#He'll never be a bookworm tho lol
kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
ok so I've been thinking about about akutagawa (as always) and... do you think he has an education? I don't think he ever went to school, I mean I do think he can read and write but I don't think he knows much more...
He definitely doesn't. And he still talks like that and it's absolutely hilarious.
Official material gives us a pretty exhaustive understanding of Akutagawa's life and we can tell with fair certainty he never had a proper education. He grew up in the slums until he was recluted in the pm by Dazai, and I highly doubt Dazai ever imprinted any kind of academic education on him (like I have reason to believe Kouyou may have done with Chuuya); on the contrary, I feel like Dazai always pushed to make out of Akutagawa this mindless fighting machine, always acting irrationally and on instinct and especially prone to take orders and not think with his head. After all, it's much harder for people that lack formal education to think critically and are thus also much easier to manipulate, so you can see why Dazai did that, how he never leaves anything to chance. I do think Akutagawa's lack of education is reflected in his impulsive, irrational behavior. Additionally, be it for circumstantial factors, be it because of his natural temperament, it's really hard to believe Akutagawa would ever be patient enough to sit to a schooldesk or even just... ever study anything on a textbook (it's the autism). I get why the image of brooding, mysterious guy often leads people to think that, but the concept of bookworm Akutagawa sounds extremely unbelievable to me, I struggle to believe he ever concluded a book his whole life as we know it.
Which leaves the question open on why Akutagawa talks like that™. My personal guess on that is that someone threw a big dictionary at him when he was very young and Rashomon absorbed it just like that
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ozrockbitway · 7 months
If it's not a bother to ask but do you have any like character headcannon's for older characters and new characters in Cfv?
(sorry if I'm bothering or anything.)
dont worry you're good!! idk what characters you wana hear from me so I will just. grab some favs. holds them at you.
Ren - He's like...some wealthy rich kid. I like to think he's an heir and supposed to inherit some company but he's never taken the thing seriously. He'll never talk about his family tho, mostly his dad, his mother left him and Ren doesn't remember her.
tbh I don't think anyone knows he's like rich lol. Maybe Asaka and Tetsu but he doesn't really act the type?? Maybe he throws money around...at cards mostly but man does not live that lavish lifestyle.
Probably gets cut off some funds when he's an adult but idk I can see him saving money or finding a way to have cash so he's p set doing...whatever it is he does as an adult (pre branch chief).
I joked once that he could probably get away with working anywhere and I kinda believe it?? Man says he works here and can play it off like nothing but only works one day and is never seen again...
Would randomly crash into his homies places in the middle of the night. You're sleeping? No problem. Ren is there, maybe grabbing something from the fridge before sleeping on the couch or the bed. It's impossible to Ren proof your home.
Asshole would 100% pick a random box from a cardshop and it has the most expensive Shadow Paladin card in it. Doesn't even need Psyqualia this just happens naturally.
Aichi - He's good with speaking other languages like...he knows the words/phrases/whatever to say but thinking isn't the same as speaking. So he usually trips over his words. Can translate very well just give him a sec so he doesn't mess up words.
100% a lil bookworm. Didn't have a lot of friends in his youth so he turned to books. That was like his escape fantasy along with thinking of Vanguard.
No matter how much more confident he is in his older years...he still struggles with public speaking. Please don't make him go up and talk to the crowd...he's so nervous...
Likes to send Emi and his mom gifts!! Little things from traveling. Would send Emi ocean/mermaid related things and I think in a note somewhere his mom plays Vanguard too (I think it was something to do with hot men?? let it be touken ranbu...) he'll send her things related to what she plays and just whatever she wants lol
Kazumi - Hates his family lmao. He's on bad terms with his father and is a little better with his mom but not really. The only good one in his fam was Kazuma (pleading emoji).
Knows how to conceal his true feelings p well?? He has to in the business world and around his parents. So he'll bottle up things a lot. His more childish side peeks through usually during Vanguard or when he's around people he knows he can relax with.
Wants to learn how to cook and kinda be on his own?? He doesn't want to rely on his family's wealth and probably only uses it for housing, away from the main house, but he wants to be able to live on his own and not follow the family name.
Has a lil...dragon collection. Maybe it's cuz of Shiranui but I like to think he collects little dragon trinkets. Please don't let him go off about his collection because he will. Also is v proud of it.
Mamoru - He doesn't make dad jokes, other people make dad jokes for him!! He takes care of Ryuzu and just kinda...adopted him?? Yeah the whole association is supposed to take care of him but legally he is Mamoru's kid.
He needs to take better care of himself. Probably eats fast food or whatever the dragon empire cafeteria has that's quick and can be found sleeping at his desk, especially during the heavier seasons. Tokoha usually helps him out but he's gotten a little better at it.
Probably would have been like...a teacher or something in that field if he wasn't doing Vanguard. That wouldn't be his go to or something he aspired at first but that's what he would have settled upon.
Somehow knows everyone. Could say hi to someone on the street and has seen/spoken to them before. I like to think he's kinda famous cuz of his status and all the stuff he does but like...a lot of locals know him too. Support the community!!
Yuyu - Ends up going to the student council because of Raika lol. I don't think he'd go for any of the president or VP seats but would do something like secretary or treasurer.
Would go out of state for college!! He wants to be a pro Vanguard fighter but wants to get a degree for his fam. His sisters all have degrees so baby boy has to do it to!!
Probably genderfluid. tbh? Doesn't mind dressing up as feminine but doesn't quite like the frilly dresses his sisters pick out for him. I think he'd like more of the androgynous stuff.
He's not into max rarity for his decks. He pulls like 1 SP/FFR and is like aight cool. At most he'd would make his sideline bling but wouldn't go insane over it. Also he's a high schooler so he has no budget for this lskfjds
Tohya - Got disowned from his fam. Or at least kicked out of his house due to dropping out of med school. Homie was on his way to the big doctor leagues and then...gives it up for silly cardboard?? Yeah no his fam ain't having that bye bye.
He didn't finish school yeah but tbh he could be like...a roaming doctor. I think he was the top of his class and he knows his shit (and probably studies up on the side but not that much) so he knows what's up. Charges you with a cardfight instead of money. help him.
Stopped eating ramen for a while. Man was traumatized by the ramen challenge. It's okay he got over it and he can eat cup noodles on his own now.
He travels a lot but I like to think he p much lives at Danji's old place?? So if you wana catch him he usually goes back there. He can't officially leave because he has to take care of the turtle. Granted some Blackout members do if he can't but!! turtle is his responsibility.
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Any soft OC asks you feel the mood to write for Kisa :3c (I swear I'll be back when I'm less busy working KFKDKFK)
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Is your OC a hugger or do they not like that sort of affection? Do they initiate a hug or get roped into them?
It isn't that Kisa isn't a touchy person, its just sometimes he gets so distracted that being touched spooks him. But in general he runs warm so he's often sought out for hugs, which he doesn't mind! He tends to hug with his 'human' arm though cause hes afraid of squeezing too tight if he uses both arms.
Does your OC have any endearing qualities?
Kisa does what he says he'll do. That is both endearing and TERRIFYING but yk. But also he sticks his tongue out a lil when he concentrates and his ears will twitch and if that ain't endearing then idk.
How does your OC react to affectionate gestures?
"Oh aren't you a sweetheart!" with a bit of a suspicious tone if he isn't particularly close to the person. "Thank you.. This means a lot to me." when its somebody he's closer to.
Forehead kisses or hand kisses?
BOTH! Kisa Giraldo is a gentleman.
Do they like oversized jumpers?
Depends. He's so fashion forward and for what.. Let yourself be comfy Kisa!
What calms they down most when they're anxious?
Knitting. Or sketching..
What makes them blush?
Not very much. Touch his collarbones tho.
What Disney/musical song do you most associate with them?
Dude idk this one and the next one always get me stuck.. Borrowed Time from the Death Note Musical maybe?
Specifically: "So tie me up and try to break me You will never change my mind I'd rather die then let you make me betray him The years roll on with or without me I'm already gone cause I'm living on borrowed time." + "I'm cheating death with every breath And every song and every sigh With every day that I don't die Is borrowed time!"
Animated Fancast?
Kisa has such a specific voice in my head I haven't found it yet..
Your OC is surrounded by puppies/kittens/ducklings. What do they do?
pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet... and "hey don't chew on that wire-"
Do they talk to their pets?
He doesn't have any, but he would if he did.
What's a childhood memory they cherish most?
Stealing a cake from this local bakery and having a picnic in the woods with his best friend. Things were simpler, not easier, but simpler then.
Are they a romantic at heart?
Not really, a lot of it is an act. But doesn't make him any less loving.
What's the most touching gift they've ever received?
His Vision.
What's their favourite item of clothing?
So Lucille got him this gift one time- ;P
What's their most treasured possessions?
Again, his Vision. But Kisa also has a framed photograph of when Razvedka was first formed. He keeps it with him.
Do they have a comfort food? Who makes it best?
vegan ajiaco soup! honestly he gets decord to make it for him.. shh
How do they cheer up a friend when they're down?
Oh Kisa will just TALK and TALK and TAAAAAALK. can't be sad with that loud ass fast paced voice of him.
What's a guilty pleasure of theirs?
Gummy bears... ):
Is your character a bookworm?
No lol
Does your character have a particular sweet/candy they love?
Modern? sour patch kids, iirc they're vegetarian? but he doesn't eat a lot of candies or traditional sweets in canon. He loves fruity desserts though.
Who knows how they like their tea/coffee/(insert drink) best?
Galin and Inessa know his coffee and tea order the best. Lucille probably knows his favourite hot chocolate recipe though.
Do they like to have a lie in or do rise early?
Lies in lol.. Most Razvedka members don't get up before noon - 1500. He's usually awake by ten but doesn't get up until 11 or so.
Does your OC wrap themselves into a burrito to sleep or do they get tangled in the sheets?
if he forgets to take his arm off kisa will wake up fully tangled in the sheets, if he remembers to take it off he's usually pretty still in his sleep.
Does your OC like to cuddle their significant other when they sleep? If so, who is the little spoon? Would they admit it if asked?
YES, HE LOVES CUDDLES. again, pls remind him to take his arm off though. he'll be the little spoon or big spoon depending on what Luci is feeling, but they do have to sleep a certain way if he's the big spoon for uh.. obvious reasons. lmao.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
- i see... so you have showed poe popipo?? alright next up on the chopping block: 'AaaAaaaAaa'
- i personally LOVE rabbits. Just imagine little karl with little holland lop bunny :) OKOK THATS MY PERSONAL PREF HAHA
- imagine reader is a fellow writer, and they meet at like.. this writing convention or something like that, going to like the same publisher/editor?? thats how they met
- what if you met through ranpo? again, reader also writes and has like weird ideas and hes like: i gochu. i introduce you to racoon man! you: .o. hes perfect.
- reader reviewing poe ideas and just being like: bro that wont work r u stupid
- reader sitting on poes lap while he writes and complaining about him writing too much
- poe gets a hand injury bc he writes too much and reader has to take care of him (babying him)
- poe and ranpo have 'friendly' playdates (although they like to call it a debate between skills) and reader like you said, is the mediator between the two.
- reader and ranpo are besties. poe being the sugar daddy he is, buys reader everything they want. reader then proceeds to take all snacks and stuff to share with ranpo. poe then has to monitor both of their sugar intakes because... well...
- poe babysitting reader and ranpo
- ranpo babysitting reader and poe
- trio being unsupervised (jk kunikidas there to save the day)
- ranpo dies and reader uses poe as therapy/replacement. poe accepts their date proposal because he liked them. OF COURSE RANPO WOULDNT DIE THOUGH BC HES TOO SMART I LOVE HIM
- vice versa. poe dies and reader uses ranpo as therapy/replacement. ranpo accepts their date/proposal because he had his eye on them. SAME THING THO HES TOO BABY TO DIE
IDK these thoughts came randomly to my head while i was writing them. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF MY LOVE! ❤️
nightgown you're like a stray cat that shows up every now and then but instead of me giving you treats you're giving me headcanons and i appreciate it because poe is the blorbo ever 🤧 i love all of these so much WHAT
poe can't get behind miku he'd be like 'BUT SHE'S A ROBOT ON THE COMPUTER. HOW CAN A ROBOT BE REAL' 'no edgar she's a vocaloid' 'THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE' lol, also poe lowkey really does seem like a bunny type. those rabbits are very cute <3
it would be very cute if poe and author!reader met because they had the same publisher but it would also be adorable if they met at a convention that they were both featured at and they were like huge fans of each other, so all the bookworms there who went to meet you and poe just watch the two of you awkwardly interact ksjskskjs
there are SO many ways you could fit ranpo into a poe x reader. i've written myself a little bit of a 'ranpo with a younger sister who likes poe's books meets him and falls immediately' already lmao but ranpo, knowing that poe can be awkward sometimes, would probably deadass just lock you two in a room with a bunch of pens and blank manuscripts and be like 'go on then' LMAO
poe's books and poems are basically always a hit but when he's tired and suffering writer's block some of his manuscripts are a bit iffy. you've had to help him out of his slump a time or two. get all the terrible drabbles out of his system before he finally presents you with another banger of a novel. don't be too relentless with him though he might cry
and of course the beloved poe scenario where reader is like 'POE STOP' and he's just writing light yagami style like 'NEVER'. he won't stop if you sit in his lap or complain though. he is a hard worker and very creative, and much like myself must get his ideas out or he'll forget them immediately. maybe if you manage to distract him somehow? put on the nightgown JYGSJKHKKJBRKTW IM SORRY
if he hurts his hand...imagine poe being so sad because he's physically unable to write- he'd definitely try anyway, but you need to be like NO, BAD. you do get to spend a bit more time together than normal which is nice, but once he's healed it'll take a miracle to pull him away from his desk
trying to be the diplomat for these two would be a nightmare. ranpo's silly, poe's awkward, they're both bickering ;-; at least if you team up with ranpo you can convince poe to buy the two of you candy (he really doesn't wanna, but...T-T). you two are far too excitable and talkative for his own good. on the flip side, ranpo would just give up taking care of the two of you immediately because EUGH romance and EUGH being quiet and EUGH socratic circles lmao
also you three are lowkey a menace to society. like in all honesty you solve crimes together and work towards a safer society but also, two chatterboxes being followed around by a tall awkward man wearing a cape and accompanied by a raccoon? yeah.
i would HATE to write a fic in which either of my beloved boys die but picture this- you're dating poe and he dies somehow. you and ranpo are very sad, you bond a little more after his death and eventually begin dating. it's been a while and you and ranpo are still together, but then poe reappears out of who knows where and sees that you're dating his best friend... (vice versa works too- either way it's the WORST)
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