#Holiday Starters
bassettmemes · 6 days
YEAH, I'M A MILF... (MAN, I LOVE FALL!) ↳ a collection of fall prompts.
"don't you just love when the leaves change colors?"
"ew, pumpkin guts! don't touch me with your slimy hands!"
"do you know where i put the nutmeg?"
"cider or hot chocolate? or both?"
"you look so cute in your scarf and hat!"
"if i slip on another wet leaf, i'll scream."
"we could just stay in, you know... can we please stay in?"
"it's just going to get colder. we should enjoy the warmth while we can."
"oh, come on! it's just a haunted house; it'll be fun."
"is this what taylor swift meant by sad girl autumn?"
[🍂] for our muses to rake leaves and jump into the pile together
[🍁] for our muses to go harvest maple
[🍠] for our muses to spend thanksgiving together
[🎃] for our muses to carve jack-o-lanterns together
[🔥] for our muses to sit together at a bonfire
[🥧] for our muses to bake fall treats together
[🧣] sender gives receiver their scarf on a windy day (send 🔀 to reverse)
[🍎] for our muses to go to an apple orchard together
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exquisitexagony · 10 months
open to anyone!! plot: thanksgiving starter because sami is a precious chef who deserves to own their own pastry shop tbh
"Can you turn on the faucet for me?"
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The words came gently from the other corner of the kitchen as Sami turned around, holding their hands out for a wash. They had just finished stuffing the turkey and popped it into the oven. A warm smile.
"Thank you for coming to help...It's-- I usually just do this all myself, but having an extra pair of hands is very...." He licked his lips, shrugging as he ran his hands under the warm water in the sink. "I dunno, it's more fun this way."
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avictimofthejazz · 2 years
The Christmas Sweater
@iloveitxwhenaplanxcomestogether​ (For Amy)
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“Now you can’t laugh when I come out, Amy.” Face lingers in the bathroom a few minutes longer then necessary while he tries to extract that promise from the brunette. “Murdock gave me this sweater, and it means a lot to him that I wear it at least once a year during the Christmas season.” The sweater is a work of chaotic, abstract art as every vaguely seasonally appropriate theme seems to have been jammed onto this red-and-green abomination. He has gingerbread cookies, poinsettias, tinsel, snowmen, candy canes, packages, Christmas trees, reindeer, Santa Clauses, and snowflakes all vying for a point of prominence. The overall effect feels more like a Christmas hangover than anything else… Still… his best friend bought it for him, and it really does mean a lot for the pilot to see Face wear the gift at least once a year. After every Christmas, Face packs it back in his trunk in the orphanage, and hopes the moths will take care of the problem for him. So far, they have not obliged… A glance at his watch tells him that he cannot stall any longer, or they will be later than he usually is. Coming out of the bathroom, he hurries across the room in the hopes of grabbing his overcoat and slipping it on before Amy gets a good look at the sweater. Even pairing it with a sedate white shirt, black pants, and black tie does little to tone it down… if anything, the low-key nature of the rest of his clothes just puts more emphasis on the sweater. “Are you ready?” He goes to grab his coat, glancing at Amy as he speaks.
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teamrocketmemes · 2 years
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Holiday starters, but with a twist!!
I know this hellsite runs on the default of being USA-centric or just favouring people who live in the northern hemisphere, which means all Christmas memes are very wintery, but as someone who is very much not that, I offer you all Christmas meme starters but with a summer twist! gimme a break over here, i can’t help it if my daily life doesn’t follow your norm
🌞 - where it’s christmas day, but it’s a sunny summer day! 🥵 - where it’s so hot outside that our muses barely have any energy to move. 🥩 - where either the sender or the receiver is in charge of the food on christmas or new year’s eve, a barbeque! 🌊 - where our muses decide to go surfing on christmas day or new year’s day. 🧉 - where our muses are drinking fruit juice, mate or a fruit smoothie. 💦 - where our muses decided to jump to the pool. 🍦 - where, for dessert, our muses have ice cream.
“White Christmas?? More like sweaty Christmas.” “I don’t wanna be in charge of the barbecue this year...” “Watching media from the states is so weird. Like, all of your Christmas specials are during Winter and here I am, sweating and with no snow.” “My traditions include fruit smoothies, salads and jello.” “Sure I have snow... It’s just, you know... coarse, rough and irritating... And yellow...” “Where’s the Summer Christmas gang at???” “I never spent the holidays during Winter time.” “You never spent the holidays during Summer time???”
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A Cup of Good Cheer
“Major?” Mary pushes the tent flap aside slightly, but makes no move to intrude into Benjamin’s private space until he gives her permission. “I brought you a cup of wassail... well… it’s close to wassail. It’s the best we can make here.” Christmas is a grim affair in the camp, but humans are a persistent species. Even in the light of miserable circumstances, they still manage to find what little shreds of light and happiness they can. Putting together a hot drink, and sharing it while singing songs around the fires bring a tiny spark of joy to their deary, cold winter. Mary quickly noticed that Benjamin was absent from the make-shift festivities. She was not too surprised by that though. The Major stuck to himself more and more as the months dragged on, even growing distant from his dearest and oldest friends like Caleb. The war weighed on all of them, but he took a larger share of the burden on his shoulders then some did.
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“You should come join us.” She offered quietly. “Whatever else may be going on, it is Christmas. You shouldn’t spend all of it alone, working as you do.”
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supernova-memes · 2 years
Send 💀 for our muses to celebrate Dia de los Muertos together
This Hispanic meme-maker encourages non-Hispanics to participate. The more the merrier!
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mcflymemes · 10 months
RANDOM LINES OF DIALOGUE PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
oh, great. more of your very eloquent bullshit.
i don't fear death. in fact, i yearn for it.
if it holds wine, it's a wine glass.
so... no guns. do you have an axe?
i'm not usually this direct, but... what is wrong with you?
this would have been much better with a gun.
i might be a bit too ambitious.
i think you'll see that the time was not wasted.
i can do it as well. i can do it for ages.
it doesn't hurt... well. it hurts a little bit now.
i'm fascinated by what happened in your fourteen minutes of absence.
no hard feelings. please look after yourself.
i am fundamentally incapable of showing off.
i'm just having a bit of a laugh with everyone.
that was so cringey and so uncomfortable.
i have no stitches. none!
momma didn't raise no fool.
i can borrow a dog whenever i want.
honestly? i don't know where to start.
i gave you culture... literature... water.
sometimes absence is more powerful than presence.
by the end of it, we were singing swedish drinking songs.
i think you were really reluctant to take accountability for that.
i just think you formed a bad relationship.
do you think it's fair?
what do you have for me now?
yours is... impressive.
we're all different.
don't you dare look away.
i didn't mind it, actually.
i'm just proud of myself.
i think it went in. it did go in.
i feel ashamed, mainly.
that's what i was going for.
i just want to acknowledge your technique.
it did escalate severely after five minutes.
none of us ever want to see this again.
we've reached the ten minute mark.
i don't think i know who i am.
there's a degree of style in the cowboy hat.
there are no fucking shoes!
you look like you've been kicked through a charity shop.
your phone's ringing.
haven't you ever seen one of those before?
they were sick and dangerous.
what does that say about whoever killed them?
this isn't half bad for college kids.
what the hell is this?
you might want to wear these.
have a safe night.
would you believe i'm single?
why do you always trail off like that?
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Roleplay Starter: Halloween Wonders
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*It’s the time of the spooks, scares, horror movies and games, costumes and more! It is the month of October, also known as Spooky Month! Which mean, people are putting spooky decorations outside their houses, scary movies are popping up everywhere and tricks made to scare are more common then ever.*
*To say Ames wasn’t a fan of this month would be an understatement, this was one of her least favorite months. Everything was so scary and all the decorations looked so real and like they could just come to life at any moment and get her, she didn’t understand what was so fun about an entire month where all everyone did was scare each other and be big meanie heads. Though, she did like that she could wear big, comfy sweaters, and being able to get spooky new plushies, those were two, if not, the only two positive thing about this month she had.*
*Perhaps Ames needs to see just what makes October so special, maybe show her all the new treats that she could get, or maybe tell her about Halloween and how fun that is! There’s so many things you can tell me! And maybe, just maybe. Her thoughts on this month will change*
@ask-the-kitty-crew @ask-paradox-and-friends @ariaacrossthemultiverse @mikado-sannoji @boba-bae-cafe-su-au @hoshi-neko-hikari @ravensroleplays @julieisasimp @craftyjellyfishcatrplog @sun-and-moon-sb @floxy-offical @minusgangtime @the-arcade-doctor @enlightened-darkened-flames @mrcookiesir @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter @thecloudsofficalreborn @polygonsblog @anyone else
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astroprompts · 10 months
[ send +reverse for the roles to be swapped, when applicable ]
🌲: for our muses to go out and buy/cut down a Christmas tree
🎄: for our muses to decorate a Christmas tree together
🎁: for my muse to receive a gift from your muse
🛒: for our muses to go holiday shopping together
⛸️: for our muses to go out ice skating together
🔔: for our muses to deck the halls
🎵: for our muses to go caroling
🎅: for our muses to write letters to Santa Claus
✒️: for my muse to write a holiday letter to your muse
☕: for my muse to offer your muse a cup of hot chocolate
📺: for our muses to watch a holiday movie together
🥂: for my muse to offer yours some spiked eggnog (or other alcoholic beverage)
🍪: for our muses to bake holiday cookies together
🍽️: for our muses to cook/eat a holiday meal together
🌟: for our muses to wish upon a shooting star
❄️: for our muses to get stuck inside during a snow storm
⛄: for our muses to build a snowman together
🎀: for my muse to help your muse wrap gifts
⚡: for our muses to lose power in the middle of a snow storm
💋: for our muses to share a kiss under the mistletoe
🛷: for our muses to go on a sleigh ride
🔥: for our muses to cozy up in front of the fireplace
🧣: for my muse to give yours their scarf/jacket to keep warm
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arcemsx · 3 months
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open starter (@inaducursehqstarters) location: outside of rousseau's (french quarter) time: midday Between his week long absence and the black out, Damon had given up on running the bar properly. Most of the booze had been reappropriated by his very dear friends, and with (literally) no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, he had no real qualms about closing the doors indefinitely. He has enough on his plate, he thinks, and this little experiment proved he wasn't that great of a businessman to begin with. Too much boring stuff. No one on the staff was returning his calls, anyhow. He won't take it personally. End of the world and all. Mice, though, he does take personally, and he won't sit by and let the food stock rot. He's dragged out a foreman grill, one of the freezers, and a ridiculously tall cart of hamburger buns to the sidewalk. Damon's no cook by any means, but he's stubborn enough to believe that as a man, grilling should be innate. Men have been putting shit on the fire for a millennia. It shouldn't be that hard. The smell burning his nose hairs begs to differ. "Anything you want," he promises the passerbys, slapping a hand on the freezer, "I'll cook it up right here. Fourth of July special." It's a holiday, so he's feeling generous. "Mostly free." He'll handle that part on a case by case basis.
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memesofthevale · 10 months
holidays can be hard
❝hey, wanna spend the holiday along together?❞ ❝i wasn't really planning on doing anything this year...❞ ❝can't we just get along? just for today?❞ ❝i love you. please come home.❞ ❝fuck your family. let's party like its Y2K.❞ ❝your mom's a bitch, and her mash potatoes are always thick like paste.❞ ❝yeah, my mom kicked me out, but look a white christmas!❞ ❝i just don't want to spend the day alone this year.❞ ❝my family was never big on celebrating.❞ ❝go away, i don't like [holiday]❞ ❝did you really call my dad a cuck and throw a roll at him?❞ ❝i guess i should've known better than to trust you could be civil.❞ ❝please don't leave. you haven't opened your present yet.❞
[giving] sender shows up without warning to receiver's home to deliver a present knowing receiver has no one to celebrate with.
[taking] sender takes all the gifts from under receiver's tree and burns them.
[coal] sender gives receiver the cold shoulder, refusing to spend the holiday with them.
[blood] sender stands up for receiver when receiver's family is cruel.
[forget] sender forgets to come over to receiver's to spend time together on the holiday.
[unconditional] sender picks up receiver to take them to out as a distraction from old wounds left by family/friend/etc.
[jolly] receiver tries to cheer up sender after sender breaks down on the holiday.
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bassettmemes · 11 months
SEND AN EMOJI FOR A STARTER ! ↳ winter season & holiday based
[⛸] our muses go ice skating on an outdoor rink
[🏒] our muses play a game of ice hockey on a frozen lake
[⛷️] our muses go skiing at a resort
[🛷] our muses go sledding down a big hill
[☃️] our muses build a snowman together
[❄️] our muses make paper snowflake decorations
[🌨️] our muses get caught in the first snow of the season
[☕] our muses make hot chocolate together
[🎄] our muses decorate a christmas tree together
[🥂] our muses toast each other on new year's eve
[🎁] our muses exchange holiday gifts
[🎅] our muses meet a mall santa
[🕎] our muses light the menorah together
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forestofstarlight · 11 months
Open Starter: Halloween Treat (Male, Female or Futa)
Candy smirks as she looks herself over in the mirror. The confectioner had recently ordered a witch themed lingerie set, complete with a witches hat. “Not bad… Not bad at all~” She says as she does a complete turn around, the black lace barely hiding her body.
She grabs her phone and lays down on the bed, getting into a seductive pose before taking a photo of herself. She smiles at the picture she took before sending it to her partner.
“Hey bebe! Happy Halloween! I got a new costume to show you. Hope you like it~ 🧡🎃🍬” She texts out and sends before placing her phone on the nightstand and waiting for her partner to arrive.
@doctorwhatif @erikwolf1998 @thecrazyone1990 @harmonyloveangels1990 @rp-series @nightmare-the-mercenary @1-king-many-queens
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avictimofthejazz · 2 years
Dodging Christmas Festivities
 The Foundation’s Christmas gala is an elaborate affair to say the least. Christmas is one of FLAG’s biggest seasons to collect donations, and impress current donors so Devon pulls out every stop he can possibly think of. Also, giving someone like April free reign, and a very large credit card means that the Foundation is nearly dripping with decorations. Michael has tried nearly every trick in his book to get out of attending the banquet tonight, and sitting next to the stuffy Duchess of… somewhere or other in England that he cannot remember. All he knows is that she is old, half-deaf, and does not have much of a sense of humor…not his ideal date for the evening.
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Michael does have one more card up his sleeve though. Bursting into the garage, he looks around quickly. “Bonnie? Are you in here?” he calls out for the mechanic. Bonnie is almost always in the garage… where else could she be if not here with Kitt? Kitt appears to be in sleep mode though… and in fact the whole garage is empty. Is Bonnie elsewhere on the property? Or in her apartment in town? Or did she go back to Boston to see her sister’s family? Michael has just gotten back from two weeks on the road. He barely had time to put his bag down, never mind catch up on all the home office gossip, before April cornered him about the party, and if he had his suit squared away. If Bonnie has skipped town for the holidays, the ace he thought he had up his sleeve has just turned into a joker.
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fanficforge · 9 months
The Season of Giving 🎁
Holiday Prompt - Fluff
Kakashi x Reader
"You know you didn't have to get me anything." Kakashi said. Before him, was the sight of a very beautiful woman backlight by the warm lighting of a fireplace in a cabin in the mountains.
It was a yearly retreat for many shinobi who often didn't have families to go to for the holidays.
"I know." She said with a soft smile as she held the gift covered in shiny red paper that matched her dress. "I just thought it'd be nice. Especially since you've been so kind to me."
"But I... uh..." Kakashi looked around at the others exchanging presents. "I didn't... get you anything."
She tilted her head. "And that matters because...?"
His already usual blasé expression deadpanned. "_____."
"Yeah yeah." She waved off the issue and pushed the present towards him.
He was now staring at the shiny silver bow like it was tempting him to open the pretty box.
"Alright, well... thank you." He said politely and took the gift, unwrapping it somewhat methodically until... "This.... this isn't-"
"Mmhm! A pre-release copy of the new Icha Icha book." She said proudly.
"Wow, this is..." His eye glimmered, containing the excitement practically vibrating off of him. He cleared his throat to calm down. "Great."
"You know what?"
"Hm?" He was already reading the back.
"I think a good gift would be if you let me read it with you." She said with a sly smile.
He chuckled nervously. "Uh... read it with me? You... know what kind of book this is, right?"
"We're both adults. I think we can handle it." She winked then smiled. "I'm glad you like it."
He moved his gaze from the book to her instead and wrapped his arms around her in a rare hug from the man. "Thank you."
"You're more than worth it." She said with a gentle squeeze as she held him back.
Nothing made her happier than seeing that glimmer in his eye. Even that alone was more than enough of a gift for her.
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eideticspider · 10 months
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closed || @spiderbyhalf
She was still reeling from Dr. Sinclair's...ASTUTE observation when she met with Miguel for LUNCH. Bundled up a little in her white coat, she's pleased that the CHILL in the air accounted for the warm pink glow in her cheeks.
'Well it's OBVIOUS to everyone but you, Cindy. I think the reason you're having these FEELINGS is because you're...pardon the confusion, having FEELINGS.'
Her therapist hadn't looked at her unkindly or even with PITY. She thought she had detected a faint trace of amusement in her kind eyes as Cindy detailed her confusion--the fuzzy tingling she felt when she was around her best friend. How SAFE and HAPPY he made her feel and her anxiety that she could lose him as a FRIEND.
Dr. Sinclair just merely peered over the rims of her glasses and smiled. "You really wanted to PAY me to tell you what's so obvious? I don't know how I forget you were isolated for so long."
Cindy took a long sip of her hot apple cider, one hand in her coat pocket as she blinked in the beginning flurries in the air. Thanksgiving was coming up, as Miguel had just REMINDED her and she knew her plans were already set in stone.
"I don't...actually really do the THANKSGIVING dinner thing with my family. I mean, I did as a CHILD and then for the first year out of the bunker but now...?" Her cheeks warm again and she can't pass this off from the cold. She just offers up a wan chuckle. "I promise I'm not AVOIDING them so...don't think that I HATE my family. I just have better places to be."
She takes a bite of her croissant and shrugs her shoulders, dusting her fingers off immediately after setting the pastry back down. "Although it would be pretty FUNNY to bring you to dinner with my MOTHER again," she grinned, leaning her head back. "I just don't know if you'd enjoy or be interested in where I actually go instead. But it's really IMPORTANT to me."
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