#Himeko simp as well
simkaard · 9 months
I am really conflicted right now. I went for Ruan mei but got himeko instead. Should I cry (cuz I didn't get ruan mei) or should I laugh (cuz I love himeko) XD. God am I one greedy mf🌚
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Serval best girl
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More Peppy for the soul <3 look at his little rocket backpack thingy 🥹
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reve-writes · 9 months
— a rush, a glance ; dan heng.
╰‧₊˚✩ॱ˖ honkai: star rail — dan heng — 3k words. ╰‧₊˚✩ॱ˖ summary — you might have fallen at the first kiss — well, technically, CPR — and you couldn't grapple with the fact. but perhaps the struggle went both ways. ╰‧₊˚✩ॱ˖ content — awkward pining for each other, like a lot of being awkward, trailblazer reader, lots of blushing, allusions to dan heng's past, reader is such a simp, kissing.
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When you came to, you felt a foreign weight on your lips — soft, warm, and candy-like in that it was sweet. Your eyes fluttered open and you were gazing into a pair of blue-green irises, harbouring a ceaseless depth you could see yourself getting lost in. In a rush, your senses fully came back to you and you inhaled sharply, felt his nose graze yours, felt the heaviness of his palm on the side of your face, tilting it towards him.
When you tried to speak, your lips brushed against his. His body tensed, and like you, his limbs were those of a statue, stubbornly still, cast in place.
So, this was what a kiss felt like.
A higher-pitched voice shocked you back into sobriety. Drunk on the feel of him against yours, everywhere he had not touched felt colder, and the points of contact were molten. "You're awake! Dan Heng, your CPR actually worked!"
The second figure pulled him off of you, air rushed into your lungs immediately and you let out a sigh. Dan Heng cleared his throat, throwing his gaze to the side. The apples of his cheeks burned red.
He was beautiful, almost otherworldly so.
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He sighed often.
You picked up on it early on. Dan Heng sighed a lot when March uttered something outlandish, before tasting Himeko's coffee, or as you barged into the Archives to browse through his notes. He didn't have to be in a certain mood to sigh and you began to be able to differentiate between exasperation and contentment and neutrality. Sometimes, he sighed affectionately, out of amusement.
And sometimes, you were the root of it, and it had you feeling like a feather, like you could be a pair of wings soaring through the star-littered cosmos.
"You would think—" A sneeze. "—that with a Stellaron in me, I should at least be immune from a cold."
He sighed, shaking his head. Was it empathy? No. His lips were pulled into a tight line, an attempt to conceal — Amusement. You pouted even as your insides felt warmer, lips tingling with the memory of pressing against his.
"Let's go back to the Express for now," he said, supplied with a worried glance. "We'll find something for your ailments."
Jarilo-VI was a snow-blanketed planet, showered by constant snowfall. The perpetual cold was biting and cruel on the Trailblazers, particularly you. From the moment you landed, you hadn't been able to breathe through your nose.
"We shouldn't," you protested. "I'll be okay once we get to the city. With the stellaron crisis, I should be the least of our concerns."
Unconvinced, Dan Heng lingered even as you had already trudged onwards, snow crunching underneath your boots. You abruptly came to a halt, tilting your head back and he assumed you were anticipating another sneeze, but you continued to follow through, falling backwards. He dashed to catch you before you fell to the ground, calling your name in a low, worried tone.
"I'm alright," you said, even though you were fully leaning against him for support. His hand was warm and solid as it held your shoulder, pressing you to him to keep you from lurching as you were unsteady on your feet.
"Can you hear me?" His voice sounded far away, as if you had a film over your ears. You could barely open your eyes, the white brightness of everything was a blinding stab to your vision.
You hummed in confirmation, but the next sentence he spoke fell as incoherent mumbling in your ears. Dan Heng's face scrunched as he took your temperatures, his cold hand stung by the heat of your forehead. "You're burning up."
"You're just really cold."
Then there was nothing. You didn't remember much — if anything, you had no recollection of what happened after. When you came to, there was a familiar weight on your hand and a familiar scratch of your sheets against your skin. Your eyes, though bleary, could gather that you were back in your room on the Express. You moved to pull your hand to rub your eyes; all it did was stir Dan Heng's sleeping form, sitting at the side of your bed. His grip tightened, long-fingered hands locking around yours.
"Dan Heng?" Your voice scratched against your throat, coming out in a hoarse croak. "What happened?"
Dan Heng buried his face into the crook of his elbow, letting out a soft hum. Not fully awake yet, he stayed clutching your hand, which was getting sweatier by the second. It was too casual; you didn't touch each other this way. Every time you did, it felt as if your stomach was flipped inside out, bleeding acid into your veins.
Your free hand reached to touch his head, nudge him awake, but the moment you made contact, you couldn't resist brushing your fingers through the black strands. So soft, too soft. To your delight and horror, he leaned into the touch, like a nuzzling cat. With a content sigh, he slipped into a shallow slumber once more.
You sat up, leaning closer to let your gaze rampant on his features: the long lashes fanning his cheeks, the hook of his nose and his lips. His lips.
"We're back!" March's voice echoed from the other side of the door. You jolted backwards, falling over the other side of your bed to the ground with a loud thud. Dan Heng sat up, startled. Your door slid open as you were scrambling to get off your butt. "___. Dan Heng. How has it been without me?"
"___?" Dan Heng's voice had deepened into a sleepy rasp. "What — Have you recovered? You are on the floor because...?"
March chuckled, muttering something about your silliness as she circled around your bed to help you up. Your cheeks flushed, going lightheaded from standing up too fast and being throttled by acute embarrassment.
"I was startled and fell down," you protested. "Thanks to you, March."
"How is that my fault?" March pouted.
"I need to check your temperatures," said Dan Heng. He paused, clearing his throat, hand hovering hesitantly. "May I?"
You leaned your body forward, over your single bed, and he reached over to press the back of his hand on your forehead, on your neck, before dropping back to his side. His phantom touch remained, causing you to crease your brow. "Hm, I think the fever has gone down."
"That's good news," said March. "We were all worried sick. Dan Heng hasn't been sleeping much. He won't even leave until Mr. Yang dragged him out."
You turned to look at Dan Heng. He stared back, like he was caught doing something he shouldn't, and briskly looked away.
Clearing his throat, he said, "March, is everyone back? I need to talk to Mr. Yang about the... mission."
March waved her hand. "I'll go! I'm glad you're all better now, ___. The Express was too quiet without you."
"That's not—" Dan Heng started, but March was already retreating, the door slid shut behind her. "—necessary."
You wrung your fingers together. "I'm sorry for causing a lot of trouble. Thank you for taking care of me."
Dan Heng hummed as he stretched his neck, tilting his head towards his left shoulder, and then right. "I would not have let you freeze down there. March is correct in that it has been a bit quiet since you fell ill."
"She's livelier than the both of us combined. She doesn't need me to cook up a ruckus," you joked.
"You're not wrong." A fond smile appeared on his lips.
Out of curiosity, you asked, "Did you carry me all the way back?"
"To the best of my abilities, yes," he replied. "I'm just glad you are well. It was quite a scare. You've been in-and-out of consciousness for two days. Himeko, Mr. Yang and March had gone ahead to investigate the stellaron disturbance."
"I'm sorry," you apologised again. "Why do I always fall unconscious when you're around?"
"There's no need to apologise," he reassured. "And as for your question, I have been wondering as well."
His sighed, lips quirking into an amused smile. You were a feather, you were soaring.
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"Do you have an entry about me?" You wondered, face hovering over his shoulder as he navigated the Data Bank, tapping and swiping at the screen with his long fingers.
"It is a work-in-progress," he replied. He was skimming through the data he had gathered about the Xianzhou Alliance, but you were hardly paying attention. You tilted your face to the side slightly, taking in his profile, noticing the smudged red under his eye, the intricate swirls of his earring. Oblivious, he asked, "What else would you like to see?"
"What's your favourite entry?"
"Well—" A mistake. He turned his head to the side, ending up face-to-face with you. Breath ghosting over your face, he stiffened, hand gripping the edge of the desk. You were stunned frozen in place, not unlike the ice statues littering the snow plains of the Jarilo-VI.
His eyes were blue and green and clear, the unbroken surface of a lake.
"You're really pretty," you blurted out. Your eyes widened as you straightened up, placing your palm over your mouth. Dan Heng pursed his lips, pink dusting his cheeks. "Shit—sorry. I don't know why I said that. Sorry."
"No, it's — it's alright," he said, quelling your sputtering. "That was flattering."
"I do find you... to be 'pretty' as well."
"Oh." What does that mean? You laughed, the sound off-kilter, borderline disorienting. The stuffy atmosphere in the Archives must be getting to your heads. "I think I need some air, don't you?"
He frowned. "We can leave the door open, if you wish."
"It's okay!" You were already stepping backwards, stumbling over the steps. You pointed at the door with your thumb without turning around. "I'll just—I'll check on everyone at the parlor."
Desperate to leave, the small square of his room was closing in on you. Your chest constricted, squeezed by a slither of not-so-unpleasant emotions. You felt full. You felt empty. You felt like lurching out of the window to gaze directly at the stars, or running to your room and scurry under your bed.
You found yourself face-to-face with the door and tried sliding it open, failing to do so.
"Is it locked?" He asked, chair scratching the flooring as he stood. Before you could reply, his long legs carried him towards you in an instant. You felt him behind you — around you. The brush of his arm was electric through your clothes as he pressed the dial of the door to unlock it.
You could have done that yourself.
The door slid open smoothly, but you stayed rooted in place for a beat or so. Until he called your name and your entire form seized up, like a startled squirrel ready to bolt. Everything was warm, your face, your neck, the tips of your ears.
As you dashed out of the Archives, you thought you might be coming down with another fever.
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The night before your planned arrival at Xianzhou Luofu, you were unable to sleep. Trailblazing expeditions had a way of lighting your nerves, turning you into a bundle of nervous energy and anticipation. Sleep evaded you, or perhaps you were driving it away with all the tossing and turning.
To your surprise, your phone lit up — an unmissable flash in the dark interior of your room. You stretched your hand, reaching out to your nightstand. Your heartbeat thumped wildly at the name which appeared, hand sweaty as you tapped your screen.
Dan Heng
Are you awake?
Should you ignore it? You had been avoiding being alone with the Xianzhou native as of late. Not to his fault. You were the weirdo, this much you were aware. Gnawing at your lips, you typed out:
Would it be an inconvenient time to talk?
not at all
should i find you at the archives?
No. Give me a moment.
A moment passed, there was a knock at your door. You called out for him to come in. Your door slid open with a loud rumble — perhaps not so loud during the day, but the early dawn hours had a tendency to distort one's senses.
"Hello," you greeted. He was briefly illuminated by the light flooding in from the hallway before your door slid back to a close. His hair — usually a perfect fall of jet black strands, had pieces sticking up. His bangs were swept up as well, revealing his forehead. He had shed his robes and tunic for a sleep shirt and trousers. It was the first time you'd seen him so unkempt, as if he was peeling back a layer of himself, showing you a part not meant for just anyone.
"Hello," he said, not knowing what to do with himself as he stood by your bed.
Obviously you were not going to invite him to bed. You didn't have that kind of friendship where you could lie side-by-side on a bed too small for two and be fine. At best, your palms would sweat and shake just from your shoulder being pressed against his. At worst, your heart might palpitate and burst.
"We can sit down," you suggested, pointing at the window seat, a few steps from your bed. It wasn't like March's, crowded with stuffed toys and yards of blankets. You hadn't had the time to find things to fill it, only a cushion with a couple of pillows in one corner.
He hummed and followed you as you sat down, crossing your legs, facing out towards the glass. He joined you, leaning against the backrest, legs stretching across the floor as he looked into the darkness of your room.
You could hear him swallow.
"You wanted to talk?" It was so quiet that you spoke in hushed tones — as if the whole universe was asleep, and you were the only ones awake. A thrill sizzled in your blood. The air was crackling with something like potential.
"Since you're departing in the morning," he said, sighing — Distress. "The Xianzhou... I'm afraid you will discover things about me that would alter the way you, and everyone, view me."
You could feel his gaze on you even when you were so intent to avoid it, opting to trace patterns connecting the stars outside.
"Alter how?" You asked.
"Who knows? At worst, you might find me abhorrent."
"Whoa, that is a strong word." Naturally, you were curious. What had he done? Theft? Mutiny? Murder?
"Appalling? Horrid? The adjective hardly matters." He leaned back, staring up at the ceiling. His voice was unapologetically bare, a vulnerable thing. "I find myself dreading that prospect."
Finally, you turned to look at him, studying the far away look he had. It tugged at your heartstrings. You reached for his hand, which was pressing against the cushion, propping himself up. "I could never hate you."
His head swiveled, there was bewilderment in his eyes, either from your admission or the sudden contact. You couldn't tell.
"There is little truth in that."
Despite his skepticism, he sat up straighter, turned his palm over to hold your hand in his and squeezed.
"You underestimate just how much I like you, Dan Heng." His eyebrows hiked upwards. Abruptly, cautiously, you added, "Just how much everyone likes you and appreciates you for what you do here."
He sighed — Unreadable, this time. "I guess we will know when the time comes. I suppose I should leave you be now."
He withdrew his hand and with it, his vulnerability, as he stood up, brushing himself off. You scrambled, turning around to face him fully, hands desperately clutching around his arm before he could leave. During the day, you weren't sure you could be so daring. But it was past midnight, the world caught between dreams and truths. Your breathing picked up as you spoke, trying to seize the chance before the moment passed. Word after word tumbled out of your lips in quick succession.
"I mean what I said. I think whatever it is you did, I will somehow justify it in my head. I like you too much, in a way that's foolish enough for me to do everything I can to keep liking you. If that makes sense. Even if the entire world makes an enemy out of you, I'll always have an excuse for you."
He looked at you — really looked. His scrutiny was so intense that you averted your gaze to the floor. It didn't last long before he placed his fingers under your chin, coaxing you to look up gently.
"And that is the truth?"
You nod. "Nothing but the truth."
"You like me," he repeated, breath fanning your face. The closeness with which you were staring at each other was thrilling, like the disorienting lurch of the Express during a warp. "In what way?"
"Whichever way you would accept."
His hand was shaking as much as yours. "Then what would you accept from me?"
It felt like a cresting wave, like the ringing silence between an explosion and the sound, the empty seconds between lightning and thunder. You held the key to let it crash and strike, indulge yourself in it.
And so you did.
"A kiss, for starters."
The floodgates opened, waves crashing, a pleasant relief in your heart as he leaned down and gave you what you asked for. His lips — warm, soft and candy-like in that it was sweet — moved over yours. You were full and heady, the simultaneous familiarity and unfamiliarity gave you a rush. He did not let up, pressing forward, hiking a knee on the cushion, between your thighs. His hand slid up your waist, brushed the side of your ribcage, settling at your jaw. The other braced himself on the windowsill as he hovered over you. Your hands tugged at the hair on the nape of his neck. You felt him sigh into your mouth — Content.
You wanted him, all of him, and you knew that you needed to only ask, and he would give it.
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dan heng maybe makes me a little breathless. maybe a little bit. just maybe a tiny teensy bit. i tried to keep him in character as much as i can but i kinda suck at that so im sorry. thank you for reading ♡ im trying to build my ruan mei nowadays bc i impulsively pulled for her
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lovingherrscher · 1 year
Playing Honkai Impact with the BSD men (Dazai, Chuuya, Kunikida and Fyodor)
Note: Crack, OOC even maybe, random ideas at 2AM while I do the Honkai grinding. Might do a Genshin version later if I feel like it. Genre: Crack, fluff, if you squint hard enough there'll be 4th wall breaking and some spoilers for Storm Bringer.
Is willing to play with you, and he is kinda bored so he needs something to kill time in the office when he's not sleeping or messing around with Kunikida.
SUPER, like, super lucky. First 10 dorm supply and he already got 3 S-Rank Valkyries????
Man makes you question your luck because just 10 roll in any banner and he WILL get all the rate-up character, weapon or even stigmata.
"F2P btw"
That certain player who skips the story just to play the game.
Said that he's gonna read it later but never will. Too lazy to do that, but does read the comic/manhua version when you brought that up.
But he does read Elysian Realm, including the main story.
Is a simp for Elysia and the other Seele aka Veliona.
Got them at SSS with full gear as well.
Man also got Stygian Nymph at SS2 like how-
Sometimes when he's too lazy or bored he'll throw the phone to you or Atsushi to help him with the daily tasks.
HATES, absolutely hates Otto with a fierce passion. Will switch to Chinese VA if he had to or simply unplug the headphones when he doesn't want to changes VA back and forth too much.
Man started you by almost jumped out of the bed when he first heard Otto's voice in Memorial Arena.
Was suprised af hearing Welt's voice too. Will use that as the reason to 'persuade' Kunikida into playing the game.
"Hey Atsushi-kun, help me a bit will you? Just skip the materials event and play enough to reach 600 BP points and you're good to go!"
With that said, he threw the phone to his subordinate and immediately went to lay down on the couch. Poor Atsushi knows nothing and was fumbling with it for a good while until you took Dazai's phone from his hands.
"It's alright, I will do it for him. You can get back to work, sorry for that, Atsushi."
Is okay with it actually because he does want to relive some stress, and because you told him to cut out on the cigarettes so he needs something that can distract him.
Enjoys the story enough to play the game with you. That is, until he read Void Heavens & Diane's Sojourn.
Was crying at the part when Herrescher of Void told Fu Hua that Kiana's existence is built upon lies and that she only exists to serve as her vessel.
He cries for the whole night in your arms because that reminds him of what he's been through back then. He was lucky enough that he is, actually a real human being. Still, deep down sometimes he wishes he could be a normal person, for if weren't because of Arahabaki inside him, he wouldn't had to suffer like that.
Didn't touch the game for a whole week after he finished Thunders over Nagazora.
Cries even harder after the end of Theater of Domination and the birth of Herrescher of Flamescion.
Immediately whale for Kiana. He whaled so much in just ONE DAY that Hoyoverse had to contact him and ask is he sure that he wants to continue the transaction.
He had all Kiana's battlesuits at SSS and with proper stigmata sets + weapons for them.
Did whale for Himeko as well because why not? Aunt Himeko deserves it ❤
Those doesn't left even a dent in his black card. Will let you whale as well, as long as his princess is happy ❤
"You have quite the collection there, Chuuya. By this rate they're gonna give you a Kiana golden statue as a gift."
"They are?!"
Chuuya widened his eyes in suprise. He didn't expect to get anything back, he just wanted to see Kiana's growth, for he saw a glimpse of himself in the valkyrie. He admires those with a strong will like that, maybe it was a part of his younger self who admires the heroes in those stories which he convinces himself that he will never become someone like them.
"Well, they might be. I heard that a company use to sent a wedding ring as a token of appreciation for their most loyal customer." (*)
Absolutely not. He "will not waste his time on such things."
Too busy to afford a hobby, no?
But when Dazai shows him Welt's voice?
He was so suprised his jaws could fall off right there on his desk.
Still not going to play because he insists you that his schedule is already packed. But he will listen to you when you ramble about the game though.
Might ask you to lend him your phone so he can read the story at one point.
He bursted out at the last bubble universe in In The Deep where Welt, Herrescher of Reason turns his back against humanity instead of fighting for them like he always did.
He was scared that he might become like that. Sasaki and the Azure King case still haunts him. He was afraid that one day he will be like him when he is fed up and let his ideals consumes him.
Please hug the man. He deserves a vacation and someone who'd be there for him.
Honestly, he isn't too fond of the idea of playing games and such.
Will try because of curiosity when you show him Otto's voice.
Does read the story properly, and whilst he shows no interests in the valkyries, he find the Overseer amusing.
Is one hell of a lucky man as well.
When he saw Dazai in the Memorial Arena rankings, he'd starts a race to beat the other. He does owns enough valkyries and equipments, but if he felt it isn't enough he'll whale just to beat Dazai. Of course that's the same case for our beloved detective.
Isn't happy after he finishes Kolosten and Thus Spoke Apocalypse. He doesn't understand why does Otto have to go so far for Kallen.
Is amused again when he saw the fake Otto in A Post-Honkai Odyssey though.
Eventually will quit the game after Otto is gone because it no longer amuses him.
(*) This actually happens iirc I've read an article about a game company in China sent their most loyal player a ring upon their wedding as a token of appreciation after all the money they spent for the game.
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okay let me finally show you my updated f/o list!! I am also planning to add some s/i info but tbh i still havent gotten to it cause im procrastinating it while trying to relax doing other stuff klsdksj here it is!! (I am aware that the first photos look weird in phones so pls bare with me and put it in pc mode lmaoo im a carrd super-beginner)
now if you'd let me, Imma talk a bit about the changes just because
I wanted to get a bit more specific mentioning platonic f/os so even if I like many characters in sources like Obey Me, you can now see which characters I think my s/i would be the closest with :D!! I also played a bit with labels ig but I read this fic where Mammon said there was no need "to be anything" as long as we were in peace with each other and I felt that on a spiritual lvl so instead of overthinking how to label f/os sometimes I just put him as unlabeled lol I just love self inserting in his world being really close to him and he's my fav character of the game and all but ig it becomes hard sometimes to try to fit that into something so I said whatever, it's my little self insert world and they can do whatever they want that brings me comfort XD yknow, sometimes partnering concepts just feel off but at the same time I enjoy saying I am a Mammon simp cause I love the character so it's a bit of a mess in my brain sometimes, trying to make both my experience as a player and my s/i's fit for my best comfort
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(yes this was another Mammon UR+ I did not get on Nightbringer)
talking about labels, I've decided to put all the Golden Deer as platonic soulmates :D! I think it suits us all and all the unique bonds they form with each other, and I thought that the whole thing of my s/i probably having this huge feeling of admiration and loyalty towards Claude felt better like this somehow, like it's a part of my s/i lore and not so much about what their relationship can be or not? I dont know if this makes sense worded like this but it seems to work out in my head XD I still plan to someday develop my s/i's story a lot so who knows
anyway, FRIENDS AND FAMILY!! I feel like it's pretty obvious that I've started to play Honkai Star Rail because suddenly I got a friend, a brother and a father from there- listen everytime I see the Astral Express Family written in the groupchat I emotionally cry happy tears (also I wouldnt be surprised if i ended up also f/oing Himeko in the future lmao, I love found families can you tell)
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from Genshin Impact I've officially added Thoma as a platonic f/o :D!! (my hearts craves to befriend kind characters, yes) I think my Genshin s/i is probably the one with the most lore right now so I'm excited to write about this in the future! well,,,,, actually my Super Mario Bros s/i also has some info around themselves already,,,,,, like would you believe me if I told you I was already making up s/i lore while still watching the movie,,,,, the self-shipper experience huh.....
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I love her
and do you know who I also love a lot.....?
those platonic f/os I've been mentioning in some reblogs lately saying I still havent talked about them......?
the dudes that may have taken over my brain recently using the power of friendship....?
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aren't they the coolest tho
anyway I love them (repeating it as if i hadnt made it clear already) and I had to rewrite part of this cause I accidentally deleted it it so I think I'll finish it here ksdhkjs I believe there is a bit more to see in the carrd though, I'll put it in my pinned post soon :D! now if you'd excuse me imma go consume more hypmic manga as a healing experience, if you've read until here go drink some water, listen to Break The Wall and thank me later
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hoyotournament · 7 months
Update: Submit Propaganda for Round 2
Hey guys,
You know, originally, I thought that the next round was gonna be tomorrow, so I was scrambling to get everything ready. Turns out it's on Monday. (if I missed a post and it comes out tomorrow, just go ahead and vote honestly) Anyways, that gives you the weekend to submit propaganda!
Again, if you want to submit propaganda to go along with the poll, then either submit it in the asks, or in this google form.
Some people submitted propaganda for characters while Round 1 was ongoing, thank you very much for that. For the propaganda in the Round 2 polls, I will be taking the most recently submitted propaganda for that character. If the character only has one piece of propaganda submitted, then I will repeat the propaganda from Round 1.
These are the Round 2 characters that I have already submitted propaganda for:
Bronya, Kiana, Klee, Kujou Sara, March 7th, Seele, Sirin, Yae Sakura, Yukong, and Collei
You can still submit propaganda for these characters, but I am encouraging people to submit propaganda for those who haven't gotten. I know that there are fans for these characters as well. (C'mon. Hu Tao fans, where you at? HI3 Himeko stans still sad about her death? You're telling me that Kafka simps can't write propaganda?) (/j). So, please, please submit propaganda.
Anyways, I will be away for the weekend, but everything is set in place for Round 2 to go smoothly.
Happy polling!
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 6 months
Converted me into an Acheron simp... are you happy? Satisfied? I wanted to stay loyal Yukong but you made me cheat on her...happy? /j
Fr though Acheron is just...MMHMMMMM. You just solved a dilemma of mine, I didn't know who to pull for (Kafka and Acheron reruns btw) and now I know.
Thank you for feeding us so well. I truly don't deserve to indulge in this masterpiece but even so I'll treasure it. Thank you for your service.
hehehe i’m glad i could help!!! 🤭
And thank you so much i’m glad you liked it!! 🫶🫶
it’s actually funny bc i was going to include both himeko and yukong in the post but ended up js sticking to three
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akioattura · 4 months
꒰୨Welcome to my un-sigma house୧꒱
(Thanks to @/ask-observer-ron)
Header made by the lovely @.wondercakes
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Helloooooooo welcome!! I'm akio, a girl who is cringe as. 😎
I started this blog to cure my itch to be famous and I didn't anticipate for it to actually go well :')
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What I post <33
❥ Gacha Life 2
❥ Art (it sucks btw)
❥ Picrew (rarely)
❥ apologies for dying so often 😎
What I don't post
❥ Anything NSFW
❥ Hate posts
❥ Anything personal about me or others
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── Things about me that I'm aware of
❥ Gender: female (I think)
❥ Sexuality: Bi/Bisexual
❥ Birthday: 8/8
❥ Fav colour: Pink 4ever
❥ Fav band: Stray kids (my bias is felix *Barks cutely*)
❥ My aesthetic: Mostly kawaiicore/Koreacore
❥ Fav hsr characters (bc I'm a simp): Blade, Jiaoqiu, Ruan mei, Boothill, Himeko (there's more)
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My gacha of (yes I finally changed it)
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My besties:
My friends:
(Oopsies I forgot the rest 😭)
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Also I'm obsessed with stray kids now... And honkai star rail...
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Asks always open,, feel free to req or ask anything u want (as long as it's not NSFW or anything of that sort)
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carnivoraformes · 6 months
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@aventvrina asked, "16 for aven and himeko & 21 for the whole gang!!"
canon questionare. || Status: Accepting
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What is your personal ship bias for your canon character?
//My favorite ships/the only ships I really have strong feelings about as of right now are;
Sora (Bishonenprince)/Aventurine
Realistically speaking outside of the last one my ships are not ships I honestly expect to ever happen because for either of those ships to work would require alot of plotting, time and communication and implies that there is someone (besides Sora) that is determined enough to keep Aventurine to actually do something about how he will inevitably try to run from the relationship because of his own self destructive tendencies and fear of emotionally intimacy. And if we are talking about Sunday... oooh boy where do I even start ;v;
Welt/Himeko - because I am a sucker for old couple vibes when two people just clearly get one another.
Kafka/Himeko - I am a simp for hot women that are clearly meant to be parallels of each other. Fight me. Would it realistically work out? Probably not. Is it hot as hell? Absolutely.
Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
//Well I don't usually resonate music with my muses BUUUUUT I'll keep it at my HSR muses and for the muses I can think of a song for ...
Aventurine: two faced by Rosendale + phony by Will Stetson + the house always wins by stupendium + the gambler by Kenny Rogers (a classic fight me)
All of the reasons basically amount to Aventurine is two things if you strip him down to the core of what he portrays himself to be and remove all his issues and nuances: a gambler and a two faced snake.
Sunday: In the Blood sung by Home Free
Vibes and a few lines for emphasis...
How much of my love will be in sync to some degree (because until i looked up the lyrics I thought they said insane) What about this feeling that I'm never good enough Will it wash out in the water or is it always in the blood How much like my brothers do my brothers wanna be (change it from brothers to sister and bam) Will we be there for each other like nobody ever could
Robin: if i can stop one heart from breaking + White Nights from HSR
Since one is her song and the other she just pops up with her brother part way through the song.
Kafka: dangerous woman by Ariana Grande + Bang
Just cause vibes. No thoughts, just vibes.
Yanqing: the pokemon theme song but this version specifically. You have to see the music video to see what I mean.
This one is because it is just such a fun version of the song, there is that childlike wonder I guess you could call it in seeing a song from my childhood being resung as a cover with the original singer and just seeing how much fun they had with it. I can't explain it, it's just one of those things you have to see to understand. And I feel like that just describes Yanqing, a kid that wants to be the best with and add on this version has more of a childlike flare to me.
Himeko: Bang
Again vibes. But mostly the 'you need a good girl' part.
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hourglassofeye-2 · 1 year
Random dialogue and moments in [A.I. : Alternate Identity] without context, featuring the three transmigrators, Alteria, t/b, and t/c.
"Damn, those kicks of yours be higher than the Telutubby directors."
"Oh, just... 500 more rounds, please? I need to farm artifacts."
The motorcycle came to a screeching halt as the rider hurriedly jumped out, obvious concern and panic on their face.
"HOLY SHIT- did I just roadkill someone!?!" t/b screamed "calmly".
"Oh my god I am so sorry are you- oh. Never mind, a treasure hoarder. And if one's here, than there might be more. Either way, more to my insignia collection!"
"Hell-o my not-so-dear acquaintances!" t/b yelled, startling the guards. "I'm your local arsonist as well as neighborhood serial killer and protector of adult's dreams and hopes because they are non-existant, crushed to nothing by the crippling depression that is reality!"
"Wait, no? I come from "Genshin Impact" an adventure, open world 3D game?"
"I, uh, I thought this was the novel, [The Origin]?"
"....Gayshit Influence....?"
"Okay so, I do admit that I do find the ermites attractive."
"Well, in opinion, the ermites do hold better fashion sense than the treasure hoarders, though that may be because they can actually afford to buy better clothes."
"Oh the things financial fortitude can bring."
"So, Alteria has the light element, but it's currently restricted its reactions, the og's dendro, and an anemo and cryo, which is four in total- unless we don't count the light element which is temporarily restricted."
"I have a Mondstat hydro as well as a separate pyro one."
"And then t/c has the otherworld electro right?"
"So poweranger turquoise, red-blue, and purple."
"Okay why does powerangers come into this?"
"We need a separate identity because I just realized all three of us have been illegally poaching and mining for our entire lives."
"Fuck you Azar."
"Fuck you Azar."
"Fuck you Azar."
"Quit your job, t/c. Join my gay emo band."
"They're going to kill me." Alteria sobbed, his nonchalant demanor long gone. "They're going to kill me just like, like, Himeko, -I -I don't want to die. I don't- I , I'm...."
"Haha, Cheetos."
"Damn, you just ended like, five generations."
t/c wiped the dust away from her hands as if she had touched a piece of vile trash. "I don't think I ended shit with the way his face was going."
"Is that a..." He squinted, trying to get a better view. "spi-- HOLYSHITITSASPIDERGETITOFFMEGETOTOFFMMEEEeeee--!!"
"Oh wow." t/c commented. "It is large when looking at it in real life."
"So uh, where are your parents?"
[System Controls: Now Playing: Recorded Song #5]
[When its gone-
it's gone
it's gone-
It's gone-]
"Oh my god you're a Kaeya simp-"
"I am not."
"Oh, Alteria was just saying that the green gem on the original's chest is actually-"
"Look- this isn't the time for that-"
"No." t/b cut in. "I am interested, therefore this is important."
"Well, goodbye, I'm going to face-up against Azar."
"Oh hell naw!" t/b slammed the table. "Not dressed like THAT you aren't!"
"*sigh. Better..?"
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symwinter · 4 years
Stuff I want for Honkai Impact (mainly battlesuit stuff)
1. Valkyrie Rita
So when you look across the span of Honkai characters, particularly ones that work for Schicksal, they have a ‘Valkyrie _____’ battle suit. I want one for Rita. It’s actually quite surprising that there isn’t already given that many Schicksal characters were introduced with one. It could also be the battlesuit that finally gives us a different Rita pose since all four of her battlesuits have the same one. Also I like Rita so more Rita is much appreciated.
2. Celestial Hymn Kallen
Across the board, Kallen and Himeko are two characters that are lacking content. Kallen only has three battlesuits, beating out Seele and the twins. However, however, Kallen’s girlfriend Sakura has at least four plus a multitude of costumes. As one stigma set reveals, Celestial Hymn was at some point Kallen’s so I believe we should get a battle suit of Kallen using it. It could be like an SP battlesuit so it’s part of the bubble universe. And then maybe her like black nun look from Sakura Sasama as a costume, especially since as the Sim Battle shows, they do have it in game.
3. Twins! Twins! Twins!
Okay so I unironically love Rozaliya and Liliya. Rozaliya in particular is great. I spent months buying her pieces from the War Treasury just beacause I wanted the Olenyeva set. I love that if they’re both on your team they fight together. I love Liliya’s face before she poses showing that she can’t hold the greatsword/claymore very well. I love that Rozaliya does that spin attack if you hold the attack button. I just think they’re neat. And I want them to have another proper battlesuit—not that I don’t love Fervent Tempo, it was my first completed Augment Core but most of their stuff is just costumes and I think they deserve better.
4. More Quantum battlesuits
As it stands, there is only five Quantum battlesuits. Quantum in particular is such a cool element but the characters who utilize it consist of lances, scythes, and swords, so if you prefer guns or whatever Theresa has, or punching shit, or large swords you’re kinda fucked. I would like more please. I don’t particularly care who BUT it could work with my hypothetical SP Celestial Hymn Kallen or even a new Himeko battlesuit cause I feel like she’s lacking.
5. Spare Himeko and Kallen costumes please
Most of Himeko’s costumes are colour swaps, and as point two shows, I want more Kallen in general but she too is lacking in cute costumes. Both deserve better. An example of a Himeko costume could be one for Arctic Kriegsmesser being her Valkyrie uniform or her look in Alien Space as simple as it is. I don’t know I just want more. If we get Herrscher Himeko then maybe era 2 Himeko’s look.
6. Costumes that are time sensitive being available but not in like Gatcha or Time Capsules
This is basically here because I was literally one step away from getting Kiana’s prodigal girl look and then it FUCKING ENDED before I could. I deserve it so I would like to get it. This also includes Seele’s Azure Memories, the pirate look for Arctic Kriegsmesser, and Emperean Psyalms, along with any other ones I’ve missed.
7. Kiana and Mei’s Nagazora looks
Exactly what it says on the tin. I want costumes for White Comet and Crimson Impulse that the uniforms the two wore before they became Valkyries. I just think it would be cute. It could be like Rozaliya and Liliya’s summer looks where one is given if you log in for seven days while the other is bought using an event’s funds via the shop.
8. Part two to Post-Honkai Odyssey
So I feel like I’m in the minority here when I say that I enjoyed a Post-Honkai Odyssey. I’m a Welt simp so him being there would be a no brainer as to why I would enjoy it (ngl he’s like the best guy in the series) and the ability to jump is incredibly useful. I also enjoyed playing as a guy which ties into my next point.
9. A playable male character
Okay so, hear me out, I think being able to play as a guy in the main game would be cool. It could be a bubble universe valkyrie, or Papa Kaslana, or it could Kevin as much as I hate him. Honkai Impact has good character design so it could happen. My only requirement would be having a boob window in some shape or form.
10. A timeline
I have zero clue how eras work. I have zero clue how the bubble universe works. Can I get a like a comic/manga that explains those things to me.
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