elstine-harboson · 5 years
Thirst for Knowledge
Of course the rabbit and its young were not enough for the both of them to truly satisfy their aching bellies but nevertheless they had something to at least dampen the constant gnawing of starvation. It had been a few days now that Elstine had barely managed to capture but a few fleeting hours of rest - what kept his eyes so pried, he was unsure. Moon after moon, he’d remain sitting offering to take the first watch of their makeshift camp - not bothering to wake her up for her own shift. She needed the rest, he’d reason. The mind was too busy fluttering into the future for him to truly receive any restful sleep. 
Where would he be in a few years? Where would they be? Who would remain loyal? Who would remain alive? Would he die in the mud, or would he live long enough for a golden crest above his brow? Failure was not an option - death could not come, not yet. When his lands and influence stretched further than the eyes could see... Then, maybe, he could pass. 
Before the sun could bother the poor girl’s eyes, Elstine hovered overhead. Coffee-tinted eyes peering down at her sleeping form as a sense of satisfaction settled in, glad she could get some decent rest. With a soft smile, he’d proceed to prod at her side with his finger.
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“Come now, Zelie, if we want to be first in line for Liberry we’ll need to head for Stormwind now; it’s a few hours travel on foot.” He’d reason, but truth was he was tired of sitting on his rump while excitement for new information reigned. A sea of books surged before him, and he was more than happy to drown under their knowledge.  @zelie-flowers 
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artofaokori · 7 years
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Gift commission for @harboson-c and @scassira-harboson
From @Magical-mcarthur 
It took really longer that expect, but I done it! And I’m proud of the result! :)
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Just Another Lester
Rat sat with his back against a tree later that night. He was alone, the others were off either checking the supplies or resting. He still wore the dark-leather armor and uniform of a dead man, he carried the rifle of a dead man as well. The thought struck him, how strange it was. Stranger than that, was the thought of how he had killed a man that day.
A man who was trying to kill him and his friends. But still, he… not his demon, had killed a man. The boy's hands dug into his pockets and fished out the various items he dead mercenary carried. A golden locket, a silver pocket watch with an insignia, and an extra knife.
The knife was of better quality than the one from the bandits, so that was a plus. A curved skinning knife. He made a mental note to give his old one to one of the others later as he slid it inside his boot.
The pocket watch was nice. Silver. That meant it was worth something. But the insignia is what pulled his attention. The front cover was engraved with a lightning bolt and cloud. Thunder or I'll shoot! The man shouting those words played over and over in his mind. Obviously a code, but how it worked, it could not say.
Slowly, Rat pulled out the remaining item. The locket. It appeared aged and worn. The gold flaked here and there. Cheap item then. He fumbled the thing for a few moments, until finally it opened to reveal a photo inside. Squinting, Rat tried to make it out. It was a young girl, perhaps around Rat's age or a little younger. She wore a blue dress and bonnet. Rat's eyes narrowed at something on the inside cover. Carefully, he held it up to the moonlight to read an inscription there. Lester and Emma, with a heart etched around it.
The locket fell from his hands as Rat muttered a soft curse. For some reason, he was shaking. He wasn't sure why, nor could he stop it. Though the thoughts of the locket came back to him. Lester. That had to have been the guy's name. Emma. His love.
Lester, the man he had killed. A young mercenary with a love back home. The profile hit too close for Rat's comfort. True, he had no one back home for him, but that didn't mean he wouldn’t one day.
Would he be destined to end up like Lester?
Just another corpse left behind?
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marius-blackwood · 7 years
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     The witch found his solace within the branches. They have always provided this for him over the years, running from one thing or another. Settling into the highest crook of the great oak the boy freezes, listening, scenting the air as the leaves barred his vision of the ground. He could hear the confused muttering of the hired hunters below. Some 'hunters' they were, he thought. He snickers quietly to himself, the tranquilizer finally beginning to set in like a heavy fog. "Heh, checkmate." Feeling victorious for now, he secures himself in the crooks of the wood before being met with unconsciousness.
His record of never getting caught remains intact. 
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pensife · 7 years
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At last, Pensife's first non business-related assignment for the Harboson Company! ...Well, sort of. What was it, exactly? A social experiment? No. A training exercise, perhaps?
He gathered with his coworkers outside the gates of Stormwind, and removed his armor as instructed.
Next thing he knew, he was in a river, blindfolded and bound by the wrists and ankles with tightly wrapped cloth, but still conscious. The goal was to survive, as if he had just escaped being kidnapped. Though, there had to be more to it. He just didn’t know what that could be. No less, he began flailing himself like a trout in a direction that seemed to cut across the current horizontally. That would lead him to the shore. Luckily, his size made him rather buoyant, and while the current took him further downstream than he may have realized, he made it to the shore without any near-death experiences. (Well, unless you'd call this whole thing a "near-death experience.”)
As he scooted ashore on his behind, he used his bound wrists to displace the blindfold and regain his fifth sense. Next on his agenda was to remove his bindings. Thankfully, they didn't seem to be too complicated. A gnome like himself wouldn’t have a hard time squirming free. As he attempted to free himself from the cuffs, he took in his surroundings. He was on a riverbank on the edge of Duskwood, facing what appeared to be Westfall. Though, as one might tend to feel in a place like Duskwood, he felt a haunting presence. He was not alone. However, this was no ordinary feeling of company. As he turned his head, he swore he could see a shadowy facade, complete with piercing fangs. But he couldn't quite get a direct glimpse of the creatures. Only out of the corner of his eye, for they were gone as quickly as he pinpointed them.
"Probably just part of the test... They wouldn't put us in any real danger, would they?" He gulped. "...Would they?"
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He eased his way out of the weak bindings. Once his arms were freed, it was revealed that underneath the cloth were individual wrist cuffs that interrupted any forms of magic.  he reminded himself of the discrete precautions he had taken. While he had removed all of his armor and weapons, he did happen to sneak a few microscopic devices along with him. After all, what gnome would be caught completely empty-handed? It’s not like anyone would find them on him anyway, even if he were to be taken hostage. He reached for his ear. 
“Please...” He muttered as he felt for the tiny communicator. It was there. “Thank cogs. Now, I just have to hope things held up on Ms. Arclanke’s end. Did she put it in correctly? Could it have fallen out?” His mind raced as he tried to activate the device. No luck. “Hmm... That’s odd. It doesn’t seem to be activating... On my end?” He carefully extracted the device from his ear. Sure enough, it was sputtering and crackling, ever so faintly. Water damage. It must be. “Boy... If I’d have only known I’d end up in a river! I would have made sure I brought the waterproof design!” He frantically fiddled with the device with his big fingers, though without his tools it was hopeless. He slumped down on the riverbank, feeling defeated. “I thought I had really planned ahead and outsmarted them! This isn’t what I had in mind at all... Oof, I should’ve considered all the possibilities. I mean for real, a river? That’s pretty predictable, right? Well... Depending on the event, that is. Not that I knew what this event would be exactly... Though... I suppose that’s what the point of the whole thing was, right? To be caught... Unprepared.” He sat in thought.
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He was always prepared. That was the only reason he’d ever have the advantage in the field. Without that, he’d have to start from scratch.
He pondered that thought.
“Start from scratch... That must be it, then. I suppose I’ve been granted this time for a reason. It’s time to start from scratch! I’ll have to build new tools, and from there, I can start fixing this communicator! After all, I must get in contact with Ms. Arclanke somehow! I need to know that she’s okay before I focus on any other objectives! Not that... I know what my other objectives would really be. Eating, maybe? I guess that’s not really going to be handed to me for the next few days. No matter! I’ll eat once I’ve finished a day’s work! And that work requires fixing this communicator!”
He was filled with a whole new feeling of inspiration. It was back to the drawing board, and he loved bringing his creations to life. Not to mention he wasn’t completely detached from society. He could get materials at Raven Hill. So that’s where he’d go, with a stride of optimism, dedication and confidence.
If there was one thing he came prepared with, it was an open mind.
@harboson-c @trixe-arclanke
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catscratching · 7 years
harboson-c replied to your photo: dduane: By rights it should say “Dear Voters Of...
Oh, hey the biggest bs post I have seen on Tumblr. Grats. Don’t blame your candidate’s loss on any party affiliate other than your own.
The post was generalized advice to anyone that doesn’t like how things turned out in 2016.  Ms. Duane corrected herself in the comment below the graphic.
You’re fully entitled to your opinion that it’s bullshit.  I’m fully entitled to my opinion that it’s a good thing for people to be thinking about, especially on Tumblr where everyone seems to think that one aspect of something being ‘problematic’ means they’re terrible people if they support it/like it anyway.
We’re never going to get a perfect political candidate. They’re always going to have one or two stances/ideas that aren’t what we’d consider ideal. If we hold our breath waiting for perfection, we’ll continue allowing situations like the one we’re in to happen. 
I could have voted better last year. I made the choice I thought was best at the time and I have regrets now. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
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penvenomstarkstar · 5 years
Munday Mug is back
(Come on folks its time for Munday mug. Let's see what your drinking out of today! Post and tag)
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( @risrielthron @scifrey @oocwhimsy @elstine-harboson @cake-and-roses @belillinafireseeker @kat-hawke @the-kouchfort @wiedaashcroft @mercurial-muses )
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zelie-flowers-blog · 5 years
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Sweat and dirt still stained the red linen, a rust coloured spot of blood fused with the fabric near one of the bandana’s edges. She held it in her hand limply, a calloused thumb running over the last thing she carried of his.
Tears stung her eyes and she glanced back cautiously towards the area her new companion was sleeping. Sleep evaded her that night, but he didn’t have to know. They poured over moments later, blurring her vision and leaving streaks down her dirtied face.
     I miss you so much.
She breathed, low and meaningful, the mantra that haunted her mind. The forests of Elwynn still dwarfed her, sucked her right in and made her forget that she had ever seen civilization before. Westfall was so bold and visible, all you had was flat fields as far as the eye could see... and what lay behind the hills was too far to care about. But Elwynn swallowed you whole with tree trunks as wide as two grown men or more.
It made for a good sleep at night, even the early sunrise had to fight through the brush of the trees overhead to meet the ground. Soft grass underfoot made for a not too shabby makeshift mattress. And the hunting was certainly more fruitful.
But much like Westfall, safety was not something easily felt. She hardly knew him, she hardly knew the land. She’d struggled enough the previous night with only one attacker, and she’d lost her rifle weeks prior.
     I miss you so much. I miss you so much...
For the first time since his death she truly felt weakness. Loneliness. Perhaps that’s why her guard was so easily pulled down with a mere empty promise of at least enough gold to buy a warm meal she didn’t have to make herself. The boy seemed so sure of himself. But he was not the first to boast of big plans and better futures.
With care, she folded the red mask and tucked it into her pocket. An old backpack carried what little she still had, but this piece was too valuable to separate from herself. Oftentimes she’d finger for it throughout the day as if grabbing his hand again, a little girl on the shores of Westfall learning not to fear the sea. His eyes strengthened her in those days. His sure gaze, his eyes - crystalline like hers. She adored them. She would think sometimes of how they looked when she saw his body, she had half expected them to keep him alive as if they were magic. But his strength had fled and left them empty, and took hers with it.
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| Mentioned: @elstine-harboson |
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wow-workshops · 6 years
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WoW Workshops: Villainy Ep. 1: Defining Villainy
When: Wednesday, August 29th @ 6:30pm server time
Speakers: Elstine, V Firebrand, Odin, and Highlord Thoranis 
@harboson-c @crowley-thoranis @wowfacesofwar (V hasn’t got one I’m aware of.)
@roewyn @risrielthron @devilsdaughter2 @auroryn-dawnsworn @demetrius-devereaux @embersinger@abelsunstride @seilune @thegreatnyehehe @wardennerd @scions-of-antiquity @intoxication-wra @braxtonhudson @galfouhdiamond-eye @archmagexardasus @nyxandarkterror @westfalloutlaw @wraconnect @wowrpevents @riasunhammer @thesilvermoonlibrary @dancingdeerinshadows @volrakathetroll @ra-daras @zynros @nimuehdraemberfury @theredrighthanddedchild @zealouslynx @susan-gampre @lady-malady @roseofwestfall @the-royal-courier @miss-breakfast @penvenomstarkstar  
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elstine-harboson · 5 years
8/26 - My own first day.
Downstairs my family slept, a half dozen siblings packed atop a straw-filled mattress - all trying to get a deserved rest before the demanding chores of the farm life resumed before the sun broke. My father had been blessed and cursed with a room of his own, a mattress for two where he'd instead lay alone - an arm wrapped over the spot where Mother used to be before winter had taken her. I remained in my claustrophobic crawl space that made used both as my sleeping space and as additional storage; as the eldest I was granted the luxury of sleeping on my own.
For many years now, I have spent my few moments of self by reading by candlelight the one water-damaged book I had found by the local creek; a historical book regarding the notable Eastern Kingdoms that made up the Alliance during the first war. The stories of grandiose kings, brave knights, and influencing merchants had infiltrated and influenced my mind. I craved - needed to join their ranks in the halls of history. I would not achieve that toiling in the mud and pig stool of this Light forsaken farm; complete with overbearing Nobleman looking down his nose and eager to crack his whip to make the additional copper while we struggle on.
I must break the chains of serfdom, cut the heartstrings attached to family, and abolish the fear of failure and bubbling anxiety. It is time for me to leave and start a life I can truly call my own - a life of independence that I shall guard with tooth and nail. A life of sacrifice and suffering is my exchange for the life as a King. It is known that I will die, but I should be damned if I'm to be buried at this farm... I will die on a hill, fighting for what I value, and will be laid to rest with a crown on my brow.
I swear this to myself.
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artofaokori · 7 years
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So I was doing a stream where I am sketching freeby for my guild to practice emotion with that meme thing.   And since it’s the birthday of Tide, I decide to do a full color of it :3 
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Rat had something he never had before. Money. Four gold was a lot for him, before, it was a few coppers and a silver once. Mostly, whatever he found on the streets growing up in Stormwind.
The boy held the gold coins in his hand, wondering what he should buy. A few things he already knew he  wanted. But, he wanted to do something for his team as well.
Finding a leather holster for his sawed off shotgun was a lucky find. Used, which meant already broken in and on discount. Double win there. A razor to shave cause… face was getting a little hairy. A satchel, to carry stuff in.
It took him a while to find things he thought the others would like. Bones was easy, candy? No. He wanted to give her something lasting. When he saw it, he knew he had to get it for her. It was a bit costly, but he got it anyways.
Woods was a little harder. The guy seemed to have whatever he needed. Rat had already given him a knife. The thought along those lines as he searched and found something he thought suitable.
Curse wasn't hard to find, he found something small he hoped she would like. But Fuel, was harder. Him and the gnome had little interactions, but he came across something he thought she would find useful.
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r-glasford · 7 years
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Led by their Commander, the guard approached The Vital Spice in a collective mass. Seeing them from afar, instinct derived from a criminal past would dictate to Rosemary that she flee. She instead chose to stay her ground, reminding herself that she had done nothing too wrong or even morally questionable in recent months. Still... she had her suspicions.
“What did you do, Jarisleif?!” Ever quick to jump to a conclusion about another, Rose demanded an answer. The guards formed themselves into a row along the canal.
“Nothing! I didn’t do shit!” His exclamation was delivered emphatically. Despite his insistence, the Dwarf was quick to put distance between himself and the guard. Almost immediately, he broke into a gait of rapid steps, bee-lining for the storefront where Tideguard had slipped swiftly but casually behind the pillar just beside Balderos.
((I just love these four silly geese.))
@justtideguard @jarisleif-the-dwarf @balderos-greycall-blog 
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caterinaprimrose · 6 years
The Visuals (Lots of gifs)
Hudson Homecoming Party
June 19th, 5pm SVT, Gadgetzan, Tanaris 
(We had to change the location due to phasing! Tell your friends!)
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Under the starry night of the desert, people come far and wide  from all walks of life to celebrate in the return of Braxton Hudson. Businessmen, Magistrates, Nobles, Celebrities, Gangsters, Crime Lords, Military officials, Politicians, Shop owners, Madams, Whores, Artists, Directors, Models, Actresses, Bards, Heiresses, Commoners, Street Rats, Drug dealers all came in their best and shiniest attire show their faces at the extravagant celebration. 
Large rounded spotlights swarm the skies like an out of control lighthouse, flashing pinks, purples, golds, and blues. It signaled like a warm beacon for people to join the night. Machines threw fireworks  and confetti up into the skies, layering atop the diamonds that shimmered the dark, blanketing sky. The sand was trashed with confetti pieces in the soft, cool sand.
One would call this less than a party and more of a carnival. Tigers in golden and jeweled collars and cuffs frame their legs. Their beautiful bright orange and deep black stripes catching attention. 
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Beautiful women are dressed in cabaret, massive feathers sprout out from their head pieces, held by their arm. They dance in and out of cages, fluttering their assets and swinging, strung from the beams rolled in and used as rafters to support their weight as they trapeze from aerial fabric silk and hoops through the rain of confetti. 
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Entertainers are spread all around.
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Side by side are the concessions. The alcohol was of all variety, served by @jakefletcher . (He will have a menu in his TRP) 
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His partner in the evening, bringing food, is none other than @mremaknu (Menu on his tumblr) to keep your bellies full to even out all of that alcohol!
For your personal safety and directing needs, Hudson Suits are in their usual attire and scattered all across the party to assist and ensure that no one is hurt in all of the organized chaos that is The Party of the Century! 
With substances being sold, as well as underhandedly passed around, your bodies are sure to have a grand time in this night of no restraint! 
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But it doesn’t stop there! 
Throughout the night, you can indulge yourself in watching the brawls, 
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Raffles, Betting! 
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Watch a performance done by the beautiful Caterina Primrose!
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And lose yourself to the night!
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Tags below
@the-royal-courier @breakfast-inquiry @stonewater-bay-traders @braxtonhudson @susan-gampre @sistersolis @desmondslade @sistersinsin @zouriankraft @lakryss-sparrow @nikkithorpe @the-cleaner-wra @wardennerd @sikonaluvs @thedragonlorenews @wowrpevents @risrielthron @everythingisbetterwithpirates @edwinxerathi @dylibird @housestygian @houseofnobles-wra @house-morningstar @venreenaholt @cedrickholtstories @thecyanbladesman @warlordofruination @anthony-rosethourne @theodorebennas @adhelin @light-finds-a-way @thaylynnkestavin @conwulf @house-blackfyre-wra @theodorebennas @auroryn-dawnsworn @feathers-of-a-dove @kaideholt @harboson-c @ladysaraholt @ardanholt @dechlan-holt @rinohaholt @thalsianiii @cyprisnightingale @atc-wra @housekingsley @silkroad-wra @rementhil @theblackforge @areiusironborne @warlund-blackfyre @levvnightfall @ironstoutbrews @bath-ironstout @ironforgecraftfest @monishadangelo @fenril @iamnorthrend @minandra @vinsketchbook @zeronexfenris @galanordai-nightwind @eve-schofield @gilnean-wolves @svenrilstuff @gaveshillvack @brockdavenport @piercetheliving @viceofalltrades @poncystufftolookit @the-great-wise-moose
 @kelladen @blackenedhelm @aly-g-on-wyrmrest @easteye @kaidenblackwell @wayward-rogue @swiftsun-bal @i-am-miller @olivia-daae @olivia-lovecraft @olliehaldstan @geraldcreed @james-daweson @ryderflynn @unabashedrebel @thecyanbladesman @xianxiao-wra @recke-stoutmantle @stormbornwitch @stormwinduniv @heartoftheravenwra @embersong-event-co @shaureyne @the-wolfs-raven @wyrmrestwitch @jakefletcher @mremaknu @galfouhdiamond-eye @intoxication-wra @spirit-of-azeroth @joulienblackwald @chetchetchetchet @mustardbee @coldwall-collective @lady-songheart @voided-arrows @tirasiantrouper @gwenya @zelmanbelmaria @quellys @the-sirens-serenade @eldricceverton @eldrivh-allen @william-rothsford @penvenomstarkstar @marghettispaghetti @warlock-rogue @knightofthehawks @wiedaashcroft @summysparklesprocket @vinarei @raven-lockfall @ellwelune @candi-wra @wrynns-wolves @lorraine-lemieux @jazzystormwindlady @penni-gilpatrick @karoubelcourt @gangstercoyote
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Response: Battle Orator
Context: We’d received an ask beforehand about ideas for skills of a “Battle Orator.” The asker had to submit another format that couldn’t readily be shared to Tumblr because both of us were confused by some of his language. Here’s the updated/elaborated response:
Hello there, replying to your last message involving the Battle Orator. I’m more looking for like, ability ideas I suppose on the RPG/Color side of things rather than general mechanics. Just some brainstorming material from more experienced folks. I’ve already got a general class for it developed, but other than just debuff speech and buff speech, I can’t think of any real abilities that could be used for a combat scenario or really outside of it. So really just some ideas, suggestions, etc on the idea of a speech oriented class. I’m actually using a custom system, but if you want to include some interesting mechanic ideas I’m fairly familiar with D&D 5e, Warhammer Fantasy 2e, and Dungeon World! — @harboson-c
Since you’d be something of a leader, perhaps you and the DM/GM (if you’re a player) should work out a “respect measure” system; no matter what you say, your fellow soldiers won’t take you seriously unless they respect you.
Since the class sounds like it would be used to affect multiple allies at once, perhaps just a generic “mass buff” speech and “mass debuff” speech would be a bit too OP.
Perhaps divide them into particular quotes and effects. Think along the same lines as commanding NPCs in real-time strategy games: saying certain lines can boost or lower certain stats and urge NPCs to act a certain way. For example, “WE’VE GOT ‘EM RUNNIN’, BOYS!” could urge NPCs to charge forward, boosting attack and speed for defense. “HOLD BACK A BIT! MAKE THEM COME TO US!” urges the NPCs to sheep-huddle with shields up at the perimeter, boosting defense and perception for a lack of free movement. “SHOW THEM THE FURY OF THE HEAVENS!” could add to dexterity, as that would be the cue for NPC soldiers to fall back whilst the archers fire overhead.
For the debuffs, you may need some more argument than just standard quotes and your respect by your troops. In most game systems (video, tabletop, etc.), enemy morale is decreased when key events happen in battle such as an enemy base being taken over, or the defeat of a high-standing or powerful unit (basically, if they have an actual name instead of just their rank or “X’s Right Hand.” See the Dynasty Warriors series to see what I mean). Some quotes paired with requirements like switching the enemy flag over a base for your own, presenting the severed head of a well-standing enemy unit to the battlefield, etc. could lower the enemy’s stats or general desire to fight.
Hope this helps!
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wra-farmers-union · 6 years
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Have you heard there’s a place to hook up with agriculturally minded RPers from WrA? 
Well, now you have!
Come join us on this new Tumblr and in our Discord!
Boosty Stuff: @wraconnect @harboson-c @penvenomstarkstar @dancingdeerinshadows @volrakathetroll @theredrighthanddedchild @stablehand-of-westfall @devilsdaughter2 @seilune @braxtonhudson @galfouhdiamond-eye @embersinger @threska @abelsunstride @kulnoth @talrethriel-shadethorn @zynros @demetrius-starshadow @auroryn-dawnsworn @risrielthron  
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