The Guardians Dilemma: A Prisoner's Answer?
The guardian's dilemma's atmosphere range from claustrophobic, to cozy, homely, unsettling, upsetting, and cathartic. The story shows us, Irizi a child from a alien planet called Cleo whom crashes on earth where they meet a very much more transparently evil United states.
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To that end, the US empire has aquired the services of Almathea, another alien hailing from the planet Haddal, offering his services in perhaps having a chance of brokering peace between the various empires and factions the US empire may face in the stars should they decide to extend their influence across the stars. (also should i add that he is the handsomeest man ive ever laid my eyes on)
Each chapter of the guardians is a slice of each character getting to know each other and establishing their dynamic Iziri is trapped in this facility, they're stuck underground in a place without windows, no sunlight, open air, skies, in a claustrophobic environment, in a clean tidy set of boxes, not unlike a coffin Hailing from a ship under the helm of a warmonger zizi has experienced a lot of trauma, and a lot of abuse. Something that the comic is very open about potraying trauma.
While almathea is under the thumb of an empire willing to go to war and expand, a parody of the United States, maybe one that's very open about it's intentions for space domination.
This story is very personal to me, the reality is that I guess I can feel my life running in a similar way to the premise, maybe the idea of being cooped up inside with no hope of reaching outside my insular bubble strikes a chord with me.
The name of the story is something I also really like, it's like an inversion of the prisoner's dilemma, something that's also called into attention in the comic.
The character could each betray something in their lives, Iziri could give valuable information to the US Empire whom is listening with a keen ear thus endangering the well being of their planet and cause war between these factions, or Almathea could leave Iziri to rot in their cell, or perhaps perish deep underground in some unknown facility.
Zizi is caught in a horrific situation, and also didn't escape unscathed from their UFO and their life circumstances.
This aspect of the story is something I also appreciate is how iziri's self harm scars aren't hidden away. The guardians dilemma actively shows you the effects of abuse and asks you to acknowledge them. And in turn perhaps you do come to an understanding, and from that maybe compassion.
And maybe the key lies in finding compassion for one another, when everything is at odds against you and your friends.
Cecil's art is really well made, the atmosphere of the guardian's dilemma is often dark, almost suffocating? characters are sometimes drawn against completely dark backdrops, like they're being swallowed.
Other times, it's cozy, soft, and reflective, iridescent maybe, shining even brighter with hope (against the circumstances), open and vunerable with alot to say.
It takes your hand firmly but gently through the ethical dilemma and delivers a very emotional conclusion I absolutely recommend checking out for yourself.
If it doesn't strike your fancy tons of other comics are available on Cecil's Kofi!!
You can find it here, along with his other works! https://ko-fi.com/s/14b64726a4 
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ratsoh-writes · 4 months
Nobody can pinpoint where Kenneth and his pre-crash family is from because the Djinn put a "I wanna mess with other people's perception" spell.
Not even the Sea or bird monsters can pinpoint it. When they do they get a vague memory of seeing all three of them.
Everyone cannot say, except for the Haddals. Because neither are clearly from there. The Djinn didn't bother
Well were they surface or underground dwellers before the crash?
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cannibalharpy · 1 year
Bit of a palate cleanser from all the commissions I’ve been doing. More of the Adler men! And bonus guest Haddal :v
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Oh, now you gotta talk about Haddal.
Maybe something I don't know yet??
Haddal is around 300 years old when he joins the Apocalypse as its Navigator and Quartermaster, plenty of time to have mastered and gotten bored of several professions. Through this you may be surprised that Haddal is both a brilliant cartographer and also a fully trained priest of Lolth, the Spider Queen. (Underseas society is more progressive than canon and it’s socially acceptable for any gender to serve as priest for Lolth). Lolth is generally considered an evil goddess to follow and if you ask Haddal about his convictions, he’ll probably absolutely terrify you with whatever answer he gives.
He has three sisters and his family is old fashioned enough that they call Haddal their Firstboy, his parents (mother and three fathers, a very traditional family unit for drow) are all politicians and lawmakers and his two eldest sisters followed in those footsteps, while the youngest sister and Haddal pursued religion, much to their parents delight. Their whole family are stout Lolth worshippers so there came no higher honor than having two loyal servants of Lolth in their family. Haddal has yet to tell he’s left his congregation to pursue cartography and then become a pirate. Surprisingly, they probably wouldn’t mind all the killing too much, but they would hate to hear Haddal no longer gives sermons. Haddal believes there are many ways to worship.
Haddal has a form of psioriasis arthritis from a fault in their mushroom infection (same reason they only have one horn and eye), causing joint pain and fatigue but also a hilariously strong natural resistance to poison which their mycelium filters out for them. They often do a lot of drugs to induce trances to communicate with their god so this is needed.
Haddal will give you the impression that he’s the most normal person on board; he’s calm, he’s eloquent and he’s refined. Little does anyone expect that Haddal is the most unhinged person on board. He’ll sound so reasonable until he starts reciting his scriptures and you realize this guy would kill you and think nothing of it.
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His priesthood grants him a fairly high standing in drow society, as it’s still a very respected profession, even if Lolth worship is not quite as popular as worship of Eilistraee, what with the blood tithes and blood sacrifices and such.
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semicolonthefifth · 5 years
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There were once a pair of men whose names were not yet known. Dressed in heavy cloth and carrying with him a long guitar, was a man known simply as Haddal Valrahan. Beside him was a proud fighter, and an even prouder lover, who referred to himself as Rolan Haadway. Born to different clans and under different days and years, they roamed the land in search of one day achieving widespread fame. Haddal yearned for his music to be heard, yet none would stand long to allow him the chance. Rolan wished for the crowds to chant his name, yet none would bother to remember it. For years they'd roam, unaware of each other until that fateful day when they chanced to save a monk from bandits. Rolan fought hard, but he wouldn't fight his hardest until Haddal inspired him with his music. Haddal played his best, but created a memorable tune once he caught sight of Rolan fighting. Together they accomplished a task best fit for 20 men, and so the saved monk was awe-struck. As thanks, the monk gifted them a clay urn - almost weightless, but promised to bestow upon them a charm that would fulfill both their wishes, so long as they continue to show that same friendship that won them the day. Both men agreed without hesitation, but not before they swore an oath. Upon the clay urn, and in recognition of their newfound friendship, they promised: Though born to different clans, they shall live together to the very end. Though born on different time, they shall die together on the same days. Then until that fateful day, they shall forever continue their brotherhood. Their oaths made, and the urn taken, the two men felt renewed and continued on their travels - ready to be remembered across the lands. From village to village, keep to keep, the two entertained gloriously. Rolan lifted the strongest and showcased movements that some say shook the earth for all to see it. Haddal strummed his guitar, creating music that uplifted even the sorriest hearts, and made drinks all the sweetest. Their nights wouldn't truly end however, until their ultimate feat was performed before the audiences. In a ring of fire, with both men center, Rolan lifted Haddal as he played - all before achieving a most glorious fire dance. To the strums of Haddal's guitar, with themes proud and strong, Rolan would move strong and confidant. Their movements and themes were so wild and powerful, it was as if the fire was erupting and dancing alongside them, thereby creating a magnificent string of reds, golds, and ambers that painted the dark blue skies. All this while the urn they swore their friendship upon swung and danced along - held up by a length of rope attached to Haddal's guitar. Together these two men would be known throughout the land - with their mark heralding their friendship flapping proudly from Rolan's garb. Though born apart and finding little accomplishment on their own - together, these two sworn brothers would become the greatest entertainers to remembered in the ages to come.
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Crew of the Apocalypse in-game classes;
Captain Abbie: Swashbuckler Rogue/ College of Swords Bard multiclass
Helmsman Reithe: Thief Rogue
Navigator Haddal: Gloom Stalker Ranger/Trickery Domain Cleric multiclass
Gunner Xalli’hion: Battlemaster Fighter
Engineer Qil: Battle Smith Artificer/Path of the Storm Herald Barbarian multiclass
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József Attila: Egy spanyol földmíves sírverse
Franco tábornok besorolt ádáz katonának,  nem szöktem meg, mert féltem, agyonlövet úgy. Féltem - azért harcoltam a haddal a jog s a szabadság  ellen Irun falain. S így is elért a halál.
1936. aug. vége
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cabinporn · 8 years
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Boatouse in Haddal, Norway
Submitted by John Haddal Mork 
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Azt irta ugyanis hogy Filimer, a nagy Aldarik góth király fia, midőn Scythia határaira haddal támadt, a mint beszélik, seregében számos asszonyt vitt magával, kiket Alirumnáknak neveznek. S ezeket, minthogy a katonáknak igen alkalmatlanok voltak, csábitásaikkal sokat elvonván közzülök a katonai munkától, a mint mondják, a király tanácsa ezért a sereg társaságából kiverte. Kik is a pusztákon kóborogva végre a Meotis tava partjain szállottak meg, s midőn ott férjeik vigasztalásától elesve hosszasan tartózkodtak, említett Orosius állítása szerént lator ördögök jöttek hozzájok s ölelkeztek velök. S ez ölelkezésből eredtek, mint mondja a magyarok. De hogy állítása nyilván nagy hazugság, bizonyítja először a szent írás, hogy a lelkeknek húsok és csontjok nincs, és hogy "a mi testtől van, test az, a mi pedig lélektől van, lélek az." De kitetszik, hogy a természet törvényeivel is ellenkezőt mondott; tökéletesen ellenkezik is a valósággal, hogy a lelkek nemzhessenek, mellyeknek nemző tehetség nem adatott. Miből nyilván van, hogy a magyarok is, mint a világ más nemzetei, eredetöket férfitól és asszonytól vették.
Kézai Simon - Gesta Hungarorum
Pedig sok mindent megmagyarázna, ha “lator ördögöktől” származnánk.
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calisuxufi · 7 years
Xigasho BBC Somali 1 Jannaayo 2018Lahaanshaha sawirka GETTY IMAGES
Hoggaamiyaha Kuuriyada Waqooyi Kim Jong-un ayaa jeediyay haddal hanjabaad iyo soo dhaweysasho isugu jira. Isaga oo jeedinayay khudbadda sanadka cusub ayuu sheegay in batoonka laga ridayo gantaalka hubka nuyuukleerka uu markasta ku dheganyahay miiskiisa, islamarkaasna uu riixi karo markii uu doono. Waxa uu intaas ku daray in…
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warganenews · 7 years
Somaliland: Siilaanyo Oo La Filayo Inuu Mar Kale Korodhsiimo Ku Sameeyo Tirada Golihiisa Wasiirrada, Wasaarado La Kala Qaadayo Iyo Taariikhda Xukuumaddiisa Oo Noqonaysa Tii Ugu Tirabadnayd Abid
#Somaliland: #Siilaanyo Oo La Filayo Inuu Mar Kale #Korodhsiimo Ku #Sameeyo Tirada Golihiisa Wasiirrada, #Wasaarado La Kala Qaadayo Iyo Taariikhda Xukuumaddiisa Oo #Noqonaysa Tii Ugu Tirabadnayd Abid
Wasaaraddaha Hor Dhaca Ah Ee Aanu Helnay Ee La Sheegay In Laba Loo Kala Goynayo Iyo Tirada Wasiiradda Oo Ku Siqaysa Boqol Wasiir Wakhti La Filayo Xukuumaddii Kaambaynka KULMIYE Oo Kaabiga Innagu Soo Haysa
Iyadoo Bulshada Somaliland ay hore aad ula fajacsanaayeen Tirada Golaha Wasiiradda Xukuumadda hadda taladda haysa oo boqol ku dhaw ayaa haddana waxa si weyn loo haddal hayaa Talaabo kale oo…
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DnD Eds fave food vs Fallout Eds fave food (pre or post war up to you) vs OG zombie Eds fave food. Reithes fave place to visit? Abbie's fave color? The best memory Abbie ever ate? And... let's do Haddal's most complicated map?
DnD Ed’s favorite food would be a simple venison or mutton stew. Hearty, filling and warming with a dash of tasting like home. Serve with a mug of ale and freshly baked bread and he’s as content as he can be.
Fallout Ed’s (post war) favorite food would be the times he can get vegetables fresh from a garden. It reminds him the world is still here and thriving and it makes him hope.
Zombie Ed can’t actually eat or taste, but he loves the smell of fresh coffee and the warmth of it in his hands. He’ll get cups to just hold and smell.
Reithe will claim his favorite place in the world is this hot spring place where the crew stops on occasion to drink and relax. They have fun, shoot the shit and laugh as friends. It’s his favorite place to visit because it always reminds him why he loves his friends. In his heart his favorite spot in the world was the roof of the house he grew up in, where he would often sit up late at night and watch the ocean with his dingy telescope, thinking of all the potential there was in the world, this is a memory he often revisits as he grips the steering wheel of the Apocalypse and he can only dream of the adventures ahead.
Abbie’s favorite color is red. But only as an accent color.
The best memory they ever consumed was from a drow whose ship they boarded. An older fellow who’d had everything but thrown it all away when she fell in love with an Illithid, and she left her family to be with them. Their affair was one of intense feelings and passion and liberation. Those feelings lingered for a long time in Abbie and they often think about them fondly.
Haddal’s professional maps are clean and informative, he prides himself in that fact. But as a hobby and practice, he draws more elaborate maps of everyday things and locations, and the most detailed map is of the Apocalypse that maps out every scuff and detail and functions more like an elaborate journal of life on board. His most detailed professional map is the map containing the locations of smugglers dens, it has information about sail-ins, what rocks in the distance to line up for a safe approach.
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and now for a PSA from the resident cartographer and navigator
someone suffered after
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WOW longtime coming!!!! THese designs are polished from designs i made in like WOW what 2017?? The designs were old, and I wasn't particularly happy with them now that I know the characters better! I will be posting some redesign notes over the coming notes if anyone is interested over the decisions taken! Left to right: Xalli'hion "Xall" [pronounced like Shawli-Hion] Illithid They/Them Gunner/Cook Battlemaster Fighter Xall is the oldest member of the team (relative to lifespan) and is an old guard captain from Illiad who retired to become a fisherman, and then retired again to seek the thrill of the ocean in other ways. Xall is sort of a grandparent to the whole crew; endlessly wise and seems to be an endless well of experiences and odd knowledge. They're the resident cook, which comes with their hobby of fishing recreationally, and they're often seen on deck with their fishing rod during down time. Many will agree that Xall is absolutely terrifying. Abster'sine "Abbie" [Abster-seen] Illithid They/Them Captain Swashbuckler Rogue/College of Swords Bard Abbie is the charismatic and confident Captain of the Apocalypse. They're incredibly driven and determined, with a scary amount of competence to back up their self-esteem. Always one for theatrics, Abbie doesn't care if things are done right as long as they are done in a cool and impressive fashion. They come off as being very self-absorbed and kind of a stone cold bitch, but underneath that is a very competent captain and loyal friend. Surprisingly good at music, Abbie often sits and plays on a keyed string instrument called Ilsensine's Harp that they are distressingly good at, usually while First Mate Reithe sings. Qilax "Qil" Argith [Kill-axe Argh-ith] Drow She/Her Mechanic/Shipwright Battle Smith Artificer/Path of the Storm Herald Barbarian Qil is the oldest member of the crew in sheer years, and arguably the most intelligent, she's a magician with engines and loves the Apocalypse as if it were her own child. She loves to laugh and always brings a good sense of humor about things with her, making her a joy to be around, even if maybe she lost you in the complicated engine rant. She often does puzzles during downtime, either crosswords or rubik's cube like tactile puzzle boxes. Haddal Doath [Hadd-all Do-ath] Drow He/They Navigator/Quartermaster Gloom Stalker Ranger/Trickery Domain Cleric Abbie's equal in fashion, Haddal cares very much for his appearance, dressing in drow fineries to show his dedication to Lolth in his everyday life. He's a passionate cartographer, and the calm energy needed for supply ordering, and often the voice of reason in arguments. Haddal's joints don't always work as intended, but don't view his limp as a sign of weakness, he has a deadly aim and Lolth is not a particularly merciful goddess, best not to try his patience. Reithe Philond [Reith-eh Fil-ohnd] Drow He/Him First Mate/Helmsman Thief Rogue How and when Abbie and Reithe decided they were best friends is a bit of a mystery, given they do nothing but absolutely dunk on each other. But trust they do, seeing as Reithe is the second-in-command and acting Captain when Abbie is indisposed. Reithe is a bit of an impulsive dumbass to put it mildly, but thankfully his instincts are very often correct. Reithe can be an absolute firecracker who can be hard to calm, but sometimes you need that kind of ride or die friend in your life. Has a beautiful singing voice that he often uses to pass the time at the helm.
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More redesigns of my pirate characters for my Underseas Project. Next: Cartographer and Quartermaster Haddal.
Old Design:
I always envisioned Haddal as Abbie's equal in fashion, so I threw him in a red vest and gave him a telescope eyepatch on a whim. However, Abbie and Haddal were basically wearing the same vest. How come Abbie wears like three more layers and Haddal just chills in a Vest? How come I decided they were a Ranger yet they have a saber? What does the eyepatch do?
Too many questions, not enough answers. I didn't think much about him and he only really looks kinda dapper and smarmy.
The design is kind of 'meh' to me.
Stuff I liked: Tho I changed it, I do love Haddal's knee-high socks and shorter pants with ribbons. Those are some dapper loafers also!
I absolutely adored the braid, tho. I liked the idea of the eyepatch but as per his original idea he still had both eyes. I know pirates used eye patches to keep one eye adjusted to darkness, but in this low-light setting with no sun, I kind of had to commit one way or the other.
New Design:
This design ended up being a rabbit hole as I simultaneously sat and considered Illithid vs Drow fashion and what the differences were. Ultimately I decided Haddal ought to have mostly grey/black clothing with the red accent that ties the group together. The straighter silhouette helps differentiate him from Abbie and that he prefers to dress in monotone colors as opposed to Abbie's loud colors helps give him his own voice in clothing and likes.
He gets a cane, given how I've decided the horn/fungal infection works and how it's made his body exhibit symptoms similar to psoriasis arthritis, and of course it has a sword in it.
Instead of a saber, I gave him a crossbow and bolts (guns are not yet invented) to further cement him as a long range fighter.
Haddal now only has one eye and covers it because he views the mushrooms growing in it to be rather unsightly. His remaining horn is elegantly shaped.
In conclusion: Researching fashion helps! I learned to not be scared of looking up costumes from things I like (A lot of Haddal is inspired by what Raoul tends to wear in Phantom of the Opera productions). I saw a modern rendition of Victorian fashion with the second layer of pants and went 'oh that's neat' and used.
He's a fancy lad and I love him!
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