lady-banana · 3 months
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hellenhighwater · 10 months
Hi hello! So I saw your video about book binding and I wanted to offer a tip for people looking to try it out if that’s ok. So I’m working on binding a book right now and am following a YouTube tutorial. I’ve found most of the process pretty straight forward and relatively easy except for one step. The step where you cut the edge of the text block so that it’s all nice and even after you sew the signatures together. It sounds easy in theory but in practice I find it much harder so I found a solution. Instead of trying to even out the terrible job I did on cutting the pages I called my local staples and they said they’d be happy to give the edge of the text block a neat straight cut using their industrial paper cutter if I bring it by. I’m not sure if every staples would be up for this or have an industrial paper cutter but I figured it might be worth a shot if anyone else struggles with this step of the process. Will update with costs and results when I return from staples in a couple hours.
Staples update: it cost $8 CAD to get the edges of my text block trimmed it would’ve only been like $3 but then I would’ve need to wait a day to pick it up and I need to finish the project today so I had to pay extra for a rush order. Other than that though they did a fabulous job!! It’s so crispy and neat now I am in love with it. I would probably do it again but I would plan better so I don’t need to pay for a rush order lol
Good tip, anon! I've also done that, because trimming text blocks sucks tremendously and it's surprisingly hard to do well.
I will point out that you're likelier to have luck getting someone to do this at a local print shop as opposed to a franchise like Staples. Local shops are usually more able to give you a random price for a weird job, and sometimes the franchises wind up with cashiers that go "I don't have a button on the register for that so we can't do it," even though nobody's going to inventory how many chops the commercial guillotine did and I will hand you ten dollars cash money to go chop my text block. Most print shops will indeed have an industrial cutter, because almost any print shop is going to offer printing services that include full-bleed orders, which means trimming.
Anyway. Go local, and if there's any flexibility to the spine of your text block, make sure that the employee doing the chopping knows exactly how it needs to be positioned during cutting. And also give them registration marks to trim to.
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fox-guardian · 17 days
doing Sam's outfits is slightly harder than expected because I'm fighting the urge to just put him in cute outfits while I'm trying to draw what I think he would Actually wear. not just what he'd slay in, but what he would actually own and wear under the given circumstances.
like I keep picturing him in mock/turtlenecks for work, classy but comfortable, and I just Feel like he wouldn't actually wear an off the shoulder top with a scarf as a shawl and a choker to stand in for the mockneck vibe, even though it would Slay. I feel like he'd think that's too Scandalous for work, at least since he hasn't worked there that long, it's not time to get Wild and start showing Shoulder yet.
I also don't think he'd own a gorgeous fitted dress with gold chains and a slew of gold jewelry. Not because he would never want to wear it but because He Doesn't Make That Kinda Money.
I do think he'd own a silly little onesie tho. As a treat.
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tadbitsketch · 2 months
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*throws Ellegaard page at you*
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gumnut-logic · 2 months
Finished! 😁
This is the Tūī that Gordon tamed and taught to say ‘Virgil! Virgil! Virgil!’ :D He’s sitting on the one harakeke plant (New Zealand Flax) Grandma has managed to keep alive on the Island 😁
This took me all day to glue and edge. Did my threads continually get caught on the flowers? Yes, yes they did. Am I a little less sane than I was this morning? Possibly.
But it is finished!!!!!!
(Sense is optional)
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crowsandkings · 1 month
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I made a cape for Harrow ^-^ I’ll be going to fanime for the first time with @bawdyknocker as Gideon at the end of this month and I’m so excited
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pfaerie · 6 months
you ever get hired to do something and then it's suddenly that thing becomes 4 whole ass jobs
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beatricebidelaire · 6 months
dewey handmakes library cards (of the hotel denouement underwater library) for his friends
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johndoe-lesbo · 2 years
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spaciebabie · 2 years
how would u feel if i turned my silly doodles inta stickers.
thinkin abt this one specifically:
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no promises but if this sounds Up Your Alley let me kno. this is mostly just cuz i wanna turn this doodle specifically inta a sticker skfdjskfdjs
if you're interested n have other suggestions ta turn other silly doodles ive drawn inta stickers let me kno too
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valdrift · 11 months
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
its bakugous birthday in 8 days.......what do i even do......
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aforgottenballad · 10 months
I think if Yoite grew up and got a job and earned money. Well. I don't think he should have to participate in capitalism but IF he did I think he would always be buying people food and treats and gifts. Not because he was irresponsible or bad with money because he wouldn't be. But he wouldn't know how to spend money on himself and would want to show people he cared and provide something in return for their kindness
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gaywizardzone · 1 year
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got a new impractical fuzzy pompompurin wallet so i made some matching charms for my phone/wallet/keys/car keys :) trying to translate characters with somewhat complex outfit designs to tiny posca pen chibis is always an interesting experience
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sollucets · 1 year
I warned you, should you open fic requests I’d be coming straight for your inbox with AkkAyan. I’m obsessed with on our way up/the sky full of stars and I wondered if you’d be willing to write something of it we didn’t get to see like their cooking date from chapter 4 or dinner at Akk’s house from chapter 3
tiis do you know i love you dearly
context from my fic on our way up:
The thing is, he and Akk had spent last night doing crimes against the culinary arts (jointly trying to make stir-fried basil pork in the tiny dorm room kitchen in a small disaster that ended in takeout) + The disaster at his dorm had been almost entirely Akk’s fault, and he’ll die on that hill.
so! as requested i took this briefly referenced incident and proceeded to project my personal (lack of) cooking skills on akk for about 1k(?? these things happen) of fluff. this ficlet brought to you by my best friend thaicookbooktv (and my milestone event. i guess)
"Can I trust you with that?"
Akk glances up from the two eggs he's just started frying to glare at his boyfriend. There's a smug look on Aye's face as he leans against a counter on the other side of the cramped dorm kitchen (and thus within potential grabbing reach) and uses a little bowl to crush up some garlic and peppers (making grabbing probably a bad idea). "I know how to make eggs, Ayan."
"If you say so," Aye tells him, singsong. "I've never once seen you cook."
"That doesn't mean anything." Returning his gaze to the pan, Akk startles to see them more cooked than they should be and hurriedly, awkwardly gets them flipped before Aye gets to pretend it's evidence.
If it'd been anyone else, Akk might have admitted to the truth, which is that he does (sort of) know how to make eggs, and he can grill meat if he's invited to barbecue, but much more is beyond him. He thinks he could be good at it, with time, but he’d never learned to cook much at home, and at school he’d had so much to do that it had always been faster and easier and cheaper to have cafeteria leftovers or something instant. 
But it isn’t anyone else, it’s Aye, and when he’d asked all earnest if they could cook together when he visited, Akk had gritted his teeth and then spent most of last night and the part of the bus ride over that he had decent data on looking up recipes. 
So it’s particularly infuriating that Aye seems to have figured him out right away anyway. Akk scowls down at his eggs. 
“All set over here,” Aye says, then snorts audibly. “What’s that look for? Did the egg insult your parents or something?” 
“Shut up.”
Aye brings his bowl over to Akk’s side of the kitchen and sets it next to the other ingredients on the counter to the right of the stove. He’d only been banished over there in the first place for being distracting; Akk probably should’ve known he’d manage it anyway. 
A moment later, there’s a light breeze against the back of his neck, and Akk jerks against the tickle, barely suppressing a yelp. He’s not actually holding the pan, just his spatula, so the worst that happens to the eggs is them getting slightly jostled, but he aims a blind elbow in the direction of Aye anyway, making contact with his ribs. “Jackass.” 
“Violent authoritarian,” Aye responds, cheerful if slightly strained. “Those look good."
Once the eggs are safely off the heat, Aye hands him a larger pan, shuffling some things around on the little counter once there’s enough space. “Turn the heat up a little higher and put a little oil in there, okay?” 
Akk glances over for the bottle of vegetable oil and grabs it. His recipe-searching had turned up the idea, but Aye isn’t using one, and Akk does not know how much ‘a little’ is. He sighs, sends a sideways look at Aye where he’s putting the egg pan in the sink, and tentatively pours some oil in. 
“More than that.”
Frowning, Akk does as told. When he checks Aye’s reaction, he finds his boyfriend leaning on his hip against the counter and holding the bowl of vegetables again. 
“Were you nervous about this?” Aye asks, tone a too-familiar combination of fond and condescending.
“Why would I be,” says Akk, too quickly. Always too quickly. That’s something Aye’s pointed out before, he should know better. 
“‘Cause you wanted to impress me? I understand.” 
Akk rolls his eyes, keeping his attention on the oil where it’s heating up. “You’re extra annoying today. Is it a special occasion?” 
“Of course it is,” says Aye, tone gone painfully sincere. “My boyfriend came to see me.”
When Akk reacts far too late to keep a smile off his face, Aye pokes his cheek. “I’m happy, too,” he coos. “Now scoot, please. This next part has to happen kind of fast.”
Akk shuffles out of the way, letting Aye move in front and pour his little bowl into the pan, and sends a baleful look at Aye’s back. He’s looking far too cool in this situation; it has to be fixed. 
Decided, Akk moves until he’s right behind his boyfriend, then hooks his chin over his shoulder, looping both arms around his waist, and glances down at the pan. With the bowl poured out, something looks a little suspicious in the garlic-to-chili pepper ratio. “Aye,” Akk says, trying to make sure his breath hits the skin of Aye’s neck over his t-shirt, “Did you put enough spice in?” 
Annoyingly, Aye takes this without much in the way of reaction, only leaning back into Akk’s hold, and doesn’t even flinch. He reaches out for the bowl of meat and says, amused, “The neck is your weakness, not mine, Bigfoot.”
“That’s not an answer."
“Hey, who's the one of us that actually knows how to make it?” 
“I could figure it out,” Akk says mutinously, dropping his face all the way to Aye’s shoulder in defeat and speaking into his skin. It’s not his fault Aye is apparently some kind of cooking expert who’s never needed a recipe in his life. 
Aye laughs, just audible over the suddenly-loud sizzling sound of what Akk assumes is him adding something else to the meat. “I’m sure you could, baby, you’re smart. You just haven’t had much practice.”
“I help at home,” Akk retorts, offended. 
“I know, I know.” Aye’s shoulder moves, presumably stirring, as he continues, “You don’t need to worry about it. I’ll cook for you, so long as you always do the dishes.” 
Squeezing Aye’s waist just that bit too hard in retribution, Akk scoffs. “As if. I’ll practice more. I’m not doing your dishes for the rest of our lives.”
The sizzling gets a little louder, and Aye doesn’t respond. Akk blinks, lifts his head, and sees Aye frozen over the stove, one hand out on a bottle of soy sauce and the other not moving a spatula at all. “What?” 
“You said—” Aye starts, sounding awed. “You said ‘the rest of our lives’.”
“Oh.” Akk swallows on the impulse to deny it and just— lets it sit. Hides his face in Aye’s shoulder again and leaves it there, feels his ears heating up. What can he say? They’ve made the joke before, about their pins and wedding rings. It’s stupid, they’re teenagers, they’ve gone too fast, and he meant it, or it wouldn’t’ve slipped out.
Gratifyingly, Aye seems just as unable to speak for a moment. Eventually, he stutters, “I— that— sounds good to me,” and then, “I love you,” and then, “Oh, shit, the pork.” 
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vaingod · 2 years
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my Zoro at fanexpo made a lot of lgbts happy<3
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