#Hit me with your arrows šŸ’˜
fairyshopsite Ā· 1 year
Hit me with your arrows pjs
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Hold your breath, love dive
Status: for sale
TITLE: Hit me with your arrows (changeable)
PAIRING(S) | cupid reader x anti romantic jay
For years Park Jongseong hasnā€™t believed in love, he decided that it wasnā€™t something for him. He was anti romantic, nothing wasnā€™t going to change that. Until he met you, the person who turned his normal life upside down. One thing is youā€™re not a human, you are set on doing one thing. that is to make Jay fall in love with someone.
main plot:
Jay is the biggest anti romantic you will ever know, other then that he nice to people he cares about. He just doesnā€™t see the point of falling in love if it ends in heartbreak. Reader is a new cupid who is trying to prove to the higher ups that they ready to be one. To prove that they have to make someone fall in love, someone who isnā€™t easy. Cue Park Jay, the perfect candidate for reader to work on.
Extra info:
This could both work as written serie or one shot, or even as smau. I leave it up to you, how you want it to turn it out.
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adams-angels Ā· 4 months
Hello dear writer! Whenever you have time would you consider doing a fluff and maybe smut piece about how Adam would be on a restaurant date? Iā€™m so curious how he would act since they didnā€™t have dates when he was alive a trillion billion million years ago.
And Valentineā€™s Day has me way up in the feels šŸ„¹
Thank you bebe šŸ©µ
A bit late for Valentine's day but better late than never babes šŸ˜Ž this was longer than I was expecting šŸ«¢
šŸ’– Please send me requests! Send me your own headcanons! I will draw! I'm obsessed rn!šŸ’–
It's been a while since Adams been on a "date" if you could even call it that. The last "date" he had was with Eve in the Garden of Eden. So... Yeah. A while might be an understatement. He also hated the day. Like many holidays. Why should SaInT vAlEnTiNe get a whole holiday after him?! Adam is the ORIGINAL dick. If anything there should be a holiday celebrated for HIM. But, whatever. You were into it. And he was into you.
He was so nervous when he asked you out for Valentine's day. He waited until last minute before finally getting the courage to ask. Ten o'clock at night he frantically knocked at your door. You hurried to answer, the panic filled your body at the knocking. It was desperate, like someone needed help. When you opened the door and saw a panting Adam you were confused. Was he hurt? Before you could say anything he put his hand up to your face signaling you to not speak as he caught his breath. It was odd why he was out of breath. He flies everywhere. Did he run? "Be- huff- will you- jesus, fuck- pant-" his hand were on his knees as he choked on his breath. "Ada-" hand in your face. Rude. He straightened himself out, at least as much as he could in the small apartment hallway. The apartment was made for smaller Winners not 8 foot Giants like Adam. "Be my Valentine?" He panted out. Of course you said yes! What can you say? You've been crushing on him for, like, ever! You never picked up that he likes you back. Even though he was never subtle. "Cool- pant- text you the deetz." He shot you some finger guns before leaving.
So now it's Valentine's day! šŸ’˜ Cupid's shot his arrow and hit you. You're feeling fun, flirty, and feisty. You put on your cutest outfit and checked yourself in the mirror. Is cute what you're going for? It's your first date. But it is Valentine's day. You don't wanna be prudish. You change into something a bit more revealing and again checked yourself. This might be a bit too sexy.. slutty even! You don't want to give the impression that you put out of the first day! Even if you do. No. This needs to be perfect. You think to yourself... "I bet Adam isn't having this much trouble."
You weren't wrong. Adam was much more relaxed. Too relaxed. Why would he be nervous? He's the man. In fact he was out right now looking at new guitars. When he left the store he saw Valentine, surrounded by his Cupid's. "Augh." Adam grunted, not wanting to interact with the Saint. "Adam!" Shit. "A little birdy told me you've got a Valentine's this year. It's been what? Centuries?" Valentine laughed. Adam rolled his eyes, then glared at him. "Yeah? So what? I figured it's a good way to get free pussy." Adam shrugged as a cocky grin formed on his face. The Cupid angels surrounding Saint Valentine cringed. "Oh, Adam. Come now! This is a holiday of love and romance. Not cheap pickups!" The man placed a hand on Adam shoulder which he immediately shrugged off. "So, are you going anywhere special? Have you bought the lucky angel flowers? Chocolates? A gift of adoration?" "Uh.. what?" "You haven't bought them anything have you?" The man laughed, putting his hand on Adams shoulder again pulling Adam closer. "Good luck getting fucked, playboy." He hissed with a wicked smirk. Valentine released Adams shoulder laughing. "Happy Valentine's days!" He said before flying away with his cupids. "Motherfucker!" Adam's flew off to the nearest store to get you some flowers.
When he arrived the flower section was bare. Maybe one half dead rose. "What the hell?" He flew all over the store looking for anything Valentines related. "No, no, no!" He stopped in one of the aisles before finding worker. "Hey! Where the fuck is the stuff?" "S-stuff, sir?" Adam gestures around the store. "You know! The fucking Valentines shit! Where is it?!" The poor retail worker fretted telling him there was nothing left. "V-valentines day is o-one of the most popular days of the year sir... There's nothing left.." "NOTHING LEFT?!?!" Adam yelled. His voice booming around the store causing shelfs to shake knocking almost everything off. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN NOTHING LEFT?! I NEED SOMETHING FOR TONIGHT!!!" "I - I'm sorry, sir!" The poor angels voice shuddered. Adam groaned, balling his hands into fists. He was about to leave before he noticed a bottle of soda that hadn't fallen. He pushed it off the shelf for good measure before storming out of the store.
He wasn't going to spend all day looking for shit of this shitty holiday. He hated it. This was dumb! He's gift enough. Still, he takes his phone and texts Lute
"URGENT! flowers! Plz get 4 me thx dngrtits"
That'll do. He heads home to get ready for your date.
ļ½žā ā™”āœ§ā ļ½” I really hope you enjoyed! I'm not a writer by any means but I appreciate any support I receive so thank you for reading! ļ½”āœ§ā ā™”ļ½žā 
The time comes and Adam is waiting outside of your apartment building, he's not walking up all those stairs again. He was feeling cool. Calm. Collected. Until he saw you. His hands started getting clammy, his heat racing. You look so pretty. You of course found the prefect in-between of cute and sexy for your outfit. "Heeey, you could of made an effort." He joked. You frowned. You thought you did well. He clears his throat. "Let's go." He wiped his hands on his robe before taking flight with you following after.
You both arrived at the restaurant. Neither of you stop on the way. It was awkward. He walked in first, he didn't hold the door open for you. Rude. Once inside you noticed the restaurant was jam packed. Adam also noticed this and froze. "Good thing you booked, right?" You said, playfully, hoping to break some tension. "Uh... Yeah... Wait here, surgartits." He walked over to the host. "I need a table for two." The host scoffed. "Yeah, sure. We've got one available tomorrow." Adam was fuming. This was all going wrong. This can't go wrong. "Do you fucking know who I am?!" He raised his voice. "I'm fucking ADAM! I'm the fucking man! And I want a damn table!" You walk over. "Adam?" "What, bitch!? Fuck! Can't you see I'm busy?! I'm getting us a table!" He yelled at you. No. Nope. You're too good to be yelled at. This was meant to be fun. Fuck this. You put your hands in the air. "Nope. I'm out." You turn on your heels and exit the restaurant. "Wait- no, y/n." He looks as you exit then back at the host. "I'll ruin your fucking life, cunt." He hissed before flying out of the restaurant.
He looks around and you were no where to be seen. "Fast fucker. AUGH!!!" He stomped his foot covering his face with his hands. If he wasn't wearing his mask he'd be pulling his hair.
You got yourself home. Fucking shit day. Dumb idea. You don't even know why he asked you. The whole thing was dumb. Everything about it was dumb. You collapse onto the couch, sulking. It doesn't take long before there's a knock at the door. Adam you suspect. You roll your eyes before peeling yourself off the couch. Opening the door you see Lute. Huh. "Uh.. hi?" "Adam requests your presents. Put on this blind fold." She hands you a blindfold. "What?" She didn't repeat herself. She never does. You groan, knowing she won't leave until you do it so whatever. You put the blindfold on and lute takes your wrist and flies off with you ragdolling.
Once your feet touch the ground she lets go of your wrist. Leaving you there blindfolded. "Uh.. you can take that off now." You do, to see a candle lit picnic layed out. It was adorable, there were fairy lights on the trees. Adam stood there, awkwardly, with a bunch of your favourite flowers. How did he know? Lute. "Uh. Surprise.." he handed you the flowers. "Sorry, about the restaurant. Fucking idiots double booked or something.. I don't know." He shrugged. You know it wasn't true. He didn't book, you know that. But you smiled. "Thank you, Adam. This is much nicer." He smiled and stretched. "Well, what can I say? I know what I'm doing."
You sat on the blanket, Adam did also and popped open a bottle of champagne. "I got the good stuff." You smile at the gesture although you always thought champagne tasted disgusting. He got all the good stuff, strawberries and chocolates. Cheese board. Cute little cakes. "This is all very well thought out. How did you get this so quickly?" You asked. He shrugged with a smirk. "I'm just that good, babe." Lute. This was more his style anyway. Outside, under the stars. It reminded him of the Garden.
"so, this was fun." He rubbed the palm of his hands on his knees. "I'd much rather not do this Valentine's bullshit though. Maybe next time we can just... Do it whenever?" "I'd like that. Although, this Valentine's day has turned out pretty perfect." You smile. "Well. I am perfect so." He smirks at you. You don't want to stroke his ego anymore than you already have. You roll your eyes before quickly giving him a peck on the lips. "you're alright, I suppose." You took his sweaty hand in yours and led down, he followed. You both watched the stars in silence. He'd gently squeeze your hand every now and then, you'd squeeze back.
"Happy valentine's, Y/N."
"Happy valentine's, Adam."
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mitamicah Ā· 11 months
17,18,21! <33
Yay :D!!
I am not surprised that you chose to ask 17+18 together since they kind of rhyme and I like that x'D
17. what song in your playlist sounds like this šŸ’–ā¤ļøšŸ„°šŸ¤©šŸ’˜šŸ’• but the lyrics are šŸ–¤šŸ©øā›“šŸ’£šŸ—”šŸŖØ
I feel like there might be a lot of songs like that, but for some reason I cannot for the life of me remember any of them :'D So here's what I found by digging deep into my playlist(s)
Firstly I'll choose Gotta Do Something by flor. Admittedly it is not dark in a way I'd say fit with the emojis but more dark in an existential way if you are an unemployed person in your late 20s like I am :'D it honestly hit me right in the gut to the point of making me panic before I went on sickleave OVO
This one is Hate Me (Sometimes) by Stand Atlantic. It is from a very old playlist and it seems to have more of a 'dark' tone fitting with what I interpret the emijos to mean x'D Case in point here's a snippet of the lyrics x'D (sorry in advance that it is long :'D)
Oh, where did I go wrong? Limbs in a noose Thought I'd be better But I'm written off to tell you the truth
Dead in the water Carry me home Get off on whiplash I'm losing myself red and I'm blue
I set fires so deliberately 'Til I taste the smoke On every part of me My hands are promised to my dirty jeans But I would sell myself to almost anything
I don't need your help You should probably save yourself There's blood on my hands (You should probably save yourself)
(Also I am not sure how 'happy go lucky' the second song is but oh well x'D)
18. what song in your playlist sounds like this šŸ–¤šŸ©øā›“šŸ’£šŸ—”šŸŖØ but the lyrics are šŸ’–ā¤ļøšŸ„°šŸ¤©šŸ’˜šŸ’•
I mean ... it has to be KƤƤrijƤ doesn't it x'D Buuuut let me go with this one instead because I love the contrast:
I chose Arrow of Love by Electric Callboy since especially the 'Kevin screams' make it sound very aggressive but it is a song about trying your best to spread love :'D x'D
21. whatā€™s the weirdest song title you can think of right now.
I mean ... one that exists or?
Gah I am not good at remembering things rn :'D
La Di Da (by Vukovi) I guess? Sorry I am blank rn x'D thank you for the questions tho :'D šŸ’š
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helianskies Ā· 2 years
hello! for the dialogue prompts, i was wondering if you could you 28 + turkspa. thanks!! <33 (i love your writing!!!)
anon ily and i'm sorrry this took a while (i got distracted by things) but look. turkspa. sacred sacred (angsty) turkspa šŸ’˜
Everything hurts. His chest, his head, the pouring wound in his abdomen whose painful consequence is overwhelming his entire lower halfā€¦ but not just them; his heart aches, too, and his eyes sting with bitter tears as he tries to stand back up, yet hardly has the energy to hold himself up on his knees, let alone his feet.Ā 
Antonio hates that it has come to this. He may not be surprisedā€”perhaps, in the end, this is the only path he hasā€”a cruel inevitabilityā€”but that does not make the pain any easier to bear.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts in a way he does not recogniseā€”in a way he fears he has not known pain before. He knows he won't dieā€”not from anything other than blood loss, if he is so unluckyā€”but he feels otherwise. He feels Death. He wants Death. He wants an escape, because the pain he will have to live with instead will surely kill him anyway.
He had thought himself in love. He had thought that he had found a way to overcome the grip of politics, of culture, of society, and to live a double life. He had thought he could cheat the system of being a personification. He had thought he could play at being an ordinary human. But it had all been a lie. And now Antonio remains there kneeling in a growing puddle of his own blood, choking on vanishing air and his own naivety.
The personā€”the personificationā€”that he holds responsible (yet also is hesitant to blame; is that naive of him, too?) stands over him, in the meantime. Cupid's arrow, Damocles' sword. Why does he watch? Why does he stand there silently and watch? Antonio cannot bear to face him. He fears moving, and being struck again. He fears pleading for a quickened end, but fears a crueller version of mercy.
The pain ebbs and flows in small surges. Pain, then numbness.Ā 
"I am sorry it had to come to this between us," the other says, though there is a lack of apology in his tone. A brute after all. ā€œI tried to warn you. I tried to tell you to stay away.ā€
A laugh, stinging and sardonic, squeezes past drying lips. ā€œYet you kept coming back,ā€ Antonio counters. ā€œAll this time, youā€¦ you let me believe, l-let meā€¦ā€Ā 
But he canā€™t even get the words out. Ebbs and flows, pain and numbness. Antonio coughs and groans and makes the risky decision to lie down. He knows heā€™s going to die. He would prefer to save himself the fallā€”the sensation of being on the verge of dying and suddenly plummeting, as though down to Hell.
When his head hits the ground, it is both bliss, and surrender.Ā 
ā€œThis was never going to end any other way,ā€ Sadık narrates all the while.Ā 
Antonio can barely hear him. His head throbs too loudly.Ā 
ā€œYou should have known that.ā€
If he were human, he would already be dead. His injury wouldĀ have killed him.
ā€œWe could never be more than a fantasy.ā€
If he were human, he would have died so fast, but nation bodies, oh, they were such resilient thingsā€¦
ā€œWe would never have survived war.ā€
Why couldnā€™t his heart be that strongā€¦?
Antonio blinks and the tear that has held him together finally releases, dropping down into the dirt. How much of the world has been watered by tears, he wonders? How many nations weep, only for a flower to eventually sprout in that same place? Maybe there is something in that thought. Maybe his loss will become a gain for the world; a single flower, imbued with an impossible magic, resilient like a nationā€”like a nation should be, at least.
Still, with what energy remains, he searches for the other. His breathing may be frantic, blood may be blossoming from his body, a funeral rose, but he still searches for Ottoman, only to find himā€¦ walking away. Walking away from him, from them, from everything they once had.Ā 
Something possesses Antonio. Fear, perhaps. Desperation.
ā€œWā€¦ Wait,ā€ he calls out, though it may only come out as a breathy whisper, ā€œdonā€™t leave. Donā€™t leaveā€¦ā€
And by some miracle, he is heard. Ottoman stopsā€”Sadık stopsā€”and he turns back to look at Spainā€”at Antonioā€”and he exceeds all expectations. It takes a moment. It takes some deliberating. But, in the end, the other steps back towards the dying nation and crouches down. Perhaps that is so Antonio does not have to strain. Perhaps that is so he can get a better look at his cheap victory.
ā€œWhat is it?ā€ he asks. His hand finds Antonioā€™s and, suddenly, they are not enemies but lovers again. It almost steals the Spaniardā€™s last breath away. ā€œI was going to leave you in peace. I would hate to be the last thing you see, this time.ā€
But Antonio doesnā€™t care. He doesnā€™t care about what Sadık wants or does not want. It is time for him to be selfish.
So he musters what he canā€”squeezes a handā€”and says, ā€œI need you to tell me something.ā€
Silence is an invitation.
ā€œWas itā€¦ ever real for youā€¦?ā€
Silence is an answer.Ā 
Silence is an answer that Antonio does not get to hear, because as he stares at Sadık for those few seconds and waits to know, waits for the truth, waits for peace, his breath and blood run out. He stares at Sadik for a few seconds more, but he does not see, like he does not hear, like he does not breathe. He does not know what that answer is, and he likely never will.
Sadık can only sigh. He regrets, in some ways, the things that have happened between them. He wishes it could have gone differently. But life as a nationā€”as an empire, like they both are and must now always beā€”rarely allows for the sort of life that Antonio has pursued. Perhaps Sadık should have warned him soonerā€¦
Seeing that there is no one aroundā€”certainly no Spaniards, nor any of their alliesā€”Sadık makes a decision. He makes a decision that surprises the other half of himself that would have left Spain there to die and wake up and struggle, and that decision prompts him to spend a minute or so carefully bringing a lifeless body into his arms.Ā 
With it, he stands. Blood will stain his clothes and hands, but since when has that bothered him? He will take Antonio with him so that he will not be alone when he revives. Because that is worse, he feels: to revive alone, rather than to die alone.Ā 
And think about it, he tells his other half, his empire-self, what an advantage it would be for the personification of the Spanish Empire to be under our charge, in our camp, in our custody.Ā 
Such an argument helps him walk, and walk faster than he thought he could.
[ final wordcount, 1148; prompts can be found here! ]
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lunarfly-studios Ā· 10 months
šŸ’˜ for Eve, Kit, Persephone, Brooklyn and Marian respectively
We're gonna hide this under a 'keep reading' since there's five characters so it's gonna be a little long
šŸ’˜ HEART WITH ARROW ā€” what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
Evelyn "Eve" Moon (They/Them)
Eve is relatively very easy-going, but also got hit hard with the clinical depression stick. They have things that make them happy, and that they like doing, but there's little drive or passion behind most of what they do beyond 'gotta get that dopamine'.
This is both a symptom of their clinical depression, but also completely intentional as a means of drastically deafening their clairvoyant abilities; 'Less passion, less strength to my powers, lower likelihood of me letting the power go to my head and hurting someone'.
So truthly, there aren't a lot of things that truly matter to them.
The one thing that they can say with absolute certainty that means the world to them is their family, whether by blood or the friends they've decided are family to them.
Although Eve doesn't have any strong goals in life rn and is mostly just vibing, the happiness and wellbeing of their friends and family means everything to them and they'll go above and beyond to help them achieve their goals and lead happy, healthy lives.
When they get out of bed.
Katherine "Kit" Price (She/They)
Imagine if Imposter's Syndrome and a Savior Complex had a baby, and that's Kit in a nutshell.
Kit has been put into an incredibly fortunate position of having inherited a massive amount of wealth from her deceased grandparents and her retired father. It's given her a great deal of personal freedom, but also a great deal of responsibility.
Her biggest pet peeve, since the beginning of time, has been the obscenely wealthy killing the environment and hurting the middle/lower classes on the alter of "Ah'm just buildin' the economy", and her new position has granted her a significant amount of influence and opportunities to make positive change.
She's a firm believer that those in power, with wealth and influence, should use their positions to better the lives of the less fortunate, those who have less.
But most days, it feels like she's alone in that thought process against the culture of hoarding wealth among Elite circles.
As such, one of her biggest drives in life, what matters to her more than anything else, is her ability to help others, and her ability to restrict herself from letting her wealth and power go to her head.
If the wealthy are invincible in America, then she's putting her shield of immunity over those who need it compared to her. She's gotten used to hearing someone's problem and being able to come up with a solution, whether monetarily or talking to the right people or just coming up with a solid game-plan.
She's constantly striving to improve the lives of those around her, both for their sake and her own. No matter how many lives she changes for the better, it never feels like she's doing enough; like she's giving enough back to the community to justify her obscene wealth.
(Skipping Percy cause she's an underdeveloped character and her story is a wip, apologies)
Brooklyn Gonzalez
Aside from the safety and security of what little family he has left, his friends, and his community, his spirituality is probably one of the most significant aspects of his life.
Brooklyn is a deeply devout Christian man - specifically Presbyterian - and his relationship with God is extremely important to him. He spends every Sunday morning at church, studies the Bible at least every other day, and can often be overheard praying during a stressful situation.
His relationship with God makes him feel secure and safe, able to take on anything and anyone and come out of it alright. In his perspective, he truly believes that as long as he holds God in his heart, he's never really alone.
Marian "Anne" Phoenix
Girl's just trying to survive, lbr.
After her connections with her family and her Jewish faith, her recovery and mental health journey is probably what's most important to her at the moment.
At this point in her life, everything in her life needs to be catered towards that goal of feeling okay about herself; learning to love herself, learning to leave the ugly past behind her and move on.
That's half the reason she became a Dreamwalker. The other half was "I'm the only one who can", but she will fully admit that her agreement to becoming a Dreamwalker and battling dream demons was primarily self-motivated.
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upupandawcy Ā· 6 months
meme weekend answers (12/17)
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šŸ’˜ HEART WITH ARROW ā€” what and/or who do you consider the most important to you?
"My family is an easy but obvious choice. Are there times I want to bust one of the boys in the nads? Yes. We don't always get along but doesn't make me cherish them any less. As for what? My sketch book. Some might consider it cheesy, but I have entire worlds between those pages, most of mine included."
šŸø COCKTAIL GLASS ā€” what is your favorite alcoholic drink, if you can drink?
"That's hard...I'm slowly making my way through the billions out there. I love a Brandy Alexander. It's just like drinking a milkshake. If we're talking straight alcohol, I can enjoy some whiskey. But rum is more fun,"
šŸ¤“ SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES ā€” are you chatty or quiet? are you at ease in social situations, or are you more shy?
"Depends who you ask and the situation. I'd say, and most people would probably agree, I'm pretty chatty. I'm not afraid of a little silence though and I'm not immune to feeling shy from time to time. Let's just say I contain multitudes..."
šŸŽ„ CHRISTMAS TREE ā€” what is your favorite holiday?
"Does moving count? Like ok, I can lose track of time when I'm creating but being inside too long otherwise? No thanks. I wanna be outside, hiking or running, or inside a ring. Um what else...painting is an obvious one. Figure drawing? There are few things I love more than sitting in a cafe watching and sketching randoms. I think that's more than 3 but also going tp the movies? As for my favorite holiday, Christmas all the way. Who doesn't love a horrible hallmark movies, hot cocoa and hours snuggled up with someone cute?"
šŸ’Æ HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL ā€” share three random facts about yourself that others may not know.
"Let's hit this in points, shall we? 1. I can solve a rubix cube. 2. I spotted a celebrity in the airport once and slipped them a portrait I drew of them. 3. I was a mall photographer for a bit and as much as I love kids, they were always a nightmare to shoot. like years of karma stuffed into little squirmy, easily distracted, high energy bodies,"
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wiredlyrelatable Ā· 11 months
šŸ’Œ = Whatever I want to talk to you, I feel I am always writing it in a love letter for you..
šŸ’˜ = The arrow from my heart just hit yours and now we are lovers..
šŸ’ = I love to give you my heart like a gift wrapped with a ribbon..
šŸ’– = You are not just the shine on my face everyday, you are the shine to my heart too..
šŸ’— = I am discovering different layers of my heart only because I have you in my life..
šŸ’“ = Whenever I see you walking towards me, my heart starts vibrating with your name..
šŸ’‹ = This is my mark I want to leave on you at the end of the day..
šŸ’ž = Our hearts are attached with a string which keeps us close AF..
šŸ’Ÿ = My heart has your love and is even surrounded by your love completely..
šŸ’• = Our hearts stay together, beat together, are together but has it's own individuality too, like we do..
ā£ļø = Our hearts are so full of love which is now dropping down as it's overflowed with love..
šŸ’” = You broke my heart and maybe it's not going to beat for any other person in the similar way anymore..
ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ = My heart burns when I am away from you or am unable to meet, see or talk to yo all day..
ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ = Your love has started bandaging my heart which was broken in the past..
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arrowflier Ā· 3 years
arrow šŸ’•šŸ¹šŸ’˜ 16 and 64? šŸ‘€šŸ„°
As pirates go, the Gallaghers are a pretty useless bunch. Not all that scary, and not all that productive. They hit easy targets, literal child's play, and spend half their time conning instead of conquering.
The people they steal from barely even fight, most of the time. They know Frank, unfortunately, but they know his children too, and seeing their gaunt faces is reason enough to let them get away.
Until one day, Frank finds his ambition. And though the children beg him not to, he finds them a new target: the Milkovich Mariner, an infamous smuggling ship known for dealing in instruments of war.
They come up on it just only miles from port, Frank at the helm, a stupid move if ever there was one.Ā  And once theyā€™re alongside, already being shot at by the other shipā€™s skeleton crew of scoundrels, thereā€™s nothing for it but to commit.
Lip goes first.Ā  Stupid, yes, but smart too: they arenā€™t expecting it, and he gets in a few good shots before heā€™s overrun.
Carl goes next, outraged at seeing his brother go down, and Ian and Fiona follow with curses to protect him.
ā€œStay back!ā€ Fiona orders the others, sure that theyā€™re all about to die and hoping that Debbie and Liam might still escape.
Liam listens.Ā  Debbie doesnā€™t.
And itā€™s a mess, a horrible mess, bullets and knives everywhere.Ā  Surprisingly little blood on either side, the Gallaghers loathe to fight, the Milkoviches caught off guard.
For a second, one horrible second, Ian comes face to face with a boy his age brandishing a dagger in his face, and thinks thatā€™s it.Ā  Itā€™s over.
Then thereā€™s a loud shout from the front of the ship, a girlā€™s high voice crying out in pain and in anger, and the boy turns to look.
Ian does too.
Itā€™s Debbie.Ā 
Or rather, itā€™s the girl twice her size that Debbie is holding around the neck, knife pressed to her throat.
ā€œIā€™ll kill her!ā€ Debbie shouts at the men surrounding her.Ā Ā ā€œI will, if you donā€™t let us go!ā€
ā€œFuck,ā€ the boy mutters, knife dropping.Ā Ā ā€œMandy.ā€
The fighting comes to a standstill.Ā  And out from the depths of the ship comes the captain, Terry Milkovich himself, finally making an appearance.
ā€œDo it, girl,ā€ he snarls, pushing his way across the deck.Ā Ā ā€œYou donā€™t have the guts.ā€
ā€œPut your gun to my head,ā€ the boy mutters toward Ian, eyes hard as he looks back at him.
Ian blanches, and the boy growls, then grabs Ianā€™s arm and does it himself.
ā€œFuck!ā€ he shouts, extra loud to draw attention, and elbows Ian when he just stands there, his wrist in a tight grip to keep him from lowering his gun.
Terry looks over to them, stopping his progression toward the girls, and Ian catches on.
ā€œShe might not have the guts,ā€ he says, trying not to let his voice shake,Ā ā€œbut I do.ā€
He hopes it works.Ā  He hopes Terry cares more about this boy than that girl.
ā€œMickey,ā€ Terry growls.Ā Ā ā€œYou fool boy, what are you playing at?ā€
Ian gives the boy, Mickey, a good shake, ignoring his annoyed glance at the jostling.
ā€œHeā€™s playing at getting killed,ā€ Ian says, full of bravado,Ā ā€œif you donā€™t back down.ā€
And it doesnā€™t look like itā€™s going to work.Ā  Terry hesitates a second longer than he did before, but his face is still thunderous, his eyes still hard.
Then thereā€™s the cock of a gun behind him, Fionaā€™s face over his shoulder, and she hisses in his ear,
ā€œIf you want to live, youā€™ll let us go.ā€
In the end, he doesnā€™t so much let them go as falls unconscious when she hits him on the temple with the butt of her gun.Ā  And they scramble in the shock of it, grab Lip where he lies bleeding but alive on the deck, and start back to their ship even as Frank shouts at them to get what they came for.
ā€œYou gonna leave just like that?ā€ Mickey asks when Ian tries to follow, his hand still tight on Ianā€™s wrist.
ā€œAlive?ā€ Ian answers.Ā Ā ā€œUh, yeah.ā€
ā€œMy dad will come after you,ā€ Mickey says.Ā Ā ā€œYou should take some insurance.ā€
ā€œLike what?ā€ Ian asks, confused, and Mickey smiles.
ā€œLike me.ā€
(ā€œDidnā€™t really want to shoot anyone,ā€ Ian says later, and Mickey rolls over in the cramped bunk to stare at him.Ā  Heā€™s sharing with Ian by necessity on the small ship, Mandy bunking with the girls, having convinced them to take her, too.
ā€œI know, you moron,ā€ he says. Ā ā€œI move guns for a living. Ā You think I didnā€™t notice the safety was on?ā€)
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writeroutoftime Ā· 2 years
1.7k celebration/sleepover!! āœØ
Oh my goodness, I canā€™t believe I hit this milestone, this is so exciting! You guys are so incredibly sweet and supportive, I just want to thank everyone for liking, following, and commenting on my stories - it really means the world to me!! (I know I haven't been super active in terms of my own writing, but I have some stories and new ideas in the works!)
In honor of this milestone (and wanting to interact with people more), I'm going to be having a nearly week long celebration! This way, everyone can participate when theyā€™re free and Iā€™ll have a little more time to provide answers and interact with everyone. Hereā€™s what Iā€™m thinking...
from Tuesday, March 15th - Sunday, March 20th, feel free to celebrate with the following:
šŸ–Œ- send a character and a prompt from THIS list and Iā€™ll write a short drabble (hereā€™s my fandom list) or feel free to send in your own prompt
šŸ’˜ - make me pick between characters, tropes, stories, etc. (can also be a fmk style)
šŸŒŗ - send me your own headcannons about a character and Iā€™ll let you know what I think (no smut please)
šŸŒŸ - send me a question about myself that youā€™ve always wanted to ask (will answer within reason)
šŸŒ¼ - send me a made up title for a fic and Iā€™ll let you know what I would write about
šŸ’Œ - or just come and talk about anything you want!
I just want to also take a moment and say thank you so much to all my lovely mutuals on here! I know Iā€™m not the most active nor am I great at communicating lol but I really do appreciate all the support you provide! Iā€™d love to get better at maintaining these friendships, so please donā€™t ever hesitate to send me a message to say hi, ask me about a story idea you have, or anything else.
tagging some mutuals below:
@fandomsandxfiles, @smallheathgangsters, @retromafia, @foggywells @catholicdaredevil, @cinebration, @wearywinchester, @asonofpeter, @oddaodd, @imaginesbymk, @murswrites, @theshelbyclan, @clints-lucky-arrow, and so many more!!
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elareine Ā· 3 years
Babe! You are honestly the fucking best! I donā€™t give a shit how long this sits on your ask but I do beg you to explore more the whole Inception+Titans verse you just created.
On my knees, I am begging you on my kneesā€” go wild.
Also, the jibe at the lack of respects the birds (bats?) have towards the arrows (everyone) ā€”flawless!!!
You never disappoint
šŸ’˜ Love Dicky
You sure about giving me carte blanche? Though I will say you went into this with the right spirit re: my askbox šŸ˜‚ Hope you like it :)
The other story set in this universe can be found here but this one is actually a prequel, so no reading necessary.
Warning: Character Death. Fairly graphic description of dreamscape violence.
Dick knows as soon as he goes in that thereā€™s something wrong with the compound.
Time isā€¦ wrong. Theyā€™re only one level down; this is a simple job, get in, bait the target, extract information about the new robots the man is building, get back outā€”but time is wrong. Dick can feel it in his bones.
Fuck. Heā€™s gone in first, and he hoped they would stop after him, but Donna is stepping out of the room next to him.
ā€œDonna,ā€ he forces a smile. ā€œSomethingā€™s wrong.ā€
ā€œI can tell, too.ā€
They wait, but no one else appears. Thatā€™s a relief. Wally will be working on a solution already, then. Dick trusts his team. They will figure it out.
Donna says: ā€œThe target should be three rooms down.ā€
However, Dick shakes his head. ā€œWe should be careful. If somethingā€™s wrong with the compound, we shouldnā€™t risk dyingā€”ā€œ
Thatā€™s when the projections find them. Itā€™s a security guard of the hotel theyā€™re inā€”and thatā€™s wrong too, Dick built them a village market, bustling but friendly and non-threateningā€”and before they can do anything, he calls into his comm: ā€œIntruders on floor twelve!ā€
Then he charges. And with him, eleven more security guards, appearing out of thin air with the logic of dreams.
Donna smiles grimly as she throws the first punch. ā€œYou were saying?ā€
ā€œOh, please, this is merely a good workout,ā€ Dick jokes, opting to kick the first man to approach him into the stomach. For a minute or two, that is really what it feels like: a training exercise. Donna and Dick are a well-honed team, and the projections arenā€™t a match for them one-on-one, either.
There are a lot of them, though, and one of them manages a hit to Dickā€™s temple that has him stumbling. Then, before he knows it, heā€™s lifted by the throat, an unnaturally strong hand trying its best to crush his windpipe.
He canā€™t move. He canā€™t breathe. Heā€™s going toā€”
ā€œDick! No!ā€
Something charges into them, and Dick falls back, gasping for breath, spots dancing in front of his eyes. When he finally gets it together, he sees that Donna has jumped the projection that was choking him, pummeling the man even as heā€™s down on the ground.
Thatā€™s when another projection steps up behind her and shoots her in the head.
Dick is screaming. He throws himself at the projection, wrestles the gun away, shoots itā€”shoots everyone around them, it doesnā€™t matter, theyā€™re not human, theyā€™re notā€”theyā€™re not like Donna, who is lying on the ground cold and still. When everything is silent, he lets himself slump down next to Donna and trains the gun toward the entrance. No projection will come near her again.
He sits there, slumped on the floor, clutching Donnaā€™s hand, and waits. Waits until he can feel the pull, waits until his feet are tingling and his fingers and he jerks upright in the real world.
The chair he was sitting on clatters to the ground, finishing the movement, but Dick doesnā€™t follow it. Heā€™s moving over to Donnaā€”sheā€™s lying on the ground, Wally and Roy next to her, Raven screamingā€”
As he looks into Donnaā€™s empty eyes, Dick knows: This is the end of the Titans.
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frecklystars Ā· 3 years
Hi Keri!! :D I had a question if youā€™re up to answering! How do you make the descriptions on your artwork ombrĆ© in color? Iā€™d love to do that with mine but I have no clue how! I really love your art btw, youā€™ve inspired me so, so much and yeah! I look up to you a lot bc of how strong you are anyways- enough rambling from me- I hope youā€™re having a good day! - šŸ’˜
Hello hello!! :D OOH do I have a new signature anon?? šŸ‘€ well well well!!
Firstly, thank you so much for your lovely words, oh my goodness. What a sweet message!! That means a lot to me... you look up to me??? You think I'm strong??? You like my art??? What a concept. Wow. I needed to take a minute to soak that in bc I'm not used to getting such nice compliments like that omg. Thank you so much!!
ā™” ā™” ā™” ā™” ā™”
Down to business! I'll use one of my posts as an example:
First, go to this website: http://jsfiddle.net/j7vLfbw1/22/
You see all that stuff all over the page? Yeah, don't worry about that. You should only be concerned about the little section where you can type on the bottom right.
Here, in the very top box, type in the text you would want to use as a caption. For this example I'll just put "Two falling stars!! ā™”" for a Starscream doodle I made for the sake of this post. Choose the colors you want to use as your gradient. (it doesn't matter if you type first or pick your colors first, just as long as you do both before hitting the "run" button) I'm going to use a very bold pink and blue, because that's... the StarKeri colors :D
Now, click "Run", and on the second bar, the one on the bottom, should be a big ol' bunch of text. You're gonna wanna click on it -- then type and hold down ctrl + A, then ctrl + C, so you have selected all of the text and copied it.
Tumblr media
Next, go to tumblr, upload the artwork you'll be using. Then, click on the gear in the top right corner. Then go down to "Text editor", and click on the arrow and go down to "HTML"
Tumblr media
Here's where we get to coding! Very fun! Most of the time :'D okay so, type and hold down ctrl + V, to paste everything you've just copied.
Tumblr media
You can hit "preview" to see what the colors look like!
Tumblr media
How pretty! Now, I normally bold my text to make the colors pop out more.
Go to the very beginning of what you've pasted in the HTML. Type <b> in the VERY front of your caption phrase, and it'll bold everything.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Even better! But... what if I wanted to add another line of text? What if I wanted that second line of text to be italicized, not bolded?
Well then! We need to put </b> at the END of all that coding! Like so:
Tumblr media
Now, we make a new line of text. At the end of that, type <br>
Tumblr media
This creates a new line. Now, type <i> to start the italicizing of your next line of text.
Tumblr media
Go back to the jsfiddlesjdffsdfjfsdkfwhatever website, type your new caption and choose your colors. Once you've run it and copied that HTML code, you paste it right after all of that nonsense.
And... you're done!
Tumblr media
Tumblr only lets me do 10 pics per post (even if it's answering an ask... which is dumb, they used to let you do way more???) so I'm sorry if some of this seems scatterbrained, but I tried to add pics for the most important parts.
I hope this helped! Please let me know if you have more questions! :D
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simons-temple-of-eros Ā· 2 years
šŸ’˜ & šŸ’Œ :]
šŸ’˜- your f/o is struck by cupidā€™s arrow so what was your f/oā€™s first thought after realizing they fell in love with you? and what was your first thought when you first fell in love with them? šŸ’Œ- how do you and/or your f/o write love letters? are they expressive and take a lot of time to write or are the letters on the shorter side and it takes no time to get out any and all feelings on the paper?
ā˜½Ā Tbh Ford probably wouldnā€™t even realize his own feelings until someone else pointed out to him how he seems especially caring and protective over me and the way he gets blushy and flustered whenever I hold his hand for something or get close to him. Heā€™d be likeĀ ā€œMe? In love with Simon? Itā€™s not like I lie awake at night thinking about how nice it feels when he holds my hand or imagining what his lips would feel like on mine... wait.ā€
For me, itā€™s hard to tell because my process of falling in love is pretty slow and gradual and Iā€™m not really sure exactly when I went fromĀ ā€˜thinking this character is pretty radā€™ toĀ ā€˜stanford pines is my husband and i would kill for him.ā€™ It was mostly a process of reading and seeing a lot of art and fics of him being protective and slowly imagining him protecting me and eventually just realizing how much I wanting him to hold me and kiss me.
ā˜½ Ford probably writes love letters pretty similarly to how he writes in his journal. His letters would be pretty verbose, somewhat poetic but not overtly so and itā€™d probably take him some time to really try to figure out what he wants to say and how to say it, especially when the realization of his feeling for me first hit. Theyā€™d probably be written especially fancy with lovingly written cursive filled with all the adoration he wants to give me. For me, I think Iā€™d spend a little less time, but putting in just as much love into my letters, and I like to absolutely pour my heart out into them.
tytyty for the ask! many thank yous!
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sable-myers Ā· 2 years
šŸ’˜šŸ’– !!
šŸ’˜- your f/o is struck by cupid's arrow so what was your f/o's first thought after realizing they fell in love with you? and what was your first thought when you first fell in love with them?
Mikey was pretty slow to fall in actual love - realizing that it had happened hit him pretty suddenly however. He doesn't really talk so I don't know exactly what his first thought was, but I know when it happened. We were just sitting on the couch together channel surfing when I noticed he wasn't looking at the TV anymore, he was just watching me. Thats not too unusual, he likes to stare, but something was different in how he was looking at me, he was holding himself differently, more relaxed, less blank. Not long after I made eye contact with him he kissed me. As for me, to be honest I had been in love with him for a while but I just figured he probably didn't feel the same. My first thought when I realized I was in love was something like "Oh shit, this is gonna make my life complicated." while I was shopping after realizing I knew his favorite candy and the kind of shampoo he would want without even asking him. Kinda weird I know, but hey, its the little things y'know?
šŸ’–- do you and/or your f/o believe in love at first sight? soulmates? the red string of fate? or any other fate driven forms of love/finding love?
Not really. We both lean more towards the side of love being built over time and mutual understanding. We certainly believe in attraction at first sight, but love takes time and work šŸ˜Š that's not a bad thing, its a good thing actually, doesn't working for something make it worth all the more when you have it?
(Thats not to say I don't respect other people's beliefs of love at first sight/fated love etc, its just my own opinion)
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villanellepolastri Ā· 2 years
You might have to open your eyes they could already be around dun dun dun šŸ˜® Iā€™m going to shoot you with my bow and arrow and itā€™ll work šŸ¹šŸ’˜
dun dun dun is so ominous i love it!! iā€™m ready for the arrow hit me baby!!
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