#Hairspray mf
gryphonsthing · 6 months
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this is actually something I made very recently
Alsp thank you guys for the support I wasn’t expecting these to get seen by anyone lol
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bugsbenefit · 2 years
currently rewatching s3 and honestly... yeah no wonder Mike and Will had to be across the country in s4 for the plot to work they're too fucking good with this. even in s3 where they play a lot of plot support for El they're actually CARRYING the groups actions
s3 actually makes the difference between Mike and Will and the rest of the party Extremely clear. El, Max, and Lucas are lost at first, ranging from not taking Billy too seriously or just not knowing what to do
Mike and Will are the only one's with first hand experience. Will was possessed by the MF (Henry) and Mike sat next to him like this for over two days straight. Will has the intel and Mike has seen what possession looks and acts like up close. they KNOW what they're doing in s3 which is why they take the threat of Billy and the MF so serious so fast. even El has to ask them how possession works and how you can identify it. because despite having powers she still has no experience with this
that experience also gets highlighted in situations like the pool, where Max wants to wait and see what happens with Billy to know if he's flayed but Mike and Will know they have to act first
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they know you don't wait until someone activates. the entire population of Hawkins lab was killed last time someone activated and they both witnessed it first hand. but the other's weren't there for that and don't really know how to deal with the current situation
also, Mike and Will are fully on the same page regarding the supernatural, which is why they're so efficient. Will gives his insight on the MF (Henry) and Mike immediately jumps to thinking of a proactive plan. the sauna idea took him less than 5 seconds
they would have completely fucked the plot of s4 over had they been in Hawkins i'm so serious. s3 literally shows us exactly why they couldn't be there:
Will can tell when Henry gets close (which s4 even confirms he is still able to do). had he been around in s4 he could've warned everyone if Vecna got to Max. no wondering when he's going to get you. Will would Know and he'd Tell you. they wouldn't lose time looking for Vecna in the Creel house, they wouldn't lose time scrambling to get headphones last minute
Mike is incredibly good at adapting prior knowledge to new situations which the Hakwins crew was Abysmal at. Mike can apply chemistry facts from years ago when it's convenient and can convert Will's possession into a working possession-test for Billy. but in s4 we have to suffer watching the crew remember that fire was the UD's weakness and then never use it on anyone but Vecna himself. a bottle of hairspray and a lighter could have gotten them out of being strangled by vines but they only had the clunky molotovs for Vecna. their planning methods directly contradict Mike's approach to plans
also. both of them act proactively. everyone at Hawkins lab died because they didn't stop Will in advance and s3 shows they learned from that. i honestly can't see a way for them to be on board with an "i'll be bait" plan. they directly argue against waiting for him to take action multiple times in s3. they KNOW that's how people die because it's too late when he gets here
and best of all. MIKE LITERALLY CALLS OUT WHY THE S4 PLAN DIDN'T WORK. word for word. you could paste this into s4 and pretend it's Mike berating them for the plan they just came up with
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s4 makes it super clear that Mike and Will being absent is BAD with their friends directly commenting on how they're not here to help, and the last shot of the season being them returning to town speaks for itself, but s3 also directly shows us why. based on how they've dealt with the UD's/MF's return just six months before s4 shows how they would have approached something like s4. and at this point the two of them are too good of a team with too much experience to let them be around for it
(which would in universe most likely be Henry waiting for both of them to be out of the picture and out of universe be the writers putting them on the gay roadtrip in the weed van to be able to set up endgame s5 in peace without having them be in the way)
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fuck-customers · 11 months
Omfg I’m so tired of ppl trying to get me to be their personal shopper while I’m working at 🎯. Ppl do this all the time and I’m so mf sick of it.
Today it was an old lady who couldn’t be bothered to look for her own shopping. My dept is right next to the entrance, and her cart was completely empty, so I knew right away she was wanting to suck some poor employee into doing all her shopping for her, without ever trying to find the items herself. She walked in and right away decided she didnt feel like doing any of her own shopping.
“Where is the hairspray?”
“Aisle A31 :)” and I try to get back to my tasks.
“Can you come with me.” Here we go 🙄
I follow her to the aisle and she asks me for travel size hairspray. I show her and try to make my escape. But before I can she says “this is all you have? these are so small! I want one that’s small, but not TOO small.” Omg lady then get the big one Jfc there’s only two sizes, full size and travel. Idk why you think there are more than that???
“You asked me for the travel size hairspray.” I tell her. My patience is running out very very quickly.
“Yes but I need one that’s bigger.”
“Ok well the full size ones are in the next aisle over, where I pointed to earlier.” Hinting that I did not need to be here for any part of this.
She sighs so dramatically and says “you can just go I can tell you don’t wanna help me.”
Lmao so I said “alright, sounds good!” And walked away. Idgaf. Nothing pisses me off more than ppl who think they can just force a regular ass employee into being their personal shopper just bc they’re lazy, making me hold their stupid little baby hand as they slowly, agonizingly look at all the hairsprays. Like have you never been in a fucking store before? Or are you just that fucking lazy that you’d rather keep me from all my tasks just bc you don’t wanna have to look around by yourself. God fuck that lady x1000000 and anyone else who thinks it’s acceptable to hold an employee hostage like that. I have shit to do!!! If you want a perosnal shopper, then hire one!!!
Posted by admin Rodney.
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teddypickerry · 1 year
nikki sixx (himself or douglas booth! nikki) x reader
Could you do one where the reader happens to also be a bassist and they’re both in Crüe, they’ve been close friends for a while and Mick notices that they’ve developed a close relationship and he has a talk with Nikki since Mick is like a older brother to the reader. Meanwhile Tommy attempts to flirt with the reader trying to push Nikki to confess.
Pretty much a cute fluff imagine :)
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pairings — nikki sixx x fem! band member reader (also reader x tommy kinda)
word count — 919
warnings — just cursing & suggestive dialogue (it’s mötley mf)
a/n — lowkey disappeared off this app for a month just to come back with a shitty fic. anyways, writing as mick is so fucking fun.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" A common phrase heard by each and every member of Mötley Crüe. When Mick Mars so suddenly spoke it to the bassist, who was currently stuffing his face with pasta. "Eating?" Nikki had asked hesitantly, confused why Mick was stood in his dressing room with a bottle of something strong. It definitely wasn't lemonade. "No, that's not what I mean."
"Well, you asked," Nikki scoffed at the guitarist's words while Mick pulled up and a chair to the couch. Nikki was alone in his dressing room, for the first time in forever. No groupies, no girls. Which was different for the bassist... practically against his religion. "What the hell are you doing with Y/N?"
Oh. That was enough to make the bassist choke on his food as he threw the bowl to the couch, swallowing down the food with a swig of Jack Daniels. He finally coughed and calmed down. Mick was still staring at him like he'd just walked into Nikki banging his daughter. "She's my friend, she's your friend. Fucking whatever."
"Shitty excuse," Mick scoffed as he sat back in the chair and took another comfortable sip. He wasn't giving up anytime soon, which was obvious by his body language. "God, what do you want, Mars?"
"Stop being a little fucker and ask the girl out already. I shouldn't have to tell you how to do every fucking thing, Sixx." Mick scoffed making Nikki roll his eyes, trying to keep his tough-guy demeanor. "And, don't fuck it up. She's special, she's our bandmate. And she's beautiful, graceful, and she'll punch you in the face. So, don't be a jackass."
"Nice talk," Nikki commented as he stood up and began to hairspray his hair in the mirror in preparation for their show later that night. Mick's words stuck in Nikki like heroin. He started thinking about them and he knew he was right. He had to face his feelings and get it out of his system. It wasn't that easy, you were a member of the band. You weren't some chick. A disastrous relationship would lead to the end of the band. The band you'd all worked your asses off to create.
"I didn't mean do it eventually, I meant now. Before Tommy fucks her in the back alley," Mick added making Nikki turn to him in horror. The sleazy drummer had a way of stealing Nikki's girls, vice versa. It was an ongoing game between the two, a pretty girl equals one of them getting her. But this time... Nikki would bet his life on this round.
The bassist bolted out of his dressing room and past the millions of randos backstage. His feet carried him down the hall toward the stage, where he knew everyone was setting up for rehearsal. Specially where he heard the sound of your laugh and the sound of drumsticks falling to the ground. That was a pretty easy trail to his best friends. Which did in fact lead to the drummer twirling his sticks in his fingers, you stood prepping your own bass with a smile.
"You've got a great smile," Tommy grinned with his typical cocky look. You'd known Tommy for years on end and his innocent flirting never stopped. It also never bothered you, as it was all you knew from the bastard drummer. But over the past few months, Nikki seemed to bite back a glare anytime he heard it from either Vince or Tommy. "I mean it, really."
"Thanks, T-Bone," You flashed him your small grin before going back in with another pack of pics. You tested out a quick riff for the sound crew as Nikki simply stood there, finally erupting from the shadows. Tommy took this as an invitation — knowing he could get Sixx all hot and bothered with a few simple words. He twisted the drumsticks with his fingers as he glanced between you and Nikki. His eyes landed on you. "You think you could do this?"
"I mean it's not rocket science," You mocked while taking the bass off and sitting it against a chair. "Well I'm pretty good at it, I'm pretty good with my fingers. Wanna find out more?" Tommy so obviously flirted making you laugh as you playfully tapped Nikki's arm. Nikki just gave Tommy a harsh look at this, that didn't exactly match your grin. "Yeah, okay, T-Bone. I bet you are."
"So good, you can find out if you want," He winked with that goofy smile of his. The one that made you shake your head as Nikki subconsciously stepped closer to you and crossed his arms. "Yeah, she's not into that." Nikki was quick to say making both sets of eyes look over at him. Tommy held a proud smile at this, "Are you saying she's into you though?"
"What if I did?" Nikki cocked like he owned the place. Your eyes darted between the two for a moment before stepping up. "Will you two shut the hell up and start rehearsing?"
"Yes ma'am," Nikki nodded while Tommy shot you an army 'yes sir' nod. The drummer walked off to his setup leaving you and the bassist to your lonesome. Nikki seemed to glance around before his eyes fell back on you. "So..."
"Let's have dinner tomorrow," You spoke before he had a chance to process it, and walked away. He watched you walk away with a smile. Knowing he had actually won.
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SCREAMING!! That Billy fic was so freaking good, I have to agree with the last person the subtle reassurance he was giving was soooo mf nice.
The “I’ve got you angel.” And “I know I know.”😩
If you’re actually taking requests I would love to see some hurt/comfort where Billy is actually the one comforting reader. An argument gone too far when billy makes a comment he definitely shouldn’t have, causing his girlfriend to start crying. Immediate guilt. I don’t want reader to give into his consoling immediately but…eventually they just cling to him and tell him not to say that ever again. 🫠
Holy crap my first ever request. Thank you so much Anon for not only the prompt but your lovely feedback. I started working on this at 5am this morning and looking over the first draft I went way too hard with Mean!Billy and had to significantly pull it back, because I sure as hell wouldn't have forgiven him. Maybe that's another fic for another time. I hope I did your prompt justice.
Warnings: Explicit language, underage drinking, mean girls.
When The Party's Over.
Billy is in a shitty mood and has been all week, you've tried to get him to talk about what's wrong only to be shot down each time, you even go so far as to ask Max. 
"He's the same douchebag he's always been, maybe you're just noticing it for the first time." She had deadpanned.
You had hoped things would get better at the weekend, neither of you had school or work, his dad and Susan were away, Max was staying with Jane, you could finally spend some time together. 
Billy, it seems, has other ideas.
"Tommy Hagan has a free house tonight." He told you when you turned up at his place early evening on Saturday to find him knee deep in Aramis and Aqua Net.
"Meaning?" You ask perching on the edge of the bed, flipping through one of his many nudie mags, just for something to do. 
"A party." He says obviously, twisting his front curls into definition, eyeing you from the mirror.
"I thought we could maybe spend some time together tonight?" You hated how unsure you sounded, but Billy's attitude the past few days had thrown you for a loop.
"Yeah we can, at the party." He answered absentmindedly, whilst blasting another hairspray related hole in the Ozone layer.
  You had hoped things were looking up on route to Tommy's place, Billy had held your hand the entire drive, and reassured you that you'd do something together tomorrow.
The minute you both stepped foot inside the bustling house however, he dropped your hand instantly, hailing Tommy who was busy setting up multiple kegs.
You followed Billy through the crowd like a lost sheep, being jostled in his wake.
"Hargrove you fucking made it man!" Tommy calls out loutishly, chucking a can of beer at Billy which he catches adeptly, breaking it open and chugging down at an alarming rate.
Billy must have sensed you watching him.
"You want one?" He asks you loudly over the music, taking another two cans.
"No I'm good, I'll get a glass of punch or something." You say, pointing back towards the kitchen, expecting him to follow you but all he does is nod, turning back to continue talking to Tommy.
Ordinarily Billy wouldn't leave you alone at a party for a single second, he would always be touching you in some way; an arm around your shoulders or waist, hand on the small of your back, pulling you down to sit on his lap, pressing heated kisses to your neck.
You try to ignore your building feelings of hurt, reassuring yourself that he just needed to let off steam for a minute.
Carol Perkins and Nicole Smith were by the punch bowl when you got there, you hated them, a walking, talking pair of John Hughes clichés, spoilt and mean.
"Y/n! Oh my god, hi, we were just talking about you!" Carol says in a tone of fake delight as she spots you.
"You were?" You ask in confusion, sipping at your drink.
"Mhm, we think it's so cute how you trail around after Billy, like a little puppy." She simpers, with a malicious little grin. "Especially when everyone else can see that he doesn't want you around." She pulls a mock sad face, Nicola snorts, and you resist the urge to throw the punch in her piggish face.
"Well as ever it's been great talking to you Carol." You say with a sarcastic smile, but her words stung you as turned heel heading back towards Billy, who was doing a keg stand.
He straightened up howling like a wolf to the cheers of everyone around him, you push through the crowd gathered, trying to force a smile as he turns to you.
“You see that shit? New record!” He shouts into your ear.
It’s an hour later and Billy is getting more and more wasted, the look of self-destruction bright in his eyes. You're sat miserably on a sofa watching helplessly but after another catty comment sent your way by Carol you decide you’ve had enough, you approach him gingerly as he chugs two beers at once.
“Billy?” You say, tapping him on the shoulder.
“Yeah?” He asks absentmindedly, barely acknowledging you, laughing raucously at something Tommy has just said.
“Can we go?” You ask quietly, it gets his attention, he rounds on you looking confused, face flushed with alcohol.
“We just got here.”
You bite your lip, feeling severely uncomfortable, Carol giving you the stink eye from over his shoulder.
“I know, I just - I’m not feeling well.” You stammer, fingernails digging into your clammy palms.
“Ok so go home, I’ll see you later.” He responds flatly, your mouth is oddly dry as he turns away once more.
“Without you?” You say in a small voice, tugging slightly on his shirt like a child.
He huffs loudly.
“Jesus, Y/n, you’re killing my buzz here, would you just go.” He says harshly.
  You take a step back, feeling your bottom lip tremble, having never been on the receiving end of Billy’s temper before. Carol and Nicola snigger nastily behind their hands, tears blind you and you bolt, legs carrying you quickly out onto the cold street. 
You hear rapid footfalls immediately chasing after you.
“Sunshine!” Billy calls, you flinch at the nickname. "Sunshine would you just stop for a second?!" 
“Don’t call me that!” You shout, rounding on him. “I was wrong about you Billy, everyone is right you are an asshole.” Glaring at him, eyes stinging, hands shaking.
“I'm sorry.” He says weakly, you’ve hit him where it hurts in retaliation but can’t bring yourself to feel sorry. “I don’t know why I told you to go, that’s the last thing I want.”
“I do. It’s just like Carol and Nicola said, you don’t want me.” You say, desperately trying to keep your voice level but failing miserably.
“What? No that’s not true, it’s the exact opposite baby.” He reaches out with placating hands and pleading eyes.
“So why do you keep pushing me away?” You sob, hugging yourself around the middle.
“Because I'm a fuck up, and a jerk, and you’re right an asshole. I don’t deserve you.” He says heavily.
“You’ve been distant with me all week, if you want to break up with me Billy just save us both some trouble and do it now.” You mumble, staring resolutely at the ground, mostly hoping it would open up and swallow you whole.
“Break up with you? Angel, I - I fucking love you.” That gets your attention, eyes snapping to his, his chest rising and falling rapidly. “I know I don’t say it enough but you mean everything to me.” He says softly.
You desperately want to burrow into his arms, but his dismissal of you still stings, honing in on your biggest insecurities. You weren’t anything special, you knew that, not compared to the Heather Holloway’s of the world; and fucking Carol always getting under your skin stoking the idea that one day Billy would just up and leave.
“You really hurt me.” You say shakily, “Please don’t ever say something like that again unless you really want me to go, because I can’t do this a second time.” You plead.
“Never, ever.” He promises, caressing your face, gazing intently into your eyes.
You sniffle loudly, finally allowing him to fold you into his arms. “I’m so sorry I made you cry baby.” He apologizes, pressing kiss after kiss to the top of your head. 
“You scared me.” You whimper, wrapping your arms around him, clinging hard to his back.
“I know, I know.” He rocks you gently, before tilting your face up to kiss you softly. “But I'm not letting you go angel, ever.”
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bizarrescribblez · 9 months
me x dethklok minute host/marc tackett lore because i can and will info dump lore for this stupid ass crackship thats gotten a grip on me for the past two days
💜 - we both meet when we’re late teens, both coming off of entertainment/acting careers (me being an actress on a sitcom and him being a host for a kids channel’s entertainment segment)
🩶 - the reason we both meet is because we auditioned and passed @ being in a US tour for the musical Hairspray :) me being Tracy and him being Link. Traveling around the country and the instant connection makes up super close, so once the tour ends and the musical stays on Broadway we both stay in the same apartment together in NY. We always deny when asked if we’re in a relationship or like each other since we play a couple in the musical (every denial hurting him more and more)
💜 - while in NY, my pop star career starts to take off a bit thus garnering attention from other rock stars (r.ikki k.ixx) and having flings with said rock stars (which makes marc MORE SAD because he thought we had something). Said flings end up failing for one reason or another and becoming sort of just a shoulder to cry on (at least to him) starts to hurt him more and more. Once I sign onto a record label and once he signs up the contract to become the host for dethklok minute we go our seperate ways for a while which BREAKS BOTH OF OUR HEARTS. (Debating if theres even a goodbye since i know i hurt him and would feel terrible facing him.. ANGST THINGS !!)
🩶 - we meet again and hang out again/more when i get introduced in the series in dethstars cuz i imagine hes at the blood ocean premiere covering it live.. AND DUDE ALMOST MENTALLY FLATLINES ON LIVE TELEVISION SEEING ME AGAIN.
💜 - obviously in season 2 he.. GETS EXPLODED. So im by his side always till he recovers and ofc (this happens in any ship timeline) i made the dethklok boys pay for his surgery. He worries he fr wouldnt have a chance to win me over because of how he looks but i constantly remind him i’ll always love him no matter what. Yet i go “ill love you no matter what .. bestie hahaha”
🩶 - he tags along with me as i go to reunite with rikki in SnB2 and ofc marc (kind of jealous) lets me and rikki have time to ourselves and rikki is just like “yea hes still obsessed with you” and im like “😀.. whatre you talking about he just likes me as a friend hahhaha” (I NEED TO MAKE A FIC OUT OF THIS.)
AND thats about it for now ill have more ideas soon its easy when you can just do whatever but its also hard since theres not much going on with him like all the stuff that happens with skwis nate or mf DISBJSBSHAN
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alessiasfreckles · 6 months
canada has similar laws RE: self defence. small pocket knives are okay to have but if someone comes at you, you can’t use excessive force in self defence, it has to be proportionate. and pepper spray and mace are illegal!! you can only use bear spray on animals. you basically can’t have anything on you that could intentionally be used to hurt another person
as a general self defence rule, i just tell all my femme presenting friends to carry one of those small travel sized spray deodorants or hair sprays because those still hurt like a mf but you can justify having those on you in court
yeah i guess it makes sense that it has to be proportionate! the deodorant/hairspray is a good call, i bet one of those like long lasting hairsprays could do a lot of damage lol
speaking of things that are illegal/could be used to hurt someone, we flew to london in february for the arsenal vs man united match and i got stopped at security bc i forgot i had a fidget butterfly knife in my bag 😭 it was one with dull edges, literally no way it could hurt anyone as it was a training/fidget knife and also it was rainbow/iridescent but they confiscated it from me 🥲
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years
favourite colour(s): turquoise and purple bby
favourite flavour(s): french vanilla coffee creamer, ginger/molasses cookies & chicken curry 
favourite genre(s): medieval action (robin hood looking at you), action & comedy, rom coms, supernatural, thrillers, mysteries, specific horror (ya girl’s working on it ok)
favourite music: honestly everything, my playlist ranges from disney remixes to sabaton 
favourite movie(s): so many but...constantine, hairspray, footloose, star wars, and probably tg:m (sue me)
favourite series: the librarians, bbc’s robin hood, sherlock, various others no longer on air
last song: i’m gonna getcha good - live (shania twain)
last series: prodigal son
last movie: jurassic world: dominion (tonight actually)
currently reading: the prince by niccolò machiavelli 
currently watching: stargate: atlantis (watched the og series so, need to see this one)
currently working on: my mf degree lmao, taking the life outta me ngl
tagged by: the fabulous @wynterlanding
tagging: @felteverywhere , @edgecfeden , @esoerotica , @beefcakeds , @honeyedz , @confusionism , @lovepctions , @mvlkxhcney , @caeruleums , (as always, no need to do this!! but thought it’d be fun to tag y’all !! ) 
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ribbedpleasure · 11 months
will not lend an ear to any mf with long straight hair complaining about “ugh my hair is so messy today” get a comb and even some hairspray and fucking use it you twat. the kind of 5-second cure big pharma wishes it could advertise as a cure for seizures
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thoughtdumpyard · 2 years
when i was 8 i had a really cool babysitter who taught me that i could use hairspray to kill spiders
anyway i just had a big one drop out of nowhere and i drowned that mf using hairspray i got probably like in my junior year of high school
yes it means i’m tasting hairspray and also i have to clean that corner eventually because it’s sticky BUT the spider is dying
it might seem a little cruel but honestly it’s for my sanity, i feel nonexistent bugs crawling on me sometimes so it just helps to kill the real ones when i see them
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rachel-rebellio · 4 years
thinking about derek hough singing ladies choice as cormy collins from hairspray tonight
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kotofvi · 4 years
G u y s--- I need Grimmjow Cosplayers, I need their help.
I don’t know how to style my hair like his what the fuck does gravity not apply to this stupid cat’s head?????? 
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mcytcat · 3 years
Can we talk abt Karl with a famous SO??? Like mf would NOT be able to shut up about them. Constantly bringing up how amazing their new project, song, art, album etc. is. Like at their concerts he’d be in the pit like cheering them alone the whole time 😭😭😭😭
Okay this, yes.
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Request: yes
Warnings: language, horrible writing
Notes: This is really bad so sorry but enjoy!
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•This bitch would not shut up
• Always either talking about your work or somehow being able to tie you to anything and everything
"Okay but have you seen the new movie y/n is in, they did so good"
"Omg do you know who really likes those, y/n, they always have them on set"
•What can I say he loves you and what you do
• If your an actor/actress Karl would always be with you on set following you around
• I'm pretty sure that is a job but Karl does it for free just because he loves you (if people offered to pay him he wouldn't turn it down yk)
• Okay this is kinda cringy but I can see him following you around with like a little fanny pack full of quick snacks, hairspray, bobby pins, and makeup for touch ups
• If singing/songwriting is your passion Karl would be there for you helping with lyrics
• Giving you feedback on your singing (never 'bad' feedback tho, okay maybe he's a little bias)
• At the recording studio Karl would be right by your side making sure your comfortable
• If you even slightly mentioned the fact your thirsty he would be finding the best water for you (fiji water or some shit)
• If your an artist Karl would always ask you if you needed supplies
"Hey babe do you need anymore paint?"
"No Karl I'm good you already bought me so much"
"I know I just want you to always have what your looking for"
• Would 100% have your art in his streaming room
"Oh yeah the painting y/n made it"
• No matter what you do Karl would always promote your work on stream/insta/twitter/ect
• Over all your biggest fan and no one can convince him otherwise
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losersclublol · 3 years
(fem) bill used to brush all her hair straight across her forehead bc she wanted an ‘emo fringe’ without cutting her hair
she used to hairspray that mf down too
shit would be HARD and would not move, would be pinned down behind her ear, not moving AT ALL
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chaseadrian · 2 years
do u like musicals
do u think anyone from peacemaker or stranger things would like musicals
LEOTA!!!!!!! leota is absolutely a musical person she loves the bright, fun ones like mamma mia, hairspray, and rocky horror. i think she could also convince adrian to get into them too, but he’d be more into like chicago, moulin rouge, or like sweeney todd. but they’d BOTH go see phantom together and lose their mf minds over it
for stranger things i think eddie for sure would be into musicals, but he’d be very selective and secretive about his appreciation. i’m thinking cabaret and little shop of horrors for him, but the version of little shop where the world is taken over by zombies.
max and lucas would also absolutely go see musicals together, like any musical. for them it’s about the experience of like being in a theatre and collecting the playbills but they do have a handful of faves like jersey boys (catch lucas dancing like frankie valli to make max laugh) & spamalot
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
What do they smell like?
Realistically, if you hugged them. (P2) - (p1) (p3)
Tanaka: THIS MF SMELLS LIKE AN ADIDAS SHOE STORE. I love him but he aggressively smells like rubber mats and sweat. He never gets the gym stank off himself 100%. Definitely the type to pick you up and shake you a lil when he hugs.
Kiyoko: Lavender and eucalyptus. Calming and dark. Is it lotion? Conditioner? Whatever it is, it's lovely. She puts a hand on the back of your head gently when you hug.
Daichi: warm wool & strong black coffee, freshly brewed. His hugs border the line between comfortable and crushing.
Sakusa: lemon verbena hand sanitizer mostly, with a hint of camphor spray. More of a handshake or nothing guy, but he will hug on occasion. Very gentle for a guy with arms like that.
Terushima: used condom Sour apple hard candy and hairspray. Tries to hug from behind as a surprise.
Daishou: white pepper and patchouli cologne. By all means should be a disgusting combo, but it works for him. Likely to be slightly damp when hugged, but otherwise normal.
Aone: .... Unscented deodorant. Aone I love you dearly but... A simple man. Clean linen and wood shavings, sometimes. He would hug you so gently and tenderly I just know it 🥺
Yaku: Always smells like fresh rain, somehow. Very clean and clear. Another warm squeezer.
Kuroo: grapefruit body wash. If you get too close to his head though, he REEKS of unwashed hair. He's greasy. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Passionately hugs you with one arm and slaps your back with the other.
Kenma: sprite. Will not hug you. 😐 If you can somehow get him to, he headbutts your shoulder and hugs attached that way.
Lev: expensive musk based cologne. Heavy and slightly spicy. Another contract commitment or he would smell like hashbrowns. Do not expect support from him, he's going to drape all over you.
Ukai: The old secondhand smoke stank that smells kind of like old mcdonalds frying oil. Sometimes, like black n milds and knockoff dior cologne. A shoulder-grabbing side-hugger.
Oikawa: not overwhelmingly, but magnolia and sea salt - Floral but grounded. Knows how to hug!!! Will absolutely sweep you off your feet.
Iwaizumi: if working, exactly how basketballs smell. If he's showered recently, applewood smoke and maybe whiskey. Cradles you with his arms firmly.
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