#Her necklace is one of her most prized possessions so she rarely takes it off.
gridanian-red-mage · 1 year
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Arielle nodded, and she briefly glanced around at their surroundings before checking over her bow and arrows. Thancred, meanwhile, took to keeping a lookout for their suspect. He had to admit, given what he knew of her rather friendly chocobo Mina, he half expected the bird to show up. She was very keen on following her owner anywhere she went, but at least she knew when to stay put. Begrudgingly.
I imagine she must be feeling restless back at Camp Drybone, he thought.
A small glint caught his eye, and he looked to the silver necklace Arielle wore. Aside from her lovely fairness both inside and out, it was one of the first things he noticed upon their meeting. It didn’t take an expert to know it was of excellent craftsmanship. The necklace was quite elegant, most notably the pendant. Not to mention it appeared very well taken care of. It was also much too expensive-looking and stuck out like a sore thumb.
“Might I suggest tucking that lovely necklace of yours away?” Thancred asked politely. “It doesn’t quite pair with our ensemble.”
“Oh! Yes, of course.” Carefully Arielle hid it from view. “Thank you.”
He nodded in reply. “If you don’t mind my asking, however did you acquire such a fine piece?”
“It was a gift from my uncle when I was a child. For good luck.”
“Well, then it seems to be working.”
She hummed a brief laugh, but it quickly vanished once her sharp eyes caught movement. “Someone’s coming.”
Thancred nodded. “Excellent. Now let’s see how our priest will deign to help us.”
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sarilolla · 2 years
Daisy reference for my fanfic
Gonna do damaged first, then fixed
Parts of her right side have been burned, the arm being the most severe part and very fragile (she doesn't really take care of it though, it's the others who worry for her)
The damage to the skirt part of her dress was quite severe, so she patched it, and it is slightly off-color, but it's not a very visible repair (she is a good seamstress thank you very much)
Learned how to be ambidextrous because she was right-handed before her injury, but couldn't use it after, so she simply had to learn
Tended to take her anger out on hosts, various animals, and sock puppets (or felt puppets), but has never ever hurt her friends
Has multiple kitchen tools as her weapons, but prefers an old and rusty knife (the same one she left with)
The sweetest of the Handeemen regardless of before she was alive, when the demon is possessing her, and of course after being possessed
The glyph of protection Bee gave her is on her right shoulder, and will remain there 
Her prized possession which she also keeps when going to Bee is her knife. It's old and rusty, sure, but its the first one she wielded while she was alive, so its highly sentimental to her
Fixed and living with Bee
Entirely new arm (it simply was too broken and burned), and new legs (The Handeemen will all struggle more than Scout with learning to walk, they are way too used to moving with hosts)
Around the same height as Mortimer (shortest to highest of the puppets: Scout, Riley, Daisy, Mortimer, Nick)
She continues wearing dresses but has a much larger collection now in many colors (although pink is still her favorite). Her absolute favorite one though is the first new one she got, a darker pink with daisy flower embroidery details (similar to her original dress but darker and with embroidery)
She has a strawberry dress (remember when those were popular?) and you cannot stop me
She wears jewelry. Usually a simple pearl necklace and pearl earrings, but sometimes she uses bracelets
Can't really do much with her hair, but switches out the headband so it matches her outfit. Back in the show days, she had more options for her hair, but those are gone
Everything about her style is very 50s housewife, but she wears tons of oversized sweaters, and she has one hoodie (everyone is going to have matching hoodies at one point (dino hoodies))
Formal clothes are very similar to normal clothing. Dark pink dress, white pearl jewelry, black shoes, and a white purse (the dress doesn't have pockets so that's why she has it)
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She is religious (but not a lot), following a goddess of love and rebirth aka one of the gods Owen asked for help from, the goddess´ name is Ciana
She gets back to baking, at first under the supervision of Bee who is afraid she can get hurt, but it turns out really well. She sews, does embroidery, and reads. Very, very, extremely rarely she plays video games with Scout (and Hector), and she is ridiculously good at it, and always beats them
As a fellow mom friend, I declare that she is a girlboss, and I get her pain of trying to wrangle such a chaotic group like the Handeemen
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s Night Dream Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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Disney Dates Collection: Gavin // Kiro // Lucien
The date begins with MC in another city to attend a Film and Television Culture Summit
She hasn’t had the time to look around the city
A random woman who got along pretty well with MC during the Summit starts advertising for Disney:
Woman: Want to go to the famous amusement park? No matter who you are, you can find your own form of happiness there. 
MC refuses because she finds it too lonesome to go on her own
The woman responds by pointing at Victor who's standing at a corner
Woman: Don’t you have someone with you?
After the meeting has ended, Victor finally has a rare moment of leisure. 
MC: Would Victor really be willing to accompany me? 
I lower my head and mutter softly, not noticing that Victor has already walked over to my side. 
Victor: What are you mumbling about again? 
While I was originally hesitant to ask, I decide to give it a try after meeting his eyes. 
MC: Victor, do you want to...
Victor: Do you want to go to the amusement park? 
MC: Eh? 
Victor: I guessed you would be interested. 
MC: Mm! I’m going, I’m going!
I hurriedly nod, as though afraid he would change his mind. I pull him and we leave the venue. 
Victor: What’s the rush? 
MC: This is such a rare chance, of course we have to grasp it. Also, we don’t know how long we’d get to play since a lot of the incredible attractions would have pretty lengthy queues at this time. Basically - every second counts! Let’s go, let’s go!
By the time they reach the amusement park, it’s already sunset
It’s completely empty apart from a few staff members
MC wonders if the park has already closed, but Victor just holds her hand and walks to the entrance
Ticketing staff: Welcome! This is an amusement park handbook specially created for you. We hope you can enjoy today’s dream journey to your heart’s content!
Upon seeing us, the ticketing staff enthusiastically greets us and allows us to enter the park. He also gives me an amusement park handbook.
Before I can make sense of what’s happening, a line of staff members walk towards us with an enthusiastic welcome. 
Before the last staff member leaves, he even helps me put on a delicate necklace with a heart-shaped pendant.
As far as I can tell, the two of us are the only visitors in the entire park.
The attractions, which always have long queues of visitors, are now waiting for us to enter and experience. 
MC: Am I dreaming?!
With a bend of his finger, Victor flicks my forehead gently. 
Victor: Does it hurt?
I cover my forehead and give it a rub.
MC: So it isn’t a dream! But there isn’t a single person here at this time... is there a special activity today? 
Victor: I rented the park.
The way Victor casually mentions this fact leaves me with no idea how to react. I’m frozen to the spot. 
Victor: Didn’t you say that the amusement park is very interesting, and that you wanted to play? Since we’re already here, why not ride your favourite attractions instead of standing dumbfounded? Who was the one who just said that every second counts? 
MC: You’re not wrong to say that... but this is too sudden, and since we don’t have to queue, I really don’t know where to start...
Victor: Dummy. There’s still a lot of time, so you can decide slowly. 
My mind still blank, I open the amusement park handbook to decide on a route. 
The handbook has meticulously marked out a suggested route. There is a strange sentence on the title page --
“The key to entering the dream is in the hand of the dragon. Adventurers who dare to embark on this journey may even find the dragon’s lost treasure.”
MC: Eh? Did you plan this?
Victor leans over to look at the handbook in my hands, then thinks for a moment. 
Victor: No. But the staff confirmed the prize for this small game with me beforehand. 
Hearing this, my interest is piqued.
MC: Does this mean you’re the “dragon” in the handbook? 
Even though the “evil dragon” is Victor, I, as the “Adventurer”, will do my best to see what exactly awaits. 
MC: I won’t be soft-handed. I’ll definitely find that treasure!
Victor: ...
Victor looks at me resignedly, as though he wants to say something. In the end, he actually doesn’t call me “childish”.
Victor: Since I've already brought you here, you can do what you want. 
The first place marked on the handbook is the Fountain Square
The hint: “Touch the stars and follow the river of light to take the first step.”
MC decides to walk through the water columns (the ones that spray water from the ground every few seconds) since they reflect light
MC finds a box
When she tries to go back, she realises the water columns have become more difficult to avoid
She almost gets hit by a water column and Victor steps in, taking her wrist and leading her out of the Fountain Square
Victor: Where else have you gotten wet? 
Victor helps me tuck damp hair behind my hair, then signals to me to take off my drenched coat. 
He’s always so prepared and at ease. 
Since this is an amusement park, can I do things that I wouldn't normally do? 
Emboldened for some unknown reason, I shake my head with force. As expected, water droplets splash onto Victor. 
Victor: You...?
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MC: This is an amusement park. You’re not allowed to say that I’m childish. You’re also not allowed to say that I'm a dummy after I've been serious with my work and learnt a lot over the past few days. Rest and relaxation are necessities for a human.
Without waiting for Victor to speak, I’ve already spouted a ton of odd logic in a single breath. 
He watches me with knitted brows. After a long time, his expression smoothens slightly.
Victor: Sophistry.
Even though he says this, the corners of his mouth are curled upwards more than usual.
Opening the box, MC finds the next hint: “To ensure your safety, bring a present to meet the dragon.”
While MC is wondering where to get the gift, she spots a smaller hint: “I’m definitely not telling you that the present is in the souvenir shop at the next spot!”
In the souvenir shop, MC is struggling to figure out what she should get
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She suddenly recalls the Donald Duck doll she bought a few days ago - she has been bringing it around because his expression looks exactly the same as Victor’s - 
Eyebrows furrowed, but with an incredibly tender gaze and touch. 
MC is about to hand the doll over to him but hesitates.
MC: I predict that you’re going to call me childish again...
I mutter softly, wanting to retract my hand. 
With a gentle laugh, Victor takes the doll from me.
Victor: It suits you more. 
He hooks the doll onto my bag. Even though he didn’t directly accept the gift, the smile on his lips is obvious. 
Perhaps due to the unique magic of the amusement park, everyone is able to immerse in its gentle, lively atmosphere. 
Come to think of it, even though Victor doesn’t look like he suits an amusement park, he has already cooperated with my “childishness” from the start. 
Victor: Look around more carefully?
He points to the merchandise shelf at the side. With this, I realise that next to the dolls, there is a card, as well as a box the shape of a golden apple. 
MC retrieves the card. In the golden apple box, there’s:
MC: Pudding?
Whether it was intentional or unintentional by the staff, this “meeting gift” is the thing that best hooks the sweetness in my heart. 
Victor: If you like it, eat it. It’s fine with me.
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Guessing my thoughts, Victor releases an amused breath. 
MC: What about the gift for the dragon? 
He points at the doll from just now.
Victor: This is enough. 
I relax, using the spoon to give it a try.
The pudding is silky and tender, drizzled with just the right amount of sweet caramel. Coupled with the unique golden apple packaging, it is very delicious. 
MC: Even though your pudding is number one in my heart, this one is not bad... it tastes very good! Do you want to try? 
I ask with a smile, taking another scoop.
Victor holds my wrist lightly, leans over, and brings the spoon into his mouth.
Before the sudden heat from my wrist dissipates, the spoon trembles slightly. 
Eyes half-lidded, his eyelashes cast a faint shadow. 
I watch as he opens his mouth slightly, holding onto the spoon.
For some reason, watching his bobbing Adam’s apple makes my face turn red involuntarily.
Even though we aren’t standing very close, the surrounding air turns hot and dry. 
I tear my eyes away and force myself to think about something else. 
MC suddenly has a realisation
If I’m the “Adventurer” who is supposed to challenge the dragon, why has Victor been by my side all this time, even giving me hints from time to time?
Aside from containing a new clue, the small words on the card in my hand seem to be giving me a hint. 
“The mighty black dragon’s most prized possession is perhaps not the golden treasure, but the thing he cherishes the most in life.”
Victor: What’s wrong? Have you thought of something? 
I can only blink, continuing to share the pudding in my hand with him.
MC: Shall we go to the next location? 
Even though I have a rough guess, I decide to wait till I’m more certain before telling him. 
This guess makes me feel as though the temperature has risen by several degrees.
The final location is the Ferris wheel, which is lit up but not moving
The hint is: “Under the rotation of time is the treasure trove of the immortal black dragon.”
There’s a locked fence separating them from the Ferris wheel, but MC is unable to find the key
MC: I’ve lost this time, Mr Evil Dragon. Looks like I won’t be getting your treasure. 
I pretend to pat Victor “magnanimously”, a sense of disappointment in my heart. 
It’s so rare that we get to come to the amusement park together. I wanted to have a complete experience with him.
Victor laughs softly. 
Victor: Dummy. 
Victor comes closer to me, His forefinger, which has a temperature slightly higher than mine, trails along my collarbone and hooks the necklace the staff member had helped me put on just now. 
He flicks the pendant gently. With a soft click, the pendant opens. 
In it, there’s a small golden key.
MC: This is...
He hands the key to me. 
Victor: To make things equal, I should give this to you. 
The doll he hooked onto my bag earlier swings along with our movements, as though expressing its excitement and blessings in its own way.
The small golden key glistens faintly in my hand.
“The key to entering the dream is in the hand of the dragon.”
So this is what the handbook means. 
With the final obstruction removed by the small golden key, the treasure is closer than ever before. 
The Ferris wheel plays lively music and begins moving. 
Victor: Not bad. 
Victor pulls the door to the Ferris wheel open, and does a gesture of invitation.
The lights that are more beautiful than a dream, the gradually ascending Ferris wheel, and the final treasure box paint a full-stop on today. 
MC: Is this the treasure? 
I look at Victor. He simply lifts his chin, signalling that I should open the box. 
An adorable doll sits obediently inside it. There’s also an invitation card which reads: This is an invitation to Miss MC to enjoy tonight’s firework display, specially customised for you.  
The small font at the bottom leaves me feeling slightly confused.
“The Brave One has not yet appeared. The treasure is once again under the dragon’s wing: The end of the dream is a new beginning.”
MC: “The Brave One has not yet appeared”?
These two short sentences are the answers to the guess I had before. 
If I’m not the Adventurer...
If my appearance has made the treasure return to the dragon’s nest once again...
And since the key has always been with me from the start...
MC: If I’m not overthinking all of this, could the dragon’s treasure be...?
I hold onto the invitation card, unsure if I should ask. 
Victor doesn’t say a word, and seems to be waiting for me. 
MC: Did someone tell you about this game?
Victor: Yes. 
MC: You also know the final prize. 
Victor: You’re right. 
MC: So the “treasure”...
Victor: Is the dummy who walked right into the trap.
In a moment, his breath invades my senses. 
The Ferris wheel gradually makes its ascent, and the firework display is about to begin.
The steady movement of the capsule brings us to the border between reality and fantasy, and we enter a most magnificent dream. 
At the highest point, we don’t welcome the descent.
The Ferris wheel halts where the scenery is the most vast, and is facing the nearby castle. 
Our eyes soak in the night colours of the entire amusement park. 
The fireworks are like shooting stars, blooming around us, dyeing the sky in dazzling colours. 
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I hold the doll up, putting it close to Victor’s ear. 
MC: I’ve been found by the two of you! Thank you~ MC wants me to tell you that she hopes you can find eternal happiness!
Victor: That’s all you want to say to me? 
I put the doll down. Although I feel slightly shy, I try my best to look at him seriously. 
The night colours in his eyes are a hundred times deeper and more magnificent. 
MC: Thank you. I’m really very happy today. I hope I never have to wake up from this dream.
He releases a light breath. He shifts the doll away slightly, and hugs me more tightly.
Victor: Didn’t you already confirm earlier that this isn’t a dream?
MC: I want to do something for you, and hope that today is a very happy day for you too.
I give my entire focus to Victor, wrapping my arms around his neck. 
MC: Even if it’s just by a little bit, I want to increase your happiness meter. 
My voice is very soft, and I’m not even sure if he can hear me. 
Victor: I already have everything I want. 
His silhouette looks especially tender under the sparkling lights. 
The midnight bell sounds, but the magic does not disappear. Everything in our surroundings halt. 
We’re the only ones left in the entire world. 
Victor tugs my hand lightly towards him, and plants a kiss on the back of it. 
This light touch is akin to a burning seal. 
I seem to have forgotten how to breathe. 
Victor: You’re really a dummy. 
He laughs, his warm breath brushing my fingers. 
In the next second, the soft touch is on my joints, between my fingers. 
The only thing I can see and think of are his eyes - they are calm, yet contain a faint flow of emotions. 
The black dragon protecting its treasure since the beginning of time, and who has left a mark on my soul, is the most important person to me.
This amusement park, where all fantasies are allowed and fulfilled, weave the most romantic magic to all who visit.
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Victor’s Post: Looks like a certain person is very satisfied with this trip to the amusement park. 
MC: You were very happy too!
Victor: I don’t deny that.
Victor’s Post: Looks like a certain person is very satisfied with this trip to the amusement park.
MC: If there’s a chance next time, we have to come back again!
Victor: There will be many chances - it depends on your performance. 
Victor’s Post: Looks like a certain person is very satisfied with this trip to the amusement park.
MC: Satisfied! Very satisfied! What about you?
Victor: Seeing you running here and there was quite interesting.
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detectiverickitubbs · 2 years
Devastatingly Gorgeous Wedding Proposals: Wasabi & Tubbs
@museswithattitude​ continued from X​
           Wasabi’s so fine he could kick-start a 747!!! The fact that another woman hasn’t tried to land him, well, that astonishes the detective. She is keenly aware she’s playing outside of her league by even dating him. Not only is he drop-dead handsome, he’s got both brain and brawn to match. He’s a genuine good guy. Tubbs has known an awful lot of bad ones, to recognize an outstanding man of excellence when she sees him. That kind of find is as rare as discovering a goldmine in one’s back yard. 
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Daintily, her fingers drift across a few of his work tools in admiration. She is reeling hard. Her heart flip-flops inside of her chest at his reply. Shaky lips gift him a grin. “If... if you want it to be,” comes her own eager response. 
“Yeah? Y... you mean it?” She breathily questions. She rolls her lower-lip briefly against the backs of her teeth before casting him a widened grin. “You... you really want to?” She doesn’t have a ring on hand. Instead she takes off her most-prized possession, her St. Christopher necklace from around her neck. It had belonged to her brother before his death, and then it had protected her. It’s held out to him as her humbled offering.  “Are --- are you sure you --- you don’t have any reservations marrying a vice detective?” 
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whattodowithace · 3 years
My Diamond In Red (Donghun)
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Title: My Diamond in red
Pairing: Donghun (ace) x Reader
Genre: Spice; Diamond thieves AU
Word count: 3021
Writer: Kpopmadness (Ju)
A/N: I left the ending open for a part two. Hopefully it should be out soon.
I step out of the car into the cool night air. The large slit  in my dress that extend to my thigh show my leg generously as I step out of the car. 
I smooth my hair down for the millionth time. Not used to it being up in quite such an elegant due. Crowds of people walk up the elegant mansion steps, all of them reminding me of porcelain dolls with how perfect they looked. The men in crisp suits and the woman in beautiful dresses. 
“Stop looking so nervous.” A soft female voice comes through in my ear, making me jump slightly. “You look stunning.”
“She’s more than stunning, Ara. She looks hot!” Another voice says over the speaker. 
“Changmin, focus on the job.” A deeper voice growls. 
“Sorry, Daejung.” Both voices apologize solemnly.  Clearly defeated. 
I chuckle over the banter going on in my ear. Those were my teammates. We weren’t just a team, but a family. 
We are known as the K4. 4 Of A Kind. 
A group organized in stealing. Stealing Diamonds to be exact. Those places everyone said were impossible to break into, the places that had high security and motion detectors and cameras everywhere we left bare by morning. The only thing left in the cases once containing the crowned Diamond was  replaced with a gold poker chip with four spades and a heart engraved on it. Our signature. Our tell. 
We were the spades, the diamond our heart. 
We moved from city to city perfecting our burglary. Our faces and looks always changing with the city. Our path swept clean and untraceable. The cops never could find us no matter how hard they tried. We had begun to think they had come to admire us in a way. Our prize tonight? A mansion with a wealthy investor as its owner. Who just so happened to own something we had been desperately wanting since we started our profession six years ago. 
A red diamond. Also known as Fancy Reds. This gentleman was loaded. He owned a necklace with a row of four diamonds placed inside it. 
Call it diamond fever, but we wanted it from the moment we knew he had it. And it just so happened he was holding an open house party to celebrate finding four of these rare beauties. And his diamond was the highlight of the show. He wasn’t exactly smart for showing off his possessions but we weren’t going to argue. 
I smoothed down my red dress and tried not to fall over in my black high heels as i ascended up the stairs. 
“You all have visual, right?” I ask under my breath into the mic placed in my right ear. 
“We’re all set.” Ara confirmed. She was our brains of the group. She was a hacker and got us into wherever we needed to go. She controlled anything and everything she wanted to with her laptop. 
“I’m ready.” Changmin answers. He was the youngest of the group. But he was our handy mole. He was small so he fit into almost every air vent and tight space possible. He also was freakishly strong for being small in size. 
“Don’t screw this up.” Daejung teased in my ear. Daejung was our oldest. He was the voice of reason and often the one girls ogled over. But he was also our equipment man. He made everything we needed for every job. We almost never had to buy things for our jobs. Which made us even harder to trace for the cops. 
And then there was me. I was the one that made everyone comfortable at parties. I got peoples trust and respect before taking what we really wanted. I also was the one assigned changing roles in our jobs. I was a secretary in one job, a business woman in the next, a wealthy investor, a researcher. Name it, I’ve probably played the role once or twice. 
Tonight, I was a wealthy investor. One that the man that owned the diamond knew well. And per usual, I had dressed the part. 
My red low cut dress was the most flattering and fancy thing I had ever worn. It hugged my waist bringing out the curve and muscle but then flowed down elegantly to my ankles, almost dragging the floor. A slit that came up to my thigh added to the flare of the dress. 
Daejung was in a sharp cut suit and already inside. He was my backup in case something went wrong. I let out a sigh and stepped inside the mansion. The room loud with people talking and laughing. Waiters in crisp white shirts and vests carried around trays of champagne and shrimp. 
In the center of the room was a large glass case with blue lights radiating from it. Inside it, the fancy reds. 
I smirk as I make my way down the steps leading inside the house. My job of surveying the house and checking out exits with Daejung would be a walk in the park with the diamonds sitting right in the middle of the room like that. 
“To your right is the owner of the mansion and his wife.” Daejung says through the mic in my ear. I glance over to see a man in his sixties standing next to his wife. Who looked to be at least twenty or younger. 
“Yikes.” I mutter under my breath. Making Ara snort. 
I take a glass of champagne from a waiter and go sit down at a bar stool at the far end of the room, surveying the land. 
“I don’t see much security.” I whisper, checking to make sure no one heard me. 
“Because there barely is any.” Changmin answers.  “This guy has the rarest diamonds in the world and he’s an idiot with them.” 
I stifle a laugh and see Deajung in the far corner of the room doing the same. 
“So your telling me this is an easy job?” I ask, excitement coursing through me. 
“Very easy.” Daejung answers as he starts to talk around the large crowded room. 
I smirk and start doing the same. Mixing in with the large crowds and acting my part. I pull away from one conversation with a group of people and smile into my mic. 
“Very interesting. They don’t live here.” 
“They don’t live here?” Ara repeats, “What is this place then?” 
“One of their three mansions they own in the state.” I whisper as I make my way back to the bar where it was less crowded. 
“They’re only showing off the diamonds here for tonight and then moving them to one of their more secure mansions.” 
“So... we’re moving the date to tonight? We’re taking these diamonds now?” Changmin asks, his excitement bleeding through his voice. 
I smile as I finish off my drink and answer, “Start getting things ready.” 
I hear several whoops of excitement as I sit at my stool for a moment longer, enjoying the moment. 
“Daejung, you ready to go?” I ask. Silence answers me. 
“Daejung?” I say again, my heart picking up in my chest. 
I scan the room looking for my fellow teammate when my eyes spot him. He stands in the corner of the room, his sharp jaw set firmly and his eyes staring straight ahead. A waiter stands beside him, his arm draped over Daejung’s shoulder. A smirk on his face. 
I suck in a breath and curse under my breath. 
“What’s wrong?” Ara and Changmin ask me in unison. 
“We’re idiots that’s what’s wrong.” I growl under my breath as I rub my eyes. 
“All of the waiters have masks on. And Daejung is held up by one of them right now.” I say as I continue to watch Daejungs ever tightening muscles. 
“Wait... why is that bad?” Changmin asks.
“Because the waiter is Seyoon. Which means A.C.E was here before us.” I answer, a feeling of defeat and annoyance washing over me. 
A.C.E was a rival group of thieves that had been hot on our tails since a job we had in Chicago four years ago. They got to the diamond before us, we stole it back from them. You could say there’s bad blood between us. Their leader especially worried me. 
“He isn’t there...is he?” Ara asks, her voice weak. 
I think back to the past two hours we had spent at the party. We had a feeling they would be here but didn’t think they would show up to the party. A memory flashes in my mind of when I had been talking to a group of investors and I felt something brush up against my back. I had turned to see who it was but only saw one of the waiters with a try in hand walking in the opposite direction. I had foolishly shrugged off the brush as an accident. 
I let out a long sigh and lean against the bars counter for support. 
“He is.” I answer gravely.
As I sit there I can now easily spot the other members. The closest to me was Jun, Chan was at the other end of the room placing drinks on a table, and Byeongkwan at the other end of the room standing motionless. His eyes surveying the area carefully. 
My heart sped up when I didn’t see their leader. Because either he was busy somewhere else or...
“Have you missed me?” A voice whispers in my ear free of the mic. 
Or he was close enough to me I couldn’t see him. 
I let out a sigh and flick my eyes over to see a pair of dark, dragon like eyes staring back at me through his silver mask. A smirk on his full lips. 
“And here I was hoping you wouldn’t come.” I retort. Keeping locked on his eye gaze. 
Donghun’s smirk widens as he takes my arm and helps me up off the bar stool. 
“We need to talk.” He says in a low voice so only I hear him. 
“Please, take out your earpiece. I’m too young to hear this kind of talking.”  Changmin begs in my ear. 
“No! Keep it in! He might say something we need to know.” Ara argues, clearly excited. 
“She can tell us when she gets back! But I for one don’t want to hear him flirt with her. Besides, she’s not defenseless.” Changmin whines. 
“Changmin, you’re insufferable.” Ara argues, making Changmin go into a rant with her. 
I turn off the earpiece in my ear as Donghun pulls me through the crowd to a more private space. 
Changmin was right, I wasn’t defenseless. Knowing that much made me calmer, but what had to happen for it to work made my heart race. 
“Put this on over your lipstick.” Daejung had told me as I got ready in a hotel bathroom before the party. 
“What? Why?” I ask, right before Daejung stabs a long needle into my neck, making me cry out. 
“Ow!” I holler, “What the heck was that?!” I ask irritability, rubbing my neck.
“An antidote to what you’re going to put on your lips.” He told me with a smirk. 
“Now what did you make?” I ask, smiling a little. 
“It’s a sedative.” Daejung tells me as he hands me a pink lipgloss container. “Put this over your lips. It should stay on until you wash your makeup off later. It will induce sleep for 15 minutes to anyone you get it on. But it has to be on their lips. It will take about three minutes to kick in. I just gave you the antidote so it won’t effect you.”
“Why do you think I will need this?” I ask as I start to apply the thin gloss to my lips. 
“Because if you know who is there, you’re going to need it.” Daejung tells me, his smirk growing wider.
At that time a blush had spread onto my face and neck, but now I wasn’t think Daejung’s idea was so dumb after all. 
Donghun pulls me onto an empty balcony outside. The cool night air feeling glorious on my hot skin. I let out a sigh as I lean against the railing, my body temperature slowly coming down. 
Donghun shuts the door behind us and removes his mask from his face. I get a full view of him now. He wore the same outfit all the other waiters did. A white dress-shirt and black vest. He had undone two of the buttons on his dress shirt, showing part of his chest and collarbone. His silver hair was slicked back sharply, showing every feature of his tan face. 
“You just can’t help but follow us around.” I sneer at him, genuinely annoyed. 
“We were here first tonight.” Donghun shoots back. “You and your little team always show up where you aren’t wanted.” 
I cross my arms over my chest, trying to ignore how Donghun’s eyes flicked down my body when I did that. 
“We wouldn’t have this problem if you would go somewhere else.” I retort. My voice less annoyed now than I wanted it to be. 
Donghun lets out a chuckle and takes a few steps toward me. “Do you really want me to go somewhere else?” He asks, his voice dropping several octaves. 
“It would be nice.” I reply weakly. His stepping closer making me nervous. 
“Really?” He asks again, his body only inches from mine now. 
“Really.” I answer, locking eyes with him. 
“You wouldn’t miss our encounters? We seem to have a lot in common, you and I.” Donghun says, his fingers brushing against my jawline. 
I suck in a breath from his touch but try to keep my voice steady. “I may not mind them so much if you weren’t always trying to take what we wanted.” 
“Maybe I want something more than the diamonds you go for.” Donghun whispers, his fingers sliding down my waist to my thigh where the slit was. 
“Like what?” I press, my palms resting on the balcony’s railing as I tilt my head up at him. 
Donghun grabs my thigh harshly and pulls me against him until there was no space between us as his other hand takes the back of my neck and pulls me closer to his lips. 
“Are you brave enough to find out?” He whispers darkly, his lips brushing mine but his eyes locked with my own. 
I smirk as I take his hand that was on my thigh and maneuver it until it was underneath the dress and rested fully on my upper thigh. His muscles tensing as his thumb rubs circles on my skin. 
I weave my fingers through his hair before whispering, 
“Try me.” My words a challenge and not a request. 
Donghun smirks as he pushes his lips against mine. His body keeping me against the railing and him. His mouth moving against mine quickly and slowly all at once. 
I place my hands on either side of his face to deepen the kiss, his hand moving up my bare thigh roughly as he pulls me against him. 
Donghun bites my lip harshly, making me let out a moan as my hands slide around his neck. He smirks against my lips as he starts trailing kisses down to my neck. 
“God, you look so good right now.” Donghun growls as he bites my neck but at the same time grips my leg tighter, making me shutter. 
I bite Donghun’s ear, making him let out a moan from deep in his chest and hold on to the railing with his hand that wasn’t on my leg for support. 
“I look better without the dress on.” I whisper darkly in his ear. My breath and words making him shutter as his claims my lips again. 
I release his lips to leave a series of harsh bites along his jaw and neck, making him let out several gasp and groans as his head falls back to give me more access. His hand that was on my thigh gripped it hard enough I was positive there was a bruise forming there where his fingers pressed against my skin. 
I rest my tongue against a mark forming on Donghun’s neck when I feel him sway slightly. His grip on me loosening.
I pull away from him with a smirk, “You feeling okay, baby?” I ask, my voice innocent. 
“I’m... fine.” Donghun slurs his eyes growing heavy. He only just gets the words out when he collapses onto the ground, his arms barely sitting him up. 
“What... you do...” He whispers, his eyes unfocused. 
I sigh and bend down to take his face in my hands. “You’re a little too trusting.” I tell him as I place one more kiss on his lips. 
“Have fun explaining to the boys why you can’t walk.” I tell him with a smirk as I stand and go to leave the balcony. 
I smirk as I head for the front door, Daejung already outside waiting. My lips are swollen and a bruise had begun to form on my neck but he says nothing as we walk a few blocks down and opens a black van door with Ara and Changmin waiting inside it. 
They flood me with questions as I change out of my dress and wipe my makeup off quickly. Daejung has to quiet them down to run through our plan. 
I climb out of the van to get in the drivers seat and start the engine. I drive by the mansion to see all of A.C.E coming down the mansions stairs. Donghun has a hold on Juns shoulder as they descend, his feet unsteady. 
He looks up briefly and meets my eyes as I drive past, his eyes still not fully focused. I wave at him slightly as I go past, his eyes following us until we’re out of view.
I smile against my hand, a steady throb on my thigh reminding me of his touch. Something told me that wouldn’t be our last meet up. Especially over a diamond. 
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chaldeamage-neo · 4 years
Niyo’s Chaldea Profile
I’ve been hesitating to post this simply because I wasn’t sure if I liked how it came out but might as well post and establish Niyo’s general info.
Name: Niyo Mine
Age: 19-20 (start of FGO)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: March 31
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 149.86cm (4′11)
Weight: 47.17kg (104lbs)
Magic Circuits: quantity: 28 quality C+  output B when amplified. 
Likes: Napping, animals. sweets, stuffed animals, sheep, dogs, bunnies, watching Emiya cook, learning things that interest her
Dislikes: Gilgamesh, Blackbeard, physical labor she has no interest in, getting picked for information, spiders and bugs
Hobbies: Going for walks, drawing and concepting stories, hanging around her servants, napping, overall just chilling out
Niyo is for the most part a kind good person and enjoys knowing if she’s helped someone. She’s very relaxed. Once she warms up to those around her you can see her more playful, charming,  even cheeky and goofy side. She puts up with a lot of the servants’ antics but can and WILL absolutely join in any chaotic fun that appeals to her, even making something if things are too quiet (example that’s a project I want to work on: holds a tournament that would equate to an event of sorts for her servants).
If you show her a fair amount of attention (and don’t annoy her to death), she will become jealous at the lack of said attention or if it’s given to another. She also has moments where she just doesn’t want to be bother, accidently giving out unneeded sarcasm and seeming annoyed or short winded. While not too often, he gets rather competitive, though is gets mistaken for her goofier side until she shows rare and slight moments of aggression.
She normally doesn’t like having too much attention on her, even in those rare moments of competitiveness. Rather liking the moment of spotlight and feeling on top. However it is very easy to get her flustered. She’ll stubble over her words, avert eye contact, or deflect compliments and try to be modest. accept or for those she’s more comfortable with, play it off as if she were super confident.
She also tends to wear her heart on her sleeve. Easily being able to swoon for certain people and she can even try to impress them by trying to act cool or funny.
They get along: Billy, Helena, Siegfried
Favorite Servants: Izou, Proto Cu, Alexander, Ibaraki, Hans, Napoleon, Robin
Simps For: Ishtar, Cu (all), Drake, Artoria Gawain, Ozymandias, Izou, Medea, Mori, Maou Nobonaga, Kama, Jalter
Potential Lovers: Robin, Napoleon
To Be Updated... we’ll be be here all day
She grew up to a mage family that surrounded her in sheep. One lamb in particular she grew very found of. These sheep were more than often the subjects of of mage practice and experiments that would lead to their deaths. Upon finding this out, a young Niyo would attempt to release the sheep to free them of the fate of dying to mage experiments only to be caught and punished for it. One of said punishments included her being forced to watch her lamb friend be experimented on and later forced to eat it later only to get sick from it. They would later start referring to her as a "prized mutton" and use her mana for their magic studies while also being forced to study it as well.
After reaching a certain age she would flee this home in an attempt to detach herself from that family. She moved with her grandmother who didn’t practice in magecraft and somewhat isolated herself until she got herself two small dogs to keep her company. She loved these dogs deeply and would sometimes give them more care than herself.
One day while taking them out they got of their leashes and roamed about town for a while. She panicked while searching for them until she found them with a group of friends. The group gladly returned them to her to which she was very grateful, though as she was about to return home said group invited her to join them. While she was extremely hesitant, she felt it was the least she could do to repay them for finding keeping her boys safe until she got to them.
And they would all soon become the best of friends. The group's "leader" in particular. Not only were they calm and decisive, but they also possessed a strong moral compass, going to lengths to help others  while deeply caring for the bonds of each of his friends. All while effortlessly being cool and charismatic. She looked to them like a red rose, admiring their qualities and aiming to be like them in a sense. Some of their personality even rubbed off on her. They were also the only member to also be another mage, encouraging Niyo to at least continue studying magic at her own pace. This being the thing they occasionally did together.
Though one day, the group would have to depart each other as they all had to move in life. However some days before their inevitable departure said "leader" met with each member of the group and spent the day with them. When Niyo day came they spent the day out, window shopping and ending the day in a countryside Café at the sunset. The leader would ask Niyo what she plans to do, to her replaying she wasn't sure, and she didn't know what she'd do without them. Her dear friend would then tell her:
"You have a talent for magic and the quality of your circuits are good. You just lack a motivation to use them. I know it'll be hard to look back at the past but sometimes you must come to terms with those demons in order to properly move on. You don't have to listen to me, but just take it into consideration alright?"
They then would hand her a letter and a box. The letter being that of a recommendation to the Clocktower, while the box contained a gold necklace with a round pendant.  And their last words to Niyo before departure for that night were:
"Find peace in whatever you do and wherever you go."
Apart from the necklaces she was gifted she was also influenced by this friend and created a sort of façade where she appears much more confident and outgoing then what she believes she is. As if she wants to look and be cool. Sometimes even rehearsing scenarios in her head ahead of time to.
So taking her friend's advice she go to study with the mage's association in mana and circuit properties before getting recommended for Chaldea to be a potential master. As stated by many of her teachers she had the talent and good mana quality, but seemed to lack any real drive. Most of her comfort from in her time at the Clocktower came from her dogs who she would soon send to live with her dear friend as she went to Chaldea. 
She tends to keep things secret for reasons unknown to many, it is noted she that after the fall of humanity, knowing the loss of friend weighs heavy on her.
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rainecloud020604 · 4 years
What is Suisei,Breena And Karma's worse fear? What can tick them off instantly? Type of habit they just can't stand? Type of habit they can't help? What would be their sence of humour? What is their most prized possession?What would they give their life for? What or Who flusters them most in this world? What would be the best and worse thing anyone has ever done for them?
Suisei - being alone and lost really, the thought terrifies him. It's rare to actually anger him, technically speaking I don't think anything can anger him at all- he doesn't really like grabby people cause they have a habit of touching his shoulders and he doesn't like that. He fidgets with his fingers a lot and has a habit of messing with clothing and not pay attention. He doesn't really find anything funny, he's too scared of everything to find anything humorous. The cloth that covers his eyes is his most prized possession. Friends, just to see them again really- no one takes, and if you were to gently hold his face he'd get flustered a lot. Best thing that was done for him was a friend helping him learn how to walk and navigate, worst thing is when someone decided to shove him in the wrong direction and well... Land him somewhere where he's clueless about
Breena - failing her people, losing the woods really, she's dedicated her life to protecting them. Trespassing- that's just the truth really, doesn't want you they're and it pisses her off. When people grab your face and squish it trying to act like it's all okay or something, hates it- she has a horrible habit of chipping away at her spear till she needs to replace it. Not a lot makes her laugh, but ironic things amuse her. Necklace that she wears but you don't see. Protecting the woods. Nothing really has been found to fluster her actually- best thing was her mother actually giving her the necklace, worst thing was being betrayed
Karma - failing, he already thinks he's some sort of screw up, failing is what makes him useless. Double standards- piss him off so so much. Pet peevish habit he can't stand is people who when they walk drag their nails against something. He can't help messing with things when he's anxious- light humor. prized possession- he doesn't really own a lot though, technically speaking Winter would be in a way. He's willing to give his life for friends and families happiness. Haha Emortus, that's just all I have to say. Just simple actions are so much to him, any sort of help in his eyes, and of course, being abused and broken
Emortus belongs to @flowerrose14
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treatian · 4 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  The Dark Curse
Chapter 97:  Endless Possibilities
After Regina had left, he'd wasted little time in taking his prize up into his tower. It was there that the full brunt of the last few days came crashing down on him. It was a weight that he'd never felt before. It pushed down against him, an opposition to the buoyancy of joy he felt when he held that scroll in his hand. He'd done it! According to plan! He'd known he could, and perceived that he would, and yet he was left breathless at the realization that it had actually worked! The hat might have been out of his reach, but the Curse was in his possession! All his dreams of "someday" had become "today". He would have loved to spend the next ten years staring at it in awe, feeling it curl its power around him. But getting the Curse was not the end goal. It was only a single step in his plan. A big step, he readily admitted, but still only one of many. And so long as he was holding it in his hand, his job wasn't done yet.
He spent hours hiding it. Simply put, it was concealed behind a stone in his fireplace. Not so simple however, were the hours and hours of spells that he placed around it. Every concealment potion he'd ever crafted was used to try and hide the spell from others who could sense magic. He used blood magic to seal and lock the wall, allowing only himself, his blood, or those of his choosing into the hiding place. He placed detection enchantments over it so he'd know if someone so much as sneezed the wrong way around it. And he used Dark Magic, some of the darkest he knew to give it a protection against all forms of Light Magic and that included Fairies. If anyone who shouldn't so much as stood next to it they'd receive quite the blast of magic that would throw them across the room and paralyze them if not knock them unconscious completely. It would give him enough time to return and decide what to do to the thief who dared to take it. But he didn't stop with just the Curse, he used the blood he'd taken from the rodent-Apprentice to craft a powerful spell against him. Inspired by the same wards the man had used on his house to keep Dark Ones away, he crafted one to keep the Apprentice out; it was time to fight fire with fire.
When he was done, when he was sure all was as it should be, he allowed himself to breathe. Then, he summoned his crystal ball into his hand. In it, the Apprentice lay, an old man once more, on the bed resting soundly. There was no indication he knew something had happened to the Curse. No visit from the fairies, no stumbling about in panic, Ingrid had visited him the other day, but he didn't even appear to be bothered by that.
It was perfect. He couldn't believe he'd succeeded. He spent the day in his Tower spinning, working, and nervously watching the space he knew the Curse was. He did want to take it out, to study it, to learn from it, but it was too risky now. He needed to lay low for a few days, let it adjust to its new home. And so he sat there, spinning away in his Tower, on guard, and when night fell…it was then that he felt something inside of him go alert.
It was a feeling like he'd never experienced before. One minute he'd been fine, and the next, he felt as though part of his magic had been muted or silenced altogether. No, it wasn't just his magic. It was Dark One Magic. He glanced around his surroundings. Nothing was different. Nothing was changed. He held out his hand in the direction of the fireplace, and fire sparked to life, the appropriate place, the appropriate reaction. He put his hands over his potions, he felt their magic just as he always had. He stepped closer to the stone the Curse was hidden behind and placed his hand over it. The Blood Magic heated at his touch but cooled when it recognized him. The potion was still there, the spells and enchantments all the same. His magic was intact. Whatever he felt hadn't come from him. It was beyond these walls.
He stepped closer to the cauldron and checked on the Apprentice, a benefit of using his blood to banish him from the property meant he could finally see inside his house without the Crystal Ball, but only through reflections, like before. He was awake, but sweeping his home looking rather bored. This wasn't his doing. One by one, he examined the lives of those he meddled in, those who mattered to his future. Belle was with her father and Gaston, discussing something or other. James was in his chambers with a leggy blonde. David was bringing the sheep in for the night. Snow White he found resting her head in a hollowed log, a place she'd come to call her own not far from Red and Granny. And Regina was with her Hunter, experimenting with positions he'd rather not watch.
The cauldron cleared as he sighed. He still felt it. The odd muffle within him remained. But what was it?! When the usual suspects failed, he was forced to examine the unusual ones. Zelena? No. He saw her in Oz sitting down to eat, all was well. Jefferson? By his daughter's bedside reading a child's book as she fell asleep, not a threat. At Nimue's insistence, he cast his gaze upon the tree that held Merlin captive, but it hadn't moved. Anna?
Anna. The moment he summoned the image of the Princess of Arendelle, there was no doubt in his mind about what he was feeling. It was her. And what he saw…it wasn't pretty. To begin with, he couldn't actually see Anna. The mirror he'd tried to look in on her with…it was covered with something. Not a blanket, it wasn't blackness, and it wasn't a cloth that moved. It was stiff and hard, and it had a pattern to it. It was ice.
He turned to the Crystal Ball for answers, demanding it show him Anna of Arendelle, and he nearly did a flip of joy at what he saw. She was frozen. Head to toe. She was nothing but icy magic. An Elemental had finally unleashed her power.
"Show me her sister," he demanded with a smile, looking forward to seeing the aftermath of the one that had stolen something so precious. He could handle Elsa easily enough. All he wanted was to find the hat and take it for himself! The idea that he might get through all this with the hat in hand after all made him nearly giddy.
Until what the ball showed him wasn't Elsa, but an urn; his urn. It was the one he'd given to Anna's aunt Ingrid for emergencies, the one he'd seen discovered in the North Mountain but hadn't watched because there were more important things going on. Perhaps he should have watched. He wouldn't say he was paying for it, he'd had two choices, the first was to go after the urn and the second had been to retrieve the Curse. If given the opportunity, he'd do the same thing all over again. But perhaps he would have watched Arendelle's royal family a bit closer so that this never came as a surprise. He would have gotten the Curse and then figured out exactly how Ingrid of Arendelle had gotten out of the urn and managed to make her way to Apprentice's house instead of forgetting until this moment. Still, not an ideal situation to retrieve it and make inquiries about the hat…but what he saw next was.
How had the urn gotten from the North Mountain back to Arendelle? The Crystal Ball sensed his question before he could ask it, and what he saw was a story unraveling before him. He watched as Anna of Arendelle stood, facing off with another woman. She was blonde and pale, so pale she was nearly the color of snow. She was wearing a familiar set of gloves. Queen Elsa of Arendelle, it could be no one else. But why the two sisters were fighting, why she'd just taken off that remarkable necklace of hers and tossed it into the fire…it was beyond him. He couldn't listen into the past. And then he saw something he hadn't expected something so shocking that he hadn't thought to ever check in on her! Ingrid. Their aunt. Lurking in their castle.
And then, Anna of Arendelle, the girl who loved her sister so much, used the urn. And Elsa didn't stop her. She didn't fight back. It was as if she knew it was coming! She simply crossed her hands over her chest and continued speaking to her sister as she pulled the top off the urn, and Ingrid watched as it did its job and swallowed Elsa as it had once swallowed her. Whatever Ingrid wanted in all of this, whatever her plan was, it wasn't to take over Arendelle. It wasn't for Elsa to be gone and her to be Queen, not with a reaction like she had. She was upset with Anna, shocked. Furious.
Though Anna reeled looking suddenly confused, a look that told him without a shadow of a doubt she'd been under some kind of spell when she'd done what she'd done, Ingrid was angry. She pried the urn from Anna's hands and held it close. She guarded it as the boy he'd seen on the mountain, the one who had helped to retrieve the urn, came running into the room a weapon raised. But he'd never get to use it. In the next moment he saw what had triggered the magic he'd felt within him, Ingrid froze Anna. And the boy. And the room. And the palace. And then he watched as all of the land of Arendelle froze solid. All but her. A powerful Elemental indeed. But not more powerful than he was. The Curse was safe, and he wasn't about to leave magic that was free to be claimed or reclaimed, in his case, sitting about!
When he arrived he took stock of the situation before him, one that was not unfamiliar to what he saw in the mirror. Still, there was one difference, there was a very clear stench around the room, around all of Arendelle that even he recognized though he rarely dealt in it himself, most recently in Belle's father. Troll Magic. And the reason it smelled so badly now? Because she was doing it now. She hadn't noticed he'd come into the room because she was on the opposite side, using a round rock to pull forth memories from the urn in her hands. A powerful Elemental and witch. Shame he'd never been able to train her himself. If he had, then he knew he would never have gotten this close without her noticing.
"I see someone's been practicing their rock-troll memory magic," he announced, allowing her to turn and notice him finally in the room. "Quite impressive, dearie." With her watching, he finally turned around to examine the two statues standing in the room. The male he didn't care for but seeing Princess Anna frozen in ice and unable to move had a satisfying touch of irony to it that he appreciated. Perhaps now she'd see how fun it was not to have control over one's body. "You know, I prefer her better this way. More cooperative. Less mouthy. Oh!" he exclaimed suddenly. Ingrid's magic wasn't the only magic in the room; something called to him from the fireplace. Something with a power that he recognized but doubted Ingrid would because she'd given up her ribbon all those years ago thinking it was useless. Anna's necklace still contained its power, even after everything that had happened. An impressive bit of magic it was becoming. "But this? This was much lovelier when it was around her neck. You know...when she was breathing."
Suddenly there was an image in his head of this very necklace. It was sitting in the shop on a shelf, stood up displayed well. And then the image changed to something more. In his hands, human hands he held a white card. There was something called a photograph in the top corner. It was a picture of the necklace. And on the card there were typed words. His vision flashed. He felt his arm around someone and another arm around his waist. There was a smile. And then he was back to the card he'd held, the words suddenly clear. "Silver. Cut well. Damaged. Slightly burned. Slightly warped. Repairable. Fair condition. Current price: $200. Estimated repair costs: $150. Fully restored price: $300. Additional Notes: The repair isn't profitable but should someone buy it refer the buyer to jewelry repair so they can spend the extra fifty dollars themselves." The thought "not worth my time" entered his head and then...
"Priceless" the Seer whispered.
When he focused back on the world around him he knew only one thing. Urn or hat or nothing at all. He needed the necklace!
"What do you want, Rumplestiltskin?" Ingrid asked, still clutching that urn tight against her. Urn or hat or nothing at all he needed the necklace, but the urn and hat would be nice too.
"Just an old trinket your frozen niece stole from me...a hat," he declared fingering the necklace. Could he slip it into his pocket unnoticed? She seemed rather attached to the urn at the moment, would she notice if this went missing? Would she care if she didn't realize what she had? He could do another bit of magic if necessary, switch it out with an identical one, but that would require magic, and she might sense that.
"I haven't seen it," the Snow Queen whispered low.
He laughed. Her heart had skipped a beat when he'd mentioned it and when she answered. Lies. "Oh, lying is so un-queenly, Ingrid," he commented. He wasn't in the mood for lies and games at the moment. He wanted that hat. She knew where it was. So…it seemed a deal was in order. If he couldn't retrieve his property, then he'd take back another! He turned his back on her and used his magic to do two things at once. He made a copy Anna's necklace and pocketed the original, then seized the urn Ingrid thought she had a hold of, and sent it back to his castle, where he put it away in the room with no doors. He couldn't risk it getting open around him…and Ingrid couldn't risk losing it.
"Where is she?!" she roared, not noticing the other little bit of magic he'd done. "Give her back..."
"Careful, dearie," he warned, finally turning back to face her, the fraudulent necklace in hand. "You're not the only one who knows how to hide something of value. We wouldn't want it lost forever, now would we? Though I'm curious why you took memories from that poor girl. I mean, you would have thought being trapped inside a bread bin was punishment enough."
Her heart was racing again, not from rage now, but rather from desperation. He could smell it on her. He had her in a precarious position, the poor Would-Be Queen. She wanted her niece back. He knew where she was. Which meant that she would do and say anything just to get her.
"She learned more than she was meant to," she admitted. "I wanted us to have a fresh start."
"Don't we all, dearie? Don't we all?" Little did she know that the key to their fresh start was back in his castle safe and sound and still years away from being cast, which was why he didn't have time to be here. He wanted that hat. But not more than anything. Baelfire was his true goal. If the hat should present itself again, he'd take it, but he had to keep his eyes on the goal! And leave the door open for what might be. "You know, uh...I'm gonna make you a deal..." he explained, cutting right to the chase after glancing at Anna. He wasn't interested in anything more than he needed to be. "An urn for a hat, as simple as that. And just to make it easy for you, when you 'find' the object of my desire, just say my name three times, and I shall come to you. See you soon!" he laughed, escaping with the necklace safe in his pocket.
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asoftervirge · 5 years
between the salt water and the sea strands
RATING: PG, may increase as the story goes on PAIRINGS: R. Sanders/P. Sanders (main); T. Sanders/OMC (mentioned)
FIC WARNINGS/KINKS: Drinking, Near Death, mentions of drowning FIC SUMMARY: Roman, a young sea captain, is rescued by a mysterious person
TAGLIST: @backatthebein, @levy-the-b00kw0rm, @ierindoodles, @rosesandstuff, @notveryglittery, @patchworkofstars (if anybody else wishes to be tagged, please let me know!)
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“And we’ll roll the old chariot along, we’ll roll the old chariot along, we’ll roll the old chariot along and we’ll all hang on be-hind~”
Roman smiled as he listened to his crew finish their shanty before clanking their tankards loudly and raising them to the high heavens, then laughing jovially as they spilled beer and ale onto the deck of the ship. He didn’t mind it of course, as he had his fair share of being a sloppy drunk and spilling everywhere. Besides, the ship’s deck also had her taste of sea water, blood, and fish guts, so a drunken sailors’ mess is just something else that makes her unique.
The young man made his way to the front of the ship, gracefully maneuvering around the swaying sailors that are mere seconds away from collapsing, gazing out at the view in front of him. The night’s sky was black and dark gray with no stars twinkling amidst its thick clouds, while the water that surrounded the ship was a eerie mix of dark green and blue. With how beautiful it was, it was hard to tell where the sky ended and the sea began.
He inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of salty water and feeling the cold wind blow harshly in his face, then exhaled slowly opening his eyes as he did so (which he didn’t even know were closed in the first place).
“Lovely, isn’t Logan?” he asked the mysterious person walking up to him from behind. He knew it was Logan due to how loud his footsteps were against the deck. That, and Logan wasn’t much of a drinker of ales and beers, stuck-up wine connoisseur.
“In seascapes and literature? Yes. But actually going out on a sea-faring travel? I’ll pass, thank you.”
Roman pouted. “You’re just a ripe old fuddy-duddy, aren’t you?”
Logan pondered that thoughtfully. “No. More like, someone who’d rather not become a victim of the sea’s cruelty and become feast to the creatures that call her their home.”
“In other words, a fuddy-duddy.”
“To each his own, I suppose.”
Roman groaned and dragged Logan closer to him. “Look at her, Logan! How can you call her cruel? She may be a wild thing, but she still as her moments of peacefulness!”
“And we have yet to see that since we left earlier this afternoon,” Logan reminds him, completely focusing his attention on un-wrinkling his sleeve rather than at the sight of the sea in front of him. “Remind me again, why we’re still out here? You know what your Father said—”
“That I shouldn’t be out at sea when it’s dark and dreadful out,” Roman mocked while rolling his eyes which, in turn, made Logan roll his. “Listen, we’re not that far off from port—”
“Nearly 20 nautical miles.”
“—My men are happy—”
“Because they’re drunk to the gills with beer and singing shanties.”
“—So why not enjoy the sea just a little while longer?”
“Firstly, a storm is on the horizon, so it would be best to sail back to port now. Secondly, I don’t understand how you became a thalassophile in the first place. You always liked riding your horse across the mountains, yet you suddenly develop a love for the sea a few years ago. How is that?”
(Truth be told, Logan knew the answer, and Roman knew he knew the answer.)
Roman had always loved the sea. Ever since he was a child, he always called the sea his second home. He loved her personality, her energy, the way she caressed the shore of the beach on her good days, and raged with fury on her bad. The way she stretched on for miles and miles. Empty, open, free. He loved the feeling of the wind blowing in his hair, the salty spray on his face, the sound of the waves lapping against the side of his ship and crashing in his ears.
He’d grown up in the capital city of Alexandria, which was also the largest port town in the country. You would think as someone who grew up near the sea, he would eventually get tired of it, but he never did. He didn’t have the heart to, his love of the sea remained to this very day.
His father Thomas was an actor in a theatre troupe, while his papa Alejandro was a sea merchant and a sailor. Whenever his papa came home from his travels, he would always tell little Roman story after story about what life was like on the sea, the places he had sailed to, and the people he had met during his trades. It would always bring a excited sparkle to the boy’s eyes, proudly declaring that he wanted to travel the sea with his Papa one day.
Unfortunately, that day never came because Alejandro was killed in an unexpected pirate raid when Roman was a small child. While Thomas wanted to forbid his son from going out onto sea, that only increased his desires. He couldn’t stand being so close to his calling, yet he wasn’t able to answer her. From morning to night he could hear sing beckoning to him, yearning for him to control her tempestuous nature and explore her mysterious, adventure-bound waters.
(And bless Poseidon, Amphitrite, Triton, and any other deity of the sea that gave him that opportunity.)
Being from a sea port town, he was used to having the occasional visit from pirates, usually making trades or wanting to get smashed at the drinking house, rarely did the town get pillaged due to it’s importance in sea trading, but that doesn’t stop pirates from being idiots.
One night, Roman and his boyhood friend and future navigator, Logan Faraday, found a young pirate captain swindling the residents out of coin and weapons, along with any other trinket they happened to have bet on. That, was when Roman decided to strike. He decided that he was going to challenge the captain to a bet; this time, through a coin toss. The rules where simple: if Roman won, he’d take the captain’s ship. If the the captain won, he’d take Roman’s most prized possession, a necklace that his papa gave him before he died.
Roman chose heads, the pirate captain chose tails. The coin landed on tails, yet it was Roman that was the real winner.
(Let me explain, both Roman and Logan noticed the captain cheating during all of his challenges. With Logan’s knowledge, and Roman’s papa teaching him about pirates and gambling, they were able to figure out the captain’s trick. Even one as petty as swapping a real coin for a fake.)
(With a chill and humbled smile, the captain surrendered his ship to Roman. Turns out that the young pirate captain was secretly hoping someone would notice his cheating so he could give up his life as a pirate. Wasn’t all that fun for him anymore. Fortunately, he managed to find fun with his handsome, sellsword of a husband.)
And that, was how The Crimson Prince was born.
“You do happen to know The Salt-Water Poems and Ballads, by any chance?” Roman asked after a long period of silence.
Logan quickly snapped his head towards him, the redoing of his cufflinks coming to a screeching halt. “You mean the book of seafaring and maritime history poems by John Masefield?” he asked, making sure he heard Roman right. Once his friend nodded, he only guffawed (not that he would admit that) and exclaimed, “Of course I do! It is, after all, the only poetry book you’ve ever read in your life.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “Then you know what I’m going to recite.” he tells him, standing proudly now, pretending to hold a tankard in one hand and gesturing to the sea in the other as he begins to quote:
“I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by; And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking, And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking.”
Logan sat down, not actually caring about how dirty his clothing will get, and propped an elbow on one of his knees, resting his chin in his palm. He couldn’t help but shake his head fondly because even if he’s heard Roman recite this poem hundreds of times over the years, he secretly loves hearing Roman loudly proclaiming his love for Mother Nature’s cruelest mistress.
“I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying, And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.”
Logan gave a miniature applause when Roman finishing reciting (even if he intentionally leaves out the third verse). Roman smiled and bowed dramatically, laughing heartily as he helped Logan to his feet.
The sea was his home; she loved him and his father as they loved her. If there was ever a life he lived where it didn’t involve the sea, it wasn’t a life worth living.
A flash of light suddenly made the sky glow for a second and Logan grew worried. For as much as Roman loved to talk about the sea’s beauty, he knew she held as much fury as she did serenity. Logan knew her wrath as well as her comforts, her storms as well as her gentle waves, and he knew to fear the darkening of the skies above and the enlivening of the water below.
He knew to avoid the sea’s wrath— and he knew how hard it was to escape it.
“Roman,” he began calmly, not wanting to raise alarm in his friend and captain. “Now do you believe me when I say we should head back to port?”
Roman nodded. “You’re right.” he said, quickly making his way back to the ship’s helm. “Alright men, enough lollygagging! Get sober quickly and raise the anchor, we’re retreating to shore!”
Soon, rain began to fall across the deck in sheets of freezing cold, and violent waves tossed the ship from side to side; Roman shivered as he clung to the ship’s wheel to keep from tipping the boat over, his knuckles stark-white as he desperately tried to steer out of the raging storm. Logan stood to his side, snapping rapid-fire commands to the crew below, his grim face illuminated by the lightning crackling above and his sharp voice carrying over the deafening rumbles of thunder.
Roman shoved his dripping hair from his face and grit his teeth, yanking the wheel to the side. The ship rocked dizzyingly beneath him as the ocean battered it from below with all her might.
Crack, boom!
He whirled around, a desperate cry tearing from his lips as lightning suddenly slammed into the deck, sending his crewmates, his family, flying. The rain fell but did nothing to stop the flames the lightning left behind, growing bigger and more monstrous with every inch of Roman’s ship they devoured. As the embers flew and the heat licked at Roman, he turned and gripped the wheel once more, desperate to steer them out, to save them…but it was too late.
The water filled his lungs the moment he fell beneath, and though he chocked and struggled, he couldn’t find the surface in the midst of the chaos, couldn’t escape the darkness and the whirling, churning waves. The sea engulfed him at all sides, sending him tumbling, and darkness crept at the edge of his mind as the sea dragged him below.
He’d always known he belonged at sea, and now, like his Papa before him, he was coming home.
When Roman finally regained consciousness, his head hurt and lungs burned from the salt water he coughed up, he heard a singing voice. A singing voice that sounded like it belonged to an angel, hymnal and otherworldly, but he couldn’t understand any of the words. He considered it to be one of the most beautiful voices he had ever heard. He blinked wearily, the high sun shining directly in his eyes, wanting to see who the enchanting song belonged to.
Vaguely, he could see the silhouette of his savior’s face, the sun illuminating around their face, almost like they were carrying a halo. Due to this, he first believed them to be Papa coming to take him to the Great Kingdom in the Sky (he wouldn’t have minded that if he was honest). He gave them a gentle, appreciative smile, but before he could uttered a word of thanks or even a question as to who they were, they disappeared.
“W-Wait! P-Please!” Roman’s voice was raspy and it broke a little when he called out to them. He began pushing himself upward, ignoring both his head and body aches as he tried to stop the person from leaving. When he had fallen into the ocean, he was certain he was sinking to his grave, but here he was, still alive and breathing. All thanks to this mysterious savior who wished to remain just that, a mystery.
When he was finally able to sit up completely and all sunspots had left his vision, they were gone, no sign of them whatsoever. He frowned as he began to look around, wondering where they’ve gone.
For a few moments, Roman was afraid he imagined the entire scenario…but here was no way he could’ve come up with something that creative, could he? But if he did…why did their sweet voice and warm touch continue to linger in his mind. Why did it seem so realistic?
The young captain’s overthinking was soon interrupted by another voice calling out to him, followed by the loud crunching of footsteps on the sand.
“Roman!” the familiar voice yelled. “Thank the Gods you’re alright! We thought you’d died!”
A pair of hands carefully grabbed his shoulders as their form came into his field of vision. As soon as Roman was able to fully recognize their face, an enormous sense of relief washed over him as he let out a shaky breath.
“Logan,” he whispered hopefully, becoming overwhelmed with emotion. When he was thrown off the ship, one of the other thoughts that flooded his mind (aside from his Father and Papa) was Logan; how his beloved friend and navigator was also to meet a watery grave because of his pride and stubbornness. “I…I’m so sorry!”
“Shh,” Logan soothed softly, his voice strangely calm and gentle. Even if it went against his usually cool demeanor, he pulled Roman into a protective embrace. One that showed that everything was alright, and that he was alive and feeling Logan’s warmth encompassing him. “We believe you drowned. Some of our crew tried to aid you, but the currents were too strong. How did you manage to swim against them, surely your nose and lungs would’ve been filled with water.”
“Someone…someone saved my life.”
“Oh?” Logan asked, voice tinged with curiosity as he looked around the cove. “If so, then where are they? And how did they manage such a feat?”
“I don’t know…they’ve gone.”
“I’m sorry?”
“They’ve gone,” Roman repeated. “I woke up to the most gorgeous singing I’ve ever heard— what it was, I don’t know since I couldn’t translate the words— and then I saw them, or almost saw them, but then…they were gone…”
“Roman, I’m sorry but that doesn’t make much sense.” Logan tells him. “Are you sure you weren't hallucinating?"
“Logan, you— you have to understand I’m not making this up!” the young captain protested strongly, glaring at his friend with firm eyes. “I saw them, I heard them! I know they’re real!”
“You nearly died from drowning. It’s quite common for seafarers to have hallucinations, especially when they’ve nearly drank themselves to oblivion." Logan placated, resting the back of his hand on his friend’s forehead. "You also know that we’ve heard similar stories at the bars we’ve been to, sailors saying they’ve been saved by mysterious folk to draw in a crowd.”
Roman growled and violently shook his head to the point where another wave of pain rushed to him. He wasn’t even drinking on the ship, Logan knew that! And why would he make something like this up?! He was known to tell an exaggerative story, but nothing of this scale and grandeur.
This person, angel, whomever, was real! The vague, sweet-looking face, the angelic voice, the feeling of soft skin lightly brushing against his own. It couldn’t have been a hallucination, Roman was convinced of that.
Where had they gone when he tried to thank them? How could they have disappeared so suddenly and without a trace? Who were they? Maybe it was Papa, Roman thought with a sad chuckle.
But if it was Papa, he would’ve known; he would’ve called Roman “his little hijo del mar” and affirm that “the seas have called us home”; he would’ve sung to him in a deep voice, rich with passionate experience, not light with a calm gentleness; and he would’ve held a guiding hand and led him to the Heavens. So who was it that saved his life?
“Come, Roman. Let me take you home. I’m sure Thomas is worried sick about you.” Logan wrapped his arm around his friend’s waist, leading him back to port. After a few moments of trying to convince Logan his story was true (and the navigator remained in denial), Roman begrudgingly ceased his protests and allowed himself to be lead home.
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variantia · 5 years
// ✄ , ✚ & ✿ for ukon & sakon !
Headcanons  //  accepting !
Send ✄ for a favorite movie of my muse’s.
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The Shining is one that they’ll admit to outright.  Everybody groans when it’s Sakon and Ukon’s turn for movie night, because they pick that movie every.  Damn.  Time ! ! !  It’s part of the reason Orochimaru instituted the rule that they get counted as a unit ; fewer arguments about watching the same movie twice a week.
It’ll take a little more coaxing to get them to admit that their other favorite -- more ‘childish’ -- movie is Peter Pan.
Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions.
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It’s been mentioned several times already, but the necklace of beads that Sakon wears is something they both value highly.  It’s probably their most important physical possession -- it used to be their mother’s, and she put it around Sakon’s neck right before she died.
Every time either of them hold it, they’re reminded of Mitsuru.  Because they were so young when she died, what comes from holding it is less a memory and more a feeling.  Having it makes them feel safe and loved, which is why Sakon rarely takes it off.
... Unless he’s letting Ukon wear it for a little bit.  Even when he does take it off to let Ukon have it, it’s NEVER out of their possession.  If anyone tries to mess with it, they’re probably going to be rewarded with a punch to the face.
Send ✿ for a happy memory.
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As young as they were, they still remember one moment from their childhood very clearly.  Nothing about it stands out much ; it serves as an example of their childhood rather than anything out of the ordinary.
Two years old, and their mother was holding a crying Ukon in her arms.  She expected to have him sick all the time, but this high fever of his was worrying her.  Adding to the frustration was the fact that no matter what she did, he wouldn’t stop wailing.  Mitsuru was at the point of tears herself when she passed Sakon, who was on the floor, playing with their uncle.  Their father was away on a mission, so he was obviously no help.
When their mother passed by the younger twin, Ukon opened his eyes for half a second, saw his brother, and made a grabbing motion.  Mitsuru didn’t see it, so she didn’t stop.  Sakon saw it, mirrored the action, and promptly began to cry just like this brother.
At this point, Mitsuru broke down in tears. “Tsutomu!  What am I doing wrong?!  Ukon won’t stop crying, and now Sakon’s started!  What do I do?!”
Her brother-in-law waved her over, muffling a cough of his own into his sleeve. “Come here and sit down.  Now that I’ve seen that, I think I know what to do.”
“Ah ... I hope so ...” So she sat, still gently bouncing Ukon in her arms, with both boys still screaming. “What am I doing wrong ... ?  This is what I always do when Ukon is sick ...”
“Yes, but ... you’re usually carrying them both around.  It looks like that’s the problem.” Despite the words, Tsutomu’s smile was gentle and sympathetic.  Seeing all of this made him miss his own twin, but somebody needed to stay here -- Mitsuru couldn’t take care of two toddlers all by herself.
His hand reached to pull Sakon into his lap. “Here, Sakon. it’s okay.” He turned the child around, holding Sakon close in the same manner Mitsuru was holding Ukon. “And, Mitsuru, it’s okay,” he repeated with a chuckle, seeing the frazzled look on his sister-in-law’s face.  She was always so worried about whether or not she was taking care of them properly.  She loved them so much. “Just put Ukon inside Sakon.  You’ve done it before.”
The mother’s hands hesitated even as she patted her screaming child’s back. “I-I know, but ... I don’t want them to ... get too attached ... they’re separate people, Tsutomu ...”
“They are, yes.  But right now, I think they need each other.  There’s no such thing as too attached at this age, especially for Futago children.  Go on, just humor me?”
She bit her lip and relented, carefully slipping Ukon into Sakon’s back until they melded together.  Her arms suddenly felt empty without her child.
Both of the boys calmed down almost immediately.  Being together the way they had been most of their lives was familiar and secure.  They had each other and they were close.  It was a huge comfort to both of them, and Sakon quickly settled against his uncle, little hand patting back at his brother’s head.
Mitsuru’s entire being screamed relief when Tsutomu handed her children over to her.  Tears spilled down her cheeks as she buried her face in Sakon’s hair -- able to hold both of them easily at the same time and still feeling them both. “Tsutomu ... how did you know?”
“Oh ... I’ve seen that kind of thing before.  And experienced it myself.” His hand shook slightly as he leaned over and stroked Ukon’s hair. “Sometimes when the weaker twin is sick or hurt, they need to be fused like this with the stronger one.  It helps them heal.  And, haha ... as you can see, Sakon’s obviously happy to help.”
“... There’s still so much I don’t know ... I feel like such an inadequate mother ...”
“But you’re not.  You’re trying with all you have.  That counts for a lot.  And you love them.  That counts for even more.”
As the conversation devolved into Tsutomu trying to reassure Mitsuru about her efforts, the children stopped listening and instead focused on each other.  Neither of them had to talk, and if they did, it would be nonsensical toddler babble.
They were closer than other people could be.  Sakon’s entire self wrapped around Ukon, encouraging him to rest.  Ukon’s entire self relaxed in the embrace of his brother.  Both of their energies thrummed with a single soothing message : “I’m here.”
As long as they were together, everything would be fine.
Maybe it’s not an exciting memory like the life they have now ; but it’s an important one.  In that moment, when they were together, they were both happy.
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k-sunrael · 6 years
Detailed - Kaevia Sun’rael
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Character Chart
Character’s full name: Kaevia Sun’rael
Reason or meaning of name: It was a name offered by a friend of the family.
Character’s nickname: Dove (by some family members) and Kae by friends
Reason for nickname: Kaevia compared to most of her relatives is a ‘dove’ among ‘ravens’; or so they say.
Birth date: January 29th
Physical appearance
Age: 63
How old does he/she appear: 25ish
Weight: 124lbs
Height: 5’5”
Body build: Lissome
Shape of face: Heart shaped.
Eye color: Light green though they have begun to turn a yellowish color.
Glasses or contacts: No
Skin tone: Lightly sunkissed
Distinguishing marks: None that can be seen in simple passing.
Predominant features: Her lips or eyes, depending on who you ask.
Hair color: Black.
Type of hair: thick and short
Hairstyle: Always down and often kept in a bit of a sassy bang flip or with a small wave.
Voice: Silvery and calm
Overall attractiveness: Attractive in the face and personality but overall her curves aren’t all that impressive compared to most.
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: Rich colors such as greys, blacks and dark purples.She seemingly favors slacks and vests, jackets and high-boots these days which is her everyday wear, her more regal attire is often kept for events and celebrations.
Favorite outfit: Black slacks and her house jacket with raven feathers at the shoulder piece.
Jewelry or accessories: Earrings in her ears and several bands on her fingers along with a silver pocket watch at her hip.
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Good personality traits: Patient, Tactful, Blunt and honest as well as caring
Bad personality traits: Logical, Jealous and too blunt sometimes for her own good
Mood character is most often in: Observant and quiet
Sense of humor: Highbrow and sarcastic humors
Character’s greatest joy in life: Oriana, Rowan and Rhistel -- her three children
Character’s greatest fear: Losing her family
Why? It is her prized possession. She loves everyone in her circle and happens to be a character that loves hard. She isn’t willing to let go of a family member or friend easily.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Losing one of her children.
Character is most at ease when: Reading.
Most ill at ease when: In the middle of a disagreement.
Enraged when: Injustice is present.
Depressed or sad when: She thinks about the past. While unfortunate, she feels she could have avoided quite a lot of her choice mistakes.
Priorities: Children, House and home as well as her thriving business.
Life philosophy: “Understand more. Analyze less”
If granted one wish, it would be:  It just might be to have an actual cycle of seasons in Quel’Thalas than having to continue on with that damned perpetual spring.
Why?  Its stagnant.
Character’s soft spot:  Her kids and sweets.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?  Depends. Those closest to her usually catch on.
Greatest strength:  Stoic resolve and having that ability to not let people see her unnerved.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:  Failure. She doesn’t handle it well and even more so if others take notice.
Biggest regret: Tassarion and Dalaran.
Minor regret: Asking for her Aunt Nysaira’s help.
Biggest accomplishment:  Holding down her own estate as well as being the active role and candidate to take over the Sun’rael house.
Minor accomplishment: Having the ability to master both Shadow and Holy magics in balance without being swayed to the whispers of the void.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: I’m sure she has had quite a few but I cannot remember any off the top of my head per say but it might be that moment when she professed her love to another back in her youth and was ultimately shut down.
Why? She didn’t take rejection well and even now, she still happens to have some issues with handling failure or rejection.
Character’s darkest secret:  Having used and continues to practice blood magic even if it IS for the right reasons and to help others. Along with her past and how she once blinded a woman with a curse for harming a loved one.
Does anyone else know? Only those closest to her.
Drives and motivations: Keep building on her business and ‘empire’ as it were when it comes to her family name and legacy.
Immediate goals: Allow growth for herself as an individual.
Long-term goals: Keep healing and just keep doing better each and every day. Someday she also hopes to have more children.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By living day to day, surely something has to give.
How other characters will be affected: God only knows. I suppose that depends on who she interacts with and who decides to be a part of her life in some aspect or another.
Hometown: Suncrown Village
Type of childhood: Fairly sheltered though she did leave home at a young age to study and practice the Holy word under Syrahn Bloodfeather, formerly known as Bloodlust. Her parents were both alive (Still are) and treated her well. She was an only child for much of her life and into her young adult years until her brother Arden was born. She spent much of her time abroad and in the presence of other Priests as well as Human Priests.
Pets: Several horses and hawkstriders, a wolf, a couple of sheep and goats along with several cats. All live on the estate grounds and are tended to by her groundskeeper, Illdarien.
First memory: The necklace of a tree that her father gifted her.
Most important childhood memory:  Chasing her cousins around.
Why? They’re family and perhaps the only people in her family she can relate to the most just because of their age and shared experiences growing up.
Childhood hero: Her father @alucieussunrael
Dream job: What she does now. Confessor and owning her own establishment which happens to be the Smoking Crow Bar and Lounge for Mercenaries.
Education: Tutored by several mentors in the way of the Light and Shadow arts She became a full fledged Confessor a few years ago and wishes to continue along that path. She was a hired therapist that the thalassian hospital when that was still running and is quite skilled in sewing and tailoring as well as being able to administer basic healing and suturing.
Religion: The holy Light (?)
Finances: Nobility, roughly the lower or middle tier of what nobility might be.
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Current location: Silvermoon City / Eversong Woods
Currently living with: Her staff Illdarien and Siliva along with her three children and on occasion, Whitstan.
Pets: Several horses and hawkstriders, a wolf, a couple of sheep and goats along with several cats. All live on the estate grounds and are tended to by her groundskeeper, Illdarien.
Religion: The holy Light. (?)
Occupation: Confessor, Mother, Heiress to House Sun’rael and Entrepreneur.
Finances: Wealthy.
Mother: Covaya Sun’rael
Relationship with her:  Fairly good. They keep each other company and stable since her father has been missing.
Father: Alucieus Sun’rael
Relationship with him: Very close. He is her hero and the only one in her family she truly seems to resemble both personality wise and physically.
Siblings: Arden Sun’rael
Relationship with them: Arden is roughly 4 years old and they have a good relationship though at times it is lacking because of the age gap.
Spouse:  Divorced.
Relationship with him/her: Quite well, the two are committed and have been ‘dating’ for a while now though it might be hard to tell from those who are outside looking in, they don’t often put their relationships or feelings on public display.
Children: Oriana and Rowan (biological twins between she and her ex-husband Tassarion) and Rhistel (adopted daughter)
Relationship with them: The relationship between she and her children is great and as expected of most women and mothers. She never forgets a moment with them and makes good on her promises with nightly stories before bed.
Other important family members: Aunt Nysaira Del’nigmis and her Aunt Ashlein Nah’taal, Uncle Areus Sun’rael and her uncle Altherian Dalin’thar and her cousins Syhris Sun’rael, Paltiel Dalin’thar and Phaeris Dalin’thar as well as her Uncle Lykor Lathai.
Color: Grey
Least favorite color: Brown
Music: Violin and harp
Food: Sweets though she loves Silvia’s homemade sandwiches.
Literature: History, theory
Form of entertainment: Books and people/conversation..
Expressions: We met for a reason, either you are a blessing or a lesson.
Mode of transportation: Walking, horse or by carriage. Once in awhile a zepplin or ship.
Most prized possession: The stave her father made for her.
Hobbies: Reading and sewing..
Plays a musical instrument? Yes. The harp.
Plays a sport? No.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: At home in a nice hot bath with a good book. IF EVERSONG EVER HAD RAIN!
Spending habits: Fairly good. She doesn’t over indulge in spending too often without reason. She saves quite a lot of her income as well.
Smokes: No.
Drinks: Once in a while, usually bourbon.
Other drugs: VERY rarely though thistle is about the extent of her dabbling.
What does he/she do too much of? Reading and working.
What does he/she do too little of?  Actively trying to make friends.
Extremely skilled at: Sensing bullshit and liars. She can read people like a book and can be very witty.
Extremely unskilled at: Showing emotion and letting people in.
Nervous tics: Lip biting.
Usual body posture: Arms crossed or hands folded primly at her front.
Mannerisms: Very postured and well taught as it might seem at first glance. She seems very polite when speaking unless given reason not to be. She looks very well dressed and observant.
Peculiarities: Dark attire though there is a aura of Light magic about her.
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Optimist or pessimist? In between.
Introvert or extrovert? Ambivert!
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious.
Logical or emotional? Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat.
Prefers working or relaxing? Working.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident.
Animal lover? A little bit.
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Kaevia is quite confident in herself and her abilities. The only time there is a sense of self-doubt is when others around her share their doubt in her. She is a stable person.
One word the character would use to describe self:  Candid.
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:  “A question most never get asked unless they are trying to sell parts of themselves to another. I’m broken just as much as the next person but I prefer not to show it or to let it define me. I suppose I am resilient in a way, dedicated and driven.”
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Assertiveness.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Creativity. She isn’t a talented or creative person in the way of performing arts or visual arts.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Hair.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Hahah! The lack of having big curves like some of the women she meets.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: To some she comes off as snotty or a know-it-all because of her blunt approach with truths and facts but a lot of people tend to admire that about her too as a character. She doesn’t sugar coat the truths and I have been recently told they like how she is a balanced character with being down to earth and also a well written noble as well.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Not much as she is content with who she is but perhaps someone with a little less responsibility.
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: She gets along with more than she doesn’t and she rarely happens to make enemies but she has trust issues. Everyone is out to get something.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? If Kaevia has an opinion about something she will share it, unabashed and straightforward though when it comes to emotions she does not show her emotions to those around her and leaves the tears for the privacy of her own domicile. Rarely does she let people see her at her worst (EX: crying or lashing out in anger).
Person character most hates: Ex-husband Tassarion.
Best friend(s): None. She hasn’t been close enough or trust someone enough yet for that role though she does have plenty of friends and acquaintances.
Love interest(s): Whitstan Wilhelm. @whitstanwilhelm
Person character goes to for advice: Silvia.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Her children though lately that role has gone to Telyina AKA Stitch @autumnblade-sorrows
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Never shy, never awkward.
Person character openly admires: Her father.
Person character secretly admires: Her Aunt Nysaira and her friend Lilthessa @lilthessa
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Her parents.
After story starts: Herself.
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risrielthron · 6 years
Risri Elthron
Tagged by @summysparklesprocket​
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Character’s Full Name:  Risri Elthron (formerly Kal’serrar) Reason or Meaning of Name:  Risri was named after a place important to her parents. (OOCly, I got it from a name generator and have used it ever since) Character’s Nickname/Alias: Ris, Big Bear Reason for Nickname/Alias: shortened form of Risri, @skystoneseat​ give everyone she likes a nickname, she dubbed Risri Big Bear for the obvious reasons. :) Birth Date: April 1st
Physical appearance
Age:  406 How old does he/she appear: Upper 20′s Lower 30′s Weight:  average Height: little shorter than the normal Kaldorei Body build: athletic Shape of face: oval Eye color: Silver Glasses or contacts: Neither Skin tone: pale purple Distinguishing marks: claw mark tattoos on her face Predominant features: like most Kaldorei her ears and shining eyes, along with the tattoos on her face. Hair color: Violet Type of hair:  long and straight, soft to the touch Hairstyle:  She almost always is wearing it down straight Voice:  a soft accent Overall Attractiveness: Like most Kaldorei, she has a look that many have said is attractive. She thinks of herself as average. Physical Disabilities: None. Usual Fashion of Dress: She is most often in comfortable clothes. Dresses, skirts, or a comfortable pair of pants. Favorite Outfit: A blue, green, and gold dress. Jewelry or Accessories: She has a silver bracelet on her left wrist, a ruby necklace and a crystal that she wears frequently.
Good Personality Traits: She is a curious, intelligent, and kind Kaldorei. She has no trouble initiating conversation with people from all walks of life. Her natural curiosity made her an excellent interviewer. Bad Personality Traits: She can be overprotective and some have said she is overbearing in her concern for those she sees as under her protection.  Mood Character is Most Often In: She is most often happy and pleasant. Sense of Humor: She finds humor in those that are sassy or sarcastic. While she rarely lets that side show, she appreciates it.Character’s Greatest Joy In Life: Flying Character’s Greatest Fear: being mind controlled What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? She has experienced some of this already, the death of those she loves is something that she has a hard time with. If anyone in her inner circle were to die she would be devastated. Character Is Most at Ease When: She’s with those she cares about or out in nature. Most Ill at Ease When: Underground or when someone is exceptionally rude. Enraged When: Someone threatens her loved ones. Depressed or Sad When: When she has failed to protect someone. Life Philosophy: Do what you can to be a good person at all costs. If Granted One Wish, It Would Be: All those she cares for were happy. Character’s Soft Spot:  children, gnomes, animals Is This Soft Spot Obvious to Others?  If you see her around any of those you might sense it. Greatest Strength: Her intellect/creativity, and her ability to talk and be friends with anyone. Greatest Vulnerability or Weakness: Risri believes that inherently people are good and want to do good. This can lead her to trusting in people she shouldn’t. Biggest Regret:  Not selling the paper sooner. Minor Regret:  Allowing the Warden to get under her skin and maker her angry. Biggest Accomplishment: Running the paper successfully. Minor Accomplishment: Opening the photography studio. Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Allowing her Sentinel unit to die. Character’s Darkest Secret:  She has beserker like tendenacies. Does Anyone Else Know? A small group of people.
Drives and Motivations: To share her curiosity with others, to be a good person. Immediate Goals: Keep the studio profitable. Long Term Goals: Find a more permanent cure for her fel corruption residual effects. How the character plans to accomplish these goals: The studio she is feeling is going well, she could market it more but at present she is enjoying the slower pace. Her longer term goals, Sky is helping with. How Other Characters Will Be Affected:  Hopefully people have some great pictures to share their memories with others. Her anger hasn’t gotten unmanageable yet so the pressure to find the cure has not become pressing but when it does others might be shocked or put off by her emotions.
Hometown: Near Feathermoon, Feralas Type of Childhood: Well-loved, happy for the most part Pets: Flutter First Memory: Her father’s voice as he read to her. Most Important Childhood Memory: Finding Flutter’s egg. Childhood Hero: Tyrande, Shandris, her father. Dream Job: Right now, running the studio is pretty close. Perhaps someday to go back to teaching. Education: formal schooling, Sentinel training, Druid training Religion: Worships Elune and the Wild Gods. Finances: For a Kaldorei, she is well off. She is not frivolous with her spending, and selling the paper gave her a nest egg that she has invested in the studio.
Current Location: Stormwind Currently Living With: She lives with Dragaur in his apartment in the Mage District. Occupation:  Business Owner of A Moment in Time Photography Studio Finances: Upper Middle Class
Siblings: None Relationship With Them: n/a Spouse: None Relationship With Them: n/a Children: none. Relationship With Them: n/a Other Important Family Members:  Alistra, her mother; Tara, her aunt; a few cousins
Color: Teal Least Favorite Color: chartreuse Music: Soft instrumental Food: pastry. Literature: Everything. Form of Entertainment: reading, writing, spending time with Dra, taking photographs. Expressions: soft chuckles Mode of Transportation: Flight Most Prized Possession: Her father’s staff.
Hobbies: Photography, alchemy. Plays a musical instrument? No Plays a sport? No How they would spend a rainy day? Either outside in it, or curled up with a good book. Spending Habits: Frugal and cautious. Smokes: never. Drinks: Rarely Other Drugs: Rarely What does he/she do too much of? overthink / over-analysis a situation. What does he/she do too little of? Sleep. Extremely Skilled At: Photography, alchemy, shifting to the forms she knows, being compassionate, cooking. Extremely Unskilled At: Mechanical or technical things Nervous Tics: will spin her bracelet Usual Body Posture: Standing straight. Mannerisms: Happy, smiling, genuine. Peculiarities: maintains a serene smile with only her eyebrows giving away any clue to her emotional state (especially with strangers)
Optimist or Pessimist? Optimist. Introvert or Extrovert? a mix Daredevil or Cautious? Cautious Logical or Emotional? a mix Disorderly and Messy or Methodical and Neat? Methodical and Neat Prefers Working or Relaxing? a mix of both Confident or Unsure of Himself?  confident most of the time. Animal lover? Yes
How She Feels About Herself: Outwardly appears confident, inwardly she may over worry. One Word Character Would Use To Describe Themselves: Kind Paragraph Description on How They’d Describe Themselves: “The world moves at such a fast pace, I want to capture it and share glimpses into those moments that pass by so quickly. I try to be sincere and kind to any and all I meet because you never know what is hiding behind the smile.” What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Her ability to talk calmly with almost anyone. What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Her tendency to be overprotective. What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her smile. What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? She’s happy with her appearance truthfully. How does the character think others perceive him/her? Standoffish or hard to approach, some because of her fame as the owner of the paper and some because she is a Kaldorei. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself? To be more discerning without giving up the trust or faith in people.
Relationships with others
Opinion of Other People in General: That most are just trying to live thier life and be good. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Often. Person Character Most Hates: Elyza Morrowbranch @wardennerd Best friend(s): Sky Stoneseat @skystoneseat. Dragaur @silentasagrave, Selise Graves @selisegraves, Jazimina Stratford. Love interest(s): Dragaur Person Character (Would) Go to For Advice: Her mother or Sky or Selise Person Character Feels Responsible For: Sky Person Character Feels Awkward Around: noone Person Character Openly Admires: Selise and Sky Person Character Secretly Admires: Masnira @enigmatic-elegance
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faetcd · 6 years
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What is your character’s full name ? tress atropos  How is it pronounced ? tres ah-trop-os Is there a meaning behind it ? tress means ‘long hair’. atropos, however, is much more important and means ‘without turn’. it relates to greek mythology regarding the three moirai.  Does your character have any nicknames ? t ( only certain people can call her this )  When and where were they born ? march 21, 1992 in carthay, ca.  What’s their zodiac sign and what traits do they most relate to ? tress is an aries. confident, courageous, moody, impatient, short tempered.  What’s their nationality ? american.  What’s their occupation ? fortune teller, seamstress.  What gender do they identify themselves as ? cisfemale. 
What’s their eye color ? amber.  Do they wear glasses or contacts ? no.  Hair color ? originally brunette, currently it looks like this or this Have they ever dyed their hair or wanted to ? her hair is constantly being dyed, but keeping in the pink and red family is her particular favorite.  Height ? 5′4  Body build ? petite.  Do they have any birthmarks ? she has six small marks that look almost like freckles on her inner right thigh. they align like a constellation.  Do they have any piercings or tattoos ? tress has a small tattoo on her right wrist that says ‘fate’ in cursive script. it’s a tribute to her sisters and profession. as for her piercings, she actually has a lot. her ears looks something like this , and one of the fates did them all for her. she used to have a tongue piercing, which she has let close. also, she has nipple piercings.  If not, do they want to get some ?  Do they have a healthy life style ? tress is a vegetarian, which few actually know. she hasn’t eaten meat since as long as she could remember.  How easy do they get sick ? she doesn’t get sick often, and is a firm believer in herbal supplements to prevent illness.  Any marks on their body ( injuries, … ) ? she has a scar on her left knee from falling off her bike in the seventh grade.  What’s their personal style/how do they like to dress ? she can often be found in black or regular blue jeans. she wears a lot of graphic tees and band shirts. her most prized possession is the leather jacket she hand stitched and embroidered that looks like this. she wears a lot of jewelry, which is mostly rings and the occasional necklace.  What is their favorite and least favorite feature about themselves ? her favorite feature is her eyes. her least favorite is her height.
Positive traits ? confident, insightful, loyal, courageous.  Negative traits ? apathetic, abrasive, dogmatic, paranoid.  What do they consider to be the best and the worst part of their personality ? tress believes the best trait she has is her fierce loyalty. however, a part of her wishes she was a little more empathetic.  Are they more extroverted or introverted ? tress is an ambivert. she chooses who gets to see her more extroverted side, but her introverted nature allowed her to go by unnoticed for so many years collecting the residents’ secrets.  Any talents ? she has premonitions and visions about the future.  What are their fears ? being powerless and showing weakness/vulnerability.  Do they have any phobias ? none.  What is their soft spot ? the fates, zarina, and gill.  List 3 pet-peeves they can’t stand ? debates, lack of respect, and people who don’t believe in her abilities or fate. 
How far did they go in school ? Are they still studying ? tress has a degree in fashion design and business. with the help of the fates and her expertise, they were able to open up their shop without any loans and minimal debt.  Do/Did they like school ? she enjoyed college more than high school.  What type of student are/were they ? tress was an excellent student. she excelled in every course with the help of her abilities giving her a sense of what would be on the test.  What is/was their favorite subject ? in high school, it was science and math. And their least favorite ?  she didn’t enjoy english, although she liked to read.  What were they/would they have been voted as “most likely to…” in the yearbook ? tress would’ve been voted most likely to be a ceo of a fortune 500 company. 
Who are your character’s parents ? her father was a local astronomer and her mother was a seamstress. they were happy and in love, and every part of tress’ childhood was perfect. unfortunately, they both passed in a car accident the summer before her first year of college. she was left with their money and her empty childhood home.  How would your character describe them ? she loved her parents more than anything. she rarely talks about them now because the subject is still sensitive. a part of tress blames herself for not seeing the crash coming, but premonitions such as those can’t be controlled.  Do they have any siblings ? no.  Are they close with their family ? she was very close with her parents, they were the only two people she could be her genuine self around. 
What’s their romantic and sexual orientation ? bisexual.  Are they seeing anyone right now ? she is casually seeing gill again.  Have they ever been in an relationship ? yes.  Have they ever been in love ? yes.  How easy do they fall for someone ? not easily. in fact, she dislikes almost every person she meets at first.  In their view, why didn’t any past relationships work out ? past relationships didn’t work out because tress either gave too much or too little. she can’t strike the right balance.  What do they look for in someone ? she looks for people who are loyal and passionate.  Do they believe in love at first sight ? or fate ? she firmly believes in fate, but does not think that love at first sight exists. in fact, she thinks it’s stupid.  What’s their views on romance ? Do they go after it or avoid it ? she believes that romance is nice in theory, but never really works out. she doesn’t really go after it, but if it finds its way to her then she is open to the experience.  Did they have their first time already ? How was it in their point of view ? yes. her first time was actually with her girlfriend in college. the experience was enjoyable, which probably made her so sex positive now. although they broke up shortly after, tress doesn’t regret it.  What is their view on sex ? she enjoys it, but thinks that things can messy once sex is involved. she also believes it’s a way to get something she wants.  What are their turn ons and turn offs ? her turn ons include leather jackets, messy hair, and tattoos. her turn offs include debating, preppy cliches, and lying.  Were they ever cheated on or have they cheated on someone ? no.  Do they want to get married in the future ? no.  Have kids ? no. 
Are they right or left handed ? right handed.  What’s a word that’s always on their lips ? ‘fate’  Is there a saying they keep on repeating ? ‘karma is a bitch’ Do they curse ? yes, but only when they’re upset.  What’s their worst habit ? she  Do they drink or smoke ? How frequently ? tress used to drink quite frequently, now she is more of a social drinker. she rarely drinks too much in public. being so petite, it’s easy for her to get drunk, which she doesn’t like.  Are they an early bird or a night owl ? night owl.  How tidy is their room ? extremely tidy. she has a lot of odd knick knacks and figurines, but everything is always in its right place.  How long to they usually take getting ready in the morning ? tress takes about forty five minutes to get ready. 
What’s their favorite color ? purple.  Favorite movie ? eternal sunshine of the spotless mind Music Genre ? alternative.  Food ? thai.  Book ? slaughterhouse-five by kurt vonnegut  Favorite non-alcoholic drink ? iced coffee.  Ice Cream Flavor ? chocolate fudge brownie.  Indoors or outdoors ? indoors.
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misfitdxmon-blog · 4 years
      basic information -       full name : riley victoria bellator       nicknames : riles       zodiac : gemini | june 3rd       real age : 1000+       age appearance : 19       species : demon       sexual orientation : bisexual       hometown : hell, respectively       current location : n /a       occupation : none currently       theme songs :        ♫ bazzi - myself        ♫ horns - bryce fox     physical characteristics -       face claim : marie avgeropoulos       build : petite       height : 5’4       scent : fuzzy peaches       skin color : olive       eye color : blue       hair color : brunette       hair style : long, straight or beach waves       health : utmost       glasses/contacts : glasses on occasion solely for looks       allergies : none       special markings :           - birthmark on her hip           - minimalist tattoos      relationships / family -       mother : n /a       father : n /a       siblings : none       extended family :          - n / a       significant other : n /a          virgin ? no          sex life : active          past lovers :          - katherine park      psychology -       intelligence : above average       education : attended several universities       social stereotype : the bad girl                       languages spoken : english, italian, spanish, bulgarian       mental illnesses : mild anxiety when triggered       emotional stability : unstable most of the time       mood : sasy       expressiveness :          happy : laughs loudly , smirks , provocative , outgoing          depressed ( rare ): cries a lot , quite about her sadness          angry : rarely gets angry , but explosive when she is       phobias :          - being forgotten       addictions :          - smokes when stressed      personality -       [ ✕ ] : cheerful, friendly, adventurous       [ ✓ ] : gullible, naive, indulgent       likes : sex, drinking, playing games, attention, self pleasure ,               getting her own way, peaches , dark chocolate croissants ,             macaroons, coconut, fighting, manipulating others, wine       dislikes : bitterness, arrogance, disrespectful comments, bores,              vapes , authoritative figures       notable habits: catches your gaze from across the room       prized possessions:          - half moon necklace       sense of humor : crude and dark humor, often sarcastic       FAVORITE COLORS : pastels , black and burgundy       FAVORITE ANIMALS : wolves       FAVORITE PLACES : a club, a bar       FAVORITE FLAVORS : peaches, coconut       FAVORITE FOODS : all fruits, apple pie       FAVORITE DRINKS : chocolate milkshake history -         riley wasn’t born as a human and led to live a normal life. she was          never once just a girl or slipped into a bad deal. she was born as the          darkness she grew up as, trained to be an elite solider for the higher          powers; lucifer. created to do his bidding, to be a good little warrior          and follow every order she was given. other than that she was          nothing, she didn’t matter. No one of her level did, all they were good          for until the day they wore out was to listen and do, listen and do,          listen and do. but, eventually that wasn’t good enough for her.
         her mind frame changed based off a rouge, a few of those who          disagreed with what they were led to believe and wanted to side with          the humans, wanted to help them. his name was dustin and it didn’t           take much to persuade her into believing in something else entirely;           him. they met in secret with the rebellion, having been tarnishing           deals for centuries so that no one had to give their soul. it was only           after hearing a conversation that she wasn’t supposed to that she           realized dustin wasn’t like her at all; he was angel born.
          she felt betrayed by the revelation and went to lucifer in hopes that           he would forgive her, realize her wrongs and take her back in as a           warrior, as his perfect little pet. he was vindictive and as persuasive           as any charming man would have been. convincing her that all he           wanted to do was have a ‘chat’ with dustin in return for her loyalty,           she would be welcomed back, forgiven for her sins (ironically          enough). of course, believing him proved to be her downfall as the          moment she told him his location, she was banished.
          before her banishing, she was made to watch the extermination of           the one man she had fallen in love with, dedicated her life to until his           secret became a reality. that never meant she wished any harm upon           him, but lucifer had a different idea. set up in an arena, the pair sat           facing each other with the devil feet away. it happened within seconds,          but before she could do anything henrik’s blood had been splattered          across her face, a limp body at her knees as she let out a wail that only          induced laughter from those watching the death of henrik.
          rising to earth through hell’s gates after that left her disorientated,           shattered, confused and vulnerable. a demon wasn’t supposed to fall           in love. a mantra followed for years in the making, convincing herself           that she never cared for him and that everyone was out to get her.           her mind became warped to be delusional, twisted, helpless and           effectively unchangeable. riley grew confident, bold, flirty, and           strategic. a name began to be made for the lone demon, and          anyone, of any species who dared approach her did so with the           utmost of caution.
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liaragaming · 7 years
Uncommon OC Questions, P2
Read part 1.
Continuing the character exercises to flesh out Inan Lavellan, Abigail Hawke, and Liara Tabris. I passed about a handful of these, but still a good questionnaire. Original meme can be found here.
1. A little-known talent of your OC?
Inan – Blackwall teaches her how to whittle one-handed after Trespasser. She makes lots of little wooden halla’s.
Abigail – She is very good with children, like so amazing. She was always looking after her younger siblings, and she just has a way with kids.
Liara – Leliana has told her she’s very graceful, like a dancer even though she’s had no training.
2. What trait does your OC like best about themself? (Eyes, guitar skills, random bird facts, etc)
Inan – likes her eyes and loves being a mage
Abigail – she enjoys looking good – putting on make up, styling her hair, mix and matching her wardrobe. Liara – she likes her hair and her knife skills. She’s very proud she taught herself.
3. How many pillows does your OC sleep with?
Inan – one
Abigail – so many
Liara – sometimes none, though she’s been assured that’s not good for her.
4. Is your OC good at keeping secrets?
Inan – if she feels it’s justified.
Abigail – she can keep them, but she’d rather no one came to her with them. She just doesn’t want to have to deal with it.
Liara – she is terrible at it.
5. Your OC's worst habit?
Inan – she ignores her own needs/wants to a detriment.
Abigail – beats herself up over the people she couldn’t save.
Liara – undervalues herself.
6. Does your OC prefer tennis shoes/sneakers or flip flops?
All: prefer comfortable, hardy boots that they can do their work in, though Abigail appreciates it when she can find ones that are functional and look nice.
7. What is your OC's opinion on body modifications?
All: I mean… sure? If you’re into that.
8. Your OC is given a full-ride scholarship to any college they could want to go to. Where do they go and what do they major in?
Inan – would learn everything she could about lost elven culture or history. Probably study in Tevinter.
Abigail – would have Fenris pick a subject so he could learn something new about something he’s interested in through her. Does matter where.
Liara – dance in Val Royeaux
9. What chore does your OC hate the most?
Inan – meeting dignitaries
Abigail – laundry
Liara – fighting darkspawn
10. Would your OC prefer to live in the city, the suburbs, or the country?
Inan – in the forest or among ancient ruins. Someplace with mysticism and history.
Abigail – she has grown to love the city
Liara – in the country, somewhere quiet and secluded where she and Leliana can live out their lives in peace.
11. Is your OC a blanket hog?
Inan – absolutely
Abagail – both her and Fenris hog the covers, so their nights end up in an unconscious tug of war.
Liara: No
12. Would your OC play by the rules in a fight or take cheap shots?
Inan: “What’s at stake in this fight?”
Abagail: “I can play by the rules so long as my opponent does the same.”
Liara: “Of course I’d follow the rules.”
13. Does your OC have a widow 's peak?
14. Happy birthday! What kind of present would your OC want?
Inan: An eluvian that leads straight to Solas.
Abagail: A quiet day at home with Fenris.
Liara: A day with Leliana.
15. Something that grosses your OC out?
Inan: walking throw a spider web
Abagail: dirty dish water
Liara: getting sprayed with blood.
16. Your OC is suddenly on an adventure! Where do they go and what do they do?
All: No adventures, please. Just a nice place to rest with the love of my life would be grand.
17. Is there a real person that looks like your OC?
I did a quick google search, and I found one I like for Liara.
18. Something that makes your OC laugh without fail?
Inan: all of her friends
Abigail: most of her friends
Liara: Alistair or Leliana
19. Something that makes your OC cry without fail?
Inan: thinking about what might befall Solas
Abigail: “Why would you ask such a fucking insensitive question? Kindly fuck off, please and thank you.”
Liara: thinking she’ll never be able to share her life with Leliana the way she wants.
20. An obscure/ridiculous fear your OC has?
Inan: has too many real fears to worry about ridiculous ones.
Abigail: waking up one day to find everyone she knows and loves are gone and it’s her fault.
Liara: talking to people
21. Does your OC have any type of disability, whether it be mental, physical, etc?
Inan: she loses half her arm
Abigail: none
Liara: none
22. Does your OC get frustrated when people forget to close the door behind themselves?
Inan: she’s not used to having door, so… no
Abigail: yes
Liara: whatever
23. What is your OC's first memory?
Inan: Looking into her Keeper’s eyes.
Abigail: Giggling as her father throws her into the air.
Liara: Running around her home in the alienage being chased by her parents.
24. Something you like that your OC would hate?
Inan: all the time I spend indoors at the computer
Abigail: all the layers I wear
Liara: pumpkin pie
25. Your OC is going into battle/on a mission! What song is their anthem?
26. Does your OC have good or bad posture?
Inan: good
Abigail: bad
Liara: she has no idea
27. Most despicable thing your OC has ever done?
Inan: let Celene die to put Briala in power
Abigail: tbd
Liara: allowed Morrigan’s Dark Ritual
28. Is your OC a conspiracy theorist?
Inan: does “everything is set up against the elves” count?
Abigail: no
Liara: does “everything is set up against the elves” count?
29. Someone does something awful in front of your OC. How do they handle it?
Inan: threatens them with a fireball
Abigail: is ready to smack some sense into whoever she needs to.
Liara: pulls out her knives
30. What is your OC's favorite drink?
Inan: red wine and herbal tea.
Abigail: ales
Liara: tea
31. Does your OC prefer to sleep in a warm or cool area?
Inan: warm
Abigail: cool Liara: warm
32. Would your OC like you if they met you?
They are all self-inserts, so I hope so!
33. A song that reminds you of your OC?
Inan: “Titanium” post Trespasser
34. Is your OC a nail biter?
Inan: no
Abigail: no
Liara: yes
35. What is your OC's favorite quote?
36. Your OC's favorite fashion era? (20's, 70's, etc)
37. Does your OC get excited when they get mail?
All: as long as it’s personal mail and not save-the-world related.
38. Random thunderstorm! How does your OC react?
Inan: finds someplace she can watch
Abigail: Uses it as an excuse to spend some quiet time at home.
Liara: “Oh, great.” Looks for shelter.
39. A strange talent of your OC?
repeat question
40. Assuming your OC doesn't have them already, what superpower would they want? If they do already, would they change it, keep it, or get rid of it?
Inan: she wishes she knew more healing spells
Abigail: If there was some magic that could keep all her loved ones safe, that would be nice.
Liara: cure for the blight
41. Does your OC like/make puns?
All: don’t make them, but don’t mind them.
42. What kind of shampoo does your OC use?
Inan: uses an herbal tea-like concoction as a rinse.
Abigail: soaps from the city market.
Liara: on the road, there are plants the Grey Wardens have told her to use. If she can’t find them, she just uses water and a comb. Otherwise, Leliana usually has soap for her.
43. Your OC wakes up with a coin super glued to their forehead. How do they react?
Inan: sighs and goes to find Sera
Abigail: Half annoyed, half amused. “Okay, whose bright idea was this?”
Liara: starts freaking out that someone in her group doesn’t like her
44. Can your OC sleep if there's any kind of light?
Inan: actually prefers some kind of natural light, like the moon or stars.
Abigail: prefers total darkness, but rarely gets it. She sleeps all right regardless.
Liara: light doesn’t bother her at all, but she needs have some kind of noise going on, like crickets or snoring or people talking.
45. What kind of self-esteem does your OC have?
Inan: pretty high
Abigail: less than she puts off
Liara: low
46. A word that your OC can't stand?
47. Does your OC fold their clothes, hang them up, or just leave them in the basket/dryer?
Inan: folds her clean clothes, and puts the dirty in a hamper.
Abigail: hangs clean clothes, leaves her worn clothes in a pile by her bed. Eventually, she goes through them and decides what’s dirty and what can be worn again, and throws the dirty stuff in a hamper.
Liara: on the road, she tries to keep her dirty and clean clothes separate in her pack. Sometimes they get mixed up and she just washes everything. When not the road, she can’t shake the habit of living out her pack, and Leliana eventually hangs them up for her.
48. Would society call your OC a good guy or a bad guy? What would they say they are?
Inan: really isn’t sure. She’s done some good things as Inquisitor. But considering she put Briala in power at Celene’s death, the events of the Conclave, and impending war with Solas… she isn’t certain how she’ll go down in history.
Abigail: She fought to protect her city. She wants to do good, but she’s sure there’s people who see her otherwise.
Liara: good guy.
49. Your OC's most prized possession?
Inan: Solas’ necklace.
Abigail: a lock of hair from Fenris.
Liara: a locket from Leliana.
50. What is your OC's happy place?
Inan – the atrium at skyhold
Abigail – relaxing in her bed
Liara – anywhere with Leliana
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hartcelia · 7 years
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✘ She is actually incredibly picky about who she lets call her Celia. If you haven’t known her since she was little and would hop around with a plastic fairy wand calling herself Princess Celia, the nickname is off limits. She’s okay with just about any other nickname though, including Cee, Cece, and Cel. ✘ She owns a Sankyo Pure Silver CF 901 flute and considers it her most prized possession. However, she can more commonly be found carrying around her Gemeinhardt 33SSB flute, lest anything happen to her baby. ✘ Yes, she has named her favorite flute. It’s name is Lucio, after Antonio Lucio Vivaldi. ✘ She knows the basics of piano, guitar, clarinet, and organ. ✘ She is fully prepared to fight anyone over short jokes made towards her. ✘ She has Pop! figurines for all four Golden Girls and keeps them displayed on a shelf in her living room. ✘ Her favorite animal is a koala and her favorite color is purple. ✘ If she could have any talent, she would give herself a green thumb. As much as she wishes otherwise, Cecilia’s home is where plants come to die. ✘ She’s allergic to shellfish and mushrooms. ✘ The first book series she ever became hooked on was A Series of Unfortunate Events. She sobbed tears of joy watching the Netflix series. ✘ Right now her music therapy interests are geared towards helping people with chronic pain but she definitely wishes for more opportunities in the field of mental health. ✘ Even before she knew what the technical name for it was, Cecilia’s always thought of psychology and human interaction from a behavioral perspective rather than a cognitive one. Since starting college, she’s begun to lean towards more of a cognitive-behavioral approach. ✘ It would be impossible for Cecilia not to have a love for instrumental and orchestral music considering her upbringing. Her favorite composer is Rachmaninoff.  ✘ She’s a not-so-secret nerd when it comes to school. She’s legitimately in love with back to school sales and stocks up on enough notebooks and pencils to supply a third grade classroom. ✘ Cecilia is borderline afraid of not keeping busy, because when she has too much time on her hands, she start to overthink and worry herself into a frenzy. ✘ She absolutely hates the taste of coffee and relies on tea and 5-hour energy for all of her caffeine-related needs. ✘ She loves the beach so much that she can’t fathom how it’s possible she was born right smack dab in the middle of the winter. ✘ She received a silver koala necklace for Christmas when she was 17 and hasn’t gone a day without wearing it ever since. ✘ She isn’t very good at understanding her own limits, and on more than one occasion she has gathered too much on her plate and needs someone to tell her to take a break. There are very few people who can actually manage to convince her to do so.
✘ Messing with them is a surefire way to unleash the rarely seen Angry Cecilia. ✘ Her siblings are her lifeline. ✘ She thinks of both Mari and Nat as two of her biggest role inspirations. ✘ She will absolutely suckerpunch Carson if he’s being an idiot, but it all comes from a place of very deeply-rooted concern. ✘ To be expanded on with parent things but siblings stuff right here ~
✘ She doesn’t currently have any pets but she’s interested in adopting from a rescue in LA. ✘ She wants to get a tattoo, but she has thus far been too terrified of the thought of ink permanently being injected in her skin to actually go through wit it. She knows that if she does ever suck it up and get one, Marisol is the only person she’d trust to do the job right.
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