#Hatori's mom
wyrvel · 1 year
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touichirou is lonely
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
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yo someone call TNR it’s the fuckable five!!!
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I was making a presentation about the worst mob psycho 100 rabbit hole I stumbled upon for my friends and I needed some visuals So I drew them (those little silly creatures is the only thing that was keeping me sane)
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stacotto · 8 months
It probably won't happen, but it'd be both hilarious and cathartic if the way that Yuuki comes back into the story is that Chika's ghost is haunting him and Elias and Chise are called in to try and exorcise her but they don't know who the client is until they meet in person and Chise is torn between putting her mother to rest or spiting her father.
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mitsybubbles · 4 months
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Age swap Serizawa and Tome edit
Plus some ideas I wrote about it below after talking at lenght about it with @acekindaneat
Tome runs spirits and such but keeping herself at a small distance because she’s terrified of sharing with other people and being dismissed so it’s a way of doing things “herself” but she’s not a psychic even though she wants to be and she needs People. Because of this she’s a little more interested in pursuing urban legends cases, haunting cases, or mysteries and tends to be disappointed if there is a normal explanation for it
Serizawa is a former shut in who was coaxed out by Tome after his mom hired her (since she claimed to be a psychic consultant) and is currently “training” him in his abilities. He just moved to a new middle school and is very anxious about being a member of society and fitting in without losing control again
Reigen is a year below Serizawa at their school and acts like a normal student during class hours and is well liked but not close to anyone but after hours he spends his time trying to “become someone of note” because he feels isolated by the norms of society. He keeps getting obsessed with and switching hobbies every other week. His current one when the story starts is private investigation. His sister is a year above Serizawa and is a top student
Mob is a NEET in who hid himself away after his powers caused several accidents and fractured his relationship with his younger brother. He only leaves to get amenities and he relies on his parents support or on a work at home job for money
Dimple is a new spirit who doesn’t know what his place in the world is yet. He doesn’t have a human form or memories but he still has human desires and impulses so he feels out of place in it.
-Serizawa finds Reigen researching into the LOL cult after he joined it hoping to make some friends and they both get sucked into the supernatural conspiracy behind it. Reigen realizes Seri is a psychic and decides he’s now into the occult and demands his boss hire him and drags him to Tome’s office
- Tome meeting adult Mezato and then coming to blows ala Reigen and Roshuuto because Tome is annoyed that Mezato is seeking out the occult “because she’s bored”
-Serizawa being cajoled by Toichirou to join his little gang and Serizawa actually enjoying it and seeing claw as his friends even tho he felt guilty about hurting other gang members but “it’s okay because Master Kurata says it’s okay to protect yourself from bad people right?” Also he was given the umbrella as a gift and Tome and Reigen notices how much Seri’s been using it and Tone mostly goes “huh you’re skills are coming along ig” because while shes supportive she also isn’t very attentive and Reigen’s more suspicious because seirzawa is spending less time with him. Due to being scared that his first real friend would leave him, Reigen is a little threatened by that so he lashes on seri. They argue and seri stops hanging with reigen. Then reigen feels bad and decides to apologize and gets caught by Toichi + co in a small hazing ritual to get seri to stop comparing himself as the same level as “commoners” by denouncing his friendship with a nonesper. So then they fight when seri refuses to and finally seri insists that he doesn’t have to be stronger or weaker than anyone else to get to have proper connections and he breaks the umbrella saving Reigen from crossfire
And then later Reigen feels bad about everything (and he also realizes Toichirou was right that he was only friends with seri because he was an esper) so he gives seri some pokemon cards playing it off by saying he had those laying around his room and gets thrown off when Seri is openly emotional about it and hugs him. Meanwhile Toichirou is reevaluating everything because everyone sort of ditched him after he wasn’t giving them smth in return (except Hatori sort of lol- Hatori likes his presence Enough and the StuCo leader Joseph who was trying to get him suspended)
Minegeshi is like 20 here and runs a flower shop that the kids hang out in. It’s probably destroyed now. Sorry my dude.
-Reigen wanting to search for the dragger after his sister tells him he can’t keep “goofing around” otherwise his parents will force him to settle on an proper interest
-Some kids hiring Tome to find a “ghost” that lives on their street and it ended up being Mob who refuses to interact with them in a meaningful way. Seri makes it his mission to help him. Serizawa wants to ‘prove’ hes better now by helping someone like him but then he and Mob make a connection and Serizawa understands that he has to let Mob accept himself and make that step himself.
Also Tome shows Mob the benefits of releasing one’s emotions in a safe space.
-Reigen and Mob meet at the office and really hit it off
-Teru hiring the gang to come exercise a spirit in his TV studio and he and Mob end up fighting because he thought he was the best esper ever, you know the deal. And meanwhile Tome and the kids deal with the spirit of Mogami who was a psychic child star that haunted Teru and possessed Minori because he’s jaded by people who lie and use others to get notoriety
-Roshuuto is like a wannabe popular kid that annoys the hell out of Reigen because he pretends to be people’s friends and dumps them for someone better and now he’s trying to do occult stuff for clout
-Hoshida is an exorcist without any powers that we know of but he’s really nice and genuinely cares about helping others. He’s one of Tome’s informants
-Separation arc where Tome closed spirits and such briefly after Serizawa leaves to “be a normal kid” for a while because she thinks she won’t find anything meaningful about the paranormal she was searching for because she’s only humoring people- it ends up with her meeting people from middle and highschool she fell out of touch with because of simmilar things and her realizing she should continue to do whatever she loves and she should also pay more attention to the kid who she genuinely cares for and vice versa even if he isn’t going along with her whims 24/7
-Mob trying to reconnect with Ritsu
-Confession arc where Serizawa injures his mother in an incident after he thought he was doing “better” so he runs away and has to confront his own powers- and Tome having to come to an understanding with him too
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starmocha · 2 days
TL;DR: TIL I share the same surname as Zayne 🫠🫠🫠 and also realized it's the same word for pears in Vietnamese 😭
During a recent conversation with my mom this afternoon that I was barely tuning into lol, she was talking about how my grandmother (her mom) used to complain about my grandfather feeling his surname was superior (grandma lol what). (sidenote: my dad's surname and my mom's maiden name coincidentally are the same because Lê is like the third most common surname for Vietnamese people)
My mom teased her about it, and somehow mentioned it's the same word for pears in Vietnamese and I just looked up
I stared at her and went "why am I just now realizing this???" like I just took it for granted...I'm smart, I'm fluent and bilingual but like ??¿¿¿¿?????? like now I'm always going to think of pears when I look at my last name. Mother, what have you done 😭😭😭 are you happy are you pleased with yourself I have to live with this knowledge for the remainder of my life
and then I immediately remembered Zayne's Chinese name sounds similar to the word for pears and I giggled like the dumb simp I am 🤡
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Lowkey makes sense tho, because if you translate Lê to Chinese, it would be Li (黎), and many of our words and names have Chinese origin.
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I proceeded to spiral and made more connections like my middle name literally means winter. I was born in the winter. Those are valid excuses for me to have snowflake accessories in the middle of June and not because I simp for a fictional guy with winter motifs although Hatori Sohma hello
Zayne also shares his birthday with my parents' anniversary, but it's funny to me because my parents hate each other lmao, so it'll be weird if I actually celebrate his birthday IRL around them i'll bake you a carrot cake zayne only the best for you king 👑
what in god's name was this rabbit hole my mother sent me down into
I'm sorry. I'm apparently just a small winter pear 🍐 (Xíu means little 😶)
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vampyrsutton · 2 years
KyouxTohru~Mating Season
When the boys start avoiding her with no explanation, Tohru gets worried and asks the younger Sohmas, and well, she's always one to help.
Ao3 Tags:
Mating Cycles/In Heat, Kinktober, Kinktober 2022, Scent Kink, Getting Together, First Time, Mating Bites, Biting, Fluff, Insecurity, Kink Negotiation, post-sex cuddles, Hair-pulling, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Cat Dick, Sort Of
My notes for this read "I am why we can’t have nice things."
Sorry if this is OOC, but someone had to literally almost die for these two to get their shit together in canon so liberties had to be taken lol
"Hey, Tohru. No bodyguards today?" Hatsuharu asks with a tilt of his head as he stretches.
Tohru blinks, confused before she must realize what he means, and visibly slumps. She's quickly putting her usually carefree smile back in place though.
"No, not today. I guess they weren't feeling well or something, but Kyo refuses to even be in the same room as me." She can't hide the way her shoulders slump this time. "He actually growled at me, but I don’t know what I could have done wrong and even Shigure's holed up in his rooms so I can't even ask him."
"That's weird." Hatsuharu agrees, sounding a bit distant as though in thought. "Hey, Tohru…what day is it?"
"Um…May 5th? Why?" Tohru asks with a tilt of her head, confused by the sudden topic change.
Haru nods sagely in understanding. "Ah, that makes sense then."
"Huh? What does? Are they okay?" Her eyes widen before she looks around and her voice drops to a whisper. "Is it a zodiac thing?"
"Ding ding ding," Haru responds dryly. "First day of summer in the traditional calendar. It's when most of the animal mating seasons overlap so I guess most decided to sync up there at some point in the past. I'm pretty sure I join next year and Momoji's just going to be a menace. …I think Ritsu and Kagura are in fall and winter. Yuki should have already been done though so that's weird." He mumbles thoughtfully.
Tohru, meanwhile, has momentarily stopped functioning as she stares at the ox blankly. "Huh?" A blush is slowly creeping up her face.
"Haru!" Momoji suddenly appears to lightly thump the taller boy on the arm with a pout. "Have some tact. You're going to break poor Tohru!" He scolds.
"Ow," Haru says flatly. "She wanted to know what's wrong with the others."
"There are better ways to say it." Momoji huffs before turning to Tohru with a look of concern. "Are you okay, Tohru?"
"Huh? Yeah! Why wouldn't I be!" She squeaks, standing straight. "It's natural! Nothing wrong with it! Perfectly natural! All good here!"
Momoji chuckles, leaning up to pat Tohru on the head. "It's okay to be embarrassed you know? We appreciate how accepting you are, but you just learned that your housemates are in a magic-induced horny haze. You can be embarrassed."
Tohru squeaks again but shakes her head. "No, um, that's not why I'm embarrassed. Really it's not. My mom was a bit wild so I'm really not as innocent with that stuff as people think." She swears as her face grows darker. "It's just..well…I said Kyo growled at me, right?"
Momoji frowns but nods. "Was the cat being a big meanie?"
Tohru shakes her head quickly before her brow furrows in a frown. "No! …Well…I don't know? He said I smelled, but his pupils were blown and he kind of cracked the door frame with how hard he was gripping it. I thought it was a little strange that he didn't fight Yuki dragging him back upstairs, but I was too busy apologizing for apparently smelling, but now I'm wondering…" She makes a dying noise. "No, that's just silly. There's no way."
Momoji and Hatsuharu share a knowing look even if they're both ready to scream if it means these fools will understand.
"Tohru." Momoji starts in one of his rare moments of seriousness. "Why don't you talk to him? Hatori said we're still coherent and able to make decisions, we're just a bit more willing to listen to instinct and our inner desires is all." He smiles. "That was probably his cat trying to get his butt moving." He giggles now when Tohru's face darkens once more.
"Get moving…what?" She blinks. Is there steam coming off her face? It feels like there's steam coming off her face. "Um, uh, what about Yuki?" She jumps, wanting the subject changed. "Hatsuharu said it was weird for him to be acting strange right now?"
Momoji smirks a little but accepts the change. "It is probably his rat throwing the same fit as the cat but for that one grey-haired girl from student council."
Tohru regrets her decision, but is, luckily, saved by the bell as she squeaks a goodbye before running off.
"Talk to him!" Momoji laughs after her.
Tohru doesn't have an answer for her friends as to what happened and why she's still red when she returns to the classroom.
She's not sure she'd be able to tell them even if she could.
"Oh, welcome home, Miss Honda." Yuki smiles tiredly when she stumbles into the kitchen with grocery bags. "Good day at school?"
Tohru can't help her little squeak as she straightens before nodding quickly. "Yes! Sorry, yes. School was fine. I- um- I talked to Hatsuharu and Momoji though. Um, thank you for helping Kyo back to his room this morning!" She stumbles with a bow.
Yuki blinks in confusion before giving one of his pleasant smiles that even Tohru knows spells someone's doom. "So they told you, did they?"
"Yes, but only 'cause I was worried!" She quickly assures, finally putting the bags on the table. "You all just suddenly started avoiding me and no one would tell me why. …I figured it was zodiac related since it was all three of you so when Hatsuharu asked where you were, I said what was wrong and he told me why…sorry." She mumbles near the end, bowing once more.
Yuki's face changes to surprise before he sighs in defeat. "No, we should have told you somethingat least. Apologies, Miss Honda."
"No! No, you're fine. You were probably just embarrassed, right?" Tohru shakes her head, waving her hands a bit. "Hatsuharu said it's weird for yours to be this late so that probably doesn't help, especially if you were trying to keep it a secret, but um-" Tohru buries her face in her hands as she groans in annoyance at her own stumbling before gesturing at the shopping bags. "I picked up some Pocari and extra food. I wanted to at least pass a note to Kyo about this morning, but otherwise, I'll leave you guys alone. Just let me know if you need me to pick anything up or to pass along any messages or um yeah. Momoji said why yours is probably later than the rat's is supposed to be so just let me know-sorry!" She squeaks when Yuki crushes the water bottle in his hand with that smile back on his face.
"You're fine, Miss Honda. Thank you for these. I just need to have a word with a certain rabbit when I go back next week is all." He smiles, actually grabbing a sports drink and some snacks before heading to the stairs. "As for talking to the cat. I don't know if that's the best idea."
Tohru tilts her head in confusion. "Momoji said Hatori said you guys were still coherent, though?"
Yuki sighs, glaring up the stairs. "This is true, but the cat is still slightly more animalistic because of its other form. As much as I hate to admit it, at this point they'd rather die than actually hurt you and wouldn't do anything against your will, but I doubt you'd be leaving his den." He warns before looking back at Tohru. "So think carefully about what you want to do."
Tohru's face flames red once more as she squeaks, but nods her head. "R-Right! Gotcha!"
Yuki gives another tired smile before heading up the stairs. "I'll deliver these to him then. Have a good night Miss Honda."
"You too!" She squeaks.
Tohru, as promised, thinks about it.
God does she think about it.
She spends so much time thinking about it, actually, that by the next day, she's slumped over her desk, fighting for her life to keep her eyes open.
"Hey, Tohru?" Uotani frowns as she turns to her during a break. "You good?"
"Your waves seem quite troubled." Hanajima agrees, appearing next to them.
Tohru hopes her face isn't as red as it feels. "I'm fine, just didn't sleep well." Not a lie
"Something wrong?" Uotani asks before a snarl appears on her face. "Do we need to beat up some Sohmas?"
Tohru's too tired to even have much of a reaction. "They didn't do anything wrong, Uo-chan. I just have a lot on my mind." She mumbles sleepily.
Her friends frown at each other but really have no reason not to take her word for it.  
"If you say so." Uotani sighs, kicking her feet up. "Just know you can talk to us though." 
"I know. Thank you." Tohru smiles. "I'm gonna take a little nap before the next lesson. Wake me up when the teacher comes." 
"We shall watch over you." Hanajima smiles. "Sleep well." 
By the end of the day, Tohru is slightly more well-rested and has a note ready to slip under Kyo's door with a request to talk when he can.
She did have a lot on her mind, that was true, but at one point she had gotten up to use the bathroom and could hear him and was pretty sure she heard her name, and yeah they definitely needed to talk, especially if her suspicions were correct.
She freezes at the bottom of the stairs leading up to Shigure's house, though.
"Am I really considering ruining our friendship over this?" She mumbles to herself. "I do genuinely want to help him if he's struggling as much as it sounded, but will he get mad? …He might run off again."
"Ugh! That is it! I am tired of watching you two dance around each other. It is driving me crazy!" Momoji yells out of nowhere, he and Haru having followed her to see if she went through with it.
"Momoji? What are you-" Tohru yelps when she's suddenly hugged and there's a puff of yellow smoke. "What? Momoji wait!" She calls when a little yellow rabbit is running up the stairs with her note way faster than she can run. "Momoji!"
Hatsuharu sighs as he slowly follows behind the two, ruffling his own hair. "Yuki and Kyo are gonna be mad at us."
"Momoji, wait!" Tohru calls as she sees the rabbit dart around the corner of the stairs before there's a small squeaking noise. "Did you get hurt- oh, thank gods, Yuki caught you." She sighs in relief when she sees the taller boy holding the yellow rabbit by the scruff in one hand and the note in the other.
"Want to explain why we're having rabbit stew a week early." Yuki sighs in annoyance, not looking any more rested and radiating an aura like he might actually follow through with it if he doesn't like the answer.
Momoji is actively trying to get away, for once sensing that he's made a mistake as Tohru flushes red.
"He- um- was going to take my note to Kyo while I was second-guessing myself." She whispers, eyeing the cat's door in question.
Yuki stares at her blank-faced for a moment, glancing at the rabbit then back at her before finally sighing.
"You two can thank me later." He decides, choosing violence as he walks over and slides the note under the door himself.
"Wait, no!" Tohru yells, lunging at it even as she watches it disappear beneath the door and hears a shuffling on the other side. She shoots the two rodents the closest she can get to a dirty look as they head down the stairs before focusing back on the door. "Um, you can ignore it and pretend you never saw it if it makes you uncomfortable! Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, I-"
"Tohru, I can read." Kyo huffs through the door, sounding amused. "Back up a bit so I can focus though." 
Tohru doesn't understand what her proximity to the door would have to do with anything but backs up to sit against the opposite wall nonetheless. "Sorry." 
"You're fine. Stop apologizing…the rat was right, we should have said something or asked if you'd stay with your friends or something…You heardme?!" He coughs, sounding like he must have taken a drink
"Sorry! I couldn't sleep because Yuki said I should think about what to say before I talked to you and I was thinking a lot so I got up to use the bathroom and I didn’t hear a lot, it was just a moan that I thought sounded like 'Tohru', but could have just been the lack of sleep and wishful thinking and-"
"Wishful thinking?" His voice sounds strained now.
Tohru makes a bit of a dying noise as she hides her red face in her knees. "I'm going to shut up and let you read."
There's a sort of strained chuckle then a few seconds of silence before an actual chuckle.
"So you and the rat are why Shigure busted into my room this morning to throw condoms at me and tell me to man up with no context." Kyo sighs, leaning fully against the door now if the thump was anything to go by.
"He did what?!" Tohru squeaks, face entirely red now before thumping it back against her knees. "He must have been around the corner when Yuki and I were talking. I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault he's a fucking perv." Kyo sighs, silent for a moment before he speaks up again. "So what do you want to do? You've apparently already heard my thoughts, but are you sure? I have no clue if I still transform or if there's more curse bullshit or what might happen. And I'm probably still going to be awkward when this is over. You said you're afraid of ruining our friendship, but I'll probably be the one to fuck it up."
"I won't let you!" Tohru declares, smacking the floor in front of her before squeaking again when she realizes what she did. "I mean that won't happen because I won't let things be awkward…or will try not to at least. I really like you, Kyo, but there doesn't have to be strings attached eith-" 
A low growl from the other side of the door cuts off her rambling before there's an embarrassed cough. "Sorry…uh as much as I'm okay with strings, you're right that there shouldn't be-"
"That's not what I meant! I-" 
"I'm the cat, Tohru. As much as you try to change it or ignore it, I only come with bad luck and baggage. It's definitely better if you don't tie yourself to the monst-" 
"Kyo Sohma, if you finish that sentence, I swear to whoever god is-" Tohru warns, pulling out the full name only to be cut off. 
"I'm just saying, you would be better off-" 
Now it's Kyo's turn to be cut off as the door is flung open so he falls back into the hallway, butt-ass naked and in shock, as he stares up at a very angry Tohru. He watches her face turn red in embarrassment, but with the whole animal transformation thing and sharing a bathroom, it wasn't the first time she's seen it and whether this happened or not, he doubts it would be the last. This is probably why she's able to continue. 
"No. Do not even think of finishing that sentence. I will try and probably fail to physically fight everyone who put those thoughts in your head, but I will still try." Tohru huffs with a stomp of her foot and a pout. Even obviously furious, she knows she doesn't look all that threatening. 
She doesn't, but it's adorable and causing an entirely different reaction that he has to watch her eyes dart to when she notices before they widen. 
There's another dying noise. 
"Um, that doesn't usually look like that," Tohru whispers, pointing to what definitely looks like bumps at the base of his dick, and well guess it's his turn to be red. 
"Uh, yeah, you said the rat told you the cat's a bit more animalistic, right?" Kyo mumbles, looking away and wondering why the hell he hasn't gotten off the floor yet to hide in his room. 
"Yeah?" She nods, unable to make her eyes move away. 
"Yeah, well cats usually have barbed dicks, but I guess the cat spirit decided to not be an ass about one thing at least so uh ribbed for her pleasure or however those things are labeled." He explains with a wave of his hand towards the treacherous appendage before he mentally kicks himself for drawing more attention to it. 
"Oh." Tohru blinks, once again wondering if there was steam coming off her face. It finally registers to her that she's staring and she quickly turns around with a squeak. "I'm so sorry!"
Kyo, despite his own embarrassment, can't help but snort at the dork he's fallen for as he finally sits up. "I am literally sitting here with my dick out, but sure." He shakes his head in exasperation before curling in on himself when another wave finally starts hitting. "Fuck, Tohru, I'm sorry to do this but we need to figure this out now because I need to go back in my room ASAP and need to know if the door is staying unlocked. Either way, can you get me more shit from the kitchen?" He groans, already panting again.
Tohru turns back around quickly in concern before she realizes what he means and her face flushes before steeling herself in determination. "If you're okay with it, I'm helping." Being the goofball she is, she bows. "Please let me help!"
If Kyo wasn't fighting with his instincts, he'd probably laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, but, as things stood, all he could manage was a strained chuckle. "Never thought I'd actually have someone begging to sleep with me."
Tohru's face flames red as she fidgets. "Is that a yes?"
Kyo sighs, but nods. "Yeah. Let me get back in my room so you can make it downstairs." A growl works its way from his throat when he tries to close the door between them. "Lock the door behind you when you come in."
Tohru's already making her way downstairs once the door is closed to gather snacks, water, and energy drinks before rushing, careful not to trip. She barely gets the door open again before she's pulled inside with a yelp and finds herself caged against the door by strong arms as she drops everything on the ground in surprise.
"Kyo!" She squeaks, heat rising to her face once more before she's frozen in place by intense orange, cat-like eyes staring into hers and the sight of fangs catching the light when he seemingly unconsciously runs his tongue over them, and she kind of wants to find out if that's turned cat-like as well and oh that's a new thought.
"Still okay?" He pants, pupils quickly overtaking orange.
She nods, not trusting herself to speak as she forces her eyes to remain on his face.
Have his shoulders always been that wide?
When did he get this tall?
God, she's glad Yuki and Shigure found her in that tent.
"Words, Tohru. Need words." Kyo sighs, fist gripping the wood behind her, and shit his claws were out.
A whine leaves her, but she sighs. "Yes. Still okay."
"Have…have you done this before?"
"No, but I know what to do at least?" She whispers, looking to the floor before her face flames and she looks to the side instead. "Mom didn't trust the school's sex ed so I know how everything works."
"Glad one of us does then 'cause I didn't get shit. Don't think any of us thought I'd get this far." Kyo chuckles in self-deprecation before his eyes widen when Tohru does her little imitation of a glare before kissing him. He's just starting to recover when she finally pulls away to bump their foreheads together. When did her hand end up on his cheek?
"No more of that. Please?" She whispers against his mouth, obviously embarrassed by her own actions.
He nods dumbly, trying to get any version of a brain back online, but then she kisses him again with a whispered thank you, and his cat must have enough of his dumb ass because suddenly there's a squeal and they find themselves in the pile of blankets that Kyo's been calling a bed for the past few days with Kyo hovering above her.  He opens his mouth to apologize and moves to give her some space but notices her hand reach out and suddenly they're both flushed red.
"Um- I-"
She starts to stutter, but her actually reaching out for him was officially the end of his self-control as he cuts her off with a low growl and smashes their lips together in a much rougher kiss than he intended, but she doesn't seem to mind. 
Tohru definitely doesn't mind. She'd rather he be a little rough than continue to be hesitant and skittish about it all and she was pleasantly surprised to find that his tongue was indeed textured. Not in the sandpaper way but definitely something she was hoping she'd get to feel in other places. 
"Kyo~" She whimpers when they finally separate for air. "Clothes. Let me get my clothes off." 
Kyo growls a little at the prospect of moving away from her, but he still makes himself, leaning back to help and outwardly purring when he uncovers her chest before noticing something. 
He tilts his head.
"Is your bra the same color as my fur when transformed?" He finally asks, pleased when he gets to watch the blush travel down to her chest now. 
"As I said, I spent a lot of time thinking about this and I guess that included picking out clothes." She mumbles, picking at the strap a bit. 
The purring grows louder and he leans forward to kiss her again. "I like it." He rumbles, giving another kiss. "Like having my mark on you." 
He's so close right now that even with her dark eyes, he can see how her pupils dilate at that and has to smirk a little. "Like that idea?" 
Tohru has surrendered herself to the fact she's probably going to be permanently embarrassed during this but also doesn't anticipate her body's reactions to certain things. 
"I- um- I guess so?" She nods, trying to look away.
Kyo doesn't let her, gently cupping her face. "No hiding during this. Please?"
She pouts slightly, but nods. It was a fair enough request. "Sorry."
"Thank you." He smiles, kissing her again before moving down to start kissing her neck as he tries to figure out the clasp on her skirt with his claws. Eventually, he just growls. "I'll fix this later." He warns before slicing through the thread of the clasps to get the damn thing off.
"What do you-? Kyo!" She gasps when she hears the thread snap before she's left in her matching panties.
"I know how to sew." He mumbles, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he looks her over with hungry eyes. "Not as well as you, but I'll fix it later."
Tohru opens her mouth to say something, but is quickly distracted by his tongue in her mouth again and can't help but smile a little when she hears the tink of metal on the shelf near them so he doesn't lose it.
It's fine she decides.
"Mmmm~" Tohru moans lightly when she feels claws brush her side, eyes snapping open in surprise and embarrassment to meet equally surprised orange.
"…So don't need to be gentle I guess?" He eventually huffs in surprise.
"Um…no. No, you don't." Tohru mumbles shyly.
Another low growl as he kisses her again. "Noted then." He smirks, before recapturing her mouth as his claws move behind her to figure out the bra now, purring when it pops open and she gasps.
He pulls her bra away, subconsciously stuffing it into a specific spot in his blanket pile as he moves his mouth down to run his tongue over a nipple and purrs when she gasps and arches into the touch.
"Kyo." She gasps, hands moving to his hair on instinct.
Orange eyes flick up to hers as he does it again and the little whine he gets this time makes the purring louder as he continues to lavish attention on her nipples. He has no clue what he's doing really, but something in him is telling him that this Is the right move and the little whimpers and moans coming from Tohru confirm it. It's not long before he gets nippy however and lightly bites at one, earning an immediate moan and tug at his hair that has him moaning as well.
He had to make that happen again.
Kyo growls, laying her on her back once more to move down until he gets to her shyly closed thighs that he shoulders his way between to get her underwear off, purring at the shy little squeak he gets when he manhandles them off.
Tohru knew what she was signing up for, but somehow the fact that she'd be naked in front of him slipped her mind, and mixed with the little display of strength that lets her watch his muscles flex has her flushed down to her chest once more, but she is now way to worked up to actually care beyond covering her face with an arm.
Kyo is too busy trying to get his brain to catch up with what to do with the thing in front of him to notice her hiding, but he apparently takes too long for his cat's liking as he's hit with another wave of need and groans. "Fuck, Tohru. I'm really not going to be able to hold back much longer."
"Then don't." She tells him, peaking down at his shocked expression from behind her arm. "I had an idea of what I might be getting into. Do what you need to." She insists even with her face bright red.
Kyo blinks at her in shock, but there's another spike and a growl before his hands are on her thighs, spreading her legs open and his tongue is licking into her and earning a squeal.
"KyO~ There, do that again." Tohru moans when his currently strange tongue passes over her clit and she almost screams when he sucks on it. "Kyo~!"
A loud purr rumbles through his chest at her sounds as he forces his claws to retract on one hand so he can work a finger where he knows his cock is supposed to go and oh that's gonna feel amazing. The purring only gets louder the wetter and louder she got until he has three fingers inside her and he managed to get her to arch off his blankets when he rubs a certain spot inside her.
"KYO!" Tohru moans, her thighs trying to clamp around his head on reflex, but they barely do anything against his broad muscular shoulders and why did zodiac nonsense have to shove it in her face for her to properly notice him?
Kyo doesn't say anything, a bit too focused on getting more noises out of her until another spike slams into him and he groans.
'Okay, okay, I get it.' He thinks at the cat as he pulls back, giving one long lick to watch her thighs tremble before using the slick coating his fingers to help slick up his cock before two foil packets are tossed at him.
"Use those. We still have to finish school, silly." Tohru pants, having thrown one of the discarded condoms and what was apparently a lube packet from Shigure at him.
Kyo unintentionally scowls, but follows orders, tilting his head a bit at the bumps on his cock as he gives a few experimental strokes. They don’t seem to affect anything so he doesn't hesitate any longer in lubing up his cock and lining up, glancing at her one last time to get a nod before he sinks in, both moaning loudly.
Tohru's legs lock around his hips as he sinks inside, toes curling as the ridges provided by the cat stimulate her more than she was ready for and the knot in her stomach tightens.
Kyo has just enough wits about him to know he should wait when he finally bottoms out, but thankfully for his sanity, he doesn't have to wait long before Tohru Is nudging him with her legs around his hips.
"Move." She gasps, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Please, Kyo."
His pupils slit before swallowing the orange of his eyes once more as he plants his hands on either side of her head, claws digging into the sheets as he growls, pulling almost all the way out before snapping his hips back into the base.
Tohru throws her head back against what she's come to realize is a mound of pillows as he starts up a fast pace, clinging to him as she feels like she's going to fall apart. Her mom had once warned her that she probably wouldn't cum her first time unless she slept with someone experienced, but she really doesn't know if she was going to last and really couldn't complain.
Kyo was in a similar boat, senses currently a live wire, and was already overly sensitive from being multiple days into the mating season already. It was probably a good thing Tohru was so much shorter too because he had the overwhelming need to bite something and this way he could reach the pillows instead.
Or that was the plan anyway before a hand tangled in his hair to pull his head down for a kiss and a purr was dragged out of him when he felt her tongue slip into his mouth this time. It was definitely a welcome distraction until eventually, he felt her hand tighten in his hair.
"Mnnn~ Kyo~ I'm gonna-" Tohru gasps before she throws her head back on a moan and clenches around him as she cums.
Some noise that is probably a yowl rips itself from Kyo's throat as he fucks her through it, his own hips stuttering as he nears his release.
"Toh-ru…gonna- need to-" He growls as he struggles to get the word out and instead bites at the air to try and get his point across.
"…Just make sure I can hide it." She decides, panting and whining as she's kept at the peak.
Kyo's eyes snap down to a spot on her shoulder that her uniform would cover before he's lunging at it, biting down with a growl as he cums hard into the condom, the growl morphing into a purr as he comes back down. He feels Tohru spasm around him again and hopes that means she came again and he didn't leave her hanging as he licks over the bite on her shoulder.
Tohru whines in sensitivity when he finally pulls off to toss the used condom in the nearby trash before somehow still managing to flush red when she pulled close to his broad chest and a blanket is pulled over them.
"Kyo?" She whispers.
"Mine." He mumbles sleepily, holding her closer as a purr vibrates across her back. "Stay."
Tohru manages to look over her shoulder at his sleepy face curiously before smiling as she wiggles around to rest her head on his chest. "As long as you'll have me."
~Meanwhile, downstairs~
"You are absolutely ruthless when you're interrupted aren't you?" Shigure teases Yuki as they sit at the table during a break in their own cycles.
"Shut up, mutt. I heard you throwing condoms at him." Yuki snips, drinking his tea.
"Can you blame me?" Shigure gasps, slumping against the table. "It was painful to watch."
Yuki hates to agree so simply hums. Shigure wouldn't be the one having to hear them, but it was infuriating to watch them dance around each other. "At least we don't transform during this nonsense."
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seijorhi · 11 days
miss rhi… i’ve had a shit night. my first solution was to come back to reread your fics and i wanted someone a teeeeenie bit sweet so oikawa then that made me think of my fav one, settle. that reallyyyyy made me think about one big really dumb question so i’ll go ahead and ask u for sillies. basically, what do you, as the writer, think oikawa’s motive is (in any of your au’s) to have a child with y/n? like irl a lot of people have children because they want children but reader doesn’t want one. obviously people have children for selfish reasons which could possibly be a motivator for oikawa but it’s like. sometimes yanderes don’t want kids because they think that the kid will take away their affection but you’ve thrown that out the window because he doesn’t have that insecurity in your writing. oikawa does it to have something to tie reader to him BUT he already had that before a baby so ??? and why a baby, does he love the baby more than her? it makes no sense in my stupid stupid tiny brain. this is not at all meant to be rude or negatively criticize your writing!!! ur my favorite writer ever and i’m literally just having a moment 😭
aww i'm sorry bby! i hope things pick up for you soon <33
there are absolutely yanderes i write who don't want kids, or who think they do but would end up getting jealous/resenting the child for all the time and attention they take up. settle oikawa is neither of these
he wants a family, not a huge one, he's not looking to start his own volleyball team, but he's always wanted for hatori to have siblings. two or three, maybe. he wants a wife who'll love their kids almost as much as she loves him (it's a work in progress, she'll get there)
he's also aware that as much as they all pretend otherwise, the reader isn't hatori's bio mom. she doesn't completely see him as hers, not yet. not entirely. she could and does walk away from hatori
but once their daughter's born, and with every subsequent kid he fucks into her, she's just a little more invested in this family of theirs.
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the-sage-libriomancer · 8 months
actually now that i'm thinking about it, i'd love to peek into the minds of the students and staff members who take the cousin thing at face value and try to figure out what exactly their family tree looks like
like. let's review the facts:
-there are six known sohma cousins (to the student body + staff): yuki & ayame, kyo, hatsuharu, momiji, hatori, and shigure
-none of the cousins look even remotely like each other, excluding the brothers
-one of the cousins (momiji) is visibly biracial and acts like he lived in a different country entirely before attending the school
-yuki and kyo live with their adult cousin, who is apparently their sole guardian because their parents aren't living in the area. this isn't suspicious in its own right, but definitely looks a little odd when combined with everything else
-kyo tells anyone who asks that his guardian (kazuma) isn't his dad, which??? what is he to you then???
-kyo also never mentions a mom, or a dad, or really any family to speak of outside of his "cousins." neither does yuki
-yuki's mom finally shows up in their third year, and it doesn't take a trained therapist to see that yuki is tense as hell around her and yuki's mom is shit to him
to summarize: these six people are related because one half of each of their parents are siblings (making yuki's mom/dad the sibling of hatsuharu's mom/dad, for example). one married a german and apparently raised their kid in germany. another is a grade-a bitch. kyo has a legal guardian who is apparently not his father, with bitter feelings about it on his part. yuki lives separately from his parents for three whole years and never talks about them. he also hates his brother for no discernable reason. three of the cousins (yuki, kyo, and hatsuharu) hate each other and regularly spew vitriol the second they make eye contact. oh, and half of them clearly have a perchance for dyeing their hair, something that's heavily associated with delinquentism in japan.
like. i don't know about you, but that seems like a hell of a dysfunctional mess without any context or explanation.
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Round Three
The Sohma Clan (Fruits Basket) VS The Donquixote family (One Piece)
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The Sohma Clan
Members: Akito, Shigure, Hatori, Ayame, Kureno, Ritsu, Isuzu, Kagura, Yuki, Kyo, Hatshuharu, Momiji, Hiro, Kisa (plus the wider family)
They are bound together by a centuries-long curse that causes them to take the form of the animals of the chinese zodiac (plus cat), with one to represent God
Akito is the head of the family and thus God, and, fearing the others will leave them, mentally and physically abuses them to stop them from ever leaving or thinking they can leave
The above leads to a lot of other issues within the family
Kyo is ostracized from the rest as a way for the others to feel better about their own situations
More propaganda here
The Donquixote family
Members: Donquixote Doflamingo, Trebol, Diamanté, Pica, Vergo, Giolla, Sugar, Lao G, Senior Pink, Dellinger, Gladius, Baby 5, Buffalo, Monet, many others
"the donquoxites were super rich and essentially treated as gods, and when the mom died, doflamingo ALSO murdered their father in cold blood (he was like 8 years old at the time) because he's terrible (affectionate). doflamingo later assembled a pirate crew including his brother (corazón), a bunch of other terrible (affectionate) people, a couple hostages, and some children he was grooming to kill for him. corazón eventually became fond of one of the aforementioned groomed children and tried to protect him, so then doflamingo murdered him also. that leaves doflamingo as the only living donquixote by blood which is interesting considering how much this mf values 'family'" More propaganda here
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hahaalaine · 5 months
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I always think about this because even though Hatori can erase explicit memories, I cant imagine his power goes deep enough to rewire implicit memory. That gets stored so deeply in our neurology.
Like Momiji's mom must have been fed some lie about the baby dying or something because her body will have remembered the transformational experience of giving birth.
I also wonder about this scene with Kana if the reason she cant let go of Hatori, even while in the middle of wedding prep, because her body remembers loving him but she writes it off as intense longing and/or infatuation
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Of course Hatori confirms that his powers are pretty superficial that even just interacting again could disrupt the erased memories. The story for Momiji's mom had to be real tragic to get her to believe it and not get flashbacks since she's interacted with Momiji afterwards
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More of that Lumity Fruits Basket AU bc I have WAY TOO MANY IDEAS! More rambling under the cut!
Manny died when Luz was only 2 due to his illness. This causes Luz to worry when someone falls ill or overworking themselves. Camila is a single mom like in canon but she dies a few months before the story begins.
Luz is living in a tent for the summer while her grandma's house is being renovated. She wanted her grandma to be comfy because she was living with a friend who only had 1 room. Luz lies that she's staying with a friend too and also lies to her friends Willow and Gus because they're away this summer and she didn't want to inconvenience their families.
Eda, Hunter and King enter the chat! They find Luz camping on their property one night and take her in when there's a landslide that buries her tent. Luz only knows Hunter because he's the popular kid at school but there are rumours about him, why he hates touching people and his scar...
Luz learns Amity lives in the same house: Amity's considered the top student and the resident bully. Luz grabs Hunter by the waist because he's about to attack Amity but he transforms! The rest of the residents are shocked and they transform too due to those intense emotions.
So... for their animal forms, here's a list of who's cursed and what their animals are (I imagine them to be their palismen):
Amity: Cat
Hunter: Songbird
Eda: Owl
Lilith: Raven
King: Dog
Vee: Chameleon? Snake?
Emira: Fox
Edric: Bat
Idk who would be Akito in this AU. Maybe the Collector? But Akito will still be important in this AU.
Some other notes:
So... like in canon, Eda and Raine were old flames but due to an incident with Raine learning about the curse, Lilith had to erase their memories of Eda since she's the Hatori of the AU. Lilith feels guilt about this and swears off erasing people's memories
Eda tries avoiding Raine to prevent hurting them again. Easier said than done because Raine is now Luz's music teacher at school.
Speaking of teachers, Steve and the BATTs are also teachers in this AU!
Lilith is now the Blight children's legal guardian because Odalia was arrested for some shady dealings several years before the story began. Alador also died in a car crash on the way home from work.
Darius is also Hunter's legal guardian ever since Belos died. Belos was Hunter's previous legal guardian after his parents were murdered by Belos (his parents were trying to protect Hunter because Belos thinks he's a freak and a monster)
Willow finds out Hunter's secret eventually.
King was adopted by Eda like in canon.
Gus also finds out the secret but doesn't tell anyone, including our main cast until later in the story.
Boscha, that blonde cheerleader from Episode 1 and co. are the AU's equivalent of the Prince Yuki fanclub.
Luz realizes she's in love with Amity as the two get closer but she's scared because she promised to put her mother first in her heart and also because of a toxic friend group in the past (she'll probably confront them later in the story)
And that's all for now!
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agentsky0158 · 1 year
i’m back bitches
here’s my headcanons that i’m writing drunk for how i think all the fruits basket characters feel about christmas
loves it moderately
like she likes christmas it’s her favorite holiday but some of these mfs fucking love christmas and she can’t prepare
she likes to get gift for everyone and i think she’d be really good at getting gifts for people
he tolerates christmas
he doesn’t like the cold (it’s 2 degrees here <3)
hell tolerate it for tohru
he gets gifts for like three people
actually loves christmas
loves giving gifts but isn’t very good at it
gets gifts for EVERYONE THO
idk if y’all knew he’s my favorite
he dresses up as santa
bc of the hair.
and he brings his gifts for people in a sack while screaming ho ho ho mfs
he also sends out christmas cards but they’re low-key giving markipliers olyfanz 
the gifts he gives are mediocre like he wants to put thoyght into it but he has six brain cells and five of them are always thinking about rin
so his gifts for rin are really good
she doesn’t like christmas
because harus annoying on christmas
but she likes getting spoiled
so she deals with it
she doesn’t get anyone anything
she hates christmas music so she doesn’t even go into stores during december
also she’s such a sag so her bday is close to christmas so she doesn’t like that
i feel like he would celebrate christmas and Hanukkah bevause he just wants to
he gives everyone handmade gifts and they’re really cool
will sing christmas songs to everyone
deffinitly goes caroling but only to bother people
only here for the alcohol (me too)
doesn’t get anyone anything
actually likes christmas
would give anyone she doesn’t like a very specific gift that my mom once gave to my aunt
a toaster and a bath set
probably gives people she likes like handmade sweaters
also likes christmas but only to spoil his family
wears a santa hat around durring december
gets very annoyed at harus santa cosplay
oh my fucking god
he loves christmas
he decorated the whole house
the whole estate
starting december first
everything. about. christmas.
watches a christmas movie every night
only listens to christmas music
these are all the ones i have i hope you like them
thank u
merry christmas
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OHSHC’s future significant others (HC) Part 1/?
This is all based off of the manga/anime, everything Hatori has said will ring true in these headcanons. But Hatori was quite vague in describing the characters’ futures, and left a lot of it to our imaginations. So, this is my imagination:
**Manga spoilers if you haven’t read it all**
Tamaki Suoh and Haruhi Fujioka
Anime and manga, they end up together. This is one Hatori really goes into.
Summary of Hatori’s writings on their future: Haruhi goes to Boston for a year of HS, and Tamaki lives in the connected (but blocked with a dresser) apartment next door. They have movie nights and cuddle. They get married one day.
so obviously they will be together till death does them part (but that’s a long ways away from where the manga left off)
They’re the first of the club to get married, have kids, all that stuff
Tamaki proposes to Haruhi just after she finishes university
Bonus points if it’s the first time he’s brought her to France, and he proposes at a dinner with his whole family
Plus he flew Ranka out too ofc
They both cry a lot as Tamaki turns into a flustered mess and starts rambling about how much he loves her and how excited he’d be to marry her
It takes so long that Haruhi just hugs him so he’ll shut up
He’s caught off guard and is like “Wait, I wasn’t done, did I mess up? Is that a yes?”
and Haruhi’s like “mmhmm” because she’s crying into his shoulder/neck and can’t really form words or breath atm
And so Tamaki smiles, and hugs her back
His mom is crying
Ranka is crying
His dad is crying
Everybody at the fucking table is crying
Even the servants/maids
Antoinette and Tamaki’s mom’s dog (idk the name) are both confused what just happened
Tamaki’s mom’s dog puts their head on her lap and she pets them while crying watching the proposal
Antoinette is sitting watching from beside the seat Tamaki was sitting in
Tamaki realizes Haruhi said yes, and that they’re going to get married
he literally lifts her in a hug and starts spinning around singing about how excited he is 
“We’re gonna get married! I get to spend the rest of eternity with Haruhi! My Haruhi! Haruhi, Haruhi, Haruhi! I’m so happy!” etc
Antoinette follows them around jumping all happily
Haruhi is still a bawling mess crying into his shoulder as he spins them around
That servant lady that Kyoya contacted on his class trip to Paris, that used to work at the Granteneue Mansion, she works there again.
She stands up and says, “Oh, I think it’s time for some dessert!”
You know Tamaki was not normal about this.
Tamaki puts Haruhi down
Everyone wipes their eyes
The lady comes back with a big chocolate cake with sparklers on top and has some cheesy message on it like, “Tamaki and Haruhi forever”
Because that’s just Tamaki’s style
Haruhi starts laughing now
Everyone’s laughing
They eat the cake
Wedding planning
They hired Renge to plan it
Or rather:
Renge heard about their engagement, insisted they let her plan it, and Haruhi is like yeah ok sure, go ahead
Because Haruhi doesn’t care that much to plan it
She finds it too tedious and stressful
She won’t let Tamaki plan it either
But really it’s a collaborative effort from Renge, Ranka, Shizue (Grandma Suoh), and a little bit of Anne-Sophie
One day, Haruhi thinks that Tamaki is taking her to see a movie
But then the car pulls up in front of this giant bridal store
Tamaki says he’ll make it up to her later, and the car drives off, so she enters the store a little annoyed
But kind of excited actually
Ranka, Anne-Sophie, Shizue, Yuzuha Hitachiin (Twins’ mom)  and Renge are all sitting there
There’s racks full of dresses for her to try
All of them designed by Yuzuha
She tries on a few that each of the women insisted she try
Because they thought she’d like their picks
Then Yuzuha says she has one she thinks Haruhi will like
And says she actually designed it with Haruhi in mind
Haruhi actually starts tearing up
They all do
Especially Ranka
Yuzuha is like ok yeah that’s the one
“I’m so glad you like it Haruhi, you were exactly who I had in mind when I designed this dress.”
Tamaki goes to the host club to decide what to wear
They all sit on a sofa in the twins’ house
Tamaki tries on all kinds of stuff
It’s a similar situation to when he tried to plan their first date
He just keeps finding flaws in every outfit
Eventually Kyoya points out a very simple outfit and gives a long-winded explanation as to why that is the superior option
Tamaki goes with that one
Tamaki goes on a bachelor party planned by the twins
It’s nothing promiscuous or anything
They know Tamaki would literally cover his eyes and pout like a child, or really just walk out, if they brought in strippers or something
They also know Haruhi would feel weird about that
In general the movie-way of bachelor parties is out of the window
Wouldn’t even have been a consideration really
They literally just go on a trip to like a beach or something close by
And only for a weekend because Tamaki doesn’t want to be away from Haruhi for that long
The whole time is spent lounging around on one of their private beaches while Tamaki spirals
First he’ll be all cheery and like “yay I get to marry Haruhi!”
An hour later
And probably a few cups of alcohol later
He starts weeping about how what if Haruhi changes her mind and whatnot
Then it ends with him resolving to make a list on how he should approach marriage to be good enough for Haruhi
He makes everyone help him
Or really just sit through him talking about it
This list ends up being the bulk of his vows
By the way
He asks Kyoya to be his best man during this trip
The whole host club were groomsmen, but that was obvious
Haruhi is forced to go on a bachelorette party by Renge
At some other private beach
During the same time as the bachelor party
By the way, this is also planned by the host clubs’ regular guests
The ones that would have visited them in America during Haruhi’s year abroad
It’s probably on of those ladies’ beaches
Haruhi legitimately approaches the whole thing like she does anything;
She’s just here for a good time
But on the second night there...
Renge has these really nice fruity drinks made
And Haruhi drinks a lot of it, assuming there can’t be much alcohol if it tastes so good
Whether she was right or wrong:
She consumes enough alcohol to actually become vulnerable
She starts talking about how nervous she is
She’s scared of embarrassing herself
Embarrassing Tamaki
Generally messing anything up
The ladies start reassuring her
They share stories of Tamaki talking fondly about Haruhi
Dating all the way back to high school
When she first joined the host club
And they start joking about how Haruhi could do anything and he’d still love her
“If Haruhi literally came in wearing a potato sack, I’m pretty sure Tamaki would still just chuckle about that through sobs while he tells her she’s the most beautiful person he has ever seen.”
Haruhi ends up feeling much better after the part
Haruhi and Tamaki know nothing else of the wedding plans
The women planning it just tell them when to show up
The actual wedding
Haruhi and the rest of the ladies get ready in a big bridal suite
They’re getting married in one of the Suoh hotels
That was Shizue’s touch in the planning
Renge is ordering all these makeup artists and hair stylists around
Ranka is sitting next to Haruhi, watching as she gets her makeup done
“You’re so grown up now, I can’t believe my baby Haruhi is getting married.”
“Don’t get it twisted though! I may be walking you down the aisle, but this does not symbolize me giving you away.”
“You will always be my baby even while married.”
Haruhi just giggles 
Ranka is a little more serious now
“I know you’re this independent, grown up, woman now, but you’ll always be my baby to me. Your mother would be really proud of you right now.”
Haruhi is more serious now too
“She would be so proud to know that her daughter followed her dreams and also married a man she truly loves. I know she is smiling down on you right now.”
They share a meaningful look
“I’m going to stop now before I mess up both of our gorgeous makeup!”
Tamaki gets ready in some other suite
on the oppostie side of the hotel
This man is superstitious
He will not be seeing Haruhi until she comes down the aisle
So serious about this
Refuses to leave the suite
And when he has to for the ceremony, he makes Kyoya, and the Ootori staff Kyoya keeps near him, check every corner so he won’t run into Haruhi
even though he made the twins go and stand outside Haruhi’s door to make sure she wouldn’t leave until he was all the way down in the garden
Because that’s where their wedding is btw
too pretty to be indoors
So many flowers and the guest list is kind of big
Not because Tamaki invited business people
No no no
These are all their family members
Everyone who ever visited the host club
The host club
The host clubs’ families
Some other friends they’ve made since high school
It’s definitely a few hundred people
the front row consists of: Ranka, Anne Sophie, Shizuru, Shizue, Kasanoda, and Usa Chan
Honey doesn’t carry Usa Chan around anymore, but it only feels right that he attend idk
He’s wearing a little bowtie too
Mei is the maid of honor and Renge is the only other bridesmaids
The twins definitely joked about being her bridesmaids instead so they wouldn’t have to deal with Tamaki
But it’s a nice picture, the ten of them
Ten? Who am I missing?
Shima is marrying them, 
she’s the officiator or whatever you call the person that does the talking
Oh by the way
Ranka does walk Haruhi down the aisle
Nobody is tearing up, but they’re making faces like they’re about to
By the end of the ceremony everyone is sniffling a bit and tearing up
Tamaki cries during his vows
Haruhi cries during hers 
But they do make eachother giggle all cutesy like
Through tears of course
Tamaki’s vows go like this
“So I wasn’t really sure what to say
But i guess no one ever is.
When I thought about what I could say to you,
I only grew worried of all of the things that I could do wrong.
But I don’t want to do anything wrong by you,
so I made a list of what I expect of myself
from now until death do us part.”
And so he lists all these things and babbles on for a WHILE
It’s really cute
Haruhi’s vows are similarly cute.
She’s also crying a little at this point from Tamaki’s vows
“I’m not sure I’ll be able to top that.”
Everyone laughs
“But what I promise to you...”
She pauses and like really looks Tamaki in the eye
oooh she’s serious
“Is to always love you in the ways I know how.
I cannot promise to always be perfect for you
Nor always be what you want or need.
That’s not realistic.
But I can promise you that I will never feel different about you.
The way I feel about you now is exactly how I felt during that moment in high school.
That moment when I realized I really, really loved you. 
Whether I avidly wanted to or not.
Because honestly, Tamaki, I thought you were an arrogant, surface-level, kind-of-dense guy when I first met you.”
Laughter again
“I thought that for a while.
But I am confident that you will always be love-able to me.
Because no matter where I am
or what I’m doing,
I know I’m happier if you’re there.
And that will never change.
Before I met you, I was always content
But I was never truly happy the way I am with you and all of our friends.
You have taught me how to love with my whole heart.
I never knew how to do that before.
I thought I did
But you taught me that there was more
There’s always more we can do to show we love someone.
So, Tamaki, I promise to keep doing that which you taught me.
I promise to not only love you, but to always show it.”
Oh my goodness they’re all bawling now
So they do the ring and ‘I do’ thing
you know the drill
they’re tearing up, blushing, staring at each other
Shima says, “You may now kiss the bride”
It’s lowkey just a peck
They’re kind of awkward lol
Then they walk down the aisle with arms around each other
Everyone claps and cheers
The twins whistle
Renge gives like a “wooo”
Ranka and Anne-Sophie are tearing up
The reception is just this really fun party
Big old dance floor
Yumalicious food
Giant tuna
All 9 of them that stood up there (plus Kasanoda bc of Mei)  sit at a table together in the center of all of the other tables.
They all have dinner
Then they all just dance and stuff
idk you can imagine
They leave in a car that has a ribbon tied to it saying “Just Married”
Everybody blows bubbles as they walk out
They go straight to the Suoh Mansion
Because Haruhi didn’t want to move in there until they got married
They leave for their honeymoon the next day
I like to think they’d go to Paris
They’ve travelled a lot of places together before
And they can certainly go to any cool place later too
So they go to Paris because
# itisthecityoflove
They just spend like a week or so there
And they visit museums
And visit the Eiffel Tower
Tamaki tells Haruhi stories about his childhood trips he probably took to Paris
It’s very chill and cute
Exactly their collaborative style
Married Life and on
They continue living their lives together
Haruhi is a lawyer
Tamaki heads Suoh Corp
Tamaki works equally beside his father for a while
But then his father retires after a decade or so
Kind of early
He does it to spend time with Anne-Sophie the way they didn’t get to before
Once Tamaki is head it becomes more of a group thing
He makes sure that he’s not the only one making decisions
So he can spend time with his family <3
I think Haruhi would end up becoming a lawyer for Suoh Corp
Specifically when Shizuru steps down
She’d be on that sort of board of directors under Tamaki’s regime
Tamaki would want her to be around anyway
I actually think it may line up that Shizuru retires after all his granchildren are born
So it makes sense for Haruhi to step in
Because yes they have some children
They have like 2 or maybe 3
And they’re born a couple years apart just so they can really focus on one baby at a time
Because babies are difficult and time consuming
And they want to like really be there for their kids
Tamaki is a really great dad
And Haruhi is an amazing mom
Their first kid (no gender applied) is calm like Haruhi
The second is an attention lover like Tamaki
It balances out well
And Haruhi’s really patient with them
Tamaki is great at conversing with them
Their third kid would probably be significantly younger than the first two
Like a 3-5 year age gap instead of two 
Idk I just feel like they’d want it this way?
Like they’d let the first two grow up a little
Get out of toddlerhood
Before they have another
Because Haruhi needs a break from childbirth too
But it was also just a decision made a little later
Random Headcanons for the years beyond
They travel a lot
With their kids
their kids go to Ouran
Haruhi and Tamaki are both on the board there
Ranka and Shizue often watch the kids for them when they work
Shizuru and Anne-Sophie do when they can
I’d like to think they spend most of the year living together in France
But they visit Japan frequently
Tamaki, Haruhi, and their kids visit France frequently too
Tamaki and Haruhi retire together
In their early 60s
Tamaki and Haruhi technically still own Suoh, but he elects a group of people that does all the work to run it
Yeah btw both their names are on the official ownership or whatever
It’s called Suoh
But Tamaki and Haruhi Suoh
Idk that’s all I’ve got
They’re just living happily ever after
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okayto · 2 years
Mini-Review: The Ancient Magus’ Bride
Ostracized and orphaned, Japanese high schooler Chise Hatori decides to sell herself at an auction in order for somebody else to take her in and have a new place to call home. In London, she is sold for five million pounds to Elias Ainsworth, a seven-foot-tall humanoid with an animal skull for a head. The magus, who seems closer to a demon than human, will either bring her the light she desperately seeks or drown her in ever-deeper shadows in her new country, Great Britain. The magus then makes a bold statement: Chise will become his apprentice--and his bride!
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I’ve heard good things about this series, both the anime and the still-ongoing manga, but I was surprised by how serious this got, in a good way!
From the start, it captures your attention: here’s a girl who has clearly gone through some shit, because she is actively selling herself into slavery and does not care if she lives or dies, which mostly means she’s passive and pleasantly surprised when she’s bought by a strange creature who treats her kindly, and seems determined to be her teacher.
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It’d be easy to think of Chise as one of those cares-for-everyone types, who is so kind and understanding that everything eventually works out through the power of people feeling seen and understood. But as the show goes on, you realize that yes, Chise is good at that...but she’s also deeply, deeply hurt, in the sense that she spends a large portion of the series OK with just about everything happening in large part because she doesn’t care if she lives or dies. She’s an orphan, watched her mom die right in front of her eyes and possibly blame Chise for it, and that fucks a person up.
There’s no magical cure for soul-crushing existential depression and trauma. Even as Chise starts to settle into a life where she feels wanted and has autonomy and a social circle, she’s also subjected to different forms of trauma--she does care about people she meets, and some of them have had rough lives or bad hands. She encounters death and tragedy, bad things happening in ways that can’t be fixed, and bad things happening because someone with power thought it would be amusing.
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Now, there’s a big red flag, right there in the title: “bride.” By the end of the first episode, Elias declares his eventual intention to marry Chise--the person he just bought.
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Angelica, this whole thing is shady.
Thankfully, the story doesn’t focus on that for a while--Elias drops the subject, and the beginning of the show is focused primarily on Chise learning how to use magic and how to interact with the magical world. And Elias seems to be a kind person--so when the show does eventually get around to exploring their relationship (in the literal sense, not just potential romance), it feels organic and it’s been building up an understanding of both these characters’ circumstances.
Because Chise and Elias’ relationship is complex and varies. At the beginning, Elias seems fairly straightforward, and Chise seems willing to go along with pretty much anything. As the show progresses, it becomes clearer that Elias also has secrets, while Chise starts to (re-)engage with her emotions and having opinions. 
At different times, you could classify their relationship as teacher/student, owner/pet, siblings, parents in both directions. But lovers? 
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I find it most compelling not as a romance--despite the name, I don’t think it’s trying to be primarily a romance--but as an exploration of two people with different problems and traumas who are able to explore those things because of the other’s presence.
It becomes clear as the story goes on that Chise is not the only one with problems to work through--and in fact, Chise often has a better understanding than Elias of why someone might act in a way, because she understands what emotions are and how they can influence a person. Elias’ understanding is detached: he understands emotions more as an academic concept than something he can feel, must less identify what someone else might be feeling.
This could be because of his inhumanity--and certainly, the series makes the point that non-human creatures might feel things and act on those feelings in a different way than humans do. But I think it’s also indicative of how detached Elias is from community. Without spoiling his backstory, it’s clear early on that while he has acquaintances he's friendly with, he has never made friends with them, and he has little in the way of personal experience with close relationships. By bringing a human into his home and declaring that he will teach and eventually marry her, for the first time he has to learn how to deal with another person as a whole person, not as their job or a polite society conversationalist.
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Chise possesses a lot of empathy, and we know that she had a happy childhood with loving parents. But that makes the turn her life took--father and brother dead, mother committed suicide right in front of her--not just more tragic, but we understand why she is the way she is. This is a person who understands, has experienced love and care and the safety that people deserve. And she also had it destroyed in front of her eyes.
Over at Anime News Network, one review said, “Chise doesn’t want to be free, she wants to be wanted.” That explains a lot about how she acts--she uses the idea of being useful to Elias an a reason for staying with him multiple times. In another character or series, this could come off as trite. Here, I see it as Chise, perhaps unconsciously, searching for even a fraction of the belonging she felt when her family was alive and intact.
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Don’t get me wrong, this is a show with a lot of meeting magical people and magical creatures and fighting against things that go bump in the night and it’s a great fantasy adventure, but you never forget that time is passing for the two main characters and that they’re developing opinions about the state of the magical world and each other, nor that each is a complex and flawed individual.
English dub? Yes, and it’s good! I was amazed when I looked up the voice actors and found that Chise’s actress also voiced the always-perky Emilico in Shadows House, because the two characters are so different. Chise is always a little subdued. Great job.
Visuals: A good balance between light and dark. There are frequent scenes at night, but the few times it was hard to see felt intentional.
Worth watching? Yes! And I was just about to write that I really hope we’re get a second season (the first season was 24 episodes, so a good amount and it ends in a good place, but clearly the story isn’t over), but it turns out that literally the day I type that a second season has been announced, to premier in 2023!
Where to watch (USA, as of September 2022): Crunchyroll, BR/DVD
Click my “reviews” tag below or search “mini review” on my blog to find more!
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lullabynorth · 1 year
Alright, it's time again for commissions.
TL;DR: My mom died back in February, and since then, my sister and I have been living off of food stamps and what's left of my sister's check after paying for bills each month. While my food stamps are over $200 a month, my sister's is about $50 or so. Not that much.
In less than a month, I'm gonna be moving in with my partner, @relicbound, but I won't have my food stamps or insurance or any sort of income for a while afterwards.
So I'm once again opening commissions for a multitude of things. I hope things work!
I will voice small projects for you, $1 per ten words. $20 for a 20-word project, for example! DM me!!
I can write translyrics for Japanese songs, whether they be vocaloid or anime songs!! Please wait for details, as I will be making a whole post dedicated to these commissions in particular!!
I can make you character or ship edits!! I'm pricing them as $5 per single character and $10 for more than one character!! Examples at the bottom of the post!!
I can write short character letters sending positive messages!!! $10 per letter, $15 if it's romantic!!
Examples of graphics:
Son Hak x Kija — Akatsuki no Yona
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Emilico — Shadows House
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Chise Hatori — Mahoutsukai no Yome
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