#Hans Clock
lorenzlund · 1 year
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Sau er. Sauerteig. der Knetteig. Kuechentraueme. Koch. Hans K(l)ock. Las Vergas das Spielerldorado.
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Koch. Coecke. -tz. -st. Alles frisch! Frisch erbrochen.
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Gute(r) Fart! 'Eine ... ...!!'
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tommystummy · 6 days
“Great I’m your basketball beard.” Was SUCH a line like Chimney really found the perfect subtle way to say “you’re playing basketball with me for the first time ever… for dick?! Evan, I am your family.”
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cinematicnomad · 6 months
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9-1-1 ▸ 2.12 chimney begins
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anthyies · 1 year
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director of the false last act
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rusquared · 9 months
(as a shameless isekai historical romfan ((villainess)) reader) i think kaizenix arc did not have as much fun with historical yhk as it could. yoohan were engaged and hated every second of it, and doksoo had a whole "i love my fiance's brother" bit. like the POSSIBILITIES.
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mybodyfails · 6 months
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cafeandarsenic · 1 year
tiktok comments on xo kitty edits got me so tight bc the ppl who ship Minho and Kitty always talkin abt “uhm her crush on Yuri ruined the show for me” and can’t acknowledge that the way that her feelings are continually shifting is what it’s like being a teenager??? The show is setting her up to end up w Minho (guys he called her covey, but more on that at a later date), but her queer exploration plot line is valid and necessary, it emphasizes the convoluted experiences we have growing up. Do better supporting queer plots and queer characters and queer fans. We deserve to be represented as much as anybody else.
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jojotier · 1 year
How the hell did mystic messenger make such an autistic man out of this CEO character. And I don't mean that in a 'it's bc he's cold and calculating and thinks he's superior' genius autistic stereotype way I mean it in a 'this man is so hyperfocused on cats and taking care of his cat that he knows the exact amount of hairs his cat sheds on average and can tell when she's shedding less somehow, also sometimes he randomly starts meowing'
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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baby talk
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mrs-han · 2 years
Jumin Week
Day Six: Philautia
With you being away for the weekend, Jumin had the penthouse to himself. Naturally, he kept himself busy with work and Elizabeth the Third, but there was a glaring you-shaped hole missing… and it was getting harder to ignore.
Moving to the small, peach-colored Bose speaker, Jumin smiled fondly. Memories of you dancing wildly or delicately filled his mind — he chuckled as he recalled a spin you had been trying to master, only to land on the bed, couch, or his arms as you toppled over.
Running his fingers through the indented play button, he tilted his head. Surely, you wouldn’t mind him using your stereo…? Or listening to your Spotify playlist?
Jumin opened the account, album covers of Disney, true crime podcasts, and unfamiliar Japanese and Korean artists littering the screen. Eyes softening, he opened the playlist you created — the image you chose being of a wide-eyed Elizabeth the Third looking cluelessly and cutely towards the camera.
Jumin coughed back a laugh; 100 hours and 8 minutes worth of music you enjoyed.
Looking back down at your speaker, he pressed the on button, familiar green and blue lights illuminating it. Immediately connecting through Bluetooth, a song boomed throughout the penthouse —
Scaring the absolute shit out of him. Scrambling to turn it down, Jumin closed his eyes and let out a huff.
If you were here, he wouldn’t hear the end of it. He could already imagine your endless laughing.
“Why she insists on turning this thing all the way up is beyond me.” With a sharp click of his tongue, he glanced at the song playing on his phone. “TiK… ToK. Tick tock. I wonder if this Kesha knows the title of her song is spelt wrong.”
With great caution, Jumin turned the volume up on your speaker. A catchy pop-bop filled his ears, but he was still… apprehensive with this kind of music. While your personality shined through catchy diddy’s and endless repetition, Jumin preferred a calmer tone. Light jazz, even scat if he was feeling adventurous.
Turning the music up a little more, he began to understand the appeal. Bobbing his head and patting his thigh with his hand to the beat, he felt himself begin to relax. It felt like you were home, just around the corner, shouting the lyrics you dedicated to memory.
Swaying his hips loosely and relaxing his arms, allowing them to sway naturally to the beat of the music, Jumin smiled. He was only taught formal forms of dance, never something as spontaneous as this. Spreading his legs wider, Jumin grabbed and threw his jacket to the couch. Feet tapping against the floor, he took a chance and started to move around the way you would — toes barely touching the floor, arms up and out to the side, hair madly swooshing in different directions.
He felt ridiculous, but free. Gaining more momentum, Jumin started hopping to the intoxicating rhythm, his long legs skipping from the kitchen to the living room. The small smile on his lips was so much bigger now; he made giddy sounds he had never made before, squeaking in his adrenaline and laughing loudly.
Body glistening with sweat, Jumin slid his tie from around his neck and shot his arm into the air, waving the tie while moving his hips from side to side. Spotting his reflection in the window, his laughter only grew, filling the penthouse with a noise it hadn’t known from him.
Now he understood why you did this everyday!
Pushing the door open with your knee, you set your luggage down and twisted your backpack off your shoulders. The blaring music instantly alerted you. “Jumin? Sweetheart?”
“Tick tock, on the clock, but the party don’t stop, no. OH, WHOA, WHOA OH.”
You clapped your hand over your mouth, muffling a laugh. That was definitely the voice of your husband.
Peeking your head around the corner, your mouth fell in amused bewilderment. Jumin’s elegant figure was no more as he stood thrusting his hips, shaking his butt, and waving his arms to music only you listened to in this relationship. You couldn’t help it; raising your phone, you snapped a quick picture of him…
The click alerting him instantaneously.
Spinning around, hair wet from his sweat, his body tensed. “Darling…!”
Wiggling your fingers, you shined your largest smile his way. “Hi ~!”
While he slammed his hand repeatedly onto the speaker to turn it off to no avail, you ran to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. Jumin hesitantly wrapped an arm around you, very aware of how sweaty he was. “Welcome… home, what is wrong with this speaker.”
You lowered the volume and buried your chin in his chest. “I see you enjoyed yourself while I was away!”
Jumin blushed deeply, his ears ringing. “Darling, it’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh, I think it’s exactly what it looks like.” Pushing his matted bangs back, you gripped his hand. “Don’t be embarrassed! Come on, Mister Fancy Pants! Show me what you can do!”
Jumin beamed, pressing his warm and wet lips against yours. And as you led him to a wider space, the drowning music filling his ears and you before his eyes, there was no better place to be.
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seymourssecondchance · 4 months
Entry Five: Date; April 26th, 2024
We found an entire group of Tech-Folk that have been trapped in NYC for the last three years, two of them are incredibly important to me. One of the Original Titan Speaker Engineer Speakers named Marshall was alive and was the first one to be found in the city proper and he led us to Brownie. Brownie, one of the sweetest and kindest Cameraman that I personally nursed in the server nursery he was one of the last pre-Skibidi units to be built and for some horrible reason when he was placed into his frame some shady organization spy got ahold of him and modified him to be… ugh I feel disgusted writing this, a [REDACTED] unit, I still am reeling at the horror of finding that out when he was being repaired when we returned. Yin is thrilled seeing Brownie, they’re twins from what I’ve been told since they stemmed from nearly identical coding. Yin’s coding was stronger from what I’m seeing since Brownie needed help developing but it’s nice to know that Brownie was protected and thankfully wasn’t kidnapped pre-Skibidi invasion. Both are good fighters. Echo, also known as TV-woman, walked out of medical bay with a mission of undoing the damages that the TVs did with their hypnosis light; I should have been more careful when those lights were being developed.  Brownie is relearning how to walk with his new centaur/deertaur based legs, and honestly he’s doing so much better now that he doesn’t have those modifications. He wishes to speak to me later about being a supply runner with Mischief, another cam who’s a twin as well. (Lucky is still MIA and most likely under Agent’s command unwillingly since Yin mentioned seeing him before his systems shutdown, hopefully we can pull some strings to have a tracker put on him if he resurfaces… A Speaker found him alive but has gone MIA since then) I’m wondering if I could start a supply run for natural resources, well more like plants that can be consumed or used as medications since the production of medication no longer exists. I need to go digging for those textbooks on medications of the Ancient civilizations and papers on those, might need to expand my library then. I wonder where Keeper and 032 are, I think they would enjoy digging around in some high education libraries for research purposes. Dawn is… somewhere, the Clockworks and Magma factions have been dealing with their own thing but Dawn & Temporal are recovering on base to keep them safe since the Skibidies are so hell bent on taking them out. Fucking Skibidi Scientist has like a fucking Twin or something. - Dr. Seymour
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chiyuki-hiro · 2 years
Don’t mind me, just been thinking lately about what type of outfit Lilac would wear to the Yule Ball with either Ominis or Garreth. For a bit of personal info, I’ve always liked the idea of couples’ cosplay & I have no shame inserting that sort of interest into Lilac. ((And another thing, I’m ignoring the game’s time period here.))
For Lilac & Ominis, the outfit choice was easy. I’d have them go to the Yule Ball dressed as Prince Hans & Princess Anna. ((Specifically what they both wore to Elsa’s coronation.)) Simply for the fact that I think Ominis would look amazing in Prince Hans’s clothes. ((Also just realized that despite Lilac being a Hufflepuff, she would be wearing more Slytherin-like colors for the night.))
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Picking outfits for Lilac & Garreth was a bit harder. But I decided They’d either dress as Belle & Prince Adam/The Beast. ((Due to Lilac being a book lover & Belle’s dress being close to Hufflepuff colors))
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Or Aurora & Prince Philip. Mainly because I really like the blue version of Aurora’s princess dress. ((Also ngl, I think that red cape Philip wears would look pretty good on Garreth.))
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abimee · 2 years
the only thing i get elitist about is those youtube playlists of vocaloid songs and people make those ''iconic/classic vocaloid songs'' playlists and list like the same 6 insanely popular ones and not the (often times much better) classics/iconics passed around the community at that time like you cowards. stop putting just be friends on there as dixie flatlines only ''iconic'' song and start putting Gemini!!!
even if we're aprt! we're flipsides of the same constellation! on noisy days and sorrowful nights were gemini attracted by each other across the sky!!!
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tea-rexxy · 2 years
I see no difference here
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majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
“Just for a minute, try to be Frank Castle”
karen i think you’d need that little tragedy of a dude from hannibal for that
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kindleaf · 4 months
[ask game]
crazy how you say 💘 when this is us everyday
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