spiritualsoull1969 · 1 month
Advaita Vedanta: Dissolving the Illusion of Separation
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Advaita Vedanta, a philosophical tradition within Hinduism, offers profound insights into the nature of reality and consciousness. At its core lies the concept of non-duality (Advaita), which asserts the unity of the individual soul (Atman) with the ultimate reality (Brahman). This article explores the essence of Advaita Vedanta and its application in both personal and business contexts, emphasizing the dissolution of the illusion of separation.
Understanding Advaita Vedanta:
Advaita Vedanta posits that the perceived duality in the world is an illusion (Maya), obscuring the underlying unity of all existence. It teaches that Brahman, the ultimate reality, is the substratum of the universe, transcending all forms, attributes, and limitations. The individual soul (Atman) is not separate from Brahman but an expression of the same divine essence.
Relevance in Business:
In the realm of business, the principles of Advaita Vedanta can revolutionize organizational culture, leadership, and decision-making processes. By embracing the concept of non-duality, businesses can foster a culture of unity, collaboration, and ethical conduct.
Incorporating Oneness Teachings in Business:
Cultivating Unity and Collaboration:
Encourage teamwork and collaboration by fostering a sense of interconnectedness among employees. Emphasize shared goals and values, creating an environment where individuals work together towards a common purpose.
Promoting Ethical Leadership:
Lead by example and embody the principles of non-duality in leadership roles. Practice transparency, integrity, and empathy, creating a culture of trust and respect within the organization.
Fostering Innovation and Creativity:
Encourage employees to embrace diversity of thought and perspective. Create opportunities for open dialogue and brainstorming sessions, where ideas can flow freely without fear of judgment.
Practical Toolkit for Readers:
Mindfulness Practices:
Introduce mindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing exercises to promote self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Encourage employees to take regular breaks for self-reflection and relaxation.
Collaborative Decision-Making:
Implement collaborative decision-making processes that involve input from all stakeholders. Encourage open communication and constructive feedback, ensuring that decisions are made with the collective well-being in mind.
Ethical Business Practices:
Establish ethical guidelines and codes of conduct that reflect the principles of non-duality. Emphasize fairness, honesty, and social responsibility in all business dealings.
Leadership Development Programs:
Invest in leadership development programs that focus on cultivating values-based leadership skills. Provide training and coaching opportunities for aspiring leaders to develop their abilities to inspire, motivate, and empower others.
Food For Thought:
Advaita Vedanta offers a profound perspective on the nature of reality and consciousness, challenging the perception of separateness and duality. By incorporating its principles into business practices, organizations can create cultures that foster unity, collaboration, and ethical leadership. Through mindfulness, collaborative decision-making, and ethical business practices, businesses can navigate the complexities of the modern marketplace while staying true to the timeless wisdom of non-duality.
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spiritualsoul1969 · 7 months
"Spiritual Alchemy in the Marketplace: Nurturing the Shift Towards Meaningful Business"
In the labyrinthine tapestry of our modern world, where the ceaseless march of technology and industry often drowns the whispers of the soul, a transformation is quietly unfolding. It is a shift towards something deeper, something profound – a reawakening of the spiritual in the realm of commerce. As we gather beneath the cosmic canopy of wisdom, let us embark on a journey to understand this shift, guided by the flickering light of an anecdote that carries the fragrance of humor and the seeds of wisdom.
Once upon a time, in a bustling city not far from here, there lived a man named Nasir. Nasir was a businessman, not unlike many of us today, who had spent much of his life chasing the elusive butterfly of success. He toiled ceaselessly, day and night, driven by ambition and the promise of wealth. His days were a whirlwind of meetings, spreadsheets, and bottom lines. His nights were filled with sleepless dreams of bigger, better, and more.
One bright morning, as Nasir sat buried under a mountain of paperwork, a peculiar incident unfolded. His most trusted employee, Ali, a man known for his steadfast dedication, came rushing into his office with a most unusual request.
"Sir," Ali stammered, "I need a day off."
Nasir, hardly lifting his eyes from his towering stack of documents, replied impatiently, "Ali, we have deadlines to meet, deals to close, and clients to appease. This is no time for vacations."
But Ali persisted, his voice trembling with an earnestness that Nasir had never witnessed before. "Sir, please understand. I need this day to visit my grandmother. She's not been well, and I fear her time is short. I haven't seen her in months, and I long to be by her side."
Nasir, torn between his relentless pursuit of success and the genuine plea in Ali's eyes, finally relented. "Very well, Ali. You may have your day off, but make sure everything is in order before you leave."
As Ali rushed out of the office, Nasir couldn't help but feel a pang of emptiness. He wondered when was the last time he had taken a day off to be with his own family, let alone visit his grandmother. It had been years, perhaps decades, since he had paused to savour life's simpler pleasures.
That night, as Nasir sat alone in his opulent mansion, surrounded by the trappings of his success, he found himself questioning the meaning of it all. His wealth had afforded him comfort and luxury, but it had also come at a steep price – the erosion of his connection to the world around him, the neglect of his own well-being, and the alienation from his inner self.
In the quiet darkness of his room, Nasir began to reflect on his life's journey. He realized that, like so many in the modern world, he had become a slave to the relentless pursuit of material gain, sacrificing the riches of the soul in the process.
This moment of introspection marked the beginning of Nasir's transformation. He started to explore the realms of spirituality and self-improvement, seeking guidance from ancient wisdom and contemporary thought leaders. He attended meditation retreats, practiced mindfulness, and engaged in philanthropic endeavours that filled his heart with joy.
As the months turned into years, Nasir's approach to business underwent a remarkable change. He began to see his employees not as mere cogs in a profit-driven machine but as fellow souls on a shared journey. He fostered an environment of trust, respect, and well-being within his organization, recognizing that the success of a business is intricately tied to the happiness of its people.
Nasir's newfound perspective extended beyond the walls of his company. He started to consider the impact of his business on the environment, striving to adopt sustainable practices that would benefit both the planet and future generations. His dealings with clients and partners became infused with transparency and fairness, fostering long-lasting relationships built on trust.
Slowly but steadily, Nasir's business thrived, not only in terms of financial success but also in terms of purpose and fulfilment. His employees were happier and more motivated, leading to increased productivity and innovation. His reputation as an ethical and responsible business leader drew more clients and partners to his door. Nasir's life had transformed into a harmonious blend of material abundance and spiritual richness.
As Nasir's story unfolded, his city took notice. Other businesses began to take cues from his example, recognizing that there was more to success than profit margins and market share. The shift towards spirituality in modern business practices had begun to ripple through the corporate landscape, awakening a longing for deeper meaning and a re-evaluation of priorities.
Dear traveller of the soul, as we journey through the annals of Nasir's transformation, let us pause to understand the profound shift towards spirituality in modern business practices. It is a shift that beckons us to reconnect with our inner selves, to view success not as a destination but as a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement.
This transformation invites us to look beyond the relentless pursuit of material gain and consider the impact of our actions on the world around us. It reminds us that business is not just about transactions and profits but about relationships, ethics, and a commitment to leaving a positive legacy.
In the bustling marketplace of our lives, where the pursuit of success often obscures the pursuit of meaning, let us heed the wisdom of Nasir's journey. Let us embrace the shift towards spirituality in modern business practices, for it is a path that leads not only to prosperity but also to the profound fulfilment of the soul.
In the heart of our modern world, where the cacophony of commerce often drowns the whispers of the soul, a profound transformation is unfolding, one that beckons us to re-evaluate the very essence of success. It is a shift towards spirituality in the realm of business, a movement that transcends the confines of profit margins and market dominance to embrace a holistic vision of prosperity.
In the days that followed Nasir's awakening, his journey became a source of inspiration for those who crossed his path. His transformation was a testament to the power of integrating spirituality into the fabric of business. As others observed the positive changes in Nasir's life and the success of his enterprise, they began to question the prevailing norms of the corporate world.
One sunny afternoon, Nasir found himself in the company of fellow business leaders at a conference on sustainable and ethical practices. It was here that he had the opportunity to share his story and the profound changes he had experienced. As he spoke, his words resonated with the audience, stirring a collective yearning for a more meaningful approach to business.
During a lively discussion panel, a fellow entrepreneur named Layla posed a question that would echo through the corridors of the conference center and beyond. "Nasir," Layla asked, "your journey is undeniably inspiring, but how can we, in our fast-paced and competitive world, begin to integrate spirituality into our businesses?"
Nasir, his eyes gleaming with the wisdom he had acquired along his path, offered a response that would become a guiding light for many. "Dear friends," he began, "the journey towards spirituality in business need not be an arduous or complex one. It starts with a simple shift in perspective, an acknowledgment that success is not solely measured in monetary gains but in the alignment of our actions with our values."
He continued, "Begin by fostering an environment of mindfulness within your organizations. Encourage your teams to take moments of reflection, to connect with their inner selves amidst the chaos of daily tasks. Empower your employees to bring their whole selves to work, to infuse their roles with a sense of purpose beyond profit."
Nasir's words carried a contagious energy, and as the conference concluded, business leaders from various corners of the world approached him, eager to embark on their own journeys of transformation. They recognized that spirituality in business was not a mystical or unattainable concept but a practical path to greater fulfilment and success.
In the years that followed, Nasir and his newfound community of like-minded entrepreneurs formed a network dedicated to nurturing the shift towards spirituality in modern business practices. They shared insights, best practices, and stories of transformation, serving as beacons of hope and guidance for others on a similar path.
One particularly humorous tale emerged from this network, illustrating the unexpected joys that often accompany the integration of spirituality into business. It involved a business leader named Ahmed, who had long been known for his stern and no-nonsense approach to leadership.
One fateful day, during a team meeting, Ahmed found himself in a peculiar situation. As he addressed his team with his usual seriousness, a wayward butterfly had somehow made its way into the conference room. It fluttered about, drawing the attention of everyone in the room, including Ahmed himself.
The team, initially taken aback, watched as Ahmed's stern expression softened. He slowly approached the butterfly and, to the astonishment of his team, gently cupped it in his hands. With a twinkle in his eye, he exclaimed, "Perhaps this delicate creature has a message for us today."
The room erupted in laughter, and from that moment on, Ahmed became affectionately known as "The Butterfly Whisperer." His newfound openness to the unexpected, his willingness to pause and appreciate the beauty of the moment, became emblematic of the changes he had undergone as he embraced spirituality in his leadership.
Ahmed's transformation, like Nasir's, showcased that spirituality in business need not be solemn or austere. It can infuse our lives with unexpected moments of lightness and humor, reminding us to celebrate the beauty of the present and the richness of human connection.
As the movement towards spirituality in modern business practices continued to gain momentum, it began to reshape the very fabric of the corporate world. Businesses large and small started to recognize the value of mindfulness, ethics, and purpose-driven leadership. They acknowledged that success could be measured not just in revenue but in the positive impact they had on employees, communities, and the world at large.
The shift towards spirituality in business ushered in a new era of conscious capitalism, where profit was no longer divorced from purpose but intimately connected to it. It was a reminder that in the pursuit of wealth and success, we need not sacrifice our humanity or our connection to the deeper dimensions of life.
Dear traveller of the soul, as we continue our exploration of the shift towards spirituality in modern business practices, let us be inspired by the journeys of Nasir, Layla, Ahmed, and countless others who have dared to infuse their entrepreneurial endeavours with the essence of the soul. In the bustling marketplace of our lives, where the pursuit of success often obscures the pursuit of meaning, let us heed their wisdom and embrace a path that leads not only to prosperity but also to the profound fulfilment of the soul.
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jiteshgadhia · 6 months
"Strive to be a person of substance, not just a person of achievement."
Jitesh Gadhia | NLP Master Practitioner | Life & Business Coach | Outcome Mastery Coach | Motivational Speaker | Direct Selling trainer | Corporate trainer
#JiteshGadhia #MotivationalSpeaker #OutcomeMasteryCoach #NLPMasterPractitioner#SuccessWithValues #IntegrityMatters #PurposeDriven #ValueBasedLiving #MeaningfulSuccess #AuthenticAchievement #EthicalLeadership #ImpactfulLiving #QualityOverQuantity #MindfulSuccess #LegacyBuilder #ValueCreation #BalancedSuccess #GenuineAchiever #PrincipledLiving #ValueDrivenGoals #PurposefulLife #CharacterMatters #SuccessWithIntegrity #HolisticSuccess #ValuesFirst #InspirationalValues #EthicalSuccess #SustainableAchievement #BeyondSuccess
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Embark on a journey of possibilities as Create Business takes you behind the scenes of our CEO's visit to the revered Holy Mother Temple in Ho Chi Minh City! 🌟✨
Refunding Funds Your Dreams, and we believe in the power of inspiration. Our CEO had the incredible opportunity to connect with the spiritual energy of The Great Mazu, drawing wisdom and strength to fuel our commitment to your success. 🌐💼
This sacred encounter reaffirms our dedication to excellence, ethical practices, and innovative business solutions. As we continue to refund dreams, we're driven by the profound energy encountered at the Holy Mother Temple. 🙏✨
Stay tuned for more updates as we bring the divine essence of this experience into our commitment to guiding you on your journey to financial success. Your dreams are our mission, and with the blessings of The Great Mazu, we're ready to achieve greatness together. 🚀💼
#CreateBusiness #RefundSpecialistSystem #RefundDreams #TheGreatMazu #HolisticSuccess #BusinessJourney #FinancialSuccess #HoChiMinhCity #HolyMotherTemple #EthicalBusiness #InnovationInBusiness
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connyjasper · 4 years
The Path of Life
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Personal development is an ongoing process. On the path of enlightenment, it is easy to become distracted by the glamor of extrasensory experiences.
However, these perceptions are for learning, not for basing our lives on.
Be wary of the universe’s ploys to divert your attention. “Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water.” Stay in balance.
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To find out more about working with Gina email:
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Holistic biz note before the holiday weekend peeps: In biz as in life, make a point to own a lane by creating the circumstances for you to own a category for your offering. - And by own, I mean create a hard association between your product / service and the new category that's created. - When you do this, focus on promoting the category first, brand second. In the eyes of the market, if the association is strong enough, the category is your brand - there is no separation. - Even when competitors enter the space, being the 'first' to establish context for the category you're pushing is hard to combat. People vying for the similar position will have to market against or "other" to the existing narrative you already set. - The more competitors, the more the category will grow, and as the category gains traction, by association, you will gain traction too. - When there are more options, better becomes harder to assess, so it becomes much easier for people to just look to the first, the established, the market lead who owns the category and context, rather than shuffle through the deck of options. - Disclaimer: People will "shuffle," however, if you're present yourself as a commodity. And in this case, when they shuffle, they will often look to the lowest price. So unless you're willing to go to war over price point, and kill your profit margins ($$$) in the process, focus on creating and owning a category, and make sure your brand sits on top of that. - #MULFMAB advising, developing and empowering #creatives and companies within #fashion #music #art #tech #design and beyond on #business #marketing #branding #sales #finance #culture #softskills #businessbuilders #brandbuilders #dealmakers #cultureconnectors #entrepreneurs #creatives #Businessconsulting #Brandconsulting #Businesstips #Beawolfaboutyourdream #MYUBERLIFE #WULFuniversity #WÜLFuniversity #holistichack #Holisticsuccess
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monicasancio · 6 years
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Cambiemos de MENTALIDAD- con Crecimiento Personal-para lo que deseamos que supera la realidad actual. ... We need a new MINDSET through Personal Growth for what we desire that is beyond pur current state of things. • #Excellence #Einstein #Mindset #GrowthMindset #Vegan #VeganFit #HolisticFitness #HolisticSuccess https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm4ZI1Ql5Hw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mcx3ecvr5sde
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malaloves · 3 years
Slow down and fast track your dreams It’s okay to slow down. You don’t always have to be racing to the finish. In fact, it can be in your best interests to slow down. Slow: allows you to gain perspective fosters creativity nurtures your soul Slowing down is self-care. It can rejuvenate you when you feel worn out and dry. Giving yourself the gift of taking a step back can mean you actually have the space for discernment and to see what is flowing in your life, where you’re just busy, or just doing something for the sake of it - because you should. If you are stuck in the hustle you can burnout. I love the hustle, I embrace it in seasons, and when I do, I’m all in. Then there are times when I let it go and opt for slow. Because when I step back I gain insight and see what I couldn’t before. I heal the parts of me that can get lost when I’m feeling busy. I’m in the slow right now. Observing and witnessing myself. Transcending my fears and embracing what is. That’s what self-acceptance looks like, and it lives in the slow. Discover some more ways to be slow, and nourish your soul in my 30 Day Morning Success Journal, available via my link in bio. Get your copy today. #mindsetshifts #girlbossmindset #startthriving #mindbalance #intentionalcommunity #balancedmindset #holisticsuccess #abundanceoflife #purposedrivenwomen #spiritualcoachforwomen #spiritualbusinesscoach #spiritualbusinessowner #spiritualentrepreneurs #motivatedwomen #mindsetmattersmost #growyourmind #changeyourattitude #entrepreneursmindset #entrepreneurlifestyles #girlsbuildingempires #vibratehigherdaily #findingyourfearless #gratefulmindset #fempreneurs #solopreneurs #mindsetmastery #creativebusinessowner #takecontrolofyourlife #getoutofyourownway #personalgrowthjourney (at SelfCare) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPSkETLDin3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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itsleacteur · 5 years
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Many times I run into individuals that pride themselves by listing off their work accolades, successes & accomplishments. Yet, when genuinely asked about the status of the home Lyfe, there’s a drastic shift in demeanor. Instead, when accounting one’s home Lyfe there is hesitation, disgrace, & uncertainty. In today’s society of the 21st century, it’s as if the tables have been turned. Priorities have shifted & the main focus & sense of joy comes no longer from the family, but from the workplace. From jobs that come & go, or that would let you go at the drop of some grant funding. This is where many seem to find themselves, where “family” & home Lyfe gets put on the back burner so that one can thrive in the limelight, to get one out of the frame of mind to care or think about cleaning up one’s home Lyfe. #Work becomes the scapegoat distraction. #Family (spouse, parents, kids, relatives, personal well-being, etc.) becomes the burden. If we CHOOSE to #prioritize & mold our lives around our job/career, then we’ve already convinced ourselves to a reality that values work over family. So, thus, our reality begins to shift as well & gradually become a reflection of own our personal choices & beliefs —work matters over family matters. But if true peace & Holistic success is what one desires in Lyfe, then we must make a conscious & sincere effort to acknowledge, reflect upon & plan out the action steps to re-align (y)our choices/actions with (y)our #BeliefSystem & #Values This is the way to not only excel in the workplace, but to also fine-tune those neglected aspects of one’s family Lyfe. Being accountable for both sides of the coin, opens up space for growth & maturity in multiple areas of one’s Lyfe. No one said it would be easy, but no one said it’d be extremely difficult either. What’s being said is it that one of the most important things here is that there is #sincerity & #consistency in all that one commits themselves too. Only then can one expect to be closer to achieving #HolisticSuccess that recognizes the importance of having a healthy work & home Lyfe balance. . . . . . . . #DailyMotivation #Inspiración #Divine #Balance #motivation #empowerment https://www.instagram.com/p/B5-4tssnHXG/?igshid=12xbr9qa43j3c
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officialwildflower · 5 years
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Setting the bar high is a wonderful thing! It can make you go further and help you achieve excellence in your personal and professional life. However, when you take on far more than you can actually handle with grace, it can be an act of self-sabotage and is the number one burnout trap. Want some help kicking burnout to the curb and reclaiming your well-being? I invite you to embark upon the journey of a lifetime. The journey of holistic success. Holistic Success is not a destination, but rather a meaningful lifestyle based on cultivating a deep relationship with your authentic self, which helps to fuel your passion for life so that you can pursue your goals and have room in your life for your well-being.  We are now enrolling for my 4 week online fall Burnout Bootcamp Mastermind Programs. We have a session beginning on October 1st (only 5 spots left) and another starting on November 5th (7 spots left). To learn more, watch my free online masterclass that is designed to teach you how to begin to kick burnout to the curb and reclaim your well-being at http://www.HolisticSuccessInstitute.com Followers can also take advantage of our "beta launch discount" and get $1,000.00 off my Burnout Bootcamp 4 Week Online Mastermind Program enrollment during September.  You can watch my online master class to learn more or if you feel like you're up for the Burnout Bootcamp Challenge, you're an action taker and are ready to head the call of the wild to grab the reigns of your life back from busyness, overwhelm and a general feeling of "bla" in your life, inbox us to apply for a Free Strategy Session to see if my mastermind program is right for you. Cheers! JD WildFlower Professor JD WildFlower, Holistic Success Coach and Celebrity Branding Specialist for Academy and Grammy Winners, New York Times best-selling authors and high achieving professionals around the globe. #BurnoutBootcamp  #BurnoutCoach  #StressMakeOvers  #StayMotivated  #HolisticSuccess #HolisticSuccessCoach  #HolisticSuccessInstitute  #CoachWildFlower  https://www.instagram.com/p/B205I6jlBzu/?igshid=9jgik4tmjeji
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spiritualsoull1969 · 2 months
Seva: Cultivating Selflessness in Professional Life Through Spiritual Practice
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In the hustle and bustle of modern professional life, where success often seems synonymous with individual achievement and personal advancement, the concept of seva offers a refreshing perspective. Rooted in spirituality, seva transcends mere duty or obligation, calling individuals to engage in selfless service for the benefit of others and the greater good. In this article, we'll delve into the essence of seva, explore its significance in the context of spirituality, and discuss how it can be integrated into our professional lives for profound personal and organizational growth.
At its core, seva embodies the principle of selflessness—acting without expectation of personal gain or recognition. It goes beyond fulfilling one's prescribed duties and extends to actively seeking opportunities to contribute to the well-being of others. In the professional realm, this translates into going above and beyond the call of duty, lending a helping hand to colleagues, and actively working towards the betterment of the organization as a whole.
Spirituality provides a rich framework for understanding the deeper significance of seva. In various religious traditions, acts of service are considered fundamental expressions of devotion and compassion. For instance, in Sikhism, the concept of seva is central to the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the faith. The Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhism, emphasizes the importance of selfless service in numerous passages, illuminating its transformative power.
One such verse from the Guru Granth Sahib beautifully encapsulates the essence of seva:
"ਕੋਟਿ ਪਰਾਧੀਨ ਮੁਖ ਉਜਲੇ ਬਿਨੁ ਸੇਵਾ ਸੇਵਕ ਦੂਜਾ ਹੋਇ॥ ਕੋਟਿ ਅਪਰਾਧ ਸਿਮਰਿ ਥਾਕੇ ਸਗਲੇ ਬਾਧੇ ਜੀਅ ਸੋਇ॥"
"कोटि पराधीन मुख उजले, बिनु सेवा सेवक दूजा होइ। कोटि अपराध सिमरि थाके, सगले बाधे जीअ सोइ।।"
Translated, it means:
"Millions of sinners' faces are radiant, Without serving anyone else, they become servants. Remembering millions of sins, all beings are tired and exhausted."
This verse underscores the transformative power of seva, suggesting that through selfless service, even the most sinful can find redemption and illumination.
Incorporating the practice of seva into our professional lives holds immense potential for personal and organizational growth. When individuals prioritize the well-being of their colleagues and the organization as a whole, it fosters a culture of collaboration, trust, and mutual support. Rather than viewing success as a zero-sum game, where one person's gain is another's loss, seva encourages a mindset of abundance, where everyone can thrive collectively.
Moreover, engaging in acts of selfless service can be deeply fulfilling on a personal level. Research in positive psychology has consistently shown that altruistic behavior is associated with greater levels of happiness, satisfaction, and well-being. By shifting the focus from self-interest to the welfare of others, individuals can experience a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in their professional endeavors.
Practicing seva also cultivates essential virtues such as empathy, compassion, and humility—qualities that are increasingly valued in today's interconnected world. As professionals navigate complex challenges and interact with diverse stakeholders, these virtues become invaluable assets, enabling them to build meaningful relationships, navigate conflicts, and inspire others through their actions.
Furthermore, integrating seva into organizational culture can have far-reaching benefits, enhancing employee engagement, loyalty, and productivity. When employees feel empowered to contribute beyond their immediate responsibilities, they develop a sense of ownership and pride in their work, leading to greater overall performance and organizational success.
However, embracing the practice of seva in the professional sphere requires a fundamental shift in mindset. It entails moving away from a transactional view of work, where success is measured solely in terms of individual achievement, towards a more holistic perspective that recognizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of collective well-being.
Practical steps can be taken to cultivate a culture of seva within organizations. Leaders can set the tone by modelling selfless behaviour and recognizing and rewarding acts of service among employees. Additionally, initiatives such as volunteer programs, community outreach efforts, and team-building activities centered around service can foster a sense of camaraderie and unity among team members.
In conclusion, seva offers a profound path to personal and professional fulfillment, rooted in the timeless wisdom of spiritual traditions. By embracing the principle of selfless service, individuals can transcend their egos, cultivate essential virtues, and contribute to the greater good of their organizations and society at large. As we strive to navigate the complexities of modern professional life, let us remember the words of the Guru Granth Sahib and the timeless wisdom they impart:
"Through selfless service, eternal peace is obtained."
Let us embark on this journey of seva with open hearts and minds, knowing that in serving others, we ultimately serve ourselves.
Through seva, we can unlock the boundless potential within ourselves and create a more compassionate, harmonious world for all.
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adryannamuncoro · 7 years
The RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards are the pre-eminent national business awards recognizing the nation’s leading female entrepreneurs.  In 2011, I honored to be recognized as a leading women entrepreneur in Canada and received this incredible award.
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elliottbayev-blog · 7 years
Bested by a four-year-old 😩😩😂😂🎃🎃👻👻🌝🌚 #Repost @openmatmma (@get_repost) ・・・ #openmatkids having a ghoulishly good time and earning their holiday treats!  Thank you to everyone who came out to our Halloween party! And special thanks to the parents who came to help out! Have a safe and fun halloween from everyone here at OpenMat!! . . . . . #fun #kidspartytoronto #halloween #martialarts #kidsmartialarts #toronto #kidsparties #bjj #kidsbjj #jiujitsu #brazilianjiuijitsu #confidence #conscientiousness #kindess #habits #hardwork #openmindedness #moderation #compassion #compassionwithself #holisticsuccess #frameworksandseeingtheinvisible #yinyang #selfimage #breathing #growthmindset (at OpenMat Mixed Martial Arts)
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ascendancepro · 7 years
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Don't forget Happiness! yes you read it right! Hear's a Coffee with ET Byte, brought to you by D'Chic Events where our guest speaker, Elango talks about how we may not actually know what happiness is! Watch now...Don't forget Happiness!! https://youtu.be/g9qs_4gfAAI #ETIdeas #Ascendance #CoffeeWithET #DChicEvents #DontForgetHappiness #goals #holisticsuccess #entrepreneur #happinessisimportant
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It's easy to come up with some righteous cause or aspirational messaging to project to the market. But the question is: Do you actually live what you're saying? Behind closed doors, with your team, your friends and fam, in your production practices, and where you invest your time and money, do you actually practice what you preach? - We live in an age of transparency. Someone is always watching, judging, questioning, and writing. So as a rule of thumb, assume everything you do will be seen. - Brand messaging isn't a part-time job - like some kind of mask you put on for the market and take off when you're done. - It's a 24/7 'around-the-clock' endeavor. Everyday and at every moment, through every decision that's made and every action that's taken, you are either subtly reinforcing or contradicting the original position of your brand/POV. - Thus, your job is to live and breathe your culture / ethos / "why" / truth as much as possible, and make sure team does too. To be consistent in voice, attitude, and action. - To make sure that there is a direct line of realness that runs from market-facing messaging, right down to internal managerial decisions with your team. - That means the brand can't just be about the cool photography and color story of your ad campaign; it has to also take form in the way you run meetings with your team, and the type of production methods you use to create products and services. - #MULFMAB advising, developing and empowering #creatives and companies within #fashion #music #art #tech #design and beyond on #business #marketing #branding #sales #finance #culture #softskills #businessbuilders #brandbuilders #dealmakers #cultureconnectors #entrepreneurs #creatives #Businessconsulting #Brandconsulting #Businesstips #Beawolfaboutyourdream #MYUBERLIFE #WULFuniversity #WÜLFuniversity #holistichack #Holisticsuccess
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