#Hestia would definitely join on this
vyunok-obyknovenniy · 8 months
Wouldn't it have been cool, if Hera befriended and/or took all Zeus' unwilling lovers under her protection? (which would probably be the majority of them, since even many of the "willing" ones were tricked by him. Plus being approached by the king of the gods isn't really a situation where you can say "no" without fearing for your (and possibly your loved ones') life and safety)
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Golden pumpkins hunt
A short and little crappy story about our farmers and the madness during the maze on Spirits Eve.
Farmer OCs in this story: May (@poxy-domain), Zeke (@theambivalentagender), Rain (@silly-farmer), Wren (@girls4zelda), Bo (@boinurmom13), Miranda (@amishasp), Shiro (@shirokumav3), Myra (@seharuuchan), Marley (@mmarggsstuff), Willow (@vilochkaaa), Skylar (@justashamwithwastedpotential), Thad (@reallyghostlypost), Lucy (@doggoneaway), Bella (@ivquatro), Eris (@lavendel081), Elisa (@elisa6102), Hestia (@g0atmama), Fawn (@fawn-wickenshire), Josephine (@jazhand), Ziana (@nimillaarts) and Julian (my OC).
"Aunt Marnie! I'm not little anymore, why can't I go into the maze...". Julian turned to Jaz, who had been begging her aunt for about ten minutes to let her enter the scary maze this year, but Marnie was still hesitant. No sooner had Julian greeted the two of them and congratulated them on Spirit's Eve than Bo pulled him back to the maze entrance.
"You'll see, dude, we're definitely going to win this Magnus puzzle! Especially since this year's prize is not one, but three whole golden pumpkins!", Bo enthusiastically tugged on his friend's sleeve, unable to contain his anticipation before the treasure hunt. "We'll divide the spoils, naturally: both get a pumpkin each, and the third... well, we'll figure something out!"
The two young men stopped near two artisanal arches.
"It's showtime, baby! Ok, I'll go left, and you go right then. Good luck, bro." With a Hollywood smile on his face, Bo clapped Julian on the shoulder, and disappeared into the semi-darkness of the maze.
The young man with multicolored eyes sighed a little tiredly: he wasn't opposed to the most exciting adventure to find the golden pumpkin, but before entering the maze, Julian wanted some snacks from the communal food table. The poor lad hadn't had time to eat before the feast, and the smell of spices made his stomach rumble and mind go crazy. But Julian decided he would help Bo win the contest first, because after all, three pumpkins was a very generous reward.
Without wasting any more precious time, Julian finally entered the maze. The tangled paths, the cold, penetrating wind, the dense dark vegetation on either side, the atmosphere and frightening scenery, the shrieks of familiar voices, the laughter and the rush - enthralled by the spirit of the feast, Julian even forgot about hunger for a while.
Continuing to walk further and further down the labyrinth, Julian didn't immediately realize how he found himself in a place separate from the main maze. There was a circle where Magnus Rasmodius himself was sitting cross-legged, and next to the wizard were Julian's friends and colleagues in farming - Eris and Bella were sitting on soft pouffes, holding cups with hot drinks in their hands, and Elisa was eating delicious white chocolate-covered strawberries. The treats were made with scary but still cute faces of all sorts of ghosts and monsters.
"Hey, Julian! Happy Spirit's Eve!", with her mouth slightly full, Elisa congratulated the young man. Bella and Eris also nodded to Julian sincerely happy meeting their friend.
"Greetings, young adept. Enjoying the festivities?", Magnus ducked one eye open, not taking a break from his meditation. Julian sensed a large concentration of magic in this place - apparently to maintain the summoned maze.
"Would you like to join us? We still have some strawberries and hot tea left." Bella moved a loose cushion closer and a plate of strawberries, which Elisa looked at very intently. Oh, how Julian wanted to stay here and have a snack!
But he made a promise to Bo...
"Thanks for the offer, but another time. I still want to win the competition."
"Good luck to you, then." Eris smiled sincerely at the young man, and happily took a sip of hot tea.
"Watch out, young fool. The treasure is guarded by fearsome monsters, it won't be easy to get it..." Magnus was pleased with his own cryptic and creepy speech, and hummed quietly, returning to his meditation. After saying goodbye to everyone, Julian rolled his eyes.
"Scary monsters, yeah... They're all fake for sure!" With that thought, the young man went back to searching for the right path to the treasure.
Walking past the plastic spiders (where Thad was able to hide and scare Julian enough to make the poor guy jump a little), he stopped near a huge cauldron where a green liquid of unknown origin was bubbling. Penny, Ziana, Shiro, and Myra stared at the bottom of the cauldron, mesmerized.
"Mr. Julian..." Ziana said in a slightly monotone somehow. "This cauldron... It smells so good, it makes my head spinning and dizzy." The other girls only nodded slowly to confirm her words.
The boiling water smelled like cotton candy, and Julian's hungry stomach twisted itself into a knot. Ugh, no, he need to move on! Overcoming the urge to stay near the cauldron, the young farmer returned to his original mission, intending to turn left.
"Nope, it's a dead end." Skylar walked out of the darkness a little tiredly with Sam. "Honey, maybe we can go back to the common table?"
"Oh, absolutely!" Sam was delighted, "Besides, the straw in my suit makes me itchy... like, everywhere."
Oh well, Julian thought, the search continues.
"Hmm, maybe I should turn into a dragon? Then I’ll definitely find the treasure..." Hestia stood thoughtfully near the fake tombstones.
"Don't cheat!", Julian said a little provocatively from behind, which slightly frightened the girl. Hestia herself was not in debt, and stuck her tongue out at Julian, disappearing into the darkness of the labyrinth. Giggling, the young man walked on.
Yoba, the labyrinth seemed endless to him, and his stomach is already begged for some food...
"You decided to take part in the treasure hunt too?" Julian didn't notice Rain standing in front of him. He nodded to her in agreement. "And you?" Julian asked.
"Eh, I'm just hanging out here. I like this creepy atmosphere, it gives me goosebumps." Rain smiled, pointing her hand at Fawn and Josephine standing nearby. "Besides, I decided to accompany my friends in case we accidentally stumble upon monsters." She patted the hilt of her sword that was strapped to her hip.
"Huh? But the monsters in the maze aren't real." Julian was surprised.
"How are you so sure?", having asked a rhetorical question, Rain said goodbye to her friend and returned to the girls, who were still looking at the house with chicken legs with delight and curiosity.
Her words made Julian's hand tighten his grip on the hilt of the dagger, which he had taken purely to decorate his suit... "Magnus wouldn't put people's lives in danger. Right?..." Now walking more carefully and listening to every sound, Julian I was able to go through half the maze already.
After about two minutes, the poor guy was scared again when Miranda's figure suddenly appeared from the bushes. The girl’s face was distorted with anger, and she confidently walked past Julian towards the exit, despite the thorny bushes.
"Today there will be one less stupid adventurer in the world," Marley said to Julian with a malicious smile when she saw his downcast face. "You’re on the right track, brother. The treasure is out there somewhere. I think"
"Aren't you going to look for pumpkins?", still in a slight shock, Julian asked hesitantly.
"And miss such a show?" Smiling even wider, Marley hurried after her friend. Julian prayed for the soul of that unfortunate adventurer who became the cause of Miranda's righteous anger. Deciding to find out about this story later, he headed in the direction from which both girls had emerged.
With every step he took, his hope of winning faded, and the thought of returning to other friends at a common table beckoned him more and more.
“Yep, I told you it was fake,” Zeke stopped looking at the plastic chest and just quietly snorted at Shane’s comment. "Oh, another competitor." Shane just smiled faintly, and Zeke waved to Julian in greeting. "Zek, maybe, to hell with these pumpkins? I’m already hungry." Oh, how hungry Julian is - you can’t imagine, Shane!
"Alright alright, let's go for the snacks. I hope there’s some honey bun left in there!' Taking Shane by the hand, Zeke led him towards the exit.
Mmmm, honey buns... Julian can already feel the sweetness melting in his mouth and...
"Oh man, there you are!" Poor Julian might have a heart attack at this rate, and he's too young to die! Ah, it's just Bo.
"We are already close, I can already feel the taste of victory!" Taking Julian again by the sleeve of his leather jacket, the two farmers headed along the only road that would definitely lead them to the desired chest.
"So, now we have to go here and-" Bo didn’t have time to finish when suddenly, before his and Julian’s eyes, the figure of their mutual friend, Wren, appeared.
"Agh, damn, I knew I should have teleport a little further!" Stomping her foot angrily, the red-haired girl, however, immediately turned pale when she saw Julian and Bo, and giggled slightly nervously.
"What the tutty frutty fuck is going on here?" Confused, Bo blinked a couple of times and immediately answered his own question: "Cheater!"
Wren only smiled even stronger and ran away in the opposite direction from the treasure.
"Hey, come back!" Bo rushed off after the girl, leaving Julian alone. Alright.
It became darker and darker, the cold autumn wind did not spare anyone who was now outside, and the stomach began to growl again. So having decided to finally reach the end, the young man already prayed that this would be the end of the hunt for golden pumpkins. He's so tired and so, oh so hungry...
And it seems that this time - finally - Yoba heard the prayers of one of the chaotic farmers in the Stardew Valley.
A large, decorated wooden chest - after so many puzzles and endless dead ends - Julian finally found the treasure. He had already stretched out his hands to touch the lid of the chest and rightfully take the prize, when a human figure again appeared out of nowhere in front of him.
But this time it was May.
The girl smiled to the fact that she had teleported directly to the target, but her smile immediately faded when she realized that she had been caught. Oopsie....
The two farmers looked into each other's eyes for half a minute, not daring to do anything.
"Apple cinnamon pie in exchange for your silence," May finally decided to interrupt this staring contest. Julian's eyes widened.
"Deal", Oh boy, you didn't need to say twice. After shaking her hand and receiving from his friend a plate with a still warm pie (where she even get this pie?), May took her prize from the chest and disappear once again.
With the satisfied smile of the happiest man in the entire Valley, Julian began to leave the maze, still holding the plate of pie in his hands.
"Well, did you get your prize?" Willow laughed good-naturedly, standing with Lucy near the exit from the maze. Julian just nods, and Lucy noted to herself how little a person needs to be happy.
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Cats 2023 review
Hello to all my followers I am alive and doing well, and yes you read that title correctly this is my review of Cats the musical 2023 showing at the Twelfth night theatre, a show that I have seen the night of my writing this but when you read it it will be the next day. Now one thing I should point out during this review that I will acknowledge now is that this was a low budget theatre with a low budget production, now does that mean this is bad? No, does this ruin the enjoyment of the show? No, do the characters and costumes suffer from the low budget quality? I have certain thoughts and feelings.
Anyway just to let you now that I don’t have many photos of the night, I did grab a program but my memory can be horrid and these costumes got me kinda confused, why? Well my first point is that they added new characters but also still had others playing multiple people, I don’t know why they did this perhaps certain characters were alike so they just smushed them together these were mostly the kittens Electra and Etcetera (one person), Carbucketty and Admetus (one person), Macavity and Alonzo (one person), but they also for some reason had two Jemimas and a Sillabub, these just made no sense to me but now here’s a list of new characters in this production.
Hestia (I know who would love this one)
Now what’s more interesting is that these names belonged to both younger and older sets of cats.
Another thing that was different in this production certain male characters were played by females, some of these were kittens but most notably Coricopat and Mungojerrie were both played by women, now I can’t say for certain for Coricopat but for Mungojerrie she did have a deeper voice but it was most definitely a female so now in this production both sets of twins were identical sisters, and yes I do says sisters as Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer acted more like sisters than lovers.
The costumes were very interesting, each were still very different and unique to each person, some cats had yarn tails wrapped around their waist and others had tails connected directly to their costumes. I also noted on some of the cats had different patches of fur on them, overall it made for some very creative costumes and yes Tugger’s costume was a little less grand but his personality made up for it.
Overall this production was smaller but it had the same amount of fun, hilarious and all the round adorable moments you can find in any production of Cats.
Cats moments that I found hilarious:
The two cats who were the most vocal during Tugger’s song were Jennyanydots, and the cat who screamed during the end was Skimbleshanks.
The ‘mating dance’ was a lot shorter and more of a little dance and then a rest, Victoria did the dance with Quaxo but after the intermission Victoria was seen very close to Viktor.
At the end during the finale Tugger and Munk were dancing like brothers before Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie did the running man infront and around them annoying Munk but Tugger joined in and then before they left offstage Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie successfully did the worm offstage it was amazing.
They used Gus’s song to Segway to the Peke’s and the Pollicles’ and both Munk and Gus were in control until Gus went offstage to get into his rumpus cat costume. Also Micheal Grover Munk would be so proud that everyone did the show perfectly.
When making the train for Skimbleshanks Tugger grabs a spotlight and becomes the lights, while Bustopher Jones puts a black tube over Quaxo who makes the smoke appear, this moment did earn a few laughs and was very fun to watch everyone shake before the train breaks apart.
Quaxo and Admetus initially were back up for Tugger until Quaxo grew bored and told everyone Tugger was a bore. Tugger then held Bombalurina very closely and leaned over her very sensually before saying no and dropping her with the kittens.
These were my thoughts and feelings about the Cats production. Let me know if I should make a part two where I talk about specific characters.
Tags: @whitmerule , @uppastthejelliclemoon , @strawberry-paint , @rainbowratsstuff
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cutesilyo · 9 months
your dearest kin, below the skin — a pjo fanfic
Somehow, while going through the set of books about his son's future exploits, Poseidon had gotten the idea that Percy would eventually shape up to become perfectly obedient, loyal, and respectful to the gods. So when a new arrival slammed the doors open and Annabeth Chase gasped in delight, all Poseidon could do was lean back in his seat with a wide grin on his face.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Percy said, obviously exhausted.
Poseidon felt a bit faint, and he vaguely recognized the demigods sharing popcorn at their feet.
TAGS: Humor, Family, Family Dynamics, Family Drama, Mild Swearing, Reading the Books, Without Them Actually Reading the Books, Percy Jackson is So Done, Good Parent Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Crack Treated Seriously
Also available on: AO3
It was a normal day in the throne room when Percy Jackson finally appeared.
Or, you know, as normal as it could be when demigods from the future arrived with a stack of books and orders from the Fates that they needed to “process its events” and “re-evaluate the relationships between the Olympians and their children”, whatever that meant. Hestia had noticeably perked up at that news, while Hera rolled her eyes so far back that Poseidon was surprised she hadn’t ended up permanently staring at the back of her skull. Poseidon himself didn’t really see how the books could help with the Fates’ goals, but he wasn’t about to argue. After Zeus was assured that he’d find whoever stole his stupid Master Bolt by going through the chapters and convinced that yes, Hades had to be summoned from the Underworld if they wanted to do things right, he had allowed them to begin the reading with a childish huff.
If the Fates wanted them to better their family relations, this was certainly an interesting way to go about it. As they read more chapters and more demigods joined in, it had become increasingly evident that things were going to get worse before they were going to get better. Poseidon grew apathetic to the new flavor of godly infighting the third time that Zeus blew up at something the book said, which — all things considered — happened a lot farther along the first chapter than he expected. He almost felt some sort of brotherly pride, had he not been completely overcome with grappling something else.
More than anything, Poseidon was restless to see his son. How had he grown? How was he faring? And, most importantly, how much did he identify with the demigods’ obvious resentment of the gods? He felt fairly confident that Percy was loyal to them, and Athena’s daughter had been making comments that alluded to a close father-son relationship in the few times she’d spoken. And even more damningly, if the withered tendrils tying him back to his old powers of prophecy were correct, all this together meant that Percy would become a great hero for Olympus.
So surely, this meant that his son was a shining beacon of light that exemplified how the demigods were at their best when they pledged their allegiance in service of the gods. Scratch that, his son was definitely being built up to be the hero of the looming Great Prophecy — he simply had to be on their side.
As they kept reading about Percy's exploits and how much he had suffered during his quests, Poseidon only felt more and more secure in his belief that Percy Jackson had the forgiveness of a saint. He had certainly inherited his mother’s goodness and tenacity, and it was clear that his drive to continue serving the gods despite everything had obviously inspired the rest of the demigods to do the same. Honestly, Poseidon didn’t even know how Percy could handle everything that he’s been through; if he was in his position, he probably would have defected just like Hermes’ boy did. But that only made Poseidon all the more proud. Whenever Percy arrived, he would definitely put all the other demigods in line and remind them of how gratifying it was to fight for the Olympians.
So when the doors slammed open and Annabeth Chase gasped in delight, all Poseidon could do was lean back in his seat with a wide grin on his face.
Percy Jackson took one look at the throne room, stared straight into Zeus’ eyes, and let out a huge groan.
Poseidon’s grin slipped.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Percy said, obviously exhausted. “I told you I was off-limits for the rest of the month, and I meant it! All I asked for was no quests, no impromptu visits, no sudden teleportations into my apartment, no bothering me when I’m doing camp duties, and certainly no summons to Olympus! Are you seriously that desperate that you’re willing to hold my friends hostage just for me to do your bidding?”
The throne room was in stunned silence. Zeus overcame his flustered state first, a thunderstorm brewing in the room. “Boy, how dare you speak to me like that—”
But Percy talked over the King of the Gods like it was nothing. “Zeus, please, we’ve been over this,” he said exasperatedly, holding his palm up like he was talking to a toddler. ”You have to respect my boundaries when I set them. Otherwise, we just can’t have a good working relationship, and where would that leave you?”
Zeus was so dumbfounded the storm disappeared. Aphrodite dropped her compact mirror. Hermes actually looked up from his phone. Apollo was in so much shock that his light dimmed. For the first time in recorded history, Athena’s jaw was on the floor. Poseidon felt a bit faint, and he vaguely recognized the demigods sharing popcorn at their feet.
Through a particularly large mouthful, the elf-like Son of Hephaestus said, “That’s the good stuff right there.” The demigods around him nodded sagely in agreement.
This must be a trick, Poseidon thought helplessly. Someone must have used magic to impersonate his son. Perhaps an eidolon possession. Impressively powerful charmspeak. Maybe he’ll wake up and this will all have been a prank by Morpheus or something. There is no way that the future hero of the Great Prophecy was someone so . . . inflammatory! That his son, that Sally Jackson’s son, was someone stupid and impulsive enough to so nonchalantly talk back to the King of the Gods in his own throne room in the full presence of all of the elder gods and Olympians—
Ichor drained from his face as he recalled all that they had read of Percy from the books so far. Poseidon cursed internally as every single time he talked back to one of his fellow immortals and every single time Sally talked back to him flashed in his mind. He had been so caught up in the joy of learning about his only demigod son that he forgot about the sea’s unruly nature.
Suddenly feeling drained, Poseidon sighed. “Perseus, if you could please refrain from getting yourself blasted . . .”
Percy turned to face him, his eyes swirling with a ferocity so reminiscent of Kymopoleia’s storms that Poseidon could feel himself immediately developing a migraine out of habit. “Dad, don’t tell me you’re in on this,” he said, betrayed. “I don’t know what else you want from me. You already keep me so busy helping out with Atlantis, and you promised you’d help me keep them off my back.”
Hades raised an eyebrow. Dionysus mumbled something about pitying my future self, oh my and surely father will let me get drunk at least once.
“I did?” Poseidon said.
“You did!” Percy whined, practically pouting. “You even said you’d let me annoy Triton my entire stay next time I visited!”
Poseidon melted a bit. Even in his older state, his son was so adorable — and a lot less cold to him than the other demigods were to their own respective parents. He even all but said that he was regularly visiting his kingdom. He could see why his future self allowed his impertinence, even if it said impertinence was to extreme degrees.
Whoa, hold your horses, Poseidon thought. This is the child of the prophecy. The Great Prophecy itself. A bit of snarkiness is cute from a demigod, but this is the hero that holds the fate of Olympus in his hands. Shouldn’t you be a bit concerned?
Then he took a moment to look at his son’s puffed-up cheeks and promptly struggled to think clearly about the situation at all.
Percy, who was not privy to his father’s internal crisis, crossed his arms and continued. “And now I find all my friends sitting down at your feet? I really expected better from you, Dad. Though I guess it wouldn’t be the first time a god forgot about their promises . . .”
Poseidon winced. But before he could clarify that he was not the Poseidon of Percy’s present, a loud scoff echoed in the room.
“You forget your place, demigod,” Hera sneered. “We are gods. We are not beholden to you.”
Percy narrowed his eyes at her. “Oh, please. You say that like you didn’t come crawling to my feet for the last Great Prophecy, my lady,” he said, mockingly, seemingly oblivious to how most of the gods were now glowering at him. Artemis had split her arrow in two. Percy barreled on. “Anyway, I’m not listening to the words of some cow dung goddess. Let’s just get things over with so you can send me and my friends back home.”
Ares banged his spear on the floor. He roared, “Why, I ought to send you to Tartarus, punk!”
“I’ve already been to Tartarus, dipshit. Try again,” Percy deadpanned, like it was as simple as walking through the park. The temperature in the throne room plummeted, and the gods stared at him, unsure what to make of this information. Apollo, apparently sensing the truth in his words, sent Poseidon a pitying look — which just made him feel worse, really. This boy was going to age him centuries prematurely and he hadn’t even done much more than open his mouth.
In the oppressive silence, Percy simply rolled his eyes. “Come on. You know this. I know you know this. Or is it so ridiculously beneath the Olympians to make note of any mortal affairs that you’ve already forgotten?”
The gods collectively bristled while the demigods collectively frowned, with Aphrodite’s girl grasping Annabeth Chase’s hand in a gesture of comfort. Either that or she holding her back from starting a knife fight, who could really tell?
Finally, Jason Grace stood. “Percy,” he said hesitantly. “These aren’t the gods we know.”
“This apathetic self-centeredness feels plenty familiar to me,” Percy said. Nico di Angelo audibly face-palmed, while Thalia Grace snorted in laughter. Poseidon let in a sharp inhale, which Percy must have taken as an insult rather than the worry that it was, as his son aimed a small, crooked smile at him. “Sorry, dad. You know it’s true.”
“What your friend means, Perseus, is that we are from a different time than you,” Hestia explained kindly. The fire she was tending to was colored yellow in delight, obviously amused and pleased at Percy’s presence. She gestured toward the set of books next to her. “All of you demigods are from further down the timeline. We are in the Olympus of your past: spending our time learning about your life, and in turn, learning about the coming war.”
“And, uh, just for clarity’s sake, we didn’t kidnap your friends, alright? Blame the Fates,” Hermes added hastily, making a vain attempt to cover all of their bases. “So don’t get mad at us for something we didn’t do.”
Poseidon could practically hear Percy’s snarky comeback already, and signaled the boy to keep quiet. All for naught, apparently, because one raised eyebrow was enough to get the message across. Even Hephaestus was starting to glare at Percy distastefully, having paused from his incessant tinkering, which really showed how much he had gotten on everybody’s nerves. Poseidon was torn between being proud at how effortlessly he had rankled the council or being desperate to make Percy shut up by any means necessary.
From the nervous way that Hazel Levesque was eyeing the room, it looked like someone else understood his torturous plight.
“That explains why Olympus looks so different,” Percy said instead, his voice light. “Un-razed.”
The gods shuddered. “Don’t even joke about that, young man,” Demeter warned.
“Let me blast him, just a little,” Zeus muttered.
“No blasting,” Poseidon said sharply.
“A tiny taste of incineration won’t hurt,” Hades suggested.
“No incinerating either,” Poseidon bit out, his grip on his trident tight. He whirled around to stare at Percy, who was looking far too comfortable at the prospect of certain death by means of divine retribution. “No saying anything worth getting incinerated over.”
Percy shrugged, which — strictly speaking — wasn’t a yes. Poseidon made eye contact with Annabeth Chase, as he had been making a habit of during the reading, and she shook her head as if to say that picking a fight with Percy over this was a futile waste of his time.
He tried thinking of this positively. He tried, he really did.
“At least give my friends some chairs,” Percy said loudly, to which Poseidon started massaging his temples. At the appearance of a set of plastic chairs, his son even had the gall to wrinkle his nose. “What are we, some randos coming over for a Sunday barbecue on the front lawn? We’re on Olympus. Apollo literally has a bean bag collection at his palace.”
Apollo brightened. “You mean I finally get around to it in the future?”
Athena pursed her lips. “You seem quite familiar with the gods, Percy Jackson.”
“Too familiar,” Dionysus muttered.
“How familiar, I wonder,” Aphrodite purred.
Artemis shot the love goddess a look of disgust.
“Please just give my friends good chairs,” Percy said, blearily. “If we’re really going through the drama of reliving our traumatic experiences with literal war just for the Fates’ amusement, you could at least give your children a seat. I don’t think you guys realize how much backpain saving the world gives you.”
Zeus slammed his fists on the throne, crackling with static electricity. “So Olympus is saved in your future. The gods prevail. A fact that your friends did not deign to mention.”
Annabeth Chase immediately stood. “The Fates were clear about needing to learn about the war through the experience of a demigod. Knowing that we win isn’t relevant to that.” Her eyes twitched for a moment before adding, “If you allowed us to speak more, we could have explained that to you, my lord.”
Athena butted in before Zeus could call either lightning or monsters to kill her daughter. “The phrasing is impertinent, but she is correct, Father. If we are fated to preserve anyway, then the Fates would have no reason for intervention. There must be other factors at play that they wish for us to examine; it seems the goal is to better the outcome, not necessarily to reverse it fully.”
Disgruntled but apparently mollified, Zeus leaned back in his seat. “Fine. However, I still do not see the benefits of this exercise. We have not even properly dived into the war yet, only seen its harbinger! Barely any deaths! What we have learned will hardly be of use in battle.”
Some of the demigods seemed stricken. Nico di Angelo was openly glaring at the king.
Percy cleared his throat. “So, let me get this straight. The Fates bring together the Olympians — from the Winter Solstice after Zeus gets his bolt stolen, I assume, since he isn’t holding it right now — and the relevant demigods during the wars, where we’re all supposed to read about my experience as a demigod? Which just so happens to also include the wars?”
Hera scowled. “Has that not been obvious?”
“The boy arrived five minutes ago,” Poseidon argued.
“And right now, you’ve already reached the quest I went on to save Annabeth,” Percy stated. “The one during the Winter Solstice, when we met the Hunters and found Bessie.”
“The one where I was finally introduced!” Apollo grinned. “I’ve personally been sensing that a major development in the Great Prophecy will be coming in this book. I am so excited to go through the last few chapters.”
“Which means that at this point, you’ve read about Ares being influenced by Kronos, Luke defecting, the army of demigods and monsters on the Andromeda, Kronos reforming, Thalia reviving, Annabeth holding up the sky, Atlas on the move, and Bianca dying.” Percy turned to look at his friends. “Have I missed anything?”
“Zoe died a few chapters ago,” Thalia added.
“The minor gods have started defecting as well, I believe,” supplied Reyna.
“Oh, also the misery of having to live feeling abandoned by your parents and having to face death every day you spend alive?” Frank suggested. “It’s a general theme we keep circling back to.”
“Yes, yes, and I’m sure it was a very harrowing series of events for all of you involved,” Zeus dismissed, conveniently ignoring the way that both Hermes and Hades were glowering at him from their thrones. “Let us be done with this quickly.”
Percy tilted his head. “You mean you somehow got through all that and you still don’t get it?”
“We would appreciate it if you would get to the point, boy,” Dionysus drawled. The other gods nodded in agreement.
There was a brief moment, Poseidon observed, where Percy looked to Annabeth Chase before he responded. It was a short moment, the slightest passage of time, where it seemed like an entire conversation had taken place between the two young lovers. By the barest furrow of his brow, Percy was asking Annabeth for her approval before launching into action. And Annabeth responded, with the quaintest quiver of a smile, giving her blessing.
Poseidon probably should have known what was coming, given what he had known of Annabeth from the books and from reading the books with her, but he let himself be lulled into a false sense of security anyway. Surely, Poseidon thought, this Athena spawn isn’t going to let my child do something stupid.
Percy took a deep breath.
“You’re all so stupid,” he said.
Poseidon let out a long, weary exhale. He took a brief moment to accept that the goody-two-shoes son that he envisioned in his head was nothing more than a crazy delusion. And with a wave of his hand, he formed a water shield around Percy just in time to protect him from Zeus’ inevitable lightning strike.
The blast echoed throughout the room, partnered with the demigods’ cries of alarm. To his credit, the way that Percy raised his arms showed the foresight to brace himself, but Poseidon knew — from the way that the air around Zeus was vibrating with ozone and electricity — that his brother had been pushed too far.
In his peripheral vision, he spotted the other demigods rushing to crowd around his son in their concern. Percy waved them off with a smile, but the way he was leaning on Annabeth suggested that even he was shaken by the turn of events.
“Poseidon,” boomed Hera, in place of a king too furious to speak, “This bastard son of yours has offered us nothing but disrespect and disdain ever since he had stepped foot on Olympus. We cannot accept such treason, especially not from the prophecy child. Be wise and let him be punished at once.”
For a brief moment, father and son locked eyes. There was gratefulness in Percy’s expression, yes, but he also looked confused. Like he didn’t understand why his own father would try to prevent him from being harmed.
The water called back to him, swirling around him in a vicious hurricane. He stood, and his trident flew to his hand. Vaguely aware that he couldn’t release too much of his power unless he wanted the demigods to vaporize in front of him, Poseidon turned his back towards the council.
He walked towards his son. The demigods, rather than dispersing, only stood closer by Percy.
Poseidon reached out, and Percy — in a move so subtle it would have been unnoticeable for anyone but a god — flinched back.
And inside Poseidon, something shifted.
“Poseidon,” Hera repeated.
“At ease, sister,” Poseidon said. The hurricane faded away. Slowly, he faced the gods. “Lest you forget that this bastard son of mine is the child of the prophecy and he obviously chose to keep Olympus standing. Despite how he may seem, I believe he has our best interests at heart. Even though we have given him every reason to instead be led astray.”
“Dad?” Percy asked.
Poseidon looked at him, and he saw Percy at twelve, thirteen, fourteen — a little mourning boy aching and breaking for someone to give him a home. The way that his friends crowded around him showed that he found one, eventually, but the god doubted that any of the pantheon had been of any help for that. “You don’t trust us that much, do you?”
Percy gave him a look. “I literally just got blasted.”
He only shook his head. Poseidon met eyes with the rest of the demigods, who stared back with determination, grit, and thinly-veiled suspicion. War heroes, all of them, but to him they only looked so small. “I speak of all the children in this room. You may acknowledge us as your parents, fight for us in familial loyalty, and even be willing to risk your short lives for our cause. But you do so with a conflicted heart. And that is a reflection of our failure.”
The demigods’ silence was enough answer as any. Zeus’ voice was, uncharacteristically, muted and grave. “Brother, we had agreed long ago to cease discussion on this. We had agreed there was no point.”
“And what had that gotten us?” Poseidon argued. “Greek civilization as we know it is dead. All we have left is our children. You cannot tell me that this does not move you.”
“Be that as it may, you cannot tell me that we can change,” Zeus said. “The very nature of immortality is to resist it. I do not care if the old Greeks are dead. We move with the heart of the West, and we have done very well since then without shifting too much of our ways.”
“Then you are blind,” exploded Poseidon. “Not only in this. You are as blind to your duties to your family as our father was to his. And I, for one, refuse to be as misled as you both are.”
Hades scoffed. “Please, you only want to save face because your son is here.”
“And were it your son in his stead, you would do the same!” Poseidon breathed out a heavy sigh, massaging his temples in a vain attempt to assuage his frustration. “Of course I would speak out because Percy is here. We know that he will become the hero of the Great Prophecy and we know that he will save Olympus. I thought that meant he was unfailingly loyal to us and that any disrespect shown by the demigods here was the result of his absence. I was wrong.”
Hera raised an eyebrow. “You’re calling him treasonous after all?”
“No,” Poseidon smiled. He gestured Percy to come forward. With another nod from Annabeth spurring him on, Percy stood beside him — a bit of his wariness fading away as he looked at him with pride. And that, more than anything, told Poseidon he was on the right track. “I’m calling him right. We are stupid. We’ve let tradition needlessly hold us back from showing our kids we care, and we are being shown that continuing it will lead to our near-destruction.”
“And before anyone says that near-destruction doesn’t sound too bad,” Percy butted in, because of course he did, “I think my life is a pretty good argument against that.”
Zeus leaned back on his throne, disgruntled but otherwise unwilling to further escalate into a fight. “We’ll see about that, Perseus.”
“I’m sorry, didn’t you just read about me and Annabeth holding up the sky?” Percy demanded.
Poseidon cleared his throat. “What I mean to say is that treating the demigods’ wariness around us is a problem to solve, not a threat to vanquish. It is becoming clear that examining this, rather than waiting for the book to tell us of future battle strategy, is the key to a decisive win in war.”
Then he glared across the room, making sure every god that met his eyes knew that he was committed to this — to his son, at least, if to nobody else. “And if by any reason one of you would resort to harming a child of Olympus when their presence here is Fates-mandated to bring us a better outcome in the wake of the Great Prophecy, wouldn’t the rest stand and realize that would be the most treasonous thing of all?” He challenged.
Everyone broke out into shushed whispers at that: the demigods in muted astonishment, the gods in grumbling agreement. Beside him, Percy muttered, “That was sick.” Poseidon didn’t know what to make of that. Was that a compliment, in the mortal world? He hoped it was. But it sounded so bad. Oh Fates, he really needed to connect more with his son.
Finally, one of Hestia’s flames flared out loudly and brightly, no doubt one of the rare times his sister found it prudent to gather the whole throne room’s attention.
She clapped her hands, a small smile gracing her face. “My family, I cannot express how glad I am at this turn of events. It would be good if we kept this discussion in mind as we move forward with the rest of the books. Might I suggest a brief recess before we finish this quest’s final chapter?”
Nobody argued with that. Poseidon breathed a sigh of relief.
Percy perked up. “And how about the—”
“Yes, yes,” Zeus grumbled. “We will arrange proper seating arrangements from now on.”
It was a start.
Night drew the day’s reading to a close. The gods had a hard look in their eyes, and Apollo patted him on the back before disappearing to his chambers. Poseidon chose to linger, feeling heavy, watching the demigods give Percy the enthusiastic welcome they weren’t given a chance to do in the terse tension of the throne room.
I choose the prophecy, his far too young son had said. Poseidon had known this, of course he had, but it still felt like a wave crashing into him. It made sense why the Fates brought him in now. It was when the prophecy would finally take shape, and everything was meticulously poised for Percy to grasp it with his own hands. He would claim victory with a bloody, bloody price. Poseidon ached just thinking about it.
In the midst of the celebration, he met eyes with Annabeth Chase. And with a soft grace that he would forever be thankful for, she quickly led the rest of the demigods to take their leave.
Poseidon and Percy were left alone.
He took a harrowing breath. “My son—”
“Thanks for sticking up for me,” Percy blurted out. “I just wanted to put that out there first.”
“You’re welcome, but I was never going to let Zeus take you from me.” Poseidon sighed. “I thought it was difficult enough just reading through your ordeals. Now I have to make sure you get out alive from here as well. You’re making my years wear down on me, child.”
Percy raised an eyebrow. “Finally feeling your age?”
“Ha,” Poseidon deadpanned. He laid a hand on Percy’s shoulder. “I’m serious. You’re a lot more trouble than you might think.”
Percy shrugged his hand off. “Probably would’ve been better off with a more obedient kid, yeah?”
“No. I never — no,” Poseidon said, caught off-guard and upset. Percy only stared at him, face blank and inscrutable, and that only made his pain feel all the more raw. “I’m sorry. What I mean is that a hero’s fate is rarely happy. I hate knowing that this is true for you, and for it to be at the extent that the Fates are stepping in . . . Percy, I’m afraid for you.”
Oddly, Percy’s mouth twitched up at that. “I’m right here.”
“I’m afraid things will get worse,” Poseidon confessed. “I care for you too much to lose you.”
Then Percy moved closer, arms wide, and Poseidon wondered if he did anything wrong again this time, until he realized — oh, his son was pulling him into a hug. Tentatively, he returned it, careful not to grip too hard. Percy was here, and he was warm, and alive. In this moment nothing else mattered but that. If any of his fellow gods loved their children as fiercely as Poseidon loved Percy now, he couldn’t fathom any of them thinking that the Ancient Laws still had any merit. Not when what little they’ve read so far already showed how much the demigods suffered before the war even started, and certainly not after everything they would know once the reading was over.
“See? Zeus was wrong,” Percy said, his voice a bit muffled from where Poseidon was holding him dear and close to his heart. “You can change.”
Poseidon smiled. “Only because you believe we can, my son.”
At the next day’s reading, Poseidon ignored his throne to sit beside the children.
“Brother,” Zeus warned.
“What?” Poseidon said innocently, eyes twinkling. “These bean bags are much more comfortable.”
Beside him, Percy laughed, and that was all the reward in the world.
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sunmooneclipseandstars · 11 months
CONTINUATION OF THE PERCY JACKSON AU WHERE NICO HAS A YOUNGER/OLDER BROTHER THAT'S SON OF DEMETER(this probably will be unaccurate and OOC, also I don't know to write a story so this probably is going to be shit) part 1 here
Tittle (the descendant of the goddess of harvest)
WILL'S pov
I swear to the gods that this camp would be doomed to it's downfall if there weren't any healer, like how in the damn world you injure yourself with a gumball
Hey stop moving could - I said
Will, how've you been my dear son- a voice suddenly said
I looked back and it was Lester, and I mean he's my dad but when he's a teenager is kinda weird to call him dad if people didn't know he was apollo
Hey dad, how've you been and why didn't you visit us, I even thought that you left forever I said
Then he hug me - I'm so sorry for not being able to visit you and the rest, I should've at least send you a message saying that I will be unable to be there for all of you, but now I have time to be even stay in camp a good amount of time after all I'm not longer on my prolonged "punishment" of writing my adventures since the time I fell from the Olympus and visiting everyone that have helped me in my journey, so the least I can do now is staying with you guys and help you out he said
I was about to cry only for the cocoa puffs piling up the two of us
wouh I didn't know the camp suddenly made demons in part of the camps Lester said
Well the thing is that they joined recently due to Nico and I travelling to Tartarus to save the titan Bob also the journey made me realize some things that I was afraid to ever explore due to my own problems I said making my gaze look other way
When I looked him at the eyes he was quite surprised and horrified
YOU WENT TO TARTARUS TO SAVE A TITAN!!! Will I'm so glad you are fine but why didn't any of you two try to make contact to people that could've helped you two and what in the world were you two thinking going to the definition of SUPER HELL, in the underworld there isn't light how did you even manage to stay alive and to summarize his reprimand for me going to Tartarus he was mad that I and Nico went to our own death but in the end he was glad I was more or less fine and ended up saying that while he wishes that he could've been there to at least give me something so I could be fine in the underworld, he also said that it's unexpected for the two of us to form a family with the puffs
Well we should head back to Nico and the two little kids apollo said only to see a green light appear from the sky
What was that I screamed
What the, that can't be her why would demeter suddenly go to camp half blood Lester said
What?!?!?!? I screamed
We should check it out he said
I didn't know my brother could've learn how to use magic in the time he was stuck in the house by what they told me while we were looking at the camp, you see due to us being in 2021
So to summarize he explained how the house worked being that day passes inside while in the real world it was years, and the reason it didn't affect us was because the seal that locked the places was broken, he also showed me that he use papers with the word of the element he wants to use, that he has a bracelet that allows him to use Laven powers and viceversa, then I asked if he could let Will borrow the set, he said yes but instead he gave a new set and a crossbow as approval of my relationship with Will , then we talked a little of Hestia, then about how there could be a Hestia cabin, just to Mr. D appear we had a conversation and asked if he make that cabin he said he didn't care and dissappear in a purple cloud with glitter , then Eli made the cabin, only for Demeter to appear making Eli very aggressive only for her appearance just for them to start arguing, and for destiny Will and Lester appeared, when the arguing was very heated, Eli created a energy/aura explosion that Lester protected will, the puffs and me, the rest of the surroundings were covered by grown flora, and for some reason my aura made the surroundings less crowded around our little group and so I made the same as Eli so the plant withered, then Eli told me he would be gone until Demeter was out of camp half blood and he left with Lavender, not before giving me my "late birthday presents"
Geez, you two really had a long day, Lester said
Yeah, also Nico what is the box and the crossbow for? Will asked
Well these are gifts that Eli gave me to give it to you as a gift of approval for our relationship
He knew?!! Will said
Yeah, I said
Well tbf you two are not exactly subtle about but that's fine, Lester said
That doesn't help, Will said
Yeah sorry about that, Lester said
Well where did you guys think they went to? I asked
They probably went to camp jupiter, Apollo/Lester said
It could be possible, I said
Let's hope they are fine, I said
Suddenly a noise was heard across the camp
Seems like it's time for dinner, let's go to the dinning Pavillion, Will said
Yeah, we probably will talk about the new Cabin for the New unclaimed demigods, I say
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midnightstargazer · 6 months
Commentary from the following section of To Have Loved and Lost?
In a hazy blur of memory and dream mingled together, two women walked through Diagon Alley, one carrying a cauldron and potion ingredients in her arms, the other with her nose in a book.
A young twenty-something dressed like a Muggle sat at the Longbottoms’ bedside and sobbed, and the Healer trainee on duty watched with sympathetic eyes.
Two glasses of firewhiskey clinked together over a table in the Three Broomsticks.
An old, well-worn Quick Quotes Quill sat in the trash bin, and Emmeline leaned forward, very seriously, asking Hestia to take a leap of faith with her.
“Dumbledore is worth listening to,” she said. “I was in the Order of the Phoenix. Have I ever told you that?”
She hadn’t, but Hestia had guessed.
“He wouldn’t be saying You-Know-Who’s back if he wasn’t. He’s putting the Order together again. We could use a Healer on our side.”
Hestia didn’t remember what she had said. In the dream, she leaned forward and kissed Emmeline, soft and slow, savoring every moment. But in reality, she had probably just nodded and murmured a few words of agreement.
She woke up clinging to the memory of Emmeline’s lips on hers. The other woman’s ghostly kiss lingered long after the fragments of memory and dream had faded.
send me an excerpt of one of my fics, and I'll write you a commentary about it
thanks, @celestemagnoliathewriter!
There's a lot going on here. This is shortly after Emmeline Vance's death, from the POV of Hestia Jones, who she was in a long-term relationship with. Hestia is dreaming here, but the dreams are also memories, flashbacks to when Emmeline was alive.
The fic mainly centers around Hestia's grief, and I feel like the heartbreak wouldn't come across as strongly without a sense of what she lost. Since they're not a canon couple, and both are such minor background characters, that's not something I could lean on canon for. So I used this scene and a few others to show glimpses of their life together. Both the mundane everyday moments and the major turning points.
I have a lot of headcanons for these characters that are hinted at here. This is very much the same Emmeline from Midnight Rain, where her first love was the future Alice Longbottom, so there's a subtle nod to that as well as to her career as a Daily Prophet reporter - which is cut short in 1995 when she refuses to write propaganda discrediting Harry and Dumbledore. Hestia being a Healer is also a headcanon I've used repeatedly. It makes sense to me that some people in the Order would have specialties outside of combat, and the mythological reference in her name - the Greek goddess of the hearth - feels right for someone who works mainly behind the scenes/when the fighting is over.
One aspect of their relationship that I found really interesting to explore is that Emmeline was a member of the original Order of the Phoenix, but as far as we know, Hestia was not. Or at least she's never mentioned to be. I'm imagining that, going through Healer training at the end of the first war, she would definitely have witnessed the effects of it but didn't actively participate in it herself. That's hinted at here with the flashback to Emmeline asking her to join the Order, and also discussed elsewhere in the fic. She's doing what she believes is right, but this is all new for her. So not only is she grieving for Emmeline the way she would even if her death had been accidental or due to natural causes, she's also overwhelmed by the war suddenly becoming very personal in a way that it hadn't been before.
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shazzeaslightnovels · 7 months
Danmachi 19
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Author: Fujino Omori
Illustrator: Suzuhito Yasuda
Label: GA Bunko
Release Date: 14 September 2023
My Score: 4/5
English Release: Yen-press is currently releasing this series in English under the title of Is it Wrong to try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon?.
Note: this edition of volume 19 came with a drama CD that I still haven't had the time to listen to. I'm not the best with just sitting still and listening to something without having anything to stimulate me visually. Hoping to get around to it soon. It seems like it features the Astrea Familia so it should be fun. Maybe I'll write a review of it when I've finished listening to it if it's really good.
This volume starts off with following up on the events of volume 18. We learn what everyone is up to after the war game, with many of the former Freya Familia members now working at the Hostess of Fertility pub. We also get to see a development that I never thought would happen: Lyuu officially joins Hestia Familia. After reuniting with Astrea, she's ready to move on with her life and Hestia Familia is the place where she wants to be. I seriously didn't expect this but it feels like it's been a long time coming. Lyuu being part of the Hestia Familia just feels right. I am disappointed that there were no level ups after last volume though. I really feel like Lili deserved it. I know the level ups are meant to take a long time to happen but Bell levels up far too quickly compared to the rest of the characters.
The main plot of this volume concerns the arrival of the School Grounds*, a ship for students to study all kinds of subjects, including battle. It returns to Orario once every three years and the familia's send a representative there to recruit new members. Thanks to Hermes being up to his old tricks, Bell ends up enrolling in the school under the name Rapi and disguises himself as a rabbit demi-human to get some more experience. There he meets the student Nina Tulle who, along with sharing the same last name, strongly resembles Eina.
It's been a long time since we've had a one volume arc and this is definitely a good breather volume. The new characters were all charming enough, especially Nina, who gets quite a bit of character development and would be a welcome addition to the main cast if she ends up joining it. Aside from being a good breather, this volume also focuses on Bell and it was nice to see just how much Bell has matured since volume 1. Bell's learnt a lot from his experiences and from his friends, and it's nice to see him use those experiences to help the young students. I loved seeing him take on the supporter role in the party, since fighting would surely reveal his true identity. He's able to reflect on what an amazing job Lili does and being a supporter helps him to form strategies for the Hestia Familia as well. Overall, I thought this was a really good follow-up to volume 18 and a perfect way to let the characters breathe before things will surely get hectic soon.
I still have one volume left to read before I've finished the thirteen months of Danmachi releases and that's the new Familia Chronicle volume featuring Lyuu. I'm really looking forward to reading it soon. I've head a lot of fun reading Danamchi this past year. I hope Fujino Omori and the artists are able to get some well deserved rest now. Also, a season 5 for the anime was announced which is very exciting. I hope it gets a similar treatment to season 4 and is a bit longer due to the length of volume 18. I am really excited to hear all of the voice performances for that arc, especially Minori Inase's.
*the wiki calls it the "School District" but as there is no official English release of the volumes where it features yet and I called it the "School Grounds" in my Sword Oratoria 13 review, this is what I'm sticking with for the sake of consistency.
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g0atmama · 11 months
I see the pspsps tag I have to ask, the last ask post for Hestia and Lance :)
pspsps successful!
Who's the cuddler?
Hestia. 100%. Human or dragon form, she will hold Lance tight against her in her sleep. Sorry Lance, you're getting cuddled. (He has gotten used to the feeling of being tugged as he's dozing off.)
Who makes the bed?
Lance, if only because Hestia does not think about it. The bed is just gonna get messed up again. Sometimes though they sleep in the nest in the cave. Lance tries to tidy it up in the morning and she just stares at him. Lance it's a pile of crystals and a charred patch of ground, you don't need to tidy that.
If Hestia did think about it and would make the bed, they would take turns. She just. Doesn't.
Who wakes up first?
Usually Lance, not long before she does. If she's in human form he can get wriggle free of her grip to go make breakfast for her. Which means just grabbing a fish from the fridge. Sometimes frying it. If she's in dragon form, he's stuck. He could use magic to get loose but it's funnier to both of them for him to be trapped.
Who has the weird taste in music?
I'm going to say Hestia, only because her interests in music are all over the damn place. She likes a lot of things and some of it just feels completely out of left field.
Who is more protective?
A dragon is always protective of her most precious treasure. Hestia has to fight back instinct when she joins him on missions in the Badlands so she doesn't just incinerate any monsters that get close.
Who sings in the shower?
I'm saying Lance ONLY BECAUSE. Hestia does not take showers. She bathes in the lake. And dust baths, watch out for the dust getting kicked up. But she does make happy trills and chirps which Lance thinks are super cute.
Who cries during movies?
I don't think they watch movies that often... But probably Hestia. For being a dragon and specifically... Not human, she's very good at empathizing with characters on screen.
Who spends the most while out shopping?
They both spend a lot, Lance on supplies and potions, and Hestia on little trinkets she likes. Sure she can make crystals, but look at this one! It's a malachite egg, that's pretty! She's getting it. Where is she gonna put it? ... Shush. She'll find a place.
Who kisses more roughly?
Hestia is definitely more needy. Affection for humans is different than affection for dragons, and it's harder to give Lance as much as she wants. So she's definitely needier with it. She's also rougher when they're kissing to get down and dirty.
Who is more dominant?
In everyday life, neither of them. They discuss things and go with the flow of life. In bed... They're both switches. Usually Lance though.
My rating of the ship from 1-10
100 i love them so much
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pixelwalnut · 2 years
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Hermes: It’s definitely something I’d like to pursue! Like I said before, anybody would be lucky to have you, and I’m happy to be the lucky person to catch your eye! Quick question- seems off subject, but it’s really not- you know I have a son, right?
Krokos: Uh, yeah? Pan. He’s been to a game or two with your sister, mmm, Hestia, right?
Hermes: That’s… right… I didn’t realize you paid that much attention!
Krokos: Well, I’ve had a crush on you for ages, but you were in a relationship when you joined the team. And then… it just never seemed like the right time, is all.
Hermes: *Chuckles* I’ve been known to be a bit oblivious
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How did Hestia and Tumblebrutus’s romance start? I’m literally so invested (tumble’s a personal favorite) and I can see Val just chuckling and looking at her sister after getting a vision of them together, and just telling her not to worry about it if she asks what she was laughing at <3
Also, what’s everyone’s signature dance move? I’m in a big watercolor mood and would love to draw your jellicles dancing if that’s alright! 💛
So, Hestia and Tumblebrutus met when they were kittens! Alonzo brought his brothers into the Junkyard, and Hestia was the one who managed to get Tumblebrutus out of his shell and really express themselves. They were basically attached at the hip from day one.
Tumblebrutus was the first of the kittens to know that Hestia's bio father was Macavity, mainly because he was there for her first panic attack after her magic manifested for the first time. He, being the absolute sweetheart that he is, just hugged his best friend as tightly as he could, and made sure that she knew that no matter what, she's always be his firecracker, and he'd always be her patches.
they definitely danced around each other as they got older and realized that their feelings for each other were no longer just platonic. it was very much a "i really really love them but their friendship is the most important thing in my life so if i get this wrong i lose them so i'm just not going to say anything and suffer" sort of thing, which 100% drove their families absolutely insane, because everyone could see that the two of them were head over heels for each other.
Tumblebrutus told Hestia his feelings first, took her to their spot in the Junkyard, and stumbled and stammered out a very sweet confession that had Hestia tearing up, and she just hugged him close and whispered that she loved him too, that he was her person, and the two of them walked back into the main stage area holding paws, and Pouncival was the MOST excited and started running around screaming because he knew they'd finally get their heads out of their asses and talk!!
and dance moves for my main four ocs!!!
Hestia 100% takes after her papa and loves doing pirouettes!! think the black swan solo in "swan lake", that's exactly how i imagine she'd perform after taking over the role as main magical cat of the Junkyard!!
Quasi's signature dance move is barrel turns, bc he's dramatic and Like That, and i just think that move fits his energy SO perfectly
Miela's is a pas de chat, which makes me laugh, but it's such a delicate and light move that i think it fits her very well! i can see her dancing with Cori and using that move <3
Jitterbug's is a brisé, mainly because she's a very shy and skittish cat, so she doesn't usually join in at the Ball, but she'll dance with her siblings if they want her to!
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kantah · 2 years
Streamer au ideas
-they play with a bunch of mods, far too many mods installed.
-Cherrie is the one that is characterized by tnt and explosions despite rarely getting any, and tends to be the farmer more
-Hestia is the one that has to protect most of class when there go anywhere in the games
-Irl Hestia and Cherrie among others play games together aside from the main rp
-Rin joins on occasion, but can’t handle half the games so the chat goes crazy over her scared reactions
-Elsa mainly streams comfort games and ends up being a major comfort streamer despite seeming like a discomfort streamer
-Elsa is surprisingly good at Kirby, but tends to play visual novel games with her girlfriend
-Akio played 5d chess with multiverse time travel once and cried on stream, sticks to idol and rhythm games forever afterwards
i know 0 about streamers but y e s
- hestia teabags akio in-game every chance she gets when she kills him
- rin definitely would like,,, just stick to playing the most peaceful of games
- cherrie has an eve arg going on in the background of her streams because yes
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dirkcresswcll · 2 years
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Dirk learned about the Order of the Phoenix when he was sixteen years old. Of course, he didn’t know the name at the time, but The Daily Prophet was delivered to him by owl every day - and, as any muggleborn would agree, war wasn’t just outside the castle when you had non-magical parents. 
It was nothing he went seeking, however. But, just like in his fantasy novels, sometimes fate sought the person anyway. For Dirk, fate came in the form of Hestia Jones. She’d brought something by Runes and More for ol’ Thorn to take a look. Dirk was fresh in his career - only a few months after graduation and he’d finally found a job that would hire him, albeit only for the back of the shoppe.
The rune that Hestia wanted deciphered was a complicated series of symbols on an old block that looked as though it had been blown off something disastrous. Dirk spent three days cracking the code, which warned of what would happen if the pieces were reunited. Without the rest of the object, he couldn’t know for sure - but, when Hestia came to pick it up, he’d been the one to explain what it meant. Unbeknownst to him, Hestia brought it back to the Order of the Phoenix and, as a team, they destroyed it so the Death Eaters would never have the chance to activate the destruction.
Hestia came back again the next day, asking Thorn to speak to the boy in the back. And Dirk, a wide-eyed eighteen year old muggleborn, had been worried he would be fired for talking to the customer the day before. But Hestia just wanted to know how he’d done it. She wanted the process. Dirk told her he had to finish work for the day but, if she wanted, they could meet after. Great! she told him and her voice was cheery. The Flaming Dragon at 7 o’clock!
Dirk had never been inside the pub before and, upon stepping in, thought that maybe he’d never want to again. But he sat with Hestia and they talked for hours. About runology - but also maths and arithmancy. What do you think of the war? she asked suddenly and Dirk had balked before looking her in the eye and giving her a straight answer. It’s all numbers. Whoever has the most with the best strategy will win. I just hope I can stay alive if it turns out to be the wrong side.
And maybe that solidified his fate. Like The Reluctant Hero, Dirk had later accepted Hestia’s proposal to join the Order of the Phoenix when she came asking again only a few weeks later. She’d wanted him for his mind - not his skills on the battlefield which, at the time, Dirk had no idea would be good or not.
He’d joined her and Alastor Moody - Holy shit, the Auror Alastor Moody is in the Order! Dirk thought wildly - in the Strategy Room and the rest was history. He was good at it, too. He looked at planning like a puzzle - approached missions as though he were solving a complicated arithmancy equation. He wasn’t loud and mostly kept his mouth shut until he needed to speak. In the Strategy Room, he held more confidence than most other places in his life. He definitely wouldn’t talk over James Potter and his group if everyone was arguing during the big Order meetings, but with Hestia in Strategy, he’d speak up.
Still, the battlefield called. They needed numbers, just like he said, and he was swept on his first field mission under Mica Talkalot. And he froze. It was nothing serious - Mica had only taken a curse to the arm, but nothing that Evan Rosier couldn’t fix. Dirk had felt stupid and embarrassed, even if Mica had taken him under his wing after that, reassuring him it was fine. He’d do better next time.
And there was a next time, of course. They still needed the numbers. He did better, then. Better and better each time, as he looked at the field in the same way he might’ve a map. He wasn’t very flashy - he held back as often as he moved forward. And he realized that, the reason he never excelled in Defense Against the Dark Arts was because they rarely learned actual defense in school. Despite the name, the Wizarding World valued offense over anything else. 
More often than not, however, Dirk still found himself back in the Strategy Room. There was subtlety in the way people viewed his skills - how, as a muggleborn, that initial mistake was often what stuck in people’s minds whenever they thought of him. Had he come from a more magical background, then perhaps his nerves would’ve been accepted. But, as a muggleborn, he wasn’t afforded that luxury. He needed to do things twice as well to even be viewed as equal. 
Except with Mica. Whenever he was pulled up from Standby Lead, he asked for Dirk on his team. It was as though the wizard could see potential in a place that no one else was able to. But then Mica died. Dirk hadn’t been there, but it was the first person he’d ever had to help bury. After that, he retreated and Hestia opened her arms to the Strategy Room and, there, it felt safe. He knew numbers and puzzles and maps - and maybe he could help make sure there were no more Micas. And, if no one else could recognize his skills whenever he did go out on the field, well... that was no surprise. Just the plight of the muggleborn - and there weren’t very many of them to fight against their situation anyway.
It was all numbers, after all.
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neolympus · 1 month
I’m not sure if this has already been asked, but what’s the pulse on passive powers? Not wholly positive or negative, but not something that the demigod needs to think about to use it.
For example, a neolympian of Zeus having a commanding presence? Of Hades having a creepy presence lol jk jk or like a neolympian of Hestia having a calming presence?
Ik in the faqs, the champions /want/ to fight for their mentors, but are we allowed to play within a realm of gray for that? Or a realm of gray about whether powers toe the line between an ability and a curse?
hi! this is actually such a good question. because we wanted to bring a dungeons and dragons element to the group, a lot of these passive abilities will be determined by something we're calling modifiers, which members will learn about once they join the server. basically, muses will naturally be more or less skillful at certain abilities depending on their god mentor, and this will greatly influence whether certain actions taken during events have a higher or lower chance of being successful. it's probably confusing now, especially if you don't know how dnd works, but i swear everything is explained super well in the server and will make sense once you have the full context of how things will work. i would say, when picking powers/abilities in the app, choose something more akin to an actual superpower unique to your muse. to answer your other question, you're definitely free to choose whether your muse actually likes their god mentor, gets along with them, resents them, etc. even though there's still an intrinsic bond between them, it doesn't necessarily mean they have to like each other! and i think it'd be super interesting to see a muse who may feel as though their powers are more of an inconvenience/detriment to them, rather than a gift.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Immortal Nico pt.2 - Relationships
Immortal, Self-love Nico pt.1
Powers Modification
I suppose with everything Nico has gone through along with his immortality in this AU, there’d be some significant changes in his relationships.
- The gods: tbh even in canon i think Nico di Angelo is the one closest to Gods due to his proximity to godly entities (namely: Hades, obvsly) and magical creatures.
With his Underworld family, Nico is much more involved (since now it’s his home - where to return too - anw).
Hades is still learning the definition of a normal dad, tho Nico does appreciate his efforts. (Yes he has a luxury corner in the castle yes he’s the prince.) Persephone tolerates him just fine. Nico is respectful and she enjoys it enough to not turn him into any flower.
Zagreus & Makaria adore him. Zagreus teachs him how to utilize his abilities and drags him around to explore the surface when they have the chance, Makaria welcomes him in dinners and acts like a loving sister, stopping Malinoe when the other sister intentionally pisses off Nico.
With the Olympians, Nico works with them occasionally. Rarely with Zeus, Hera and Poseidon tho bc 1/ that’s for Hades to deal 2/ Nico doesn’t want too 3/ Zagreus hates his precious little brother coming near those arrogant ppl. The others are tolerable. Hermes talks business.
The Underworld creatures can’t hurt him btw.
- Camp Half-blood: Nico mainly visits when he has business, otherwise it’s to visit Aunt Hestia (she technically adopts him anw) or simply greet Chiron, Coach Hedge and sometimes Dionysus. Overall, he doesn’t have any personal reason to visit CHB and rarely talks with the campers, only doing that if there’re quests involved.
Since Nico receives immortality right after the fight with Gaea and moves on with his own way, his impression of Camp Half-blood only remains as sour and lonely. Nico technically isn’t quite fond of it. Yet, as he found a way to move on and free from the haunting past, he doesn’t have any problem seeing it, just not think of it as somewhere to come visit. Camp Half-blood to him is just a place, no more, no less.
Consequently, Nico becomes one of those myths, or legends (in urban legends) - those mysterious and powerful beings people hear about but rarely see and only believe in once it happens in front of their very eyes.
- Camp Jupiter: Nico shows up often since he has to check up Hazel and Reyna and attends meetings as the official Ambassador of Pluto/ Hades. As always, the Lars fear him and Romans respect him. When Reyna, Frank and Haz retires and leaves CJ, he still holds his position and watches as the demigod generations, new preators and augurs govern the Camp, delivering advices, sometimes from Reyna & Frank, sometimes from himself.
- Reyna: Immortal sisters, really. It strengthens their bond even more and the two still have each other when everyone pass on.
Nico keeps tab on Reyna the same way he does with Hazel, just not as frequently. After Reyna joins the Hunters, Nico would take time to pay her a visit when they are near, IM her frequently to update on the others and Camp Jupiter as well.
Okay this should do it now. The Seven will be on air later (my fav part really).
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godsofhumanity · 2 years
⚝──⭒─ 30 DAY HC’S | DEMETER ─⭒──⚝
DEMETER | lightly tanned skin. long, brown-blonde hair tied into a thick braid that comes down to her waist. smaller plaits wrap around the larger braid, and small flowers adorn her hair. green eyes. very tall, and an athletic physique.
i hc Demeter to be a reserved person. i think that for the most part, she usually stays quiet and simply observes the way things play out, however, if she has something snappy to say, she won't hold back.
i think she's got a razor sharp tongue, and she's got a lot of wit,, so most people know not to mess with her.
also, i think that Demeter is very similar to Rhea in appearance,, she looks the most like Rhea from the siblings.
since Demeter is the goddess of the harvest, i like the idea of her living on some sort of farm-looking area in Olympus, and i think she stays there far away from the other gods because she doesn't really get along with them.
in particular, i think she clashes with Poseidon a lot, and then Zeus next, so she likes to stay on her farm out of the chaos of Olympus.
on her farm, i think she has lots of nymphs and minor deities who help her out... also, because she works on a farm, i like the idea that she's got really good muscle strength-- i think she could win against Poseidon in a fist fight >:)
that's not to say however that Demeter hates everyone in Olympus- i've always liked the idea that she got on well with Prometheus. i think they worked together a lot when Prometheus started creating humanity. Helios, too, i think would have been a good friend of Demeter's. and Hecate was 100% sort of like a niece to her.
out of the 6 children of Rhea, Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and Hera are married, while Hestia chooses to remain a virgin,, but there's no such description of Demeter- she's not married, nor is she interested in taking some sort of vow.
i think that the reason for this is that Demeter has her own personal trust issues.. and given the records of most of the gods in Olympus, she just doesn't want to go through what Hera and many other goddesses go through.. but, at the same time, she does have an open heart, and there's many gods whom she's loved.
in particular, i like the idea of Iasion being her most beloved-- there are lots of different versions about Iasion's death,, some say Zeus killed him out of jealousy for Demeter loving him, and others say that Iasion simply died of old age.. but i like the idea that maybe he was granted immortality and youth and joined the ranks of the gods as Demeter's husband...
i think it would have happened after Hades and Persephone, but i definitely think that when Demeter met Iasion at Cadmus and Harmonia's wedding,, she loved him deeply, and would have been extremely reluctant to let him fall victim to death..
i hc Iasion to be extremely gentle and patient. i think that Demeter can be hot-headed sometimes, and quick-tempered, and i think that Iasion balances that anger of hers out. i can picture him standing by her side and supporting her in all things..
even better, i don't think that Iasion has a green-thumb or anything like that- i like the idea of him being totally clueless about farming and stuff, so Demeter has to teach him.
now,, onto the most talked about myth ever.. what happened with Hades and Persephone.
first of all, i don't think that Demeter was a helicopter mum. in my interpretation, i think that Demeter chose to raise Persephone away from Olympus because of gods like Zeus, Poseidon, and Apollo, and she didn't want her daughter to grow up and be abused or used and have her heartbroken.
furthermore, i think that out of love for her sister Hera, who already has to live with the presence of Zeus' bastard children roaming around Olympus right under her nose, Demeter doesn't want to have yet another child there to remind Hera of Zeus' unfaithfulness, so she has Persephone live away from Olympus. and i think that Zeus agrees to this, and even gives Demeter his blessings for it.
however, Demeter knows that Persephone won't be a child forever, and so, when she's slightly older, Demeter herself takes Persephone to Olympus to meet her siblings and the other gods.. but,, she could never have planned for Hades meeting Persephone and falling in love with her.
so when Hades and Zeus conspire behind her back, she understandably gets pissed about it, and unleashes a hellacious winter as revenge.
however, eventually, i think she comes to terms with Persephone making her own decisions and wishing to remain in the Underworld.
i've seen a lot of people say that Demeter would hate Hades-- i think she definitely would have at first,, especially because i think that Hades and Demeter had the best relationship from all the siblings prior to the incident-- but, after some time, she sees how happy Persephone is, and i think her heart warms up to Hades again.
it's helpful that Hades is faithful and more than devoted to Persephone too :)
another thing that i just want to quickly say, is that in the myths, Demeter has a son, a horse, by Poseidon called Arion. and i picture Arion as being a beautiful, black stallion. i don't think that Arion can talk, but i think he can communicate through his mind. i also don't think that Demeter has ever loved Arion any less than Persephone,, and i like the idea of a little Persephone and Arion as a foal playing together in Demeter's wheat fields <3
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midnightstargazer · 7 months
Spoilers for the new chapter of my fanfic Reborn from the Ashes.
Hope nobody was too attached to Talia Travers.
I'm not a big fan of the "forced to join the Death Eaters" trope. Generally, it's used to absolve characters who canonically are Death Eaters of responsibility or guilt, which in my opinion makes the story less interesting.
I went that route a little bit with Theodore Nott in one of my fics, and I implied in another one that Hestia Carrow did something unpleasant to her left arm in a desperate attempt to make sure the Dark Mark wouldn't end up there. But in general, I tend to assume Death Eater characters became Death Eaters voluntarily.
Which is relevant for this series because it's very Regulus-centric, and at this point it's ex-Death Eater Regulus who's evolved into a pretty decent person over the years. But even now, when he's helped destroy two Horcruxes, given tons of information to the Order, and is on good terms with Sirius and Andromeda, there's that aspect to his backstory where he did willingly join the Death Eaters and did horrible things for them.
And then there's Talia Travers. She's his student now that he's teaching at Hogwarts, so he feels a sense of duty to look out for her. He remembers her as a child whose early years at Hogwarts overlapped with his later ones. Her dad's a Death Eater, but she shows him her arm, no Dark Mark. Claims that her father was trying to force her to join and that she's relieved the war ended when and how it did.
A pure-blood Slytherin who's not a Death Eater, who he remembers as an innocent kid. She's exactly the sort of person he'd be inclined to feel sympathetic towards.
He wants to believe her.
He does believe her.
Reg, sweetheart, I don't know how to break this to you, but you just might be the world's most gullible Slytherin.
In all honesty, though, she had to be lying. She had to be loyal to Voldemort. She had to be trying to figure out if there was a way to bring him back.
For the same reason the Death Eaters Regulus liked best when he was on their side all either died during the war or ended up in Azkaban, and with one exception never regretted the side they chose.
Because whether or not Regulus Black likes you is not an indicator of morality or redemption arc potential, and it wouldn't be very realistic if it was. Not to mention, it would be far too easy if changing sides didn't mean ending up on the opposite side from people he used to like/respect/care about.
Because I tend to think redemption arcs are stronger when they're juxtaposed with other characters who really are just bad people and aren't interested in changing.
Because the general direction the series is heading in is all about changing the trajectories of Slytherin House and the Black family, but that doesn't mean every individual character is going to be cool with that.
And because Regulus is a flawed person and not always a great judge of character. Even several years after leaving the Death Eaters, he's still not. Yes, this is a super self-indulgent story that is definitely headed towards a happier ending for a lot of characters than what actually happened in canon. But it can't just be Regulus having all the answers and easily putting everything right. He's got to be wrong about some things, and trusting Talia Travers is one of those.
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