#Hearthstone PC
the-zippyy · 25 days
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ulvespill · 3 months
Nye Demon Hunter-kort avslørt under dagens kortslipp i Hearthstone
I dag ble det avslørt en rekke nye kort som vil bli tilgjengelige for spillere i den populære digitale kortspillet Hearthstone. Disse nye kortene, eksklusivt for klassen “Demon Hunter”, lover å tilføre nye strategiske dimensjoner til spillet og gi spillerne spennende muligheter for taktisk dyktighet. Her er en oversikt over de nye kortene: 1. Ball Hog (Common Minion) Kostnad: 4 mana Angrep:…
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luka-is-odd · 1 year
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this was for my love who loves World of warcraft. There was a hand on the token and when I first saw it this was all I could think of
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savingcontent · 2 years
March of the Lich King is Hearthstone's next expansion, brings new cards and minions, adds new Death Knight class
March of the Lich King is Hearthstone’s next expansion, brings new cards and minions, adds new Death Knight class
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esportschimpnews · 2 years
Marvel Snap: New Card Game Released for PC and Mobile
Marvel Snap: New Card Game Released for PC and Mobile
Credits: Disclosure / Nuverse After spending months in a closed test arena, The new card game Marvel Snap made its official debut this Tuesday (18). Developed by Second Dinner, a studio made up of industry veterans who helped create Hearthstonethe game brings together the main heroes of Marvel to participate in battles that mix speed and great strategic depth. According to the developer, players…
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2econdskin · 2 years
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Hey! 🙋🏼‍♂️ I'm 2econdSkin, a 25 year old Variety Streamer and Twitch Affiliate from 📍Toronto! I stream a multitude of games, and am always open to requests on what to play! Come hang out! I'd love to make some new friends.
Games: Hearthstone, COD, Fortnite, Grounded, S.T.A.L.K.E.R (soon), Stardew Valley (soon) and more!
NOTIFICATIONS *ON* so you know when I go LIVE⭕!
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the-zippyy · 29 days
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shuttershocky · 9 months
Let unity burn, I'll play 100s of shitty AAA games before I play even one indie scrimplos haunted house depression rpg
If you think Unity is limited to those you are vastly underestimating the number of games that run on Unity lmao. Everything from card games like Marvel Snap and Hearthstone to indie darlings like Hollow Knight and Subnautica to even hardcore PVP games on the PC like Escape from Tarkov use Unity.
Outer Wilds? Unity. Kerbal Space Program? Unity.
Cuphead, Ori and the Blind Forest, The Stanley Parable, Risk of Rain 2, Rust, Cities:Skylines, Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, Rimworld, Obra Dinn, and more
and more
and more
Way more kinds of games than Unity's reputation among laymen as the buggy engine for first time gamedevs and asset flipping scammers will ever tell you, and many of a unique quality you will never find in the AAA space.
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ulvespill · 10 months
Hearthstone TITANS - Mini Anmeldelse
Med Hearthstone 24 ekspansjonspakke TITANS, har vi tatt en titt på hva pakken har å tilby, og hvorvidt det påvirker spillemåter og taktikker. Navn: TITANSUtvikler: BlizzardUtgiver: BlizzardLansert: August 2023Tilgjengelig på: PC, MobilOmtalt på: PC, MobilFått via: Vi har fått en kode av dette spillet fra utgiver eller PR selskap for å kunne skrive en anmeldelse. TITANS representerer…
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pixelarthropods · 3 days
My interest, hobby!
This is just for fun to share. Here's some interests that I have:
Favourite Movies
Your Name, Howl's Moving Castle, Monsters Inc.
Favourite TV Shows
Nichijou, Amazing World of Gumball, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Korn, Scooter, Ultravox is one of my faves among other artists I listen. (Tho dubstep is my fave genre)
Favourite Games
Stellaris, Hearthstone, Path of Titan
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
I like collecting dead insects or animals as my hobby. And collecting Pokemon cards! :3
Feel free to tell your interest comments below! I wanna hear your thoughts ^^
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rtgame · 10 months
why does everyone hate overwatch and especially overwatch 2? i know ppl hate it but i never see anyone say why. if anyone else wants to offer opinions in the notes i'd love to hear them. i'm not defending the game(s) i'm just curious
ok so recovering from surgery has fucked up my sleep schedule so bad i'm actually up and at my pc to answer this at 7 am on a sunday bc i have a lot to say and i didn't want to type this all out on my phone lol. (also i have to take my antibiotics in an hour so i might as well get up) this is going to be LONG because i have a lot of thoughts and a lot of reasons
i think the biggest one, just to get it out of the way, is that blizzard had a MASSIVE scandal over sexual harassment. this basically changed everyone's opinions on every blizzard property, but from what i understand, the overwatch team actually didn't have a harassment problem (FROM WHAT I KNOW), but obviously it still affected people's perception of the game and i'm not defending blizzard on this issue. i think several people should die over this.
anyways, i think one of the big things was blizzard randomly announced overwatch 2 back in 2019 to distract from them banning a pro hearthstone player over supporting the hong kong protests in an interview. the development of overwatch 2 brought overwatch 1 to a COMPLETE fucking standstill like. there was literally no actual update for 3 years because they moved the entire dev team to overwatch 2 so overwatch 1 was updated by a skeleton crew, which a lot of people weren't happy about (me included). the only real difference between 1 and 2, when 2 was announced, was that it was gonna have PVE, which was already weird because in the past they said PVE was going to be in overwatch 1 and now it's not?
and then overwatch 2 finally comes out and it's like. there's no PVE. it's "coming later." they later admit that the PVE campaign was cancelled back in 2021 (remember overwatch 2 came out late 2022) BUT THEN KEPT ADVERTISING THAT OVERWATCH 2 WAS GONNA HAVE THE PVE CAMPAIGN? THEY LITERALLY JUST LIED TO EVERYONE FOR A FUCKING YEAR?
it took like 3 years for overwatch 2 to come out and at launch, all it had to offer was 3 new heroes and a few new maps and its like, if they just kept developing overwatch 1 we would've had way more by 2022.
overwatch 2 is also free to play, which is like, that's fine on paper, yay everyone gets to play it, but in practice it means that overwatch 2 is rife with microtransactions. skins cost like $26. new heroes cost AT LEAST $10 depending on when you buy them (or you can spend a ridiculous amount of time unlocking them for free) and its like. i fucking bought overwatch 1 for $40, these characters and skins would've been goddamn free in overwatch 1, i'm not spending money on this. ALSO I SPENT $40 TO BUY THIS GAME WHY THE FUCK AM I SPENDING MORE MONEY TO UNLOCK CHARACTERS???? there's some PVE missions available in game now but they're nothing like what was promised and they. also. obviously. cost. fucking. money. and i already spent $40 on the first game.
also there's a battle pass now for monetization reasons and i fucking hate most battle passes. the microtransactions in this game are fascinating because they make the overwatch 1 loot boxes look good.
also, they started the overwatch league in 2018, which is like, professional overwatch gaming, and i really liked watching it (and even went to some games irl) (i won a raffle there once!), but then they started balancing the game around the pro competitive scene which kinda made it hard for casuals to enjoy because they would keep changing the casual game mode (quick play) to be more in line with competitive, which was getting balanced around like 0.001% of players, which just made it less fun lol.
+ when they released overwatch 2, it went from 6v6 to 5v5 which was a change i never liked because my usual team was 6 people so this means that we have to rotate someone out, and they removed the 2nd tank role when switching the game to 5v5 which was uh... my main role was off tank... which they fucking removed.... because the game's 5v5 now. my main (dva) feels borderline unplayable in 5v5 because she kinda just sucks now lol. idk i don't really like the flow of the game or how short team fights are with 5v5 and i absolutely hate being the only tank. i think 6v6 was the perfect balance for overwatch but that's been thrown out the window.
ALSO they removed capture point maps which i actually did enjoy and im still salty over this
tldr basically it's like. overwatch 1 died for 3 years and blizzard killed its momentum for overwatch 2 but then overwatch 2 has literally nothing new to it and it's just overwatch 1 but worse. we waited 3 years for literally nothing.
although, i will say i saw a lot of people online make fun of the game when they announced lifeweaver because he's, iirc, a pansexual thai man, and honestly, that never sat right with me because like. it was a bunch of online leftists making fun of the game for being.... too diverse? or feeling like it was checking off a list and i was never comfortable with it because like, even just 6 years ago we would not have gotten a character like him in an AAA game. i think it's because one of the studios under blizzard posted their "diversity tool" that they used to diversify their game and it was really fucking weird and gave points to characters depending on their race and sexuality and etc, and i think they even used overwatch characters as an example, which was REALLY weird, because the tool was being used by king and not the team developing overwatch and even the dev team called it out like "we don't fucking use this, what is this shit lol, stop using our characters for this"
also lifeweaver was made by a thai person on the team to represent his own culture so i genuinely don't think he was made with the diversity tool lol.
idk i still think representation is important and i think making fun of him was weird since like. pan thai men definitely exist irl. idk. it was weird as fuck and this is probably the only thing i'll actively defend overwatch on. #LeaveLifeweaverAlone or whatever. i mean he sucks in game but that's bc his abilities are lame and his healing is shit, not because he's pan lol
but also why do they keep making their japanese characters ninjas lol. i like playing kiriko but man why can they all wall climb.
also like, the final thing, regarding everyone else hating it is like, im gonna be blunt, i think a lot of times the internet will just randomly turn on something it loved (marvel (rightfully honestly), borderlands, someone provide more examples) and say it sucks/its cringe/etc because loving something is #Cringe and hating everything is #Cool or whatever, and overwatch has reached that phase of its life, and all the issues i mentioned above really didn't fucking help. the internet adores its hate trains yknow
idk genuinely my relationship with overwatch is super fucking complicated as someone who loved/loves the game. i really do like a lot of the characters and i think the game is still fun SOMETIMES, but it's definitely lost that spark it had in 2016 thanks to shit management and blizzard focusing on the wrong things. i think a lot about a world where blizzard didn't suck and overwatch never had all this shit happen to it.
also WOW IM SORRY this is so rambly i've had like 4 hours of sleep and this is just something i do feel strongly about since the game is/was important to me and quite literally changed my life, so it sucks to see how it turned out. when i was 16 i really was enamored by this game where the whole premise was fighting for the future and it was just optimistic about the future, and i think that really was important for me at the time, as dumb as that is. a game being like "hey, the future's gonna be awesome" during a year that was really nerve-wracking for me was something i did need at the time. it really does suck that overwatch's own future wasn't as bright as the future it was envisioning.
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amwult · 2 months
i think i was a little harsh with how i talked about yugioh the other day. i was fresh off a losing streak and not happy about it =) yugioh is a very fun game with a lot of depth. that being said there is a very big learning curve, even for people who have played the game since they were a kid. it is not balanced in the way you would expect from Magic or Hearthstone or other contemporary card games. It is a very wild and volatile game. it is balanced only in the sense that there are so many powerful strategies that counter each other. there are definitely overwhelming meta decks and cards, but the game is flexible enough at the lower levels that you can still play decks you think are cool and have fun. there is soo much reading and learning to do though, and everything happens at such a rapid pace. it is easy to get overwhelmed and have no clue whats going on. once youve played awhile though, you start to see patterns and understand your own strategy better. if you want to try, i would definitely recommend Master Duel. its on PC and consoles. there are microtransactions but the game is very generous in giving you the currency and crafting materials, so it is pretty easy to build the decks you want without spending anything. you for sure have to be ready to get fucked over a lot though. yugioh is so cutthroat, you get messed up a thousand ways. if you are patient though, there is a pretty fun game to be played :D
ty 4 the update! ic ic.
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A non-comprehensive, incomplete list of my Fallen London OCs
The ________ Meddler (Fragmented)
"Alizaben Thomas", The Avaricious Meddler (PC) Glaszen/Glass, The Mirrorbound Meddler Catzen, The Feline Meddler ???, The Forgotten Meddler Three additional unnamed Aspects
The Dream-Watching Showman
Alana ______, The Gambling Former Noble (PC)
Villanelle, The Heartbroken Ex-Villainess (PC) Violet, The Wilted Bloom
Rowan Asher, The Frigid-Hearted Professor (PC) An unnamed tomb-colonist An unnamed criminal An unnamed drownie
Unnamed Judgement The Tower of Ashes and Graves
Mr Bones
Mr Hearthstones Mr Shells Mr Inks Mr Moons Mr Clays Mr Blades
Mr Spirals (Deceased)
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chaos-lioness · 1 year
My yearning for German Accent PC is being sated by whatever Liam has (VERY comittedly lmao) going on in the hearthstone one shot
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 years
Soul Siphoner - CR5 Undead
A spirit that forces the enemy to move, or else.
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Artwork by Arthur Bozonnet, from Hearthstone, copyright Blizzard Entertainment.
Soul Siphoners do what they sound like they do.  They’re mindless creatures that grab at someone’s soul, trying to slowly rip it out.  They’re native to the shadow plane, where they tend to be bound to specific locations of value, and disincentivize people from approaching those locations.  These locations might be places or object of natural necromantic power that the soul siphoners are drawn to, or might be the sites of their own demise.  A soul siphoner is unlikely to pursue a target, and is often content to remain in one place for eternity as long as it is undisturbed by the living.
This enemy, by itself, can be taken out by even a level 1 commoner 100% of the time, if that commoner has a magic ranged weapon and understands the soul siphoner’s gimmick.  Unless there’s some stationary object that the PCs need to spend several rounds interacting with mid-fight (like maybe a siege weapon), a soul siphoner only really works in combination with other enemies, which need to be the real threat.  But when those other enemies are present, a group of soul siphoners can make them far more deadly by preventing the players from ever standing in place.  They can accomplish this even at pretty high levels, although you might need more of them in order for high level PCs to have a reasonable chance to fail their saves.
Soul Siphoner - CR 5
This spirit resembles a tattered cloth robe tied together at the bottom with chains.  Its arm reaches towards you, grasping desperately.  As it does so, although it’s not close enough to physically reach you, you start to feel your life fading away, as a stream of soul energy is sucked from your body into its open claws.
XP 1,600 LE Medium undead (extraplanar, incorporeal) Init +3 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 16 (+6 deflection, +3 Dex) hp 52 (5d8+30) Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +6 Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, incorporeal Immune undead traits
Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect) Melee incorporeal touch +6 (2d6 plus 2d6 negative energy plus fading life) Space 5 ft., Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks slow attacks
Str —, Dex 16, Con —, Int —, Wis 14, Cha 22 Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 22 Languages Necril
Fading Life (Su) A soul siphoner’s melee touch attack deals 2d6 points of magical aging damage and 2d6 points of negative energy damage.  Additionally, a creature struck by a soul siphoner’s melee touch attack takes a negative level unless it succeeds on a DC 18 Fortitude saving throw.  This negative level persists only until the target moves outside of the soul siphoner’s reach and stays outside of it for 1 round, or until the soul siphoner is slain, at which point it ends.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
A soul siphoner gains 10 temporary hit points and increases its reach by 10 feet for each negative level it inflicts in this way.  These bonuses stack with themselves and last for 1 minute.
Slow Attacks (Ex) A soul siphoner has a 30 foot reach with its melee touch attack, but it can only use this attack as a full-round action.  It cannot make attacks of opportunity.
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mikaila-orchard · 2 years
What games do bonnie play
Patty cake, Hearthstone, Monopoly, Uno Rabbids, Candyland, Fallout: New Vegas, Settlers of Catan, Freeze Tag, Sonic 06, Hopscotch, Double Dutch, Daxter on PSP, Guess Who, Quiplash, Volleyball and those old Cap'n Crunch PC games.
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