#hahaha sorry for my ramblings HES JUST BEEN ON MY MIND . SO BAD.
bizarrescribblez · 9 months
me x dethklok minute host/marc tackett lore because i can and will info dump lore for this stupid ass crackship thats gotten a grip on me for the past two days
💜 - we both meet when we’re late teens, both coming off of entertainment/acting careers (me being an actress on a sitcom and him being a host for a kids channel’s entertainment segment)
🩶 - the reason we both meet is because we auditioned and passed @ being in a US tour for the musical Hairspray :) me being Tracy and him being Link. Traveling around the country and the instant connection makes up super close, so once the tour ends and the musical stays on Broadway we both stay in the same apartment together in NY. We always deny when asked if we’re in a relationship or like each other since we play a couple in the musical (every denial hurting him more and more)
💜 - while in NY, my pop star career starts to take off a bit thus garnering attention from other rock stars (r.ikki k.ixx) and having flings with said rock stars (which makes marc MORE SAD because he thought we had something). Said flings end up failing for one reason or another and becoming sort of just a shoulder to cry on (at least to him) starts to hurt him more and more. Once I sign onto a record label and once he signs up the contract to become the host for dethklok minute we go our seperate ways for a while which BREAKS BOTH OF OUR HEARTS. (Debating if theres even a goodbye since i know i hurt him and would feel terrible facing him.. ANGST THINGS !!)
🩶 - we meet again and hang out again/more when i get introduced in the series in dethstars cuz i imagine hes at the blood ocean premiere covering it live.. AND DUDE ALMOST MENTALLY FLATLINES ON LIVE TELEVISION SEEING ME AGAIN.
💜 - obviously in season 2 he.. GETS EXPLODED. So im by his side always till he recovers and ofc (this happens in any ship timeline) i made the dethklok boys pay for his surgery. He worries he fr wouldnt have a chance to win me over because of how he looks but i constantly remind him i’ll always love him no matter what. Yet i go “ill love you no matter what .. bestie hahaha”
🩶 - he tags along with me as i go to reunite with rikki in SnB2 and ofc marc (kind of jealous) lets me and rikki have time to ourselves and rikki is just like “yea hes still obsessed with you” and im like “😀.. whatre you talking about he just likes me as a friend hahhaha” (I NEED TO MAKE A FIC OUT OF THIS.)
AND thats about it for now ill have more ideas soon its easy when you can just do whatever but its also hard since theres not much going on with him like all the stuff that happens with skwis nate or mf DISBJSBSHAN
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viloxity · 3 months
I thought of something more fanciful, like for example, a reader girl almost a baby who entered a dungeon forgotten by everyone and there she found Jinwoo, in my delusions he can transform into a kind of chimera dragon (You know with a human body even the torso and the dragon torso hahaha) At first Jinwoo doesn't pay attention to this girl, but she keeps coming to see him, so Jinwoo tells her that if anything she doesn't have anything better to do in this abandoned world.
She tells him "I don't have parents, nor a family, much less does anyone care about my existence... Are you like that too, sir?" And although she only sees her human half hidden in the shadows, she does not see her dragon half (Let's be clear that obviously Jinwoo can transform at will but for me he is a bit lazy for that hahaha. Returning to the topic, she frequents him a lot and he He lets her be, bored more than anything since he doesn't bother leaving his territory, he usually listens to this girl's ramblings and over time he takes a liking to her (although he doesn't say it openly) Then on another day he tells her that Why don't you just stop coming to see him? If you know it's dangerous, but she doesn't care and responds with another question: "Why don't you ever let me see you? I only see your eyes, which are beautiful and changing."
Jinwoo would sigh and would take a while to respond with "Humans don't understand my existence, much less would you, but you're strange... maybe one day I'll let you see me in full."
And everything would stay there but with the passage of time she stops being a girl and at some point she is a teenager, at this point she is the only one who knows this eternal and forgotten dungeon (not so much because she is the only one who remembers and always goes to see him) In the end Jinwoo is seen for the first time when she tells him that she may not come to see him anymore because the way here is dangerous for a civilian, although he is bothered by that and blames the few police in the place.
Laughing without grace, Jinwoo finally agrees to show himself after years in darkness, she would be surprised but she would only tell him how great she looks and that would be enough to make him sigh at how strange she is but not make him love her less. Neither of them knew that Jin-Woo would become obsessed with her when she gradually stopped visiting him because she was busy in her adult life trying to survive in the remains of humanity, which would upset him and make him go out for the first time (I forgot to say it). but it's a strange AU hahaha, it occurred to me, Jinwoo is also a shadow monarch, obviously his physical form is different)
I hope you liked my delusions, anyway, thanks for reading! Another fellow novice fanfic writer greets you (Cough! I've been writing for 7 years, I'm sorry! Hahaha)
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MY FIRST ASK WOOHOO!!! and an amazing one at that, I really love your mind! I wanted to wait until I got the second part out but I don’t wanna ignore this since it’s passionate and lovely so here I goooo
exploring AUs involving Jinwoo is great bc there’s soooo much to do with him—especially bc of his power as a shadow monarch. It’s one of the reasons why I decided to do a ‘bad ending’ story in relation to the main story; like what if jinwoo did not want to side with humanity? it’s like the same idea here except he’s a more neutral figure and is unbothered by the world around him, therefore he plays no hand in it…. Except you come barreling into his life. It’ll start a domino effect the moment you speak to him, which he might realize later but it’s too late then. Perhaps he might do subtle things that display his dragon like nature—hoarding—and humanity. If he has a hoard of sorts, he would give you gifts from his prized possession. Normally, he would be angered at the idea of some pathetic lowly human touching his treasure but he feels warm at the idea of providing you with something he cherishes. You would initially protest—probably because it looked expensive—but his growls that nearly ripped the cave apart would zip your lips immediately. Your departure that day would be filled with immense amounts of ‘thank yous’ and he would just give you a begrudging ‘yeah, whatever; get out of my sight.’
After some visits, and when you say the final visit will be your last, there is a new feeling that bristles within him. The way that his claws get sharper, his teeth begin to bare, and his expression contorts confused him—never before in his mundane life did he act in such a way. It was different, deviant, and new—a sensation that excited him more than anything. He would recognize, then, in his own little world how he gave you a comfortable little place in it—a place that is always, always by his side. If he was quick enough, hearing your footsteps echo as you trekked down the mountain, he would give chase whether that be through his dragon form or his shadows. If you had already left as he sorted his thoughts, he would fly to your village himself and find you. You were a priority now; someone who deserved everything and he knew he would be the one to give you the world. No matter the cost, he would have you, and he would keep you.
I hope this did your story justice? Thank you for sharing !!
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angelanimedesaray · 4 months
AAAH!!! HELLO!!! I always see you in my feed, I wasn't expecting you in my inbox, but I'm happy to see you here XD
Sooo, the questions. Yes. I am so sorry these are so long, I can't be short and sweet and to the point for anything, I swear, it's always just word vomit and -- I'm rambling again, let's get to it hahaha XD
🍄 A Headcanon for one of my favorite ships/Pairings. Sooooo I don't have a favorite ship/pairing, not really, for the AOT fandom, I'm just kind of vibing over here with most of them XD I'll enjoy Erwin/Levi Content one second, scroll two more posts down and oogle over a Hange/Levi, and then gasp and jealously drink in an OC/Levi art the next second while scribbling down the artist for future reference for the day I can finally afford to request some Levi and my OCs art (I have an OC in mind for every Levi x Reader Fic I've written that I imagine while I write). So it's more like a Levi x Anyone kind of headcanon:
I have always been a sucker for the thought that when Levi get's really comfortable with whoever he's with, and he's letting his guard down more and is cuddling regularly with his SO, that this is a common and favorite position:
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Just, the hand running gently through his hair at the nape of his neck, arms wrapped tightly around one another, head pillowed on n their chest, it looks so comfy and warm and comforting for him and uuugggghhhhh I'm a sucker for it, it's my comfort soft thought/headcanon and I love it.
🍓 How did I get into fanfic. Soooo I was already known IRL for loving writing, mostly poetry at the time, and being a huuuuge star wars fan (I was usually the one people went to if they had a character or event question cause I KNEW MY STUFF). And a friend of mine came up to me one day at summer camp and asked for some help with a star wars fanfic she was writing since i knew character and canon/EU stuff so well, and she explained WHAT fanfic was to me, and after talking for a while we wrote it together, though we kind of parted due to creative differences/complete opposite styles, but I'd created a fanficnet profile putting the original character names from the story together with plans to post the fanfic we were writing, and I decided to just keep it and start writing my own stories, and that's how I started writing fanfic--and also how I got the penname AngelDesaray, two OCs that didn't really see the light of day. Well, Desaray got revamped into Zelina for my Star Wars fanfiction baby I still work on slowly to this day, but that's besides the point, heh.
🎲What stops me from writing more in my free time? I usually get in my own way a lot. My attention span has been really shot since college, it's hard for me to focus on one thing for a long time--it's part of why I started having multiple things going on at once, it helps me to focus if I have a video running or music playing, and three or four word documents and a social media website I can easily jump away from again open, because then there's enough going on that I oddly enough can focus (I used to get teased all the time by my parents for having my laptop open on my lap, texting someone on my phone, playing a NintendoDS Game, and watching a show all at once). Another issue is that I think I haven't 100% bounced back from my college burnout, but I really really miss my writing and stories, which puts me in this weird catch 22 where I'm just mentally tired and don't want to do anything, but i've been daydreaming of my story for literal hours and really want to get something on paper. Also sometimes I'm cursed with wanting to write plot heavy stuff but I'm in the middle of relationship building, or wanting to write action but I'm doing dialogue heavy chapters, or wanting to write relationship steamy stuff but there's a lot of plot stuff going on--etc etc. Its usually me and my attention span getting in the way, pretty much. Doesn't mean i don't want to really really bad or that I'm not thinking about it 24/7, cause I usually am, it's just hard for me to FOCUS these days once I have the white sheet in front of me.
Ask Game Here
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chahnniesroom · 5 months
So I just binged your tenderness series, it's 5am rn, honestly I can't think straight rn but I just HAD to raaveeee about this fic because omg????? I felt so bad abour Y/N's chatacter, she deserves all the hugs in the world. I still haven't completely forgiven chan tbh (the bonus scenes did almost help me get over it ngl) coz damnnn his rant did hit a sore spot (for y/n and felt like a personal attack on my insecurity too). But that just goes to prove what a amazing author you are. Their inability to just COMMUNICATE UGH was frustrating and honest soooo realistic, cause confrontation is difficult irl too, had me forgetting it's a fanfic at certain parts. Eunsung, my guy what a giga chad, my fav character (after lix, coz I'm biased liked that), such a green flag, I was honestly imagining him as Park Sunghoon (I think that's his name? That actor who played Eunsung in Queen of tears ). The angst in this fic is top tier, seriously so good had me tearing up in places, y/n's mother can go f*ck off and her enabling father too (another parallel to QoT that drama's been on my mind a lot lately)
I'm so glad I found this after it was complete, I would've lost my mind waiting for each chapter to drop (amazing work takes time I get it) Honestly nothing I read now is gonna hit the same for a while
Thank you soooooo much for this brilliant work, sorry for rambling I should've been asleep a while ago
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thank you so much!!! can't believe that you stayed up until 5 to read tenderness and still took the time to send a comment, hope you were able to have a good rest after!
i think that even at the end of the fic, the relationship between chan and y/n wasn't completely mended. it takes a lot of time to repair trust once it has been broken, even if you feel like you've forgiven them. hahaha i hate confrontation irl as well
ah, i haven't been able to watch queen of tears yet, but i want to!! i actually took the name eunsung from an irl friend i have, so he's who i picture... kind of
anyway thanks again for such a detailed comment! so glad that you found the fic engaging
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
I just read through that critical anon shit and omg Gekko I want to hug you so bad.
I literally laid eyes on your fpk au in the main hk tag back during some of your first posts of the au and I was instantly like “You. You get it.” Just something about his in game character that wanted those animalistic instincts gone from his subjects only to have to succumb to the them is delicious to me. And the more content you do of it, the more he succumbs and just AAAHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
idk why but it just resonates with me.
Even if your content doesn’t resonate with some peeps, it will resonate with someone, and that’s what matters: the people that will respect and love the content you do no matter what.
This is honestly just mind vomit rn. I just wanted to express my admiration to make you feel better. 🥺
omg it's you, i recognize you from my inbox. i just wanted to say that some of the tags you leave under my fpk au stuff always make my day, i love when people go crazy about it hahaha
but thank you, that really means a lot to hear. and omg same, i love that aspect of his character. especially since, as i developed him further, it became something that was a part of him since the beginning. i hope you don't mind i go on a little tangent here. he's always been a bit of a hypocrite regarding this particular fact. the instincts he wanted gone from his subjects never left him, and it's why he continued to sustain himself with soul even though his smaller form meant that he also needed less food to survive. and that was slowly killing him, since he needed food, but was too scared of being seen as a hypocrite. and no, he unfortunately wasn't able to eat slowly and in an elegant manner. the years of living off of scraps and fighting for them as a weak runt permanently rewired his brain to be food greedy, and he couldn't control himself no matter how much he tried
when he was forced to eat, following the loss of his powers, it was a big obstacle he had to get through, but he did accept it eventually. does it make him a hypocrite? i would say so, though i think that makes him more interesting. especially since doing so ended up making his life better, so it only serves to show him how wrong he was to push that message onto those who might have had similar experiences to him. and there's still always the chance that someone will see it and find it gross and unacceptable, and i think it would be ironic if it was because of his past views and the message he shared with the bugs
plus it creates some nice contrast between individual communities of hallownest in the au: places are dirtmouth are way more accepting of this way of life since they have always been more "primitive", as the city bugs would call them. and those city bugs, who ironically have always been following the ways of the king more closely, would now see him as nothing but a disgusting beast. and since some of those city bugs survived the infection and began to slowly rebuild the community, it means that he does not feel welcome there anymore. big fan of his past actions continuing to bite him in the ass, he was the one who taught them this way of life, and now he's experiencing first-hand how it may have affected the bugs that were seen as less civilized by the city folk. another thing for his looooong list of regrets
ah, sorry for rambling about this under the ask that did not specifically ask for it. know that i appreciate your words very much, and i'm really grateful for your support. thank you ❤️
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snellyfish · 2 years
1. Thoughts on the drdt fandom's popular ships?
2. Any theories for Ch2?
Omg you guys feed me so much. Putting this under a read more bc I'm starting to feel bad for rambling + DESPAIR TIME SPOILERS!??!!
hmmhmmhmhmhmmm trying to remember popular ships off the top of my head .... Sorry if I missed any, I'm not up to date with my fandom lore T_T Will probably edit this later for ship names I forgot, since I'm too lazy to look em up rn lole
Obviously Verturo #1 forever I will spout my Verturo propaganda until I DIE. No thoughts only rotating them in my mind. I sincerely hope they have another movie night and Veronika gets to kill someone and Arturo either feels heartbroken for having fallen for her previously or is impressed and finally admittedly likes her afterwards. Don't know whatcha got til it's gone. Haha. Hehe. Either way. I obviously have hesitations and fears regarding Arturo's character and where it'll take him, so I really can't feel you can get into it too much until he's become less one-note but AUUGHGH I'm impatient and insane,,, Verturo call me back,,,,,, Veronika should ask him to vivisect her for fun I mean-What If They Killed Someone Together #Slay
Teruko/Min is sooooo<333 UGH!!! Tragic lesbians,,, love their interactions before the trial too! Need to think about them more, honestly
Unsure if it's still popular--all things considered--but I still think Xander/Teruko is very interesting; even/especially in canon. But alas, I await to learn more lore about their situation, particularly Xander's.......
Charwhit is super cute! No matter the context of the dynamic, romantic/platonic/qp whatever, I love em they are so sweet 😭😭 Charles deserves someone kind, but not a pushover yesman, ykno!
Xanvid has potential for sure,, buuuut I feel like the reasons I like it are wayyy different than the reasons it's popular LOL, so I don't see much or any content for it that aligns with the interpretation I like? 🤔 Still fun ig
Ace/Levi is a no from me but I get it...
I don't thhhhink it's popular..? but HI where's the Xanwhit representation. I'm not huge on them but they just make me smile sometimes :) <-- like this
Finally, but unfortunately, I can't exactly say I have any chapter 2 predictions, honestly! All I've been thinking about is how the hell Teruko is gonna come back from this one, in terms of ykno,,, interacting with her classmates again, considering what a hasty rift she's already dug into the game and between everyone and herself. Although, I suppose it would be good timing for everyone else to trauma bond together with Teruko left out? Bc I just imagine she's isolating herself, she had quite a nasty breakdown after all HAHA. But I dunno... I haven't thought about it too hard, and don't have a full grasp on Teruko's character yet, we'll just have to wait and see 👁️👁️
And I haven't personally read any fantheories (or try to avoid em) because sometimes theories for any media in general make too much sense I don't wanna spoil it for me if they end up true/accurate HAHAHA silly brain
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cafeacademia · 2 years
Alright if I have to ship you with someone that's not me...
I ship you with a lot of people but for today I will ship you with Layla: I think she would love to look after you and protect you like did you see her fighting skills? I think she would find you adorable and sweet and that's maybe all she needs. Someone who will love her and make her food and cuddle with her, someone she can look after but knows looks after her too. She would love to take you on a ride on her motorbike. Oh and yeah she'll dom the hell out of you if that's what you want.
But I also ship you with Steven and Marc... Let me explain:
For Steven, I think you are the perfect person to read with and go to museums with, both of you nerding out over stuff. Your old sweaters you love to thrift shop, yeah he's stealing them, they are just so comfy and smell like you. Cuddling while both reading books is a must and wow, all the book shopping you two do it's insane. He also would feel so safe with you to explore new sides of him both in sexy times and not. He feels like he can tell you anything on his mind and be vulnerable with you and will do anything to make you feel safe too. And let's talk about the sexy stuff, why not? He's a bit unsure in the beginning about what to do but he for sure listens to what you tell him and takes notes. Oh and about who is in control? It depends. But he would love it if you take control, he will just melt. And after the sex? Cuddles and taking a shower together are a must for him! He would just love you so much!
Marc, this one is a little trickier. In the beginning, he was unsure. How can someone as sweet as you fall for him? But when you give him his room and understand that he needs his time and just look after him without touching him or forcing him and when he sees how you are with Steven he starts to be around a bit more. He lets you cook for him and starts asking what you read hoping you will ramble happily about your book and the stuff that happens in there. He will always join you on walks. He needs to be sure you are safe. When both of you slowly open up a bit more about what you have been through he swears he will never let anything happen to you and you do the same. One night he fronts and comes to you in tears and scared, he just had a nightmare and now he needs you close and feel safe in your arms, he truly trusts you and when you need him he'll always be there. He is not the best with talking but for you, he tries, he really does but most of all he will show you (yes that includes sweet lovemaking in the early morning while it softly rains outside). He would love to stay in your arms forever. He will also always find an excuse to hold your ass. You are cooking? he will help by holding you. You are trying to read something? Nice you can read while you sit in my lap. Wanna take a shower? Cool! He'll join so he can keep your company (And wash you) It took him some time to get intimate but once he trusts you? He'll never let you go
Sorry this was really long but yeah here you go! hahaha Love you sweety!
AHHHH MEGAAAAAAAAAAAN I can't tell you how excited I was when you sent this, thank you SO much for sending this to me and taking the time to write three personalised hcs 😭 I just love everything about this and I'm so so so in love with all three of them (and you of course) - totally saving this somewhere so I can enjoy rereading this in the future!
Okay now for you!
I ship you with Bucky Barnes, Derek Morgan and Layla!! - these are always the boys that come to mind when I think of you and Layla is also a recent person I can see you with!!
Bucky: I can see you and Bucky spending a lot of days indoors together. He would take care of you on those days that are just difficult and make you feel so cared for, but at the same time, he knows you'd be there for you for his bad days too. He begins to get a little less shy before you get into a relationship, then when you start dating he's really comfortable with you. I know for a fact that Bucky would absolutely adore making a blanket fort with you - it's a cold, rainy day outside and you just want to curl up in the warmth and not leave the comfort of your apartment, so he builds a fort with you. It's soft and romantic and if the mood is right, he makes love to you under the gentle glow of the fairy lights inside of your fort. You always feel safe and cared for with Bucky, he takes everything at your pace, emotionally and sexually and he's just the sweetest partner, but in the same breath - oh my god the amount of mischief you'd get up to together, Sam and Steve would not know what hit them with the amount of pranks you pull on them - not to mention the amount of times people walk in to find the two of you having some kind of nerf gun battle in the living room.
Derek Morgan: Oh he is just OOOF he's so in tune with you - he's so sweet and caring but in the same breath, he's extremely passionate. That man is very giving, especially in the bedroom. He loves taking his time and making you feel good - he lives for your reactions and the satisfaction it gives him to watch you enjoy the pleasure he gives you. He's definitely a soft dom, but he also loves the challenge of you taking control too and it's so playful and exciting to swap control. He's a bit of a hopeless romantic too, so you always come home to romantic gestures like date nights at home, pretending to be your personal driver while he takes you out to see a movie, trips to the museum or the coffee shop with an extra flair! Derek loves to treat you, but he also loves how much you are there for him too. He knows he can always come home to comfort after a difficult case. You usually make something like cookies or you try to bake something else if you know when he'll be home, but if you don't know when he'll be back, you just keep yourself prepared for when he does come home so even if you're at work or asleep when he arrives, there's a note and some comfort items waiting for him to wind down until he gets to spend time with you again later in the day or in the morning.
Layla: I can also see you with Layla!! She'd absolutely be so fun to spend time with. She definitely indulges your adventurous side - I know she'd LOVE going to the theme park with you and going on really fast rides and she loves the way it makes you all giddy afterwards! But, while you spend a lot of time exploring and doing really exciting and adrenaline inducing things, she loves having down time with you at home. Baking together? Layla loves it. Want to make dinner? Absolutely and if you're not sure how to cook a dish, she'll get adventurous in the kitchen and do her best to improvise it. Also, like you said, she'd definitely dom you if you wanted her too, but she'd also love it when you dom her too. Her favourite is the mornings when the sunlight pours into the room in golden streaks and she gets to be with you so intimately before the world is fully awake, there's something so magical about sharing that with you.
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mo0n-water · 1 year
hello hello, sorry that it’s been so long :( i’ve missed you.
i will hear the song if it’s the last thing i do 🥸 what’s it called? what’s the first lyric?
what book is it? why is it your favourite? summarise it in three words?
i hope you allow yourself to be a child sometimes. growing up so quickly must be tough.
nostalgia is my hamartia, i’m very stuck in the past, whether it is good or bad. also my great aunt has the most beautiful house, i’d love to live there when i’m older but it’ll probably go to the other side of the family. we can hope :)
i don’t really have any definitive life goals. i’m more of a live and let live kind of person, what’ll happen will happen and i shan’t waste time fretting about it. but i would like to own lots of cats when i’m older and have the village i live in suspect me of being a witch. i think that’d be fun.
i love people who talk a lot and are passionate about things they are interested in. there is nothing i enjoy more than listening to someone ramble on about a historical event i’ve never heard of or a movie i’ll never see. my best friend is very much a talkative person and i think that’s why we get on so well.
how many people can come to my party? i would probably invite: my two best friends, david bowie, regulus black, frida kahlo, oscar wilde, amy winehouse, boris pavlikovsky (from the goldfinch), my great great uncle who’s existance no one knew about until a few weeks ago (he had a very interesting life) and you :) i think we’d all have some very interesting conversations.
my favourite quote is ‘i don’t know. poets are always taking the weather so personally. they’re always sticking their emotions in things that have no emotions.’ from the catcher in the rye.
questions for you:
- what are you doing right now?
- are you religious?
- how do you define art?
- do you want to get married? would you marry a friend in a non-romantic way?
- what’s your favourite smell?
- what would you name this chapter of your life?
- are you a responsible person?
- what’s your favourite punctuation mark and why?
HAHA HI!!! i missed you too!! i was telling the jegulily server about how i missed you…… then again, idk who you are, so maybe you saw that. (mysterious music.) anyway i hope you’re well & i mean… didn’t you say you were going to see harry yesterday? so you MUST BE well
re: your song… it’s called counting hours. you’re not gonna find it online but maybe i’ll send it to you if/when you tell me who you are. (not holding it hostage, i just don’t wanna post it publicly hahaha!! first line is “spent the early hours of june reading quotes from whitman” i guess you don’t know what that has to do with you, but the rest of the song is… a little more obvious xx
the book is looking for alaska! i think i mentioned it before. i like how it explores grief and unanswerable questions, as well as how it talks about growing up. for three words, i don’t know, i’d maybe say “famous last words” :)
you definitely seem like the type of person one would mistake for a witch. and believe me, that is the highest of compliments coming from me. and about nostalgia, YEAH. yeah. G-d yeah. i feel like nostalgia rules my life sometimes, but i don’t really mind that? i was talking with my dad about that recently, about trying to recreate old memories & bring the past back. i think there’s something beautiful about that.
i like the live & let live philosophy. i think it makes for an interesting life. my favorite kinds of people are the ones who aren’t afraid to do something unexpected, to seek out new opportunities & go on adventures. a change of plans is my favorite thing. have you always been like that, or is your decision to embrace that a new thing? (i am ignoring your use of the word shan’t, lest i make a fool out of myself in my own tumblr post…)
listening to people ramble is a secret favorite of mine. i have a friend who’s really into films, & i love to get him ranting about his favorite plot lines & all that cinematography stuff that i don’t understand. i don’t even like movies! but i like listening to him talk about them. what’s something you like to ramble about like that?
i like your quote & i like your dinner party. i question how wise it is to invite boris, given he’d probably derail the whole thing… but i suppose that’s the whole point, and what makes it fun. consider this my rsvp! i think regulus, bowie, & boris would either be best friends or sexy rivals. can’t decide, but i’m here for it. also, your great great uncle?? i would love to hear the story there.
right now, i’m sitting on a porch swing & thinking about you. the temperature is perfect out here, humid enough to feel like a hug without descending into something more like a chokehold. i keep getting distracted & staring at the daylilies across the road. i was sitting in the living room before, but my parents were talking so i stepped out here to focus on writing this. after, i think i’ll play guitar for a bit – i was working on something earlier that i’d like to continue.
yes, i am religious! i’m a religious jew, which i think i’ve probably mentioned before because i honestly don’t shut up about it. it’s shabbat today, & i actually just got back from an event at synagogue. it was a pride event more than a religious thing, though – i convinced the rabbi to go out in drag, which was fucking brilliant honestly. anyway, judaism is easily one of the most important things to me. how about you? i always worry it’s rude to ask but i love talking about faith.
okay i had a conversation about defining art a few months ago & it just about broke my brain… genuinely it was in like january but i still don’t have an answer, no matter how much i think about it. i kinda think art is an arbitrary categorization we use to fit human expression into a box, but my opinion there could be changed with a strong wind. help????
i’d definitely like to get married someday, but it’s not a goal i’m working towards or anything… obviously, i think. i’d definitely marry a friend. it all comes down to whether it’s the right person. (if this is an offer, my answer is yes xx)
my favorite smell is rotting wood.
i’d name this chapter of my life “the wandering” because i feel like i’m looking for something, but i’m not sure what it is & i’m not in any rush. taking my time! it feels a lot like wandering.
responsible??? me???????? i suppose it depends on what you mean by responsible. in some regards, sure. in others, not at all. i don’t like the idea of responsibility, though, it feels stifling – i’d rather dedicate myself to things out of love than out of any sense of responsibility. not sure if that makes sense or answers your question.
i like semicolons!! as my best friend can surely tell you… i just feel like they conceptualize my ceaseless need for elaboration. i’m wary of overusing them. but yeah i learned how to use a semicolon in elementary school & i’ve been terrorizing people with them ever since.
as always, i love the questions you pick! some from me:
- what grounds you?
- what’s a feeling you find overwhelming? how do you cope?
- what’s your relationship with music? what does it mean to you, how do you interact with it?
- favorite fruit?
- tell me a secret?
hope to see you in my inbox soon!! kind regards <3
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lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
(2/2) Also . . . I can't believe you saw that post about the coworker sdkjfksdf;df - I was just getting off work in the more and I was kind of stunned when I posted that LOL 🤣😂
For some context hahaha: We have a shared workroom and he was coming on for the day and I was just getting off (read: sleep-deprived, not thinking straight hahaha). Just for personal reasons, I won't say what my profession is 😅 (though I'm sure some ppl are able to guess). He's in higher up position than me, but he works on a different team. I've only seen him in passing and said 'hi' in the hallways, but late last week, he started paying attention and talking to me more . . .???
It was so strange because I literally didn't think this man would go from 0 to 100, but we were just making small take and he just goes: "We should go get some coffee sometimes."
AND LIKE SJSDFKSDJ maybe I'm overthinking it and he just wants to go get coffee as friends . . .?? But I was just really taken aback because we aren't even tight like teammates like that 🤣😂
I told him I'd think about it 💀😂 I felt kind of bad bc he looked embarrassed after LOL, but I was taken off-guard! And everyone else in the room was like 👀👀👀
We haven't even his number (I don't want to ask and I think he's nervous to ask now bc of the power dynamic) and I only have a week left here, so who knows what will happen. I don't think it's going anywhere, but hey - he's still talking to me LOL.
Overall verdict: He's cute . . . ish?? Like not my usual type, but he takes care of himself 😭😂 I'm not sure if I'm a big fan of his personality though based on what I've seen? He's kind of brash and to some extent bro-ey . . . He kind of intimidates me ngl lol and I like witty, soft boys (read: jeonghan vernon) ._.
There was another senior from another team I had a crush on, but he moved onto a different floor 😭😂 HE WAS EVERYTHING YO LOL. (but I never talked to him sdkfjdskfjdsf)
Anyways, sorry this was so long, but you asked for the tea and I've been dying to tell someone LOL.
P.S. So excited for you to see Ed Sheearan!!! He's one of my favorite artists <3
took forever to respond because i had lots of thoughts to this part hehe
@twogyuu pls know that i spend way too much time randomly checking tumblr during the day/night so i've caught like 90% of ur delulu❤️posts/random interesting thoughts that u delete after a few minutes 👀 👀 👀 👀
*me laughing evilly as i take the biggest sip of tea known to human kind before spitting it out bc i burned my tongue lol*
omg why does your description of this interaction sound like a meet cute lol - just reading that beginning part i was on the edge of my seat 😂 now follows the thoughts of someone who has literally *0.0001%* irl romantic exp. but spends wayyyy too much time reading/watching/thinking about these sorts of things and human relationships in general (infj + enneagram type 4 wing 5 watch out lol), so take from this what you will (below the cut bc i ramble):
suddenly talking to you more often? asking to 'get coffee sometime'??? i'm like 99% sure he's into you my friend so if you agree or give him ur number he's gonna take that as a go so keep that in mind lol. this guy once asked for my number way back when i was a junior in hs and i agreed and then he legit texted me nonstop for a week before confessing his feelings - all via text. and then i rejected him bc i wasn't interested at all. 😭 so like now i don't like to give guys my number unless i actually wouldn't mind them texting me directly like that lol. i'd rather give like an insta or something.
this is just my brain thinking out loud bc i like thinking about these scenarios, not at all telling you what to do - the power dynamic def makes this yikes but if you're gonna be gone soon then that kind of eliminates that part in terms of concern. in my experience of being on both sides of the interaction, when someone says 'maybe' as a response to that kind of advance/request to hang out without any alternative plan, most people assume that's a 'no' or at the very least the rejection will keep them from asking again or following up. unless he's the type of guy that doesn't take no/ambivalence for an answer (ew) he's prob not gonna ask again so if ur interested, it'd probably have to happen from your end.
*high key* screamed internally when you said he was a bro-ey type. any time i hear that my body instantly recoils lol. is it just like the obliviously loudish but good-natured type of bro or the type of bro that takes up space and air in the worst, most entitled/rudish way possible bc one of those makes me 😳❤️ and the other makes me wanna 🤮 💀
Rip I've def felt that where there's a guy you were totally into but like you never interacted/maybe he didn't even know you existed but you still think about them 😭 I wanna say reach out to the one ur really interested in but my scaredy cat self wouldn't even take my own advice lol. I always pine from afar or literally act like a guy doesn't exist if I like him 🤣 (don't be like me but if you do this ur not alone so don't feel bad). Unless I change my stupid ways I feel like a guy will have to be genuine friends with me for longggggg af before he ever made a move to keep me from being scared af and running away. Which is embarrassing. Gotta work on that lol.
Rooting for you no matter what happens lol <3 I'll be waiting for whatever installment of ur love life you decide to share next 🍿 (only if you want to of course <3)
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. used to work at a restaurant, now a full time mother of one and is getting gray hairs lefty eyebag 😅 you did pretty good, I like my nickname hahaha
Oh no, if you want you can rant about your day to me. Do your anxiety attacks come pretty often?
I still have this really bad headache. I don't like it, I hate headaches because then it makes my eyes hurt too.
You sound so organized. I remember doing fifo when I used to work at a grocery store. Do you like watching videos of ASMR where the people are stocking their pantry and organizing it all nice and pretty?
Nooo I really don't know my type anymore I swear! I mean some traits haven't changed but it's hard to explain. I don't wanna ramble and bore you haha
Emily has good taste in her favorite princess lol second favorite is definitely Elsa and if I had a third, it might be Jasmine.
Don't apologize for rambling I don't mind knowing more about you and stuff. So when you say raspy, like Scarlett's raspy voice?
The word that makes me cringe is "moist", it's so awkward. That and the R word that people would use to describe others who are mentally ill or autistic. I can't even say or type it because it makes me mad to think about it.
Hahahahaha I love that clip! STELLAAAAAAA. He is so funny as Cam. Do you know that one episode where they were going to watch the eclipse? And Cam was all slathered in lotion and dressed in all white??
- CuriousGeorge
Hahaha yaaay im glad you like your nickname from me. lol.
oh its okay. It's just a living situation with my father in law. We have been having some disagreement and argument for a while, regarding parenting. remember when i told you that it takes a lot for me to get real mad or dislike somebody? well this is the example. haha. The anxiety I was talking about was kinda related to the issue. It's a long sorry, i dont wanna force u listen to me. don't wanna scare u away. lol
oh no, that sucks. headache always annoying. Are you gonna take medicine at all? maybe something like tylenol or motrin or something?
haha no, not really. I'm organized in certain stuff. Sometimes i can be unorganized too. :D
well, i'm not as organized as people who does asmr to their pantry but if i see something really organize, i guess it gives me good feelings. sometimes seeing even a little things that really not match or organized can "tickle" me in an annoying way.hahaha. i dont know if i have OCD or not. maybe i do but not that bad. im not sure about it.
For example, my husband mostly let Em to pick what she wants to wear but sometimes it bothers me if it doesnt match or something. So I always pick her clothes or give her choices that I already set up for her lol. Even for her pajamas or clothes she wears at home which nobody really see it. lol. He always said "It's okay, let her pick n wear what she wants." and I always say "No, it doesnt look good, i dont like it." or "no, it doesnt match / it's too much going on and it drives me crazy." hahahahaha. but dont worry, i dont force it, if after I try to give her choices n she still pick her own, I let her.
Or I like my hangers faces the same way, or my money in my wallet, i like them facing the same way from biggest number to the smallest. lol.
I'm like this with how arrange while loading my dishwasher. I prefer loading it than unloading it. I load my dishwasher like I'm playing tetris game. lol.
The same with our beddings (especially pillowcases). I have an assigned pillow cases for each pillow. lol. like, i want a certain pillow case is put on to certain pillows. so everytime we wash all of our bedding and he helps with putting on the sheets and everything, he doesnt do the pillow cases because I want to do it n i ask him not to do it. lol You probably think "damn, she's weird" right now. lol.
haha it's okay, you wont bother me with your ramble about ur type. I'm all ears or all eyes now. lol.
hahaha those princesses u like are Em's top favorites.
yes, something like Scarlet's raspy or Lizzie's raspy. I think Lizzie's voice is kinda raspy sometimes. I think their raspy voice is sexy.
Hmm.. i'm a little confused why moist bothers a lot of people. I mean i gues it sounds a little weird but i dont know if it's THAT weird.
haha yeah, when u type "STELAAAAAA" i read it with Cam's voice. lol. n yeeeeees! I remember that episode. Cam was on antibiotic medication or something n it says avoid sun exposure and he took it to the next level and then the "dress" that he wears got stuck on the boat's propellers. lol and he had to go to the small store. n i remember when it's dark from the eclipse, he says "hello darkness my old friend." lol.
Speaking about that episode, I have been to that hiking spot where Phil and Claire went. The view was sooooo gorgeous. I remember that there was a huge tree collapse there, it's so big that i had to climb it n i could stand on it and took a pict.
That lake where they were at was called Emerald Bay. It's in South Lake Tahoe.
Next questions?
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facelessfrey · 2 years
Roswell New Mexico - Season 4, Episode 11
Three things first:
1. Did we really have to bring Alex back just to have him say “oh yeah by the way I’m totally dying from radiation poisoning”? Hahaha. What the fuck?! I mean, I’m gonna go ahead and assume that Vlamis and Tyler wouldn’t be happy with the Malex ending if Alex literally dies. So I’m going to assume that means he gets healed somehow. Perhaps everyone will finally get that handprint moment they’ve been begging for. But I’m just going to have to go with “he’s definitely not dying” or I’m going to lose my mind. 
2. If they fucking have Dallas marry them in that permanently twilight world with only Bonnie for a witness, I might also lose my mind. I’m sorry, I’m gonna need A) light and B) everyone else in attendance. 
3. Was there an actual explanation of what the Alighting is in Clyde’s ramblings? Because I don’t think there actually was beyond “I’m gonna go home” and like...is that it? Just going back to Oasis? Cause that’s boring. Anticlimactic. I mean, I expect nothing less from this show but still? Why have a fancy word for it if it’s just “point my star map home and walk through a portal”? That doesn’t sound like “THE ALIGHTING” to me. I mean honestly, I need someone to explain the show’s whole alien mythology to me because my god does it not make sense to me AT ALL. This show makes me feel so dumb sometimes and I’m pretty sure it’s just bad storytelling but also....maybe I’m missing something?? So I was rewatching bits of season one because I was having Malex feelings and I ended up watching Noah’s whole scene about “coming from a war torn planet blah blah blah the Alighting and when they come to take us home, I was going to trade you for leverage” and he talked about a stowaway??? So like...why did all these aliens come? They were trying to escape Oasis because of Jones the Dictator? But then Jones stowed away? But like...there were a bunch of his Ophiuchus disciples on that ship too? Noah, Bonnie, Clyde, Tesca etc? So wouldn’t that be more than one stowaway?? And then what were Nora, Louise and Theo actually trying to do? Were they trying to go home? Or were they just trying to save their kids and take Max from Jones so he couldn’t transfer into him? And Theo was undercover helping Jones but also creating pocket dimensions as decoys???? Like...what the fuck is any of this supposed to be?!?!? HELP! I have so many questions and I don’t feel like any of them have been answered. 
Aside from those three things....
I was very glad to see Alex in half the episode rather than just the last five minutes like I feared. Still annoyed at the “hey I’m dying part” but remember, we’re ignoring that cause he’s gonna be fine okay. But I like that we really are just full on paralleling Motherland and Raylla and Alex is immediately like “we found each other again let’s get married!” Which is very sweet. And you know...no hang ups there in saying yes...just the whole....dying part but anyway...moving on. 
They have incredibly cheesy lines but at least one of them isn’t “you’re my turquoise” because I swear if I have to hear Max say that one more time to Liz I’m going to lose it. Haha. 
I have to thank Bonnie at least for letting Malex have some alone time while she and Dallas went on their little fruitless errand. I may not really care about her arc but at least she gave us that. 
There were references in this episode but I don’t think there were any Harry Potter ones? Maybe I rage blocked it out immediately but I don’t think there were?!?
I continue to adore the Kybel awkwardness and also the fact that Rosa and Max totally know. I desperately wish they had just let Isobel date Anatsa all last season and started fresh with the Kybel slowburn this season so we could have had more time with this but alas. It is what it is. They’re super cute and I can’t wait till they make it official. 
I was very glad to see so many Kyle and Rosa scenes in this episode because despite Kyle finding out she was his sister in season one, I feel like their sibling scenes have been pretty nonexistent so yay for those. Especially him telling her how far she’s come and her being like “yeah so Isobel is totally in love with you too you idiot”. I really wish we had gotten so much more but this was great. 
I still just...don’t care about this Liz plot that, shocker...was solved in an episode. Well...at least the addiction part. There was that preview (that preview that had no Alex in it again ..ugh) where she said her brain is broken so I guess there’s consequences but still...obviously very rushed. 
I feel like Shivani wasn’t totally wrong about Echo because I don’t feel like they’ve really resolved any of their actual issues. But sure...I guess we’ll see. 
I suppose I should be happy that they’re all of a sudden now making an attempt to make Liz’s student relevant to the plot but uhhh...yeah...not so much. It all just feels kind of ridiculous to have that whole GED class plot and trying to be a mentor just so she could be used by Clyde like nine episodes later. 
I suppose I should also be glad that Clyde is trying to make Shivani and her cryo daughter relevant to the plot too but uhh...I’m sorry I still don’t care. Plus, I really can’t believe that Shiri Appleby was used just for that weird mindscape episode but I feel like they’ve just wasted her if she’s not going to suddenly be relevant at the end. But also...do I even care about her actual character beyond that she’s OG Liz? At this point? No. Although still the fact that she’s apparently related to the Valentis and we didn’t even see her when Kyle and Eduardo went to find her for...reasons? to get Alien console pieces? is just kind of also absurd. She was vaguely plot relevant and we didn’t even see her??? So strange. 
Speaking of Eduardo....why were we meant to care at all about him and his estranged daughter if it was literally a twelve second plot point that meant nothing?? Like literally...other than Kybel hooking up, that whole Mexico excursion was thoroughly pointless. 
Anyway....I would like Alex not to die now that we’ve got him back. I would like to actually get to see Sanders in that tux at their wedding outside the pocket dimension. That is coincidentally the only thing I still care about aside from Kybel and Rosa’s happiness. The plot is meaningless but I still would really like someone to explain it to me just cause I want to understand. To be honest, I’m not even sure the showrunners and writers could explain it if pressed. 
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kaseyskat · 3 years
it's 5am and I should not be awake but I got the dialogue for this in my head and it wouldn't get out so here I am hahaha
tw: brief suicidal ideation, lots of self-loathing
anne had believed so fiercely that bringing her parents to see marcy in the hospital would help.
her friend had been sullen, quiet, in the days she had been awake. the hospital was keeping her until they were sure she could live on her own again; turns out getting impaled through the chest by a flaming sword and then forced into a healing tank for a week had lasting damage. anne's heart does somersaults every time she thinks about how dangerously close she had been to losing marcy for good, how often she's reminded of it.
marcy's parents hadn't come by yet, though, and so anne had invited her own. her parents, after all, have always loved marcy the most of her friends; sasha has always been the bad influence, the trouble-maker, but polite marcy with her good manners and better grades, would always be number one in their eyes. they had been worried about her too, anne knows- this visit is just as much for them as it is for marcy.
except, when anne walks them into the hospital room and cheerfully tells marcy she has visitors, marcy just looks scared.
she sits there with wide eyes as anne takes her hand, rambles about everything that's going on in her life since the last time she came by. every so often, anne catches her taking a guilt-ridden glance over in the direction of anne's parents, but she doesn't say anything.
"marbles," anne finally says, quietly, her tone dropping, "is everything okay? you're more spacey than normal."
marcy makes a face, and she peers over at anne's parents again. "why... why are you here?"
it's not a question directed at anne.
anne turns her head to watch her parents exchange looks with each other. "we wanted to see you safe," her mom finally answers, giving a small, reassuring smile. "we were worried."
"you shouldn't be," marcy mumbles, and she has that broken look in her eyes again, the one so reminiscent of her time under the control of and eldritch god and the immediate aftermath, how shattered her mind had been.
"marcy-" anne tries.
"it, it was my fault." and here, marcy glances down at the bed, at her and anne's joined hands. "didn't anne tell you? i-i trapped them in am-amphibia. everything that happened was my fault."
tears pool into her eyes now, and she releases a gutteral sob, turning her head so that it's half buried in the pillows next to her. "it's my fault," she repeats, brokenly. "you, you should hate me, I took your d-daughter away from you, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I'm sorry-"
"shhh, it's okay." anne's mom moves forward, sitting on the edge of the bed and pressing a hand against marcy's forehead. she frowns; marcy must be feverish again, anne thinks. "you are okay, we're not mad-"
"-you should be!" and marcy sobs again, weakly tugging at anne's hand like she means to pull away. "this, this is all my fault, I should've, I should've..." she trails off, and then shudders, sniffling.
"I wish he had just killed me," marcy says, and anne's vision tilts violently on edge. "I wish, I wish he had- it's what I deserved, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please-"
"-don't say that, marbles," anne pleads. she glances up at her mom; her mom looks so concerned, stroking marcy's hair as gently as she can manage. her dad comes to join them too, and he had always loved marcy like a second daughter, had played video games with her and kept the freezer stocked with her favorite ice cream because she would never ask for it herself. this is breaking their hearts too, she realizes.
"you made a mistake," her mom starts, in that gentle tone of hers, "but we know you didn't intend for anyone to be hurt. and, if anne was telling the truth to me, we also have you to thank for her coming home unharmed. so thank you, marcy. thank you for sending her home."
marcy sobs again. anne squeezes her hand gently. "I don't want to live in this world without you, marbles," she says, and there are tears in her own eyes as well, when did that happen? "you're okay now. we're all okay now."
her dad comes to perch on anne's other side, her mom is still stroking marcy's hair, and with anne's hand in her own, marcy doesn't look so lost or broken anymore, even with the tears streaming down her face.
"you're okay," anne says again, squeezing her hand again. "we're gonna be okay."
"okay," marcy echoes.
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saeran-imagines · 3 years
Hi! I read some of your work and got totally mesmerized hahaha I'm so happy someone's still active and having request open. (Also sorry if it's not the right place to ask this but I'm bad at using tumblr). But I wondered if you could write something about a reader suffering from depression/hinting often at suicide for the smallest things, with Ray or Saeran GE . If it's a trigger it's fine you don't have to do it!
Awhh thank you so much!!  ❤ I’ll hopefully be a lot more active in the near future since I don’t have so much work to do, sorry about the wait! I hope you like them!
Edit: Didn’t say which Saeran I’m writing for OOPS! This is for GE Saeran :D If you want Ray too feel free to ask!
⚠️ Warning for depression and (very light) mentions of suicide ⚠️
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He’d be REALLY concerned at even the slightest hint of suicidal thoughts. You’re the most important person in his life, his love and sunshine, and he can’t lose you. The second your life is in danger he’d strongly encourage you to seek outside help. He’d move mountains and part the sea for you if he could, but he knows there’s only so much he can do on his own.
That said, he knows all too well how hard it is to ask for help. It’s a struggle for him to talk to anyone outside you and the RFA, and even that’s difficult at times. If it’s too scary to talk to a therapist he’d be happy to go with you, even if it’s just to silently hold your hand and make sure the therapist respects your boundaries.
Saeran may not have depression specifically, but he’s been through enough emotional turmoil that he’s built up a little toolbox of coping mechanisms over the years. He’ll try all of them out with you, and if none of them work out he’s always looking for more that might help. 
When he hears you talking bad about yourself he helps you spin it into something positive. “I don’t like this part of my body” turns into “this makes me unique,” and “I can’t do anything right” turns into “noticing my mistakes means I’m learning from them.” He can be a bit… well, very cheesy, but it’s hard to disagree with him when he flashes his signature sweet smile and softly strokes your cheek while he tells you everything he likes about you.
He’s happy to stay in bed and cuddle when you’re having a bad day, but if you’re feeling up to it he’ll want to do something fun with you. If moving is hard he’ll encourage you to get dressed and come out to the living room to watch a movie. He’ll help you out, of course! He’s always wanted to see if he’s strong enough to carry you. If you have some spare energy he’ll suggest baking or cooking something together, and if you’re feeling even more adventurous he’ll want to go outside with you. From his own experience he knows that a change in environment can break the cycle of thoughts that threaten to drag you down. Gardening is his own personal escape, he’ll work with you to find yours :)
If you DO just need comfort he’ll pull you into his arms, play with your hair, and massage circles into your back until you feel better. If you want a distraction he’ll ramble about whatever’s on his mind. He especially loves planning out your next trip and coming up with activities for when you’re there, he writes all of your ideas down in a little travel journal (complete with stickers, of course.) He’ll give you something to look forward to, even if it’s as small as trying the new flavor at your local bubble tea shop or going to the grocery store to pick out treats for your next movie night.
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Apple’s lil note under the cut (feel free to ignore this if you don’t want my little depression pep talk hehe)
I’ve had my own struggles with depression and I hope this helps you (and everyone else reading this who’s going through the same stuff!) Here’s your usual reminder to call the hotline if thoughts turn into plans or actions ❤ BUT it’s not always easy to call the hotline. They’re wonderful people and they want to help you but calling people is HARD!! I’ve always been too anxious for it, my escape has always been reading headcanons like these 😊 SO here’s my own little hot tips for horrible days-
Here’s a checklist to go through when you’re feeling bad, sometimes the mood booster I need is just getting a snack or putting some clothes on and this list is a good reminder!
If you’re feeling hopeless try and plan something to do in the next few days, something that might get you excited to wake up tomorrow. It can be something super small, I have a lot of beads so I might choose making bracelets.
On the bracelets note, making something is a good outlet because it can give you something to be a little proud of. It can even be something like building something in minecraft or cooking a meal :)
Anyways life is hard and I hope my writing can make it a little less hard! Remember that Saeran loves you and wants you to eat all your meals and take care of yourself 🥰
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sugarcubetikki · 3 years
why are you in my friend’s clothes?
Summary: Firstly, Chat Noir has had a bad day. Secondly, why the hell was Ladybug in Marinette’s clothes?
Notes: Wrote this little one-shot to celebrate 500 followers (more like 561 now) but tysm! I literally don’t even know how I have these many-I swear most of the content I post is like random shit. But thank you! I really appreciate it so here’s a treat : D
Adrien Agreste was shaking with that feeling of utmost disappointment, that feeling he had harboured getting used to. 
Once again, that was another dreary, awful day that he was drowning away into oblivion through a warm lactaid beverage.
He chugged his flask of milk under the thick layer of clouds that masked the ethereal twinkle of the stars embedded in the night sky. Huffing frustratedly into his warm woollen scarf (the only worthwhile present his father had gotten him), he lounged lazily on the rooftop in solitude.  No Ladybug there to brighten up his world even in the murkiest times. 
But it was fine. It was fine. She really needed it. Being guardian was weighing down on her. He understood that. She could miss as many patrols as she wanted.
He still really missed her though.
Restlessly, he sprang to his feet and languidly leapt across the rooftops, the cold rush of the wind pounding in his ears. But he didn’t really care. He was used to that too. 
He took little sips from his flask at regular intervals between each jump. It was solace to all the unpleasantness that was swirling within him right now. 
At about the fifth jump, when he was chugging down some milk, quite a strange sight caught his eye.
It was Ladybug.
And she was on Marinette’s balcony.
In a polka-dot bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her head. 
He choked a little, and the milk in his mouth sprayed out, accompanied with some rather loud coughs. And it seemed that he had caught the fair lady’s attention.
Her eyes widened and her face blazed red at his presence. Lips spreading into a sheepish smile, she waved reluctantly. He simply stared at her with his mouth agape. A blur of questions bursting into his head.
“M-milady?” He leapt to Marinette’s balcony, landing right in front of her. As he met her eyes once again, he noticed the large pair of glasses perched on her nose. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh! Hi! Hi, Ch-chat!” She squeaked, her voice an octave higher than usual, an uncannily wide smile, and her arms splaying all over the place. “I-well-you see… I’m here to relax, you know. Marinette and me…w-we’re friends! Yeah. We’re friends.”
“You are?” He arched his brow.  A painful pang struck his heart. He just didn’t know what to say…when she said, she couldn’t make it, he wasn’t really expecting this. He expected her to be busy with guardian stuff or something. Not that she shouldn’t relax! She totally should! She was completely allow-
He just didn’t know. 
He didn’t really know why he was upset. He just was. He didn’t expect her to be on Marinette’s balcony like this. And that…didn’t make him feel so good…
“W-w-well. Y-you s-see. My kwami loves sweet stuff! And M-marinette pretty much lives in a bakery. So, I come here often to get snacks for her! Absolutely.” Ladybug replied frantically to his question, and took a long sip into her mug of…hot chocolate?
He bit his lip and looked her up and down again. She was in Marinette’s clothes. Why was she in her clothes? He had the most insane hunch gnawing at the back of his head. He could just say those couple words now. But he didn’t want to jump to conclusions just yet, so he went…
“Did she lend you her clothes?” He asked stupidly, slurping into his flask of milk, gloved hand perched on the railing. 
“I-oh-yeah. Yeah, she did. Like an hour ago or so, she’s not here now though. Went to her best friend’s place for a sleepover…hahaha” Amidst her rambling, Ladybug reached out to place her own hand on the railing. Mere inches from his own. He had the urge to reach out and caress it under his own. But with everything in his head, he lacked boldness in the moment. “Sh-she was nice enough to…you know.”
“I know.” A smile glittered onto his face. “Marinette’s incredible.”
For no reason, Ladybug’s face grew a brighter shade of red at that compliment. One that wasn’t directed towards her. But he chose not to question it, and instead turned to the murky sky, his mind whirring for a surreal joke to cover up all the awkwardness. After all, he didn’t really have anything else…valid to say.
“Do you- “
“I’m really- “
They simultaneously say, voices overlapping over one another, making them stop and stare at the other sheepishly.
“You go first.” Ladybug said, fidgeting with a loose strand of her hair.
“No, milady, I was about to crack a stupid joke.” He tells her with a gentle smile. “I’m sure whatever you have to say is far more important.”
Hesitantly, she stared at him for a moment, with doubt plastered in her eyes. He widened his smile at that, letting her know it was okay. Satisfied, she reciprocated his smile, and her uncertainty faded away into amusement. Playfully leaning in, she hooked her arm around his own.
“Thank you, kitty. Make sure you reserve the joke for later.” She bopped his nose affectionately. “You know I love them.”
“Good for you then, you’re never getting rid of this clown of a partner who’s crazy for you.” He played along with a wink.
Eyes filling with joy, she lightly chuckled and took a sip into her mug of hot chocolate. Making her laugh always filled this sense of pleasure within him.
“So…” she continued. “I just want you to know that I’m really sorry for bailing on you today at patrol…I-I j-just I didn’t mean to intentionally h-hurt you or anything. It’s just th-that I needed some time to myself…to relax…and by relaxation, I didn’t expect myself to be a mess on a-uh-civilian’s balcony. It…well…just happened.”
Her apology caught him off guard with a little gasp. But he was able to compose himself and gave her a brighter and even more genuine smile than before.
“I-thank you for apologising, milady. I appreciate it and I do understand.” He shot her a gentle glance taking a sip into his flask. “I have to admit…I was hurt by seeing you here but I…I felt better when you apologised. I mean it when I said I really appreciated it.”
A mixture of surprise and shock filled her face, his genuineness had her stunned, but it was short-lived. Her face melted into a very pretty smile and it made her face shine even more brighter under the golden glow of the balcony light.  
He really was glad that she had apologised though. If his father was in her place, he would’ve ignored it completely and turned the blame on him, saying he was too sensitive for feeling hurt over something so trivial. 
Like he’d done today when Adrien found out that his Chinese lesson had been cancelled and neither Nathalie nor father had informed him of this. He’d sat there waiting for his teacher for ages. He didn’t even know it was cancelled until dinner when Nathalie told him.
It was one of the few days his father sat to have lunch with him. And the only thing Adrien had done was express his disappointment on how he missed walking home with Marinette today unnecessarily. 
His father wasn’t amused. And had said that he shouldn’t be feeling hurt over missing such trivial events. Of course. Spending time with a friend was so trivial to father. How could he have forgotten? 
It hurt. It wasn’t fair. It was these evenings that hit him with the constant reminder how difficult it was for him to have fun.
That’s why he really appreciated that he was spending the last hours of the day with his lady. Where most of his fun moments lay.
“You’ve got a milk moustache.” She chuckled and leaned in to wipe it off with her gloved hand. “There you go.”
“I am a cat.” He playfully remarked, raising his shoulders in pride. “This is how we cats drink milk. Milk moustaches are the best way to go.”
“I’m not a cat but I do agree with you.” She said with a spark of confidence in her eyes. Her competitive self took a large gulp into her mug of hot chocolate. Upon lowering the mug, she grinned triumphantly with a thick layer of brown spread above her lips. 
“That’s naughty.” He reached to wipe off her moustache. “You got one intentionally.”
“It was still bigger than yours.”
“Still intentional.” He pouted in faux annoyance, and she laughed, her hand automatically coming to rest on his chest almost to contain herself.
As usual, there went the freezing of his breath and rapid beating of his heart. Something about Ladybug that he would’ve never expected in the start:  she was a very touchy person.
Sure. She laid all hands off him during akuma attacks and when she was in an all-business mode. However, it was moments like these where she would open up, where he got to see more of the girl behind the mask. And he really treasured these moments.
Her laughter came to a halt and her eyes focused on her chest. Fingers crawling up to play with the ends of his scarf, she gazed at it quite fascinatedly. Too fascinatedly. 
“I-is that Adrien’s scarf?” The words bluntly slipped out of her mouth.
“Wh-what? A-adrien?”
“Uh-“She sprang away from him, seeming startled that she had said that out loud. “I-well-you know-that looks like Adrien Agreste’s scarf!”
“I-uh-well- “He tensed and looked at her with wide eyes. There was no way he could reveal his identity like this. “I-I-borrowed it from him! You know! Just like you did from M-marinette!”
“Ah- “Her mouth flapped open and closed a couple of times. “Th-that m-makes sense.”
The bluenette turned away with pursed lips and speechlessly stared ahead.
“Yeah.” He replied in relief. Good. No identity prying questions. Now, she wouldn’t know he’s Adri-wait a minute.
“H-how did you know this was Adrien’s scarf?”
Her head merely turned to him with a dumbfounded expression and she heavily blinked.
“I-well-I recognise the stitching! You know! I’m good with this kind of stuff-very into fashion-and he wore it a couple of times when I saved him you know!”
“I- “He didn’t recall wearing the scarf anytime around her. Had he? He wasn’t sure. She had saved him as Adrien plenty of times. He didn’t remember everything so maybe…it was plausible. 
“Oh…okay then.” He simply said. “Looks like we’re both wrapped up in clothes lended from a civilian friend, right?”
He wanted to bonk his head onto the railing right then and there. Stupid thing to say, Agreste.
“Y-yeah.” She replied uneasily. “F-from civilian friends.”
“Marine-Oh!” Another voice shook the tense atmosphere, both heroes turned around in alarm.
A surprised Alya Cesaire greeted them as she peeped out from the trapdoor. 
Hold on a second.
“Alya?” He questioned in shock. “I thought Marinette was at Alya’s place for a sleepover, but if she’s here then- “
He suspiciously arched a brow at Ladybug. Her eyes widened for the umpteenth time that night and she blankly looked at Alya.
“A-alya! W-what are you doing here! I th-thought M-marinette and y-you were meant to be at a sleepover at your house! Right?” Ladybug mimicked a dramatic tone of surprise. But he wasn’t falling for it. 
“Ah…right…you se- “
“I think I know what’s going on.” He cut Alya off. The two girls hastily exchanged frantic glances.
“Look, Chat- “Ladybug commenced. 
“I know she didn’t tell you bu- “Alya began to explain at the same time.
“You’re dating Marinette and Alya’s the only one that knows.” He cut both off. Feeling relieved to finally let go of that hunch. 
“What?” Both girls yelled flabbergasted.
“It all makes sense! You’re on her balcony! In her clothes- “
“It’s not-it’s not what it looks like-I-wait up-you’re in Adrien’s clothes?” Ladybug paused in a frenzy realisation. “If you’re saying me being Marinette’s clothes means I’m dating her, is that confirmation that you’re dating Adrien?”
“What! No-I-you didn’t deny it.” He took a step forward and pointed accusingly at her. 
“That’s not the point!  You’re the one who’s dating Adrien.” She reciprocated his body language. 
“Well, you’re dating Marinette.”
Brows narrowed with competitive expressions. They stood toe-to-toe with Alya giving them a what-the-hell look.
“I’m not even going to get involved in this…” Alya facepalmed and disappeared under the trapdoor.
“You’re not denying it!”
“You’re not denying it either!”
They bickered back and forth about the whole dating chaos, taking swigs from their beverages every now and then, from the way they argued, it was almost like they were drunk on milk. The clouds began to clear the sky, and the moonlight began to cast a lovely glow on the city.
“Look…to resolve this…let’s never talk about this night again, got it?” Ladybug concluded, taking one last sip into her mug. 
“Fine.” Chat raised a hand in surrender, sipping onto his own flask. “I have to make my leave anyway.”
“Okay.” Ladybug huffed. “Have fun seeing your boyfriend!”
“Well…you have fun seeing your girlfriend, milady.” He fluttered his eyelashes playfully. “I’m sure she’s just as nice, pretty, and talented as you said.”
“I never said tha- “ 
“See you, milady!” He cut her off again and leapt away on his baton, catching one last glimpse of an adorable pout on her face.
It was nights like this that always brought a smile onto his face even on the most miserable of days. And that’s exactly why he loved spending time with her.
Despite the whole situation with her thinking he was dating-well-himself. Ugh. 
Wait a second…
She was dating Marinette.
The multitalented, insanely kind and endearing Marinette.
Oh crap. He was screwed. 
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
(Reincarnated Goddess Reader)
Shinnok has always looked down on them, not just the Elder Gods, but the weaker Gods as well, not just the Gods, but the Earthrealmers too. No one was safe from his undying hatred against all that opposed him. Though there was someone in particular that the mighty fallen Elder God hadn't looked down upon, even after he became a fallen Elder God. She was the graceful goddess of souls and light, also known as the guidance of souls.
A female with (s/c) skin, silky (h/c) hair, and vibrant (e/c) eyes walked through a grocery store with a mission in her head. To get the frosted lemon bread before someone else took it.
As the cart rumbled it's way through the isles filled with more important groceries, the female made her way to the bakery area of the small store.
There it was, right in her grasp, right in front of her face. A pearly smile graced (y/n)'s lips as her fingers grazed the surface of the plastic container filled with the last of the sweet lemon bread.
Though the little joy was quickly taken by a dirty blonde man standing at about six foot with darkened sun shades. "Hey! That was literally in my hands!"
The guy paused and looked at the girl, dipping his shades and taking them off. "Sorry sugar cakes, but I'm not giving these away."
(Y/n) huffed and whipped her hand to the man, taking back her sweet treat. "Who are you anyway?" She puffed her cheeks, put her treats in her small buggy, and crossed her arms at the man in front of her. "And what the hell does sugar cakes mean?"
"The name's Johnny Cage, world class actor and Special Force agent." He looked at her with an injured look inside his steel colored eyes. "As for sugar cakes, look at what you took from me."
"Excuse me, but YOU took this from ME." She moved in front of him so he couldn't even dare to take it from her cart.
The guy huffed in irritation. "Come on, I'll pay you back, I just REALLY want those lemon cakes!" Johnny pleaded, placing his sunglasses on his shirt making it drag down and show a small amount of a larger tattoo.
"No! These are mine! Why are you even here if you could go somewhere more fancy or something. Special Forces discounts or something?" (Y/n) complained.
"Yes, seriously." The girl took her small cart and walked her way to the check out. The man followed behind her and still followed her to her car even after she paid for it, begging for the sweet treat. "No, no, and no! Sorry but these are mine, go to another grocery store."
"But it's out of the way." He whined.
"Nope, sorry."
He watched her get in her car, for some odd reason helping her with her groceries. "Next time they are mine. Right?"
The girl sighed and rummaged around in a bag, getting out the plastic container with the lemon cakes. "Get in the passengers side."
"You aren't gonna kidnap me right?" He smirked at her.
"God no, I'm too lazy for that." She popped open the plastic, taking one and motioning to sit with her. "Want one or not?"
Johnny, finding the girl to be no threat, joined her in her car, leaving the doors wide open, and took a piece of the lemon bread.
"Okay, you're Johnny Cage right? Why would you join the military if you are an actor?" (Y/n) turned her head to the man, his amused look making the girl smile.
"Well I met the love of my life there."
"Geez, that's sappy." She replied back.
"Haha, yeah. Best choice of my life too. Had a sweet little girl too, much older now, but she's still my baby girl."
"Your an open book." (Y/n) sarcastically said, knowing it was the truth.
Time passed and it wasn't too difficult to become friends with the famous actor, and he truly was an open book. He didn't seem to mind though, about his relationship with his family and even the fact he started to ramble on about another world and a tournament to save Earth.
It was even more strange to know he didn't seem like he was lying or joking, but who was to judge? I mean, it sounded familiar for some reason, but a reason one couldn't point out.
"Your strange, you know that right?"
"Yup, Sony said that too." Johnny laughed to himself, the girl joining him for the heck of it. "Hell, I should get going, thanks for not being too much of an asshole."
"Hahaha, you too you piece of shit. It'd be nice to see you again, think I made a new friend."
Johnny nodded and left, waving before getting in his own car and driving off. "Oh shit my ice cream!" (Y/n) quickly took her leave, driving in front of the man she had just become friends with, and speeding none the less.
Johnny finally made his way to the Special Forces base, with time to spare before the sun drifted into the clutches of the stars.
"What took you so long Dad?" Johnny gave his attention to his daughter, a beauty made from two of the hottest people alive.
"Met a fan, nice person too."
"Yeah right," she shoved his shoulder as the two laughed at each other. "Anyway, Raidens' here and mom wants you to listen, it's something bad."
"Again? Geez, alright alright let's go."
The two Cages walked into a meeting room, Raiden, Sonya, and the others in Cassie's crew standing at a table. "Johnny Cage." Raiden stated.
"What's up Raidenny's." Raiden grumbled under his breath, something clearly wrong. "What's wrong?"
Sony placed her hands on the electronic map table and rested herself there while staring at her husband. "Raiden has found out something, well, more like somethings." She nodded to Raiden, allowing him to speak.
"Shinnok's amulet has been taken, replaced with an impressive decoy. We need to find it as fast as possible no matter the costs." Raiden paused, his brows furrowing.
Johnny noticed this and held his hand upon the thunder gods shoulder. "What's the other thing."
Raiden sighed and looked at everyone at the table, each person waiting intently. "If Shinnok is to be revived, then I know his targets. The Jin-Sei and another Goddess, one that has been dead for thousands of years."
"Why would a fallen Elder God Look for a dead God?" Johnny asked, his voice serious.
This time Cassie spoke up. "Apparently Raiden's Dad is Shinnok, and he thinks that Shinnok will try to reincarnate the Goddess. He said if she is reincarnated then Shinnok can do much more than kill people, he can control their souls and body. You know, like Quan Chi but in full control, and Quan Chi is an Elder God."
Johnny but his lip nervously. "How do you know this Goddess, Raiden? What does she even look like?"
Sony pushes herself off the table, though it was Kung Jin that replied. "We should worry more about the amulet Mr. Ca- Raiden?"
All eyes looked at Raiden, his shoulders and hands upon the table while they lightly burst with lightning. "The Goddess had (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin and bright (e/c) eyes. I remember she had a sweet tooth to Earthrealmer sweets."
"Who is she, Raiden?" Johnny pressed on, earning a mixed expression from the others in the room.
"My mother!" Raiden slammed his hands against the table, breaking it and shooting lightning through its now fried circuits. He heavily breathed in for a moment. "She is my mother, and Shinnok will not rest until she is revived."
Everything paused, the whole room going dead silent. Something hit Johnny though, something he needed to tell the God. "Listen, Raiden, I saw someone of the discription."
The thunder God looked up in a deepened sadness. "What?"
Everyone looked at Johnny as he continued. "Met her at the store, same description, even seemed to have a sweet tooth."
There was a deep sigh, but his body was still rigid. "We need to find her. Where does she live? Did she have her abilities as before?" So many questions were running through the God's head, like is she even okay?
"No and no, seemed to be normal. I'll send Cassie's team to find her, you guys have to look everywhere." Johnny pointed to his daughter, she was baffled by the sudden information, as everyone else was.
Sonya stood up straight and crossed her arms. "The rest of us will find the amulet." Everyone in the room nodded, understanding the mission at hand. "Johnny, go with Cassie. Raiden, what's her name?"
Johnny didn't allow the God to answer, trying to see if who he found was the right person. "(Y/n)."
Raiden nodded once at Johnny, probing his point that the girl he found was who was going to be hunted by the mighty fallen Elder God.
(Y/n) sighed and pulled out a small chocolate bar from her small stash of snacks. She pouted due to her ice cream melting to the point it became inedible, sitting on her small couch to continue to sulk.
From the time she had dashed from the store to get to her house, it had been about five hours, and those were a long five hours of sitting in front of the TV doin nothing.
(Y/n) sighed and grumbled, getting up from the couch once more to wonder around because the show had become a little too boring. The second she walked past the couch her door bell rang through out the house.
She paused, getting a strange feeling as she walked to her door. "Who is it?"
"I was wondering if you would like to see my product? It's is cheap and one hundred percent guaranteed to work."
(Y/n) cocked her head to the side in a confused motion, opening the door to see who was behind it.
Though she didn't have enough time to see who it was as a large hand wrapped around her face and tightly grip her neck. She gagged and thrashed in the persons grip, the sound of her front door closing behind them. Was there more than one person? If so then how many?
"Lord Shinnok will be pleased in your capture." A deep voice echoed through the apartment. A multitude of footsteps followed the voice, something that felt like hair wrapped around (y/n)'s waist and arms and dragged her closer to another person, their hands replacing the larger ones. Whoever was holding her now was clearly a female of sorts, a strong one at that, she could resist (y/n)'s struggles with ease.
"What the hell are you talking about?!" (Y/n) thrashed even more in an attempt to escape, but the female was stronger than that, and the new set of arms holding her legs together didn't help her. "Who-Who are you guys?!"
"Where are my manners? I am Quan Chi, faithful servant to Lord Shinnok." The deepest voice rang.
"I am Queen Sindel." The female voiced from behind (y/n).
The third voice followed, possibly the one that held her legs together. "My name is Lui Kang, Emperor of Netherrealm."
Listening to these foreign titles the fearful female struggled harder, especially when her limbs started to be tied behind her back and such. "Why are you doing this?!"
The deep voice, Quan Chi, replied to (y/n)'s fearful pleads. "Lord Shinnok is in need of your presence, and when D'Vorah gives me the amulet, he will return." (Y/n) could sense the smile upon Quan Chi's face, and it made the now bounded female shiver.
Another knock on the door sounded through the apartment, all heads moving in the direction of the wooden surface. "Hello? Yeah is this (y/n)'s residence? My name is Takeda Takahashi and I'm a friend of Johnny Cage."
Again there was a comical pause, but it quickly ended when (y/n) muffled up a scream and thrashed harder than ever, making her crash off her couch she was placed upon.
Dainty hands scooped (y/n) up and held her close, making her screaming and thrashing come to another halt. Though it was too late for the kidnappers, for the Takeda person had already heard what was behind the doors.
"Guys! Over here!" The once locked door was easily opened by a young man with black hair and cocky aura about him. "Don't make another move egg head."
"Your insults do not matter, it is the plan that must be rearranged." He looked at his captive, then at his slaves. He nodded in Liu Kang's direction, giving him the signal to take action as Quan Chi made a portal to Neatherrealm.
Takeda whipped out his weapon and allowed it to reveal its blades. Liu Kang rushed to meet his challenger. "You will meet your end young one."
"You'll meet your end, again."
"Your humor is dry."
"Geez, thanks." Takeda lashed his whip at Liu Kang, making the revenant jump out of the way as more challengers approached the two. A blonde female and a black female, each armed and ready to fight.
Sindel whipped her hair at the blonde, taking her gun away before she could even begin to use it. The black female grabbed Sindel's hair and tugged with all her might, making Sindel grunt and fall to the ground from the force.
Liu Kang eyed his new enemies, rushing up to the blonde female by jumping over Takeda. The revenant bicycle kicked the blonde until she was shoved off the railing of the second story apartment building.
The black female still kept a tight hold on the hair, and so to keep both revenants on their toes she took the white and black hair and wrapped it on Liu Kang's leg. Not knowing her hair was connected to her teammate, she retracted her hair and accidentally pulled Liu Kang back in the building, his head smashing hard against the railing.
Takeda whipped Quan Chi on his back, making his progress pause, but it was too late, the portal has already opened. The revenants seemed to be taken back into reality, the both of them rushing to Quan Chi.
The blonde had finally made her way back up to the apartment, now being joined by two others, a bowman and Johnny Cage.
By seeing her new friend the bounded female wiggled around once again. Quan Chi grabbed (y/n) and lifted her over her shoulder quickly, the two revenants rushing through the portal.
"We will have to meet another time, Mr. Cage."
"I don't think so, shit face." Johnny spat, clearly having some sort of vendetta against the spell caster. Just as the jokester said, Quan Chi wasn't going anywhere, for the blonde and the bowman shot the sorcerer in the same shoulder. Johnny then tore the female off his shoulder and punched Quan Chi unconscious.
The group of young adults assisted in freeing (y/n), a burst of questions coming from the girl. "Who the hell is that? Who the hell were the other two? Who are you all?"
Takeda grimaced at the bombardment of questions, though Johnny was the one to quickly fill it all in. "They are the bad guys, we are the good guys, anyway, we will explain it on the way."
"On the way where?"
The black girl sighed. "We're going to base, Special Forces base."
"How did I get into this? Johnny what did you tell them?!"
Johnny lifted his hands from tying up Quan Chi. "I didn't do anything, why would you expect that it was my fault?!"
Everyone took a sweet moment to look at the actor, and then at (y/n), the blonde stepping up to say something. "Yeah, what did you tell mom, dad?"
"Cassie, c'mon, let's just go."
(Y/n) walked around the base, it was just like how a military base would look like, if it was a bit more high tech. Either way it was fun to look around, seeing all the weapons, all the people, especially the ones with more of a strange look.
(Y/n) turned her head in the direction of a blonde woman, older than the one that helped save her. "Um, yes?" She revealed her hand, wishing to shake the newcomers hand, which she did.
"My name is Sonya Blade, I'm the one in charge around here."
"Oh, uh, hello Mrs. Blade. I'm (y/n)."
"I know, if I could ask you to kindly stay in a close vicinity, that would be appreciated." Sonya has a bossy speech to her tone, and (y/n) didn't know if it was just because she was the boss or if it was because she had a bitter attitude.
"Um, sure. Yeah, of course."
"Thanks, there is also someone I want you to meet. Follow me."
(Y/n) nodded and followed without much of a question, all other than the one stuffed in the back of her mind. 'Who was she about to meet?'
She passed a metal case, one large enough for a male to be encased within its hard walls, she knew this is where that Quan Chi guy was, and by passing it she was given chills.
"Sorry," Sonya started. "But he won't be here for a while, he's looking for something important."
"That's fine, I don't mind waiting." (Y/n) bit her lip, wanting to ask something that has yet to be explained in all of this strange mess. She was already told about how there are more than one world, realms as they call it, and how some of the people had different abilities. Not to mention that Earthrealm was at war with another realm called Outworld, and even Neatherrealm if you look at the tension between the realms. But one question remained, why was she here in the first place? Okay, she had way more questions than one, but still, when were they going to be answered?
Sonya paused, as if hearing something that was off. She pulled out her gun and looked around. Then a sudden flash of lightning splashed in the middle of the clearing in the base. "There he is." She voiced, watching as the lightning disappeared as fast as it came, revealing a man with blinding white eyes under a bamboo hat and a, almost, martial artist outfit. It had accents of blue and small amounts of gold, counting the thick belt tightly around his waist.
(Y/n) leaned near the General and whispered one of the million questions in her mind. "How the hell did he do that?"
"Lady (y/n)," The seemingly godly man beamed. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you again. Earthrealm is in a state of panic, we need to get you to the Jin Sei to unlock your abilities, and your past memories."
"Wait-wait, memories? Abilities? I-I don't even know who you are, less of what you are talking about." (Y/n) interrupted.
"My manners," The man shook his head and bowed, which seemed to be an odd thing to Sonya, for her face became slightly surprised by his actions. "My name is Raiden, I am the protector of Earthrealm and the God of Thunder. As for the rest, I will only be able to show you."
"Just go, we don't have much time, and your help could mean the end of the war." (Y/n) turned to Sonya with a surprised look upon her face. "Trust him and go." She ordered once more.
Raiden extended his hand once he rose from his bow. "You will answer some of my questions, right?" The God nodded, earning a hesitant hand from the questioning female. Lightning engulfed her being, but it didn't hurt, instead it tingled through her skin and tickled. Sparks danced across her skin, giving off a comfortable warmth as her surrounding could not be seen anymore. The sparks died down, revealing a Chinese inspired temple surrounded by lamps in the darkness the surrounded the building. Rain started to drizzle from the thick clouds above.
"Lady (y/n), if you would follow me please." (Y/n) followed what he wanted, trailing behind him as he walked through a stone courtyard.
"Where are we going?" The female kindly asked.
"The Jin Sei, it is a force I am connected to, it gives me power as well as keeps Earthrealm protected."
"What would it do to me? You said it would give me powers that I already had, memories too? How would that even work?"
Raiden softly smiled to himself from her many questions and her clueless demeanor. "You are a reincarnate of a Goddess, your past life could, in theory, be unlocked by the Jin Sei."
(Y/n) didn't believe the God, then again, she had just learned there were Gods and other worlds, so heard this just added to the other crazy stuff she had been told. "What type of Goddess was I? How could I, even as a Goddess, stop a multi-realm war? It seems like an impossible fight."
"It seems like it would be, but being the Goddess of souls, you can do far more than fight. You are the most powerful Gods ever created, and you were one of the original Gods at that. I have no doubt you can do more than you think."
The two beings walked up the stairs to the temple, the rain falling faster and harder than before. "Wait, if I was so powerful, how did I die in the first place?"
Raiden's eyes were covered under his bamboo hat. "An Elder God by the name of Shinnok killed you. You had learned of a power you possessed and you planned to use it against him, once he found out he killed you." The God gritted his teeth, his brows furrowing. "The Elder Gods took care of him after your death, he swore vengeance."
"I'm a threat, to someone more powerful than you. I can't imagine that." (Y/n) lightly laughed as she entered the temple, waking deeper as she still followed Raiden. "Did I know you, in my past life? I guess you sound and look familiar, like deja vu."
"Yes, yes you knew me. We-we were close." He bit his lip as light began to illuminate their surroundings, a beautiful swirl of light showing itself.
"Wow." (Y/n) mumbled to herself. "Is this the, uh-?"
"Jin-Sei, yes. All you should have to do is step in it, and all should be revealed." Raiden looked down at the female, giving her a sympathetic look. "You must hurry, Shinnok's amulet has yet to be found and I fear the worst is yet to come. We need you."
(Y/n) nodded and took a long look at the Jin-Sei before slowly walking to the glowing swirl. "I just step in?" She asked, looking at Raiden to see if she was correct, he nodded in return to her question. Biting her lip once more she walking into the swirling mass of magic, a sudden feeling of being in antigravity lifting her body further into the tornado of energy. (Y/n)'s mind went blank for a moment as the energy took hold of her being, cleansing her of all of her filth, she felt pure and refreshed when stepping in.
Raiden watched as her body relaxed from its once tense stature, making her look exactly as he remembered. Raiden hoped Shinnok would not return and take her again, this time he was going to stop him.
Heavy steps resonated through the temple, an obsessive aura seething through the already thick atmosphere. A hand tightly gripped the amulet while a bug creature dragged Johnny Cage's body to the temple.
Shinnok could feel Raiden, he could feel the Jin-Sei, and he could tell someone he desired was here as well. The former Elder God gripped the amulet even harder, storming his way into the sacred room, the faint smell of alcohol and blood behind him.
Shinnok's white eyes scanned the room, finding the God assisting his mother from the Jin-Sei. "Raiden." The Elder God growled, placing his amulet upon his belt. "Your blood will paint the floors."
"Stop this, Shinnok! You have no reason to be here!" Raiden snapped back, spitting venom within his words.
Shinnok stepped forward, D'Vorah taking care of Johnny. "I have every reason to come here, you know that." He summoned his weapon as Raiden placed the Goddess down on the chilled steps of the inside of the temple walls and prepared himself for a fight. Lighting flashed over his arms and bit at his skin in a comforting feeling, though this was everything but a comforting time.
Raiden and Shinnok rushed at each other, both with the intention to kill each other. Raiden summoned lightning through his hands and shot at Shinnok, the Elder God dodging and summoning skeletal hands from the ground. Raiden flew above to dodge the hands, but they easily kept up with him, almost catching him every time.
The former Elder God grinned at Raiden's useless struggles, a hand being able to grab the God's leg and drag him back to the stone floor.
Raiden, before more bone hands could take a hold of him, electrified his whole body in a sudden burst. The lightning fluttered through the whole room, pausing D'Vorah's work and Shinnok's focus on the boney hand.
Raiden backed up, his back facing (y/n)'s unconscious body, his lungs burning from his weak attempt to stop Shinnok. "Your attempts are useless, Raiden! Fighting will get you nowhere." The former Elder God snapped, throwing his weapon into Raiden's shoulder. The force knocked Raiden back into a wall and with a struggle he pulled out the bladed staff.
"I will not stop, never." Raiden coughed out, a mumble and shuffling being heard behind him, though he didn't dare take his eyes off his enemy.
Shinnok on the other hand looked at the movement, a gleam of lust hitting his vision. He watched as the Goddess rose from her small slumber, her gaze hazy and mind fuzzy. It took a moment for her eyes to focus, and when her eyes locked with Shinnok, her mind rushed into a frenzy of treacherous memories. "Y-you!" She staggered up from the ground and pointed at the former Elder God, he had come back to collect her.
All her memories have been restored, keeping the ones she created in her short mortal lifetime as well, meaning she still knew what was going on. "Leave my son alone you fiend!" She stood beside Raiden, placing her hand upon his chest and slightly stepped in front of him as if to protect him, a motherly instinct.
"He isn't just-" Shinnok had started, but was being rudely interrupted by the Goddess.
"You never cared for either of my sons, you have no right to call them so." Her hand reaches for where a belt buckle would be, but what she wanted to feel wasn't there. Her own amulet has gone missing. In a fearful panic, (y/n) swiftly let her eyes travel around her waist to see if her golden and green amulet was anywhere to be found, but to no avail.
"Are you looking for this?" The Elder God cocked his head to the side, lifting up the amulet he had grown to call his own, as he listed over its power and its original user.
"By the Gods." (Y/n) cursed under her breath, stepping back and pushing Raiden with her. "That is mine."
"Not anymore." Shinnok summoned his bone hands and weapon one more time, clasping Raiden within the hand as he twirled his weapon around. (Y/n) just barely managed to jump away from the hands, needing to keep on her toes so she wouldn't get caught.
The Goddess huffed and summoned her own weapon, hoping fear wouldn't take over her like it had done before she was killed. Her weapon was that of a war hammer, similar to the one her other son had taken as his own, but instead of silver hers was gold with green gem stones. It held no specific power, but that was for another object, her stollen amulet.
The two beings looked at each other's souls through their whitened eyes, one glaring immensely, the other with amusement. They ran at each other, their weapons clashing producing sparks that danced across in the air until they fell dead onto the ground.
Shinnok was physically stronger, thankfully not as strong as Shao Kahn, but still strong none the less. The fallen Elder God uses his strength to push down the Goddess, (y/n) allowing her hammer to push his weapon to the side instead of her falling. She recoiled her hammer and slammed it against Shinnok's head, making him stagger back with blood dripping from his nose. "I forgot how skilled you were, darling."
"Your sweet words hit deaf ears!" She slammed her hammer down on his shoulder, then his back up under his jaw. Shinnok's bones cracked loudly, but he still stood tall. (Y/n) didn't stop though because she was getting the upper hand, just a little more beating up and then she could snatch her amulet back and trap him once again.
(Y/n) hit him harder and harder every time the war hammer collided with his body, she could feel the adrenaline and Raiden's aura cheering her on. Finally, after a long and hard beating, Shinnok had fallen, and with a quick throw of her hammer she allowed it to collide with D' Vorah and nock her out cold.
"It is over Shinnok, after all these years you have been taken down by what you loved the most. Serves you right." He seemed to be limp on the ground, so she grabbed him by his collar and lifted him to his knees, she moved her hand to take her amulet back, but it was nowhere to be seen.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she was head butted by the fallen Elder God. The Goddess staggered back and held her nose in pain, the God in front of her revealing the amulet. "I will never die, especially by your hands." A gorgeous but venomous light emerged from the amulet, dragging the Goddess into its clutches. Darkness engulfed the Goddess, making her feel as if she was floating in nothing, this was the end for her she thought.
Light emerged from the amulet, and (y/n) fell out of it in a daze. Quickly realizing she must have escaped somehow, and hoping desperately it was Raiden or her new friend Johnny Cage, she whipped her head around desperately. Though who looked back wasn't who she desired to see, the two figures proving they had absolute power over the situation, and she was the weak lamb to the hungry wolves.
The first figure, Shinnok, tightly held her so she wouldn't fall into the blue oblivion below. He floated, smiling down at her with a crazed look in his eyes.
The other figure though, was the worst thing imaginable. It consumed the realms and the Elder Gods as the two away from him watched in awe or horror. This being was the One Being, and the sights of him proved that Shinnok had won, and that he and her would be stuck together forever, never to be apart.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
So uhh, if you've seen the livestreams you'll know how much sjm loves az and how exited she is to write his story. Now, I see many fans saying he's toxic, and though I don't share that opinion, I accept that we all see things differently, but I wanted to say that I don't think sjm is going to make him the bad guy, not a chance. I read a lot of paranormal romance (sjm too) and the guys are usually like this, you know, "horny 24/7 and want to kill all competition", is the trope kinda sexist? Sure but I find it hot and so does sjm, and though this might be an unpopular opinion, i think az is the least possesive of the three brothers, like, if elain told him she wants lucien az would back off, actually he waited like a whole year/two unil elain came to him.
So my point is, sjm is not pulling a tamlin 2.0.
Also, and this is biased, the "elriel is toxic" argument isn't that strong, bc the things most non elriel shippers find toxic are things sjm finds sexy.
I'm rambling, sorry, whatever, I just wanted to put that out there but I 100% believe we all can and should have fun shipping whatever we want-
I just hope sjm works magic and that somehow we're all satisfied with the next couple which I highly doubt hahaha a girl can dream
I agree with some of this stuff, but not all of it. Lemme explain. 
I know sjm loves Az, just like she loves Nesta, Eris, Lucien, and Rhysand, etc. They are her characters. Why wouldn’t she? I’m not sure what that has to do with ships or books or anything. She said that Eris is her favorite Autumn Court character, right? And he’s clearly been an asshole. I have OCs, and they all exist for a reason. It’s not about loving them or not.
Elain didn’t come to Azriel, they ran into one another. 
She'd waited until everyone was asleep before venturing back down, where she'd leave her gift amongst his other, opened presents, subtle and unnoticed.  
And the argument about Az, I’m not going to use the word “toxic” (never have, in fact) because people are throwing it around a lot lately to basically mean “bad” without any underlying understanding of what that looks like in a relationship, romantic or otherwise. 
However, I’d like to point out that when I analyze Azriel’s character and what a potential relationship would look like with Elain, I am not arguing that that’s why it wouldn’t be canon. I am explaining why I, personally, do not ship it. Those are different things. 
I do agree with you that sjm has written a relationship similar to what I have predicted Az and Elain would be like - feylin. She’s written this before, so I don’t understand how some people fail to see the similarities. Did Tamlin love Feyre? Hell yeah he did. And there was a lot of sexual tension and then straight up sexy times between them. He’s still mourning her two years later.
But was Tamlin in a place where he could have a healthy, supportive relationship with her? Nope. They imploded big time, despite loving one another. That’s what I’m arguing. Other people may frame their analyses differently, but I’m saying that Az is full of rage and jealousy and he just isn’t currently in a place to have a lasting romantic relationship. Jumping into a romantic relationship with someone who requires so much emotional labor, who needs to be constantly reassured that they are good enough, that their touch isn’t “tainting” their lover, etc. it’s exhausting and will ruin a relationship. Take it from someone who knows this personally. (And honestly, this still puts me on the fence about gwynriel. I literally only ship them because it’s what she wants, I don’t actually care about Az in this equation because of this whole paragraph.)
I also think that both characters (Tamlin and Azriel) deserve love. Everyone does. It doesn’t have to be romantic love, though? Which is why I also said in this post from March 12th that I don’t think Azriel will become Tamlin 2.0, which means I also agree with what you said in that regard. Here are the relevant bits of what I wrote:
Tamlin is basically a cautionary tale for Azriel and I don’t see how people can have read this series and not see that. Not see that sjm wrote Azriel in a very specific way in that extra.
Will Az get to the same lonely, dark place that Tamlin has ended up? I doubt it. He has a much better support system than Tamlin, for one. He also is being set up to have an HEA, for another. There isn’t a war on, no Amarantha holding everyone hostage. Their histories and personalities, the people they are surrounded by are different - the way they deal with their emotions and trauma is not.
I think a lot of the disagreements right now are coming from 1) just having different interpretations, and then 2) seeing that other people have those different interpretations and trying to justify why ours are more “right”, even though that’s almost impossible to do. Also I think that we are reading arguments and forgetting where they come from, so groups are getting mushed all together as if they are a hive mind and so then I get stuff like this saying “Azriel won’t turn into Tamlin” and then I have to be like “yah I know I literally said that before”. (No shade on you anon, it’s happened a bunch but this example is right here.)
It’s like saying I prefer feta and the fandom trying to explain to me why brie is better. idgaf, I just like feta. So yes anon, let’s all just have fun! I don’t mind genuine discussion and differences. What would be the point of me posting and everyone just saying “same” all the time? 
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