#Haikyuu thoughts
stannienight · 2 months
no one can convince me that tsukkiyama isn't canon when yamaguchi's favorite food is soggy french fries and tsukki is the soggiest tall blond fry to ever exist, and in turn tsukki loves strawberry shortcake and yamaguchi's face/hair is unmistakably a whole strawberry
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Tendou broke his phone and instead of buying a new one he just got his teammates walkie talkies.
- Semi huffs and accepts the walkie talkie with an eye roll. But, after the first week, pure childhood nostalgia has him in it's grips. It has him and Tendou routinely staying up till three chatting together.
He'll whip out his guitar when inspiration strikes and strum a new tune just to get everyone's reactions.
He had to use it for an emergency, he didn't have service at a party that got busted and luckily the walkie talkie worked. Reon went and got him out of there. The others were seen carrying theirs more often after that.
- Ushijima gives the team a morning announcement every day around six to tell them of the volleyball agenda.
He uses it when he can't find his phone, which happens more often than one would think, but his teammates are the only people he really needs to speak with so it works.
He doesn't converse much, but he enjoys hearing the others talk. Sometimes he lays in the dark, the walkie talkie resting on his pillow, his ear pressed against it, just listening to the comforting sound of Semi and Tendou talking until three am.
- Hayato grinned wildly when he received his, held it in the air, and cackled maniacally.
He always says the word "over" when using it and has given everyone code names. According to him, it's a crime not to do so.
He's constantly telling them puns he thought up and laughing afterwards without pause.
He is the resident gossip and information hub, many a conversation from him is started with "Guys! Guys! You'll never guess what just happened!"
- Reon tapes the button down around seven so they can all listen to his new morning mix together as he gets ready for the day.
He's known for trying out new restaurants on the fly so he'll shoot a quick message out to see if any of them want to join an impromptu meal with him.
Sometimes he leaves the volume up too loud, it can get really embarrassing, especially when Hayato says his puns and cackles like a hyena over the line.
Reon always wishes everyone a good night.
- Goshiki is excited, but he doesn't want to seem childish. It's only after Ushijima accepts his with a nod that he lets the stars fill his eyes as Tendou hands him one as well.
Semi doesn't know, but sometimes Goshiki will make up song lyrics for his tunes.
His first year friends are quite jealous that he has a direct line to Ushijima through a walkie talkie.
Goshiki loves his so much that he made a special spot for it on his bed side table and covered the back in stickers.
He even named it.
- Kawanishi leaves his off for the first three days before he gets an idea. His teammates aren't aware, but Kawanishi is amazing at impersonations. He strategically uses this ability to pull pranks on the others as he perfectly copies their voices.
Shirabu and him also use it for studying when they don't want to leave their dorm rooms. But they use a private channel. They aren't sure why they use it instead of their phones, but neither is willing to ask the question first.
He would never in person, but alone in his room he laughs hysterically at Hayato's puns and Tendou's ridiculous stories.
- Shirabu thinks its stupid. At first he just diligently listened to Ushijima's announcements. He started listening to Reon's morning mix. Then he learned that he felt less drained studying with Kawanishi this way. Now he actively absorbs all of Hayatos juciy gossip and always pauses if he can to fully focus on Semi's music. He even finds himself listening to Tendou and Semi talk till late into the night as well.
Shirabu ends up loving the damn thing. He really hates whoever is impersonating him though.
He's one hundred percent sure it's Tendou.
Eighty year old Shirabu finds the walkie talkie in a box in his attic.
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one-more-fangirl · 13 days
kozume kenma, you are such a mood
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carleycore · 9 months
Dad!Osamu who loves cooking for his kids.
He can't wait until his babies get home from school/daycare so he can test out new recipes that he knows they'll like regardless.
Dad!Osamu who can't wait for the day his kids are older and can properly help out at his restaurant.
Dad!Osamu who loves feeding you, especially when you're pregnant and have odd taste buds. He loves trying out new odd combos on you and seeing the look of satisfaction on your face.
Dad!Osamu who loves being a dad and thinks it's the best and most fulfilling thing to happen to him.
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attemptinghaikyuu · 8 months
~Choose your own Ending~
You couldn’t believe Suna Rintaro right now.
Inviting Osamu Miya on the trip that was supposed to be Komori’s, Suna, and your special adventure.
How could he?
He called your name for the third time, turning himself to get your attention.
“I thought we’d have more fun with Osamu,” he tries, changing his approach to getting you to look at him. “You both get along when you try, there’s no reason why we can’t all go together.”
Is he serious? Your emotions boil over and you’re yelling before you can stop yourself.
“It’s not about how we can get along!”
“Why are you upset then?” Suna asks with narrowed eyes.
You grit your teeth.
“Because,” you spit. “This was our trip. This was supposed to be just us. But you. You invited someone else without even telling me.”
You scoff at Suna’s face turning blank. He understood at least. You weren’t going to just forgive him or forget this so easily though.
“Osamu?” you ask.
“Yeah?” He replies, after a flicker of unsureness crosses his face.
“Take over driving. I’m done.”
He doesn’t argue.
It doesn’t take long for you to swap driving duty and take a spot next to Komori in the back, who had watched everything unfold with concern for his friends. You were so glad he was here. All you wanted was to smoosh your face against his side for the rest of the drive.
He happily lets you take over his left side, occasionally offering food and talking quietly for only you to hear. You pass the rest of the day like this, and breath in the fresh air when you open your door to the beach.
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either I’m just simply not seeing the discussions, or Asahi’s anxiety isn’t talked about enough. I’ve been kind of rewatching Haikyuu, and, in the 9th episode Daichi says he doesn’t care about how Asahi skipped practice for a month and about him “complaining about his anxiety”. Which I get, the intentions there are good, but as someone who struggles with anxiety, I’m bothered by the “idc” bit. it could just be me misunderstanding the true meaning behind his words, but this feels, idk, insensitive. anxiety is a really thing and it can be very crippling. it’s not something that just sits there in the background all the time. it can make what other people see as simple become impossible. as Suga said, Asahi is the type to shoulder all the blame.
and then there’s Nishinoya getting mad at Asahi for blaming himself instead of wanting Noya to get the ball back up for him. what a lot of people don’t understand, is that anxiety isn’t determined by what others think. even if all of Karasuno never blamed him once for their failures, if they were always understanding and patient with him, anxiety is always there, making him believe things are entirely his fault and that he’s no good at volleyball. it made volleyball not fun anymore for him. more specifically, Asahi seems to struggle with competition anxiety. which is something I can relate to. during a competition or game, the pressure of such is very high, and it increases the feelings of anxiety. this can make it hard to enjoy the sport, even during practice or non official matches. his anxiety is something that should be addressed more. and I get all the anime tropes etc but I wish they handled this a little better
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i nearly started crying at work because i remembered the kenhina friendship
it’s just... so pure... can you imagine a love without expectations? can you imagine someone seeing you and just... choosing you? no second thoughts? someone who, for all intents and purposes, isn’t anything like you, and yet has chosen you? for someone to see you and love you not despite but because of your faults? to meet your insecurities and boundaries with total acceptance and joy?
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jasmine-night · 2 years
Kuroo is always yelling at Kenma to sit up straight. Like this pudding cat boy sits like a shrimp and no one can convince me otherwise.
Kenma: 🦐🦐🦐
Kuroo: SIT UP STraigHt 👹
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kissingsuna · 1 year
If you ever feel heartbroken remember…
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…they’re married now.
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rinhae · 1 year
watching the Cars movies would be bokuto’s fav date nights i don’t make the rules
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coconutlimeverbena · 2 years
My favorite thing about Kghn is that their very existence pisses people off, resulting in a bunch of one-sided rivalries
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Meanwhile, they don't even care about competing with anyone but each other
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Kghn rivals: grrr I will defeat you one day 😡🤬🤬
Kghn: who r u
These two underdogs (Hinata because of skill, Kageyama because of his inability to work well with others) managed to claw their way to the top, to the Olympic stage, despite so many obstacles and detractors, and that is so admirable to me.
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stannienight · 2 months
my fingers are really itching to write canon-compliant haikyuu but in hogwarts. everything is the same except now it's also magic and also at the end everyone is gay
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Goshiki and Hinata calling each other by their first name is something special to me.
Just imagine all the things they went through together, those next couple of years, the camps they attended, and the matches they must have had.
It has me thinking about how they exchanged contact info back in their first year. Makes me imagine them going out for ramen and watching volleyball matches together. I can just see the two of them becoming a little too rowdy on the train in their excitement for the game.
They may be on different teams and countries now, but there is no doubt in my mind that these guys still contact each other on the regular.
They're besties.
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akaashi-adorer · 2 years
tired: sakusa being reduced to a mean person with emotionally absent parents
wired: sakusa being a bit socially awkward and not entirely sure how to respond or react with parents who are emotionally available and accept him
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eponinexxvii · 2 years
on a real note, fanfics lowkey hit different when you don’t actually know who the character is. like i’ve only watched one episode of haikyuu, but iwaizumi (27) athletic trainer? too powerful
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attemptinghaikyuu · 1 year
Hey, ever thought about Sakusa who’s known to not like people, particularly the attention he gets from them, falling in love with the attention he gets from you? No..?
Well now you have
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