#Heather httyd
violet-moonstone · 11 hours
thinking about how heather and dagur could be interpreted as having attachment issues but in opposite ways
like dagur holds on too tight (literally and figuratively) and tends to lack self awareness, meanwhile heather is avoidant and constantly doubts how much people care for her
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krikunjayvoice · 11 days
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Dagur: - I'm so glad that I introduced you * sarcasm*
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I really enjoyed (most) of her screen time!
I wasn’t a fan of her in RoB/DoB, mainly because she was more of a plot device than a character. Like they just found some washed up girl, Astrid got jealous (That entire ‘oh there’s another hen in the rooster house) thing felt really fucking odd) and idk she betrayed them or smth. She was a good twist ‘villain’ but other than that I don’t have much more to say there.
In Rtte however, she had a really good plot. She was actually a character instead of a prop! She did another twist villain adjacent stunt with the dragon hunters, and Astrid being the only one clued in was so cool??? They really are such a good duo I love them. And the whole thing with Dagur and Oswald I LOVED. Genuinely one of the most heart breaking moments of of season three when Heather read that scroll oh my gods.
But yeah, overall I do enjoy Heather as a character, but, as for most fictional women, she could’ve done with a touch of whatever magic the arcane writers possess.
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that-one-enby-kid · 1 year
*psst psst* httyd fans I got memes *psst psst*
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Like a lot of memes
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honeymilkbubbletea · 4 months
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I wonder who they're talking to? Hmmm 🤔
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
How about Astrid ruffnut hiccup and heather x a smartass reader who rides a timerjack, because I know the pain of not being able to scratch my back.
Astrid,ruffnut,hiccup and heather x smartass reader who rides a timberjack
*demon noises*👹
My first httyd request!,I love timberjacks they're so cool,I love most the dragons tho so.
Not being able to scratch your back must be a pain in the ass :/
Has been proofread
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I dont think It would be a surprise that you and her would get along
Your both badasses and smart
However sometimes you do lose her,if you go into particular detail she doesn't always understand
Stormfly and your timberjack get along extremely well,they're both beautiful and magnificent dragons
It's nice to sometimes just go on a night flight together with no one annoying you
She likes to listen to your ideas and rambles,even if she cant understand everything she still listens
On winter nights you both take a walk sometimes and sit under a tree whilst your timberjack sheilds you from the cold
If your ever running low on wood you,her stormfly and your timberjack go to a forest and have a day of chopping wood and having fun.
She likes to watch when you and hiccup or fishlegs play masons and talons agaisnt eachother,obviously cheering you on
If your timberjack ever needs their back scratched pleas do it
During missions Astrid and stormfly will stay close to you and try deflect any arrows that get to close to you since your timberjacks wings are so big
Having date nights when it's raining underneath a timberjacks wing>>
She likes to chip in on your dragon ramblings
If you do any illustrations or make anything she'll ask if she can see it,she likes seeing your work :)
Loves to spar with you
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She loves you so much
Your relationship dynamic is literally,stupid chaotic and smart(chaotic/good/etc)
She likes to give your timberjack back scratches
She loves to listen to your rambles,she wont understand anything but she'll sit there like this (////ó//w//ò////)
Shes head over heels for you
She puts her full trust in the words you say,you could just be saying the stupidest shit ever and she'll completely agree with you
She likes the fact that you have a destructive dragon
She will test how sharp your timberjacks talons are so you might want to supervise her around your timberjack
Will kick tuffnut off belch so you can ride on him
She will have input on many things and openly tells you
Tuffnut is nice to you(mainly so ruffnut dosnt do anything to macey)
Will ask if she can ride your timberjack,if you do say yes just make sure she dosnt end up decimating berks trees
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I think it's pretty obvious that you would both get along
Both of you give your own input and ideas/suggestions to eachother
Hes never met someone who rides a timberjack so he will ask if he can study them
If you allow him to he will be very careful and delicate
Toothless and the timberjack get along so well,and they are both so cute,you found your timberjack with its wing on toothless with both of them sleeping once
Hiccup is very supportive of your ideas and constantly asks for your opinion and ideas
During the time when him and viggo where at each others necks he asks you what you think would be the right move,hes especially stressed with the viggo situation so he needs all the help and support he can get.
He and toothless help you and your timberjack improve on dodging and evasive maneuvers
Sometimes if you help with the twins and snotlout hes ever so grateful
He loves how smart you are and if he's ever on a mission with you and one of the twins or snotlout tags along you basically translate what hiccups saying
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She dosnt always understand what you say but she'll try her best
She trys to learn more and read books so she understands you more
She feels bad for not always understanding you but she makes up for it by being affectionate
She loves to spar with you and try improve not only her own skills but your aswell
Windshear and her cover for you alot,windshears scales are very thick and so she can take hits every so often
She finds your timberjack very fascinating
Your timberjack and windshear get along very well
You and heather once had a friendly competition to see whether windshears spines were sharper or your timberjacks talons
Every so often she likes playing masons and talons with you
Although dagur may at first seem stand off-ish and harsh hes not,hes just protective and worried for heather
You are one of the only people who windshear let's ride her
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angelled-art · 1 year
"... Be safe. Your brother, Dagur."
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Heather reads Dagur's letter :,3
This art started as a random sketch inspired by one AI generation, but then I drew her the letter and wanted to make a full color drawing out of it. I couldn't bring the background to something normal for a very long time, and this is probably the best I could do..
Hope you like it:³.. and let's just cry together, remembering this beautiful RTTE scene...🥲
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schrodingerspsycho · 8 months
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Help Palestine by clicking this link!🇵🇸
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neytui · 9 months
i would adore some heather art in your beautiful style ♥
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hey midnight post
She's badass so that's cool, thank you for your words anon <3
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mothmansbakery · 1 year
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Here’s the rest of the ships I got plus a sketch of chicken with barf and belch cuz I ran out of steam at the time
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mossycat · 3 months
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It's not finished, but I'm done with her sksksk
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thecabinsixwitch · 5 months
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how to train your dragon aesthetics: 7/?
👩🏻 🪓 👊🏻 😤
“And if you need a warrior to take care of that dastardly Berserker... I'm your girl!”
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krikunjayvoice · 9 months
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My Favorite Characters from the entire franchise
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frozentothetouch · 7 months
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I’ve come full circle
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2020 - 2016
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jweekgoji · 2 months
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I swear this entire dialogue looked like two girls in love secretly meeting with each other because they are too afraid to tell everyone that they're dating
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the "we should tell Hiccup about what we're doing" 🤨 "this feels so wrong" 🤨 "I never lied to him" 🤨🏳️‍🌈?!
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honeymilkbubbletea · 11 months
I haven't posted in a while, but don't worry, I was just sick
And thanks to that, I finally had time for Defenders Of Berk rewatch yay!
Anyways, they were my enemies to lovers 💕
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You can't even imagine how hard 12 yo me was rooting for Heather x Astrid
(You know what to do to get better quality)
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