#Helghan Empire
dollfishu · 4 years
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Helghan paintings on the walls of Visari’s Palace ~
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slimcharlesau · 6 years
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‘Bled for Helghan’ Been pretty busy with University stuff lately so sorry for not posting a lot fellas.
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All-Stars -Story Mode- CHAPTER 15 Pt. 5
After a long absence of the story, I am now posting this part finally after I finished up this and been sitting there just collecting dust. Do enjoy this part. ^^
P.S: I had noticed some mistakes on this part so I edited just in case you are going to point it out.
Part 4
Part 6
-Meanwhile, with the Group of Survivors in Fallen City, at the Exit of the Caves-
A light at the end of the Caves, Werner is one of the ones who saw it as he said “Zhe end of zhe Caves, ve’re nearly at zhe exit of zhe Caves.” to Cuphead, Mugman, Frisk, Bendy and Radec.
“Good! I’m getting too tired of this bulls@#4t already.” P!Dempsey said as he kept padding with P!Takeo’s help as they are close to U!Richtofen who is the only one padding while U!Nikolai had passed out drunk.
Bruno had been silent since his teammates had been taken, Sniper had happened to row by with Scout and Demoman when he noticed him, so he asked “Mate, are you alright?”
“I was barely alright, Austrian.” Bruno barely answered, “I am still worried for my allies, Scarlett, Shaw and annoying Mexican, Diego. If what Knight said about them being in the different universe then…” he continued but Scout cut him off as he said “I missed Miss Pauling too! But hey, I’m pretty sure they will be fine!”
“Just ignore him laddie,” Demoman said as he shook his head, “He is our version of the Annoying Mexican, Bruno.” he humored.
Bruno smiled as he shook his head and said “Expect he had million words carumed into one mouth.” as Scout had overheard this conversion and yelled “Hey!” making Sniper and Demoman laughed.
Colonel Radec had been focused on the Cave’s walls for any Hallow creature so he can give his men or his worst enemies to know so they wouldn’t be in a valuable state again. Frisk had looked at the river as they drifted away in their memories of the Underground once again.
"Tra la la. Did you ever hear the old song coming from the sea?"
They giggled as they recalled the lines the River Person had quoted whenever they took the boat ride to any part of the Underground, on the line for Alphys, to visit the Skeleton Brothers and others that became their friends.
Radec had heard them laughing and looked over to them to which Frisk noticed and looked back at him. “What are laughing about, Human? He asked as he does acknowledge that he was STILL trapped within the blob of ink that Bendy had him in.
>[Something I remembered.]<                              [None of your business.]
                                        >[Something I remembered.]
“Remembered something?” he said after Frisk answered, “Human child like you had laughed after you remembered something funny?” he asked, Frisk nervously nodded as they did remembered when they first met Undyne while on the way on Hotland.
*You asked him why he thought of that…. *Along with the reason why he and them are here.
Radec remained quiet for a moment, then looked at them once more and answered “I had been serving as Scolar Visari's personal bodyguard for the Second Extrasolar War and he had trusted me with his life. When one groups of our own had discovered power beyond belief and reconsion on this planet, he had first turned his attention towards this and uses it an ‘obertinuity’ to win the war against the UCN, ISA and ICSA.” as he looked at them while Cuphead, Mugman, Trace and Bendy looked over to with judgemental looks.
“Power, all men would do everything to get it and they will receive it. Children like you are too young to hold it” he continued as he is aware the judgemental looks he is receiving and Cuphead walking towards him, his finger tip glowing and ready to fire with eyes burning with reconizible anger.
He grabbed his red strap and growled “And was that the reason you wanted us to be joined with that crazy-” but he was cut off by Radec who forcefully snapped at him “And we will achieve that when we have you both recaptured along with the others and finding that wolf then soon that power and victory for my people and my people alone! Not you or them.” yet he only receives another judgemental glares from Cuphead, Mugman and Bendy but not Frisk, they had known that humans can be judgemental as well.
*You had remained silent until finally you asked…
“Why do you think that power could matter to victory?”
“I don’t,” he excused, “Visari wanted it then, they, even you know that we would matter, if I fail then Helghan Empire will be ashamed to me and the consequences of failure would be very much depends on me by the Visari himself.” he explained, Frisk felt pity for him but it doesn’t change their thoughts on him though.
“We’re here!” Gordon yelled out from ahead of them, making others looked up ahead and saw light glowing brighter and revealed to be the outside of the Caves, leads into the park of Fallen City.
“Vait.” Werner said, getting Cuphead, Mugman and Frisk’s attention as they looked at him, “Do understand zhat I’d have to take Trace back to her family. I von’t be here vhen you get back if you decided to.”
The three looked at each other as Bendy turned into his second form and then stands over Radec and then picked him up, then they looked at Werner and said “Yeah, we understand.”
Werner nodded in agreement along with Trace as the boats ahead of them had docked and their rowers begin to dismount.
They reached the shore and docked it, they all began to dismount their boats with the Helghast but they and Radec haven’t made any admits to escape or fighting due their number had suffered to a vulnerable amount, there were 70 then with their attack, it was reduced to 30 and when the outbreak happened after the gate keeping the zombies out was blown to pieces, it was once again reduced to 7 Helghasts; 6 troopers and 1 Colonel.
They are surrounded by their enemies as they walked over to the rocks and had them all sit down on their knees with their hands on the back of their heads, Bendy had carried Radec over and then places him with them.
“Well, ain’t this bloody peachy then…” Sniper began with a grumble, looking at them as he adjusted his sunglasses a little bit before placing his hands in his pockets. “Now there’s just seven of you left, but I think there’s quite a lot of you to go.” he continued as Radec turn his head to the Austrian man.
“Wait until the rest get here with the Third Helghan Army and seeing you all of you executed for threatening us.” One Helghan soldier spoke up with courage in his voice, Radec glared at his soldier as he yelled “Private! Keep silent.” as the soldier looked at his superior and then said “Yes sir.” after a long silence.
Irritated, P!Dempsey walked up to Colonel Radec and then grabs him by the collar in a feral manner and bombarded “What makes you think that here, in this f@#ked up city so you can boss us around like you are still under authority?!” as he shook him a bit.
“I didn’t, Visari is our authority and only we are loyal to him, never to betray him.” Mael Radec answered calmly, that clearly got P!Takeo’s attention and his face was lit in anger, “Are you blinded by your own loyalty?” he said as he turned around to face the Colonel with the angered expression.
“Having brought here with little notice before you will realize that your leader had unknowingly sent you all to die at the hands of demons that will eat your soul and bodies or he had knowingly did that because you all knew that you can endure anything even death.” he spoke with a tone of someone who had been betrayed as he and the Helghast soldiers looked at him with both anger and confusion that he speaks against Autarch like that.
Takeo was looking at them before turning his head away from them before walking ahead. U!Richtofen walked over to them and gave a pitiful look, “I vould love to see how all of you had your humane traits changed vhile on an hazardness planet you’re lived on but vhat ISA you are talking about, I hope zhat zhey vill let me do zhat.” he said with an insidious grin on his face.
Something about the Nazi’s grin had send chills down Radec’s back, this man is a sociopathic doctor in this version of Dr. Edward Richtofen he had ever met, they then heard a groaning from the far left of them, making everyone raised their weapons once more and looked around.
Cuphead and Mugman stood protective in fount of Frisk, Bendy growled as looked at the direction as Ultimis Nikolai had finished up his vodka, he had found a gas can with fuel still filled in it and he refills the bottle with it, putting in a cloth into the opening of the bottle and readies the lighter.
Erron stood by with both revolvers ready as Gordon looked at something at Bendy’s back, it’s a crowbar but not just a crowbar, it was HIS crowbar. He quickly walked to Bendy and then pulls it out of his back, Ink Bendy didn’t seem to mind or/and feel what Freeman did, he just scratched his back like a flea had bitten him.
They were ready for a horde of zombies come out but one detail had happened to be chased by them as a middle-aged man, appearty at age 55, with dark brown hair with little white coming in, light orange/brown eyes with barely shaved facial as he carries a portable camera and wore a brown backpack, dark gray dress shirt, army green coat, navy blue jeans with a bloody bandage on his left leg and black casual shoes.
He is wielding a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it, he ran for his life as he looked back and saw one zombie attempted to grab him but he just reared back and hits it with it, unlike the damage of a normal bat, with the damage point of the barbed wire baseball bat, it took a chunk of flesh from the sides of a zombie’s face.
“Take that!” He yelled as he finishes it with a second blow before continuing running, he noticed them ahead of him and he freils his arm around as he yelled “Hey! Help!” and does the trick for him.
Primis Dempsey points the gun at him, making him stop as he held his hands up while he yelled “Wait!-” but to his surprise, the Marine ordered “Move!”
He moved out of the way for one of the dead running up behind him and he opened fire on it, making it fell down on the ground and died just inches from reaching him. Sniper, Soldier, U!Richtofen and P!Takeo joined in and fired a lot of bullets at them.
Bruno walked over, the Hammer of Valhalla in his hands, he then slams the ground with it and making it quake under their feet and causing the horde stumble and then fall onto the ground.
“Heavy! Now!” Bruno yelled as Heavy hurryingly ran up to the action and then using his minigun, Sasha who he had named, opened fire on the horde and killing them all till they are nothing but a pile of dead bodies laying on where they stood.
Heavy panted as he lowered his gun with the barrel had smoke coming out of it as he muttered “Heavy’s getting too old for this.” while he looked at the pile of bodies on the ground. They looked over to the man they had just saved and then Scout said “I guess there are more people like here.” as he looked at him.
“And a freelance photojournalist who had covered wars and zombie outbreaks, I didn’t guess you guys had saved my a#4… And what’s doing this by blurring out the swear words, it is working. The name’s Frank West.”
“Freelance?” Bruno questioned to the named middle-aged man before him, making Frank looked at him as he holds his camera by the lens near upper chest level, “Yeah, you know, going into the quarantine zone alone, with no crew to me back up and just being on your own when you’re like me.”
“I had a friend that’s a weather specialist back on the Isles where me and my brother lived.” Cuphead said as he looked up to the man, who looked back down to him. “Trust me, kid, if you were me, it will take more than bad weather in history that can take you out of this world permanently if you are not…”  he was saying when he looked at Ink Bendy who is looking back at him with Gordon and Erron as Frank finished with “Too careful.” while he lets go of his camera and readies the bloodied up bat for defense.
The three was doing the same but Primis Takeo interfined as he got between them and maintained “Do not attack each other, we are all in this and we must solve it before it could get any worse, West-san, is it?” while looking at him.
“I can agree but not without getting a full cover of this first and I don’t know what roleplay forum you’re in, could be a lot more serious about this and it’s Frank West, thanks.” he said as he looked at him and felt like he’s familiar to him for a strange reason.
“I am serious.” P!Takeo relented, before turning to the three and said “Stand down.” as he looked at them. Erron, Gordon and Ink Bendy looked at each other for a moment before Ink Bendy transformed back into his normal form while Frank took pictures of this with his camera, Gordon had gotten his crowbar back and he puts it away on his back and Erron placed his revolvers back in their hoisters as he said “Alright Takeo, you’re the boss.”
“Takeo huh?” Frank said, after finishing up his taking his shots and tilted his head with curiosity, “You’re the leader of the group, Tak?” he asked again. P!Takeo was going to say something when U!Richtofen spoke up as he walked over to the photojournalist, “I am zhe leader of zhis group und I vill be able to answer your questions on zheir behalf!”
“Richtofen…” P!Dempsey said, shaking his head while U!Nikolai looks at the cocktail and then the lighter. Frank West looked at the Doctor with his eyebrows raised, he wasn’t sure if this man is their leader or just self-proclaimed himself as one and maybe one of the Psychos he had often encountered.
“I uh, I appreciate that one of your own had saved my neck from these zombies. But do you know that there’s an Umbrella Corps already in the area, looking for survivors and wiping out many of those things they can find.”
*A part of you wanted to believe Frank on that part, you hoped that this Corps could rescue everyone here, if they survived the outbreak of course.
“Umbrella Corps?” P!Dempsey questioned as he looked at him, along with U!Nikolai who was hardly paying attention to the conversion. “a former pharmaceutical company that gotten a pretty bad wrap in Raccoon City Incident along other incidents happening after that, now been reinstated and seemingly reformed mercenary group trained to deal with bio attacks that had been the results of bio-genetic engineering.” West answered as he looked at the rest of the group and to the captured Helghasts before concluded “I’m just surprised that they haven’t rescued you guys yet but that’s why I still can't wrap my head around one thing.”
“Oh, vhy is zhat you zhink zhat vay?” U!Richtofen chuckled as he turned away from him for a moment. Frank simply shuffled around before saying “Well, I had found a tunnel that had been blocked off with their tents left abandoned for anyone. Ether those zombies got ‘em or something else did and if it was an outbreak, this city would’ve stayed quarantine for a while until the situation is taken care of and this virus, I wasn’t sure if those wasps had something to do about it but I had encountered dogs that looked like they didn’t escaped forest wildfire, it’s too crazy.”
U!Richtofen only let a “Heh.” from his lips before turning his gaze back to the man before him with his multicolored eyes and answered “Almost as if… One element from zhe table had something to do vith zhis?” “Well no, I think maybe?” Frank said as he knew this man wasn’t right in the head, Doctor wasn’t done as he walked over to him and questioned “How much do you know about zhis, Mister Vest?” as Frank is stepping away from him to keep a healthy distance from him.
“I know when I left the safehouse to find more information about what really happened here, this story that I am covering, it may be a bigger story of the century- hell, maybe bigger than my career that has ever been before.” he answered as U!Richtofen had grinned with Bruno and P!Dempsey looking over to them, unsure if they are needed if U!Richtofen decided to be primitive towards Frank West.
“You should get the hell out of this city while you still can,” Erron said as he stepped up to the two men, “If you had gotten that story, then get out of here while you still can.”
“Hey, I am not going to abandon this one, I’ve covered wars, ya know!” Frank insisted, Erron and U!Richtofen looked at each other with defeat before U!Richtofen sighing “Alright Mister Vest, if it is your death vish zhen go ahead.”
“Thanks General,” Frank replied, with a thumbs up, U!Richtofen nodded with a smile as he had often been called “Major General Edward Richtofen” rather than Doctor but he didn’t mind it. He had turned around as he took his hat off for a moment and started to walk back to the Helghasts but Frank then said “Hey,”
U!Richtofen turned back and looked at him but he was confused on what he said next.
Frank asked “Have we’d met before?” as others around him looked at him in confusion.
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Others are looking at him with confusion, U!Richtofen is looking at him with confusion as well but soon rebound with a smile, putting his hat back and said “I am sorry but you’ve mistaken zhe Doctor for someone else.”
Frank looked at him for a few more moments before looking at P!Dempsey, P!Takeo and U!Nikolai then turning back to the German. “Is memory fogging up to you, old timer?” Scout asked as he placed his bat on his shoulder. “Who are ya calling “Old timer?” kiddo, I can still fight while covering this story.” Frank West said but then felt pain on his back for a little moment before maintaining his composure.
They heard a sight rattling from where they had come from, making everyone raised their weapons once more as they all turned to look at the cave and seeing a small pebble rolled out of the cave.
*Something is in the Caves... *Or was it someone in there…?
“What is that…?” Demoman asked as his eye glows yellow once more while others took a few steps back, Cuphead and Mugman’s fingertips are glowing a little bit at the entrance of the Caves. Waiting for something to come jumping right out at them.
They listened, nothing, they waited, nothing and something or someone coming out; nothing.
“Maybe…. Maybe it was nothing.” Erron said as he lowered the revolvers down a little bit but kept his eyes trained on the Caves entrance still. Then, they all heard another sound clattered loudly from behind them, they all quickly turned to see what it was and without thinking, they began to open fire on it.
The barrels of their guns were red hot and smoking after firing bullets at whatever it was, Frisk had their eyes covered as they opened fire at it, they had seen enough blood for today, scratch that- they had enough seeing blood for a lifetime.
They had gone through Genocide Route after Genocide Route to know enough to see how a person can kill another person. They all kept their eyes on the wall that was riddled with bullet holes they made, waiting for something to come out but once again, nothing.
“Dang…” Scout finally babbled from the rush of fear as he looked at the wall, “This whole zombie crap can get ya in a rush of adrenaline!” he proclaimed as he lowered his scattergun while P!Dempsey raised an eyebrow.
“Best to get used to it,” The Corporal said as he puts his pistol away, “In this outbreak, you will feel all the adrenaline going through you.”
“Mate, I had a lot of adrenaline going through me already.” Sniper added as he places the SMG away as well. “Bendy,” U!Richtofen said as he looked over to the Ink Demon who looked back at him.
“Pick up zhe Helghast Colonel und make sure none of zhem vill make get away.” he ordered, Bendy nodded as he walked over to Radec once again and then picks up the Colonel, then growls at the Helghast soldiers, making them stand up and then walked slowly in an orderly line with Heavy, Soldier, Sniper and Demoman watching them with eyes of a hawk.
To those who are wondering what they had just shot at, it was a zombie, unharmed after it hid from behind the wall after gunfire is heard.
It may be your average zombie but this one is…… different.
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[Digitally drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
This zombie is a female, her eyes are different colored; her left orange and the right one is red. She wore a light grayish blue tank top, navy blue hoodie with a tear with the bite mark exposed and olive green pants.
Like most of the walking corpses, she had pale skin and looked much like her kind but if you encountered a zombie like her, she’s not entirely like her kind. She is, strangely, aware of the environment around her and human emotions.
She simply stood there, shaking like a leaf, lucky that none of the bullets didn’t hit her and killed her right away. She regained her composure and then steadily ran away.
-Somewhere outside the city…-
A group of animal-like humanoid creatures, a woman that appeared to be human with blanket covering most of her back and body and blindfolded. The animal-like humanolds consists a white cat with small bottle tied around his neck a red coat with a blue patch snitched on left sleeve, a middle-aged german shepherd dog with a SWAT clothing and bullet-proof vest with shoulder pads, a fox with Japanese kimono-like warrior clothes, Elderly white ferret with a cowboy hat and old-west clothing, bay cat whose fur-hair is green that is fading into red and wearing that appears to be general’s clothes, lime green and white cat with purple hair with a button-up hoodie with the sleeves and wore bandages and a jackrabbit whose fur is white and gray with a ponytail tied as his ears looked like they were torn off and then sewed back on due to the stitches they had, he wore a hat, trench coat with sleeves rolled up, pants that had the same but different shades of gray.
For the woman they are carrying on a makeshift stretcher, she is clutching onto a unique flower in her hand, a red Amaranth flower, she said nothing as the white cat and white-gray jackrabbit are ones carrying the stretcher as they walked.
“Two weeks…” the German Shepherd dog said under his breath, looking at the Fallen City with his two crimson red eyes as he places the sledgehammer with what appeared to be a car battery attached to it onto his left shoulder. “We had managed to escape with the Angel for two long weeks.” he continued as he felt a paw placed on his right shoulder, making him looked at the lime green cat who is wearing a smile on her face.
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[Digitally drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
“We are just halfway towards the Land of The Daybreak! You should be happy that we are almost there.” she said as she winked to him, the jackrabbit looked over to the two with eyebrows raised.
“I shouldn’t say that when tasks given seemed just too easy now.” he said as he supports himself and the strencher as his hands are getting tired from carrying the woman on it.
“That was I was thinking, Lois.” The German Shepherd agreed, looking at at the Jackrabbit with the cat removing her paw from his shoulder and looking at him as well. The lime cat scoffs and said “Says the former con artist who made each biggest con too easy than any others that had ever seen.”
Lois rolled his golden yellow eyes as he shakes his head, “And that came from a thrillseeker who took a long falls to death like you, Zoy.” he scoffed back as others seemed amused towards this.
She rolled her eyes in vex, she then looked at the German Shepherd and said “Why did you think this is too easy for us, Brütal?”
Brütal said nothing as he looked at Fallen City once again, “I just heard stories that Humans and Monsters had once lived in that city, in a time long before our time, this city had a different name before it was known and famous for being the home of the Undead. Long before they took off into the stars for a new home, leaving our first ancestors behind to look after it.”
White cat’s ear twitches when he heard Brütal said it, “Are you referring to the Legend of Broken?” he asked looking over his shoulder to the German Shepherd dog.
“Of course.” Brütal answered as he looked at the white cat whose eyes are golden but only had one blue pupil on the right eye. Lois and White cat then found a nice flat rock for them to place the woman on, they walked over to it and then gently rests her on it, “Thank you…” the woman said softly, white cat looked at her with a confused look and said “for what?”
“For helping me... We’re getting closer now.” she said with a soft smile, the white cat smiled back as he looked at her, “Danil!” Bay cat said his name, he looked over and see everyone sitting down for a temporary break. “I think it’s my turn to watch the angel now.” the white ferret said in an old western accent as he got up and then walked over to the two, patted Danil on the shoulder before sending him to join the group.
“Thanks Stöne.” Danil said as he walked to the group, Stöne nodded as he stood protective of the Angel they kept calling the woman as, in truth it may be crazy but that’s what the blanket is for, to hide her wings to avoid unwanted attention.
“To remind what our parents told us about the Day of Broken Wraith, Broken was once human and lived her life with a puzzling disorder that slowly delayed her development in life yet it had made her the perfect target for sociality.” Brütal began the story with hand gestures after he rested the Battery Hammer against a ruined car, “She was taunted, tormented and been wronged as an unwanted runt of litter. Then one day, she was fed up of Monster Race and her own kind, she ran towards the hidden temple of Mt. Ebott against her stepfather’s wishes and broke the crystal of mystical power to control and manipulate each universe.”
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[Full body of Broken but what she really look like will be revealed soon in chapter parts of chapter 15]
“Like playing god, she caused many disasters to happen in the city she once called home and one of them being a zombie outbreak after a star of 115 fell from the skies, the city has fallen so very hard and painful. Like that, she had her vengeance on those who hurt her but most of them were just innocent bystanders who have done nothing wrong. Her heart and soul corrupted now as she decided that not enough so she plunged the world into an era of chaos and mayhem but there’s a plan B for both races to survive and that is to leave the planet they called home in advanced shooting stars that will take them across the galaxy in search for a new one.” Brütal retelled this tale to his allies.
“With Humans and Monsters soaring across the universe after being exiled, Broken was satisfied to have the whole world to herself as she thought she was finally rid herself of the “scums” that are the bane of her life, but there’s one thing that has not yet count on; Lightium, the element that created us, brought Crystallines back from imprisonment of the galaxies and Broken released her Hallows to take over these lands. Yet, we all still talked about one day she will be bored and bring north these gods, demons, heroes and villains known as “All-Stars” into this world from their own. Having them fight each other for survival or for glory if one team or sole survivor of the confect had survived long enough through it. They will be rewarded with riches and power beyond all reality.” he concluded with a sigh, Lois’s ears twitched as he heard the last part of the tale, he spoke “How do we know if the Angel had been an All-Star that we’re helping out then?”
“We are not sure about it, we only know that she had accidentally fallen out of grace high above.” Brütal answered with his eyes closed, “And that is the reason why we have to return her to it, to erase these seven sins off of our hands for forgiveness.” Danil interjected as he stands up on his two legs, looking over to the red bay cat and said, “Right, Zolen?”
“Of course you are right, Danil, right, Ren?” Zolen looked over to the now named fox. Ren nodded when Stöne said “I am worried if that part of the tale would come true sooner than later. I can’t remember when..” before placing his paw on his forehead, “I can’t remember when my real name is when…” that Lois quickly realized this and yelled “His memory is going again!”
Zolen ran over to him and said “You’re Stöne, Papa!” with her german side coming out of her, “S-T-O-N-E. Stöne!!”
“Was that my first or last name?” Stöne questioned with his paw removed from his forehead, looking at his adopted daughter with confusion. “We don’t know, we just know that your name is Stöne” Ren added as she looked at them. “I guess you’re right but I do remember when… Father Raji had found her.”
“That’s it!”
“That’s when the Angel had came to us!” Danil said after Zolen had pointed it out that her adoptive father had correctly remembered his memory. “When Danil had came to our home after he claimed he was a traveler, Father Raji had came to us with the Angel out of fear that god-fearing folks from the town will kill after mistaking her as a Fallen Angel and asked us to get her back to Heaven where she came from. Then you four came along after Father Raji said that we can be relieved of our sins against the Gods of the Old World.”
“If we survive long enough to get that goal,” Lois added, “I just want to get back to my life that is normal, not this and right now!”
“Shut your trap, Lois, you had been a pain in the butts of everyone on this crazy journey.” Brütal threaten him with his weapon raised after picking it off. The Jackrabbit’s ears fell downward again with fear when Danil entered in to defend him by saying “He may be annoying but he could still be useful if there other worst Furthers like him, even ourselves that are only wanted to be forgiven for all we had done!”
“Shut your mouth before you’ll say something you might regret, Kitty boy!" Brütal threaten again as his attention to Danil instead. “Enough!” Zolen barked out with her teeth bared with annoyance and angered.
“We are all in this one! I know that this time it’s not normal and we’re now fugitives of our kind, I know that we are carrying an Angel but it doesn’t mean we can take our frustrations out on each other for it.” Zolen reasoned to them, Brütal lowered the hammer a little as he listened to her with the others who calmed down after they all looked like they were ready to get into argument themselves.
“We are all tired and cranky without a home for us to protect us, to hide us from the outside world of this.” Zolen spoke with understanding, “But we had to keep walking to get the Angel back up there and we have to still cling onto hope even though it had been crash but if it’s going to kill then we’ll just fight for our lives.” she finished as she got out a shotgun and then pumps it back, ready to be used.
Lois sighed “This is it, oh boy… I was right about this trip is going to be long.” as he placed his forehead and shakes his head in sorrow.
“Best get use to it,” Brütal jeered, “It wasn’t my first rodeo on journeys.” as he got up with his hammer, putting it on his shoulder once again after getting his well rested break. He looked at the group and said “Break is over, we have to continue on now.” before turning and then walking ahead.
Danil and Lois then goes back to the stretcher with the Angel still sitting on it and then they lift it up with little trouble and then continued to head for Fallen City. “Should we be aware for Untotens while we were carrying the Angel?” Lois unconsciously asked out of his thoughts, Brütal turned his head to the jackrabbit and answered, “We will take care of it, there are little research about their weaknesses are and use them to our advantage.”
“That’s what I worried about, I don’t want blood anywhere on me.” Lois added as his ears had folded down again.
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Here we are, part 10, the final part. 10 more enemies to go. These 10 foes are the cream of the crop in my opinion, so let me share em with ya!
10 - Shy Guys - Mario Series
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Enemy Status – Mysterious Masked Entity.
Shy guys are among the oddest foes in the Mario universe. Originally seen in a dream world and then all over Yoshi’s island. They are never seen without their iconic mask and they come in many forms. What is about them that I like? I am not sure, but I find their design simple yet timeless. They may be simple enemies, but I have always found them to be among the best the mushroom kingdom has to offer. These little guys win a spot on the list and secure the rank of number 10! Way to go shy-guy!
9 - Ring Knight - Dark Souls 3
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Enemy status – Protectors of the Ringed City.
The ringed city’s guardians are menacing foes. Large powerful knights with the dark soul insignia burned onto their armor and wielding large blades of fire. These are some of the deadliest foes the souls series has to offer and they are, in my opinion, some of the best designed. They appear throughout the entire city and are a thrill to fight, especially the one guarding the cathedral or the one randomly found in the far ruined future. These guys are also interesting from a lore perspective, and thus they win the 9th place on this list.
8 – Bouncer - Bioshock
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Enemy Status – Large Father.
The world of rapture is not a pleasant place. It is full of dangers and lethal traps that can end your life very quickly. This is seen in spades with the Bouncer. The Bouncer is one of the big daddies who protect the little sisters. They are usually neutral but can be hostile if antagonized. Thing is though, if you want to progress in the game YOU have to engage them. Be ready for a difficult fight. The bouncer charges without mercy with their drill arm and will attack relentlessly. They offer little breathing room and can be very dangerous at the beginning of the game. The bouncer is the “face” of Bioshock, and thus readily deserves a spot in the top ten! 8th place is good.
7 - Hell Knight - Doom 3
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Enemy Status – High Ranking Demon.
The beast of hell are no simple cretins, some of them are exceptionally dangerous. This is made very clear with the Hell Knight, high ranking and powerful monsters that often appear in groups of two. They lumber around and throw large fireballs. They also give a rather means punch as well. These guys are among some of the most menacing foes in the DOOM series and while they are not as powerful in the 2016 reboot, they are still a worthy opponent. The Hell Knight wins lucky number 7 on this list.
6 - Helghast - Killzone series
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Enemy Status – Soldiers from Helghan.
Of all the pure human enemies, evil armies and what have you, we decide to go the sci-fi route. Say hello to the Helghast. These foes are armed to the teeth and proudly represent their glorious empire. What makes them different from the generic terrorist, thugs and nazis we have all fought in war games? Nothing much, but what makes them iconic is their design. The iconic gas mask and black and white armor set them apart from all others and that is why they make it up here. Because I love their design quite a bit. Do not need much more of a reason that that, welcome to 6th place.
5 - Lynels - Zelda Breath of the Wild
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Enemy Status – Lion-man Centaur
Hyrule is home to many dangerous beasts, but none match the pure ferocity of the Lynel. The mighty Lynel is a fierce monster that has the lower body of a horse, the upper body of a man and the head of a lion. These beasts wield mighty weapons such as swords, clubs or bows and are capable of breathing fire. Nothing is scarier than one of these charging you at full speed! It takes skill and might to take one down and revel in the spoils of battle. Just be careful, because they can take a long time to best in combat. These monsters win the 5th place award.
4 - Deathclaws - Fallout Series
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Enemy Status – Mutated Jackson Chameleon.
The deathclaw is the apex predator of the wasteland and is among one of the most feared enemies of the wasteland. Many inexperienced adventurers met their end at the clawed hands of one of these walking death machines. They come in many different colors and sizes, but one thing is consistent, they are big, and they are aggressive. If you cross one early on your journey, be ready for a wicked fight. These iconic post-apocalyptic foes win 4th place!
3 - Darknuts - Zelda Series
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Enemy Status – Heavily Armored Dark Knight.
And the Zelda series finds a its place on this spot once again. The Lynel is the apex monster, but the darknut is the pinnacle of the humanoid enemy. These are among the original dark knight enemies in the history of video games. Regardless, the Darknut is an imposing figure that is a skilled fighter and a sturdy tank. They can dish out punishment and take a lot of damage. The closer they get to defeat, the more desperate and fast they get in retaliation. It is always a blast to fight one, and it can be a challenge to take multiples at once. Congrats on your 3rd place! Can you tell that I like knights?
2 - Tonberry - Final Fantasy series
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Enemy status – The embodiment of vengeance.
The tonberry is a dangerous foe. They are small unassuming enemies, they creep towards you slowly and raise a small knife. They stab and it does massive damage. These guys are among the most dangerous foes in the final fantasy and its great. Why is it great? Because they look so cute and unassuming, it can slay behemoths and other great monsters with ease despite its tiny stature. They get stronger with the more enemies you have slain.  So, they win a spot for their cute looks and lethal abilities in combat. Welcome to 2nd place, Tonberry!
1 - Elites - Halo series
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Enemy Status – The covenants finest (until the Brutes showed up.)
The covenant is among the most feared empires in sci-fi history. Encompassing several races attempting to carry out a religion fueled genocide across the entire galaxy. The pinnacle of their militant forces are the elites. These aliens are mighty foes that rarely ever retreat or back down, they will fight tooth and nail to the bitter end. Even the lowest ranking elite is a dangerous opponent. They lead the lesser races into combat and should be taken out quickly to demoralize the other lesser enemies. Once Halo 3 rolled around they sided with the humans and have become allies. So, the elites are my favorite enemies in video games. They have amazing designs, are fun to fight and are intimidating foes to take down. They are a shining example of what makes a good enemy. Congrats, you wont the 1st place!
And finnaly, after all this time it is completed, thank you all. We are actually already near 200 followers! Holy Cheese puffs! That’s a lot of people! I will be primarily doing video game reviews for a while, as I am running out of obscure characters to write about! But you can expect more list later down the line as well! Once we hit 200 followers Ill have a Q&A set aside for people who wanna ask me stuff! Ill answer the first 20 ask, then ill try to work on any others if I have the time. Take care!
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bottlepiecemuses · 6 years
History- In the early years of Civilization, before the World Government was founded, a team of geologists embarked on an expedition to one of the most remote regions of Zyger, an island chain in the North Blue. A tremendous explosion was reputed to have taken place roughly a decade earlier, one that had flattened entire forests for hundreds of miles. Upon reaching the Zyger province, the expedition’s guides would go no further, fearing what they called the “ Machine Men” and speaking of superstitious tales of vengeful gods who slaughtered the surrounding wildlife. Only a scant few traces of the expedition were ever recovered after they mysteriously disappeared, but even as the Zyger Kingdom retreated into isolationism and ties with the outside world were severed, strange tales started emanating from the reclusive nation. Several kingdoms began sending scouts and spies, who began reporting hundreds of ghost towns, entire cities abandoned, strange weather patterns and mysterious lights seen in the night skies in Zyger. A month after they came back, broadcasts and messages were spread around the Zyger Kingdom with a single looping phrase; “Brotherhood, strength, and fortitude…in the face of the Furious Night”. - Theories were rampant as to the cause of the Zyger situation, and included a biological or chemical disaster, some new type of weapon, or even Zyger experiments. But when the true nature of this threat was revealed, and broke through the Zyger border fortifications and spread across the world, it was far worse than anyone could have imagined. They are known by many names, in Zyger as the “Furious Night”, in the archipilago of Talmusio as the “Deathless Plague”, yet one other above all truly gained infamy: “Germa”. Across the course of history, great conflicts have been fought that promised to be the war to end all wars. Yet every victory brought only humiliation, hardship, and bitter resentment to the defeated. So it was 1,000 year ago, when the shattered remnants of the Germa Kingdom, forced off their former territories in the aftermath of the first World War, were exiled to the brutal and barren island.
From the ashes however, there arose dreams of a new order and the Germa people rallied around the charismatic scholar Kroelen, whose vision of a new unbreakable nation captivated millions. Through his leadership the last vestiges of the old regime leadership were swept away and in its place the Germa marched united in purpose under the banners of the New Germa Empire. At the center of this new nation was an old idea that the Germa people had been robbed of the opportunity to prosper from their own labor and greatest successes. While exaggerated and simplified for the benefit of state misinformation campaigns, the rhetoric did have a basis in history.
One that stretched back to the earliest days of human colonization of the various islands around the world. The journey to finding new islands was increasingly difficult and hundreds died along the way. Within the years of searching, however two islands were found capable of supporting human life. The first, named Germa, while abundant in raw resources was nearly inhospitable. A murky environment shrouded its surface and the island was tormented by frequent rainstorms and mud, making mining nearly impossible. The second island on the other hand was a verdant paradise, covered in fertile land flowing lakes and great forests. It was named Remus in honor of the one the Kings of old, who colonized the island personally. - With the mined resources of Germa and the prosperity of Remus, over time, several kingdoms transformed into the principal hubs civilization. As new colonies were established by several nations across Germa and increasing progress in engineering brought with them enormous wealth and opportunities. Now functioning as a quasi nation state itself, Germa began transitioning into a civil administration reorganizing itself first into the Germa Protectorate. Finally, The island of Germa purchased the entire system outright from the still economically fragile UCN. As humanity’s central engineering capital, the growing power of the Germa Protectorate raised concerns with several kingdoms, of which Germa itself was still technically not a member. Tensions slowly grew as the kings of old rescinded certain rights it had accorded Germa, while simultaneously creating a fleet of warships, should a military solution become unavoidable. With its future prosperity strangled under the weight of the demands of the kings, Germa officially declared independence in after ceasing its supply of raw materials to the kings. This forced the kings to attack Germa outright in order to claim its riches. Despite their immense numerical advantage, The World Government forces were at best an armed customs service, while in navy battles their picket ships were no match for the Germa’s purpose-built warships. The heaviest fighting was over within a few years, book-ended by acts of terrorism and small skirmishes. In an attempt to quell the lingering fighting and prevent a costly occupation, the Germa Protectorate, now branded as the Germa Kingdom, assumed governance over Remus by slaying the former kind.
  The people of Germa were seen as less than human by the Kings and are treated as slaves. Subjected to blockades and restrictions until diplomatic relations could be normalized, thousands of Germa loyalists made a great exodus to Germa itself in the ensuing years, faced with a bleak existence rife with illness, starvation, and hardship. Helped along by basic genetic conditioning and a variety of treatments and implants, the Germa population grew more resilient to the hostile environment with a privileged few even capable of surviving without the use of oxygen masks while outdoors. While the situation slowly improved, the long-term outlook of the nation remained grim. Stifled under the strict conditions imposed by Kings, the singular and remarkable figure of Scholar Kroelen rose to prominence. A master orator, Kroelen was the first to give voice to what later became the principal keystone of the Germa philosophy: that the people of Germa had been strengthened by their environment and transformed into a superior extra human race - the Ubersoldat. After an apparent attempt on his life, Kroelen leveraged his public support and with the help of the military took part in a successful coup against the old Germa leadership, rebranded as the self-proclaimed Kaiser of Germa. Kroelen consolidated his position as supreme authority and enacted a series of transformative political, social, and economic policies. The Germa government was predominantly authoritarian with political power residing firmly in the office of Kaiser. The Kaiser’s Cabinet of Advisors, with military and engineering interests disproportionately represented, yet completely subservient to the interests of the Kaiser. These fascist elements permeated every aspect of society, with ultra-nationalism, militarism, and total commitment to the nation intertwined with Germa culture until they had become one in the same. Particular attention was given to the filtration masks and other breathing apparatus is used by Germa citizens, transforming them from symbols of shame or weakness to those of pride evidence of having overcome extreme struggle and hardship. Even the old languages of the Kings, proclaimed outmoded by Kroelen himself, were replaced with a new written language designed to dissuade alternative thinking by eliminating certain words and concepts such as negotiation, compromise, and mercy. The government’s military first policy had inflicted substantial adversity upon the people of Helghan. But the massive rearmament programs had achieved a stunning level of success
The eventual victory in of the World Government proved to be the beginning of the end of the Germa Kingdom and all across the world, resistance fighters began reclaiming the ruined cities of old. This terrible enemy remains as much a mystery as ever and their defeat leaves behind only unanswered questions. Perhaps the most lingering mystery is if the Germa have any true goal when they successfully rule the world. Whether the so called “End Game” are still in motion today is the subject of much debate, but the most haunting evidence for their existence can be found in the final words of the man responsible for their eventual defeat. “Can you hear them? They are coming again. This is just the beginning" Weaponry- The Germa’s unique ability to combine artificial machines and biological systems makes it difficult to distinguish any life from their highly advanced technology. They make use of a number of machines ranging from mobile siege platforms to enormous battleships and support vessels. While these craft are known to include lower ranking members that serve as crew, it is entirely possible that some of these machines themselves might possess an advanced intelligence and in a sense, be alive. The ships they command are known as Eisenseites, ships decked out in metal plating, have 2 mast. They have 4 distinctive quadruple-barreled guns on their fore and aft segment, which are powerful enough to completely destroy smaller vessels. In addition to these guns, battleships possess two sets of 18 heavy cannons on both sides of their hulls.   Germa technology also strives in the robotics, engineering, computing, and “artificial intelligence”, with cyborgs and automatons in common use across the Reich, in both civilian and military capacities. These range from mundane protocol, cleaning, and cooking cyborgs to horrific weapons of war, ranging from the nimble Ubermensch units to even larger mechanized monstrosities, such as the Ubersoldat, the fast Ironstrider units, the iconic Panzerhund robots, and outright weapons of terror like the Vordenker and the prototype Zerstörer robots.
Original post by @empireofvalencia
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mael-radec · 7 years
A very well done lore video on the fictional helghan empire that's served as the antagonists in the killzone franchise
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The Very Best Games for Your ps Move
After I begin think about the greatest games for ps Proceed I've some that comes to my thoughts and they`re the people I will disclose and discuss in this article. For all those of you that don`t understand what the PlayStation Transfer is so, I will quickly attempt to reveal exactly what a PlayStation Shift is so, that everybody knows totally that it is a-feeling game control program for your playstation3 (PS3) video game unit by The Computer Entertainment.
This can be many authorized using a handheld action controlled wand that's watched and followed by camera installed on PlayStation Move to capture many movements from alerts on the wand. That sufficient how it performs and allow me to return to the four best activities for your PlayStation Go and little information on every sport. Small Big World 2 is a puzzle-platforming game that has builtin capabilities that enables the gamers generate all sorts of games-which could be shared with others through the Tiny Big Planet network online. It is possible to develop a recreation by producing enemies, harmful obstacles and make many other difficult surroundings to boost your sport and then when you're set you may compel several buddies to hitch in for more enjoyable too! It is similar to Super Mario Bros. where the heroes are getting total kind-of goods and enemies to complete the particular level then proceed to future degree and this sport moves fifty degrees strong.mario kart ds rom Killzone3 An impressive cinematic conflict experience. Starting off from the end-of Killzonne2 sport the participants proceed the fight by a super-special ops workforce from the apparently neo-avoidable Helghast Empire. Along the way players may learn more than in the past in regards to the mad Helghan tradition, as well as discover an inside fight inside their rankings which could show to be a crucial weakness. The game features full ps Shift process integration through the game -- such as the Move and Navigational remotes. Extra characteristics include: the ability to take two key weapons, new melee and jet pack features and online multiplayer assistance. Athletics Winner is definitely an motion -group sports-games which includes six distinct aggressive athletics occasions to participate in like table-tennis, gladiator, archery, volleyball, disks, golf, and bocce. Participants reach decide to take part in one of many ten sportsmen inside the unique sports and it has a three different gameplay settings comprising Free-Play, Concern Mode, and Title Pot. Free Play is wherever you understand and exercise the games as a medical method then planning towards the Obstacle style where players get to participate in various functions to battle to improve their ratings, Champion Mug mode is where the participant goes up against five athletes for your Planet Olympic- like events to fight over the championship.
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
playstation all stars battle royale ps3
playstation all stars battle royale ps3
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale cheats & more for PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PlayStation 3 cheats we have available for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
Check PS Vita cheats for this game
Genre: Action, 2D Action Developer: SuperBot Entertainment Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: November 20, 2012
Currently we have no tips for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Trophy List
You have successfully earned all other trophies in the game. Congratulations! – All-Star Legend – You’ve Only Done Everything (Platinum)
Complete a Combat Trial – Trial Combatant (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode on Legend – The Legend (Bronze)
Complete the Basic Tutorial – Fundamentals (Bronze)
Complete a Combo Tutorial – Character Mastery (Bronze)
Show off your Minion during a game – Showing Off (Bronze)
Earn a Triple Kill in a match-made online game – Triple Kill! (Silver)
Earn a Double Kill in a 2v2 match-made online game – Team Sweeper (Silver)
Enter Overtime! – We have Overtime! – Working Weekends? (Bronze)
Enter 3x AP Overtime! – 3x OVERTIME!! (Silver)
Win a Versus Match against a team of three AI opponents – Champion (Silver)
Land a 50+ AP Combo in Practice Mode – Combo King (Bronze)
Land a 70+ AP Combo in Practice Mode – Combo Virtuoso (Silver)
Perform a Level 3 Super Attack – Ultimate Power (Bronze)
Earn a Double Kill with a Level 1 Super Attack – Two for One (Silver)
Earn a Triple Kill with a Level 1 Super Attack – Three for One (Gold)
Complete a Versus Match against an online player – Friendly Competition (Bronze)
Complete an online Ranked Match – Tournament Fighter (Bronze)
Earn a Kill in a match-made online game – First Blood (Bronze)
Win a match-made online game – Victorious! (Silver)
Complete Arcade Mode with Kratos – The God of War (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with PaRappa – I Gotta Believe! (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Fat Princess – Cake, please! (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Sweet Tooth – Oh Boys and Girls (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Radec – Helghast Commander (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Sly Cooper – Thievius Raccoonus (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Nathan Drake – Treasure Hunter (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Cole – Greatest Conduit (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Toro – Friend of the People (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Spike – Monkey Catcher (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Ratchet – Intergalactic Heroes (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Jak – Eco Master (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Sackboy – Let’s Make a Scene (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Raiden – Revengeance (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Heihachi – The Iron Fist (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Big Daddy – Mr. Bubbles (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Dante – Demon Hunter (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Evil Cole – Demon of Empire City (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Nariko – Heavenly Warrior (Bronze)
Complete Arcade Mode with Sir Daniel – Hero of Gallowmere (Bronze)
Win a match-made online game without dying – This is Living (Silver)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Big Daddy on ‘Columbia’ – I Chose The Impossible (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Cole or Evil Cole on ‘Alden’s Tower’ – Master of the Ray Sphere (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Sly Cooper on ‘Paris’ – Interpol HQ Break-In (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Ratchet on ‘Metropolis’ – Kerwan’s Capital City (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Sackboy on ‘Dreamscape’ – Ally of Larry Da Vinci (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Sweet Tooth on ‘Black Rock Stadium’ – Calypso’s Wishes (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Ratchet on ‘San Francisco’ – The Doctor Is In. (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with PaRappa on ‘Dojo’ – Student Becomes the Master (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Raiden on ‘Franzea’ – REX versus RAY (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Spike on ‘Time Station’ – The Peak Point Helmet Blues (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Jak on ‘Sandover Village’ – Samos’ Sacred Site (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Nathan Drake on ‘Stowaways’ – Sic Parvis Magna (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Radec on ‘Invasion’ – Autarch of Helghan (Bronze)
Perform a Level 3 Super with Kratos on ‘Hades’ – Palace of the Underworld (Bronze)
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natthesiren · 8 years
Wanted to do a female version of this. I had fun making this. :)
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ahistoryofwar · 11 years
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Fictional post. Helghan Empire (KILLZONE): 
The Helghan Empire is the autocratic governing body on planet Helghan, ruling over the Helghast people. They are the main antagonists of the Killzone series. The founder and first ruler of the Empire was Autarch Scolar Visari, who was succeeded by Admiral Orlock, the Helghast Military Commander, following the battle of Pyrrhus City, invasion of Visari Palace and his death.
"Violence has its own economy. Therefore be thoughtful and precise in your investment."
—Helghast philosophy.
The Helghast peoples' lives of extreme hardship naturally make them hardened soldiers. Most of Helghan's fiscal and natural resources go towards the military, leaving little for domestic development. The Helghan military's primary tactics primarily relate to the implementation of vicious, rapidly sweeping surgical strikes reliant on the element of surprise, focusing almost completely on offensive based strategies. However, the Second Extrasolar War has shown that the Helghast military is adept in defensive tactics as well, springing numerous traps and ambushes on unwary ISA forces.
However, thirty years after the destruction of Helghan and their resettlement on Vekta, the new helghast government has made several reforms on the military. Because of the major decrease of population, the government now relies on more highly trained soldiers with better equipment and weaponry, rather than lightly trained ones who rely on overwhelming numbers. 
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All-Stars -Story Mode- [CHAPTER 14] Part 5
Part 4
Sorry for taking so long but I had finished it but also, I kinda had a change in plans about Chapter 15; I am going to get it started early after this part but Frisk and Bendy will come back in Chapter 15 to defeat Radec thankfully before several of our heroes will be taking to the world of Dead Rising and the reveal of our true villain will be there soon. Enjoy! ^^
-Back to Miss Pauling again! :D-
Miss Pauling had ran without looking back,
left, right, left, right, left, right, left are her feet whom hit the ground as fast as she could to get away from them. She panted as she reared around the corner and hid behind it. She panted as she watched two other soldiers ran pass her and away from sight.
She took time to calm her heart down and recount what had happened, “Hell… That could’ve gone much better,” she said, “Still, it’s odd about those vines coming out of nowhere just to shield us from the rockets. I wonder if…” she concluded before she could finish that sentence.
“Miss Pauling!” A familiar voice called out, as well as with the feet running on the ground. “Oh boy…” she groaned internally, she then turned to see that voice belongs to Scout. “You’re alright!” he said stopping in front of her as she rolled her eyes.
“I’m glad to see you too, Scout.” she said as Soldier, Demoman, Pyro, P!Dempsey, P!Takeo, Erron and Gordon had come around the corner after him and seeing Miss Pauling for the first time.
“Hello Miss Pauling!” Soldier is the second one to greet her, “We came here just in time to rescue you and the hostages!” he said happily as he placed a bloodstained shovel on his shoulder, before looking at Demoman.
“Oh, and keeping Demoman sober during battle this time around as well!” he added, Demoman only rolled his eye with a smile.
“And you must be?” she said as she looked over to Erron and Gordon, “They’re with us.” Dempsey quickly answered as Miss Pauling looked over to him and said “You must be “Tank” Dempsey.”
The Marine nodded and looking over to Takeo, “And Spy had told you this is-” he was beginning to say but soon noticed Miss Pauling was looking at him in shock and confusion. “But you- You were- had just-” she started to say through her stammering as he and Takeo had raised their eyebrows towards this.
Miss Pauling couldn’t believe that he can’t be in two places at once, first he was wearing wearing WWII uniform, cut hair and looked older but now, he is very much like how Spy described; black hair tied in a bun, uniform with ripped sleeves, bandaged hands and younger.
“Pauling?” Takeo asked in concern, “You seemed shaken.”
“I am…. Fine.” she answered with a sigh leaving her mouth, Scout raised an eyebrow toward her reaction upon seeing Takeo and this meeting. She then looked over to Demoman and said “Demo, do you have any alcohol on you?” in defeat.
“Sorry but I don’t have any on me this time, Miss Pauling.” he said nervously, she could only look at him, unconvinced and unwilling to let that Demoman go with the idea of him carrying alcohol everywhere he goes, she then said again “Hand one over Demoman, I have known you too much to know that you carry them around already.”
He was hesitating for a moment but then reluctant, handing her the bottle of scrumpy he had in his pouch and watched as she chugged it all down. Dempsey had a little while to think about this when walked beside him before looking at him and saying “Do you know what’s up with her?”
“Her reaction,” Erron explained further, “If she had already met him then-”
“Best to save it for later.” Dempsey quickly interjected, “I was only asking.” Erron said as he rolled his eyes to which the Marine walked away from him to Miss Pauling. “Alright, Miss Pauling, do you know how we are gonna get out of this alive once we rescue them?”
Miss Pauling choked when he said it, “Um… I haven’t figured that one out yet,” she said nervously, “You haven’t figured that yet?” Dempsey said disappointed.
“I had figured out yet, and…” she said as she trailed off, “And what, Miss Pauling?” Scout asked as he continued to look around for any enemy lurking around. “Well, I ran into another group on my way here, three men and one woman and-”
“Let me guess; from another timeline?” Dempsey interrupted.
“In truth: Yes.” she answered, “Seems to be from the early 1900’s though.”
“Are they from the time before the time of the First World War?” Takeo questioned, Miss Pauling looked at him with a questioning expression, “Possibly.” she answered. “My guess is 1910 or 12. I am not so sure.”
“Hey, we are familiar with time travel and jumping from one dimension after another.” Dempsey said as his hands are in the air with an honest tone. Erron looks down as he said nothing while he listens to them talk, his mind begins to trail off with questions: Is this another Mortal Kombat tournament? Or was something much more serious happening?
He was an Earthrealmer and now a hitman for hire in the Outworld, he had been to six realms and back but this is all new to him somehow and meeting other people that he had never known other than Kotal Kahn, Outlanders and others but these people? He’s not so sure anymore.
He looked over to Gordon like he had an answer but the man of few words only shrugged, “Gordon, y'all gonna talk eventually.” Erron insisted, “Most of the time, you are a man of few words.”
Gordon wondered for a moment and then he actually said “Alright.” to which made everyone looked at him, “Well damn,” Dempsey said, “He speaks.”
“I thought he was a mute,” Pauling raised an eyebrow before turning to Erron and said “Are you-?”
“I was a prisoner here, well, was a prisoner until the kids had escaped who helped me to escape from them as well.” 
“Are you talking about a kid with a striped long sleeve shirt and a talking mug?” she asked as she looked at him, Erron nodded.
“The mission was a failure!” Soldier said, “He was a prisoner of war that was held in Cellblock Point B that is in the police station from here and there’s a hole in the their cell next to his and it’s about 7 cells on the right! They are must be half way out by now!”
“He had-??”
Scout quickly chimed in by saying “It’s a long story, happened was that he had helped them escape the mess by convincing Mugman to use some type of blast or whatever and now they’re escaping through the caves.”
“Huh…” she said, surprised and relieved, “I had sent Cuphead to-”
“You had sent Cuphead to-?” Dempsey said before being cut by gunfire sounded through the air as they all looked up at the sky, Erron shushed everyone as he whispered “Stay quiet.” before getting out two revolvers as everyone else done the said as they all backed up to the wall.
The Outlander then side-stepping to another end of the wall where Miss Pauling had came from, “Don’t lose your head, Cowboy.” Dempsey cautioned, Erron nodded and peeked to see whatever is waiting on the other side.
He sees two Helghan soldiers, he cursed under his breath and muttered “We’ve got company.” as everyone looked at each other then at one another. “Crap.” Scout muttered, Demoman looked at him and whispered “How many are there, laddie?”
“Only two,” Erron replied in a whisper as he kept his eyes on them, “If they come over here, I am sure that we can take them.”
“Yes, sir!” Soldier whispered as others nodded as well, that is when Erron begins to listen to them talking on a via communication device, it seemed to have caught his interest as he listened in to what they are saying.
“Has he found them?” one of them said to the radio, “Not yet, the human child and the boy had made a way out but… I am sure that Colonel Mael Radec will find them.”
“What we will do next after?”
“They will be taught in discipline,” one of the other answered, “As punishment for escaping the hands of the Helghan Empire to be exact, they may be children but they must learn hard lessons in life.”
“Right.” Other agreed before asking “And as for the invaders?”
“They will be captured and then executed, no more interference and we can not risk it any longer.” The soldier answered with malice and that made Erron’s spine chilled when he heard what they will do if Radec had found Frisk and Mugman.
Then a voice came up from the communicator, they quickly answered “Yes?”
On the communicator, screams are heard as well a laugh of a maniacal mad man trying to take down the door as another voice called out in pure blood curdling horror had yelled “Their Doctor is different from what Colonel Radec had described! He is wearing what appears to be a general's uniform and his eyes are not like any-” then all of a sudden the door had been broken down and laughter are both heard in the background as he pleaded “No! No!! AGGH-” before being cut off with static.
“Come in…? Come in!” One of the soldiers had said as he tried to reconnect the signal as the other is listening on to what was going on until the significant other had looked at him and hits him with an StA-14 Rifle and said “We have to get to them! Go! Go!” before running with another followed suit.
As soon as they are gone, Dempsey asked “Are they gone, Erron?” as Erron looked over his shoulder and answered “Yeah but what they said is worse.” as he put one of the revolvers away.
“And I don’t think that none of you aren’t going to like it.” he continued.
“Then spit it out then.” Dempsey said with impatience, Erron had paused for a moment before laying out on what he had heard from them to others beside him and after he finished, Miss Pauling said “Alright, even though I had covered up things and I had disposed of the bodies but that way too far.” with disgust.
“I know!” Erron said, knowing now there’s something that needs to be done to not let them have their way on them, “Does that mean we are-”
“Going into the caves and find them before he does,” Dempsey concluded, “Erron knows the way back there.”
Erron nodded and said “I may not be paid but I am looking for the thrill so I hope that cave holds it in store for us.” as he walked ahead with everyone following close behind, “It better be big enough for us to go in there, it’s be hell if it’s too small.” Scout muttered as he walked ahead of Soldier and Demoman while Takeo said “Do not speak of hell, Scout.”
-To Ultimis Richtofen’s side during the radio transmission-
He couldn’t be a lot more happier than he was back in Der Raise with his comrades and with the Helghan soldiers that seemed to got his bloodlust an attention he needed. He felt so much stronger when they had came after he called out its name. As it turns out, that name had belong to the demon who comes after their name is heeded.
_ _ _ _ _
He had killed every Helghast that had stood his way as they were surprised that he didn’t seem to be bothered that he was injured and bleeding, the wounds he had gotten are seemed to be healing by themselves as he took out some type of food or a chocolate bar and ate it. Restoring his Health Points,
He just couldn’t help but follow their lead into killing and slaughtering a group of them in cold blood running through his veins. The blood got on him and a dagger he had in his hand as he made one swift move on the Helghan Soldier who was on the ground.
And like that, blood sprayed at his direction as the blade met the throat and slashed it open, soldier’s blood is on his face, his uniform and on his boots as he joyfully yelled “Zhe blood! ZHE BEAUTIFUL BLOOD!!”
That’s when he heard someone making a radio transmission from the chief's office, then he heard a voice that had overpowered the others as it said.
*Looks like someone is trying to get help.
*It’ll be a darn shame if you’re left out.
*Mind joining the conversion, Edward? =)
Without a moment to think, he ran towards the office and tried the door handle but it was to be locked, he knocked on the door then soon began to bang it.
Then the terrified trooper managed to get the transmission working, he yelled into the radio “Their Doctor is different from what Colonel Radec had described!” with each banging from the other side is more and more aggressive with grave strength of the Doctor.
*Better do it quickly, the call is going to be cancelled soon
*I would want his friends to know what we have done.
*S T A Y  D E T I R M I N E D .
Voice had called out again with a sour rich command, that made Richtofen go even more intention of getting inside the office and that was the point he had began to slam his thin body onto the door, with an ill intention for a thirst of blood is his one desire and he wants it right now.
His shoulder is getting more bruised with each hit and the glass on the door is cracking with each force. The soldier is more in need of help as he heard each thrust that the Doctor is charging and the door had aged for a while, it was ready to give way any minute.
He is an Elite Shock Trooper of Helghan Empire and a part of the Helghast Defense Forces. But he was prepared for this human- no, this monster, this creature, this… demon possessing him.
“He is wearing what appears to be a general's uniform and his eyes are not like any-” he was interrupted as the glass had broken from the outside, he turned and saw Edward Richtofen’s eyes, they were sea cyan/light green blue but they are now different, much much more different than before and now,
they had turned into dark navy blue with slit glowing crimson red as they are filled with bloodlust and vile and wicked as his lips had curled into a menacing, sinister smile with two pink circles on each of his cheeks as he exclaimed “Heeeere’s Eddy!”
The Helghan Shock trooper was perilized in fear as he looked into the monster’s eyes and watched helplessly as the butcher reached his hand through the broken window as he felt a supernatural force to unlock it, all the while he hasn’t let his glaze be removed from the soldier, he wanted this soldier to know it will be the last thing he will be seeing.
Without pausing, a clicking sound was heard and with a firm move, he turned the doorknob and opened the door with creep. A smile is still on his face as entered the room with a bloodstain dagger, he still smiling a vicious a grin before laughing as he stalked towards the soldier with each step like a hungry wolf.
The trooper begins to plead for mercy as he had began to back up slowly to get the heck away from him as possible, trying to avoid the distance getting closer and closer.
“Please, have mercy.” he gasped, only for the Doctor to reply “I am sorry but zhe Doctor is all out of mercy.” with the same grin.
He then screamed in terror “No! No!! AGGH-” before the Richtofen had lashed out to the man  before him and then begins to gut him while he screams in agony and Edward laughing while he had plunged and pulled the knife as blood is spraying from him and all over the doctor but he didn’t stop as he kept striking, stabbing and wounding the poor Helghan trooper that is that is being held down on the floor against his will.
“P-Please! S-Stop!” he choked out in a rasp, in need of air as he felt his lungs are being filled with blood as he knew he’s drowning in it, he looked horrible, gravely injured as the Doctor looked at him with knife and spleen he had cut out of him as he stood on his knees. He was still smiling as he looked at the man before him but he is somewhat annoyed.
He had been stabbed, cut open and bleeding but he is still not dying quick enough than he thought. He had killed people in the past but this Helghast was different, “Vhy won’t you just die!?” he said impatiently towards the dying man, “Because....” he managed croaked, “Helghan… The planet… our planet… had made us all stronger…”
*Just finish the job, Doctor.
Richtofen, annoyed and enraged, yelled at him “Oh shut your trap und die already!!” before he blacked out for a moment, he did remember bits of it however. He remembered his teeth digging into hard yet soft skin, blood oozed and sprayed on his face and the soldier gurgling before splitting something in his mouth out.
*You won!
*Rewards: 236 Gold and Helghast’s gas mask.
*LOVE had increased to Level 55!
He came to and see what had happened as he teased the iron taste of blood as he licked his thin lips and sees the Helghast before him with his throat bitten off and blood flowing out of the wound and his golden orange eyes had faded to gray a little.
Richtofen noticed that he had also ripped off some pieces of his armored uniform along with the gas mask that seemed futuristic so it must’ve been the reason why he had saw his face in the first place.
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Seeing a Helghast before him
As his eyes are slowly returning to their normal state, he placed the spleen beside the body and looked at him in the face, he can tell that he had red bags under his eyes like he had an alternate version of dark circles under the eyes.
His skin is pale like he was sick, it felt like it had been when he was looking at a corpse that is very much different than humans or zombies. He had thought about what he said for a moment, “Helghan made us all stronger.” were his last words before hands of fate had cut him by the throat.
*Feeling curious now, Eddie?
_ _ _ _ _ had said after they had their fun with the Doctor, he only nodded “I vonder vhat he means by this “Helghan” had made them stronger,” he said as he was astonished to see one of them before.
*Helghan is their home planet,
*The planet was deemed uninhabitable due to hazardous dust and lightning storms, it’s environment is toxic to them and in all honesty; they were humans once before setting in there.
*After being exposed to the planet’s hazard, they suffered nausea, cramps, and vomiting are common within hours.
*After that, they had turned after their lungs functions are increased, tendons had strengthened, and more oxygenated blood.
*As it was happening to it’s settlements, they had increased in size and numbers of the now mutated Helghast.
“Und I had one of zhem,” he said as he smiled, “I vonder now on vhat zheir kidneys looked like!” he gushed as he readies the dagger again but _ _ _ _ _ had stopped him again, Richtofen looked at them with loathsome expression.
*Rather not do that.
*I can hear someone coming, looks like you’re on your own, Partner. = )
Richtofen watched as _ _ _ _ _ disappears into thin air while the German had watched, then soon a female voice had muttered in disgust “What had done this?” in which had caught Edward’s attention.
Scarlett had come in and saw the aftermath of the massacre, she carefully looked around to see if anything…. Or anyone is still here all the while she’d held a revolver in her hand.
The Doctor cautiously stood up and tipped-toed to the door, cautiously peeked from the office to see who it was and saw her.looking around. “A woman,” A first thought came in his head, a smile quickly drew on his face.
“An easy target for me but….” he trailed off once he realized that she is armed, “I better zhink fast on approach.” he said as he looked back on the body that is laying on the ground. He thought about his strategy for a minute but only for a minute until he heard her called out.
“Is there anyone here?” is what she had called out to someone who is hopefully still alive, Richtofen peered from the door again before reaching the back pouch to search for anything until he felt something and then getting it out to see a syringe filled with glowing subscene of 115 mixed with crimson blood.
“I am!~” He called out from the room he is in and before stepping out of the room and Scarlett was surprised to see that his appearance had changed. “Vhy fräulein, you looked surprised.” he chirped happily but he too was surprised when she said his name.
“You looked…. Different, Richtofen.” she said rather awkwardly, Richtofen simply smiled at her words as he walked over to her at a threatening yet calming pace as he replied “As in zhat I “dressed different”, have you not been expecting me to be here?”
“No, no I didn’t.” She said with a suspicious tone her voice as she began to realize that this one, this Richtofen, is someone else entirely and may be dangerous.
She was beginning to raise her revolver at him but the Doctor had gently placed his hand on it and then have it lower it back down gently as he held something behind his back.
“Don’t fret, ve are zhe only ones here und afterall… I am a doctor.” he said as Scarlett carefully looked at him then he suddenly fastens the syringe to it’s icepick grip as he yelled “Und as a doctor, I know vhat’s best for you!” in twisted excitement with the eyes that are obviously not sane as he harshly held her hand to keep her in place that took her by surprise.
He then thrusts his hand towards the side of her neck but the hand that was holding the syringe was knocked off when a wrench was thrown at his hand, quickly disarming him as he grunted in pain.
When he reached and picked it up but he hissed in pain, he then held his hand to assume a bleeding cut injury as he took his rubber glove from the hand to have a further look on the palm while she watched speechless until she felt a hand on her shoulder and a familiar voice rang out.
“Scarlett,” P!Nikolai said in a serious tone, “Run.”
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(Drawn by @sampoststuff on Tumblr)
Scarlett turned to look at the Russian before looking back at the new insane Richtofen before them, the German looked at them with anger.
“What is going-”
“Just run, Miss Rhodes!” Nikolai demanded once again and this time, Scarlett did just that when the adrenaline had began to tense and then made her blood rushed harshly through her veins and her mind went into flight mode.
She had no time to question the situation she had put herself in so she just ran for it, Nikolai had followed suit, running as fast as his feet had grown wings of their own as they go around the corner and then into another hallway.
Ultimis Richtofen had just got up with the syringe in his other hand as they ran through the hallway after violently opened the double door to make their escape from him, the doors closed slowly until they are forced opened once again with them hitting the wall with a crash that echoed throughout the halls.
A smile he had on his face is the one that could be able to frighten the prey just a mile away, he coldly said “Bad move, other Nikki…”
He then ran after them down the halls as he heard their feet hitting the floor as they ran, his frustration had turned on at this point as he is losing gain on them. That is until he saw a silhouette of a person that is about Nikolai’s height, his anger quickly accelerated into searing joy when he saw it.
Shifting into a sprint, he made a mad dash towards the silhouette who had realized this and was about to get out a weapon or run or even maybe both but even for an aged German general, he really can run so quickly.
He caught up to him and then held him in by the shoulders before plunging the syringe deep, deep into his neck at full force as he screeched in pain, he can clearly hear a song playing somewhere in the police station and he wasn’t paying to it but he could hear the last lyrics.
Oh, my eyes are seein' red
Double vision from the blood we've shed
The only way I'm leavin' is dead
That's the state of my, state
of my, state of my head
The person under him was struggling a bit but eventually, he stopped moving before dropping on the floor unconscious while the sadistic doctor watches but was in shock when the lightbulb lit up back to life and saw that it wasn’t Primis Nikolai he had managed to get but it was one of the elite troopers he had mistook for him.
“Was?!” he snapped as he looked at him, he then kneeled down and picked him up by the armor collar, “You’re not NIkolai!! Vhere are zhey!? Vhere…” he growled until a thought ran through his head, “If zhere’s anozher Nikolai here,” he said, “Zhen…” he continued as he smiled, “Zhere’s a good chance zhat zhere’s anozher me somevhere.”
Achievement Unlocked:  Cold Blood “Humans are the Real Monsters”
Primis Richtofen is looking out from his hiding place to not only look at the 4 Helghan Elite Troopers but to the gate that Engineer and others had managed to close shut to keep the dead at bay for some time.
He stood there and held tightly of the Ray Gun clenched in his hand as the blood vials of his jingled a bit but quickly held them tight quietly as one of the Elite Trooper heard it on his left but was distracted when another tapped his shoulder to get his attraction.
“Strange sounds are coming from the gate, take caution.” they said under a whisper with strict, he nodded before noticing something on his left, Edward quickly hid back behind the old concrete wall that hid him well despite the seemly 80 years had passed.
He knew that he was going to be caught soon and he could only imagine what they will do to him and feared that they will take the Summoning Key from him if he’s killed and that will be very bad, not only failed to save his universe but let his friends, his mentor and everyone down as well.
He silently cursed under his breath as he when checked his ammo for the Ray Gun and to realize that he only had three batteries, “One against only six Helghasts vho vere well armed to zhe teeth,” he whispered, “I do not like zhe odds in zhis.”
He peeked again but immediately hides back when bullets had been fired, he cursed under his breath when he heard their boots coming to his direction, he then managed to get one of the batteries inside the weapon as he unclipped it’s muzzle and then placed it inside before closing the muzzle back on with a gentle click.
He inhaled and then slowly let the breath out of his lungs as he closed his eyes for a moment then braced himself for the unwanted fight, summoning up what little courage he had before going out of cover and then opened fire at the Troopers.
“Get down!” They yelled as they ducked while most of their own tripped, then two of them proceeded to open fire immediately as he took cover again. He waited for a moment for them to stop firing and this is when he heard them calling out, saying “Surrender! This is far as your kind had gone today!”
He cursed under his breath again, “I really vish that I should've let Dempsey teach me how to fight back vith mein bare hands.” he muttered as he looked at the shadows on the dirt-covered ground, then he heard a familiar French voice whispered beside him “You know,”
Richtofen looked and gasped to see that it’s Spy, with a smile on his face and a cigarette between his fingers, his back to the wall and said “hiding won’t save you.”
Richtofen raised an eyebrow then looked back to see that they coming closer then turned back to look at the Frenchman but he had disappeared just as Trooper had came out and aimed the rifle at him.
Edward turned around surprised but before he could pull the trigger, the other had suddenly looked at him before turning StA-52 Assault Rifle on him and then fired a bullet at the back of the head, killing him. He then heard a familiar voice distorted through the re-breather “¡Por México!” in Spanish as the fellow soldiers looked in shock before one of them saying “Traitor!” then pointing their weapons at him.
Troopers weren’t in for what will come next though, a revolver had suddenly sounded off and another had gone down without a pause with blood spurting out as they looked at him before turning to see the Spy with a revolver in hand and after he was upon being seen by the Elite Helghast, one of them yelled out “Spy!” and they pointed the rifles at him instead.
“Gentlemen.” Spy said calmly as any other gentlemen would do, holding the revolver in hand while using the other hand to adjust his tie and clearing his throat.
“I take the point most of you were after me?” he asked, one of them nodding as they had still had their guns pointed at him. Spy seemed unamazed or scared to see that they are armed, he looked at the unfamiliar assault rifles before letting his eyes gaze at them with courage and saying as if to taunt to them “Cowards, let’s settle this like gentlemen!”
“Surrender, now.” one of them said grimly as Spy studied their reactions before looking at the Trooper who had just killed one of their own and said “Do think I was the only one who can backstab their teammates in the back.”
They looked confused at first until they heard him undoing his re-breather, that made them to turn around and saw that it really wasn’t one of their own but Diego who had dressed up as one.
“Hola, Helghast.” he greeted with a smile, Helghasts weren’t really in for that type of surprise as they found out they had been tricked into thinking he was one of their own in disguise. None of them didn’t have time to react before Diego opened fired with StA-52 rifle on them.
Sound of a revolver opened fire sounded in Richtofen’s ears quickly and saw that it was Spy who had aimed and fired as the soldier fell down without a sound with a spray of blood launched out of the back of the head.
Richtofen then finally fired at them with another burst of courage, just as Dempsey and others had rounded the corner before stopping to see what is going on. Miss Pauling had still time to use the double-barrel pistol to take them on as she began to fire.
Erron pulled his two revolvers out of their hosts while Dempsey gives Gordon one of his pistols for him to use and then they began firing at the troopers, one by one they fell down on the ground.
One of them try to charge in with a combat knife but Pyro had swung their axe at the knife and it knocked it out of his hands. Allowing Demoman to swing the Eyelander at the base of the neck, decapitating him completely.
The head rolled on the ground as the last body falls down, “Well… That was easy.” Dempsey said as he lowered his pistol down and looking at Richtofen, “Ya’ll okay, doc?”
“I am fine Dempsey, thanks to Diego and Spy here.” Richtofen said as others looked over to them, “Hola, you must what the doctor calls “Dempsey,” right?” Diego asked, Dempsey nodded “Yeah? Hi.”
“Been brought here too?” Erron asked, “Of course!” Diego answered without hesitation, “We are from 1912 originally, a different world.”
“Quite a coincidence.” Takeo replied, already on that point, the Hispanic man reminded him of Dempsey because they are both confident whenever battle is going on. “Also, as long as you’re here, do mind helping me getting this armor off of me please?” Diego asked as he dropped the helmet on the ground, Erron and Demoman walked over to him and helped him out of the armor winch it’s difficult to.
“How did managed to get this on ya, Diego?” Dempsey asked as he undid the pieces of the chest armor, “I had questioned the same thing when I had put it on,” Diego answered with trouble of removing the arm piece and the glove on his wrist and forearm.
Richtofen is looking at them helping the Mexican out of the armor as he shook his head with a small smile when he heard Miss Pauling walking to him. “Hello, are you Doctor Edward Richtofen?” she asked as he turned to look at her, “Ja, I am Doctor Edward Richtofen, I am from Dimension 63 in zhe year of 1918 originally, zhe same year vhere zhe First World War had ended if I am correct.” he answered as he placed the ray gun away in his pouch.
“You must be Fräulein Pauling I had been told about.” he asked as he looked at her carefully, she nodded with ease. If this is the time where she should’ve have a clipboard just to write this down, now she wished it would be a good time to do so as she said “It is nice to meet you, Doctor Richtofen.”
“Just one more…” Erron said as he undid the last strap that kept the armor together, freeing Diego as he removes it. “¡Gracias, señor!” he said happily as he lets it fall to the floor with a satisfying ploof, finally been freed of the uniform, suit and the armor.
“You have no idea how stiffly it is wearing it, Amigo.” he said without hesitation as he stretches, Dempsey only rolled his eyes with a small smile while he watched. He then looked over to Miss Pauling and said “It’s to run into you once again on the same day, Miss Pauling.” with a gently “Oh silly me” manner.
“You too.” said Miss Pauling as she adjusted her glasses then reloads the double barrel pistol with a few bullets she had left on her, with a click.
“Alright, what was new so far?” She asked not only in curiosity, but in context of someone who wants to be informed of what was going on so far. Takeo looked over to her and said “From start to finish, Misu Pauling?”
Edward thought about it for a moment, he began to answer with honesty, “Vell, ve vere brought here by an unknown entity,”
“Yep,” she said as she got out a notepad and pen then wrote it down after Richtofen said that, “And?” she asked immediately.
“Zhen ve are fighting not only zhe undead but soldiers from a planet far from here,” he continued.
“And me hiding my a$$ from them and wait until you guys got here.”
“Zhen three children und a wolf came out of nowhere und, zhey got involved vith our war vith zhe Helghasts.”
“And we already know why Radec wanted both Cuphead and Mugman for.”
“Zhen ve’d met a cowboy.”
“Obvious.” Erron said with boredom.
“Und ve bumped into four more people who are not involvement vith us vhatsoever but zhey had zheir own reasons.”
“Crossing paths with Diego and his friends, I get that.”
“Si.” Diego agreed with a nod.
“As of right now, we're here, trying to take Mael Radec down but had known zhat he won't go down vithout a fight.” Richtofen concluded as he stepped to the side to let Spy go pass him.
“And we will know how this is going to affect him after we’re through with him and his men.” she said as she finished writing up notes and then closing the pad, looking up with fast plundering buzz.
“But there is another thing I had…” she began to say when they heard footsteps coming their way, making everyone to raise their guns to whoever is coming but they didn’t expect both P!Nikolai and Scarlett coming their running and panting like crazy.
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They then stopped once they felt they were safe far from the madman, they are panting, cursing and trying to catch their breath after running from the psycho. “Ah… Ah… Is he still after us?” Scarlett had been the first to ask Nikolai that while she trying to catch her breath.
The Russian Sergeant turned his head to look at the direction where they came from, no one, no one was behind them thankfully while he took deep breaths to even out his breathing. “He’s not chasing us… I now believed that we had managed to…. Got away from him.” he panted as he rested his hands on his knees.
Richtofen, Takeo and Dempsey walked over to their teammate while Diego walked over to Scarlett with concerned but she seemed to jumped when she saw Richtofen but thankfully realized he’s a different version.
Dempsey had to put his hand on Nikolai’s shoulder, getting him to look at the marine corporal before him and he asked “What. Happened. Nik?” clearly but mostly in a hushed whisper.
Miss Pauling was confused, along with Scout, Pyro, Demoman, Spy, Soldier, Sniper and with Scarlett and Diego who are looking at them with further curiosity.
They were watching as the four men were whispering until Richtofen said “Vhat…?!”, Diego raised an eyebrow towards the German’s reaction at what Nikolai had explained what had happened earlier. They noticed that Takeo and Dempsey were surprised as well but continued to listen.
Scout was curious as all heck than others, finally, he asked out of thought “Hey, is there something wrong there?”
None of them didn’t respond to his question, only eerie silence they had left him with, “Hey, mate, what is going on there?” Sniper broke the ice when he said that, “Is there a bloody problem there? Had the Helghasts done something?”
Another silence fell, finally Richtofen finally answered “I vas afraid zhis would eventually happened.” as fear toned and luck in his voice. “About what, my German friend?” Diego asked but the Origins Crew got up as Richtofen said nothing but Tank had answered for him. “Sorry but, we’ll just talk about it later.”
“Oi think you brookes better-” Sniper was beginning to say but the crew ran off into the direction where Nikolai had came in just when Diego had called out “Hey, where are you four running off to? Explain yourselves!”
“Diego,” Scarlett began as she grabbed him by the arm, making him look over to her, “Get Shaw and Bruno”
“Right now?”
“Right now, Diego, we need to regroup.” she demanded, Diego looked down for a moment then looked at her again.
“Alright, Scarlett.” Diego agreed with a nod was about to run off but Scarlett stopped, “Hold on,” she said and then getting out a welling pistol and handing it to him as she said “Just in case there are Helghasts, got it?”
He smiled then nodded, “Alright.” then runs off to find them as Miss Pauling looked at her and said, “Let me guess; you’re gonna go after them?”
“Yes,” Scarlett answered, getting out another welling pistol she had kept before looking at her, “And you wanted to know what is going on if you really wanted to go with me.” before putting a small smile.
Miss Pauling scoffed at her response, “Like I wanted to go with you.” before looking away from her, then she looked at Spy and said “Get everyone and met us at the cell block B, Spy! Do it now!”
“Yes, ma’am.” he said as he got out his butterfly knife out, shushering Scout to get going as Sniper said “Stay in one piece, mates!” as he followed closely behind Demoman and Soldier who yelled out “USA!”
“Are they with you?” Scarlett as she checked to make sure that she had bullets loaded into it as she walked ahead of her to go back to where she came from. Miss Pauling soon followed her to the road back to the office where she and Nikolai had escaped as she said “Yep and if you-”
“Had them go after me if I left you with Radec? I now think we now have something to relate if that happens.” she said to winch made Pauling sniggered a little but clears her throat to be more professional on the task at hand as Scarlett shook her head with a smile.
Both women walked carefully through the area with pistols ready if they are threatened by any soldier from Helghan when they encountered them, “Is there any reason for you go after him?” Miss Pauling asked as she looked around and saw that what had happened when someone had killed a few troopers in the area and a discarded ray gun that appeared to be upgraded into Mark II to winch she had picked up to inspect it.
“Well, it was hard to remember memory how we got here but we do know that him and his men are here through radio transmission that I happened to fix up and tapped in.” she explained, “So, we figured if this was The Order’s doing and we decided to take him prisoner and find out if they were responsible for this mess.”
“If it wasn’t him or the Order cult-thing…?” she asked awkwardly as she carefully placed the Ray Gun Mark II into her waist pouch for future use.
*You put Ray Gun Mk II in your inventory.
“If it wasn’t them then, we are dealing with something worse than both of them combined.” Scarlett answered as she stood on the side of the door, welling pistol in hand before peeking in through the door, expecting someone to be there but no one so far.
Miss Pauling then walks to her as she enters the police station and even through, she had first thought it was going to be a small building but this Police station is different, way different.
If you want to paint a picture of the police station, you must first draw a big triangle,at the center, that’s an entrance hall and a reception desk at the end of it, then draw a circle above the triangle, you will see at least several desks of each detective fit for a job, then sketch up a square on top of the circle; There, you will see that it’s the Chief's office. And lastly, draw two more but smallish triangles with cells, both of them are Cell Blocks Point A and B.
She didn’t expect a bloodbath that lies within, bodies of Elite soldiers and troopers are scattered about on the floor with various stab and slash wounds that claimed their lives. “Oh god…” Miss Pauling muttered as she had never seen anything like this before, other times in the Gravel Wars, she had seen stuff like this in her world but nothing like this.
“It was like this when I got here when I had heard the yelling, panicking and screaming so I decided to investigate.” Scarlett explained more as she carefully walked for the Chief’s office that is where she had first encountered Richtofen’s Ultimis counterpart.
Then soon, they heard Tank’s voice saying “Just take the f*&%ing step back!” as a sound of someone going between two intervals.
“I do not get how zhis is possible! Zhere has to be a possible reason vhy you are here!” Richtofen said while trying to remain calm when his other voice had strikes back “Zhere is a reason vhy both of us are here, Edward! Zhe only answer is ozher more impossible questions.” with feral tone.
“Sshh...” Scarlett hushed as she slowly back up to the wall, becking Pauling to do the same as her so as well. she didn’t want to but whatever’s going on and why there are two same voices talking to each other but she wanted to know what this was about so she did as she was looking at her like she was looking out for her and their safety.
“What should we do, Miss Rhod-?”
“Just call me “Scarlett,” Pauling.” she whispered, “Scarlett,” Miss Pauling whispered a reply through her lips as they scooting across the wall closer, closer to the door with the light of an electrical lightbulb illuminating the glow from within the room.
They were ready if that crap hits the fan quickly, they a nod from Scarlett to go and see what was going on as they hear familiar voices talking to similar voices that sounded like them.
*Alright, time to find out what is up.
“Ready?” Scarlett muttered to her as she raised her gun, Miss Pauling nodding a yes as she double checked her gun to make sure she had loaded bullets before sighing a breath out. “Ready.” she whispered, with another nod from Scarlett who is now determined to find out what is with the crew.
They were hoping that they were really some hallucination and the fact they were just going crazy but what they saw was quite much worse.
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(Outro cutscene from Call of Duty Zombies Classified Map, rightfully made and belongs to ⒸTreyarch)
As it turns out; they were two crews of each other, looked exactly like each other but wearing different clothing from both World War I all the way to World War II, it was almost as if their other selves had aged but still had fight in them.
They both turned to noticed the two women standing there in awe, Miss Pauling took her glasses off as she said “Is it me or am I seeing double….”
“Miss Pauling,” Scarlett mumbled as she recalled what Bendy had told her earlier about alternate dimensions and different timelines, as of right now, she is now getting it what he had meant.
It quickly clicked in her head, “Oh no, why is there more of them??” she finally asked as she placed her glasses back on while her eyes had gone wide open.
“Well damned, there are women here too.” Ultimis Dempsey said as he looked at them with a surprised look on his face as he is between both versions of Richtofens who are facing each other.
“And they both good looking, like 7th wife Nikolai had.” U!Nikolai gushed before drinking vodka from a bottle, winch made his Primis counterpart shook his head and turned away, disgusted.
He then said “Is that you wanted to do, Nikolai? Drink on until you’d drown in pitiful alcohol haze was your plan?” as he turned back to face him before finishing “Or make a huge difference for once in your life?”
Both Takeos only looked at each and from what Miss Pauling can tell they had a lot of questions for each other as well but they kept silent for the whole thing that is going on.
Dempseys stood quiet as well but they knew this wasn’t right when both of them had just met each other, Primis Dempsey still had guilt about putting himself down back in the castle as he said nothing but first time, in fear of his Ultimis self had asked about it.
All of that what seem silence for a while until Scarlett said “Were they involved when all of this took this?”
Both crews looked at her with confused yet curious looks on their faces, then it was Ultimis Richtofen the first one to speak up “Vell, ve are zhe first but had no relation to zhe situation zhat ve are now currently in.”
“Und zhat is zhe truth,” Primis Richtofen corrected with a matter-of-factly calm in his voice, “Please do not mind of mein original self, he can be… Dramanic.”
“Dramanic?! *Gasps* me?!” His Ultimis self gasped in disbelief as he placed his hand on his chest, “Mein life,” he began, to say with a sigh “vas a Shakespearean tragedy.” while he closed his eyes with composer.
His Primis counterpart rolled his eyes with annoyance as he crossed his arms as Ultimis Dempsey looked at him, knowing that this Richtofen wasn’t as unhinged as his Ultimis self and a lot more sane than him, he is insane, yes but had no other choice but to trust this Nazi and consider him a teammate.
“Do you know what is happening, Miss Pauling?” Ultimis Takeo asked as he looked at her with concern. Miss Pauling looked over to him, already had questions of her own and just wanted to be done with the ordeal they were in.
“I was hoping you guys knew,” she answered, “But I do know that something otherworldly had brought us here for something it wants.”
“How do you know that when someone who has gone from one place to another is Richtofen.” P!Dempsey pointed at his teammate who nodded, “Vhatever is going on, I fear zhat ve are dealing vith something more evil.”
“More evil? More Evil??” U!Richtofen said as he looked at him, “Zhen it means more power for us! Edvard, jusht imagine how much ve could achieve vith our combine intelligent and power zhat is unimaginable in our hands!” all the with a messed up smile on his face to winch his Primis self had noticed and recognized as he knew what he… himself had done to his teammates that would make his untrustworthy and still regretting it if he was in his shoes.
“Ve could rule zhe vorld if ve managed to capture zhat type of power… Und ve vill get bored vith it so ve’ll properly destroy it…”
Ultimis Richtofen’s smile snagged a little as he listened to his other self continued “Zhen ve vill do zhe same vith another vorld zhen another zhen another. Over und over again.” as he looked at him. He then reassured “Trust me, Edvard, zhere’s something else out zhere. Something else much vorse zhan both of us combined.”
Ultimis Richtofen nodded before clearing his throat, “Vell, for once. I believe you’re right.”
They then looked over to the two women as they looked back at back at them, Scarlett then said “I think we should save all of this for later but for now, we have to get to Cell Block B and look for Colonel Mael Radec!”
P!Nikolai nodded as U!Takeo had questioned “Mael Radec? What has he done for this?” as he looked at him, the Sergeant looked at the others and said “What he had done is something that none of you have ever seen before.” as he got out his shotgun and then cocked it back, ready for battle ahead of them, “Soldiers from a different plane of existence.” he finished as everyone looked at each other with much determination.
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daigyakusatu · 11 years
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mael-radec · 7 years
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The Stahl arms Sta 52 assault rifle
In the aftermath following there failed secession and questionably voluntary exile to the hostile world of Helghan following the defeat in the first interstellar war, the Helghast would in secret rebuild and reform into a massive empire under the leadership of now declared emporer Scoliar Visari who following the establishment of his new order would waste no time exploiting there new homeworlds seemingly untapped and near limitless resources into rapidly building up and developing a massive army. Amongst the many private sectors Visari would turn to the Stahl arms corporation in developing a Vast array of arms and technologically advanced weapons for his new war machine. Amongst the many weapons and equipment none would come to symbolize The superior might and ingenuity of the Helghast army more than there standard issue Sta 52 bullpup assault rifle. Fitted to chamber 5.56X45MM cartridges the Sta 52 is unique for a bullpup as it uses barrel like helical magazine’s that are chambered directly into the the stock of the weapon. The 52 is extremely versatile and compact with different models capable of being fitted with unique and varying attachments such under slung grenade launchers and even shotguns varients being commonly used by the Helghast 3rd army during there invasion of Vekta. Although it lacks in the accuracy of it ISA counterpart the M82 the Sta 52 outperforms it in holding a higher fire rate and ammo capacity makeing it effective in mid to long range fire fights. Throughout the course of the killzone series the Sta 52 remains the weapon of choice for the red eyed hostiles faced throughout the series with many of the Helghast arsenal sharing the same characteristics and design, most useing the same helical ammunition and bullpup chamber makeing the Helghast arsenal easily more distinguishable for the more conventional designed of there ISA enemies. The Sta 52 remains one of most familiar and favoured weapons of the killzone franchise and one of the more aesthetically unique designs in both sci fi and video games.
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natthesiren · 8 years
Wanted to do a female version of this. I had fun making this. :)
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natthesiren · 8 years
Dark Xypherous’s (Dr. Ichor) vid that I posted on. I had his permission to post this. I wanted to revive this treasure.
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