#Heliinx Mod
heliinx · 1 year
Hey Heliinx mod! I know Heliinx is formerly Clan Heliinx, but I'm curious! What is your personal all time fave Skaven clan? Mine is pestilens for sure.
Heliinx is from Clan Raze, though she would definitely like a clan named after her... ;)
I actually like the Order of the Grey Seers a lot! But if we're talking just normal clans, probably Clan Mors.
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heliinx · 3 years
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❂ Wizard
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▲ SpellCaster
This unit can cast spells.
▲ Regeneration There are beings and creatures that can mend bone and knit flesh at an incredible rate. A mighty boon, but one stunted by fire.
▲ Scaley Skin Scaly skin or hide helps to dampen or deflect the damage caused by missile weapons, increasing this unit's missile resistance.
▲ Charge Defense Against Large Foes When standing and bracing against a charge of large enemies (such as cavalry or monsters) this unit will negate the enemy's charge bonus.
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350 (Armor Piercing, Bonus vs. Large)
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Unique Weapon: 
1. Things-Caster A fusion between a things-catcher and a classic wizard staff, the things-caster performs the job of both it’s components well.
2. Serpent Slayer A weapon of skaven and lizardmen craft, the Slayer is comprised of rat magic and enslaved skink handiwork.
Armor: Warpscale Armor In Clan Reave, no part of the beast is wasted! Heliinx uses the toughest scales from the toughest saurus to forge her personal mail, which she dons under her robes when her clan goes to war.
- Brood Horror For the gaudier Warlord, Clan Moulder offers their most bloated Pox Rats as mounts to flail crush and savage a way through the enemy's ranks.
- Unique Mount: Frostblood Purchased from the Skaven markets as a cub, Frostblood is a White Lion and the pride and joy of Heliinx. She extends her favor unselfishly to few things: Frostblood is one such thing, equally keen to nuzzle her as he is to savage her enemies.
-Unique Mount: Ringing Palanquin Heliinx’s battle Palanquin, fitted with an unholy bell and guarded by Albino Rats. An unholy battle altar dedicated to the Great Horned Rat, its ominous tolling strikes awe into evil Skaven hearts and fear into their opponents. -Unique Mount*: Skarskrit Skarskrit is a massively mutated Bloodletter, kidnapped and then experimented on by Heliinx via surgies and warpstone applications. The result was a hulking daemonic creature, which Heliinx bound to herself using magic.
Typical: Encourage, Hide, Scurry Away, Stand or Die!, Arcane Conduit, Evasion, Too Horrible To Die, 
Magic: See Here
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heliinx · 3 years
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Clan Reave Faction Effects
Can recruit Bluud Rats
Can recruit Capyrats
Grey Seer Lords Can Recruit Albino Stormvermin
+1 Loyalty for All Lords; decreased chance of loyalty loss
Habitable Clime: Frozen
+ %10 Weapon Strength, Melee Attack when fighting against Clan Moulder
10+ Leadership for Skavenslaves and Clanrats
+10% Food Eaten Per Turn
- 20% Diplomatic Relations with Clan Moulder
Lord Effects (Heliinx)
+ 10 Armor for all Units
+ %10 Weapon Strength, Melee Attack when fighting against Lizardmen
+ %15 Captives Taken when victorious against Lizardmen
+ %15 Income from Structures
+ 20 Diplomacy with Skaven factions, except Clan Mors (only +5), Clan Moulder (no bonus)
Passive: Boost Income
+10% Campaign Movement when in Lustria
Special Skills
Clanlord’s Favored - Being the Clanlord’s favored has it’s advantages, and Heliinx presses them as mercilessly as any other.
Lords in the same Province as Heliinx Gain 1 Loyalty per turn. Lords in Adjacent Provinces have a 50% chance of gaining 1 Loyalty per turn.
One-Of-A-Kind - Heliinx’s rarity is two-fold; she is both a Grey Seer and a doe. Weaver, therefore, makes sure she is well protected...
All Stormvermin and Eshin Triads gain 15+ armor and the Guardian attribute.
Symbol of Insurgency - Heliinx’s birth sparked the Reave-Moulder war; the fact that the clan lives on and that Heliinx isn’t the property of a high ranking male is living proof of Moulder’s failure.
+10 Leadership when dueling against Clan Moulder
+Anti-Large for all Monstrous and Monstrous Infantry Units
+ 10 Melee Defense and Melee Attack for Clanrat Spears, Stormvermin (Halbreds), Council Guard, Packmasters, and Chieftans
Weaver’s Coreshard - A shard of weaver’s very core, which hangs around the Grey Seer’s neck, it’s essence savaging all who would try to steal it. At will, Weaver’s montrous talons tear through the fabric of reality and shear Heliinx’s enemies.
Heliinx gains causes fear.
Heliinx gains ability: The Beast of Reave
Passive Ability: The Reaving
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heliinx · 3 years
Relics of Ruin
(5 - Snoutgrovel Robes)
(2 - Verminous Valour)
(3 - Savage Overlord)
Dark Inventions
(2 - Warpstone Armor)
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heliinx · 3 years
what would be heliinx's defeat trait?
Brought to Heel
"This one's fevered campaigns into the lands of Lustria have been stopped short."
Bonus vs. Large: + 5
Immune to Snow and Mountain Attrition
10+ Leadership for Large Units
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heliinx · 3 years
Playing with the Voice Lines of the Grey Seers from the game. Pitched it up, to get an idea of what a female Seer might sound like. Heliinx has a VC, so this was just for fun.
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heliinx · 3 years
To be fair, we were blasting the T-rex with shock cannons though--
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heliinx · 3 years
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Heliinx Starting Units:
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Tikrik Weaver (Unique Hero)
Golden Guard (RoR | Stormvermin Halbreds)
Night Runners
Mutant Rat Ogre
Clanrat Spears (Shields)
Warp Lightning Canon
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