forged-in-kaoss · 2 months
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purplehairedwonder · 1 year
Chapter 1088: Ethics 101
This write-up is a bit delayed, but I definitely wanted to comment on a few things.
For one thing, Garp’s lesson feels like he’s teaching a philosophy class.
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So, that’s probably why it reminded me of Chidi in The Good Place, particularly when he was going over the Trolley Problem. (It’s not an exact replica of the ethical dilemma here but there are similarities.)
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Garp gets lectured for telling his proteges to protect the future...
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Of course, the Marines declaring “All lives are equal” is downright laughable. These are the people who serve at the whim of the Celestial Dragons, wiped out Ohara, Flevance, and, recently, Lulusia. 
They’re also content to sacrifice troops rather than take on an Emperor, so it takes a SWORD Member (Koby) to step in.
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It’s interesting that Koby volunteered here; Blackbeard wasn’t actually interested in him in the first place.
Still, the fact that Blackbeard took this deal means Koby’s reputation is widespread. Rocky Port reveal when, Oda?!
Back to the present day, is it weird to say that Garp reminds me a bit of Luffy here?
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Luffy has unwavering faith in his nakama. He has people on his crew who can do things he can’t, and he can do things they can’t. Garp here, like his grandson, puts his unmitigated faith in his people--though in this case, it’s more a case of handing the baton to the next generation. We’ve been focusing mostly on the next generation of pirates in the Worst Generation, but this is the next generation of the Marines stepping forward into the limelight.
Once the youngin’s are off, Garp returns his focus to his former protégé.
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And all I can think of is Monty Python.
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Okay, fine. It’s quite compelling that we’ve got Garp protecting and encouraging his current batch of proteges while facing off against his former protégé in Kuzan. (Kuzan’s line last chapter about Garp raising enemies is still ringing in my ears; that was cold.)
We also get a flashback, learning Koby’s been doing the “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” training montage from Mulan after training.
“You must be swift as the coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon”
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Koby is so wholesome that even his attack has a wholesome name.
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Still, this is very impressive. Koby stocks on the rise.
Garp, Grus, and Helmeppo get back to the ship, just leaving Garp remaining on Hachinosu.
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Look, I have plenty of issues with Garp, but to his credit here, he’s willing to walk the walk when it comes to saving the future generation over the old generation. He sacrifices himself so they ship can escape.
(Also, what was the point in Tashigi being here? I was really hoping we were going to see Smoker at some point, but nope. She’s just hanging out in the background doing nothing. Yeesh, let the woman do something for once, Oda.)
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This looks bad for Garp. It feels like a sendoff, and Garp--a D.--is laughing in the face of death. 
I don’t think he’s dead, though. For one thing, this is One Piece where death is made up and the points don’t matter. And the narration box says he’s MIA, which is quite different than some of the other more dramatic descriptions of defeat we’ve gotten in recent chapters.
Second, this is not the first time we’ve seen a D. face death with a smile and survive. (Remember Law’s smirk when Doffy had a gun to his chest on the rooftop in Dressrosa?) 
Third, if Saul survived Kuzan’s attack, I’d imagine Garp could, too. I could see the ice here is actually saving him from what looks like an ugly stab wound.
More than that, though, it’s makes little strategic sense to kill him. Blackbeard wants a hostage to bargain with the World Government for Hachinosu’s sovereignty. Garp is a significantly more high-value hostage than Koby; it would not be smart to kill him and lose their leverage when they could use him. 
Narrative-wise, there’s also a lot left to settle between Luffy and Garp. And what about Dragon?
There’s so much setup with Hachinosu that we’re definitely going there with the Straw Hats at some point. I still think Luffy and Law team up again now that Law is both crewless and shipless, and if Blackbeard takes the surviving Hearts hostage, that will give the renewed alliance reason to go there. Law would also likely be able to save a frozen Garp using his fruit. 
All of that being said, I’m looking forward to returning to Egghead next chapter as the Marines arrive.
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sl-pp · 1 year
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sullimichi · 7 months
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Ururu, on the island of Hachinosu, she relaxes with her daughter Cheeseburger behind and greets her second husband Pizarro☀️
Ururu has other children, I'll draw them more in the future but here's his first daughter: Cheeseburger (her father is Burgess of course )
I don't often do big backgrounds, but it's always cool to have nice, full of details illustrations 🥰
(Did you notice the two wedding rings? 👀)
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lightningbastard · 1 year
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Oda went hard with the island island fruit!
It looks amazing combined with the skull on Hachinosu but I fear future islands that Pizzaro will visit may not look as iconic as this panel.
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tashigys · 1 year
I just finished reading the original leaks on Manga Plus.
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Just the simple fact that Oda is a goat, because in chapters 87 and 88 on the covers we see Koby's efforts to become an exemplary marine. Not only that, chapter "88" is titled "Die".
These chapters were about Koby and Garp. Now we know why Garp is the Hero of the Navy and one of the strongest men in One Piece. Garp and Koby, master and disciple. Koby inherited his master's strength as well as his determination and teachings.
Since, Koby applied the same lessons Garp established in the first panel when he offers himself in exchange for the 800 marines.
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And Garp, my old Garp applies his lesson to himself by facing his Justice, this time being the old man who stays behind for the Young to prevail.
I love that after 1087 chapters Koby finally got to shine. I mean, 1087 chapters is Koby's turn to prove that his efforts and training paid off. I also applaud Helmeppo who has not left Koby since the beginning.
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Well Hibari is Koby's lover and there is no denying it.
A very surprised Tashigi. I like that she calls him "Koby-Kun", it shows the great appreciation she has for her student, it reminded me of Zoro's teacher Kuina's father who also calls Zoro, "Zoro-Kun".
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Prince I like, I also like how jealous he is with Koby and his new demonstration of power.
In the end Tashigi only stayed on the ship to give orders and command the marines, something I like, but I admit I wanted to see more of her in these chapters.
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But then I remember the video of a Japanese guy who specializes in creating One Piece Tik Tok content, it helps me understand a little more about why Tashigi is in Hachinosu.
Easy: She had to be part of this new era of marines. The marines that Garp sacrificed himself for. Marines that from this moment on will take value in the work, since in each one of them lies that Justice Prevails.
So, the future of the marines is already near, and Oda let us see this in nothing more and nothing less than in the cover 580 titled "the end of the War".
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Koby, Prince, Tashigi, Hibari, Helmeppo and Kenjaku are the future of the Marines. The marines that Garp always wanted Luffy, Sabo and Ace to become.
Obviously, Garp lives. Garp can't die so simply. Kuzan is up to something and his frozen tears give him away.
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Anyway, already excited to see what will happen in EggHead.
I want to see Zoro.
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monkey-d-ezekiel · 1 year
seeing the end of chapter 1088, im pretty glad that we're getting back to the Straw Hats. i loved the period of focus on worldbuilding and major global events, but i kinda wanna see our main crew again now. i wanna see how the futuristic island battle unfolds too. not to mention, it's EMPEROR luffy now. always feels weird to say that (especially after the color spread in this week's chapter). look how far he's come from being a weird little 30 million bounty gum-gum boy from east blue!
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plus, if Garp really is on the verge of death, as Oda seems to be building up to, I don't want it to be offscreened or for it to happen while Luffy isn't there. somehow i feel like it's narrative importance will be majorly lost if he dies in this anticlimactic way. i don't really want Luffy to suffer another heartbreak, but I just can't see Garp dying without leaving some long lasting impact on his family as well as the world. it seems too hushed rn to be actually happening, if that makes sense?
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also, do any of y'all feel that the entire "old man and baby" dilemma wasn't for coby and helmeppo, but rather for Aokiji and his mission as a double agent? perhaps Garp thought that Kuzan is too emotionally fond of his mentor to stab him, and so he told that story in order to remind Kuzan of his duty? it's always been hard to gauge Kuzan, but he seems more of a morally good guy ever since his introduction in Long Ring Long Land, and this behavior seems very out of line with his character, unless he's doing it for some greater good. i genuinely cannot fathom Aokiji ever genuinely aligning with Blackbeard's morals or goals.
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lmathbr · 8 days
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One Piece (Layers)
Hoje faz 1 ano que dei esse presente de aniversário para um amigo
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onepiecexd · 1 year
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One Piece - Capítulo 1080
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My brother has a headcannon, and I legit DO NOT KNOW how I feel about it. 
SO the weird cat king has the island island fruit.
He can make the island grow arms
If he can do that he can make the island grow legs and feet
He can literally walk the island across the ocean
Hachinosu will walk right up to Laughtale
Blackbeard will then take Laughtale as his new base and make it go wherever he wants for the final battle.
Please tell me what you think. Becasue I don’t know what to think!
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the-frizzle-fry · 1 year
I dunno why but I feel like Oda is gonna do a switcheroo in the next chapter or 2. Like another twist we all should have seen coming.
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But my guess is we head over to Garp n see what’s up with Koby. Haven’t heard from them all n a bit. Hey maybe BB tucked tail n had to run back to pirate island. I don’t think we seein Kid or Shanks soon.
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What the hell is the incident on Egghead gonna be? There’s so many god damn moving parts.
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forged-in-kaoss · 2 months
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sashi-ya · 5 months
Could it be that luffy is actually able to float because he is made of gum? Maybe he could imagine having/turning into a life saver... meaning that he could potentially be safe from the drowning. It hasnt happened yet cause he is just now learning everything he can imagine he can materialize and hasnt drown since Wano (which in my opinion is a little suspicious since he drown and "magically" appeared on the coast, safe and sound. Same as Lin Lin... how the heck did they survive? Did luffy turn the sea into gum without knowing while drowning?) Yet, who knows? It might have been some creature underneath or maybe even the sea itself... you know "Mother Sea" has given so many things to those deserving of it... ace and the mera mera, uta and the den den mushi, nami to bellmere, etc 👀
Edit: Wait, what if when everyone is drowning, luffy acts somehow as Zuunesha for the people? Turning big, even more than vs Kaido? Helping them crawl on him... maybe becoming a one piece of soil for the people to survive the flooding/sinking?
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mistninja · 6 months
I think egghead will not end well for the crew
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The One Piece World Timezones [Fixed]
Okay, so I did a big WHOOPS. I thought the Grand Line is the equator. Someone in the notes pointed out that no, the Grand Line is not the equator and honestly, yeah, my fault for not going a bit deeper into my research.
Here is how the globe is and how the Grand Line goes. The blue thingy is I suspect the actual equator.
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The reasons I thought the Grand Line is on the equator is:
1) weather
2) natural occurences
3) map on the One Piece Wiki
Crazy shit happens in the equator in our world.
Here is how the Grand Line is positioned as told by Law.
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Now, let's fix the mistake. (Sighs)
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Here it is. I sighed many sighs while rotating this and maybe I cried a bit at getting everything 3 hours wrong and then cried some more that Dressrosa & Hawaii aren't in the same timezone bcs goddamn it, that fit, as did Mariejois.
But FINE. I'm doing this for all the Doffy x Reader writers, all the One Piece x Reader writers, all the One Piece fanfic writers, full stop. I REFUSE TO ALLOW MY MISTAKE TO BE A CURSE. I'll also edit the OG post and put this pic there so both posts have the correct one.
Okay, one more time, 100% correct this time:
Reverse Mountain [UTC -1]
Cape Valley [UTC 0]
Cactus Island [UTC 0]
Little Garden [UTC +1]
Drum Island [UTC +2]
Alabasta [UTC +3]
Island where Luffy Kicked Bellamy's Ass Vol 1 Jaya [UTC+4]
Skypiea [UTC +4]
The Arc I Skipped After Seeing It Became Filler Ring Long Island [UTC +5]
Water 7 [UTC +5]
I'm so sorry, Snail 😭
Ennies Lobby [UTC +6]
Florian Triangle [UTC +6]
Sabaody Archipelago [UTC +7]
Amazon Lily [UTC +7]
Impel Down [UTC +8]
Marineford [UTC +8]
Holy Land of Mariejois [UTC+8]
All the thematic representation of it being UTC +12, splash into the water 😭😭😭
Fishman Island [UTC +9]
New World:
New Marineford [UTC -8]
Punk Hazard [UTC -8]
Dressrosa [UTC -7]
Totto Land [UTC -5]
Wano [UTC -4]
Law vs Blackbeard Island [UTC -3]
Elbaf [UTC -3]
Weird that it's Elbaf that's Northeast, since shouldn't Law have gone there as his route? Maybe Kid lied and went there still after Law said Northeast is the quickest path, while Law took a detour onto Winner Island to fight Blackbeard.
Hachinosu (Pirate Island, Blackbeard's HQ) [UTC -3]
Egghead [UTC -3]
Even though Egghead's not shown on the map, Luffy went directly south from Wano, and by the line, the Sunny would have entered the UTC -3 zone.
Lodestar Island [UTC -2]
Calculating Guide:
From East to West
- if it's 17:00 (5 pm) in Marineford (UTC +8) and you want to know what time it is in Dressrosa, this is what you do:
1) (Current time in Marineford) - (UTC time number of Marineford) which is
17 (5pm) - 8 = 9 am (UTC 0)
2) now that you have UTC 0, you put another minus, this one from Dressrosa's UTC, which is UTC -7, so it goes
9 am - 7 = 2 am
So it's 2 am in Dressrosa, while it's 5 pm in Marineford!
From West to East
Say it's 22:00 (10 pm) on Saturday in Dressrosa, what time is it in Holy Land? Here are the steps.
1) (Dressrosa current time) + (Dressrosa's Timezone Number) = time at UTC 0
So that's:
10 pm + 7 = 5 am Sunday (UTC 0)
2) UTC 0 time + Holy Land Time Number
So: 5 am + 8 = 13:00 (1 pm) Sunday
So while it's 10 pm Saturday in Dressrosa and Doflamingo is conducting business with the Paradise part of the Grand Line, in the Holy Land, the ugly Celestials are eating lunch on Sunday or napping bcs they are freeloading cu- (censored) unlike Doflamingo who's actually working!
(looks at the maps of my previous timezone post) Okay. It's fine. I only missed Dressrosa by 3 hours. IT'S FINE.
(it's not fine, I'm crying, it's not FINE, my favourite island and I couldn't even get it right the first time, if Doffy turns me into a toy I deserve it)
I'll go climb the Red Line and jump off it. This is the greatest shame as a scientist. Wrong numbers.
A/N: Of course, if what the pic above said is true, it might as well could be that the original tinezone map I made is semi- correct and the entire territory up until Wano has a timezone from UTC -12 to UTC -9 if it's only the first third of the New World, as those are the "thirds" of the west timezones. I don't read the manga, but I'm caught up with the anime and if the manga does reveal a map, actual map like that curved one in the picture with Law or Oda finally makes one, I give the manga readers full permission to send it to me in an ask and I will update the posts again. For now, this is the most "official" map we have, and the most recent one. Also, the Grand Line being in the shape of a rollercoaster is fitting, haha.
Taglist: @fanaticsnail @moonbaby26
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 months
Do you think its more valuable for translations to be direct, or for them to change the exact wording to get the same effect across? Like beehive island vs fullalead island.
it's truly one of those things where there is never one correct answer, because whatever word you choose will never have all the same meanings and connotations and uses as the original word. you're trying to approximate as best you can.
for example, both meanings of hachinosu (the literal 'nest of wasps' and the metaphorical 'full of bullet holes') have been referenced in spoken dialogue. blackbeard says to make whitebeard hachinosu ('full of bullet holes') at marineford; later, garp says sasuga, hachinosu ('naturally, for a wasps' nest!') regarding the seemingly endless stream of enemies on hachinosu. and there's no way to really reconcile those two meanings in a single english translation of the word.
however, on the whole, i do think it's probably better to try to convey the original sense and meaning of the line as best one can, rather than the literal words. this is the same reason i tend to favor 'traffy' as the translation of luffy's nickname for law over the more literal 'tra-guy' or whatever, because it feels much more natural for how an english speaker would actually nickname someone.
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