#HUGE spoilers
funkyt-t · 4 months
I just constatly have the dinner scene playing in my mind. That scene sold me on harrow so fast. She's such a fascinating character. She'll be a miserable little pile of suffering for so long that you start to think she can't do anything. And then 200 pages later she's killing a lyctor from the inside out and i'm just: "WE DO BONES MOTHERFUCKER." It's so easy to forget that harrow is an incredibly dangerous necromancer, but she makes sure to make us remmember everytime.
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hrdwrkinqtpatoot · 1 year
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Just something from the live listen I think needs to be shared at this point of time
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friedwizardwhispers · 30 days
You know when Xue Meng sings the song while drunk and dealing with his grief of being the last one left standing in their family ? The song his father sang to Mo Ran after Chu Wanning's death ? Yeah, this is where I'm at in my reread...
So I decided to read back the two moments simultaneously (because apparently I like my angst) and who wants to talk about the parallel between Xue Zhengyong and Taxian-Jun that I found ?
"Every now and then, out of the blue, I'll recall some joke from my youth and blurt it out. But then I realize not a single person who gets it is around anymore" (that's Xue Zhengyong)
Taxian-Jun about the end of his life in the 0.5 universe:
"In the end, he was the only one left, and no one else was present [...] Sometimes he would blurt out a joke when he was trying to study, but everyone around him was respectful and tense"
Because now I'm crying again 😭
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writer-by-the-sea · 23 days
Yandere Elliott, 10 heart group event. SPOILERS.
Forgive me, I didn't realize my Mac wouldn't record audio from the game; thus I decided to do a voice over and add 'creepy' music (from Silent Hill 2.)
Dialogue below:
Elliott: ...What's the matter, Darling? Didn't you come here for a drink? Elliott: You're trembling... Are you okay? Elliott: You're not sick are you? ...Do you want to see Dr. Harvey? It just so happens that he's here too. Elliott: Hah. Just kidding. Elliott: It'd be fine if you were sick. You'd never be able to leave me that way. Elliott: ...You're not trying to run away, are you? Elliott: Didn't you promise to stay with me forever? Elliott: Why are you acting so skittish? Don't you want these people to see that you're mine? Sam: Hey, Elliott! Knock it off! Elliott: What? Elliott: And who are you to stop me? Elliott: Come, my love... Kiss me. Elliott: ...Or do you want me to take the initiative? If so, then I can't guarantee it'll end at just a simple kiss. Elliott: Shh... don't be afraid, don't be afraid. You are doing great. Elliott: Now, let's go home, shall we? Elliott: No, I'm not angry... I've always wanted to do this... Elliott: You're going to be with me forever, aren't you?
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thistlearts · 1 year
BG3 Emperor HUGE discovery
Guys! GUYS I'm histerical! I just found out a HUGE thing about The Emperor. SPOILERS
Ok, so we get a scene when Ansur tells us about his past and we see him the way he looked before the ceremorphosis Here's the screenshot. It's a little dark, but you can clearly see his clothes, his haircut his face. It's obviously him. And we know he's Baldur the Brave, the founder and ddefender of Baldur's Gate.
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But it's not the reveal I'm going to deliver to you. Bear with me. When I was watching the cinematic of the final battle when you're on good terms with the Emperor (I'm not sure if it's the same with other variants), when the citizens of Baldur's Gate start to fight the remaining ilithids, when the etherbrain is destroyed, the camera suddenly focuses on a random guy, who violently stabs one of the Ilithids and then raises his hand to call for other citizens to fight for their freedom. And HE LOOKS LIKE THIS
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And it's OBVIOUSLY the same person, same model, same clothes and hair. And there's a reason he's suddenly the visual focus of the final epic cut scene. This is Balduran. Balduran who "rose to conquer all", Balduran who's still there fighting for HIS city. And I'm legit gonna cry now. This is no coincidence. This is purely intentional. Now I need to discuss theories on WHY and WHAT are we seeing? While I'm processing it.
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the emperor is a fascinating character and i love him and i think debating about if he's trustworthy or a good person is a little besides the point because the answer is inevitably always "its complicated" but my only definitive take is that it doesnt REALLY make sense to think he just wants you to be his thrall? he consistently encourages you to use your tadpoles powers and embrace becoming partially or even fully illithid, and i just dont think that makes much sense if his intention was to make you a thrall. it's established in the game that illithid minds are a lot more complicated and able to do more than a normal mind, that's why you need one to defeat the netherbrain - surely if he only wanted to manipulate or thrall (enthrall?) you, he'd want you to be as uncomplicated and as non-illithid as possible, if for no other reason than being easier to control. everything else aside, i think that when he says he views becoming illithid as purely beneficial, he legitimately believes it (although i think he's also downplaying the toll it takes on him, to be honest. from his uh... dietary changes, to the way it's clearly affected his relationships with people he legitimately cared about i think there's an element of sunk-cost fallacy there - maybe he's just not willing to admit how much it's hurt him, i dont know.)
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Of all the people to make a cameo MEREDITH FUCKING STANNARD was not who I was expecting
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eclipsewarrior101 · 8 months
Poppy Playtime Chapter 3
I am gonna give my regards to it. I did not play it but I watched a playthrough.
Spoilers below
( Warning the game is actually way more creepy and they ampt up the disturbing content
Sooooo. Amazing game. Very very disturbing and spooky. The game play was a mix of creepy and fun
Playcare is beautiful!!!! It really looks like a whole world down there. It’s a paradise and a death trap at the same time.
The last boss fight was very very hard, I will say.
It was so cool to learn more lore and the implications that we are a worker who either knew exactly what was going on or didn’t.
Seeing the hour of joy was extremely satisfying though I think we all suspected it
Now…. Seeing little mini smiling critters crawl into a half cut up dog day and ingesting his body like parasites was VERY disturbing!!!!!
Hearing about a child’s body found with the gory details was very disturbing.
Mob Games turned up the lore and fear factor up to 100%.
Hearing from workers who didn’t agree with the kids being trapped down there was interesting. I think the guy Richie…he seemed like he cared about the kids. And it’s VERY interesting that they aren’t allowed to talk to them. It means that not everyone who worked at Playtime co knew what was happening. AND Stu…I think he gave Richie the job for a reason.
I do wonder what happened to Richie…did he die or did he escape the Hour of Joy.
Kissy helping us and poppy being good was a shock.
Ollie…I wanna know who Ollie is.
The kids lore and the stuff involving them just…it hit so hard what these kids went though. They had NO idea
Now…that one scene with Joseph going to be adopted then his file saying testing. And the lady in charge seemed to have NO clue….or she was lying. But she seemed like she was one who was in the dark about the true nature of the orphanage.
Also!!! The mini smiling critters were just..my heart. They are adorable even if they are evil. Their whimpering broke my heart. I just wanted to hold them.
Dog day…that poor guy. The last of his friends then to die!!!!
I know many do t like cat nap but…I blame the prototype. I think that monster corrupts the toys when they are at their lowest.
Example: cat nap.
Example I can’t prove: mommy long legs ( my theory is that she saw daddy long legs and baby die and he gave her a chance to live)
An interesting fact was that the “ Hour of Joy” killed innocent and guilty….sooo that means kids were eaten too maybe….of god
And the teacher lady. Jesus she freaked me out. The talk of her eating people. I think she eats more than just adults.
Soo the prototype is evil. And like a god. That scene where he he killed cat nap was so sad. Cat nap was pulled into a false set of security then just kill him. That was sad.
At the end when we don’t know if Kissy is alive is so sad. I hope she’s not dead. Though I now fear for the future. I don’t think we are able to save anyone.
I do hope that we can recruit maybe other toys who are not with the prototype. We have t seen daddy long legs or boxy boo yet in the game. Cause I feel the prototype is gonna be a tough cookie.
Anyways. If you wanna talk about this or come up with some fun theories let’s chat in comments. Byeeee
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gnome-minion · 11 months
Tom Raines is character of all time. He's homeless. He's a child soldier. He's a known terrorist. He thought he was a dog for a bit. He's low empathy. His has no fingers. He can't take a hint. Hes a gamer. He used to scam old men out of their money. He was a test subject as a baby. His mom was lobotomized. His girlfriend is the best fighter in the world. He's committed treason several times. He's a pathological liar. He's technically responsible for almost ending free will in humanity. He hates alcohol. He has three father figures, two of which have mentally tortured him. He'd kill himself before selling out his friends. He has tried it before. He loves boobs. Everyone thinks hes a sociopath. He canonically might be. He has an alter who's the child version of one of his "father figures". He was the second man to walk on Mars. He's 17 years old.
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taylachan · 11 months
top ten gideon moments and top ten harrow moments (this is apparently my go-to ask now)
I can give you a top 3. I would fry my brain thinking about a top 10. Not because I can't but because I would just never be able to settle on an answer.
Top 3 Gideon moments:
- Every single time she thinks about women
-Her sacrifice scene is her character at it's peak. Heartbreaking and bright like the sun.
-Her entire mologue when she takes over in HtN makes me want to chew on glass.
Top 3 Harrow Moments:
- The soup scene. That was THE moment I fell completely in love with her character.
- Waking Up in the River Canaan House in HtN. When she remembers makes me want to cry just by thinking about it.
- Arm scene.... You know the one. I'VE BEEN REALLY WEIRD ABOUT IT TO MY FRIENDS.
I will even throw you a bonus. One of the more underrated bits in all of TLT that always spoke deeply to me:
"She was nine, and she’d made a mistake. She was seventeen, and she’d made a mistake. Time had repeated itself. Harrow would be tripping over herself for her whole existence, a frictionless hoop of totally fucking up."
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capsicrew · 3 months
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now THIS was fucking gorgeous to walk into
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9hels-a · 1 year
what happens when you make a deal with raphael me:
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intofree · 6 months
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koa-z · 1 year
About that Nagito theory, it seems like Nagito has some kind of extra sense (he knows immediately and warns Peko to keep an eye on Mukuro, he knows Junko is a threat, knows when Izuru stands behind him). Maybe he falls in love with him on first sight because he can feel their luck coexist without his hurting Izuru? The other reason I think about this is because of Island mode, which seems to be the "what if" scenario of the Neo World running it's intended course, where Nagito keeps saying to return to their "love nest" after a successful free time, but after they graduate, he asks to stay friends with Hinata instead (maybe the program deleted or supressed Izuru and/or the talents, and he can't feel that kind of force anymore that can keep his own luck at bay, and feels it's better to let go than to see another loved one die because of him?).
Sorry if it's kinda long or doesn't make sense
!!Spoilers for everything Danganronpa related except V3!!
I think you're right, at least about the extra sense thing in general? I've seen it theorized that he's capable of detecting the presence of talents. That's a magic system that has already been established because Kizakura (Danganronpa 3 anime character) is capable of detecting talents, which is how Hope's Peak recruits Ultimates. Since that's an ability that exists AND Nagito seems to be very aware of Hajime's latent ultimate (one which he is particularly curious about), I don't think it's a stretch to infer that he has that skill. Especially given his reaction to simply being in Izuru's presence in the anime. His reaction in the anime makes it clear that he doesn't just detect an ultimate, but an ultimate which is more powerful than any that he's witnessed before.
Now on the subject of the anime and Nagito's reaction to Izuru, can we just go ahead and talk about how he behaves after he's shot, once he wakes up? There's so much messed up about this and I don't personally ship it because it's harmful to my Favorite Guy, but I find it interesting that he decides to return to Izuru after seeing how powerful he is. Specifically, he tells the others that they could never defeat Izuru... and then he changes his mind because he wants to see him again anyway, even knowing how dangerous it is. He changes his mind really easily, but not because he believes that they could defeat Izuru- because he wants to be near an entity that "hopeful" again. That's how I read the scene following his stuff. If he IS capable of detecting talents, then that only supports this theory, because he'd know that a fight against the Ultimate Ultimate is futile.
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yachoso · 1 year
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Okay I have to post it on here so...
Below the cut
If you don't want to see it just don't watch it it's that simple but if you don't mind the spoilers go ahead. These are only some spoilers after Chapter 11 though so...
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