#Hercules X Lillie
Hercules x Lillie's Family
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"Daddy's Home!"
Late night doodle of Hercules, Lillie, and their two children (so far): Maia and Orion Starr
The family that Hercules always dreamed of having (but never fully believed he deserved)
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lindseynicole1999 · 3 months
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Drawing collab with @jayjay667
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starboardsquiggly · 2 years
Angel in a Sunhat  🌻
Up the country side was the small house surrounded by sunflowers. It was creek country, where Billy and Sunshine Shoepack had been reared. If you asked them they’d remember splashing in the creek, running through the flowers, playing in the mud of the sun showers. It was their country. The place they could be themselves and it was here that Billy still stayed and Sunshine loved.
When Boomer had told he and Ten Cents that Captain Star had been transferred up river he… well he was devastated, and he figured that this sadness came from his friend leaving, he’d be sad if any of the Stars left for an indefinite about of time, he had been upset when he had made the decision to leave Billy and his home up stream for a better opportunity but this time something was different.
Friday came and the Stars headed to the Bridge Café, Grampus in toe with ten cents, Hercules and Lillie, who’d just reunited after a long month at sea. Through supper he watched the couple hand holding, peppering kisses and complimenting one another. Sunshine’s stomach crochet in knots. It was like a longing and a sadness.
He excused himself from the long table the waitresses had compiled in the middle of the café for the fleet and went to the balcony for a smoke.
He drew in a breath and stared up at the stars, somewhere he hoped someone was starring back.
“You doing alright?” Grampus had followed him out, requesting a draw from his cigarette, he obliged. “Yeah mate, just missing home I think.” Sunshine said pulling his jacket closer.
“I get it, my time with the navy gave me a chance to see how men are affected by the loss of the place of familiarity. I still feel that here when I’m with all of you. Though I love the chance I’ve been given with Captain Star I’m still jealous most of the Starfleet and hell the Zeds are stationed in a place called home.”
Sunshine puffed. “I ain’t jealous.”
“No? Not even with Hercules and Lillie sitting on each others laps?” He laughed but the smaller Switcher captain pulled his hat over his head and was silent.
“Sunshine?” He put a hand on the small of his back.
“S’it’s nothin’.” Sunshine whistled.
“You’re sure?” The two were quite. Sunshine realized in this moment that he wasn’t in a place of familiarity. The crushing reality that he’d so recently faced came rushing back to him that he made a promise to continue and explore his chances in Bigg City but the city didn’t have flowers, it didn’t have a creek to swim in, very rarely did the rainbows peak through the clouds after a sun-shower. He was standing in a bigger ocean and not a river at all.
When Boomer had been here, he dulled the pain of homesickness, he had grown fond of him and took him to the shops in town to browse for a uniform when they had tried implementing him into the fleet. Although it had been for nothing, he had taken Boomer to a farmers market and showed him the honeycrisp apples sold by a vendor who came down from the river every Sunday.
As they munched they walked past a flower shop that caught Boomer’s eye instantaneously. He needed the Sunflowers in the window, Sunshine didn’t understand why but as they waved goodbye to Boomer at the dock Boomer had given him a flower to remember him by, he tucked it into the strap of his cap. He still had it.
“Grampus, I’m taking the train upriver tomorrow morning, I’ll be back before Monday but I- I need to leave right now. Can you tell the others?”
“Aye Sunshine, but wuh-.” Sunshine wetly laughed and hugged him.
“There’s someone I need to see… thank you.”
Grampus returned the hug tighter then Sunshine. “Go get him, Sunny.” He whispered.
He was tending to the flowers on the veranda inside the lodge, dazingly staring at the Petunias, Forget-Me-Nots and Poppies that fluttered in the wind. The day was quaint and bright, his manager had given him the weekend shift and he was glad, friday’s hum of celebration left a sweet taste of cherry wine on his tongue and despite him working diligently through the night incase of late check-ins he could feel a ginger harmony fall over him. The tenants still slept peacefully into the morning and his work was done.
Now he simply waited for the morning shift workers to clock in and he’d be on his way, free to sleep, do his own house chores to the sights of the mountains around him and be alone…
It wasn’t so bad though, he chased the sauntering thought away, he had his coworkers company during the evening even if they worked on opposite floors and he had the trees! The trees that uh… could be great company!
His chest hurt.
“Boomer, you all clued up, up here?”
Alice popped her head over the railing of the stairs. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit the lodge wasn’t astounding. He would talk about it for hours to the town people when he wasn’t at home or work. It really consumed his life since Ten Cents and Sunshine…
“There’s someone here for you when you’re all ready. He says he’s looking for a Captain Harry? I told him we don’t have a Captain Harry staying with us, but he insisted he’d be here. Then I remembered your last name - are you Captain Harry by chance?” She could almost talk as much as him given the chance. He blinked.
“Yeah, I mean I used to be. Who is it?”
She sat next to him on the sofa under the window. “A Billy Shoepack, he works on the river around town, you hear of him?” Before he could answer he was off the couch, halfway down the grand staircase.
“Ah!” He stumbled his way back up. “I’m off the clock now, give the morning shift staff my condolences, cheers!” And flew down the rest of the stairs with his spindly legs.
When he arrived at the front desk a man he’d never seen before, covered in soot and plasters from head to wheelchair (if you could believe that) made conversation with the front desk staff Dolan Deckard. He and Boomer had started at the cottage around the same time, he opted for the day shift but something told Boomer he still failed to get his 12 hours at night. He was often hostile towards guests and spoke with a drawn out tone. He was currently having none of what Billy Shoepack had to give.
“Sir if you have no reservation then you can’t be here, end of story.”
“But I’m here for a Harry? Does he work here, is he here? That’s all I need to know.”
“And I can’t tell you that either. That would be a violation of privacy!” Dolan expressed. The color was filling his face.
Boomer decided it be best if he stepped in before Dolan exploded, he had heard Billy had a tendency to do that. “Ah- can I be of help?”
“Thank god Boomer, please explain to this heathen we are not serving to outsiders who look like.” He motioned, “that.”
Billy snapped, “what’s wrong with the way I look?!”
He stepped into the middle. “I’ll escort him out Dolan. You have some other guests who need tending to and oh we wouldn’t want to make a scene.” Dolan adjusted his tie and flattened his hair.
“No Mr Harry, no we would not.” He sniffed and called the next customer.
Billy Shoepack wheeled himself away from the front desk, following Boomer out the front door.
“Sorry about him. He’s never like that, actually no, he is like that a lot of the time…” Billy scanned Boomer, looking for something?
“You're Captain Harry?” He blurted.
“I- yes, I am-was?? Why does that matter?”
Billy shot a hand out, his posture changing entirely, with a smile so large it threatened to fall from his face.
“I’m Billy Shoepack! You must of heard something of me once or twice, I’m popular ‘round these parts. But I’m actually here because my cousin sent me as his wing man.”
“Wing man?”
“That’s right! He’s got a right old thing for you! Asked me to come and get you my self.”
“Well, whose your cousin?” Billy faltered at his question. 
“Now see here!! I ain’t no snitch! He’s entrusted me with a sacred duty and I want to make sure I don’t yuk it up, I can’t just go around telling people who their secret admirers are ‘specially since I’m related to him, my cousin and all.”
Boomer tried to recall any acquaintances he may have made in the past month since he’d been up river. Dolan, Alice, Barry (his manager), Billy now, supposedly. But no one else that he could think of off the top of his head.
He wished Sunshine was here to help him through this debacle, he helped so much with getting him through his jinx, he never gave up on him despite all the terrible things that came along with being his friend.
Boomer stopped at the stairs disturbing his train of thought. “How did you get up here in your chair?”
“Climbed it like this-“ he rolled his wheel chair and bounced down every step. “But backwards and a little slower. You guys should invest in a ramp, is not very accessible, and you’ll have vets returning from war looking for a quite place to holiday.”
Fair enough, Boomer thought.
What was he doing? He can’t do this, what if this is uncalled for? They only just met, but his heart beat out of his chest standing in Billy’s living room just thinking about him. Sunshine wasn’t a charmer, he barely had any relationships when he lived up river to begin with, even in school he’d have girl friends but had never been on a date with any of them, didn’t feel like he needed to. What made him think a boy, no a man, would want him in this way at all?
He couldn’t flatten his already flattened hair enough
The door clicked and Sunshine nearly jumped from his skin.
“Hello?” A woman’s voice. Aunty Hilda walked through the door. “Sun…shine?” She remembered his name.
This wasn’t about that now.
The bag of groceries she held fell to the counter in a rush, she enveloped him in the tightest bear hug she could muster, she worked as a log-rider so it was very strong. “What the hell are you doing back so early? It’s the middle of April! I thought we weren’t due for a visit until summer!” His face betrayed him. “What Sunny? Tell me what’s wrong.” He held his hand.
“I uh… I met someone Aunty. He came into the harbor a stray tug, Captain Star let him work with the Starfleet for a bit but it didn’t last, he wasn’t very good at anything he did in the harbor.” He was rambling, he hated to ramble, get to the point Sunshine.
She listened attentively. “Captain Star found a place here up river for him to work. It’s been a month Aunty, I can’t stop thinking about him.” He was sobbing, shaking, his hold on the sunflower cracked the stem, she gently took the flower and placed it on the table.
“Oh, honey…” he leaned on her. This was awful, he wasn’t a school boy anymore, he could handle his emotions on his own, why did he break when he came home. “This is heartbreak Sunny. I’m not sure what happened when you first met him but this boy must have captured your heart regardless of if you knew it or not, letting him go must have hurt so bad, didn’t it?” He nodded into her shoulder. “You came back for him didn’t you? And I’m guessing you had Billy go and fetch him, aye?”
He froze, pulled back. “How did you know?”
“Boy, the two of you have been tag teaming since you could trot. Drove the neighbors nuts with your antics, stealin’ the honeycrisps out of the orchard just a day before the harvest. Billy would do anything for you and more. What’s his name Sunshine?”
He hadn’t said it out loud since the day they left him on the dock, a giant lodge towering over he and Ten Cents’ Switchers, it was cheesy but given the chance he’d describe the halo that glowed around the lodge around Boomer had made him look just like an angel, the sunflower was a gift from god. An angel in a sunhat.
“Hi, Sunshine.”
What a caring voice came from the open door way into the living room. He held his hat to his chest, the morning sun halo’d him once more. Billy gave him a thumbs up from the window. He hesitantly stepped forward.
“You’re back already.”
“I can explain.”
“I think your cousin told me everything on the way over.” He chuckled.
Sunshine closed up. “I’m sorry.”
“For what? You did nothing wrong Sunny.”
“Why are you laughing?” Sunshine peeked over his hand, “why are you crying?!”
“Oh man were really bad at this.” Boomer wiped at his cheek. He looked so sore and withdrawn. Sunshine stepped and stepped and he ran, crashing into Boomer who held steady as he would, he was big and strong and someone who could hold him up, Sunshine needed someone to hold him up. 
He kissed him,
Not a small peck, nor an aggressively needy smooch but a perfect, sloppy beautiful yearning kiss. He was beautiful. Sunshine buzzed with so much anticipation. 
“You kissed me.”
“I did.” Boomer spotted the sunflower on the table. It travelled and wilted, separated from the other flowers but still shone as if it had never left the warmth of Sunday.
Sunshine must have cared for it until the very end. “You're Just like a Honeybee.”
“Like a…” he was astounded and laughed so hard he snorted.
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lunarfeat21 · 6 months
Yesterday I was thinking about my platonic yandere tugs x reader wip story, and come up with these on how they interact with y/n:
If y/n either hanging around Star fleet or Zero fleet (depends on their predicament), they're very attentive with whatever you were chatting (and not using that information for their own benefits/definitely not use that against you)
They (both Star & Zero) think they're the perfect 'family' (in their delusional minds and you in the picture), in reality they're a big screwed up family (captains as the hierarchical fathers, tugs as the grown kids and y/n is the baby of the family).
Ten cents likes to take you anywhere (with him of course), and either Sunshine or Grampus tags along (and occasionally Hercules).
Captain Star appoints y/n as his assistant, fetching paperwork and helping him win contracts (same goes to Captain Zero if y/n managed to escape and be captured by him). Not only that, he also cuddles y/n like y/n were his own child.
Lillie & Grampus are often out of sight when y/n isn't looking and spy on them (also tell the Star Tugs what y/n is planning if they plan on escaping)
In times when Ten cents is extremely busy and scared that y/n will get hurt during his shift, he pawns them to other Star Tugs who aren't busy/off of their shifts.
If Tophat and y/n are alone, he lifts his wheelhouse with y/n sitting on top. If anyone saw them, he’ll quickly deny and subtly threaten them.
The Z-stacks initially were making snide comments towards y/n, but quick to apologize desperately if y/n started to cry or gets super angry that they refused to speak to them.
And that’s the end of it, I couldn’t think more on this. If you got your own headcanon or questions, you are more welcome to join in :)
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toast-com · 3 months
Here's another TUGS crackship for you all:
Callieherc (Calhoun (aka Coast Guard) x Lillie Lightship x Hercules)
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typingtess · 2 years
Tiptoeing through the guest cast of “Glory of the Sea”
The press release mentions Deeks helping his Mom find an apartment but Pamela Reed is not in the guest cast.  In the “Flesh & Blood” press release, not only was Reed listed in the guest cast, the sub-headline of the press release mentioned her return.
Duncan Campbell as NCIS Special Agent Castor Returns from “Of Value” in mid-October.
John O'Hurley as Navy Rear Admiral Ted Gordon Longtime working actor in dramas, comedies, animated series, soap operas and as a game show host.  
Was Robert McSwain in Over the Top, J. Peterman in Seinfeld and Christopher Neff on Devious Maids.  Was the sixth host of The Family Feud, hosted the revival of To Tell The Truth in 2000 and currently hosts the National Dog Show on NBC every year on Thanksgiving,  
Soap opera roles include Greg Bennett in General Hospital, Greg Schaeffer in The Edge of Night, Keith Lane in Loving, Dr. James Grainger in The Young and the Restless, Stephen Slade in Santa Barbara, Allen Cooper in Valley of the Dolls and Kit Sterling on All My Children.
Guest starred in dramas including Heartbeat, Nurses, Dark Justice, Silk Stalkings, Baywatch, Sisters, Murder She Wrote, Baywatch Nights, The X-Files, Diagnosis Murder, Hercules, Ghost Coup, Sunset Beach, For Your Love, The Mullets, Come to Papa, Quintuplets, The Mentalist and Gravity Falls.
Comedy guest roles include appearances in Frasier, PigSty, Platypus Man, A Whole New Ballgame, Living Single, Ned and Stacey, Coach, Weird Science, Mad About You, Boy Meets World, The John Larroquette Show, Life with Roger, Lost on Earth, Men Behaving Badly, Damon, Ellen, The Weber Show, Son of the Beach, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Style & Substance,  Josh & Drake, Hope & Faith, The Wizards of Waverly Place and Retired at 35.
Bryan Lillis as Jessie Fiore Lillis guest starred in episodes of The Suite Life on Deck, State of Georgia, Big Time Rush, Modern Family, Fam, 9-1-1 and Shining Vale.
Audrey Wasilewski as Meredith Huxley Voices characters in many animated projects.
Was Gwen Sheridan in Push, Anita Olson Respola in Mad Men and Pam Martin in Big Love.  Played Shirley Wilkes in the “Season No Evil” season two premiere of NCIS.
Guest starred in episodes of George & Leo, Total Security, Saved by the Bell:  The New Class, Sunset Beach, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, It’s Like You Know, Party of Five (2000), Ally McBeal, FreakyLinks, Charmed (2001), Even Stevens, Diagnosis Murder, State of Grace, The Nightmare Room, Providence, General Hospital, VIP, The Agency, For the People, 7the Heaven, ER, The West Wing, Columbo (2003), Friends, Tremors, Wonderfalls, Two and a Half Men, Without a Trace, Cold Case, Gilmore Girls, Inconceivable, Strong Medicine, Boston Legal, General Hospital: Night Shift, Pushing Daisies, Eli Stone, Private Practice, Monk, Bones, Saving Grace, 10 Things I Hate About You, Grey’s Anatomy, Outsourced, Last Man Standing, Southland, Hart of Dixie, Scandal, The Mindy Project, Shameless, Stalker, Justified, The Night Shift, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Criminal Minds, 9-1-1, Homecoming, Good Girls, Young Sheldon and Love Victor.
Charles Kohut as Jim Bones Was in episodes of Driven and Forbidden. Hanging with Chris O’Donnell and LL Cool J.
Brent McGregor as Long John Was Kurt Kaster in Friday Night Lights.  Had guest roles in My Own Worst Enemy, The Middle, We are Men and Shameless.  Was Rodney Romano in the season 10 “Detour” episode of NCIS.
Tre Hall as Marcus Moore Hall guest starred in episodes of Rebel, Ten Days in the Valley, Bosch, Lethal Weapon, Dear White People, Criminal Minds, The Rookie, Black Monday and was Carl Hammond in the “All Hands” season 19 episode of NCIS. Hall on set with his co-stars Caleb Castille and Daniela Ruah.
Written by:  Faythallegra Claude wrote season 13’s “Perception”.
Directed by:  Terence Nightingall directed "Expiration Date", "Old Tricks", "Warrior of Peace", "The Sound of Silence", “A Bloody Brilliant Plan” (which he co-wrote) and “Divided We Fall”.
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peachpannier · 2 years
hands you zebules (zebedee x hercules) for the ship bingo
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Hi hello Jas!!
I’ve seen some cute content of Zeb x Hercules but the Hercules x Lillie x Zorran brain worms have already claimed my brain so I can’t fully brainrot over them 😔 I can definitely see it though, especially with their interaction in High Winds! Overall a solid ship ^^
I’m sorry I tried to think of headcanons but my head is empty : (
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maximus-tugs · 2 years
Alright, it's Valentine's day, so I might as well talk about the ships I have in my main two AUs: my Humanized AU and my Hercules' Moving Castle AU.
So for Hercules' Moving Castle, all I have is Lillie x Hercules. I don't think that's much of a surprise. Lillie and Hercules steadily fall in love as they both struggle with their curses. I've actually written a kinda romantic scene for this au. I might post it later if I remember.
For my Humanized AU I have two (technically three, I'll explain). The first is Lillie x Hercules. Real original, I know, but I like it. Hercules is usually suave and charming, but around Lillie, he turns bright pink and flustered. She thinks it's cute. Lillie, on the other hand is very much a modern woman (by 1920s standards, specifically). Hercules liked that she was opinionated, confident, and educated. She made the first move, asking Hercules to go out with her. The two have a very happy, very equal relationship that I'll have to write more about sometime.
The second ship for my Humanized AU is Top Hat x Big Mac. This one's a bit of 'enemies' to friends to lovers type thing. (Enemies is in quotes here cause they weren't exactly enemies). It took a while for this relationship to develop. At first Big Mac couldn't stand Top Hat because of his attitude. Top Hat was (and still is, but less so) arrogant and pompous when he arrived. He looked down at the others in the fleet. Until coming to work for Captain Star, he hadn't even worked a day in his life. Big Mac on the other hand, has been working since he was nine years old. Over time, Top Hat learned to be more humble and Big Mac's opinion towards him softened. Eventually, Top Hat confessed his feelings for Big Mac. Neither had been in a relationship before, but they were willing to give it a try together.
The sort of third unofficial ship is actually Hercules x Lillie x Zorran. I say unofficial because this wouldn't exactly work with the way I plan for my Humanized AU to go, but I liked the idea so I made an AU for my AU. Essentially I had the thought that Zorran develops romantic feelings for Hercules but doesn't recognize what they are. He confronts Hercules about this and Hercules tells him that it sounds like he's in love. One thing leads to another, and suddenly Zorran finds himself in a throuple. And now he has to try and deal with emotions. This is gonna be a fun one.
But yeah, those are my ships in my AUs. I'm not much of a shipping person, but when I do it, I like to try my hardest.
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Just some Tugs ships, because I feel like sharing.
Canon in my AU
Zorran x Ten Cents
Zebeedee x Big Mac
Bluenose x Hercules
Lillie x Warrior
Top Hat x Sea Rogue
Captain Zero x Captain Star
Unofficial but considered
Boomer x Zip
I will not be taking criticism and I am taking only certain questions, good day.
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steamdragon1 · 2 years
I can’t find it for the fucking life of me, but I remember seeing a post on this site that was like “Coming home to your husband AND wife” and thinking it perfectly describes the ship of Hercules x Lillie x Zebedee.
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biggsodorcitystories · 4 months
Warrior's Missing Eagle Crest -A TUGS Fanfiction
I haven't written anything in an embarrassing amount of time, so this is probably a big pile of doo-doo, but I'm just so proud that this feels like a release of sorts so I had to share!
Rating: General
Genre: General, Family.
Characters (active): Hercules, Warrior, Susannah (OC)
Charcters (mentioned): Top Hat, Big Mac, Ten Cents, Sunshine, Captain Starr, Sea Rogue, Lillie, Zebedee, Aurora (OC), Silver Penny (OC), Grandma Starr (OC), Bright Dawn (OC), Andrew (OC)
Pairings: Warrior x Susannah, Hercules x Lillie, Big Mac x Top Hat, Bright Dawn x Sea Rogue.
Warnings: Humanised characters, Headcanon that Warrior is the brother of Hercules and Ten Cents, M/M pairing and references to Mpreg, CanonxOC ships, references to abandonment, depression, and angst.
Summary: Hercules accidentally comes across Warrior and Susannah deep in conversation on an evening walk, and hears Susannah ask why Warrior does not have an eagle crest like his brothers. Warrior's response is not what Hercules expected, forcing him to reflect on how his behaviour could have shaped Warrior's thoughts.
This route to Lowtown brought back a lot of memories as Hercules strolled along the path. It felt like another time – another world, even – when he had trotted along at the heels of his beloved aunt, Bright Dawn Starr, and her beau Patrick Teach – known to most as Sea Rogue. In a way, it had been both. His aunt and Sea Rogue had been in their late teens, barely into adulthood, while he had been little more than a toddler and still figuring out coherent speech. But he could still remember how much he had enjoyed the walks, clutching his auntie's hand and thinking up new ways to stop 'Uncle Patch' from holding the other one. Looking around, very little had changed along the riverbank path itself, but he couldn't remember enough about the area to consider how the environment had changed. It had been around twenty-five years since he'd last taken a walk this way.
He'd been twelve when they'd returned to the city, and Hercules had been far too busy in the past decade with supporting his grandfather to rebuild the Starr fleet and their reputation, and helping his mother to recover with the divorce from his father after he ran off with Auntie Dawn, with her raising his new baby brother, Ten Cents, and with...
“Warrior, can I ask you something?”
Hercules stopped in his tracks at the sound of the voice. He immediately recognised it as Susannah Moran – her Liverpudlian accent so like her father, Zebedee's, that it was fairly unique. To the surprise of many, she and Warrior had entered into a courtship that her father had not opposed. It seemed that he had stumbled across one of their dates.
They were sat by the river's edge, with their backs to him, deep in conversation. Part of him was screaming that he shouldn't be eavesdropping on them in this way, and he was about to make his presence known, when Warrior spoke.
“Course you can, Suse. What is it?”
Susannah seemed to be looking at something in front of her.
“How come yous don't have an eagle crest on your hat like your brothers? Don't yous have one?”
Hercules froze. That question had never been asked of him, nor of his brothers to his knowledge, but he knew that it had been whispered throughout the port ever since Ten Cents had received his crest two years before.
“Why is Warrior the 'odd one out' to his brothers..?”
He had an idea what the answer was, but to his shame realised that he'd never heard it from Warrior himself. Though he felt guilty, almost dirty, he kept quiet and listened for Warrior's response.
Warrior sighed, moving to take what Hercules assumed was his hat from Susannah.
“Oh, sure I got one.” He sighed. “Grandma gave us all one on our fifteenth birthday, like a coming of age thingy. She gave one to Aurora and Sunshine the first Christmas after we found out who they were.”
Susannah nodded with no hint of surprise. Hercules wasn't sure how he felt about that, given that it meant she knew more about their family history than he'd like, but was distracted as Warrior continued.
“I've got mine in the box it came in, on my bedside table.”
“Why don't you wear it?”
There was a pause before Warrior replied.
“I...I daren't, Suse. I don't wanna break it or lose it if I 'ave one of me accidents. It...it means too much to me.”
Hercules pulled a face and fought down an urge to scoff. The eagle crests Grandma Starr had given them were heavy, solid things that practically fused to his and Ten Cents' hats, so he wasn't entirely convinced by his brother's reasoning. Hell, Ten Cents had taken a fuel tanker explosion to the face, and his crest had suffered nothing worse than a bit of soot and smoke staining. Warrior's habit of bumping into and tripping over things was unlikely to cause it much harm, if any.
Susannah seemed to be following a similar line of thought.
“Doesn't it mean as much to Hercules and Ten Cents too?” Warrior looked away as he gave a bitter chuckle.
“I'm not sayin it don't...doesn't mean anythin to them. But...I don't think either of them ever saw it as I did when they got theirs.”
Susannah didn't reply, and she sat quietly until Warrior turned back to look at her.
“Yknow 'ow I told you about being fostered by Big Mac and Top 'At when we first moved back here?”
Susannah gave a nod, which Hercules wasn't entirely shocked by. Strangers to the port would frequently make the assumption that Warrior was the son of Big Mac and Top Hat, which annoyed him almost as much as the looks of surprise when they learned who his real family was. Hercules wished his younger brother wouldn't be so cheerful whenever he corrected someone, and in quiet moments he suspected that Big Mac and Top Hat secretly delighted in the mistake. He couldn't let go of the thought that the couple would like nothing more than to claim Warrior as their own child, as they probably would have done if his mother hadn't claimed Warrior back.
“Oh yeah?” Susannah continued. “Because your Mum needed the break while she was getting back on her feet?”
“Yeah. With my Dad runnin out on us, movin from London, and finding out she were pregnant again. It was a lot to 'andle...an I think I was making it a lot worse with the way I was acting.”
Hercules felt his brows raise at this last remark. He would have sworn that Warrior didn't remember that time.
“My Dad...I don't really remember 'im that well. I were only three when he left, but I do remember 'im lettin me get away with a lot. Then 'e was gone, and suddenly I wasn't allowed to do anythin' any more and kept gettin' into trouble. I do remember not taking it well and I was a little shit to everyone, especially my Mum...”
“You were three years old, Warrior. Three year olds don't behave at the best of times, and your whole world changed overnight.”
“I know, but...I was too much for Mum to 'andle at the time. Hercules tried to help with me, but he was...eleven or twelve? I reckon we both looked and sounded like screaming kids.”
Hercules found himself nodding in agreement as he looked away. No matter how much they wanted to, a pre-teen was no substitute for a parent, even if they weren't hurting from their own trauma as he had been. It was just one of many things he struggled with guilt over, regardless, unable to shake the feeling that he'd failed both his mother and Warrior.
“Mum ended up breaking down. Lucky that Top 'At were with her when she did, an 'e offered to 'ave me for a little while, until she were better. Hercules ended up stayin with our grandparents.”
“Why didn't they take yous too?”
“They offered, more than once. Thing is, Andrew was me best mate even then, an I reckon everyone thought it would do me good if I were close to someone my age instead of with Hercules. Mum kept comin to see me, anyway, tellin me about the new baby an 'ow I was gonna be a big brother an all. At first, it felt like a big sleepover – it was great. Not to mention, Big Mac and Top 'At were doin a lot to undo the behaviours Dad had taught me, though I didn't know at the time. I don't like to think about what I'd have turned out like if they'd not sorted me.
But when the weeks turned into months, and I spent most of Christmas with them instead of my own family...I remember starting to worry. I knew by then that I'd been...naughty while I was at home, and I wondered if I'd been sent away to live with my godparents because of it, like a punishment. I asked them when I was going home again, and they told me it was just until Mum 'ad the new baby.
It were enough for me for a while, even though I knew Hercules was back home, but he was older. I was happy to start – I got to spend every day with Andrew and I loved that. Mum was still coming to visit, and I went to see her and my grandparents, just came back with Big Mac and Top 'At. I reckon it were bothering me, deep down, but I could still treat it like a long sleepover, or an 'oliday and forget about it.”
He paused to give another heavy sigh.
“Then Ten Cents was born. Top 'At took me to see Mum and I got to hold 'im. I remembered being so excited an tellin Mum he could sleep in my room with me, which Mum smiled at and said he was too little to share my room. I went back thinking Mum would come and get me a few days later, but she didn't.
I still went to visit like I 'ad before, but there was no talk of me comin back.”
“Why didn't you ask to come home?”
For a second, Hercules thought that he'd spoken – the question had been echoing through his skull loud enough and he'd been getting more frustrated each time Warrior mentioned wanting to go home. He'd been asking the same questions while Warrior was away – if Warrior had just asked once, maybe their mother would have brought him back where he belonged sooner than she had. He half expected Warrior to hear and turn to see him, which would almost certainly result in another fight between them.
But Warrior's attention remained fixed on Susannah, the one who had actually asked the question. His response was so quiet that Hercules barely made out what he said.
“I was scared to, Suse. I didn't even want to go into my bedroom in case I saw it had been turned into Ten Cents' nursery and all my stuff was gone. I'd been getting' nightmares for weeks about Mum and Hercules tellin me that they didn't love me any more...”
He could hear the tears behind Warrior's voice as he ended the last sentence – as sure as he felt his own stinging his eyes. The frustration of a few seconds ago withered in the face of this new shame. Why was this a revelation to him? Warrior was talking about something that happened seventeen years ago – he should have known long before today that Warrior had felt like this and soothed said fears away.
But Warrior had never told him about them!
He looked up to see Susannah comforting Warrior, her head leaning on his shoulder. He saw his brother wipe his eyes.
“I'm alright.” He said softly, turning his head to kiss the top of her head. “Sorry about dat.”
“It's okay.” She replied. “You got back to your family though, and they didn't send yous away.”
“Yeah...that's a story in itself. When Ten Cents was born and I still didn't get to go home, staying with Big Mac and Top 'At wasn't so fun any more. They'd got me out of the tantrums and bratty stuff, and I knew dat if my real family didn't want me they were all I 'ad left, so I just cried myself to sleep a lot. I wasn't as quiet as I thought, as either they'd hear me or Drew would go down an tell em I was crying and they'd come up and comfort me. They tried their best, but I was sure I was staying with them forever. Then...”
Warrior paused for a second, as if trying to choose his words. Hercules was partly relieved for the respite – every word had felt like an accusing jab to the stomach – but he was fairly confident about where Warrior was going next.
“It turned out that I weren't the only one thinkin' I was stayin' with my foster parents forever. Top 'At an Big Mac have two kids older than Andrew – Joeseph an Heather. I dunno why, an if I'm bein really honest I think I'm best not knowin, but they decided I was stayin with them forever too. Heather decided to start bragging to Hercules about I was her brother now. Hercules got really angry and mouthed off at her. She got upset and Joe stood up for her, which might 'ave gone really badly if he wasn't an ocean-going tug as well.”
Hercules felt his teeth clench in anger, but not at his brother. Since that day, he and Joeseph had been unable to stay in the same room, let alone talk to one another, without it escalating to a fight. Joeseph had only been defending his little sister, but he didn't know why until Heather confessed to her teasing a year later. Her parents had been furious, but the damage had already been done...
“When we managed to break them apart, Mum an Top 'At went away an 'ad a very long talk. I was miserable, an sure dat was it for me. Mum an Hercules would never want me back after the fightin and Mum 'ad fell out with her best friend. But, later dat night Mum came over and said I was comin home the next day. I wanted to be 'appy, but I was frightened dat it was a punishment because of the fight.” He paused to sigh. “My room was still the same with all the stuff I'd left, an Mum helped me put my other things away. She gave me lots of hugs and said she was sorry she adn't brought me back sooner. My grandparents came over an made a fuss of me bein back – especially Grandma – an even Ten Cents seemed to like avin someone to play with. Hercules made a big show of bein glad I was back, but...”
'Made a “big show?!”' I was happy you were back home! Hercules wanted to scream at him, but forced himself to calm down when he heard Warrior speak in response to something Susannah had said.
“Well, it was the way he was with me later...it were like 'e thought I was only actin less spoiled and he was just waitin' for me to drop the act. Every little thing, he'd be there, either fixing what I was already doing or tellin me what to do. To start with, I thought he was tryin to 'elp an I wanted him to see how much better behaved I was now an make 'im proud. But...nothin' I did, nothin I said, were ever good enough for Hercules to stop watchin' me like I was gonna just go back to before. Everyone else seemed so happy with me, but the way Hercules kept treatin me made me worry dat he was the only one who wasn't hidin' the feelins they all 'ad. I felt like they were all waitin for me to make a mistake...so....so they could send me away for good...”
Hercules could barely think as he heard Warrior – his own brother – confess to feeling unwanted because of his behaviour. He wanted to deny it, insist it was just Warrior's imagination that made him believe those things. He even wanted to blame Big Mac and Top Hat, somehow poisoning Warrior's mind against them. It had been their son who Hercules had gotten into the fight with, and their daughter who had caused the fight with her tall tales, so maybe it was revenge against him to create a rift?
But for all his wants, he knew they would be lies. Not the wanting his brother back home, that had been true enough, but what Warrior had said about him watching for a return to form? To his shame, that was completely true.
He had resented his younger brother for automatically getting all his father's attention and favour, to the point that he'd been shocked that he'd not been taken by their father and Auntie Dawn when they left. In the weeks that followed, he'd seen their father's actions in everything Warrior had done, with every tantrum feeling like just another act of mockery from the man. He shouldn't have held his brother, who was barely more than a toddler, accountable, but he'd been twelve years old and full of pain. When Warrior had been sent to Big Mac and Top Hat, a tiny part of him had been relieved to be getting a break and having his grandparents' full attention. Maybe in some darker moments, in those early days of sorting his feelings, he'd entertained some private thoughts about how it might be better for Warrior to stay away. He'd caught them and buried them away, horrified by them. When Warrior had stayed away they had often danced back into his memories like an accusation. Once again, they were trying to resurface...
Because it had been so much easier if he treated Warrior like he needed to be constantly watched, to ignore his guilt by transferring it to his brother. It had been noticed too – his mother, grandparents, O.J, even Ten Cents had tried speaking to him about the way he treated Warrior. They'd never approached him, but Big Mac and Top Hat had often flashed disappointed glances in his direction when Warrior had fled to them after yet another argument. If they really did want to steal Warrior away, Hercules was doing them a huge favour.
“Yeah, I spent a lot of time with Big Mac an' Top At. Dey never made me feel like I 'ad to walk on eggshells, so I went over just for the peace. Even after they adoped Maggie, I was welcome any time. Mum and my grandparents would try an get me to stay 'ome more, an I'd try to, but it just got too much sometimes. Some days, I'd barely get through the door before it started...dat's one of the reasons I did the Fire Tug training, to get away from the fleet an do somethin different. The Fire Chief 'ad nothin but good things to say 'bout me, so Hercules couldn't pick at me about it.”
Hercules had been impressed with Warrior's dedication to becoming a certified Fire Tug – he'd been stupidly proud of how much the Fire Chief had praised Warrior.
But like many things, he'd never expressed these feelings out loud...
“When I were seven, Hercules turned fifteen and Grandma came in with this little box. She called 'im away for a minute, an' when they came back, 'e was holding the eagle crest. I remember thinkin it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen, and Ten Cents – 'e was three – was asking Grandma if 'e could have one like it. Grandma said we would both be getting' our own on our fifteenth birthdays, because it were a tradition. She specifically said I'd be getting mine first, because I were older and it was fair, but I became convinced dat she'd only said it to calm Ten Cents down and thought I'd forget. I was so sure as I got older that my fifteenth birthday would come an' dere wouldn't be a crest for me...right up until I opened the box and saw it.”
“What happened? Your gran must have seen you were surprised when she gave it to you.”
“I...burst into tears right in front of her – she was horrified!” Warrior chuckled. “She even looked in the box to make sure it was in dere before she gave me a hug. She's the only one in the family I ever told about 'ow I was feelin because I just blurted everythin out right in front of her. We spent so long away from everyone Mum came lookin for us. I'd calmed down by dat time an we were just getting ready to come back, so Mum didn't see me upset. I think Grandma must have said somethin afterwards, because suddenly Mum was giving me a lot of hugs – I think she might 'ave been hurt I didn't tell her myself. “
“What about Hercules?”
Nobody had said anything to Hercules, but after Warrior's fifteenth birthday, his grandparents had pulled him up about being so hard on Warrior a couple of times. He'd listened to them – or he'd thought he had – but it had never occurred to him to wonder why.
“I mean, things aren't as bad as they were between him an me, but...I still feel like Ten Cents is the only thing keepin us from arguing a lot of the time. I know he gets confused about it all, but I think he's decided it's better not to know. Besides, I reckon he's 'had a bit more to worry about after what nearly 'appened with Sunshine.”
Sunshine, and his twin sister Aurora, had both been given their own crests the previous Christmas. Their sister had fashioned hers into a pendant, and wore it out as a necklace more than as a crest, and Sunshine only wore his on special occsions, claiming the weight gave him a headache after a few hours. That had never bothered Hercules anywhere near as much as Warrrior not wearing his had, and he realised with a sudden shame that he knew how his other three siblings - two of whom he had only known about for little over a year – felt about their crests before now, but not Warrior.
“Warrior...” Hercules took a step back to hide behind a bush as Susannah turned to look at Warrior straight on. The last thing he needed was for her to spot him now, after he had eavesdropped on this conversation.
“I know it's not my place, but I think yous need to tell Hercules these things. I'd be horrified if any of my brothers or my sister felt this way about me, and...I think he would too, if he'd heard us talking.”
Warrior sighed, and hung his head.
“I reckon 'e would too, Suse. Things 'ave gotten a bit better since everything went down last year, cos I think Hercules realised 'e could actually talk to me a bit. We talked a lot about our father, but...I don't know if I can bring the conversation up without starting another argument and goin back to square one...”
Hercules backed away slowly, relieved to see that neither of them were making a move to get up, and turned to leave.
He had a lot to think about...
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Hey, my name is Charlie or Max. I am an artist who enjoys Thomas and Friends and many other possible fandoms, but you'll primarily see TTTE. :)
I also go by he/him or they/them pronouns. He/him is recommended, but they/them is fine.
Don't be afraid to ask, DM, or reblog my stuff. They're very much appreciated.
This place is a safe space for LGBT and People of Colour. :)
This is also a safe space for people who age regress, people who have DID, and people who have mental illnesses and mental disorders. :)
🖤Warnings and Alts🖤
I do post gore drawings and can discuss about sensitive topics. Of course trigger warnings would be given respectfully, but that is a caution to look after. My AUs also contain sensitive topics and major depressive themes. If you don't wish to see upon that, I'd recommend not checking out the posts/the AUs if you're uncomfortable.
My Main Blog - You're Here :)
Tidmouth Life (Main AU) - TBA
Narrow Gauge Sideblog - TBA
🖤Do Not Interact If...🖤
You support homophobia/transphobia, racism, sexism, and paraphilias that are illegal such as pedophilia and zoophilia.
If you are under the age of 13.
If you make fun of people who have mental disorders/illnesses.
If you are not respectful of people's comfort characters or opinions.
If you only contact me for sharing your kinks, junk, etc. (I'm a minor, so you know.)
If you troll. Just ... It's not cool man.
If you do not support autism/ADHD acceptance.
🖤Info No One Asked For🖤
Comfort characters/Comfort ships:
Stanley (RWS)
Rusty (Dysphoric comfort)
Tied between Godred and Culdee
All of the Z Stacks
Ten Cents
Smudger x Stanley (Fight me)
Rusty x Duncan (Maybe)
Culdee x Catherine
Zebedee x Hercules x Lillie (shut)
Zip x Ten Cents
(TW: mentions of self-harm, suicide, abuse (child/physical), transphobia)
Self harm
(I wanna clarify that the two triggers mentioned depend on my mood greatly. If you want to vent about these two things to me, I am happily accepting.)
Physical abuse/child abuse
Some certain mentions of food, noises, etc. (I get easily cringed out or nauseous cause my brain thinks instantly of the taste and smell or noise.)
Transphobia (Have a lot in my life)
Some kinks and fetishes. (Just no).
🖤Thank you for reviewing my intro-post. Have a good day/night! :) 🖤
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starboardsquiggly · 2 years
Together, Never Ever Alone Again
A small lookout a few minute sail from the port was where Zip anxiously found himself. He needed a walk, the yelling, constant belittlement, the jokes at his own expense was too much but… he weighed, was this not how every work place was? It must be because he’d heard how the Starfleet got on with one another when they came face to face, cracking jokes, laughing at each other. So why did this feel different to the way his fleet treated him?
There was a telescope at the look out, you could see all of the harbor through the lens for a dime, he didn’t have a dime, he was far away staring in, it felt better then being in the midst of it all. He could see his tug where he had left it at the bottom of the mountain. It needed to be treated soon, the stack puffed harshly and the shine had left the bow. Zip huffed, dangling his legs over the cliff.
He heard the sound of a match ignite. “I thought I saw someone come this.”
Before he could fall down the cliff in fright the Starfleet’s star child grabbed hold of his hand and pulled. He fell back as Zip fell forward. “Ah, shit I’m so sorry!” Zip scrambled to his knees.
He laughed. “Not a problem mate. Say…” Ten Cents took a minute to dust himself off. “What are you doin up ‘ere anyway?”
“I uh.” He un-winced when he realized no physical assault would come from this Starman. “I come up here sometimes, when it gets too loud, or too…” he wanted to say hostile. “Too much.” He agreed on.
“Aye.” Ten Cents leaned back on his hands. “Funny, I do a similar thing. ‘Cept I usually go out past Lillie Lightship when she’s not paying attention, I like that isolation of nothing but salty water filling my nose. Captain Star would kill me if he found out, so I have Sunshine back me up when I’m gone.”
“Sunshine is that new tug right? The one from up stream?”
“Sure is! whistles when he talks, has me double checking for a new ship trying to dock. He’s come a long way only after a month, but I amount that to my excellence in training him. Everyone would agree! Maybe not Top Hat, he’s to full of himself and his neck.” He laughed.
It was nice, his laugh, Zip chuckled along. It was nice to have someone to talk to aside from having to watch what he said. Ten Cents hardly knew him, but he spoke to him with the kind of respect a person would have for their long time friend. Why would he do that? What made him want to talk to him? He’s only a burden like Zorran and Zak say, why would Ten Cents want anything to do with-.
“Hey Zedstack.” Zip blinked the black spots out of his eyes, Ten Cents was waving a hand in front of his face. “Where’d ya go?”
Zip’s mouth started moving before he could think, something about Ten Cents made him do that. “Why are you still talking to me?”
The star was taken back. “Huh?”
“I-i it’s just, no one usually want to talk to me, to have anything to do with me aside from bossing me around or telling me off, I’m not much of a conversationalist since most things I say never matter and Zug says I’m no help unless the assignment is to cause a scene. And Captain Zero doesn’t usually give me any important jobs unless the others need help so I just.” He hiccupped, “why are you talking to me like I’m a person, and not a punching bag?”
Through his own tears he could no longer see Ten Cents, nor could he see the telescope or the harbor over the water. He blinked away the tears but more fell behind them and that was embarrassing, no man cries, not if they’re real men, Ten Cents is probably looking at him like he has two heads. He pulled his hat off to cover his face looking anywhere aside the boy sat in front of him.
It wasn’t until he felt a hand gingerly touch the whited knuckles that gripped the hat did he slide the hat down until he met Ten Cents did he move. He sobbed and Ten Cents pulled him into a bear hug, he was surprised that his strength being so small was so strong. He hugged back wanting to melt into the Star’s embrace and just disappear entirely. He was shaking but all that mattered to him was the embrace. He hadn’t felt anything like this in such a long time.
“No one should ever make you feel that way Zip. You are apart of their team, every team works together and needs each part to hold them up solid.” When Ten Cents pulled back Zip was surprised at his own tears that he rubbed at with the heel of his hand. “I’m sorry they make you feel that way, mate.”
“What?!” He held onto Ten Cents shoulders, “why are you crying?”
“Because you’re crying, because that stinks, because you shouldn’t have to carry all of that with you!”
Ten Cents hugged him again, Zip settled into his grasp. He could see the harbor now, but the sun had dug its way out of the clouds. It was warm, Ten Cents was warm, his chest felt warm. He could feel Ten Cents wiggle around for his pocket in their awkward position on the ground, He pulled a dime from it.
“Hercules used to take me up here when I was little, it makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. The trips on his tug over to this island made me fall in love with the water.”
They helped each other stand.
“Want to look out with me?”
Ten Cents put the dime in the telescope. “We can be on top of the world together. Never alone Zip. I never want you to feel like your alone like that again.”
He took the star boys hand and they took turns staring out over the harbour. Laughing at Warrior swatting off the seagulls who took off after the garbage in Lord Stinker and enjoying the far away feeling together, not alone. Zip never wanted to feel alone.
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...Zorran for the ship meme please.
Zorran huh? Oooooo; I do have some ships for Zorran. LETS GO!!!
OTP: Zorran X Zebedee OR Zorran X Hercules (If Hercules and Lillie weren’t together). I see Zorran with either of those two because I see Zorran trying to understand Zebedee’s sudden changes and try to avoid being Flustered by Hercules due to him being a Flirtatious bitch XD
BROTP: Zorran and Zak. These two give off so much brother vibes that it strangely fits for Zorran to be like a brother for Zak. The two think so much a like that it’s scary.
NOTP: Zorran and Ten Cents or Sunshine. Zorran is too much of a jerk to stand the two and the two seem like Children to me. So I don’t really see them as an OTP thing.
MEHTP: Zorran and Big Mac. The two may not like each other due to many MANY reasons; I can kinda see the two being a thing if they could just get along. It would certainly give Warrior a break lol
Rarepair: Zorran and Izzy Gomez. I found out from The UnLucky Tug on YouTube that These two have a love hate relationship in the show. Every Izzy appearance has to have Zorran there and even though Zorran says he hates him and will get him scrapped or Salvaged one day; I have a hard time believing him because I feel like he loves seeing Izzy but just has to put up an act.
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toast-com · 2 years
Would it be okay if you could do something with Zebedee x Hercules x Lillie (that is if you're comfortable).
Zebedee looked at his partners, eyes wide in surprise.
"You aren't scared of me?" Hercules shook his head with a smile, and hugged him.
"Not in the slightest Bee, old darling," He murmured, muffled by Zebedee's fluff. Zebedee blushed at the nickname. Lillie took his clawed hand in hers, and smiled.
"You aren't frightening at all Zebedee." She replied, and kissed him on the nose, and Zebedee blushed. "You're actually quite adorable!"
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bigg-city-riders-au · 3 years
Not really related to the AU but question. Out of the cannon tugs, who would you ship and why? And don't cop out by just saying Hercules and Lillie.
Honestly, I don't really ship, but I respect other people's ships ships. I do ship occasionally. But I do like the Ten Cents x Zip ship.
Always been a fan of two opposite sides falling in love with one another.
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