badasserywomen · 1 year
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Sonja time
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herpsandbirds · 5 months
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Conehead Mantis (Empusa pennata), family Empusidae, Portugal
photograph by Frank Vassen 
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weirdlookindog · 4 months
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Carl Schmidt-Helmbrechts (1871/72-1936) - Empusa, 1894
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humansbgone · 15 days
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All right, first update for episode ten! Double digits!!! Took a break last week, as you probably noticed. (Well, mostly a break.) I'm happy to say that the script for this episode is complete! Not only that, but the storyboard is very close to done!!! Here we see some concept art of the characters we'll be seeing in the new episode! It's pretty old art, as you can tell by the fact that there's some yellow used in it. Apart from that, though, I shouldn't be drifting far from these designs. Man, you would *not* believe how long I've been eagerly waiting to finally show these characters!! I'll be taking a few more break weeks over the course of working on this episode, in order to visit different family members. Taking that into consideration, this episode will probably take 4-5 months to complete. However, it should be done in time for the new year! I'll aim to finish the storyboard over the weekend. Next week, I'll record all the voices and set up the animatic, then ship that off to DDX.exe so she can get started on music, and SinclaireDeLune so she can get started on backgrounds. Then, break week to visit family. After that, a whooole lot of work on character models, which should take about two weeks. Staging should take another two weeks. Another two break weeks to visit more family. When I get back, background work, which hopefully shouldn't take much more than a week. Then, a month of animation (or less, with Bruzzy's help!), a week for Gregorsa's stuff, and we're done!!! Can't wait to complete and share this one. Until next time!
Assistant links:
DDX.exe: https://ddxexe.bandcamp.com/
SinclaireDeLune: https://www.instagram.com/sinclairedelune
Bruzzy: https://www.tumblr.com/dabruzzy
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C. H. Schmidt-Helmbrechts - Empusa, 1896.
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naidleen · 3 months
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Devil May Cry 5 (2019)
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wooly-nooly · 4 months
Guys i just learned about this type of mantis and i cant believe i didnt knkw about it sooner, LOOK HOW PRETTY!!!
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Will be learning to draw ASAP
New favorite bug alert??
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giulliadella · 2 months
Day 36 of posting cute creatures we found on our field trip:
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Mantises of the genus Empusa are weird. Called flower mantises and twig mantises, they look almost exactly like the plants that they hang out on. Like all mantises, they are ambush predators and have unusual mating behavior. Here are more pics!
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demideific · 2 years
I see people saying that they believe Will and Nico will run into a group of empousa in the new book and be immune to their charm, which I don't personally believe that's exactly how it would go down, but in theory it's hilarious!
Picture those ladies still in their human form just visibly stunned, ABSOLUTELY taken back that their charmspeak didn't work, like 'Well, that's a new one.' or 'Who the fuck are these kids??'
Will would probably end up saying something stupid like, "Ha, not so tough now" just for the ladies to take that as a challenge and shift into their true fire-haired talon-having form. Visibly pissed, looking even more so with the fire hair and hissing tongues. It would definitely be Wills turn to be stunned because I'd like to believe he's never seen an empousai before and he's just realizing how bad this could go. Also even more so due to him most definitely making it worse by taunting the hellish snake ladies.
Nico "if looks could kill" di Angelo is not amused with his ironically not-so-bright boyfriend and elbows his arm hard before raising his sword again for battle.
"A minor set back, suppose we'll just have to kill you the hard way."
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badasserywomen · 1 year
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Best not to upset the wife or she'll go dragon
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herpsandbirds · 5 months
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Conehead Mantis (Empusa pennata), family Empusidae, Spain
photograph by Marta Albareda (@malbafont_macrophotography)
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mitosenespanol · 3 months
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En la antigua Palestina se creía en Lilith, considerada la primera mujer del mundo, que posteriormente cayó al abismo al abandonar a su esposo Adán y el Edén, y se convirtió en personificación del mal y la lujuria. Dicha figura fue retomada por otras culturas, incluyendo la griega.
En el mundo griego, su equivalente era Hécate, diosa del mundo subterráneo. Así como las hijas de Lilith eran las Lilim, las de Hécate eran las empusas: se decía que tenían ancas de asno y sandalias de latón, igual que su madre —las sandalias doradas eran de Afrodita—. A pesar de su feo aspecto, tenían la capacidad de transformarse en perras, vacas o hermosas doncellas. Es en esta última forma cuando buscaban hombres jóvenes y débiles de espíritu para seducirlos y consumir su fuerza vital.
Filóstrato de Atenas escribió una anécdota sobre un joven llamado Menipo que se enamoró de una empusa. Este joven era discípulo de Apolonio de Tiana y, durante una estancia en Corinto, se enamoró de una hermosa mujer que decía venir de Fenicia. Para suerte (o desgracia) de Menipo, la mujer confesó amarlo también, así que yacieron juntos múltiples noches, a expensar de Filóstrato, que desaprobaba aquel romance.
Menipo decidió desposar a la mujer. Juntos organizaron un gran banquete en el que ella se encargó de preparar suculentos alimentos y decorar con hermosas y aromáticas flores. En cuanto Filóstrato vio a la pareja abrazándose y besándose, acusó a la mujer de ser una empusa con estas palabras:
"Tú, al que las mujeres persiguen, abrazas a una serpiente, y ella a ti."
Después de estas palabras acusadoras, las flores y la deliciosa comida se desvanecieron, todo desaparecía poco a poco frente a la mirada atónita de los invitados y el mismo Menipo. Un asqueroso hedor inundó el ambiente, y quien fuera una bella y seductora mujer, pronto se convirtió en una horrible serpiente con cabeza humana. Confesándo que era una empusa que deseaba consumir la fuerza vital de Menipo, huyó a toda velocidad dejando a los invitados asutados y al novio desconcertado.
Filóstrato creyó a ver salvado al muchacho, pero a los pocos meses este murió de amor.
Créditos de la imagen
Lee mitos japoneses aquí.
Lee mitos coreanos aquí.
Conoce la magia seductora de los símbolos del Tarot aquí.
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humansbgone · 9 days
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The storyboard is complete! Not only that, but all voices have been recorded and cleaned! On top of that, the animatic is also done!!! It's been shipped off to DDX.exe and SinclaireDeLune, and they're already hard at work on music and backgrounds!
Here, we see Sophodra and another nymph interacting with Empusa, an older mantis.
I'll be spending the weekend cleaning and taking care of other little things. After that, I'll be visiting with family for a week.
The week after, work resumes with lots and lots of character modeling. Together with rough background setup, that'll take about 3 weeks. Then, it'll be time to get going on staging! Hopefully, only two weeks for that. After that, more background work, which should only be another week. Maybe another month for animation, and a week after that for Gregorsa's stuff and sound effects. At some point in there, there will be a two-week break for visiting other family. Then, we're done!! A January release is probably most realistic. Well, until next time!
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monstersoffilgaia · 2 months
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kanonbreakerz · 2 years
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Empusa Mireia 🥀
Credits: @plazasims, @saruin, @natalia-auditore, @shandir, @grimguide, @remussirion, @atomiclight, @simbience, @oydis, @ksksimskreator, @nell-le, @helgatisha, @elliemaysims
Thanks to all creators for the awesome CC and poses 💜
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