Scientific, Chromacol, and Sun-Sri caps.
Glass vials are generally the best choice for your chromatography applications. The materials used for these containers are usually safe for human use. Glass vials are not recommended for atomic absorption, water analysis, or protein analysis. However, polypropylene and amber glass vials can be used for cryogenic environments. These can be cooled and autoclaved without worry. And they also come in a variety of volume capacities and shapes.
Apart from glass, plastic chromatography vials have their own specifications. Some of them are made of polypropylene or polymethyl pentene. Polypropylene is the most popular type, as it is widely used for recycling containers and Tic Tac lids. It is highly resistant to acid and bases and is translucent, making it a popular choice for chromatography experiments. The material also helps to protect the sample from light and is relatively inexpensive.
To ensure a high quality chromatography sample, choose the appropriate vials. Glass chromatography vials are most common, but there are also polypropylene chromatography vials. Glass is the most expensive option, but polypropylene is a cheaper option. They also provide a greater seal between the septum and the vial. There are several different types of glass chromatography vials available. Kindly visit this website https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vial for more useful reference.
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