#High&Low The Movie
star2fishmeg · 9 months
Can I please request head canons of Smokey with a cheerful girlfriend or wife. 😊
ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ sᴍᴀʟʟ ᴛʜɪɴɢs
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Pairing: Smokey x afab!reader
Summary: Smokey with a cheeful gf/wife
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, swearing
Authors note: I LOVE WHEN THIS MAN SMILES thankoo for requesting Smokey!!!
Request: above!
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Sun person x moon person fr fr
Smokey would thrive off her radiance and energy, especially when he wouldn’t be having the best day
Gives the vibes of sitting and watching her do something but he’s smiling the whole time, imagining spending the rest of his life with her, being the first person he wakes up to and the last person to see before he sleeps. The woman he wants to hold when things are tough, wipe her tears and her wipe his
Definitely visiting her often after a day of protecting the city, engulfing her in a hug and enjoying the way she soothes his soul
He probably doesn’t have a lot of free or downtime due to his role but on the occasion he does, he seems like the kind of guy to just chill and do whatever she wants bc he likes seeing her smile and eyes light up
Enjoys cuddling her when sleeping bc he’s terrified of losing her, she’s the light of his life
Strikes as the guy to enjoy walks around the city, taking in the sentiments of their home
Moreover, hand holder 100%. Cold hands? He’s holding them in his pockets, giving her his gloves. Need reassurance? He’s squeezing to let her know he’s still with her
Gives her his coat too, wraps her up snug and gives her hugs. Doesn’t really care if he’s cold, he just wants her to keep smiling
She’s the only person who can get him grinning like an idiot, her energy is just too contagious for him to handle and ends up smiling or chuckling with her, usually in private though, in public he just smiles
CHEEK AND HEAD KISSES ALL THE TIME. Does that thing where he kisses her forehead before he leaves anywhere, sometimes goes for the mouth if it’s a major fight
Peacefully listen to her day any day. Smokey’s a very attentive person and listens to all the details word for word, picking up on what made her grin the most and what made her frown the most
Protective as fuck but not jealous, doesn’t mind her hanging with the boys and looking after them after fights but god forbid anyone tried flirting
Would prefer a small wedding, just her friends, family and his family invited. He doesn’t like having it publicised
Would love her timelessly, in all lifetimes and universes. He loves all the small things about her and how she’s in love with life itself
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H&L harem (if you wanna be tagged/removed in future H&L content, comment or lemme know via ‘chat to me bbygorl’ :D);
@straysugzhpe @airbendertendou @strxwberrychocolate @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @rinwhore @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @rainisawriter @cheshirecatuniverse
[Requests CLOSED]
2023 © STAR2FISHMEG All rights reserved - do not plagiarise, translate, repost, copy any of my works. If you notice that any of these have been done to my work, please let me know.
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kr-han · 6 months
HiGH&LOW g-sword Translation
Hi, my fellow HiGH&LOW enjoyer. Have you known about this manga series? It's, in short, a slice of life series of HiGH&LOW and the timeline is between HiGH&LOW The Movie and End of Sky.
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[This post is edited]
I translated the manga in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. Disclaimer that I'm not fluent in neither Japanese nor English, but I can speak in those languages. You can check the translation here:
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simply-whump · 2 years
High & Low Series - Whump List
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Whumpees : Cobra played by Iwata Takanori, Yamato played by Suzuki Nobuyuki and Noboru played by Machida Keita
Synopsis : After the disbandment of a legendary organization called "Mugen", five organizations emerged, with the aim to take control of an area. As a result, this area came to be known as SWORD, an acronym attributed to the names of the five organizations. These 5 gangs will put their pride on the line as they engage in a fierce battle for dominance! However, the plot thickens... a mysterious group called "Mighty Warriors" appears. And the question that everyone is asking now is, are they enemies or allies? What fate awaits this town. (MDL)
Genre : Action, Crime, Youth
Notes : This list covers all the High & Low dramas and movies that include Cobra as one of the main characters, which are : 
High&Low: The Story of S.W.O.R.D (Season 1)
High&Low Season 2
High&Low The Movie
High&Low The Movie 2: End of The Sky
High&Low The Movie 3: Final Mission (best whump)
There is A LOT of fighting, so I won’t list every punch thrown or received, only the bigger stuff.
Warning ! Possible spoilers below !
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S1 Ep 3 : Has a brutal fight 1v1 against the leader of a rival gang, face bloody and bruised, helped to walk
S1 Ep 10 : Lets himself get punched (a lot) without fighting back — Crying
S2 Ep 2 : Attacked by surprise, hit on the back of his head, collapses
S2 Ep 4 : Face bruised, shoulder hurting
S2 Ep 6 : Worried for Noboru, emotional, crying
S2 Ep 10 : Almost hit by a car
The Movie : (41:05) Grabbed by his hair — (44:05) Punched by someone he trusted — (1:38:30) Brutal fight against his former mentor, LOTS of punches and kicks received, LOTS of being thrown around, face bloody and bruised, emotional, crying 
The Movie 2 : (1:40:23) Fight against the leader of the bad guys — (1:43:35) Fight continues — (1:46:06) Fight continues and becomes more brutal — (1:47:22) On the ground out of breath
The Movie 3 : (09:54) Kicked hard in the chest, collapses, coughing — (17:55) Ambushed, beaten to the ground with crowbars, knocked out — (36:27) Wakes up shirtless with his hands tied above his head, beaten with crowbars, spitting blood, heavy breathing, hair grabbed, remembers past memories, more beating with crowbars, face grabbed, funnel shoved in his mouth, is going to be fed cement (Gif Set) — (42:08) friends worried and looking for him, almost fed cement, saved at the last second — (1:32:55) Almost caught in multiple explosions
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Asahina Yamato
S1 Ep 1 : Injury on his back treated
S1 Ep 3 : Getting beat up without fighting back, collapses on Cobra’s shoulder
S1 Ep 10 : Crying — At gunpoint — More crying, emotional 
S2 Ep 6 : Worried for Noboru, emotional, crying
S2 Ep 10 : Almost hit by a car
The Movie : (34:55) Wounds from a fight treated — (41:00) Punched and kicked by someone he trusted — (1:38:30) Brutal fight against his former mentor, LOTS of punches and kicks received, LOTS of being thrown around, face bloody and bruised, emotional, crying
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Harada Noboru
S1 Ep 8 : Getting beat up pretty badly, kicked repeatedly, stepped on, choked 
S1 Ep 10 : Crying, emotional — Hit by a car 
S2 Ep 5 : In a coma in the hospital 
S2 Ep 6 : Still in a coma, his condition worsens, given cpr, concern for him, flatlines, heart starts beating again, wakes up
S2 Ep 9 : In a wheelchair, trying to get up but failing, in pain — Tries to get up, falls, concern for him
More Whump Lists
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fireofjudgement · 2 years
Where the heart is
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Requested here
Fandom: High&Low
Pairing: Smokey x gn!reader
Summary: For years now you've been hiding a secret from Smokey and the members of S.W.O.R.D. , one that should not have been kept this long. And now, that many innocent lives have been lost, you start to regret your choices. But there's no going back.
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: gn!reader, angst, no happy ending, swearing, mentions of sexual assault, anger, betrayal, death and fire
A/N: Thank you to the person who requested this, I really liked writing it, sorry if it's too short or not what you expected. I think I'm finally ready to go back to a more regular posting schedule, maybe 👀
"Never come near my house again, understood?"
You were too tired to argue with him, to remind him that it's your house too, that it's your family. Or, it used to be at least. You looked up, hoping that maybe one of the men awkwardly standing behind Smokey, forced to watch the sad scene unfolding in front of them, would help you somehow, say or do something that would change his mind, but to no avail. Afterall, you betrayed them too.
Unwillingly, and for the most part unknowingly, but it didn't matter anymore. They wouldn't listen to you, wouldn't let you explain anything, and you couldn't even blame them. You had your chance to reveal the truth, years in fact, but you decided to live a life full of lies, actively putting yourself and the people you considered friends and family, at risk. And now you were dealing with the consequences of your actions. 
"Smokey, where am I supposed to go? I've only got you..I've only ever had you.."
You finally gathered the courage to look him in the eyes but you couldn't find any sympathy or understanding in them, only disappointment. You almost wished for him to yell and scream and curse at you, maybe even slap you or push you to the ground. You knew you deserved it. You could handle his anger, you could handle physical violence. But this? This was unbearable. 
"Bullshit. Just go back where you came from. I'm sure everyone at Kuryu will welcome you with open arms, afterall you gave them so much precious information. They couldn't do all this without you. You should be proud of yourself, y/n."
His words hurt, each one like a sharp knife directed straight towards your heart. It was becoming hard to fight back tears but you didn't want to cry, you didn't want them to think you were trying to make them pity you. No, you knew they hated you and you knew they had a reason to do so. Afterall this whole mess was your fault. All the deaths, the downfall of Nameless City, the conflicts in S.W.O.R.D..no matter how hard you tried to deny it, you caused all of it.
It all started years ago, when you were still a child. You didn't remember much, blurry images of tired men in suits and angry women smelling of cheap perfume, instructing you on how to act, what to say, how to gain strangers' trust. The people of Nameless City were evil, S.W.O.R.D. members nothing but thieves, outright criminals. You were the good ones, the only ones able to save the people in the area, bring back its glory. That's what they told you. 
Back then you didn't think much about it, it was nothing but a game, an interesting way for a kid to pass the time in an otherwise boring, monotonous world the adults created for you. You enjoyed the attention they gave you, even more so their praise every time you performed especially well. It quickly became a routine - get a task, fulfill it to the best of your abilities, get a reward, repeat. Every single day, until you were ready.
You dreamed of this moment for years. You weren't exactly sure what you were supposed to be ready for, but it must have been good. Everyone around you has been talking about it for as long as you could remember, making whatever was yet to come seem like the ultimate reward. So, when you found yourself alone, miles away from the place you called home, cold, dirty and hungry, your beautiful clothes replaced by torn up, way too big ones, you were confused, to say the least. The only instructions they gave you before dropping you off was to gain the trust of people in Nameless City, act like one of them. Become one of them. Nobody was meant to know who you really were or where you came from.
It was difficult at first, this new life so different, so much more challenging than your previous one. The people around you were different too, less..civilized than you were used to. It was easy to believe they were, in fact, evil. Less than you. Needless to say, the training you received didn't really prepare you for this new lifestyle. But you weren't a quitter, oh no. Despite your young age, you were determined to succeed, no matter what obstacles life was about to throw at you. And so, understandably anxious, you began a new life. You didn't just play a character, no, you became a completely new person, a version of yourself you didn't know existed. 
Every waking hour you spent observing your new friends and family, studying their behavior, their strengths and weaknesses, their habits, goals and dreams. Your studies started with Rude Boys but they didn't end there. Using everything you learned at Kuryu, your own knowledge and your charm, you managed to get close to Smokey, the gangs leader, which then gave you an opportunity to meet the leaders of all five S.W.O.R.D gangs, as well as some other, less powerful, ones. It was surprising how quickly they accepted you as one of theirs, as part of the family. Everything you learned, every single detail, you wrote down and all those notes you sent to Kuryu. You didn't know what they were going to do with all this information but..you'd never imagine that in the end this innocent play pretend would cause so much evil, so much death and destruction. And not from S.W.O.R.D's side.
"Please Smokey..please let me explain. I'm begging you to hear me out.. "
He stayed silent at first, avoiding all eye contact, until suddenly he started walking in your direction without saying a word still, stopping close enough for your faces to almost touch. You could feel the anger he was trying so hard to contain. 
"Go ahead!" He finally spat in your face, loud enough for everyone else to hear, his voice shaky. "Explain why you spent years trying to gain our trust, learn everything about Nameless City and S.W.O.R.D. Explain why you pretended to care about us, why you called us your friends, your family. And please explain why you just stood and watched as our homes were burned, our women assaulted or taken hostage, our people..no, your people, dying and losing their loved ones in the fire. While you're at it, why don't you also explain when exactly you were planning to tell us, had one of the Doubt members we captured not exposed your plan? Or maybe you wouldn't tell us at all, instead simply disappearing after the job was done?"
Silence. What were you even supposed to say? Was there anything you could say to change his mind? Convince him and everyone else that somewhere along the way everything changed? That the older you got, the more you realised how fucked up all of this was? That the Kuryu members have never been your family, never treated you like family but simply a means to an end, that they've never cared about you like you cared about them, and that Smokey and all of the other guys were the only people you needed? Your real family? No. You knew this was the end. There was nothing you could say or do now. Maybe, if you told them the truth before the attacks, maybe if you'd warn them and prevent all the innocent lives from being taken..
But you didn't. He was right. You stood there and watched and still you said nothing, hoping for them to recover somehow and your new life to continue without them ever finding out, without having to deal with the consequences of your filthy lies, not expecting anyone on Kuryu's side to snitch or even know who you were. You were disgusted by your own behavior but there was nothing you could do about it anymore. Dropping to your knees in front of Smokey, in front of everyone you loved so much and hurt so deeply, you accepted your fate. You accepted losing the short-lived happiness you found in Nameless City. You accepted the fact that your actions killed hundreds of innocent people. And finally, you accepted the fact that you’ll never be able to fix what you’ve broken.
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airbendertendou · 2 years
got my nephew 5 year old to like HiGH&LOW hehehehe
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dengswei · 3 months
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@asiandramanet creator bingo — typography — noboru x yamato x cobra | road to high&low (2016)
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more outfit requests, ft some pretty fellas!
Anna Valerious Frank for @sheriffopossum, & sparkly dress Wally for @wheatlover <3
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faelapis · 7 months
journey to bethlehem SLAPS. it is so fucking extra. its so "high school musical but 5% more religious" that i genuinely had to double-check to make sure kenny ortega had nothing to do with it.
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watchmorecinema · 9 months
Something I think is a bit of an issue is the myth that the "great" films from the past are all boring, unrelatable and incomprehensible. That some black and white foreign film from Sweden can only be a really slow, dour experience. I'll admit that I was guilty of that thought at one point too.
The reality is that lots of these great films are actually broadly enjoyable. The reason they're considered great isn't because of elitism, some snobby ideal that they're hard to watch and therefore better, but because they're just extremely well made and stylized films. The black and white Swedish film? That describes a number of Ingmar Bergman films like The Seventh Seal. And The Seventh Seal is hilarious, even now. I honestly thought it was going to just be really serious and depressing but it's a life riot (when not being serious and depressing). There's a scene where a man is trading insults with his wife's lover, but he's not very smart so another man is whispering insults to him to use. It's about a knight that plays chess with death for a chance at living, but death is a cheating bastard that delivers one liners before he kills someone.
I know that a lot of people really only watch whatever is popular and recent, and that's fine, but I don't want people to miss out on truly great films because they think they'd be hard to watch. I did a showing of a silent film at work (One Week by Buster Keaton) and everyone was enthralled by the stunt work on display. It's over 100 years old and it still holds up because there's no expiration date on quality.
If you are looking to engage with older films though, skip Tarkovsky for now. Stalker and Solaris are two incredible films (Stalker is probably top ten for me), but those are absolutely the cliche of some slow, hard to follow "true art is incomprehensible" film. Terrence Malick as well. Excellent filmmaker, but watching The Tree of Life is work. Kurosawa and Hitchcock are some of my favorite directors and every movie they make is straightforward and thrilling. High and Low is the most incredible police procedural I've seen in my life, and Psycho is still a tense, thrilling experience.
To be clear there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking the most popular stuff. I used to watch every marvel movie that came out, and I still think Wandavision is excellent. I have fond memories of going to watch Captain America with friends. I loved the Barbie movie and that's in the top 15 highest grossing films of all time. I just think that there's a lot of great films to explore if you're willing to try.
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fujikasa · 9 months
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@pscentral event 19: music @userdramas get to know me bingo: original soundtrack
HiGH&LOW 2015-2016 (original release) —template
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auromelt · 10 months
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High & Low The Worst (X)
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nonafierce · 11 months
King of B*tch "Akihisa Shiono" 🤣🔥
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fireofjudgement · 2 years
Requests are officially open again!
After a long, long time, I finally want to get back into writing, but it's been a while and I need some new fresh energy, motivation and inspiration, therefore I decided to open up requests again!
What fandoms I write for:
Alice in Borderland
Sweet Home
My Name
All of us are dead
Money Heist: Korea
A model family
What I will write:
Smut (including kinks-my main are breeding, d/s dynamics, somno and cnc ask before requesting anything else)
x readers (only female and gn!!)
Full stories
What I won't write:
Hardcore kinks/kinks that are triggering to me/turn me off (just ask before sending to be sure!)
Male reader
a/b/o and any non human/hybrid stuff (except for the hambies from aouad and the reapers from Tomorrow)
Rape - might do mentions but not graphic descriptions, same with gore, pedophilia, murder etc
Incest (stepcest is on thin ice, depending on my mood)
Anything mentioning ED, as it's a triggering topic for me
Any real people, I only write for fictional characters!
I generally write almost everything so don't be scared to ask! We'll figure something out.
A couple more things:
Please allow me to take my time, don't rush me and don't resend your request!
I do remember the remaining requests I received last time, I have them all and I'm planning on writing them out so please do not resend them! They're safe in my inbox/docs and your request will be worked on!
If you have multiple requests please send them in separate asks!
Feel free to reblog this post so others can see it (we all know how Tumblr's tagging system works) but please do not respond to this post with your request, send it in an ask! It doesn't matter if it's on or off anon, I accept both!
Please keep in mind that I won't write requests I do not vibe with, it's nothing personal, some requests are just easier for me to write than others!
Your request can be very detailed or extremely vague, I don't mind either, but please at least mention if you're comfortable with nsfw content and/or angst! Not taking nsfw request from minors!
Please specify which show the character(s) is from, sometimes there's multiple characters with the same or similar names so I'd rather avoid confusion!
If you don't have a new request but would like for me to continue one of my already posted stories please let me know too! I always appreciate when people tell me what stuff they'd like to see more of!
If you submit anything, thank you and I hope you enjoy it when it's posted! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, my requests will stay open for a while, depending on how many I receive, if any. As always thank you for reading and supporting me 💕
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moonsvillain · 3 months
he never really tries to hide it but i loveeeee how soft-hearted sachio is...!
when he first goes after his sister to get her away from all those drug pushers he's pretty ruthless but every time he comes across someone in her likeness or girls who are pretty obviously caught up in the fighting against their will, he just gently pushes them aside before continuing to beat people to shit immediately afterwards.
(also when he says that his sister shouldn't make their mother cry :( !!!!!)
when sabakan slaps someone's head while scolding them he makes a short but quick protest against it before taking up the responsibility to fix things on his own (followed by yuken saying that when things go wrong he tends to blame himself...!)
when he sees fujio help that old woman up the stairs and fall down right after, he supplies him with bandaids and a can of soda and starts to chat with him despite the two not knowing each other very much at all (though that might be more on fujio than sachio—he seems like more of an extrovert that sachio)
the final nail in the coffin for me was seeing him wear the jacket sawamura was wearing when he was beat up, bloodstains and all. like a reminder why he was getting revenge/fighting in the first place, which—i don't think you have to be non-violent to be soft-hearted...! it just means that he cares and that's okay...!
(+ "now that i found out it wasn't you... i'm glad.")
just! i like how soft-hearted sachio is sometimes, even if we only get glimpses of his demeanour.
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redbaretta · 1 year
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Anushka Shetty as Devasena and Prabhas as Amarendra Baahubali in Baahubali 2: The Conclusion (2017)
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dengswei · 3 months
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@asiandramanet creator bingo — parallels
road to high&low (2016) koisenu futari (2022) episode 5 the blood of youth (2022) episode 14 eye love you (2024) episode 2
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