#Haruka Wistriän Kurta
lovely-cherubs · 4 months
Scarlet Embers, Chapter 2: Secrets, Lies & Betrayal
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After skating for about 3 hours, with breaks in between, Haruka had finally reached BurrWood, a suburb in Yorknew City. It was also where she lived. The place was known for its thriving nature and strong multicultural influences, with residents coming from the Republic of Padokea, Jappon, and even the Kakin Empire.
She sighed in relief, admiring the scenery of the place. It had lush fields and gardens along with raccoons, squirrels, pigeons, and even rabbits thriving in the green. A few coyotes and foxes were also present in the area.
After a few more hours, Haruka had finally reached her parents house. She pushed the button on her belt and in a few seconds, the wheels on the bottom of her shoes retracted, no longer visible.
She walked towards the small entrance gate, closing it behind her after she entered. She glanced at the exterior of the house while walking towards the front door, smiling as she admired its infrastructure.
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"I'm home!" Haruka announced entering the house, shutting the door behind her. Upon entering, she saw her dad, Chanyeol, was sitting on the living room couch watching TV, while her mom, Sunhee, was in the kitchen making dinner.
Upon seeing Haruka enter, she walked up and embraced her into a warm, affectionate hug. After a few seconds, Chanyeol joined in, pulling the two into a tight bear hug. The hug was so tight that neither Haruka or Sunhee could breathe.
"Ack! Father... too... tight." Haruka said, struggling to speak. He let go of the hug before chuckling at Haruka's reaction of taking in exaggerated deep breaths. In the meantime, Sunhee walked into the kitchen before coming back again with a plate.
"Welcome home dear! I made you your favorites while you were gone: bulgogi, rabokki, tteokgalbi, and of course, yangnyeom and buldak chicken."
Haruka's eyes sparkled at the sight of the glistening meals. The smell of barbeque emitting from the bulgogi and the sweet and spicy gochujang-based sauce on the fried chicken entered her nose, making her mouth water.
"I also made some huraideu-chicken (regular fried chicken) in case you wanted that instead. Then again, you love spicy food so that won't be a problem."
(if you're wondering, Sun-Hee is South Korean, Mexican, and Italian and Chan-Yeol is South Korean-Japanese)
"Thank you mom. You really didn't have to." Haruka smiled before grabbing a plate. Her parents knew her very well. If there was anything that could grab Haruka's attention, it was food.
"Nonsense. We'd do anything for our daughter, and that includes making her favorite food." Roberto ruffled her hair.
“Hey, stop it.” Haruka chuckled, jokingly pushing away his hand before fixing her hair.
“Oh by the way, wish Genji a birthday for me will you?” Chanyeol asked. Her eyes widened.
“Ah! How did I forget!? Haruka panicked. She’d completely forgotten about Genji’s birthday.
“And after I marked it on the calendar. On top of that, I didn’t get anything for him!” She was now pacing around the living room table.
“It's alright, we can make a cake for him.” Sunhee suggested, walking back into the kitchen and taking out the ingredients.
“I'm positive he'll accept it. He's a nice guy after all.” Hearing that last sentence, Haruka’s smile faded. Chanyeol realized the gloomy look on her face. It was the same face she made after breaking up with Kami, one of her exes.
“Hey, what's wrong?” he asked. “Did something happen?” This was the saddest that he'd ever seen Haruka.
She let out a sigh before responding. She looked up and began to explain the situation.
“I haven't told Selene or Ragna this but Genji has sort of been mistreating me lately.”
Both Sunhee and Chanyeol’s eyes widened. Genji? Mistreating Haruka? What was going on? This was the first time they've ever heard of such a thing.
“We're listening,” Sunhee assured the girl.
When she first met Genji, he presented himself as a kind, respectful and hardworking man. He always offered to help around the house abd even helped Chanyeol in his engineering workshop on days where he couldn't go to work.
Haruka sighed before telling them the whole story.
“Well to start off, he bosses me around and acts pushy. He has strong opinions about what I should be doing and even what I wear and how I should dress.” Haruka explained taking off the jacket that was covering her attire underneath.
She was wearing a black corset with chains patterns criss-crossing on its front and a black layered skirt underneath. Along with it, she wore a pair of long black armless gloves and two garter belts attached to both of her knee high boots, as well as a necklace.
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“This morning, before I left to go to the café, he told me he didn't like this outfit, said that it made me look like an “emo harlot”, and forced me to go change. I changed the outfit, but I wasn't going to listen to him because I didn't agree with what he said and hid the outfit in my bag so that I could change once I got to a public restroom.”
Both Sunhee and Chanyeol’s eyes widened in disbelief hearing what Genji had called their daughter. Chanyeol himself was so shocked he spit out his beer, spilling it all over the kitchen floor. An emo harlot? Did he bump his head into a wall or something?
“Excuse me!?” Chanyeol demanded, still in disbelief about this whole thing. This did not sound like the Genji he knew and respected, the Genji that worked with him in his workshop from time to time. Something wasn't right.
“Yeah. It's not the first time he’s said some really hurtful things. There was also that time he kept talking about my boobs, butt, and other body parts in front of his friends and it made me really uncomfortable. He even groped them in front of them.
"I yelled at him to shut up and stop doing that and he slapped me across the face, saying that I was overreacting and acting like a bitch. It hurt, but I know he didn't mean any of those things.”
“Okay, first off, he has no right to talk to you like that and second,”— Sunhee took the cake out from the oven— “that is abuse, assault, and most of all, not okay. I'll be on the phone with his parents tonight.” Sunhee shook her head in disbelief.
Chanyeol nodded in agreement. He was going to have a talk with Genji and see what the problem was that he was behaving this way. He put his beer down and walked over to Haruka, embracing her into a hug.
“You did the right thing by coming to us and telling us about this.” Haruka’s eyes began to water. Tears streamed. down her cheeks as she returned the hug. She was lucky to have such supportive parents.
“Thank you…" she whispered." How did I get so lucky to have amazing parents like you two?”
Chanyeol chuckled as he eyed Sunhee, who was decorating the cake she baked for Genji. “I think the real question is, how did we get so lucky to have a daughter like you.
“Remember Haruka, you can talk to us if you need anything. Also,” — Chanyeol reached into his pocket and took out a container with pills. Not just any pills, but Haruka’s medication to treat her ADHD.
“You forgot to take your Adyssol RM again today.” He put it in her hand. Haruka’s eyes widened as she glanced at the container (think of it as the equivalent of Adderall XR irl).
“Seriously! Again?” She groaned, putting it inside her bag. “I really need to find a way to remind myself to take my meds.”
A few hours later...
Haruka stood at the front door of "Home Works", a home improvement retail corporation. Like most home improvement retail corporations, the place sold tools, construction products, appliances, and even transportation rentals.
It was here Genji worked at the manager and because she was giving him a surprise visit, she didn't let him know she was coming to visit. Haruka sighed in relief as she held the square, cream-colored cake box with both hands.
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Haruka eyed the note taped on the fake flowers on the box. It read: "Happy 20th Birthday Genji! Enjoy this surprise I helped Haruka and Mrs. Utashima make for you will ya? - Ms. Scieszka"
Haruka smiled. Ms. Scieszka was their next door neighbor and friends with Haruka's mother. She owned her very own bakery named "Scieszka" and would often visit Sunhee either at home or her clinic to give her some bread, cookies, doughnuts, and other flour-based baked goods that bakeries sold.
Sunhee was an apothecary and would often work long hours in her shop, some shifts lasting up to midnight, so having some of her goods, especially bread, to eat was a life saver. Haruka was worried that she'd have to carry the cake without a secure container; she completely forgot that Ms. Scieszka had some spare cake boxes in her shop.
When she remembered, she hurried over to her place and asked if she could have one for the cake. The woman smiled and said "of course". Haruka chuckled to herself as she entered the store. Her and her overthinking, it really was a nuisance.
After walking up the stairs to the second floor for about 20 minutes, she found the door to Genji's office. Haruka held the box with excitement. She couldn't wait to see the man's reaction.
"Happy Birthday Gen-" Haruka stopped midway, her eyes widened in shock as she entered the office. She saw Genji, but there was also another woman. She had red hair and amber eyes. She was wearing a short, tight dress that showed her curves.
Haruka would be lying if she said that the woman wasn't attractive, which made her all the more concerned as to why she was with Genji, alone with him in his office. The red-head stared at Haruka for a few minutes before turning to face Genji.
"Who the hell is she?" she asked in an egotistical, stuck-up tone. Genji looked over at Haruka. The brunette's eyes were no longer baby blue, as they changed into a pure shade of scarlet. The cake that was in her hands now on the ground, completey destroyed. A bead of sweat fell from Genji's forehead.
He knew about her eyes and their strange ability to change color when agitated. He didn't know why either. To him, she looked fearsome with her eyes in that state. Like a demon about to devour its prey.
"Start talking, Genji! Who is she?" Haruka's voice was now coated with anger. Genji eyed the two. Both of them were clearly unhappy and waiting for an answer. He sighed before replying.
"Well, there's really no point in hiding it anymore." he walked over to the red-haired girl, grabbing onto her waist. The sight was enough to make Haruka vomit.
"Haruka, this is Brielle. She's...the girl I've been seeing behind your back."
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To be continued...
Chapter 3 - Secrets, Lies, & Betrayal (Part 2)
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Comments and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
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lovely-cherubs · 4 months
Scarlet Embers, Chapter 1: Cafe Comfort
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The golden morning sun rays shone inside a cozy cafe, filling the air with the delicious aroma of sandwiches, pastries, desserts, and coffee. The wonderful fragrance brought immense joy and happiness to everyone present there, including Haruka. She was standing patiently at the end of the line, eagerly waiting for her turn.
Cheryl's Café was her favorite breakfast spot in Yorknew City. After moving in with her boyfriend of two years in the city, it became even easier to visit the place. Although her parents were sad to see her leave their home in the suburbs, she promised to visit them whenever she could.
Haruka was planning to visit her parents today after getting her usual order. Although they were not her biological parents, Haruka loved them dearly. They had raised her as their own child, and that was all that mattered to her. 
Sunhee and Chanyeol considered it a blessing, as it fulfilled their wish of having a child. Unfortunately, they were not able to bear any children. When they saw Haruka in a room all by herself, crying and isolated from the other kids due to her scarlet eyes, it made their hearts sink.
Haruka had no recollection of her childhood, nor did she have any information about her biological parents. However, she was resolute in discovering her roots. She yearned to learn about her origin, her parents' characteristics, and more importantly, unravel the mystery behind her eyes.
Why did they turn red when she felt strong emotions? What was so bad about them? Why did she get separated and treated like an outcast growing up? Why did she have to conceal them with brown contact lenses? So many questions yet no answers.
"Next." the barista called. Haruka was the only one standing.
"Right, that's me," Haruka thought as she stepped up to the counter. "The usual please!" she stated with a pleasant grin. 
“Two bagels with cream cheese and a mocha?" the barista eyed her. Haruka smiled.
“You know me very well Selene.” she beamed. “It's the only thing I ever order from here really. Nothing else.” Haruka reached into her purse and handed over 166 Jenny to the girl.
“Well as your best friend, it makes sense that I know what you like. If I didn't, I don't think that I'd deserve the title.” The black-haired girl grinned as she took the payment from her.
“Anyways, how are things with Genji?” Selene sorted the cash and walked out from behind the counter. Haruka’s eyes widened upon hearing the question. 
“Genji? W-What about him?” she stuttered a bit. She didn't expect to be asked about him. Then again, she rarely talked about him. Even with her friends, she barely mentioned him.
“I mean, how are you guys doing? How's your relationship with him? Anything interesting? You never talk about him.” Haruka frowned before she began to explain.
“To be honest, no. Lately he's been so busy with work that we rarely spend any time together. And when we do get time, he's just… distant.” She frowned.
“It feels as if he doesn't want to see me. Ever since he became the manager, he’s been spending more time at his job instead of home. In fact, he rarely comes home anymore and instead, just stays over at the office.” Haruka sat down on one of the tables in the cafe.
It was true. Recently, Genji has been spending more time away from Haruka than usual. The only reason she moved from her home in the suburbs to the city was so she and Genji could see each other often and spend more time together. But ever since she moved in with him, he became even more distant than usual.
Selene raised an eyebrow upon hearing this. “Sounds to me like he's hiding something.” she noted. Though she was single herself, she could smell something suspicious with Genji. It's true that Genji was introverted and all, but that didn't mean he couldn't spend time with his girlfriend.
She knew there was something off about him from the start, but kept quiet. After all, she didn't want to assume anything only to be proven wrong. Haruka sighed, putting her head down on the table.
“I don't know. I don’t want to assume anything and possibly jeopardize our relationship. After all, we've been together for two years and that's probably the longest that I've stayed with anyone compared to my past relationships.” She lifted her head back up.
“I’m telling you, he's is hiding something. Take it from someone who has extremely busy parents who still manage to spend time with my little brother and me.” Selene laid back in her seat.
“For now, it's best to not confront him directly. Observe him. Better yet, I’ll get Ragna to keep an eye on him.” Selene took out her phone and began texting the girl.
“Are you suggesting we stalk him!?” Haruka’s eyes widened. It's true she wanted to know what Genji was hiding from her, but not to this extent.
“Correction, Ragna, not us. No one has more amazing stealth than her. Or are you forgetting how she caught a glimpse of your scarlet eyes without you noticing?” 
“Oh yeah, that's true,” Haruka chuckled. “Honestly, that woman scares me sometimes.” She added while taking a sip of her mocha. 
To Haruka, Ragna was… an interesting person. She could be your best friend, your worst nightmare, or both at the same time. Though anyone who was close with her, including Haruka herself, would say that it’s best if you stayed on her good side.
“Plus, you're his girlfriend, so you can “stalk” him as well. It'll be less suspicious if he ends up seeing you versus if he were to see Ragna.” Selene pointed out.
“Yeah, I guess.” Haruka agreed. “If he is hiding something, I should confront him when I see it,” she noted before getting up from her seat and pressing the button on the middle of her belt. 
With that, four wheels appeared on the bottom of both shoes. The wheels were set in a single straight line, making them rollerblades. She then put on her elbow pads, wrist guards, knee pads, and helmet. She made sure that everything was secured and in place before grabbing her purse. 
“Anyways, I'm off to see mom and dad. I'm not working today and I promised to visit them.” She smiled while attaching breaks on the back of both shoes, now-turned rollerblades. Haruka worked as a papergirl, meaning that she delivered newspapers to people's homes. 
At first, it wasn’t a fun job. Not only did living away from the city make it difficult, but having to go from house to house on a bike was a pain. But, that all changed when her father got her a pair of inline skates on her fifteenth birthday. 
She'd been wanting to learn how to skate for a while and figured that incorporating her ability to skate would make the job easier. As it turned out, she was right. It not only made it easier, but fun too. 
After that, Haruka began using her rollerblades as a method of transportation, only to later realize how annoying it was to switch from her skates to regular shoes every time she went into places like stores, shops, restaurants, and even back home.
It was then that she decided to make her custom-built rollerblades. With the help of her father, they built a pair of rollerblades for her that could be both shoes and skates in one. All she needed to do was press a button and she could go from having skates to shoes and vice versa in a matter of seconds.
“You seriously need to teach me how to make those.” Selene pouted, eyeing the skates. “I feel they would make my life so much easier.”
Haruka chuckled. “Well first, you need to know how to use them,” she explained, skating around the cafe before abruptly stopping herself.
“Trust me, you do not want to fall with these on. Saying this from experience. But if you want, I can make you one of these when I have the time. Being a papergirl during this season is pretty hectic.”
“Oh yeah, the deadline to apply for the Hunter Exam is coming up! Makes sense that everyone is worked up.” Selene mentioned before getting up from her seat.
“But alright, I gotta get back to work. More customers are coming in and it's just me and three others working today. Plus, I'm closing tonight, so I'll be home late.
“Alright, thanks for the heads up. See you later Nene.” With that, Haruka dashed out the front door of the cafe, leaving the place behind.
“Call me if you need anything!” Selene ran outside and shouted before heading back inside the cafe to finish her shift. 
Haruka watched as she quickly passed by other familiar places. She smiled, embracing the feeling of the wind against her skin, the rhythmic motion of her body propelling her forward, the sensation of freedom and movement accompanied by a gentle swaying of her body as she navigated turns and curves. 
Doing this always reminded her of how joyful and exhilarating rollerblading was. To think that she'd grow to love a skill that involves gliding on wheels attached to a pair of boots or shoes. She'd grown attached to the sport. If she didn't skate, she’d feel as if something was missing. 
“Woohoo!” She jumped before sliding down a handrail. “Man that never gets old,” she said out loud to herself. With that, she focused on her path of going to visit the two people she cared about most.
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To be continued: Chapter 2 - Secrets, Lies, & Betrayal
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Comments and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
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lovely-cherubs · 5 months
Kurapika has a lingere kink. You cannot tell me otherwise. Seeing Haruka in lingere is enough to drive him wild and have him in heat like a dog.
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lovely-cherubs · 4 months
Haruka Revenge Anthem right here ❤️🛐 (I just found out about this song btw) @cape-cod-lullaby
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lovely-cherubs · 4 months
HxH OC 1: Haruka Wistriän Kurta
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Art Credits: Images were found on Pinterest. Credit to the artists
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Name: Haruka Wistriän Kurta (Japanese: ハルカ・ウィストリア・クルタ)
Other Names: Haruka Utashima (adopted name) , Lilly Mystique (stage name)
DOB: February 2nd, 1981 (2/2/1981)
Age: 12 (Volume 0), 18 (Hunter Exam Arc), 19 (Yorknew City Arc), 20 (Dark Continent Arc)
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius ♒
Hair Color: Brown (natural/original), Black (dyed), Other Colors (dyed)
Eye Color: Silver (original), Blue (memory loss), Green (memory loss; 1999), Brown (contacts), Red (either at will or when agitated), Golden-Yellow (contacts)
Height: 5’8”, 5'9" (Yorknew Arc-Present)
Weight: 152
Blood Type: AB+
Personality: Blunt, Straightforward, Helpful, Opinionated, Daredevil, Stubborn, Skeptical, Rancorous, Argumentative, Mercurial, Sensitive, Machiavellian
Sexuality: Pansexual (attracted to a person regardless of their gender identity and/or sex)
Occupation: Blacklist Hunter, Glamour Model, Alternative Model, Fashion Designer, Vedette, Fetish Model, Burlesque Dancer
Affiliation: Nostrade Mansion, Yorknew Chronicles
Hobbies: Listening to music, drawing, designing, rollerblading, photography, cooking, practicing apothecary and aromatherapy.
Love Interest: Kurapika Kurta
Nen Type: Specialization
Relatives: Meliosa Godiva Wistriän (biological mother), Grayson Kurta (biological father), Kurta Elder (Grandfather), SunHee Utashima (adopted mother), Chanyeol Utashima (adopted father)
Disorders/Illnesses: ADHD Inattentive type, Bipolar Disorder 1, BPD (Quiet subtype), Social Anxiety, Depression, C-PTSD
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Some More facts About Haruka:
Haruka was a part of the Wistriän Clan and like all members of the clan, her eye color was silver, but due to a traumatic event, she lost her memories and as a result, her eyes changed to blue (green in the 1999 version)
Haruka's mother had ADHD and Bipolar Disorder, making it a possibility for how she herself got the conditions.
Haruka's BPD resulted in the abuse she faced at the hands of her father growing up.
Haruka is immune to poisons and venoms due to purposely injecting herself with them as a kid to see their reactions.
Haruka loves anime and manga, fashion, food, music, etc.
Aside from being a Hunter, Haruka is also a Glamour Model, Alternative Model, Fashion Designer, Vedette, Fetish Model, and Burlesque Dancer.
Haruka is a Mach (Machiavellian), meaning that she uses clever, but often dishonest methods that deceive people in order to achieve her goals. She has no qualms about deceiving or lying to others (something that Kurapika finds deeply unsettling about her) and will very often use her charm and flattery to her advantage. Due to being taken advantage of throughout her life, she sees no problem with what she does
Despite her Machiavellianism, Haruka is empathetic and isn't completely devoid of emotions contrary to what most people think of and believe Machs are.
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lovely-cherubs · 4 months
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Thank you to one of my friends (@goopypip on Twitter) for drawing my OCs, Haruka Wistriän Kurta (Haruka Utashima), for me in this lion costume. I love it sm!
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lovely-cherubs · 4 months
"People change, Kurapika. You've changed and so have I. That's all there is to it." - Haruka Wistriän Kurta
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lovely-cherubs · 4 months
I found out something interesting about the word "Wistriän" yesterday. Although it's a word that I completely made up, it's actually a real word in Finnish & it means "of Wisteria". So the literal translation of the Wistriän Clan would be "Clan of the Wisteria".
What do you think? You think it's a coincidence that Haruka's clan is named after the same plant that's commonly found in Japan? 👀
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0 notes
lovely-cherubs · 4 months
HxH OCs Masterlist
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OC #1: Haruka Wistriän Kurta
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OC #2: Freyja Oxenstierna
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OC #3: Ragna Liu Traustadóttir
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OC #4: Birgitta "Birta" Järvela
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OC #5: Annaliese Banasiewicz
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