#heathers ff
sprnklersplashes · 8 months
time won't fly (5/?)
memories feel like weapons (ao3)
trigger warnings for self-harm, vomit and referenced bulimia
Veronica sleeps most of the weekend. The only times rarer than when she’s awake are when she ventures out of her bedroom. Her mom came in Saturday night, cheerful and chirping like a damn cartoon bird, and told her she’d made her favourite for dinner. Spaghetti and oregano, of course. She picked at it, but if even a morsel passed her lips she doesn’t remember. She remembers shoving candy bars in her mouth at one in morning when her stomach felt like an endless hole inside of her. How she’d stuffed her face and how her hands had shook. But other than that, her weekend passed her in greys and blacks, and she was closer to a corpse than ever before.
Everything has its price, however. Hers is that she’s standing wide awake in front of her closet at 4:37 on Monday morning.
The cold air creeps across her bare back; her sweat-soaked t-shirt is crumpled on her bed and all she has is her bra and underwear. The closet looms in front of her like the mouth of a cave, endless darkness staring back at her. It’s funny, she thinks. She doesn’t remember it being so dark on the other side of the door. Beams of light had still poked through the cracks beneath the door. 
“Are you looking for something in there?” 
Her shoulders jerk at the sound, a sharp inhale brings air back into her lungs. Heather Chandler lounges against the wall, the low light giving her skin a blue tinge. Veronica stiffens, goosebumps prickling her skin. Heather just grins, her lips slicing across her face. The scarlet of her lips is stark against the cold hue of her skin and for a second, she swears she sees blue on her tongue. 
Veronica blinks, and then she isn’t in her room but Heather’s, watching as the colour fades from everywhere but her lips. She sees the shadow of a mug in Heather’s hand, feels a phantom breath on the back of her neck. Something is said just behind her. The words are unrecognisable, garbled like they’re spoken underwater, but the voice isn’t. She’d know that voice anywhere.
“Well quelle surprise indeed”
She doesn’t realise when runs to the light switch. Or even when she thought to. What she does know is that one minute she’s standing in her closet, trying to hold onto the present, and the next her hands are grasping at the opposite wall. The switch gives way beneath her fingers, and her knees are hitting the floor. 
Light floods the room, and colour rushes back to Heather’s skin. Pink rises in her cheeks, and the ever-present glimmer takes its rightful place in her blue eyes. Veronica never thought she’d be glad to see that, but now exhales as the hair on the back of her neck slowly falls. 
“Well, that’s an improvement,” Heather says. “I could barely see in that.”
“I didn’t do it for you,” she mutters. Heather chuckles. Veronica treks silently across the carpet, back to her open closet. The light falls across the rack of clothes too, lighting up the different shades of blue. Her box is also in there, still open from Friday night. She lowers herself down, wincing at the sparks of pain in her legs, and pulls the box toward her. As her hands brush over the forgotten fabrics of her old sweaters, she searches for the comfort they had given her that night. The quiet reassurance that that part of herself was still there, the part before JD and before the Heathers. 
Of course, she doesn’t find it. She can’t think why not. Maybe it was just a one-night-only thing, brought on by a need to feel like her old self. She heaves a sigh, stands up, and kicks the box back into the closet. She can’t use them anyway. They might make her look less damaged but also make her look nice. Sweet. Sweet little Veronica Sawyer wouldn’t hurt a fly. And she can’t look sweet tomorrow.
She’s going into battle. She needs armour. 
Heather watches keenly as she begins flicking through the clothes on her rack. There’s a strange neutrality to her expression, which is unsettling because Heather was never neutral on anything. Everything was given an opinion, deemed Worthy or Unworthy. People included, of course Veronica moving from Worthy to Unworthy set this whole mess in motion. 
“What do you think?” She lifts a blazer off a hanger and holds it up to her. “This one?” Heather cocks her head to the side, her brows furrowing slightly. Veronica doesn’t know if she’s seriously thinking or just humouring her, but she’s grateful either way. Having Heather Chandler critiquing her fashion choices is the closest thing to normalcy she can get right now.
“No, not that one,” she tells her. She waves her wrist and Veronica puts it back in the closet. “What about this striped one?”
“Little bit cheerful isn’t it?” she says flatly. Veronica bites her tongue, her nails digging into her bare thigh. She really liked that one when she got it.
Heather carries on as if she never heard her, this time pointing at an oversized number she got from some store somewhere. She doesn’t think she ever wore it outside of the mall changing room, but holding it against her body now, it feels right. It’s a few shades darker than the destroyed blazer in her laundry basket, with brass buttons on the front and padding on the shoulders. She slips her arms into the sleeves and shrugs it on, buttoning it tight around her.
“I like it,” Heather comments. “You look hot.” She smiles involuntarily, feeling a familiar glimmer of pride. 
She’d have to agree, but not for the same reason. She doesn’t think she looks hot. The dark blue erase the circles beneath her eyes, and her hair falling over her shoulders makes her face look less hollow. The pads in the shoulders make her look taller and disguise the weight that’s pressed against them.
No, she doesn’t look hot. She looks strong. Powerful. She looks… hell on wheels. 
She fishes a black plaid skirt to go with it, and after some deliberating, a black silk shirt. Heather appears behind her, and she holds her breath. Whatever vindictive remark she’s about to spit from her scarlet lips, she’ll take without resistance.
This is why Heather’s careful nod and expressionless face almost make her keel over.
“I get it, Sawyer,” she says quietly. “You’re in mourning.”
 Veronica blinks back tears and lays a pair of black stockings beside it. 
The car ride to school is quiet. She had planned to walk, or rather, she expected to walk. Her parents hadn’t given her a ride since freshman year, not after she insisted that at fourteen she was so grown up that she could make the twenty-minute walk by herself. Cool kids didn’t get dropped off at school by their parents. And her parents didn’t protest beyond the “look both ways before you cross the road” speech.
Now though, she sits in the front seat of her dad’s car, her bag on her lap and the morning news struggling through the speakers. Those speakers haven’t worked right in years. But it was either that or her dad trying to make conversation, so she’s not complaining. 
“Ronnie,” he begins softly. She bunches her skirt in her hands. Her chewed-down nails scratch against her bare thigh. She doesn’t look at her dad, and it doesn’t deter him. “You can take today off. I know it’s been a difficult couple of days for you. We’ll understand if you can’t go in today. ”
She bites her lip so that she doesn’t snort. ‘Difficult’ would be an understatement. Hell, ‘difficult’ would be preferable. At least then there’s a word to describe it.
She releases her skirt, the fabric bunched up around her thighs. 
“Dad, I’m going,” she says. This conversation already played out over breakfast, and if the combined power of both her parents didn’t convince her, her dad definitely won’t. Bless his heart and all for trying, but it won’t. 
“Sweetie, you barely left your room all weekend. You didn’t even eat breakfast this morning.” Her tongue presses against her teeth. She pushes herself closer to the door. Light rain splatters against the windows and she turns up her collar. “And after what happened on Friday-”
“I said I’ll be fine!” 
Her dad hears the words before she does. She watches his face fall, confusion creasing his brows, sadness dulling his brown eyes, and then hears her words echo back at her. She hears herself, so much venom in her voice, and she cringes. That can’t be her. That isn’t her. She falls forward, deliberately letting her hair shield her. 
With a trembling hand, she touches her chest, where the words erupted. It feels hollow now. If she tried to shout like that again, nothing would come out except dust. 
“I have to go.” In one fluid motion, she opens the door, slips out and slams it shut. Her bag swings on her shoulder and she forces herself to move, one foot in front of the other. She doesn’t look back and certainly doesn’t wave her father goodbye. There’ll undoubtedly be a conversation about it tonight and dread settles into her bones.
JD got her too used to getting away with murder (literally). Now she’s reaping what she sows and it’s fucking hard. 
This is probably why that bastard didn’t stick around enough to do it.
Time slows down as she steps through the front door. Not like it did when she was with the Heathers when she was too busy basking in other people’s attention to think about her next step. Instead, it’s more like time weighs her down, seconds and minutes clinging to her like mud, and she wades through the hall like it's a bog.
What doesn’t slow down, is the stream of conversation around her. Drops in volume, sure, because they have just enough tact not to yell out her name as she walks past. But it stays, and it persists, buzzing and swarming around her. She shouldn’t be surprised. This school thrives on gossip and scandal. It’s how they get through the day, and she’d be lying if she said she never saw the appeal. She can tell herself that she wouldn’t be doing the same in their position, but really? It would’ve been her and Martha, sitting in the library, whispering about what she had heard from someone who heard it from someone who heard it from someone. And she would’ve thought it was different because they wouldn’t have spread it around like everyone else did. And maybe that would have made it worse. It feels worse.
“God!” Her body jerks and her hold tightens on her book bag. 
“Betty, hi,” she says. She runs her hand down the strap and forces herself to be still. “Um what-what’s up?”
“Oh, nothing.” Betty pushes her glasses up her nose and ducks her head. “Um, Mrs Fleming was looking for you.”
“Mrs Fleming?” she echoes. This time at least, she has enough control not to swear. Instead she lets Betty ramble about how Fleming had come into homeroom looking for her and apparently asked that if anyone sees her, she be sent her way. As the sweet girl talks, Veronica drags her nail across her sleeve and wishes she could rip her skin off. Then the crawling sensation over her body might stop, and she could have something to throw at Fleming. Double win. 
She’s done three and a half trips across her arm when she realises Betty is looking at her expectantly, eyes wide behind the lenses. Veronica isn’t sure when Betty stopped talking, or even what the question could have been. 
“Uh, thanks. I’ll-I’ll try to catch her,” she says dumbly. Betty nods, the ghost of a smile on her pink lips, and then she changes. Her shoulders straighten, her eyes widen, and after a pause, she places her hand on Veronica’s shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry about your boyfriend,” she tells her. “Truly, Veronica. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now.” This time, she slips her nails beneath her blazer sleeve and lets them dig. If Betty feels her trembling beneath her hand, she doesn’t let it show. She probably doesn’t, because she feels like all the trembling is done on the inside. Maybe that’s why Betty just stands there, sweet and sympathetic, and oblivious to how Veronica is this close to hitting something.
“Thanks,” she says.
Betty moves on and hurries to catch up with her friends. Her skirt brushes Veronica’s legs as she goes, silk and netting catching on her stockings. It’s soft against her legs, freshly washed and carefully pressed. Veronica gags.
Betty disappears, but then another student takes her place. Then another, and then another, and then another. They whirl with such speed, coming with soft eyes and leaving with copy-paste reminders that they’re “There For Her”. If she had time maybe she’d laugh, or snap, or ask them how the fuck they can be There For Her when they haven’t said two words to her before now. Maybe if just one of them slowed down, they’d see the look on her white face, the shallowness of her breathing, and they’d walk away. But they don’t do her that courtesy, they just flock around her like she’s some minor celebrity. All she can do is blink and gape, her body frozen, her mind static.
In a fucked up way, she is a minor celebrity. Because that’s what tragedy does to certain people in Sherwood. 
Briefly, her mind flashes back to Heather Duke on the TV after Chandler died. At the time she was disgusted, and a little amazed that she had managed to run to so many networks in such a short time. Now all she can think about is how perfect her hair had looked.
“Veronica.” A hand grabs her shoulder, and her whole body recoils. Bile stings the back of her throat as she turns and it coats her tongue. There’s someone in front of her, a vague outline with vague features and an almost-recogniseable voice, but she can’t place it. They’re asking her something, but the words turn to dust before they reach her. 
She gags again, and its felt everywhere.
“Excuse me,” she says. Or at least, she thinks she does. As her ears ring, she feels herself moving through the crowd of bodies, colldiing with arms and legs and tripping over feet. She thinks people are still talking, but it’s hard to tell what’s real and which distorted voices are from her own head. Colours dull and merge together, and a shot of white light stabs through just as something sour swells in her throat-
It goes dark for a few minutes there. All she knows is she shoves someone roughly out of the way, then she’s running and people are still yelling. When she opens her eyes she’s throwing up into a toilet.
So that’s what that sour taste was. Lovely. 
She retches two, three more times, her shoulders clenching. She heaves until she’s sure there’s nothing left, and then her body crumples to the floor, her forehead resting on her arm and the tiles strangely soothing against her skin. 
More than once, there’s a small tap at the door of her stall. When she lifts her head, she finds that she didn’t even lock the door on her way it. Stark white light spills in through the crack in the door, growing and then shrinking as it falls closed. 
She should get up and close it, she thinks dimly. Preserve at least some part of her dignity or something like that. At least spare herself the humiliation. But instead she falls against the toilet, lets her eyes losed and watches the light grow smaller and smaller.
She doesn’t know how long she’s in there for, but she’s pretty sure she hears the bell ring. The crowd outside disperses; heels and boots and sneakers clap across the floor. First bell means get to homeroom. So, she should get up and get to homeroom.
God. She sinks further into the floor. Its like someone cut the connections from her brain to her body, and all she can do is curl helplessly on this floor. For some reason, the bravery she had at 5am has deserted her, even with the blazer. She doesn’t feel powerful. She doesn’t feel like anything.
As she’s gripping the toilet to pull herself up, there’s a knock of the stall door. Her hand tightens around the seat, her heart careening against her ribs, and Veronica wonders if she’s about to scream or throw up again.
“You good in there Sawyer?”
“Duke?” Just enough strength comes to her for her to get to her feet and open the door. Sure enough, Heather Dule is standing there, her features schooled into the usual cool indifference. As she tightens the ribbon on her ponytail, Veronica can only blink at her. “What are you doing here?”
“Same as you, I think.” Veronica frowns, confused, until Heather nods just behind her. “Need a hand? Or a finger?”
Realisation slaps her then, hard and fast and sharp, and all she can give is an emphatic “No” before striding past to get to the sink.
“Well excuse me for wanting to pay you back,” Duke sighs. Veronica doesn’t reply and instead swishes water around her mouth. There’s still chunks of vomit when she spits it out. She shudders, and then does it again. Swish, spit, swish, spit. Shudder inbetween because Jesus, it tastes awful.
“Need a mind?” A green flash appears at her side and an almost perfect white pearl sits in her palm. Her expression doesn’t change, and neither doesn’t Veronica’s as she takes it.
“So.” Heather folds her arms. “Sounds like you and Heather and Dunnstock had a fun night.”
“You were invited too.”
“I had plans.” Veronica doubts it, but she doesn’t say anything. Instead she fixes her blazer, smoothes her hair and stares herself in the mirror. Dark circles gather under her eyes, her skin almost translucent underneath the lights. Puking into the toilet likely didn’t help her there. Her hair is a tangled, unbrushed mess that Chandler would scoff at.
So she looks like shit, basically.
But she at least looks alive. Like a person with air in their lungs instead of sawdust.
She touches the bulge in her pocket where the red scrunchie is hidden and tightens her shoulders. She came here to do something, not to hide out in a stall while Fleming creates another angel.
JD thought they had the power to change things. The difference is that now she does.
She pulls out the scrunchie and scrapes her hair back. Heather takes a swift breath beside her, but otherwise doesn’t react. 
“Let’s go.”
“Go? Go where?”
“Bell’s gone,” she says. “And you can’t afford any more tardies. Especially now that Heather isn’t around to protect you.” Duke flinches, dark eyes flashing. Soundlessly, she jumps up on the sink and takes out her book, giving Veronica a dismissive wave of her hand.
“You go,” she says flatly. “Fleming has some new special assembly planned and I’ll take tardies and lose all my credits before sitting through that.” She taps her heels against the wall and buries her face in her book.
It’s Moby Dick. Veronica presses her nails into her palms to stop herself shaking. As the colour drains from the bathroom, JD’s voice creeps into her head, that one terrible moment sticking inside her skull. She tries to push it away, to think about anything else, but JD won’t let go. He never would. The memory of him presses against her skull, desperate to become real again.
She doesn’t know what she would’ve done if Heather hadn’t looked up and responded “What?” but holy shit, is she relieved it happened. 
Without a word, she grabs Duke’s wrist and pulls her down from the sink, gritting her teeth as Duke grunts in response. She wriggles beneath her grasp and tries desperately to pull her arm from Veronica’s closed hand. Veronica just steadies herself and bites her tongue. Pain flashes through her mouth, and it silences the voice telling her that she owes Duke nothing. 
“You’re coming,” she tells her flatly. “You’re not spending homeroom alone in here.” Duke scowls, somehow pretty in its pettiness, and Veronica just pulls her to the door. Because here’s the thing; when she said she was saving Westerberg, she meant everyone. And leaving Heather Duke alone in a bathroom with just her thoughts… it’s the opposite of saving her. 
The glare remains withering as Veronica pulls her into the hall. Hand in wrist, they follow the flow of seniors and Veronica doesn’t look up as the crowd parts for her. The sour feeling in her stomach returns, now accompanied by her heart beating so wildly that she genuinely feels it might fall out.
“Hey,” Heather whispers. The assembly hall is spitting distance away, and with it, the hole in Veronica’s stomach deepens. “You know what this assembly is almost certainly about.”
“Course I do,” she huffs. Heather tenses and if Veronica didn’t know better, she’d call her expression sympathetic.
“You know this will be hell for you.”
Veronica tugs at her blazer and pulls up the sleeve. The red scrunchie still sits around her hair, artfully disguising the mess its become.
“Heather my dear,” she replies. “That’s what I’m counting on.”
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eavee-ry · 8 months
hot take: we should REALLY normalize not making disgusting headcanons
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gonegrove · 9 months
Thinking about Steve bewitching Heather with his big brown eyes and boyish smile. Like she’s literally the meanest bitch in Hawkins and he’s just so babygirl that it borderline tames her (only kinda and pm just with him). Like so bewitched by his pretty lil face and preppy wifeguy boyfriend vibes she goes Literally Insane and is like, a good girlfriend and even gets as sappy and shmoopy as he does. Like doesn’t even realize how this mid ass midwest malewife has completely enthralled her until she’s wearing an engagement ring and staring down a framed sears couples photo complete with matching outfits.
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I’ve reached my limit for Josslyn screentime for this year early early on and I want her gone.
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leviathanswingman · 1 year
to those who don’t know: some of the first ffs i ever wrote were victuuri ffs back in 2016 so this feels really nostalgic
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Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 5 Poll FF
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Veronica : speedwell
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(Carrots and veronica)
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greengirlfight · 10 months
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Here's the official bracket for the Green Girl Fight! The first round of polls will be posted in 4 parts, and each part will last a week. Round 1 polls will be tagged as #round 1, and I should have the first part up by June 26th! So start getting your propaganda ready!
Full list of names under the cut!
Elphaba/Wicked Witch of the West (Wicked/Wizard of Oz) VS Mossie (Cattails)
Takane Yamashiro (Touhou) VS Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck)
Tree Hugger (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) VS Rottytops (Shantae)
Collei (Genshin Impact) VS Emira Blight (The Owl House)
Ibara Shiozaki (My Hero Academia) VS Demeter (Lore Olympus)
Lime Cookie (Cookie Run) VS Usura (Princess Tutu)
Nott the Brave (Critical Role) VS FF/Foo Fighters (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure)
Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom) VS Saria (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
Leaf Fairy Aoba (Guardian Tales) VS Kyoshi (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Jade Harley (Homestuck) VS Freya Fatima (Coffee Talk)
Wakasagihime (Touhou) VS Nevanthi (AFK Arena)
Frankie Stein (Monster High) VS Sam (Totally Spies)
Cure Oasis (Tropical Rogue Precure) VS Fauna (Sleeping Beauty)
Green M&M (M&M's Candy) VS Tiki (Fire Emblem)
The Dolorosa (Homestuck) VS Polaris (X-Men)
Mew Lettuce (Tokyo Mew Mew) VS Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern)
Doc Ock (Spiderverse) VS Sandy (TokiDoki: Cactus Friends)
Aisha (Winx Club) VS Fire (DC Comics)
Cure March (Smile Precure) VS Illusen (Neopets)
Lottie Person/Snotgirl (Snotgirl) VS Mashiro Kuna (Bleach)
Rhea (Fire Emblem) VS Ermes (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure)
Number 3/Kuki Sanban (Codename: Kids Next Door) VS Tisiphone (Hades)
Nasmira Satrinava (The Arcana Mystic Romance) VS Mei (Lego Monkie Kid)
Porrim Maryam (Homestuck) VS Tiana (Princess and the Frog)
Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon) VS Pidge Holt (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Divine Beast of Harvest Mayreel (Guardian Tales) VS Disgust (Inside Out)
Vendetta (Making Friends) VS Scarah Screams (Monster High)
Terrible Tornado (One Punch Man) VS Gwen Mortia (Sleepless Domain)
INFP (MBTI) VS Hera Syndulla (Star Wars Rebels)
Buttercup (Powerpuff Girls) VS Cure Mint (Yes! Precure 5)
Peridot (Steven Universe) VS L'Archel (Fire Emblem)
Granny Smith (My Little Pony) VS Willow Park (The Owl House)
Nowi (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia)
Peridot (Cucumber Quest) VS Cheadle Yorkshire (Hunter x Hunter)
Kirika Akatsuki (Symphogear) VS Tinkerbell (Disney Fairies)
Cure Felice (Mahoutsukai Precure) VS Minty (My Little Pony G3)
Amphitrite (Lore Olympus) VS Artemis (Hades)
Gamora (Marvel) VS Shiho Hinomori (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty) VS Fearne Callaway (Critical Role)
Candice Catnipp (Bleach) VS Fink (OK KO!)
Miss Edel (Princess Tutu) VS Test Tube (Inanimate Insanity)
Honey Swamp (Monster High) VS Heather Duke (Heathers)
Harpy Gee (Harpy Gee) VS Sanae Kochiya (Touhou)
Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure) VS Lyn (Fire Emblem)
Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon) VS Fiona (Shrek)
Marie (Splatoon) VS CC (Code Geass)
Flayn (Fire Emblem) VS Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Setsuna Tokage (My Hero Academia) VS Anode (Transformers IDW)
Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon) VS Chie Satonaka (Persona 4)
Rosie Cotton (Lord of the Rings) VS Gumi (Vocaloid)
Eternity Larva (Touhou) VS Mallow (Pokémon)
Gavial (Arknights) VS Nene Kusanagi (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage)
Marcy Wu (Amphibia) VS Marina (Splatoon)
Kaede Kayano (Assassination Classroom) VS Inko Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Byleth (Fire Emblem Three Houses) VS Toph Beifong (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Te Fiti (Moana) VS Rina Touin (Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch)
Venus McFlytrap (Monster High) VS Palmon (Digimon Adventure)
Tekno the Canary (Sonic) VS Ceres Fauna (HoloLive)
Cure Milky (Star Twinkle Precure) VS Shego (Kim Possible)
Clara Valac (Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun!) VS Dusa (Hades)
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) VS Poison Ivy (DC Comics)
Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck) VS Rika (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet)
Surge the Tenrec (Sonic) VS She-Hulk (Marvel)
Sothis (Fire Emblem Three Houses) VS Rue (Sleepless Domain)
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ao3feed-hijack · 9 months
ATLANTIS: The Lost Empire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1ClstDJ
by KCaly
Atlantis was once a marvellous paradise until it got swallowed by the ocean many centuries ago.
Hiccup is just a linguist and cartographer whose dream is to find Atlantis following in the footsteps of his beloved grandfather.
Jhacksön is just the Prince of Atlantis who tries to live happily with what little he has left even though his mother's death and the Great Flood have destroyed his entire world.
And Toothless only goes wherever Hiccup goes.
They can't even imagine what's coming...
 #1- hijack
 [I'M NOT GIVING UP ON THIS FF, slow updates.]
Slowburn, explicit scenes.
I was tired of seeing poorly written hijack fanfics in Spanish, so I decided to make one and I also translated it to English. DO NOT RE-POST ANYWHERE thanks.
Words: 10768, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Disney Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Astrid Hofferson, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson, Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Tuffnut Thorston, Ruffnut Thorston, Heather (How to Train Your Dragon), E. Aster Bunnymund, Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), Nicholas St. North, Sandman (Character), Eret (How to Train Your Dragon)
Relationships: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood)
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Build, Oblivious Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Atlantean Jack, Alternate Universe, AU, Alternative Universe - Atlantis, Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, some funny jokes, explicit languaje, nerd of atlantis Hiccup, Jack being Jack, Awkward Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, First Times, questionable parenting, similar plot to the atlantis movies
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1ClstDJ
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sprnklersplashes · 2 years
family line
"Hi, Dad." Veronica looks at the man in front of them, trying to connect him to the Big Bud Dean in her mind. The superficial pieces are there, filling in like a paint by numbers. His eyes are the same colour as JD's, but where his are clouded, JD's are almost always sharp and bright. They're smaller too. She remembers the dark hair, though it's longer now. Messier. In her mind, it was so slicked back she could have sworn there was oil in it. What she remembers most is the smile. Calling it a smile was kind. The way his lips were curled like a snake on his face, spreading when his glasses-clad eyes landed on her. The goosebumps that prickled on her skin, the way she never felt safe in this man's presence, even if she only spent a few minutes with him. They were all she needed to understand why JD didn't want her in his house, even if she didn't know everything.
full story on ao3
support my writing
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ravenishishtrash · 7 months
Okay so ✨Hamilton fanficion✨
Back in 2018 I was a big Hamilton (and other musicals like BMC, DEH, Heathers) fan, and I'm talking like a having amino (and a semi decent following on it), drawing silly fanart of the characters in maid suits, reading fanfiction fan
And sometimes I just go by my day and I randomly remember something from a Hamilton fanfiction that makes me stop in my tracks
And so, I decided to come onto here and provide a list of things I remember, that I want to forget, and am afraid that I'll forget at the same time, about Hamilton fanficion
(this being said, if you're still a hamilton fanfiction writer, you do you, this post does not mean to offend you)
I think like 80% of the fics if not more were college AU fics, and 15% were just different AUs but I don't think I've actually read a fic that wasn't a random one-shot taking place in canon timeline (I do believe it was because all of the hamilton ff writers just like me were 16 back then, and just simply did not know how to write historical fiction)
Most of the fics were LAMS (which is Alexander Hamilton x John Laurens) and it was practically canon in fandom eyes, and before anyone says anything, I've seen the letters, of course I've seen them but guyz, I think we were just a little bit delulu with how firmly we believed this (and I'm including myself in this!)
Still on shipping, the second most popular one was Jamilton (Thomas Jefferson x Alexander Hamilton) and I'm gonna be honest, this was my shit, I enjoyed this dynamic a lot more (I always found friends to lovers a bit boring), but man, were the ship wars brutal, I remember when amino mods tried to actually do some sort of a debate lams vs jamilton in which there were actual teams that wrote whole essays about which ship is more valid, but they ended up insulting each other after maybe two rounds
The last ship with its own point is Hamburr (Alexander Hamilton x Aaron Burr), I've always perceived this one as a cool kids ship, I think people who shipped this were the most chill about it
Background ships included Mulette (Muligan x Lafayette), which was one of those ships that were always in the background some sort of "if you don't ship this as your side ship i don't trust you" kind of ship, the same goes to Jeffmads (Jefferson x Madison) in lams fics, and in a lesser degree, and i don't remember its name, Eliza Schuler x Maria Lewis Reynolds (if you don't remember her from her name, is the woman Hamilton cheats on Eliza with), which is always fun, we love seeing some wlw
And now, the random facts that were just headcanons that people very often included, Jefferson and Lafayette were almost always in some sort related (especially in Jamilton fics) and that's because of the double cast, but I don't really think the same was true for any other character it was just them
Hamilton was always a caffeine addict with a bad sleep schedule who was way too engaged in whatever topic the fic made him and I remember one fic (it was a college au, of course) where the whole point was that it was actively ruining his relationships around him (it was a hamburr fic)
John Laurens loved turtles bc of some historical letters in which he mentioned he liked turtles and fandom did its thing and you couldn't read a lams fic where turtles weren't mentioned at least once
Charles Lee and Samuel Seabury were always minor villains/mean college students and the latter was sometimes in a weird unhealthy relationship with (king) George
There was no Eliza slander! I know it's a weird point, but now seeing how fandoms like spn or 911 reacted to female love interest I’m actually suprised there wasn't any, she was always just a good friend (or, in one Soulmate AU I think it was Jamilton, Eliza had Hamilton's name on her wrist but he didn't have hers and that was just brutal)
There was this fic that I won't mention by its whole name (it's off the internet anyway, I don't think the author wants to be reminded of it nor associated with it), that was a hanahaki AU Jamilton that nearing the end of its run had 300k+ words; it was about Alex having a mean spirited rivalry with Jefferson at their corpo lawyer job but hearing he has hanahaki so deciding he wants to be nice to him now, but little does he know that the hanahaki in question is *for* him and later he himself develops hanahaki for Jefferson and they even live together at one point so they have this situation where both of them are willing to die in order to keep the other one happy and cure them by being their rebounds but they actively making each other worse, it's probably not as good as I remember it to be but godDAMN was it a cult classic it really was one of the kind, ALSO a girl on a plane asked me what fic I was reading bc she was peeking over my shoulder because it looked good and it's just one of the interactions I will *never* forget
This fandom was also my first impression of A/B/O dynamic and it wasn't a good one, one of the fics with it that I remember was Jamilton, in which Hamilton was some sort of Omega activist (there was a scene where he was annoyed that romantic comedies in universe pushed the agenda of omega leaving their omegaxomega relationship for an alpha when oxo can be fully normally sufficient) and Jefferson was an alpha and there was a scene at a diner where Jefferson was spreading his pheromones so the other alphas would stop looking at Hamilton? yeah thanks, no thanks
Washington was 95% of the time Hamilton's father in one way or another but what did you expect, in one fic he was even Hamilton's mother soulmate but she died before he met her which I didn't know was possible in soulmates aus
I read one Jamilton fic on wattpad (even then I rarely used wattpad) that I think was (a college au) about how madison and jefferson were in abusive relationship and hamilton "rescued" jefferson out of it? (it feaured a truly iconic quote in a scene that i still remember where jefferson was having a panic attack in the dorm's bathroom and madison didn't want hamilton to think he was an abuser so he said something along the lines of "Don't listen to this whore" and Hamilton responded "I won't listen to a whore" and Jefferson was like no he also hates me no one loves me and then Hamilton added "But Thomas isn't a whore." and I kid you not, I think about this scene every time I see that stupid "do you think im pretty?" "no." ":(" "you're beautiful" meme) and my art was featured in one of the chapters! it wasn't a good art, but it was one of my biggest achievements back then (I drew the most art during my hamilton phase, I wish I kept that passion for drawing in the years to come)
And... I think that's all that I can think of off top of my head
Despite many peoples' opinion now, I don't think the fandom was wrong in how they perceived the source material, any who was in the fandom at that time can tell you that sometimes it felt like it's own entity, those were our characters and what they did in the musical and the historical context didn't really matter in the long run, besides some limited posts about lams or just funfacts about the real lives of the characters (i have so many funfacts about inaccuracies in hamilton stored in my head), just what the dynamic between them was
But, as have many, I grew out of hamilton fanfiction, it shaped how I moved around fanfiction and fandom spaces for years and no matter how much "cringe" that fandom was (and it was cringe in every way possible) I probably won't forget the fun parts (for example how I joined judges guild on amino that was supposed to host contests regularly and then we did one contest and 90% of the members stopped responding so I pretty much single-handedly picked the winners when we had like I think about 20-30 entries? contests were a big deal on amino) and I won't regret it, I think it was one of the if not best then funniest places to be on the Internet in 2018
I have recently rewatched Hamilton now that it is available on streaming and one) I found out that I didn't really know all the lyrics and certainly not what some parts mean (english as you probably already have noticed is not my first language) and two) I actually found myself thinking, man, i would like to read some good fanfiction about this, but not a single one Hamilton fanfiction on ao3 can be separated from how the fandom perceived the characters and that's okay, it's just the way it is
If you truly want to know the grasp of what was normal or not in this fandom, let me tell you this: I saw Jefferson Miku Binder before it was a meme, and it really wasn't that weird, I was seeing art and headcanons like these on the regular, that just how the fandom looked like
and with that, I'm signing off
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voasprofile · 2 years
twisted wonderland masterlist
twisted wonderland x heathers au pt 1
twisted wonderland x heathers au pt 2
twisted wonderland x heathers au pt 3
twisted wonderland x heathers au pt 4
we fell in love in october
vil as your childhood crush songfic
vil with miss heed s/o
vil w/ singer s/o
replaced au/songfic oneshot
replaced au/based on a movie ig not a oneshot
midnight rain azul ff
showing mean girls and heathers to twst characters
rollo flamm x reader or yuu ig
vil x actor/actress reader/yuu
huli na ng ika'y aking minahal/loving you too late
first burn
twisted wonderland x mean girls/mean girls in twisted wonderland and yuu who's somewhat a mix of the og mean girls pt.2
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I know this isn’t JoJo related but can I ask you if you have any tips for someone who is trying to learn the Italian language?
Hi anon!
Besides the evergreen study of grammar and literature, I recommend the usual things:
Listen to Italian songs to get used to the sounds. (P.s I have a La Squadra playlist with only Italian songs)
Watch shows in Italian, first with English subtitles and then with the Italian one.
Watch Italian shows. No, I didn't repeat myself, the dub is pretty much easier to understand compared to real actors. No. We usually don't have VA, just Dubbers.
Do not rely on the translation you see in my FFs and Hcs because most of the time, they are 'adaptations' and not direct translations.
There's also this funny list that Italian pages used to share a few months ago about all the songs an Italian must know:
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If you're interested, I can link EVERY song on the list.
EDIT with the actual list+links
50 Special- Lùnapop
Hanno ucciso l'uomo ragno-883
Notte prima degli esami- Antonello Venditti
Cicale- Heather Parisi
Gianna- Rino Gaetano
Fatti mandare dalla mamma- Gianni Morandi
Maledetta primavera- Loretta Goggi
Felicità- Albano feat. Romina Power
L'ombelico del mondo- Jovanotti
Triangolo- Renato Zero
P.s La Squadra canonically heard these songs at least once.
-La Principessa della Squadra
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cj33333 · 10 months
Blog Board (Pinned & Updated)
What's the latest biz?
Latest Art
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"Lady and the Peg"
Heather's Makeover
Passenger Pigeon
Latest Fanfic Chapter (for Over the Hedge)
Party Crashers
FF (no images)
Other Happenings
What I'm Working On
A few pieces of OTH art
Next fanfic chapter (I promise I am working on it)
YT videos
RJ x Heather GIF (I'm gonna pretend like this is always relevant because I like it)
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Also on Youtube
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Actually I really should do more with the fact that one of the background plots in Lady Luck is actually Heathers: The Musical. I've only had one and a half song sequences
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 month
I have a friend whos getting into romance novels and would love some recommendations, she's into bdsm, dom/sub dynamics (with a preference for femdoms) harem/reverse harem and polycules. They can be any subgender of romance really, however she's not the biggest fan of mafia books and I think she's not super into dubcon stuff. If you have anything that fits into this it would be greatly appreciated!
For sure!
In general, I would recommend Sierra Simone. Most of her books are kinky with a heavy emphasis on dom/sub, and several of her most famous series are poly. At points, her characters may practice CNC (consensual non-consent; everyone consents to the fantasy beforehand and there are safe-outs ahead of time, in fact she's one of the only authors I've read who covers things like "snap your fingers if you want me to stop" when gags are in play) but it is not dubcon.
A quick rundown of her books and their kinks/tropes:
The Bell Brothers series, which includes:
Priest--Catholic priest/parishioner (sort of), BDSM with a dom hero and a submissive but bratty heroine, obviously a lot of play surrounding Catholicism
Sinner--Novice nun/her brother's slutty best friend, age gap, BDSM with a male dom, virgin heroine
Saint--Monk/his ex-boyfriend, m/m obviously, lighter on the kink but Dom/sub is still present; there's also a chastity device involved.
New Camelot:
American Queen, American Prince, American King--must be read in order, MMF, Dom/sub with a dom hero, a switch hero (subs for the other hero, often doms the heroine but there is more of a power play between them wherein she engages in some light domming) and sub heroine. Begins as a love triangle but is a polyamorous triad by the end of book one. VERY kinky, with things like bondage, spanking, CNC, role play, edging, pain play, light CBT, etc.
Salt in the Wound and Salt Kiss--must be read in order, in progress. MMF, though the triad is currently in its early stages. SitW focuses on the main dom and the heroine, who is a sub but is very particular about her submission (she's into pain and is quite aggressive in some ways), and SK focuses more on the submissive hero falling for the dominant hero and then the heroine separately (he has a somewhat more dominant role with the heroine, but it's more of a trade off). A little darker than NC I'd say, due to the dominant hero being more of an enigma and all three leads being more... violent? Not necessarily with each other. Breeding kink (not for actual conception... it's quite queer), bondage, wax play, pain play, etc.
A Lesson in the Thorns, Feast of Sparks, Harvest of Sighs, Door of Bruises--must be read in order, VERY poly, six leads with two core relationships (MMF and FF) but everyone does have sex with each other at some point. There's some free use, Dom/sub, very taboo relationships, and there is femdom in the FF pairing.
Outside of Sierra, I'd say...
Preferential Treatment by Heather Guerre. Femdom, the heroine is paid by the hero, her boss, to be his domme. It's actually quite fun and romantic in a lot of ways, but she's also sort of financially dominating him by making him donate to women's shelters and stuff lol.
The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham. This is a femdom historical, though the heroine doesn't realize that the hero wants to be dominated until the last third of the book or so because he's been trying to hide it from her. He does see a dominatrix during this time, though there isn't explicitly sexual contact (I believe he gets caned, which does arouse him, but doesn't involve direct skin to skin engagement); I didn't have an issue with it as a READER, but obviously it's not ideal for a relationship lol. I liked how it was handled, personally.
Her book The Earl I Ruined also has some light Dom/sub stuff, with a male dom and a newbie female sub.
Hyacinth by S.M. LaViolette. Another historical. The heroine is less experienced than the hero (but not a virgin) but they're both interested in kink and they switch off on dominating each other. At points she ties him up, at points she whips him until he comes, all that.
Sara Cate's Salacious Players Club has generalized kink and I'd recommend:
Praise--Dom/sub with a male dom. He's a pleasure dom, which is depicted here in what I would consider a pretty soft but also very clearly set out kind of way?
Eyes on Me--This isn't D/s so much as it is voyeurism. The heroine is a camgirl and her stepbrother (yes I know... they didn't grow up together) begins watching her, because voyeurism is his thing. Not for everyone, but Iiiiii liked it.
Give Me More--This isn't as heavy on the kink (though there is some bondage stuff and what one hero initially thinks is cuckoldry, but that's actually not his kink) but it is heavy on the MMF, as it's about a married couple realizing they're both in love with their male best friend. Very hot.
Mercy--This is a straight up femdom romance (with pegging, a rare find). The hero realizes that he's a brat, the heroine realizes she's not only a domme but a brat tamer, and we go from there! Super good. I'd say GMM and Mercy are the strongest installments in this series, for sure.
And then leaving Sara Cate...
Scandalous Passions by Nicola Davidson. A fun historical FFM romance with femdom! The older heroine is a domme, and the hero and the younger heroine both submit to her. She falls in love with both of them separately before they fall for each other. Kinky and also pretty clear on consent.
Minx by Sophie Lark. This is a kinky escort/billionaire romance. I'd say that he's the more dominant partner at first, but she's very actively involved and they start switching towards the end. The big kink with this one is PET PLAY, and they both get turns wearing the collar.
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield. Contemporary that focuses a lot on daddy kink, with some stepfather/stepdaughter roleplay. Some light CNC is involved, all carefully discussed beforehand.
Possession by Adriana Anders. Generally very kinky, set in a literal "kink camp" where people go to work their shit out. The hero is dominant and the heroine is submissive; there's roleplaying kidnapping, as well as some sharing of her with his friend. There is also a bonus scene wherein he shares her with uhhhhh like... four or five people lmao.
A Lady of Rooksgrave Manor by Kathryn Moon is a historical monster romance, wherein the heroine is a sex worker who ends up with... five...? Male partners. Of various monster origins--vampire stuff, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde vibes, there's a sphynx, one guy is like... invisible, one is a gollum I think lmao it's wild. There are many kinks involved, including generalized BDSM, somnophilia, etc; I believe one guy is a little more on the submissive side. Some of them interact with each other sexually on the reg, some prefer only her.
Consort of Fire by Kit Rocha is a fun fantasy romance (ongoing series). It's FFM, with the two heroines already in a relationship when one of them marries the hero, and they all begin to fall for each other. The hero is definitely on the switchy side, and we are working up to some light femdom imo. Super hot.
Triple Sec by TJ Alexander... This one isn't out until this summer, but I'd recommend that anyone who loves a poly romance pre-orders! The heroine is recently single and meets this female lawyer she hits it off with; the lawyer is open about being in a polyamorous marriage, with an NB spouse. Initially, our main heroine only dates the lawyer, but slooooowly sparks begin to fly with the spouse as well. Has some light femdom, I'd say.
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curewhimsy · 5 months
thoughts about TDI (I’m on episode 13)
Katie and Sadie from Total Drama Island were my first femslash ship and I ship them so much! My OTP since I was 10 and first watched the show on Cartoon Network. They are SO cute
Gwen and Trent are the two most normal people on the island and I think they have great chemistry tbh
I didn’t think I’d like Duncan, or him and Courtney together, until… cliches happened and I enjoyed them
My rare pair is Leshawna and Beth because I like when they stood up to Heather together
Heather is like Sae from Peach Girl, 100% bitch but Iconic and without her, there wouldn’t be drama
I don’t like how Geoff and DJ (and Duncan) are mean to Harold. Duncan is mean so it’s expected, but Geoff and DJ are supposed to be nice but they pick on Harold for like no reason
I’ve vaguely remembered seeing memes that likened Harold to one of those “toxic nice guys” I think. I personally dont see that in Harold tbh but he’s very awkward and kind of… weird yes. But those aren’t inherently toxic “””nice guy””” traits ffs lol (I feel like Cody is the real “I’m a nice guy” 😂)
I have a vomit phobia so the show is sometimes squicky to watch and I remember the gross food episode freaking me out as a kid. It’s coming up soon for me so wish me luck 😔
As for creative endeavors, I might sort of combine TDI with DanganRonpa in my head. I feel like TDI is just Canadian DR for younger kids/teens
I don’t like how all the skinny girls are drawn though. Their waists look like they’d snap. Well I still think the body diversity is better than an average cartoon though. But Owen is a fat phobic character sadly. Like… we get it, he eats a lot, he farts, is obnoxious. Oh yeah! And he’s fat. I honestly feel Owen would be funnier if he were skinny. It would be in less bad taste at least.
One more reason why I like Leshawna, her proportions look realistic and she isn’t a fat phobic caricature despite being on the larger side. I thought she was lowkey a “black caricature” at the beginning (I’m black and I don’t like when we’re portrayed as loud and angry) but I grew to like her. She’s basically just sassy and confident and I can respect that
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