hvcklebury · 9 months
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i'll eat you up i love you so!
if you saw this on twt no you DIDNT
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valleynix · 2 years
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xosexeroxxxart · 4 years
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ARTIST: @ssxbbygoyard
ART DIRECTION: @xosexerox
#bbygoyard #setitup
#xosexerox #artistsoninstagram #artcover #artwork #newwave #newmusic #SoundCloud #aesthetic #artist #new #visualeffects #visualart #underground #independentartist #Independently #trending #meme #visualartist #SoundCloud @soundcloud
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in that song association game with elle, we all know that at word 'ME' demi was second away from singing This is me.
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crownbeed · 5 years
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arisaline73 · 2 years
double life spoilers
you were warned
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Image 1 ID:
[ID: Pearl looking up, her right hand holding a dog leash, her left arm up. Her left hand only has her pinky out, and attached to the pinky is a red string that goes off the screen to the top right corner. She is wearing her red outfit and enchanted diamond armor with a red heart on the chest plate. She is smiling and crying. Her mouth is open, implying she is saying the words on both images. The words on this image are "Say hi". The background is light grey.]
Image 2 ID:
[ID: Scott looking down, his right hand being the only one on screen. His right hand only has her pinky out, and attached to the pinky is a red string that goes off the screen to the bottom left corner. He's holding a lit match. The flame has a heart in it. He is wearing his red outfit and no armor. He is smiling and crying a little bit. He has blue eyeshadow and fake white freckles. The words on this image are "to God.". The background is light grey.]
heres the song its based off of: https://youtu.be/nlVxhg-HVCk
originally i was gonna make it a whole comic but i dont wanna put myself through hell again
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A Slice Of My Love. Chapter 8. The One Where I Get Sent Downstairs And Em Gives You One Of The Stupidest Things She's Come Up With.
Hello, my children! If you saw the teaser then you know where this is going. I think writing about Virgil losing his sanity is making me lose mine. Anywho, it’s serious talk time.
Parings: Vilonso/Deathbread. (Oh god that felt weird to write. I’m normally the person who looks at people’s ocs, not the person who makes ocs.)
Tw: Heathers and Be More Chill references, cursing, a slight NSFW mention (if you’ve listened to the song More Than Survive you know what I’m getting at), bomb mention, the death/murder of the fourth wall, and Virgil being insane. (The norm for this book)
Ok here’s a new thing: I’m going to link the four songs that are mentioned/sang/used: 
I Am Damaged (from Heathers tw: explosions, suicide, and suicide mention): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlVxhg-HVCk 
Candy Store (from Heathers): 
More Than Survive (from Be More Chill): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuOrwWdJFEs
Voices In My Head (from Be More Chill): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvpaivDBwQs
(Both Be More Chill songs the original cast recording because I listened to like 6 lines of More Than Survive from the Broadway one and hated it. (Will Connolly is SOOO much better for Jeremy) Look at this!! I’ve only been into this show for two days (on the day of publishing this chapter) and I have incredibly strong opinions already!!! And Heathers is the world premiere cast recording because you can hate me later, I hate the West End version of Heathers. They used the HIGH SCHOOL replacement for Blue!! I can tangent more about how much I hate the West End version of Heathers and the Broadway version of BMC later if you so wish.)
Virgil’s POV
“Virgil, could you please go downstairs?” Patton asked me.
Well, good luck to princey. I think we just got Ramen murdered. Oops, I did it again. I played with your- Why are you like this? Why are either of you like this?
I let go of Roman’s hand and begrudgingly went downstairs. I want to know what they were saying. Actually, I think I can find out. 
Em, what are they talking about?
(Now is not the time for you to find out.)
You’re writing this chapter before you write what they’re saying, aren’t you?
(Umm… Maybe!! But I have notes!!!)
Ahh yes, the very “scientific notes” you have that are written in cursive, with the all caps too because you're just extra like that.
I jumped at Logan’s screech. Jesus!! What was that for?
(Dunno, it was funny.)
You know what will be funny? Seeing how you work that into the next chapter.
(Virgil, Virgil, Virgil, I already know how I’m gonna add that to the story. I’m decently smart when I feel like it.)
I can just hear the angry readers. Like I said in chapter 2, there is no fourth wall for this cautionary tale. For my chapters at least. OH!! That’s a funny idea.
(To the tune of I am Damaged)
It is damaged. 
Far to damaged. 
The readers think it’s not beyond repair.
I’ll stick around here.
I won’t make things better.
Cause Em’s beat us fair and square.
Step away from the wall now.
Little further.
I know what this thing will do.
Hope you miss it.
Please don’t kiss it.
I don’t need to know that you worship it.
It won’t trade its life for yours.
(Virgil what are you doing?)
And once it disappears,
(I’m in love with the reference but I’m confused.)
There’ll be a mess down here.
(Why do you have a bomb?)
Say bye to the wall.
Say bye to the wall.
Say bye to the wall.
Say bye to the wall.
(*Snaps fingers* There’s no more wall.)
What the? Why did you take my bomb?
(This is why Roman is JD.)
It would’ve been fine.
(You were planning to throw a bomb at the fourth wall. How would that have ended well?)
(Ok. Yeah. We’re done. I’m gonna go now. I’ll still be the present force giving you existence. But I’m done with you. Too much lack of basic intelligence here.)
Well, at least I can have a bomb again.
(Oh yeah! And no more bombs.)
I was too busy talking with Em to notice Alonso on the counter again. It startled me. But now I had the perfect opportunity to talk to him without getting interrupted.
“How long have you been sitting there?”
He’d been staring at me since I came downstairs I think. He got off the counter and walked over to me. “Ehh. Not too long.”
You know what? He’s like really sketchy. We’re gonna question him to the ends of this Earth.
“How did you get here?”
“I just appeared.”
That’s a constructive answer. “No like the first time. I could’ve sworn that it was only me and Pat in the kitchen.”
“Yeah I kinda just appeared then too. Also, sweety stop slouching and your bangs!! Who the hell gave you permission to walk around with your hair like that?”
That’s who he reminded me of. The critic character from Thomas’ last video. I told Roman that the character was too similar to Remy, as the fans have dubbed the sleep character from Thomas’ shorts. Did he listen? No.
The fans didn’t care though. The love the critic. If I’m not mistaken this one discord server has dubbed him “Critic Anton Dice”. (Shout out to all my wonderful friends in the The Kinds Of Minds You’d Only Find In Hell discord server! Y’all are amazing!!!)
Still something else though. I can’t quite place my finger on it and it’s pissing me off.
That something else is why you think he’s hot. Not true. It is true. Remy pisses us off, the critic guy is an ass. It’s that something else. Both of you need to shut up or I’m yeeting myself out a goddamn window!!
That shut them both up.
“Yeah, I don’t give a fuck about my hair or posture. And not gonna lie, your ‘appearing’ is kinda creepy.”
He rolled his eyes at me and fixed my bangs. “Ugh! Fine if you won’t fix them yourself I’ll do it.”
He fussed over my hair for quite some time. Once he finished, he finally brought up the ‘just appearing thing’.
“Don’t you just appear?”
I took mild offense to that. See? We don’t think he’s hot. He’s just an ass. The something else is hot. Can you both just stop? The option to yeet me out a window is still on the table. Just saying.
Anyways. I took mild offense to that. “See that’s the thing.” You have no clue how badly I wanted to say ‘with you plastics’. Not the time tho. “I appear in a not creepy way. You just pop up on the counter and don’t make a sound. It’s kinda terrifying.”
He scoffed at me. “Does it look like I care?” I rolled my eyes. “Anyways, do you guys have any coffee?” He asked.
There we go there is the Remy. You’re not wrong. Ya know, it’s kinda nice to have the voices in your head get along for once. SHUT UP!! BESIDES, HE��S STARING!!! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET HIM COFFEE!!! GODDAMN!!! CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!! BOTH OF YOU!!!
I played of the incredibly pissed voices in my head like they were nothing and answered Alonso’s question. “Uhh, yeah we have coffee, but it’s like noon now.”
“Do I look like I care? This bitch needs his Starbucks.”
“We have coffee, not Starbucks.”
“Whatever, I just need caffeine.”
Huh. This guy really is Remy, isn’t he? Yeah, he is. I need coffee too so it’s a win-win.
I walked to the kitchen and started making coffee. While the coffee machine was doing coffee machine things, I was sitting on the counter. Alonso had started looking through the cabinets.
I cocked my head to the side messing up my recently “fixed” bangs.
“What are you doing?”
“Looking for sugar. You got any?”
“Yeah. It’s in that cabinet.” I pointed out the one that should have the sugar. I have no clue if it does. He went to the cabinet that I had told him that the sugar should be in and started combing through it.
I stared at the coffee machine, waiting for it to finish. I had subconsciously started to drum my hands on the counter-top. “C-c-c-come on!! C-c-c-come on!! Go! Go! C-c-c-come on!! C-c-c-come on!! Go! Go!”
Ok. You have no right to judge me. I fricken love Be More Chill. I continued with the song. Slowly getting louder. “I’m waiting for my porno to load. My brain is gonna fricken explode.”
The coffee finished. I grabbed two mugs, still singing. Like I said, I fricken love Be More Chill. I’m not gonna sit there and only sing 4 lines of More Than Survive. Also, the next part of the song fits. 
“And now, of course, it’s time to hit the road.” I poured some coffee into the mugs “Which means I’ll be uncomfortable all day, but that really isn’t such a change. If I'm not feeling weird or super strange, my life would be in utter disarray. 'Cause freaking out is my okay.” 
If Jeremy Heere isn’t me than I have no clue what is. “Good morning time to start the day.”
“But it’s noon.”
I jumped at the voice. I may or may not have forgotten that Alsonso was still there. I attempted to recover from the very obvious fact that I’d forgotten about his existence.
“It’s called Be More Chill. Have you ever heard of it?”
He had found the sugar and it was sitting on the table. I brought over the two coffee mugs.
He scoffed. “Of course I’ve heard of Be More Chill!! What rock do you assume I’m living under??”
Extra bitch. You’re not wrong though.
Me, being the idiot I am, actually, I’m not an idiot. This rather creepy man is. You don’t just interrupt someone jamming out to a Be More Chill song like that. 
“So why did you interrupt me?”
He gave me this look of judgment. But judgment and something I couldn’t read. 
What is it with you and not being able to read things today? First the something else and now this?
Yet another way I relate to Jeremy Heere. I could feel myself zoning out again.
“And there are voices in my head. So many voices in my head. And they can yell and hurt like hell, but I know that I'll be fine. I still have voices in my head. Yeah, there are voices in my head. Of the voices in my head, the loudest one is mine!” I had started singing again. “Loudest one is mine! Loudest one is mine!”
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Roman walking downstairs and screaming “C-C-C-COME ON!! C-C-C-COME ON!! LET’S GO!!!”
One thing that y’all need to know about being best fucken friends with Roman: He will randomly start screeching lyrics from random musical theater/Disney songs at random times.
In that moment, I was singing Voices In My Head. This added the idea/impulse (you never know with Roman) to his brain to either join in at some random part or jump in once I had stopped, even if that meant restarting the song. We don’t care.
Yes, we. 
Roman doesn’t give a fuck. 
I don’t have any fucks to give.
Anywho, I joined him. “C-C-C-COME ON!! C-C-C-COME ON!! LET’S GO!!!”
I heard Logan groan behind him. “OH MY GOD!! BOTH OF YOU NEED TO SHUT UP!!!!”
I locked eyes with Roman to make sure that we were in sync for the plan that was forming in our heads.
I stood up. Roman steamed “SHUT UP HEATHER!!!!” I very over dramatically fell on the floor. Roman then began to sing the Candy Store riff. I quickly stood up and sang “TIME FOR YOU TO PROVE YOU’RE NOT A LAME ASS ANYMORE!!!” 
We looked at Patton and Lo-, well, he had gone upstairs again. So we looked at Pat. He looked like he was about to flip his lid. 
I mean, Pat had never been one for Heathers, or BMC, because of the death, murder, sex, cursing, drinking, and drugs/smoking in the shows. It’s sad though!!! All of the good shows are the ones that aren’t 100% kid-friendly!!
I looked back at Roman. We began to laugh hysterically.
I realized that Alonso wasn’t there anymore. Like anywhere. 
But I didn’t care. 
Right now wasn’t about Alonso. 
Right now was about me being a theater geek with my best friend.
Y’all can judge me later for all of the BMC and Heathers references!!! Heathers is Virgil’s favorite and then BMC. Fight me.
I would say that this chapter is the longest, but it’s only because of my theater tangent (which is a half a page long on google docs) in the first A/N. (The chapter is 5 pages on Google Docs)
Oof. Umm. I don’t like this chapter very much. Well, not as much as the others. I like it more than other chapters, but I still don’t like it. But not enough dislike to rewrite it.
Also, I failed my own goal. I WANTED to make this chapter post 666 on @i-can-get-extra-with-my-ships, but it’s post 695. *Sad author/theater geek/prinxietea trash goblin noises* 
But I guess that this is my birthday present to myself? I’m posting this on chapter on September 22. My birthday is September 23. Ehh. Good enough.
Ok, so before this gets really confusing:
This is the main voice inside Virgil’s head.
This is the other voice in Virgil’s head.
This is the two voices together.
(This is me, the author, Em, talking to Virgil, adding a random A/N in the middle of the chapter, or just establishing something like a stage direction almost. Ex. (To the tune of I Am Damaged) in this chapter. The difference between this one and the one above it is the parentheses.)
The now almost 13-year-old “author” (that isn't really an author),
(P.s with the sign-off and this part, the chapter is now just barely over 5 pages long on google docs. I need to cool it with the A/Ns. No one cares/reads the A/N. Why do I tell you guys this random crap?)
Taglist (I need to be informed if you’d like to get added, preferably through DMs or the inbox so I can make sure you get added): @winterswishing-reblogs @just-some-gt-trash @thetomorrowshow @iixclementine @an-existing-leah @elatedgiff
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Got bored and decided to draw some ocs as people from famous musicals.
So here’s Neiko and Simon and Veronica and JD from Heathers! The edgy couple.
Our LoVe Is GoD
Neiko belongs to @itspeachybubbly
Check out the sonnG
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huntsman-ash · 5 years
🖊+ Ash Vulcan!
Bit of interesting back story for Ash;
He’s actually the SECOND protagonist of a team that I thought up for RWBY.My very first team was a raw Huntsman group from Vale called HVCK (Havoc, with my reasoning being the Havoc/Havok nuclear device from the Halo series as insperation). 
HVCK got shelved after a little bit though once I realized Atlas was a thing, and I worked on getting a team for there. And thats where CAMO came from. Their names (aside from Chrys) were stolen whole-sale once again from Halo, with Ash, Mark and Olivia being the last remaining members of Fireteam Katana from the Ghosts of Onyx/Glasslands/Last Light/Retribution story arc. Inevitably my interest in the military seeped in, and slowly CAMO went from being Huntsmen to soldiers and then Hunter-Killers (because I wanted real soldiers) and here he stands today, a soldier of Mantle. 
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watermelonships · 3 years
lucian i hope you know you are my least favorite friend and i dont enjoy that VERY rude lyric. personal attack.
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weeraponn · 3 years
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สำริด พอถูกทำหมันไม่ติดสัดรอบใหม่ก็เลยเลี้ยงลูกยาวเลย มาเห็นวันนี้ตกใจ อยู่กันน่าจะครบนะเนี่ย #สำริดthecat https://www.instagram.com/p/COkYlu-HVCK/?igshid=1ionj0xrejesb
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hvcklebury · 3 months
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she is literally me!
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clogboss · 5 years
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Happening now #movementcontrolorder https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HVCK-j260/?igshid=14stmkuc1k2qs
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phanmoonmother-blog · 7 years
um my name is Julianna and some cool Blog colors can be sky blue and light yellow?
Those are cute colors! J • the Judge // twenty one pilotshttps://youtu.be/lXBre0OGPdUU • Uma Thurman // fall out Boyhttps://youtu.be/CBswx7GEARcL • lovely // twenty one pilotshttps://youtu.be/3C-2xCuJZYQI • I am damaged // heathershttps://youtu.be/nlVxhg-HVCkA • anathema // twenty one pilotshttps://youtu.be/qb83YsEJCdkN • no shows // gerard Wayhttps://youtu.be/GxuvGBhQncAN • non stop // Hamiltonhttps://youtu.be/8aefuWGmKTYA • addict with a pen // twenty one pilotshttps://youtu.be/4iNxgm51Xw8🐊I'm doing name playlists! 🐊
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aria-xue · 7 years
I'm crying
I've been listening to the Heathers Soundtrack again. 3 words: I AM DAMAGED. It reminds me so much of how much V loved Rika. https://youtu.be/nlVxhg-HVCk
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neonrocker99 · 7 years
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