athletic-collection · 11 months
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Masen Hibbeler
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rheingoldweg12a · 1 year
Ich sag, wie’s ist. Für einen Tatort aus Münster, der mich wieder so ins Hibbeln bringt, wie einst Rhythm & Love es tat, würde ich eine ganze Menge geben...z.B. einen ganz kleinen Teil meiner erbärmlich abhängigen Seele.  
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manto-m8 · 2 years
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this thing is probably gonna make me cry, just look at it
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comparativeoracle · 1 year
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Tether. Art by ​Eric Hibbeler, from The Oracle of Play (The Alleyway Oracles).
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faunusrights · 11 months
murphy's guide to uuuuuh writing objects/places/locations and things (because two whole people asked)
greetings. this guide may or may not help you, as is true of all guides and advice and tips and tricks. but it helped me, and since i'm the protagonist of this blog this is my definitive guide. it shrimply may not be yours. mileage may vary. that said, allow me to give you said advice in the hopes that it does, in fact, aid you,
so when i was a tiny tater tot you know what i hated writing? descriptions. a lot of people really hate it and so did i, because descriptions were just these big blocks of text that got in the way of the FUN STUFF. you know; the plot! the dialogue! the characters! and i see a lot of writers who, to this day, find themselves writing reams and reams of dialogue with no way of knowing where characters are or what they're doing/holding/interacting with, and even if they do explain, it tends to be a few lines like 'they're in the living room' or 'they're sitting on a chair' like we're directing a film.
[INT. CAFE] they are sitting in some chairs by a table. i'll let the props department decide what kind.
the reality is, you are trying to weave a world in which your reader can step into, and a big part of that is writing the uh. the world. and a few years ago i had a revelation that made writing scenes and descriptions so much fun that it's honestly now my favourite part of writing, and a huge part of this realisation comes from my work as a visual artist. so, i'm going to explain The Box.
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now, i want to stress that The Box was not my creation. rather, that honour goes to eric hibbeler and his tutorial eric's thoughts on drawing backgrounds and props, which i'll add a link to in a reblog/reply so tumblr doesn't cast this post into the shadow realm (thanks, tumblr!) but the guide he made also applies to writing with just a bit of tweaking, and i'm gonna explain how.
this cardboard box is just a cardboard box, and it's likely the sort of box you're imagining if i say the words a cardboard box. it's nondescript and pretty generic, and in a scene that calls for a cardboard box, it'll do the job! when we write, describing stuff like the chair or the window or the carpet is vague enough that the reader will, usually, just fill in the visual gap with what their interpretation of the chair or the window or the carpet is. for all you know, their mental image of the scene uses the carpet from the shining! but the thing is, YOU, the writer, may have a WILDLY different vision on the carpet (or chair/window/box etc.) and that's where you need to step in and get SPECIFIC about details.
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here is a different take on the same box. we've gotten much more specific about the box's history here; it's been used in a move or for storage at some point, it's been kicked around, taped up, taped down, put a in puddle at one point, had a cat give it a few scratches... it's not that many changes, not really, but the box has--say it with me--character.
character, by definition, means the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing. what some writers tend to do, however, is forget this word applies just as much to inanimate objects as it does to the people in their stories. we give characters a lot of, well... character, and forget entirely about the things around them having just as (much if not more) to define them.
in essence, what changed my approach to writing places and locations and backgrounds was the realisation was these are also characters in my scene, with just as much contribution to the plot and the information being provided as any individual person in the same instance. it was only when i realised how important adding such character in visual art was that i realised the same applied to writing!
let's take, for instance, a bedroom in which two characters are holding a conversation. you may be tempted to keep your details sparse except for things that are directly plot relevant because you want to get on with the good bits, i.e. the talk itself, but what you can use the bedroom for is to tell information about the owner or resident without having to outline it in exposition. this is where getting good at giving character to spaces becomes very powerful as a tool.
Velvet's bedroom wasn't much to look at; a double-bed, a desk to edit her photos at, and a few pictures of her family and friends on the walls. Still, she sits down on her bed and invites Blake to do the same.
In this instance, a reader gets the general gist of the location--it's a bedroom with bedroom-typical things in it--but the room lacks any characters or specificity, which sticks out for narrative reasons because velvet is full of character; her bedroom would be the same! so, we have to build on what her bedroom would actually be like in order to build its character and define velvet without directly saying what she's like as a person:
Velvet's bedroom was in disarray, as ever; she hadn't made her bed because she wasn't really expecting guests, and her desk was littered with all her photography gear from SD cards to lenses to all her cleaning supplies. A few last-ditch attempts to make the place look a little more organised took the form of straightening out all her framed pictures of her family and friends that took up all the wall space she could spare, dusting off her big pride flag over her bed before she plopped herself down, straightening out her duvet before inviting Blake to sit next to her with a smile.
now, the bedroom has prominence as its own source of information: we understand that velvet isn't really a tidy person by nature; photography is a big enough part of her life to dominate her personal space; her family and her friends are important to her; her identity is also a large component of her personality; she likes to try and give her guests a better impression even if it's half-assed. and we covered all that without velvet actually having to say any of that information out loud! wow!
normally, of course, i'd lace that information in a little more subtly and over a few paragraphs rather than in one big dump, but the effect is the same; when a space has character, you can treat it as a character that has just as much importance to a scene as the dialogue or the interactions two people have.
this concept can be applied to a single prop, like a box or a camera or a desk or the like, and can also be applied to a much bigger location, like a park or a school or a house or more. the idea is that often, things are never just in their generic form, but have history that impacts the way it looks or defines the person or people who interact with it.
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you wouldn't write these two playgrounds in exactly the same way; they both have a swing, a slide, a bench, a sign, and a tree... but depending on how you write it, one has a kind of character for a setting, narrative, or larger location that's way different to the other! this ends up defining your wider world, too; maybe one playground is nice and new because the council got the funding they asked for, but the other is in an area known for having little investment? in the end, were these two parks humanised, they'd likely be people with very different personalities; that's the sort of approach you should have!
the TL;DR of this whole thing is that description is not the part where you start listing off items in the room or the building or the location just so your reader has a vague idea of where they are, but an opportunity to turn that space into a person who has a whole bunch to say about the people who are frequently present. you can even see this in action by writing the differences between, say, your bedroom and the bedroom of your sibling/parent/friend; chances are, they're VERY different spaces that represent two very different people! this is also true of a kitchen, your home, your school, your campus, or your workplace; the office of someone who works in IT won't look like the office of someone who works in accounting, even if they share a lot of qualities and items.
ultimately, think of the humble Box; sure, a regular cardboard box might suffice to give the reader an idea of what's in a scene, but when we give that Box a personality of its own, suddenly that Box has a lot to say about the person who owns it--and not all of them may be good!
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trickricksblog08 · 1 year
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naturalrights-retard · 7 months
Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli welcomes Tin Foil Hat favorite,  Sean Hibbeler, to discuss his new movie he is working on "Old World Order '' and his thoughts on how we have been lied to about almost every aspect of Human History.  As always with Hibbeler, NOTHIN BUT BANGERS!
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athletic-collection · 11 months
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Masen Hibbeler
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📌Documentaries (Part 1/6) – Awakening, Uncensored, Recommended - White Rabbit Index (Updated Dec 2022)
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1. The Real Anthony Fauci (by Robert F. Kennedy) (3-hrs) (2022)🔥
2. FLUVID-19 (Flu > Covid Deaths Psyop doc) (1-hr) (Hibbeler) (2022)🔥
3. Died Suddenly (Experimental Clot Shots Doc) (1-hr) (2022)🔥
4. Biden Inc. (Tucker’s Biden Crime Family Doc) (40-mins) (2022)🔥
5. NASA: Why do they Lie to Us? (20-mins of NASA Lies) (2020)🔥
6. The Rise & Fall of George Floyd & Black Lives Matter (Corruption Exposed) (1-hr) (2022)🔥
7. The Real Stranger Things (MK Ultra > Microchips Conspiracy Doc) (2021)🔥
8. Science For Hire (Corrupted, Politicized Science Doc) (2022)🔥
9. Who is Marina Abromovic? (Satan-worship Hollywood > Rothchild connections) (2022)🔥
10. State of Control (NWO Digital ID progress & risks doc) (2022)🔥
11. The Flat Earth Scientific Proof: The Convex Earth (1.5-hour) (+ Firmament Dome Earth Theory Hub) (2018)🔥
12. The Clinton Body Count Documentary: The Syndicate Serial Killers (2021)🔥
13. The End of Men (2022) (35-min Tucker Doc w/RFK)🔥
14. Safe & Effective: A 2nd Opinion (Experimental Covid Vaxx Injuries Doc) (2022)🔥
15. Fall of the Cabal (full Corruption of Society doc) (2022)🔥
16. JFK to 911: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick (US History of Corruption)🔥
17. Level 1: Level Earth (Globe Earth Hoax documentary) (2021)🔥
18. Level 2: The Next Level (What is Earth?) (Documentary) (2022)🔥
19. Trump 2024: The World After Trump (Epoch Times) (2022)🔥
20. Who is Stealing America? (2022) (2020 Election Fraud Doc) (Epoch Times)🔥
21. A Shot in the Dark (Experimental Covid Vaxx Doc) (Hibbeler) (2020)🔥
22. Cult of the Medics (Corrupt Healthcare Doc Series) (2022)🔥
23. Bill Gates Conspiracy Hub (2022)🔥
24. Doctor’s Orders (Corrupted Covid-Healthcare Doc) (2022)🔥
25. 911 False Flag: Predictive Programming (2-Ep) (Mr.Truthbomb) (2022)🔥
26. Globebusters: Taking it to the Next Level (Firmament Earth Doc) (2022)🔥
27. Vax Nation (Big Pharma Covid Vaxx doc) (2022)🔥
28. These Little Ones: 1-hr Child Trafficking Report, Proof, & Doc (2022) 🔥
29. The Hidden History of the Khazarian Mafia (Khazar = Ukraine) (2022)🔥
30. Writing on the Wall (Digital ID Control 47-min doc) (2022)🔥
31. Freemasonry: What’s the Big Secret? (Freemason Doc)🔥
32. A Very Heavy Agenda (US Politics 911 > War in Uktraine Agenda Doc) (2022)🔥
33. The Bilderberg Documentary (Evolved Truth) (The WEF is the mouthpiece for Bilderberg Group)🔥
34. NWO Control (Money>Gov>Media>Pharma>Depop Doc)🔥
35. The Tartarian Meltdown (Lost History of Earth Tartaria doc)🔥
36. A Thousand Pieces (CIA & FBI Corruption doc) (2020)🔥
37. Unacceptable Views (Canadian Trucker Convoy doc) (2022)🔥
38. Anecdotals: A Doc of Stories of the Covid Vaxx Injured (2022)🔥
39. The Secret Life of Symbols: Jordan Maxwell (Gaia TV doc) (2022)🔥
40. World Upside Down (Biblical Creation of Earth doc) (2020)🔥
41. The Big Bang Lie & New Age Deception (Firmament vs Evolution Hoax) (2015)🔥
42. The Connection of all Things in the Universe🔥
43. The Unseen Realm (Biblical Explanation) (Dr. Heiser)🔥
44. 97% Owned (UK’s Fraudulent Banking System doc)🔥
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govindhtech · 1 month
Smartphone Pinky: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment
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Smartphone pinky
“Smartphone Pinky” is the phrase for an obvious blemish or indentation on the little finger, usually brought on by prolonged smartphone use. It can occur when using any smartphone, not only iPhones.
The following details pertain to iPhone fingers:
Cause: The way you hold your phone probably causes the indentation to emerge. The Smartphone Pinky frequently bears the weight of the phone when held with one hand, which eventually results in a dent.
Health Concern: Doctors don’t usually think that wearing an iPhone finger poses a health risk.
Another name for it is “smartphone pinky,” which is used occasionally.
‘iPhone finger’ refers to a mark or dent on the little finger, most likely from frequent use of smartphones, particularly iPhones. People frequently use their little finger to hold up their phone when using it with one hand.”
The hosts of “The TJ Show” podcast initially brought attention to what seemed to be a perceptible dent or divot on their pinky fingers, which seemed to be created by their use of smartphones. This raised the eyebrows of Apple iPhone owners.
One of the hosts clarified on the programme that occasionally the weight of the phone lands on the pinky finger when we hold it. Your pinky finger takes on a different appearance as a result of this indentation.
How Can I Find My iPhone Finger?
The “smartphone pinky” is another name for the iPhone finger. This means that if someone has a large dent on their dominant hand likely from clutching their phone they should compare their two little fingers to see if one looks notably different.
Despite concerns expressed by tech enthusiasts about the pinky indentation, medical professionals have rejected it as a legitimate medical ailment. In the New York Post, orthopedic specialist Dr. Peter Evans of Cleveland Clinic said that gaps or indentations on small fingers do not necessarily mean a problem.
However, hand surgeon Dr. Michael Geary of Ortho Carolina and occupational therapist April Hibbeler concurred with Dr. Evans. Regarding the “musculoskeletal ‘phenomenon,'” they explained that the term “iPhone finger” does not have an official diagnosis.
Using a phone constantly can lead to serious issues
According to Dr. Evans, some individuals who think they have “smartphone pinky” may possibly be suffering from an underlying medical issue. Additionally, he mentioned that chronic mobile use can result in a number of joint issues. There are legitimate injury claims that can result in significant, long-lasting impairment, even though some may be overstated.
Increased Risk of Phone-Related Medical Conditions
An orthopedic surgeon also issued a warning, pointing out that clinodactyly a hereditary disorder in which the tip of the smartphone pinky bends towards the ring finger is among these health problems. Dupuytren’s contracture is another issue; with time, thick cords form beneath the skin, pulling fingers towards the palm.
Dr. Evans emphasized that there is no connection between Smartphone Pinky use and the latter ailment. Nevertheless, he cautioned of a few potential medical problems linked to phones.
Is Your Health Really at Risk From iPhone Finger?
The iPhone finger, or smartphone pinky, was disproved by Cleveland Clinic orthopedic surgeon Dr. Peter Evans. He explained that cubital tunnel syndrome, sometimes known as smartphone elbow, is a real medical condition.
This typically occurs to those who extend their elbow beyond 90 degrees over an extended period of time, frequently when texting. A disorder that damages nerves may also be indicated by tingling or numbness in the Smartphone Pinky.
The physician added that people who use smartphones should be concerned about their neck or “texting thumb”. According to him, thumb joints aren’t designed for continuous texting and swiping. Dr. Peter Evans issued a warning, saying that overuse might exacerbate pre-existing ailments like arthritis or cause new problems with the thumb tendons.
Techies and smartphone users worry that when they use their phones normally, their devices will leave an indentation or mark on their pinky, which is sometimes referred to as “iPhone finger.”
The hosts of the podcast The TJ Show recently talked about the iOS-inspired conspiracy after they started to believe that the pinky they use to hold their phones has a distinct dimple that makes it look different from the appendage on the other hand.
If you’re worried about phone-related hand pain, see a doctor.
Is an iPhone finger a real thing?
One can perform a quick test to see if they have this interesting characteristic by putting out both pinkies and comparing them. However, since there is no actual medical diagnosis for “iPhone finger,” medical professionals think that the condition simply illustrates the variances in finger structure.
What is the iPhone finger syndrome?
A new word that has been making waves on the internet recently is “iPhone finger,” which has many people quite concerned. This phrase describes the idea that using cellphones for extended periods of time, especially iPhones, may cause the pinky finger which is frequently used to support the handset during one-handed operation to get a mark or indentation.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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tansan-co · 3 months
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アクワイア 日本語版
日本語版パッケージローカライズデザイン/2024 (ボードゲーム)
ゲームデザイン:Sid Sackson パッケージイラスト:Eric Hibbeler タイトル原題:Acquire オリジナル版メーカー:Avalon Hill, Wizards of the Coast LLC, Hasbro, Renegade Games 日本語版発売元:株式会社アークライト
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professorlink · 4 months
Mechanics of Materials in SI Units (10th edition) - Solutions Manual Product Details Author: Russell Hibbeler File Size: 99 MB Format: PDF Length: 899 pages Publisher: Pearson; 10th edition Publication Date: January 18, 2018 Language: English ASIN: 1292178205 ISBN-10: 1292178202 ISBN-13: 9781292178202
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naturalrights-retard · 11 months
Sean's website
Download Episode 1 of The Forbidden Documentary!!
The Forbidden Documentary Episode 1 Official Trailer
Watch The Food Conspiracy Now!
FKN Link Tree
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willrahjuh · 5 months
This eBook, titled Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 15th Edition (PDF), is written by R.C. Hibbeler. It is designed for statics courses and offers a proven approach to understanding concepts and developing problem-solving skills. Hibbeler, drawing upon his extensive experience teaching in the classroom, presents the theory and application of engineering mechanics in a clear and thorough manner. This textbook has been shaped by the input of numerous peer reviewers and his own students. The 15th Edition of Statics includes a wide array of problems, with about 30% of them being new. These problems cover practical applications in various engineering fields. The ISBN numbers for this eBook are: 978-0134814971, 978-0137514663, 978-0134867298, 978-90135187777, 978-0137569830, 0134160681, B01NGZS566, 0137519133, 978-0137519132, 9780137519132 Additionally, Engineering Mechanics Dynamics and Statics & Dynamics 15E are also available. Please note that this sale covers the eBook version of Engineering Mechanics: Statics 15th Edition in PDF format. It does not include any access codes.
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boredgamesamgibbs · 6 months
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Both Eric Hibbeler and Henning Ludvigsen have incredibly detailed and rather awe inspiring art styles, at least for their work on 'The Goonies' board game. From what I can find, Hibbeler worked on cover art , character portrait illustrations and the initial, 2D designs for the physical 3D models used for the characters, for both the base board game, as well as the expansion to it, 'The Goonies: Under The Goondocks'. Ludvigsen, however, appears to have mainly worked on the board itself, alongside art for the various traps within the game.
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boredgamecarolynnunn · 6 months
Eric Hibbeler & Henning Ludvigsen
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Their art style is simple and cartoony. The age rating is 12+ which the cartoon art may attract the younger audience. However the art style may attract the suitable audience it had also the older audiences attention.
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