vesrimm · 2 months
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Mass Attack!
Slugcats involved belong to CiorOr, TheNyan, CrowPanacea, gourmandpilled, PolinakotlikesThev, Halico, SlugBuggie, Ahirix, and myself.
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orfeoarte · 4 months
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An 🍎 a day couldn't keep her away!
fucked up women enjoyers meet Halico Mendax, she's miss malpractice, an undead medic who poses as a living surgeon for the Alliance by day, and provides the Forsaken with fresh parts by night
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handsomemilo · 1 year
Halico the destroyer.
With tthe whole Ex situation I've been reaallllyyy stressed! Luckily my old comfort game has been here to help me! 😌 And I'm glad I went back to playing it again so here's some pictures of my character with their Palico, named Halico (After my dog Hal) his official birth name is Halico the destroyer just so u know
I wanted to be cutesy and pink so don't ask about my characters whole look and I restarted like yesterday too so keep that in mind
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Love tthem 💜💜
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kseniasarkans · 2 years
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elaphaemourra · 4 years
*tosses a bin of pen icons* BRING IT ON
i have a custom dice roller up so i’m going to do Small dumps for 5 different characters based on my d70 let’s get this party STARTED.
53, 56, 38, 57, and 37 jfdklsaj damn this dice roller really wants me to talk about Tiama fjdasl.  It’s been trying this since the start but I’ve never been in the mood to talk about them lmfao.  But I’m Into It This Time.
53 - Kahnahal: Kahn is a Fucking Wild little shit of a trooper.  Like.  Holy shit.  He belongs to my doomed timeline and he’s so wild.  Dude’s got the most obnoxious luck in the galaxy, and it’s like someone taking a Pass/Fail option for either a 8 Bajillion point gpa or a ‘get suspended, expelled, and then Murdered’.  On a D20, he either gets a 1 or a 20.  There is no in between, only crit success and crit fails.  Like, bro wears sith armor with the republic insignia badly spray painted onto a the pauldrons and One Leg.  It should not work to get him behind enemy lines.  He is a TROOPER, he has a GUN.  But it DOES work.  But on the flipside he’s missing one of his lekku because he fuckin blasted it off on a crit fail day.  Just another on my list of togs that are Fucking Disasters tbh fjdklsa.
56- Tiama:  OKIEDOKE, another one for the Doomed Timeline fjdla.  Tiama’s what happened when I went ‘I need a character with all the chaotic and falling-apart energy of Brian David Gilbert and I need that Now’ and then I made them Rhaeyk’s roommate.  So Tiama exists now fjla. They’re my only Zeltron, and they’re like, remarkably chill for how much Chaos they have crammed into them fjdkal.  Although they have the Delightful dialogue between them and Rhaeyk that is:
"If you burn down the apartment again I'm making you move in with my mother!  Don't think I won't!" 
"You wouldn't." 
"You're on thin ice, soldier.  I don't want to replace my equipment again."
 "Don't test me, Rhaeyk.  I don't have your government paycheck." 
38 - Kisuran: KISU, OH POOR DISASTEROUS KISU.  He’s part of a mini-continuity that’s full of Chaotic Nonsense and also A Terrible Jedi. Kisu’s my sith pureblood smuggler lol, and he is Extra As Fuck (lmfao if that phrasing is even remotely relevant anymore.  i haven’t seen it in a while but i’m gonna keep using it anyways).  His boyfriend is that timeline’s trooper, bc i was like ‘haha what if,,, sith pureblood smuggler,,, and chiss trooper,,, o3o’ and now we have Kisu and Corin lol.  Kisu’s a clumsy garbagefire tho, I love him.  He Cannot be trusted with anything fragile he Will yeet it out the window at maximum speed by tripping over his own feet.
57 - Lord Halicos: SPEAK OF THE FUCKIN BITCH AND HE SHALL APPEAR.  Fuckin talked about him in the babbling about Miakar and Here The Bitch Is.  This is Miakar’s dad.  This, this absolute fuckwad, is one of my most horrible characters.  He’s entirely a background character but he’s Important and fckn, this is the man that Miakar decided to replace with Quinn as far as ‘this is my dad’ things go.  Halicos is the only person Miakar’s afraid of.  And he’s terrified of him.  Halicos Get Stabbed Challenge 2k21.  Deserves to be stabbed for causing Fear in the chaos baby and for winning the Terrible Parent Award.  Koriatta also was originally apprenticed to Halicos, before Zal went ‘yeah, I’m your dad now.  Fuck this guy’ and basically stole her.  Because Halicos is terrible.  Old man needs to get Rekt.  Gonna get every kid he picks up Yoinked because he doesn’t deserve to be in charge of kids.
37 - Kryage: KRYAGEEEEE, ANOTHER TOG WHO IS A DISASTER FJDKLASJ.  She also happens to be a Rare Breed among my characters in that she knows Exactly what the fuck she is doing and is Confident in it.  She’s fuckin awesome.  I love her jfdlkaj.  She belongs to Kehsk’s continuity, off doin her own wild ass shit.  fjdakl my best friend has been working through my oc powerpoint (a seperate one) and bastardizing it and it’s the funniest shit.  Kryage got the ‘MMMM, HOT LADY’ mark of approval bc she’s Confident and Has Her Shit Together jflkdsa.  It’s fantastic.  She’s great.  What a fuckin disasterous pile of ‘I’m Hot Shit And I Know It’ fjdklasj.
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🖊 + an oc on your mind right now :)
Send me a pen emoji and an OC (or just the pen for a random oc) and I’ll gush/infodump about them
Ok so like, Miakar.  My Dumpsterfire Warrior Baby
I love Miakar.  He’s an absolute garbagefire disaster child.  He’s like, 7 feet tall and also baby.  He’s straight up A Child at the beginning of the story, bc I ignore the whole ‘how fast are these people supposed to age for their species’ thing and am like ‘ok so ur an adult at 18 and i don’t feel like googling the actual things or dealing with any of that’.  But yeah, he turns 18 on Tatooine.  He’s Baby.
This is a Child.  He’s Baby.  He’s baby, and had a pretty solidly shitty childhood (everyone gets to stab Halicos for being a Terrible Horrible Father, everyone gets to stab Halicos for being a Terrible Horrible Father.  He deserves it.  Deserves to be stabbed ) of never learning Shit about how to interact with real people because his fckn caretakers were told Under Pain of Death to give him whatever he wanted, but he also never had any friends.  So he doesn’t know how to interact with people, and his perspective on things is Warped As Fuck.
Miakar does things exclusively for his own amusement.  B u t, with his warped perspective on Everything, ‘funny’ ranges from the benign things like filling Quinn’s office with origami tuk’ata to the Horrible like Actual Mass Murder.  Bewildering Jedi, or Slaughtering Random People.  It’s entirely impossible to predict where he’s at at any given point in time.  No One Knows, least of all his crew.
He does have this like, Thing though.  He wants so badly to be friends with Vette.  He wants so so horribly badly to be friends with her.  He’s got this idealized version of friendship in his head, stuff he’s only ever heard of, and he wants it, so badly.  And Vette, being the first person he gets as a permanent member of the Team, is the target for it.  He doesn’t know how to make her happy.  He doesn’t know how to impress her.
He’s trying though, so so hard he’s trying.  And he misses the mark a lot.  Currently, Vette’s opinion of him vacillates between ‘-horrified quiet side-eye- (quietly, disturbed) what the fuck’ and ‘oh this poor kid, oh no’.  
Quinn’s out here having a Crisis because he backed Miakar up Once (a lady hit on him and Miakar went Full Wet Blanket, so when she asked Quinn if Miakar is always such a fuckin killjoy, Quinn, probably while having flashbacks about Miakar yeeting himself off a cliff Laughing Maniacally about 5 minutes earlier, said ‘yes.  he’s always this big of a stick in the mud.  always’) and Miakar was Instantly like ‘🤩 Is this a Good Parental Figure’ and their dynamic is... Weird.  It’s weird.  Miakar went ‘you’re my dad now’ and Quinn’s in the middle of going ‘wait what the fuck’ about it. This will end predictably poorly, i haven’t gotten to the quinncident yet but I Know It.   This will end Poorly.  With Tears.  Quinn is one of Miakar’s Safe People and the quinncident will absolute fuck him up.
Bonus thing:  Despite Miakar having never been told ‘no’ straight to his face in his life before the class story got running, and not having hardly a serious bone in his body, he’s Really Really serious about it.  If you tell him to back off, he will, and he won’t question it.  And even in situations that don’t involve him, if he’s just passing by, he’ll take a lightsaber to anyone who doesn’t respect the ‘don’t fuckin creep on people’ shit.  It’s Important.  He might not understand why it’s important to him, but it is.
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sproids · 4 years
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tagged by @mayorbrewster to make myself as a calico critter (or in my case... a halico critter...ha)
i tag anyone who wants to do this!!
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Habeco, Halico: Di sản trăm năm dần mai một sau cái bắt tay với những đại gia hàng đầu Thế giới | Kinh doanh
Habeco, Halico: Di sản trăm năm dần mai một sau cái bắt tay với những đại gia hàng đầu Thế giới | Kinh doanh
Không những vậy, người Pháp còn đặt nền móng cho ngành công nghiệp Hà Nội khi thành lập nên nhiều doanh nghiệp lớn và vẫn đang hoạt động cho tới ngày nay, tiêu biểu có thể kể tới Tổng Công ty Bia rượu nước giải khát Hà Nội (Habeco) hay CTCP Cồn Rượu Hà Nội (Halico).
Tiền thân là nhà máy bia Hommel được người Pháp xây dựng từ năm 1890, trải qua hơn 100 năm lịch sử phát triển, Habeco vẫn…
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sturmruhig · 2 years
Pt-1: Shatter
We all remember that day, when the golden glow flickered across the sky and died. I was but a young and naive paige then. A child with aspersions of grandiose and heroism. To partake in adventures and rank amongst the greatest knights! To slay the monsters and come home to waving banners! Ah the fondness I feel for those days. Yet they all came to a halting stop when the world as I knew it shattered like glass.
Pt-2: Halo
It was those days after that changed me the most, I was not but a lost lamb. My sire had left in the morn. Citing a decree from our lord in Stormveil, yet I was left behind? Why did my lord leave me behind? Was I not be his squire? Was he not to be mine teacher? And, so I was left to pick up the pieces of my own dreams. I waited five days and four nights and upon the next sunrise, something changed in that meager souls life. One that even to this day I can recall with the greatest pride. There on the doorstep of the meager fort my lord and his host of servants and soldiers called theirs was a troop. Their armor shining proudly in their bronze hue, their great reapers and spears honed to a point and eager to earn their marks. Seeing the great tassels fluttering in the mild winds of our home and the soft whispers of mist upon their winged helms. They had but one question, "We who serve our Lady, the greatest of the blood of Marika, ask thee! Who will join us? Who will pledge their arms to the glory of reclaiming the world?" That day when the bronze knights left it was with only one addition to their ranks. A lowly child with hopes of grandeur. And so began mine journey, ah I can see it now. The story of Halicos and his great captain Finley! A tale most delightful, I hope...
Pt-3: Banner
From the woods and plains of my home to rolling hills of the plateau. From the outskirts of the great lakes to the rocky crags we marched. We fought. We won. Under a sigil of the red Valkyrie we stomped out those who would bring ruin to our already broken lands. For those who rejected a goodly death our Lady armed us with the blessings of her brother to return them to the roots. For those who aspired for scales our Lady handed us spears to pierce their hide. For those whose magic was mighty our Lady taught us barriers of gold. And so we fought. But as we fought we noticed it. The eldest of us were hit the hardest, yet they knew of it from the very start. The curse we bore. It was then when Ostarius fell to it did they inform all of it. Of the burden our Lady bore from birth. And as we all looked at each other with uncertainty and distrust did our Lady exit her command tent. It was there she swore of her ignorance to the curse spreading to us. And that all who wish to leave may do so. Our great Lady in her sorrow then knelt before all of us and spoke of her failure to protect is from it. And it was then and there we knew. That our curse was worth bearing. After all who better to serve than one such as this? Our fair Lady who beckons a better tomorrow?
Pt-4: Crimson
In those days after we had a new name. The Cleanrot knights. Named so after the curse the eats away at our being. Now mantled with wings of red and with renewed purpose, we had a new campaign to march. Word of another child who bore a shard. One who did not hide like his kin. He who was called the greatest commander of man. He who conquered the stars. The Red Lion. And so we cut a path. From our camp in my home of ole to the heart of Caelid, did we fight. The Redmanes were warriors most pleasant. Many of nights after a battle we would met. To reclaim the dead. To partake in stories and woes. To share in our deeds. We did not hate eachother. We were simply enemies of chance. Their lord was a threat to our Lady's plans. It was that simple. And so they died, and at times so did we. But all of that changed when our Lady met their lord in battle. Upon the great field in the heart of Caelid did they cross swords. Each blow shook the very roots of the world. Us lesser beings could do naught but stand in shock and terror. Their battle waged for three days and four nights. Taking them from the heart of the nation to the far shore. And it was their battle drew to a close as the morning sun rose. Even from miles out I could see the bloom. The petals of a scarlet flower that reached across the nation. And as it did so all I could do was stare in horror. The very land around me warped and changed around me. The green wilted. The sky blackened. Even the animals felt its effects. The lucky ones died in seconds. Others were twisted into new forms before my very eyes.
Pt-5: Numb
We patrolled endlessly afterwards. Cutting down everything that moved. Even our own brothers and sisters at times, for they were far past the point of return. I know not the amount of time since the bloom. Rumors have spread that our Lady was comatose. I pray that if those words are true that she recovers quickly. We need her guidance now more than ever. The Redmanes joined us in our efforts in containing the curse. They are calling it the scarlet rot. A fitting name. One sure to spread like the very thing. But I can't help but feel hollow. We all knew of our curse and it's weight. But to see the true reality of it brought to bear upon a innocent nation and its people? It feels like a sin most heinous.
Pt-6: Putrefy
The Redmanes are all dead. Well, at very least all here in this accursed swamp. Captain Finley was able to flee with our fair Lady. May her recovery be swift. We are down to only fourteen knights. All others have had to be cut down. Only one did so willingly. Some of us wept afterwards. Yesterday we saw a great beast looking over the cliff side at us. It had fur the color of ash and a head twice the size of its body. It retreated after some time. Knowledge has been given to the other camps. This morning as the rising sun peaked over the canyon walls I felt its effects. The bile in my stomach, the twitching in my fingers, the ache in my spine. Tonight as the moon hangs over us I will have my brothers cut me down. And it is with the greatest pleasure that I insure that I won't be forgotten. After this is written these letters will be sealed away in these ruins. So that one day when another comes across it that they may know of my name and journey. So I beg of thee dear reader, remember me, Halicos the Cleanrot Knight. Remember my story. For that is all I have left now...
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lesbiantabes · 2 years
give me a letter and i'll tell you my 5 favourite songs starting with that letter
Triple Wonderland - Negicco 🎉
Tu M'as Promis - Monsieur Perine🎻
Tandem - Halico 🚴
Take a chance on me - ABBA 🕺
Tarde - Primavera Club 🕒
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biaruouqua · 3 years
Mua rượu Mơ Hà Nội Halico ở đâu?
#Rượu_Mơ_Hà_Nội món quà đặc biệt ở vùng núi Tây Bắc với chất rượu gạo tinh khiết tạo nên một thức uống tuyệt vời, khơi thêm hứng khởi cho những cuộc hẹn cuối tuần.  Mua rượu Mơ Hà Nội Halico ở đâu?
- Thương hiệu: #rượu_Halico- Độ cồn: 14.5%- Loại: rượu mơ- Dung tích: 360ml- Màu sắc: vàng tươi- Quy cách: thùng 12 chaiThành phần:- Cồn chưng cất từ gạo lên men, nước tinh khiết đã qua sử lý.- Phu gia thực phẩm: đường siro Fructose, Acid Lactic và hương caramen.#rượu_mơ_Hà_Nội_quà_tặng #rượu_mơ_Hà_Nội_giá_rẻ #hộp_rượu_mơ_Hà_Nội #rượu_vang_hà_nội #rượu_mơ_Hà_Nội_giá_rẻ #rượu_mơ_Hà_Nội_Halico
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amazingphotoarts · 4 years
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newstinxahoi · 5 years
Chủ thương hiệu Vodka Hà Nội lỗ đậm
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Lỗ sau thuế chưa phân phối của Công ty cổ phần Cồn Rượu Hà Nội (Halico) hơn 400 tỷ đồng, vượt quá vốn góp chủ sở hữu.
Theo báo cáo tài chính quý IV/2019, Halico ghi nhận doanh thu 37 tỷ đồng. Lỗ sau thuế giai đoạn này hơn 8 tỷ đồng, giảm gần ba lần so với cùng kỳ năm trước.
Luỹ kế doanh thu cả năm của Halico đạt 144 tỷ đồng. Sau khi trừ giá vốn, chi phí tài chính, bán hàng và quản lý doanh nghiệp, công ty lỗ hơn 64 tỷ đồng.
Ban lãnh đạo Halico cho biết, kết quả kinh doanh mang đậm tính thời vụ. Cụ thể, sản lượng tiêu thụ rượu vào mùa đông, mùa xuân sẽ cao hơn mùa hè, mùa thu do thời tiết ảnh hưởng đến thói quen của người miền Bắc.
Halico tiền thân là nhà máy rượu Hà Nội, được thành lập năm 1898 tại số 94 Lò Đúc. Nhà máy được chuyển thành Công ty TNHH MTV Rượu Hà Nội từ năm 2004 và cổ phần hoá sau đó không lâu với vốn điều lệ ban đầu gần 50 tỷ đồng.
Bước ngoặt lớn nhất trong lịch sử gần 120 năm hoạt động của Halico là ký hợp đồng đối tác chiến lược với Diageo vào năm 2011. Tập đoàn này thông qua một công ty con chi gần 2.000 tỷ đồng để nắm giữ 30% vốn cổ phần và nâng lên 45,57% sau đó. Phần vốn còn lại thuộc sở hữu của Tổng công ty cổ phần Bia – Rượu – Nước giải khát Hà Nội (Habeco) và một số cổ đông cá nhân.
Sự hiện diện của hai "ông lớn" trong danh sách cổ đông được kỳ vọng sẽ mang đến làn gió mới, giúp công ty cải thiện năng lực quản trị và mở rộng hệ thống phân phối. Tuy nhiên, những số liệu tài chính lại cho thấy chiều ngược lại. Lợi nhuận doanh nghiệp sở hữu thương hiệu Nếp mới, Vodka Hà Nội... "lao dốc" kể từ năm 2010 và không có sự tiến triển bất chấp sự góp mặt của hai cổ đông lớn.
Ngoại trừ năm 2012, lợi nhuận tăng vọt nhờ tiền đền bù di dời nhà máy từ Hà Nội sang Bắc Ninh, những năm còn lại chỉ một chiều đi xuống. Halico lần đầu báo lỗ năm 2015 và tăng dần những năm sau đó.
Theo nhận định của ban lãnh đạo công ty, thị hiếu và yêu cầu của người tiêu dùng đối với thực phẩm nói chung và rượu nói riêng ngày càng khắt khe về chất lượng, hình ảnh và bao bì mẫu mã... Halico phải đối mặt với cạnh tranh khốc liệt từ các hãng rượu, đặc biệt là tình trạng trốn thuế, làm hàng giả, hàng nhái của các cơ sở tư nhân, tạo ra "sự cạnh tranh không lành mạnh, công bằng".
Nhu cầu sản xuất ở mức thấp so với năng lực sản xuất dẫn tới công ty không giảm được giá thành,phải giảm công suất hoạt động xuống mức thấp. Các thương hiệu hiện có mất dần chỗ đứng trên thị trường, những chai Vodka Hà Nội không cạnh tranh được với những thương hiệu ngoại nhập, trong khi những sản phẩm mới không gây được tiếng vang khiến hoạt động của Halico không được cải thiện.
Phương Đông
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elaphaemourra · 4 years
My Brain likes scenarios right now, so time for a new one. SO. Sith Warriors. If Sith Alchemy happened, and each one found themselves at the Jedi Temple in the body of a Jedi, what would happen?
Ok so like, the 2 that would have The Least Trouble would be Quiatar and Halicos.
Quiatar bc she's a lightsided Bean and would actually find the experience rather educational and informative, just for her own purposes. She's also Pretty Smart.
Halicos because he's Horrible, like Yikes Horrible. He's 53, he's a full Sith Lord, he's the (Not Good At Being Dad) Father of the Wrath (Miakar). He's a crafty bastard who would take that opportunity to Fuck Some Shit Up.
Aea, my old self-insert who fckn took off into the woods to craft their own story and decided to Stop being a self-insert, would be Uncomfy As Fuck being in Republic space, but comfy as hell in jedi robes bc their origin is that they were CO of Havoc, spent the Entire time wearing Jedi armor for the 'oh look it's a jedi SIKE I HAVE A GUN' factor, and then got fckn Yoinked by the empire and tossed into the SW storyline bc Whoops they're Ironically force sensitive. They'd probably try to actually like, find Help. Regardless of their current allegiances, it's in the best interest of Everyone that they get Out of Jedi Body.
Miakar... he'd either have Unreasonable Amounts Of Fun, or he'd have a full blown anxiety attack in the middle of the hallway. He's weird. He's Weird. He's weird and he's eighteen. He's Baby. He's a baby that thinks dead lizards are an Appropriate Gift Of Friendship and that Mass Murder counts as a 'for the lols' decision. Tbh if he wasn't busy making a Mess of things he'd probably try to holo Quinn, be like 'I'm trapped inside a Jedi WHAT DO' bc he claimed Quinn as His Dad Now, Not Taking Constructive Criticism and when he's having a bad time he goes and finds either Quinn or Adialat (a Delightful cat who i still need to draw that belongs to @sith-shenanigans ).
I have No Clue what Kryage would do. She's fckn, immensely confident and self-assured. She might just Roll with it tbh. Definitely weird, not THE weirdest thing ever.
I will put pics of each blip in the reblogs fjdjdjdjd. I have to go find them and I want to Share.
Or tbh they're also vibing in my PowerPoint which is Here if u feel like slogging through my fckn 8 million ocs
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So i figured i'd try to map out Who Knows Who in this clusterfuck continuity and I think the answer is 'my sidequest generator jedi for my bounty hunter apparently knows a shitload of people' and also 'baby warrior is apparently the connector between Zal and the rest of the continuity by way of Inquisidad Knows A Shitty Dad When He Sees One (it's Halicos- Halicos is the shitty dad) and either gets his murder on and yoinks an apprentice that way or just straight up steals an apprentice.
I am not sure how to feel about that, but I'm Here for the implications of Zal going 'wow this dude sucks. He's not supportive or helping u develop. Fuck him. You're my kid now' @ Koriatta and her just kinda, going with it.
Him being so thoroughly disconnected from Everything else tho lets me fuck around with his timeline a little bit. Bc he's supposed to be Older Than The Rest Of These Chucklefucks (relatively. Older than the other classes. But I also am Very firm that he should be 27 setting foot on korriban for the first time. I'm thinking about extending his prologue or his chapter 1 by a few years, to get him ahead of the curve bc gdi he needs to be older than Jeni, and she's 28 when she starts dicking around with huntery shit.)
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giaitritonghop123 · 5 years
Chủ thương hiệu Vodka Hà Nội lỗ đậm
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Lỗ sau thuế chưa phân phối của Công ty cổ phần Cồn Rượu Hà Nội (Halico) hơn 400 tỷ đồng, vượt quá vốn góp chủ sở hữu.
Theo báo cáo tài chính quý IV/2019, Halico ghi nhận doanh thu 37 tỷ đồng. Lỗ sau thuế giai đoạn này hơn 8 tỷ đồng, giảm gần ba lần so với cùng kỳ năm trước.
Luỹ kế doanh thu cả năm của Halico đạt 144 tỷ đồng. Sau khi trừ giá vốn, chi phí tài chính, bán hàng và quản lý doanh nghiệp, công ty lỗ hơn 64 tỷ đồng.
Ban lãnh đạo Halico cho biết, kết quả kinh doanh mang đậm tính thời vụ. Cụ thể, sản lượng tiêu thụ rượu vào mùa đông, mùa xuân sẽ cao hơn mùa hè, mùa thu do thời tiết ảnh hưởng đến thói quen của người miền Bắc.
Halico tiền thân là nhà máy rượu Hà Nội, được thành lập năm 1898 tại số 94 Lò Đúc. Nhà máy được chuyển thành Công ty TNHH MTV Rượu Hà Nội từ năm 2004 và cổ phần hoá sau đó không lâu với vốn điều lệ ban đầu gần 50 tỷ đồng.
Bước ngoặt lớn nhất trong lịch sử gần 120 năm hoạt động của Halico là ký hợp đồng đối tác chiến lược với Diageo vào năm 2011. Tập đoàn này thông qua một công ty con chi gần 2.000 tỷ đồng để nắm giữ 30% vốn cổ phần và nâng lên 45,57% sau đó. Phần vốn còn lại thuộc sở hữu của Tổng công ty cổ phần Bia – Rượu – Nước giải khát Hà Nội (Habeco) và một số cổ đông cá nhân.
Sự hiện diện của hai "ông lớn" trong danh sách cổ đông được kỳ vọng sẽ mang đến làn gió mới, giúp công ty cải thiện năng lực quản trị và mở rộng hệ thống phân phối. Tuy nhiên, những số liệu tài chính lại cho thấy chiều ngược lại. Lợi nhuận doanh nghiệp sở hữu thương hiệu Nếp mới, Vodka Hà Nội... "lao dốc" kể từ năm 2010 và không có sự tiến triển bất chấp sự góp mặt của hai cổ đông lớn.
Ngoại trừ năm 2012, lợi nhuận tăng vọt nhờ tiền đền bù di dời nhà máy từ Hà Nội sang Bắc Ninh, những năm còn lại chỉ một chiều đi xuống. Halico lần đầu báo lỗ năm 2015 và tăng dần những năm sau đó.
Theo nhận định của ban lãnh đạo công ty, thị hiếu và yêu cầu của người tiêu dùng đối với thực phẩm nói chung và rượu nói riêng ngày càng khắt khe về chất lượng, hình ảnh và bao bì mẫu mã... Halico phải đối mặt với cạnh tranh khốc liệt từ các hãng rượu, đặc biệt là tình trạng trốn thuế, làm hàng giả, hàng nhái của các cơ sở tư nhân, tạo ra "sự cạnh tranh không lành mạnh, công bằng".
Nhu cầu sản xuất ở mức thấp so với năng lực sản xuất dẫn tới công ty không giảm được giá thành,phải giảm công suất hoạt động xuống mức thấp. Các thương hiệu hiện có mất dần chỗ đứng trên thị trường, những chai Vodka Hà Nội không cạnh tranh được với những thương hiệu ngoại nhập, trong khi những sản phẩm mới không gây được tiếng vang khiến hoạt động của Halico không được cải thiện.
Phương Đông
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