#Harry and Tom are like yin and yang
Harry (to Tom): Everyone thinks Dumbledore made me who I am, with all his speeches and hard learned lessons…I wanted to believe that too. But the truth is, he didn’t make me who I am today—You did. I don’t know who I’d be without you. We’ve been together so long and try as I might, we keep finding each other.
Tom (deadpanned): It’s almost as if we’re soulmates.
Harry (sighing): For the umpteenth time, soulmates don’t exist.
Tom: Well, what else do we call this? You and I are bonded by soul magic, what are we if not soulmates?
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chosetherose · 5 months
Two Graves One Gun
So Long London continues the saga of celebrity versus soul. The only way to cure Taylor’s sadness is for her to bid farewell to bearding, and perhaps the closet.
If you can look past the red herrings in this song, you will find a deeply layered masterpiece that illuminates Taylor's battle with herself; how past plans made to maintain her celebrity have marred her soul. She doesn't want to live life like this anymore and is willing to burn her brand down to the ground to free her soul.
As always, the analysis I've written here is only one interpretation of this song. I'm not claiming it is "correct" but I encourage you to plow through (this is a very long post) and consider what I've laid out.
For context, I believe London is a metaphor for bearding. Here is some background for the new folks:
For most of her career, Taylor’s beards have been from the UK. Specifically, from 2012-2023 her beards were Harry Styles then Calvin Harris then Tom Hiddleston then Joe Alwyn.
The beginning of this stage was right around the time she started crossing over into pop music. Red is her first real leap into pop music and to do this successfully she needs to expand both domestically (to pop audiences that don't listen to country music) and internationally (her first opportunity for this since the rest of the world doesn't listen to much country music).
She started bearding with Harry Styles in late 2012, within weeks of Red's release then milks that short lived stunt for 1989 as well. What a way to capture a new pop audience made up of fans abroad and at home. Rinse and repeat until her priority changes to long-term privacy and she finds that aided by an unknown actor named Toe. Even though Taylor's current beard is American, suffice to say one can look at London as a metaphor for bearding given history.
So (So) long (Long), London (London) [repeated]
Pay attention to how she sings this...She breaks "London" into "Lon" and "Don".
So SO / Long LONG / Lon LON / Don DON
This is a sneakily beautiful way to emphasize: So! Long! Don(e)! ...Like "I've been bearding for so long and I'm done with it" or "So long, bearding! I'm done!" Yes, this is a reach but read the rest of this post and circle back. As this intro closes the final "Don(e)!" fades into the upticked beat.
[Verse 1]
I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist
I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift
Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away
My spine split from carrying us up the hill
Wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill
I stopped trying to make him laugh, stopped trying to drill the safe
Taylor seeing fairy lights through the mist sounds like she sees daylight at the end of a tunnel opaque from lavender haze. She keeps focused on this goal, carrying on with all these beards over the years. Although she's able to appear calm during these stunts, living life like this has forged a rift within herself. She beards because it's advantageous for her brand but her soul despises the ruse.
Side note: “Keep Calm and Carry On was a motivational poster produced by the Government of the United Kingdom in 1939 in preparation for World War II.” -Wikipedia. A bit of history that I think furthers the idea that Taylor was battling to keep going.
Tayor has to balance these aspects of herself continually - Too much stunting? Her soul needs a break. Had a good break from stunting? She needs to feed the grocery line Swifties to keep them at bay. It's an idea that got me thinking about yin and yang, "an opposite but interconnected, self-perpetuating cycle." (Wiki). I am not an expert on this concept but I know I've noticed it has come up throughout conversations about TTPD. If yin and yang is relevant for this album, as I believe it is in multiple songs, in the context of this verse it feels related to Taylor's constant need to find balance between the celebrity version of herself we see on our screens and the true version of herself only she can see in the mirror.
This cycle wears on Taylor so much that her spine splits from the weight. She has been slogging through stunts, dreaming of freedom, for years. It's been storming so long her clothes are soaked and she feels the chill down in her bones.
Because of the pain she decides to change strategy. Theres no more attempts to make her situation lighter or find ways to deal with it. And think about this - if you're trying to drill the safe open it means either A) you feel like you've tried all the codes and are resorting to brute force, and/or B) you're running out of time and growing desperate. Taylor is past even those points and is giving up entirely.
Thinking how much sad did you think I had
Did you think I had in me?
Oh, the tragedy
So long, London
You’ll find someone
The chorus reminds me of talking to a past version of yourself that made plans for a future you. We know Taylor must plan her life years in advance so perhaps she is asking her past self something like, “Why did you think I could handle continued bearding? Did you really think I could handle all the sadness I'm feeling today?”
Then I think the second half of this chorus is saying goodbye to bearding, symbolized by London, because she can’t bear the sadness anymore. Maybe the "you'll find someone" line is aimed at the fans a la "you should find another guiding light" like you guys will find someone else to fawn over in the tabloids.
Side note: I love the double entendre here. Because so long means goodbye but it has also been so long that she’s been bearding (largely with British men).
[Verse 2]
I didn't opt in to be your odd man out
I founded the club she's heard great things about
I left all I knew, you left me at the house by the Heath
I stopped CPR, after all, it's no use
The spirit was gone, we would never come to
And I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free
I don't have a strong opinion on the first two lines of this version. What comes to mind is she didn't opt in to be an openly LGBTQIA+ artist, she chose to closet and beard. Then other younger closeted celebrities have looked to her as a blueprint.
In the process of bearding for stardom, her soul abandoned all she knew. I think there is a red herring here as Heath could reference Hampstead Heath (which has connections to Toe) but it’s also continuing on the house theme that Taylor sings about. Here, it doesn’t sound like this house is a home. She’s not singing about chandeliers flickering inside, it’s “the” house by a heath -- “Heathland is characterized by plants such as heather, bilberry, gorse and bracken, which occur on infertile and well-drained soils. Open heaths have been highly modified by humans for centuries and are maintained by grazing or cutting.” She’s stuck somewhere that’s by drained her via death by a thousand cuts lol.
Again, it's weighed on her. So she's decided to stop trying to revive the disconnect between her soul and her celebrity, it’s no use trying anymore. She’s realized they could never fully come together.
And she’s pissed off she let her celebrity rob her of an open, free, youth where she could live truthfully. Recall that in Peace she sings, “a coming of age has come and gone” which to me means she feels she can’t explain a coming out via a youthful awakening angle. She’s at the age where people will understand she’s known this for years but hasn’t shared with the world. This will raise questions she won’t be able to answer because it’s all too tangled (NDAs, outing beards, etc.).
For so long, London/ Stitches undone
Two graves, one gun
I'll find someone
For so long, she’s been bearding, stunting, hiding her true self to reach and/or maintain celebrity. It’s caused her stitches to come undone. This wording is interesting because it implies she had a wound from living this life hiding her truth, they tried to fix her up as her celebrity status soared, but it didn’t work because the sadness was too great.
Perhaps there's two graves and one gun because on the path to daylight she will kill both her celebrity and the sadness of her closeted self. Not how she switches from "you" will find someone to "I" will find someone. This is because she will destroy every version of herself that she's ever known if she comes out one day. She will rise like a Phoenix through the ashes to discover a new version of herself in the daylight.
Note that the Spotify clip for this song, from the Fortnight video, feels significant. First, Taylor looks up toward the daylight. Then, with heavy breaths and a concerned face, she rifles through her art (words written out on a typewriter). We know in the rest of this scene she is lighting her art on fire. Two graves one gun on a path to daylight.
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[Bridge Part 1]
And you say I abandoned the ship
But I was going down with it
My white-knuckle dying grip
Holding tight to your quiet resentment
I imagine these first lines of the bridge to be aimed toward those in her life, on her team, etc. that steered her toward closeting to gain/keep fame. Maybe she has plans and they are saying by coming out she is abandoning the ship (her celebrity) they've all worked hard to build. In Miss Americana we heard her team tell her that coming out as a Democrat would halve the numbers of her next tour. Can you imagine what would be said about a coming out?
But what they don’t understand is that living this life is killing her. She’s been holding on to all the subtle ways they’ve told her over the years that her career will sink if she comes out of the closet.
[Bridge Part 2]
And my friends said it isn't right to be scared
Every day of a love affair
Every breath feels like rarest air
When you're not sure if he wants to be there
When she confides with her friends about it all they tell her she shouldn’t be afraid to take steps toward the daylight because look where she is now. She’s been stunting for years (love affairs in the tabloids) and it's awful for her. So terrible that she's grasping for breaths, unsure if she can still survive in this atmosphere (thin/rare air means its not a hospitable environment for Taylor).
So how much sad did you think I had
Did you think I had in me?
How much tragedy?
Just how low did you think I'd go
Before I'd self-implode?
Before I'd have to go be free?
Again, I think she’s talking to her past self here. “How could I have thought I’d survive sinking this low? How could I not realize I’d reach a point where I’d self-implode?” Which here, self-implosion is telling a similar story as I think the two graves one gun lyrics do — the result of the self implosion is being free. If she blows up her celebrity and she will be free to live her truth, curing the sadness that has been ruling her life for years.
[Verse 3]
You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?
I died on the altar waiting for the proof
You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days
And I'm just getting color back into my face
I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place
I imagine this verse is aimed at her fans, the grocery line Swifties who believe her beards are real boyfriends. I read “you swore that you loved me but where were the clues?” as a sarcastic jab because she’s been screaming 🌈 for whoever is willing to listen. The fans claim to love Taylor but they aren’t willing to really listen to her.
Most people here “altar” and think of a wedding but the definition is much broader, “In religion, a raised structure or place that is used for sacrifice, worship, or prayer” (Wiki). So Taylor was up on the altar, a place of worship, waiting for clues that these fans actually loved her. But what started as worship became sacrifice as these fans never found love for who Taylor really is all the while the bearding and hiding were causing Taylor deep sadness.
Despite all this, she loves her job and her fans. The sadness is too much though. She is about to self implode and feels its time to take steps toward a brighter future. It’s maddening as hell to metaphorically blow up your life just as your fame is escalating to new heights you’ve reached for your whole career.
For so long, London (So long, London)
Had a good run A moment of warm sun But I'm not the one So long, London Stitches undone Two graves, one gun You'll find someone
For so long, she bearded. She had a good run, getting away with it all, reaching levels of fame she always dreamed of. But she's not the one to keep the charade going (as opposed to her heroes who unfortunately 'died' closeted). Goodbye, bearding. The wound was too big to fix. With one action, I will kill the version of myself you (the fans) know and the version of myself I know. You (the fans) will find someone else to worship.
I could keep tweaking this theory for weeks but these are my initial thoughts on this song about two weeks out from TTPD's release. This album is incredible complex but for me the signs we keep getting are all pointing toward significant change. There is a momentum going right now that I haven't felt since the early Lover era. No matter what happens or how long it takes, I hope our fearless Chairman gets the chance to bask in the sun shiniest daylight. She deserves the warmth.
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peppershark · 3 months
Nicholas Galitzine as Tom Riddle
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I will die on the #thicklipsTomRiddle hill, and it’s why I think Nick G is an ideal choice to play Tom Riddle.
Here is why:
A lot of TMR art and fandom face claims have Tom looking nearly like a villain already with over-the-top sharpness to his features and a shadowy, shifty look. I love it, honestly. So hot.
But there’s also a solid argument to be made that Head Boy Tom Riddle would have to have the golden retriever innocence of someone like Nicholas Galitzine. Allow me to explain.
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Based on the description in The Chamber of Secrets of the Ministry of Magic’s inquiry into Moaning Myrtle’s death, Tom wasn’t even noticed as a suspicious character (except by Dumbledore) because he was held in such high esteem by his teachers and classmates. To have this level of automatic deniability, Tom needed a top-ranking academic record, an irreproachable reputation, plus—and this is my argument—an innocent face.
I find David Kibbe’s 1987 body categorization scheme problematic in general, but for the sake of this conversation, describing “sharpness” (yang) in features, and “softness” (yin) can help us explain how some faces might have a certain level of ‘innocence privilege’.
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Kibbe associates certain “soft” features like bigger lips, bigger cheeks (regardless of weight) and other more “romantic” body dimensions with “yin” energy, the “light”, gentle and feminine side, or white on the Chinese yinyang symbol. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Kibbe associates sharp, prominent-boned features with “yang” energy, the “dramatic”, intense, masculine side.
According to Kibbe, everyone has a combination of these features. I know, it’s very reductive, and an overly-simplistic reduction of the Chinese yinyang model. I bring this up, though, because Kibbe’s presuppositions likely overlap with how Hollywood has conditioned us to interpret these facial archetypes; for example, we see lots of representations of young TMR with very angular cheekbones, gaunt cheeks and dramatic features. He’s often interpreted as a “dramatic” Kibbe type, the side with the highest concentration of “yang”.
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Considering Tom’s situation, however, it makes more sense to cast him as a young man as someone with a lot more “yin” in his features. Snakeface Voldemort is his villain era and that’s pure yang: dramatic, angular, sharp, and snakey.
So as a younger man, I imagine he would have to employ more “innocent” features. When you consider that Tom was viewed as more innocent than Hagrid—who is the *actual* golden retriever of the Harry Potter series—you have to assume that Tom not only seemed less shady in a circumstantial evidence stance, but he actually must have outperformed Hagrid in some of his genial, “yin” features.
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This is why I love Nick Galitzine’s look for Tom. My eye types Nick as a “soft dramatic” Kibbe Type which underneath is a dramatic body frame of very sharp angles, but covered in softer contours of body shape and more “yin” features like big eyes and big lips. It’s a metaphor for Tom’s dark, ambitious energy covered in a winsome, innocent-looking softness.
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Nick serves a lot of shady, mysterious energy in his expressions, but the lovely fullness in his lips, big eyes and slightly-soft cheeks counters his darkness.
Nick looks like a prince, like his role in RW&RB (2022) or the high school quarterback like his role in Bottoms (2023) or the gorgeous Jacobean fuckboy for King James in George and Mary (2024). All archetypes I think TMR employs to get ahead in a wizarding world where he’s the half-blood Heir of Slytherin who grew up in an orphanage but clawed his way to the top. Nick G’s look in general is a great example of how I imagine TMR would combine features, displaying the dynamic of his character.
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Do you think Nick G makes a convincing Tom Riddle?
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rifari2037 · 6 months
Is Zutara other version of Dramione?
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I used to be huge Harry Potter fan, I watched all the movies and read all the novels. I shipped Romione at that time, in fact Romione/Grintson was the reason I love Harry Potter series.
But, I don't mind with the idea of Dramione. I found it interesting, though. Once, I made a love triangle fanfic between Hermione, Ron, and Draco. I mean, who can blame the fans if Tom Felton played Draco Malfoy in that series?
The question here is, is Zutara another version of Dramione?
For the enemies to lovers trope, yes. But, that's it! Because there is huge differences between these pairs.
I'm pretty sure, people ship Dramione because of the actors. It doesn't make sense if the ship come from the characters or arcs. Because, Draco has no redemption arc. Also, Draco and Hermione never shows relationship development. They're enemies 'till the end of the series, or maybe not enemies in the very end of the movie, but not friends too.
In the original series, Draco isn't a complex character. He is a villain, raised to be a bully, racist, and coward. Compare with Saverus Snape, who has good and bad side, I don't remember Draco has good side in him. He might hesitate to kill Dumbledore, but that's because he's afraid and there's nothing to do with morality. Until final battle, he and his family run away from the battle like a cowards.
I never read Dramione fanfic, but I think the redemption arc and Draco's good side only happened in fanfic, which is fine, that's what fanfic for.
Now, let's talk about Zutara.
Zuko has the best redemption arc and it's canon. Even when he still villain, he has good side and morality. Zuko is a complex character, in fact he banished because he has good in him. He lost his way and find his destiny by himself.
This redemption arc makes the 'enemies to lovers' trope between Zuko and Katara make sense to be canon. People not only love this ship because they look good together, but also because of their storyline and relationship development. They build connection, saved each other lives, and complement each other in the battle. All of those are canon.
And I haven't even talked about their symbols (yin yang, fire water, sun moon), their parallels (blue spirit and painted lady, their childhood trauma, their closure), Omashu reincarnation, etc.
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This is a big difference between Dramione and Zutara. In the show, Zutara has a lot of materials to be canon while Dramione has none at all.
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wintersnwnderlnd · 1 year
Plot holes in Harry Potter
Off the top of my head
How did Dumbledore just know to send Hagrid to meet Sirius after James and Lily Died
How was McGonagall able to watch the dursleys all day to see if they were suitable guardians when James and lily died not 2 hours before
How did Hagrid find godrics hallow if it was under the fidelius charm?
How did Snape find godrics hallow if under fidelius
How did no one notice a baby outside on the door step in 12°F weather in November
How did no one notice harry never playing with toys or in clothes 3+ sizes too big?
Did Dumbledore tell figg to move to private drive or was she already there and got recruited?
How did the board of governor's never come for the third floor but came for the basilisk?
How did harry as a minor get entered into the tournament unless his guardian(aka dumbledore) approved it?
How did the wards around hogwarts not stop the stone, basilisk, acrimantula, animagus, werewolf attack, blood quill, vanishing cabinet, etc from entering the school grounds?
Why didn't James be his own secret keeper and just hide in godrics hallow until voldie was defeated or gave up?
Why was the statute broken by Hagrid and Molly but they never got warnings?
Why did no one question the 8foot tall half giant in London?
Why did Molly not get yelled at for shouting about the platform
How does no one notice the mystery train as it leaves the station?
Why on a 8hr train ride is only sweets served?
Why didn't voldie keep all his horcruxes on him, in his house, or in his vault?
Why was the stone destroyed and not given back to Nic who kept it safe for 500+ years
Why did the wards around hogwarts allow the dementors
Why are harry and Ron still friends when all they do is fight
Why did harry suddenly develop feelings for "his best friends little sister" who he though of as a sister after she was looking at love potions
Is luna a seer
Why did the twins leave hogwarts literally a month before they graduated
How is olivanders still in business
Why is dark magic bad? Yin and yang, dark and light are both needed for balance
Why did voldie not go the political route and charm/seduce his way to minister
Why did Tom have to go back to muggle London during ww2 every summer why not go to a friend/follower's house
Why did the "Ancient and Noble House of Black" a long line to stuffy purebloods bow to a halfblood
Why do purebloods not realize muggleborns are new family magic and likely children of squibs
Why did no one notice the 4 strongest wizards of the 40s forward were all halfbloods who were abused by muggles[or had siblings that were] (dumbles, tom, sev and harry)
How the fuck does hogwarts legacy fit into the timeline, it shouldnt
How is McGonagall a teacher in the 20s she should have been a student
How the fuck does hogwarts mystery fit into the timeline
Why didn't we see tonks harry first year, she was a 7th year
I have more but can't think of any right now.
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
Kibbe Body Types, Part 2: David Duchovny
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Gillian Anderson's Kibbe analysis here; beginner's guide here.
We're going to have to do this analysis a little differently.
David Kibbe has a thorough quiz to type your body correctly... if you're a woman. So... I'm going to have to go around the mulberry bush a bit to arrive at David Duchovny's Kibbe Type.
...Why don't you tag along with me? We'll find out together.
(Spoiler: I already know his Type.)
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(**Note**: You can skip this section if extra reading isn't your thing.)
Kibbe identifies female bodies through their height, their hips, their chest, their waist, and their shoulders. However, male bodies are a whole different ballgame: width is the key measure-- of greater importance even than height-- as well as the softness or "fleshiness" of the frame.
THANKFULLY, Aly Art's got my back with this video.
Now: we must identify the yin-- soft, delicate, short, light-- qualities and separate them from the yang-- strong, tall, lean, vertical, angular, sharp-- qualities. Everybody has a blend of those two traits slapped on their skeletons; but Kibbe tried (tries) to keep it as simple as possible.
There are five basic body types; and those five types are divided into yang (sharp) and yin (soft) variants.
Dramatics-- 100% yang energy: tall, lean, strong, hard. They look angular and heavy. Typically have smaller eyes, prominent nose and chin, and thin lips.
Benedict Cumberbatch, Sean Connery, Charlton Heston, Ricardo Montalban, Errol Flyn, Daniel Craig
Soft Dramatics-- predominant yang energy with some yin added: softness and fleshiness added to their sharp, angular frame.
Dean Martin, Christian Bale, Matthew McConoughy, John Travolta, Nicholas Cage, Clark Gable
Flamboyant Naturals-- strong and hard, but with wide, blunted edges. They appear sporty or athletic: moderate to tall height, wider shoulders, and slimmer waists and hips.
Calvin Klein, Dick Van Dyke, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, Tom Selleck (maybe), Michael Landon (maybe), Joe Biden  
Soft Naturals-- like the FNs, they are wide, and blunted; but their width is softened by added fleshiness, appearing slightly less tall, less dense and more delicate. They sport plusher, softer cheeks, lips, torso, and thighs; and often appear "cuter" than FNs, Ds, and SDs.
Alan Alda, OJ Simpson, John Wayne, Robert Redford, Robert Conrad, Bing Crosby, Tom Cruise, George Clooney, Gene Kelly, Brad Pit, Gene Hackman
Dramatic Classics-- is an even, "average" mixture of yin and yang elements with a slightly more dominant yang presence. They have a very blended bone structure with tauter cheeks and more predominant facial features.
Carey Grant, John Ham
Soft Classics-- is an even, "average" mixture of yin and yang elements with a slightly more delicate yin presence. They have a very blended bone structure with softer lips and fleshier cheeks.
John Slattery, John Glenn, Gregory Peck, Bryant Gumbel
Romantics-- is 100% yin: smaller, shorter, softer, more delicate. No sharp angles. They appear gentler, less harsh, less "brutally" masculine than their Dramatic and Natural counterparts.
Colin Firth, Leonardo DiCaprio, Elijah Wood, Simon Baker, Richard Gere, Michael Jackson, Omar Shereef, Billy Dee Williams, Elvis Presley
Theatrical Romantics-- is 100% yin with a taut touch of yang to their features: narrow, delicate bones instead of fully-rounded, softly-widened angles.
David Kibbe, Orlando Bloom, Prince, Johnny Depp
Flamboyant Gamines-- an uneven mixture of yin and yang elements, with more pronounced yang in their angularity and sharpness. They have small, rectangular muscularity: angular facial bones, smaller shoulders and torso, some tautness to their physique.
Jimmy Kimmel, Frank Sinatra, Neil Patrick Harris
Soft Gamines-- an uneven mixture of yin and yang elements, with more pronounced yin in their rounded curves and softness. They appear the most "cute" of the types: an even smaller Gamine, with softer cheeks, softer noses, softer lips, bigger eyes, smaller hands, etc.
Fred Astaire, Robert Downy Jr. 
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David's frame is dominated by prominent, long vertical lines-- dare I say, blunt edges?-- and shoulders that appear-- or are?-- wider because of his narrow waist and hips.
Using this previous post as a rough guide to map out his features, DD has pronounced yin-- softer cheeks, rounder nose, softened jawbone, softer flesh over his muscles-- but not enough to cover or dominate the long, strong bones in his frame and overall musculature.
I have my suspicions, and they swing Soft Natural (not enough T-bone shoulder to fit Flamboyant Natural); but let's put this theory to the test.
But you ask: how are we going to type the Man, the Myth, the Monotone without a handy dandy reference guide?
Easy peasy. We compare him to other body types and notate the differences.
David and Gamines
We're eliminating Gamines first because their shorter lines, shorter stature, and more angular or rounded bodies are in direct opposition to his longer, denser lines.
Compared to DD's wider shoulders, denser frame, and squarer facial features, Jimmy Kimmel and Lucy Liu (and Theatrical Romantic Gillian Anderson) appear more"weightless", angular, and narrow.
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Soft Gamine Winona Ryder and Halle Berry appear weightless as well; but their angular features are tempered by an added layer of softness that corresponds with the fleshiness of David's face.
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David and Romantics
We have a look-a-like for this section: Richard Gere, a pure Romantic.
Compared to DD's wide shoulders, slim torso and hips, and more defined musculature (even at his skinniest), Richard is composed of rounded curves, more delicate facial and skeletal bones, and a soft layer of flesh over his torso, arms, thighs, and legs. Even at Richard's fittest, there was still a softness present in his body that could not be chiseled away or hidden.
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The two Romantic Type women below-- Drew Barrymore, pure Romantic; Gillian Anderson, Theatrical Romantic-- again highlight the density of David's structure, bringing out a "heavier" presence than the Gamines had previously.
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David and Classics
Is David a Classic Type? Frankly, no-- his bones are too long and dense to be moderate and balanced; and he, even more frankly, looks terrible in very quaffed, groomed, and buttoned-up outfits.
Compared to DD's length and width, Dramatic Classics appear more proportionate, their touch of sharpness blending in with-- not rivaling-- the balance of their frames. DC Carey Grant's more balanced edges bring out the angles in DD's face, more so than the Gamines or Romantics did.
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By contrast, Soft Classics' proportionate frames contain a touch of softness-- Meryl Streep's yin calls forth David's, appearing more rounded instead of angular or blunt.
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David and Dramatics
Compared to David, Dramatics' structure is more elongated, narrow, and angular. Dramatic Benedict Cumberbatch has sharper, more prominent features; less width across his shoulders and torso; and barely any yin to speak of in his face.
(I also suspicion Tea Leoni as a Dramatic; so sneaked her in here.)
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Soft Dramatics have the elongated sharpness of the Dramatics with a soft, fleshy padding over the tautness of their features. Compared to SD Christian Bale's sharpness-in-spite-of-his-softness, DD's softer, blunter edges become more obvious.
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David and Naturals
And last but not least, we reach the native soil of David Duchovny's body type.
Flamboyant Naturals are a close but not perfect match-- their elongated, blunt width not only matches but exceeds DD's shoulders, torso, arms, legs, and facial features. FN Harrison Ford looks denser, more muscular, and even more athletic when compared to his softer brother from a different mother.
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Soft Naturals: finally, David is home! Soft Naturals have the width and length of the FNs Types softened and slightly moderated by an added, pronounced yin quality. Their face, lips, arms, torso, and slim waist appear less blunt (if no less wide); and the dense musculature of their frame is less noticeable in comparison.
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Now that David's found his SN kind, I shall pack him up a little box lunch of good wardrobe advice to take with him. ...Or that was the theory, except it is notoriously hard to get my hands on Kibbe Body Type advice for men.
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I shall do my best to transcribe and transform Aly Art's excerpts (here) from David Kibbe's Metamorphosis book:
"Soft Natural: it is the overall combination of the very soft yin with the yang undercurrent. Slightly soft and fleshy body type on an angular frame combined with an appealing, innocent essence.
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Height: moderate.... Bone structure: slightly angular bones, slightly broad shoulders, moderate to slightly short limbs, slightly leggy look also possible. Blunt or small and irregular facial contours-- nose, cheekbones, and jawline. Hands and feet are moderate and fleshy, or slightly small and wide. Body type: slightly soft..... Facial features: full and rounded. Round eyes, round eyes, full lips, soft cheeks. Nose tends small and wide; or slightly irregular, blunt or wide. If overweight, the body tends to become extremely soft and fleshy, with the waist thickening. The upper hips, arms, and thighs tend to collect excess weight most rapidly.
"Physically, you are basically angular in bone structure-- although this is softened by a fleshy body type and full facial features.... To disperse your soft yin undercurrent..., we want to develop an appearance that could best be described as fresh and sensual....
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"Shape: Asymmetric and irregular curves-- elongated ovals, wide circles, ellipticals, and so on. Relaxed geometrics with rounded edges, easy swirls. You might not look as good in sharp geometrics; in wide, chunky, and boxy shapes; in plain, symmetrical shapes; in overly ornate shapes.
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"Line and silhouette: unconstructed silhouette with shaping, particularly at waist. Relaxed lines with subtle drape and flow, particularly bias cuts.
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You might not look as good in wide, shapeless silhouettes; in sharp, severe silhouettes; in symmetrical silhouettes; in fitted silhouettes.
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"Details: details should be loose, relaxed, delicate, slightly intricate, and very creative. Any detail that suggests a bit of antique or the earth is excellent. Shoulders should not be sharp or stiff. Necklines should be loose and soft, not closed, restricted, or fussy. Simple draped necklines; soft cowls; soft notched collars; clean lapels; shawl collars; and so on. Waist should be defined, although loosely: there can be a slightly blousy effect with the top draped over the waistline, or a slightly dropped waist as long as the silhouette is fluid. Gathers and falls should be deep, full, and soft; sleeves can be full and flowing, or gently tapered at the wrist with minimum detail.
"Trim should be delicate and antique, shearing applique, and so on. You might not look as good in sharply tailored detail, in no detail, in overly fitted and fussy detail, in animated, perky detail."
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David Duchovny's gonna do and wear what he's gonna do and wear. And that's just fine.
Thanks for reading~
And take care of yourselves.
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vividxpages · 29 days
Someone on twitter said that Harry and Tom’s aesthetic is yin and yang
Like Tom is blonde and always wears black, Harry had brow hair and always wears white
I love that so much, the besties they are <3
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acciomalfoy · 4 years
Do you believe in soulmates? (Harry Potter x Reader)
I was walking home from work when something caught my eye. Or rather, three different someone’s. It was just in the way they walked, and the way they held themselves that made them stand out. It seemed they were approaching me, so I did the only logical thing.
Turned tail and ran.
My fears were confirmed when one of them let out a surprised shout, and to my complete surprise they appeared in front of me. I proceeded to scream.
“What the fuck?” I shrieked, and in the glow of the street-light I was able to see what they looked like.
A boy with bright orange hair was holding himself the most unsteadily, and he looked uncomfortable. I could see freckles scattered everywhere on him, and my eyes fell onto his toned arms. Football player, then?
The girl looked so serious, I almost laughed. Here they were, teleporting in front of me, and they were the pissed ones? Besides the expression on her face, I could see heavy bags under her eyes, and from how straight her teeth were I could tell she had had braces at some point in her life.
The last boy. When I turned to look at him, I almost recoiled. His eyes were a pretty looking green, but his gaze was intense, and I felt heavy under it. His hair was a mess, and if I squinted I thought I could see a lightning bolt on his forehead. Weird.
“What do you know?” Green eyes demanded, and I stared blankly.
“Right, you’re going to have to be more specific. If we’re talking maths, extremely little. English, maybe a tiny bit more. Economics, well I got 42% on that exam, so you can be the judge.” I rambled, praying to God that they wouldn’t kidnap me, and that if I distracted them long enough I could get away.
“What?” Ginger asked, looking as perplexed as I felt. I shrugged.
“Where did you get that ring?” Girl finally said, and I looked down. A couple days ago I had wandered into a new thrift store, and the ring on my finger had caught my eye immediately.
“The new thrift store down the road. I paid £10, so you’re not getting the ring without paying me first.” I decided. I wasn’t exactly looking to sell the ring, but if it was my life or the ring, you bet I’m selling that thing.
“Do you know who’s ring that is?” Green eyes finally said, and I shook my head.
“Do you know what thrifting is?” I said, and I almost missed the wince in Green’s face, and Girl’s lips formed a thin line.
“We are well aware, thank you very much. The ring you’re wearing belongs to us, and you’re going to tell us everything you know about Tom Marvolo Riddle.” Girl said, and the look on Ginger’s face made me think he absolutely did not know what thrifting was.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t know who that is. You’re scaring me now, and I’d like to go home.” I made to move past them, but Green’s arm shot out, and his hand wrapped around my wrist.
The electricity that ran up my arm made me gasp, and Green let go instantly, rubbing his arm.
“Give us the ring and nobody gets hurt.” Ginger said, oblivious to what had just happened.
“What are your names?” I said instead, and Girl rolled her eyes.
“I’m Hermione, that’s Ron, and that’s Harry. You really don’t know who’s ring you’re wearing?” She repeated, and I looked into Green’s, no, Harry’s eyes.
“No, I don’t. Here, you can have the ring. Please just leave me alone.” I whispered, and I dropped the ring into Hermione’s outstretched palm.
“We have to obliviate her.” Hermione then said, and if that didn’t sound like a death sentence, I don’t know what did.
“No. I-I can’t explain why, but we can’t. Did you feel electricity when you touched her?” Harry said, and Hermione shook her head.
“Electricity? That means..” Her voice trailed off, and silence encompassed us once again.
“What’s your name?” Ron asked, and I bit my lip.
“Y/n. Y/n L/n. I have to be going home now, it’s getting proper dark.” I tried to move again but this time Ron stopped me.
“No electricity.” He told the others, and Hermione nodded slowly.
“Do you believe in soulmates, Y/n?” She asked, and I blinked. Soulmates.
“I’d like to.” I said, and she nodded slowly.
“What if I told you that you had a soulmate? The yin to your yang?” Hermione blinked under her suspiciously large eyes, and I stared at her.
“There’s no way to know if I have a soulmate. It’s not like I can just tap a button one day that tells me who it is.” I didn’t take my eyes of Hermione, and she nodded again.
“Except what if there was a way? That electricity you felt when Harry touched you wasn’t just static. That was ancient magic, and one of the few ways to determine your soulmate.” I gradually shifted my gaze to Harry, who was staring determinedly at the floor.
“Magic?” I asked, and Hermione paused.
“She’s a muggle.” Ron cried, and Hermione patted Harry’s arm.
“That’s fine. She can be protected. We can take her to the order, not sure about her family though.” I had absolutely no clue what was going on, but I didn’t like the sound of it.
“I’m not going anywhere except my house. If you’ll excuse me!” I tried for the third time to push through them, and Harry stopped me again.
“You’re prettier than I thought you’d be.” He said, almost shyly, and I flushed.
“Excuse me? Than you thought? You’ve never even met me!” I huffed, and he smacked his forehead.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I just meant that my soulmate is a lot prettier than I thought I deserved.” He said quickly, and I stared at him.
“I could see myself falling in love with you.” He said, and Ron threw himself in front of Harry.
“Has he been given a love potion then?” Ron pushed Harry behind Hermione, who shook her head.
“She’s a muggle, Ron. Of course he wasn’t given a love potion.” She hissed at Ron, who was busy glaring at me to notice.
“We’ll walk you home, if you don’t mind.” Hermione said, and she prodded my back after she walked behind me.
“You’ve got some explaining to do.” I said as I walked, and Harry fell into step beside me.
“I know.” He tentatively picked up my hand, and I let out a shaky breath.
“I know.” He repeated softly, and I squeezed back.
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 10.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: This one really made me so soft even though I wasn’t feeling this part because I was loaded with work and every word didn’t seem good after I wrote it, but I’m kinda happy how it turned out in the end. Also the end is coming, just a few more parts and honestly I’m not ready🤧. Thank you for all the lovely feedbacks, reblogs and comments, I always appreciate every single one of them.❤️
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, swearing, tiny bit of angst
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9.
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“Did you like, talk to him or saw him for the last couple of days?”
It was already a week. A prolonged week without a call, message, visit, anything. Tom made sure he wanted nothing to do with you after your short and direct words, and it broke your heart.
You were confused, a complete mess, nothing felt the same after the door was shut that night. You were waiting for Tom to finally acknowledge you after all those years, but it looks like it wasn’t the right time. He was your best friend, how could you function like you used to when he wasn’t here to listen to your stupid stories and rambling. Tom was your routine, someone who could always make your day better with the tedious stories about his so-called love life. And the fact that he didn’t want you back in his life like his best friend made you think if he ever even cared about you.
Still it was for the best.
“Tom? Yes, he was at Harry’s yesterday with us.” Anna answered.
She knew something was wrong, you were asking questions about him for the past few minutes and yesterday Tom didn’t want to answer anything that was related to you.
“Oh.” You wanted to go, but you were definitely not ready to see him, everything was still fresh for the both of you. Also the thought of him ignoring you and not wanting to talk to you would sure make you cry right there in front of everyone. You just weren’t ready.
“He was there with Gracie, who would have thought that our famous womanizer could settle down.” She laughed, trying to cheer you up, however she made the situation even worse for you.
Gracie? So the date went well after all, and now they are together. He was serious about that, but not about you.
Your throat tightened after her words, teeth deep in your lower lip, trying to stop the urge to cry that was forming in your whole body.
“Gracie? They are dating now o-or?” You stuttered, still refusing to look at Ann because she would figure everything out, she knew you like the back of her hand.
“Yeah, I think so? Did something happen?” She questioned, brows furrowed while she was waiting for your answer.
You were addled, this situation was eating you up and you just wanted to talk about it with her.
“No.” You said quietly, debating if you should tell her the truth.
“Good, now the truth please.”
Of course she didn’t buy that.
“Nothing, we just had a little fight and we’re not talking at the moment.” It was the truth, but not the entire one.
“A fight? How and why? That’s why he didn’t want to talk about you yesterday.”
He didn’t?
“I don’t know, and I don’t want to talk about it if that’s okay. I’m sorry.” Your voice thick, emotions flying everywhere.
“Don’t worry Y/N you two are like yin and yang, two opposite worlds but you complete each other perfectly. You are best friends and believe me he can’t function without you as much as you can’t without him.” Her arms wrapped around your shoulders, telling you through the hug how things were going to be alright.
“I hope so, if he doesn’t put Gracie as his first priority because she is someone that he needs now.” Anna sensed a pang of jealousy in your voice, but she didn’t want to point it out still unsure about that.
“No one can break a bond like that, just like ours. Tom and you will make things right in no time.”
“Thank you Ann, please don’t tell Harrison about this. I just told him that I wasn’t feeling well so I couldn’t come yesterday. I don’t want him to think that I don’t believe him enough to say my problems to him or something like that. I really like him.”
“Tell him what?” She smiled, acting like the conversation didn’t even happen.
“Thank you Ann.”
“Should I just leave to let you admire her? I don’t want to collect your eyes when they fall out from too much staring.” Anna joked, finally realizing that she was talking to herself for the last thirty minutes.
“I’m sorry, she is so distracting. Can’t keep my eyes off of her.” Harrison chuckled, feeling embarrassed that he got caught.
But he couldn’t help himself, you looked arresting like always. Your new hair style looked amazing, and the familiar pastel dress was making you look angelic. You were talking to Amelia, laughing your heart out and not to stare was a big difficulty for him. Your smile warmed his heart and he could sit here the whole night looking at you.
He was sure that he was in love. Absolutely in love, and everybody could see it as well.
Harrison wasn’t the guy that kept his feelings a secret, if he had the chance he would scream to every single person how much he was in love and how happy you made him feel.
“You know, I’m so elated for you two. Seeing you so content after everything, and her beaming around you is enough.” Anna began, looking at you two exchanging small grins and glances.
“And the fact that you don’t hide your love for her is something that makes you special.” She added, tapping his shoulder.
“I love her, I do truly. I wanted to tell her so many times, but I’m afraid that for her it will be too soon.” Harrison explained. He wanted to say the words multiple times when you two would snuggle in your bed, having small talks about everything, but he was scared that maybe you would think it was too soon, just like Emily did. That maybe he would make things feel awkward in your relationship.
Emily was on his mind recently a lot. Harrison reassured himself that she should not make him feel like this. You were an angel, you were nothing like her.
“Listen, I know Y/N since we were little and I know more about her then she does. Y/N is a hopeless romantic, nothing is to soon for her. Take my advice show her how much you love her. She feels the same.”
Show her how much.
“Having fun you two, did Anna finish her ramble time?” Both you and Amelia approached the small table in the kitchen where they were sitting at.
Harrison’s arms were fast, bringing you in his lap. The giggles were making his heart stutter, he held you close to his body like he was afraid that you were going to leave.
“Tonight I was my own ramble buddy, because our boy couldn’t stop staring at his stunning lady.” Anna answered, sending you a wink.
In just three weeks Harrison showed you everything, made you realize how much in love you were with him and that he was the one who was worth your time. The first week was rough without the brunette boy that always lit a spark in you. But Harrison, even if he didn’t know the truth, made sure your day with him was filled with nothing but pure happiness. He was patient with you and even when you would say that you were not in the mood because you were not feeling well, he would always held you close, cherish you like he had the magic to suck out every bad thought.
It was his kind heart and endless love that made you stop overthinking about someone who didn’t even bother to call after everything that happened. You both deserved unconditional love and you made it clear to yourself that you would give that, just like it was given to you.
Your arms were around his neck, cheek pressed against his head and you were grinning from ear to ear.
“She is my beautiful girl, of course I can’t keep my eyes off of her.” He showed his white teeth, smiling broadly at you.
Harrison’s palm was on your inner thigh, stroking your soft skin rhythmically. Your sweet scent filled his nostrils as he leaned his face near the crook of your neck to place an innocent peck there.
“You’re so sweet.” He mumbled, Anna and Amelia now long gone leaving the two of you to have some privacy.
“And you’re adorable, I want to kiss you all the time.” You brought his face close to yours, kissing him gently on the lips.
Harrison squeezed your thigh, the other hand lingering on your back. Every kiss was better than the previous one, and the feeling of your warm lips sent goosebumps down his spine.
“My girl.” He said, giving you a one last peck.
“Want to take you home now.” Harrison added, Anna’s words replaying in his head.
“No one’s stopping us.”
The smile grew wider, and the excitement was rushing through his body. No one could do this to him like you did.
“I swear evenings like this make me more exhausted than parties.” It was just a friendly invite to Harry’s house, nothing special, you all did that frequently. Tom wasn’t there, Gracie was sick and as a caring boyfriend he didn’t want to leave her side.
You didn’t want to say anything, if it was the truth good for him because he finally showed how he can keep a girl and if he was lying, well..that was his problem.
“The only good thing is when we come home after it and just enjoy the rest of our night.” You weren’t living together but your home was his and his was yours.
Harrison’s arms travelled to your sides, palms placed firmly on your belly holding you close to him. He knew how you loved hugs like this, relaxing your head on his chest while stroking his arm slowly.
Tonight he wanted to show you not just tell you how much he cared about you and most importantly how much he loved you.
You exhaled through your nose after you felt his lips press a light kiss behind your ear. He continued, peppering your neck with kisses going down to your shoulder. The time stopped, his lips were the only thing that you could think of, a hum escaping from your mouth after he slowly pushed the dress so he could kiss your shoulder.
“You’re an angel.” He whispered, smiling against your skin feeling nervous like he never did before.
“I have been distracted the whole night with your beauty, I’m so lucky.” He added, turning you around so he could see your face.
“I’m way luckier, you made everything better.” You said softly, pressing your hands on his chest feeling his chaotic heartbeat.
Your heart was racing as well, from exhilaration, contentment, love.
The night will be special, you wanted this to happen but you were worrying that it would be all too soon just like he did. You both wanted this first time to be memorable.
“It makes me so elated to call you mine.” His hands grabbed each side of your face, thumbs running up and down your cheeks.
The huge grin on his face could make everything better in a second, and he made you feel so desirable at that moment. Your lips fitted like a puzzle, it was a beautiful match.
“Please let me show you how much I care.” He said before he kissed you passionately again.
“Show me.” You were craving his touch, and you didn’t want to procrastinate this.
That was enough for Harrison to send positive shivers down his spine, picking you up to guide you both to the bedroom.
The small tug on his shirt made him smile during your kiss, you were both impatient.
He wanted to make this night about you only.
The soft fingertips were dancing on your skin, removing your dress carefully. He could feel your shyness mixing with your neediness.
“It’s okay beautiful, don’t cover yourself. Love every inch of you.” He stated, running his hand down your body, placing kisses all over it to show how much he admired you.
“You’re beautiful. So beautiful.” He repeated, feeling the need to let you know every second how gorgeous you really were.
“I want you.” You whined, bringing him back up close to you, kissing his lips steadily.
“Tonight is about you.” He spoke against your lips, his hot breath tickling your skin.
The ache between your legs was becoming distracting for you and all you needed was his touch on your pulsing core.
Harrison was feeling the same, his jeans became tight all of a sudden. The erection throbbed inside his boxers, and the thoughts about you wrapped around him sent waves of excitement.
“Oh shit.” You cursed, relaxing in his arms.
He cupped your breasts giving them a slight squeeze. Your hand was on his wrist, trying to move it to your hard nipples. Harrison got the message but he still took his time.
His body lowered down, face near your chest leaving open-mouthed kisses, stopping when his lips came near your areola. He was already amazed by you, your body was like the most beautiful painting that left him speechless.
The whines and moans were becoming more audible as his fingers came to your breasts to play with the erect nipple. Your skin was so smooth and delicate against his touch, it was making him go insane.
“Please Haz, more.” You begged, his lips capturing yours.
“It’s all about you angel, don’t worry.” He said in between kisses, your back arching when his palm came in contact with your clothed heat.
“Need me here?” He asked, moving his fingers in a slow motion, teasing the clit accidentally.
You hummed in response, removing his shirt and jeans so you both were half naked.
Small kisses were left on your body as he travelled down to your pussy that was already begging for his attention. Harrison wanted you to memorize every touch of his, every kiss and every move.
The panties were removed leisurely, thighs spread so he had a great view of everything.
You were showing him all of you, every sensitive and intimate part and nothing made him more happier than the realization that you trusted him. For Harrison it was the most important thing.
“My sweet girl, you taste heavenly.” He admitted, licking long stripes on either sides of your pussy, concentrating on your clit after it.
“My God Harrison.” Your fingers were in his curls tugging on them slightly.
His tongue and mouth were working together perfectly, causing your nerves to go wild every time he would suck on your clit gently.
“You’re my sweet one, am I right?”
“Only yours.” You choked out, feeling your climax approaching.
“I promise I will let you cum on my tongue as much as you want to, but now I want to feel you cum around me, please.” He pleaded lowly, pressing soft kisses on your pussy and inner thighs.
“Please, want that too.” You swallowed half of the words, closing your eyes.
He could say that he was practically addicted to your lips, the desire to kiss you every second was high. Your lips moved against each other hotly, soft wincing mixing with his moans.
“I love you.” He finally blurted out. He finally said what he intended to say a long time ago. The pounding in his chest was so hard and loud that you could definitely hear it.
“I love you. Let me show you how much angel.” Words replaying like a broken record in your ears, a genuine smile creeping upon your face.
You wanted to respond but his lips were already on yours, hand going down to his shaft.
“May I?” He breathed near your earlobe while his other palm was caressing your body.
Harrison was gentle, always. Always asking for consent, always checking if everything was fine and always making sure that you were satisfied, just like he was.
That was something that Tom didn’t show, or at least was afraid to show. Maybe you weren’t the one that deserved that.
You were once again lost in your thoughts instead of enjoying this lovely moment between you two.
His tip was already in, bringing you back to reality. Your toes curled from the feeling, it was slow and passionate a total difference from him.
“Are you good angel?” He questioned, brushing your cheek tenderly.
“So good, please move.” You grabbed his palm, kissing his knuckles.
Harrison pushed inside of you steadily, his free hand clenching your hips. The warmth from your walls was a whole new and pure feeling, and breathing was suddenly an unknown term for him.
“God, you take me so well. You’re amazing.” His words made you weak.
He began to move his member slowly. Your bodies moved superbly, his eyes were focused on you and on his shaft that was sliding in and out of your glistening core.
Your eyes were fixed on him the whole time, and all you could think of was how ready you were to say those three words.
Harrison’s chest was now on yours, and before he could close the space between your lips you cupped his cheeks to stop him.
“I love you.” Your sweet voice spoke in between the moans.
“I love you Harrison.” You repeated yourself, placing a kiss on top of his lips.
It was like he was dreaming, everything with you seemed like the most beautiful dream.
The smile on his face said everything. He kissed you hungrily, giggles escaping from your mouth.
You were so content tonight, he was making you feel so good, but he also wanted to show how pretty you were, inside and out.
“Fuck, you close love?” He asked, his movements increasing in speed, trying to bring you to the edge.
You nodded, tugging his hair and clenching around his hard member. You moaned loudly as the orgasm washed over you, your hips grinding against his.
“Beautiful.” He never saw no one looking that beautiful while coming for him.
Harrison’s thrusts grew sloppier, his climax was close, so close.
“I’m here beautiful.” He groaned, kissing you once again, coating your tight walls.
You both were whining from the feeling, moving your lips lazily while he still stayed inside of you.
After your breathing slowed down, and your bodies stopped to shake from pleasure, you both smiled at each other.
“I really love you.” He said, brushing your hair slowly with his fingers, placing a peck on your forehead.
“I love you too. Thank you.”
“Let me take care of you now.” Harrison spoke, picking you up bridal style, moving to the bathroom.
“You’re crazy.” You screeched, both of you giggling uncontrollably.
“Only for you.”
Harrison ran you both a bath, filling it with everything you wanted and had in the bathroom.
It was an intimate moment, bodies so close but there was no need for more at the moment.
Your back was pressed on his chest, head resting on his shoulder, the position you adored the most. His hands were all over you, stroking your skin tenderly.
“You are incredible Y/N, you really make me happy, you really do.” He broke the silence, pecking your neck multiple times.
“I should thank you for trusting me and showing me what love really is.” You added, turning around to wrap your arms around the nape of his neck.
Harrison had everything he needed, and he hoped that nothing and no one could take that away from him.
It was just you, him and your love.
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Everyone outside of some blogs on tumblr think TN are still together lol And it wasn’t mixed messages from TZ they were literally friends after the breakup like they have been saying. Lol Also T’s birthday post was very short and lacked any meaning, he only did it because Z posted one in June. The message always was they were broken up yet on good terms hence the jacket that he was returning LOL
Yea but everything you're mentioning is from a hindsight pov. Keep in mind, most (if not all) fans had ZERO clue that Tom and Z had actually split up back in May (according to Audrey's Tea). Z was even caught on the red carpet of the FFH premiere about to say "cuddling with my boyfriend". 😂
Then, there were pics of Tom spotted out with Olivia while STILL wearing the neck chain Z got him as a gift. Did you forget about the cheating rumors? Some were even thinking Olivia was Tom's cousin lol (idk where they do that at lol 😆 😂) cuz they thought there was NO WAY Tomdaya had split up, not based on everything we all saw during most of the FFH press tour. Most fans didn't think that TZ had split up and were just "still being friends" back on July 17th, 2019. Most fans didn't even suspect they had split up prior to those pics that came out in July. Many fans were confused and in the dark when those pics came out tbh.
Let's get real.... if you saw Z wearing JE's yin/yang necklace after their breakup what would YOU think? Would you be 100% sure that they broke up?
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Keep in mind too that Nikki had just liked that fan edit calling Zendaya Tom's "ideal girl", Claire had just stared following Harry on July 15th like 2 days before the Hyde Park incident, and even Whitney had followed a few ppl on Tom's side after the FFH premiere. Like these are not actions of ppl close to a couple who has broken up lol. 😂
And yea, now in hindsight we know that Tom prob only posted for Z on her birthday coz she posted for him, and NOT posting anything would prob cause more of a ruckus than anything tbh.... But again, you're viewing things from 2021 eyes. We're talking about 2019.
A LOT of fans were confused and still holding out hope for a few months because nothing was really making sense.... especially given how T&Z had both unfollwed their exes from previous relationships after a breakup.
We really didn't know Tomdaya broke up in May. We only saw things from July 17th as being a major turn of events. And even then it was obvious that Tom and Z were still communicating during this time too. But even so, most fans hung up the Tomdaya cape after Z left Greece and Tom was never spotted with her on that vacation in September. That's still only 2 months that Tomdaya fans were still holding on to hope. Compare that with 7 months of holding on to Tadia... even though it's already been more than obvious that they broke up looong time ago. 🥴
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The Holodeck - Harry Kim X Reader
A/N: For a lovely Anon, you rock! Thanks for sticking around with my writing, I sincerely hope you enjoy this one, bud! As do I you lot, too! :) x
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Quiet nights were a rarity aboard Voyager. It seemed like every day you were dealing with yet another threat or problem in the Delta Quadrant. Everywhere the ship went, she found trouble. Which is why nights on the holodeck were treasured, and best of all, you got to spend time with your boyfriend, Harry.
In the beginning, yourself and Harry didn't really see eye to eye, per say; there were disagreements on how best to handle certain situations and tests. However, the more you got to know him outside of the shift rota, the more you realised you had in common. You both, for instance, enjoyed the same types of books, and the same types of films. Often, you could be found together exploring holodeck programs and adventuring through several different periods of history.
However, some days were tough, work weighed down on you both, and you just needed a relaxed night to yourselves for a change. You cant fight holo-pirates and blow holes in ships every single night, now can you? Sometimes, a cafe would have to suffice. Such was this day.
"So," Harry began, as the two of you caught a quick drink after your shifts ended. "I was thinking tonight we could try out one of Tom's favourite programs in the holodeck?"
"Tom's program?" you replied, incredulously. "Tom. Tom Paris. The Tom Paris."
Harry chuckled as you emphasised each syllable, sensing your distrust of anything Tom could come up with.
"I promise it won't be anything bad, Y/N. He has some nice ones amongst the batch of strange ones."
"Nice ones? Tom Paris?" You feigned an eye roll and a dramatically over the top look Harry's way, sending him into laughs. You remembered the last disaster Tom had taken you into, and raised a questioning eyebrow at your boyfriend, Harry pushing your arm slightly in jest.
"So I'll see you later on then?" Harry sent you a wink, and you smiled. He always knew how to get you. Narrowing your eyes, you smirked back.
Harry headed off with a kiss to your cheek, and as you watched him walk, you thanked whoever had thrown him into your life; he had made it so much better. Nothing was ever a problem with him, every obstacle you hit, he helped you through. Every time he was sad, you worked through it together. You went from chalk and cheese to yin and yang. Tom often referred to you both as the 'it' couple of the ship, something of which B'Elanna liked to tell him off for.
It was 18:00 hours, and Harry said he would arrive at 19:00 hours, giving you a solid hour to sort yourself out. In the dark about what exactly you were going to experience, you hadn't a clue what to wear. Upon finishing your shower, you decided on clothing that was formal, but still comfortable. You never did know what to expect from one of Tom's holodeck programs, though you could rest assured Harry knew what he was doing. Slightly.
Right on time, as always, you opened your door to reveal Harry, dressed smartly and looking as handsome as ever. He took a step back to admire you.
"Y/N, you look..." he let out an airy laugh. "..amazing."
"Thank you, you're looking rather amazing yourself."
Harry offered you a hand, which you took gracefully. The walk to the holodeck was quiet, filled with excitement on your half with what you had to come. Reaching the doors, Harry let you enter first.
You walked in to find a small cafe, one that wasn't too busy but wasn't completely dead either. Each table was decorated with flowers and had a candle to light it in the middle. People chatted absentmindedly at the bar, and a couple were up on the dance floor, the slow jazz music ringing through the room. You turned to Harry with a beaming smile.
"This is beautiful, Harry."
"I'm glad you think so, I asked Tom for the best one he had. Well, come on." He led you to a table just off the dance floor, and you began conversation over drinks that seemed to last forever. The chat kept flowing and the two of you were so engrossed in it, talking about everything and nothing, sharing stories from your childhoods, your time at the academy. Somehow, these times with Harry never got boring; it was something new every day, and you loved it.
Feeling the conversation died down, Harry stood to offer you a hand, leading you to the dance floor.
"You know I can't dance, Harry," you started, following him anyway. "I've said this before, I'm awful at it."
"I'm sure that's why you're up here with me, then." His voice was playful, making you laugh. The smile he shot you warmed your heart.
Stepping with him, you fell into line with his movement as he helped you dance. You gave it your best shot, still, to no avail, you couldn't dance. Nevertheless, Harry was enjoying himself and the laughter you shared was enough. Danced out and very tired, you sat, Harry by your side for one last drink.
Heading back up the hall (and thankful you didn't have an early start the next day), you walked hand in hand, stealing the occasional glance and a smile from the other. Finally reaching your quarters, Harry stopped you and you turned.
"Thank you, Harry, tonight was fun, I don't know how you always have the right thing to cheer me up, but you do." You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
"Who would I be if I couldn't even do that?" he asked, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you in for a hug. Standing there for what felt like a millennia, your head was buried into his neck as he pressed a fleeting kiss every now and then to your head.
"Stay the night?" you asked quietly, not really wanting to move. You lifted your head to look at him, seeing him smiling again with love in his eyes.
"As if I would turn down such an offer."
Harry brought his lips to yours as you shared a soft kiss, each telling the other just how you felt. You went to bed that night feeling loved, and you weren't sure how he fell into your life, but you weren't about to complain.
The love you shared was enough, and no bad day was ever going to ruin that.
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azwriting · 5 years
The First Sleepover (The Writer and The Photographer, Harry Holland x Reader) - Chapter Six
Hi everyone, here’s chapter six! I hope you enjoy! If you haven’t watched the Phantom of the Opera, I recommend. it’s on Netflix in the U.S. so I apologize if it’s not in the UK and we can ignore my error. Also the girlfriend I reference for Tom, is not based off of any of the rumor girls he’s dating, just merely a subplot for the story. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! 
Summary: Tom returns home from filming and somehow Harry ends up in (Y/N)’s bed.
Warning(s): Sexual Tension, Sexual References (Not really), Phantom of the Opera spoilers(?)
Word Count: 1505
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It was a good idea at the time, moving into the empty bedroom in Tom and Harrison’s flat. Harry had made the decision when they were both away filming and the flat was silent apart for himself and occasionally Tessa. But now Tom was back and Harry needed to get out of the flat before he lost his mind.
(Y/N) was propped up in bed, scrolling through the countless options on Netflix. She was not sure what to watch, even more unsure of how long she would be awake. Not with the thunderstorm outside lulling her into a state of tranquility. Settling on one of her all time favorites the young writer selected The Phantom of the Opera. (Y/N) had seen the musical multiple times in the U.S., but she always had a soft spot for the 2004 movie. It was after all her first exposure to the hauntingly beautiful music and not many five year old’s were attending broadway musicals. She clicked play and watched as the company logos played by, the eery candle lighting to display the title of the movie. As the title zoomed in to reveal the worn black and white postcard showcasing Paris in 1919, her phone let out a loud chime. (Y/N) raked her hands through her purple comforter searching for her phone, finding it by her thigh. She tore her eyes from the screen to see what notification was, a text message from someone who made her heart swell.
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(Y/N)’s eyebrows furrowed as she texted back, “Yes?” Her phone buzzed immediately as Harry responded. “Can you get the front door?” Confused, (Y/N) paused her movie, jumped out of bed, and rushed down the poorly lit staircase, only almost tripping once. She unlocked the deadbolt and wrenched open the door to find a sight that made her giggle. Harry stood under the door roof, attempting to avoid the pouring rain, in a pair of grey sweatpants, a maroon hoodie, and his circular glasses perched on top of his reddened cheeks. (Y/N) could not judge, wouldn’t think of it either, as she was in her matching Star Wars pajamas and her thick square glasses. 
“Harry what’s wrong?” It was not that she minded his company, not at all, but it was midnight. 
“Um…” Harry scratched the back of his head awkwardly, trying to find the words to say. “Tom just got back from filming this afternoon and his girlfriend is over and…” Harry trailed off, his cheeks turning even redder. (Y/N) looked at him confused for a moment before a light bulb seemed to go off.
 Her eyes widened in realization at what he was inferring to, “OH! W-Well you can stay here for the night, come in!” She quickly ushered him inside and out of the rain. Harry let out a sigh of relief as he stepped inside the dry establishment, quickly kicking off his squeaky shoes. 
“Thank you, I couldn’t stay there a minute longer!” (Y/N) let out a quiet laugh as the twins were most likely asleep upstairs. 
“It’s no problem, really.” The Ginger began to move down the hall towards the living room, but (Y/N) quickly plucked the hood of his sweatshirt, halting him in his movements. “Where are you going?” H
arry turned in her grasp to look at her puzzled, “The couch?” (Y/N) giggled as she shook her head, was he insane? 
“No way, come on!” She nodded her head towards the stairs before she quickly bounced back up the stairs. Harry stood frozen for a minute, watching her zoom back up the stairs. Was she suggesting what he thought she was? “Harry!” Her voice shouted quietly down the stairs. He gulped nervously before following after.
Upstairs Harry entered the first door on his right finding (Y/N) already snuggled back into bed, patting the empty space beside her. He slowly closed her white door behind him and walked around the bed frame to the other side of the bed. (Y/N) watched as he awkwardly slid into bed next to her and pulled the comforter up to his shoulders. His head looking like nothing more than just a floating sea of curls. She snickered lightly as he continued to shift in her bed, trying to find a comfortable position. 
(Y/N) could feel his warm soaking through the comforter, warming her, as his hand accidentally grazed across hers beneath the covers. They both evaded each other’s eyes as their faces were painted a bright pink. This was the closest either of them had been to each other, ever. They were silent for a moment longer as they waited for the awkwardness to fade. Harry finally broke the silence, “What are you watching?” 
(Y/N) perked at that, “The Phantom of the Opera!” Harry nodded, a look of surprise on his look. 
“I’ve never seen it.” 
“WHAT?” (Y/N) slapped a hand over her mouth, her outburst hopefully not waking the twins. Harry only shrugged innocently, the tension between the two melting. She scoffed and grabbed her remote, “Well buckle up babe, you’re in for a treat!”
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Throughout the movie, (Y/N) commented on certain elements of the movie and music, describing to Harry the use of imagery and symbolism hidden in the two hour and twenty minute movie.
“You see when Raoul asks if she’s fonder of ‘dolls, or goblins, or shoes’ it’s actually a reference to the decision Christine ultimately has to make between the dashing Raoul, the disfigured Phantom, or her singing career.”
“You’ll see that throughout most of the film, they keep the Phantom and Christine in opposite colors. Like Christine in white and the Phantom in black, or her in pink and him in red. The Musical doesn’t do this really so I always liked this little touch in the movie. They’re literally yin and yang.”
“Now when Christine chooses Raoul, I find that it’s her picking her childhood innocence and security, where as the Phantom was this darker, lustier love that was all consuming and not particularly right either. He is crazy so I see why she doesn’t pick him but…. What do you think?”
“I could literally write a thesis paper on all the symbolism in this movie!”
Harry was impressed, listening to all the little notes and comments that came out of (Y/N)’s mouth. He was intrigued by her interpretation of the movie and lyrics. He was also concerned with how many times she had watched the film and musical… not to mention how many times she listened to the album. He watched her more than the movie, watched as she mouthed along to the lyrics, twiddled around with her fingers as if she was playing an invisible instrument. He watched as her eyes watered observing the Phantom’s heartbreak on the rooftop as he watched Christine happy with her childhood sweetheart, the images reflecting onto her thick glasses. 
“I don’t know how I lived without you for so long.” The words that slipped from his mouth were no louder than a whisper, but (Y/N) heard them nonetheless. She turned and tilted her head up to look at him, a deep blush spreading across her cheeks. Their faces were close, their warm breath mixing in the small space in between them. 
“I’m not sure how I did either…” Harry’s eyes flickered down to her soft inviting lips as (Y/N)’s eyes did the same. Oh how the scales were tipping. Harry leaned in hovering just above her lips. Tipping, tipping, tipping…
“You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you!” Gerald Butler’s voice bellowed out loudly causing both of them to jump back startled, slipping out of the intoxicating presence of one another. The two eyed each other warily, unsure what to do. The amount of blood rushing to their faces in one day had to be concerning. 
“So um… w-who’s t-this old man again?” Harry pointed to the screen trying to distract from the fact that they almost kissed. His heart was showing no sign of slowing down though…
The next hour of the movie seemed to fly by, Harry and (Y/N)’s eyes growing heavy as they continued to shift lower and lower into the mass of pillows. Her head now rested on top of Harry’s chest as they struggled to keep their eyes open during the finale. “It’s just so sad,” (Y/N) yawned, “He loved her so much and now he’s all alone.” Harry only nodded, eyes closed, fingers twirling a small piece of (Y/N)’s hair. He wasn’t sure if it was the sleep depravity, the fact they almost kissed, her intoxicating presence, or just all his pent up emotions that made him finally speak his mind. 
“Go out with me?” (Y/N) hummed softly, sleep overcoming them both as the credits began to roll. “Hmmm, of course.”
As the morning sun began to stream into the bedroom the next morning, (Y/N) and Harry woke up in each other’s embrace, goofy excited smiles on both their faces. All thanks to Tom and his girlfriend’s extracurricular activities…
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Get to know me tag
Rules: answer these 84 statements about yourself then tag people
Tagged by: @yeaimfishboi
Drink: Urm water?? Boring I know
Phonecall: probably my nan yesterday?
Text message: Leah (if kkt counts?)
Song you listened to: Drive by Shinee
Time you cried: Urm a couple weeks ago idk?
Dated someone twice: nope
Kissed someone and regretted it: yup
Been cheated on: yup
Lost someone special: I don’t think so
Been depressed: lol yeah. Nearly 10 years I think
Gotten drunk and thrown up: once. Only once. And it was only because I mixed way to many drinks
Favourite colour: (idk why it’s here seems Randi and it was written three times???) black, turquoise
In the last year have you:
Made new friends: obviously
Fallen out of love: nope
Laughed until you cried: yes
Found out someone was talking about you: not that I remember
Met someone who changed you: hmmm yes
Found out who your real friends are: yeah
Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: lol no
How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: At least 75% Idk?
Do you have any pets: I have a cat called Squishy
Do you want to change your name: I already have
What did you do for your last birthday: probably nothing? I can’t remember
What time did you wake up today: like 7am?
What were your doing at midnight last night: scrolling through my chat with Lizzy
What is something you can’t wait for: meeting Raegan
Last time you saw your mother: Sunday
What are you listening to right now: SHOT by Ravi
Have you ever talked to a tom: in school yeah?
Most visited website: tumblr?
Hair colour: natural is dark brown and I hate it. It’s currently pastel blue with a bit of pink, purple and blonde mixed in <it was pastel purple but faded>
Long or short hair: it’s currently short
Do you have a crush on someone: yes
What do you like about yourself: my eyeesss and sass
Want any piercings: no more than what I have now
Blood type: no idea
Nicknames: leilei, Ash, Leigh, panda, <maybe others that I can’t remember>
Relationship status: single
Zodiac: Aquarius
Pronouns: she/her/they/them
Favourite tv shows: rick&morty, Big Bang theory, riverdale, <maybe more?>
Tattoos: currently 3 getting fourth in August
1st: feather on my right collarbone
2nd: music note into life line thingy on my right wrist
3rd: cherry blossom tree/branch on left ribs
4th: bonsai tree with deconstructed yin yang mirrored across the top to the same effect as moon phases
Right or left handed: left ~but right handed with scissors
Ever had surgery: no?
Piercings: two on each ear and nose
Sport: I used to be on the rounders team in school, and I use to dance
Vacation: I’ve never really been on vacation? But I’m planning to go see Raegan. Also wanna go see kait. And Lizzy.
Trainers: the ones I’m currently wearing are vans. I also have converse.
Most general
Eating: last thing I ate is an Oreo Mcflurry. But my fave thing to eat is pasta or pizza
Drink: lemonade
I’m about to watch: nothing right now? Later probably random kpop videos on YouTube
Waiting for: Lizzy to answer <spend about 80% of my life waiting for that hoe to reply>
Want: to be recognised for all my hard work and everything I’ve put in to getting ahead
Getting married: maybe one day
Career: no idea. Would love something to do with writing OR acting OR being able to learn/teach/translate different language OR something related to being a stylist or make up artist?
Which is better
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Lips or eyes: eyes
Shorter or taller: taller
Older or younger: preferably older. But no more than two years younger
Nice arms or stomach: arms? Idk
Hook up or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: both? Like it depends on the situation
Have you ever
Kissed a stranger: yes
Drank hard liquor: maybe? Depends what classes as hard liquor?
Lost glasses: no! I leave them behind but I’ve never lost them
Turned someone down: yeah
Sex on the first date: no
Had your heart broken: yes
Been arrested: not officially
Cried when someone died: no-one close to me has died
Fallen for a friend: yes
Do you believe in
Miracles: Idk
Love at first sight: yes
Santa Claus: no but he is based on a real person
Kiss on a first date: it depends
Angels: I don’t know
Best friends name: Raegan, kait, Lizzy
Eye color: hazel. But more green or brown depending on the light
Favourite movie: Disney, Harry Potter, anything marvel, lord of the rings
Favouite actor/actress: Will Smith, Emma Watson <probably others?>
Tagging: @kpopmainlizzy @kimg-doyoung @fef65b-felix @darkaegyo @gayandallthatjazz
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
Alien I Do What I Want Vintage T Shirt
Super the Alien I Do What I Want Vintage T ShirtBowl in 2018 (never forget!), and that OG Philly freedom fighter, Benjamin Franklin, did it in 1776, when he and the other members of the Continental Congress effectively ousted a different tyrant from overarching rule. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” Franklin and friends famously wrote. But this less quotable line also remains as true today as it was 244 years ago Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”—in Philadelphia and all across this great nation. Amen, and goodbye.
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Alien I Do What I Want Vintage T Shirt
Paw Dog Santa Reindeer Elf Some Dog Moms Have Tattoos Thick Thighs Christmas Sweatshirt
Women Black Lives Matter Shirt
Woman I’m An Autism Mom Just Like A Normal Mom Except Much Stronger Shirt
Santa Bulldog Christmas Sweatshirt
Woman I Am Who I Am Your Approval Isn’t Needed Shirts
Lucifer What Is Your Deepest Darkest Desires T-Shirts
Jolliest Bunch Of Nurses This Side Of The Nuthouse T-Shirts
Joe Biden Stay Creepy Shirt
Joe Biden Byedon 2020 T-Shirts
Joe Biden Build Back Better Shirt
I Wear Pink For My Mom Heart Shirt
Santa’s Favorite Pilot Christmas Sweatshirt
Santa Yoga Namaste Christmas All Days Ugly Sweatshirt
Reindeer Face Mask Christmas 2020 Sweatshirt
Paw Dog Santa Reindeer Elf Merry Christmas Sweatshirt
Love Snow Elf Reindeer Teacher Life Christmas Sweatshirt
Love Snow Elf Reindeer SLP Life Christmas Sweatshirt
Love Snow Elf Reindeer Preschool Teacher Christmas Sweatshirt
Snowman And Reindeer Autism It’s Ok To Be Different Christmas Sweatshirt
Love Snow Elf Reindeer Librarian life Christmas Sweatshirt
Sunflower Trucker Mom Shirt
Stronger Than Cancer Shirt
Stay Trippy Little Hippie Flower Shirt
Sloth Didn’t Care Yesterday Don’t Give A Shit Today Fuck Tomorrow Shirt
Skeleton Dare To Be Yourself Shirt
Retired Nurse Just Like A Regular Teacher Only Way Happier Shirt
Love Snow Elf Reindeer Kindergarten Teacher Christmas Sweatshirt
Proud Retired Nurse Just Like A Regular Nurse Only Way Happier Shirts
Peanuts Movie Gang Rabbit Of Caerbannog Run Away Shirt
Official Lucifer What’s It Desire Tom Ellis Signature Shirt
Official Biden Harris 2020 Shirts
Mortal Kombat Yin Yang T-Shirt
Fraud Voter 2020 Joe Biden And Donald Trump Shirt
Cute Fairy Sugar Skull Flower Love Is Love Lgbt Butterfly Shirt
0 notes
xflipjamsx2-blog · 7 years
Reasons why I like Dramione
I almost never like the most obvious pairing. Which in this case for harry potter is Romione. I felt JK Rowling took an easy route to pair up Ron and Hermione. I say it's an easy route for Romione because they already know each other, they grew up together and you expect them to be together at the end but to me I see Ron and Hermione as the brother / sister type of relationship; the same thing with Harry and Hermione. I agree that the story is about Harry and not Hermione and it would have been a plot twist to add in Draco and Hermione, but that is why I like Dramione; because it's a challenge. It's not obvious to the readers or the watchers. I like pairings that are challenging
Dumbledore was always one for house unity within Hogwarts, and Draco and Hermione would have been that perfect example for house unity in Hogwarts and the rest of the Wizarding World. Draco and Hermione being together would have unified Gryffindor and Slytherin. A unity between a pureblooded wizard and a muggle born wizard would have formed. Yes, Ron is a pureblood too; but it's different with the purebloods in Slytherin. The purebloods that is prejudiced against muggle born wizards. Hermione would have been able to help Draco overcome his prejudiced ways against muggle born wizards and Draco would have confided in Hermione about his experience with purebloods and how he was raised and why he acts the way he is and in that sense both of them would be able to understand each other and learn more about each other. Out of the Golden Trio I think that Hermione would be the most accepting toward him, she always believes that there is a good in everyone even Draco. She didn't believe Draco was a death eater nor did she think he really wanted to be one. There are always pros and cons when it comes to pairings and Dramione has one major and one major con. One major pro is that if Dramione happened it would have ended the Gryffindor and Slytherin rivalry plus it would also give other purebloods in Slytherins a chance to accept muggle borns that they are worthy of being in the Wizard World. If Lucius is still against muggle born wizards it would give Draco a chance to stand up for himself and what he believes in and standing up to his father can be a strength that he can get from Hermione. One major con with Dramione is that Hermione could be seen as a traitor to the Golden Trio if she ended up with Draco and the same with Draco for being a blood traitor, and we do not know if Lucius Malfoy changed his ways and beliefs with muggle borns after the war but Lucius would be a big con for Dramione, and there are probably still some stray death eaters left after the war that would be against Draco and Hermione. Either way like I said Draco and Hermione would have been that perfect example for house unity that Dumbledore is looking for. Dramione would have been that Romeo and Juliet story for the Wizarding World because it is a forbidden romance and they are also considered as the other Snape and Lily that could have worked out.
I always like the yin and yang contrast and Dramione is just that. They are polar opposites and yet they are alike. They are both very intelligent, Draco comes second to Hermione with grades, they would be able to hold conversations and throwback witty remarks and both are very opinionated. Hermione is fiery, she can have a temper if it's needed, warm hearted, expresses her emotions, she's passionate in what she believes in and she can be stubborn. Draco is cold, dark, tries to not show his emotions and he's mysterious. Draco and Hermione balance each other out; I do believe Hermione is able to pull Draco out of the darkness that he's in and Draco can rely on Hermione. Muggle born witch, pureblood wizard, Gryffindor, Slytherin.
Now on the possible rumor that JK Rowling admitted to considering on having Dramione as a pairing instead of Romione. I do not know of this is legit or a rumor but if it is true then I agree with what she says about Draco. I do believe that Draco had / has a soft spot for Hermione. They say that when a boy picks on a girl it means that the guy likes her, and Draco did pick on Hermione a lot. Yes, he's called her mudblood a few times but that's probably because of how he was raised and who raised him. If he grew up differently I do not think he would be calling her that reference. Usually Draco is more hostile against Harry and Ron. Draco could also be jealous to all three of them, Draco being jealous of Harry because he chose to be friends with Ron instead of him, Draco being jealous of Ron because he has a big family that loves him and Draco probably wishes that he has that with his own parents especially with Lucius, and Draco being jealous of Hermione because he always falls second behind her even when he tries his hardest with his school work and because he's probably jealous of them he chooses to become hostile towards them but Draco having a soft spot for Hermione is a possibility because if he really did hate her or not care for her than he would have not warned Ron and Harry to hide Hermione during the Quidditch World Cup in the 4th book / movie that theirs a death eater raid looking for muggle borns and told them to hide Hermione. Same as Hermione she could have had a soft spot for Draco too. In the 3rd book / movie when Buckbeak attacked Draco, Hermione seemed really worried when she told Hagrid that he has to go to the hospital, and she usually calls Draco his first name like in the 3rd movie where Harry and Ron just prefer him as Malfoy. Now in the Malfoy Manor he didn't rat them out to Bellatrix or to his father and you can see on Draco's face and it has anguish all over it, and conflict when Hermione was being tortured by Bellatrix. It seems that Draco wants to help Hermione but can't because he knows he would also be punished and he's conflicted because it seems he really want to help out Hermione. JK Rowling also admitted to a DVD extra in the Deathly Hallows to Daniel Radcliffe that she considered on killing of Ron in the middle of the series and if that did happen who knows what would have happened.
Now for my opinion on the epilogue to the Harry Potter series. You never know what happened between the war to the nineteen years' time skip. Ron and Hermione could have split up between those years and she could have ended up with Draco and they could have broken up too and she ended up with Ron again, because in the epilogue it seems she wants her daughter Rose to become friends with Draco's son Scorpious, because she scolds Ron when he tries to encourage his daughter to stay away from Scorpious and she tells him to try not to make them into enemies. Like I said anything could have happened between the war and the nineteen years' time skip. It's left with our imagination on what happened.
Now the last reason why I like Dramione is the actor and actress who plays Draco and Hermione; which is Tom Felton and Emma Watson. Yes, Emma Watson admitted in an interview that she had a crush on Tom Felton while working on the Harry Potter series, and Tom Felton had a crush on her too. Back in the day when Chamber of Secrets or when Prisoner of Azkaban came out on Tom Felton's website a fan asked him what he thought of Emma Watson that if he didn't have a girlfriend at that time he wishes he was with Emma. There were also rumors that they were together and broke up. Both always had nice and sweet things to say about each other when they were interviewed and pictures that were taken of them that would make them seem they were a couple from when they were younger. It also seems that most of the Dramione fans are fans of Feltson also.
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hollywoodgothique · 6 years
The Hollywood Museum is currently curating two exhibitions of intense interest to fans of horror movies and fantasy films: 30 Years of Make-Up, Monsters, and Magic focuses on the work of the Hollywood effects company Amalgamated Dynamics, Inc. 20th Century Superhero Legends offers nostalgic memorabilia from movies and TV of the 1960s and 1970s. The A-side of this hit single is definitely the Amalgamated Dynamics display, but the legendary superheroes provide a solid flip-side. Together, they form a perfect sort of Yin and Yang, the darkly sinister horrors of the former balanced by the colorfully reassuring wonderment of the latter. In addition, the Hollywood Museum’s perennial Dungeon of Doom offers a value-added bonus for horror fans, with its collection of sets, props, costumes, and posters from frightful films and television shows.
Pictured at top: Tom Woodruff,  Jr., Donelle Dadigan, Alec Gillis
The Hollywood Museum: Overview
In case you’re not familiar with The Hollywood Museum, it is located in the former Max Factor building on Highland Avenue in Hollywood, which also houses Mel’s Drive in (conveniently joined by a short corridor, so you can grab a burger after viewing the exhibits). Befitting the building’s legacy, the museum’s ground floor emphasizes Hollywood glamour (makeup and wardrobe), but there is also room for science-fiction and fantasy material – everything from Harry Potter to Vampira.
Currently, among the pink Christmas trees dotting the lobby, there is a display case housing the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz. Downstairs is the Dungeon. Upstairs are the special exhibits.
The Hollywood Museum: 30 Years of Makeup, Monsters & Magic
30 Years of Make-Up, Monsters, and Magic occupies the entire second floor gallery, which is filled with Aliens, Predators, Pennywise the Clown from IT, Annabelle the Doll from The Conjuring films, and mutants from X-Men: First Class, and Jakoby the Orc from the Netflix film Bright. Throbbing music pulses through the air, lending an aura of tension – you may feel as if you really have wandered into a dangerous den of monsters.
Most of the truly eye-catching pieces are encased in a glass display marked “Camera Ready,” indicating that these are finished works, good enough to withstand closeup scrutiny from the motion picture camera – or the human eye. This should not be underestimated: special effects are often built to survive the shoot and not much more; materials such as foam rubber are not very durable. Having these otherworldly creations in a form worthy of a gallery showing is remarkable, presenting them not as mere technical achievements or movie props but rather as artworks in their own right.
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The Alien and Predator figures are probably the most iconic ones on view, but for us the most impressive was the giant “bug” from Starship Toopers, looming large as life and separated from the public only by a velvet rope, like a movie star waiting for fans to come and take a selfie. Starship Troopers was an early example of using computer-generated imagery to depict large swarms of creatures, but this full-size creature reminds us that physical effects have a tactile verisimilitude difficult to duplicate in the virtual realm.
Other displays are less about aesthetic appreciation than education. Video clips illustrate work in progress and finished effects. Succinct descriptions explain the techniques used to create lifelike appearances from inanimate materials: painting glass eyes, punching hair in masks, painting foam rubber “skin” to simulate the translucent appearance of real flesh. Even knowledgeable laymen may learn a thing a two, such as that the process of make a life-cast (a mold duplicating an actor’s features) no longer relies on old-fashioned alginate but on more modern substances that dry faster, so that the subject no longer has to sit so long waiting for the muck encasing his face to dry and be cut off.
Make-Up, Monsters, and Magic celebrates the 30th anniversary of Amalgamated Dynamics, founded by Alec Gillis and Tom Woodruff Jr., whose credits stretch back to Tremors and include such titles as The Santa Claus, Spider-Man, Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Logan. The shared an Oscar for Best Visual Effects for Death Becomes Her. They executed the effects for Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection, and the two Alien Vs. Predator films (a title card in the display case credits their work on the “Alien franchise,” coyly eliding the fact that they did not work on the first film, whose Alien was designed and created by the late Swiss surrealist H.R. Giger). They famously saw most of their work on the 2011 remake-prequel of The Thing replaced by CGI work, then turned lemons into lemonade by creating their own film, Harbinger Down (2013) to showcase the kind of physical effects that had been abandoned in the previous film. Their most recent release is The Predator, and the are currently working on several projects, including the upcoming Godzilla, King of the Monsters.
With a filmography this long, it is impossible for 30 Years of Make-Up, Monsters, and Magic to squeeze in everything; nevertheless, the exhibit does a fine job of hitting the highlights, featuring some of the company’s most spectacular and famous creations. As if all this were not enough, the exhibit includes examples of effects and makeup that inspired Amalgamated Dynamics, such as one of Ray Harryhausen’s stop-motion models from the classic fantasy film 7th Voyage of Sinbad. It’s a perfect opportunity to see classic and contemporary creatures rubbing shoulders. The exhibit will continue through December 15.
Photos from the opening night reception courtesy of the Hollywood Museum
The Hollywood Museum: 20th Century Superhero Legends
The third floor gallery houses several perennial exhibits (Harry Potter, etc), along with the new 20th Century Superhero Legends: Dedicated to Fight Evil, which opened on November 14. This is an expanded version of the Batman ’66 exhibit, which launched in January, featuring props, costumes, and figures from the campy 1960s television show. 20th Century Superhero Legends adds Wonder Woman and Superman to the mix, in the form of life-size figures of Linda Carter from the 1970s television show and of Christopher Reeve from the 1978 film Superman: The Movie, along with display cases of merchandise.
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  The Batman ’66 exhibits are more elaborately detailed, offering the Batmobile and the Batcycle in a recreation of the Batcave and the “Bat Poles” that Dick and Bruce used to descend from the study in Wayne Manor to the Caped Crusader’s lair. There are costumed likenesses of Batman, Robin, Batgirl, along with a rogue’s gallery of their most famous adversaries: Catwoman, the Riddler, the Penguin, the Joker, and King Tut.
20th Century Superhero Legends is a fun trip down memory lane, to a bygone era when costumed crime-fighters were simple and even goofy – basically, naive comic characters brought to life in live-action with little concern for realism or troubling psychological overtones. Definitely a nice place to visit, even if only to provide a contrast with the current slate of hyper-charged big-screen superheroes. The exhibit runs through December 30.
The Hollywood Museum: The Dungeon
Descend to the Dungeon
No trip to the Hollywood Museum would be complete without descending into the Dungeon of Doom. Housed in the basement, this year-round exhibition features the prison set from Silence of the Lambs, including Hannibal Lecter’s cell, plus a collection of horror movie memorabilia titled “Monsters, Mummies, and Mayhem,” which includes miniature models of the original King Kong and life-sized figures Frankenstein, Vampira, Jason Voorhees, along with costumes, props, posters, and photographs.
There have been several additions and alterations since our last visit in 2014. You can no longer enter the padded cell down the hall from Lecter’s room. There are now costumes from The Walking Dead, Van Helsing, and Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. A poster and props from The Scorpion King have been added to the Mummy display. A coffin from True Blood is on view. A guillotine from Quills (not really a horror film) holds a severed head. More withered bodies are stuffed in the small back room (where heard an audio track discussing the work of producer-director William Castle, known for his gimmicky horror films in the 1950s and 1960s).
One odd change was on the wall of photos depicting dozens of actors who played the roll of Dracula onscreen. Four years ago, we spotted a shot of Christopher Lee in Dracula, Prince of Darkness misidentified as Frank Langella in Dracula. Checking to see whether the mistake had been corrected, we saw the shot of Lee had been replaced – with a shot of him in Dracula Has Risen from the Grave, still identified as Frank Langella in Dracula! At the front desk we were told that a correct photo was at the printer, soon to be delivered and put up on the wall.
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Photo mishap aside, the Dungeon offers a shadowy gallery of horrors in a setting perfectly suited to house them. The atmosphere is definitely that of haunted house attraction; though there are neither actors nor jump-scares, you may suffer a shiver or two while perusing the cadaverous figures lurking in the darkness. The recent additions keep the exhibit up to date with current trends while not eclipsing the classic horror icons. The result is a bit like a miniature history of horror, with monsters from different decades comfortably rubbing shoulders, The Scorpion King side by side with Blood From the Mummy’s Tomb. It may be a nightmare for some but definitely a dream come true for others.
The Hollywood Museum: Conclusion
Lon Chaney’s Phantom of the Opera
All three of the above exhibits are available for a single price of admission during regular business hours. 30 Years of Make-Up, Monsters, and Magic is definitely the star attraction, but 20th Century Superhero Legends: Fight Against Evil has its own campy charm. The Dungeon – with its Monsters, Mummies, and Mayhem – is worth a visit entirely on its own. When there are two great exhibits upstairs, there is no justification for a self-respecting horror fan not to attend.
Afterward, take advantage of the convenient corridor linking the Hollywood Museum to Mel’s Drive In. Along the way, you will pass a figure of Lon Chaney in his guise as the title character in the 1925 silent black-and-white version of The Phantom of the Opera. In one of those interesting juxtapositions that characterizes the Hollywood Museum’s display, Chaney’s Phantom is standing over a poster for the 1943 color remake starring Claude Rains, reminding us that the horror genre eternally renews itself, resurrecting old characters in new forms for successive generations. The presence of up-to-date work by Amalgamated Dynamics, while horror from decades past lurks in the Dungeon, is the Museum’s most recent manifestation of this lesson.
Review: Makeup, Monsters & Superheroes at Hollywood Museum The Hollywood Museum is currently curating two exhibitions of intense interest to fans of horror movies and fantasy films: 
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