#Hiromu Fanfic
homunculusalphonse · 4 months
the way most otakus are allergic to fma 03 gets on my nerves. like they get so defensive when you tell them you've only watched the first anime or if you prefer it over brotherhood. idk why they're so angry at fma 03 for being its own thing and not following the manga (which was APPROVED by hiromu arakawa herself btw. it was always intentional). why does it HAVE to follow the manga 100%?
srsly, bc of these ppl i almost didn't even check out fma 03, as it was seen as a "bad, edgy fanfic" you shouldn't give your time to. but the more i learned about fma 03, the more interested i became - i always felt like brotherhood was missing more character depth and the nuance its themes deserved (genocide, imperialism, racism etc.). so i'm rlly glad the fma 03 blogs i started following changed my mind, and i got to know this anime for what it truly is.
might be dramatic of me to say, but no other anime has ever impacted me the way fma 03 impacted me. and i'm done with brotherhood stans trying to shame me for it.
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machiroads · 1 month
For the fanfic writer ask, 1 and 10?
#1 Have you pulled inspiration from media sources other than the property your fic is related to (a plot point from a TV show that has nothing to do with the characters/setting of the fic, a line from a book, etc.)? If so, for which story? Why did you find that media source compelling?
I borrow A Lot from the works of Hiromu Arakawa. I've shamelessly borrowed several NPCs (if in name only) for 9L from FMA (Ishikane) and Silver Spoon (Yoshino, Inada, Tokiwa, Mikage).
Arakawa's ability to pull off mood whiplash is also #goals. (Spoilers for FMA) but there's a chapter in which one character is whining about getting bamboozled by a villain with big tits, and at the very end of that chapter they become paralyzed for the rest of the series. I just think that angst and comedy should go together hand in hand because it makes you appreciate both the dark and the light side of life and that the reality of human existence is inherently ridiculous.
#10 If you could banish a single trope to live at the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again by any human eyes (or at least your own), which trope would that be?
Miscommunication for the sake of introducing drama/conflict. I'm sorry I just can't
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profiterole-reads · 6 months
Tadaima, Okaeri
The first episode of Tadaima, Okaeri was absolutely adorable. Hiromu and Masaki are an alpha/omega m/m married couple with a two-year-old son, Hikari.
So far, I had avoided omega-verse fanfics, novels, manga, Thai drama... but I'm finally giving it a try with this anime. The lore here is that people get married with others from their own caste, so an alpha/omega relationship is subject to discrimination. Even with this background, the story is lovely.
I also like that this is about an established relationship, which is a nice change.
It's available on Crunchyroll.
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jabbage · 2 years
My Favourite Fanfics
2022 was the year I discovered fanfiction that I enjoyed reading, and I thought I'd share my mountain of fics that really stood out to me!
Jeeves and Wooster
Green Ice - Jeeves and Wooster & Lord Peter Wimsey
I'm hesitant to explain why I like this fic so much. It was 'spoiled' for me before I read it, and I wonder what the experience would have been like if I hadn't known where it was going ahead of time. So, perhaps I'll just say that it uses Bertie Wooster's position as possible unreliable narrator to add a really interesting dimension to his character and explore an aspect of note about the Jeeves and Wooster universe, and does so within a rip-roaring mystery which feels very authentic. AND Peter Wimsey is in it!
The War of the Worlds and All That - Jeeves and Wooster
In which Jeeves and Wooster thwart an alien invasion. Which is an utterly bonkers idea, somehow pulled off because said invasion hinges around the exact kind of dilemma which is entirely commonplace in Bertie Wooster's life. I was absolutely hooting with laughter throughout this whole thing.
Sherlock Holmes
The Craven Hive - Meticulously researched and textually deep historical pastiche with some absolutely beautiful character moments. Dr Watson returns from his war service and decides to assist in the treatment of shellshocked soliders. Of course when danger is at hand, he has to call in his old friend...
The Unsinkable Ship - Another meticulously researched piece. Holmes and Watson end up on board the Titanic. Much of the work is the pair going around exploring the ship, talking to each other and their fellow passengers (often real people), and dealing with navigating retirement together. They have such an old married couple vibe in this. Oh, and then the ship gets struck by an iceberg.
The Afterlife of Dr John H Watson - Good grief thing thing is absolute exquisite torture and I've read it I don't know how many times. Has entirely changed how I read 'The Blanched Soldier' and 'The Lion's Mane'. I get very very bored at 'kissy stuff' in stories, but the pivotal kiss in this GOT ME BAD.
The Taste of Truth - Delicious dark fantasy. If Neil Gaiman had written it, it would have won a Nebula.
Grit in the Sensor - Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century - Ok ok just hear me out on this one.... Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century is a very fun but silly Saturday Morning Cartoon which had a wealth of absolutely dynamite sci-fi concepts bubbling below the surface which it didn't ever address. One of these is that there is a robot who appears to have gained sentience by reading Watson's work. This fic unpacks that concept in a beautiful heartfelt way. It's narrated from Robot Watson's point of view, which leads to a delightful mixture of 19th century patois with machine logic.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Of Skulls and Secrets - I really enjoy it when people bring in the very bonkers real life history of alchemy into FMA stories, and this piece honestly feels like it could have been an extra chapter or OVA.
FMA Beyond - I don't know what to tell you. It's like Hiromu Arakawa wrote and illustrated more Fullmetal Alchemist. I got tingles when I started reading it. It gets Al right, which is always important to me :D
Ciel D'Oro - The Name of the Rose
I can't believe somebody wrote a very decent sequel to The Name of the Rose and it's on Ao3 and you can read it for free.
Mister Vimes'd Go Spare - Discworld
If you were to tell me that this was actually written by Terry Pratchett, I would believe you. In my heart, this is what happened to Sam Vimes in the end.
A Man from the Stars - Doctor Who
Officially set my mind to rest about poor Joan Redfern.
Sing Down the Stars - The Chronicles of Narnia
Very beautiful reflection on Rilian from The Silver Chair ***
That's it for now! I'm sure I'll keep adding to this as I read more stuff :D
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2,10,19 :)
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
this is beyond the scope of fanfic but im allowed to talk about my original writing here because i decided. landis of antlerscolorado fame was supposed to die in my original outline of chapter 2 and then i liked him so much i couldn't kill him and he became the second protagonist. you know how it is with guys who live in the woods and do blood sacrifice
10. at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
usually as soon as i start or pretty quickly into the thing because most of the time (for fic, at least) i will pull a title from a song that i'm listening to while writing, lol. 1 time out of every like 10 finding a title is like pulling teeth and i have to hold up a bunch of different ones like paint swatches, but that's also kind of enjoyable in its own right!
uhhh original stuff is harder to title for me lol it mostly gets one word titles that are impossible to search (see: the woods, sapling, et al). antlers chapters were all modest mouse songs, psong chapters still get song titles mostly because alyssa lets me title them lol but also we are doing something a little bit different with ch21 and 22 in that they're both lyrics from the same song
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
stephen king, grady hendrix, naoki urasawa, hiromu arakawa, patricia c. wrede, tamora pierce, madeline l'engle, uhhhhh those are the ones i got off the dome. there was a moment in like 2021 where i read a bunch of carmen maria machado and sarah gailey back to back and felt like i took a lot out of it stylistically/structurally that helped my writing level up too. also reading devil and the dark water back in like january helped me write better mysteries and sort of revisit the way i think about them while alyssa and i were working on psong chapter 20!!
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hangon-silvergirl · 2 years
Hey girl, R?
Hey hey heeeeeeeeey 😘 Thanks for ask!
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
For published authors, L.M. Montgomery (I love all of the Anne books), J.R.R. Tolkien, Diana Gabaldon, Alan Bradley, Gregory Maguire, Patrick Ness, Suzanne Collins, and @neil-gaiman. Also Hiromu Arakawa because Fullmetal Alchemist is damn near perfect in every way. For fanfiction my roots are in HP. The Shoebox Project by dorkorific and ladyjaida (a Remus/Sirius story) was one absolutely foundational, and I still reread it from time to time; same with @copperbadge's Stealing Harry series. Before text/social-media based fics were very popular, Text Talk by merlywhirls became a big source of inspiration for my FMA fic, It's Not a Big Deal, and cemented it as a medium I enjoy stories being told through. Another one that I have gone back to over and over through the years is The Maddest House by busaikko.
From the FanFic Ask Game.
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soul-dwelling · 2 years
If you could choose any author/illustrator to take over a soul eater sequel/prequel/spin-off/ect, who would you choose? Maybe the creator of full metal alchemist?
When I got this question, I thought there wasn't anyone who could fill the role.
For another Soul Eater series to work, it would need a creator who has not only the strengths of the original creator but also his weaknesses--as weird as that sounds. As much as I despise what Ohkubo has done in this series, I think that, without those flaws, it wouldn't be the same series.
This is one reason why I think a fan creator would be the best bet. I'm not interested in naming which fan creators out there I would recommend: they are already creating these stories, so there area range of options of excellent fan creators who have shown they can craft stories far better than what we get in Soul Eater. But those creators largely avoid Ohkubo's flaws--so, weirdly, I'm not sure they would fit in the same way making an official Soul Eater project.
(This is also why I cringe at how fanfic-y some more recent works in pop culture feel, because those franchises are now written by fanfic writers who, sorry, feel like they are stuck on the worldbuilding and predictable storytelling tropes, rather than doing something groundbreaking. I don't mean "this fanfic writer now made an original work and that is no good"--the _original_ content is great, it's when some fanfic creators are now handling official projects from the stuff they were already writing fanfics for that come off as derivative to me personally.)
(And my remarks are about the writers more than the illustrators. I would have more confident in a creator who was illustrating a Soul Eater story, seeing as there are numerous directions you can go with a style.)
So, if I am a little apprehensive about a fanfic creator handling an official Soul Eater project, who would I want? As I said, it should be someone who can embody both the strengths and flaws of Ohkubo--and the creator of FMA, Hiromu Arakawa, has such a different style, including different strengths and flaws, that I don't think she would be as good of a fit.
I would want someone with a similar background and approach as Ohkubo. Think how Stan Sakai and Jeff Smith have similar roots in independent comics publishing--so of course Sakai taking a shot at Smith's Bone makes sense, narrative-wise and visually.
So, if I wanted someone to try making a Soul Eater story, it would be Aidalro (Iro and Aida). Their Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun has the same strengths and flaws as Soul Eater. Unsettling settings? Check. Halloween vibe? Check. Beautifully-animated adaptation? Check. Vibrant characters with memorable designs and larger-than-life personalities? Check. Complexities in the plot? Well, I think Aidalro is better at that than Ohkubo, so, that's an improvement over Ohkubo. But also, problematic content when it comes to cracking jokes about the main girl character for being seemingly unappealing romantically? Unfortunately, check.
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Eye of the Storm
TW: suicide attempt reference, self hate, unhealthy mindset, child neglect/abuse
A/N: I couldn’t concentrate but wanted to write. Keep in mind I wrote this at 1am in the morning with 3 songs playing at the same time and a youtube video at 1.5x speed. No editing, we die like my last shard of sanity
Miya glanced up, raising an eyebrow at the now frozen Shadow. Oh yeah... most people didn’t see that coming. Honestly, what was with everyone? Always expecting and thinking people were perfectly fine and then not knowing how to not cause a ruckus when the truth was unveiled. Why was he the only one who could keep calm?
“This isn’t the time to joke, kid. Reki may be an idiot, but he isn’t that big of one!”
“You’re all idiots for not seeing this coming. How am I the only one that wasn’t shocked! Why do I have to be the voice of reason! You’re all adults so sort this out yourself, I’ve tried this whole thing and was shit. It didn’t work so it’s best if you all just leave me out of this whole mess. If you want to see Reki, he’s with Joe and Cherry. I can walk just fine on my own.” He stashed his switch back into his hoodie pocket and opened the door. Nobody had given a shit about him before and they sure wouldn’t start now.
“Kid, wait minute!” Shadow yelled, yanking Miya back by his hoodie.
Miya growled before his whipped around and began clawing at the flower clown’s face before being held away at arm’s length. “Let go of me you stupid boomer!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take you home kid.” Miya could have been hallucinating, but Shadow’s face had seemed to start drooping with a frown taking place of his usual grumpy expression. He should have just kept his mouth shut. Nothing good came when he so much as got out a single word. “I’m not good at words either, but we are going to talk about this tomorrow.”
“Whatever,” Miya huffed, rebuckling his seat belt and reclining in his chair as he had been before. “Looking forward to it, dad number 2.”
He side eyed the man, searching for a reaction but not even finding that his eye had so much as twitched. Not good, he’d give just about anything for a slap, joking or not, in retaliation for his comment. Another person to avoid, then. He’d hold in his rage against him and instead hold it above his head until he finally apologized over and over and... actually, those grudges never went away with adults. At least this bunch had somehow put up with it and still hung out with him despite his attempts to push them away, but it looked like he’d finally crossed the line.
Whatever. Just another friend lost. What did it matter after all in the long run? Everyone and everything left him one way or another.
Silence settled over the car, but Miya barely even dared to so much as breathe. One wrong sound or movement would be sure to set him off. Something was bubbling under the surface of the older man, and negative feelings in others never went well for him, whether it be his fault or not. Who was he kidding? Everything might as well be his fault and it must be with how his parents acted, but he wasn’t about to bow down and apologize for any of it. Either everything was his fault or nothing at all, and he liked the second better. So that’s how he operated, unless it was to guilt himself into doing something. It was a powerful tool after all.
Maybe if he could just stay so still and silent Shadow forgot all about him, he wouldn’t have to bear the after effects. He was good at it, had learnt how to sneak around his home so he only saw his parents at dinner, which was always eaten in silence unless they were berating him. Even then they sometimes forgot about his existence and wouldn’t notice if he didn’t eat a single bite.
“We’re here, kid,” Shadow said, the silence shattering.
Miya sucked in a breath before nodding and bolting out the door as the alarm went off. So they’d still been moving. Oops.
Regardless, he landed on his feet with minimal wobbling. Good enough.
“What the hell, kid! That’s dangerous. Do you really want to get me into that much trouble with your parents?”
Miya shrugged despite his entire body tensing. He’d been hoping the man would just drive off without another word. “Don’t sweat it. They seriously wouldn’t notice or give a crap. Doesn’t matter.”
“Wait, what does that mean-”
Miya turned on his heal and flipped up his hood before sauntering right up to his door and walking in. Maybe his parents wouldn’t care if they found out he snuck out most nights, but he wasn’t about to let them know. He slipped off his shoes and scurried up to his room, making sure to walk on the edge of the stairs to minimize the creaking of wood. Perfect escape.
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dreamsandflowers · 3 years
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naraozu · 3 years
Kuroki who's standing and leaning over next to Morishta and Nakamura who were looking at the files of a mission they completed to make a review. Ryuji was getting a massage from Gorisaki like usual then there's Hiromu and Yoko speaking in the back while Nick and Usada were collecting files from another room. Yoko has been excited all day as their commander allowed them to take the rest of the day off.
Yoko quickly grabbed Hiromu's arm as she knew the mission was over and looked at him with pure excitement. "Hiromu. I need your help with shopping today."
Hiromu glanced at Yoko when she grabbed his arm and he rubs the back of his head as he giggled. "Didn't you say that you can carry your own bags when we had to go undercover?" he recalled as they were pretending to be a couple that day.
Yoko stared at Hiromu as she remembered that mission quite well because that was the day she started falling for him and said. "So?! Just come with me!"
Hiromu watched Yoko staring at him before putting his hand in his pocket and asked. "Why the sudden change of being strong to being weak?"
Yoko hissed in response before grabbing his shirt and pulled him down into a kiss while holding a teddy bear to hide their faces.
Hiromu blinked as he was suddenly yanked and his cheeks flared red as he felt the soft lips upon his own.
Kuroki, Morishta and Nakamura had been staring at the two after Yoko has grabbed Hiromu's arms and their reaction was none other the less surprised. They seemed frozen in place as they were not expecting to witness such a scene to play out in their HQ.
Usada and Nick came into the room.
Nick held his hand in the air with the files and exclaimed. "We have the papers, Kuro- WHAT?!" he yelled and dropped the files when he saw what was happening between Hiromu and Yoko.
Usada watches the scene to the say in a smug tone. "Yoko making the first move huh?"
Nick scrambled to pick up the files before looking at the two making out and looked at Usada. "Hiromu is all red. Aw youth."
Yoko pulled back and smirked before grabbing Hiromu's arm then pulled him along. "Let's go, Hiromu!"
Hiromu was so shocked that he was too stunned to move before getting dragged behind Yoko and muttered under his breath. "What just happened.."
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hirayaart · 4 years
Work in progress 🌸 I’m still learning how to color 🥺 I’m still dissatisfied with what I’m able to come up with.
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“Goodbye for now,” Roy said softly, holding Riza close. His train was leaving for the Academy at 1800 sharp.
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The Mustang Unit outside East City Headquarters. Photo was taken they day they all received their transfer orders for Central.
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ghostofviperwrites · 4 years
Crossing Paths - Part 2
Pairing:  Hiromu Takahashi/El Desperado
Category:   Smut (slash)
Word Count: 1733
Warnings: Choking, biting hair pulling, anal sex, oral sex, hate fuck
39.          “You’re really going to make me beg for it?”
40.          “I’m going to show you what a real fucking is.”
45.          “Fuck, I love the sounds you make.”
46.          “Does this feel good?”
47.          “Please… Don’t stop.”
48.          “Please. I need you. Now.”
77.          “I can’t wait to taste you.”
Hiromu Takahashi whistled cheerfully as he slid his key card into his hotel room door and listened to the whirring sound as it unlocked.   It had been a good few days since the encounter with Despreado in the alley way.  The next day Desperado wouldn’t even look at him, which tickled Hiromu to death.  He liked the dominating man being knocked off kilter.  But then yesterday he had almost unnerved Hiromu, watching him like he was stalking prey. That thrilled Hiromu.  He liked this game.  Liked feeling like he was being chased.   He wondered if he was going to like submitting to Desperado.
That was his last thought as he found himself pushed from behind into the hotel room landing on his stomach with Desperado on his back, knee digging into his spine.  Desperdo’s hand laced in Hiromu’s hair, arching his neck back painfully with Desperado’s knee gouging him.
“Hello Hiromu, did you miss me?”  Desperado hissed into his ear, biting hard on the lobe making Hiromu moan in a mixture of pleasure and pain.   “You got to play the other day. Now it’s my turn.  “I’m going to show you what a real fucking is.”  
“Get off me asshole.”  Hiromu huffed squirming under Desperado’s control.  He was glad he was on his stomach or his hard on was going to give away how much he was enjoying Desperado’s dominance.  
The other man found out soon enough though shifting his body and reaching his hand beneath Hiromu’s and grabbing his cock.  Hiromu moaned as Desperado roughly squeezed him, stroking him through his pants.
“Does this feel good?” Desperado asked pushing Hiromu’s face down into the carpet.  “Does it?”  He growled angrily yanking on Hiromu’s hair when he refused to answer as Desperado jerked him.  
“Yes!”  Hiromu hissed as Desperado climbed off his body releasing his cock and pulling Hiromu to his feet by his hair.  Taking Hiromu’s hand Desperado pressed it to his own hard cock humming in pleasure as Hiromu immediately began stroking him.  
“You want my cock?”  Despreado asked pulling Hiromu’s face to his and biting his bottom lip.  “Have you thought about how I’d feel in your throat?”   Desperado began stroking Hiromu’s cock once again through his pants as Hiromu mirrored the motions on Desperado’s dick.  “What my cum tastes like? Tell me Hiromu, have you imagined being on your knees for me?”
“I have.”  Hiromu admitted.  “I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t wait to taste you.”
Desperado smiled pulling Hiromu’s mouth to his in a bruising kiss before releasing him.  “It’s your turn to be on your knees.  Take off your clothes and kneel.”  He ordered. He hadn’t been able to get Hiromu out of his head for weeks now. He was determined to take what he wanted and be done with it.  He was tired of playing games.  He would fuck the vexing man right out of his system if that’s what it took.   Desperado stripped off his own clothing as he watched Hiromu undress and fall to his knees.  His own cock swelled as he thought what a nice picture Hiromu made submitting to him.  
Desperado approached Hiromu with a smirk, his hand reaching for that mass of hair he liked pulling on so much and yanked Hiromu’s head forward until his face was pressed to Desperado’s groin.   Desperado dragged Hiromu’s face along his dick, rubbing the head over his cheek and lips eyes on Hiromu’s hand as it stroked his own hard cock.  
“You want it?  You want to put me in your mouth?”  Despreado asked teasingly rubbing the tip of his cock over Hiromu’s lips, pulling it back as Hiromu’s tongue darted out.
“I already said yes.”  Hiromu told him irritably glaring up at him to let Desperado see his displeasure.  
“Beg me.”  Desperado said with a grin.  
“Go to hell.”  Hiromu said sharply trying to tug his head free.  But his hand kept stroking his cock and he couldn’t tear his eyes off Desperado’s hard cock, sitting tauntingly just out of his reach.  
“You want my dick in your mouth you need to beg me for it.”  Desperado said.  “You only have yourself to blame for this, leaving me in an alley like a common whore.”  
Hiromu stared balefully up at Desperado, even though he knew he was going to do what Desperado wanted.   The thought of begging to taste his cock had Hiromu all hot and bothered.  
“You’re really going to make me beg for it?”  Hiromu asked in a last ditch effort receiving an affirming nod in response.  
“Can I please suck you off?”  He asked half-heartedly, hiding his smile.  He kind of liked this game.  He definitely liked playing it with women and it was fun being on the other side for a change.
“You can do better than that.  C’mon.  I know you want it.  I can see it. Tell me how badly you need my cock.” Desperado cajoled.  
“Desperado can I please suck you?” Hiromu asked turning on the full force of his seductive bedroom eyes on the unwitting man.   “I want to taste your cock and run my tongue around it. I want you to fuck my throat and make me gag. I want to make you moan and weak in the knees before you fill my mouth with your sweet cum.”  
“Fuck.” Desperado breathed.  “Go ahead.”   Hiromu grinned triumphantly as Desperado pulled him back to his cock.  Desperado hissed as Hiromu took him into his mouth and sucked hard, his tongue circling Desperado’s length as Hiromu’s lips wrapped around him.   Settling into an easy rhythm Hiromu bobbed on Desperado’s cock licking and sucking with every movement, one hand stroking his own cock and the other reaching to fondle Desperado’s balls.  
“Please… Don’t stop.” Desperado hated that he was now the one practically begging as Hiromu used that wicked tongue of his to almost bring him to his knees.  He hadn’t realized Hiromu was quite so experienced in sucking dick.  Feeling his release coming Desperado grabbed two handfuls of Hiromu’s hair and buried his cock deep in Hiromu’s throat getting satisfaction as he heard him gagging around him.  With a grunt his cock exploded, his seed slipping down Hiromu’s throat who greedily swallowed it.  
“I should walk out on you right now like you did me.  But I’m not going to.  I think I need to fuck your ass before I go.”  He pulled Hiromu to his feet and pushed the smaller man onto the bed on his back crawling between his legs. Desperado’s hands wrapped around Hiromu’s cock, stroking him rapidly as he stared down at Hiromu’s flushed face.
“Did you get all excited sucking me?” Despreado asked with a twist of his wrist that had Hiromu moaning.  “I bet you’re a slut for sucking dick aren’t you?”  
Hiromu smirked up at him, hips thrusting into Desperado’s hand as it stroked Hiromu’s cock.  
“I know you’ve sucked a dick before.  Have you ever had a cock up your ass?”  Despreado hovered over Hiromu’s lips as he waited for an answer.  When he received a slow nod Desperado growled and kissed him, finding himself incredibly turned on by the thought of Hiromu getting pounded into from behind.   Breaking from his lips Desperado kissed Hiromu’s jaw and down his neck before sinking his teeth deep into his collar bone making Hiromu whimper. 
“Fuck, I love the sounds you make.” Desperado said sucking on Hiromu’s neck and sinking his teeth in various spots as he moved.  “I can’t wait to hear how you moan while I’m inside you.”  
“Please. I need you. Now.” Hiromu groaned as Desperado pulled hard on his cock.  A whimper escaped him as Desperado climbed off the bed.  Hiromu watched with hungry eyes as Desperado grabbed a bottle of lube from his pants before returning.  
“On all fours.  I’m going to fuck you from behind like the bitch you are.”  Desperado ordered chuckling as Hiromu hurriedly obeyed looking over his shoulder as Desperado generously lubed up his cock.  “You like that huh? Like being a little bitch?” Hiromu flinched as the cold lube was poured over his ass, Desperado’s fingers probing at his entrance.  “Maybe next time I’ll bring the leash.  Collar you up like a proper bitch.”  
Hiromu couldn’t contain his whimper as he imagined himself with that thick black collar around his neck as Desperado dragged him around by the leash. Forcing him to suck his cock.    
The tip of Desperado’s cock pressing against him brought Hiromu back to the present and he breathed deeply to relax himself as Desperado pushed inside, taking it slowly as Hiromu got used to his girth.   Once he was fully seated Desperado gave Hiromu a moment to adjust before he began moving, his hips slapping against Hiromu’s ass as he fucked him deeply.  Grunts and moans filled the room air as their bodies slapped together, sweat dripping down their bodies as Hiromu pushed his hips back to meet every one of Desperado’s thrusts.  
Hiromu stroked his cock as Desperado thrust into him, yelping as Desperado grabbed him by the hair and yanked him back flush with his chest, his teeth sinking into Hiromu’s shoulder before his hand wrapped around his throat. As his air was cut off Hiromu came, his hot cum splattering on his hand and the bedspread as Despreado gave a last thrust into his ass and Hiromu felt the warmth of Desperado’s release as he pushed him away.  
Hiromu lay sated on his belly as Despreado dressed and left the room without another word.
“Until next time Desperado.”  Hiromu mumbled with a smile as the door slammed behind him.  
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Takes the Cake
Who wouldn’t want some Hiromu for their birthday?
Pairing: Hiromu Takahashi x reader/ OFC (younger man/ older woman)
Word count: 2,975
Content advisory: somewhat explicit sexual content
(Ok, a few days ago, when I posted a list of what I was working on/ wanted to work on, this was in the category of “started but needs more time to complete”. But darling Hiromu has a way of pushing himself front of mind. I already adored him but this year he’s just moved things to a higher level. Definitely my wrestler of the year for 2020 so far.) 
You love your coworkers for making the effort but part of you wishes they hadn’t. Of course you’re grateful that they not only remembered your birthday but festooned your desk with tropically themed decorations, ordered lunch and got the most decadent chocolate cake you’ve ever tasted. They clap and cheer as you blow out the candles in one go, which is a small miracle because they actually did put forty of them on there. If you’re so lucky as to have friends do this sort of thing for you next year, you’re going to need help. Of course, this isn’t the norm for an office birthday; it’s just that everyone knows you could use the boost. After all, your divorce just got finalized two weeks ago. So now you’re forty and single for the first time in seventeen years. Lucky you!
You smile and chat with everyone and thank them for the lovely gift, a certificate for a spa you’d been thinking about for months, handing out slices of the cake of incalculable density until people start to shuffle back to their desks. There are a lot of jokes about how you’ll be able to go out partying and how you can keep a harem of young studs and all the other things that you can look forward to now that you don’t have a husband to hold you back. You laugh along with the jokes but the truth is that it makes you tired even thinking about it. Who would you even go out with? All your friends are married and most have children. Besides, your job as Accounting Manager at New Japan doesn’t leave you with enough time for a decent night’s sleep, let alone other pursuits.
You’re trying to be optimistic about your future, really you are. But it’s hard to ignore the fact that there just aren’t a lot of men looking to hook up with a forty-year-old woman for any reason. Half the men in this place are already chasing women who could technically be your daughters. You force your smile as wide as you possibly can without tearing something and offer the stragglers around your desk more food.
There’s only a couple of people left and you’re wondering how you can politely encourage them to go back to their desks so that you can get your own work done when Hiromu makes his entrance.
Others enter a room but Hiromu always makes an entrance. Even when he looks nonchalant and unhurried like he does now, his presence is so great that heads turn immediately. He’s very aware of this, of course. His eyes sweep slowly but with a calculating expression, around the room, taking in the attention that he’s getting without even making an effort. He takes his time sauntering up to your desk and then looks from you to your colleagues without saying anything for a few moments.
It’s not unheard of that one of the wrestlers comes to your office but it’s definitely unusual, so you’re a little worried that there’s a problem.
“Nice to see you, Hiromu,” you say sweetly, “how can we help you?”
He’s dark eyes flicker over the decorations and the remnants of the food and he looks a little hurt.
“I wanted to know the latest sales on my merchandise,” he mumbles unconvincingly.
“We don’t have those figures,” you remind him. “You’d need to talk to sales to get that.”
He pouts a little and exhales heavily, like you’ve just taken a toy away from him.
“I mean, I can access the data but what I give you won’t be easy to understand like what they can get you. They have the format you need right there.”
You can’t afford to add anything more to your to do list but he keeps looking sadder and more annoyed and you just want to be helpful. You’re not sure why he would have thought to come here for that information anyway when it always comes from sales, until Yuki, sitting across from you, breaks into a grin.
“Hiromu just heard there was cake,” she giggles.
Immediately, his face lights up and he feigns shyness at being “caught”.
“Do you want some cake Hiromu?” You’re surprised at the relief in your own voice because you always forget how stressful it can be dealing directly with the company’s prized assets.
Luckily, this asset seems easy to placate as he nods enthusiastically in response to your question. You start to cut him a slice but notice at the last second that he seems a little disappointed, so you move the knife and cut him a larger piece.
“Here you go,” you beam, offering him the plate like you’re his servant. “It’s very good.”
“It’s very heavy.”
“It’s for Mimi’s birthday,” Yuki responds, as if this somehow addresses what he’s said.
You see Hiromu’s hand move and you flinch just as he gives your ear a sharp tug. You haven’t had a lot of dealings with him but every time you have, he’s teased you over the fact that your name means “ear” in Japanese. He’s perfectly aware that you’re a gaijin and that your parents never had any idea that you’d end up moving to Japan when they named you, but he just loves to joke about it, which normally involves a twist or jerk of your earlobe that’s as painful as it is playful.
This time, he doesn’t withdraw his hand but moves it to your head, mussing your hair. When you try to extricate yourself, he gets more insistent, stopping only when you give a sharp little cry to show he’s hurt you.
“You cut off all your hair,” he groans. “You look like a boy.”
Forcing a little smile, you smooth your new pixie cut back into place. “It’s easier to fix this way. I like it.”
“Is it because your husband left you?”
“Hiromu!” Yuki cries, eliciting precisely no reaction from the young man.
Behind her, Shinzo, the pudgy accounts payable clerk who’s enjoying his second large helping of cake, and the only other person still lingering near your desk, slinks away.
“What?” Hiromu widens his eyes innocently. “He did. He left her for that ugly secretary.”
Yuki’s mouth moves but no sound comes forth and you take the opportunity to intervene.
“It’s ok, I’m fine about it.”
“So how old are you now?”
“You don’t ask a lady that,” Yuki tells him.
“Why not? Ladies ask me how old I am all the time, especially on my birthday. Why shouldn’t I ask her?”
You can see the struggle in your employee’s eyes as she tries to come up with a way to say what she’s thinking that won’t insult either of you. Once again, you take charge.
“I’m forty.”
“Wow,” he marvels. “It’s strange to see a woman who’s single at that age.”
Yukio shakes her head but doesn’t dare speak. It’s well known in the company how the guys like to push their luck, see what they can get away with by trolling office employees. Nor are they above complaining to higher-ups if they don’t like the reaction they get. Compared to the stories you’ve heard, this is nothing.
“Thank you so much for organizing all this, Yuki. I guess we should get back to work.”
She nods, visibly relieved at being excused, but Hiromu is still standing there, enjoying his cake and the discomfort he’s causing. You gather up the remaining plates and napkins in a pile and clean your hands off but he shows no interest in going anywhere. So you take the plates and the leftovers to the kitchen in order to give him the time to finish eating. When you return, however, he’s made little progress and has installed himself in your chair.
“Well,” you begin softly, “I’m afraid I’m going to have to take that chair.”
“I don’t like to stand while I’m eating.”
“You can use this one.” You pat the back of the chair where Yuki had been seated.
“No,” he yawns. “I like this chair. You can sit in that one.”
This is the sort of situation you dread finding yourself in with these boys. He isn’t interested in anything except pushing you to the point where you lose your temper. It’s all about figuring out how far you’ll let him go. He wants to find the point where you decide that the trouble you’ll get into for pissing him off is less than the trouble you’ll get into for indulging him. If you were to nod and sit in the guest chair, he’d let you sit there for the rest of the afternoon. You’re tempted to just find an unused office somewhere and work remotely. But you’re supposed to have some authority here and it’s hard enough making some people take you seriously and you’re in no mood to take shit from one of the company brats and so you stand your ground.
“Hiromu, I need to sit in that chair so that I can work. I can’t work from the guest chair. So please, just let me do that.”
“Fine,” you sigh, hoping that you can at least force a stalemate.
You pick up the guest chair and move it over next to him. It’s not going to be comfortable for either of you with you trying to reach the computer from this position but you hope that he’ll get bored quickly. There are people who are far more fun for him to toy with in the building. Just as you’re about to sit, however, he flings his leg onto the second chair.
“Hiromu, I really need to work.”
“Why? Do you have a date later?”
“Is there a party for you?”
“No. I’m going to work here for a few hours, then I’m going to go to the gym, then I’ll go home and eat dinner and then I’ll get back online and work from home until I go to bed. But I need to finish a bunch of things before I leave the office.”
“That’s so sad that you’re all alone on your birthday.”
“Well, there are worse things that could happen to me.”
He looks up, doe eyes regarding you through his long lashes. And despite how annoying he’s being, you have to admit that he is just about the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. He pushes his full lips forward again and you can’t help the soft smile that creeps across your face. Smiling back, he offers you a bite of cake.
“No thank you,” you murmur, feeling a little flushed.
“Take a bite! It’s for you anyway.”
“Thanks but I had some already.”
“But it’s delicious. Are you worried it’s going to make you fat and that no man is going to want to fuck you?”
You gasp and start to back away but he grabs your wrist to stop you.
“Fine.” He fixes you with a serious stare. “If you take this bite of cake, I will let you have your chair back and I’ll leave so you can work.”
“Ok,” you acquiesce. “Thank you.”
He holds up the fork but you still have to bend over to reach it. As you do, his free arm snaps tight around your waist and pulls you down on his lap. You barely manage to stop yourself from crying out, which would attract everyone’s attention. Immediately, you try to wriggle out of his grip but he pulls you tighter and it occurs to you that what you’re doing would look obscene to a passerby. Your office is somewhat private but the door is open and you could easily be seen.
“Let me go,” you hiss. “This isn’t funny.”
He gives you an infuriating smile and puts his plate on the desk so that he can thread both arms around you, pressing your rear end right into his groin. He grinds himself into you just a little and you can feel that your squirming has had an effect, something that should horrify you but that actually gives you a little sense of pride.
It’s a physical response, you remind yourself. It’s biology. His body is reacting to friction with something warm and it does not mean that he’s attracted to you.
You twist your upper body to look him in the eye and he uses the opportunity to lay his head in the hollow of your shoulder, his expression one of innocence and suggestiveness that no one other than Hiromu Takahashi could pull off. He lets his hand drift down your side and along your thigh, fingers tracing along the hem of your skirt and you press your legs together in a desperate attempt to maintain some kind of modesty.
“You have to go now, Hiromu.” You try to sound like a schoolteacher upbraiding a  student but the unsettling feeling of his fingers on your thigh makes it come out more like a plea.
“Fine,” he sighs, letting his hand drop. “I’ll go, but only if you have a bite of cake.”
You can’t help but laugh at how easily he flits between childlike and predatory. “Ok, I will have a bite of cake.”
He picks up the fork again and goes back to add more cake to it, more than you can feasibly take in a single bite but he presses the whole thing into your mouth nonetheless, smearing some on the side of your lips. You take a moment to chew and swallow the whole thing before raising your hand to wipe off the mess but he stops you.
“You can’t waste chocolate,” he gasps softly. Ever so delicately, he draws his thumb along the edge of your lip, and although he’s barely touching you, the feeling reverberates through your whole body. You’re forty years old and somehow you’re only now discovering how incredibly sensitive that part of your anatomy is.
Still as gentle as a summer breeze, he scrapes the chocolate from the corner of your mouth with his thumb and softly pushes the digit into your mouth. Instinctively, you lick and suckle on it, your pressure no more than his, in order to clean it off. He responds with a big smile and even when you’re done, he continues to rub your lip for a few seconds.
You say nothing when he reaches for the plate and takes another small piece of cake with his fingers and pushes it into his own mouth. He very deliberately leaves a smudge on his bottom lip and without giving it any of the thought that you should, you lean in and capture the spot with your own lips, suckling and nipping at the full, plump flesh. You go to bring his fingers to your mouth but he stops you, pressing his face into your neck and nuzzling the place just below your ear.
With his clean hand, he pulls your skirt back a little, smiling when he feels the muscles of your legs relax, granting him access to what he clearly wants. You feel his slightly sticky hand ghost along the inside of your thigh before he hooks your panties out of the way and presses his fingers against your sex. He hums in pleasure when he feels how wet you are, stroking your folds but nothing more before pulling them away and raising them to your lips.
Obediently you take them in your mouth, letting him set the pace of pumping and rolling them while you swirl your tongue around, cleaning the tangy, bittersweet mix of dark chocolate and your juices from them. He watches you as if it’s the most fascinating thing he’s ever seen, biting his lip a little, which is enough to raise your temperature on its own.
Finally, he removes his hand and wraps both his arms around your waist.
“So I’ll come back to pick you up in three hours,” he tells you. “And we can really celebrate your birthday.”
This is incredibly dangerous territory. There are lots of women who’ve been demoted or outright fired for dalliances with the talent that went wrong and while you’re a little higher on the food chain than them, you’re far from invulnerable. You should tell him thanks but no thanks. At the very least, you should tell him to meet you somewhere away from here, where you’re not going to run the risk of being seen.
“Thank you, I’d like that,” is what comes out of your mouth instead.
He slides from the chair, gently placing you in it before he makes for the door. At the last second, he pivots and turns to you, a deep frown on his handsome face.
“Your husband is very stupid,” he says, shaking his head so that the crimson tips of his hair flutter on his shoulders.
“My ex-husband,” you remind him.
He shrugs and the scowl immediately dissolves into a smile. “If he had been smart when he was your husband, then he wouldn’t be your ex-husband.”
And with that he strolls off, cool as ever. For all you know, he’s not going to bother coming back for you, or he’ll forget entirely, or he’ll keep texting you that he’s coming only to make you wait six hours. That’s the sort of thing he and his friends do for laughs. You turn to focus on your computer, reminding yourself of all the things that could go wrong. But then you lick your lips and get the faintest taste of chocolate, and you know in your gut that he’s going to do exactly what he said. The idea of him making good on his promise is scarier for you than the idea of him flaking out but at least it’s going to be something new.
Addressing no one, you murmur, “Welcome to your forties.”
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spinneryesteryear · 5 years
so, does like anyone trust the actual authors of anything anymore or what
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iristial · 6 years
Hiromu/Yoko want to have a date on Christmas Eve but there is TOO MUCH CHICKEN around
streets dyed white | Hiromu/Yoko, 1000+ words, Christmas 2018 fics
author’s note - Hiromu Sakurada is passed down in history as the realistic Red with an absurd fear of chickens. Christmas is no exception to this, poor Yoko. Also…it turned out longer than I thought? Idek hope you enjoy it
Also available as chapter 50 on Kaleidoscope
A red turtleneck dress; to think Yoko wore yellow like a second skin for so long.
Some part of it was a reminder that the mission wasn’t over, even when Ryuuji tried to make life as normal as possible for Yoko. She was the Yellow Buster, one of the (at the time) three protectors who would counter the Vaglass one day, some day, any day. Even if she laughed and gingerbread men were switched to candy canes as she grew up, the threat loomed. Yoko only recalled fading glimpses of the last Christmas she spent with her mother, making her all the more determined to reach a year where they could spend it together again.
That never happened, in spite of crying at the injustice of it all.
Now the Vaglass were eradicated and red was growing on Yoko. Not because Hiromu preferred it above all colours, but it brought out the golden tints in her freshly dyed hair and the brown boots Nakamura bought during the sales.
Surveying her reflection with a pleased smile, Yoko fixed some earrings in place and brushed a hand through her ponytail. She was now a young lady (despite what Hiromu liked to say) and Yoko honestly didn’t have the urge to complain.
It was her first Christmas as a normal girl - and with a boyfriend, to boot.
She’d have to credit Hiromu for wearing a suit, complete with a candy cane patterned necktie. A little overkill, if she decided to comment on it, and Yoko had suspicions Nick (even Rika) were behind the necktie, but Yoko focused on rushing to the restaurant on time.
Hiromu even stopped to pull out her chair; a feat she needed to commend Nick for. For all she knew, Nick probably made Hiromu sit down and go through an etiquette course until Hiromu, by some miracle, gave in to the lessons - but tonight wasn’t about Nick, she scolded herself. It was a date, where Yoko could enjoy the ambience of one of their city’s finest restaurants. They had a stellar dessert course too, but Yoko was determined to eat her share of dinner first. It was saying something if the popularity of the place warranted an opening on Christmas Eve.
Nothing should have gone wrong. She had her best clothes on, no Ryuuji trying to not pucker his brow at the idea of her on a date, and no morphing brace. Yoko even specifically requested a menu without chicken, just for Hiromu, and was ready to eat beef instead - when Hiromu gargled.
Hiromu…gargled? That never happened - his eyes were wide open, perfectly undignified and frozen in place. Oh. Yoko winced and slowly turned around to see where the chicken was this time.
Who decorated the walls with posters of cartoon chickens with Christmas hats? They were admittedly cute, but Hiromu didn’t care for that sort of thing - not to mention the vast number of customers who chose chicken as their main dish. Torn between morfitication and embarrassment (they both sounded horrible), Yoko sighed. “Hiromu.” She waved a hand in front of him. Nothing. “Hi-ro-mu!” Still frozen.
Yoko contemplated dunking the water jug on him but that would ruin her new dress. On the other hand, she’d have to eat dinner on her lonesome while Hiromu froze for the next hour.
“Excuse me, do you have a private dining area?” Yoko politely asked the nearest waiter. She pointed at Hiromu with a resignated sigh. “He’ll be paying for it along with our food.”
One moment he saw the chicken posters about the restaurant; the next, Hiromu found himself viewing the city from a veranda fringed with heather and pansies. Judging by that alone, he probably froze again and got dragged someplace else
Hiromu stirred, groaning at the aches in his joints before remembering why he was at the restaurant. “Yoko?”
“Here.” The person in question half-heartedly waved at him, a candy cane in her mouth. With the faint yellow glow of the lanterns on her red dress, she somehow looked older and resigned than she should be. “Your dinner’s on the table, it’s chi- I mean, it’s beef. Or pork. Some stews and other stuff. I just chose everything.”
Hiromu raised an eyebrow and swept a critical glance at the spread on the table. He didn’t use hyperboles but with the bread rolls, meat, chocolate log, fruit cake, pasta, salad and soup piled on the table, she probably did choose everything.
Hiromu sighed. “This is a bit too much.”
“I know.” Yoko continued sucking on her candy cane, elbows on the rails. “Good thing your job has a high pay rate.”
“…you used my bank card, didn’t you?”
“Obviously.” How shameless. “I’m not the one who froze up like an idiot.”
Hiromu heaved himself out of the chair. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine.” Yoko frowned despite the soft edge to her eyes. These days she wasn’t as tense or prone to bursting into a temper at him. “I probably should’ve asked about the decor.” She shuffled to make some room for Hiromu to join her at the rails, only raising an eyebrow at having brought his coat along.
“You wouldn’t have known,” Hiromu carefully answered, trying not to think too hard about the posters. Yoko was…quiet, for lack of a better word, especially when she couldn’t stop talking about the dinner for weeks. He did play some fault in putting out the sparkle in her eyes, he had to admit. “You did eat more than that candy cane, right?”
Yoko rolled her eyes. “What else was I supposed to do, stare at you all frozen for the next two hours? The chocolate log was the be - what’s that?”
Hiromu briefly looked at the velvet box in his hand. He did plan on giving it to her at the end of the evening, but circumstances said otherwise. “It’s a box.”
“I know that, I’m not dumb,” Yoko grunted (very unladylike), nevertheless intrigued by the box. Her eyes were latched onto it and her nostrils were flaring. Hiromu briefly entertained the idea that she reminded him of a rabbit before dismissing it. “Is that for me?”
Hiromu curtly nodded. “You said you wanted a necklace for Christmas. The silver one with the pearl pendant.” He wasn’t one for surprises, after all.
“How romantic,” Yoko sarcastically uttered while taking the box and opening it. Lifting the necklace against the light to admire how the silver sparkled, Yoko smiled; brilliant and warm at the same time, even with the candy cane in her mouth. “But thanks.”
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fanfics4thewin · 6 years
So this is my first time writing in a long while. I noticed that there aren’t a lot of fanfictions for Los Ingobernables de Japon which is a shame! So I decided to try and write some. I hope this is okay. It’s a fluffy Hiromu story, I like fluffy LIJ. I hope people enjoy and I may write other stuff for the other members cause I’m LIJ trash 😂 If people are interested in more LIJ fanfics please let me know! ^^ I want to get back into writing!
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Your relationship with Hiromu was never a boring one. Today was your 2 year anniversary. You hadn’t seen Hiromu in about 2 weeks due to him being on tour. You had a few days off work to travel around with him for the final days of the tour. As you sat in the taxi on the way to Korakuen Hall you think back to when you and Hiromu first met. You were on holidays in Mexico with your brother. He’s a huge wrestling fan and recognised Hiromu who was wrestling under the name Kamaitachi at the time, at the restaurant you guys were in. Your brother went up to him expressing how much he loved Hiromu’s wrestling style and asked for a picture. The whole time he was listening to your brother talk, Hiromu kept stealing glances at you. He asked you two to join him. You spent the night laughing, chatting and drinking. Hiromu expressed how nice it was to hang out and chat to other Japanese people after being away from home so long. Around 3am you decided to call it a night. Before you left Hiromu asked you guys to attend the CMLL show the next day. Your brother said yes right away. He give you his number and said that he would sort out passes to the show for you guys. Your brother was beyond hyped for it. You guys arrived at the show the next day and gave your names to the people at the door. As promised Hiromu had tickets and passes ready. You never really has an interest in wrestling but were so impressed by the whole show. Just as the show ended you got a text from Hiromu asking you guys to meet him backstage. You found his dressing room with little hassle. Hiromu was still in his ring gear when you arrived. You couldn’t help but check him out a little bit, the guy has a great body. Hiromu caught you staring at him and smirked. Your brother who was completely oblivious to what just happened started fangirling at Hiromu again. Once your brother stopped talking, Hiromu got changed and you guys headed out to a nearby bar. About 2 hours into being at the bar your brother spotted a pretty woman on the dance floor and excused himself to go and try whoo her. That left you alone with Hiromu. It was a bit awkward at first but slowly you guys got more comfortable with each other. Hiromu asked you about what part of Japan you were from, your job, hobbies etc. In turn you asked him about wrestling, CMLL and how he found it living in Mexico. You two really hit it off. The rest of your vacation was spent with Hiromu. Sometimes with or without your brother. The night before you left for Japan, Hiromu asked if he could stay in contact with you. He messaged you nearly everyday, telling you about Mexico and his matches. A few months passed and Hiromu came back to Japan to visit his family and friends. You of course made plans to see him. He was beyond excited to see you again. You guys went for dinner and afterwards went for a walk in a nearby park. That’s where Hiromu expressed his feelings for you. He asked you to be his girlfriend and you accepted. Now here you are two years later still going strong. You thought back to other big moments in your relationship like Hiromu moving back to Japan, joining NJPW and moving in with you. Your mind then began to wander to the first time you two had sex and all the way up to the most recent time. Thankfully you had arrived at your destination before you got yourself too turned on. You paid the taxi driver and headed inside. Once you found your seat (ringside of course, perks of dating a pro wrestler) you sent Hiromu a text to let him know you arrived.
Yay! Daryl and I can’t wait to see after the show :D
Hehe good luck!
You put your phone away just as the show started. The main event was Chaos vs LIJ. You always loved when all 5 members where in the ring together, they are always a good team. LIJ came out victorious with EVIL pinning Rocky. You waited a little bit for the crowd to leave before you made your way backstage. You were getting multiple messages from Hiromu wondering where you were and if you were alright. You knew if you weren’t there soon he’ll be convinced your dead and be annoying the rest of LIJ about it. You didn’t want an angry Naito and EVIL on your hands on top of a stressed upset Hiromu! As you walked into their dressing room you were greeted with Hiromu shouting “My lady” and picking you up, spinning you around making you giggle.
“Hi baby.” You smiled.
“Happy Anniversary my love.” Hiromu said while putting you down and pulled you into a kiss. You could hear the rest of LIJ make vomiting noises and telling you get a room.
“Happy Anniversary.”
“I have a wonderful night planned for us but first I need to get dressed and sort things out. So you will be escorted to the restaurant by Bushi.” Hiromu informed you. You were surprised and excited. You didn’t think Hiromu would put some much effort in since they are on tour at the moment. However Hiromu loves to make a huge deal of birthdays and anniversaries. So you and Bushi headed off to the restaurant. Hiromu said he would be arriving about half an hour after you. Bushi stayed with you until he arrived. It was nice catching up with him. You have a great relationship with all of the Los Ingobernables members but you have always been closest to Bushi. Going on shopping trips and spa days together whenever you both were free. You were so caught up in your conversation with Bushi you didn’t notice Hiromu arrive. He was dressed in a black suit holding Daryl in one arm who was wearing a bow tie and a bouquet of flowers in the other.
“For you my lady.” Hiromu bowed and held the flowers out for you.
“Oh Hiro they are beautiful! Thank you so much baby!!” You smiled. “Daryl you look very handsome tonight.”
“Hey! What about me? I’m the one you’re celebrating the anniversary with!” Hiromu said pretending to be hurt.
“Hehe you look amazing too Hiro!” You giggled.
“You look just as beautiful as the day we met.”
“Right since you’re here, I’m gonna leave you guys enjoy your celebration before this gets even more lovey dovey. Happy Anniversary guys!” Bushi said.
“Thank you Bushi!” You said hugging him goodbye.
“Thanks for helping out with the planning Bushi.” Hiromu smiled giving Bushi a bro hug.
After Bushi left, you were shown to your table. It was by the window, there are candles on the table. Hiromu pulled your chair out for you.
“Thank you baby.” You smiled at his gesture. The next few hours were spent chatting, eating wonderful food and drinking wine.
“You enjoying our evening?” Hiromu asked.
“Of course I am! I’ve my two favourite men with me, enjoying good food and wine. Thank you for all this baby.” You leaned over the table to kiss Hiromu.
“Only the best for my girl. Do you want to go for a walk?” Hiromu asked.
“Sure! That would be lovely, I need to walk off all the food!”
Hiromu paid for the meal and you headed off for a walk. You held onto Daryl in one arm as you were walking around. You miss Daryl nearly as much as you do Hiromu a lot of the time. He’s been a part of your life so long and means a lot to Hiromu. As you were walking you ended up at the park were Hiromu first asked you out.
“Do you remember what happened here two years ago?” Hiromu smiled at you.
“Of course I do! This is where I became your girlfriend!” You smiled kissing him.
“This place means a lot to me. I came here a lot when I was younger to help me think and clear my mind. Now when I come here it reminds me of you!” Hiromu takes your hand and kisses it. “You are the best thing that happened to me. I’m so glad you walked into that restaurant in Mexico. I couldn’t imagine my life without you.” Hiromu told you making your heart melt. “Now I’ve only one question to ask you.”
Hiromu got down on one knee, your face dropped.
“Y/N will you marry me?” Hiromu asked holding a black velvet box containing a beautiful silver diamond ring.
“Yes Hiromu, yes of course I will!” You exclaimed. You hugged and kissed him.
“See Daryl I told you she would say yes!” Hiromu smugly said to Daryl making you giggle. Hiromu sent a message to the rest of Los Ingobernables de Japon informing them of your answer. The group were beyond excited for the two of you. Naito was demanding a night out was in order to celebrate your engagement. Yourself and Hiromu spent a bit longer in the park just enjoying one another’s company. Once you got home, Hiromu made a little bed for Daryl on the couch.
“Why is Daryl sleeping there? Can’t he come to bed with us?”
“No cause he’s too young to witness what I’m about to do to you.” Hiromu smirked picking you up and walking you to the bedroom.
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