#He says he completed 1480 songs
jeffbiblesupremacy · 2 years
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Jeff via twitter
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malibix · 4 years
Quiet Radio & Travel Mugs of Tea || One-Shot | Hisirdoux Casperan x GN!Reader
Summary: After moving to New York to protect Nari from the Order, you find it hard to adjust to a city that never sleeps. Douxie’s solution is a little night drive that’ll take you away from the noise where you can finally get some peace and quiet. 
Word Count: 1480
Warnings: None! 
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Douxie awoke to the sound of quiet tapping and movement coming from the kitchen of your shared apartment. His room was dark and the door was closed, but he could faintly see a soft warm glow creeping in under the door's crack.
He took notice that you weren't with him in bed like you usually were, so he got up to investigate. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes and slipping on his house slippers, he made his way into the kitchen to find you shuffling about with a kettle on the stove.
"(Y/N)..? What are you doing up darling? It's 4 in the morning-" his voice was still thick with sleep as he spoke softly to you, as not to wake Archie and Nari on the couch nearby.
You jumped slightly, not realizing he'd come into the room.
"I couldn't sleep, the sound of the city is too loud- it’s taking awhile to get used too," you admitted, pulling your favourite mug from the cupboard. "I didn't wake you did I? Sorry if I did- I was trying to be quiet." You dropped a tea bag into your mug while chuckling softly, "Tea?"
"No no, don't worry. You didn't wake me, I was already kind of up from the noise as well."
It was partially true, partially a lie.. You hadn't been what woke him, he was naturally a light sleeper from all the years on the street in Camelot, and now with always having to be aware of his surroundings to protect Nari, he wasn't much better.
"And yes to tea, please." You nodded, pulling his regular tea from the shelf alongside his favourite mug.
"Yeah, it's certainly nothing like Arcadia, is it?" You asked, turning off the flame on the stove before the kettle had a chance to whistle and wake up the others.
"Hah.. no, not at all. It's going to take awhile getting used to I suppose.."
"Hey, why don't we go on a drive, like we used to?" He offered suddenly, stopping you from pouring the hot water into your cups. Instead, he reached for your travel mugs and tossed the teabags into them instead. "Tea to go," he told you with a smile and a shrug.
"I don't know, it's kind of late and I'm not really in the mood to drive.." You mumbled in your odd state of tiredness. You may not have been able to sleep and were awake because of the noise, but that didn't mean you were aware enough to be driving on the road.
"I'll drive," he told you, smiling softly as he took the kettle from your hands. "So what do you say? I can ask Archie to watch Nari while we're out, and we won’t be gone long. I can take us away from the noise of the city for a while, get us some peace and quiet?" he put the kettle down and made his way over to you, draping himself over your shoulders in an attempt to persuade you.
"Ughh, fine." You chuckled lightly, unable to refuse his request as he seemingly melted into a blob, putting all his weight on you as he leaned. "You wake Archie and I'll get the tea."
"Love you~" he said, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before going to wake up the familiar.
"Love you too," you smiled at him, rolling your eyes slightly at the wizard and his cute but strange antics.
As promised, you made your teas and screwed the lids onto the travel mugs before going to get one of Douxie's hoodies from your bedroom.
He came back out to see you pulling on your favourite hoodie of his, "Still living in that one, eh?"
"Well it is my favourite," he chuckled, smiling at you in his clothes.
"Though it is starting to lose it's smell, so you should probably take it back for a bit."
"Duly noted."
You exchanged smiles as you handed him his tea. He held the apartment door open for you on your way out, bowing his head with a soft ‘after you.’
You eventually plopped yourselves down in the car, you in the passenger and Douxie behind the wheel just as he'd promised. He started up the car and began making his way out of the city. From the passenger seat, you quietly sipped your tea while flipping through the radio stations to see what odd things were playing at this hour. You had also flipped the seat warmer on. It wasn't a particularly cold night, you just liked being warm and cozy, even in the car.
Eventually you settled on a station that was playing instrumental and acoustic versions of current popular songs, it seemed to fit the feel for tonight's spontaneous night drive. 
The music being without its regular words most of the time left room for you and Douxie to fill the space with your own voices. Douxie sang along softly to the songs that played, while you did a little more humming as you enjoyed hearing his voice. That and you were also tired enough that you didn't want to put forth the energy to formulate the words you knew so well.
You kicked off your shoes and curled your legs up under you and onto the warmth of the seat. 
Douxie smiled sweetly at you as you peered out the window, watching the world around you grow darker and quieter the further you drove from the city. You could still see the dazzling lights of the Big Apple behind you through the side view mirrors, but they were much less bright than actually being there.
The both of you took sips of your tea between humming and singing along with the music.
You drove for a while, as far from the city as you could get in a short amount of time (and still at a safe speed, mind you). Eventually you'd begun nodding off, welcoming the silence in comparison to the noise from the bustling streets of New York.
You pulled up the hood of your jacket to shield your eyes from any remaining light as you curled yourself up further in the heated passenger seat.
When Douxie had noticed that you'd begun nodding off, he turned the volume on the radio down a little bit and started humming instead of singing.
You ended up completely falling asleep at the end of the next song.
Douxie smiled at you, glad that you were finally able to get some rest.
He drove for a little longer before turning around and bringing the both of you back to the city.
The time of day meant less cars on the road and less noise to return to, but the large city never really slept. Lights still shone bright, even at this hour as they lit up billboards for all to see.
Your travel mugs once filled with tea were now empty, so he figured it would be okay to leave them in the car until tomorrow, seeing as he wouldn't have the hands to grab them when he needed them free to carry you back up to your apartment.
Once he’d parked the car, your wizard did his best to not wake you as he pulled you from the warmth of the car and into his arms.
He’d thought you were out cold but you still reached to hold onto him as he carried you from the car to your room. He couldn't help but smile at you, you looked so peaceful while you were asleep.
You were kind of coherent enough to process that you were in and out of sleep and that Douxie was taking you back upstairs but not exactly awake enough to get yourself there.
The hood you’d previously pulled up to shield yourself from the light was still up, he thought you looked quite cute wrapped in his hoodie.
He let Archie know that he was home once he returned to your flat, locking the door and making sure the protection wards were back up before bringing you to your room and tucking you in under the covers of your duvet. He did a quick security sweep of the apartment before crawling into bed next to your sleeping figure.
Douxie wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. After a bit of driving and a few cups of tea, he was glad that you were finally able to get a good night's sleep. Now he could finally sleep knowing that you were getting rest as well.
You snuggled into the warmth of his touch as he pulled you to his chest, happy to be home.
Inevitably, Archie and Nari would wake the two of you up in a few hours just after sunrise, but until then at least the two of you would get some much needed sleep.
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loverlele · 4 years
I’m A Believer
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Warnings: some bad language, that's about it for this one
A/N: It’s currently nearly 1am, I can't sleep and I am bored as hell. I’ve had an idea for a Spencer Reid one shot for the last few days, so I thought now would be the best time to give it a crack. It’s based on an idea I had when listening to I’m A Believer by Smash Mouth. I haven't written properly for a while so it’s not super long and please bare with me. Anyways, enough of the waffling, enjoy :)
Word count: 1480
It’s not often we get cases that end in a good way, especially not this good. It took us two days to catch the unsub, his victims were still alive and he surrendered without much argument. It was almost as if he knew he wouldn't succeed in going through with his plans and decided letting himself get caught was easier. Definitely not something we see everyday. Hell, it's not something we see at all here. So when Emily said she wanted to listen to some music on the ride home, nobody objected. Even Spencer, which I was surprised at. Everyone was in high spirits, something that didn't happen too often on the job. But when it did happen, nobody took these moments for granted. 
The feeling of content was soon taken away as I felt a pen hit the back of my head. My head whipped up, making eye contact with Derek instantly. “What?! That wasn't me, it was JJ!” he proclaimed, hands up defensively. “I know it was you Derek, you are the only one who likes to throw things at other people’s heads” I said, not being able to hide the smile from my face. I love that out of all the things we could be arguing about right now it’s Derek being the man child he is and throwing pens at people’s heads to get their attention. “But JJ-”
“But JJ nothing, go back to listening to One Direction and leave me in peace. Besides there's better ways to get a girls attention. I think you’re losing some of your game Morgan” I said, throwing his pen back at him. I don't think he was expecting me to lob the pen at the force I did because it flew through the air and bounced off his forehead. 
A gasp could be heard over the song. “Did Spencer just say ‘who’ to One Direction? Do you live under a rock?” Emily exclaims. I look over at the man sat next to me, his eyebrows furrowed. I gently out my hand over his arm “Em, be nice” I say lightly running my fingers up and down his arm, eyes still focused on the scene in front of me, “He’s too busy wrapping himself up in books and knowledge to focus on anything else.” JJ’s giggle carried itself throughout the plane. Damn you JJ, I thought. If anyone was going to catch onto the slight double meaning in that sentence it was her. I mean I wasn't exactly hiding the fact I had a fat crush on Spence, it doesn't take a profiler to figure that one out. He might have 3 PHD’s and B.A.’s, but that man is oblivious as fuck to what's right under his nose.
“My game’s not weak” Derek huffed, “As for the pen, just wait. I'll get you back for that one missy.”
“Good luck with that one boo” I say, leaning into Spencer’s shoulder slightly. I feel him freeze up for a couple of seconds before slowly relaxing, “everyone knows I'm better at paybacks, just ask the doc how I got him back for stealing my fries the other week.” I don’t need to be looking at Spencer to know his cheeks have gone red.
“S-she waited behind a door for me to come in and then sprayed a whole can of whipped cream onto me. I was sticky for hours!”
“Not for the first time, eh pretty boy?” Derek smirked, completely ignoring any of the other parts of the sentence.
“Shut up,” he mumbled, no longer wanting to be a part of this conversation. He started wriggling round a bit, trying to reach something, so I sat up slightly. He pulled his phone out from his pocket, placing it on the table before getting comfy again. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I couldn't help a small smile sneak onto my lips at the gesture. “You softy” I muttered, getting myself comfy again. I hear a quiet scoff from JJ’s area, but chose to ignore it, not feeling in the mood to talk about my feelings in front of the rest of the team.
We all sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, finishing up out notes, when the backing track to my favourite song comes on. I quickly hit up, suddenly hit with a wave of energy as my eyes search rapidly for Emily. Spencer softly laughs from besides me, sitting up more himself - yet keeping the distance between us two at a bare minimum. Keeping eye contact with Em, we both start singing along at the top of our voices
I thought love was only true in fairy tales Meant for someone else but not for me Love was out to get me That's the way it seemed Disappointment haunted all of my dreams
I hear JJ and Derek join in just before the chorus
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer Not a trace, of doubt in my mind
Subconsciously, I start leaning backwards into Spencer as I sing the next bit. An action I thought went unnoticed by the rest of the team, however that was stupid to think so because they pick up every little detail. I mean, it’s their bloody job to do so
I'm in love, and I'm a believer I couldn't leave her if I tried
As I was singing with the rest of the BAU team (including Rossi, but not Hotch, nope he was just sat there basking in the happiness and laughing at our pitchy voices) I was unaware that my subconscious movement had made something click in Spencer’s head. If anyone was paying close attention to the doctor’s face they’d be able to see the clogs in his brain turning and a lightbulb turn on in his brain. They’d be able to see the admiration he held for the girl to his right. They’d be able to see just how much she meant to him. They’d be able to see just how deep in thought he was that he didn't even realise the screeching had turned into laughing. But nobody was paying attention to the fluffy headed man in the corner until I shut around, slightly out of breath.
“Spence... is everything okay?” I ask in a low voice, trying not to grab anyone else’s attention. Little did I know that whilst there was laughing and chatting in the background, the other agents’ attention was on us. His head slowly moved up, his eyes making contact with mine. “Spence, what is-”
“How long?”
“How long what?”
“How long have you felt this way about me?” His voice wavering slightly. I could see the anxiety in this eyes when he asked that, silently hoping he hadn't read the signs wrong. I slowly sit back in my seat and grab his hand gently, entwining our hands together. Both of us too wrapped up in our bubble to realise the music had been turned down and we not had 10 eyes watching our every move. Fiddling with his fingers slightly I try to find the right string of words that don't sound like rubbish.
“Do you remember the day where I came into the office absolutely soaked because I decided that day, for the first time since doing this job, that I’d take the bus and walk the rest of the day?” He just nods his head, his other hand coming to lay on top of our intwined hands, “that day you asked me if I had a spare change of clothes and when I told you no, you offered me your spare change and told me to get into something warm.
When I got back into the office, you were sat near my desk holding a muffin, a hot chocolate and some anti-sickness medication. You said to me, ‘it’s not much but I hope it’s made today slightly easier to deal with.’ Even in the following weeks when I was sick you made sure I was okay. You always had any medication I might need close to you, and you insisted on coming with me to work everyday so that didn't happen again.
I have no idea if I’d fallen for you before that week, but that was when knew I’d fallen hard. it’s okay if you don't feel the same way, I understand and I get that. Just please don’t-”
In that moment, it was as if we were the only two people alive. He pulled me into a tight hug, pressing his lips to my forehead before burying his face in my neck. His arms wrapped around my torso, my body fitting snuggly under his.
It was as if two missing pieces of a puzzle were reunited. Like they'd found their way back home. Back home to each other...
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spideyy-girl · 5 years
Dating Richie Tozier Would Include...
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Request by anon: hey are u writing richie fics??? if so can you just do one where he realizes he really loves her or just a dating richie fic?
Summary: pretty simple,,, what it would be like if you were dating the infamous “trash mouth” of Derry (spoiler it’s fukin awesome)
Fandom: IT
Warnings: swearing, abusive parents are mentioned, serious injuries and talking of death, making out
Word Count: 1480 (4.3 pages)
A/N: so this was requested in May and to the anon who did request this I’m so sorry it took so long! Also, I hope you don’t mind that I did a headcanon instead cause I just had so much to say. But anyways hope you enjoy!
Dating Richie is just so like nice and just perfect
you guys would've met a long time ago, he defended you when Henry Bowers tried to take your animal crackers in kindergarten
and ever since then you two were thick as thieves
being the closest friends out of the entire Losers club
you started to get feelings for him in sixth grade...
it was one of the many nights when he had come over to your house in the late hours of the night due to his mother drinking again or another family issue
you had stayed up and let him rant to you, holding his hand in yours and gently brushing your thumb against his knuckles as he tried to keep his tears at bay
he hated crying in front of you more than anyone
after he had gotten everything out he was exhausted
he fell asleep right away as you were finding extra pillows
still dressed in his jean shorts and stupid hawaiian shirt
you had seen it many time before but this time it triggered something in you and you knew you were fucked
you not being able to hide your feeling for him and told him two weeks later
you never kept any secrets from the other so it was bound to happen
but thank god he felt the same whoo
and this BOY he was just so EXCITED like YES
after you turn around he definitely starts dancing and pumping his fist in the air
you catch him doing it too
your first date is at the arcade (obviouslyyyyyy)
he teaches you how to play mortal combat
you guys get slushies and it somehow ends up in spilling the entire thing on each other
but as I was saying he's just really the perfect boyfriend right y'know
cause he's already your best friend and you guys aren't awkward and you can trust him and tell stupid jokes to each other
but also Richie has a soft side (fight me on this)
tells you stupid pick up lines, gets you little gifts and flowers, always spoiling you with little things like that
is SOOO into pda but only if you're comfortable with it of course
soft pecks: YES 
forehead kisses: MORE YES
hand kisses: BIG YES
hand holding: ALL THE TIME
always has to be touching you, sorta clingy but in a good way
especially after the events of IT, he is always nervous and always has to have his hands on you
because you got seriously hurt during the events of the Well House in the final battle
this poor boy thought you weren't gonna make it and was just so distressed
staying by your side at your hospital bed every single day without fail (not like he had many other people to be with)
crying silently into your hand when he was alone 
but when you woke up he was so happy he started to cry more
showers you in kisses and cries to you about how scared he was about you leaving him and his nightmares about the clown from the sewers
slips the big L-word while rambling without even realizing it
and even though you guys are young you knew that you felt the same way, but would save that conversation for later
when your nurse walks in to check on you she finds you and Richie asleep on the tiny hospital bed, cuddling
his head was on your shoulder and your hands were threaded through his long black hair, that was pretty greasy but you didn't mind
his glasses fell off a while ago and cracked but neither of you really cared
Richie practically living with you after his household becomes too much so he's just always over
him always acting like an angel when he's around your parents and them actually loving him and basically adopting him
him wanting your parents to think he's a good influence because all of his other friend's parents despise him for some reason
your mom and dad wouldn't think much of it before agreeing like once a week since you used to have them all the time when you were younger and before you were dating
you two making out in your room and Richie being really nervous because "what if they just come in?"
(they never do anyways)
doing dumb karaoke sing-alongs to songs like africa and bohemian rhapsody
would usually consist of multiple star wars movies and stupid romcoms that your mom has a stash of
groaning at all the cheesy scenes even though they were exactly like the two of you in real life
cuddling on the couch and sharing a blanket awwww
him feeding you popcorn as you're watching the movies AWWWW
you guys eventually tire yourselves out and sleeping on the couch LIKE JUST SO GODDAMN CUTE WOW
you guys go to your first school dance together
Richie bicycles to your house and makes sure to bring you the nicest bouquet of flowers not so much money could buy
he was for some reason so nervous, like his palms were sweating as he rang the doorbell, and was constantly smoothing down the one regular white button-up shirt he owned
when he sees you in your cute little dress with your hair done in little curls and the small amount of makeup your mother had done for you, he felt like he was gonna faint
how did he get so damn lucky like... SERIOUSLY
little did he know you were thinking the exact same thing as you smiled brightly back at him
you guys had an absolute ball, dancing all night like crazy people, not even caring about the popular kids at school judging you
slow dancing at the end of the night to put your head on my shoulder and it being really sweet
him kissing you at the end, and even though it's still awkward middle school kissing it was just the best thing ever
"I sorta think I may be in love with you"
"I know, you told me last month" 
going into highschool still strong as ever just POWER COUPLE
still being nerds and bullied a lot but also everyone wanted to be you cause your relationship together was PERFECT
you guys had one small fight in junior year because of some nasty freshmen were trying to get him to ask them to prom
the poor boy was absolutely oblivious and didn't know what was happening until you started yelling at him
you guys break up during the summer but just before school starts he shows up at your door with a big teddy bear, a bog full of chocolate, a handpicked bouquet of daisies, and a very practised apology
you couldn't help but run into his arms again
you went through everything in life together after that, graduation, college, getting jobs, finding a place to live, and eventually getting married and having a family together
you guys have one little girl named Annie and she's just so perfect
her being such a daddy's girl and having Richie wrapped around her little finger
Richie is the best dad imaginable, despite his not so similar upbringing, going as far as to play dress up and having tea parties with his little girl
living in a cute apartment together in new york, where Richie worked as a radio host for one of the biggest stations in the country
your loves being complete and everything was just how it was supposed to be finally
well, that is until you guys get the phone call from your childhood friend Mike
when IT comes back Richie insists you don't come with him back to Derry, saying that you had to go watch the Annie while he was away
you gave up after a long few days of fighting over it
never being able to sleep since whenever you closed your eyes all you could see was that stupid clown hurting your husband
always keeping Annie close to you all the time and never letting her leave your sight, even though you no longer lived in Derry, or Maine even and there was technically no threat towards you guys
when he gets home you've never been happier in your life
taking Annie to the airport to pick him up and running into his arms when you finally see him, your little girl in your arms as well
"It's over now, it's gone for good this time"
you guys grow old together, and are both really happy and love to recall useless memories from when you were children and everything turns out great
wow honestly I'm crying at this point
you guys are just so damn perfect and everything is perfect I love this 
okay sorry I'm done now have fun
Permanent: @phonegalhelp @caswinchester2000 @gwenebear @morganvanilla
Let me know if you want to be added to a taglist!
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horistans · 4 years
Good Things
Edited to match current cannon. Read on AO3 for intended formatting! Rating: G / Word Count: 1480
Masayuki didn’t mind the endless chatter of the female fans. He didn’t mind their fragrant perfume or their joyful giggles. As long as they weren’t being too loud, he didn’t have a reason to scold them.
However, he did mind it when they were loitering in the middle of club activities and he, being the freaking president, couldn’t get them to listen.
“Girls! I said you could stay to watch, but you need to quiet down!” he exclaimed. The group of girls lowered their tone, but their excited chittering didn’t stop.
The brunette sighed to himself, irritated. Normally he would kick them out (he didn’t like so many non-members sitting in during their rehearsals) but today was an exception. He actually needed their help. He needed their opinion on the next play, and the neverending crowd of fangirls was their intended audience.
Masayuki already had a general idea of what they liked, but someone pitched the idea of polling the students themselves, so they invited them to see some short skits. It was a win-win situation. They could use the information for later, bigger performances, and the actors could get some practice. It was an excellent idea.
But now, as he tried to concentrate on the actors on the stage, the blabbering of the girls kept making him lose focus. Were they even respecting the actors at all? He felt like he was babysitting a bunch of toddlers at a funeral. They didn’t really understand and they didn’t ever shut up .
And then, the main character of the scene appeared, and the audience of (mostly) females started squealing.
“Thank you for coming to see me today, princesses!” the blue-haired girl called, blowing a kiss towards them. She was dressed regally, the handsome prince who shone brighter than anyone else.
“Kashima! Focus!” Masayuki barked. Yuu gave him a small wave and smile to counter his glare before delivering her lines. The aura around her instantly changed.
As soon as she got serious, Masayuki bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from swelling with pride. How did he have such good luck finding her? She had the perfect look, ideal for any leading character, and the skill to match (when she wasn’t goofing off).
This time, when the fan club cheered excitedly, he felt proud. Of course, the annoyance was still there, but he would rather praise his good fate in finding her again.
Soon, the plays were over and the girls excitedly told him their opinions. After their leave, Masayuki talked with the actors, then assisted clean up.
Finally, the brown-eyed boy was alone and the air was still and quiet.
“Well, I guess that’s the last of the performances,” he muttered to himself. He was quickly put away the scripts and looked through the results of his research.
As expected, he thought, adventure tales with a hint of fairytale-like romance is the best choice for future plays. He hummed a soft song to himself and started to look for a script that would fit his image of a perfect play.
But honestly, as long as Yuu was playing the prince, the play would be well on it’s way to being perfect.
“Hori-senpai, what are you smiling to yourself about?”
Masayuki felt his heart jump as he whipped his head to the right. He almost dropped the papers in his hand at the surprise.
“Kashima! What are you still doing here?”
“I left my tie,” the blue-haired girl explained, holding up the red fabric. “What about you? I thought you would’ve left by now too.”
“I’m looking for our next play. I was thinking maybe there were some scripts left around by the alumni that we haven’t used yet,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I found a whole bin of them, so it’s gonna take a while...”
“Does that mean we won’t be doing anything for the next few days?” she asked, moving to tie her tie around her neck.
“Oi, don’t you even think of skipping,” the president glared. Yuu avoided eye contact and simply laughed. Masayuki clicked his tongue. She definitely was going to try .
“Can’t you look at those tomorrow though, what’s so important at looking at them now?”
“I’m looking at them now so you’ll have something you’re good at to do.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like,” Masayuki retorted. The green-eyed girl pouted.
“Am I not helpful enough?”
“Are you really asking me that?”
“Then what am I good at?”
The air was quiet for a moment. Yuu had her arms crossed over her chest as she narrowed her eyes at him. Masayuki sighed.
“Not tying ties, that’s for sure,” he chuckled. He put down the scripts and faced her. Stepping closer, he gently grabbed her wrists and put them to her sides before straightening out the accessory himself.
“That isn’t what I asked, Hori-senpai,” she continued to pout.
“Isn’t it obvious already? You’re good at acting. Why else would I make you the lead every time?”
Yuu was silent as he kept his eyes focused on the cloth between his fingers. Successfully, he tightened the material around her neck and placed his hands on his hips in accomplishment.
“There. Now tuck it behind your vest, it still looks messy if you keep it hanging like that,” he ordered, finally meeting her eyes. He was immediately aware of the close distance between them. Masayuki thought of moving, but his legs stayed still as if they were weighed down by bricks.
In reality, it was the expression Yuu was showing him that planted him to the ground.
“Hori-senpai, what are my good traits?” she asked. Her face wasn't sad, but it was upset. It was so uncharacteristically different from her normal cheery personality, he didn’t know what to do. She looked solemn.
Something was bothering her, and for some reason, it hurt that he didn’t know what it was.
“What? What are you asking about now?” he replied- a vain attempt to get her to act like her usual self.
Normally, she would stupidly smile or stupidly pout or stupidly groan at his inability to understand but instead, she just stood there and the only thing stupid in the room was himself.
Again, the room was quiet and Masayuki was still rooted in place.
“Do you hate me?”
The question came like a pin drop. Yuu spoke softly and finally looked away and Masayuki felt like that pin breaking the silence was actually breaking him.
“How did you come to that conclusion, idiot? Why would I hate you?”
The girl crossed her arms again and her eyebrows furrowed. “Then what do you think of me?”
“Of you? Well... You have the perfect looks and draw people’s attention to the club... You have close-to-perfect acting to make them stay...”
Now, the girl groaned, and he felt her slowly returning to her original, loud self.
Still, the tension between them was uncomfortable, and even if she was being loud it still wasn't completely normal.
“You always say that!” she exclaimed. “I just don’t get you. Is that the only thing good about me, Hori-senpai?”
Like an idiot, Masayuki suddenly understood where her frustration was coming from. He sighed, but mostly at himself.
“Okay. Honestly, I think you’re lazy, you always skip club activities, your harassment is infuriating, you’re really good at annoying people,” the brunette listed as Yuu's face eyebrows knitted closer and closer together. Masayuki smirked and continued, “You suck at painting props- not to mention making them- you easily break things in the clubroom, you’re so annoyingly tall-”
“Wait, didn’t you say my looks were a good thing?” she interrupted.
“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing.”
“Yes! you are!”
Ignoring her, the boy continued “Also, you always smell like perfume because of that crowd of fangirls you hang around with-”
“That’s barely even my fault.”
“But you’re also one of the best actresses I know. You’re a fun person to be around. I enjoy being friends with you.”
Yuu’s irritated defense fell, and she froze for a moment before smiling.
Masayuki endearingly patted her head, and lightly laughed at her. I really should be nicer to her more often.
"Kashima, you must be terrible at listening if you ignore every time I've told you I like you. But it's my fault too. Sorry 'bout that. Don't ever think I hate you, okay? I'll do my best too."
"Alright... Thank you, Senpai."
On their way home...
“You know, Hori-senpai, I don’t think you know how to compliment people without bringing acting or looks into it,” she laughed. “Does your whole world rotate around drama?”
“Shut up, dumbass. Of course it doesn’t.”
“Well, I think you’re a good actor too!”
“Ah, well, thanks I guess.”
“Shouldn’t you be happier about it?”
Masayuki smiled at her. “Who says I’m not?”
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fics-not-tragedies · 4 years
One Day in December: Chapter 10 🎇
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one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine - ten - epilogue
That’s a wrap folks! I’m so happy when I can finally finish something I was writing. Also look out for epilogue tomorrow 👀
Words: 1480; Warnings: few mentions of previous sexual innuendos and some alcohol drinking; Summary: This year the pair hosts their own Christmas party.
Hozier tag list:
@letoursilencebreaktonight​​​​​​​​​​​; @angelpeachamber​​​​​​​​​​​; @sgt-morgan​​​​​​​​​​​; @julessbrown​​​​​​​​​​​;
December 2019 
“Festive” Andrew commented, a smirk on his lips as he rounded the kitchen island, moving closer to her, two glasses of champagne in his hands.
Bianca laughed, glancing down at her dress covered in sparkly red sequins,  “Listen, it’s the occasion, okay!” 
They made good on their vows to never go back to that holiday party again, and decided that this year, they were going to throw their own. At Andrew’s… and Bianca’s. It still took some time getting used to saying it, but… she’d moved in.
It was official.
After visiting him last December to celebrate the New Year; they both realized they wanted her to stay. It wasn’t easy. She had to leave her job in L.A. and the only place she’d known for almost a decade… but by the end of March; Dublin was her new home.
“All the guys are coming, yeah?” Andrew called to her from the hall, his lean body wrapped in a suit.
Bianca stood on tiptoes, struggling with the holiday lights she was stringing around the bar. They were excited to be hosting. Andrew loved it so much.
“Yes! Everyone’s coming!” Bianca called to him over her shoulder, balancing precariously on the bar stool. 
She nearly screamed when she felt his hand on her back, the both of them laughing. “Thought you could use some help.” 
“If you were a few inches smaller I could…” she teased, and he shouted at her, eyes twinkling before he playfully bit at her waist, “Just kidding.” 
“Gotta hurry up and do this quick…” Alex shifted his weight back and forth, holding the flask between the five of them. 
“Why’s that?” Rory looked at him, taking the flask, and bringing it to his mouth to knock it back.
Alex gave him a funny look, shoving the toy whistle he’d received in his cracker back between his lips, “Because this is our thing. No one else.”
“Not even your wives…” Bianca tsk-tsked him with a small smirk, as the flask was passed from Rory to Cormac to her, “Our little tradition.”
“Damn right. Yous were there from the beginning Bianca.”
Alex chuckled and wiped his mouth, “She was even once the honorary crew member the year you couldn’t make it.”
Cormac winked at her, “And I bet she did me proud.” 
Bianca laughed, holding her chest, the holiday spirits burning on their way down as always. Andrew choked on his sip beside her when Alex made an inappropriate comment, “God, I missed you guys.”
“Me too” Andrew murmured, handing the flask back to Ryan and busying himself with his own paper crown. He slowly unfolded the thin purple piece of paper, remembering the very first party. 
“Remember how pissed you  were, Andy? That first year? Didn’t shut the fuck up about Bianca that whole tour.”
Andrew’s face flushed, and he looked down, nodding, “I do, yeah. Of course I do.”
“Now look at you two!” Rory teased them, reaching over to pinch Andrew’s cheek.
“Alright, alright!!” Andrew yelled, his arm sliding around Bianca’s waist, “Let’s have some fun then, yeah?”
“Have you been waiting here long?” she asked him, her voice soft, shy. Andrew glanced up, grinning at Bianca’s perfect smile and those eyes of hers he’d fallen in love with ten years ago.
“Em… not too long… a minute or so” he glanced up towards the front, seeing another person leave the room and three girls go in together, “Well… looks like it’s moving fast, eh?” Andrew assured her, feeling like he was experiencing a very strong sense of deja vu. 
She nodded, seemingly relieved, “Good.”
Andrew chuckled, suddenly remembering the woman standing across from him back when she was a girl he had a crush on in a cute little dress and blinking reindeer antlers. Now it was a striped red and white towel wrapped around her waist, a red sequin dress, and a sprig of mistletoe on a bouncy spring on her head. 
Still the cutest thing he’d ever seen. 
“Too many ales, then?” He teased, his voice deep and slightly intoxicated as he looked her up and down.
She snorted, “Partying with you guys? Of course too many ales. You know that.” 
Andrew grinned, leaning in to her conspiratorially, “Could always skip the line and go upstairs to ours.”
“We could, couldn’t we?” she pressed her forehead to his and pecked at his lips. 
“Mmm…” he moaned, tasting the mintiness of her ice cold drink on her lip, “Putting that thing to good use for once, are you?”
Bianca scrunched her nose up, the facial hair Andrew was attempting to grow again tickling her lips, “Yeah… finally” she teased him, “You’re the only guy I’m kissing tonight, though… don’t worry” she assured him as the mistletoe sprung back and forth on her head. 
“Wasn’t worried” he told her softly, pecking at her lips a few more times, “Only took us… almost ten years now, didn’t it?”
“Mmm… almost whole decade of pining for you” Bianca hummed against his mouth, “Come on…” she held her hand out, gesturing towards the staircase. Andrew’s hand slipped into hers, squeezing tight.
“Oh, the weather outside is fright-ful…”
Bianca smiled, tightening her hold on his hand, fingers laced together, cheek pressed to his chest. With Andrew’s arm wound around her, they swayed back and forth to the very familiar opening notes of a song they both loved quite fondly.
The party was nearly completely fizzled out in the early morning hours of Christmas Eve; but still they danced on over the debris on the floor of their living room. Andrew had silver tinsel wrapped around his neck, and each time they turned it tickled Bianca’s nose. 
“What is your favorite memory? From the parties?” He asked, his lips brushing the top of her tawny-colored hair.
“I was quite fond of you in that maroon sweater, serenading me…” she murmured with a little smile, quickly swallowing back the lump in her throat that always followed shortly after she was reminded the events that followed directly after the karaoke serenade that particular year.
“You mean the year you broke my heart?” Andrew asked coolly, and when her head whipped up, mouth open ready to protest, he grabbed her chin and kissed her quiet, “Just kidding, love. The one time you broke my heart versus the countless years I broke yours…”
“I’m not taking this trip down memory lane if you’re just gonna keep a tally of who was more destructive each year…” Bianca warned, the colors from the Christmas lights reflecting in her bright hazel eyes. 
“Promise, I’m not” he assured her. His eyes swept over her, the same girl he’d fallen in love so long ago now a permanent part of his life. If someone had told him back when he was twenty… “Thought you were gonna say, em, that one year in the coat room.”
“Oh” she breathed, eyes widening, “Ohhh…” her pretty pink lips curved into a smirk, “Well… that year was… God, I couldn’t believe how fucking hot you were when I saw you that year.”
Andrew chuckled, remembering the exact look on her face when she entered the room, fur coat half-unbuttoned, “That skin tight dress you wore…”
She nodded slowly, in a trance remembering Every. Single. Detail. Especially the after-party in her flat directly after that.
“I think it was a good year for both of us, huh?”
“Yeah except for when you came the instant you were inside me.” 
“HEY!” Andrew shouted, drawing the attention of a few people still smoking on the patio. He laughed, his cheeks blazing a bright ruddy red as the embarrassment crept up his neck. Bianca couldn’t stop giggling, “In my defense… I’d waited an awfully long time for that to happen.”
“That’s very true. C’mere… ” she wound her hand around the tinsel, pulling him down for a kiss, “And if I recall properly… you more than made up for it-”
He’d crushed his lips against hers before she could even finish her thought, “Now that’s one of me favorite memories…” they smiled and laughed as they kissed, “Not my absolute favorite but… it’s up there.”
The tension that had built up between them over the years hadn’t disappeared; and the honeymoon phase was seemingly infinite. Bianca always wanted to adorn his perfectly sweet face with endless amounts of kisses, “My favorite memory has always been the look on your face the moment we spotted each other at the party each year.”
“Mine too” he confessed, his muddy green eyes dancing in the light from the fireplace. “Didn’t thought that, we, em, we’d ever make it here.”
“Me neither. But here we are.” 
Andrew took her hand and spun her away from him, the two of them laughing as he pulled her in real close again, “How are we gonna manage to top this next year?”
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Hey hey! As promised, here is the first chapter of the new story.
Two Worlds- the Flame of Love
(to the people who are interested and who haven’t heard a song from Taemin, with the same name, I fell in love with that song when it first came out, so hopefully he won’t mind me taking the title for a story :D)
Pairing: (for now) BTS member Kim X x Reader
Word count: 1480
Story line: The adventures of a girl, who unexpectedly goes after her friend in a portal, but lands in a different place with a different task in hand. Will she succeed in finding her friend/ or will she be stuck there forever?
In this chapter: Flashback from BTS fan sign that you attend with your friends, and a brief description of where you are...
Y/N - your name
Y/A - your age
Y/F/N - your friends name
Warnings: none in this chapter, future angst, mature content, etc.
attaching a gif with the Kim line, who do you think will be the main character?
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*** Chapter 1 ***
This was never planned. You, following your friend into the unknown and going to a different universe, wasn’t planned either.
The first thing you remembered was the pain.
It started from the tips of your toes, going through your body in tremors, that shook you to the bone. You were cold and tired, without a chance of survival.
Someone kept touching your face, and speaking to you, but you were to weak to respond. You didn’t even move a finger; the pain was too much.
The first sound that made you realize, that you were not dead- was the birds chirping outside. Signaling of a new day, that had arrived.
-Is she awake, my dear? – a voice spoke, and you tried to get your eyes to open.
-I think she is moving, mom, she was whispering in her sleep, - the young girl spoke to her mother.
-Ethel, stop talking nonsense, she would have opened her eyes then, if she was awake.
And with that your eyes popped open.
You screamed. Ethel screamed. And the elderly woman stared at awe.
-Are you alright, - she went to you straight away, - can you speak?
-Wh…, - you started, but choked, since your throat was dry, Ethel was quick to pass you water and you drank it, - thank you… where am I?
-We found you by the river, dear, it is not far from our village, - the woman spoke, - we heard a loud noise, and then there was you.
-Where are we? – you asked.
-Well, for starters, you are in the territory of Downhill village, in the Kingdom of Flames, run by the young prince Kim…
She was stopped by loud banging noise coming from outside.
-Ethel, dear, can you open the door, please? – the younger girl went to open the door, just to be greeted by neighbors.
-Morning, - one of them spoke, - the poster is up! The celebration takes place next week, prince Kim will celebrate his 150th anniversary of reigning this kingdom.
You sat up even more, listening to what they were talking about. Prince Kim? Who is that? A prince? In our days- no way. The woman had told you that you are in a kingdom. Where the heck where you?
You remembered the events that had taken place in the fan sign.
*flashback- BTS Fan sign event*
-Y/N, think about the moment you’ll see them, - one of your best friends said and patted your shoulder. – I hope Namjoon will look sexy, so I can remember him like this. I swear one of those days I will marry that guy…
You both burst out laughing.
-I am dead serious, I will kidnap him, I just need a bag and a strong rope, and then I am ready to go, - she looked even more serious while she talked.
The event took a bad turn when… a lightning strike happened in the middle of the supermarket.
The table, where BTS sat down, flew up in the air, making Jin scream like a woman, and the rest of the guys all holding to each other.
Then everything felt like in slow motion.
Your friend called out your name, holding onto your arm, and pointing to where the light came from. Security seemed to be stuck, and you noticed that no one could move, and a magical dome came over all of the fans that were inside.
You held your hands together, both your friends looking around to see what was happening, and then there it was. The portal opened and a figure stepped through. BTS guys looked stunned, another Park Jimin was looking directly at BTS Jimin and smirked. Then he turned around, and more than ten other people came from the portal as well, dressed up as, well - ninjas, all in black clothing.
Fans were shocked, when in their front stood not one, but two Park Jimin’s looking almost exactly the same, and unexpectedly it seemed like he was staring at all three of you, his eyes flashing to different colors from all the magic he possesses.
-Hello there, humans, - Jimin spoke, and a handful of ninjas went over to BTS and trapped them with their weapons, - I suggest you don’t move, and do as I say.
And then…
-I am looking for a young lady, Y/F/A years of age, - he started walking around, slowly getting off the makeshift stage, people separating as he walked pass.
He stalked forward, and your friends grabbed stronger onto each other’s arms, but stopped, when Jimin stood right in front of all of you.
The air felt thick and heavy around you, and the time seemed to have stopped completely.
-Let me show you a glimpse of your future, - he said looking directly into your friend’s eyes.
The next thing you remember was running as fast as you could, after Park Jimin, who had taken your best friend, jumping into the unknown, hoping to save her, even if it meant dying. You would die for your friends anytime, you were prepared.
Except that the universe had a different plan for you, you got thrust into the wormhole, but kicked out on the other side, landing with a loud thud, and your vision going black.
*Flashback ends*
-Who is that? – the neighbor’s kept creeping inside to look at you.
-She’s a family friend from a distant village, - the older woman lied. The unanswered questions, which she didn’t need at this time, would have to wait another day to be solved.
-The prince will celebrate? – the older woman snickered, - cause we all are so happy, since he’s been sat at the throne…
You could feel the bitterness in her voice.
Truth to be told prince Kim was unbeatable in any way. Perfect in martial arts and archery, he was a deadly opponent to who ever stood in his way or dared to come across him.
He was not a forgivable person, he would remember what you had said, all in small detail, you wouldn’t think, he would remember- you are wrong. 100 years after that and he would still hold a grudge against the words that were spoken.
His staff members were afraid of him, and so were all the village people, one wrong move and you could be hanged, or your head/arm would be chopped of and put on a wooden poke for everyone to see, what happens when you disobey prince Kim.
But a celebration was still a celebration, even if it meant, that every single person had to attend this “lame” event, the food and drinks will be for free, and another chance for everyone to wear their best clothing will be a must.
Every person is accounted for.
Well, was…
-What about your “family member”? – another neighbor bickered.
-We will see the council today and write her down in the register, - Ethel spoke. She might have been quite young, but she was a smart girl. – off you go.
When the doors were closed, the older woman approached you once more.
-How are you feeling? – she touched your forehead.
-Why did you lie for me? – you asked.
-Well, - she breathed in, - when we saw your clothing, we knew you were not from around here, not from anywhere we would know, but you were alive, and we couldn’t let you die…
You thanked her for her kindness, your tears meant more than words.
-I.. – you spoke through sobs, - followed my friend through this portal, because I need to save her, she might be in great danger. Did you see anyone else?
-No, dearie, you were the only one.
-How is it possible?
Ethel looked at you with concern, so she spoke up.
-You might have gone to a different place, where I learn, the Magistrate told us, that there are other universes and places that we don’t know exist, and that there might be someone living there, who would look like us and speak like us… I think you are from a different universe.
-How would you know that?
-Village Magistrate is a wise man, - Ethel continued, - he teaches all his students about the past, about the present, and things that can be seen in the future. But we cannot tell him about you.
Ethel was serious. She didn’t know you, but she felt a pull towards you, as towards an older sister which she never had. You took her hands in yours.
-Thank you.
-Well then, before I see the magistrate, I will need to know your name and age.
-My name is Y/N, and I am Y/A old.
-I should be back soon, - with that the older woman left the house and you were once again left with your own thoughts, Ethel was by your side, giving you a company that you needed.
The ending of the first chapter. I know it’s just intro, but share your love, will update asap.
Thank you!
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lxveille · 6 years
plastic mistletoe
s coups x reader
word count: ~ 1480 warnings: none a/n: i’m free for holiday break and can write again, so here’s me trying to get back into the swing of it with some old fashioned holiday-themed fluff
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It was probably sometime around 11:45 that you realized the idea to host a holiday party had been a grave mistake. Earlier in the night, when one your roommates had started simmering a large stockpot full of wine for the event, it had still seemed like it would be a lively, warm get together with friends. Upon reflection, the first red flag for you probably should have been the amount of brandy that was poured into the mulled wine. Instead, the realization that things were going to cross from lively to rowdy didn’t settle in until well after holiday music had been switched to dance and pop songs and Bora had climbed on top of the sofa to try to figure out where she’d put down her cup among the crowd.
Shortly after that realization, you decided to retreat back into your room to wait for things to settle down. You changed out of festive wear and into flannel pajama pants, threw a blanket around your shoulders,  and curled up at the head of your bed with your phone in hand.
It’s nearly two when all the ruckus outside your closed door settles down.
For some time you stay tucked up against your pillows and cuddled up under the knit blanket. You have no doubt that the living room and kitchen look more like the set of a disaster movie than a cozy apartment at this point, and you’re not entirely certain you’re ready to deal with that reality yet. Especially not when your roommates are probably passed out or too sleepy to put in any serious clean up efforts tonight.
You’ve just about talked yourself into nestling down and turning out the light when your ears pick up the sound of music playing in the living room again. It’s quieter than it had been before. And if you’re hearing things right, it’s back to holiday music again.
The light instruments and warm voice, littered with the jingling of bells in the background, is enough to coax you out from under your blanket. When you peek outside your door, you’re taken by surprise to find it isn’t either of your roommates picking up empty cups from the living room floor. Instead, you find Seungcheol -- in the hideous holiday sweater you helped him pick out for a theme party back at university and a Santa hat askew on his head -- with a trash bag in one hand. It’s not exactly the kind of sack Santa Claus is typically depicted as touting around with him.
“What are you still doing here?” you ask, stepping out of your room.
He jumps slightly, taken off guard by sudden addition of your voice against the gently playing Christmas ballad. There’s a smile on his lips as soon as he spots you standing there in the low light of your ransacked apartment, wearing pajama bottoms he recognizes. He’d unofficially gifted them to you after a particularly bad hangover had you spending the whole day before graduation in his dorm room instead of participating in any of the final last hurrah activities of that day.
“I felt bad seeing how the place looked when everybody started clearing out,” he admits.
“And Bora and Mina aren’t even helping you?” You take a glance around to find Mina’s door shut. Meanwhile, the door into Bora’s is still ajar, but the lights are all off. So there’s no telling, really, whether she’s in there or if she’s slipped off with someone else into the night.
“I guess that leaves you to take up the task,” he says, a touch more amusement woven into his tone. No hard feelings against your roommates, then. “Unless you’re just gonna go back to bed and leave it all to me?” Seungcheol proposes as a self-centered sounding alternative that corners you into lending a hand. Not that you had any intention of doing otherwise to begin with.
“I guess I could help out,” you say with more reproach than you feel. For good measure, you sigh and slump your shoulders before letting yourself smile at him once more.
Seungcheol doesn’t ask where you disappeared to for half the party. He’s known you long enough not take a pretty well educated guess. Instead, a comfortable and familiar quiet settles over the two of you as you go about cleaning up the apartment. Christmas classics keep it from being completely silent, and even still, there are interspersed comments wondering how something ended up there, or why a certain amount of alcohol manages to revert your friends back to the recklessness of collegiate days.
“Hey, do you guys still want this, or is it trash now?” He asks just as the apartment is beginning to look passable. You look up from your perched position to see if anything had fallen behind the couch to look at Seungcheol curiously. He’s holding up something in one hand, but it’s difficult to make it out.
You hop back onto the floor and head his way. “What is it?”
“Mistletoe, I think,” he says, “Or… holly? I don’t know.” From the tone of his voice, you imagine that Seungcheol himself is just realizing he doesn��t really know how to tell one apart from the other. Once you’re close enough to get a good look, you let out a small laugh.
“It’s plastic, first of all,” you point out, and meet his eye to give a teasing sort of smile.
“Well, I figured that out!” he comes quickly to his own defense.  
“But it is supposed to be mistletoe,” you confirm for him. “I guess Mina didn’t do a good enough job securing it up there,” you add as an afterthought as you glance up to the archway leading into the kitchen. There’s still a spot of clear tape on the plaster that she’d used to hang it earlier in the afternoon. In all honesty, it’s a wonder the small decoration didn’t end up getting kicked to the other side of the apartment entirely if it hadn’t stuck.
“Should I put it back up then?” Seungcheol asks.
You shrug. “I guess so.”
And with that said, he reaches his arm up, and goes up onto this tiptoes to reach all the way, and presses the end of the fake mistletoe against the patch of tape again.
“If that tape didn’t hold it up the first time, it’s not gonna make it stick for good this time either,” you point out, and look from the precariously hanging mistletoe to Seungcheol as he settles back down flat on his feet again.
He’s not looking at you like he entirely heard what you said. “Seungcheol?” you prompt, and then follow his gaze when he looks back up over your heads. “I think the rule doesn’t apply if it’s not real mistletoe,” you make up on the spot, already fairly sure you’ve caught on to what must have distracted him from your first point about hanging methods.
Seungcheol looks at you again, his lower lip half pulled into his mouth as he seems to think over something. “So then, you only have to follow the rule if you want to, then?”
“Yeah,” you agree quickly. “No obligations at all.”
He nods, satisfied with your answer. But rather than going back to cleaning up, he eyes you over once and murmurs an “okay” before reaching out a hand for your side. Before you can even fully consider why, you find Seungcheol’s taken a step closer and pressed his lips lightly to yours. ‘
The kiss lasts only a moment before Seungcheol pulls back, quickly and drained of his momentary confidence, already spilling out hastened apologies while his mouth is still close enough for you to feel his breath against your lips.
“Don’t be,” you cut him off in the middle of a sorry, and dare to let your own hand come up to his shoulder. Those two words, and that touch, makes him come to a full a stop. He scans your face for some kind of sign that he has misunderstood, and grins when he finds nothing but your genuine, albeit a fraction embarrassed, smile.
He leans in again, but before his lips can find yours for the second time, something small and green falls from overhead, hitting him lightly on the head on its way down. Seungcheol winces, and then looks down to see the plastic mistletoe sitting on the floor by his foot.
“I told you it wouldn’t stick,” you say, trying your best (and failing, in small sputters) not to laugh at his mild misfortune.
Seungcheol meets your gaze again, and decides to wrap his arms around your middle entirely instead of making any move to pick it up off the floor. “Whatever,” he shrugs one shoulder, “Don’t need it anyway.”
And he gets around to that second kiss before you can question what he means.
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Love Like You (A Song Fic)
Fandom: Dear Evan Hansen
Pairing: Connor Murphy x Reader
Word Count: 1480
Based On: Love Like You by Rebecca Sugar
Warnings: Implied depression, swearing, implied suicidal thoughts
Summary: If only he could love like you...
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Love Like You (A Song Fic)
If I could
Begin to be
Half of what you think of me
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love
Connor sat in his room, aimlessly staring off into the abyss of his ceiling. The overhead fan gently blew a soft breeze into his face, tangling up his messy red hair. For once in his goddamn life, he actually felt a sense of tranquility begin to overtake him— without the use of weed to start it. He closed his eyes, taking in the peacefulness of being alone. That wouldn’t last long. You, for some reason, were on your way over to see him; despite the fact that Connor had said he’d be fine on his own. He had gotten rather good at lying. But you had gotten rather good at see the truth. Now, you were on your way over. Any moment now…
Below him, the distant shouts of his parents echoed through his house. Muffled yells pounded through the hard wood floor, as he tried to ignore whatever his dad was currently ranting about. He was positive it was him. For shitsake, of course it was about him. Everything was about him. About how much of a fucking screw up he was. About the fucking mess he made out of everyone’s lives. Everyone hated him; he hated him. Fuck, maybe that’s why you were on your way over. To break up with him. That had to be it. No wonder you’d insisted on coming.
A soft rapping at his window broke the rails of his train of thought. Speak of the devi… he growled to himself, as he let his eyes drift open. With a grunt, the boy sat up on his bed. He flicked his gaze towards the shut window, unmoved by your cheerful smile. Your goddamn perfect cheerful smile. You tapped again on the window pane, trying to get your boyfriend’s attention. Connor groaned, bracing himself for your imminent news.
When I see
The way you act
Wondering when I’m coming back
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love
Like you
“Hey!” you greeted him quietly, sliding up the glass pane. This had become quite frequent between the two of you. Whenever one of you had needed something or someone to escape the cruel world, you’d try and hang out. Whether it involved sneaking out to each other’s rooms, or slipping out to the park in order to stargaze. In fact, it had become something you regularly looked forward too. Especially when you had nothing else to look forward too in the world. You continued to smile at your boyfriend, “What’s up?”
Connor simply scoffed at this, his lips pursed into the ugliest of scowls. There was sharp chill about him, one you’d learned to pick up on whenever something was wrong. The way he held himself as he stood across from you, or how his eyes remained furrowed as he held his stony composure. Something was definitely wrong.
The two of you sat there in silence for quite sometime, neither one not sure what to say. At long last Connor motioned for you to come in, a marvelous gift for your tired knees. You skirted in across the window pane, hopping down onto the floor. After dusting yourself off from the hop, you looked up, expecting to see a sympathetic Connor ready to talk. Instead, a painful dagger filled glare was shot down upon you. Damn was he intimidating.
“Go ahead,” Connor growled at you, furrowing his brow tighter. You only blinked, unsure of exactly how to respond. Connor watched as you fumbled for words, the ticking bomb of anger in his chest slowly getting faster. He let out a mild grunt, crossing his long arms across his chest, “I said go right on-a-fucking-head.”
You wrinkled your nose, “What?”
“You heard me,” he snarled, “Don’t expect for me to be surprised or anything. Is that what you fucking wanted, huh?”
“Connor I don’t what you’re talking about,” you said it as calm as you could. You’d been in this situation before. With a deep breath you wrenched your eyes up to meet his, ready to take on the aggression, “I just thought you could use a friend.”
“What an absolute shit way to start a break up,” he snapped back, clenching his fists into tight balls, “So fucking original.”
I always thought
I might be bad
Now I’m sure that it’s true
“Break up? Why would I—”
“Because you fucking realized what a goddamn awful person I am and came to break it off. Yeah. I fucking got it. I’m not the dumb ass fucking loser you thought I was? Oh wait! I guess i still kinda fucking am. Well whatever. LIke I could fucking care less,” the words stung. But you knew that he didn’t mean any of them. This was how Connor defended himself. It was the only way he knew how too.
But you were there for the moment of regret. It was hard to spot, and anyone else probably would have missed it had they not been paying very close attention. When, for a nano second, his honey brown eyes let their guards down, forfeiting a tiny glimpse of the thoughts running through his head. This time, it seemed to be oh-fucking-shit-if-they-weren’t-going-to- break-up-with-me-before-they-definitely-are-going-to-now-goddamn-it-Connor-you-fucking-screw-up and so how on. They softened, and you practically melted underneath the glow of remorse for the nanosecond that it lasted. Then the walls were put back up, and the two of you were left staring.
I think you’re so good
And I’m nothing like you
You let the words sit for a second, to settle into the silence that surrounded you two. You, him, glaring back and forth, not sure what to say. His jaw clenching into a stationary scowl, as he refused to be the one to besiege in the fight. You harddened your own E/C eyes, trying to think of a response. A comeback. Something to reach out to him.
“Connor,” it was slow, as if you yourself were unable to speak, “Connor I’m not going to—”
“Oh really?” he rasped, and began to run his fingers through his strawberry hair, “Are you fucking sure? Because I get it. I’m just the freak nobody wants to be friends with so it makes no goddaman sense for you too—”
You kissed him. Full force. Nothing holding you back.
Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I’m so special
The kiss was strong, passionate. Enticing and full. You could taste the bright taste of mint across his lips, to make up for the faded smokey scent that still raddiated from his body. The two of you standing awkwardly, pressing your lips tightly together as if you would never let go. At first you felt him flinch, unsure of whether or not to pull back. But as the kiss deepened, and as the time lengthened, you felt Connor gently kiss back.
The tender moment did not last long. Hands began to run through hair, as you felt the soft kisses become rougher and faster. You wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, holding on tight as he pulled you forward. Pressed against him, the warmth radiating from his body helped to quicked your heartbeat. Fingers knotted, heads spinning. The two of you completely lost yourselves.
If I could begin to do
Something that does right by you
I would do about anything
I would even learn how to love
“I love you Connor Murphy,” you whispered into his ear, once the makeout session had cooled down enough for you to speak, “I love you so much. Nothing is ever going to change that. I will always be here.”
There was no audible response. You didn’t expect one, or need one for that matter. Instead, his grasp on your waist tightened firmly, as he pulled you into a deep embrace. You pressed yourself against him, slowly running your fingers through his soft hair. You could feel the heaving of his chest, as he hugged you tightly and refused to let you go.
When I see the way you look
Shaken by how long it took
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love
Like you
And so the two of you remained tucked away in his bedroom, giving into the distant lull of night. You didn’t talk much, only remained curled on his bed in a tight cuddle. The silence was refreshing, the peacefulness strange. It was a moment of tranquility, that allowed both of you to relax for a short amount of time. You sighed as you stroked your boyfriend’s hair, gazing deeply into his honey eyes. He stared right back at you, running his thumb across your chin.
Love me like you
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 15
1401. Do you like your movies and books to be more lighthearted or serious? depends on my mood. but usually light hearted. 1402. What's more important, first impressions or lasting impact? first impressions. i kinda lose interest if the first impression sucks. 1403. Order these areas of psychological health from what you need the least improvement in to what you need the most improvement in: physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, spiritual spiritual, environmental, social, intellectual, emotional and physical. 1404. Do you react appropriately to things and control your feelings? i’d say so. 1405. Do you have stable relationships? yes.
1406. Do you need to be in a relationship to feel good about yourself? not at all. but it’s been so long that idk what i’d be like alone. 1407. Which is the most clear and concise, your thoughts, your speech or your writing? Which is the least clear and concise? most clear: thoughts. least: writing coz i never write. 1408. Are you always trying to learn new things? not all the time. 1409. Do you feel at peace? not yet. 1410. Do you have strong morals and ethics that you believe in and adhere to? yeah. 1411. Are you over or under weight? over. 1412. Do you think of the needs of all humanity or just the needs of yourself and those you know? tbh me and those i know. after i fix myself, i can start focusing on the needs of others. 1413. Do you recycle? yes. 1414. Are you active in your community? not at all. 1415. Are you sensitive to the needs of others? not really? 1416. Do you dress up to go to the mall? haha omg no. it used to be a huge thing back in high school, but i couldn’t care less these days. 1417. Have you ever been on anti depressants? nope. 1418. Name a part of your body. Give that part of your body a name. heart. heart lol. 1419. Is fourteen your lucky number? nope. 1420. What could make you lose respect for someone? having them do something unforgivable. 1421. Is ignorance really bliss? i don’t think so. it could lead to a rude awakening. 1422. What can be described as 'even better than the real thing'? not sure. 1423. Are you jealous that dog can lick their own genitals? If you could do that would you ever leave the house? no and yes. 1424. What's in your wallet right now? driver’s license, debit card, credit card, membership cards, receipts and coins. 1425. Do you write letters that you never send? nope. 1426. Do you ever get the feeling people are laughing at you? sometimes. 1427. Who's the one person you'd like to drop a house on? haha idk. 1428. Have you ever been swept off your feet? i guess. 1429. Tell me why you don't like Mondays: because i have work. 1430. In the Harry potter series the books seem to be getting darker and more serious with each new release. Do you like this change or do you prefer the story to be light? i thing the change suits the development of the story. i’d lose interest if the entire series was light hearted. 1431. How often do you update your diary? weekly. 1432. What do you mostly write about in your diary? my schedule. 1433. How many quizzes and/or surveys do you have in your diary as entries? oh, i didn’t know the question was regarding like a blog lol. 1433. How many forwards does your diary contain? - 1434. What is your writing style like? - 1435. How honest are you in your diary? - 1436. Why do you write in your diary? - 1437. Do you have a comet cursor on your diary description? - 1438. Do you ever chat online? only on fb messenger to people i know personally. 1439. Have you ever met someone from online? How'd that go? no. at most i’ve met mutual friends online but they still lived locally. 1440. What's your favorite horror: Movie? umm, i don’t have one. Book? goosebumps haha. 1441. Have you ever caught a mistake in a movie? yes, plenty of times. as a kid moviemistakes.com was my jam haha. 1442. Have you ever seen that munchkin who supposedly hangs himself in the Wizard of Oz? If yes, how/when should someone look for it? only in a buzzfeed post. 1443. If you had to give yourself a letter grade (A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D-, F) for things how would you grade yourself on: Happiness: B- Being a decent human being: B Being serene (calm, peaceful): B- Kindness: B- Anger management: A- Creative thinking: C Modesty: A- Being an original: A- Knowing yourself: A- Being true to yourself: B Getting along with others: C Liking yourself: D Admitting your flaws: B Self improvement: D- 1444. Are you kinky? haha no. 1445. How would you feel if twice a week you could wake up next to the person you love? pretty good! 1446. Out of all the people you know who is most likely to be one of the great minds of our time? hmmm. not sure. 1447. Have you ever been to: Church? yes. Temple? yes. A bar? yes. A house party? yes. A rave? yes. A goth club? no. A punk show? no. A hip hop club? yes. What sounds like the most fun out of that list? a bar. 1448. So far, have you changed around any of the questions on this survey? haha no. what’s the point? 1449. Are you crying on the inside? no. 1450. Are you afraid of the future? kinda. 1451. What will you dress up as this year for Halloween (if you celebrate it)? nothing. 1452. Do you think of some people as not worthy of being your friend? yep. lol. 1453. If you won $1,000 every week until you die, would you still go to school? Would you still get a job? i’m done with school. and yeah i’d still work. 1454. What's the most difficult job you can think of? anything outdoors and strenuous on the body. i couldn’t imagine working outside in the heat during summer. 1455. If you could decorate your room with any theme you wanted what would you pick? i’d leave it the way it is. pretty simple. 1456. Of the following bands which would you be most likely to check out? roxy music (70's glam) the magnetic fields (current indie rock) kraftwerk (experimental electronic rock) <--- this one i guess. 1457. You and your boy/girlfriend have been together 6 months or longer.... One day s/he wants to go to a strip club with his/her friends to hang out. It's guys/girls night out and you aren't invited. Would you be upset by this? tbh if he told me in advance and was completely honest about it i don’t think i’d get upset. but to be fair, my boyfriend has never been to a strip club so idk what i’d feel. 1458. Can a person avoid dying if he or she does not believe in death? um i don’t think so. 1459. If someone sings songs that they don't write and they don't play any instruments or mix the songs or have any creative input at all..Are they a musician? i used to think about this a lot and yeah i guess they’re still a musician. 1460. What do the following stand for: html? something link lol idk. faq? frequently asked questions. fao? no idea. imho? in my humble opinion. hiv? something virus? aids? idk. r&b? rhythm and blues. 1461. What does the world owe you? happiness. then again, i’m in control of that. 1462. Do you read plays and books or just get the cliff notes? when i was in school i did both. 1463. What do you want to get out of life? happiness pretty much. and a family. 1464. Do you know what is really important to you? yes. 1465. What trend has been getting on your nerves lately? idk. 1466. Do you forgive yourself when you make a mistake? yeah, i just consider it as a lesson. 1467. What tiny little very small thing has made you hugely happy? days off work. 1468. Can you read body language well? i think so. 1469. Do you look people in the eye when you talk? yes. 1470. Do you notice if they aren't looking you in the eye? yes. 1471. Are you alert to opportunities? sometimes. 1472. Puppet Yoda or digital Yoda? neither. 1473. Do you look like the person you want to be? no. 1474. Do you behave like the person you want to be? yeah i guess. 1475. Some children were asked 'how would you make your marriage work?' One child, Ricky, age ten, said: 'Tell your wife she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck.' Is this good advice? no lol. i’d rather my partner be honest with me. 1476. Do you visualize your goals and dreams? yes. 1477. 4x + 3 = 15  What is the value of x? literally haven’t done algebra in years. is it 3? 1478. Do you keep yourself organized? yes. 1479. Does anyone really win an argument? haha only in their minds. 1480. Have you ever had champagne? yes. 1481. Do you strive for perfection? no. i just thrive to be successful. 1482. Name one thing you understand. myself. 1483. Whatever it is are you afraid of it? yes. 1484. Do you dislike being told what to do? yesssss. 1485. If you had a cat would you have it declawed? i’d never get a cat. 1486. Do you prefer lobster, clams, or crab meat? tbh i like them all. 1487. What do you think about guys who don't wear underwear? omg i don’t know any guys who don’t lmao. 1488. What do you think about girls who don't wear bras? it’s fine. 1489. Do you ask for what you want? sometimes. 1490. What are you against? bigots. 1491. How many notes does your diary have? - 1492. Ace of Base or Enya? neither. 1493. What makes you feel awkward? socially awkward situations. 1494. Have you ever been to teenopendiary.com, and if yes, how does it compare to opendiary.com? lol this must be soooooo old. 1495. If you were going to switch to another diary website, which one would you go to? - 1496. Do you believe that certain books should be removed from high school libraries? depends on the contents. 1497. How do you feel about gay and lesbian marriages? i’m all for it. 1498. Can you rearrange the letters in your name to form any other words(check here if you aren't sure http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/)? haha no. 1499. What is the sexiest moment in a movie? idk. 1500. Do you have a favorite stand up comedian? i don’t have a fave.
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