#Heath Software
wellbeingapp · 8 months
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ambitiousport952 · 1 year
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blackstarmylove · 2 months
Jobs (HC)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: No pairing.
Warning: None
Prompt: What if they had 'normal' lives where Starless never existed, and neither did the sketchy organizations behind the scenes? What non-sketchy careers would they pursue?
A/N: Assume older age for the younger characters; they're not in school/college anymore.
Celebrity - Actor/Singer/Model (of course, lol)
CEO & Founder of a Corporation
Owner of a Movie Production House
Stockmarket Investor
Professional Poker Player
Detective/Private Investigator
Professor (his class 99% female students, lol)
Chess Player
Owner of a small business (inn or restaurant - girls flock there just to see his cuteness)
Celebrity (Model/Actor)
General Manager in a big company
Skateboarder or Snowboarder
In short, Athlete
Captain in the military
Personal Trainer (A LOT of the women want him to train them)
Boyband Member
CEO of a big company
Head of a Secret Service Agency
Runs a computer repair shop
PCP/Family Doctor
Pediatrician (all the moms loooove going to him because he takes care of their kids really well...yeah, let's go with that.)
CEO of a company
Fashion Blogger
Music Composer/Singer
Professional Mattress Tester
Applier for every clinical sleep study possible
Real Estate Agent
Working for a non-profit
Caretaker in an elderly home (the grandmas and grandpas love him to death)
Surgeon (would you trust him? XD)
Police Officer
Professional Food Taster
Dancer/Dance Teacher
Food Critic
Beauty Pageant/Model Trainer
Professional Makeup Artist
Fashion Designer
Controversial YouTuber
Therapist (would you trust him?)
Software Engineer
Founder of a business
Researcher at a large institute
Secret Agent for the government
Martial Art Instructor
Physical Therapist
Fashion Designer
Nurse Practitioner
Yoga Instructor (his calmness makes me think this😂)
Food Taster
Bad Cop
Professional Chef
Gym Trainer/Bodybuilder
Wrestler (of course lol)
Underground Rapper
Dog Trainer
Personal Fashion Designer
Casting Director
Basketball Player
Tattoo Artist
Gym Instructor
9 to 5 Office Employee
Manager in a small company
➣ BlackStar Theater Starless Masterlists [1][2][3][4]
➣ Main Masterlist
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turojo · 4 months
THE PLOT REVEEAAALED. Part 1 // Since I’m retiring off the rpc in a week or two, might as well spill the deats of my plans ✌️ This correlated with an overarching plot taking several of my muses ( here, @laprimera , @luxestial , @koraichalcum and a miraidon I wanted to make ). This is also main verse ( ie-Scarlet version Turo, Sada is mortis and Turo comes back after the events of SCARVIO ).
Long af post ahead —
FROM THE BEGINNING - Turo was a brilliant boarding student attending Naranja/UVA academy. He’s largely left to his own devices and expected to stick to his studies as his parents were largely aloof and distant but understand how incredibly intelligent he is. Turo largely felt the same and focused purely on his academics hoping to become a great researcher like Heath who’s studies he’s admired through his Violet Book on strange phenomenon and Pokémon found in Paldea’s very Crator.
His course was largely in the sciences and physics but he figured he’d explore a little with the schools large curriculum. Pokémon battling became something he was incredibly good at once he literally broke it down to literal science and stats. Meanwhile his other interests was in computer and software engineering with robotics to boot that’d make him standout from his peers (as well as alienating him at the same time). He went to class with a large amount of Paldea’s current teachers all to varying degrees of familiarity though never really having close friendships with any. Sada however became something of an annoying intellectual rival and close friend at the same time, sharing an infinity for Heath’s work.
They had a back and forth for some time during his time at school. Meanwhile he was quickly ascending as the top trainer during the academy’s treasure hunt season and taking the gym challenge. Eventually he would be recorded in Paldea’s Hall of Fame as its champion at one point (which can still be seen in Paldea’s library) but quickly lost interest once the challenge was done so to speak. Perhaps he was driven with far reaching goals and pivoted back to sciences instead. During this time he’d take some apprenticeships, his first being under an engineering company working on some peculiar and very tech forward armor for some strange Pokémon called “Mewtwo”. It was heavily under wraps esp with who it was being commissioned from but it was here working alongside brilliant minds in tech and computer engineering that it became his calling.
Apparently it was lucky he had to go back to Paldea to finish up schooling cause uh,,,apparently there was a freak accident that wiped out the company in Kanto not to long after. Ah well.
He’d finish his time in Paldea with honors and end up being in a long relationship with Sada into marriage. The two had moved past differences and noticed just how passionate they were for each other and their love of exploration. While Turo did go out of region to pursue further schooling for a physics doctorates he’d continue to work and thrive with Sada in creating their own research labs so they may persue their interests. Jacq and Clavell were picked up as part of their research team and a surprise baby boy, Arven, came into their lives. They’ve taken to bits of Heath’s work that have yet to be explored again in Paldea mostly out of fear and intense taboo. They’d both be made Paldea’s new regional professors known for their brilliance and research break throughs on some of Paldea’s environmental mysteries but still be hushed as equally screwy and far too ambitious. Their plans to set up a research lab INSIDE the Crater was gwafed at by any partners or sponsors they presented to. The Crater hadn’t been touched for 200 years for a reason. Heath had lost a lot of his research team and came out half-mad babbling nonsense about imaginative Pokémon and the crystals that held some powerful mystery. Even further before was Paldea’s founding history finding nothing but misfortune trying to explore its depths..
But thankfully someone DID see the potential in their work and exploring further. Their project was funded and picked up by the, at the time, young champion Geeta who took over Turo’s place as league champ (a seat he pretty much abandoned tbh) and the reformed League alongside the academy. So long as they could use their research for their students and Paldea they’d help out and even venture with them in it’s unknown depths. Finally their work was moving forward.
And it went off better then expected! Eventually they would discover the terastilization phenomenon involving the teracrystals within the Crater, in which would be renamed “Area Zero” to coincide with the other parts of Paldea. He could’ve stopped there. With the newfound acclaim he and Sada would’ve been more then okay exploring other avenues. …But the power of the crystals begged to go further then just a tool for Pokémon battling. It was very reactive to any tool they paired it with. Turo had tinkered with its properties a bit during their initial research project. Programs and machines he’d code and engineer became incredibly efficient with a teracrystal core, almost as if the energy was lifelike. In their exploration they came upon the mysterious, huge, entity they called Terapagos dormant at the Crater’s core where they hypothesized is where the source of the crystal and power came from. Attempting to wake it made everything around them unstable due to the enormous energy fluxes. It was best kept asleep but that didn’t mean they could not use its power still (not knowing at the time the danger for even being in its presence). Sada and him had the same idea of perhaps pushing the boundaries further.
They’d build a Time Machine to explore places and things no one has ever touched on before. Sada wanted to see the past and Turo wanted to see if his research would impact the future. It was done in secret though. Both of them had turned jaded and suspicious of company and even the League helping out. Little did he or anyone on the team know about the cognitive effects of the crystals or Terapagos. The episodes of hysteria or intense anxiety breaks within the team were chalked up to just being underground for so long without sunlight or being overworked. The team was thinning out the further their work was going but he paid little mind on anything but the research at hand. With their team having less hands he’d have to spend more time underground working. At some point he’d even neglect going up to see his own son and any advice to come up was ignored. Too much to do. No one understood that.
There was a lot of strain in the coming days between a team that would not stop leaving, mood swings, and intense cryptic visions he’d be plagued with. He’d envision whole conversations with Terapagos that called itself “MOTHERSHIP” beckoning they continue to work for knowledge sake and the mysteries it held that was unearthly. Clearly…it wasnt a Pokémon at all. But the further he prodded the further he lost sight of reality.
He and Sada once a happily married couple were always at ends with one another. Neither could agree where to take the project or how their research panned out. Something wasn’t adding up and Turo was slowly seeing through the cognitive haze. The Crater was dangerous and perhaps…they shouldn’t have touched upon its mysteries after all. The crystals were actually a lot more unpredictable and unstable then expected, the new Pokémon emerging from the rips in time space they created were on a confused rampage even more then what the league could handle and it was impossible to manage a whole lab with just two. He and Sada were the last scientists here. Geeta who became something of a close confidant even hesitated to continue protecting the labs at such hopeless odds but stood by despite her and the league being kept mostly out of the loop with the Time Machine.
But no word to leave would make Sada budge. By then their relationship had deeply soured, on the verge of divorce, and Turo caught in his own impudence simply left her to her own devices. He abandoned Area Zero, his wife, his young son, and everything he built in Paldea and would go on a ten year run not looking back.
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via-the-ghoul · 2 years
Monster High Headcanons but they are specific to the Gen3 universe
Purrsephone and Meowlody are the other two members of Toralei’s band, they are also Toralei’s cousins now, since there’s apparently a plot-point about Toralei and Clawdeen’s families having some kind of feud, and like, Toralei doesn’t have any named family members yet, so (update: called it)
Clawdeen is a trans girl who decided to make her name a monster pun, because tell me Gen3 Clawdeen wouldn’t do that and also I needed an explanation as to how she didn’t realize she was a werewolf while being named Clawdeen Wolf
Nefera got her heart removed and painted gold after Cleo removed her heart in a bizarre attempt to one-up her
Lagoona is bi and has a crush on Ghoulia Draculaura but doesn’t know yet
Spectra unlives with her ghoulma because her parents haven’t died yet, she mentions this like once casually and never again
My solution to the Heath’s dad situation rn is that a bunch of underworld ruler entities found baby Heath in a dumpster or something and had to raise him together in a bizarre sitcom situation
Speaking of Heath, him and River are besties who went to the Minions: Rise of Gru premier together
Finn and Toralei are music rivals, Toralei’s like “you’re only a good musician because of your siren scareiage” and Finn’s like “bitch you’re literally racist”
Manny’s one of those “when I grow up, I’m gonna found a big software company, aND IM GONNA RUIN YOU” kids (update: nevermind)
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 10
December 25, 2018
It had been almost two months since Heath was arrested, he was charged with kidnapping and pleaded guilty, he was sentenced to 50 years in prison. This was a great relief to Drew, the bastard got what he deserved is what he kept telling everyone before going home on holiday break. Drew's family flew in from Scotland since they hadn't seen Quinn in almost two years, Drew invited Stephen and Erin to join them for Christmas dinner since they had helped him so much when Quinn was taken. Quinn had done well after the ordeal, her therapist was working with her and she got back to normal pretty quickly. Drew finally got himself into therapy as well, just talking to someone helped him a great deal and his nightmares had reduced in frequency.
Christmas morning came, everyone was happy and smiling while opening presents. Quinn was very happy, her dad had spoiled her a bit and got her a new gaming PC so she could play with her new friends from school, they had gotten her into new games and she wanted to download artist software to help with her art skills. Everyone gathered at the dinner table to enjoy the meal that was cooked, shared some good memories, laughed at new stories, and enjoyed each other's company. While everyone was in the living room falling asleep from food comas, Drew and Quinn were talking, cleaning up and putting away leftovers; "So Quinn did you like everything you got for Christmas?" Drew asked her, "I do, everything was amazing, this is the best Christmas so far" Quinn said happily, "I'm glad sweetheart, it's the least we could do after the year we've had" Drew said. "Tell me honestly dad, do I have to worry about anyone else getting mad at you and taking me as leverage?" Quinn asked with a hint of attitude, "Honestly Quinn, I hope not. I hope from here on out if someone has a problem with me they take it up with me and leave you alone. You've been through enough and I want you to start having a normal life because you deserve that darlin'" Drew said sincerely, "Thank you dad" Quinn said smiling as she went over to hug her dad. Drew hugged her back "Come on sweetheart, let's finish cleaning up so we can go join in on the food comas in there, I'm exhausted" Drew said jokingly.
After cleaning up Drew and Quinn joined the family in the living room, they turned on a Christmas movie to watch, Quinn fell asleep not long after and Drew was the only one awake and he got lost in his thoughts again. He really hoped what he had told Quinn was the truth, anyone who had a problem with him better take it up with him, he was getting tired of people thinking that taking his child and hurting him and his family in the process was going to get them anywhere. He just wanted a normal life and he was damn well ready to make it happen one way or another. 
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spidersonicbatl0 · 1 year
If doomslayer was a guest character in an new skylanders game
So Xbox own skylanders now. So if a new game is made (it going to not toys to life) guest characters are going to be include, to increase sales.
So what if the slayer was included to make adults buy the game. Most of you are going to say “but doom is rated 18+”. Yes, but Fortnite have him and he didn’t perform glory kill on anyone. Just don’t have blood and he can added. Also doomslayer is Xbox exclusive because xbox own id’s software.
Bio: one day in Skyland a portal open in the sky. Creatures from god know where attack skyland. The skylanders try the best they could to stop them. But they was much of the creatures. When all hope seem lost, a man with green armor destroys a super gory nest in an half hour. In few hours the creatures ran away from this plane of existence. Leaving the skylanders more them confused. Research from artifact let in the invasion by Hugo reveals that man is call the doomslayer. A mortal turn god. Who being fighting the creatures since they invade his home world. The portal master invite the slayer to join the skylanders, he yes because he need a vacation.
Health: 200 (max 700)
Speed: 80 (max 110)
Armor: 50 (max 150)
Critical hit 80 (max 100)
Elemental power 50 (150)
Elemental fire (because angry towards demons)
Starting attacks
Gun fire: press x to fire the gun you have equipped at the moment
Weapons wheel: press b to open the weapon wheel to select your gun. The starting weapon are shotgun: deal great damage to enemies at point blank range, heavy canon: shoot enemies at a great distance. Chainsaw: use to refill ammo for weapons. More weapons are added with more upgrades
Plasma rifle and rocket launcher: when selected the plasma rifle fire fast plasma balls to damage enemies, rocket launcher: shoot a single rocket that deal great damage if hit. Warning if you take splash damage if close. Also increase ammo for weapons
Weapons mods: press y to use weapons mod or hold y to switch weapons mods on with weapons you have equipped at the moment. List of weapons mods: sticky bomb: shoot a sticky bomb at enemies from the shotgun. Precision bolt: shoot a sniper bullet to hit enemy, micro missiles: tap y to fire micro missiles for 5 seconds. Plasma blast: fires the plasma rifle to build up a powerful close up blast of plasma at enemies. Remote detonator: detonator a rocket before it hit something, lock on: lock on to a enemy to fire three rockets at once. Ammo for weapons
Ballistic and chaingun: ballistic fire one single powerful shot at enemies, chaingun fire multibullet fast at one. Weapons mods for ballistic and chaingun: destroyer blade: tap y multiple time to change an horizontally line to shoot at enemies. air blast: shoot a sticky bomb at enemies. Mobile turret: tap y to turn your chaingun into a mobile turret to shoot at enemies.
Super shotgun: doomslayer most iconic weapon. Deal massive damage to enemies at close ranger.
Upgrades path
The return of the king: weapons mods from doom 2016
Double shot: fire two shot from the super shotgun
Change shot: change up a powerful shot from the shotgun
Chaingun speed up: when activate you have increased speed
Doom is eternal: weapons mods from doom eternal
Meathook: fire a grapple hook from to pull yourself at enemies
Full auto: tap to shoot multiple shotgun shells at enemies
Chaingun shield: put a to absorb damage into a shield
Sky chi attack
Bfg9000: shoot a green ball that make if way cross the stage. One hit kill enemies with it tentacles
Soul gem power ups
A combat encounter can randomly drop a power up from doom
Onslaught: deal massive damage to enemies
Hasty: infinite ammo and increased speed
Berserk: punch enemies that one hit kill them
When play as doom slayer, an random songs from his games will play when fighting enemies or a boss
His player icon Change depends on much heath you have.
His catchphrase is rip and tear
His appearance in this take place between doom 2016 and doom eternal
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e3ammm · 1 year
Heath X Jake Filmography Crossovers
Written in Korean
I've been trying to translate them into English, but since this year's quite tough, it seems hard to finish it in 2023. If there's someone who wants to read, please use Google translator or similar site functions/software.
Above link is to a whole series itself. If you want to read each content, please click its title below.
Every Joker X Quentin is based on Ennis X Jack relationship.
Contents - Short Novel, One Shot
Heath Joker X Detective Loki / How to Remember Our Days (회상의 방식) / 2 episodes, unfinished
Joker X Quentin(Mysterio) / Untitled (무제)
Joker X Quentin / Reward (몸값)
Casanova X Dastan / One Day Together (하루를 보내며)
Joker X Quentin / Oath (맹세)
Ennis X Jack & Joker X Quentin / Face (얼굴)
Ennis X Jack / Untitled (무제)
Joker X Quentin / Chirstmas Miracle (크리스마스의 기적)
Alex X Anthony / Symbiosis (공생)
Contents - Short & Long Drabbles Compilation
Drabbles Compilation #1 (Ennis X Jack / Joker X Loki / Joker X Danny / Joker X Robert / Joker X Lou / Casanova X Dastan / Patrick X Davis (in case of Patrick: way after becoming adult) / Joker X Quentin / Alex X Loki / Patrick X Donnie)
Drabbles Compilation #2 (Joker X Quentin / Joker X Danny / Ennis X Jack / Joker X Robert / Casanova X Dastan / Alex X Loki / Alex X Anthony / Patrick X Donnie / H and J's characters)
Drabbles Compilation #3 (Joker X Quentin / Casanova X Dastan / Alex X Anthony / Ennis X Jack / Sonny X Anthony / Sonny X Lou / Joker X Jack / Ennis X Quentin / Ennis X Anthony / Sonny X Loki / Joker X Loki / Alex X Loki X Alex) / Some Alex X Loki X Alex drabbles contain JH.
Drabbles Compilation #4 (Joker X Quentin / Alex X Anthony / Casanova X Dastan / Ennis X Jack / Alex X Loki / Joker X Loki) / Mature ~ Explicit
Drabbles Compilation #5 (Alex X Anthony / Alex X Loki / Ennis X Jack / Sonny X Anthony / Sonny X Loki / Dan X Edward / Joker X Quentin)
Drabbles Compilation #6 (Joker X Quentin / Ennis X Jack / Alex X Anthony / Casanova X Dastan) / Mature ~ Explicit
Drabbles Compilation #7 (Alex X Anthony / Ennis X Jack / Joker X Quentin / Sonny X Loki / Patrick X Donnie / Casanova X Dastan / Alex X Loki)
Drabbles Compilation #8 (Ennis X Jack / Alex X Anthony / Joker X Quentin / Casanova X Dastan / Sonny X Loki / Joker X Quentin & Casanova X Quentin / Alex X Loki)
Drabbles Compilation #9 (Patrick X Donnie / Ennis X Jack / Alex X Anthony / Alex X Loki / Joker X Quentin / Sonny X Loki / Casanova X Dastan / Dan X Anthony)
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okami-zero · 1 year
Anyone with coulrophobia might want to put Netflix's tumblr on block for a while (they have a tumblr account o.O), and also get your adblock software up to date. Why?
The latest round of One Piece ads has pictures/images of one of the villains, Buggy the Clown in them. They also seem to have pop-up images of him on the desktop site (one if my mutuals posted about it earlier).
In the manga and the show, he was... about as bombastically designed as everyone else. Im live action, though?
He looks like IT and Heath Ledger's Joker did the fusion dance and then raided a production of Pirates of Penzance.
Super Creepy.
One of the images is a close up of his face and...yea.
So heads up if you have a fear of or are even remotely unsettled by creepy clowns.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Birthdays 7.9
Beer Birthdays
Jacob Perkins (1766)
Peter Grant Hay (1879)
Rudolph J. Schaefer (1900)
Joe Owedes (1919)
John Foyston (1950)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Marc Andreessen; software engineer, entrepreneur (1971)
Chris Cooper; actor (1951)
Tom Hanks; actor (1956)
Ottorino Respighi; composer (1879)
Fred Savage; actor (1976)
Famous Birthdays
Ed Ames; singer (1927)
Frank Boaz; anthropologist (1858)
Barbara Cartland; English writer (1901)
Brian Dennehy; actor (1938)
Michael Graves; architect (1934)
James Hampton; actor (1936)
Lee Hazelwood; songwriter (1929)
Edward Heath; British prime minister (1919)
David Hockney; artist (1937)
Elias Howe; sewing machine inventor (1819)
Dean R. Koontz; writer (1945)
Courtney Love; rock singer (1964)
Kelly McGillis; actor (1957)
Ann Radcliffe; writer (1764)
Riley Reid; pornstar (1991)
Richard Roundtree; actor (1942)
Donald Rumsfeld; conservative wingnut, war criminal (1932)
Oliver Sacks; British neurologist, writer (1933)
O.J. Simpson; Buffalo Bills RB, murderer (1947)
Debbie Sledge; singer (1954)
Jimmy Smits; actor (1955)
John Tesh; television host, pop singer (1952)
Dorothy Thompson; writer (1894)
Jack White; rock musician (1975)
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prospitianescapee · 2 years
Elon Musk is putting Twitter at risk of billions in fines, warns company lawyer
Meanwhile, Musk’s personal lawyer is telling people, ‘Elon puts rockets into space, he’s not afraid of the FTC.’
By Alex Heath / Updated Nov 10, 2022, 11:52 AM EST
Twitter’s privacy and security teams are in turmoil after Elon Musk’s changes to the service bypassed its standard data governance processes. Now, a company lawyer is encouraging employees to seek whistleblower protection “if you feel uncomfortable about anything you’re being asked to do.”
The company’s chief privacy officer Damien Kieran, chief information security officer Lea Kissner, and chief compliance officer Marianne Fogarty have all resigned, according to two employees and an internal message seen by The Verge. Kissner confirmed their departure in a tweet on Thursday.
In a note posted to Twitter’s Slack and viewable to all staff that was obtained by The Verge, an attorney on the company’s privacy team wrote, “Elon has shown that his only priority with Twitter users is how to monetize them. I do not believe he cares about the human rights activists. the dissidents, our users in un-monetizable regions, and all the other users who have made Twitter the global town square you have all spent so long building, and we all love.”
The FTC reached a settlement with Twitter in May after the company was caught using personal user info to target ads. If Twitter doesn’t comply with that agreement, the FTC can issue fines reaching into the billions of dollars, according to the lawyer’s note to employees.
The note goes on to say that its author, who The Verge knows the identity of but is choosing not to disclose, has “heard Alex Spiro (current head of Legal) say that Elon is willing to take on a huge amount of risk in relation to this company and its users, because ‘Elon puts rockets into space, he’s not afraid of the FTC.’”
Musk’s new legal department is now asking engineers to “self-certify” compliance with FTC rules and other privacy laws, according to the lawyer’s note and another employee familiar with the matter, who requested anonymity to speak without the company’s permission.
The employee said this week’s launch of the revamped Twitter Blue subscription disregarded the company’s normal privacy and security review, with a “red team” reviewing potential risks the night before the launch. “The people normally tasked with this stuff were given little notice, little time, and unreasonable to think it [the privacy review] was comprehensive.” None of the red team’s recommendations were implemented before Twitter Blue’s relaunch, the employee said.
Musk has signaled that one of his first priorities is rebuilding Twitter’s infrastructure. During a Twitter Spaces audio conversation with advertisers on Wednesday, he said that he wanted to redo the company’s software stack so that the same technology is powering the relevance of tweets and ads. “We have to be adventuresome here,” he said.
In a statement shared with The Verge after this story was published, an unnamed FTC spokesperson said the agency was “tracking recent developments at Twitter with deep concern. No CEO or company is above the law, and companies must follow our consent decrees. Our revised consent order gives us new tools to ensure compliance, and we are prepared to use them.”
Former Twitter outside counsel Riana Pfefferkorn noted in a tweet that the company’s FTC consent order requires the company to do privacy reviews before making changes to the product. That same FTC consent order requires Twitter to submit a compliance notice signed by predetermined officers of the company to the FTC 14 days after a change in company control — which means Twitter owes the FTC a compliance notice today, 14 days after Musk took over.
“I anticipate that all of you will be pressured by management into pushing out changes that will likely lead to major incidents,” the Twitter lawyer wrote in the Slack message, which you can read in full at the end of this article.
On Thursday evening, Musk sent an email to employees obtained by The Verge to address concerns about the FTC consent order. “I cannot emphasize enough that Twitter will do whatever it takes to adhere to both the letter and spirit of the FTC consent decree,” he wrote. “Anything you read to the contrary is absolutely false. The same goes for any other government regulatory matters where Twitter operates.”
Here is what the Twitter lawyer wrote in Twitter’s Slack:
Twitter is a remote-first workplace, and has operated as such for years. It is a fundamental change to our employment contracts to require a 40hr a week in-office requirement. I do not, personally, believe that Twitter employees have an obligation to return to office. Certainly not on no notice (if at all). I also remind all Tweeps (at least in the US) that we have an unlimited PTO policy. All Tweeps are able to take PTO. Perhaps today is a good day to take some rest and recharge. Everyone here should also know that our CISO, Chief Privacy Officer and Chief Compliance Officer ALL resigned last night. This news will be buried in the return-to-office drama. I believe that is intentional. Over the last two weeks. Elon has shown that he cares only about recouping the losses he’s incurring as a result of failing to get out of his binding obligation to buy Twitter. He chose to enter into that agreement! All of us are being put through this as a result of the choices he made. Elon has shown that his only priority with Twitter users is how to monetize them. I do not believe he cares about the human rights activists. the dissidents, our users in un-monetizable regions, and all the other users who have made Twitter the global town square you have all spent so long building, and we all love. I have heard Alex Spiro (current head of Legal) say that Elon is willing to take on a huge amount of risk in relation to this company and its users, because “Elon puts rockets into space, he’s not afraid of the FTC.” I have heard another leader in the Legal department say that because of the tight SLA’s (of two weeks?!) between product inception > launch, Legal will “have to shift the burden to engineers” to self-certify compliance with FTC requirements and other laws. This will put huge amount of personal, professional and legal risk onto engineers: I anticipate that all of you will be pressured by management into pushing out changes that will likely lead to major incidents. All of this is extremely dangerous for our users. Also, given that the FTC can (and will!) fine Twitter BILLIONS of dollars pursuant to the FTC Consent Order, extremely detrimental to Twitter’s longevity as a platform. Our users deserve so much better than this. If you feel uncomfortable about anything you’re being asked to do, you can call Twitter’s Ethics Hotline at (800) 275-4843 or submit a report at ethicshelpline.twitter.com. Please also note the FTC’s number is: 1-877-FTC-HELP. You may also remember that Mudge reached out to httos://whistlebloweraid.org I wish you all luck. It’s been such an honor to work with all of you. And I’ll be taking a day of PTO today. 🫡💙
The Verge reached out to Musk for comment. Twitter no longer has a communications department.
Makena Kelly contributed reporting for this story.
Update November 10th, 7:25PM ET: Added Thursday evening email from Musk.
Update November 10th, 11:50AM ET: Added the full Slack message from a Twitter lawyer, details about Musk’s comments to advertisers, more about the launch of Twitter Blue, and noted that Musk was contacted for comment.
Update November 10th, 2:28PM ET: Added more information about the FTC consent order Twitter is under and a comment from the agency.
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uhcstaffing1 · 28 days
How to Use Data Analytics to Predict Staffing Needs in Healthcare
 Healthcare organizations have a number of concerns when it comes to staffing levels and overtime provisions. These challenges can lead to financial problems, low morale, and poor quality of care for patients. 
This is where predictive analytics healthcare comes in as it gives useful information that can assist in determining the right number of people that can be hired to ensure that there is no overtime. 
In the general healthcare context, overtime costs do not only have monetary consequences but also many other organizational implications. 
Excessive overtime can have several negative consequences
Employee Morale 
This is because workers who are subjected to long hours of work are likely to get bored and demotivated, and this may result in increased cases of staff absenteeism and high turnover rates among heath care staff. 
In particular, the working hours should not be too long because the employees who work overtime may become tired and stressed, which negatively affects their satisfaction and performance. 
This has implications on the workplace environment and results in higher turnover, thus increased recruitment and training costs. 
Patient Care 
Tired workers tend to make mistakes and this can impact the quality of treatment and the general wellbeing of patients. Research has demonstrated that health care workers who often work long hours are prone to committing errors in their evaluations of patients, prescriptions, and other important responsibilities. 
Such mistakes may pose risks to the lives of patients, contribute to the worsening of their conditions or cause other complications, and potentially result in medical negligence lawsuits. 
Financial Impact 
When overtime is incurred, it is added as an extra cost to the organization’s expenses since they have to pay employees for the extra hours worked. Besides, the monetary cost of having to pay overtime wages, employers are likely to incur other costs including reduced efficiency, high absenteeism, and high turnover rates. 
These financial costs can put pressure on resources that can be used in other important areas such as technology, staff training, and new patient care services. 
The Role of Predictive Analytics in Workforce Management 
Healthcare predictive analytics is the process of utilizing data, statistical models, and machine learning to determine the risk of future events. 
In healthcare staffing, predictive analytics tools can:
Forecast Staffing Demands: Business intelligence solutions are used to forecast the demand of staffs in the future to support organizational planning. 
These models take into account several parameters including patient admission rates, seasonal variations and staff availability in an effort to give the correct proroll for staffing. 
Identify Trends
In working with staffing and patient data, it is possible to identify certain patterns and trends that will help to improve workforce planning. 
Healthcare predictive analytics software can reveal many staff-related issues like the time of the day or year that admissions are highest, patient characteristics, or when contagious diseases are most common. 
Optimize Resource Allocation
It can assist in the right staffing by predicting the number of staff that is required for a certain period to avoid overcrowding or shortage of staff. Staffing has the potential to be effective when it is adjusted to the needs of patients to avoid understaffing or overstaffing, decrease overtime, and improve patient care. 
4 Stages to Eradicating Overtime Costs with Healthcare Data Analytics 
1. Use Data Analysis to Determine Overtime Patterns 
Predictive analytics solutions can categorize the data to detected patterns that contribute to overtime usage. 
Common factors include: 
Seasonal Fluctuations 
Patient admission and discharge rates can be influenced by the seasons which in turn affects staffing requirements. For instance, flu season is characterized by an increase in the number of people admitted into the hospital, while elective procedures may also have a particular time of the year, they are most common. 
Knowledge of these trends can help to adjust staffing levels and prevent a situation where the number of patients increases or decreases significantly. 
Patient Volume 
One of the major risks that may be attributed to fluctuations in the number of patients is the possibility of working extra hours especially when there is a surge in admissions or emergency cases. 
Healthcare predictive analytics can also be used to analyses trends in patients, for instance, due to certain events, holidays, or other epidemics. By identifying such fluctuations, healthcare organizations can work towards having adequate staffing levels for the times when patient traffic is high without necessarily having to resort to overtime work. 
Staff Scheduling Preferences 
Employee preferences and accessibility influence scheduling and overtime. For example, some of the staff members may have preferences towards specific shift or they may have restrictions on their working hours. 
Healthcare organization’s scheduling software for employees can use these preferences to schedule employees in a way that meets both the needs of the employee and the organization and helps reduce overtime. 
2. Staffing Planning to Avoid Overtime 
Staffing requirements can also be predicted through the use of models that analyses the past, future, and events like events and seasonal variations. 
Accurate forecasting helps prevent: 
Understaffing: The healthcare industry trends in predictive analytics can therefore be used to accurately determine the periods of high demand and can help organizations to ensure that they do not understaff during such times by hiring extra personnel or contracting for the services of extra staff. 
Overstaffing: Overmanning can lead to wasteful expenses and also hinder productivity in the organization. Organizational planning can utilize predictive models to point out prolonged periods of low demand, thus helping organizations avoid overstaffing. 
3. Implement Data-Driven Scheduling Strategies 
Some of the methods that can be used in order to reduce overtime include the following: Scheduling for healthcare workers can be done with the help of the following strategies based on predictive analysis. 
Flexible Scheduling
Rotating shift schedules depending on the expected influx of patients and the availability of employees in a facility. Staffing can also be done in flexible manner to ensure that there is adequate staffing to meet the demand during busy times while minimizing the use of overtime. 
Shift Adjustments
Shift duration or shift start time can also be changed in order to suit the demand more effectively. It is possible to determine that the number of patients is at its highest during specific time of the day, week or month, thus helping organizations to schedule staffing appropriately. 
Predictive Scheduling
Scheduling to minimize overtime through the development of models that help in determining the appropriate number of staff to assign for specific periods. 
Due to its ability to use past information, employee preferences, and expected demand, predictive scheduling provides the best schedules that can be used to meet organizational objectives without incurring high costs on overtime. 
4. Supervise and Adapt Approaches for Sustainable Development 
One of the critical steps in staffing management is the regular assessment of staffing activities to determine where changes can be made. 
Predictive analytics facilitates real-time monitoring of staffing levels and overtime usage, allowing organizations to:
Identify Trends: Identify trends in staffing and overtime, including new patterns that may be developing. Ongoing assessment of staffing data can help identify patterns and trends that may affect overtime, trends in patient demand, staffing supply, and scheduling strategies, among others. 
Make Adjustments: Make changes in accordance with the information received to arrange the staff and personnel. Real-time monitoring enables organizations to be on the alert of changes in demand and make necessary changes to staffing and schedules to ensure adequate coverage. 
One of the ways that healthcare organizations can use predictive analytics solutions is in determining the most effective staffing levels and avoiding overtime expenses. 
By learning the effects of overtime, applying business intelligence and analytics, and using value-based planning and scheduling, healthcare organizations can optimize productivity and efficacy, increase employee satisfaction and morale, and provide quality patient care.
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newstfionline · 1 month
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Presidential candidates, polls, and the issues (APNORC.org) As Kamala Harris secures the Democratic nomination for president, people are more likely to feel Harris is honest, committed to democracy, disciplined, and cares about people like them, compared with Donald Trump. About equal shares describe Trump and Harris as capable of winning the election in November, a strong leader, and capable of handling a crisis. Forty-two percent think Harris has the right vision of the country and 35% say Trump has the right vision. When it comes to comparing the candidates on the issues, the public is more likely to trust Trump to do a better job handling the economy and immigration.  Harris is more trusted to handle racial inequality, abortion, and heath care. The public is closely divided on which candidate would do a better job of handling crime or the wars in Gaza and Ukraine.
The US military and its Chinese suppliers (Govini.com) While China cranks out advanced weapons at a prodigious rate, it has also embedded itself in the supply chains for vital components of U.S. military platforms and weapons systems, creating U.S. reliance on the Chinese industrial base. Data from Govini’s Ark.ai, the software system for defense acquisition, show that between 2005 and 2020, the level of Chinese suppliers in the U.S. supply chains quadrupled. In categories such as electronics, industrial equipment, and transportation, China’s expansion is even more pronounced. Between 2014 and 2022, U.S. dependence on China for electronics increased by 600%. Chinese companies are embedded in the supply chains of subcontractors to defense primes across system components such as electronics, software, fuses and detonators, and data links. Tracing these connections reveals an adversarial presence in critical long-range systems.
'Don’t become a statistic': Hurricane Ernesto brings rip current danger to millions (USA Today) Hurricane Ernesto's eye was hundreds of miles from the U.S. on Saturday as it made landfall on Bermuda, but the storm will bring weekend danger to East Coast beaches, according to rip current and high surf warnings. Over 1 million people were under high surf advisories, while another nearly 10 million had statements issued for rip currents, according to the National Weather Service. (Rip currents can prove a deadly hazard for people far away from the center of a hurricane.) As far north as New York City, officials closed beaches in Brooklyn and Queens for the weekend due to dangerous rip currents from Ernesto. New Jersey officials also warned of dangerous and life-threatening rip currents along the Jersey Shore.
The British Have Finally Learned to Love Peanut Butter (NYT) When the American political commentator and noted peanut butter lover William F. Buckley Jr. arrived at an English boarding school in the late 1930s, care packages from home would include jars of peanut butter, which his British peers, he later wrote, “one after another actually spit out.” But over the last decade, Britain and many other corners of Europe have come around. Perched between the jams and marmalades at Waitrose, a popular British grocery chain, there are now 35 varieties of peanut butter—creamy and chunky, sweet and salty and extra-dark roasted, crammed into jars, squeeze bottles and two-pound tubs. Peanut butter—or as Jon Krampner, the author of “Creamy and Crunchy: An Informal History of Peanut Butter,” calls it, the “all-American spread”—has well and truly landed across the Atlantic. Britain is not the first European nation to take up the sticky baton—the Netherlands outpaces even the United States in peanut butter consumption, according to Mr. Krampner. Yet the land of marmite is the most recent European country where the product has taken off.
In a Ukrainian prison, cells are full of young Russian conscripts (Washington Post) In the basement of a prison in northeastern Ukraine, dozens of Russian soldiers—some wounded, most barely adults—sat huddled on metal bunk beds Friday, dressed in mismatched T-shirts and flip flops. In one tile-floored cell secured with a heavy metal door, Garfield played on a TV in the corner. The prisoners of war are not seasoned fighters who were caught in battle in Ukraine, but Russian soldiers captured at home after a surprise Ukrainian incursion into Russia last week. Many are among Russia’s youngest men: conscripts fulfilling their year-long mandatory military service who were never supposed to see combat, let alone enter Ukraine. The capture of so many unprepared young men poses a significant challenge for the Kremlin. It also serves as a test case for Ukraine on how to handle such a large number of Russian POWs. Conscription service is a politically explosive subject in Russia, where all men must serve in the military once they turn 18. After Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised concerned mothers that conscripts would not be involved in any fighting.
India to hold first assembly elections in disputed Kashmir in 10 years (AP) India on Friday announced three-phased assembly elections in disputed Kashmir, the first in a decade and in a new political environment after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government in 2019 stripped the Muslim-majority region of its semi-autonomy and downgraded it to a federally controlled territory. Since those changes the region has remained on edge, governed by a New Delhi appointed administrator and run by bureaucrats with no democratic credentials. The new polls will be held between Sept. 18 and Oct. 1, India’s Election Commission said at a news conference in the capital, New Delhi. The vote will take place in a staggered process that allows the government to deploy tens of thousands of troops to prevent any outbreak of violence. However, contrary to the past, the local assembly will barely have any legislative powers with only nominal control over education and culture. Legislating laws for the region will continue to be with India’s parliament while policy decisions will be made in the capital.
China’s rhetoric drives Taiwanese back home (BBC) Recent Chinese policy moves to criminalise support for Taiwan are unnerving the plummeting number of Taiwanese people who live and work in China, as well as those living on the democratically governed island. China’s Taiwan Affairs Office was quick to assure the 23 million Taiwanese that its new polices are not targeted at them, but at an “extremely small number of hard-line independence activists”. The “vast majority of Taiwanese compatriots have nothing to fear,” the office said. But wary Taiwanese say they don’t want to test that claim. “I am currently planning to speed up my departure,” a Taiwanese businesswoman based in China said. “Any statement you make now could be misinterpreted and you could be reported.”
Typhoon Ampil moves away from Japan as train services resume and no major damage is reported (AP) A powerful typhoon that slammed the Tokyo area with heavy rains and brought mudslide warnings in northern Japan headed eastward out into the Pacific Ocean away from the coast Saturday. There were no reports of major damage. Tokyo and nearby areas were back to normal under sunny skies. Bullet trains that cancelled services between Tokyo and Nagoya, stranding thousands of passengers, resumed operations with the first morning train. Some local trains were still delayed, however, and dozens of airline flights remained cancelled. Typhoon Ampil was moving away from Japan’s eastern coast at 20 kph (12 mph), with sustained winds of 162 kph (101 mph), the Japan Meteorological Agency said.
US official says Mideast mediators are preparing for implementation of cease-fire deal in advance (AP) In a sign that mediators believe a Gaza cease-fire deal is imminent, a U.S. official said Friday that Mideast negotiators are working out logistics for the potential release of hostages and distribution of aid as part of any agreement to end the Israel-Hamas war. The official, who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity in keeping with rules set by the White House, said the proposal currently on the table basically bridges every gap between Israel and Hamas and mediators were making preparations before a final deal is approved. It was unclear what measures were being taken, but the official said a new “implementation cell” was being established in Cairo in advance. The cell would focus on logistics, including freeing hostages, providing humanitarian aid for Gaza and ensuring that the terms of the pact are met, the official said.
Palestinian killed as Israeli settlers torch West Bank village (BBC) A Palestinian man was shot dead as dozens of Israeli settlers attacked a village in the north of the occupied West Bank overnight, setting fire to houses and cars, Palestinian officials say. The settlers—some wearing masks—also threw rocks and Molotov cocktails in the village of Jit, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said. It is the latest in the series of attacks by extremist settlers on Palestinian villages in the West Bank, where there has been a spike in violence since Hamas’s deadly attack on Israel on 7 October and the ensuing war in Gaza. Israel has built about 160 settlements housing some 700,000 Jews since it occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem—land the Palestinians want as part of a future state—in the 1967 Middle East war. The vast majority of the international community considers the settlements illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this.
CPJ denounces Israel’s smearing of killed Palestinian journalists with unsubstantiated ‘terrorist’ labels (CPJ) The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Israel to stop making unproven claims that journalists slain by its forces are terrorists or engaging in militant activity, and demands international, swift, and independent investigations into these killings. “Even before the start of the Israel-Gaza war, CPJ had documented Israel’s pattern of accusing journalists of being terrorists without producing credible evidence to substantiate their claims,” said CPJ Program Director Carlos Martínez de la Serna. “Smear campaigns endanger journalists and erode public trust in the media. Israel must end this practice and allow independent international investigations into the journalists’ killings.” Since the war began on October 7, 2023, Israel has used questionable and sometimes contradictory evidence to label at least three journalists killed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as members or suspected members of militant organizations.
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considerourknowledge · 2 months
Whoopsy! Global Technology Outage Brings Everything to Ass Grinding Halt
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Airlines, health care, banks, and scores of other businesses and services around the world began to slowly recover on Friday after severe disruptions caused by a global technology outage. The outage was attributed to CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm whose software is used by myriad industries around the world to protect against hackers and outside breaches. Sadly, the anti-hacking software's latest update created a cascading effect that crashed technology all over the world and really showed how fucked we are when things go wrong. Heath care and emergency services were among those most affected, which is really disturbing considering how those are already pretty messed up to begin with. "It's like what we thought Y2K would be. Remember that? We finally had that thing, just 24 years later," said George Kurtz, the chief executive of CrowdStrike.
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systemtek · 2 months
Crowdstrike says its software update triggered worldwide Microsoft IT outages
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A worldwide outage today has been traced to a fault with an update in Crowdstrikes "Falcon Sensor" software, this is causing Microsoft Windows to crash and display a blue screen error. Today's outages included heath care, card payment provides, broadcasters and many company's worldwide. Here in the UK many NHS systems were offline for a number of hours, while other broadcasters were unable to show their programs. Issues with CrowdStrike's kernel driver seem to be responsible for the global outages. The company has confirmed in a statement that the problem is not due to a cyberattack or malicious hack. Machines affected by the blue screen error can try the fix using the instructions provided below. CrowdStrike Engineering has identified a content deployment related to this issue and reverted those changes. Workaround Steps: - Boot Windows into Safe Mode or the Windows Recovery Environment - Navigate to the C:WindowsSystem32driversCrowdStrike directory - Locate the file matching “C-00000291*.sys”, and delete it. - Boot the host normally. In a statement Microsoft said “We're aware of an issue affecting Windows devices due to an update from a third-party software platform. We anticipate a resolution is forthcoming," a Microsoft spokesperson says” Shortly after the above statement was issued Crowdstrike said “Crowdstrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts. "Mac and Linux hosts are not impacted. This is not a security incident or cyberattack. "The issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed. "We refer customers to the support portal for the latest updates and will continue to provide complete and continuous updates on our website. "We further recommend organisations ensure they’re communicating with Crowdstrike representatives through official channels. "Our team is fully mobilised to ensure the security and stability of Crowdstrike customers." CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts. Mac and Linux hosts are not impacted. This is not a security incident or cyberattack. The issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed. We…— George Kurtz (@George_Kurtz) July 19, 2024 Read the full article
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