#Happy Birthday Arthur
natimiles · 16 days
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“His eyes, the blue of adventurous, sapphire sky and the deep cerulean sea.”
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his eyes appreciation | Happy Birthday, Arthur!
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tally-kiza · 7 months
hello! I was curious, if sometime in the future you could do a Arthur fleck x gender neutral reader, where the reader just gives arthur all the praise, love and care he deserves? Possible smut, if ur up to it 🤭. I think arthur would absolutely just melt at any type of praise, especially from his lover. I imagine he can’t help but cover his flushed face as he’s showered with kisses and love 😖😖😖 thanks for being an amazing author, luv ur work!
I may have forgotten about this ask until a week ago when I realized Arthur's birthday was coming up. 😂 I figured this would work very well for a little birthday fic. 👀👀
Mine And Only Mine
Word Count: 1774
November 21st.
A day you had been looking forward to all month.
Arthur’s special day. The first one that you would be celebrating together.
The heavy weight of a skinny arm slung over your waist beckoned you out of slumber. The fog of sleep lifted, replaced by the warmth of the man nestled against you. Your birthday boy, you thought with a sleepy grin. Your tired eyes cracked open, taking in the vision before you.
Arthur was facing you. His long dark hair was mussed and tangled, curled strands fallen in front of his face, slightly obscuring his handsome features. The midmorning sun rays casted him in warm light. You took a moment to take him in. The gentle curve of his pointed nose; strong cheekbones slowly becoming more full with your every home-cooked meal; prominent collarbones exposed by the open collar of his brown polo shirt, inviting you to kiss and lick. Gentle eyes now closed, minutely fluttering as he dreamed. His face was soft and relaxed. He looked younger, peaceful... almost happy. You wondered what he was dreaming about. His warmth seeped into your heart, making everything feel fuzzy. Arthur’s struggles, his mentality, his everyday stresses and worries, all of them were out of sight and out of mind when he slept, when he was cuddled closely against you. These early mornings were often the happiest you saw Arthur. 
But not today. Your Arthur deserved a birthday free of his usual stresses and anxieties, at least just one day. And you were determined to keep his struggles as far from his mind as you could manage.
You squirmed ever so closer, forehead resting against his. Arthur didn’t even stir. You softened; he must have been exhausted, writing late into last night trying to workshop some new jokes he had thought up. He worked so hard to achieve his brightest dream.
An inkling of an idea blotted in your mind. As softly as you possibly could, you pressed your lips to his forehead over the messy strands of his hair. And then another. And another. A smattering of smooches to his forehead, his hairline, the space between his brows. Arthur made a small noise, soft and cute. Arthur’s eyebrows twitched, but he didn’t quite stir awake. But there were more kisses where those came from.
Slowly you trailed kisses over his face. Gentle presses of your lips to Arthur’s eyelids, down the slope of his nose, over striking cheekbones, and the corners of his thin lips. But never quite on his lips directly; your first true kiss together had to wait until he was awake.
As you kissed, Arthur was slowly roused out of slumber. 
His breathing turned deeper, more regular. He made another soft noise, music to your ears, dimples deepening with a growing grin. You pressed a kiss to the crinkles at the corner of his eyes and smiled in turn. With a slight squint, Arthur’s tired eyes cracked open. They peered at you with mirth. 
“I thought I was just dreaming this up,” Arthur mumbled. His voice was low and creaky with sleep, but playfulness lingered at the edges. It stoked a small flame of warmth in your belly.
“What, this?” you teased, voice just as groggy, pressing another kiss to the scar just above his lip. 
His lips pursed. Still foggy with sleep, his eyes held little of their usual intensity as they locked with yours. “Yes,” he said softly. “And you.”
Your heart turned to putty in your chest. Arthur struck you off-guard so often with sweet words tinged with melancholy. 
“Not this time, handsome.” Eyes slipping closed, you kissed his lips directly. 
It started soft and tender, quiet lips on quiet lips, but Arthur being Arthur, it didn’t remain that way for long. His arm pulled you closer against him; your hand tangled in his messy curls. You molded against him like you were the matching pieces of a puzzle. Fitting together was what you were made for.
It was you who pulled away first. Arthur’s lips sought yours still, but you kept away from his tempting kiss as you both laughed. Your forehead rested against his. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
Green eyes stared into yours, wide with surprise. He sounded so small when he spoke. “You... remembered?”
“Of course,” you said, grabbing one of Arthur’s hands and lacing your fingers together. You pressed another peck to his cheek. “It’s your big day; how could I have forgotten?”
“No one’s ever... remembered my birthday before,” he whispered. The bed shook minutely and you knew he was bouncing his foot. Anxiety creeped at him still; you knew you couldn’t let it linger. “Even I forget some years.”
Your hand cradled Arthur’s face. His eyes were shiny and wet, and his eyebrows twitched with soft emotion as you kissed his forehead. 
“Oh darling, I’m so sorry,” you murmured. “But―” Another kiss, and yet another. “― I think that means we have a lot of birthdays to catch up on celebrating, don’t you?”
He closed his eyes. Voice thick with emotion, he whispered, “That would be nice. ...For years, all I have wanted was someone to share it with. I dreamed about it for so long...”
Arthur sniffled and kissed your wrist still cradling his face. “And now I do.”
Warmth filled your chest. “You do, Arthur. You do. I swear, you’ll always have me.”
After a beat, with a soft breath, he melted into you. The tension in him released; his body sagged against yours. Though his arms kept you pressed close against him. “You’re perfect,” Arthur mumbled. 
“I should be saying that about you,” you said, voice thick with adoration and love. You nuzzled your nose against his, gentle point against gentle point. “Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you...”
The lines around Arthur’s eyes crinkled; the shadows of dimples appeared around his shy, boy-like smile. Bashful was a look you always adored seeing on him; your affection only grew. 
You couldn’t keep your lips from brushing his nose. “Someone so endlessly sweet...” 
Then his scar. “With such a tender, gentle heart...” 
―The mole on his right cheek. “And the cutest jokes...”
―The sensitive shell of his ear, along with a soft bite that drew a small moan out of him. You smirked. “Not to mention, with that beautiful body.”
Arthur curled further into you. You could feel the heat radiating from his cheeks. Even after the months you’ve spent together, the intimate nights you’ve spent in bed, devoting yourself to his body, and he to yours, he could be so shy. The result of spending almost thirty-four years alone and craving for affection and attention, you supposed. He was still unused to it, in many ways.
It only spurred more loving. 
You brushed the hair out of his face as you tangled your hands into his greasy curls, fully exposing his beautiful features. Arthur’s broad forehead beckoned.
“I’ve never met someone like you before,” you said, with a smattering of kisses to his forehead.
One broad hand sneaked under your shirt, caressing your back, keeping you ever closer to him. Your skin electrified under his touch.
“You understand me like no one else has,” you sighed. One tender peck to his asymmetrical hairline. A second. Before your lips traveled south, pecking a trail down his nose again to connect with his lips. 
Your connection warmed your cheeks, matching Arthur’s own flush. Both of you smiled into the kiss. Arthur pressed all of his tender love against you. Your shirt was pushed up and his hand traveled up your back; his tongue slipped into your mouth, caressing your own. His lithe hips molded against yours and you swear you could feel the beginning stirrings of his erection. Your own arousal was stoked from embers. Fog clouded your mind, lost in this pleasure, in his love.
It was Arthur who separated first. His forehead thumped softly against yours. His cheek and lips were still flushed, and yours were probably just as bright. Voice thick with emotion, he whispered your name.
In response―”Yes?”
Green eyes were half closed, eyelashes fluttered as he stared downwards, away from your gaze. Shy again, after leaving you warm enough to melt a glacier. His smile grew, twitched, preening as he considered.
“Could you... could you keep going? ...I like hearing you say those things.”
Mirth and soft amusement filled you. “Yeah?” 
“I like it a lot.“ Arthur’s eyes were wet when they stared into yours. “...Please?”
How could you resist your gentle-hearted lover? “Of course I can, darling.”.
But before you could lay an ounce more of affection on him, he spoke, fingers softly wandering on your skin. “Y’know? I don’t think I’ve ever met someone like you either. I know it sounds silly but, my whole life, I’ve thought so much about my perfect person. Someone who would actually see me. Someone who could understand me. Someone kind.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “And you’re kind. So kind. It hurts sometimes.”
“Arthur,” you cooed, eyes pricking with tears.
He murmured your name again. You always adored the way it slipped off his tongue, not in an elegant roll, not like cascading water, but in the whisper of an autumn leaf floating on the breeze. “You’re my perfect person. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Gentle sun rays had slid in the window, lighting up Arthur from behind. His dark hair shimmered in multi-colored strands of copper, chocolate, auburn, chestnut, gold. His face was still cast in shadow, but he seemed to glow regardless. It was as much from his love as it was from the sunlight.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you either,” you soothed, voice thick as honey. “But we’ll never have to. I’m yours, Arthur. And only yours. We’ve only been each others’ for a few months, but I know in my heart, that’s not going to change.”
“Mine...” Arthur whispered, almost too quietly to hear as you returned to laying gentle kiss after gentle kiss on his face, soon followed by more further below. Relief, wistfulness, tenderness, joy, solace all swirled in his voice. His words caressed your heart as gently as any brush of his lips. As the sun rose higher in the sky and the chilly November day warmed, you made good on your promise to make this Arthur’s best birthday yet. To make up for every cold, lonely birthday he’s ever had before. And you would make good on this promise every year on November 21st. For as long as Arthur would have you. 
“...And only mine.”
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petit-papillion · 8 months
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"To the little brother" - while posting a picture where Arthur is towering over him...
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thefoolsparkle · 2 months
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Our favourite birthday boy!
(Arthur you better take him to the movies if you wanna live to another birthday)
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
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xvxvcaspervxvx · 8 months
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Happy Birthday Arthur!
I can't believe its been 5 years! Time flies! This game still means the world to me. The time I've spent getting to know Arthur and the gang have truly been an experience!
Thank you R* for giving me the chance to experience it all. Thank you to everyone on here who have supported me and been here for the ride.
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dufferpuffer · 4 months
Arthur Weasley is the softest, friendliest nicest man in the world - with nerves of steel and a heart of pure gold. He never wavers from his moral compass and is willing to fight for it. TOO willing to fight for it, really. Where do you think Ron gets his penchant to start throwing punches from? It's from Arthur Weasley not being afraid to punch Malfoy right in the fucking face. And yet he is the most accepting, all smiles man in the world. He loves his job and hyper-fixates on his interest (muggle things). He has the heart and wisdom to recognize how even simple magical pranks against muggles are deeply disrespectful. He knows nothing of muggles or the muggle world at large, he has likely only spoken to muggles a handful of times... and yet his heart is just so fucking huge. It's massive! How does he carry it around?!? Frank and George might be menaces but you know EXACTLY why they have the strong moral compass they have. Mischief without harm. People adore Molly, as they fucking should - but Arthur doesn't get enough love. He is a father of seven children - and Harry - and Remus - and has been absolutely instrumental in what has made ALL of them such wonderful, caring and strong people. He would be 74 today. Holy shit that's one year younger than my dad.
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rmkr-blog-blog · 6 months
Happy Birthday Arthur Images #HappyBirthdayArthur #HappyBirthday #Arthur
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Let's celebrate today Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's birthday by not caring about Sherlock Holmes, shall we? Girl only ever wanted one thing and that was for Sherlock Holmes to die.
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toastydumpster · 2 months
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Arthur & John, The Guys of All Time
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natimiles · 16 days
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“You’re the first and only person I could ever permit myself to lose to…”
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Arthur Conan Doyle — moodboard | Happy Birthday, Arthur!
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mikeyswayy · 2 months
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788 notes · View notes
petit-papillion · 8 months
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Happy Birthday, Arthur!
📸 Joe Portlock, Rudy Carezzevoli
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percymawce-arts · 4 days
As a gift to my favorite bbg he gets to watch a movie and wear personalized clothes :)
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lauritanaomystery · 7 months
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Happy anniversary 9th to "Ghost" and... Happy B-day Lew-Lew!!!🎵✨
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trustypaladin · 2 months
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"Happy Birthday, Arthur..."
Malevoversary 2024 | Saturday Prompt
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