#angst inbox meme
memesofthevale · 10 months
holidays can be hard
❝hey, wanna spend the holiday along together?❞ ❝i wasn't really planning on doing anything this year...❞ ❝can't we just get along? just for today?❞ ❝i love you. please come home.❞ ❝fuck your family. let's party like its Y2K.❞ ❝your mom's a bitch, and her mash potatoes are always thick like paste.❞ ❝yeah, my mom kicked me out, but look a white christmas!❞ ❝i just don't want to spend the day alone this year.❞ ❝my family was never big on celebrating.❞ ❝go away, i don't like [holiday]❞ ❝did you really call my dad a cuck and throw a roll at him?❞ ❝i guess i should've known better than to trust you could be civil.❞ ❝please don't leave. you haven't opened your present yet.❞
[giving] sender shows up without warning to receiver's home to deliver a present knowing receiver has no one to celebrate with.
[taking] sender takes all the gifts from under receiver's tree and burns them.
[coal] sender gives receiver the cold shoulder, refusing to spend the holiday with them.
[blood] sender stands up for receiver when receiver's family is cruel.
[forget] sender forgets to come over to receiver's to spend time together on the holiday.
[unconditional] sender picks up receiver to take them to out as a distraction from old wounds left by family/friend/etc.
[jolly] receiver tries to cheer up sender after sender breaks down on the holiday.
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writingpromptneeds · 5 months
more angst prompts
'maybe we should take a break.' 'we were never right for each other.' 'don't lie to yourself.' 'don't die. please.' 'don't go. don't leave me here alone.' 'i couldn't even do one simple thing.' 'nothing's going right.' 'say that to my face.' 'are you happy now?' 'is this what you wanted?' 'everyone always leaves.' 'i lost everything.' 'i don't know how much more of this i can take.' 'i can't do it. i can't-' 'don't look at me.' 'i don't think we're right for each other.' 'you need to stay away from me.' 'i'm bad for you.' 'haven't you had enough?' 'there's nothing left.' 'this is it.' 'i want to help you. let me help you.' 'all is fair in love and war.' 'i think you've done enough.' 'i'm a nobody.' 'you can't go! you'll die!' 'move! get out of the way!' 'i can't move.' 'read my lips. we're over.' 'don't walk away from me.' 'i didn't want to hurt you. i just couldn't stop.' 'i feel like i can't talk to you anymore.' 'this is killing me.' 'you weren't there when i needed you.' 'i wish, just once, you could love me like this.' 'maybe i liked the lies a little too much.' 'don't go where i can't follow.' 'i can't just let this go.' 'i would've given you everything.' 'please, just for tonight, let's forget what happened.' 'i hate you. i hate that i still love you.' 'i'm not ready to say goodbye...' 'well...always did say i'd end up getting myself killed.' 'please, for once, be honest with me. did you love me?' 'was any of it real?' 'all of that...and for what? are you happy now?' 'sometimes it's just the wrong person at the wrong time.' 'i really did love you, if you can believe me.' 'i can't forgive you for this. never for this.' 'did it hurt you, too?' 'lying is your first language, isn't it?' 'how do i trust you now?' 'i'd let you hurt me over and over again. anything to have you close to me.'
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR ASSERTIVE ACCUSATIONS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
you knew about this!
you knew this was going to happen, and you never told me!
how could you hide something like this?
you told me we were in this 'til the end.
i never should have trusted you.
now i look like the fool.
this wasn't supposed to happen!
don't bullshit me! how long have you known about this?
i opened myself up to you, and you lied to me!
you used me? all this time?
so that was a lie?
you told me you never saw what happened!
i'm so stupid for believing you.
what else are you hiding from me?
i don't want your excuses! i just want the truth.
why did you keep me in the dark for so long?
who else knows? does everyone know but me?
when were you going to break the news? let me in on your little secret?
all this time, i could've been doing something else.
you led me on.
you lied straight to my face.
you should feel sorry.
i don't want your apologies. they mean nothing to me.
they were all right about you.
they warned me about you, and i ignored them.
i didn't ask to be made fun of!
so what am i? the butt of the joke?
have you been laughing behind my back the whole time?
you're breaking my heart.
i thought you were the one for me.
i poured my whole life out for you, and this is what i get in return?
i never gave up on you. never!
you could have saved them!
all you care about is yourself!
i'm never going to forgive you for what you've done.
this is the worst day of my life.
this is all your fault! you did this!
just say you never cared and be done with it.
i never want to see your face again.
you two deserve each other.
you could have told me before. i would have listened.
if you'd just been honest with me this whole time...
i gave you so many opportunities to tell me the truth.
did you ever tell me the truth, or were they all lies?
you know what i've been through, and you didn't care.
look at me when i'm talking to you!
i wish we'd never met.
meeting you was the worst mistake i've ever made.
don't come around here ever again. do you understand?
everything is ruined, and it's all your fault!
show me. show me what you're hiding!
it wasn't lost. you had it all along and never told me.
why did you never tell me your real name?
this was a mistake.
you look like an idiot.
no more second chances. we're done here.
get out of my sight.
i really thought you were different.
you were a total waste of time.
you could have called me!
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cowboahs · 2 years
ways to love
feel free to adjust pronouns / names as needed ! quotes taken from random sources or otome games. i claim no ownership whatsoever.
❛   you are the first person i ever loved.  ❜  
❛   i think you will be the last person i will ever love.  ❜  
❛   i need you to be my forever.  ❜  
❛   i still can’t believe i get to take you home with me every night.  ❜  
❛   i am undeniably falling for you.  ❜  
❛   on our way to forever, together.  ❜  
❛   i just can’t believe how beautiful you are.  ❜  
❛   i have fallen deeply, madly in love with you.  ❜  
❛    even if it takes 500 years, i will prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that i loved you.  ❜  
❛   you vanished from my life before i ever told you my feelings. and i've chased your shadow ever since then.  ❜  
❛    if i can't have you, i have no reason to be alive  ❜  
❛   i've got so much more to lose without you by my side.  ❜  
❛   i never knew i could feel at ease just by someone holding me like this. ❜  
❛   i felt very comfortable walking with you. so much, that i, myself forgot to strike up conversation. ❜  
❛   surely your smile would make even the blossoming flowers blush.  ❜  
❛   in my heart, i have counted every time you have smiled at me, or spoken to me.  ❜  
❛   it doesn't matter to me who you are. right now, you are by my side. that is enough.  ❜  
❛   you make me hate myself a little less whenever i’m with you.  ❜  
❛   i will choose you, over and over again. i will always choose you.  ❜  
❛   if you remember me, then i don’t care if everyone else forgets. ❜  
❛   in case you ever foolishly forget: i am never not thinking of you.  ❜  
❛   i like myself better when i’m with you.  ❜  
❛   i love you more than i hate everyone else.  ❜  
❛   you pierce my soul. i am half agony, half hope... i have loved none but you. ❜  
❛   i wish i had done everything with you.  ❜  
❛   i wish you to know that you have been the last dream of my soul. ❜  
❛   you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you.  ❜  
❛   each time you happen to me all over again.  ❜  
❛   i could list a hundred things i like about you, and i still wouldn’t have said anything.  ❜  
❛   the minute i heard my first love story, i started looking for you.  ❜  
❛   i look at you and i would rather look at you than all the portraits in the world.  ❜  
❛   you are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.  ❜  
❛   you might not have been my first love, but you were the love that made all the other loves irrelevant.  ❜  
❛   i love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. ❜  
❛   they could offer me anything in the world, and i would ask for you.  ❜  
❛   you are the friend to whom my soul is attached as to its better half.  ❜  
❛   my affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever.  ❜  
❛   if I were to live a thousand years, i would belong to you for all of them.  ❜  
❛   i do love nothing in the world so well as you — is that not strange?  ❜  
❛   if you ever have need of my life, come and take it. it is yours anyways.  ❜  
❛    i’ve never had a moment’s doubt. i love you. ❜  
❛   every second with you outweighs days of life before i met you. ❜  
❛   you weren’t doing a thing that i could see, except standing there, holding the universe together. ❜  
❛   i love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.  ❜  
❛   i want to know you moved and breathed in the same world as me. ❜  
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curiositymemes · 6 months
taken from the 2023 album by noah kahan. trigger warnings for mental illness, trauma, medication, references to suicide, and the exquisite agony of life in rural new england. feel free to change wording and pronouns and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.
northern attitude.
how you been? 
you settled down?
you feelin’ right? 
you feelin’ proud?
you settle in to routine.
what does it mean? 
i’m not how you hoped.
you’re gettin’ lost.
scared to live, scared to die. 
you’re feelin’ lost.
stick season.
you must’ve had yourself a change of heart.
now i am stuck between my anger and the blame that i can’t face.
it’s half my fault, but i just like to play the victim. 
i’ll dream each night of some version of you that i might not have but i did not lose. 
i thought that if i piled something good on all my bad i could cancel out the darkness i inherited from dad. 
i miss the way you laugh.
you once called me forever now you still can’t call me back.
that’ll have to do.
my other half was you.
i hope this pain’s just passin’ through, but i doubt it. 
all my love.
how have things been?
well, love, now that you mention it.
i’m sayin’ too much, but you know how it gets out here.
now i know your name, but not who you are.
it’s all okay, there ain’t a drop of bad blood.
you got all my love.
if you need me, dear, i’m the same as i was.
what i’d give to have you out of me.
i still recall how the leather in your car feels.
and at the end of it all, i just hope that your scars heal.
i swear i was scared to death.
i smiled stupid the whole way home.
you said, ‘i’ll never let you go.’
she calls me back.
there was heaven in your eyes. 
everything’s alright.
look at me and don’t you lie.
don’t you hold your head up high.
for bullshit, i do not have time.
do you lie awake restless?
why am i so obsessive?
this town’s the same as you left it.
the radio is taunting me.
i don’t get much sleep most nights.
i’m seeing you in every dream.
if only i could fall asleep. 
i’ll love you when the oceans dry. 
i was too afraid of living life in your footsteps.
come over.
it was there when we got here, will be there when we leave.
you won’t have to guess who they’re speakin’ about.
i’m in the process of clearin’ out cobwebs. 
i was takin’ the wrong meds; feels good to be sad.
my house is just barely big enough for my family.
my mouth was designed for my foot to fit in it.
i promise you, darlin’.
you won’t ever go back.
i know that it ain’t much.
i know that it ain’t cool.
you don’t have to tell the other kids at school.
someday i’m gonna be somebody people want.
new perspective.
makin’ me nostalgic.
we were kids; but that don’t make this less hard.
if i could fly i doubt i’d even do it. 
i’d probably get high and crash or somethin’ stupid.
gave me your word.
i can’t pronounce it.
no thing so sure that i can’t learn to doubt it.
everywhere, everything.
would we survive in a horror movie?
we trust everyone we meet.
we’re littered with scars from our preteens.
i wanna love you ‘til we’re food for the worms to eat.
‘til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours. 
i know every route in this county.
maybe that ain’t such a bad thing.
i’ll tell you where not to speed.
it’s been a long year.
orange juice.
honey, come over.
it’s yours if you want it.
we’re just glad you could visit. 
feels like i’ve been ready for you to come home for so long.
i didn’t think to ask you where you’d gone. 
why’d you go?
my heart has changed and my soul has changed.
you just asked me to hold you.
it made you a stranger and it filled you with anger.
my life has changed.
the world has changed.
don’t you find it strange that you just went ahead and carried on?
are we all just pullin’ you down?
strawberry wine.
darling, speak to me.
don’t you say a word.
you thought you were cursed?
i’m in love with every song you’ve ever heard.
if i could lose you, i would.
all the time we used to have.
the things i miss but know are never coming back. 
no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft.
growing sideways.
finally found some middle ground.
i said, ‘i’m cured.’
i divvied up my anger into thirty separate parts.
i’m still angry at my parents for what their parents did to them.
it’s a start.
but i ignore things and i move sideways ‘til i forget what i felt in the first place.
i know there are worse ways to stay alive.
everyone’s growing and everyone’s healthy.
if my engine works perfect on empty, i guess i’ll drive. 
i forgot my medication, fell into a manic high.
now i’m sufferin’ in style.
why is pain so damn impatient? ain’t like it’s got a place to be.
if all my time was wasted, i don’t mind. 
i’ll watch it go.
it’s better to die numb than feel it all.
the dawn isn’t here, the sun hasn’t rose.
they got money to make and children back home.
i worry for you, you worry for me.
the bridges have long since been burnt. 
i’m leavin’ this town and i’m changin’ my address.
i know that you’ll come if you want.
i’m losin’ myself.
i’m seein’ my life on a screen.
i know that you fear that i’m wicked and weary.
i know that you’re fearin’ the end. 
i only tell the truth when i’m sure that i’m lyin’. 
are you bored yet?
the weather ain’t been bad if you’re into masochistic bullshit.
this place is such great motivation for anyone tryna move the fuck away from hibernation. 
time moves so damn slow i swear i feel my organs failing.
i stopped caring ‘bout a month ago, since then it’s been smooth sailing. 
i would leave if only i could find a reason. 
i got dreams, but i cant make myself believe them. 
i’ll spend the rest of my life with what could have been. 
i will die in the house that i grew up in.
i’m homesick. 
i don’t wanna say goodbye.
it only falls into place when you’re fallin’ to pieces.
you miss something that you can’t place but you can’t deny it. 
you can’t stay here.
it’s hard to face and it feels too ugly.
it’s like i’m still here with you. 
can i fix what is broken?
the view between villages (extended). 
for a minute, the world seems so simple.
i am not scared of death.
i’ve got dreams again.
there is meanin’ on earth. 
i feel so far from it.
it’s all washin’ over me. 
i’m angry again. 
the things that i lost here, the people i knew.
they got me surrounded for a mile or two. 
i found a town big enough for anything i want.
i’m not a city girl, by any means.
it still has a lot of meaning to me.
i grew up there. 
your needs, my needs.
you ain’t gotta tell me what it means.
i promise to be there this time. alright? 
you were a work of art.
that’s the hardest part.
i’m naming the stars in the sky after you.
dial drunk.
i promised to forget you.
i ain’t takin’ any fault.
am i half the man i used to be? i doubt it.
forget about it, whatever.
it’s all the same anyways.
i ain’t proud of all the punches that i’ve thrown. 
for the shame of being young, drunk, and alone.
i gave your name as my emergency phone call.
i’d die for you.
from charmin’ to alarmin’ in seconds.
i’ll let the pain metastasize.
i beg you, sir, just let me call.
let’s wait, i swear she’ll call me back.
son, are you a danger to yourself?
fuck that, sir.
son, why do you do this to yourself?
paul revere.
this place had a heartbeat in its day.
nothin’ was the same.
it just ain’t that simple, it never was.
one day i’m gonna cut it clear.
i’m not from around here.
i’ll leave before the road crew’s out. 
i’ll turn up the music and i’ll forget.
i’m not ready to let go yet.
i’ll just pretend i didn’t hear.
it’s typical, i fear.
folks just disappear.
if i could leave, i would’ve already left.
no complaints.
i thought i had something and that’s the same as having something.
i get mad at nothing.
i pull no punches, then feel bad for months.
thought i was raised better, tried to fake better.
now the weight of the world ain’t so bad.
i saw the end, it looks just like the middle.
i filled the hole in my head with prescription medication.
who am i to complain?
now the pain’s different. It still exists, it just escapes different.
yes, i’m young and living dreams.
i’m in love with being noticed and afraid of being seen.
call your mom.
oh, you’re spiralin’ again.
don’t you cancel any plans.
stayed on the line with you the entire night ‘til you let it out and let it in.
don’t let this darkness fool you.
i’ll drive all night.
i’ll call your mom.
oh, dear, don’t be discouraged.
i’ve been exactly where you are.
if you could see yourself like this.
you’dve never tried it.
stayed on the line with you the entire night ‘til you told me that you had to go.
throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason.
don’t wanna drive another mile wonderin’ if you’re breathin’.
won’t you stay with me?
you’re gonna go far. 
this is good land, or at least it was.
it takes a strong hand and a sound mind.
it makes me smile to know when things get hard, you’ll be far from here.
pack up your car.
put a hand to your heart.
say whatever you feel.
be wherever you are.
we ain’t angry at you, love. 
you’re the greatest thing we’ve lost.
the birds will still sing.
we’ll be waiting for you, love.
we’ll all be here forever.
we spent so long just getting by.
that’s the thing about survival; who the hell likes livin’ just to die?
you told me you would make a difference.
it won’t be by your own volition if you step foot outside this town.
it’s all we’ve had for always.
you’re gonna go far.
if you wanna go far, then you gotta go far.
let’s drive for no reason.
you look fine in the evening.
honey, it’s starting to storm.
used to wish i meant anything to anywhere, to anyone.
i’m glad i get forever to see where you end.
i won’t be alone for the rest of my life.
i’ll meet a girl in the heat of july.
i’ll tell her so she knows.
i’m broke, but i’m real rich in my head.
when i hold her close, i might loosen my grip, but i won’t ever let her go.
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spiltichor · 3 months
send  💢  for sender's muse to walk in on receiver's muse attacking someone! send  🚨  for receiver's muse to walk in on sender's muse attacking someone!
make sure to specify the muse for multimuses!
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akarii-memes · 1 year
Send "Hey...where did you get that?" For your muse to take notice of a bruise or wound on my muse's body--
Send "You should see the other guy!" For the reverse!
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rpsourcedmemes · 1 year
Send one of the following to visit my muse after they;
💥- were shot
⚡️- were struck by lighting/a spell
☠️- were poisoned
🥊- were in a fight
🚨- were arrested
🏝- were stranded
💰- were burgled
🔪- were stabbed
🌡- were sick
💔- had their heart broken
👽- were abducted
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lapis-memes · 3 months
Using This website, what would your muse's Pokemon team look like?
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hyprmemes · 2 years
aggressive sentence starters - tw negativity, insults, verbal abuse edit as you see fit
get down on the fucking floor or i’ll fucking shoot
don’t move, don’t you fucking move
oh little sunshine wants to play hero, sit the fuck down
i hate you i hate it every time you fucking speak shut up
what do you take me for, a fucking idiot? am i an idiot to you?
i need you to shut the fuck up before i start thinking of ways to make you
okay, how about it, let’s put it this way, you quit it or i’ll kill you
are you begging? is that it? are you begging for mercy?
you’re pathetic, you’re fucking pathetic
the worst part is that it makes me sad just thinking about you
look at you, you’re so small and so ridiculous, what did you expect?
i can’t stand the sight of you, you know you make me sick, right?
what did you think was gonna happen, i’ll bow down and let you take it?
every day i wake up and wish i knew how to kill you in easy ways
you make me angry, you make me angry to the point i scare myself
i fantasise, you know, i imagine what it would be like to take you down
i’m starting to look forward to the day i’ll snap
do you even know what you’re capable of? a whole great deal of nothing
stop talking by god stop fucking talking
none of your ideas have worked so far, so shut the fuck up
have you ever stopped and wondered if maybe you’re just too stupid?
give me a reason, i’m begging you, give me a reason to hurt you
i’m starting to run out of ways to keep me down
no, we’re not friends, we’re not even acquaintances, if you die now, i’ll live happily
i want you in a pool of your own blood, do you hear me?
you’re not even worth my fucking time
you have five seconds to stop crying before i give you reason to
what’s that got to do with anything, are you fucking mental?
the very air you breath smells like a rotting corpse
oh no you’re more than that, babe, you’re fucking disgusting
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indiwrites · 2 years
this is why ❛ if you have an opinion, maybe you should shove it. ❜ ❛ might be best to keep it to yourself. ❜ ❛ survival of the fittest. ❜ ❛ you're either with us, or you can keep it to yourself. ❜ the news ❛ and i've got a war right behind my eyes. ❜ ❛ every second our collective heart breaks. ❜ ❛ i'm safe inside. ❜ ❛ i feel useless behind this computer. ❜ running out of time ❛ didn't wanna show up to the party empty handed, but i ran out of time. ❜ ❛ intentions only get you so far. ❜ ❛ what if i'm just a selfish prick? ❜ ❛ i hit the snooze on my alarms twenty times, but i was just so tired. ❜ ❛ you know it's a lie. ❜ ❛ i'm always running out of time. ❜ ❛ it was on my list i swear i meant to get to it. ❜ ❛ why we gotta be in a rush? ❜ ❛ look i showed up early for once. ❜ c'est comme ça ❛ in a single year, i've aged one hundred. ❜ ❛ lucky for me i run on spite and sweet revenge. ❜ ❛ i hate to admit getting better is boring. ❜ big man, little dignity ❛ don't mean to stare at you from across the room. ❜ ❛ know you could get away with anything, so that's exactly what you do. ❜ ❛ well, well, well, look at you, don't you clean up nice? ❜ ❛ bet it feels good to leave the past behind. ❜ ❛ i can't look away. ❜ ❛ i memorized all your lies. ❜ ❛ i fantasize your demise. ❜ ❛ i should look away because i know you're never gonna change. ❜ ❛ i keep thinking this time the end will be different, but it isn't. ❜ you first ❛ can't shake the devil sitting on my shoulder. ❜ ❛ who invited you? ❜ ❛ everyone is a bad guy, and there's no way to know who's the worst. ❜ ❛ karma's gonna come for all of us, and i just hope she comes for you first. ❜ ❛ i never said i wasn't petty. ❜ ❛ you can bet i don't regret it for a second. ❜ figure 8 ❛ all for your sake, i became the very thing that i hate. ❜ ❛ i lost my way. ❜ ❛ i don't know how to stop. ❜ ❛ i won't miss the feeling. ❜ ❛ i was only being kind but you mistook me for weak. ❜ ❛ you'd be wise if you thought twice. ❜ liar ❛ i keep you safe from me. ❜ ❛ oh my love, i lied to you. but i never needed to. ❜ ❛ i lied to you, but you always knew the truth. ❜ ❛ love is not an easy thing to admit, but i'm not ashamed of it. ❜ crave ❛ i can't wait to memorize this day. ❜ ❛ i crave to do it all again. ❜ ❛ i'm already missing it. ❜ ❛ i romanticize even the worst of times. ❜ ❛ just for a second it all felt simple. ❜ thick skull ❛ i am a magnet for broken pieces. ❜ ❛ i am attracted to broken people. ❜ ❛ it looks like my fault. ❜ ❛ it looks like i'm caught red-handed. ❜ ❛ come on, give it to me. ❜ ❛ only i know where all the bodies are buried. thought by now i'd find 'em just a little less scary. ❜ ❛ might be easier, but you don't get used to it. ❜ ❛ come on out with your hands up. ❜ ❛ i'm coming out with my hands up. ❜
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msftsnmemes · 3 months
unassorted taken from several audios & clip compilations. TRIGGER WARNINGS for mental health issues, alcoholism, suicidality, depression, drug abuse, and various other heavy topics that the show covers.
you'd probably sleep a lot better at night if you just admitted to yourself that you're a selfish coward who just takes whatever he wants and doesn't give a sh*t about who he hurts.
things don't become traditions because they're good, bojack. they become good because they're traditions.
you were born broken; that is your birthright. and now, you can fill your life with projects, books, movies, and little girlfriends; but that won't make you whole.
i don't understand how people live. it's incredible to me that people wake up every morning and say: 'yeah, another day, let's do it.
in the grand scheme of things, we are just tiny specs that will one day be forgotten. so it doesn't matter what we did or how we'll be remembered. the only thing that matters is right now. this moment.
believe it or not, the time's arrow neither stands still nor reverses; it merely matches forward.
there's no such thing as good and bad people. we're all people who do good and lousy things sometimes. all we can do is try not to do bad stuff and more good stuff.
the world is unforgiving enough as it is. the least we can do is find a way to forgive each other and ourselves.
when i almost drowned, i decided i would never again be weaker than water.
there will be times when i will see someone in trouble. you'll want to rush in there and do whatever you can to save them.
but you must stop yourself because there are some people you can't save.
because those people will thrash and struggle and try to take you down with them.
life is just one long, hard kick in the urethra for many people.
sometimes i feel like my whole life is just a series of loosely-related wacky misadventures.
that's the problem with life, right? either you know what you want, and then you don't get what you want, or you get what you want, and then you don't know what you want.
my life is a mess right now, and i compulsively take care of other people when i don't know how to take care of myself.
always take every opportunity that comes your way because opportunities are like sneezes from god, and when god sneezes, you can't say god bless you to god. so instead, you have to take the opportunity.
sometimes life's a b*tch, and you keep living.
you can live your whole life like a puzzle, put together from the pieces of different sets.
but at some point, you start to think it's you. you're the piece that doesn't quite fit.
and you spend so long with that feeling that the feeling becomes your home.
and it can be jarring when you discover one day that you suddenly don't feel that way anymore. at first, you don't trust it, but then, gradually, you do.
it's not about being happy; that is the thing. i'm just trying to get through each day.
i can't keep asking myself, 'am i happy?' it just makes me more miserable.
i don't know if i believe in it, real, lasting happiness.
all those perky, well-adjusted people you see in movies and tv shows? i don't think they exist.
you know, sometimes i feel like i was born with a leak, and any goodness i started with just slowly spilt out of me, and now it's all gone. and i'll never get it back in me.
i've had a lot of what i thought were rock bottoms, only to discover another, rockier bottom underneath.
loss is a collaborative art between the people who leave us and those who remain. we dance with the shadows of their absence.
one day, you're going to look around, and you're going to realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. and that is the loneliest feeling in the world.
when i was your age, i got sad a lot. i didn't come from such a great home, but one day, i started running, which seemed to make sense, so i just kept running.
when you get sad, you run straight ahead and keep running forward, no matter what. people in your life will try to hold you back and slow you down, but you don't let them.
don't you stop running, and don't you ever look behind you. there's nothing for you behind you. all that exists is what's ahead.
i'm this close to falling off the deep end. i know i'm smiling right now, but the light inside me is dying.
i need to go take a shower, so i can't tell if i'm crying or not.
loss is a collaborative art between the people who leave us and those who remain. we dance with the shadows of their absence.
settle. because otherwise you're just gonna get older and harder, and more alone.
you're going to do everything you can to fill that hole with friends, your career, and meaningless sex, but the hole doesn't get filled.
i know i'm not the perfect guy. i actually kind of hate myself a lot of the time. but when i'm with you, i don't hate myself.
i like being around you, and i don't know if i ever told you that in so many words, so i'm telling you.
same thing that always happens. you didn't know me, and then you fell in love with me. and now you know me.
everybody deserves to be loved.
one day you're going to look around and realize that everyone loves you, but no one likes you, which is the loneliest feeling in the world.
when you look at someone through rose-coloured glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.
it's so easy for you to love me when everything's good.
it's important that you know i cared. you think i didn't care because i put up walls.
but i cared so much about you. i wanted you to respect me.
i wanted you to love me. i was so afraid that you would know that.
the universe is a cruel, uncaring void. the key to being happy isn't a search for meaning.
it's to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll die.
i don't know what to tell you. i'm happy for the first time in my life, and i'm not going to feel bad about it.
it takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are and even longer to see it doesn't have to be that way.
only after you give up everything can you begin to find a way to be happy.
do you ever look up at the stars and feel like they're tiny holes in the sky, sucking out all the oxygen, and suddenly you can't breathe because you're thinking about how small you are and how meaningless it all is?
it is so cruel to let people love you. all you are doing is promising you'll one day break their hearts.
there is no shame in dying for nothing. that's why most people die.
not understanding that you're a horrible person doesn't make you less of a horrible person.
it gets easier. every day it gets a little easier. but you gotta do it every day — that's the hard part. but it does get easier.
fool me once; shame on you. but teach a man to fool me, and i'll be fooled for the rest of my life.
i bought into this idea that i was this thing that couldn't be changed. the main thing i think about is how stupid i am that i didn't do this sooner.
i wasted so many years being miserable because i assumed that was the only way to be.
i don't want to do that anymore.
i understand that feeling of needing to bottle up your guilt and not burden other people with it.
you think you're protecting them from your toxicity. you convince yourself that you're being selfless, but it comes out in other ways and infects everything.
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curiositymemes · 5 months
taken from the 1991 film, an adaptation of the 1922 novel by elizabeth von arnim. feel free to change wording and pronouns and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.
“it seems so wonderful and it's such a miserable day.”
“it’s not worth wasting one’s time thinking about.” 
“i don’t suppose that means much to you. sometimes it doesn’t mean much to me, either.”
“you look as though you wanted it as much as i do.” 
“you look so beautiful and so sad.” 
“if you wish for something hard enough, it happens.”  
“but no one will know I’m there even if i am.”
“have you ever seen things in a kind of flash before they happen?” 
“i’m sure it must be wrong to be good for so long you become miserable.”
“i can see you’ve been good for years, and you aren’t happy.”
“i’ve been doing things for other people since i was a little girl, and i don’t believe i’m loved any better.” 
“you must believe I’ve never spoken to anyone like this in my life.”
“i don’t know what’s come over me.” 
“you should have been there, my dear. i missed you.”
“that’s rather a depressing thought.” 
“god must know an awful lot. why doesn’t he do something?” 
“there’s something immoral about all this.”
“all i wish to do is sit in the shade and remember better times and better men.”
“i hope you’re not in the habit of seeing dead people, however distinguished. it’s not in the best of taste.”
“i mean, we’re not businessmen, are we? they have to distrust each other.” 
“i want to just sit and not talk and not think.”
“well, it’s very wearing. everyone makes demands… especially men.” 
“you look lovely.” / “i know. thank you, name.” 
“we could both do with a change.”
“it really is the most extraordinary coincidence.”
“I’m afraid it’s all settled, name. i can’t go back on my word.” 
“do you suppose it’s all real?”
“were you ever in your whole life so happy?”
“i promised myself the first thing to happen in this place would be a kiss.”
“we were going to choose the nicest room for you.”
“we were going to make it pretty for you with lots of flowers.”
“you shouldn’t be so independent that people have no chance to be generous.”
“you know, i hadn’t realized you were so pretty.”
“you’re really quite lovely.” 
“i was just thinking about cuckoos for some reason.” 
“i suppose you realize we’ve got to heaven.”
“i intend to spend most of my time reading by myself.”
“you have the most interesting habit of answering a question with the same question.”
“if i can be left quiet for one month, forget things… i might be able to get myself straight.”
“i’ve wasted so much time being beautiful.”
“what she really wants is to be left alone.” 
“soon she won’t have to try… she’ll just be herself without trying.” 
“don’t worry about me. I’m just lying here thinking.” 
“then i have had all the trouble of coming out here for nothing.”
“we’ve just discovered it.” 
“why don’t you like us being here?”
“we just didn’t know about it, that’s all.”
“i’ve written and told him everything.”
“it would be mean not to share all this.”
“the important thing is to have lots of love about.”
“i had this obsession with justice, you see.”
“i’d like to stay here and think.” 
“that’s very imprudent and very improper.”
“have you noticed how difficult it is to be improper with no men about?” 
“it’s a good feeling, getting rid of things.”
“i want to love name, but not necessarily spend every night with him.”
“i haven’t felt this restless since i was a child.”
“it’s too absurd for someone my age.”
“i feel something is going to happen. but i won’t let it.” 
“it’s odd how one’s mind slips sideways in a place like this.”
“if you knew me, you’d know how strange it was.” 
“there’s no way back.”
“isn’t it beautiful here, name? the air is golden.”
“you’re here. that’s the important thing.”
“you’ve every right to be angry with me.”
“where else would you meet such interesting people?”
“i don’t want name worried in any way.”
“i like him. I didn’t think i would, but i do.” 
“all the advantages i was born with, and i’ve misused them.” 
“i have it all. why can’t i hold onto it?”
“you have a gift for happiness.”
“well, it’s like coming home.”
“i mean, well… i don’t know what i mean.”
“i’d believe any place you lived in would be exactly like you.” 
“isn’t it better to feel young somewhere than old everywhere?”
“oh, good gracious, child.”
“so you see, dear boy, you must stay here.” 
“it’s such a pretty story.”
“i thought you might be bored.”
“sweetheart… i’m so glad you came.”
“you’re right, name. it’s this place.”
“and i’m late on your very first evening. do forgive me.” 
“it’s a great thing to get on with one’s loving and not waste time.”
“she sees what we can’t see because she loves him.”
“oh, dear name, we must be friends forever and forever.”
“i couldn’t help noticing how miserable you seemed.”
“oh, what the devil. it’s too beautiful a night to be miserable.” 
“all my dead friends don’t seem worth reading tonight. they always say the same things, good things, but always the same.” 
“i’m tired of the dead. i want the living.” 
“thank you, my dear. i was feeling a little melancholy.” 
“it does seem that people can only be happy in pairs, all sorts of pairs.” / “then you and i will be a pair, name. we’re going to be very good friends.” 
“the roses are in love in the rose garden.”
“but that’s another story.”
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rp-memes-misc · 1 year
This is your permission slip to send in the questions people don't like to for my muses. The messed up ones, make them question their life decisions or send in hate for someone they hold close to see if they react. This is your permission to go all out with whatever you want.
It is up to the mun to post boundaries in their tags. Otherwise this is a free for all.
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runememes · 1 year
⤏ 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚊 ( 𝚙𝚝. 𝟷 ) - an assortment of starters based on lyrics from their 2017 self titled album . please edit as necessary
sometimes i just can't help myself
i seem to lose grip on reality
believe me, i tried
all i needed was the last thing i wanted
my mind kept playing tricks on me
took everything i had not to crash and burn
i might be lonely but i ain't alone here
i can be better than i was
i can be better than i am
i'm not too sure what i'm supposed to do with this
can't let go of the hatred
i wouldn't take back a moment
i'd walk into the fire
i find solace in the pain
i'm the end of the world
feels like i'm stuck here suspended
what's wrong with me?
i'm hopelessly hopeful
got an itch for something painful
the world isn't all it's cracked up to be
so, you're the kings?
there's only one throne and i'm not done with it
where did it go so wrong?
there's too much noise
i can't take it
feel free to try your best
just sit the fuck down
rise up, take back control
it's all so enticing
bring the house down
stand up and scream it loud
just wait and see
just sit and breathe
your ego's distorted
dream in peace
sleep and you'll know the truth
you're not alone
your truth is wrong
it's best to accept it
no sense in resisting
they know the outcome
they hold the keys
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akarii-memes · 2 years
Send "Please remember me" for a starter where my muse has Amnesia and can't remember yours--
(Send "Who are you?" For the reverse.)
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