#Star Wars horror
aftergloom · 9 months
The "left in a hurry" vibes of the old village following the Nightsister genocide makes the whole place into a graveyard. Not to say that Dathomir, baseline, isn't a thriving microcosm of decay, but the prevalence of the Dark Side in the place makes the rot take a little quicker. The world's a little hungrier than most. A little more determined to take what remains of the ships and skiffs and structures picked clean by Nightbrother hands to salvage and conserve those few things that still serve a purpose.
They don't take much. Too many memories attached to the world that was before Maul arrived -- before construction began up the Peak. The prevailing notion that so much of those artifacts are cursed or haunted keeps them from over-reliance on the old ways.
Maul encourages the shifting paradigm:
A red dawn rises over Dathomir these days, and everything left draped in shadow, he insists, is better off buried anyway.
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sadiecoocoo · 25 days
I’ve started getting little snippets of canonical Star Wars horror on tiktok and god damn Star Wars horror is just *chef’s kiss*
Like what do you mean ghost ships will appear out of hyperspace with no sign of life but occasionally a final message along the lines of “we’re not alone???”
What do you mean the Ewoks ate a majority of the storm troopers that weren’t killed in the battle of Endor??? Out of over a thousand stormtroopers stationed on Endor, about 300 died in the Battle of Endor, how hungry were those fucking teddy bears???
What do you mean there were multiple kinds of zombie viruses? One with basic zombies and another that just turned a host into a monstrous creature part of a hive mind?? Project DarkWing and I’m not sure what the other is called. Project black wing had two books based around it, one was called Death Troopers and I highly recommend the read :)
What do you mean Grievous and Windu once fought in a duel and Windu had to retreat because Grievous started to adapt to using his fighting style, which only force sensitives could use, using the dark side of the force??? What do you mean he refused to go on any battlefields that Grievous may appear in because if Grievous learned his entire style of fighting he would become force sensitive???
What do you mean in legends Palpatine himself went to help Dooku and Grievous kill the witches of Dathomir because otherwise they would have failed???
I believe all of these are legends, though the Ewok one is probably canon to some extent (Battlefront 2). Also if you guys have any other interesting horror Star Wars fact please share 🙏🙏
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Offerings for safe passage through the swamps were regularly left on the trees: valuable trinkets of bone and teeth from successful hunts, tied with dried sinew to the skeletal branches of dead trees.
Many hang there still, swallowed by their mossy coverings as if consumed by the dark spirits they were offered to.
Those that failed to pay sufficient honours to the swamp might still be found there: a skull still bearing its Nightbrother markings surfacing from the muck to watch others pay their tributes.
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I will never forget the time RotS made me think I was in a horror movie.
I started watching Revenge of the Sith one night, and my TV kept playing up.
It kept turning itself off and on so eventually I gave up and went to bed.
I thought I had turned it off properly but apparently not.
No, instead I woke up at 2am to subtle ominous music.
I literally felt I was in a horror movie. I was home along and shaking.
I, like all idiots would, followed it into my loungeroom and behold, it's the friggin Mustafar scene.
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Star Wars ARG/Creepypasta AU (Kinda?)
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:Files of the Grand Army of the Republic:
File- The 666th Legion
Classification- [REDACTED] 
Reports of a 666th Clone Legion from the Grand Army of the Republic have just been received from the Outer Rim to the office of the Chancellor. 
Citizens from the region claim that they had been plagued by legions of battle droids when what seemed to be an abandoned Venator-Class cruiser. But it wasn’t, when the citizens saw gunships begin to leave the hangar of the ship. 
When the gunships landed, Clones began to leave the ship, but they were all from different legions and ranks. Commandos, ARC, ARF, Pilot, Covert OPs, even Marine Corps clones were falling upon the enemy. The citizens then proceeded to notice that the clones all appeared to be bloodied, mutated, and as they put, “broken and empty.” 
After the droids were all destroyed with relative ease, what appeared to be the leader of the Legion approached them. They described the markings on the leader’s (which appears to be an ARC Trooper) armor being that of skulls and bones. The ARC Trooper simply asked if the citizens were okay, and when they nodded, the leader motioned for the troops to leave. As fast as they arrived, they left. 
When orders were made to investigate this mystery legion, no discoveries were made. In fact, it seemed this was just a fairy tale made up by the planet’s citizens to try and get the Republic’s attention. Regardless, a squad of clone commandos were sent to the planet to investigate the scene of the fight.
The commandos reported in three days later, explaining what they saw. There was indeed a massive battlefield. But it was more easily described as a scrapyard. While there were shots made by both sides, the droids were literally torn apart. B2s, B1s, Commando Droids, Spider Droids, even Droidekas were all torn apart. The commandos also said there wasn’t a single clone body seen on the field. 
They then reported an odd symbol made on some of the droids. Where the chest of some of the droids was a Republic insignia burned into the droids’ metal. The commandos located the citizens that made the report and asked about the burned insignias. The citizens stated they didn’t see any signs of the droids being burned with those insignias. 
It has since been determined that this 666th Legion is the result of a Kaminoian experiment gone horribly wrong.
The Commandos ordered to this mission, Target Squad, have been researching and hunting down clues for this mystery Legion for the past few months. They have since made little progress, but made a few discoveries. One being the experimentations.
A Kaminoian scientist named Beasly Dire had been quite a well known scientist when their experiments were discovered by the others, and even to the other Kaminoians he had gone too far, being exiled to another hidden facility. That Facility has yet to be discovered, since all records have been erased.
Other sightings of the 666th Legion have also since been sighted. All ending the same. 
With a scrapyard of droid parts. 
Further Investigation is required.
Until More Information is Revealed,
-Commander Fox
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nord-ronnoc · 6 months
Star Wars 5e | The Wound in the Force | Episode 9
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mearchy · 7 months
The best fics are the ones that recognize that although Luke Skywalker may APPEAR on the outside to be a normal friendly twink who happens to have cool powers, especially when contrasted with such ship partners as Boba or Din or even Han, he is arguably the scariest person alive in the galaxy around the prequel era. AND, crucially, he is also a fundamentally weird guy. This man was homeschooled on a rural farm his entire life and then apprenticed to a swamp gremlin who showed him how to tap into the cosmic power of the universe. He blew up the death star age 19, killing approx 2 million-ish Imperials. He is a vortex of Force power that can communicate with the ghosts of dead Jedi. He’s staring into the distance and mumbling to himself and doing Yoda aphorisms and casually pulling out the “yeah I could crush that guy into a paste with my mind (:” and nobody around him knows what to do with that. I think he is a character who has very little frame of reference for how a Jedi or a person in general is supposed to act and there is some thing about him that is by necessity really fucking weird and a little scary but he’s so nice that it can throw you off the scent a little bit. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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s9fti3 · 3 months
‘I can fix him!!’
Him in question;
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
Just thinking about horrified Huyang would have been if he’d seen Ezra’s first lightsaber - the infamous blaster-saber combo.
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shapelytimber · 7 months
Do you think Vader keeps spare faces ?
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A shower thought that got away from me...which to be fair is how you could describe a lot of my art-
Process below vvv
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I should paint fleshy meat more often I had so much fun with it :))
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aftergloom · 6 months
I would very much like to hear about ur dark side cult and am willing to trade the information given with random songs but they're in binary
I spent years in the rave scene listening to beepy clicky music that you can't really dance to so I'd probably be into that, ngl.
So the thing about the Bando Gora is that you can't talk about it without discussing a couple of characters, so I'll try to keep this fairly high-level, but some spoilers may follow for a couple of the Legends books. (And since we're getting a new new canon Dark Side cult with Darth Maul: Red, White, and Black in May, maybe we'll see some similarities. Canon likes to nod back to Legends once in a while, and I'm all for it.)
The Bando Gora appears in only a handful of places, namely Darth Maul: Lockdown, Darth Plagueis, a couple of comics, an RPG, and a videogame called Star Wars Bounty Hunter featuring Jango Fett.
It served as a terrorist organization and dark side cult that operated primarily in the outer rim, gaining power over a couple of decades before culminating in the death of its last High Priestess, a former Jedi and the lost padawan of Count Dooku, Komari Vosa -- one part femme fatale, one part pain in Sidious' ass, and the very same Komari Vosa that shows up in Darth Maul: Lockdown on Cog Hive Seven.
She was captured and indoctrinated into the Bando Gora following the battle at Galidraan along with twenty of her cohorts (whom she later killed while in captivity), and rose through the ranks rapidly to helm it as its leader.
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She died in 32 BBY when a bounty was set on her head because the cult had amassed entirely too much power and Sidious was getting a little shifty about it. Jango Fett won the bounty along with the prestige of becoming the pattern for the Clone army, but it was Vosa's former Jedi Master (now Darth Tyranus) that snapped her neck, ending her life, and decapitating the cult. Vosa was completely relegated to Legends as of The Secrets of the Sith, but as the story goes, once Dooku snuffed her out, he took her curved lightsaber hilts and gave them to his sparkly new apprentice, Asajj Ventress.
As indoctrination goes, cult members were subjected to neurotoxin poisoning and tortured to open their minds to the Dark Side of the Force, the physical results of those rituals manifesting in glowing blue eyes, and blackened and mottled skin. "The Force shall free me" was taken to the letter, because Bando Gora Thrall emerged from the indoctrination process free of pain, free of fear, and relentless -- and without a will of their own. Thrall often wore Nemoidean skin masks --- possibly another aspect of the depersonalization process -- and Captains looked like this snazzy dude:
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The cult had ties to the Hutts and Sebolto's drug cartel on Malastare, a notable tidbit because one of its last remaining ties to canon exists in one little scene where Obi-Wan Kenobi is offered Death Sticks -- the primary means of luring in new recruits to the cult by altering their minds, and reducing their resistance to indoctrination by creating a narcotic dependency with the "Death Sticks." As if calling them "Death Sticks" to begin with wasn't wildly enticing. /s
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"You wanna buy some death sticks?""You don't want to sell me death sticks.""I don't wanna sell you death sticks.""You want to go home and rethink your life.""I wanna go home and rethink my life."
―Elan Sel'Sabagano and Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Other points of interest (if you're considering a vacation) involve the spot where the Bando Gora set up shop -- a lovely little place in the inner rim in Bogden's orbit: Kohlma.
Named after Colma (in California), the burial moon was covered pole to pole in tombstones and suffered Bogden's frequent gravitational shifts. A lot of the early concept art lends itself to horror (hi I love it!), which is probably why, at the first mention of a "burial moon" in Darth Maul: Lockdown, I went absolutely feral and started collecting every tidbit I could get my hands on.
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The Bando Gora had a citadel out there, which ultimately became Vosa's tomb, and the memorial moon was a fitting choice because the first members of the cult were said to be graverobbers, thieves, and assassins. 💀💀💀
Thank you for the ask. Revisiting this stuff right before Camp NaNoWriMo is always a good refresher for me, since I'll be journeying right back here on April 1st. 😊
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eventually27 · 1 year
Me reading fanfics when i should be asleep 💀
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d0llfaac3 · 5 months
If totally psycho why sexy??
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ominouspuff · 2 months
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Gift-piece for @ghosts-of-rishi for some ideas we were playing around with. Fives discovering Echo is alive but possibly even more cursed than they already were.
They say there’s no good that can come from making deals with the Piper, but what Jango’s after is hardly what most people’d call ‘good’.
(Featuring Cursed!Jango, who went looking for a son in the wrong places, made a deal with a sea-god, double-crossed said sea-god, and now has three million cursed children.)
“Flesh and blood, you said,” the sea-witch taunted, gloated, condemned. And they are, they are — Jango’s split up, every bit of him, flesh and blood he never even had, divided between every blessed child — but no amount of clever carving of meat can account for a soul, and that’s the real curse. It is not Jango, not Jango alone, who is caged within the unnatural ribs and skull and pounding veins. “Watch them grow, fool; nurture them.” The sea-witch sentenced, and Jango does, he does; silently screaming, unable to separate himself from a single one, unable to sleep even when they sleep, too split up in too many inhuman ways to speak or think beyond wishing it was over… but they know he’s there, and speak to him sometimes. He can hear them cursing, over three million souls better left dead at the bottom of the seas, plucked and borrowed and wiped clean with new flesh sewn together. Why didn’t you leave us be? One is sobbing because he knows he should be dead and they say that’s as good as being at peace, and he is neither of those things.
His children are his spitting image, but they have old, old eyes and no memories of how they came to be that way, and there are three million of them — and not a soul that ever knew Jango Fett before — before — before — can explain it. He watches them all try through six million eyes.
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furiosophie · 2 years
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when one chooses to walk the way of the mand'alore, one is both hunter and prey. how can one be a coward if one chooses this way of life?
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varpusvaras · 1 year
As someone who studies natural sciences, I think Coruscant as a planet is very interesting in a very horrifying way.
There is nothing natural there. The whole planet is completely dead. No natural climate, no hydrological cycle, no natural seasons, no fauna or vegetation left. The planet is completely dead, in a biological sense.
Coruscant is haunted because it's dead, and the only thing left there from the planet itself are ghosts.
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