#Hidden amongst something otherwise entirely ordinary
completeoveranalysis · 9 months
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The brutal contrast of Lava Lamp instantly agreeing to stay in the castle vs Syaoran at the start of Tsubasa having the same offer but continually refusing it, because he didn’t think it was proper. 
And maybe that’s a natural difference between different sets of people in slightly different scenarios, or maybe it’s the general decline from 'Good' things into less good things when the timeline was interfered with. Like how previously Fujitaka was king and happily married to Nadeshiko, but the next time around Clow was king and Nadeshiko was nowhere to be seen, with Fujitaka already passed away. Like how Sakura used to be involved in purity rituals in the reservoir, but then it was just a ruin being excavated and nothing to do with Sakura. 
I mostly just have a growing list of suspicions but let’s put a pin in it for now. 
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sprnklersplashes · 2 years
forever winter (4804 words)
what if fleming picked martha during shine a light?
trigger wanring for suicide+attempted suicide
It's kind of funny how quickly hopes fall apart. There's something to put in the yearbook. Veronica had hoped that everything was over after her talk with JD (she's not really sure what to call it, but for now, it was a talk), and she could move on with her life. They could move on with their lives, trade guns for popcorn and drain cleaner for diet cokes. Go and be ordinary and uninteresting, and put the entire Kurt-Ram-Heather fiasco to rest.
In hindsight, she realises how stupid she was to hope for anything. Killing Heather opened Pandora's Box, and one of the horrors they unleashed was Ms Felming's mission to heal the world, even if she had to drag the darkest parts of her classmates into the light to do it.
And one girl she knows has more baggage than most.
Martha's hand cautiously peaks in the air, a gesture Veronica must have seen hundreds of times throughout the year. She's always too slow with it, too discreet like she's waiting to be shot down again. A few years ago, she just stopped raising her hand altogether. Veronica can't remember the last time she raised her hand, until today. When Fleming asked if anyone was willing to pull their fear out, dress it in a sparkly jacket, and parade it in front of the TV cameras.
Martha can barely do a class presentation without Veronica beside her.
She presses her hand to her twisting stomach, sharp bile stinging her throat. Sweat trickles down her back, yet her skin feels oddly cold. Even wrapped in this ridiculous jacket and under a hundred and one floodlights. Only when she looks down at her wrist and finds blue poking out does she see she forgot to take her blazer off. Three layers, but it doesn't matter. Martha's hand in the air has turned her insides to ice. She could be submerged in lava and still shiver.
Martha's eyes follow Fleming around the stage, the only moving part of her otherwise-still body. Fleming paces around the stage, her smile like a taunt wire as she asks for volunteers. Her shadow passes over Martha's face, and her friend's face creases at the rejection. Veronica's gut twists at the injustice, and something hot and ugly flickers inside her. Fleming's kindness is as fake as the sequins on this stupid jacket. She could handle it, barely, before, but seeing her breeze past Martha, one of the people who need help more than anything in this god damn school- It's too much. It's too much, and she presses her fists into her pockets before she winds up punching a hole through the wall.
She wonders for a moment if this is what JD feels all the time.
She finds his eyes across the room, two flickering green spots amongst the floodlights and blackness. There's an insufferably righteous glint in them, a silent  told you so , and she turns away before she suffocates.  
Few things are worse than seeing JD's point.
"Martha Dunnstock!" Fleming's voice pulls her back to reality, scraping against her ear like nails on a chalkboard. She turns just in time to see Fleming half-help, half-drag Martha onto the stage, the regret on her face not hidden by the fifty pounds of make-up. Veronica tries to swallow her satisfaction. Of course, Fleming would have wanted someone prettier, popular, tragically beautiful. Someone like another Heather, or maybe plucked from level two of the pyramid, with enough friends and money and beauty to make people care.
No one cares about the rejects. That's the point.
Bile stings the back of her throat, and she forces herself not to look away. Martha tenses beneath the spotlight, looking more like a petrified porcelain doll than a person. Fleming appears oblivious to Martha's distress, pulling at her hair and toying with her sweater. She pulls off Martha's glasses and bats away her protests before curling her hands around her shoulders, her grip looking anything but comforting.
"Now... Martha," she begins, her jaw so tight it looks ready to snap. "Why don't you tell us a little about the fears you bravely wish to drag out into the light?" She leans in closer, her voice dropping to a dramatic stage whisper. "Your courage might just inspire your classmates to come forwards too."
Despite Fleming's words, Martha doesn't look brave. She squints in the glaring lights, made worse by Fleming taking her glasses. Her mouth opens and closes with no actual words, just tiny stammers that make her sound like a broken car. Her skin has turned practically chalk white with sweat dripping down her translucent cheeks.
Veronica feels her fear like it's her own. Maybe it is; Martha makes up such a huge part of herself.
"Martha, wait." Veronica throws herself across the stage, her book clattering to the floor in her haste. Martha somehow looks worse up close, her eyes pricking with unshed tears. Guilt twists in her gut, the past months flying through her mind in a second. A refrain of  "you did this"  is sung from blue-tinged lips, but she has to ignore it for now.
"Martha, look at me," she begs. "You don't have to do this. Let's go somewhere, you and me, and we can talk about this. You don't have to do it here, not in front of all these people." She fights against Fleming's sunshiney protests and yanks her arms out of her teacher's grip. Martha turns away from Fleming and looks at her instead, and Veronica tries to smile. "Just come with me; you don't have to do this. I know you don't want to do this."
There's a split second where Martha's eyes widen, and Veronica thinks she's won this battle.
But then Martha's face falls, her jaw clenching with a bitterness that looks so unfamiliar on her face.
"You and me?" she repeats. Anger lines her shaking voice, and Veronica's heart plummets. Martha's voice drops even more, so low that even the five hundred microphones won't pick her up. "Is there even a you and me anymore?"
A million assurances race from her mind, but they stick at the back of her throat. Fleming untangles her from Martha and pushes her to the back. She whispers a warning, probably something about a detention, but she can't hear it over the ringing in her ears.
She doesn't realise she's falling until JD catches her around her waist. She leans into his chest, hands grasping at his arms, and lets him kiss the back of her head. She forgets everything else and breaths a little easier in his grip.
"Now... Martha," Fleming goes on. She wraps her arm around her shoulders, squeezing as if she can force a smile onto her face. "Share. It's going to be okay. It's just you... and me... and the classmates who love you."
Someone to the right of her murmurs something unintelligible, and for once it's JD holding Veronica back from slapping someone.
"Well..." Martha begins. She clears her throat, likely responding to some signal from Fleming, and tries to make her voice stronger. "Well, um... a guy I thought loved me didn't actually love me at all." She wipes her hand on her pants, flinching at the snickers that pop up around her. Veronica turns, nails pressing into her palms. Her body trembles against JD's still form, his only movement stroking her hand.
One kid beside her hides his smirk with his book, and Veronica bites her tongue to keep from screaming.
"And maybe that would have been fine," Martha went on. "If... if my best- if someone I trusted hadn't let me down."
She never used her name. Of course, she didn't. Veronica doesn't deserve Martha Dunnstock. No-one does.
People work it out anyway. Since kindergarten, they've been an inseparable duo, 'Veronica-and-Martha'. Even if the pair fell apart recently, it's hard for most people to forget that. Eyes swivel towards her, and JD's arms tighten protectively around her.
"And now I just feel like... I'm alone," she confesses. "Like I wake up and I see everyone at school in their groups, and they're all laughing and having fun, and they love each other. And I'm just here." Martha swallows thickly. She turns her head, her eyes briefly finding Veronica's, and the apologetic look shatters what's left of her heart.
As does the prickling resentment in her eyes.
"And I just think that," she continues, turning back to the camera. "What's the point of me being here if no one wants me?" Veronica expects a sniffle or something, but it doesn't come, and that silence hits her like a train. "We all want to be loved, but... I don't think I'm made to be loved. I think I'm meant to be alone. But I don't want to be."
But I love you!  she screams in her head.  Martha, I'm right here; I love you!
"Well, you have a fucked up way of showing it." Heather Chandler appears by her side, red lips curled into a wickedly sharp grin. "Oh, don't look at me, Sawyer. It's a little too late to save me." Chandler grabs her chin and jerks it back in Martha's direction, her touch colder than ice. "Maybe you can clean up this mess."
She moves her hand from her chin. Veronica tries to breathe, but nothing comes in or out.
"I doubt you can, though."
Martha goes to pull at her sweater but stops mid-gesture. It's as though Fleming is still poking and prodding at her despite standing just to the side of her little spotlight. Instead, she looks up, the strength it takes to do so almost unthinkable, and pushes her hair off her shoulder. Her face creases with hopelessness. She looks so deflated that it's a miracle she's still standing. Her head twitches from left to right, looking for someone to tell her what to do next. To help her. She looks at Ms Fleming, waiting on the help that she so enthusiastically promised.
"And I guess... I'm not sure I want to be here if I'll always be alone."
Veronica presses her hand to her mouth. Her knees buckle, and she'd be on the floor were it not for JD.
There's a moment of silence as the crowd of students absorbs Martha's confession. It settles over Veronica like dust on a mantlepiece, the reality becoming more terrible with each second.
Your best friend wants to die, and it's your fault.
No one speaks for a second.
Then, like JD and his ich luge bullets, all hell breaks loose.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
Duke appears at Martha's side the second after her outburst, her perfect eyebrows arched and her hands on her hips. She reminds Veronica of Fleming in a way, in that they both reek of faux-righteous bullshit.
"What is your damage, Dumptruck?" Martha and Veronica wince simultaneously at the nickname. "What kind of sick game is this? Some desperate attempt at sympathy?"
"Young lady, that is enough!"
"And after everything we have been through," Duke continues, pushing against Fleming's hands. Martha cowers despite the body between them, half-hiding her face behind her hands. "You have the nerve to get up here and complain about your problems? People have died!"
Martha shakes her head, hunching her shoulders until her hair hides her face. Usually, this would be where she hides behind Veronica, who comes armed with an act of courage she never uses for herself. But Veronica's over here, wrapped up in someone else's arms, and Martha is alone amongst the crowd of sharks.
The same crowd that two minutes ago was dancing to prevent suicide.
Her knees buckle at the injustice.
"You know, maybe if you made more of an effort, you wouldn't be so alone!" A voice calls from the crowd. Duke's mouth curls up at it, her eyes gleaming.
"It's not our fault you never talk to anyone!" Another adds.
"It's not our fault you're so weird."
"And it's not our fault," Duke begins. Veronica shakes her head, begging Duke not to do this. Not to Martha. The crimson tide towers over her, and Martha doesn't stand a chance.
JD pulls her head onto his shoulder, and her trembling hands link through his.
"That Veronica found better friends somewhere else," Duke finishes.
Veronica sobs like the words are directed at her. No, if they were directed at her, it would hurt less. She can handle herself most of the time. Martha can't.
That was her job. Her job has been looking out for Martha as far back as she can remember. It never even felt like a job, just instinct.
And now that instinct rises, just as strong and twice as ugly.
"What the fuck is your damage Heather?" The words tear at her throat as she storms across the stage, barely registering what JD is saying to her. Before knowing what she's doing, Duke is crumpled on the floor. She flips back her ponytail and looks up, shock flashing in her dark eyes. She looks around at the crowd, waiting for someone to come and help her.
Not that she ever gave Martha any help.
"You asshole!" Her fist connects with Heather's jaw with a sickening crack. A chorus of "fight, fight, fight" erupts from the crowd, who all press together tightly. Veronica's probably giving them the best show they could want.
Her sanity is restored for a moment, and she pulls herself back.
Then she remembers the heartbreak on Martha's face, the glee on Duke's, and she kicks Duke in the stomach.
"You fucking monster." Hands are on her again, but they're not JD's this time. Fleming fulls her back as two girls help Heather to her feet. The girl weeps for all it's worth, just like she did Chandler died. Duke's tears are like Fleming's love; they only exist for TV cameras.
"Young lady, you are suspended-"
"I am suspended?" she asks. A hysterical laugh bubbles in her throat. Maybe this is what madness feels like. "Did you see what Duke did to Martha? Did you see what she said to her?"
"Yes, and I will deal with Heather in due time," Fleming says. "She did ruin a valuable teaching moment. But you, Miss Sawyer, brought violence into what should be a peaceful and loving environment-"
"Peaceful, my fucking ass!" She shoves Fleming's arms off and stumbles backwards. Her chest heaves, a metallic tang on her tongue that might be blood. Her hair clings to her face, a hot flush across her cheeks and back. "This isn't peaceful. And it's not loving. Okay, none of us wanted this!" She tears her jacket off and flings it into Fleming's shocked face. "To be experimented on like guinea pigs and patronised like bunny rabbits."
"I don't patronise bunny rabb-"
"Martha needed you!" she screams. She knows she's crying now, she sees the spit flying into Fleming's face, but her ability to care is long gone. "Martha needed you, and you didn't care! She trusted you, and you put her on the god damn firing line!" She looks across the crowd, these kids she's known all her life, before her eyes land on Fleming again. "We all need help, and you don't care."
"This is their big secret, Veronica." Chandler lounges on the balcony, looking down at her former subjects with a bitter snarl. "The adults are powerless."
"You're useless," she hisses. The sight of Chandler makes her laugh again, even more, when Kurt and Ram appear. This whole thing is because of their 'suicides'. Not even the reason for this shit is real. The three tortured martyrs are having the time of their afterlives right now. "And you're all idiots," she calls out to the crowd.
"Veronica." JD grabs her hand, his voice hushed and quiet and urgent. "You should sit down now."
"No, Heather was a monster, just like Kurt and Ram, and they didn't kill themselves; I killed them!"
It takes a minute after she says it for her to hear it. One by one, her classmate's eyes widen. The words echo through the auditorium like the aftermath of a bullet. Veronica presses her hands to her mouth as if that will change anything. As if she didn't just incriminate herself.
She turns her head just a fraction. JD is still behind her, his hands resting on her waist. But she's never seen his expression so dark before.
If looks could kill... she doesn't want to finish that thought.
Just then, a high-pitched shrill breaks through the silence. Veronica thinks it's the fire alarm until she sees Duke. Her head is thrown back, her hand resting against her chest. The other kids start laughing with her, some looking at each other for permission. If she made a joke, it's lost on her.
"Some people will say anything if they think it'll make them popular." Duke stalks toward Veronica, stopping a few feet away from her as if she's got some deadly disease. Her eyes burn with self-righteous fury, granted by a power she has no right to. "You're worse than Dumptruck."
Martha's name brings her crashing back down. She looks around, desperately searching for a pink scrunchie or a unicorn sweater. Her pulse quickens with every failed search until it's clear Martha isn't here. Fleming stands at the side of the stage, with something metal gleaming in her hand, no doubt looking for the same person as Veronica.
Maybe she actually screamed a conscience back into her. But she doesn't really care right now.
Her legs are moving again, and she snatches the glasses from Fleming before bursting through the auditorium doors. She's aware of JD calling after her, but she puts it at the back of her mind and sprints down the hall, using every ounce of her strength to keep herself up and running.
The same four words play on her mind repeatedly as she runs, a constant refrain of  'Martha, I'm so sorry'.  She can say that until she's blue in the face and her heart gives out, it'll never be enough. She will say those words until it kills her, out loud or in her head.
She'll make this right. She has to make this right.
A locker door slams shut to her right, and she follows it, instantly recognising the location as Martha's locker. A head of brown hair and a pink sweater slip through the rear door just ahead of her. Above it is marked 'only use in case of an emergency'.
The hall passes in a blur, her feet pulsing as her heels click off the floor. She trips down the stone steps as the door swings open, knees hitting the concrete outside. She raises her head, squinting against the beaming sun, and as the world comes into focus, she recognises the outline of a body she knows almost as well as her own. The body she used to sleep next to on sleepovers, the two sharing the one bed. The hair she used to braid as recently as three months ago, the hand that held hers as she learned to ride a bike. The cheeks she used to wipe dry, the legs that tangled up with hers on movie nights.
The body that is now standing at the edge of the road, a foot poised to step and a hand pinning a note to her chest.
"NO!" Time slows down as she stands and runs. Every pain in her body makes itself known, her limbs burning, her throat dry, but she doesn't stop. She leaps across the schoolyard grass and grabs Martha's shoulders before coming to a halt, her toes just peeking over the sidewalk.
At least five cars fly past them, three honking at them. It could have been any one of them.
Her whole body trembles, her stomach heaving like she's about to throw up. Slowly, Martha's head turns, blinking like she's only just seeing her.
"What are you doing here?" she asks in a small voice. No words come out. Instead, Veronica gags, and her spit lands on the road in front of her.
Kind of like what she had in mind for Heather Chandler.
"Just... come away.... from the road," she says, the words punctuated by heavy gasps. "Please."
"Veronica..." Martha begins, but her voice trails off. There's not much left for her to say, or there's far too much. Most of it was said in front of the cameras. Martha looks back out to the road again, and her eyes are so tired. Purple shadows mark beneath them, and there's a weariness to them that Veronica didn't think possible. The exhaustion of someone who has seen too much for too long and just needs it to end.
"I know." She releases one shoulder to rub circles onto her back. She gasps softly, tears flowing freely down her red cheeks. "I know."
" Do  you?" Her shoulders tense beneath Veronica's hand. "Because these past few weeks... I feel like I don't know you anymore." Her head dips slightly, a soft exhale escaping her lips. "And you don't know me."
"Martha.... oh my god, Martha." She wills her to look at her. Anything is better than looking out at that road. "I know I let you down. I let you down in every possible way-"
"You lied to me. You tricked me. You let me think that... that Ram loved me." Her voice breaks on Ram's name, and she finally turns to look at her. "Why would you do that?"
"Because..." There is no excuse. Nothing will make what she did okay. She feels worse for this than for the literal blood on her hands. Because it led to this; Martha is the embodiment of everything good and right on this planet, but she hurt her for the most shallow reasons. Veronica closes her eyes, the truth stinging her tongue. "Because I wanted to be popular. Because I wanted Heather to like me and..." She hangs her head. "I'm so sorry."
Her forehead rests on Martha's shoulder, and she cries so hard she can't breathe.
"I am so, so sorry."
Another car flies by, and she flinches at the sound. Martha stays where she is, thank God.
Veronica squeezes her hand, but she pulls it away.
"So Ram... he was really gay?"
Veronica bites her tongue. The last thing she wants to do is lie, but if she tells the truth...
For one thing, Martha will look at her that way again, and it will be her death.
"Yeah. He really was."
"And so... he didn't love me?" Veronica lifts her head again and pushes Martha's hair away from her cheek. Martha grimaces like her hand is sandpaper. "I wish I could say he did." Martha nods and looks down at her chest. Veronica's eyes follow hers to the note pinned to her jumper, hiding the unicorn, and she realises with a sinking feeling that she couldn't have written that in the time it took to get out there.
When  she wants to ask.  How much time with her has she lost?
"But you don't need him," Veronica presses. "You have other people. You don't need him; you have never needed him or anyone."
"You don't know that," Martha snaps. "You have JD. You have the Heathers. You don't know what it's like being alone like this."
"You're not alone. I am here; I am right here." She reaches down and grabs Martha's hand, but she pulls it away, shuffling backwards slightly.
"Veronica... I don't know if I can trust you," she says. Veronica can't blame her, but the words feel like a thousand cuts all over her body.
"I know," she says. "I know I fucked up so, so badly, but that ends now. Martha, I am never leaving you again, ever. I promise. I swear on... anything. Name it, and I'll swear." She holds Martha's hand like it's a lifeline. Like she can squeeze the life back into her. "I swear on Buttercup and Wesley. I swear on Jiffy Pop. I swear on movie nights and on everything that I am not going anywhere again."
Something sparks in Martha's eyes then, and Veronica nearly collapses.
"Not sure I'm a fan of the Princess Bride anymore," she says quietly. "Not a very realistic ending."
"Martha..." She wants to promise her a happy ending, but they both know it's impossible. That's what Martha used to promise her. When did they become this?
"I can't promise that thing will get better," she says quietly. "I can't promise that this school and this town, or even this world, will ever get any easier. But I miss you." She holds her hand against Martha's, their fingers just inches apart. "I miss you so much and... and I want to be your friend again." She swallows the lump in her throat. "I just want things to go back to how they were. Before the Heathers."
Before JD , a voice whispers.
Martha turns and looks at her hand like it's a live grenade. A decade passes in one minute. Veronica doesn't breathe the entire time, using every fibre of her being to pray she was good enough. That did something right to the person she owes the most to.
Martha slips her hand into hers, a tiny fraction of a smile on her face. It's the most beautiful thing Veronica has ever seen.
"I've missed you too," Martha says. Veronica chuckles softly, her clammy hand clinging to Martha's. Martha reaches up and wipes her cheeks, her fingers coming away stained black.
"Oh, here." Veronica reaches into her pocket and takes out Martha's glasses. "Swiped them from Fleming."
"Thanks," Martha chuckles. She slips them back on and strikes a little pose. The two of them giggle, although it doesn't feel right. "How do I look?"
"Perfect." Martha nods, not quite smiling. Veronica's eyes drop to the note pinned to her chest. She tries not to read it for the sake of Martha's privacy and her heart. Martha's eyes follow hers, and she winces when she sees it.
"I didn't-"
"It's okay," she says. "May I?" Martha nods, and Veronica carefully undoes the pin. She lets the pin fall to the ground and blends in with the pavement. She then crumples the note with more force than necessary and throws it onto the road. Martha nods, and her eyes follow the note's trajectory. A car drives over it, then another. The note lies squashed and flat on the tarmac.
"If only it were that easy," Martha sighs. Veronica nods and pulls Martha back from the edge. She lets out a heavy breath like she's just run a marathon. The air still hangs heavy between them, full of trust to be re-earned and friendship to build back. Turns out things aren't as quick to fix as they are to break. But they're here, and she made a promise.
"I love you," Veronica tells her. After weeks of lying, the truth feels so satisfying. "So much."
Martha gets the closest to a smile that she's had all day and gives her hand a squeeze.
"I love you too."
Those four words almost bring her to her knees.
Given the circumstances, Veronica takes Martha home rather than back to school. Martha heads back inside to get her stuff. Just before she leaves, though, she wraps her arms around Veronica and squeezes her tightly, her face pressed into the crook of her neck. Veronica freezes, wondering if this is real, before holding her with all her strength. She closes her eyes and feels Martha's heartbeat against her chest, the rhythm bringing tears to her eyes.
Alive. That's what that heartbeat means.
She waits until Martha disappears behind the school door before falling onto the grass, the adrenaline that powered her gone. She breathes slowly, in for eight, out for eight. Veronica closes her eyes, tears prickling her lids, and the past hour rises like a mushroom cloud. She saved Martha, but it feels like she just pulled gunpowder out of an exploding bomb. Tomorrow, Fleming will still be hosting Kumbaya parties that put sparkles over suicide. Duke will still be running around with a power she can't control. The memorials for Heather, Ram and Kurt will still be up, and the myth of magic suicide stands with them.
And then there's JD. She looks down at her hand, remembering how she grabbed her before her almost-confession. Yeah, there'll be a conversation about that. She'll add it to her ever-growing list of crap to deal with.
She closes her eyes and sinks further into the ground. She has to wonder how long it will be before this bomb she set off takes her too.
After today, she feels like it already has.
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
May I ask headcanons for Kiseki no Sedai, Kuroko and Kagami? Their reaction to their girl being cool and sexually dancing (something like k-pop girl group cover dance, if you know it) with her dance team at a school festival (or something like that).
A/N: I knew and loved k-pop back in 2013/14 when it wasn’t as popular as it is right now so I apologize if the songs I chose aren’t the latest ones, I went ahead and consulted my best friend on some so that the songs at least matched the boys’ characters even a little bit! Additionally, I tried to vary between the groups so I hope you don’t mind that it’s not just girl groups! 
Also a quick note concerning the setting: in all of these scenarios you - the reader - are going to be a little selfish and use that festival to your own advantage to either show your boyfriend something (aka. a hidden message) or simply surprise him with the dance, so I hope you won’t feel bad for the other ‘members’ of your group! Either way, I hope you’ll enjoy it! (*´ー`)
Tags: GoM/KnS and Kagami x reader ✅  SFW ✅  fluff ✅ k-pop ✅
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the song your group and you made a dance cover for was none other than Fire by BTS
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not only did you guys put a lot of work into recreating the steps perfectly but you even went all out for the stage as well
I mean what’s that song without real fire?
it was quite a challenge for you to persuade the teachers to actually allow that, but you guys were quite convincing so the talk didn’t take long
of course, you wanted to keep that planned dance a surprise from your boyfriend Kagami
so when he asked you what your class was planning on doing for the festival you tried to answer as indifferently as possible 
“I think the majority wanted to do something with acting or dance, but I’m not sure“
the way his eyes sparkled as he heard the word ‘dance’ was so adorable and it made no effort to hide his excitement 
back when he was in America he had witnessed a lot of street artists that had dancing as their main program 
he was so impressed, that there were times when he imagined just how it would look like if you danced like that 
and you knew that, so in order for the surprise to be bigger you lied about being assigned to the backstage team
so imagine just what kind of surprised face he made when he saw you standing on stage, dancing with the biggest smile on your face
he was entranced by the way you managed to move your body so effortless and it made him fall in love with you all over again
but the moment those flames erupted from both corners of the stage his inner fireman almost got a heart attack
“(Y/N)! Are you ok?! You didn’t burn yourself, right??”
after your performance, you had to reassure your tall and bulky boyfriend that you were completely unharmed and well 
and when he had finally calmed down, the amount of praise you got from not only boosted your confidence to the max, but it also made you consider dancing for him more often
this song was a special request coming from you and it contained a secret message, hidden for your wholesome yet insecure boyfriend: 100 Ways by Jackson Wang
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there was no way Kuroko was ever going to miss out on your school festival, it was the least he could do, considering just how many times you had actually visited his school to watch his games, join their festivities or simply visit him
out of respect to you, he didn’t question what your class had planned so it was child’s play to hide it from him
you had actually planned to deliver him a secret message through the song you guys planned to dance for
now this song wasn’t your typical k-pop song  performed by a group nor was it sung by a Korean man, BUT he belonged to one of those famous groups and had many songs that dealt with the topic of love and heartbreak
Kuroko might not have seemed like the insecure type, but he most certainly was and it always broke your heart when he talked down on himself 
typical lines he always said in such moments were ‘why are you with someone as ordinary as me’, ‘you deserve someone better’, ‘maybe you should leave me’
it always made you mad to hear him say that and he apologized after you lectured him, but somewhere deep down he never accepted that fact
so this song was a perfect opportunity to convey those exact feelings you had for him 
the moment he heard the song mixed with the powerful and warrior-like moves it literally hit him like a truck
and as he saw you as the lead-dancer, permanently looking at him he actually shed some tears (you did as well, but luckily other spectators believed that it was a part of the performance)
after the roaring applause, you ran straight to where he was and engulfed him in a tight hug that knocked the air out of his lungs
“(Y/N), I-I’m sorr-”
“Shh Kuroko...it’s ok, I know. Just make sure to refrain from saying such things ever again, ok?”
“...and if I don’t?”
“Then I’ll just dance it for you once again...as many times as you need.”   
your song of choice here was Lipstick by Orange Caramel
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Kise is a secret k-pop fan no one can tell me otherwise 
he had told you multiple times that he’s had the pleasure of working with some inspiring Korean models that also happened to belong in a band
so the moment the teachers suggested your group to perform a dance for this year’s school festival you immediately suggested a dance cover of a k-pop song
there was a tiny bit of resistance amongst the members, but since they rarely saw you that fired up so they just had to agree 
now that one problem was out the way the next one was coming up
how were you going to keep that a secret from Kise?
he was quite clingy and thanks to his popularity he had a LOT of contacts, so lying or keeping it from him was almost impossible 
“Your school wants me to come over for a photo shooting?“
“Yes, the photography club asked me to help them out. They wanted to make an entire photobook featuring you at our school festival!“
luckily Kise wasn’t that perceptive, so he believed that pretty obvious lie
when he arrived at your school, one of the backstage members lied that you a) were called by a teacher and that b) he’d have to wait close to the stage since that would mark the ‘beginning of the photo shooting’
as obedient as he was he did exactly that but for some reason, you weren't arriving and when the music started he figured he’d just watch the performance 
with big sparkly eyes and a constant grin on his face, he watched as you danced a song he had once danced to as well
after the performance ended he wouldn’t stop cuddling you no matter how many times you told him that it was hard to walk 
from that day on every time he listened to a song from a Korean group he’d always come up to you and ask you to dance with him   
you guys intended to go for a more cheerful song, but since the weather forecast said that it’s going to rain on the day of the school festival you guys danced to NOT BY THE MOON by GOT7
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now...Midorima was quite the problematic boyfriend since he listened to Oha Asa more than to anyone else
he needed quite some time to actually start and listen to you, but luckily you managed to show him just how important it was to not only rely on stars, but also on his own thoughts and judgment
you were lucky that Oha Asa predicted a great surprise for Cancer on the day the school festival was dated, so he agreed to your invitation reluctantly 
and boy he did not regret it
the way you and your group performed such a melancholic song under the rain made him hold his breath for quite some time
he even panicked a little when you looked at him and smiled
after the performance, he had to drag you away from your friends so that he could start drying your wet hair off
“You’re going to catch a cold like that dummy.”
you remained silent and smiled to yourself at just how cute this green-haired tsundere boy can actually be 
“Is the towel today’s lucky item?”
“That’s right...”, he pouted, “You’re lucky I still listen to Oha Asa or you could’ve ended up sick”
without answering, you just nodded and looked at his other belongings as another wide smile adorned your face
“Was the second umbrella also a lucky item for today?”
the blush that appeared on your boyfriend’s face was something you had never expected seeing, but you did    
after debating which song fitted the ‘sexy’ category the most, you guys ended up choosing Poison by Secret
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having someone as simple-minded and purely guided by his desires as a boyfriend proved to be quite the advantage at times
your friends and you were planning to dance at the school festival for quite some time, the only problem had been the song you guys had to choose
but the moment you remembered how Aomine had once commented on how sexy and alluring most Korean girl groups looked like when dancing, you knew in which direction you guys should go
one problem was that there were tons of sexy songs and dances out there, so you needed some expert help
“Momoi, I need you to ask Aomine what his preferences are!“
after thoroughly explaining what you actually meant, she happily obliged
Momoi was his childhood friend and even if you hated admitting it, there were still some situations you couldn’t overcome without her knowledge and help
so the plan the two of you came up with was to lie to Aomine and claim that your school had invited one of his favorite gravure models
it pained you to see just how eager he was to come for another girl, but it made you the more determined to show him a breathtaking performance
and trust me when I say this, but this man was not only taken aback, but he almost swallowed a fly - that’s how long his mouth was agape
not only the dance moves impressed him, but the way you guys - you especially - had trained to have that alluring look is what almost had him drooling 
he had never seen you that sexy and for him, it was as if new possibilities had just been revealed to him (a lot of those go into the NSFW section ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉))      
what other song fitted this man best but Candy Pop by TWICE
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there were some difficulties in motivating him to come and visit and even if you said that there will be sweets there he was still reluctant (much to your surprise)
so you decided to leave that topic be for now
you and your dance group practiced, perfected the dance, designed the clothes and before you knew it the day of the performance had arrived 
“(Y/N), are you alright?“
“You don’t look so well...“
you hated admitting it, but the fact that Murasakibara wouldn’t come was slowly getting to you 
normally you weren’t that nervous, but now that you knew that there wouldn’t be a giant purple-haired man amongst the spectators, your heart was about to explode
BUT being the lead dancer you couldn’t back out now, so you took a few deep breaths and went to the stage, waiting for the spotlights to fall on you and for the music to start
the moment you lifted your head and saw one certain person above everyone else, your nervousness was instantly blown away
“(Y/N)-chin that was amazing! I loved everything!“
“Your clothes, as well as the candy requisites, look so yummy, I’d straight out eat them if I could.“
between all the laughter, you managed to ask him what his thoughts on the overall dancing were, since you planned that song for him especially
“You’re seriously asking me such obvious questions?“
he hugged and lifted you up, kissing your cheek
“It was all amazing. I was so captivated by your sweet smile that I didn’t really pay that much attention to the song.“
for him, you decided on a happy sounding song with a hidden and deep message aka. Wannabe by ITZY
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so first and foremost: hiding a secret from this man was impossible like literally IMPOSSIBLE
but as stubborn as you were, you still attempted it 
the way you tried to hide the fact that you would participate in the dance performance made him realize, that you were actually planning on surprising him with it 
so as the gentleman he was, he pretended not noticing your obvious lie and agreed to come and watch
he himself almost became the main attraction so he sadly had to look for a place in the back row
luckily one of your classmates saw him and immediately realized what the situation was 
“Excuse me are you Akashi, (Y/N)’s boyfriend?”
he nodded with a surprised face
“Well then please follow me, she managed to reserve you a seat at the front row!” 
and there he was, directly looking at you and only you
he might have seen past your lie, but he was genuinely surprised at how perfect you had mastered this dance 
after you guys finished, he thanked everyone for the wonderful performance and when you guys were finally alone he praised you nonstop 
“It was wonderful to watch you dance like that. I hope you don’t mind me teaching you some of the basic dances.”
“Which ones did you have in mind?”
“Walz, or maybe some Tango, what do you say?”  
93 notes · View notes
writingpaperghost · 3 years
The Power of Our Bonds Will Persevere! (Chapter 4)
Chapter 4: To Live Free, or Die It’s All the Same
And we’re back! I also ended up going ahead and finishing this fic, so that’s great!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28124817/chapters/74744853
Asahi sat on the bench, stewing on Starry’s words for what felt like months, unsure of what exactly to do with it. Her brothers were still asking around, although she could probably just call them. After all, it would be much easier if all three of them found this alien who supposedly knew about the Terrible Fights, then they’d just have to relay the information to KPaRS. Not to mention, the three of them could make sure no one forgot anything.
Still, somehow Asahi wasn’t sure if she wanted to call her brothers and do this with them. As much as she trusted them and as much as she loved them, for some reason she couldn’t help but feel like she should just go now and find this alien. She didn’t exactly have a lot to go off of and they really didn’t know how much time they had… But then again, her brothers could keep asking around and maybe find out something else about the Terrible Fights.
Besides, if they were so worried about her helping fight, then she could at least help them gather information. That would be nice and safe and helpful. It wasn’t exactly like they were here at this exact moment to stop her.
Of course, it wasn’t exactly like Starry gave her an address, just the knowledge that there was an alien around here who might know something helpful. Starry said the town he lived in wasn’t far from Kurokita, which at least narrowed down the area. Right, well, to the train, she supposed. She’d just start with the closest town.
By the time she arrived in the nearest town, she was surprised that her brothers’ hadn’t finished their investigating and started calling or texting her, wondering where she was. Maybe they were still asking around? Or maybe they just hadn’t realized that she wasn’t back at KPaRS? Maybe they just decided to give her some space…? Well, she supposed it didn’t matter too much, she had work to do.
She recognized this town as the one that she’d first met Akimitsu in, reminding her of how he helped her realize just what she could do with the Kaiju Crystals. She glanced around, trying to decide how to start her search.
If I were a centuries old alien hiding amongst humans, where would I be?
Come to think of it, how did someone pretend to be human for so long? Wouldn’t someone notice that you didn’t age or seemed to never die? Maybe they just lived as the town cryptid or something. She wondered how Saki did it, she lived amongst humans for so long… Then again, it seemed like Saki only interacted with people for intellectual conversation and not really friendship.
Maybe she could just try asking someone? Like, ask them if they knew of someone here who seemed to be really old or something? That might work, she supposed, though there was a chance that the alien moved enough or something that no one would have thought it odd.
…Maybe she should have gotten Katsumi and Isami.
But it was too late for that now, even if she did let them know where she was and tell them to come help her, she’d still have to wait a bit and try to search on her own. So what to do, what to do? Well, she supposed she ought to do something other than stand around, at least, not that she was really sure what else to do.
Starting to wonder the town, she wondered if maybe she should be talking to the people who she passed by. Judging by their looks, she thought that they might realize that she isn’t from the town, but if they did, they didn’t say anything. Like any town, some parts were all close together, other parts weren’t. She was reaching a part of the town where houses and buildings were more spread out, meaning she seemed to be walking past less and less people.
A breeze starts to pick up, still not strong, but enough that Asahi could tell that it grew. The branches of the trees swayed ever so slightly more, just enough that they moved but not enough to move much else. She paused her walking, taking a moment to watch the trees.
What was she doing? Obviously, she was trying to find this alien, this person who might be able to tell them something about the monsters that attacked the city. That’s what she kept telling herself, some justification for all this but… Why was she finding herself doing it alone? Hadn’t she always preferred to be with her brothers? Well that was true, and she was simply doing it alone because she wanted to show her brothers that she could be helpful, that they didn’t have to worry about her. She still liked to do things with her brothers, she still wanted to know that they had her back, that if she ever needed them they’d be there… But she also knew that she didn’t always need them. She could do things on her own, not just things like this, like finding someone and talking to them.
She was Ultrawoman Grigio, after all. She could fight monsters and aliens and whatever else on her own. She’d done it here, she’d discovered a use of her powers that she’d probably have never thought to try and gained powers she most likely never would have otherwise. She’d met a lot of people she wouldn’t have met had she not found herself in this world, and really she’d love to meet more. There were so many interesting people, both human and not. KPaRS alone had so many people who were all so different and interesting, Tomomi, Chikako, Rin, Jun, Katsuhito, everyone. Not to mentions the others she met, Musashi – Cosmos, Mirai, Rei and Hyuga, and even Mr. Juggler…
Smiling to herself, she realized something that hadn’t quite registered with her until then. All the interesting people she’d met… They were really just the tip of the iceberg, there were so many other people in just her own world, let along another like this one. They’d all have their own experiences and everything. So many interesting people… And she’d probably only ever meet a few of them, but really, she felt like she was lucky to have even met the ones she has already.
…Not that any of that helped her with her current problem. She still had to figure out how to find the alien she was looking for. Standing there in the breeze, Asahi still hadn’t figured out what she should do.
“Are you lost, miss?” Asahi jumped slightly, startled from the voice. She hadn’t heard anyone walk up to her, nor had she seen the man, but she supposed she hadn’t exactly been paying attention, either. Turning to the source of the voice, she saw a man who seemed to be regarding her in a concerned manner. There wasn’t anything particularly unusual about him, at least not at first glance. Dark hair cut relatively short, a plain shirt and jeans. The most remarkable part of his whole appearance was the jacket he wore, which she quickly realized was patterned after her – or rather, Grigio. Still, despite his more or less ordinary appearance, there was something about him that just… Just didn’t seem right, but Asahi couldn’t really figure out what.
“I, uh, well not exactly,” She responded, which wasn’t a lie, precisely. Yes, she didn’t actually know where she was or where she might be heading. She didn’t know where she needed to head at all. Which, by virtue of not knowing where she was going in the first place, meant that she hadn’t really gotten lost. She was just wandering, like Mr. Gai claimed to do, but on a much, much, smaller scale.
The man gave her a curious look at her answer, she supposed she shouldn’t be surprised. The answer she provided was rather vague, not really something that you’d expect to hear from really anyone. “Are you lost?” is a yes or no question, after all. Not a “Not exactly” question.
Shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie, done in such a relaxed manner that Asahi concluded he was less bugged by his answer than she initially thought, the man hummed. She couldn’t tell if it was in confusion or what, but he most certainly hummed, though it was quiet. “Quite a tricky question, then,” He noted, “Lost or not? Maybe you have no where to be, maybe you have everywhere to be, maybe you’re right where you need to be.”
Asahi squints, as though there might be some hidden meaning to what he said. She didn’t really get it, the first part made some sense, but then he kept going and lost her. She’d certainly decided she wasn’t lost, so she knew the answer to that. But the rest of it was a bit odd, she didn’t really know what to say.
Frowning slightly, the man shrugs, taking her silence and confused expression in stride, “I guess neither of us would know the answer to that,” He paused for a moment, before continuing, “So what brings you here?”
And of course, it’s all come full circle back to the problem that had led to her coming here in the first place. It was decision that she was beginning to second guess, were she being completely honest. Her solo search was a bit silly, really, when she kept in mind that she had little to go off. She could be searching all day and still be far, far away from the person she was searching for. But she couldn’t exactly say that she was searching for an alien who experienced The Terrible Fights. Not that she was going to lie to this guy, either.
“Er well,” She began, “I’m looking for someone. I just… don’t really know where he is. Or who he is.” Hearing it out loud, it was painfully obvious to Asahi just how silly and crazy her entire plan to find the alien was. The man, to his credit, managed to rein in his surprise and/or amusement at her response. No, the only real emotion she could manage to figure out from him was amusement. About what, exactly, she could only speculate, though it was most likely also from her response.
“That’s… quite the search you’re on,” The man whistled, though there was something in his eyes. It was hard to explain, but it seemed like he was intrigued, or at least that was the best guess Asahi could hazard. He continued, seemingly unphased by how odd her search really was, “So little to go off of… I can’t imagine you’re having much luck.”
She didn’t immediately know how to respond. The most logical response would be to simply nod her head and agree, because it was little to go off of and she wasn’t having much luck. Somehow, though, she could bring herself to do that, at least not on it’s own. While it would be so easy to just give in, to give up and go tell her brothers, to get their help, she knew she couldn’t do that. She had to show them, she was to keep searching and find this alien.
It was just a bit debatable about how possible it was.
“You’re not wrong,” She said, “I… I just really need to find this person. I need his help.”
With a small smile, the man nodded, “Oh, I get it. Need the help of someone you barely know, probably for reasons completely beyond and outside of your control.” He laughed a little, “It’s a pain but it ends up happening more often than the average person would think.”
Nodding weakly, Asahi responded, “Yep…”
His smile, small as it was, formed into an equally small frown, “Well certainly you have at least a bit to go off of.”
“Well… Sort of,” She said, “I know that he lived through a very specific event… Uh, but that’s about it.” She was beginning to wonder if she should stop saying so much to this person. He was a stranger, after all, and she really couldn’t just come out and say just what this alien she was looking for was.
“A very specific event, huh?” The man echoed, “Well, maybe I can help you find him? I know pretty much everyone in this town. Not that I can think of many who went through any events that no on else around here has.”
It was nice of him to offer to help her, but she wasn’t really sure how much she could really tell him. After all, if she said, ‘oh, he’s an alien who lived through The Terrible Fights’ it would probably raise some eyebrows. So that was a no-go, at least as far as the exact details were.
“It’s uh, nice of you to offer,” She responded, “But you really don’t have to, I’m sure I can manage on my own.”
Frowning, the man quickly asked, “Are you sure?”
Chances are the guy wouldn’t even be able to help her anyway. “Yeah, I’m sure,” She smiles, an act so simple and easy to her that it was already making her feel at least a little better.
Though the man didn’t seem entirely convinced, though perhaps a part of that was just concern, he nodded, “If you say so, at least wandering around here you’re less likely to get caught up in a monster attack than in the city.” He took a breath, looking up at the sky for a moment. Muttering under his breath, almost too quiet for Asahi to hear, he grumbled, “For now, at least.”
Before she could think much about what he said, or about her own response, Asahi asked, “What do you mean, for now?” His head snapped to look at her, surprise across his face. He must not have expected for her to be able to hear him. “What makes you think that the monsters will show up any place that they haven’t before?”
The man regarded her for a moment, before noting, “You heard that, huh?” He sighed, closing his eyes while doing so. He seemed… a bit tired, or something, judging by the way his shoulders moved. “It’s not that I expect the normal monsters to just change on their own or anything but…”
“But…?” Asahi wasn’t sure why she wanted to know so badly. Maybe it was because of how strange this man was, even if she still couldn’t really place it.
“Those monsters that showed up earlier… They won’t give the others a choice.” He let out a bitter laugh, like someone who was resigned to something. “The monsters will go after cities first, they know they have the most people, then the smaller towns and villages are next. Unless those Ultras can stop the two, then that’s that.”
That more of less made sense and lined up with what they knew about the Terrible Fights and the two monsters’ connection to them. But there was one thing that stood out to her, something she couldn’t ignore. “How do you know that?”
He looked at her, eyes widening ever so slightly, “I, uh, well I read about the Terrible Fights in a book, you know.” He responded rather quickly, “So I guess I’m just putting two and two together.”
Somehow, Asahi really doubted it was that simple. But it wasn’t like she got a chance to ask much more. Right as she began to ask, a roar echoed across the town, startling both herself and the man. She was certain she’d heard that roar before somewhere, but she wasn’t sure. She was more focused on the fact that that was clearly a kaiju’s roar, which meant there was a Kaiju here. She’d have no choice but to deal with it if it came close to the town.
Both of them turned towards the direction that they’d heard the roar from. Off towards a hill outside the town, the ground moved and rumbled as something emerged. There was too much dust and rubble from the still emerging Kaiju to make out much – if any – of it’s appearance.
The man appeared surprised, presumably from the monster’s appearance. “Horo!” He called out before running off. Except, instead of running in the opposite direction, like one might expect someone to do when a monster appears, he ran in the direction of the Kaiju. Still, judging by his reaction, perhaps the shock wasn’t simply from the appearance of a monster as it was the appearance of this monster. Once way or another, it seemed the man was familiar with this Kaiju.
Yet the question remained. Why?
By the time she’d process what had happened, the man was already almost out of her sight. She didn’t have much more time to really think about anything, so she did what she figured was probably the most logical thing to do. Follow after the man. The man she’d just met. Who was running towards a monster. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t exactly the most logical course of action.
“Wait up!” She called out, though if the man heard her he paid her no mind. He ran towards the Kaiju, still obscured by the dust and debris, she chased after, hoping for some kind of answers.
She followed him to the base of the mountain, where the monster’s appearance became clear. It had emerged from the mountain and now all the dust had settled, a pile of rocks and trees at it’s feet. Now that she could see it, Asahi realized why the roar of the monster had sounded familiar. She’d seen this Kaiju before, in Ayaka. While Aizen had been the one to use it at first, she more associated it’s use with Saki.
Peering down at the man, Horoboros opened his mouth, like he was about to roar. Instead, though, the sound that Horoboros made was more akin to a whimper. As he lowered itself down to the man’s height, the man raised his hand, which Horoboros fondly nuzzled.
“Hey, Horo,” The man spoke softly, “It’s been a while.”
Asahi wasn’t sure if she should say anything. It felt like she was intruding on something, though she couldn’t explain why exactly that feeling had come to her. One way or another, Horoboros and the man clearly knew each other. Had it been with someone other than a Kaiju, it would be a conventionally heartwarming scene. As it were, it was still rather sweet, but there was also a tension in the air, one that in part came from having a giant monster appear.
Horoboros grumbles something, clearly careful not to be too loud. Despite the fact that monsters didn’t generally speak a language understandable by humans, the man chuckled. “I know, I missed you too,” Though he sounded a bit happy with is words, there was still a hint of concern, “I just wished we could have seen each other again for better reasons. But you’ve been awoken, you won’t be the first… And I just don’t know what to do now.”
“Um,” While she felt a bit odd speaking up, Asahi couldn’t help but say something. She knew there was more to this than what she could tell. If she was lucky, then maybe this man actually could help her. “Just who are you, sir? Can you… Can you understand Horoboros?”
The man turned his head to look at her while Horoboros looked in her direction. “Ah, well… My name is Nobuyuki and as for Horoboros…” The man, Nobuyuki, trailed off, pausing in thought. Horoboros nuzzles at him again, a content purring sound coming from his throat. “…I can understand him.”
If Nobuyuki could understand Horoboros, then could he understand other Kaijus? It would make sense, but at the same time, she could understand having a sort of understanding with a Kaiju. Though she thought that in this case, it may be different.
“Why has Horoboros woken up so suddenly? Does it have something to do with those two monsters?” Does it have something to do with The Terrible Fights remained unasked. Asahi was doing everything in her power not to get too hopeful. After all, if Nobuyuki could understand Kaijus, then he could be the alien that helped during The Terrible Fights.
Examining her for a moment, Nobuyuki sighed, “Unfortunately, yes,” Horoboros made a sad sound, “With Petrellator and Drabestia’s return, they’ve awoken many sleeping monsters, to force them to attack humans. Like The Terrible Fights of the past, it will be humans versus monsters and only one will be allowed to survive.”
Asahi bit her lip at that, she didn’t want the fate of humans to come down to the eradication of Kaijus. That wasn’t a choice anyone should have to make, one species for another, not when they could certainly live together. Not to mention, it would be hard for humans to survive against monsters, due to the size difference. With Kenshin to worry about as well, there was no guarantee that her and her brothers would be able to stop them.
“But it can be stopped, can’t it? The Terrible Fights were stopped, the humans managed to communicate with the monsters and they didn’t have to fight.” It was the most she could hope, that the solution of the past would work for the present. It couldn’t be that so much had changed that it wouldn’t work.
Nobuyuki pursed his lips, “Well, it certainly worked in the past… But I don’t believe it will work this time…”
“Why not?” Using all the self-control she had not to yell. She didn’t understand why everything had to be so complicated! Why couldn’t it just be as simple to have an easy solution that they could do?
Horoboros made a sad sound as Nobuyuki frowned, then sighed before responding, “Someone is aiding the two, presumably whoever woke them up. Whatever they’ve done have made the monsters unreasonable. When they first appeared I went to one nearby… I was lucky to make it out of there…” He shook his head, “I’m afraid there is nothing we can do, this time.”
The way he spoke… The revelation of just who she was talking to hit Asahi like a brick, “You’re… You’re an alien. You were the one who talked with the monsters during The Terrible Fights.”
With an almost bitter laugh, Nobuyuki responded, “Indeed I am, to all of that.” He seemed so resigned, “But I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do, this time.” It was hard to understand why he seemed so willing to give up. Surely there was something they could do, surely there was some other option here.
It felt like Asahi was grasping at straws as her mind whirled, trying to find a solution. “If… If we find the person who is making the monsters angry and defeat them, then would you be able to talk with the monsters?” She had a feeling that Kenshin was behind it, it would certainly make sense, as well as her and her brothers’ arrival here coinciding with Petrellator and Drabestia’s appearance.
“I suppose,” He considered, “Though I doubt whoever would be so easily defeated by… Unless…”
His head snapped up and he eyed Asahi for a moment, “You’re an Ultra,” It wasn’t so much a question as an observation. In response, she just nodded, figuring there was no point in pretending otherwise. He gave a small smile, “That’s why you want to find a way…” He glances down at his own jacket, which was, after all, patterned after Grigio. He grimaced but said nothing.
Continuing, Nobuyuki seemed to be slightly more hopeful than before, “If you could defeat whoever is enraging the Kaijus, then I could talk to them and make peace. But unlike last time, where Petrellator and Drabestia went to sleep, they won’t this time. They’ll have to be defeated first, not to mention I doubt whoever’s aiding them will appear until they have to.”
“Then my brothers and I will have to stop them,” Nobuyuki smiled at her response while Horoboros let out a content purr. “And then everything will be fine.”
“Good luck, then, Ultrawoman Grigio,”
Grinning, Asahi’s responds, “My name is Asahi, it’s a bit easier to say than Grigio.”
“Right,” Nobuyuki nods, “Asahi. Good luck, to both you and your brothers.”
Asahi left Nobuyuki and Horoboros at the mountain, sending a quick text Fuyuko about Horoboros. After all, she wouldn’t want anyone mistake Horoboros for a danger. Then she sent a text to her brothers, letting them know what she’d found who they were looking for and she’d explain back at KPaRS’ base.
By the time she’d arrived, the sun was already starting to set. Setting foot into the main room, Katsumi and Isami immediately rushed over. “You’re back,” Katsumi noted, his tone outwardly calm, but knowing him he’d probably been worrying. She felt a bit bad.
Isami, on the other hand, did not conceal his concern quite so well, “You should have told us you were going off somewhere!”
Okay, so maybe she felt more than a bit bad, but she’d be darned if she let her brothers know just how much. “I wasn’t sure it led anywhere, so I thought it would be best that you two keep looking,” It wasn’t like they didn’t always leave her behind, anyway. Ayaka never really got monsters, their Earth barely saw them until Aizen began to use the Gyro and Crystals to summon them. Even now, there really wasn’t any reason for someone to stay there at all time, so long as thing were going as they usually were, no outside force like Kenshin involved.
But they never viewed it as leaving her behind, they viewed it as keeping her safe. Like if a monster did show up, she’d need their help. While it was true that she was better as acting as support for someone, or at least having some kind of teammate to help her, she could certainly take care of herself, especially now that she had her Kaijus to help her. They weren’t really protecting her from anything, they were just making sure she wouldn’t end up in danger at all. Except even that didn’t work, if the incident where Ultra Dark Killer tried to kidnap her was any indication (Especially given he had succeeded, even with Zero around to try to protect her. Maybe both his and her brothers’ problems were simply they tried too hard to protect her instead of… Well instead of something else.)
“Anyway!” She said, looking past her brothers to the members of KPaRS, “I found the alien who can speak to monsters.” With that, Asahi recounted Nobuyuki and what he’d told her, as well as her guess that Kenshin was ultimately behind all this.
“That would make sense,” Matsuoka noted, “Though that still presents a problem.”
Katsumi’s eyes narrowed, “Defeating Petrellator and Drabestia,”
Crossing their arms, Rin responded, “Though it appears that after your fight with them today, Drabestia is injured, which should help you in fighting the two of them.”
“But we don’t really know what Petrellator is capable of, either.” Isami sighed.
Not knowing what their opponent was capable of wasn’t the only problem, though, even if Katsumi and Isami didn’t seem to want to admit it, was that the two were still injured from their fights earlier. While it didn’t seem to be too bad, there was no guarantee that they’d be able to do much fighting tomorrow. They might have been able to convince KPaRS earlier, but they were clearly worse for wear at this point.
Katsumi was doing the best to pretend he was fine, but judging by the way he winced when he moved his arms, he’d gotten hurt a bit. Isami was doing a worse job, clearly tired and having more bruises visible, especially when his sleeves got hiked up. Since Asahi spent pretty much the entire fight away from anything that could really hurt her, she was the best off. Depending on how recovered the two were when Petrellator and Drabestia made there next appearance, she might have to shoulder more of the fighting.
While that was fine by her, she was certain her brothers wouldn’t be happy about it.
With a wry smile, Matsuoka finally said, “There’s not much we can do about that,” He glanced to the three siblings, then back to the rest of KPaRS, “For now, let’s just get some rest. We’ve done what we can, for now.”
Everyone nodded, but Asahi found herself not heading to the rooms that KPaRS was providing, but to the roof. She glanced at the sky, with the sun now set and the stars out and about, twinkling. She wasn’t particularly tired, despite all that had happened today. So instead, she decided she’d watch the sky, wondering about what lay beyond.
There was so much past this Earth, past any one Earth. After all, that was where Saki and her brothers had come from, somewhere in space. She’d never asked much about it, or about the original Rosso and Blu – it was partly because Saki didn’t seem to like to talk about it, partly because she’d never cared to dwell on something so far in the past. Now she regretted it, though. There didn’t seem to be anyone left to carry the story of the three, except for when they arrived on Earth.
She’d always wonder what it was like to travel the stars like that. She wondered what it was like to travel around even just the Earth. Both Katsumi and Isami got to go to places so far from home, got to see places that were so different from Ayaka. The closest Asahi has had is here in Kurokita and that was simply because it was another world, one filled with Kaijus so much that they were simply a fact of life.
Ah, those stars there reminded her of something… There, it looked like… The Makoto Crystal, that’s it. The stars made the shape of the Makoto Crystal when her brothers’ and her were using it to become Gruebe. It made her feel a bit… A bit sad, though she couldn’t exactly explain why.
With a yawn, the excitement of the day seemed to be finally wearing off, leaving Asahi to get up and decide to go to bed. Who knows when those monsters might appear again, they needed to be ready. She knew that they’d be able to do it, to defeat the two monsters, but they weren’t going to be able to if they were tired, especially since she was the only one who wasn’t particularly hurt, right now.
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nikocas · 3 years
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It’s not the clacking of shoes in CHQS walls, but instead the gentle whip of a full-length jacket that alerts all to Nik’s appearance; a presence that emanates control, yet remains entirely too terrifying to offer a suggestive smile as a greeting. Castillon’s dark grey cotton cape is iconic; pockets hidden on the inside that house switchblades, infotech that is probably a bit too restricted for someone of her level but evidently, hers. Everything appears orderly, a smile that’s as falsely welcoming as the grin on a Cheshire cat offers. Behind those hues lies a humour – laughing at her peers; begs the idea that there’s intelligence unmatched in them all; perhaps narcissistic is a trait ignored in the ZM’s playbook.
Neon strobes set alight Niko’s person, in the underbelly of New Amstel is where Castillon thrives. A hustler if there ever was such a definition; an appearance that only the bravest want to challenge to a drink – to a game; gambling of the most illegal degree, with everything beyond paper; flesh and bone is a thrill that seems below her rank – but perhaps that’s why it is so enjoyed. The real smile comes in the shadows of the slums, a humour that’s genuine and without professionalism; gets to play ball with her favourite shitpit (Jarek Novak, she’s looking at you.) in the grimy walls that look a little nicer with bright colours streaming through the rowdier; seedier of places.
An apple is impaled on a switchblade, cloudy white juices slide down the serrated edge of the metal, threaten to make Nik’s hands sticky with fruit entrails where she’s biting into it without fear of slicing something open. Eyes watch the game afoot; poker of sorts; a card game at least, from a distance; calculate her odds before investing into it herself. Always the daring – always the winner, loss sits sour in the ZM’s stomach.
Niko’s a master of such deceptive qualities – carries an air of importance, a professional in the waking hours of the workplace. Structured and organised is everything she does on paper, delivers everything in prompt time; never late. Yet, outside the walls, in the covers of the more shadier of places, she can really bury deep into the desires that hide in the daylight hours. A happiness – though, she’d never word it like that – only found amongst the less smart of individuals; a hunger that isn’t quenched with documents but instead, confidence in the arts of adaptability. Power is far too good for her and in all forms it comes, Castillon doesn’t like to hand it over, or give it up without a contest.
Some are naturally orientated to being a follower – others the followed; leaders that wear power like a cape for all to gaze an adore. In Castillon’s playbook, that cape’s not just metaphorical, a status symbol of how the tug and war of influence leads to asserting control over that very power. Too comfortable at the top, never considers the higher that podium, the further it’ll be to fall.
Though, occasionally, desire overcomes control – a blinding thing that reminds all that it’s so much easier to plummet than it is to climb.
Niko’s far too narcissistic to think like that; only has sight of more.
On a door – window office – of course, writes: Niko Castillon, Zone Manager and houses but such a meticulously organised office that if anyone were brave enough to ever ask how it remains that way – they’d find that there’s something a little darker hidden in the drawers, behind the bookshelves, within the confines of reworked literature that isn’t so pleasant. There’s rumours even that office is the home to the devil; possessed by a demon of sorts that sits like the grim reaper over a desk with a pen in hand that could double as a pistol – it’s not unheard of for Niko to weaponise such things.
But it’s not that side that’s fronted in the walls of CHQS; all diplomacy is Castillon there. A well respected – well rounded woman with a fierce eagerness to succeed in her position, to better the workings at the company and a faux smile offered to all employees as though they could trust her with anything. A despicable balance of terror and respect drilled hard; a no nonsense approach that never really sees fruition beyond policy reprimand. Niko – in her comfortable place right now, does often pretend like she hadn’t once not been there. And still, even now she is, remains to keep one foot outside of it.
Because a woman with an insatiable need to have status; power, desires a little more than just the ordinary, it cannot be held captive in CHQS at every waking hour. Thus, a release is required, and the underbelly of New Amstel has always been where its freed.
Though Niko would deny it to all – she knows the gutterrats and the shady folk a lot more than she knows her employees; can read their poker hands as easy as absorbing words in a book, and it’s where that smile is no longer false and those switchblades she carries serve a purpose beyond just a comfort of being present. Power comes in so many forms that Castillon probably doesn’t quite know herself which of the many she wants to pursue, if not every kind; to be the kingpin of the underbelly, the one day Director of New Amstel and have a status that carries throughout every crevasse of the plain.
Big aspirations, let’s not kick a woman for dreaming.
But, she’ll do more than kick you for saying as much. Masterful in performances; acts that nobody really knows – or can say, which Niko Castillon is the real Niko Castillon, but she’ll take bets on it and hustle you into next week. Let’s the polished suits and clean attire create fools to underestimate potential. Classier than a scam artist – more respected than a small time pickpocket, advantageous is her clearance to technology not quite extending to the beneath of New Amstel, but often, she doesn’t even need it.
There can be a kindness there, something that’s more reflective of her appearance; the powerful status and the role within the Zone; as quiet as it remains from the locals, those ones see a skilled cardslinger. A woman with a penchant for winning and a success roll of any dice handed to her – but, she’ll always insist on using her own, platinum-plated, didn’t you know? 
At the barside, still a betting woman – borders the threshold of addicted to it, but balances that desire for control a little too well to ever collapse into it completely.
One foot in, one foot out, works.
Everyone’s ally, simultaneously, nobody’s. Vain, self-serving and would throw most underneath the moving train if it meant she could further her own ambitions. If it’s not obvious in the way that every fruit is found at the end of a switchblade and eaten like a candy apple because she doesn’t use shady bar’s cutlery, or allow dirt to ruin a freshly laundered suit without good reason – then the way a stare is pinned at you and she bites that fruit like by the end of it that knife is free to used again for all matter of possibilities, should be.
That and how the businesswoman’s verbal filter is off the moment that foot leaves CHQS walls. Most of everyone’s shitpit from then on – among other names. Ever the opportunist; its how she got the job as ZM to begin with, broke out of the underbelly’s cycle to clean up a persona that carries throughout New Amstel – and with a boss like she has, it really hadn’t been all that difficult.
Shitpit number one right there.
JAREK NOVAK | Boss Shitpit. | If CHQS ever broke out into a civil war, the question would be, Is Novak and Castillon heading opposing sides, or are they one and two leading the winning one? A definitive relationship where professionalism meets debauchery; they share some vices in the underbelly of New Amstel, private affairs that never meet within the walls of the workplace. Niko hates how unfit for the role Jarek is, evidently, and yet he’s the boss and there’s a little too many similarities when they’re not fronting business suits and they’re holding gambling hands with wicked poker faces; too good at playing pretend. Also a little too versed in watching one another take a few punches, help a guy out? Sit at the bar with fruit, a drink and rack up a bar tab sounds a little better. 
Zone Manager (New Amstel) and cardslinging hustler on the side. 
Refuses or ignores any general chit chat that starts to dig into her past, anything before she got the job at CHQS.
Has about twelve personalities and if there’s something she wants, she’ll switch through those persona’s to develop trust; be exactly what you want her to be so she can manipulate you for self-serving reasons. 
Niko is likely to insult you on the first meeting if its in the underbelly and you’re an unfamiliar to the usual; within the walls of CHQS, she’s the gracious Zone Manager who’ll be so happy to help with anything you need. -insert fake warm smile here-
Unhealthy obsession with status; power and seen as this idol of sorts; do we think this is some subconscious desire to want to be wanted, who knows? Tune in and we’ll find out.
Does genuinely carry switchblades around like they’re personal knives and forks, also, somehow magically pristine white handkerchiefs at all times. 
Doesn’t like to get her hands dirty, dirty, but will, probably be even more pissed she had to if it got to that point. 
Outstanding member of CHQS; punctual; contributing and usually probably only outshined by Jarek in some sick twist of fate considering she thinks he’s entirely incapable in his role. However, in the underbelly, they’re totally different. 
Well, unless they’re alone in a CHQS office together and it’s like two children in some pissing contest and all fronts vanish. 
Kind of thinks she’s hot shit but will also not care if you think otherwise. 
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broomballkraken · 4 years
Title: A Knight’s Duty
Fandom: Rune Factory 4
Pairing: Arthur/Forte
Word count: 3918
Warnings: None
Summary: As Forte is completing her morning rounds, she runs into Arthur, who is heading out of town to collect some medicinal herbs for a client. She offers to join him as protection, due to the recent increase in monster activity in the area and he accepts. Thus, the knight and prince spend a surprisingly exciting day together, and Forte is left with some...confusing feelings to work out.
“Right. Everything seems to be normal here…”
Forte stopped in the center of the Selphia Town Square, hand resting on the handle of her sword as her head slowly turned to scan the area for anything out of the ordinary. It was a brisk spring morning, but already warming up as the sun rose over the horizon, basking Selphia in a soft golden light. Summer was quickly approaching, and Forte was looking forward to spending some fun days at the lake with her friends. For now, she would focus on the ever-important task of keeping the townsfolk safe.
“Ah, good morning, Forte.”
Turning around, Forte saw Arthur approaching her with a glowing smile on his face. It seemed to be infectious, because she found that her lips were turning upward automatically before she could even think about it. The prince was a sweet, kind man, who had an incredibly bad habit of overworking himself to try and finish his seemingly endless piles of work. He must have something important to get done today if he was up so early, and Forte was curious about it.
“Hi Arthur. What has you up and about so early?” she asked, the smile falling from her face when she noticed the dark bags under his eyes. Had he stayed up late working again? Margaret often complained to Forte about Arthur’s tendency to work well into the late hours of the night, and even into the early hours of the morning. Margaret also mentioned that Porcoline and even Dylas were starting to worry about him. Forte wasn’t surprised; the three that Porcoline had basically ‘adopted’ were all very close friends and cared about each other quite deeply.
“Oh, I’m just going to collect some medicinal herbs from the Selphia Plains,” Arthur said, trying and failing to stifle a yawn, which caused Forte to narrow her eyes at him, “I have a client who is researching new medicine and has a need for them.”
“Are you going out by yourself?”
“Why yes. I was planning on it, anyway.”
“Hmm,” Forte hummed, frowning as she crossed her arms over her chest, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. There have been reports of orcs attacking travelers out on the plains lately. It’s dangerous.”
“Oh, really?” Arthur said with a disappointed edge to his voice, “But I need to send these herbs out by the end of the day, or they won’t get to my client in time.” Forte’s smile returned as she uncrossed her arms and placed her hands on her hips.
“Well, I’ll just have to join you, then,” Forte giggled at the silly, shocked expression that crossed Arthur’s face, and he shook his head.
“Oh, no! I couldn’t possibly bother you with watching over me. I don’t think my task will be a particularly exciting one…” Arthur said, and Forte laughed.
“It’s fine. I am a knight after all, and you’re a prince. I can’t just sit by and let you possibly walk off into danger.”
“And,” Forte cut Arthur off as she placed a hand on his arm, “you’re also my friend, Arthur, and I want to help you out.” Arthur blinked slowly as he stared at her hand, before he smiled and let out a chuckle.
“I guess that makes sense. If you are certain, then I would be glad you take you along, Forte.”
With that, the pair headed out onto the winding path through the Selphia Plains. Forte stayed alert for any danger, keeping a hand hovering near the handle of her sword so that she could pull it out quickly if she needed to. Arthur filled the silence of the morning by speaking of some local legends, including one about a cave that they passed that was now blocked off because of a cave in.
“It was said that couples who walked hand-in-hand through the cave and back out would be guaranteed to be together forever.” Arthur said, a wistful tone to his voice as he turned to smile at Forte.
“How romantic...” Forte mumbled, her eyes going wide and mouth snapping shut when she realized that she had said that out loud and not just in her head. Arthur raised an eyebrow at her, curiosity glimmering in his bespectacled eyes.
“Er, uh, I mean…” she blurted out, blushing madly when Arthur laughed.
“I did not take you for the romantic type, Forte.” Arthur mused. Forte’s face scrunched up at that, and she turned her head away from him to hopefully hide the deepening of the blush on her face. Ugh, how embarrassing. Knights like her shouldn’t be thinking about romance of all things while on the job.
“It’s just, ah, you were telling that story, and it was interesting, and um, well-”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Arthur said, and when Forte turned to look back at him he was smiling sheepishly as he scratched at his chin, “I did not mean to fluster you like that. I have to admit, this side of you is quite endearing. You’re usually so serious all the time.”
“Well,” Forte said, huffing as she crossed her arms over her chest, “I am a knight, and it’s all part of a knight’s duty to not be distracted by frivolous things. Especially while on duty.”
“I guess you have a point there. But,” Arthur said, smiling sweetly at Forte, whose heart skipped a beat for some unknown reason, “it is just you and me right now. You do not have to have your guard so far up amongst a friend.”
“...You may have a point,” Forte muttered, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth as they ventured onward. For as long as she had been a knight, Forte had given an outward appearance of a stoic, no-nonsense protector of the people of Selphia. She kept her love of sweets and cute things under wraps, as well as her embarrassing fear of ghosts. Who could ever look up to someone like that as a protector? She shook her head, trying to push those self-conscious thoughts away, when Arthur suddenly stopped walking.
“Ah ha! It looks like this is a perfect spot,” he said, turning to look at Forte as he waved his arm in front of him. Forte came to a stop beside him and surveyed the area. They were in a small clearing surrounded by trees, with many green clumps of vegetation growing in patches over the ground. She noticed that most of the plants were indeed medicinal herbs, exactly what Arthur was looking for.
“Wow, it didn’t take long at all to find a good batch of them,” Forte said, and Arthur nodded enthusiastically as he pulled out some gloves.
“Indeed. We are quite lucky today, it seems.” Arthur knelt down next to the nearest patch of herbs and started gathering them, stowing them away into a satchel that he had brought with him. Forte couldn’t just sit by and watch him do all the work, so she got to work as well. After a few hours of plant-picking, they had managed to clear out the entire area, just in time for lunch.
“Ah, yes. This will be a perfect amount to send to my client,” Arthur said, closing his now bulging satchel and taking off his gloves, “Are you hungry, Forte? I did bring lunch with me.”
“Oh, it’s okay. I don’t want to impose. I’m not that hungry anyway,” Forte said quickly, shaking her head. He had not planned for company, so she assumed that Arthur had only packed enough food for himself. She would feel bad about helping herself to his meal.
Forte’s stomach, however, chose this moment to betray her, as a loud rumbling noise filled the air. A mortified look crossed her face as she hid her face in her hands, feeling her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Arthur’s laughter hit her ears, and Forte peaked between her fingers to find him pulling two sandwiches out of another satchel. She slowly lowered her hands and blinked at him, confused. Why did he have more than one sandwich?
“I think your stomach is saying otherwise,” Arthur said, another chuckle escaping him when Forte pouted, “And do not worry. I brought two meals with me, just in case my herb gathering lasted all day.” He held a sandwich out to her, and she hesitated for a moment, before a small smile crossed her face and she took it.
“Thanks,” Forte said, as they both sat down in the shade of a tree. She unwrapped her sandwich and took a bite, her smile growing as the delicious taste filled her mouth. “This is really good!”
“Thank you,” Arthur said, biting into his own sandwich. He chewed thoughtfully for a moment and nodded, “Ah, it does taste delightful. I think my cooking is improving.”
“Have you been practicing?”
“Oh yes. Porcoline has been teaching both Dylas and myself. He’s an eccentric man, but a master of his craft.” Forte giggled at that. Eccentric was a bit of an understatement to describe Porcoline. But, he was a good man, giving Dylas and Arthur places to stay and taking Margaret under his wing as well. They fell into a comfortable silence as they ate, and Forte moved to stand when she finished her sandwich, but Arthur motioned for her to stop as he pulled something else from his lunch bag.
“Wait a moment, Forte,” he said, smiling as he held a smaller bag in his hands, “I also brought dessert, if you’d like.” Forte averted her gaze and shook her head as she had an internal battle with her hidden love of sweets.
“No, I, ah, don’t like sweets-” she started, but words suddenly failed her when Arthur pulled a small chocolate cake from the bag, and she almost started drooling when the sweet smell hit her nose.
“Oh, well, that truly is a shame,” Arthur said, raising an eyebrow at Forte before sighing, “I really wanted someone to help taste test this cake. It was my first attempt at it, after all.” Forte bit the inside of her lip as she stared at the cake. Yes, she could just play it off as helping Arthur do a taste test. No need for him to know that she actually really, really liked sweets. She could still keep up her knightly image.
“Well, if you need someone to taste-test for you, then I suppose that I could help you out.” Forte said, trying to keep a smile from crossing her face as Arthur cut her a slice of the cake before cutting one for himself.
“Ah, good! I really appreciate you trying it, although I feel bad feeding you something that you don’t like…” Arthur said, a slight frown crossing his face as a guilty look appeared in his eyes.
“Oh, it’s fine,” Forte waved his concerns off as she turned her complete attention to the slice of cake in front of her. She felt Arthur’s gaze upon her, so she tried to keep a neutral expression as she dug her fork into the cake, lifted it to her face, and took a bite. All thoughts of keeping up appearances were immediately discarded when the amazingly-sweet taste filled her mouth, and Forte let out a delighted hum, closing her eyes as a bright smile crossed her face.
“Oh! This is amazing!” she blurted out, her eyes shooting back open as she shoveled a few more forkfuls into her mouth.
“Hm? I thought you didn’t like sweets, Forte?” Forte almost choked on her cake when she remembered that Arthur was watching her. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, finding that he was indeed looking right at her, with an eyebrow raised and a small smirk on his face. She swallowed thickly and straightened up, sweat beading on her forehead as she tried to come up with an excuse.
“Er, uh, well yes, but...It must be because...y-you’re so good at baking! Yeah, that’s it!” Forte blurted out, laughing sheepishly as she pushed the rest of the cake back at Arthur. “I, er, this is all that I can handle, though! B-But it was...tolerable, even to a sweet hater like me!” A few moments of agonizing silence ticked by, before Arthur started chuckling, which soon erupted into a full-blown laughing fit.
“W-What’s so funny?” Forte asked, her cheeks burning as she covered her face with her hands. Ugh, how embarrassing. It seemed that she had let her guard down a little too much this time…
The laughter died down, and Forte suddenly felt a warmth on her hands. They were slowly pulled from her face, and she saw that Arthur was kneeling in front of her, his hands gently holding her own.
“Apologies, Forte,” he said, a last, lingering chuckle escaping him, “How incredibly rude of me to laugh at you like that. And after I fed you something that you don’t like. I will pack it away, just in case I get hungry on the way back to town.” Arthur winked at her as he released her hands to start packing up their lunch. Forte blinked slowly as she stared down at her hands, the warmth of his own still lingering on her skin. Her chest tightened at the thought, and she quickly shook her head and focused on helping Arthur pack up.
“Alright, we should be heading back now-Oh?” Forte turned around when Arthur interrupted himself, and she watched as he rushed across the clearing.
“What is it?” Forte asked, following him slowly as a hand instinctively went to rest on the handle of her sword.
“I think we missed collecting some herbs,” Arthur said as he fumbled with putting his gloves back on, “Oh, and these look like excellent specimens as well-”
Suddenly, something large burst out of the bushes in front of him, and Arthur let out a startled yelp as a wooly slammed into him, sending him stumbling backwards a bit before he fell to the ground. Forte immediately charged at the monster, drawing her sword as she stepped in front of Arthur. The wooly made the smart decision to turn tail and escape back into the forest from whence it came.
“Arthur, are you alright?” Forte said, sheathing her sword as she rushed to Arthur’s side, kneeling down beside him. He groaned as he pushed himself up, and he let out a sheepish chuckle.
“Ah, I think so. I was just surprised, is all,” he said, and Forte sighed in relief as she stood up and offered her hand to Arthur. He took it and she helped him to his feet, but he suddenly winced and fell against her.
“Arthur?” Forte frowned as she grabbed his shoulders to support him, her eyebrows furrowing with concern as he grit his teeth, looking as if he was in pain.
“Ah, maybe I am not as alright as I thought…” he said, looking down at his right foot, “I think I may have twisted my ankle.” Forte’s frown deepened as she looked up at the sky. It was only after noon, so she might have had time to go and get help for him. However, she did not want to leave Arthur alone, especially since he was injured and could be ambushed by orcs at any time. She knew what she had to do.
“I’m sorry, Forte. Maybe we can wait and see-” Arthur started, but he cut himself off with a yelp when Forte slipped one arm under his legs, while the other supported his back as she lifted him into her arms.
“Nope. We need to leave now, before those orcs I heard about show up,” she said, smiling at Arthur as he stared at her, a light blush forming on his face.
“B-But, Forte, I cannot ask you to carry me all the way back to town!” Arthur protested, his arms hovering awkwardly in the air, as if he didn’t know where to put them, before he settled for folding his hands in his lap.
“Oh, I definitely can,” Forte said, a smug smile crossing her face, “Or are you calling me weak?” She giggled when Arthur’s jaw dropped and he quickly shook his head.
“Not at all! I just...feel terrible for inconveniencing you. It was my fault that I got hurt, after all. I was not paying attention.” Arthur mumbled, averting his gaze. Forte rolled her eyes and adjusted her hold on him.
“Well, I’m the one who’s supposed to be protecting you, so it’s also my fault for not doing my duty correctly.” she said, as she started walking across the clearing to get back to the road, “Just relax and quit complaining about it.”
“...Alright, if you insist. Thank you,” Arthur said, and Forte could feel the tension leave his body as he finally relaxed in her arms.
“You can cook for me again if you really feel that badly about it, and we’ll call it even,” Forte said with a smirk.
“Oh, I believe I can do that. I shall be sure to omit the sweets that you loathe so much next time.” A conflicted frown crossed Forte’s face as Arthur laughed, and they continued to make their way back to Selphia.
They’re journey continued without much excitement...That is, until Forte heard a loud rustling coming from the foliage along the side of the road. She bristled and stopped walking, and Arthur shot her a quizzical look; it seemed that he did not hear what she did.
“Is something wrong?” Arthur asked, a worried frown crossing his face. She didn’t have to answer him, for a second later an orc burst forth from the forest, snarling as it charged straight for them. It swung its mace wildly in front of it, and Forte had just enough time to quickly sidestep its first attack.
“Hold on, Arthur!” Forte said, ignoring his surprised yelp as she quickly threw him over her left shoulder, keeping a tight grip on his legs with her left arm as she drew her sword with her right. When he recovered from his shock, Arthur wrapped his arms around her with a tight grip, and Forte took a defensive stance as the orc turned and charged at her again with a feral screech. Well, Forte certainly had never fought in this position before, but she grit her teeth and readied her sword; she would not let any harm come to Arthur, not while she still drew breath.
With a yell, Forte blocked the orc’s mace with her sword, the sound of steel hitting steel piercing the air. The orc stumbled a bit, and Forte used this opportunity to deliver a swift kick to its chest, sending it tumbling to the ground, with it’s mace landing a few feet away. She then stalked toward the unarmed orc, and it must have realized the predicament that it was in, because it immediately jumped to its feet and retreated back into the forest.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Forte sheathed her sword and gently pulled Arthur from her back and into her arms again. She gave him a once-over, and he looked to be fine, except for the absolutely flabbergasted look on his face. Forte narrowed her eyes, confused.
“Are you alright, Arthur? I didn’t hurt you when I moved you to my back, did I?” Forte said, the very thought of hurting him causing her heart to clench almost painfully. He stared at her for a few moments, as if he was in a daze, before his face flushed a bright red and he quickly shook his head.
“Oh, uh, n-no. I’m alright,” he said, bringing a hand to his face as he cleared his throat, “I appear to have, ah, lost my glasses, though.”
“Oh!” Forte said, planting her feet firmly as she scanned the ground, not wanting to accidentally step on his glasses. She looked over her shoulder and spotted his glasses on the ground, and she carefully turned around, squatting down enough so that Arthur could reach down and grab them.
“Ah, that’s better,” Arthur said when his glasses were back where they belonged, “Now I can properly look upon the face of my savior.” Forte felt her face heat up as she looked away, suddenly feeling shy.
“I was just doing my job. I wasn’t just going to let that orc attack us without doing anything…” she mumbled, and Arthur chuckled, reaching up to brush back some of her hair that had fallen from her hair clip and into her face. His fingers left trails of heat where they brushed against her skin, and she couldn’t stop herself from sputtering with embarrassment.
“Thank you, Forte.”
“Uh...y-your welcome.”
Forte pursed her lips together as she started briskly walking again, and Arthur chuckled before falling silent. Forte’s heart was racing, and her face felt hot. Was she getting sick or something? Or maybe she overexerted herself in that fight? Fighting with someone else’s weight on her back was something that she wasn’t used to...but she had a feeling deep in her gut that it had more to do with the certain someone she was currently carrying in her arms...
By the time they made it back to Selphia, Forte still did not have an answer to her question. She had more pressing matters to attend to, though, and she quickly made her way to the clinic, where Jones and Nancy easily fixed up Arthur’s ankle, much to Forte’s relief. By the time they left the clinic, it was just after sunset, and Forte insisted on walking Arthur home, just to be sure that his newly healed ankle didn’t give out on the way. He protested slightly, saying that he did not want to be more of a burden on her than he already was. She was stubborn about it, however, and he eventually relented, and soon they found themselves outside of Arthur’s door.
“Well, it certainly has been an exciting day,” Arthur said with a smile.
“Oh yes,” Forte said, smiling in return, “Have a good night, Arthur.” She turned to leave, but he placed a gentle hand on her arm. She turned back to him, a curious eyebrow raised.
“Thank you, my courageous knight,” Arthur said, taking one of Forte’s hands in his and lifting it to his face, “for all of your help today, and for protecting me valiantly in the face of danger.” Forte’s jaw hung open in shock as he gently pressed his lips to the back of her hand, and her face suddenly felt like it had been set on fire.
“A-Arthur?” she managed to barely squeak out, and he chuckled as he released her hand, turning around to open the door. Arthur paused in the threshold and turned his head back to look at Forte, an amused grin on his face.
“If I may be so bold, you do look ever-so-cute with your cheeks flushed pink like that, Forte. Goodnight.” Arthur shot her a wink before disappearing inside and closing the door behind him. A mortified look crossed Forte’s face as she reached up to rub at her cheeks, as if that would make the pink blush go away.
“C-Cute?” she mumbled to herself. Arthur thought she was...cute? He did have a notorious weakness for cute things, but she really wasn’t all that cute, was she? Forte couldn’t really believe it, as plain and uninteresting as she was.
The evening chill was starting to get to her, so Forte finally forced her feet to move, and she made her way home. Despite the cold air around her, Forte’s cheeks burned and some kind of spark had ignited inside of her chest...and she did not know exactly why. Hmm, maybe she could ask Margaret about it later...
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sepublic · 4 years
           The Kraahl are a mysterious group of beings from the Para-Realm that worship Umarak, Deity of Shadow. As Twilight beings, they are of a dual-nature, composed of both Light and Shadow; This enables them to easily travel between the Light and Dark worlds at will. Masters of stealth and escape, their lives in constant, eternal darkness has led to them being highly attuned in matters of Shadow.
           Amongst those Okotans who naturally opposed Umarak as a force of Darkness, there were those fascinated with the deity who sought to learn more about him. The predecessors to the Kraahl as an organization and cult were these researchers, scholars, shamans, and others deemed heretics by Okotan society. They sought to learn the nature of Umarak’s elusive home, the ‘Field of Shadows’, and potentially even question the favoring of Nuva in the war between Light and Darkness.
           When Umarak returned and assailed Okoto, there were those who were horrified; But others were emboldened in their fascination. Openly worshipping and welcoming the shadow, the Kraahl offered their support; Umarak, confused and somewhat flattered, remained wary. Nevertheless, he chose to make use of the Kraahl, who also offered themselves for Kaita fusion. However, due to none of them being compatible with Umarak, the Deity of Shadow declined such offers, opting to wait for an ideal host.
           Time and time again, Umarak would be defeated, only to return; And generations of Kraahl would work to undermine Nuva and her champions, hoping to tip the balance in favor of darkness. A few managed to infiltrate the upper echelons of society, but nevertheless the cult’s efforts always failed.
           However, when Nuva went on a rampage and was defeated, transformed into the Mask of Light and cast from Okoto, the Kraahl saw a golden chance. Seizing control of the Inika, Temple of Summoning, they used the ancient machination’s power to summon Umarak from the Para-Realm, enabling him to pierce the veil between worlds much sooner than expected.
           Caught off-guard, the Okotan Pantheon –weakened from their battle with Nuva- were unable to defeat Umarak. In a last-ditch effort, the Elemental Deities trapped Umarak beneath a new island of Okoto. In the chaos and destruction that ensued from this, Umarak managed to protect his Kraahl by absorbing them into his essence. Later, when the foundations of the new Okoto had settled, Umarak utilized Shadow Travel to transport his Kraahl to the surface. Although no shadows in the Light World were strong enough to transfer his entire being, Umarak could nevertheless carry smaller individuals back and forth.
           Regathering on Okoto, the Kraahl built a hidden city and began to live there, further developing as a culture and civilization. Efforts were made to tunnel through Okoto and release The Darkness Below, but all of these failed. The Inika, if it could help, was useless now; Due to its use in summoning Umarak, the Okotan Pantheon made sure to drain the Temple of Summoning of its energy, rendering the structure entirely powerless and inert.  
          In the meantime, other members of the Kraahl focused their efforts on studying the nature of shadow, hoping to one-day access the Para-Realm. When Umarak was reborn as The Hunter, the Kraahl immediately offered their services. Umarak, recognized there was little mortals could do to challenge the Elemental Deities –who were at the time still in the peak of their power- decided to spare his followers, advising them instead to live their own lives with their own purpose. Dismayed, the Kraahl nevertheless obeyed, leaving Umarak to attend to his hunts. Between his hunts, Umarak would occasionally visit the Kraahl, giving them knowledge on the workings of Shadow, but otherwise preferred to be left alone.
           Eventually, the Kraahl succeeded in discovering a way to access the Para-Realm, carving spell-circles into the ground and transporting whatever was inside to the Dark World. Initially beginning with objects, they then moved onto plants, small animals, and then larger beasts. Inevitably, a few offered themselves up for such rituals- While others had reservations, inevitably the Kraahl accepted the sacrifice of such volunteers. Such subjects were transported to the Para-Realm, and never heard from again; It seems that the trip was one-way, and the Kraahl had yet to master the power of Light, much less Shadow.
           Experiments on creating gateways to the Para-Realm led to a massive circle being carved around the Kraahl’s city, in the event that an attack from others would force them to escape en masse. This was of course a last-resort, but luckily the Kraahl didn’t come into conflict with the Okotan Empire, nor did they get involved with the Skull Raiders who invaded the island afterwards.
           However, their city-sized circle came into play during the Great Cataclysm. As the island begin to wither and die from the Mask of Life, Umarak briefly appeared to the Kraahl, warning them to take shelter before disappearing. As the Kraahl gathered resources and supplies, a few stood in formation in case their spell circle needed to be used.
           Their fears weren’t unfounded- The Mask of Life shattered, releasing a wave of all six elements in multiple directions. The Kraahl’s city was caught in the path of a massive, whirling sandstorm that threatened to bury the entire settlement. Panicking, the Kraahl elders gave the word, and everyone gathered within as the spell circle was activated, transporting the entire cult and some of their supplies to the Para-Realm.
           Arriving in the darkened parallel to Okoto, the Kraahl had little time to take in the sights; The Great Cataclysm, in an unprecedented event, had its events mirrored in the Para-Realm in real time. Many were trapped and buried alive, dying; But others managed to survive, digging themselves out and finding help from none other than those Kraahl who had previously been sent to the Dark World.
           Adjusting to their new lives in perpetual darkness, the Kraahl despaired, having lost contact with Umarak without anyway of returning. With no home left, the Kraahl that remained set to work building a new settlement, and attempting to procure a proper food source. In the end, all that remained was the shadows of plantlife that were cast into the Para-Realm; And when regular food supplies ran out, starvation turned to desperation.
           The dark ‘plantlife’ of Okoto yielded little, but it provided enough for some to live. As the Kraahl adapted to their new lives and began examining the Para-Realm in fascination, studying the world and learning more of Shadow, their bodies began to change. Prolonged exposure to the Dark World began to slowly transform them, incorporating Shadow into their essence. The bodies of the Kraahl began to physically change as a result.
           When a new generation of Kraahl were born, these children were the ideal balance between Light and Shadow, true Twilight beings composed of both forces. Their parents praised their children and passed on the teachings of the Kraahl, eventually passing away. New generations lived knowing only eternal darkness, having heard stories of the ‘Light World’ they had come from, and their god Umarak.
           Inevitably, as new generations came and went, many Kraahl desired more for themselves. They had explored Okoto’s shadow, but knew that the endless oceans beyond were still and safe to travel; Weather was not present in the Para-Realm, unlike the Light World. Why not sail these still seas and see what lay beyond through the shadows they cast into the Dark World? Older generations were against the idea, but one day a titanic beast rose from the dark ocean.
           It was the Zivon; A colossal crustacean from old myths of the Light World. As the Kraahl pondered the presence of this ancestral beast, they hid from the Zivon, which scoured Dark Okoto and was disappointed to find nothing out of the ordinary. Considering the possibility that the Zivon had arrived from another island, the Kraahl made a decision; And the group decided on partaking in a pilgrimage.
           Boats were carved, and the Kraahl followed quietly in the Zivon’s wake after the beast returned to the ocean, following its path. Sailing in the Zivon’s direction, the Kraahl eventually came across an entirely new island, a massive shadow cast by some other land in the Light World. Realizing this meant there was land beyond Okoto, the Kraahl rejoiced at their discovery and landed, exploring the dark island.
           There, they encountered the Zyglak; Bio-matter rejects who had been banished to the Para-Realm by their Nynrah Ghost creators. After initial conflict, the Kraahl and Zyglak came to an understanding as mutual outcasts, and chose to mind one another’s business, not intruding on either’s territory. During the exchange, the Kraahl learned the name of the island this dark land shadowed; Xia.
           As the Kraahl adapted to life on Dark Xia, a few noticed unusual portals that briefly appeared, dropping anything from more Zyglak, to rejected bioweapons and other creations of the Nynrah Ghosts. Having learned from their Zyglak neighbors that these were portals cast by the Kahgarak, a few Kraahl took a chance and entered the portals as they opened; On the other side, they found themselves confronted by a surprised Kahgarak within a Nynrah Ghost facility. These unfortunate Kraahl were captured and experimented upon by the Nynrah Ghosts, and it became a rule amongst the group to avoid such portals.
While this happened, some Kraahl quickly noticed and felt something powerful emanating from the shadow of the Artidax District. There, they encountered a massive structure, reflecting one in the Light World; And from within this impenetrable fortress, the Kraahl felt a source of Light… A brilliant radiance far more powerful than any they had seen, one so bright that its shine emanated even into the Para-Realm.
           After deliberation on this light, it was eventually theorized that it had to have been the Mask of Light; What else could be so bright, and was known for being banished beyond Okoto? With newfound purpose, the Kraahl made plans to retrieve the Mask of Light for Umarak, but also needed to access the Light World to do so.
           Gathering around the Mask of Light’s interdimensional presence, the Kraahl began to attune themselves to its power. They accessed and reawakened the Light that made up a significant portion of their being; And when utilized in conjunction with their natural Shadow…
           A few of the Kraahl suddenly warped, finding themselves in the Light World for the first time. This of course surprised the guards around the facility containing the Mask of Light; In the ensuing chaos, some Kraahl warped back to the Para-Realm, while others escaped into Artidax. The Kraahl regrouped, and understanding their new abilities, succeeded in teaching the technique to the rest of the group; Before long, every Kraahl, even the children, could warp between the Light and Dark worlds like it was second-hand nature.
           Fascinated by their newfound access to the fabled Light World, the Kraahl took to exploring Xia. Hiding within the shadows and utilizing their warping abilities as necessary, they became a local legend amongst Xians, regarded as living shadows who disappeared into the night; This was not entirely wrong, but most Xians also believed the ‘myth’ of the Kraahl to be nothing more than very clever and elusive thieves.
           Enjoying the Light World, as painfully bright as it was, the Kraahl used their abilities to sneak into areas and steal many things, exposing themselves to new foods and culture, as well as various forms of technology. Amassing resources –and even donating a few to their Zyglak neighbors, as a gesture of good will- the Kraahl became acquainted with Xia, and eventually made plans to seize the Mask of Light.
           Watching the facility from afar, they waited for the right opportunity to strike, taking into account Vahki sentries, living guards, security systems, and the Upgraded Vahki with seismic abilities. But before the Kraahl could strike, another group of masked individuals assailed the fortress. Initially hoping to take advantage of the chaos, the Kraahl were unable to retrieve the Mask of Light; The mysterious order of agents took it for themselves, handing it over to a monstrous being who disappeared alongside the artifact. Checking the Para-Realm, the Kraahl did not see this monster, and deduced that it had not warped into the Dark World, but instead teleported across the Light World instead.
           The Kraahl scoured Xia’s shadow for the Mask of Light, but could not find it anywhere. With no other options left, they realized it had to have been on Okoto; And so the Kraahl made a pilgrimage back to their ancestral home. Arriving in Okoto’s shadow, they warped to the Light World and were amazed at the abundance of nature and life there, dazzled by the realization that they were the first to return to Okoto since the Great Cataclysm.
           The Kraahl explored Okoto, searching for the Mask of Light and avoiding the Skull Spiders strewn about; Fenrakk noticed them and reported this to his father Makuta. Eventually the Kraahl reunited with Umarak the hunter for the first time in centuries, and overjoyed, the cult began worshipping the dark being.
           Also surprised but happy, Umarak felt both flattered and uncomfortable with the worship. After reconnecting and explaining what had happened, Umarak revealed that he had already visited Xia a few times before, and even became a member of the Dark Hunters. The Kraahl in turn explained the Mask of Light’s presence, and disappearance from the land. Realizing his old foe was somewhere nearby, Umarak thanked the Kraahl for this information. The Kraahl offered to help him in stealing the rest of the Elemental Deities’ power as well.
           Not wanting to see his people get hurt, and fearing that the Brotherhood of Makuta may notice the Kraahl and attempt to harvest them, Umarak declined. Instead, he ordered his people to head back to Xia and continue living their own lives. Dismayed, the Kraahl obliged, offering one last time to perform a Kaita fusion; However, Umarak found none to be compatible and felt he could not truly trust any of the Kraahl so intimately. He declined, and the Kraahl headed back to Xia; Their search on Okoto had yielded no Mask of Light, to their confusion.
           While some remained on Dark Xia, a few efforts were made to dive into the endless oceans’ shadow, believing the Mask of Light could also be there; But such efforts were futile. Even with stolen submarines, the Kraahl found no trace of Nuva. At some point, the Nynrah Ghosts set a bounty for the Kraahl, hoping to experiment on the twilight beings; When a few Dark Hunters took the assignment for themselves, Umarak learned of this and became enraged. He confronted The Shadowed One, threatening retaliation; In turn, The Shadowed One forbid the Dark Hunters from hunting the Kraahl, while still taking into account their worth to Umarak and potential value.
           Every now and then, the Kraahl would check back on Okoto to see Umarak’s progress. Eventually, they learned of Umarak’s defeat, and his transformation into the Mask of Shadows, which was secured within a maximum-security vault by Ekimu the Mask Maker. Enraged and dismayed, many of the Kraahl suggested retaliation, but their leader, Kirop, advised caution. They could not match the Okotans; Instead, a few of their finest warriors would travel to Okoto’s shadow, observing the Mask of Shadows’ vault from the Para-Realm. When the time was right, they would break in and free Umarak, and operate from there…
           In the meantime, Kirop and the rest would remain in Xia’s shadow. A few months later, members of the Kraahl came across Tahu, Hahli, and Kualus in the Para-Realm; Initially they showed hostility, choosing not to reveal their nature as worshippers of Umarak at the time. A tenuous understanding was eventually reached, and Kirop permitted the trio to leave; Back on Dark Okoto, a few Kraahl noticed the presence of Yagavo, who would often warp into the Para-Realm in combat. Per Umarak’s past advice, they avoided the Rahkshi to evade Brotherhood interest.
           Eventually, Kirop and his group began to trace the Okotan Expedition on Xia, watching them from afar as they figured out what to do. In the process, they witnessed an individual known as Kralta; A withdrawn Xian who the Kraahl immediately resonated with. Intrigued by Kralta, the Kraahl continued to trace her as well, and after seeing the signs, Kirop believed that she could be the long-awaited Kaita of Umarak!
           The Kraahl chose to ignore the Okotans and their conflict with the Dark Hunters, watching Kralta from afar. When Xia was flown over to Okoto, the Kraahl were largely unaffected by the incident, but still shocked nonetheless. Keeping their eyes on Kralta, they followed the Xian when she fell to Okoto during the great battle against the Dark Hunters.
           As if by fate and Destiny, Kralta landed in the Region of Stone, not too far from where the Mask of Shadows was located. Realizing it was time, the Kraahl set to work, slaughtering the guards at the vault with the rest of the Okotan Alliance distracted with the Dark Hunters. Carving open a path directly to the Mask of Shadows, they pried open the vault and stood by, bowing before Kralta as she approached Umarak.
           Umarak and Kralta communicated telepathically, briefly, and came to an understanding; And when Kralta donned the Mask of Shadows, she ascended as Umarak’s first Kaita, becoming the only Toa of Shadows to have ever existed. The Kraahl rejoiced, celebrating the triumph of the Deity of Shadow.
           Now, they are currently working under Kralta and Umarak’s orders to undermine multiple enemies; The Okotan Alliance, Barraki, Brotherhood of Makuta, etc. While some Kraahl assist Kraltarak in fighting their enemies, others search for the Mask of Light. The Kraahl hope to resume their age-old goal of helping Umarak tip the balance of Life towards Darkness, making the Para-Realm the new prime reality, with the Light World acting as the hollow echo to the Dark World instead- Assuming any of it will still exist once Kraltarak is finished.
           But as the Para-Realm has become a battlefield for the Xian-Okotan War and Core War, the Brotherhood of Makuta has taken a vested interest in the Kraahl. Having heard of the twilight nature of the Kraahl through his Nynrah Ghost contacts and Fenrakk, Makuta sees them as the perfect package of Light and Shadow; The body of a Kraahl is perfect for creating Night Wraiths! Now, the Brotherhood of Makuta is attacking the Kraahl, harvesting them for Life energy and their dual nature. Yagavo is leading an army of Night Wraiths to attack and harvest the Kraahl; Cruelly, many of the Night Wraiths involved were made from the bodies of slain Kraahl.
           As the conflict between Light and Shadow transpires, Kralta and Umarak will have to reevaluate their priorities, now that the Kraahl are actively being harmed and attacked; Umarak did not want his people involved in the fighting, hoping to only minimally use them. But with Makuta’s greed reaching even into the Para-Realm, perhaps a few unorthodox decisions and alliances will need to be made…
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whetstonefires · 6 years
fictober prompt #8: “I know you do.”
There had not been elves openly in Minas Tirith in much longer than the city’s living memory, and their presence seemed to strike many of the people of Gondor as just as much a sign of the vanquishing of the Dark that had for so long seemed it must consume them all, as was the shattering of orcish armies, or the restoration of the monarchy.
Elrond’s people and especially Elrond himself had been very patient with them, of course—“let them have the joy of if while they may,” Erestor had told Aragorn when he sought to apologize for how ceaselessly the elves found themselves importuned on streetcorners by Men as guileless as Samwise Gamgee, and some a little less so. But today Elrond had been very little in evidence—he was not lord here, to have any role in making decisions and setting people to order, and Aragorn feared he might have little heart for the general festivity.
The wedding was today, and too soon after it Arwen’s father must depart to the West and never see her more, for the strength he had expended these last three thousand years had left him weary almost beyond recovering, with the waning-away of the Ring he had used to reach beyond what should have been his limits for so long.
Elladan and Elrohir meant to linger, but the first knowing sundering of the bride from all her kin forever still loomed, and leant a bittersweetness to the joy of the occasion.
It was only the same one that touched every joy of the new Age, every hope and new-built thing flavored at least a little with the passing-away of the world as it had been, but deeper and more personal because what was lost to the king and queen of Gondor was not simply the beauty and glory of a former time but the love and company of those dear to them. And there was no doubt in Aragorn’s mind that whatever pain it caused him could only be a flicker of what it was to Arwen, who had lived so long believing that she need never be wholly parted from those she loved, as long as the world should last.
The king of Gondor found Elrond in the library, standing near Faramir’s preferred chair and paging through a dusty history not a fraction his own age, that dealt with the affairs of his youth. It was less inaccurate than it might have been. The Dunedain did try their best to hold onto the past.
“Thank you for the copies of your library,” Aragorn said, lingering in the doorway—it was a princely gift, for Elrond was the greatest loremaster of Middle-Earth, and had been for some time. The new books had not yet been shelved, for a major expansion of the library was required to make space for them. Fortunately, this was precisely the sort of task he could entrust to his steward.
Elrond dismissed this reiteration. “I would have given you more of the originals,” he said. “But new copies should last longer.” The elvish skill at making things to last preserved their books for a very long time, but eventually ink would fade and parchment crack. That Elrond was concerned that his gifts would still be usable in two thousand years was a gesture of faith in the kingdom now being rebuilt.
Aragorn planned to have a great many more copies made, and circulated, of everything of value—the preservation of memory, though none remained who could tell the tales as they had lived them, was to be one of the foremost duties of the leaders of Men, he felt, in the Age to come when there would be no one else to rely upon, to remember for them.
Elrond set the book aside on the nearby lectern, still open, and Aragorn could see it dealt almost entirely with the founding of Numenor—a matter of great personal interest both to Gondor and to Elrond Peredhel, though for somewhat different reasons.
Tar-Minyatur, read the top of the page in heavily embellished script, and it was suddenly in his thought that Elrond had not been reading the book at all.
It was in silence the recently-crowned king came in, and closed the door behind, and crossed the stone floor to bring him closer to his foster-father. They knew one another well enough to have spent much time in silence together, for there was not always need for words.
Sometimes, however, there was.
“You still miss him, don’t you,” Aragorn asked, voice soft and all but penitent. They had never spoken of this so directly. “Even now. My ancestor—your brother, Elros.”
Elrond flicked his fingers as though he could chase the subject away. Drily, “It does neither of us good, I think, to remind me of the detail that my daughter is marrying my nephew.”
Somewhat surprisingly, Aragorn’s face gained a smile. “You can’t throw me off like that, Elrond! Your great-grandfather Turgon was Galadriel’s first cousin, and your great-great-grandfather Thingol Celeborn’s second, twice removed.”
Elrond laughed. “I should have expected you would know that!”
“You did set my childhood curriculum.”
“One rather has to know how everyone was related, to make any real sense of the histories of the First Age,” replied Elrond. “And yes, you’re quite right, by any reasonable measure Celebrían and I are much closer kin than you are to Arwen. Though I believe,” he added, dry again, “you sought out that information about Celeborn specifically. That he is a kinsman of Elu Thingol is relevant to his role in the world since the Second Age, but the precise degree…”
“I did consult a genealogy,” Aragorn admitted freely.
“The hobbits would approve.”
Aragorn Elessar grinned, because they would. There was something so comfortingly predictable about hobbits, once you had gotten to know them—for all they had been the unexpected arrow on whose shot had turned the whole War of the Ring, that was as much due to their general obscurity as their hidden virtues, and it was pleasant to be able to rely on things like the fact that nearly any hobbit would take a great, friendly, critical, and vaguely proprietary interest in anyone’s family tree.
He had spent several hours once with Bilbo Baggins, years ago, reviewing some of the complexities of his own, and come away feeling he possessed an honestly better understanding of his lineage than he had had before. Hobbits had a certain eye for detail that could breathe life into someone who was otherwise merely a name and collection of lines on a page.
His smile faded. “You do still grieve,” he said, though Elrond had deflected the question once already. He would hardly have another chance to ask, and for a moment his chest seemed it would burst with a lifetime of things left unsaid for another day. A day he had naively supposed would always come, as long as he lived.
Elrond let go a breath. He looked no older than he ever had, most of his venerable years conveyed only in a certain solemn majesty, and yet time seemed in some inexplicable way to have caught up with him, as it had with Bilbo when he let go the One. A weariness clung to him even as he laughed or sang, and not one untutored soul in Gondor had mistaken him for one of Arwen’s brothers, as used to happen from time to time with mortal guests at Imladris. “Always.”
Aragorn had always known this, it seemed, and yet it pressed upon him to hear it aloud as a fact. “That seems hard.” A hard fate to bear, a hard choice to have been faced with so long ago. Elves might expect to be reunited in the West, Men might hope to see their lost ones in whatever came to them beyond death, but for the peredhel there was the certain promise of parting, and nothing more. Not while Arda lasted.
“It was the price of my own choice as much as of his.” Elrond turned to face Aragorn fully at last, and said with an unearned kindness, “I have never blamed him for it.”
Aragorn’s chest weighed heavy with words he had not spoken. “I am sorry,” he said.
Elrond’s face was troubled, yet very still. “Are you?” he asked softly.
“Not…that I love, or am loved. I could never regret that,” Aragorn said, and some of the trouble faded from Elrond’s brow. “But that our happiness together should come at such pain to you, who have granted me such kindness always, and of whom I can say no ill and whom I would never wish sorrow…this grieves me. I wish there were any other path, where none I loved might bear a burden.”
“That is not a road a king may walk,” Elrond told his foster-son, and sighed. “Indeed I do not think it is a road one in ten thousand among the living may even hope to find. It is well, Estel. If it is forgiveness you seek, you have it. Arwen’s path was always her own to choose, and I can bear this. I am practiced at partings. Always there has been at least one whom I waited to see again, beyond the breaking of the world.”
Aragorn’s tears had begun to flow just after Elrond called him by his childhood name, and now at these final words he nearly leapt forward across the small space left between them, and drew Elrond close against his breast.
They were of a height, for Aragorn Elessar was in form very like his ancestor Elros Tar-Minyatur, but he had ducked his head as he embraced the only father he had ever known, and so Elrond’s tears fell into his dark hair as he returned the gesture in a whisper of silken sleeves.
“I am sorry,” repeated the young king, who was not so young—years older than Elros had been when he chose the same destiny, and old enough by the count of ordinary Men that his grandchildren might have children of their own.
But by the measure of elves he would be still a child, and he had spent enough of his life amongst elvenkind that he would probably count himself young until his hair grew white with time. “I do regret…”
“I know you do,” said Elrond. “You would not be the man my daughter loves if you did not. But do not let my grief be a shadow on your heart. I am glad for your happiness together, and that is a greater thing than my loss.
“Live wisely and in joy, and wring the fullest measure of sweetness from your count of days. That is all I would ask.” He hesitated over his next words, but then said softly, “I am not Gilraen. I have given those I loved to the Dúnedain before, and it did not break me. I will be well, and you must not fear for me.”
Aragorn’s grasp strengthened, so that it was briefly obvious that under the fine embroidered robes of his new office he had not yet lost the hard, lean shape of a Ranger, and then he withdrew to arm’s length, with only the least undignified catch to his breath. “If ever I am told there has ever been one greater among the Eldar,” he said, a hand still on Elrond’s shoulder, “I shall not believe it.”
Elrond laughed a little, though the tears were still upon his face, and patted the arm reaching out to him. “Some partiality is allowed to family.”
“I would argue it to the foot of Manwe’s throne if need be,” Aragorn said firmly, but his mouth was curling easily, and it was as much joke as oath in earnest.
“I certainly hope there never shall be!” replied Elrond, letting his hand fall, and Aragorn’s after it. “But come, you can waste no more time here in the dust, amongst the relics. Today you wed!”
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ibloggingkits-blog · 7 years
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More than 1/2 of younger people watch unlawful streams of stay sports activities
Research into the viewing behavior of “millennials”, those aged among 18 and 24, has observed piracy has grown to be normalized amongst this technology whilst the take-up for classic subscription services is some distance much less than amongst older visitors.
The figures, which are possibly to best confirm suspicions that viewing conduct among more youthful humans have modified dramatically from their parents’ generation, were compiled in a observe of one,500 people, 1,000 of whom had been millennials, according to research with the aid of SMG Insight commissioned by using the BT Game Industry Awards.
The chairman of the SIG, Nick Keller, stated of the findings: “Unless we’re cautious we will have an era of young people who don’t forget pirated sports content to be the norm. That’s a giant assignment not just for rights holders but the whole area – from sponsors and athletes to ticketholders.
“It’s in all people’s pursuits, now not least the enthusiasts who revel in a first-class product, to make certain that the price of Sport is maintained via turning in the best product thru the satisfactory manner to enchantment to the target market.”
Quite what the solution to the hassle might remain to be visible as, consistent with the examine, young people are not adopting the sports activities Enterprise’s Greater recent innovations either. Millennials are much more likely to use on-line-most effective services which include Now Tv than their elders. These figures are nonetheless small, but, with most effective five% taking over the choice (in comparison to two% of non-millennials). In the meantime, most effective 2% of respondents among 18-24 stated they sourced their sports activities enjoyment through clips on social media.
live sports Making a bet stay sports’ Having a bet is growing to be an increasing number of famous these days and you’ll realize what we’re speak about only when you have ever tried that. In case you are new to it and do not know in which and a way to begin, put down all your worries, you’re at right place. You may get to recognize quite a few hidden trends and facts about the stay sports activities Making a bet here on this editorial.
Severa online sports Having a bet web sites are strolling on one of a kind servers these days. These sports Having a bet web sites are developing tons software program allowing the registered individuals to wager stay. There may be not anything Greater interesting than stay Making a bet. It allows the individual to the region a guess on a Recreation at the same time as it’s far going for walks. Let me provide an explanation for it in a simple manner, in the stay sports activities Making a bet, you may area a bet on any of the groups playing that you suppose will win the sport. you can also vicinity a guess at the entire sports activities events with live wagering.
The live Betting paintings in a very simple and smooth manner and you may examine it simply after some bets. As an example If you are looking a football game, you could bet on each single sport at the same time as it’s miles on. You simply need a laptop system even as the game is strolling on the television. In case you see that your favored participant is heating up and could probably make an intention, you can bet on the following shot of that player. Similarly, In case, you are watching a basketball recreation on tv, you may wager on any participant of the fit. inside the basketball game In case you see that one of the nice free throw shooters is at the foul line, you may region a guess that participant will make each his loose throws.
Same are the policies with different sports consisting of baseball, cricket or every other Game. Normally human beings say that live Betting on baseball is the very best as the sport of baseball is sluggish compared to football, basketball, and many others. you may place a bet on every little bit of sport in baseball, like every pitch, each inning, or maybe every at-bat. The quality component that the bettors love approximately the sports Having a bet is that you can actually wager on the sport as entire in addition to any specific part of the sport simultaneously. sports activities Betting may be prison or unlawful relying on the country you live in. you could know it without difficulty just by checking the lawsuit of your u. S . A .. If it is a prison to your united states of America you must virtually supply it a strive at the least as soon as.
Why live sports activities Is a Worthwhile Commercial enterprise for Bars and Casinos These are people who are interested in sports psychology. Namely, Those might be groups such as sports activities bars and casinos. They want people to are available in and watch stay sporting events, and the Extra entertaining they can make it for his or her buyers, the higher.
live sports have been determined to be Greater interesting whilst there are video games which have particular deadlines. In different words, sports inclusive of soccer, basketball, and hockey are going to be Greater thrilling than baseball or a few other untimed Game. The closing dates for sports activities assist in preserving a feel of urgency that is simply no longer found in an untimed sporting occasion. That means that the viewer gets Greater of a rush out of looking the timed event. Ordinary as it is able to sound, a viewer of a timed occasion clearly experiences things consisting of increased coronary heart rate, higher blood stress, or even sweating in some instances. Even though they’re not at once involved in the movement taking region on the screen, they experience as Although they may be proper there in the game.
The bodily consequences that one feels whilst they’re looking sports can simply inspire them to interact in behaviors that they could probably now not have interaction in the event that they had been in an everyday nonexcited state. Those behaviors encompass consuming Greater than they otherwise could and even gambling more money than they could otherwise while they’re within the casino. this is manifestly something that Those places need to take advantage of to make some extra cash for themselves.
Every other aspect that the casinos can take advantage of with stay sports activities is the ability to provide live Having a bet right together with it. not all casinos have this, but a few do in truth allow gamblers to region their bets on occasions that are pretty much to spread throughout the sport. those bets should be placed quickly and without as a lot of notion procedure as one might place bets that they area at the final results of the entire game before it even starts of evolved. The lack of time to think things via could make gamblers a touch Greater reckless than they in any other case could be. That adds as much as extra money in the profits of the online casino.
There may be More Studies into stay sports than there ever has been earlier than. Greater humans are beginning to check out this due to the fact they want to understand what affects it has on human psychology. We’ve already become over a number of the outcomes that it has, and there are probably much More that we do now not but recognize approximately. If it turns out that that is in truth the case, then there might be even Greater possibilities to examine for destiny Research.
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thecitysidewalks · 7 years
A Weekend Guide to Charleston
A Weekend Guide to Charleston
Every magazine. Every travel article. Every Instagram post. I couldn't get away from it. Charleston was right in my face everywhere I turned for the last couple years. The Holy City has been on the rise in popularity with travelers from all over the world and it was about time for me to get down there to see what all the hype was about. That and the fact that I also wanted to feel like a little princess amongst those candy colored houses and cobblestone streets...
I'm not even going to waste my time with a long intro to this post because the content below speaks for itself (I mean, just LOOK at that enormous food list!). This might even be one of the most comprehensive mini city guides I've ever put together for you... Use this handy weekend guide to Charleston so you can easily figure out where to eat, sleep, and play on any budget!
In case you haven't been tuning into popular culinary shows like Top Chef or Parts Unknown, Charleston has officially emerged as one of the great food meccas of our country (and I will gladly have words with anyone who says otherwise). You can come to Charleston and spend a month eating at a different place for every meal and you'd only begin to scratch the surface of what this city has to offer (you'll see what I mean based on my list). This city is on another level when it comes to food--and I am all about that level.
The best thing about the restaurant scene here is that you can really find just about any cuisine you're looking for at every price range. Plus, everything you eat is guaranteed to be fullllll with flavor (give me all the buttery shrimp and grits, I don't even care about my cholesterol). To help you narrow down your [endless] choices, here's a list of some of my favorite spots you should check out when visiting Charleston!  
Callie's Hot Little Biscuit, $, 476 1/2 King St -- Do yourself a favor and grab a nice, homemade biscuit from here to start of your day. They are soooo yummy and come in a variety of styles. Such an adorable little shop!
Persimmon Cafe, $, 226 Calhoun St -- Quaint little cafe/sandwich shop that is located in a laundromat (yes, a laundromat). But don't let that put you off because the sandwiches are to die for.
Brown Dog Deli, $, 40 Broad St -- Pet friendly spot with really great sandwiches and salads
Dashi Food Truck, $, Location Varies -- This little Asian/Latin fusion food truck is all the rage with locals. And honestly, how can you not love a place that has a slogan like this: "Put Some Sriracha in Your Sombrero." All you have to do is check their website schedule to see where they will be on what dates. They're often at the weekend Farmer's Market too, which is definitely something to check out if you're in town when it's open!
Sugar Bakeshop, $, 59 1/2 Cannon St -- Cute little bakeshop with delicious cupcakes and sweets in a fun area of town. Gluten free options available as well!
Bon Banh Mi, $, 162 Spring St -- Incredibly flavorful food (tacos and sandwiches galore) at this Vietnamese-style spot
Verde, $, 347 King St -- Good spot for a quick salad
Pink Bellies Food Truck, $, 73 Saint Philip St -- Another incredibly tasty food truck to stop by in Charleston. This one serves up Vietnamese style treats to their hungry customers. Location may vary, so just check on  their website or social media
Breizh Pan Crepes, $, 39 George St -- Delicious crepe spot that offers both sweet and savory options (with gluten-free crepes available, too!)
Butcher & Bee, $($), 1085 Morrison Dr -- So this place is a little higher priced than the others on this budget section, but it is very worth a trip. The food and all the ingredients they use are extremely fresh and filling. The decor and vibe are also very fun, so it's worth a trip outside of the downtown area. Make sure to try the roast beef sandwich!
167 Raw, $$, 289 E Bay St -- Do not skip this place. UNREAL seafood menu? Check. Trendy decor? Check. Affordable prices for incredible seafood? Check. Cute bartenders and staff...? Check. If you're into a little Ahi Poke like I am, order the "GAINZ BOWL" when you go (yes, GAINZ with a "Z"). It's an off-the-menu item that the staff will surely know about. It's basically the Ahi Poke mixed with a little avocado. Delish delish delishhhhh...UGH! *mouth drips with drool*
Xiao Bao Biscuit, $$, 224 Rutledge Ave -- I had no idea the South could pack so much Asian flavor into a dish until I tried this place. Incredible option if you're looking for some Asian Soul Food Fusion around Charleston. Their most famous dish is the Okonomiyaki, which is a Japanese cabbage pancake that you can add candied pork, bacon, or an egg to. The flavors in all the dishes are unbeatable.
Edmund's Oast, $$, 1081 Morrison Dr -- Great brew pub just outside of the downtown area that's wonderful for people craving a quality beer accompanied by a hearty meal
R Kitchen, $$, 212 Rutledge Ave -- Come here to enjoy the chefs cooking a 5-course meal for you right in front of your face
Hominy Grill, $$, 207 Rutledge Ave -- Ideal place to grab some authentic Southern style breakfast
Avila, $$, 141 Calhoun St -- A Venezuelan food truck turned brick and mortar joint. The arepas and tostones are a popular combo here.
Fuel, $$, 211 Rutledge St -- Located in an old gas station in a trendy part of town, this little spot has a variety of Caribbean style food that keeps people coming back for more
39 Rue de Jean, $$, 39 John St -- A delightful French brasserie in the heart of Charleston
5Church, $$, 32 N Market St -- The interior (particularly the art and the ceiling) is really something to stop in and marvel at. The restaurant is located in an old church and the entire manuscript of "Art of War," is written in white on the ceiling. It is absolutely incredible to see! The food menu looks just as appetizing as the drinks, too!
Pawpaw, $$, 209 E Bay St -- There are quite a few reasons why the locals in Charleston are flocking to this new hotspot: The wine on tap, the hushpuppies and fries, and basically the rest of the menu. You can't go wrong with anything here.
Also try: Poogan's Porch, Jestine's Kitchen, Pearlz Oyster Bar, Cannon Green (beautiful interior!), and O-Ku
Husk, $$$, 76 Queen St -- If you can only pick 1 place to eat in Charleston, let it be Husk. DO NOT SKIP THIS PLACE! The hype is very real for all the right reasons. The food here, which is all sourced locally, is un-freaking-believable. I didn't care much for shrimp and grits until I came here and actually tasted real shrimp and grits. The food is outstanding and you probably will need to arrange to be wheelchaired home because it's nearly impossible to stop eating once you've tasted the deliciousness that comes out of that kitchen.
Chez Nous, $$$, 6 Payne Ct -- This adorable French spot, which is tucked away in a hidden alley, is a well kept secret amongst the locals. The trendy restaurant has a different menu every single day and posts the daily options on their Instagram page every morning. 
The Ordinary, $$$, 544 King St -- There is nothing ordinary about this restaurant and its menu. If you're looking for a good seafood dinner in Charleston, this is your spot! The oyster sliders are definitely something to write home about.
Halls Chophouse, $$$$, 434 King St -- There's a lot of debate as to where you can truly find the best steak in Charleston, but Halls Chophouse just might come out on top... They have a Gospel Brunch on Sunday, and the service here is said to be incredible
Coast Bar & Grill, $$($), 39 John St, Ste D -- This little seafood spot is tucked away in a hidden alley (which is picture worthy in and of itself) and boasts some great happy hour specials. THe portions do not disappoint either.
The Macintosh, $$$, 479 King St -- This trendy spot off of King Street has a great assortment of seafood and meat dishes on the menu, as well as a thirst quenching drink menu.
Zero Restaurant + Bar, $$$, 0 George St -- A lovely, cozy restaurant located in the heart of the uber hip Zero George Hotel
Circa 1886, $$$$, 149 Wentworth St -- The epitome of fine dining in the heart of Charleston. This world renowned place is located in the carriage house of the Wentworth Mansion. Definitely a place to go if you're celebrating a special occasion.
S.N.O.B., $$$, 192 E Bay St -- The acronym stands for "Slightly North of Broad," which is exactly where this restaurant is located. The food here is very unpretentious and outstanding. You can get a nice combination of shared plates, or your own larger entree(s) if you prefer. 
Cypress, $$$, 167 E Bay St -- Although this definitely classifies as a fine dining spot in the city, they do have a couple of nights that there are incredible specials. Maybe the locals have just done a really good job a keeping it a secret, but you can come here for $5 burgers on Mondays! Also try the Wasabi Tuna and Lavender Martini when you're here.
Also try: FIG, Amen Street Fish & Raw Bar, Magnolias, McCrady's Tavern, Trattoria Lucca, High Cotton
*I don't normally include a list of places to drink in my city guides, but Charleston's options had quite a few that stood out to me. Here are my favorites:
Prohibition, $$, 547 King St -- Great spot for music and also has a tasty food menu
The Belmont, $$, 511 King St
5Church, $$, 32 N Market St -- See above in the food section 
The Cocktail Club, $$, 479 King St -- Pseudo-speakeasy right along King Street
Closed for Business, $$, 453 King St -- Beer and bar food are the specialties here
Bin 152, $$, 152 King St -- For those looking for a good wine bar
Minero, $$, 153B E Bay St -- Great for spicy margaritas and tacos with the girls
The Gin Joint, $$, 182 E Bay St 
Bar at Husk, $$, 74 Queen St -- Husk is a must-eat place just as Bar at Husk is a must-drink place
   The Luxury Hotel
Belmond Charleston Place, 205 Meeting Street
The Belmond Charleston Place is the ultimate place where sophisticated luxury meets Southern charm. It was my preferred hotel in Charleston because of the gorgeous hotel amenities and its prime, central location. You can read more about my stay here (and even see a behind the scenes video) by going to this post right here!
Also try: The Dewberry
The Boutique Hotel
Zero George Street, 0 George St
If you're looking for a great hotel for a girl's weekend, Zero George Street might be your place. This charming and refined boutique hotel, which is set in 5 historic, restored homes, is sure to make you never want to leave. Guests can enjoy the on site restaurant, breakfast every day, and even wine/cheese receptions. They also have loaner bikes available for their guests to use to bike around the downtown area. Too cute!
Also try: The Spectator Hotel or The Restoration
The B&B Luxury Mansion
John Rutledge House Inn, 116 Broad Street
I stumbled upon the John Rutledge House Inn on one of my walks around Charleston and decided to pop in for a quick look. The concierge was so kind and friendly and he even let me get a look inside one of their suites! The rooms were incredibly elegant and glamorous and made me feel like I had literally stepped back in time. Definitely a beautiful place to put on the bucket list if historic mansions are your cup of tea.
Also try: Wentworth Mansion or French Quarter Inn
The Affordable Inn
King Charles Inn, 237 Meeting St
This wonderful inn is perfectly located right in the heart of downtown, making it perfect walking distance to get anywhere you need. They also have a lovely rooftop pool and terrace, making it a great place to cool off in the hot summer months.
Also try: The Vendue or 1837 Bed and Breakfast
  Things To Do in Charleston:
Sign up for a Candle Making Class at Candlefish. This was by far one of the funnest things we did on our trip! You'll instantly fall in love with the store when you walk in, so it's cool to be able to take a class where you can actually make your own product to take home (even though I went home with about 20 other products as well...). It's also BYOB, which makes for a great excuse to drink mimosas before noon. Make sure to sign up ahead of time because space is very limited!
Take a day trip to Folly Beach or Sullivan's Island
Rent a bike for the day from a place like The Bicycle Shoppe or Affordabike Bicycle Shop.
Go Shopping! There are so many adorable and local boutiques placed all around the city of Charleston and finding them is half the fun. I personally love Candlefish, mac & murphy, Candy Shop Vintage, The Commons, Sweet 185, Luna, Worthwhile, V2V, Vestique, and The Impeccable Pig
Visit Charleston's Historic Houses. Since Charleston is so old, you can surely bet that you'll get your fair dose of history lessons in your trip if you visit the historic houses/museums around the city. I love these attractions because it feels like stepping into a piece of history! You'll see how incredibly well maintained some of these properties are as well. My personal favorites were the Aiken-Rhett House, the Nathaniel Russell House, and the Heyward-Washington House. 
Walk along Rainbow Row and the Waterfront Park, which are probably the two most photographed locations in all of Charleston. I recommend going super early to avoid the crowds!
Shop for your dream home around Battery Park and White Point Gardens
Take a historic walking tour or carriage tour of downtown Charleston
Wander around the French Quarter and downtown areas. It is the best way you will find the city's adorable hidden alleys, colorful houses, and courtyards.
Explore Upper King Street, which is becoming the new hip and trendy area with lots of new restaurants and shops opening up.
Thank you to Explore Charleston and Belmond Charleston Place for hosting my visit in Charleston. All opinions are my own.
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