#Harry styles Grammys
freedomfireflies · 1 year
And the Winner Is...
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“And the winner is…Harry Styles!”
Harry chuckles as he pulls you further down the leather seat of the limo, grinning as he noses under your jaw. “M’always a winner with you, Angel.”
Your lashes flutter, hands squeezing along his upper arms as you settle back against the door. “And would you like to know what you’ve won?”
He hums, fingers brushing down the curve of your neck. “Tell me.”
Your response is to slide your legs a bit further apart, subtly welcoming him in as he stills and glances down at the hemline of your dress as it travels up your lap.
You watch the way his pupils nearly triple in size. Watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly. Watch the clench in his jaw as his nails begin to scratch down your hip. 
“Go ahead,” you whisper as his lips part with wonder. “Collect your prize.”
His eyes snap up, catching yours and forcing you to suck in a sharp breath. “All right then,” he agrees softly, hand coming out to guide your dress further along your stomach. “Well…I’d like to thank my wonderful girlfriend for this fantastic honor.”
Your lips pull back in a smirk at his teasing speech, but you can’t find a response in time before his touch becomes a bit too distracting.
“I’d like to thank her right leg…” he continues, a bit more salaciously as he smooths his palm across your inner thigh, guiding it even further to the side. “…and her left leg. For always being so…welcoming.”
You swallow a whine as you watch him move to the floor of the car and onto his knees, determined features glued to your cunt.
“I’d like to thank those pretty nails…” he muses, now reaching up to slide his fingers along the material of your underwear. “…for always painting such pretty pictures down my back.”
You watch the silk slip down your legs before it’s discarded carelessly somewhere behind him.
“I’d like to thank that pretty little neck…” His voice drops to a needy purr as he loops his arm around your waist to angle you up. “…for always feeling so good in my hands.”
He dips down to ghost his mouth just above your hip and your head drops back, unable to support itself any longer.
“I’d especially like to thank my two best friends…” he adds just as his other hand comes up to tug on the neckline of your dress until your chest is revealed. “…for always being there for me.”
You’d laugh if he wasn’t already groping your tit in his palm, tweaking your nipple between his fingers as you’re forced to gasp. 
“I’d also like to thank my favorite thing in the entire fucking world…” he hums, eyes flicking up for just a moment as his other hand finds your clit. You feel his thumb pressing into you before he’s dragging it down, making you squirm. “…for always being so fucking sweet. And inviting. And showing me just how badly I need it.”
And he’s so close. He’s so fucking close to giving you what you want. You can almost taste it, and you wish that he and his ego weren’t on such a power trip right now after winning that damn Grammy, because maybe then…he’d actually give you what you want.
Instead, he pauses. Nose and lips and hands and tongue only inches away.
He looks up. Grins at you like he’s the happiest goddamn man in the world. His smile bigger than when he was on the stage accepting the award. 
And your heart leaps.
“Couldn't have done it without you,” he finishes, winking before he finally concedes and drags his tongue along your cunt.
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Short but sweet, thank you so much for asking! Congratulations Harry! You deserve the world💞
~ Full Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
Harry pulling y/n on stage with him to honour her with his AOTY award!!!!!!😭😭😭😭🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
A/N: student teaching and uni work are really giving it to me so thank you all for being patient with me! 💚
SUMMARY: Highlights from the first award show that YN and Harry attend as a married couple.
GENRE: 1dbandmember!yn, married ynrry
SINCE 2010 masterlist
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As soon as Harry steps off his side of the Range Rover, he’s immediately extending his hand out to his wife. A loving smirk graces his face at the fact that over her pink embellished gloves, YN wears her wedding ring on her finger. This is the couple’s first major outing since they announced their new martial status online and being at the 65th Annual Grammy Awards only added to the excitement of the night. They’re easily the most anticipated guests of the night; it’s no question since every social media site and news article has named them the couple of the century. 
As usual, the couple first needs to take a couple pictures on the red carpet as individuals for promotal purposes before they can take some together. 
As they both take their stances at the red carpet, out of the corner of his eye, Harry can see how elegantly she poses for the screaming crowd of men in front of her. She smoothly shifts her head around the flashing lights with a smile that can make anyone’s knees weak. It’s difficult to not even spare a glance at her direction and in turn, YN can’t even hide the way she gives her husband loving looks. He looks absolutely amazing in his pastel patterned jumpsuit, possibly showing off more skin than she is but it’s not like anyone is complaining. 
When it’s their time to shift over a spot, YN playfully makes a shooing motion with her hands as he just stays there standing, full on gawking at her. He just shakes his head and pulls her to him and the blinding, flashing lights only increase as they capture the happy couple looking at one another like love-sick teenagers.
“Wait, then lemme stand on your left.”
“Why?” Harry questions as his love shuffles over to his other side, but a boyish smile overtakes his face at her response. 
“So I can show off me ring.”
She says it so nonchalantly before placing her hand on his tummy but her words cause such an impact for him. While she looks back towards the paparazzi, he just continues to stare at her that one can practically see the hearts in his eyes. For a good chunk of his life, he’s dreamed of a moment like this: just him and YN on the red carpet, head-over heels in love with each other, and their relationship out in the open. And they’re not here as bandmates, secret lovers, or any of that—they’re here married. Seeing the way her wedding ring sparkles from the flashing lights before them, he could almost cry from how happy he is. 
He can’t believe that this is his reality. So instead of questioning it further, of reminiscing in his daydream, he tugs her closer to his side and basks in this stomach flipping, butterfly-flapping feeling. 
“Oi, I know you!” YN beams at the curly haired photographer who did her Glambot for the past Grammy shows she’s attended.
“I know you,” Cole Walliser teases back as he watches the couple take the short steps up to the platform.
“V’brought a friend this time around,” She jokes and huffs out a laugh when she sees her husband’s dramatic, confused face. 
“Alright, do you guys have any idea on what you both want to do? I think we need this one to be you two together.”
“We can do like, a serious pose that turns into a silly one?” YN suggests. 
“I love that idea! Alright, let’s do it,” The photographer claps his hand. “Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Styles.”
Harry brings YN over to stand closer beside him on the designated mark. With her back angled towards the camera, he places a hand on her exposed lower back while she places hers right where the fabric over his tummy ends. 
“Hear that, Mrs. Styles,” Harry says lowly in her ear, making her smile. “Friend my ass.”
“Alright, 3...2...1!”
As the camera moves quickly in front of them, the couple share the same ‘I own you’ face that their fans can’t get enough of. After a quick second, Harry breaks out into his dimply, open-mouth smile and his infamous peace sign. YN widely sticks her tongue out with her right eye scrunched closed.
“May the best man win,” Harry extends his hand out to her with a smirk. 
“Or woman,” His wife gives him a sly smirk of her own as she takes his hand in hers. She can’t help but give him a fond smile when he brings her hand to his mouth to place a gentle kiss on her knuckles. 
The couple’s nominations are mainly in the same categories. While they joke and jest about how they’re no winner or loosers, another part of them knows that their egos are just too big to not let their competitive sides simmer off to the side. 
Even then, as they announce that Harry’s House is the winner for Best Pop Album, nothing but pride and happiness overtakes YN for the man next to her. She’s practically a blubbering mess as she watches Harry take his second Grammy to add onto his shelf. 
“Making the album from start to finish has been the greatest experience of my life...aside from getting married, of course,” He huffs out a laugh while looking at his wife. The ceremony cameras turn to YN in between Lizzo and Adele. The two other women laugh and squeeze her a little tighter as she wipes away at the happy tears. 
“YN should be up here with me like I asked her to but she insisted that she was the competition so,” He teases as the audience chuckles. In all honesty, when he asked if she could come up with there with him if he were to win any of his categories, she told him that it’s his win, not hers. While she played a major part in making his music, she’d rather have all the attention, all the love, and all the cheering be for him. “From making it with two of my best friends and my YN to playing it to people has been the greatest joy I could have asked for...”
“Dare,” YN ultimately decides with a challenging raise of her eyebrow and a tempting smile.
As exciting as these awards shows can be, there are loads of downtime in between commercial breaks or stage performance set ups or even when the host begins to interact with one of the other celebrities in the audience. 
As a way to pass the time—and to help calm down their nerves for their upcoming categories—the couple has decided to play an innocent game of Truth or Dare. Well...as innocent as a game can get with the size of their egos. So far, Harry has been dared to cuss in his next acceptance speech, YN has admitted to running off to talk with Cardi B backstage instead of coming to be seated with Harry right away, and Harry revealed that had a wedgie the entire red carpet.
“I dare you to...” Her husband pinches at his bottom lip while his eyes scan the room. She eagerly watches as he looks to somewhere behind her and a dimpled smile overtakes his face. A giggle tumbles past his lips  before he says, “I dare yeh to go over to Bad Bunny and ask him if the fruit on the table is real.”
Harry tries to cover up his laugh with a cough to his fist as he watches his wife get up from her chair next to him and makes her way over to Bad Bunny. The famous Latin artist is immediately getting up from his seat and greeting her with welcoming arms. 
“Hey, you,” YN says in Spanish. “How are you?”
“I’m doing amazing, my love. And you? You look absolutely stunning.”
“Thank you. I’m good, I’m good. Your performance earlier was absolutely amazing.”
It’s true, when he took the stage for the opening of the ceremony, she was already on her feet and moving her hips to the upbeat music. She even pulled Harry out of his seat, held onto both of his hands as she guided him to the beat of the song. She’d be lying if she said that he wasn’t getting better at dancing—this becomes more and more apparent every show on tour he does. 
Benito puts a hand over his heart with a shrug, “Thank you, I try. That’s an honor coming from you.”
“You’re too sweet. Hey listen, can I ask you something?”
“Anything you want.”
“So...are we allowed to eat those?” She nods towards the array of delicately sliced and decorated fruits scattered around the center of the small table. “Like are they even real?”
“I think so, my love,” He nods reassuringly with a furrow of his eyebrows, clearly confused by her question but he doesn’t want to come off as rude. 
“Cause I’m starving, man, but I don’t want to get in trouble or anything.”
When Bad Bunny leans over the table to get a better look at the fruit, YN playfully widens her eyes at her husband a little bit away, a smile threatening to break out on her lips before she regains her composure once the artist stands upright again. 
“Here you go, mama.” YN coos and cups her hands as he hands her slices of cucumber. He takes a thin slice and pops one in his mouth, “They’re all good, sweetheart.”
“Aw, thank you so much. I love you,” She leans closer to him and plants a kiss on both of his cheeks. It’s an odd experience for Harry to feel only a flicker of jealousy at the sight of his love and another man because despite his possessiveness, seeing her walk back over to him, pushing a cucumber slice past her cheeky lips with her wedding ring shining under the roaming lights is enough to dose the same flame.
“If the camera happens to pan over to us, I dare yeh to just dead stare at the camera.”
“Want one? They’re real,” His wife teases before the speakers announce that they’ll be live in 10 seconds. As Trevor begins to prepare to speak with one of the cameramen in front of him, YN leans over to Harry and whispers in his ear, “Truth or Dare?”
His brows pinch together for a second, really seeing if she wanted to continue their little game despite the show starting up again. One look at her tempting smile is all the confirmation he needed, “Dare.”
“And we’re on in three...two...one...”
“Truth or dar—”
“Dare,” A cheeky smirk tugs on his wife’s lips.
“I dare you to do it with me.”
Soon enough, Twitter and every other social media site blows up with people recording the bottom corner of their TV screens to capture how the newlyweds just stare at the camera with a furrow in their brows for an unsettling amount of time.
“I have the very special honor of introducing this next performer. I’ve known this man since we were merely sixteen years old and it’s taken him 12 years to finally put a ring on it,” YN smiles and takes a second to let the audience members have their laugh. “This man has made a tremendous impact on me life and to the lives of many others through his heart-touching music to promoting how the world can be a better place if we all show each other just a little bit of kindness. Harry, you are an inspiration to so many people and just know that your kindness does not go unnoticed. Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for my husband, Mister Harry Styles!”
“Harry and YN YL-Styles are here tonight, everybody!” The camera captures the way the couple sits happily together. Harry has his right hand securely and protectively resting on YN’s knee. After giving a brief wave to the camera, he secretly boasts when she places her left hand on his to show off the rock on her finger.
“That's right. I mean what can you say about these two that hasn’t been said? Incredible albums, mind-blowing tours, both men and women alike throw their pants at these guys!” Thankful for their media training, they huff out a dry laugh making it seem like a genuine one. It was a silly thought to assume that the host wasn’t going to make a jab at the couple given the way he’s been cracking jokes all evening.
“Easily the world’s sexiest couple. There’s no competition. Sex symbols of the globe. Especially now since they killed off the Green M&M. Give it up for the newlyweds! Congratulations to you both. Come on, another round of applause for these guys!”
The couple give him a polite nod of gratitude and once the cameras and Trevor walk away, Lizzo leans over to them and lets them see the dramatic roll of her eyes. They chuckle at their friend’s reaction and are eternally grateful for her acknowledging the inappropriate comment. Not like the comment like that was new to them, they’ve been receiving that type of commentary ever since they were sixteen years old. One could say that it’s part of the job, of the industry they decided to enter into, but it’s 2023 now. One would think that those comments would be dead at this point. Clearly, it’s not.
“Just to ease all the gears turning in yeh head,” YN leans close to her husband’s attempt to disclose his irrated face (an outsider would assume that nothing’s wrong but she can tell). “I think you were sexy way  before they killed off the Green M&M.”
“Fuck off,” Harry huffs out a laugh and it ignites one from her. His one distraught expression is replaced with his eyes squeezing shut, his dimples digging into his cheeks and his nose scrunching up cutely.
(performance audio!) 
“65th Grammys!” YN’s sweet voice rings throughout the arena. She stands at the center of a grand staircase in her minimal and revealing outfit with a crowd of background dancers around her. “Let’s go! Whoo! You might think I’m crazy, the way I’ve been craving, if I put it quite plainly, just gimme them babies...”
The cameramen are able to capture the way a sea of celebrities are all on their feet as they watch YN perform: Lizzo and Adele dance with their hands in the air as they sing along to 34+35, Taylor Swift bounces to the beat of the song with a content smile, Beyonce claps along and mouths along to the lyrics. 
And of course, the camera never fails to record how Harry holds a fond dimpled smile as he watches his wife take the stage. All he can think of when he watches her is how good of a performer she is. As nervous as she was to perform at this prestigious award show, she’s absolutely killing it, treating this with the same about of love and passion as any other show on her tour. The audience feeds off of her positive energy and it shows as the entire room dances and sings along. 
As the bridge of the song comes on, YN keeps her eyes on the distinguishable white blazer among the crowd. She lowers herself to do her floorwork dance routine with her four core tour dancers and the crowd goes crazy at her sensual moves. Especially when she lays on her tummy while doing the splits, resting her head in her hand while her leg slides across the floor with a bounce of her bum. 
Despite the loud crowd, she can hear the ear-piercing whistle from her husband. She can help but huff out a laugh, trying to keep her composure but failing. 
“And the Grammy goes to....YN, Need To Know!”
YN’s dreaming, she must be. Life certainly doesn’t seem real as she walks up the steps of the stage and hugs non other than Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson after he announces that she won for Best Pop Solo Performance. After hugging her husband and the other two women within her category, she finds herself holding yet another Grammy award in her hands. 
“Holy shit!” YN beams. “I have so many people to thank for this award but this one—hands down—goes to me fans. I—” She lets out a genuine laugh, the kind where a snort slips out. The audience members laugh along with her, feeding off of her bubbly energy. 
“The fans made this song what it is. I—this song wasn’t even supposed to be on me album! But it got leaked and when the fans gave it so much love, they made it into a single. Never in a million years would I think that this song would get this much love, let alone get one of these so, thank you to all me fans. I love you all very much!”
Harry stands beside her at their designated table but rather than looking out at the performers, his eyes are set on YN. A fond smile graces his lips as he sees her dancing and rapping along with every artist that comes out on stage for the 50 Years of Hip Hop Tribute. 
He gives her an amused smile when she turns to look up at him, pointing at him aggressively as she sassily raps along to Queen Latifah’s U.N.I.T.Y. 
He laughs at her reaction to Busta Rhymes taking the stage. With her eyes still glued to the stage before them, she grips on the flap of his blazer with a shocked, excited smile. She lets out a laugh mixed with a squeal when Rhymes raps his verse from Look At Me Now at lightning speed. Her fingers cover her temples, completely blown out of her mind at the absolute magic that is happening right in front of her.
And when Missy Elliot comes out, YN sways her way in front of Harry. With his arm resting over her shoulder, she takes his dangling hand and while leaning over she moves her hips to the beat of the female legend rapping, “rump shaking” over and over again. She gives him a cheeky look over her shoulder while she does it and when they hear Lizzo and Adele cheering her on, the couple bursts out laughing.
For the rest of the performance, Harry has her back pressed to his chest, arms secured over her shoulders and chest as they lightly bounce together to the beat of the songs. 
Although neither Harry nor YN won Record of the Year, they both couldn’t be happier that Lizzo was the one to receive the award. As soon as her name was called, the married couple were quickly on their feet, cheering and whistling loudly in celebration for their good friend.
“I also want to thank my girl, YN, over there!” Lizzo points over to where the couple stands with a loud laugh. YN yells out an Oi! Oi! with her hand up, a big smile gracing her face as she looks at one of her dear friends. “Miss m’am, you’ve been such an inspiration to me and I just wanna give you a shout out for helping produce some of my songs. This girl is the one who said this song should be my single!”
The camera turns back to YN as Harry tugs her to his side, throwing an arm over the tops of her shoulders and pressing a kiss to her forehead. 
“I see your point,” Riley puts his hands together in an understanding way from his spot at the round table, trying to be as polite as he can towards the elderly woman. “But have you considered listening to his former band mate turned wife’s album MY FUTURE?”
“Hi, I’m Riley and I think YN YLN’s album MY FUTURE is the Album of the Year. I have been a Directioner since the band first started and have been YN-ie since she went solo.”
A vertical video clip plays of an over-excited tween Riley at the barricade of the Take Me Home tour stage. Nineteen year old YN stands as close to the edge of the stage as she possibly can with her arm out towards the superfan. She blows him a kiss and gives him a twiddle of her fingers before walking back over to where the rest of the boys are lined up in a row.
Another clip shows YN decked out in her iconic sparkly blue bodysuit from her current tour standing at the end of the catwalk and pointing to Riley with a beaming smile, recognizing him from the shows he’s been to for the past couple of years.
“Her music is that light at the end of the tunnel, you know? She’s a bad B and sunshine all wrapped into one.” He moves his hands in front of him as he speaks passionately about his favorite artist. “She speaks to everyone through her music—it’s truly for everyone. She has grown so much as a songwriter, a producer, a human being over the past couple of years and this album is a true testament to that.”
It’s one thing to be nominated for Producer of the Year for a second time but it’s another to win it a second time. So imagine YN’s utter shock to hear her name be called for possibly the most significant award of her career. 
“I would like to thank the academy, my wonderful team, me mum, me fans. And last but not least, I would like to thank my better half, my husband over there—” YN huffs out a laugh when the audience goes into a fit of cheering as the sight of Harry standing and blowing her kisses. “If it wasn’t for you, I would have never chased my dream of becoming a producer. That man has supported me and just encouraged me to work hard and to make music that makes me happy. I love you with all my heart and thank you so much. 
To win this award a second year in a row—the first and only female to be nominated and win—” YN takes a step back with her eyes watery, her laughter ringing through the arena as the audience gives her a standing ovation. She can hear Harry’s whistle over all the cheering and clapping, and she couldn't be any happier.
“This is the highlight of me career and quite frankly, the coolest fookin’ thing to ever happen to me. Thank you so much and this one is to all the female producers out there!”
“And the Grammy goes to...” Trevor looks among the superfans behind him. He passes by Riley and says to the older woman that she can read out the winner.
”H-Harry! Harry’s House!” Reina yells out in utter excitement. 
Harry puts his face in his hands as he’s overcome with emotions. Never in a million years would he ever think that he would win the award for Album of the Year and yet here he is with his name being called as the winner. 
Meanwhile, as soon as her husband’s album is called, she puts her hands up in the air and screams at the top of her lungs. There are no bitter feelings of jealousy in her. He deserves it. She knows more than anyone that this ball of sunshine has been working his bum off to create the music that he loves and this award just proves that he’s doing something truly special. She puts her hands on Harry’s shoulders and tugs him close to her, him still covering his face as he digs his head into the crook of her shoulder. She beams and laughs along with Lizzo, reaching over to meet her high-five.
After the initial shock is over, he’s standing up and immediately pulling his teary-eyed wife into his arms.
“Congratulations, baby,��� She lovingly says into his ear as he rocks them back and forth, gripping onto her as he’s afraid she may suddenly disappear. She sees his beautiful dimpled smile before cupping her face and planting a kiss to her lips. Both of them are so overjoyed, so blissfully overwhelmed by this award that they’re just floating on Cloud 9.
After she hugs the other producers—her teammates for this project—Harry quickly grips her hands and nods towards the stage. She shakes her head, wanting this to be his moment, but he’s not taking ‘no’ for an answer. The other two producers get behind her so she can’t go anywhere else and Harry has her arm looped through his as he guides them towards the stage. 
Once they make it to the stage, her heart nearly bursts when Harry playfully makes his way over to the elderly woman, wrapping his arms around her tiny frame and jumping up and down. It’s such a sweet sight and it occurs to YN how special and rare these moments can be. 
Before all of the superfans can make their way off the stage completely, YN quickly jogs over to Riley and he immediately accepts her warm embrace.
This is one of the first times where she can express her love to one of her fans, to show a tiny bit of appreciation for all the love she has for her fanbase—people who have been by her side since the very beginning. It’s not an easy feeling to come to terms with the fact that she will never know all of her fans on a personal level, to individually thank each and every single person for all that they’ve done for her.
Riley’s jaw is on the floor over her shoulder and when she pulls back, she takes his face in her hands, “‘Fank you so much, Riley. Love you, babe.”
After planting a kiss on his cheek, she rejoins her co-producers behind Harry. The two men welcome her embrace in a group hug and once Harry can see that she’s behind him, he begins his speech.
“Shit. Well, shit! Man, I’ve just been so, so inspired by every artist in this category with me. I listen to every single person in this category. I think on nights like tonight, it’s important for us to remember that there is no best in music.”
As Harry continues his speech, fans can see the way that YN’s eyes are glossy and how she bites down on her bottom lip, one breath away from truly bursting into a fit of tears.
“This is really, really kind. I’m so, so, grateful. I...this doesn't happen to people like me very often and this is so, so kind. I would like to thank my wife, YN, who I made the majority of the album with,” The audience collectively coos as he turns his attention to his love behind him. “You’ve been my biggest supporter, my best friend and the love of my life for as long as I can remember. Thank you for helping me make every album I’ve ever made and for this one in particular. This album is for you and so is this award.”
YN puts a hand over her bright smile as he passes her the Grammy with a kiss on her cheek. The audience cheers and claps in excitement as she comes up to the microphone.
Before she can even get a word out, she looks down at the Grammy in her hands and huffs out a light laugh of disbelief. 
“Erm, I think Harry said it best in that we don’t make music with the intention of us getting one of these. I’m so unbelievably honored to have worked with Harry since the start of our careers in the band and beyond that. 
My love, I want to thank you for the trust that you’ve given me when we make music. Every second that we’ve worked on this album has been incredibly special to me. It’s...I’m so incredibly over the fookin’ moon right now. I want to pass it onto my wonderful collaborators who helped make Harry’s vision come to life.” 
While the other producers give their brief ‘thank you’ speeches, fans are more focused on the couple behind them. 
When YN passes the Grammy off to Kid, she’s immediately engulfed by her husband. Her hands grip onto his shoulders as he digs his forehead to the middle of her chest and shakes it in disbelief—an action that looks like he’s motorboating her if taken out of context. She takes his face in her hands and gives him one of her breath-taking smiles. Although their conversation doesn’t get picked up by the microphones, fans can read her lips as she mouths “I love you,” and “So proud of you.” 
She closes her eyes with a smile when he digs his face back into the crook of her neck and rocks them from side to side. The faint sound of her giggling is picked up as he mumbles something against the shell of her ear.
If it were any other situation, the couple probably would have tamed their public displays of affection in front of so many watchful eyes. If. 
After the award ceremony has come to a close, everyone takes their turn doing a photoshoot with their Grammys.
YN certainly has her arms full trying to hold her four Grammys in her arms. It’s not long until she holds her Grammy for being one of the producers for Harry’s Album of the Year Award along with Tyler, Kid, and of course, her husband.
“Do the two of you want to do one together? Let’s do one together!” The photographer decides without the couple’s imput but they certain don’t complain. 
Soon enough, Harry sits on the fancy couch they have set up for them. While he holds his two Grammys in his hands, YN holds two of her own before sitting down on his thigh.
“Is this seat taken?” YN teases with a wiggle of her eyebrows. The photographer’s assistance places her other two awards beside them on the couch. 
“Never,” He smiles up at her and a flash of light washes over them at the photographer taking a candid picture of them.
When YN posts one of the pictures on her instagram, it’s YN in Harry’s lap with their collective Grammys sat on the couch with them. She’s cradling one of the awards like a baby and they both look at it with playful, exasperated love.
She captions it with: We’re just one big happy family.
I write for free so if any of you lovies would like to help a college girl out and buy her a ko-fi i would greatly appreciate it :) 💚
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finelinevogue · 1 year
tears of love
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summary - a whole bunch of tears and a whole bunch of love for the album of the year grammy winner
warnings: swearing, tears, shyness?!, slight media hate mention
word count: +3.6k
pairing: new-boyfriend!harry x reader
The night before the Grammys, Harry had never been more stressed.
He had tried everything to get himself to sleep, but no amount of lavender spray or chamomile tea could get his eyes to close. 
He knew he needed a good night's sleep if he wanted to survive the next day, but not even a soothing bubble bath helped him settle down. So he resorted to the one person he knew would help him fall asleep, but he had been too shy to contact at first. 
His phone rang as he waited for you to pick up, his bitten nails a clear sign that he was stressed with both not being able to sleep and calling you. 
“Hi lovie. I’m not keeping you from anything am I?” He asked, not wanting to ruin your nighttime routine.
“Hi lovie. I’m not keeping you from anything am I?” He asked, not wanting to ruin your nighttime routine.
“No, no. Not at all. Wouldn’t even matter if you were anyways.” 
Harry smiled and laid back on his bed, running a hand over his forehead and back through his hair. He pictured you in a similar position, laying in your own bed across the city. He wished you could be laying beside him instead, but your relationship was only recently new and it was too soon to be sleeping over. 
There had been too many people coming and going in Harry’s life that it took him a little longer than most people to become comfortable, and safe, around the people he was dating. He was beginning to think you may be the exception though. There weren't many nights he wasn’t thinking of having you next to him always. He craved the intimacy of falling asleep with you and then waking up in the morning with you still wrapped around him. 
For now, he would have to deal with the fact you were across town and would see you in a matter of hours to get ready for the Grammys.
“Thank you.” Harry said quietly, more for himself than you.
“I forgot to tell you earlier, but my mum says have fun tomorrow.” You said.
“I wish she could be there with us all. I wish my own mum could be there, y’know?” Harry sadly chuckled, wishing more than anything he could spend more time with his loved ones and ones who love him.
“I have no doubt she has subscribed to Paramount plus especially to watch the Grammys, lovie.” That much you knew. Harry chuckled and nodded because he knew you were right. His mum was his biggest supporter, as any mum should be, and he was lucky to have a mum like her.
“I know.”
“She’s so proud of you, H.” You made sure he was reminded.
“I’m more proud of her.”
“Give yourself a little credit. You’ve not always had it easy either. The way the media harrasses you, I would have given up years ago.” 
“I wouldn’t have let you give up, just like you don’t let me.”
“You didn’t know me way back when, H.” You chuckled over the phone and Harry’s heart beamed like sunshine at the sound. There was no better sound for him now. Not even awards calling his name. 
“I wish I did. I wish I could have met you sooner.” He replied honestly, moving one hand onto his chest and over his heart where it stopped. If he pressed hard enough he could feel you there, where his heart was beating a little extra rapidly for you. No one had ever made him or his heart feel the way you do and his biggest regret in life was not having found you and that feeling years ago. Now you existed in his life, it made all the other moments seem insignificant to the ones you were now creating together. 
“Don’t think about it like we’ve wasted time, lovie. Think about it like we needed to break and fix our own hearts, to become stronger, before we could find the strength to begin again with each other. I think my heart is stronger for you than anyone else because of all the heartbreak it took to find you.”
Late night conversations with you were not a rarity, but it wasn’t common for you both to be so ‘heart-on-sleeve’ with each other. You were only 3 months into your relationship, having spoken for a couple months before that too, but both of you clearly felt something more than just a simple attraction for one another. Harry didn’t want to call it love, because he knew the consequences of falling in love too quickly, but he was scared that’s just what his feeling for you was. Little did he know you felt exactly the same way.
“I…” Harry had to stop himself short, “I think my heart is stronger for you too.” 
Harry looked up at his white ceiling, running a hand over his stubble beard that he would have to shave in the morning. Then he looked over to the other side of the bed. The neat side of the bed, where the sheet was still tucked into the mattress. He ran his hand over the expanse of the vacant bed and swallowed back a tearful lump at the back of this throat.
“I miss you.” Harry said softly. 
What he really meant to say was; I need you here. I love you.
You were quiet for a moment, making Harry think he said the wrong thing, but it was only because you were trying not to cry. Your heart hurt over the thought of it taking so much courage for Harry to be so open with his words. His feelings had often been so vulnerable to the crazed media and ex-partners, but with you he had never felt so safe. His feelings had never felt more protected and accepted. You knew what his words really meant and he could tell what you meant when you whispered the words back too. “I miss you too.” 
I love you too. 
Harry had gotten a good seven hours of sleep.
You had gotten a few more, since Harry had stayed on the phone to tell you stories of his life to lull you to sleep. Something about knowing you were peacefully sleeping made Harry fall asleep so easily. He knew you would be able to help, even if you didn’t realise it.
It was now only an hour before Harry had to head off to the Grammy red carpet venue. It was so hectic in his house, where he was hosting pre-drinks and the getting ready antics. Harry Lambert was busy ironing all of Harry’s outfits for the 15th time and Anthony would not stop taking photos. Jeff was busy social networking with Harry’s friends and family, whilst Harry was busy checking his phone for text messages off you.
Y/N: I’m here xx
Harry smiled, leaving his phone on top of his kitchen counter before jogging to his front door in excitement. He was dressed in a rainbow patterned jumpsuit and white boots, his hair styled so perfectly. He looked so fun and young, representing the younger generation of artists this evening.
He opened his front door and smiled so brightly when he saw you standing at the front door looking so pretty. Your hands were cradling a box of cupcakes, a bunch of flowers and a heart-shaped balloon. All of the gifts were lovely, but nothing could put a bigger smile on his face than you.
“Baby…” He pouted when he saw you, cupping his hands over his cheeks as his mouth gaped in shock.
“Surprise! Happy Grammy day!” You giggled excitedly, laughing at his initial shock and love-heart eyes on you.
“You didn’t have to do any of this.” He put his hands over his heart, itching to just have you in his arms now. 
He moved forward to take the cakes and flowers off of you, placing his other hand on your waist to tug you closer to him. He softly laughed as he desperately pulled you closer and titled his head down to kiss you. He didn’t wait a single second to kiss you senseless, giving you more than just a sweet peck. Your hand not holding the balloon snaked up to around his neck and held him close, making his lips crush over yours again and again. 
He tasted like a winner already with your cherry soaked lips on his.
You pulled away flustered, cheeks blushing and lips wanting so much more. You licked your lips to conceal Harry’s taste with you and Harry’s beady eyes watched every movement like he would be tested on it later.  
“Y’look amazing.” Harry spoke quietly, just wanting his words to be heard by your ears. 
“Thank you.” You blushed, not knowing how else to respond. “Did you forget a t-shirt?” You joked, snaking your hand down from around his neck and over his chest. His skin reacted by giving him a chill of goosebumps and a sense of pride rushed over you for being able to make him react in such a way.
“Just thought I’d get my tits out for you, baby.” He joked in return.
“And your millions of fans.” You patted his chest right over his heart he had been touching before.
“No. Just for you.” Harry reiterated, needing you to understand, like most things, he did this for you. He knew how much you loved it when he embraced his own masculinity and showcased who he truly was with his clothing, so when it came to choosing outfits for events he always kept you in mind and what you thought might be a good option. It seemed he had chosen well with the way your eyes had dilated upon taking him all in. 
Harry couldn’t help but lean in to kiss you one more time, turning into two, three and four. You smiled into the end two, making it harder for Harry to kiss your soft lips but he made do anyway. He couldn’t get enough of you, not even caring that he now had lipstick on and around his own lips.
“Are you coming in?” Harry asked, always making sure you were comfortable with everything before making you actually do it.
“I need the loo, so yes please.” You nodded. Harry took your spare hand in his and he walked you through the front door, shutting it with his foot behind him. 
He could tell you were nervous by the slight tremor in the hand he was holding, but he gave you a soft squeeze to let you know you were alright. He realised it was daunting to be in a room with a group of people you barely knew, apart from Harry Lambert and Jeff, so he made sure to stick close by. 
All Harry ever talked about to his friends was his undying adoration for you, but the majority of them had yet to meet you because Harry enjoyed keeping you just his for as long as possible. Your relationship wasn’t public, but even if it was your social media were private so the fans wouldn’t get a hold of anything anyways. Harry’s friends knew he had someone romantic in his life, because his smile hadn’t been so bright in years. 
They were all excited to meet the person responsible for the rebirth of Harry’s happiness. 
“Y/N!” Harry Lambert shouted across the room, putting down his iron and walking over to you with open arms. You would’ve done the same, but Harry kept a grounding hold on your hand, which you were very thankful for, and so you let Harry Lambert reach you before hugging him the best you could. 
“Hi!” You laughed as Harry Lambert hugged you.
“Oh you look incredible, darling!” He gasped as your outfit, similar to the way your Harry had. 
“Thank you.” You, once again, blushed.
“Harry is very lucky.” 
“I know.” Your Harry spoke up, pulling you back into his side with a tug of your hand. You smiled as he kissed the top of your head, feeling the butterflies all over. Your nerves were already calming just by having him close by like this.
“I need pictures of you two later, okay?” Harry Lambert warned you, knowing that you would both try and get out of it.
Once he had walked away, Harry walked you into the kitchen some more and dumped the cakes and flowers on the obscenely large kitchen counter. A chorus of hellos sounded as you both walked in the room and made yourselves present.
Harry took his time introducing you to every person, getting you to hug them as you did so. Everyone was so kind and lovely, complimenting you on your beauty and your outfit and your ability to bring out the best in Harry. You began to feel a little tearful towards the end of greeting people and after you were done you told Harry you were going to the toilet.
He didn’t think twice about it, until you still hadn’t come back after ten minutes. Yes, women stereotypically take longer than men in the toilet but ten minutes was quite long for you. So he went in search of you, seeing as you had to leave in five minutes anyways.
He went straight upstairs to his bedroom, knowing you would’ve chosen his bathroom rather than the downstairs one out of familiarity. He knocked on the door softly before opening it slowly. When he made it inside, he softly shut the door behind him to notice you weren’t in the bedroom. He rounded the corner to the bathroom and that’s when he saw you standing at the bathroom mirror with a tissue, drying away the tears that had clearly been running stray. 
“Baby… What happened?” Harry cooed, walking in the room and urging you to face him by cupping your cheeks delicately. 
You looked to the ceiling, trying to keep the next round of tears at bay, before shrugging your shoulders at Harry with a sad chuckle. “I don’t know what came over me! Just feeling a lot of emotions right now. Proud of you but then just feeling so loved and accepted by your friends.. It’s.. I.. Just, it’s a lot!” You laughed at how silly it sounded now you were trying to explain how you felt.
“Oh you emotional softie. You’re going to be a right water fountain today, aren’t you?” He rhetorically asked, but you nodded with a laugh regardless. 
“I can’t control it!” You exclaimed, your eyes watering over again. Harry chuckled at you, eyes crinkling and dimples showing from smiling so hard. “I’m not even sad. If anything I’m too happy!” 
“Well that’s a good thing, hmm?” 
“Yes, it is. Sorry!” You apologised for crying, feeling silly. “This is so embarrassing.” 
“Cry all you want, baby. It’s your day as much as it is mine. Any wins are yours to celebrate too.”
“Oh fuck off, you’re making me cry again…” You whined and Harry laughed along with your tears, before helping you reset your makeup in time to leave. 
You were backstage at the Grammys, in a room large enough to house all of Harry’s friends and family he had brought with him. 
Since you two weren’t publicly official, you decided it best if you stayed in the back room whilst Jeff, Kid and Tyler sat at the table with Harry. 
You had cried so much already from Harry winning best pop vocal album and his performance was just absolutely perfect. Someone had even had to bring another box of tissues for you, since you’d finished the first one you had been given. 
Anthony Pham had been taking photos of all the backstage fun and reactions, since Harry had asked to be kept updated on everything. Especially all of your reactions and enthusiasm. You had recorded yourself dancing and singing to his performance, ready to show him later.
“Oh my god, it’s the album of the year category.” Someone screamed and you pulled yourself away from the conversation you were having with Sarah to watch the screen.
You were already sitting on the sofa, but the next few moments of your life would be grateful for that.
The fans of the artists lined up on the stage, ready to give their respective artists the Grammy. Harry’s fan was an older woman and you aspired to be her when you were older. You couldn’t wait for the day you were 70 years old and still attending a Harry Styles concert with a feather boa. The woman was so cute and she reminded you of your grandma. Harry loved interacting with old people, so you were sure he would find her and hug her no matter the outcome of the award.
Trevor Noah stood centre stage and held the card in his hand. Everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting to hear the reveal for the biggest and most prestigious category the Grammys offered. 
“And the Grammy for album of the year goes to…” Trevor said.
He opened the envelope and paused for dramatic effect. 
You sat on the edge of the sofa, your leg bouncing anxiously. You clasped your hands together and stared at the screen so you didn’t miss a single moment. 
You were confused when Trevor didn’t announce the winner and instead moved over the fan of Harry. People in the room around you started to gasp lightly, catching on to what might be. Then the woman shakily held onto Trevor as she said the name.
“H-Harry Styles.” She said before screaming in congratulations. 
Your head fell into your hands as you sobbed. You had never cried so hard before, but this was an emotion worthy moment. Your sobs were heavy and loud, but they were silenced by the roar of cheers and laughter in the room. You were too buried in your hands to see, but everyone was up and screaming for Harry, running around the room. Sarah and Mitch had collapsed on one another in happiness. 
Someone came and hugged you from where you were hunched over. “He did it, Y/N, he did it!” They screamed excitedly and you couldn’t help but just cry and cry. You had never felt pride like this. 
Your emotions were so strong for someone who you’d only gotten to know for a mere five months. You were overwhelmed by how you felt for Harry in that moment, feeling nothing but… love.
Taking your face out of your hands you sat up and watched him with blurry eyes on the screen with his award. He himself looked really tearful and shaky with adrenaline. You just couldn’t put into words how you felt in that moment. 
The next five minutes were a complete blur. From Harry accepting the award from the woman, to Harry’s speech with Tyler and Kid. After they walked offstage you started crying all over again the minute someone said; “Harry is a three time Grammy winner!” 
You had no idea what you were going to say to him when you saw him, even if you saw him again tonight. No doubt he would be swept up in interviews, photos and parties. No matter, because you would have the rest of forever to express how proud you were of him. 
Anthony was busy snapping photos and you reminded yourself to have a look at them later, when you could actually see past your blurry eyes. 
As you started blowing your nose on a new tissue the uproar in the room started again and you shot your head around to see what was going on, only to see your boyfriend walk into the room with his Grammy held high. He cheered as his eyes watered, people patting him and ruffling his hair. Sarah gave him a tight hug and he kept on thanking her, no doubt because she had much of a part in the album as Harry did. 
You kept back, wanting Harry to get treated with the love from his closest friends and family first. You kept crying, picking out new tissues from the box every twenty seconds from how quickly you were using them. You definitely knew you looked a state, shoulders shaking from crying and clapping your hands in cheer. 
Harry’s eyes kept on you as he hugged the last few people, not turning his head away for one moment. You shook your head as you warned him not to come close, because he would only make the crying worse. You held out your hand to keep him at bay, walking backwards as he walked forwards. Harry was quicker than you, though, and used the arm not holding his Grammy to pick you up at the waist and give you a twirl. He spun you around, before safely landing you back down. 
You laughed out a sob when you finally got to look up at him close. A strand of his hair had fallen down over his forehead, but you made no effort to move it back into place. 
Cupping his cheeks with your shaky hands you licked your lips to wipe away the salty tears. His own tears were now silently falling, his eyes intensely focusing on you. His thumb was stroking soothing lines into your back and all you could think about was how he made you feel.
“Harry… I..” You started, hiccuping in between words.
Harry nodded encouragingly, “It’s okay. You can say it.” His eyebrows frowned as he anticipated what you’d say next.
“I.. I love you.” You said with a smile. 
Harry smiled nodding. He knew that’s what you wanted to say, because luckily he felt exactly the same way about you.
“I fucking love you, Y/N L/N.” And his lips were on yours for the rest of the night. And the rest of forever.
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chaoticloving · 1 year
my muse
harry styles x reader (masterlist)
summary: a lil blurb about the important moments leading up to Harry's wins, and little after <3
warnings: implied smut
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As they’ve grown up and gotten use to being in the spotlight, Y/n and Harry have learned to enjoy teasing their relationship to the public. They still play dumb in interviews, even when the evidence is stacked against them, but as Y/n and Harry get older, they start to not care about the publicity of relationship.
One of those ways was going to events together. Ever since they've gotten invites to these types of things, their plus one has always been each other; whether it was the grammys or the oscars, they always were right there to support each other.
Tonight was no exception.
Harry was fidgeting with the rings on his figures as they were in the limo, waiting in the queue to get out and walk the carpet. He lifted up the ring on his left ring fingure to reveal a tattoo, one that matched the one on Y/n's same finger.
Y/n noticed Harry’s gazed on the ink and nudged him. “Don’t tell me that’s the one tattoo you regret.”
Harry’s smiled and shook his head. “Never would regret marrying you.” The inked band was delicately done, matching their actual wedding bands perfectly. Y/n took off one of her rings to reveal her matching one too, putting her hand next to Harry’s larger one.
“You’re going to do great tonight.” Y/n reassured. She squeezed his hand three times, a simple thing they did for each other just as a way to show their love. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They were blinded by the lights before they got the knock of the window from Harry’s security team. For shaded windows they did nothing to stop the bright flashes.
"Ready?" Y/n nodded and slid her ring back on. She followed Harry out of the limo door and put on a smile.
"Harry! Harry! Look this way!"
"Y/n! Harry! Are you two official?"
"Harry! Are you going to go home with Y/n?"
They smiled as they posed for the cameras. After nearly ten years of the "are-they-aren't-they", you'd think they would get over it.
"Hey." Y/n whispered into Harry's ear. "You're doing a costume change right?"
“Want me to give you a pre-celebration present?” Y/n whispered, her voice airy and breathy against her husbands ear.
Harry gulped, not sure if she’s implying what he thinks he is—he’s been caught out too many times with misinterpreting her comments. “What-ah, would that be?”
He gave a flashy grin for the camera.
“Thank you for the pictures but I think it’s time we should go.” Harry announces to the photographers and interviewers lined up. He causes a commotion, but when does he not? He doesn’t care as he grabs Y/n’s hand.
“I think that’s a new record.” Y/n jokes as she fixes her lipstick. “Get off from the couch and fix your hair. You look like a mess.”
“That was so good.” Harry practically moaned, still in his post orgasm high. “That thing you did with your tongue was truly some really great work.”
Harry was spread out on the couch of a small yet lavish room for performers of the night. It had a vanity, bathroom and small kitchen area inside--Harry thought he could live here.
“Nothing fancy.” She mumbled, but Harry wasn't yet done.
“And your hand groping my thighs and balls.” Harry gasped. "So good."
“Styles!” A loud bang, a distinct one at that. “Put your clothes on! I don’t want another Munich situation!”
Harry’s dazed was cut short by tripping over his old outfit—didn’t even take it fully off before Y/n went down on him—and racing to the hanger with his outfit for the evening. He knew that angry pounding on the door, and he did not want Jeff to see him naked again.
Y/n was giggling as she fixed her hair and got some spray to keep her makeup in place. "Stop ya laughin'"
Y/n shook her head as she got up from the vanity chair and opened the door, peeking her head out. "Jeff."
"Y/n." Jeff sighed and stifled a laugh. "Is he getting dressed?"
"Alright, just be out in five. Make sure he looks good."
"Will do."
She shut the door and was met with Harry tucking in his shimmery tank and buttoning the pants. Y/n smiled as Harry looked up, causing him to grin.
"Wha?" Harry grinned, walking over to his love. "Want another round? Could pay ya back."
"As much as I would love that I think Jeff is ready to kill us." They giggled as they lightly kissed, foreheads resting on each other.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"And the grammy, for Album of the year goes to..." Trevor Noah held his breath as he opened the envelope, smiling as he read out the card. "Harry Styles, Harry's House!"
Applause rang out as Harry cupped his face with his hands and then reached over to topple onto Y/n--who was frozen with shock--engulfing her in the tightest hug they've had since their wedding.
"I-I won." He voice was shaky, breathless despite sitting. "They called my name right?"
They broke apart, staring deep into each others eyes as Y/n nodded, eyes watering. "Yeah, go accept your award!”
She pushed Harry away, towards the stairs and the award. Lizzo was filming their hug and kept her camera focused on Y/n a bit longer before she flipped it round and filmed her face.
"Shit." Harry's voice rang out. "Thank you for this award. Since it's a big one, I want to explain this album a bit more."
Harry cleared his throat before he spoke. "I wrote this album for my person. Someone that has been by my side for everything in my life. All of the big things and all of the things that caused me to go to my lowest, you've been there, and I hope you could tell by this album."
Harry looked at y/n directly, something that was not missed by the room.
"I always keep you in my heart, especially when I can't be with you physically. Writing about you makes it seem like you're there right beside me. And I want you to know how much I love you when we are apart, when you can't reach me or my mum won't let me hang up the phone."
Harry sighed, not sure what to say next, except for one thing.
"For family." Harry lifted up the grammy and applause rang out. He was escorted off the to the side of stage, making sure to catch one last look at his muse. He didn't want to be apart from her for much longer. He wanted to go spend time with her, but of course, photos needed to be done.
He tried to reach for his phone in his pocket every now and then, wanting to call his mum and sister, tell them the big news even though he knew they would be home watching it on their telly—no doubt they were calling Y/n as he poses for some updates on the boy—but he left it with y/n who no doubt was taking a bunch of photos of herself while waiting.
Harry ment everything he said about his family, his with his wife and child, even the little critters that he wasn't too sure of at first; Harry just couldn't believe his life was going this perfect.
Once he was finally released from the photographers hold, Harry ran back to Y/n, making a couple wrong turns along the way, but eventually running in to the girl he was looking for in a small room outside of where they were filming the show.
"I won!" Harry's voice broke, nearly in tears again as Y/n's head whipped from who she was talking to--Adele, who quickly excused herself with a smile-- to embrace her love.
"I'm so proud of you!" They squeezed each other until both could hardly breath. "You deserved both of those grammys, love."
She started peckering a bunch of kisses all over his face, hands now squeezing his so squeezable face. "What do you want to do now? Go back to the show? After party? I got us invited to a couple so you can pick-"
"I kind of want to head home." Harry admitted. "Spend some time with you and the babe. That's all I want now."
Y/n smiled, giving him one last kiss on his little stumble. "Not even sex?"
Thats caused Harry to smile, kissing her cheek. "As enticing as that sounds I think it would be best to keep that for the morning." Harry sighed, starring into the mother of his child, his wife, his love, his one and only's eyes. "I love you. More than anything I could describe."
"You're going to make me cry." Harry's own eyes started to water, kissing the corner of her eye. He pulled her down the hall, to the back, where he organized a limo to be able to drop them off home whenever they pleased. Now seemed like a good time.
Harry came, saw, and conquered. Now, all he wanted to do was spend time at home with the ones who mattered.
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justmystyles · 3 months
Big Winners - Part 2
read my other work here!
pairing: Harry Styles x record producer plus size reader
*i say it's a plus size reader, but it is not something that i focus on explicitly in my fics, because your size should not define you. it will only come up if it comes into the story organically.*
word count: 2,895
summary: Harry and Y/N have been friends for fifteen years, they finally work together on an album, and it leads them to a night that will change everything for them.
a/n: it's gonna be 3 parts, here's part 2. please enjoy! if you missed part 1, check it out here.
tags: @abby8694 @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @likeapplejuicenpeach @lilfreakjez @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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Once they finished with the carpet, they made their way inside where they were ushered to their seats at a table with the rest of Harry’s team. They chat while they wait for the show to start. As people enter the venue and move to their seats, many stop to greet Harry and congratulate him on the success of the album. Whenever that happened, Harry made it a point to introduce them to Y/N as the ‘mastermind behind it all’, causing her to blush, and him to laugh. 
The show begins, and they watch as other artists perform and awards get handed out. Harry and Y/N sneak glances and smirks, knowing exactly what they’re trying to convey to each other without the use of their words. 
As they got closer to Harry’s performance, Y/N noticed the tell-tale signs that Harry was starting to get nervous, so she reached for his hand under the table, lacing her hand into his to calm him. He grips her hand tightly and smiles gratefully at her. 
She leans in close, to whisper in his ear. “One thing at a time, just focus on the performance right now, that’s the only thing that you have any control over tonight. The award is what it is, but you make or break the performance.”
Harry smiled and nodded, but from the moment they entered the auditorium, all he could do was picture the two of them on that stage, accepting an award together. He wanted her to have this moment, and he wanted to be a part of it. 
Before long, one of the producers came to retrieve Harry for his performance. Y/N stands with him and pulls him into a tight hug, whispering in his ear as she runs a soothing hand up and down his back. “You’ve got this. If you get nervous, or overwhelmed or anything, I’m right here. Just look for me, I’ve got you.” 
“You always do.” He whispers back before kissing her cheek and stepping out of the embrace. He follows the producer backstage, and Y/N takes her seat. 
Y/N watches the show as she tries to keep her thoughts on Harry and his performance, and away from the fact that they were that much closer to the end of the show, and the awarding of Album of the Year. She was quickly pulled from her thoughts when she heard Harry’s name announced, and the lights lowered. She stood from her seat with a big smile on her face. 
The performance went off without a hitch, it was well received by the crowd, they were on their feet dancing and singing along. His voice was flawless and his moves were on point, but more than that, he felt great about it. He was feeding off of the energy of the audience, and felt fully redeemed from his previous Grammy performance. 
The final notes are played and he hits a final pose. The audience cheers and applauds, and he bows before rushing off stage to change back into his suit and return to his seat, and to Y/N.
“Did you see that?!” He beams to Y/N as he returns to his seat. 
Y/N looks at Harry with wide eyes. “Oh no, you performed already? I must have missed it, I was in the bathroom!” She says teasingling. 
“Very funny, you are hilarious.” He says sarcastically. “Okay, let me rephrase, did you see how amazing I was?”
She wraps her arms around him in a quick hug. “The most amazing. And you had the audacity to be nervous.” 
Harry laughs and shakes his head. “Yeah yeah yeah, you were right…”
As the show begins winding down, the final presenter of the night steps on stage. As she presents the nominees, Harry slips his hand into Y/N’s and squeezes. They look into each other’s eyes and smile nervously. 
“And the Grammy goes to…”
Harry and Y/N slide their chairs a little closer, and then it happens. Harry’s name is announced. It’s as if time freezes for both of them. Harry snaps out of it first, standing to his geet and pulling Y/N with him, wrapping her in his arms and burying his face in her neck. 
“We did it?” Y/N whispers in a state of shock. 
Harry closes his eyes and pulls his head back, opening them to meet hers. “You’re goddamned right we did.” He replies with the brightest smile she’d ever seen from him. Harry pulls out of the hug, linking his hand with hers and walking to the stage side by side. 
“We’re in this together, you and me.” He whispers to her as they ascend the steps to the stage. 
“Okay, but you talk first.” She replies. 
They step toward the microphone, and Harry is handed the trophy. He takes it with his free hand, keeping his other linked with hers. Y/N looks out over the crowd, her eyes glistening with tears as the moment sinks in. She grips Harry’s hand tightly, like a lifeline. 
Harry takes a few deep breaths and looks over at Y/N before turning back to the microphone. “Wow…” He starts off with a deep sigh. “This whole album started one night on the beach in Italy, I was figuring out what was next for me, and while I didn’t know what it was, I knew who would help me get there, and I couldn’t have been more right. I am so proud of this record, and the person I became while we were making it, and none of it would have been possible without this wonderful woman beside me.” He holds up their joined hands. 
“Of course, I owe all the thanks to my amazing team, my family, my friends, my fans, but more than anything, I owe everything to Y/N. This album would not have been possible without her. She’s not only the most talented producer I could have asked for, but she’s also my best friend in the world. Her support and kindness throughout the years are a big part of the reason that I’ve gotten here.” He turns and locks eyes with her before continuing. “Y/N, thank you so much for this and for your unwavering love and support.” 
Y/N uses her free hand to wipe away a stray tear as she takes a shuttered breath. Before she has a chance to push back, Harry tugs her hand so that she’s now standing in front of the microphone. She looks over at Harry, he can see the slight panic in her eyes, and he winks at her, giving her a reassuring smile. 
“Well… okay… wow… First things first, I need to thank my mother for being nothing but supportive. When I told her at fourteen years old that I wanted to be a producer, she stood behind me and never doubted that I would be standing here someday.” 
She takes a deep breath and shoots a quick glance at Harry. “I also want to share one quick story. Fifteen years ago, I was lucky enough to land my dream internship at a recording studio. I was at the bottom of the barrel, just trying to make connections and get my foot in the door in the music industry. One day, this newly formed boy band from a television show in the UK came in to work on their first album. I was in the lounge, enjoying the brief moment of calm that I would get in a typical day and two of them walked in and introduced themselves. One of them was very sweet and polite. The other was Harry Styles.” She pauses as the audience chuckles, she can also hear Harry laughing beside her, but she keeps her eyes forward, she knows she won’t be able to get through this if she looks at him right now.
“He was this seventeen year old, floppy haired ball of energy with this big dimpled smile who refused to leave me alone. He followed me around the studio incessantly, asking me questions and begging me for my instagram handle. I never had a little brother, but meeting Harry made me realize what I had been missing. And I immediately thanked my parents for giving me a sister instead. For some reason, he was insistent on befriending me, and I will forever be grateful that he was. I got to watch this annoying little teenager grow into an incredible man. As amazing and kind as everyone always says Harry Styles is, I can assure you, he’s one hundred times better than that. I have been so honored to call him my friend all of these years, but to take the relationship to this whole new level and be able to work with him was a dream. It was the most fun I've ever had in a job, and the hardest I’ve ever worked. This album means everything to me, so to have it recognized is a great honor. Harry did all of the work, I just pushed buttons. He’s always told me I was good at pushing his buttons, but I had no idea I was this good.” 
The crowd chuckles again, this time she looks over at Harry, and sees his eyes glistening, and a few tears rolling down his cheeks. He chuckles at her joke, and the wrap up music begins to play. “And there’s nobody’s buttons I’d rather push.” 
She looks back out at the crowd, “So thanks to all of you,” she turns back and locks eyes with Harry once again. “But the biggest thanks goes to you, Harry. Thank you, and I am eternally grateful to have you in my life.” 
As Y/N steps away from the microphone, the audience is on their feet applauding. As the two of them walk offstage, Harry unlinks their hands, instead wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. 
Once they get backstage, Y/N wraps her arms around Harry and begins crying into his shoulder. Harry holds her tightly, his own tears falling. “I’m so proud of you,” Harry whispers into her hair. “You talked so much.” He says with a small chuckle, knowing how much she hated public speaking. 
“I love you, Har. Thank you, thank you for the last fifteen years.” 
“I love you too,” he whispers in reply. The two of them stand there in each other's arms, completely oblivious to everyone around them, the pictures being snapped, the videos being taken. 
The whole world fades away as they hold each other. Both of them are overwhelmed by the emotion and everything that has led them to this point. Every struggle, every fight, every long stretch they had to spend apart, it was all worth it to get to this moment. 
Y/N pulls away first, her watery eyes meeting his. They stare in silence for a moment before Y/N makes an unexpected move and leans in, pressing her lips to his. Harry doesn’t miss a beat, his hands move to her hips and pulls her against him, kissing her back passionately. The moment lasts for what feels like an eternity. When they finally pull away, they rest their foreheads together, their chests heaving, and hearts pounding. Harry’s eyes remain closed as he lets the moment wash over him.
“Sorry…” Y/N says through a broken whisper. 
Harry shakes his head and opens his eyes. “Don’t be sorry,” he replies softly. “This may be the most perfect moment of my entire life.” 
Y/N is about to open her mouth to say something else, but they are interrupted by a stagehand who ushers them to the press room for photos and interviews. 
Just before they step into the room, Y/N looks up at Harry, “Does my makeup look okay? I just did a lot of crying…” She chuckles softly as she wipes the last of her tears away. 
“You look absolutely beautiful.” He reaches up, and helps her brush a tear away with his thumb. She shutters slightly at the touch. 
They’re both handed a trophy to pose with. They look at each other, each taking a deep breath and stepping into the press area. As soon as they enter, flashbulbs start going off, and their names are called from every direction. Harry immediately takes her hand and the two of them stand together, posing for pictures. Harry moves his hand from hers and places it on the small of her back. 
After a few minutes, the flashes die down and the press begin asking their questions. 
“How does it feel to win?” One reporter asks. 
“Well, it’s old hat for Harry at this point, but for me, it doesn’t really feel real yet. I’ve had this dream so many times that I think it’s going to take time for it to sink in.” Y/N chuckles and looks over to Harry. 
“Any time my work is recognized, it’s a surprise and an honor. But to win with my best friend, it’s one of the greatest feelings in the world.” 
Y/N looks over at Harry with a sweet smile, and he throws an arm over her shoulder. 
Another reporter speaks up, with their question. “What is the secret to the success of your friendship? After fifteen years, to be this close, how does that happen?”
Y/N and Harry look at each other and laugh, they aren’t really sure how to answer that question, because it’s something they’ve never really thought about.
“Honestly, I can’t say I have an answer to that,” Harry starts. “We’ve never really had to try, everything just falls into place when we’re together. I guess the secret is to not think about it?” He chuckles and looks to Y/N for her response. 
“I don’t think there really is a secret,” she shrugs. “There are people in this world that just click, and that’s always just been Harry and I. I think it happens because we get each other, we have the same sense of humor, we like a lot of the same things, but we also have our own things, so there’s always something new to share or talk about.” 
The reporters all raise their hands, hoping to be selected. Harry points to one of them. “There has been a lot of speculation about a romantic relationship between the two of you, and there’s an undeniable chemistry there. Do you want to address any of those rumors tonight?” 
Y/N’s body tenses at the question. Five minutes ago, it would have been an easy answer. But they had just shared that kiss, and in that moment, something inside of her changed. Were they just friends? Or had something more always been lingering just below the surface? 
“I’ve never been one to speak publicly about my relationships, I like to keep my private life just that. But what I will say is that this woman, right here, is an invaluable part of my life, and she always will be.” He grins at the press, hoping that will be enough to fend off the personal questions. Y/N smiles up at him gratefully, for the way he handled the question. 
“We have time for one more.” the producer running the press conference chimes in. 
Y/N selects the final reporter, and they ask their question.
“Given the success of this album, do you think you’ll work together on future projects?”
“I don’t know,” Harry says cautiously. “This one here has just become a commodity, she may get too busy and leave me in the dust.”
The crowd laughs and Y/N slaps his chest playfully. “Don’t be an idiot.” She says, causing more laughter. “Honestly, I have no idea why it took us so long to do this in the first place. No matter how busy I am, or what I’m working on, if this guy calls, I’m making time.” 
Harry and Y/N pose for a couple more quick pictures before being ushered out of the press area. The producer thanks them for their time and lets them know they are free to go for the evening. 
Once they’re alone, Harry lets out a deep sigh and scrubs his hand over his face. 
“That was… a lot…” Y/N sighs. 
Harry nods in agreement. “That it was, but we survived.” He offers her a tired smile, the whirlwind evening finally catching up to him. 
Y/N studies his expression, she can see the exhaustion in his face, and can feel it in herself as well. “Wanna head back to the room and order a ton of room service?”
He looks at her, his brows rounded in surprise. “It’s your first Grammy awards, you don’t want to go to the after parties?”
She shakes her head. “No way, you know I’m not a big party person. Besides, this is our night, right?” Harry nods. “So why would I want to celebrate with a bunch of ass kissers who didn’t care about me, or even know I existed six months ago? If it’s our night, we should celebrate together.” 
Harry chuckles and offers his arm. “You do make a compelling argument.” She takes his arm and he leads her out to the lobby area to find their car. 
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hstylestuff · 3 months
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like or reblog if you save
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elioslover · 1 year
Going for Gold. (GRAMMYS)
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Just a little meet-cute on the Grammy's red carpet. I'm thinking this could turn into a couple parts... maybe... idk. But I love how this turned out anyways :)
Warnings: Use of she/her (non-descriptive though).
Word Count: 1.2k
Part 2 / Part 3 / Other Writing
The flustered flashes of stark, shimmering camera’s coming from left and right, blinding and blurring his vision, eyes darting back and forth as the mass of people in front of him called out in competitive coos for his attention. He worked with desperate determination to remain still, to stick to his poses, tune out the hornet’s nest of leeching photographers, and under no circumstances, should he squint.
Seconds felt like minutes, which might as well have been hours. With each mounting moment, fear riddled its way to the core of his chest, questioning if he looked like a fool, was his hair alright, his outfit properly fitted? And before he was completely swallowed by the tornado of sensory overload, goosebumps pricking up at the back of his neck, he was plucked from natural disaster, ushered further along the carpet, away from the buzzards of cameras, slipping further into the scattered crowd of the elegantly-garbed guests in attendance.
All in their own heads, people scurried amongst one another, ducking, and weaving in attempts to avoid trampling dress-trains, displacing gems, and jewels, keeping their hairdos intact. He remained glued to his publicist’s side, seeking coherence within this sea of crazed confusion. He was waved forward, trailing along the velveted carpet, joining in the collective of avoidance tactics, almost crashing straight into a short, disheveled man who seemed not to notice, disappearing in an instant. It was only when he was stood directly across from an interviewer- draped in satin blue, extending a microphone his way- that he returned to reality, a camera suddenly coming to focus, and he wondered, had it been there the entire time?
The interviewer was already mid-greeting, and he scolded himself for such distraction, focusing extra hard on the words sent his way, waiting his turn to return the greeting and express thanks for being asked how his evening was going so far. A sudden flash- not that of a camera, but of a silver, shimmering dress- out of the corner of his eye tore his gaze before he could stop himself. The owner of the floor-length gown was bobbing between the wave of tuxedo’s, floating in and out of view as he tried with anxious desperation to bring her into fully fledged focus. From what he could confirm, her eyes flared brighter than the flashes that caused her dress to flicker, and her smile was swallowing her cheeks whole, crinkling at the corners of her brows.
Like the snap of a finger, another question was sent his way, and he lost her to the tides. When he finally had the chance to redivert his attention to finding her, she was long gone, and he was left to be lured back into the fixated conversations of fashion, music, and the appearances of other stars. Tediousness would best describe the motions moving from one corner of bellowing and bitching to the other, and he longed for the seat decorated with a label of his name, the dimmed lights and clapping of hands, for the proper celebration. “Last one,” paired with a pat on the back was his saving grace, and a burst of enigmatic energy took him by complete surprise. He answered the questions more animatedly, made more eye contact, and was more than happy to show off his jewelry for the pleasure of the viewers at home.
“Hey, you!” a familiar face greeted as he rewardingly reached the carpet’s finishing line, and he was happy to be warmly wrapped within the bubble of a fellow nominee. It was nearing the time of dropping formalities and moving the party indoors, the slow ushering of guests stirring up nearby. He lingered in conversation, the desire to rush disappearing, and in hindsight, he was more than grateful for that, because like the breech of a blue whale, the owner of the shimmering silver dress- completely preoccupied in conversation with the middle-aged woman walking alongside her- was heading his direction.
His breath became trapped between his chest and throat as she floated by, looking straight ahead. And as her bare back became all of her he could see, the air gushed out from between his lips, a thirsty thump in his head. He felt an odd omen of loss, fearing it would be the last time he saw her face. The so-called departed anxiety had returned tenfold, anchoring its place in his heart, but with what many- including himself- may define as great luck, a slender, sterling bracelet sneakily slipped from her wrist, cascading down her dress before settling on the carpet with satisfaction. A satisfaction he shared as his feet mindlessly moved him forward, a puppy her heels, bending down to grab the bracelet, balanced between his fingers as his free hand reached out and gently tapped her shoulder.
Stopping in her tracks, lips parted and eyed widening as she tilted her neck to acknowledge the stranger. Standing before her, he suddenly felt rather silly. Peering down at her as she turned and looked up at him expectantly. A soft frown settling between his brows, only gesturing her to look down at his still splayed-out palm, her bracelet sitting so sweetly in the center. Her confusion switched to realization, then straight to mortification for managing to misplace her only accessory of importance. Muttering ‘fuck’, she peered up at him, blinking bashfully.
He only smiled down at her goofily, hoping that in some way it would reassure her. And it seemed to, her shoulders sinking back down, devoid of shame, suddenly substituted with curiosity. His eyes reflected the distant flashes, curls perfectly settled, daintily dotted freckles, dimples deep, and surely he could see the blush blotching up at her cheeks. She reached out to receive her retrieved treasure, lashes fanning as her eyes widened when he gently grasped her wrist, mindfully wrapping the bracelet back where it belonged before clipping the clasp into place, his hands lingering atop her skin for as long as she was willing to permit.
And now, seconds felt nothing like hours, they were gone before they came, and he was lettering her arm go. Still looking over at him shyly, she offered a more than grateful thank you, twisting at the bracelet timidly before sounds of excitement struck her senses back to attention, and she slipped back into reality. So, she sent her curious contemplation his way for a moment longer, her ears tingling at the sight of his cheeks warming under her watch, before softly waving - bracelet on display for all - and turning back to her attendee, who was waiting aside patiently. They re-synced and continued their pursuit of the event’s entrance. But just before being swallowed by the sea of stars once more, she looked back over her shoulder, and he knew now with certainty that they were surely sharing the same air of intrigue.
His hopes for the evening swirled and switched from ending with a shined and polished award, to seeking out the owner of the runaway bracelet. When it came to winning, gold was good- it was great, but suddenly silver sounded, so, so much better.
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
something to celebrate grammy nominee h !!! i hope you like this
if you want early access to my work, exclusive blurbs and polls subscribe to my patreon
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“It’s okay to be nervous, love.”
“I know, but I’m not nervous, I promise.”
You were currently in yours and Harry’s Los Angeles home, sitting on the large couch placed in the back patio, Harry’s phone on the wood table in front of you, waiting for the call from his manager Jeffrey that would tell you if Harry’s House had been nominated for Grammy Awards or not.
Harry had a bittersweet relationship with that award show, in 12 years you’ve been together you’ve had to pick up the pieces when they didn’t recognize his work like it deserved, the worst one being when his debut song, Sign of the times, got completely looked over and he felt disappointed.
“Deep down I knew releasing that one as a debut single wasn’t the right choice” Harry said after hanging up with his manager, the news of his song and album not being nominated for Grammys were just delivered to him.
“Don’t, okay? I’m not going to let you put yourself down, Sign of the times is an amazing song and just because some pretentious committee full of dudes who have never written a song in their life decided that they didn't want to nominate it doesn't mean that you should doubt yourself or your talent, I'm proud of you and I will always be" and you mean it, you were always going to be proud of him.
Now, however, and after winning one of the prestigious awards last year, he claimed that his relationship with them changed and he’s not looking for their recognition anymore. But you knew how much he loved Harry’s House and that it was his most personal work to date, and a nod from the Grammys would make him really happy.
“You know, Harry’s House is the album of the year, whether they recognize it or not,” you said as you placed your chin on his shoulder and kissed his temple softly, “If your name is not on that nominations list, which is impossible, that doesn’t mean you didn’t do an outstanding album that touched multiple people’s hearts, and you shouldn’t feel any less proud of what you did.” you told him sincerely, his eyes glued to the device in front of you and his arms resting on his knees.
He took a moment before replying, “I know, I’m proud of what we did with this record and I know these pretentious awards don’t make me as an artist, but there’s still so much expectation, you know?” he let his words linger in the air and you couldn’t help but feel your heart squeeze a bit, no matter how many years passed, he still felt like he needs to meet some expectation and that makes him pressure himself.
“Hey, listen,” you grabbed his face and made him look at you before continuing, “You don’t need to meet anyone’s expectations, not even mine, you’ve been in this industry for 12 years and you’ve proved to every single person who has doubted you that you have what it takes and you should be proud of that, baby,” you stroked his cheek with your thumb for a moment, his eyes looking soft and a bit watery, “You don’t need any awards or nominations to validate that you’re a great singer and songwriter, and we’re still going to be proud of you no matter what.” you finished your little speech and kept your eyes locked with his, he moved his head to the side to kiss one of your palms gently, then he grabbed both of your hands and placed them on his chest just above his heart, something he has always done in the 12 years you’ve been together.
“I love you, you know?” his voice was soft and tender, and you couldn’t help but melt at the man in front of you, no matter how many years pass, he still gives you butterflies like when you were teenagers, “All these songs are about you, all I do is for you, I don’t care about the stages and the awards if you’re not by my side.” he grabbed your face and placed a kiss on your lips, you stayed like that for a few minutes until the ringing from his phone made you turn your heads.
“Fuck, It’s Jeff,” he said as he grabbed the device and placed it on his ear, your stomach clenching as your own nerves kicked in, “Hey mate, oh really? I mean, that’s good I guess, no yeah I’m good just surprised, I- thank you, thank you so much, love you too, I’ll ring you again later” that was all you could hear and as he hung up his phone finishing the call, you were left with confusion over what had happened.
“And? What did Jeff say?” you said after a few minutes of silence from Harry, you were completely puzzled since his expression was blank and his eyes weren’t telling you anything.
“I’m nominated” he monotonously let out, you could tell that he was still taking it in, totally opposite of you, not being able to contain your excitement and letting out a high pitched squeal.
“Oh my god Harry! You’re nominated!” you threw your arms around his neck and he immediately wrapped his around your torso, “Baby, you’re nominated, you did it!” you let go of this neck to look him in the eyes, and when you saw that they were getting glossy, with tears threatening to come out, your heart grew twice its size, not being able to hold the amount of pride you felt for the man you loved.
“Shit, I’m nominated,” he spoke again, “Seven nominations. Album of the year baby, the most important category, I did it, fuck” he was absolutely gobsmacked, a smile finally appearing on his face and small happy tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I’m so proud of you H, this is huge,” you hugged him again, kissing his jaw, “You deserve this so much.” you kissed his jaw and neck a couple more times until he grabbed your face with both of his hands and made you kiss his lips.
“I love you so much, fuck, I’m so happy!” he said before kissing you again, you went on for a few minutes until you remembered that he must have a couple of people to call and tell them the news.
“Wait, shouldn’t you be calling Mitch, Tyler and the rest of the guys? Your mom too! She’s going to be so happy” you rambled for a minute, being interrupted by his lips on yours again.
“They can wait, baby, don’t you want to celebrate your Grammy nominated boyfriend? Because I have a couple things in mind we could do.” and he kissed you again, dragging both of you inside your house, a long day of celebrations ahead of you.
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay y @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry y @vrittivsanghavi i @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @eviesaurusrex @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @rafeyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things s @juiceboxrry @lomlolivia
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lomllover · 1 year
from the dining table. | h.s |
summary: the one where a husband and wife fix their marriage.
warnings: angst, some possible sensitive topics.
pairings: harry styles x fem!reader
wc: 1772, they'll get longer dw :)
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AUG. 2019
Manchester, England.
It was late at night when you heard the front door open and then close. “Baby, I’m home!” You heard your husband call out from downstairs.
“Up here in the bathroom, my love!” You called out to him.
Harry walked into the master bathroom and you set your toothbrush down and wiped your mouth on the towel that was hanging up. “Hi, lovie.” You hummed contently as he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Hi.” He whispered back and pressed a kiss to your neck. “Missed you so much today.”
You smiled at him in the mirror. “I missed you too, wanna go to bed?”
JAN. 2022
Manchester, England.
You stare blankly at yourself in the mirror. No hands were wrapped around your waist, no chin on your shoulder, irking you to go to bed. The lighting in here is terrible, it makes your green undertones really show and your eyes look dull. You bend down to reach into the drawer to grab your curling iron and accidentally knock over his cologne. “Damn it.” Tears pierce your eyes as you stand back up with your curling iron.
You curl your hair into loose curls and finish getting ready. You grab your phone, keys, and purse from the dining table and head out the door and into your car. “It’s okay, todays the day you’re gonna start fixing your marriage.” You tell yourself in your rear view mirror before heading to the counselors office.
You arrive at the old building ‘Here To Help’ written on their sign with hearts and a stick family drawn on it. You take a deep breath before stepping out of your car. You look around the parking lot and don’t see His car parked anywhere. You fold your lips in and walk in the front door.
“Hello! Last name?” A cheerful lady at the front desk greets you.
You give her a half smile and lean on the counter in front of you. “Styles.”
The woman nods and hands you a clipboard with some paperwork attached to it and a pen. “Here you go, just fill this out and Dr. Melia will be out in just a few.”
“Great, thank you.” You sat down on one of the brown leather couches and started filling out the forms. It’s the normal stuff; phone number, social security numbers, address, etc.
Your leg bounced up and down as you kept glancing at the door waiting for him to come and when he finally did, you let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding in.
“Hey,” He said as he approached you. “Sorry I’m late, the meeting went long.”
You nodded slowly and stood up to take the clipboard back up to the front desk. “It’s fine, I just finished filling out the paperwork.” You took it to the nice lady and then returned to your seat.
Dr. Melia walked out into the waiting room and looked down at her clipboard to read off your names. “Y/N and Harry Styles?” She called out and you both stood up. “Hi, I’m Dr. Melia.”
“Hello.” You both said in unison and smiled.
She started walking and you both followed her. “Right this way and I’ll take you to my office.”
You walk down the hallway and make your way to a small office containing a couch, desk, and chair across from the couch. “Have a seat anywhere you’d like.” She let you both go in first and you sat down on the large red velvet couch.
“Well it’s really nice to meet you both,” She sat down in the chair. “I’ll just reintroduce myself quick and then we can get started; I’m Charlotte Melia and I’ll be helping you both get through whatever troubles you’ve been having. Please never be afraid to open up about something, this is a judge free zone and please don’t interrupt each other. The point of these sessions is to grow and listen. Any questions before we start today?”
You shake your head and twist your engagement and wedding rings on your finger out of anxiety.
“I don’t think so.” Harry said and started bouncing his leg up and down.
Charlotte grabs her clipboard and looks over it quickly. “Alright, let’s get started then. Let’s just start off with you both introducing yourselves, tell me a little about yourselves and give me some background, ‘kay?” She looks at you both and nods her head. “Let’s start with you first, Mr. Styles.”
“I’m Harry, I’m uh, twenty-nine years old, and I’m a singer.” He sighs and glances over at you. “And I uh, blame myself for this situation.”
“I’m Y/N Styles, I’m twenty-six, I’m an actress,” You could feel Harry staring at you. “And I think we’re both to blame for this.”
Charlotte nodded slowly. “Alright well again, it’s wonderful to meet you both. Is there any specific reason why you’re here today?”
“You’re a marriage counselor and you’re asking why-” Harry started to say.
“Mr. Styles, what I mean is what lead you to come here?” She interrupted him.
“Well I suggested it a couple of weeks ago on the phone while Harry was finishing his last show before getting a break on tour.” You spoke up and weaved your hands together. “We uh, lost our baby to S.I.D.S a couple of months ago and it’s just been really hard for the both of us.” You felt a lump in the back of your throat.
“I’m so sorry for your loss.. You’re still living together, correct?” She asked and you both nodded. “Great, what’s it like at home? Any affection, or communication? What does a normal day at home look like? Let’s start with Y/N.”
“Well,” You sighed. “There really isn’t much communication, there’s a lot of tension. When it comes to affection, it’s a lot of fake sympathetic words, or venerous gestures. I’m not blaming him though, it’s me as well. Some days are just long and hard and usually end up with one of us sleeping in a different room than the other.” You bite the inside of your cheek. “I just don’t feel as loved as I used to.”
She nodded. “You know, I see hundreds of couples and with all of them, losing a child really can tear a family apart.” She looked at your paper again. “You guys have been married for four years and together for six, there’s always a point in marriage where you’re past the honeymoon stage and past the ‘oh we’re going to grow old together’ stage, and to the stage where life really hits you and it’s not as easy as it seems. And I think you guys have been there for awhile.”
“I agree.” You comment. “But it’s worse, there’s no-no sympathy for each other.”
The room stays silent for a moment before Charlotte spoke up. “Mr. Styles, tell me about how you feel at home.”
“I agree with what she said but I feel like I’m being constantly judged by her and she can’t accept my work life. Both of us, we just… I don’t want her to leave me, it haunts me and I can’t lose her too. I’m willing to do anything to keep her in my life.”
“That’s totally understandable, Mr. Styles. I’m glad you’re willing to fix your marriage, it’s a good start,” She chuckled. “Not a lot of couples are willing to do that, I really appreciate it.”
You and Harry look at each other and you look down to your hands and then back to Charlotte. “Where do we start?”
“We’re going to start from square one. You’re both going to tell me how you met and be as precise as you can with your feelings.”
You opened your mouth to speak but Harry had beat you to it. “My point of view is much more interesting, lovie. Let me start?” He questioned and you nodded your head, a light smile appearing on your face.
“Let’s start with you then, Mr. Styles..”
OCT. 2015
You and your family were on a trip to the Bahamas, a place you’d always dreamed of going but never thought would happen because you didn’t have the most money growing up but since you started gaining more traction as an actress, the money started coming in and you wanted to do something for your family. 
You were at the beach with them, tanning when a very attractive young man and his four other friends sat their things next to yours and started messing around, getting sand all over you. "What the hell?" You said, taking off your sunglasses and looking at them.
"Woah, I'm so sorry, Miss. I swear I didn't see you laying there, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" Harry rambled nervously.
"No.. it's fine." You sighed.
Ever since that interaction, you both saw each other more at the resort you were staying at and became a lot closer too and you two became inseparable.
"God, I really like her." Harry said one night to Niall. "She gave me her number.. Should I text her?"
"Mate.. Why would she give you her number if she didn't want you to text her?" Niall responded, raising a brow.
"Right.. You're right."
JAN. 2022
"Alright, Harry what were your first impressions of Y/N?" She questioned him.
"She was so perfect, and the sweetest thing ever," He shakes his head. "Definitely the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on. When I saw her I couldn't look away from her, just her energy, her walk, and um.. her sexiness was what started it. Even though the band was going through some stuff, yeah, she still enchanted me."
You looked at Harry and smiled slightly.
"Okay.. You can continue."
OCT. 2015
"God, I really hope I'm not just making a fool out of myself." He whispered to himself as he approached you. "Hey, Y/N,"
"Hi, Harry."
"Would you like to go out on a date with me?"
"Took you long enough."
And with that, you guys were married within a couple years.
a/n: here's pt 1!!! so excited for this series :))
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abbalwt · 1 year
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Got rid of the ugly backgrounds for the aesthetic
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finelinevogue · 2 years
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summary - harry can’t go a show without calling you beforehand
warnings: fluff?! swearing, it’s based off that photo abov
word count: -1k
L.A. traffic had its reputation for being the worst traffic on the planet.
You’d drive 50 metres and it will have taken you 50 minutes. There was no traffic like it - other than maybe the M25 outside London.
Most people would avoid this traffic, trying to get to their destinations with as little car congestion as possible. However, Harry had other plans. Harry would happily sit for 50 minutes to travel 50 metres, because he happened to love car journeys.
They were his only trips alone. They were a few minutes, or a few hours, of solitary peace and he depended on them to keep him sane. The only other person he would be okay enough to share this time with was his fiancé; you.
Normally you’d be travelling sat next to him, his hand on your thigh whilst you both hum along to the shared playlist you’d both created. However, on this particular journey Harry found himself alone with you staring at him through the phone on Face Time.
You were away with work for a few days and out of town, meaning you couldn’t be there for some of Harry’s shows. However, that didn’t stop you both from talking to each other 24/7. Any spare moment you both had you’d be on FaceTime. If Harry went shopping he’d call you. If you went to the loo you’d call him. If you were reading in bed he’d want you to call so he could read with you.
FaceTime kept your relationship in the honeymoon phase - even 3 years after the honeymoon phase is supposedly over.
As Harry drove himself to the Forum he couldn’t help but be ecstatic when you answered first try on FaceTime.
“Heyyy, love.” He smiled at you, whilst stopping at a red light.
You were busy putting on your makeup for the day, so your phone was propped up on a vanity so Harry could see your head down to your waist. Your makeup was splayed out in front of you and you picked up some concealer to carry on with your routine.
“Hello, my favourite human.” You replied, cheerily grinning over your reply.
“Favourite human? Quite like the sound of that. Might even top fiancé.” Harry said, reaching to turn the radio off so he could only hear you. It would be rude of him to have anything drowning out the sound of your voice.
“Maybe not. Fiancé does just have a night ring to it, doesn’t it?” With one hand on the steering wheel, his other hand went to rub his fingers over the top of his lips where his moustache was growing in. As he did so, his engagement ring sat pretty and made you internally squeal at how you were the person attached to that ring.
“I think i’ll like husband better.” You answered honestly.
“It’s weird we’re both each others fiancés now, but when we get married you’ll be my wife and I’ll be your husband - like we’ll have different names for each other then.” Harry drove on green.
“You can still be my wife if you want. My little housewife.” You giggled at the thought.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you? Me, in an apron, making dinner and doing the laundry.” He teased, unfortunately not catching your reaction since he was concentrating on the road.
“You do that already, H.” You laughed. “Are you off to the venue?”
“Hm? Uh, yeah, yeah.” Harry was momentarily distracted as he had to turn onto a busy junction. His UK driving was a lot easier than LA, because of how short and simple the roads were in London. New York driving wasn’t even worth thinking about.
“And how was therapy?” You moved on to fixing your eyebrows, being prepared to stop and listen carefully to Harry if needed be.
“Yeah, it was good. She helped me through some of that tour stuff I was worried about.”
“About being away from family for so long?” You double checked.
“Yeah, yeah. She was trying to explain that if I’m happy doing what i’m doing then that’s all my family should want for me. Just happiness.”
“She’s right H. Your mum will be perfectly fine, as long as she knows that you’re happy - and that you’ll call often.”
“I try.” He said honestly.
“I know you do. I mean, when you’re not calling me that is.” You laughed, trying to lighten the situation with a bit of silly humour.
Harry got stuck in another traffic jam, meaning he would be late for rehearsals but he didn’t care because it meant more time on the phone with you. His favourite moments were spent with you, so he’d take ever extra second he could just to make new and happy memories.
“Have you had breakfast already?” Harry asked, in awe of watching you put on your makeup.
Harry was lucky to find someone that cared more about other people and the world than colouring in their skin and buying fake boobs. So your makeup routine didn’t in fact take too long to run through.
“Not yet, no.”
“Well, please have something before you leave, alright?” Harry asked, always concerned for you and your health whenever he wasn’t around to take care of you. He liked being the one to make you breakfasts in the morning, so often when you were apart from each other he’d believe you weren’t eating anything as good as what he makes - which is true, but you do also eat still.
“Okay, yes. I promise.” You rolled your eyes at him but gave him a smile, knowing he only meant well. “Have you eaten?”
“I actually am on my way to have lunch with Jeff now. He wants to run through Grammy stuff.” Harry explained.
“How are you feeling about that? The Grammy noms, I mean. Tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, tomorrow, yeah. Um, I’m feeling alright y’know? Like, I thought I’d feel a lot more dependent on them, but I think after last year I’m still feeling that high. Any nom would be great, but if I don’t get any then I also know that it is a great album and there was only one person I wanted to impress with it anyways.”
“Oh yeah? Who?” You asked, knowing the reply already.
You smiled and shook your head. He was too cheesy sometimes, but it was no lie, or secret, that Harry’s House had been solely made for you. It was a love letter from Harry to you and a declaration to the world that Harry Styles was the happiest he’s ever been.
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hslwt91 · 1 year
Grammy winner, Harry Styles
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2021 2023
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heeybear · 1 year
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Chris Martin and Harry Styles ❤️‍🩹
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justmystyles · 3 months
Big Winners - Part 3 (Final Part)
read my other work here!
pairing: Harry Styles x record producer plus size reader
*i say it's a plus size reader, but it is not something that i focus on explicitly in my fics, because your size should not define you. it will only come up if it comes into the story organically.*
word count: 2,406
summary: Harry and Y/N have been friends for fifteen years, they finally work together on an album, and it leads them to a night that will change everything for them.
a/n: sorry it took me so long to get this last part out. i hope it was worth the wait! i might slow down on posting for a bit as I want to map out and complete NYIML, as well as start a few other things i have in my head. i might also try to clear out my inbox a bit and finally get to some of your lovely requests.
tags: @abby8694 @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @likeapplejuicenpeach @lilfreakjez @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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The ride back to the hotel is spent in silence, Harry and Y/N letting the events of the evening sink in. The thing that kept running on a loop was that kiss. Their first kiss. They had been friends for a decade and a half, and that was a line that had never been crossed. 
Now that it had, neither was sure that they wanted to go back, but they were also nervous that the other didn’t feel the same. Not wanting to ruin or complicate the magic of the moment, they each made a silent vow not to mention the kiss, or wait until the other brought it up. 
The car pulls up to the front of the hotel, Harry gets out quickly, offering his hand to Y/N to help her step out. Their hands remain linked as they walk through the lobby and into the elevator. 
They stand together in the back corner of the empty elevator, Y/N sighs and leans her head down on Harry’s shoulder before finally breaking the silence. 
“I know our phones are probably blowing up with congratulatory messages, but do you think we could ignore all that until tomorrow? I feel like this moment needs to be just us.”
Harry smiles and places a soft kiss on the top of her head. “I think that’s an amazing idea. We can worry about the rest of the world tomorrow, tonight is just about you and I.” 
The elevator door opens, and Harry leads Y/N down the hall to their suite. 
“I can’t get over tonight…” Y/N sighs as they approach the door. 
Harry chuckles as he swipes his key card, opening the door and holding it for Y/N. “I can’t either. It’s been such a hectic night, and it all flew by so quickly.” 
Y/N smiles and nods, her expression quickly turns pensive. “Is it weird of me to say that I’ve never felt closer to you?” She wasn’t technically mentioning the kiss, maybe she just needed to test the waters a little. 
“Not weird at all,” Harry confirms with a dimpled grin. “I was thinking the exact same thing, actually.” 
He pauses for a moment, debating whether or not to bring up the kiss, he decides against it. “Even after all these years, everything we’ve been through, tonight just seemed to bring us closer than ever before.” 
Y/N smiles softly, relieved that he agrees. But he didn’t say anything about the kiss, so she let it go. “I’m going to take all of this off and get into my pajamas. You wanna order the room service and I’ll meet you in your room for food and a movie?”
“Why my room?” Harry asks with a furrowed brow. 
“Because, I’m tired and don’t want to deal with the couch, and you have the bigger bed.” She stated plainly. 
He narrowed his eyes playfully at her. “I hate how logical you are.” She giggled and shook her head. “What do you want me to order for you?” He asks.
Y/N shrugs. “You know me, just get whatever I’d like. I trust you.” With that, she goes into her room to change and take off her makeup. 
A few minutes later, she knocks softly on Harry’s bedroom door. He quickly calls for her to come in, and she enters wearing a pair of pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt, her hair in a messy ponytail, and her face makeup free. She is met with Harry, who is sitting on the bed in a pair of pajama pants and no shirt, his back resting against the headboard. 
Harry smiles softly as she climbs into bed beside him. She looked stunning when she was glammed up, but she was at her most beautiful like this. This was the real, authentic Y/N, and she was perfect. 
He had always thought Y/N was beautiful, but they were friends, he had never seen her as anything more. Until that kiss. It was as if something had awoken inside of him, and he saw her in a completely different light. He saw the potential, he saw what they could be. 
He was nervous though. Despite her being the one to initiate the kiss, he wasn’t sure where her head was at. Did she have these feelings too? Or did she just get caught up in all of the emotions in that moment? 
Harry shook the thoughts out of his head, these were all things to worry about another time. He held his arms open and she instantly snuggled against him, he tilted his head and placed a gentle kiss in her hair. 
“Hey, Harry?” She says softly. 
“We won a Grammy award tonight.” She says in a soft tone, but the excitement is still clear. 
Harry chuckles and squeezes her a little tighter. “We did, didn’t we?” 
“I think this has been the best night of my life.” “Mine too,” he agrees. 
Before either of them can say anything else, there is a knock on the door. Harry excuses himself to grab the room service, he gives her one last squeeze before hopping out of the bed and leaving the room. 
Y/N watches as Harry walks away, her heart and mind racing. She was trying to decide if kissing her best friend was the best decision, or biggest mistake of her life. 
Over the years, there had been a few fleeting thoughts of what could be with Harry. It wasn’t lost on her that he treated her better than any guy she had ever dated, but she always just pushed those feelings down, not wanting to jeopardize one of the most important relationships in her life.
Now, all of those thoughts and feelings she had been ignoring for years had bubbled to the surface, and they weren’t going to be so easy to just brush off anymore. In the flurry of emotions and activity, she let her guard down and without even thinking, put everything on the line. 
She was grateful that he wasn’t saying anything, maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he’d just let it slide, and they’d never speak of it again. But did she want to never speak of it again? He kissed back, he definitely kissed back, so he felt something too, right? Or was he just caught up in the moment?
“Time to eat!” Harry’s voice breaks her from her thoughts. She turns her head to the door to see him wheeling in a cart full of food. 
“Jesus, how much did you order?” Y/N hops out of bed and helps him lay out all of the plates on the table. 
“It’s a celebration,” Harry shrugs. “Besides, you’re picky, so I wasn’t sure what you’d be in the mood for.” 
Y/N rolls her eyes and chuckles. “I’m not that picky.” 
“The first thing you look for at every restaurant we go to is whether or not they have chicken fingers.” He says with an arched brow. 
“It’s my standby backup food. Pretty much any restaurant is going to have some iteration of chicken fingers, so if I can’t find anything else, I’ll get that. Speaking of…” Her eyes roam over the plates. 
Harry lifts a plate of chicken fingers and french fries. 
“Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite?” She says sweetly and kisses his cheek. “Yeah, every time I buy you chicken fingers.” He chuckles and ruffles her hair. 
She giggles and takes a chicken finger off the plate. 
“Ah ah ah,” Harry chides as he slaps her hand lightly. “Before we eat, I want to do something.” Y/N looks at him curiously. “There are going to be a ton of pictures out there of us all dressed up with our shiny trophies. I want to take one of the real us with our trophies.”
She drops the chicken finger back on the plate, and wipes her hands on her pants while Harry grabs the two trophies and walks over to the full length mirror. 
When she approaches, he hands her one of the trophies and pulls his phone out of his pocket. They stand side by side, Harry takes the hand with his phone in it and wraps it around her shoulder, while she wraps one arm around his torso, the other holding the trophy. 
“Okay, smile.” Harry says in a goofy tone. Once she is smiling, he presses his lips to her temple and snaps the picture. 
They take a few more, their eyes locked on each other through the mirror. The energy feels different, more intimate than it typically does, but they both choose to ignore it. 
Once the impromptu photo shoot is over, they grab their food and get back into bed. Harry throws on a movie, but it’s merely background noise as they spend their night laughing and joking as they recap the evening; avoiding one specific detail in particular. 
Hours later, they’re stuffed from the food, and laying in each other's arms in the bed. 
“Can I stay here? I’m too tired and full to walk to my room.” 
Harry chuckles and nods, he looks down at you and sees your eyes fluttering, as if they could close any moment. “Of course you can,” he says softly, kissing the top of her hair. 
Y/N sighs happily and her eyes finally close. Harry lays there, staring at the ceiling. He knows he should be tired, but all he can think about is that kiss. It had been lingering in his mind all night, and as much as he didn’t want to ruin the moment, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to sleep without talking about it. 
“Hey Y/N, are you still awake?” Harry whispers. 
“Mhm…” She hums sleepily. 
Harry sighs, he feels bad keeping her up, but he knows he can’t keep it inside anymore. He pauses for a moment before finally speaking. 
“Can we talk about… uh, well…” He stutters, not sure how to say it. “You kissed me tonight.” 
Y/N’s breath hitches, her eyes remain closed for a moment before opening them and sitting up. His words wake her up like a bucket of cold water. “Yeah… I guess I kind of did.” She says sheepishly. “But you kissed me back.” She quickly gets defensive. 
Harry chuckles at her comeback, he throws his hands up in surrender. “I did, I know. I’m not denying that.” He takes a deep breath. “I just… listen, you know I love you, and you’re stuck with me forever, no matter what, so no hard feelings either way. I was just wondering if it was… a heat of the moment thing, or in some way intentional…”
Y/N drops her gaze, it definitely helped that Harry said she was stuck with him no matter what. Maybe this wasn’t as bad of a thing as she had thought. They had always been honest in their friendship, so she wasn’t about to start lying to him now. 
“I think it started as a heat of the moment thing, like I didn’t go into this thinking ‘if I win, I’m going to kiss him.’ But when it happened, it felt… good, it felt right.”
A small smile plays on Harry’s face. “Yeah?” 
She looks up at him, her heart starting to race when she sees his expression. “What about you? Did you want to kiss me back, or were you just being polite?” 
“I definitely wasn’t just being polite.” He chuckles. “And it kind of… I don’t know, it opened up this door that I didn’t even know was there. It made me think that maybe this is something more than we’ve thought all these years…”
Y/N nods in understanding. “So, you’ve never thought about us being more than friends before?”
“Honestly, no.” He says quietly, he feels a little bad about that answer; especially with everything he’s feeling now. “Have you?”  
“Maybe once or twice,” she shrugs. “I just, I don’t know, you’re the first person I always go to after a breakup, and we’ll be talking, and you’ll be shitting on the guy, and I’ll just think about how you’re the opposite of all the things you shit on.” 
“But you never-” 
“Because our friendship is too important to me.” She interrupts him. “I always cut those thoughts off as soon as they start, because I never wanted to complicate things. I’m your friend, and what we have is so amazing. I didn’t want to complicate it with extra feelings that could possibly be one sided.” 
“Which they were,” Harry finishes her thought. “Until tonight.” 
“So… what does this mean?” Y/N asks, her heart racing and her stomach in knots. This is a pivotal moment in their friendship, and she’s terrified of what comes next. 
“Well,” Harry starts, a soft, dreamy expression on his face. “If you think about it, we’ve kind of always been a bit like a couple. I mean, you were about to fall asleep in my bed… in my arms. Maybe we should just take that one last step and make things a bit more official.”
Y/N smiles shyly, she can’t remember the last time she ever felt nervous around Harry, because of Harry. “So like, a more than friends situation?” 
Harry chuckles and nods his head, lifting his hand to cup her face, his thumb brushing against her cheek. “More than friends. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?” 
“That sounded so corny,” she giggles. 
“Sweetheart, if you thought I was corny as your best friend, just wait until you see how corny I can be as your boyfriend.” He says with a goofy smirk. 
“My boyfriend…” She sighs, letting the reality of the moment sink in. 
He lets out a breathy laugh and leans in, pausing just before their lips touch. “My girlfriend…” He whispers before pressing his lips to hers. 
The kiss deepens instantly. Now that their feelings have been fully realized, it’s like fifteen years worth of ‘should have beens’ are all coming to the surface. Harry shifts effortlessly, so that Y/N is laying on the bed with him hovering over her. 
“This really is the best night of my life…” Y/N says softly, as she stares into his eyes.
Harry smirks and leans down, trailing kisses along her neck. “Well get ready, it’s about to get even better…”
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gucciwins · 1 year
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harry and y/n attend the grammys 
Word count: 2318
A/N: hi friends! grammys night was huge for harry and I thought a little blurb would be fitting (wrote this in mind with harry and bel but can be read as a stand alone) 🫶 love you!!!
Harry was nervous, and you could tell because he was picking at his nails. You took his hand in yours and gave it a tight squeeze. "You'll be alright. It's a big night, I know, but you didn't make this album for the awards," you remind him. "You do it because you love the music you're making, and sharing it with everyone is the real reward."
He lets out a deep breath he was holding, "what would I do without you?"
You shrug, "go insane, maybe."
Harry kisses your cheek, "think I can convince you to sneak away with me for a bit."
By the placement of his hand low on your back, close to your ass, he has one thing in mind to do with you in private, but you know Lambert is rushing you all to leave, and here is Harry wanting to sneak away and cop a feel. You'd happily let him, but it's his night, and he's already pushing really close to not making the carpet.
"I love you, amor. I do, but I'm not going to make you late," you tell him sternly.
He pouts, kissing your lips, "please."
"No, mi vida."
Harry sighs and lets you go. "Tell Zerina not to dress you this good unless I'm able to ravish you first," he mumbles.
You giggle because you and Zerina, your stylist, were going for a look that would not take away attention on the carpet but also make sure your outfit would leave others speechless. You wore a satin bodysuit with a low neckline, showing enough cleavage to leave tabloids talking, with a sheer robe over the bodysuit with voluminous sleeves. It was something you felt gorgeous in and knew would match Harry's outfit. You added a silver necklace Anne gifted you during the holidays that she found in her jewelry box and thought would be a perfect match for you. The rings on your fingers were old, and each had a different story. Harry knew all the stories; it was always his favorite part after getting ready to see what rings you would wear for the night. Here's to a fun night.
"I'm walking the carpet alone," he repeats as the car stops, his hand gripping your thigh tightly. "Jeff," Harry whines, "you really won't let her."
You lay your head on his shoulder as they wait for the cars ahead to pull away. "Amor, es tu noche." It's his night, and you in no way want to take away from that. He sighs because he knows you're right. You'll get off but stick back as he tries his best to get through the carpet quickly. Honestly, you're hoping to find time to sneak into the photo booth that they were rumored to have.
His red carpet look was extravagant. It forced others to stop and look at him. Harry was wearing a rainbow harlequin jumpsuit. The crystals shined under the lights and photographers' camera flashes. His chest was on display, every tattoo shining in this light. You took a back exit with Jeff and smiled as Kid got in to take a few photos with Harry. You saw Kid's hand snake too low to your liking and decided to make them laugh.
"Hands where I can see them," you yelled, causing Harry and Kid to shake their heads, neither of them able to contain their laughter.
"Y/N, jump in for a photo!" Photographers were quick to yell. You looked at them, eyes wide, forgetting that it wasn't just you watching him. You saw cameras pan over to you, and you graciously flashed them a smile before declining. Next thing you know, Harry's holding tight to your hand as you're ushered inside a green room where Harry will change into his award show outfit.
You sit on the couch with Sarah as you wait for Harry to come out, and when he does, he takes your breath away. He's wearing custom Gucci (of course he is), a white cropped jacket with a black collar, a silver sequined top, and brown wide-leg trousers. Adidas sneakers back for his comfort.
"Pretty sure you're going to be the prettiest star out there," you tell him, not caring that a room of your friends can see you gushing over him because the truth is you'll never stop.
"No lovefest, we got to get seated," Jeff reminds you, and out the door, you all go.
Harry, your shy boyfriend, was sitting at the front of the room, at the table closest to the stage. You already knew he'd be the most popular table from the start. You were happy you got to sit next to him, supporting him. Jeff assured you it would be okay to squeeze one more he checked with Ben, and it was okay. If anything, he'd be happy to join Lizzo and Adele's table.
Bad Bunny opened the show, and you were out of your seat dancing with Lizzo. She told Harry she was stealing you away for a bit, not that he seemed to mind. He enjoyed seeing you dance with her. You knew Harry was a fan of Benito but only danced to him in private with you, and that was enough for you. The night seemed to move on quickly between awards and commercial breaks. The fact that the room was filled with so many amazing artists you loved was a dream. Harry's first win of the night was significant and set you all in a good mood.
Harry held tight to your hand, keeping a serious look on his face because he was sure it wasn't him. There were amazing artists nominated with him, knowing it would be okay no matter the result, but when the announcer reads "Harry Styles," you jump out of your seat, cheering proudly for Harry as he sits in shock. He shakes his head, standing up to hug Kid, Tyler, and Jeff. You squeeze him tight when it's your turn, "proud of you, Harry."
He kisses your cheek and walks up the stairs, happily accepting his grammy. He looks out at the crowd in disbelief, he's quick to catch your eye, and you blow him a kiss. Harry grins before stepping close to the mic to begin his speech. "Thank you so much. This album, from start to finish, has been the greatest experience of my life, from writing it with my best friends to playing it for you, it's the greatest joy. I'd like to thank Rob, Jeffrey, Tom, Tyler, Tommy, and Tom." He looks down at the grammy. "Thank you to everyone who inspired this album, thank you to all my friends, I wouldn't be here without you, thank you." Harry lifts the grammy, gives it a kiss, and walks away.
The night only seemed to get better from there. There were terrific performances, but Harry's was something magical. He got to perform the song that started this new era, and you couldn't be prouder. To be at his side supporting him from the post-production of this album to the release to now was something you'd never forget. You'd spend forever at his side rooting for him. You were an emotional mess most of the show, unable to stop leaning close to Harry and whispering how much you loved him and how proud you were. He never told you to stop because, with a squeeze of your thigh, you knew he was happy to have you there.
It's the night's last award, and everyone is on edge. Harry sits there, smiling as they announce all ten nominees. Harry teases you if you want Benito to win, but you shake your head, assuring him the person walking up that stage in a moment will be him. Harry's eyes gleam with tears because he's thankful to be surrounded by the people he loves most.
Trevor opened the envelope, and before reading the name, he walked over to the woman part of the "superfans" and had her read the name. You knew it was Harry. She was there for him, and now she had the honor of reading his name.
"H-Harry Styles," she spoke into the microphone. The crowd cheered in congratulations. Harry hid his face in his hands. You had tears streaming down your face as Jeff, Kid, and Tyler shared hugs in congratulations. "Amor, you won. You won."
He raises his head, looking at you in disbelief. You help him stand up, letting him wrap you in a hug as you kiss his cheek, whispering how proud you are that he deserved this. Harry laughed into your ear. "I can't believe it, baby."
"You did it, H. Go on." He stays with you, his eyes locked with yours, and before you can ask him what he's thinking, his lips connect with yours in a short but welcoming kiss. "Thank you, my love." Harry accepts hugs from everyone at his table, stopping to hug Lizzo before going on stage with Kid and Tyler behind him. You look at Harry with pride, Jeff clutching you close to his side.
"That's our star up there," Jeff tells you as Harry fist-pumps while giving his fan a big hug and taking the grammy from her. You laugh, shaking your head in disbelief. Jeff hands you a tissue as you do your best to be careful with your makeup, even if it is waterproof.
"Shit." Harry starts his speech, causing you to laugh, and you know he can hear you because he does it again. "Well, shit." He looks out into the audience staring at everyone in disbelief. You were hanging on to his every word and knew he was shocked he won, but he was grateful and thankful in his speech. "You have no idea how you helped finish this album. Thank you." Harry is looking right at you when he says that you have no idea what he means. "This is really really kind. I'm so, so grateful. This doesn't happen to people like me very often, and this is so nice. Thank you very much."
You cheer for Kid and Tyler, thanking their family and Harry during their acceptance speech. You know he was looking at you. There was no missing it, but this album was finished during tour. Jeff guides you backstage, where you'll see Harry in the green room after he's done with the interviews. Mitch is quick to sweep you in a hug. "HE'S A THREE-TIME GRAMMY WINNER!" It was the start of your tears all over again. Sarah came in and joined the hug. Harry had the best team and friends supporting him.
This was family and soon Harry would come in to be showered by all the love. You all stood around talking, looking back at videos; you were tempted to ask Mitch what Harry meant but decided it was best to wait for Harry. Then the man of the hour comes i,n and the room erupts in cheers. Harry greets everyone in the room with a hug and a thank you. By the time he made it to the other side of the room, he was close to tears. He was glowing, the happiness radiating off him.
Harry opens his arms, and you fall right in, coming together like two puzzle pieces. "Amor, mi vida. Te amo. I love you. I love you." It's all you can think to say.
"Baby, look at me," his voice was gentle.
You raise your head and meet his shining eyes. Harry presses his lips against yours. You follow his lead allowing you both to get lost in each other for a moment.
"You've heavily inspired this album," he tells you, knowing that is exactly what was on your mind. You look at him confused because he told you this album was written before you (many times). That seems to be the only thought running through your head. Harry laughs, his thumb tracing over your lips, reminding you the gloss had faded and needed to reapply. "Why do you look so surprised?"
"B-b-because you told me this album was written between your movies being filmed." That was long before you joined him on tour in St. Paul. He laughs because he remembers telling you that he's surprised you haven't picked up on the sprinklings of you in the album.
"Cinema?" He asks.
You shake your head, "stop."
"Love of my life?"
Harry looks at you with so much love, and you know he's not lying to you. Why would he? You let your head fall against his chest. "You're insane," you whisper.
"Love of my life," he promises. "I had songs ready, but some weren't finished. Why do you think I stayed in Nashville? We recorded all day. Tyler and Kid were shocked at all I brought. My biggest muse walked into my life. Of course, I wrote a song or two." Harry smiles at your look of disbelief.
“I love you, Harry. I’m honored to be by your side, seeing you accomplish everything you dreamed of.”
“You’re proud?” Harry asks.
“Of course,” your hand rests on the back of his neck.
“Does that mean I’m getting lucky tonight?” He teases.
You smack his chest playfully, “not with that attitude.”
“Baby, please. Don’t you think I deserve kisses,” he puckers his lips. You close the distance and give him a quick peck.
You sigh, “you deserve the world, Harry.”
He shakes his head. “You’re all I want. You’re all I need.”
Harry and you get lost in your own world in the corner of the room, sharing kisses and whispering about how much you love him and how proud you are. No one in the room tried to rush you because they knew Harry was about to be the most sought out person at the after-party. They simply let you be two people in love celebrating this momentous night.
taglist: taglist: @alienorknight​ @harry-is-on-route-66​ @myfavfanficsever​ @springholland​ @michellekstyles​ @harryismyfwend​ @japanchrry​ @charlessgf​ @golden-hoax​ @itsmycorneroftheinternet​ @harryspirate​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @thurhomish​ @thelovecayon​ @shawnieeboyy​ @dontworrysunflower​ @a-strange-familiar​ @caramello-styles​
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hstylestuff · 1 year
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