#hplc columns
wemahesh · 5 months
Theoretical Plates chromatography-analytical chemistry
Theoretical Plates chromatography In chromatography, theoretical plates are a fundamental concept used to assess the separation efficiency of a chromatographic column. They play a crucial role in determining the quality and effectiveness of the chromatographic separation. In this section, we will define theoretical plates, explain their significance in assessing separation efficiency, and discuss…
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labtroncc · 5 months
Analytical HPLC-A7835
Analytical HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) is a technique used to separate, identify, and quantify components in a mixture. The designation "A7835" doesn't correspond to a universal standard or widely recognized terminology in the field of analytical chemistry or chromatography.
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rawr-gorg-smash · 10 months
Chemist Stereotypes: Part 1
Bench Monkey: never wants to leave the lab. Brain never fully developed, but hands start turning solid gold. Life slowly turns into romcom titled, “Gollums and Their Chromatography Columns.”
Savior of the World: believes their big idea solves The Problem™. Usually in academia, but sometimes in business world. Research behaviors of Thomas Edison with personality of either Ted Bundy or a sand dune.
Savior’s Disciple: effectively designs entire research program and executes it without saying a word in public. Platinum hands meet diamond mind. Driven by pathological insecurity, crippling social anxiety, enthusiasm for paying karmic debt, or congenital case of Company Man Syndrome.
The Expanded Consciousness: obsessed with fringe psychedelics. Most likely to ignore lab safety, ingest manually purified alkaloids, and record resulting trips in lab notebook. Great to have a beer with, but never bring up fungi unless you want to hear all about them for the next 6 years.
Walter White III: starts as dead-end dissertation project, ends as small-batch artisanal meth brand. Most likely to wear orange for 7 to 12.
Escaped Convict: likes talking to people about more than HPLC gradients. Tunnels out of Fume Hood Penitentiary with a spoon and desperation, then goes on the lam disguised in an allied discipline. Makes twice the money for half the effort, but twenty years later, a faint whiff of paint thinner in their garage still cues a nostalgic mental montage of cleaning glassware while contemplating reaction mechanisms.
Kid with Expensive Toys: one of twenty world experts in NOESY-COZY-INEPTITUDE pulse sequences. Looks for jobs based on NMR magnet frequencies instead of paycheck sizes. Who needs to drive a 120k BMW when you can play with a $10M magnet? Bonus: most likely to wear cargo shorts and a Pink Floyd T-shirt to a black-tie award ceremony, and could happily set a record for hiking the Appalachian trail while bringing nothing but the clothes on their back and a dull Swiss Army knife.
Pyromaniac: ‘nuff said.
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Aiming at the industrial use of clay column chromatography for optical resolution
A recent study, published in Applied Clay Science, could have applications in clay column chromatography for obtaining enantiomeric compounds in industries. A spherically-shaped particle of synthetic hectorite (denoted as Na-HEC) was ion-exchanged with a divalent Cu(II) complex, [Cu(SS-oxa)]2+ (SS-oxa = SS-2,2′-isopropylidene-bis(4-phenyl-2-oxazoline)). The material is denoted as [Cu(SS-oxa)]2+/HEC. A column for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was prepared by packing 4.0 g of [Cu(SS-oxa)]2+/HEC into a stainless tube (25 cm x 0.4 cm (i.d.)). When tris(acetylacetonato)cobalt(III) (denoted as [Co(acac)3]) was eluted by methanol at the flow rate of 0.2 mLmin-1at 4°C, the compound was separated to D- and L-enantiomers nearly to the baseline.
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mangoshorthand · 2 years
Before A Fall [Five Hargreeves x F Reader]. Ch 5 (Hard Feelings Part 2)
SUMMARY: As your life begins to grow around Five's, his attitude becomes a little sinister. When does protection become suffocation and when does taking matters into your own hands become betrayal? (weekly updates) Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve
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Five has a complex plan to communicate to his siblings...just not to you. Perhaps if he had, he might have been able to do less damage.
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Chemical testing below. Proceed at your own risk
Chapter 5: Mess Spectomentator
“-And once it’s through this column, the separated components go through an interface to turn it into something the vacuum in the MS device can deal with. After that it’s through the mass spectrometer and that’s how we detect substances. At that point, I need the software to actually analyze it.”
Luther is clearly lost. Klaus watches with polite, dreamy interest and Viktor’s forehead is wrinkled with concentration Only Sloane looks like she’s following him. Five stands by the blackboard still frozen in a gesticulation towards his ridiculous diagram.
“How long does it take”, asks Viktor, clearly not sure if this is the right question.
“If I were a real chemist- probably a two month study- but I don’t have that time and this is just a pilot- a primer to get public attention. If I had the solvents at home I can probably knock myself up the HPLC device with all of Dad’s old shit, but maybe not the mass spectrometer…”
“Uncle Viktor!”
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Five is gone when you wake up. No morning training today, apparently. You shower, dress, put on makeup and still see no sign of him. Downstairs, you stick your head round Santi’s bedroom door. He’s still asleep. Five has usually got him up for school by now. You gently wake him.
“Where’s Uncle Five?” he yawns.
“He must be making breakfast, come on buddy, let’s get dressed.”
You help him choose an outfit for school that’s partway appropriate, vetoing his initial choice of Bermuda shorts and dress-shoes.
Together you head downstairs, hearing voices from the living room.
“Uncle Viktor!” gasps Santi, recognising his voice. He runs through the living room doors and you follow.
It’s more than Uncle Viktor: he, Klaus, Luther and Sloane sit on one of the sofas. Five is standing before them, clearly paused in the act of explaining something to them.
On a blackboard beside him is an incomprehensible diagram drawn with coloured chalk. Arrows attach a crudely-drawn jerrycan to a complex machine upon which two bottles stand. The output of this first machine filters into one arrow, flowing into a box full of what looks like test tubes. SAMPLES is scrawled next to these. The arrow then follows on from a vertical tube (labeled HPLC) to a horizontal one, by which is scrawled something that looks like MESS SPECTOMENTATOR. Finally, the arrow leads to a box reading DETECTION/ANALYSIS. 
When you enter, Five is still pointing his chalk at the ‘mess spectomentator’, but he hastily drops his arm. Santi receives quick hugs from all while you address the adults.
“Hey, you guys are here early." you turn to Five, “I didn’t know Santi needed getting up.”
“I’ve been busy.”
“I can see that. Is this about the soda?”
He nods but doesn’t elaborate. He looks at you and jerks his head a little. A dismissal: Once you’re gone, I can continue.
His brothers and sister-in-law notice his attitude. You see Klaus look from you to him and Sloane shifts uncomfortably. When you don’t obey his looks, he says:
“Can you get Santi breakfast and walk him to the bus stop for me today?”
You know you’re being dismissed, but you don’t have to like it.
“Yeah.” You say, stiffly, “Catch me up later, ok?”
“I’ll tell you what’s necessary.” 
His tone makes it clear that this won’t be much.
“Ok”, you respond. 
You’d given him an out that allowed you to retain at least some dignity in front of his siblings, (some sort of illusion of equality). You're good enough to suck his dick but not to tell his plans? You feel absolutely no guilt in being passive aggressive now. Fuck him.
"I’ll just keep my eye on the domestic matters and then I'll sit by the door waiting for you to get home. Like a faithful labrador, yeah?"
The sting lands. You see the darkness flash in his eyes as he remembers your comments on the night of your fight. He's hurt and angry. And you're glad.
Smiling at him sarcastically, you summon Santi with an outstretched hand and leave the living room.
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Klaus makes a noise of mock-horror.
“Oooooh you’re in trou-ble.”
Five exhales, “I’m used to it.”
“Maybe be less of an asshole then?” Luther mutters, just as Klaus says:
“Oooh! Are you doing the whole,” (he puts on a staccato Christian-Bale-batman voice) “‘Uhhhhh you don’t understand the burden of my power. I was in the apocalypse forever and nobody understaaaands- thing? I love that look on you!”
“No,” says Five, clearly annoyed but keeping his voice in check, “I’m doing the: Don’t want to drug myself to stay awake for several days -thing.”
Klaus smiles and gestures as if Five agreed with him.
Five ignores this and turns back to the group, his forbidding tone clearly conveying that the interruption is over. 
“Up until the detection phase, the process takes an hour at most but that’s where it slows down. I need the proper software and it could take hours to produce the chromatograms. Once I have those it's a matter of interpreting them and then cross-referencing them with the compounds that are actually listed on the ingredients list.”
He puts his hands in his pockets, brow furrowed, and stares contemplatively at the diagram.
Luther, not entirely sure he’s getting this, ventures a question:
“Where can you access the software and get the…chrom-to-grams?”
“I was thinking the Chemistry department at the college. I’m going to have to break in.”
“Ooh, I’m coming!” says Klaus, eyes aglow.
“No,” says Five “I don’t need someone trying to smoke anything not nailed down.”
“But you never did any of this before, right? What if there’s some old ghostie chemist dude we can pump for information?”
This is revelatory to Five.
“That’s…actually not a bad idea…” 
He considers and then discounts it.
“But I’m banking on getting in by stealth. I have the advantage of at least looking like a student.”
Before Klaus can protest to this implied slight, Sloane speaks for the first time:
“I don’t understand why you’re talking about building a device when you’ve got to be in the college lab for hours anyway. Why not just use theirs? Won’t it all be hooked up together anyway?”
Five points at her, “True. I'm overcomplicating it. What’s eight hours instead of seven?" 
 He exhales and sags a little, hips canting backwards and foot tapping as he thinks.
"So this meeting is more of a…reconnaissance thing?” His hands dart into his pockets again, “Has anybody got any contacts at the college?”
They all turn to Viktor, the only one of them who had been to college.
“There wasn’t exactly much need for a chemistry department at the School of Music.”
“Okay. So, I’m just going to have to go in blind. I’ll do what research I can about the building layout, but I go in tonight.”
“Can’t you just…blink right in?” asks Sloane.
“Not when I can’t see where I’m going. I don’t know the rooms well enough.”
“What do you need from us?” asks Luther
“To be honest, I just wanted to run it past you. I didn't want to go maverick and not keep you guys informed. If anything happens, you’ll know why and you’ll be able to pick up where I left off.”
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Five did not tell you the necessary. Unless you count a hastily scrawled note stuck to the front door before you took Santi to the bus stop.
The asshole.
Now, with Santi asleep, you and Klaus are sitting in the living room sharing a couple of drinks. He’s so understanding, so good-humored and so effortlessly beguiling that you forget he’s Five’s brother. Though you tried not to confide in him and tried not to cry, it had happened anyway. 
He looks over at the now-erased blackboard and lays his head back on the sofa. 
“He’s a prick.”
You nod.
“What’s he doing?”
Klaus waves an airy hand.
“Chemistry stuff. Dressing as a student, breaking into Colombia's labs and doing experiments on two cans of JUICED. One from the school, one from the store. He's trying to work out whether there are funky ingredients in there that aren’t on the label- you know, the sort of thing that might cause kids to sprout tumors. Then he's maybe going to a frat party for all I know.”
“Why couldn’t he tell me that?”
“Because he’s a prick.”
You raise your hands in a gesture of angry disbelief, “I have a friend who’s a PhD chemist there!”
Klaus breaks into giggles “Oh that’s too perfect. That asshole’s probably staking out, stealing keys and you could have got him in fine all along. He really is a prick.” 
When he calms down, he becomes uncharacteristically serious: 
"You know it's because he loves you, right?"
"Of course," you reply, laying your head back too, "I just wish he didn't show it by being so...patronizing."
"He used to be the same with me. When I was 'over-medicating',” he air-quotes, "He kinda still is. He can be mean. It's how he deals with wanting to protect someone he thinks is..." he trails off.
"...A liability?" you finish for him. 
 He turns to look at you and his eyes fill with sympathy. Then, tenderly he asks:
"You wanna go take a shit in his underwear drawer?"
You laugh for the first time in a while.
"Y'know Klaus, if we didn't share an underwear drawer, I might take you up on that."
Klaus clasps both hands to his heart.
"You share an underwear drawer? Awh! That is too sweet... And it's so convenient for his panty-stealing thing!"
You both enjoy the hilarity for a few moments, you unsure how he knows about the pair of panties Five had 'liberated' from your apartment that time. Then a thought seems to strike him and his eyes glint with more mischief.
“Did you see the papers today? I usually don't but I saw the headline and I had to get it.”
He jogs from the room and returns with a newspaper which he throws onto your lap.
“They’re all like this, but I think this one got his good side.”
Beneath this is a picture of Five, looking surly, captioned: 'The public is warned to approach with caution: the man claiming to be Number Five, spotted in a Manhattan bar'
You look up at Klaus and he nods towards the article itself:
'NEW YORK- A man claiming to be the Umbrella Academy's lost Number Five has shown 'disruptive and antisocial behavior in a recent incident at Holbrook elementary school A witness claims that a young man disrupted a meeting held by the school's principal to inform parents about student support measures. "He was crazy," says David Wilson, father of a third-grader, "[he was] talking about pedophilia in the Catholic church, getting my kids tested for all kinds of illnesses. I think he's one of those flat earth nuts. He certainly said the name Hargreeves to me." Reports suggest that the unknown man attended the meeting at Holbrook Elementary and caused disruption with 'unhinged' behavior. A source close to the Hargreeves family has confirmed that this man has been seen entering and leaving their New York City-based compound, but no verified members of the now-disbanded Academy have been reached for comment...'
You've read enough and look up at Klaus. 
"What the hell is this doing on the front page?"
He shrugs. You furrow your brow and look back at the paper.
“You think this is the soda company?”
“I guess so." says Klaus, "Looks like they got their tentacles in a lot of pies. It shows he’s at least onto something while being an asshole.”
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Luckily for Five, the plans and blueprints of the chemistry building had been available via public access. Even more luckily for his purposes, the specifications had to be detailed due to the nature of the experiments that needed to take place there.
He sat in the library poring over these until he knew them by heart. He was hoping to simply hide in plain sight and be a student doing an experiment. He had been to a convenience store on the way to the college, grabbing himself a second can of JUICED. 
It was easy getting into the lab. All he had to do was lurk until he could follow someone in, walking with the confidence of someone who knew where he was going and had, of course, been here many times. Now he knew the floorplan well, he could have blinked in, but didn’t want to startle any unsuspecting students. Staying under the radar for now, at least, was paramount. 
Instead, he kept close behind a scholarly-looking girl as she used her swipe card, simultaneously trying not to spook her by getting too close. As they stepped into the elevator together, she looked him up and down.
He had changed into a pair of Viktor’s jeans and a flannel shirt open over a t-shirt. He carried a backpack containing the two cans (provenance labeled). He feels awkward, as usual, but the outfit helps him to look the part. Or at least more like the part.
“Hey,” says the girl.
He nods a little tersely, placing his hands into the jean pockets. He tries not to engage in conversation but she’s inconveniently loquacious.
“I’ve not seen anyone else in the labs at this time of year.”
This is great news for getting in and out undetected, but the fact that she’s taking such an interest is inconvenient.
 Who’s your supervisor?”
“Professor Kaufman,” he says, his cursory faculty research allowing him to choose a plausible name.
“Cool. I’m under Doctor Evans.” He nods as if he knows who she’s talking about beyond a name printed in the department prospectus. 
The elevator reaches the right floor and he’s thankful to be leaving her presence, although he knows from his research that they will likely be going the same way. He follows her into a PPE room, where they both don protective equipment. Inconveniently, she continues chatting to him.
"I'm Sarah, by the way." 
She gives him a small, cheery wave. 
"Nice to meet you Sarah.”
It's all he intends to say but she smiles at him expectantly until the awkwardness gets to him.
"I'm Kieran,” he says.
He has no idea why he chooses this. Though, while he thinks this, he realizes it wasn’t entirely random. It was one of the names Grace gave him to choose from when he was young: Kieran, Michael, Shane, Daniel, or James. All were common in Ireland, his birth country, but he’d never connected with any of them. 
He sidelines the memory and hurries on. 
"The HPLC is down the hall and to the right, right?”
“Um- I think so.”
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Now he sits in front of the computer screen as the machine hums and purrs with his two sets of samples. He brought Persuasion with him to pass the time but he hasn’t yet touched it. It’s coming time for the long detection and analysis phase and he didn’t think about logins. Logins! So simple but so frustrating. He's tried all the tricks he knows, but he simply doesn't have the requisite knowledge of the college intranet. He drums his gloved fingers on the work surface.
His mind revolves to the only solution. 
He pops his head around the door of the neighboring lab-space, wishing the PPE had pockets he could put his hands into.
“Hi again Sarah”
“Hey Kieran”
“Can I ask you a favor?”
“Well, I’m a transfer here from University of Chicago and the IT guys never really got my login to work. It's a real pain in the ass. I can’t login to the computer to analyze my results…could I maybe borrow your login?” 
He gives her his fake, shark-like smile and she eyes him suspiciously. She's too clever for her own good.
“I’d- if you don’t mind, I’d rather not.”
“It’s just,” he tries, “it took me so long to prepare my samples. They’re in the machine now and they’ll be wasted if I can’t produce output.” 
“I can find you the number of the IT desk if you like?”
“I wouldn’t ask you to give me the login- I’d ask you to type it in.”
Five sighs. He was hoping it wouldn’t come to this but, since it has, he may as well turn it to his advantage.
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When Sarah comes round, face down, Five is bending over her. He has her arms and legs tied together and behind her with wires he’s pulled from lab equipment in the room she was in.
“I’m sorry about this,” he says to her struggling, terrified figure, speaking as if he’s accidentally nicked her car in a parking lot, “I don’t want to hurt you but I really am going to need those logins.”
Her cries would be noisy but for the gag he fashioned from the flannel shirt extracted from beneath his PPE. He gives her a while to calm down, trying not to show any impatience.
She tries to talk, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Promise to be quiet?” he asks. She nods vigorously and he loosens his shirt.
She doesn’t even attempt to dissemble, telling him her login without him having to ask again, tears streaming all-but silently down her face. Once he’s in, he opens the software and sets it to analyze the output of the spectrometer. Thankfully, the machine he’s using is fairly intuitive to the impression he’s gained from research and a little prior knowledge.
“Can…can I go now?”
“Not yet, I’m afraid. I’m going to have to keep you here for a few hours. I may need your help interpreting the output once I’m done.”
“Please!” she seems to cast around, desperate for an out, “I-it's not a specialism of mine!”
“It's identifying compounds. You could do it in your sleep. Hell, I could probably do it in my sleep but I want another opinion. I just want to cross reference them with an ingredients list to identify anything that shouldn’t be in there. In one or both of the cans I'm using.” 
He tries to give her a friendly smile, but it doesn't have the desired effect. She sobs a little, but not loudly enough to make him reattach the gag.
While the software does its thing, he picks up Persuasion and begins to read.
After nearly two hours, he notices her shifting. His eyes dart upwards from the book, suspicious that she’s attempting to escape her bonds, but she’s just uncomfortable having been in the unnatural position for too long.
He marks his page, jumps down off the work surface he’s perched on and pulls over a sturdy lab stool.
“Let me fix that.”
She shrinks from him as he bends over, but he ignores this, loosening the wires so that she can move her legs. He pulls her upwards and lifts her onto the stool as gently as he can. He leans her against the work surface so she doesn’t topple over and then reties her ankles to the stool’s legs and her wrists behind her back.
“Yes.” She whispers. 
She looks terrified. He doesn’t like to see this. He regrets that he’s probably giving this bright young academic the crowning trauma of her short life. He sighs.
“Sarah, I promise you I wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. In case you haven't guessed, I'm not a student. I think the soda I’m testing is giving children brain tumors. Four so far. ”
She doesn’t reply, starting to cry a little again.
“Just a few more hours,” he says, picking up his book again. 
At hour four, her stomach rumbles. He reaches into his backpack, which makes her panic until she sees he's only holding a party size pack of Ruffles. These, he shares with her silently, freeing one of her hands. He makes sure that she has over half the pack, (it only seems fair given the circumstances). Afterwards, he pours her coffee from his Thermos too.
When at last the software is ready to produce output, he drags her beside him, both hands retied, being careful to support her on the stool.
“So: here’s our ingredient list and here’s our two sets of output. Some of these are easy to check off and are in both cans.”
They work through it together; Sarah co-operating better than he could have hoped. At last, they have identified all the ingredients save one, present only in the sample he gathered from Holbrook Elementary. 
“So…what is it?” says Five, squinting at the screen, “This must be the thing I’m looking for.”
Sarah leans forward, “I think…it should be pretty accurate but I think the software has…guessed. Like it can't recognise the compound. It's indicating ethylmethane but that error margin is huge."
“What can you tell me about ethylemethane?”
“Erm…I think…I think...if we're talking cancer then...it's a mutagen.”
Tag list: (please comment to be added or removed.) @dilfjohhny , @sunsunhe, @w4stedtr4sh,@nevbrooke-555
Masterpost Alternatively, join me on AO3.  Here is a link to the whole series
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How Advanced Technologies are Revolutionizing Drinking Water Testing in Dubai | +971 554747210
As Dubai continues to grow into a global hub of innovation and development, the need for ensuring safe and clean drinking water has never been more crucial. Drinking Water Testing plays a pivotal role in safeguarding public health by identifying and addressing potential contaminants. With the rapid advancement of technology, the methods used in drinking water testing are evolving, bringing more precision, efficiency, and reliability. In this blog, we explore how advanced technologies are revolutionizing drinking water testing in Dubai and enhancing the quality and safety of water for its residents.
The Evolution of Drinking Water Testing
Traditionally, drinking water testing involved basic chemical and microbiological analysis methods. While these methods were effective, they often lacked the speed and sensitivity required to address emerging contaminants and complex water quality issues. Today, advanced technologies have transformed the landscape of water testing, offering more comprehensive, accurate, and real-time solutions.
Key Technologies Revolutionizing Drinking Water Testing in Dubai
1. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a groundbreaking technology that has significantly advanced microbial detection in drinking water.
How It Works: PCR amplifies specific DNA sequences from microorganisms present in water samples, allowing for the detection of pathogens even at very low concentrations.
Benefits: PCR provides high sensitivity and rapid results, which is crucial for identifying harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can pose health risks. This technology is essential for ensuring that water remains free from disease-causing pathogens.
2. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) is a sophisticated analytical technique used to detect and quantify chemical contaminants in drinking water.
How It Works: GC-MS separates components of a water sample using gas chromatography, then identifies and quantifies each component based on its molecular mass through mass spectrometry.
Benefits: GC-MS offers precise and accurate measurements of chemical residues, including pesticides, industrial pollutants, and disinfection by-products. This technology ensures that water is free from harmful chemicals and meets safety standards.
3. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is employed to analyze organic compounds and contaminants in drinking water.
How It Works: HPLC passes water samples through a high-pressure liquid column, where components are separated and detected using various detectors.
Benefits: HPLC provides high resolution and precision, making it ideal for detecting trace levels of organic contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products. This technology is crucial for ensuring that water is not tainted by potentially harmful substances.
4. Real-Time Monitoring Systems
Real-Time Monitoring Systems use advanced sensors to continuously track various water quality parameters.
How It Works: Sensors measure parameters such as pH, turbidity, chlorine levels, and temperature in real time, providing ongoing feedback on water quality.
Benefits: Real-time monitoring allows for immediate detection of deviations from acceptable levels, enabling rapid response and corrective actions. This technology enhances the ability to maintain consistent water quality and address issues as they arise.
5. Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology involves the manipulation of materials at the nanoscale to enhance water purification and testing processes.
How It Works: Nanotechnology can be used to develop advanced filtration materials and sensors with enhanced capabilities for detecting and removing contaminants at very low concentrations.
Benefits: Nanotechnology improves the efficiency of water purification and testing processes, offering more effective removal of contaminants and providing more accurate testing results.
Benefits of Advanced Technologies in Drinking Water Testing
The integration of advanced technologies into drinking water testing in Dubai offers several significant benefits:
1. Enhanced Accuracy and Sensitivity
Advanced technologies like PCR and GC-MS provide highly accurate and sensitive detection of contaminants, even at trace levels. This ensures that potential risks are identified and addressed before they affect public health.
2. Faster Results
Technologies such as real-time monitoring systems and PCR offer rapid results, reducing the time needed to identify and respond to water quality issues. Faster testing enables quicker decision-making and ensures that water safety measures are implemented promptly.
3. Comprehensive Analysis
Modern technologies allow for more comprehensive analysis of drinking water, covering a wide range of contaminants, including microbial, chemical, and physical parameters. This holistic approach ensures that all potential risks are assessed and managed.
4. Improved Efficiency
Advanced methods streamline the testing process, reducing the need for manual interventions and increasing overall efficiency. Automation and high-throughput technologies enhance the lab's ability to handle large volumes of samples and deliver accurate results.
5. Real-Time Data Access
Real-time monitoring systems provide continuous data on water quality, allowing for immediate detection of issues and timely interventions. This proactive approach helps maintain consistent water quality and prevents potential problems from escalating.
The Impact on Dubai’s Water Quality Management
The adoption of advanced technologies in drinking water testing has had a profound impact on Dubai’s water quality management:
1. Enhanced Public Health Protection
By providing accurate, timely, and comprehensive testing results, advanced technologies help ensure that Dubai’s drinking water remains safe and free from contaminants. This protection is crucial for safeguarding public health and preventing waterborne diseases.
2. Compliance with Standards
Advanced testing methods help Dubai meet local and international water quality standards, including those set by the Dubai Municipality, the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (ADQCC), and the World Health Organization (WHO). Compliance with these standards is essential for maintaining regulatory approvals and ensuring consumer safety.
3. Support for Innovation
The integration of cutting-edge technologies in drinking water testing supports Dubai’s broader goals of innovation and sustainability. It demonstrates the city’s commitment to adopting advanced solutions to address challenges and improve quality of life.
4. Efficient Resource Management
Advanced testing technologies contribute to more efficient resource management by providing accurate data on water quality and contamination levels. This information aids in optimizing water treatment processes and reducing waste.
In Dubai, where the demand for safe and clean drinking water is high, the revolution brought about by advanced technologies in drinking water testing is crucial. Technologies like PCR, GC-MS, HPLC, real-time monitoring systems, and nanotechnology are transforming the way water quality is monitored and managed.
These advancements offer enhanced accuracy, faster results, comprehensive analysis, improved efficiency, and real-time data access. As Dubai continues to grow and develop, these technologies play a vital role in ensuring that the city’s drinking water remains safe and of the highest quality for its residents. By embracing and leveraging these innovations, Dubai is not only safeguarding public health but also setting a global standard for excellence in water quality management.
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aticoexporter · 14 days
The HPLC systems by one of the best HPLC Manufacturers, Atico Export. It comprises a pump, injector, and column compartment containing an HPLC column and detector.
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sudheervanguri · 17 days
o2h is currently seeking an experienced Sr. Research Associate - Anti Drug Conjugates (ADC) for their Ahmedabad, Gujarat site. This role focuses on the synthesis, purification, and characterization of complex ADC molecules, making it an ideal opportunity for professionals with a background in organic chemistry and ADC chemistry. Job Overview Company: o2h Location: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Position: Sr. Research Associate – Anti Drug Conjugates (ADC) Experience: 2-5 years in ADC chemistry Qualifications: MSc or M.Pharm in Organic Chemistry If you have a passion for synthesizing and purifying antibody drug conjugates (ADC) and experience in contract research organizations (CROs), this position could be your next career move. Key Responsibilities As a Sr. Research Associate in the ADC department, your role will focus on: Synthesis and Purification of complex antibody drug conjugate (ADCs) molecules. Synthesis of different type of linkers - using natural and un-natural amino acids, PEGs Synthesis of high potent drug molecules – payloads Purification of complex and large molecules by flash column and HPLC. Handling various type chemistry with different payloads Interpretation and Characterization of higher Molecular Weight Compounds [caption id="attachment_66270" align="aligncenter" width="930"] o2h Group Recruitment Alert[/caption] Qualifications and Skills To qualify for this role, candidates should meet the following requirements: Educational Qualification: MSc or M.Pharm in Organic Chemistry or a related field. Experience Technical Expertise: 2-5 years of experience in ADC chemistry from the CRO industry Adherence to safe practices and procedures. Contribution to the development of safety protocols and systems. Completion of mandatory training related to data integrity, health, and safety. Must have good manual dexterity and demonstrate careful attention to detail. Interpersonal skills to interact effectively with people in other departments. Must be able to prioritize work responsibilities to meet deadlines. Must possess a great deal of integrity to maintain confidentiality. How to Apply Interested candidates are encouraged to apply by submitting their resumes through the o2h careers portal. To explore more details about the role and the company, click here.
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jacquelinelabtron · 21 days
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Labtron Analytical HPLC-A7835 system offers a flow rate range from 0.0001 to 10 ml/min, equipped withUV-Vis detector (190-800 nm) and a high-pressure pump for consistent flow. It includes a column heater for stable retention times and provides precise wavelength accuracy of ±0.75 nm.
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inscinstech · 2 months
Chromatography: Unveiling the Science of Separation
Chromatography is a powerful analytical technique used extensively in laboratories to separate, identify, and quantify components in a mixture. The principle behind chromatography involves the distribution of components between two phases: a stationary phase and a mobile phase. This distribution is based on differences in the affinity of each component for these phases, leading to their separation over time.
There are several types of Chromatography including gas chromatography  liquid chromatography thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Each type utilizes different mechanisms and apparatus but follows the same fundamental principles.
In Liquid Chromatography the mobile phase is a liquid, which flows through a column packed with the stationary phase. The mixture to be analyzed is injected into this column. As the mobile phase carries the components through the column, each component interacts differently with the stationary phase, causing them to move at different rates. This results in the separation of the components as they elute from the column at different times.
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One of the most significant advancements in the field is high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). HPLC offers high resolution and sensitivity, making it indispensable in fields like pharmaceuticals, environmental analysis, and biochemistry. It can separate and identify compounds that are present in very low concentrations, providing critical data for quality control and research.
Chromatography's versatility extends beyond just liquid forms. Gas chromatography, for instance, is particularly effective for volatile compounds. By vaporizing the sample and passing it through a column with an inert gas, components are separated based on their boiling points and affinity for the column material. This makes GC highly valuable in forensic science, petrochemical analysis, and food safety testing.
The applications of chromatography are vast and impactful. In pharmaceuticals, it ensures the purity and potency of drugs. Environmental scientists use it to detect pollutants in air, water, and soil. In the food industry, chromatography helps in identifying contaminants and ensuring product safety.
Moreover, chromatography plays a crucial role in biochemical research. It aids in the purification of proteins and nucleic acids, essential for understanding biological processes and developing new therapies.
In summary, chromatography is an indispensable tool in modern science. Its ability to separate, identify, and quantify components in complex mixtures underpins advancements across multiple fields. Techniques like liquid chromatography and its high-performance variant continue to evolve, offering greater precision and expanding the horizons of analytical science.
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wemahesh · 6 months
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dishantar · 2 months
HPLC Working Principle: Types and Applications
HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography), also known as high-pressure liquid chromatography is an improved form of column liquid chromatography. HPLC is known for its high performance and high yields as compared to other traditional forms of chromatography. This is because the sample is forced under high pressure, up to 400 atmospheres, resulting in a higher yield and performance. HPLC is a…
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Fought to clean an old amide HPLC column for a solid month after it started performing particularly poorly. Ended up having to replace both the guard column and the column. Brand new column is behaving weird straight out of the box. I have been cursed by the HPLC gods and wish to be freed from this perpetual hell.
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(this is what it's doing after I swapped from 50/50 10 mM ammonium formate buffer/acetonitrile to 10/90, where the pressure should have smoothly decreased to about 58-75 bar, but noooooooo, can't have that now can we?? The earlier pressure drop was me decreasing the flow rate. Already been fighting this brand new column for a week.)
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bhushans · 4 months
The Future of Autism Care: Global Chromatography Instrumentation Market
The global chromatography instrumentation market is on the brink of substantial expansion, with an anticipated surge from USD 10.3 billion in 2024 to an impressive USD 17.7 billion by 2034. This projection signifies a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.6%, underlining the escalating demand and adoption of chromatography instruments across diverse industries worldwide.
Chromatography, a vital analytical technique utilized in various scientific disciplines, continues to play a pivotal role in research, quality control, and process optimization. The projected growth of the chromatography instrumentation market is fueled by factors such as increasing R&D activities in pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, expanding applications in environmental testing, food and beverage analysis, and rising demand for personalized medicine.
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The market expansion is further propelled by technological advancements, including the development of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) systems, enabling researchers to achieve higher sensitivity, selectivity, and throughput in their analytical workflows.
The forecasted surge in the chromatography instrumentation market presents lucrative opportunities for industry stakeholders, including manufacturers, suppliers, researchers, and regulatory bodies. By leveraging emerging trends such as automation, miniaturization, and integration of chromatography systems with advanced data analytics software, stakeholders can enhance operational efficiency, reduce turnaround times, and accelerate decision-making processes.
Key Highlights:
Expanding Applications Across Industries: The increasing adoption of chromatography instrumentation across a wide range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare, environmental science, and food and beverage, is driving market growth. Chromatography techniques such as liquid chromatography (LC), gas chromatography (GC), and ion chromatography (IC) are indispensable tools for analyzing complex mixtures and separating compounds with precision and accuracy.
Technological Advancements Driving Market Innovation: Ongoing advancements in chromatography instrumentation technology, including instrument automation, column efficiency improvements, detector sensitivity enhancements, and software integration, are driving market innovation and product development. Innovations such as high-resolution chromatography, multidimensional chromatography, and hyphenated techniques are expanding the capabilities and applications of chromatography instrumentation in research and industry.
Focus on Quality Assurance and Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with stringent quality assurance and regulatory standards, including Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), and United States Pharmacopeia (USP) guidelines, is essential for manufacturers and users of chromatography instrumentation. Assurance of instrument performance, data integrity, and method validation is critical for ensuring the reliability and reproducibility of chromatographic results.
Global Market Expansion and Accessibility: The global chromatography instrumentation market is witnessing expansion and accessibility, with manufacturers expanding their product portfolios and distribution networks to cater to diverse customer needs and geographical regions. Efforts to enhance product affordability, reliability, and usability are essential for promoting widespread adoption and utilization of chromatography solutions in both developed and emerging markets.
Competitive Landscape:
Modern liquid chromatography systems and parts are the focus of top manufacturers and companies in the chromatography instrumentation market. Prominent corporations are focusing on joint ventures, mergers, and acquisitions as a means of expanding their market penetration. To enhance their company’s standing, they are also investing in other strategies for growth.
For instance
In June 2020, Waters Corporation launched the Waters Arc High-performance Liquid Chromatography System.
In November 2020, PerkinElmer Inc. launched a new UHPLC, HPLC, and next-generation software solution (SimplicityChromTM software and LC 300TM platform).
In March 2020, Scion Instrumentations launched the LC6000 series HPLC to their array of chromatography products.
In 2021, Thermo Fisher Scientific launched its Vanquish Online 2D-Liquid Chromatography (LC) system, which bids versatility for multidimensional liquid chromatography.
Key Companies Profiled:
Agilent Technologies
Waters Corporation
Shimadzu Corporation
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Perkinelmer, Inc.
Merck KGaA
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Restek Corporation
Gilson, Inc.
Chromatography Instrumentation Market Segmentation by Category:
By Devices:
Chromatography Systems
Gas Chromatography Systems
Liquid Chromatography Systems
Fluid Chromatography Systems
Thin Layer Chromatography Systems
Column Accessories
Auto-sampler Accessories
Other Accessories
By Application:
Pharmaceutical Firms
Clinical Research Organizations
Environmental Testing
By Region:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia
Middle East and Africa
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sylvialabtronuk · 4 months
Amino Acid Analyzer
Labtron Amino Acid Analyzer is an automatic unit comprised with host and post-column derivatization system, (HPLC) system is designed with meticulous attention to detail, offering a pulsation rate of less than 1% or 0.1 MPa and a versatile flow rate ranging from 0.001 to 10 ml/min with an impressive flow accuracy of ±0.2%.The system is robust, with a maximum withstand voltage of 9000 Psi,and includes a built-in four-channel online vacuum degassing machine for efficient solvent degassing.Additionally, it features automatic cleaning of the plunger rod and anti-salt precipitation functionality, enhancing reliability and maintenance ease.
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jacquelinelabtron · 21 days
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Labtron Analytical HPLC-A7835 system offers a flow rate range from 0.0001 to 10 ml/min, equipped with UV-Vis detector (190-800 nm) and a high-pressure pump for consistent flow. It includes a column heater for stable retention times and provides precise wavelength accuracy of ±0.75 nm.
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