#He was literally dying and watched several friends die and stabbed himself and fought people he used to love
bladwinthegreat · 1 year
you know when we write and put our characters through trauma and near death experiences and just the worst stuff we can come up with.
That what trials of apollo was.
Poor lester
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
the darkest hour pt 2
i'm back with my bs. this is for my bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars. basically, all of my dumb thoughts while i watched 'darkest hour pt 2', 04.02 of merlin. in case you weren't aware.. ✨spoilers✨
right off the bat i'm sad
ok when i first watched this i was really confused. i mean, you see others when they interact with the dorocha have that perpetual frost on their face right? all of them, every single one. so imagine my surprise when merlin has no frost on his face, and he's miserable yea- but he's not dead??
like tbh, watching this again, ik why but when i first watched this, i was SO confused.
arthur looks so worried slkdjfalskfsd
him being willing to abandon the mission to get merlin back to camelot to be treated 😔🤪😎🤤🤩 lots of emotions
LANCELOT. of course it's lancelot. santiago is perfect. actually.
merlin looks so SICKLY. it physically pains me to see him like that
okok hahaa. the scene where percival is carrying merlin. i have several notes on that.
1) ik it's supposed to be all 'noble' looking. yk? them walking in slow mo, percival carrying merlin like he's been slained in battle. knights looking knightly
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like pls
second note, idk why this remind me of hagrid carrying harry back
idk maybe that's just me but it feels oddly reminiscent
colin is SO pale my heart is actually hurting for him what the heck
asf;lsdjfa;lsdfj 'take me with you' stop.
dude they ACTUALLY care about each other. i just love them. arthur is so worried rn and while i'm like 'alsjfalsdj i don't want arthur to be sad and worried' we can see just how MUCH arthur cares about merlin.
like yea, we KNOW that they care about each other. but arthur is the prince and merlin's a servant so arthur can't have friends, but they're friends, and they care, and it makes me happy
ok it's sad and everything that merlin's basically dying but is it bad of me that i chuckle at merlin SLUMPED over on his horse?? probably.
but i mean, merlin is already raising himself up so he can sit more comfortably on the horse. ik that doesn't mean that he's in the clear yet, but he's doing a LOT better than the other people who ran into the dorocha. idk where i'm going with this
to quote the destiny and chicken podcast (who i love btw, if you want an awesome merlin podcast, check them out), they stay on arthur's face for SO long after merlin and lancelot leave.
i feel EVERYTHING that arthur is feeling in this moment. he's so pretty
there's another beautiful landscape. i'm not even sorry i'm gonna attach them ALL.
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tell me that's not gorgeous
gwaine is the EMBODIMENT of 'boys will be boys' when he sticks his hand into that tree and gets swarmed by bees.
he's adorable and i love him
ok but also, someone tell me why capes are so hot. someone TELL me.
separate from the episode but on the note of capes being hot, i want a cloak SO BADLY. like the whole gist. floor length, big hooded cloak. why?? it's not like i'm sneaking anywhere but still. ✨cloak✨
ok the line where leon goes 'if anyone can get merlin back to camelot, it's lancelot' and arthur's face?? idk what to make of it. someone help me pls.
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ok actually this probably isn't the best reaction shot but someone please help
the only thing i can think of is that arthur momentarily forgot and was reminded that merlin was in danger bc of him?
another thought is that he thinks he should take merlin back instead of lancelot?
ik for a fact you guys are better at analysising this stuff than i am so pls, thoughts?
i love lancelot so much. first time i watched this, i was CRUSHED
him carrying merlin to the lake(?) pond(?) area and then covering him with his cape? i love it
ok idk why but i love the idea of merlin instinctively going towards the water
it makes me think back to how he's made of magic and basically everywhere, espeically nature, has magic and instinctively- he wants to connect with nature as much as he can so his body just puts his hand in the water
a dumber thought i had, his hand is ✨sparkly✨in the water HAHAH
omg when the water called lancelot i deadass thought it was freya. i'm actually dumb i have WATCHED this before and i STILL thought it was freya
'a future that has been written since the dawn of time' makes me so proud but also so sad at the same time
it's like, yes, merlin is going to 'save the world' but it's like he's there just to do that. anyways, i just want him to be happy
these water spirts are op but also MORE SPARKLY. hehe i thin kthat's so funny
also, i'm literally only like 7 mins in. buckle yourself in
l;askdjflskdjf arthur going into the tunnels with the wilderons?? i miss merlin ouch. AND THE GAJA BERRIES. arthur misses merlin.
ok percival tackling gwaine?? cuties ;))
heheheeh gwaine kicking a skull and then running directly behind arthur for protection?? pls stop. i already love you
yes im dumb, but the 5 of them slowly peeking over the rock and then ducking back down?? i love that so much they're so cute
omg what's wrong with me. not these knights literally FEARING their lives and me going 'they're so cute'
gwaine you absolute dumbass. smh merlin just took it but you just HAD to stab it. #cancelled
YES. i have a love hate relationship with gaius, but BUST into the council room. king energy right there
smh gaius you pUSH over.
stfu agravaine 'gueniviere'. ST F UP
ok gwen. pop OFF
you KNOW that arthur would've fought agravaine on this. GO GWEN for speaking her mind
oh look at me with anotehr fic rec. sort of, not really. ok but this scene with gwen talking about all the villagers remind of this fic called To Love, Honor, and Piss Off by @thenerdyindividual .
ok so it's basically a fic where basically merlin and arthur have this 'arranged marriage' type thing for 3 years, and merlin is arthur's 'common consort'. what that means is that arthur marries merlin as a show of good faith and to learn more about what it means to be a commoner- merlin giving arthur the tea about commoner life
anywAYS. check that our if you want, but i loved it
stfu 'i feel the pain as much as you' agravaine. hop off my dick
wow when she's intellegent with her speaking so everyone HAS to side with her but also respectful so NO ONE can get mad at her?? i stan. i ACTUALLY stan
santiago is so pretty
the PANIC in his voice. i stan.
merlin is ready to GO. he's like, sorry for almost dying. that was ill advised of me.
i'm actually soft for any displays of friendship ever. what does that mean about me 💀 KIDDING. anyways..
i love the *swing* *duck* 'yea, not as quick as arthur
sa;kfs;akdfj lancelot insisting that merlin go back to camelot and merlin just nOt
stop rn. lancelot's face when merlin turns away. i am in pAin. I AM SO SAD OVER LANCELOT. PLS LANCELOT.
this isn't exactly, but morgana's paleness from here on out reminded me of merlin when he was literally DYING.
anyways, that's my note on that
like, yes- i get it- morgana is evil now. but idk should i feel bad for her? she looks so pale and ghasty and just :(
aksfhaskdjfas;ldf morgana
stfu don't kill gwen i'll KiLl you
agravaine literally needs to die
again, someone tell me why capes are so hot. especially these red ones?? i'm in love with them.
ok see this guy?? he just died with the forst on his face. not merlin?? he started getting better. surly that should've tipped them off that merlin was different
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wow. seriously. i'm gonna attach all the pretty landscape pictures
morgana's like 'i'll cut a b!tch'. ok ik morgana's evil and everything, but morgana flinging that guard against the wall is bad ass
oh this is weird but gwen telling agravaine to 'show courage' but the whole room tinted green? ik this isn't harry potter or anything but idk i thought that was interesting. i'm not abt to go into if i think agravaine is a slytherin or what but still
morgana :( smh you can't deny that morgana and gwen carried for each other and morgana flinging gwen away is making me sad. don't touch me
asldjfasldasd 'you're never alone' elyan i love you
lancelot and merlins being lads. omg no them talking about gwen
lancelot is SO noble. stop this reminds me of Die for you in secret by @emrysofmagic so much right now. not gonna lie. your fic LITERALLY lives in my head rent free and sometimes i think of it and my heart just HURTS in those last few chapeters. PHYSICALLy. i am in pain. anyways.
stop the trope where it's like "i love them, but i just want them to be happy. it doesn't matter if they're with me or not. i just want them to be happy"
ok so it's been like a month ish since i've watched merlin bc i was waiting for @//f-f-podcast 's destiny and chicken podcast, so i don't exactly what terms kilgharrah and merlin are at right now
still i think it's very sweet of merlin to bow slightly when kilgharrah looks at him
'the bravest and most noble of them all' 🥺
aw. merlin is really saying good bye right now
ok this scene is weird bc like i said, i don't rlly remember how merlin and kilgharrah are right now but it still makes me sad
asldjfslakdjfasd merlin and kilgharrah are old friends now. that makes me happy but sad at the same time
ok the 'it will be an empty world without you, young warlock' kills me.
obviously, we know that even though they butt heads, kilgharrah and merlin both care about each other
not only is kilgharrah being forced to let merlin go right now, but he's making peace with the fact that he'll be alone
the last dragonlord is planning to die. and kilgharrah is going to be alone again, like he was in that cave.
another thing is that if merlin died rn then we would never have aithusia. i'm kinda going on a tangent now but idk this scene is sad
this forest is so pretty
literally just lancelot's face and lancelot in this whole episode.
that's my note
omg i always see posts about this.
like merlin and lancelot planned that lancelot was going to walk in first and trick them and THEN merlin walked in
that's so funny to me. they're SO dramatic HAHAH
merlin looks so happy
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Tell me why they actually look MARRIED here. PLS
🤠🤠 arthur wanting Gwen to be happy is KILLING ME. He loves her so much
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This is so pretty. Honestly like how
Who let merlin have this many pretty landscapes
Lajs;dlkfajd buds in a boat together.
This reminds me of going to amusement parks and there’s always that boat ride
They’re the cutest
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Ok so they also have this picture. It’s actually 3 pictures spliced together because the episode pans down and it’s really badly spliced (sorry) but LOOk how pretty that is.
Omg not me literally copying merlin with his slow mo head flick at the wyverns to make them go away
;sldkfjasdlkjasd leon percival and elyan and my heart.
Ok i’m not even gonna try to lie. They all have my heart
Frick you cailleah
Omg i was like ‘gwaine you dumbass’ jK i love him. Pls don’t come for my neck
Asldjfasldjfka ‘i’m prepared to pay whatever price is necessary’
Stopp rn. ‘It’s my density
stop rn merlin is all alone.
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Stop they all look so sad. I’m so sad.
merlin looks like he’s cried
I’m not sure abt arthur with his ‘no man is worth your tears’ type business but still
I am ✨sad✨
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I screamed at this picture. I am depressed
Gwen’s face is killing me
I’m so sad i don’t even want to write commentaries
Arthur realizing that lancelot only died because he loved gwen
Gwen standing in front of the fire
Aslkdfjasldjfa im so sad
✨we hate agravaine in this house✨
😭😭 not merlin having ANOTHER secret. I’m so sorry bby
Anyways! I’ll be back next week to rant more about the wicked day so I’ll see you then! thanks I love you bye
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neptune-stars · 4 years
hello yes draco had a sad childhood but let’s not forget that
• harry was emotionally abused and neglected, and there’s vague hints that the abuse may have been pyschical as well
• harry slept in a cupboard under the stairs and his only friends were the spiders living there
• harry named his owl after the saint of orphans
• harry essentially murdered a man when he was eleven and the promptly sent home without anything to help him through that guilt
• harry was locked into his bedroom when he was barely 12. he was fed through a cat flap and there were bars on his window
• harry was ostracized by his peers for speaking a language that he didn’t know was wrong
• one of harry’s best friends was petrified and that is the ONLY reason people stopped (openly) suspecting him
• harry nearly died from being stabbed by a poisonous snake
• harry spent his entire third year in paranoia because even though everyone told him he was in danger, no one bothered enough to tell him WHY
• harry’s happiest memory was fake
• harry heard the sounds of his parents dying whenever dementors came near
• harry was ready and willing to kill sirius because he believed the man had betrayed his parents
• harry was put into the tri wizard tournament against his will
• and once again ostracized by nearly the entire school for it
• one of his very best friends left him because of jealousy (obviously further adding on to his abandonment issues)
• for several months he only had one friend - hermione granger
• he was nearly scalped by a dragon
• he forgave ron despite the fact he had abandoned him when he needed him most
• he genuinely thought that anyone still under the lake would die and saved a little girl he didn’t need too
• he watched his friend and classmate die in front of him
• he believed the death of his friend and classmate to be his fault
• he was used in a ritual to bring back his parents’ murderer
• he battled against said parents’ murderer and saw the ghosts of not only his parents, but Cedric and several others, too
• he brought cedric’s body back despite the incredible risk
• he was kidnapped AGAIN by barty crouch jr
• he was sent to the dursley’s immediately after seeing his friend and classmate die
• he was once again ostracized this time by his own friends because “dumbledore said so”
• he was attacked by dementors and left to fend for himself
• he was taken to the Order’s headquarters just to found out that his friends and trusted adults had been there the entire time while he struggles and grieved on his own with no help
• he was ostracized by his peers who refused to believe his parents’ murderer was back
• he was tortured throughout the ENTIRE YEAR by a teacher AND ministry worker and everyone just turned a blind eye to it
• he was repeatedly dismissed by adult figures throughout his life - this year especially
• his mentor refused to look him in the eye and gave no explanation
• he saw his best friend’s dad get attacked and then learned voldemort was living IN HIS HEAD
• he was literally thrown into a glass shelf by his potions professor
• he was basically psychologically tortured by said potions professor
• umbridge almost used the crucio curse on him
• he watched his godfather - the last family he had left - die in front of him
• he tried to use the crucio curse of his godfather’s killer - it’s a common theory that he only failed because he was too angry and filled with grief to think straight
• he was possessed by voldemort
• he was left alone AGAIN at the dursley’s
• instead of proper dueling training, his lessons with dumbledore were simply diving into old memories and learning history
• he, at first, couldn’t manipulate a teacher into giving him a guarded memory and SAID SORRY when dumbledore looked disappointed
• he was ridiculed by his friends for believing something was up with draco malfoy - even though there was plenty of evidence to prove he was right
• he watched his mentor die in front of him, and could do nothing about it
• he found out his potions professor was responsible for his parent’s death, but dumbledore said that “i trust him” so harry could do nothing
• his friends were attacked ; he got the crucio curse used on him
• he and his friends were attacked at a wedding
• he was forced to live in the woods for months on end
• one of his best friends left (again)
• he heard one of his best friends - his sister- being tortured and could do nothing about it
• he was locked in a cellar while his sister was being tortured
• he fought in a battle
• he saw someone who was like a brother die in front of him
• one of his parent’s best friends died in front of him, along with his new wife - harry realized he was the only one left alive for his godson
• he sacrificed himself for his friends
• he DIED
• he killed tom riddle
• guys you aren’t getting it he was raised to die. that was it. no one knew he would be alive afterward; dumbledore planned his death to the T. harry was READY to die and it’s almost as if a little part of him wanted it and that makes it SO much sadder
yeah draco had a rough few years. but yall just forgetting the shit harry went through
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aisling-beatha · 5 years
A lot about living [SFW]
A standalone story #1
Part 1 Part 2
The Walking Dead | Daryl Dixon X Reader
Warning: Swearing
Your break-up was like a bolt from the blue to the whole Alexandrian community. It was so unexpected that nobody found the courage to seek for reasons as neither you nor Daryl was open about it. To be precise, it wasn’t like you told them the news, it was more like they saw it. Anyway, it was obvious to every living soul in Alexandria who at least knew your names.
The gossips spread in just a few days. So soon after that, you were catching both interested and terrified gazes from every single human from the place.
You and Daryl were inseparable. You came to Alexandria together. You fought together. You were on supply runs together. You even shared a home, living with Carol. And, well, needless to say, that you shared the bed too. And soon after your arrival, the locals got one thing, it was practically impossible to see either of you walking down the streets of Alexandria alone. People were intrigued by the relationship you seemed to have. Women in the community would look after both of you walking shoulder to shoulder with bitterness. And, well, both of you heard enough shit about yourselves. Filthy redneck, stupid bitch… People were judging. They gave you names. Not like it bothered you, but sometimes you wished, you could get away from that.
Your group, on the other hand, was more than happy to see you two together. After months of dancing around each other during the prison time, you two finally made sense of it. You had never given it the name, but it was always there. He was yours, and you belonged to him.
But then, in a split second, it was over.
You overslept. You knew that the moment you opened your eyes. The sun’s rays pierced your eyes. You had absolutely no desire to get out of bed. Another day, another routine, it started to be exhausting.
Alexandria was extremely short on supplies. People had to go out the gates almost every single day to find food or medication, and Alexandrians’ inability to fight only dramatized the situation. After the recent events of dealing with bigger herds near the community, your people couldn’t risk going out alone no more. But it wasn’t the same in the beginning. When you saw the place for the first time, it seemed to be a true miracle. Finally, after months of wandering through the woods, your family got a place to call a home.
“Think that’s a good idea?”
“Might be. We have to give the place a chance.”
You were standing on the porch of the house absolutely exhausted. The day was… eventful. New place, new people. Something surreal. Aaron not only took you to Alexandria but was kind enough to tell Diana to give all of you some time. As if he knew that not everybody would like to stay.
“Don’t trust ‘em here.”
You turned your head to Daryl, watching him lighting up a cigarette. He looked tired. He definitely was. He was still wearing his clothes covered in road dirt and dust and walkers’ blood. As if he didn’t care. He probably didn’t, you thought to yourself.
“It’s been too long since we had anything like this. Hell, I can’t even remember the last time we actually slept on something that is not ground or dirt” you chuckled and closed your eyes for a moment. “We need it, Daryl. We may or may not like it, but we need this place.”
Daryl looked back at you, wishing he could just wash away all of the pain and sorrow from your heart. He was new to romantic relationships, but definitely not new to when it came to taking care of people around him, his family. Having something with you meant he didn’t give up. You were still alive. You lost too much after the prison and on the road. People, strength, hope. It was an endless nightmare. And you were right in the middle of it. He just wished he could take all the weariness from you to see you smiling again.
“Ya wanna stay? ’M fine with it then” he said after some time. You just smiled at him tiredly and nodded.
Both of you were silent now. No words needed. The silence was welcomed and even comforting after the open road, where every noise could be the sign of danger. Here, it was calming.
You closed your eyes again. Your whole body ached, but at the same time, you didn’t want to move. You leaned on the railing, hoping to find some relief for you back. You didn’t know how much time had passed when you heard Daryl moving behind you. His hands were now on your shoulders, gently rubbing them. You smiled again, melting from his touch.
“Ya alright?” he asked when you straightened up and turned around to face him. He must have seen something in your eyes, something that made him all shy and uncertain again. The change was so visible that it made you frown. But before you could ask, Daryl kissed you. It was just a peck on the lips, but it was there. Daryl instantly moved away, hiding his head in the crook of your neck.
“I’m here,” you whispered, smiling softly and hesitantly hugging him. “We are here.”
You tried to sit up, instantly regretting the idea. Your whole body was sore from yesterday’s run. Pain in your shoulder was still sharp too. The deep cut there would take a hell lot of time to heal.
You didn’t feel like leaving your room. You rubbed your eyes and face several times, trying to concentrate but every time ended up looking blankly at the ceiling. A sticky feeling settled in your heart. You turned to the side, mindful of the injury, and stared at the second pillow lying next to yours. The other side of the bed was empty.
Walking down the stairs, you spotted Carol fussing in the kitchen.
“Thought you’d wake me up.”
“Well, good morning to you too, sweetheart,” Carol smiled, ignoring your small complaint. “You needed to sleep, though. Yesterday was a close call, you know that.”
“It’s the third time I’m missing the morning training. I’m starting to get sick of it” you answered, pouring yourself a glass of water.
Carol watched you with narrowed eyes. As much as you loved the woman, her new habit of constantly checking on you was pissing you off. She acted as if she knew something you didn’t.  And that was annoying as hell.
You tried to ignore her gaze most of the time, but these days it was clearly impossible. And if the calendar thing still existed, you were sure, these days had to be Mondays.
“What are your plans for today?” Carol asked after some time, going back to washing dishes.
“Gonna check on Tara first,” you shrugged. “Might as well go training with Enid. Have to make it up for the last three times.”
Carol frowned at your words but didn’t say anything.
Yesterday you and Tara took one of the cars and went scavenging on your own. You spent several hours, going from one place to another before you finally found a store with some canned goods left. Both of you were exhausted to the bones and finding literally anything was already big luck. So you called it a day.
Though things went south in the end. On your way back you ran into a group of men who more than willingly wanted to take your stuff. The ensuing fight ended with you being stabbed and Tara being shot. The wounds weren’t as terrible as they could be, though you barely made it back to Alexandria. Rick was furious, but that small amount of food you’d managed to find helped you get away without another lecture but with a stern look.
“I thought, you were taking Judith today,” you said, trying to change the topic.
“I am,” Carol dried her hands on the towel and turned around to look at you. “Rick wanted to come by later.”
You grunted in response, making your way to the hall. You didn’t really want to meet Rick after yesterday’s incident, deciding to leave the house as soon as possible.
You were putting on your jacket, hissing from the pain in your shoulder, when you heard Carol greeting Rick and Michonne downstairs, and asking Judith to sit on the chair. Yup, that was definitely Monday. Now, there was no chance you could slip away from the house unnoticed. You sighed and silently prayed for some strength, as you left your room.
“Y/N,” Michonne saw you first.
“Morning,” you mumbled before turning your attention to Judith. “Hey there, princess!” you bent over to give her a kiss on the chick. “How are you doing?”
“How’s your shoulder?” Rick’s voice came from behind, making you purse your lips and wince. You really didn’t want to sound mean to anyone, and it wasn’t a personal thing either, but you were definitely in no mood to talk about your well-being.
“I’ll live”, you shrugged it off and headed towards the door, hoping no more questioning would follow.
The problem was that you couldn’t really be mad at them for asking you things. If anything happened to Carol or Rick, or Michonne, you’d want to make sure they were okay too. They were your family. You’d die for them. But you no longer could stand their looks, as if you were dying from some kind of shitty disease. More than that, as if you were broken.
“You going out today?” Michonne asked before you reached the door. “Shouldn’t you be staying at bed?”
“I’m injured, not dying!” you snapped but instantly regretted your flash of anger. “Just wanted to make it up for Enid. Girl’s doing some progress with her knives. Promise I’ll be gentle to myself” you explained, giving Michonne a weak smile, hoping it would be enough for her to leave the subject.
“Y/N,” Rick sighed but slowly nodded to you. “Just be careful, alright?”
You nodded quietly.
Rick was one of the best people you’ve ever met. Great father, friend, leader. You knew he cared for every person in your group. You also knew that he’d be the first to blame himself if anything happened to his family. You didn’t intend to somehow disappoint him by going out alone with Tara. But it was on you now to take care of yourself. Not really for yourself, but for Rick and the others.
Your stream of thoughts was interrupted by the opened door. Daryl stood in the opening with a crossbow on his shoulder. Without dignifying him with either a look or a word, you went outside, hitting his shoulder. He went inside as if nothing happened and, without turning around, hid in one of the rooms, closing the door behind him with a loud knock. The others watched the two of you with intense looks, but no one dared to say anything.
It’s been almost two weeks since your break-up. And almost two weeks since you and Daryl talked.
You ignored each other when you were in the same room, not making the slightest effort at acknowledging other’s presence. Carol was the first one to notice that something about you was wrong. It started the night after your fight when Daryl took the couch downstairs instead of sleeping with you. Carol saw him sleeping early in the morning. It was the first time Daryl didn’t go hunting.
The next thing she noticed was Daryl’s unusual silence. Carol spent almost an hour while cooking breakfast, joking and trying to get any sort of reaction from him. But there was nothing. Not his usual rumbling or annoyed puffing about “damn woman making too much noise in the morning”, nor him looking at her.
It was during breakfast when Carol started to understand the issue. You were having breakfast together, but instead of taking your place at the table next to Daryl, as you would usually do, you took your plate and sat in the armchair, looking away. You didn’t say a single word to Daryl, nor did he to you. Both of you were dead silent, eating your food, eyes glued to the plate. Carol was watching you closely from the corner of her eyes when she noticed how stiff and tensed up you two were. Your red and puffy eyes only made her guesses more clear.
Her assumptions were confirmed the same evening when Daryl again occupied the couch in the living room, and you, having said nothing, locked yourself in your room and didn’t go out until the next morning. You didn’t talk anymore, didn’t look at each other, weren’t interested in telling about your day. And Daryl’s stuff was no longer in your room. Carol noticed that a few days later when she was laying out your washed clothes in the closets.
Daryl increasingly began to go hunting before sunrise and he’d usually return home after sunset. He stubbornly ignored all the questions. And you increasingly began to skip breakfast and dinner, leaving in the morning to train with Enid. Returning home, you never told how your day went, as it was before. Instead, you’d silently clean your gun and go upstairs.
The two of you didn’t go on supply runs together anymore.  Rick once mentioned that you even asked him to pair you with someone else.
Both him and Carol, and other people from your group, tried to get to either of you several times. But always ended up empty. Neither of you wanted to touch the subject.
Your mutual ignoring lasted for two weeks. It could’ve been a longer period, but you lived under one roof, and somehow you would have to start talking. Eventually, Daryl was the first to break the silence.
“Ya look like shit.”
You were trying to wash the blood from your face when you heard a sarcastic comment from behind. Daryl entered the room, not even bothering for taking off his boots.
“Loot at that, he can talk!” you exclaimed, without looking at the man. “Always know how to flatter a girl, don’t you?”
You probably did look like shit. You just came from another training with Enid. The two of you had been training in the forest for hours when you ran into a small herd. There weren’t many of them, so you decided that it could be a nice practice for Enid to work on her fighting skills. It wasn’t long before all the walkers were killed, though the two of you were covered in blood and dirt.
“Shut it, woman” he growled. “Did you fall into a pit or something?” he added.
“Yeah, exactly,” you said sarcastically, turning around to look at the man. “The fuck’s your problem, Dixon?” you folded your arms, feeling yourself getting angry.
He just dead glared you in response.
That’s when another disaster started.  
Daryl and you started playing some sort of a game, the rules of which, as it seemed, were known only to you two. Instead of tacit ignoring, you hit each other with sarcastic comments. All the stress and anger accumulated over the weeks now came out. You’ve never wanted to scream so badly.  The two of you in a matter of days turned into those judging assholes you met during your first week in Alexandria. You couldn’t explain why, but it was almost making you feel better about your break-up. As if your now daily fights could heal your broken heart.
While it was the only interaction you two had, the others now had to intervene every time you argued. It started with Carol, lecturing both of you in the morning. You were ashamed of your behavior, sure, but you couldn’t help it. Every time you saw Daryl, you felt like bringing up another reason to make a fight. To get at least that kind of reaction from him. Then, Rick would try too. He still couldn’t assign the two of you on the same shift as it would always lead to another fighting. Neither could he let the two of you alone on the run as you’d probably just kill each other.
At first, it was more like teasing, mocking at best. Though it quickly turned into an absolutely devastating and ugly will to hurt the other. You couldn’t explain that to yourself. You didn’t want to. It still hurt to even look at him, to talk to him.
You tried to suppress any feelings. You forced yourself to hate Daryl with all your heart, just not to feel that pain again. You hated the feeling that all of it was wrong. You hated it, but you couldn’t stop. But even when doubts prevailed and you tried to think rationally, you saw all the same hatred in his eyes. His eyes no longer looked at you with love, as it was when you were together. Daryl didn’t look at you with longing or indifference, as it was after. He was like a stranger. Hostile. And that would force you to crush the tears of resentment and let out another sarcastic comment in his direction. You still hated him. You still hated to feel something for him. And at the end of the day, you were exhausted.
You spent another week or two before you felt both emotionally and physically drained out from your fighting. It came to the point where you wouldn’t even respond to Daryl’s commenting anymore. What felt like a long-awaited relief in the beginning now felt like torture. The never-ending torture. Daryl, on the other side, would still make bitter comments, though he no longer was so angry.
The change didn’t go unnoticed. Rick once shared his observations with Michonne and Carol. He believed that after a sufficiently long period, the two of you could tolerate each other’s company. Or at least could try. And since Alexandria still needed supplies, he took responsibility and called both of you on a morning run.
Most of the trip and the run itself went in deathly silence. Neither you nor Daryl said a word while listening to Rick chatting about the future of the community. But at least you didn’t fight, which was a good start.
The situation, however, got out of control on your way back.
“Ya stupid bitch!”
Daryl forcefully slammed the car with his fist, his face red with rage. He was panting as if he had just run a whole marathon. Which was almost true.
“Watch your language, prick!” you shouted back, leaning against the car, trying to catch your breathing.
“What the fuck?! Yer stupid ass almost killed us!” Daryl made his way up you, making you straight up immediately.
“Don’t you dare blame me, Dixon!” you hissed to his face as he came closer. “I didn’t fucking know, alright? You think you’re the smart-ass here?"
“Y/N!” Rick tried to step in but didn’t get a chance to say another word.
“Shut it, Grimes,” you growled, glaring him down. “And you, don’t you fucking dare say that to me!” you returned your attention back to Daryl.
How could you even know? Yes, it was your idea to check out a small village on the way home. But how the hell were you supposed to know that it was there, in this damn village, that you would run into a huge herd? Where you would find yourself in a situation when walking bastards would surround you. That you would hardly have time to get your feet out of there? That’s right, you just couldn’t fucking know that. That was not your mistake. It wasn’t on you.
“Right, because that’s wha’ you do. Ya don’t know shit and you always fuck everything up!” Daryl shouted back, pointing at your with every word. Neither of you cared for making noise that could draw more walkers. Your car was parked far away from the place.
“Is that so? What else exactly did I fuck up, huh?”
Daryl didn’t answer, looking at you intensely.
Tears spilled from your eyes as you nodded to yourself.
And this time you didn’t even try to hide them. You pushed Daryl away from you. You were shaking from resentment and anger. Naturally, you did not plan to lead you in the trap. But the fact that Daryl had just accused you of this made your blood boil. He knew that you would never let this happen. You wouldn’t risk your family. Despite all the skirmishes and quarrels, you trusted each other with your life. But Daryl had just questioned it. It was a blow below the waist.
“Well, I’m fucking sorry, I didn’t plan on this!” you turned away, but then turned back, approaching Daryl, wiping away tears. “But you know what? I’ll make sure I let you know the next time I decide to kill you” you spatted to his face.
You stepped back, no longer looking at Daryl, climbed into the passenger seat in the car, slamming the door behind you. The sound of it was even louder in the dead silence.
You were at the guard post, sparing Rosita from her night duty when you heard Rick calling your name. You were trying to empty your head from all sorts of thoughts to get rid of all the frustration, but his voice brought you back to reality. You motioned him to join you, and soon Rick was standing next to you. You instinctively folded your arms in anticipation of another lecturing of your behavior. But Rick was silent for another few minutes before he finally spoke in a calm voice.
“Whatever happened between you and Daryl today, I’m really sorry about that.”
You stayed silent.
“But again, whatever it was, you can’t be mad at him,” Rick said, fully facing you. “There had been tension between you two for the last couple of weeks. I’m sure, he just wants to make it better…”
“Being an asshole to me doesn’t make anything better,” you scoffed, feeling the anger building up in you again.
“You know him better than any of us do,” Rick softly protested. “You know how he gets when he stresses out…”
“Rick,” you turned your face to the man, looking at him with disbelief. “He blamed me for running into a fucking herd!”
“He’s not the bad guy, Y/N, you know that. Maybe you should try and, I don’t know, give him another chance?”
“No fucking way you’re telling me that, Rick,” you hissed. “I’ve given too many second chances to lots of people who didn’t deserve it! I ain’t doing that again.”
You turned away, catching your breath. It cost you all your strength not to cry. Several hours have passed since you returned from your run, but you still couldn’t let it go. You had spent some time in one of the remote corners of the community, away from strangers, looks, and questions. You managed to spend most of the remaining day in complete solitude.
Your night shift was only recently, but you needed this loneliness. Moreover, the experience would not let you fall asleep tonight. You didn’t hope for the company, but you felt that after all, you couldn’t push Rick away. In the end, he wasn’t to blame too.
“I’m so goddamn tired,” you whispered, looking at your hands. “You have no idea, Rick.”
Rick was much older than you, but it never felt weird to open up to him, to call him your brother. You felt awful for distancing yourself from him in the past month. He didn’t deserve it.
Rick squeezed your hand in his. No words needed.
Two months later
The decision was made hastily. There was no time for planning. The good weather season was drawing to a close, which meant it was getting harder to fight the hordes. Therefore, when two large hordes were noticed in the vicinity of the community, no one paid attention to the apparent lack of people in the groups. Maybe one did but didn’t say it out loud.
The plan was simple: break the horde into smaller parts and destroy, lead the rest of them away.
Rick, Michonne, Glenn, Daryl, Tara, a few Alexandrians and you, by Rick’s decision, took over the largest of the hordes. Fortunately, you managed to lead away the greater half at the beginning and send them down from a cliff. But with the leftovers, it was worse.
You and Glenn were still recovering from the previous run, your wounds hadn’t yet had time to heal. Rick caught the temperature the day before but flatly refused to stay in the walls of the community. Though to the surprise of many, some residents of Alexandria volunteered to help. It pleased. So, people began to understand that the world they lived in was far from safe.
“Come on, keep on moving!”
“We almost got them!”
Dividing the remaining half of the walkers into smaller groups, you were moving farther north. The progress was slow. It seemed that there were more and more of them coming. You fought with knives, machetes, axes. Guns attracted unwanted attention. The forces were running out. Your thoughts then returned to the second group, which at that very moment was trying to withdraw another horde. Was everyone alive?
“Rosita? Abraham? Do you copy?”
“Spencer? There’s Gabe?”
Constant fear for your loved ones only fueled the desire to quickly deal with it.
You turned around to spot two walkers right behind Rick’s back. You felt your heart missing a beat when you screamed his name at the top of your lungs to get his attention, earning a few new walkers stumble their way to you.
The man looked back just in time to duck from the bite. He took a few steps back to the side of the road, then crashed his hatchet through the walker’s skull. The other one followed him but stumbled over the dead one’s body. Soon, the second one was dead too, Rick locked his eyes with yours, nodding and turning back to help Michone fight back the other part of the herd.
You went out of your consternation, letting out a shaky breath. That was a very close call. You sighed and started to walk towards the rest of the group to help, and that’s when you felt it. The slightest pressure on your side and then the pain.
The rest happened too fast, you could barely register it. You looked at the dead body lying at your feet. Something that used to be a man still had his eyes open. His half-rotten face was twisted, and your knife stuck out of his head. You looked blankly at him, feeling your body going numb. And then, your gaze involuntarily fell on the side of your shirt. Traces of teeth were visible on the fabric, which was slowly turning darker. You swallowed and stumbled a few steps back, almost tripping over another dead body. That’s when you saw Daryl. He was standing a few feet away, looking at you closely. For a second your terrified gaze met his.
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
Arguments are an integral part of life. They make us human. However, sometimes, lines can be crossed. Screaming matches or brawls just happen, especially when alcohol or drugs are involved. If you’re lucky, nobody’s hurt. However, that’s usually not the case. Law enforcement and jail time become realities, and the person you love the most can be seriously hurt. It’s just a scary situation. Thankfully, when you’re embroiled in a spat, you’re only going so far with your quarrel. While you’ll probably apologize the next day for stupid things said, at least you and your friend can make amends. Other people aren’t as lucky, though. Even the dumbest fights can end in horrific catastrophes. From a bag of chips to a can of beer, people have actually fought to death for certain items. Obviously, the outcome is never good. Nobody ever thinks about losing his/her life at the hands of someone else, but the crime happens all of the time. Not only are people getting murdered (one person is reportedly killed every 60 seconds), but they’re dying in vain, quite literally. Their loved ones are left lost, and their deaths can be confusing even for police to understand. Why would a person kill for a $2.00 beer from a gas station, and why would a person kill for a $1.50 Diet Coke? Police are baffled. So are the families and friends of the victims, not to mention the rest of the world. Murder is horrible, but it’s even more so when victims have died for literally nothing.
#1 Transphobia On Deck Unfortunately, the LGBTQIA+ community is at risk every day. They face ungodly realities of violence and, for the transgender community, said violence is common. While nobody should be hurt over their sexuality, identity, nor appearance, the crimes happen all of the time. Unfortunately, even their loved ones are in danger. According to a History and Headlines article, a soldier was brutally beaten to death. Why? He was in love with “a transgender showgirl.” He was constantly harassed, but one soldier took his hatred too far. He ended up killing him in 1999 only because of his insecurity and heterosexism.
#2 A Facebook Friend Gone Wrong Your Facebook friends, for the most part, would be like your acquaintances in real life. Maybe you met them briefly in class, or maybe you talked to them at a party. Regardless of the reason why, they’re now able to see your Facebook feed. However, what would happen if you unfriended those individuals? You’d think nothing. Well, couple Billie and Billy unfriended Jenelle Potter from their own account, and they got much more than radio silence. Potter instead asked for help from her father and brother. She wanted them to kill the couple, and they actually did. They shot Billie and Billy dead.
#3 This Story Stinks Farting in public is embarrassing, but did you know that it’s also dangerous? In 2012, a 16-year-old girl named Shaakira Dorsey got into a fight with another girl from her neighborhood. They were enmeshed in an intense battle because of a fart. According to an online source, “Dorsey made fun of the girl for farting,” so the girl beat her to death. Their altercation, unfortunately, was unlike any other. Dorsey lost her life, and people can say that they were witnesses to such a tragedy. Not only were children and grownups watching, but her own stepfather watched too. The entire situation just smells rotten.
#4 The Other Kennedy Assassination Everybody knows about John F. Kennedy’s assassination, but not everybody knows about his brother’s assassination. On June 6, 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was killed by Sirhan Sirhan, a Jordanian man who worked in the United States as a farmhand. While he didn’t kill Kennedy over chips or a channel, his reasoning was still equally messed up. His motive was purely political. The Christian was upset that Kennedy supported Israel, so he shot the politician. While his move was disturbing, it was also shocking. After all, Christians are usually supportive of an area like Israel, so Sirhan’s dumb decision made him look like even more of a dunce. What a shame!
#5 The Tip Jar’s Not Complementary Remember that you can’t steal money from a tip jar. The $5.39 is just not worth losing your life. However, people will still try to get away with their less-than-stealthy stealing skills. Just look at Texan Benito Pantoja. He was only 24 years old when he was fatally shot. Apparently, he tried to steal money from a food truck, which only left him with a bullet to his back. “The owner of Tacos Del Indio, parked near the Ship Channel, ran him down as he tried to escape with the cash, fired into the getaway car and hit Pantoja in the back,” an article states. The thief literally lost his life over $20 in stolen tip money. Who knew taco pop-up shops could be so ruthless?
#6 A Junk Food Junkie People do crazy things when they’re high, especially when they’re on a sugar high. A man named Dan White left his white-collar career, but not by choice. He was replaced by Harvey Milk, which led White down a destructive path. He eventually shot and killed Milk and San Francisco’s Mayor, George Moscone. Instead of mental illness, White blamed his actions on his diet. “White used the excuse that his judgment and thinking were adversely affected by junk food, called by the press ‘the Twinkie defense,’” a report states. His excuse was crazy, but what was even crazier was the jury’s response. He only served 5 years in prison.
#7 ‘Imagine’ John Lennon’s Killer John Lennon, the main man of the revolutionary band The Beatles, was killed in the early days of December 1980. His killer, Mark Chapman, said he shot the “Imagine” singer four different times because Lennon annoyed him. Chapman could be best described as a Christian zealot, a man who would do anything in the name of Jesus. He’d even murder for his religion, which is exactly what he did. Chapman found Lennon to be a hypocrite, and he was extremely angry at the musical genius. “Chapman was irritated by Lennon singing about ‘Imagine no possessions’ when Lennon was rich and had many possessions,” a History and Headlines article states. To this day, Chapman’s still in prison. He’ll probably die in there.
#8 Cheetos Is Truly ‘Dangerously Cheesy’ You and your friend haven’t bonded if you guys have never fought over food. Between arguing over what restaurant to pick, takeout to order, or bill to pay, y’all just love food–especially junk food. Sometimes, you’re loving Ho-Hos more than your friend, which is totally okay. However, when you’re killing your friend for Ho-Hos, then you’ve definitely gone too far. However, in St. Louis, Missouri, a man named David Scott murdered another homeless man, Roger Wilkes, for his Cheetos. Wilkes was stabbed for a bag of chips, which brings new meaning to the brand’s slogan, “It ain’t easy being cheesy.”
#9 Buy Your Own Beer Beer has any American’s heart, which is probably why alcohol addiction is so common in the United States. While it’s no secret that people can be overdosed on alcohol, people can also die from alcohol in other ways. According to Houston Press, one man got shot over cases of beer. “When he allegedly grabbed a 12-pack of Bud Light and walked out, the clerk grabbed his gun and followed,” the article states. The thief was then shot. As cops arrived on the scene, the convenient store’s employees gave away more information. Apparently, the deceased man would steal a 12-pack and a 20-pack of beer a day. His addiction got the best of him, and it got the best of the workers too.
#10 A Killer Party Thanks to Raul Rodriguez, one party turned into a bloodbath. His neighbor was hosting a loud lively party, which really bothered Rodriguez. In fact, the man was so disturbed that he grabbed both his gun and camcorder. He was going to shoot the attendees, and he was going to document the deaths. “He had lured several people outside with a flashlight and shot and killed one 36-year-old man, wounding two others. He recorded the whole thing,” a newspaper states. He wanted evidence, so when the cops showed up, he’d have proof of his distress. His plan didn’t go quite the way he wanted it to turn out. He was sentenced to 40 years behind bars.
#11 Fanatic Kills Man Of Little Faith When the Bible’s passage “O ye of little faith” is read, the words “shall be killed” don’t follow. Justin Green would say differently. According to him, he shot a man named Jose Ramirez because he lacked faith in God. Not only did Green kill him, but Green’s friend also used his credit card to buy pizza. However, what makes this story even worse is how many years Green avoided the police. Ramirez was buried five years before his murderer was ever caught, which is scarier than Green and his friend eating a slice of Papa John’s. For all the police know, Green could’ve shot and killed more “non-believers” or anyone else he disliked.
#12 Cold Eggs And Ham There’s nothing better than a home-cooked breakfast. However, cold breakfast is enough to trigger your gag reflex, which is probably why a man named Stanley Neace shot his wife, her daughter, and their neighbors. “Neace got a little agitated when his wife Sandra served him a plate of scrambled eggs that had gone cold,” a Crave article states. Obviously, the man had a few screws loose, not to mention an anger problem. No matter how poorly breakfast was made, who in their right mind would actually shoot and kill the people they (supposedly) love the most? Nobody. Well, except for Neace. Before police arrived at the trailer park, Neace had shot himself.
#13 A Murderous Crapshoot Honestly, there’s nothing worse than using the bathroom without toilet paper nearby, especially when you know your roommate was too lazy to replace the roll. Franklin Paul Crow knows the pain from firsthand experience. His friend, Kenneth Matthews, forgot to leave toilet paper in the bathroom, so Crow had nothing to wipe himself with. However, unlike most people, Crow released his anger by murdering Matthews. “Incensed by having to walk around poopy, Crow grabbed a sledgehammer and bludgeoned Matthews to death, finishing the job with a claw hammer,” Crave states. The two men were already having problems with each other, so Matthews’ inconsiderateness was what pushed Crow over the edge. He was definitely pissed off.
#14 Channeling Their Anger It’s painful sharing a television with your entire family. David Makoeya, a 61-year-old South African, would tell you the same thing. He and his wife, son, and daughter were watching television together. They were watching a religious program on air, but Makoeya wanted to watch a soccer game instead. He changed the channel, and by the way the rest of his family acted, you would’ve thought he killed a small village. His wife, son, and daughter repeatedly “stabbed him to death.” He was beaten by his loved ones over a television. The entire story’s hard to fathom. However, at least Makoeya no longer has to deal with his barbaric family. Now, he can watch soccer matches to his heart’s content…somewhere else.
#15 Losing The Mom-Of-The-Year Award No matter how much fun Facebook games can be, play at your own risk. If you’re anything like Alexandra Tobias, you’ll value virtual reality over your family, friends, and children. In 2010, the mother was growing her crops on the outdated game FarmVille, an online world where Facebook users can grow agriculture and raise livestock. When her infant Dylan kept crying, Tobias snapped. She was so enraged that she shook her baby countless times. “She shook him to death, taking a break in the middle of her horrific act to have a cigarette,” Crave concludes. No matter how many awards Tobias achieved in the game, she lost the (supposedly) most important award of her life—motherhood. Games can be one hell of a drug.
Source: TheRichest
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