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📸: Seth Olenick
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📸: Sela Shiloni (I need to post that whole Happy Anniversary shoot soon)
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📸: Jai Odell
“To be good at this, you have to love it so much, you have to be saturated by it,” says Schwartz. “As soon as you realize the people that you idolize love this so much, and are as excited about it as my stupid Muppet face is, that makes it easier.”
Interview Magazine, 2014
Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are. Hydrate. Tell your friends you love them. Write your thoughts down on paper. Hug. Like, a lot. Count how many hugs you share this weekend and report back.
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Also a beautiful gift from Sela
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boogiewoogieweeb · 3 months
floppy mid-00s mcnulty is THEEEEE modern au ned. look at him. he's like a microfibre cloth left in the dryer picking up socks with all the static electricity
anon, while i love your conviction on the topic, i'm afraid i have to disagree. modern!au ned would look like this:
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gif credit: @mmcnultys
just an average dude trying his best to survive the horrors (mandated corporate team-building exercises). though to be fair, he does still look like a staticky microfibre cloth in the second gif. so good call on that.
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fatuismooches · 6 months
LOL i lost my glasses recently (found them again, don’t worry) and i was stressing and what was worse was that i was working too
i’d like to imagine that dottore just comes to check on darling and they’re just stressing out because they’ve got lots of work to do (can’t be slacking off even when i’m sick. i love overworking 👍) but they can’t even see what they’re doing because they’ve lost their glasses
turns out, they were on the nightstand the whole time
i’m very forgetful and it is such a pain to forget where everything is — it makes me stress out so badly
i just think he probably wouldn’t be very amused but is probably used to it by now that he’s trying to find a solution to darling’s forgetfulness
also, how’s your day been? make sure to stay hydrated and get lots of rest too!
— (🍊) anon
Dottore acts annoyed and all at first, but as time goes on he's a bit worried about you, forgetting minor stuff is one thing, but what if something serious happens and you can't remember? He won't stand for you getting hurt while he's around. And more importantly, he wants you to live a better life, one that isn't hindered by your memory. Seeing you stressed and upset is of no benefit to either of you. So often times he finds himself working on a cure in his lab. Totally not because he cares about you too much - he just wants you to be more productive and useful to him, that's what he claims at least.
Thankfully, at the very least, you have a lot of segments to remember for you. They've learned to have hawk eyes on your glasses and any other items you're prone to losing. Perhaps at some point, they each have another pair of glasses in their room for you just in case neither of you can find it. Maybe some kind of tracker is embedded in the glasses too? A voice recording for you to listen to with places where you usually leave things. Whatever can help you find them.
Even if none of the older segments are available to help you, you still have a very reliable helper whose name is Zandy! Despite his age, he takes his job of helping you very seriously. You find it cute how he has a list of items he reads out to you that you check to make sure you have. Even though he's still a child, enhanced memory comes with being a segment.
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year
Hello! I hope you're having a good day!
So many people in my life seem to be going through something right now, and I just wanted to give you an opportunity to share anything you might be going through. Good or bad, as specific or as vague as you're comfortable with. Or feel free to ignore if you'd rather not. No pressure at all!
I hope things are going well for you! But if not, I'll be sending prayers your way if you're comfortable with that!
*me glancing at the vent art comic I've been working on*
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epitomees · 4 days
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((I may be a little too emotional about this, but maybe it's due to the bad week I've been having and on top of that, I feel the imminent pains of shark week coming on. Regardless, I just wanted to get this feeling out of my system instead of keeping it to myself.
I cannot thank you guys enough for your incredible patience when it comes to replies, asks, or anything involving my blogs here on this site. Not just the multi here, but my other blogs too. I've slowed down with my activity as of the last year or two due to a lot of IRL things going on with me. My job, my social life, taking care of myself, all that jazz! I know this is a hobby, but there's times where I do get sad when I haven't replied to stuff in a while or I let something sit in my drafts for so long I lose interest over time. Balancing my time here and my time elsewhere is a bit of a struggle, and I think it's something I realized now that I'm older. This is what turning 30 does to you I guess KJSDHFLKJSDF
I can assure everyone I follow and to those I interact with, I always always always ALWAYS!!! Want to write with you guys! That's never changed and it will never change!
I'm really trying not to apologize for the lack of activity, because I know it's more important that I take care of myself as well as the other things I have going on in my life. But I love getting to be here with you guys!! With the friends I've made and with potential friends I haven't made yet! You guys are all so awesome and so skilled!
That...pretty much wraps it up. I got a little sappy there but it's a good kind of sappy!! And as always, if you guys want to chat more with me or plot stuff out, feel free to ask me for my Discord! Mutuals only for that please!))
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rosylamb · 3 months
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Happy 4th of July to all my sweet friends from my puppy and I ~ !!
And a beautiful and blessed day to those who are not celebrating! We hope you are well and send lots of hugs to brighten your day just the same ~ !! :D
🍦 ˚ ♡ ⊹ .˚ * . ❤️
💙 ⊹ . * ♡ . ⊹ 🐶
🤍 ˚ ♡ ⊹ .˚ * . 🍓
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spacedocmom · 2 months
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom Happy Monday to all of my lovelies throughout time and space! Remember to hydrate, take your meds, unclench your jaw, move your body a bit if you can, and give yourself an extra hug from me today! emojis: smile with three hearts, black heart, blue heart, masked, spoon 4:08 PM · Jul 22, 2024
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No one: Wristcutter Roland: Come on lets take ibuprofen together
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91divoc · 5 months
so proud of my friend for drinking water i gave them a hug
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i-like-strawb · 2 months
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hugs to all my mutuals ( @sondheim-girly @theirnknight @almuz @gay-poet-gabriel, @cowboydarry,) and anyone else who needs one, have a great day and stay hydrated :)
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Day 3: Patience/Focus
Prompt List
 Pt. 3 of The Empire of Samadhi AU
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 (you are here) | Pt. 4
Wordcount: 3k
Summary: Red Son is the son of an old empire, Mei is the daughter of a new one. Red Son, consumed by fire, was put into an induced stasis sleep to stop the world from burning until his family can find a way to safely remove the fire. They find a way but he never wakes up. Hundreds of years later he awakes to discover his power resides within another as she stares at him with wide eyes on fire.
To wield the fire of Samadhi requires focus. To survive around such idiocy, Red Son requires more patience than he practised whilst creating said fire of Samadhi. But before that, Mk wakes up with a spider on his nose.  
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Mk woke up warm. 
He hadn’t been warm in a long time. 
Well, honestly he hadn’t really woken up in a long time. It was all muffled sounds, freezing cold and blurry bits of scenes unfolding in front of him here and there while he was unable to move or think clearly. It was… weird to be warm and be able to twitch his fingers without first being told to. But… nice. He really thought it was a dream at first. 
He could hear muffled voices, two of them. One familiar and one not. His body ached despite the warmth as he slowly gained consciousness. His vision started out a little blurry when he opened his eyes, then adjusted after a few moments and he was greeted with a small black spider sitting on his nose. 
Mk screamed. 
He was already halfway up the cave wall, cramming himself into a space he could fit by the time Someone came running in, fire flickering around them. They looked around wildly, alarmed, fists clenched and guard up. 
The voice was loud and panicked and Mk would recognize it anywhere. 
He didn’t really think before he was practically launching himself off the cavern wall and at his best friend. He realized maybe it wasn’t the best course of action when he noticed how high up he’d been--and when he processed the fact she was on fire--but by then it was too late. 
Mei yelped as he slammed into her from above and they both went crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs, rings and fire. 
Fire filled the cavern in a small, startled explosion. Mk’s skin burned with a distant memory of pain he couldn’t place the origin of, but before long it was clear the flames weren’t actually touching him. Despite the realization his breathing still came more shallowly than usual for some reason. 
Mei grabbed his hand and pulled him through the smoke and flames to the mouth of the cavern. Mk shielded his eyes and gripped back tightly, the warmth of her hand seeping into his fingers and even up his arm. She was really there. 
They stumbled out coughing. 
“What is wrong with you people?” came an incredulous voice, one Mk didn’t recognize. 
He glanced up, coughing and waving away smoke to try and see who it was coming from. 
“Oh!” Mk said when he saw him. “Hello! You’re really scary looking!” 
And he was pretty scary looking. With hair about as red as it could get, like, ripe tomato red, or maybe hot pepper red. It was reminiscent of many of the vegetables and different fruits he had seen in Pigsy’s kitchen over the years. He was dressed like Mk remembered his Shifu’s distant ancestor dressing in paintings and books. The clothes of a king, or maybe a prince or emperor, unmarred and pristine aside from it being a little dusty with streaks of ash and soot. His scowl was probably the scariest thing. That and his eyes, dark enough to be compared to coal, with just as little life in them. Honestly he looked like he was missing something very important, though Mk couldn’t begin to tell what it was. A smile maybe? 
The man before him puffed out his chest a bit, looking almost proud. “Well at least someone knows I-” 
“Don’t mind him,” Mei said to him dismissively, “he’s a big ol softie. He’d faint if we held hands in front of him.” 
He spluttered. “I would not-” 
“Oh,” said Mk, beaming. “Well, that’s a relief! It’s nice to meet you then, mister.” 
The man spluttered. 
Mei held up their intertwined hands for the man to see, grinning widely. “Look, grandpa. Holding hands.”
The man's entire face went nearly as red as his hair. He spat curses at them as he turned around and stomped away, kicking up ash as he went. 
“Um…” said Mk. “He seems nice.” 
“You get used to him,” Mei shrugged. She squeezed his hand lightly and glanced at him. “You okay?” 
Mk blinked. “Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m good. Uh… how are you?” 
Mei laughed. 
At first, Mk was going to start laughing along with her, despite his confusion. But then he realized it was different from her normal laugh. It wasn’t light or giggly. It lacked that unrestrained joy that always erupted from her when she laughed. It was drenched in heavy, heavy relief. The shaky kind of relief that Mk had felt after a close brush with death during training. 
Then it stuttered. 
His best friend in the whole world sucked in a shuddering breath, and suddenly she was crying. Her voice was shaking between a laugh and a sob as she pulled him into a hug and held on so tightly and crushing that it made it hard to breathe. 
“Mei?” He choked out. “Are you okay?” His voice was muffled by her shoulder and a piece of her hair got in his mouth. He half-spat half-blew it out of his mouth. He made a mildly grossed out noise. “Ew, ew, hair in my mouth-” 
Her next laugh was torn from her like a sob and he could feel it through his entire body. 
She gripped him tighter. 
Something wasn’t right here. 
She only buried her face in his shoulder, her entire frame trembling. Mk could feel the heat from her and from the rings hovering above them. They were heavy. It almost felt like massive weights hovering over them, threatening to crash down and crush them. 
With her hair out of the way Mk glanced up to look at the angry red-haired man questioningly, but whatever he was going to ask died in his throat before he could even lay eyes on him. For the first time, he saw beyond the cavern and the people in front of him. 
And there was nothing but black. 
Nothing but a desolate wasteland of ashes as far as he could see. 
Mk gripped Mei back tightly, knees suddenly feeling like jello. 
“What… What happened?” 
Mei held him tighter still and all Mk could do was glance at the angry man with a lost look. 
The man rolled his eyes at him. “Don’t look at me, peasant. I’m not the one with the fire.” 
Mk glanced at his best friend in his arms and startled as he saw his hands for the first time. 
Burns stretched over his fingers, his hands, small ones, and bad ones that looked like they would never ever go away. 
Mk let out a small choked sound. 
“I’m sorry, Mk,” Mei choked out between sobs. “I’m sorry-” 
Mk wasn't sure what was happening, what had happened. He didn’t know where they were or who they were with or why his hands and everything around them was burned, or why he was afraid to look at the rest of himself, or why the clothes he was wearing felt scratchy and uncomfortable and unfamiliar. He didn’t know what the rings were floating over their head or why the fire in the cave hadn’t burned him. He didn’t know why he could only remember being cold for so long, or why now he felt warmer than ever. He didn’t know why a tiny part of him buried away in his chest felt nervous near his best friend. 
Mk didn’t know what was happening, but the one thing he did know is that his best friend was crying. His best friend was crying and needed him right now. That was something he could understand just fine. 
He hugged her back just as tight, squeezing until she could feel like her shaking sobs were steadied by his arms. “It's okay,” he said. “It's okay, Mei, I’m here.” 
He held her tightly and Mei fell apart in his arms. 
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Mei and her friend talked just outside the mouth of the cave for a long time. Far too long in Red Son’s opinion. They had places to be. But when he’d attempted to tell the Dragon girl that, she’d actually snarled at him. Her friend’s hand on hers seemed to be the only thing that stopped her from actually trying to barbeque him. 
The amount of patience he required just being around the two of them was already exhausting. He missed the days he could simply incinerate annoying people like them. 
Eventually they stopped talking. After Mei had stopped crying. After Mk had stopped crying. After they had both stopped clinging to each other like children and crying, they finally approached him, still holding hands in a disgusting display of affection. 
“Teach me,” Mei said. 
“No,” Red Son said, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Please?” Mk said, shuffling in place. He didn’t seem to know what to do with his free hand so he tapped it on the side of his leg awkwardly, arm swinging out away from him a bit after every tap. He was such a strange one. There was something about him, Red Son couldn’t put his finger on it, but it made him suspicious. 
“No,” Red Son snarled again, this time with more venom. It was highly entertaining to watch Mk flinch, up until he glanced at Mei and saw absolute murder in her eyes. Red Son cleared his throat and looked away. “I’m not teaching you anything.” 
“You taught me how to use the fire to save Mk,” Mei pointed out, infuriatingly correct. 
“That’s different,” Red Son hissed out. “You weren’t fighting, so I did what I had to.”
“Well,” said Mk, chiming in in the most annoying way possible. “Wouldn't it be easier to get places if Mei knew how to use the…” he faltered a bit, glancing up at the rings hovering above Mei’s head. One of them was nearly directly over his head. Red Son narrowed his eyes and watched how Mk’s grip on Mei’s hand tightened. She squeezed back which seemed to give Mk enough steadiness to continue. “I just mean if we run into any other problems it would be better if one of us with big ol’ world-destroying power knew how to use it.” 
He made a good point. A horrible good one. Good enough that it made Red Son grind his teeth and dig his nails into his arms until it hurt. 
“It’s my fire,” Red Son said through gritted teeth. He missed the way his hair would flame up when he felt this way. He missed how his eyes would spark and people would stumble away, terrified of his power. As it was, the two in front of him simply stood, unphased. Mk was the only one looking even the slightest bit uncomfortable. 
“Duh,” Mei said, rolling her eyes at him. “But if any of us die you won’t be getting your fire back-” 
“The only one here capable of dying,” said Red Son, “is your friend here.” Mk flinched. Red Son pretended not to feel satisfied by it. 
“Alright, your highness,” Mei said suddenly, releasing Mk’s hand and stepping forward. Although he’d suggested she call him your highness on several different occasions, the way she said it was devoid of any real respect. The rings above her got hotter and brighter, the fire lashing and reflecting in her eyes from within. “You shut up and listen. If you die, you won’t get your fire cause you’ll be dead. If I die, you won’t get your fire because everything will probably burn to nothing. And if Mk dies you can kiss your sweet fire goodbye because I will burn you and everything else myself if anything happens to my best friend, got it?”
Truly, her tone was something reminiscent of Red Son’s mothers. Threatening, scolding and terrifying all at once. 
Red Son very nearly took a step back. 
He cleared his throat. “Well… I suppose things would go… faster if you were not quite so useless.” 
“Right,” Mei said, crossing her arms, unamused. 
Red Son straightened up, keeping his chin tilted up. “I am not doing this because you tried to threaten me.” 
“Of course not,” Mei said dryly. 
Red Son bristled. “Whatever, dragon girl. Pull yourself away from your friend and I’ll show you how not to be a useless sack.” 
“Thanks, grandpa!” Mei chirped, quite suddenly smiling brightly. She skipped back to Mk and took his hand in hers once again, giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
Red Son scoffed.
“Um, yes, thank you Mister uh… Mister…” Mk trailed off, looking a little lost. 
Red Son groaned. He tilted his head back for just a moment to pray for the long-suffering patience required to hold a conversation with these uncultured peasants. “The Demon of Samdhi. Or at least I’m told by your friend that it is now my title.” 
Mk jolted. His head snapped up and he gaped at Red Son. 
“Wait- you’re… you’re-” 
Mei patted his shoulder. “Oooo… Yeah… I forgot to mention. Um. Mk…this is… well, the Demon of Samadhi!” She paused then waved her free hand back and forth. “Surprise…aha….” 
Mk made a small choking sound. He looked quite pale. “M…Mei are you sure um… are you sure traveling with the… him is a good idea…?” He nervously glanced back at him. 
Red Son bared his teeth at him in a wide grin. Mk took a step back. 
It was horribly satisfying. 
At least until Mei shoved her hand into his face to cover it and shoved him down out of Mk’s sight, completely ignoring his indignant cursing and outrage. “Ah, don’t worry about him. He’s a big softie.” 
“I will kill you,” Red Son hissed. 
“See?” Mei said. “Softie.” 
“Oh,” said Mk, like he had complete faith in Mei’s judgment of character. “Phew, that’s a relief. Glad to have you on our side Mr. Demon of Samadhi!” 
“I am not on your side-” Red Son attempted to choke out to no avail. They completely ignored him. 
“Well, Sifu,” Mei said. “When do we start?”  “When you get your hand off my face.”
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“Samadhi is a meditation and a form of concentrated focus. Its meaning is a form of… bringing things together. I harnessed it to create the most concentrated form of fire that exists in this world.” 
Mei sat cross legged on the ground in front of Red Son as he paced before her, his arms held behind his back loosely. She had a bored look on her face, one elbow resting on her knee and her chin in her hand. He ignored her blatant disrespect and continued. 
“A true wielder of my fire, should be able to become one with it, to make it their own and wield it through the practice of meditation and focus.” His lip curled as he watched Mei glance at where a gust of wind was blowing up some loose ash. “Though I doubt you will be able to do such a thing.” 
“Ehhhh… what was that?” Mei glanced back at him. 
Red Son sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “If you want to learn you are going to have to listen.” 
“I’m listening!” Mei said, rocking back and forth. “I’m listening real good.” 
“If I could kill you right now, I would,” Red Son said. 
“But you can’t,” Mei sing-songed. She giggled and winked at him. 
“I hate you so much. You are a disrespect to my fire.” He turned to Mk and barked. “You there!” 
Mk nearly fell backwards where he was balancing on a blackened boulder. His arms windmilled and flailed until he got himself steady and he stood up ramrod straight, with his arms at his sides.”Yes! What? I’m listening!” 
Red Son groaned into his hands. “Of course, of course I’m stuck with two of the biggest idiots-” He exhaled sharply and looked up at them. “If either of you want to understand my fire you are going to have to start paying attention-” 
“But I’m hungyyy,” Mei complained, continuing her rocking back and forth. “There’s nothing to eat around here.” 
“And thirsty,” Mk added. 
Red Son squinted at them both. “Idiots.” 
He bothered to glance around. He had to admit, there was some concern to be had for the lack of resources. Red Son, of course, could go a very long time without those types of substances. Mei as well if his fire sustained her the way it had always sustained him. 
But Mk was another matter. 
He was more mortal than either of them. Lack of sleep got to him quickly. Even more quickly in the form of eating away at his attention. Food and water were another thing he clearly could not do long without and there was no telling how long he’d been without it already under the white lady’s influence. 
And as long as Mk was distracted Mei would likely also remain distracted due to her worry for him and they’d blame him for it because of course they would. 
“Fine,” he said. He planted his feet firmly on the ground to get their attention before he started his declaration. “We will continue this lesson after you two get yourself some sort of substance to consume.” 
Mei blinked. “Uh… Samadhi Sifu… I don’t know how to tell you this, but… there’s not really… anything here…” 
She gestured to the wasteland stretching around them. Red Son could still feel the fire going on under his feet. The only thing for miles around were half-melted boulders and rocks in a pattern that made Red Son assume it had once been a stream or river of sorts. The fire had long since eaten up any water that had run through it previously. 
Mk blinked slowly, one eye closing and opening sooner than the other, a little off-beat.  
“I know that,” Red Son snapped. “That’s why we’re going somewhere else.” 
“Uhhhh…” said Mei. “Where… exactly?” 
“I don’t have time to explain,” Red Son threw up his hands. “Ugh. Just- stand up, fool.” 
Mei rolled her eyes but she did as she was told. 
“Give me some fire.” 
Mei blinked. “Huh?” 
“Fire. Just-” Red Son sighed. “Just light the rings.” 
“Oooookay…” Mei said slowly. She closed her eyes and after a moment the rings above her flickered to life. 
Without missing a beat, Red Son snatched a bit of flame from the rings. Mei made a little surprised sound, leaning forward curiously. He tried not to bask under her clear admiration. He may not have been able to create his own fire now that it had been stripped from him, but he could still wield it just fine. 
…In small amounts at least. 
“Cool…” Mei said as she watched him draw the circle of flame on the ground. 
“This,” Red Son said, “is a gateway. It will take us outside of the range of the fire, but only for a temporary time. Then we will be transported back here.” 
“So… it's like… yo-yo teleportation?” Mk asked, glancing over Mei’s shoulder to see the circle. 
Red Son spluttered. “What? That-that is an offensively simple way to put it-” 
“But he’s not wrong,” Mei interrupted with a grin. 
Red Son contemplated throwing them both into the circle and then running away, but that would simply be foolish and separate him from his fire. Instead he cursed their ashes under his breath and finished drawing the spell out. 
“Do you want food or not?” He gritted out. 
That at least got them moving into the circle and shutting their mouths. At least temporarily. 
“Let’s go, Sifu Samadhi,” Mei said. 
“I hope the saying of mortals melting in these portals is true for you two,” he said before activating it. 
“Wait,” Mk said. What-?” 
The portal burst into flames.
| beginning | next |
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attapullman · 8 months
why is packing the worst thing ever?
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mydearestdrabbles · 9 months
thinking about sigma bringing a lavender sippy / water bottle to work with them and their carers & friends giving them stickers to decorate it!
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stunie · 2 months
ppspspspspsppsps sending love and hugs bc you’re so cool
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rosylamb · 6 months
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I am sorry my friends! ♡
I am still not much for talking so I have not been able to answer asks or get back to everyone’s kind words, but I plan to and thank you from the bottom of my heart ; ;
I thought I would share some fun things from my evening though in case anyone else needed to be cheered up ? ♡
Here are a few of my favorite fragrances and lotions, and my favorite body glitter! (It smells very good, too — a bit like frosting?) I really like using pretty stuff after a long day cus it always brightens my mood so much c:
Sending love, and hugs as always — I hope you have a happy day ~ ! XO
♡ 🍓 ⊹ . ˚ 🧁 ⊹
⊹ 🧸 ˚ . 🤍 ⊹ ˚ 🎀 ♡
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polyamoryprincess · 6 months
fuck it’s 3am and I can’t get my wheezing under control and I’m tempted to use my nebulizer but it’s loud af 🙃 I’m tempted to wait until my mom leaves for work but that’s in like 3 and a half hours
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