aftergloom · 9 months
The "left in a hurry" vibes of the old village following the Nightsister genocide makes the whole place into a graveyard. Not to say that Dathomir, baseline, isn't a thriving microcosm of decay, but the prevalence of the Dark Side in the place makes the rot take a little quicker. The world's a little hungrier than most. A little more determined to take what remains of the ships and skiffs and structures picked clean by Nightbrother hands to salvage and conserve those few things that still serve a purpose.
They don't take much. Too many memories attached to the world that was before Maul arrived -- before construction began up the Peak. The prevailing notion that so much of those artifacts are cursed or haunted keeps them from over-reliance on the old ways.
Maul encourages the shifting paradigm:
A red dawn rises over Dathomir these days, and everything left draped in shadow, he insists, is better off buried anyway.
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rulimaquina · 8 months
With January coming to an end, I want to say thank you to everyone who participated in Headcanuary 2024. I didn't think this little writing challenge would get so many people involved. I loved and am still catching up with everything you guys wrote. ✨ THANK YOU! AND SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! ✨
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windsweptinred · 9 months
January 5th, Headcanuary prompt: Pet (Dreamling and Corinthiel)
The New Inn always seemed to be a beacon for the local feline population. It was begrudgingly accepted by the regulars, that their after work pint or weekend tipple would always be shared with one of London's many resident moggies.
Until recently, the pubs offical cat had been a large, jet black creature by the name of Murphy. Standoffish and haughty, but a beautiful animal. Often seen trailing after Robbie, the pub landlord. Or occasionally conceding to let visiting children pet his long furr, or tug at his ears and tail with regal exasperation.
Sadly, in the summer just passed Murphy had seemingly vanished. In his place however came the landlords new husband, Morpheus. A striking man, just as dark and unsocial as Murphy, but as similarly kind in his own way. And oh, it couldn't be missed how much Robbie glowed in his presence. How his smile lit his eyes, how he laughed freer and louder and how their beloved inkeep looked for all the world like a man so contented, he desired for nothing. As such, the loss of Murphy in exchange for Morpheus was eventually accepted as a worthy one.
It was in the following September that a new cat graced the doorway of the New Inn. A young little critter, barely passed its kitten years, with an immaculate white coat and vibrant green eyes. Friendly and curious, it would greet each patron in turn, accepting pats and all manner of affectionate nicknames from Snowy to Casper. Untill the daughter of the pubs chef declared him Dandelion, or Danny for short and it had stuck.
Unlike his predecessor, Danny would sit amongst the pub patrons, listening to their chatter with an enraptured expression. Or play with the younger visitors, bounding after them with an identical, youthful glee. But most often he'd be seen chasing the heels of the Morpheus, weaving between his black clad ankles and pawing his thighs for constant attention and affection. They made mismatched pair, Danny's bright, white furr against Morpheus's all black attire. But they never seemed happier then when they were together. Danny curled about Morpheus's shoulders, batting playfully at his wild locks as the other watched on indulgently.
As the Christmas season arrived, so too did what was generally assumed to be Danny's owner. An undeniably handsome blond with a natural charisma, that immediately endeared him to customers and bar staff alike. His strange obbsession with sunglasses in the depths of British winter notwithstanding. It was accepted that this must indeed by Danny's owner, for whenever this rakish fellow graced the inn with his presence, neither cat nor man could be torn asunder. Together they'd haul themselves up in this corner or that. Danny curled blissfully in the blondes lap, or held possessively against his chest. The man, seemingly euphoric with the undeivded attention and decidedly foreboding if anoyone dared come between them. Much to the evident amusement of Robbie and the chagrin Morpheus.
Unlike so many of its counterparts, the New Inn stayed closed over the New Year. But if any of its customers had chanced a peek through its windows at the strike of midnight, they'd have seen the hearth lit and a table close by, original designed for two and a little too small for four, occupied by two couples. To one side Robbie and Morpheus, cheeks ruddy with with wine and leaning into each other with a loving ease. And on the other, that same tall, blond accompanied by an angelic looking young man, pale haired and bright eyed. Clasping at each other with all the adoration of new love. Four glasses raised in a toast to happy endings and new beginnings.
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seiya-starsniper · 9 months
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Headcanuary Day 2 - Weather
Following up on Day 1’s headcanon, @ml-nolan and I came up with a rivals-to-lovers Gaulcienne murder mystery botany AU. Lucienne breeds rare iris flowers and enters them into contests. Gault is one of her fierce rivals, she breeds magnolias. Gault thinks Lucienne is just some rich brat trying to show off (she’s not, Morpheus is just rich and funds their shared hobby) and Lucienne thinks Gault’s just mean. The Corinthian is an avid cactus breeder. The Constantines’ pride and joy are their 500 year old roses. Cain gets mad at his brother Abel and murders him with his own belladonnas, but tries to frame the Corinthian for it.
Obviously this all takes place in the middle of the summer in the great outdoors (can you tell I'm missing the warm weather???)
tagging my beloved @tryan-a-bex for gaulcienne content this time around!
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charmwasjess · 9 months
Okay, I LOVE the Headcanuary prompt for today, so I'm jumping in even though I haven't been keeping up with it.
prompt 8: Birthday
As homage to Christopher Lee and Liam Neeson having birthdays one week apart (May 27th and June 7th respectively), I headcanon that Dooku and Qui-Gon are also spring babies a week apart. Of course, Qui-Gon will never learn this, as Dooku, in classic "unwanted child" trauma, compulsively despises his birthday and goes out of his way to avoid any reminder of it, as it's all tainted with the whole spine wolf snackpack situation from when he was a baby. This will become cruelly ironic when he becomes Count and the secret he's kept his whole life from his actual loved ones is now a matter of public record -- in fact, a Serenno national holiday celebrated by strangers who don't know him at all.
Bonus: and I'm pretty sure @readalong is the person who first pointed this out to me when we were feverishly discussing That One Book, but that would make Sifo-Dyas the only friend in Dooku's Jedi life who knows the date and has actually celebrated the day with him, since their friendship in the Creche clan pre-dates Dooku finding out who he was and all the associated Serenno trauma about him being born Force sensitive and hated for it.
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bobbole · 9 months
Birthday (the Corinthian x Dream | Daniel)
Dream doesn't have a birthday, but Daniel Hall does, and when the day approaches the little fragment of a child that still survives in his heart, hidden among newborn stars and nebula swirls, is a little bit sad at the thought of not being able to celebrate as he used to with his mother. That day is always inexplicably unhappy for the new endless and so he prefers to isolate himself in his rooms and see no one, while in the kingdom snow falls and covers everything like a freezing white blanket.
Nobody can explain the origin for that melancholy. Someone consult books, others seek advice from fortune tellers, but that mysterious sadness, every year, comes back.
Only The Corinthian knows the reason, for he understand his king's heart like no one else. That's why, at risk of being punished, he decides to leave the road traveled by nightmares and venture down the road of dreams, until he arrives at what he's looking for: the mind of a baker, full of cookies and new recipes and many, many cakes of all flavors.
- What kind of cake would you give to a birthday? -
- Depends, says the baker, intrigued by this strange customer, for the ones who have sophisticated tastes I suggest a ginger cake; there are those who like to daydream and then a strawberry cake is perfect; sometimes you just want to remember your childhood, and there is nothing better than a cream and chocolate cake! -
That day, on returning to his rooms, the Dream Lord finds a richly decorated box on his bed. He opens it and see that there is inside a cake, cream and chocolate, just like the one his mom used to make him, and on it's written
Happy Birthday Daniel
Every year since then, the Corinthian ventures into dreams to find a cake for his Lord to celebrate his birthday. And since then Daniel is no longer sad on that day, and snow no longer falls, except for a few sprinkles here and there, of cream and cotton candy.
(Headcanuary 2024)
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optiwashere · 8 months
This is a big one for the Asheera replay.
Context if you've missed things so far: I'm replaying the game as Asheera again for a combination of inspiration, reminders of characterization, and also to solidify how Asheera feels about a lot of the major companion moments in-game. I'm also way farther than this now so I'm probably going to speed up what content the replay posts cover...
Before we get to the main event, I wanted to go over some of Asheera's high level thoughts on the companions so far!
Karlach - Fast becoming good friends. Lots of silly banter shared in camp, on the road, basically wherever. Asheera enjoys hearing Karlach's stories about Avernus whenever she's willing to share them; it gives her better perspective on her oath. To see what some would call a monster, a woman that was on the frontlines of the Blood War, and call her friend?
Lae'zel - Still tense, but Lae'zel is coming around on Asheera. Asheera respects her in combat, the crèche is still a possible cure, and she still knows more than anyone else in the party about illithids. Side note, but Lae'zel thinks the situation between Shadowheart and Asheera is pointless given their condition. It's not even physical? Why bother?
Shadowheart - Growing closer, and the rest of this post kinda goes into why. Asheera is starting to hear her faith as zealotry and that's concerning, but it's also... sad? Asheera hears in her words something that triggers the redeemer's instinct to search for more than what's on the surface. She doesn't respect Sharrans (who would?) and she wonders what lies behind the fanaticism.
Wyll - He's everything he ever said he was and more. Asheera thinks he's just a good guy, and that's honestly something she needs on her side. He's quite flirtatious too, which is a fun break from fighting. She doesn't swing that way, but it's fun watching him fumble with literally everyone in camp.
Gale - Asheera is glad that she was wrong about Gale. He really is just eccentric. Maybe a bit egotistical and prone to overexplaining himself, but he's been a decent man so far and he did explain the entire magical item eating problem pretty quickly. Being able to trust a wizard is always good!
Astarion - He's just fascinating. He's an asshole and a blowhard, but he's at least open about it. That at least gives her something to work with. The whole "pretending not to be a vampire" schtick was getting old anyways. Plus, imagine the look on her fellow paladins' faces when she tells them she actually had a chance at redeeming a vampire spawn? That's worth the effort alone.
Now. Time for Shadowheart and her "oh btw, I worship Shar" reveal. Which, you know... wasn't obvious by the armor she wears to begin with or the gigantic purple tent with Sharran iconography stitched into it. It's always good to have confirmation!
But seriously, this is a really major moment for the Asheera/Shadowheart relationship.
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After Asheera hears this confession, I have to just headcanon that Shadowheart's tent doesn't have the iconography on it. Otherwise this being a "reveal" is completely lost for me. When she first mentions it, Asheera is definitely surprised. Yeah, Shadowheart can be annoyed when Asheera acts altruistically, but it's never been something that comes between them really.
She said 2 in this dialogue by the way. It's a moment where she wants to put all their cards on the table. After a somewhat long discussion, Shadowheart then says something that completely changes the tone of the conversation:
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At this point, Asheera sees Shadowheart. Really, finally sees her. Not the "shield of secrecy" that she preaches blindly, mindlessly regurgitating things she's been told about Shar. Right here, she sees pain in every word that Shadowheart says about her Dark Lady. There is a purpose to it all, that's what she wants to believe.
Not the pain. None of what Shadowheart says here is actually about loss, pain, or suffering. What Shadowheart yearns for is purpose and meaning. That's all Asheera hears, and her heart breaks for this woman that she just thought was going to be a distraction during their adventure.
It's also so massive for Shadowheart's characterization for the same reason. She's so deluded that she then starts spouting propaganda that's completely and totally false...
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Like, Shadowheart?
Shar advocates for literally none of that lmao. Sharrans destroy things that aren't Sharran and call that idolatry, they worm their way into organizations with assassination and manipulation to control them, and heretics are anyone that will not accept Shar. The level of brainwashed this girl is operating on with this dialogue is wild and it remains one of my favorite convos in the game even on replay.
For Asheera, she hears the absurd self-justification in Shadowheart's words. She is almost melancholic throughout this conversation except when she's talking about Sharran ideals. Suddenly, she becomes angry. Like it's a learned response from decades of abuse to force her into the mold she's been randomly chosen to fit.
Asheera's heard zealots before. At this point, even if their situationship never becomes anything more, Asheera is convinced that she needs to know more about this woman's pain. Maybe there is a way to help her?
Side-note: Shadowheart's defensiveness towards her own abuser is so fitting that it's kinda hard to watch on replay, knowing what we know about her entire arc. "So long as it has meaning..." what if there is no meaning, Shadowheart? What if it was entirely arbitrary?
That's what Asheera's thinking during this.
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Furthermore, when Asheera learns that she's had her memory deliberately suppressed — and combined with the pains from the wound on her hand — it's basically red flags galore. She's not used to dealing with someone so thoroughly... unaware of her own situation. Asheera is very much a "charge headlong into the situation" type person for the most part, even if charging means a discussion rather than a fight.
Yet Shadowheart thinks that she can have everything she ever wanted if she appeases her own abuser. Horrifying.
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I find this single approval tag so fucking telling. The approval tags can sometimes be broken and multiple in one branch can be directly contradictory depending on the sort of "route" you're trying to bring a companion down, but there's no alternative approval/disapproval in these choices. Everything else is neutral, but this one touches her.
Like, at this point we all know that Shadowheart is a deeply wounded person that wants to believe in something so that she four decades of suffering was for something, but the fact that she approves of you offering to help her with her wound is so... there's an entire essay to be written there.
It's unreal. She goes on and on and on about how Sharrans must remain free of all but their love of Shar. Her (perverse, abusive) love of Shar is literally physically symbolized in the stigmata she carries.
And she approves of Asheera trying to ease that pain? I think Shadowheart rationalizes this as Asheera trying to help her be a "true" Sharran and avoid the pain altogether, but that's not what the dialogue says. Nor is it Asheera's intent. Her intent is to help her ease the pain.
Now, there's lots of ways to read Shadowheart's wound as a depiction of chronic pain, and I don't want to take that away from folks. Love that for y'all, but in "my canon" and with Asheera specifically this is a moment where Shadowheart reaches out, hand held open hoping for anything or anyone to reach back, and Asheera is the first person that doesn't swat her away in fear or call her a failure for not adhering to her religion.
She takes Shadowheart's hand willingly, ignoring all the traps and knives Shadowheart's set up to protect herself. Why was sharing everything so easy? Secrecy is supposed to be what Sharrans need, after all. Why was it so easy for someone to listen to the way she speaks and for them to say, "I'd be lying if I said [Sharran faith] didn't sound convincing."
So long as it has meaning, right?
Also, I keep forgetting to take screenshots of Asheera's Dream Visitor and since they were brought up in one of the Companion!Tav asks...
Here she is in the character creator because I think the next time I see this character they will look quite a bit different lmao. Seeing this person in her dreams doesn't startle Asheera, it's not uncommon for her to dream about this person but then this dream version of that person begins speaking strangely. It makes Asheera immediately distrustful of this thing, whatever it is, once it starts speaking freely and saying things that this person would never have said.
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mayxthexforce · 9 months
Headcanuary - Day 1
Prompt: Flowers.
Anakin Solo || Han Solo
They share this headcanon because, due to the fact that Leia is very fond of flowers, Han always made sure to teach their kid(s) how to take good care of her plants and also taught them to spot the ones that she likes the most, especially candlewicks due to how rare and difficult to find they became after the destruction of Alderaan. Anakin, who has always struggled with carrying the legacy of The Anakin, the hero of the Republic but also the man who he knew became Darth Vader, also became fond of candlewicks because he knows the way Leia connects them to her mother, and so he feels those connect him to the more peaceful side of his family.
Elodore Vane
Valahari, besides being known for making the fastest ships in the galaxy with the best engines to match, is also known for having some of the most beautiful gardens. One often called the most beautiful is the garden that belongs to the royal family. Because Elodore loves flowers, and because it gave her something to do and —later, after consummating her marriage with Harko— bond over with her son other than royal matters, she works hard in tending to her garden. She has flowers all year round because she's specifically divided the garden in sections of seasonal plants, so that no matter the season, there's always something blooming.
Koska Reeves
Koska doesn't like being gifted flowers. Not because she doesn't like them– actually, she does; but because she doesn't like when planets are ripped out of the ground to be turned into a bouquet, an expensive one at that because some can be really expensive. She thinks it's credits that go to waste on a gift that will shrivel up and die in a week, tops. She'd very much rather be gifted potted plants, but even then she isn't sure she can give them proper care given her hectic life and line of work that sends her to places that only few plants can thrive in.
Leia Organa
Leia's favorite flower is candlewicks. They're a plant native to Alderaan whose flowers have a natural glow to them, and she heavily associates them with her mother because Breha —having had pulmonodes since before Leia was born and often wearing dresses with low necklines as per Alderaan costume— had a visible glow within her chest that Leia believed to be a bouquet of candlewicks. To her, those flowers represent her mother and their bond. Breha knew this and on Leia's birthdays, they would both go to the royal gardens and planted a new candlewick plant.
Luke Skywalker
Lukw is forever baffled by the concept of house plants. Just, the fact that people choose to have and tend to plants that serve no purpose other than looking pretty– and not even all year! it completely blew his mind the first few times he was presented with it. He has a hard time figuring out how much water is enough for a plant, usually ends up overwatering them. But he LOVES making plants grow with the force. He's done that for Leia multiple times.
Maulkiller is allergic to pollen. Having spent most of his life in a laboratory in Kamino with the closest plant being light years away, he was never exposed to them and so, he's allergic to most flowers due to the pollen. It's not a deadly allergy, but it's not fun.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan can't keep a plant alive to save his life. Qui-Gon, on the other hand, had one hell of a green thumb. But no matter how hard he tried to get Obi-Wan into the routine of watering, fertilizing, clipping and just overall tending to the plants, it never stuck. Obi-Wan would often forget to water them for weeks at a time and only remember sporadically when he noticed the dirt was looking cracked-dry or the plant would start to shrivel up. He ended up almost killing a couple of Qui-Gon's plants (only didn't because Qui-Gon took over) and he still feels bad about it. But he just, couldn't really make himself care for the plants. After all, he grew up in Coruscant where very few people give a damn about flora.
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gwiazdowe · 9 months
Cirz’s replacement prosthetic legs are made of mixed components of durasteel and military grade plasteel that prove durable against assault weapons and explosives (NOT against lightsabers). The cybernetic limbs are linked with his nerve system to allow him conscious control of the various parts and provide free range of motion normal for a humanoid. The prosthetics only provide basic sensory impulses to aid with balance, over which Cirz is a little sad, but on the upside it lets him take significant damage without experiencing much pain. For the same reasons of practicality the prosthetics are not covered in sythskin (harder to replace), but Cirz will often wear shoes to prevent the wear and tear of the metals. He thinks it’s a bit like wearing shoes on top of shoes.
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rulimaquina · 9 months
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Thanks @vanisketches for helping me with this!!
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windsweptinred · 8 months
Headcanuary 17: Fear (Daniel Hall)
The fear of fire.
Foolish really, the lick of fire to one such as he was as threatening as the tickle of grass against naked flesh.
But still, he could not look upon an open flame without feeling its possessive burn, it's consuming hunt for his mortality. Surging through flesh and bone with unrelenting brutality, coursing through his veins like molten venom. It's flickering dance brought with it the memory of soul wrenching anguish. It's heat, the remembrance of his human essence, being seered from him. Fire was pain, fire was loss. Fire was the oppressive weapon of fate. That would not heed his childish pleas and robbed him of his choice. Fire to the new Dream of the Endless, was his excruciating birth. And with it, the trauma that haunted his darkest moments.
But most of all he feared the fire for what it could still yet steal. Like a predator it had tasted blood, and hungered for that last shred of humanity that lingered in him. That last remnant of Daniel Hall, that he nurtured secretly within himself. And if robbed from him, would leave him nothing... But Endless.
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seiya-starsniper · 9 months
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Headcanuary Day 1 - Flowers
So in an attempt to be creative without driving myself nuts by adding to my WIP pile, I'm going to participate in Headcanuary! Link above if you want to see the prompt list and join too!
To me, Lucienne’s favorite flower is the iris. Not only is it a flower that represents all the things she values (wisdom, faith, passion, courage), but it comes in a variety of colors, all beautiful in their own way. I'm very partial to Lucienne’s favorite color being purple too and she'd just look absolutely gorgeous with one in her little suit front pocket I think 😭💖
tagging @two-hands-toward-the-sun cause they asked :3
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charmwasjess · 8 months
A little snip for today’s headcanuary! 24: Journey
Perhaps it had been a mercy that Dooku’s gifts manifested young enough that he didn't remember Gora’s reaction to them: not his fury, punishment, nor the howls of the spine wolves, edging ever closer out of the forest dusk. He did not have anything of that time except a feeling of cold. His first real memories were of Yoda – or maybe he had been told the story of their first journey together so many times over the years that he only thought he remembered it. 
According to Yoda, on the trip home from Serenno, Dooku had been a fretful, unhappy toddler, as he was still sometimes a fretful, unhappy adult. He hadn’t liked to be cuddled or tickled. He wouldn’t touch proffered toys. He hadn’t made any sound at all, not to laugh at Yoda’s best silly faces, or to cry at being taken from everything he had ever known. 
The only thing he’d wanted was to look at things around the ship: the controls, the cargo hold, the commlink and each of the little tiny pouches on Yoda’s belt, the endless, creamy blue whirl of space outside the viewport window. And Yoda, whose gift had always been the ability to listen to and understand children, even strange, unhappy children, had obliged him, taking him from room to room, showing him this and that.  
“And such big eyes to see, this little Dooku had!” Yoda would always conclude the story, unable to help his smile. And Dooku would feel the sheer power of his love then, like a clap of thunder under the simple words. 
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bobbole · 9 months
Escape (the corinthian x lucienne)
The Corinthian has always teased Lucienne, asking her to run away with him. Until one day she…accepts (but not exactly in the way he had imagined!).
After another loud ringing, the Corinthian decided he had had enough. What the fuck, it was 4:00 a.m., he had just gone to bed 10 minutes ago, and if he was late again tomorrow Lucienne was going to give him a half-hour bollocking.
He went downstairs not even bothering to put on his trousers, if they wanted to break his balls at that hour they would enjoy the sight of his underwear with the American flag (it's on the house, you fucking assholes!)
He didn't turn on the lights, he was too pissed, that doorbell had already given him a fucking headache. Furiously he opened the door, ready to dedicate a serenade of profanity to the damned nuisance who had pulled him out of bed, but he had not yet opened the whole door that a black-gloved hand threw him back into the house with a strong push, ending him up lying on the floor as the door was silently closed again.
-What the fuck... -
- Shhh Corinthian, it's me, it's Lucienne -
- Lucienne?!!! -
Yes, Luci *fucking* enne was in his house, dressed like a fucking ninja and with a big backpack on her shoulders.
- What are you doing… What the fuck you… -
- DON'T MOVE! - and without much preamble Lucienne threw herself on top of him, putting a hand over his mouth to keep him from talking and looking toward the window with wide eyes. The Corinthian followed her gaze and seemed to see the light of a car's headlights. It was very close to the house, but after slowing down it moved on.
Lucienne breathed a sigh of relief and took her hand away from his mouth, without taking her eyes off the window.
- You know, I find this unexpected situation really interesting, but next time invite me to dinner! -
Lucienne brought her gaze back to him and only then she noticed
1) their somewhat compromising pose
2) that the Corinthian was wearing only his (obscene) underwear
She got up with a decidedly athletic sprint for a bookworm who also had a quintal backpack on her shoulders!
- Do you sleep like that? -
The Corinthian sat down on the couch, massaging his tailbone
- Sorry Lucy, if I knew you were coming I would have shown up in a suit and tie -
Lucienne rolled her eyes but could not hold back a smile. She walked circumspectly to the window, carefully sliding the curtains aside
- Are you alone? -
-Yes -
- Are you sure? -
- If there was someone here I would fucking remember….. by the way, what are you doing here?!-
- Shhh be quiet, please! -
With a new ninja snap she moved away from the window, sitting next to him on the couch. The Corinthian didn't miss the quick glance at his crotch, before adjusting her glasses and fumbling inside the backpack, mumbling something about someone's indecent underwear. Nor did it escape him that she had Morpheus's ruby around her neck….
- Lucienne why the hell do you have the boss's ruby? -
- I'll explain everything on the way, now get dressed, we have to leave right now…. But where the hell did I put…. Here it is! -
She triumphantly handed him a passport.
Inside was his photo (one of the worst, dammit, she could have looked for a better one!) and a name, Samuel Doric.
- What the fuck is this Lucienne? - - Your passport. Now you are no longer Alex Corinth, you are Samuel Doric - - Did you open your art history book to find this shitty name? And where the fuck, come on, tell me what's going on! Why do you have the ruby? -
He turned her toward him, sawing something in that eyes that he never thought he would see in the strongest and bravest person he had ever known.
Lucienne was scared. Really scared.
- Luci…-
- Corinthian, please trust me! I will tell you everything in the car but I beg you, let's go, we are his last hope! -
There were two things in the world that Corinthian could not say no to:
A good fuck
Lucienne asking him to do something
He gently squeezed her shoulders, hoping to reassure her, and smiled. Then stood up, still aching from the blow from earlier, while Lucienne continued to fumble in her backpack.
- You could have looked for a better picture. I look like a fucking serial killer! -
- Shut up, you always looking so good! -
- Well well, is that a compliment? Should I start ensuing that you like me? -
- Shut up! -
She smiled, and that was the important thing.
The Corinthian walked toward the stairs but then turned back.
- Why me? -
Lucienne gave him the most beautiful, mischievous smile
- You always said you wanted to run away with me. This night we will escape together! -
(Headcanuary 2024)
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optiwashere · 9 months
Doing my Headcanuary check-in a few days early because today was the day I wrote about Asheera and Shadowheart having a big (small) gay wedding.
Complete with some elvish rituals around forest glades, family witness, and bonding ceremonies.
It's been a fun batch so far! Nothing terribly angsty has shown up yet, but I'm sure that's bound to change.
Rating: Varies by chapter; rating listed in chapter title and any applicable content/spoiler warnings in the chapter notes.
Ship: Shadowheart/Trans Fem Tav
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mayxthexforce · 9 months
Headcanuary - Day 4
Prompt: Strength.
Agen Kolar
Growing up surrounded by few Zabraks and a majority of other species, mostly humans, made Agen all too aware of how much stronger than most he is. When he was a child, he did get into trouble a few times for 'playing too rough' with the other kids even though, by his own standards, he was being pretty gentle. Anything gentler than that and he wasn't really having fun. So, he stopped playing with other kids, except Quinlan, because Quinlan didn't mind roughousing.
Ailyn Vel
Ailyn is pretty strong. She has a pretty muscular body build because she's been impersonating her father since age 16 and she's got to look the part to play the part, so she's trained and worked out to achieve that. Having to carry bounties -dead and alive- around also played a hand in her getting buff.
Luke Skywalker
What do you get when you mix a farmer who is also a mechanic in a desert planet with no access to forklifts + the force? A very strong bastard, that's for sure. Even as a little guy, Luke was packing machinery and crates around like nothing.
Medrit Vasur
People make the mistake of underestimating Medrit's strength just because he chose a different career than bounty hunting, but he's pretty strong. He has spent his whole life working in a farm, in mines, and as a blacksmith. On top of that, he has soldier training from his time at the imperial academy. So he's pretty strong.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan is pretty strong. There are few people that remember this and those who do know don't speak about it, but for a good part of his life, Obi-Wan was considered the brawn of his friend group. Bant is emotionally intelligent, Garen is very good with technology and socializing, and Obi-Wan was just there to pick them both up and out of harm's way. He once got in big trouble for beating up another youngling for insulting him, calling him Oafy-Wan.
She was always the brawn of the Padawans under Luke's wing at the Jedi school. While she could be quite stubborn and get into all kinds of brawls —9 times out of 10 with Ben Solo—, she used her strength to help others more often than she got into intense sparring matches with Ben, and was there to help pull him, and any other Padawan, out of danger whenever she could.
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