#Hey moots
renriiren · 2 months
i love my moots so much
i always check their blogs before i leave for school and they always make me smile when they come with new art :DDD
literally my fuel for the entire 14 hours i'm at school for (imagine being a drama kid, could NEVER be me)
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heavenly-garden · 3 months
Hello my friends, how's it going, hope you're doing alright. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We had a ham tonight for dinner with scalloped potatoes and made a homemade cheese cake for desert. I'm looking forward to eating it. In any case happy Easter and all that good stuff. He is risen. Have a good night and a fantastic week my darlings. 🥰❤ sending out flower bouquets to my moots. If I could I would lol just image hydrangea or lily bouquets and you got it. Lol.
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powerlineangel · 6 months
Im lurking and im stalking and staring at nsfw posts rn
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deathzy · 11 months
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This is for my mutuals lol, any fandom is ok
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miku-meeku · 3 months
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a lot of ppl in my country are suddenly making dol merch for comifuro convention wtf i didnt expect there to be a lot of dol merches bro im poor, i cant afford every single whitneys i see pls
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iero · 1 year
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Frank Iero in Koyo’s “You're On The List (Minus One)” music video
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alicecoopersbush · 6 months
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this movie was mid but goddamn
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idiot-mushroom · 2 months
The HEA guys loving and caring for the TTNM boys (including Leo and Donnie even if they are stupid little idiot babies (affectionate)) >>>>> (I have been thinking about them at work all day AUGH)
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oops my hand slipped-
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800-dick-pics · 2 years
Yeah....so we have to move again.
My partner and I are both in a physically unsafe situation but before i even get into the very long why my partner and I have to move again, and the violence we have endured in this place, imma just put our pay links bc this is actually very urgent.
Cashapp: $sleepyhen or $grumblybear
Venmo: wildwotko or XochiRose
TW: Anti Black Violence/Misogynoir, Sexual Harassment, Ableism, Threats of Violence, C@rt*l Violence.
(I ask you to please not trigger tag this so our post doesnt get hidden by an algorythm)
If you follow me and even if you dont you may have seen my donation posts about leaving my abusers house, and I am very greatful for that help but it seems that we have gone from one bad situation to a worse one.
Due to our housing situation with my toxic parent, my partners parents offered up their village home for us to live in, them acting as landlords.
In late Jan we moved to my partners home village, My partners family is all from here and the house we are currently leaving is under construction. We initially stayed at a different family members home, due to the unfinished remodeling. My partner and I were staying with a family member who is affiliated with the c@rt*l and we had no choice about this. Durring the 5 days out of the 3 weeks we were susposed to stay, I was sexually harassed, objectified and called anti black slurs, both of us were screamed and belittle for being disabled, we were threatened with physical violence from basically c@rt*l paid off police, among many other things that ended up having us having to barricade ourselves inside the room we were staying in. That night that happened we basically had to take all of our bags and go to the house under construction because we felt so unsafe.
Once we were here in the house we are currently planned to leave from, We tried to settle in for the night but still feared for the violence their family member threatened. The next morning we has realized that this house was WAYYY more under construction than our landlords (my partners parents) had made it out to seem. We were very uncomfortable and exposed with no windows, doors, limited power and no gas for cooking. My partner explained these problems to their family and they werent taken seriously because "atleast we werent on the street or dead". As dismissive as they were we tried to make lemonade out of lemons and have this house become our home.
Things were fine for a few weeks, but the house was still barely liveable, and we had expressed frustration by this but were understanding. My partners parents made it seem like they didnt have enough funds to finish some aspects of the house so I stupidly gave them $$$ from our own food/bill money to help install windows. It took another month for that to happen, and after the window bases without glass were installed we were told by my partners father that he was coming in a week to this house.
We were confused and stressed because they made it sound like they dont have enough funds but book a same week ticket? We got the house clean and mostly void of construction materials, and the first thing out of my partners fathers mouth was straight up belittling my partners ability and arguing that we dont deserve a house we cant clean.
Over the course of the 10 days my partners father was here they were verbally and physically abused and had felt like they had to endure for the affordable housing. Their father was also being very anti black and abusive to me, expecting me to basically be a "woman in their place", which did not sit with me, and on one of the last days he was here my partner and him were arguing because he was trying to talk shit about me but in spanish to skirt around me from understanding.
But i understand more spanish than he knew and i confronted him and said "Sir if you have anything to say about or to me you can say it to my face, and you are not my father or my grandfather, you do not and cannot control me, I am not going to have a man tell me what i can and cannot do, what i can and cannot say and how i can and cannot act" And he was taken aback that a black "woman" put him in his place, so not only does he flip out he basically tells my partner that they need to control me better and left. The day before he leaves he makes an excuse to get something from our room and he decides to go through my purse and steal my copy of the house keys out of spite. There is quite a bunch more smaller things that I could talk about but what is most important is what has been happening this past two months In early July durring the height of the rainy season here, there were intense rain/thunder storms that exposed a leaking roof and structural issues to us. Our ceiling began to crack and leak, the stone base around the old windows were crumbling. My partner told their parents about this, and how the structural issues should be the newest focus for the construction, they were told "Not everthing can be done when you want it to" and they basically ignored the problem
In late July we were giving a very vauge "men are gonna come paint the house" with no more detail, and later were called to be told painters would be here on the last sunday of July, we waited and they never came.
Then Tuesday August 2nd my partners cousin (the contractor working on the house) showed up with their family cleaning lady, and It was odd for us but she cleaned the house and whilst leaving we were told "oh your (my partners) parents said that this house has to be perfectly clean and the painters could either come later today or tomorrow". After he left my partner called their parents asking not only why are they not telling us whats going on with the house but also why are they going to paint over structural damnage, they initially took it ok and agreed to halt the painting until the house was structurally sound.
The next day my partner had a telehealth therapy appt and I had a digital lecture for school, and before either of us were able to do those things my partners cousin and the same cleaning lady came back without warning. They basically tell us that theyre cleaning to paint the house, and contradicting what my partners parents agreed too the night before. On the phone with their parents my partner tried to get them to see how paint is unimportant to the house and for them to care about the structural issues but they didnt care and blamed both of us for "not wanting things to be done". Also that day the painters did not come, so at this point we are being given vauge times for these workers to come over and we ask to be kept in the loop, and given a proper date and time for these things so we can be out of the house. They also refused this request.
Thursday they come again in the morning to prep for these mystery painters, and when the contractor and cleaning lady leave we have only 3 hours of peace to ourselves when my partners cousin comes back with a strange dude. They tell us that they are here to rip up all the plants in the yard, and I explain that its fine to pull the plants around the house but not in the back which is my garden. When they were done pulling plants around the house they tried to "help" me by pulling up the plants in my garden. Both my partner and I explained that growing plants and tending to them is very important to me, and that im more than capable of doing the "weed pulling" by myself. My partners cousin agreed a then left, but later that night he called my partner telling a different story. A translated/shortened version of what was
said "Im not just mad im fucking pissed that a (black) woman told me what to do and how to do my job, Youre (my partner) the man of the house (theyre not a man) you need to do better at controlling them, because this isnt their place to be making choices about the house"
At this point we are both highly considering leaving because of the horrible treatment of me and my partner, We try to calm down and sit with our feelings to see if we can work things out here but we decide that If we cant get their parents/family to respect us and esp me then we cant stay. Friday the 5th is fine for the start of the day and we are left alone until late afternoon. We get a call from my partners cousin who tells u that at 5 the painters are going to be there. We move the couches and large home pieces and wait for them for over an hour, and when they come back over my partner sees that they did not come over with paint and the painting supplies but gardening tools to rip up my garden.
At this point i am LIVID because not only did he lie to us he did this all out of spite for me being an "out of control woman who needs to be put in their place". I start screaming and calling him a liar because he lied to us. When he is in the yard where we cant see he cuts HALF OF OUR HOMES POWER which powers the AC which i NEED to control my POTS in the subtropics. Again he did this to get back at me knowing i would suffer because of this. After he leaves we basically agree that we will not be staying here because of all the abuse and violence both of us have gone through. I personally feel safer with my black abusive parent than staying where we are now, I now had to reconnect back and talk to my family again and ask for a place to stay again. Thankfully we wont be on the street but we are going right back to my abusers home. I am still mentally numb from this but It quiet frankly physically safer than staying around my partners very violent anti black family.
Durring the time right after that series of events we start planning our leave, get some help from a close family member so we can fly back, and start re-packing basically everything we own. We disconnect the home phone, we dont open the door and we are very frim with everyone telling my partners various family members that until we are gone this house is not gonna be available to be worked on because we have to pack. They continually fight this almost everyday since we have told them. They keep telling us that we cant just not let the workers in, and we explained that we will be doing that so we have enough time and space to pack literally everything we own.
Yesterday our landlords, my partners abusive parents sent their cousin to BREAK IN to our house and threaten us, because we werent letting workers in. Again they sent someone to break in our house because we had boundaries and needed to pack. We were both hella shocked that they would go to such lengths to manipulate n scare us into doing what they want. After my partner confronted their cousin who literally just broke in, they argued and he eventually left, so after he left i had to barricade the door/gate and use 12 gauge wire to wrap around the locks so even if theyre broken open they cant be moved. Quite frankly im very triggered because this is not the 1st time ive experienced people breaking into my space to be violent and threaten me. My partner and I are/were still in shock and later that night, their mother gets my partners oldest very physically and verbally abusive brother to threaten them.
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The blacked out name is their second oldest brother who is a cop, They are threatening to basically come to this house and beat my partner which they have a history of doing.
My partners family has been abusive, violent, anti black, and with the recent escalation we are pretty scared for our safety. We had to sleep in turns last night because the paranoia of them breaking back in to hurt us was so great. We are planned to leave late on the 25th which leaves us one more week to endure.
This is only the highlights of the horrible shit we had to endure here, because we know my partners family can and will do anything to hurt us, I will be sharing the legal names of the several different people who have threatened violence against me and my partner to close friends/family if we go "missing". I genuinely hope yall understand why we need to leave and get funds for re-re-starting our lives. I genuinely ask you not to dm me questions abt this because I am rather traumatized and paranoid at this time.
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tootditoot · 9 days
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Remember to feed your hatchlings well, folks!
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thesketchystar · 21 days
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Illustrated a scene from Chapter 9 of @binarybitex's fic Cardboard Castles. PLEASE give it a read- it's my personal favorite maxvid fic! ^^
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loiteringandlurking · 7 months
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Davey trying to sell newspapers
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merlyn-bane · 8 months
*emerges several hours later covered in blood*
@meebles!! Mia Mia Mia!! I have made you a gift
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you're so right about butch4butch wlw codywan! i wanted to make Cody a little dirtier but the perspective made it a little weird trying to figure out where to put ink spotches :(
(peep the greasy handprint on Cody's ass tho 😌😌)
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wooly-nooly · 15 days
Guys i just learned about this type of mantis and i cant believe i didnt knkw about it sooner, LOOK HOW PRETTY!!!
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Will be learning to draw ASAP
New favorite bug alert??
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nebuladreamz · 1 year
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coquelicoq · 2 years
it makes sense that ART password-protected its backup copy of itself using the name it calls murderbot, but it is batshit bananapants that murderbot actually tried said name as a password. and yes there were like five totally rational reasons for murderbot to make that guess, but in another sense murderbot sat there and went hmm i wonder if ART compressed itself into this extremely vulnerable code bundle which it then protected with my name. just my name, just the name it calls me. i wonder if ART made it so that the "local feed address hardcoded into the interfaces laced through my brain" (verbatim page 130, babey!) is the key that would allow me and only me to either resurrect or utterly destroy it. i wonder if ART chose to hide itself in such a way that it could only be found by the invocation of the name by which it calls me. and then instead of going haha no that's batshit bananapants, murderbot tried it. and it was right! the trust, the intimacy, the compatibility...but most of all, the ability to imagine oneself as important to someone! bat! shit! banana! pants!!!
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